1990 - Mensa Switzerland
1990 - Mensa Switzerland
MINUTES FOR THE MEETING OF THE INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF MENSA INTERNATIONAL IN PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA, USA 19 - 22 OCTOBER 1990 , MINUTES of the fifteenth meeting of the International Board of Directors of Mensa International Limited held at the City Cmtre Holiday Inn in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. Chairman SCHULMAN convened the meeting at 9.30 am on Friday 19 October 1990, then recessed it to allow the International General Council to commence meeting. The IBD returned to its meeting on Saturday morning 20 October. A. ATTENDANCE AND PROXIES Chairman Director of Administration Director of Development Treasurer America America America America Australia Canada Channel Islands Finland France Germany Malaysia Netherlands New Zealand UK-Ireland UK-Ireland UK-Ireland David Schulman Velma Jeremiah Helen Kupper Erich Baurneister Ralph Rudolph Dave Remine Amy Shaughnessy Gabriel Werba Bill Fisher K H Wickremasinghe Jacqueline Berlet Ossi Kuljukka Francois Adrien (Proxy) Udo Schultz Goh Ching Min Edu Braat Piet van der Meyden John McNulty (Proxy) Neil Goulder Caroline Thaung Executive Director Edward Vincent Also present for all or part of the proceedings were: Victor Serebriakoff, Hyman Brock, Dr Abbie Salny, Henry Schofield Noble, Frank E.G. Weil, Rose Lee Crutcher, N Tina Schweitzer, Anne Schulman, Liz Remine, Faith Cormier, Sheila Skolnik, David Felt, Virginia J Host, Marie Marcow, Donna Bonzagni, Vince Bonzagni, Jay Albrecht, Jean L Cooper, Judy Dosse, Abbe Lasker, Ken Gould, Ursula Elliott, Ian Randal Strock, T Warren Hardy, Jerry Salny, Lisa Trombetta, Ben Montalbana and Steve Slepner. The Chairman welcomed new IBD representatives, Braat, Goulder, Kuljukka and Rudolph to the meeting. 1 1. Certification of Voting Rights Voting rights certified and accepted as follows: IBD - VOTING RIGHTS. PHILADELPHIA MEETING 1990 No of Votes 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 8 11 Members Executive Committcc Australia Canada Channel Islands Finland France Germany Malaysia Netherlands New Zealand UK-Ireland USA 862 2,738 25 1 902 700 1,114 2,011 855 382 32,206 49.532 35 Total B. AGENDA APPROVAL Additions were made to the Agenda. Moved KUPPER, Seconded JEREMIAH That the Agenda be approved. (90-4) Passed unanimously. C. APPROVAL OF MINUTES O F PREVIOUS MEETING (Lisbon 13-16 October 1990) Moved BAUMEISTER, Seconded SCHULTZ That the Minutes of the IBD Meeting in Lisbon; Portugal be approved. (90-5) Passed unanimously. The Chairman expressed appreciation on behalf of the Board for the contributions of "retired" IBD National Representatives, Evans, Ford, Ranta and Stofmeel. 2 -. D. REPORT ON ACTIONS TAKEN BY POSTAL BALLOT The actions taken by Postal Ballot, as noted below, were accepted for the record. That Russ Washburne be appointed Election Committee Chairman. (90-1) That Mensa Norway be derecognised. (90-2) That John McNulty, Len Rickard and Ismail Sulaiman serve on the Awards Committee. (90-3) E. REPORTS - Accepted. 1. Officers 2. National and Provisional Mensas The Chairman observed that comments on the National and Provisional Mensa reports were made at the IGC meeting (Discussion noted in IGC Minutes). 3. Auuointees a. Editor, IJ - Accepted. REMINE noted the improvement in the style and content of the International Journal and offered congratulations to Editor Stevens, which was endorsed by SCHULMAN. Moved, McNULTY, Seconded REMINE That JEREMIAH send a letter of appreciation to IJ Editor Stevens. VJ Passed unanimously. b. (90-6) Editor, Mensa World - Accepted. It was noted that Mensa World Editor Escamilla does not wish to be reappointed at the conclusion of her term, in June 1991. c. Elections Officer - No report. JEREMIAH noted that an Election Notice was published in the October issue of the International Journal, and that the election rules are available from the international office. d. Ombudsman - Accepted. 3 e. SIGHT Co-ordinator - Accepted. CORMIER expressed concern over the fact that "a number of Mensans" had been misusing SIGHT arrangements, and proving to be the sort of guests "one would not want". She had considered "a sort of black list", and sought advice from the Board. BRAAT suggested that members using SIGHT supply a letter of recommendation from an officer of their Mensa group. RUDOLPH agreed with this approach, and suggested that proof of membership be established as well. BAUMEISTER noted that proof of membership could be managed, but that letters would be a problem. FISHER felt that "people must be trusted, at least the first time", and cautioned against any sort of "black list", a viewpoint shared by most present. KUPPER proposed a vote of thanks to Cormier which was endorsed unanimously. f. SIGs Coordinator - Accepted. KUPPER noted that Ahmad Zaki had been doing an excellent job in this role. g. Supervisory Psychologist - Accepted. SALNY noted that she had been negotiating with NFER-Nelson (in England) to obtain exclusive rights to a "Mensa Admission Test" that was now available. It was a proper and approved English language test that would, once purchased, be the exclusive property of Mensa. Moved, WERBA, Seconded McNULTY. That Supervisory Psychologist Dr Abbie Salny be authorized to buy the rights to the test as described, subject to the approval of the Chairman and Treasurer. (90-7) Passed unanimously. h. Gifted Child Programme Coordinator i. International Newswire Editor - Position vacant. - Accepted. THAUNG requested all CEO's to report developments of interest to her. 4 4. Executive Director - Accepted ADRIEN noted that on a visit to Czechoslovakia, he was told by Mensans that they needed a range of supplies and equipment, such as a copier and computer. He wondered if established Mensa groups, when purchasing new equipment, could send equipment being replaced to new Mensa groups. KUPPER said that she would look into this, and contact Mensa Czechoslovakia. SCHULMAN in reviewing the report of the Executive Director expressed the view that "an excellent job was being done" and this was endorsed enthusiastically by the Board. VINCENT thanked the Board for its support and also said he was grateful to both Salny and Parr for their prompt and effective work with emerging Mensa groups. 5. Sub-Committees a. b. C. d. e. f. g. h. F. Constitution Review Committee - Accepted. Executive Committee - Accepted. Site Selection Committee - Accepted. Standards Review Committee - No report. Derecognition Committee - Accepted. Election Committee - No report. Fact-finding Committee for the International Meeting - Referred to Agenda Item G.36. IBD Representation Subcommittee - Referred to Agenda item G.37. OLD BUSINESS 1. CRISS had circulated draft job descriptions and mission statements in September for review and comment. 2. SHAUGHNESSY's study on a "Barcelona meeting" placed in current Agenda. 3. KUPPER's work as Chair of Derecognition Committee placed in current Agenda. 4. SCHULTZ chaired IBD Representation Committee, report in Agenda. 5. SCHULMAN requested nominations for Awards Committee, with McNulty, Rickard and Sulaiman being elected. 6. JEREMIAH to report on request of member of American Mensa to become Direct International Member - request withdrawn. 5 G. NEW BUSINESS 1. Moved BAUMEISTER, Seconded KUPPER That the IBD ratify the Executive Committee’s decision to engage Mrs S E Fancett, Chartered Accountant, to perform the audit for the fiscal year ended 31 March 1990. Passed unanimously. 2. (90-8) Moved BAUMEISTER, Seconded KUPPER That the IBD approve the audited financial statements for MIL for year ended 31 March 1990, as presented. Passed unanimously. 3. (90-9) Moved BAUMEISTER, Seconded KUPPER That the IBD request the current public auditor, Mrs S E Fancett, Chartered Accountant, to perform the audit for the fiscal year ending 31 March 1991. Passed unanimously. 4. (90-10) Moved BAUMEISTER. Seconded KUPPER That the IBD set the component for fiscal year ending 31 March 1992 at eight percent (8%). Passed unanimously. 5. (90-11) Moved BAUMEISTER. Seconded KUPPER That the IBD approve the budget for fiscal year ending 31 March 1992, as presented. Passed unanimously. (90-12) 6 6. Moved BAUMEISTER, Seconded KUPPER That the Treasurer have an abridged version of the year’s financial statements published in the IJ within three months of their approval by the IBD, and that copies of full statements be made available to members on request from the London office. (90- 13) Passed unanimously. 7. Moved JEREMIAH. Seconded KUPPER That the IBD convene once during the twelve month period from 1 November 1990 and 31 October 1991, for up to but not exceeding five days and in conjunction with the meeting of the IGC; and that the Executive Committee meet once after the newly elected international officers have taken office. (90-14) Passed, BAUMEISTER opposed. 8. Moved JEREMIAH, Seconded KUPPER That the appointment of the following persons: Richard Aihoshi (Canada) Dale M Parish (US) M Eileen Steinhice (US) Lee b y Fatt (Malaysia) as members of the Election Committee be confirmed. (90-15) Passed unanimously. 9. Moved JEREMIAH, Seconded SHAUGHNESSY That Committee Member appointments made pursuant to Standing Order VI.4. should be reported to the IBD within 30 days after an appointment is made, but do not require confirmation by the IBD. (90-16) Passed unanimously. 7 10. Moved JEREMIAH, Seconded SHAUGHNESSY That the action of the Constitution Review Committee approving the Constitution of Mensa Denmark be ratified. Passed unanimously. (90- 17) SCHULMAN agreed to write a letter of appreciation to the Constitution DS Review Committee Chairman, Julian Parr. 11. Moved JEREMIAH, Seconded SHAUGHNESSY That the action of the Constitution Review Committee approving changes to the Constitution of Mensa in Deutschland be ratified. Passed unanimously. 12. (90- 18) Moved JEREMIAH, Seconded WICKREMASINGHE That the action of the Constitution Review Committee approving changes to the American Mensa By-laws be ratified. Passed unanimously. 13. (90-19) Withdrawn by JEREMIAH Many NatReps felt the motion (concerning approvals by the Constitution Review Committee) should provide for some review by the IBD. The motion was withdrawn with the understanding that Jeremiah would work with some American Mensa NatReps to find a formula which would speed up the approval process and at the same time retain some IBD approval options.VJ 14. Withdrawn by JEREMIAH (upon instruction of Virginia L Ellis). 15. Tabled. This Motion made by Jeremiah, concerning the ownership of the Mensa name and logo, reflected previous IBD agreement (Athens 1988, G.20.) in principle that Mensa International Limited owned the name and logo, and all Mensa chapters used these, in effect, under license. Further, all Mensa chapters would be individually considered, in connection with acknowledging the "under license" status. 8 In discussion, JEREMIAH said she had been instructed by the Board to take matrers further, and had devised a plan (AppendLu (3.15) whereby Mensa groups would assign ownership of the name and logo in escrow. GOULDER reported that, in a recent meeting of the British Mensa Committee, a reluctance to "surrender ownership" had been expressed by several members of the Committee. REMINE noted a similar attitude existing currently in the American Committee. WERBA said he supported this concept ill piiIlciplc, but was concerned that in future, a group could be derecognised "on purely political grounds", and thus lose its status as well as the right to the name and logo - a right it had established, and defended. FISHER, supporting the Motion, observed that the IBD had a responsibility to protect the name and logo, and must act accordingly. Moved WERBA, Seconded KUPPER T o table the Motion. This Motion passed with FISHER opposed, and seven (7) abstentions.(90-20) JEREMIAH then asked the Board for specific instructions either to proceed or to be dormant. Moved BAUMEISTER, Seconded WERBA That a Sub-Committee be formed and Chaired bv Jeremiah, with Goulder and Werba serving on it, to study these matters further and report to the next IBD. (90-21) Passed unanimously. 16. Discussion Item JEREMIAH advised the Board that since a significant portion of the MIL budget was required to maintain the London office (rent, rates, staff etc.) and though London is a "good and appropriate" location for MIL, it seemed to her, as Director of Administration, sensible to examiiie uther possible locations in terms of savings and efficiency. KUUUKKA said he thought the office should continue to be situated in the UK, though not necessarily in London, as English is "Mensa's working language". 9 GOULDER said that recruitment of appropriate staff would be a problem in certain locations, thus placing the office (if it were moved) in an Englishlanguage country might be the proper move. SCHULTZ felt that the location should be kept in an English language country within Europe, as it might serve Mensa to have the office "near the action", that is, close to where recruitment is, and will be, taking place. WERBA said he liked London as an MIL office location, but agreed that the matter was worth additional attention. If the office were to be moved, then he wanted to be sure that the Executive Director was in complete agreement with any such development. McNULTY supported WERBA's views and said he felt that a move could make excellent sense. However, he wanted it "understood" that this matter should be "handled by the Executive Director to his satisfaction". VINCENT commented that the key issue was the "proper and efficient" management of Mensa's finances. It could be possible to make significant savings by re-locating the office, so the issues should be examined. He did not feel that MIL necessarily needed to be in London (though apart from high costs it is a fine location), and that indeed, MIL could be situated at any location that offered reasonable overheads and reliable communication and travel lines, and as "the requirement is for MIL to go to new locations to develop Mensa" the site of the office is not a major issue. SCHULh4AN expressed the view that there was general agreement and support that a possible re-location of the MIL office should be studied. He asked the Director of Administration and the Executive Director to report back on costs and implications of such a move, while consulting the Treasurer as required. He concluded by saying that "if a decision is made to move the office, then the Board is supportive". 17. Moved JEREMIAH, Seconded McNULTY That the Standards Review Committee created at the Athens IBD Meeting (ASIE 88-14) be discharged of its duties. Passed Unanimously 18. (19-22) Discussion Item JEREMIAH observed that in the past, the terms of appointment for various appointees have expired without the IBD being aware of it. Therefore, a policy should be considered to handle these matters appropriately. 10 REMINE suggested that by extending terms of appointment now, the current IBD could be imposing on the rights of future Boards. However, he favoured the idea of expanding the list of potential appointees. WERBA noted that the power of appointment belongs to the next administration. REMINE suggested that job descriptions be published in the International Journal and interested parties be invited to submit a statement of interest in them to the appropriate elected officer. Moved WERBA. Seconded GOULDER That the term of current appointees be extended until their successors have been chosen by the IBD. Passed unanimously. 19. (90-23) Discussion Item JEREMIAH noted that the appointments of the Honorary President, Honorary Vice-Presidents and the Supervisory Psychologist are for three-year periods, according to the Constitution. In the past, the IBD has neglected to reappoint these positions. SCHULMAN asked JEREMIAH to seek nominations for these positions and to circulate postal ballots no later than April 1991. VJ 20. Moved KUPPER, Seconded McNULTY That Edu Braat be appointed International Gifted Children Program Coordinator. Passed unanimously (90-24) KUPPER introduced discussion of this matter, noting that since Streger had resigned it was necessary to nominate a replacement. She noted that Margaret Stickler and Esa Tuominen had both expressed interest in the function, and both were keenly interested In activities for Gifted Children. BRAAT suggested a "group approach" to be managed by Mensa Netherlands. A group is already active in this area in Holland and several competent and resourceful persons are involved. WERBA noted that the group concept, used for proctors of record, worked well in the US. 11 VAN DER MEYDEN supported a group approach by Holland, as "individuals come and go, but a group offers continuity". KUPPER then moved the appointment of Braat as Coordinator, with the understanding that he would be working with the Netherlands group and reporting to the Board. BRAAT thanked the Board for the appointment and said he planned to work with Stickler and Tuominen as well. Moved KUPPER, Seconded GOULDER That the term of appointment of the Gifted Children Program Coordinator be extended to January 31, 1991. Passed, BERLET abstaining. 21. (90-25) Moved KUPPER, Seconded JEREMIAH To recognise Mensa Denmark as a National Mensa. (90-26) Passed unanimously. 22. Moved KUPPER, Seconded BAUMEISTER That Mensa Yugoslavia be recognised as a Provisional National Mensa, subject to approval of its Constitution by a vote of its members. Passed unanimously. (90-27) In discussion, VINCENT reported that Mensa Yugoslavia appeared to be "an admirable, well-intentioned, fast-growing'' new Mensa group, and that it deserved support and recognition. 23. Moved KUPPER, Seconded JEREMIAH That, as a matter of policy, at least one international appointee be invited to each IBD-IGC meeting, with expenses to be reimbursed in whole or in part, depending upon availability of funds and distances involved. Passed unanimously. (90-28) 12 24. Moved KUPPER, Seconded BAUMEISTER To change the status of Mensa Switzerland from Provisional to emerging Mensa status. Passed unanimously. 25. (90-29) Moved KUPPER, Seconded JEREMIAH To rescind ASIE 88-11 that recognized Hellenic Mensa as a provisional Mensa pending approval of its Constitution. Passed unanimously. 26. (90-30) Moved KUPPER, Seconded JEREMIAH To change the status of Mensa Austria from National to Provisional status. Passed unanimously. 27. (90-31) Moved KUPPER, Seconded McNULTY To change the status of Mensa BelgiurnLuxembourg from National to Provisional status, after a one year grace period granted by the Board to enable Mensa Belgium to continue development efforts with assistance from MIL and MinD. Status to be reviewed at next IBD meeting. Passed unanimously. 28. (90-32) Moved KUPPER, Seconded ADRIEN To change the status of Mensa Japan from National to Provisional status. Passed unanimously. 29. (90-33) Moved KUPPER, Seconded THAUNG To change the status of Mensa Israel from Provisional to emerging Mensa status. Passed unanimously. 30. (90-34) Withdrawn by FISHER 13 31. Withdrawn by ADRIEN 32. Discussion Item SCHULMAN noted that many members of Mensa sometimes collect funds for a variety of useful purposes. However, problems could occur in such circumstances and how would they affect MIL? SHAUGHNESSY said that these are matters occurring within national Mensas, thus they should be left to national Mensa management. SEREBRIAKOFF suggested publishing a "waiver statement" in all publications, stating MIL's position and responsibility (or lack thereof). McNULTY agreed to prepare such a statement, after consulting with British Mensa's legal advisors, and would circulate it to all Mensa groups for their possible use. JM 33. Discussion Item SCHULMAN reported on the project under discussion between British Mensa and UNICEF. He had met with UNICEF officials in London and when they visited him in Dublin. The intention is to place competitions in newspapers ("Mensa UNICEF Competitions"), for persons aged 14 and upwards. They would appear in a "UNICEF style" along with information about "Children in Need". Mensa would devise the competitions and an entry coupon would be provided with a space to request information about Mensa. UNICEF would find sponsorship and fund publicity, and prizes would be awarded. UNICEF is primarily interested in building a data base for mailings, catalogues etc. Mensa would be seeking the benefit of free and widespread publicity. Discussions continue, and SCHULMAN anticipates that the project will go forward and succeed. If it works in the UK, the intent would be to extend it to other countries. SEREBRIAKOFF thought it an excellent idea and a potentially productive association between "two prestigious organisations". Moved McNULTY, Seconded, SCHULTZ That the IBD expresses its support for the UNICEFNensa project. (90-35) Passed unanimously. 14 34. Discussion Item. SCHULMAN noted that in 1996 it will be Mensa's 50th anniversary. The occasion should be anticipated now so that an appropriate celebration is achieved. REMINE agreed that plans should be made now and said American Mensa would be pleased to assist. However, he felt the occasion would best be marked by a meeting in England. There was general agreement expressed that the Board should start "thinking creatively" in terms of the 50th anniversary. McNULTY said he would refer to the British Board for advice and ideas. JM 35. Discussion Item SCHULMAN noted that the term of office of the Awards Committee required definition, and that clarification is needed on Committee members' service on the IBD. There needs to be a postal ballot on the length of term of current appointees. VJ Moved JEREMIAH, Seconded GOULDER That the term of office of the Awards Committee continue to 31 December 1991, and that Awards Committee members may serve as IBD proxies but must resign if appointed to the IBD in their own right. Passed unanimously. 36. (90-36) Moved SHAUGHNESSY, Seconded McNULTY That an international Mensa meeting be held in Europe in 1992, that a Committee be appointed by the IBD to assist the Host Group with planning, and that bids to serve as the Host Group for this meeting be sought from all national Mensas in Europe. Passed with BAUMEISTER, JEREMIAH and KUPPER opposed, ADRIEN and GOH abstaining. (90-37) SHAUGHNESSY began discussion of this matter by noting that she had been asked by the previous IBD to try to determine interest in such an international occasion. She had done a survey that established that there is considerable interest. The question now is how to proceed. Do we need a Host Group, professional assistance, or both? 15 34. Discussion Item. SCHULMAN noted that in 1996 it will be Mensa's 50th anniversary. The occasion should be anticipated now so that an appropriate celebration is achieved. REMINE agreed that plans should be made now and said American Mensa would be pleased to assist. However, he felt the occasion would best be marked by a meeting in England. There was general agreement expressed that the Board should start "thinking creatively" in terms of the 50th anniversary. McNULTY said he would refer to the British Board for advice and ideas. JM 35. Discussion Item SCHULh4AN noted that the term of office of the Awards Committee required definition, and that clarification is needed on Committee members' service on the IBD. There needs to be a postal ballot on the length of term of current VJ appointees. Moved JEREMIAH. Seconded GOULDER That the term of office of the Awards Committee continue to 31 December 1991, and that Awards Committee members may serve as IBD proxies but must resign if appointed to the IBD in their own right. Passed unanimously. 36. (90-36) Moved SHAUGHNESSY, Seconded McNULTY That an international Mensa meeting be held in Europe in 1992, that a Committee be appointed by the IBD to assist the Host Group with planning, and that bids to serve as the Host Group for this meeting be sought from all national Mensas in Europe. Passed with BAUMEISTER, JEREMIAH and KUPPER opposed, ADRIEN and GOH abstaining. (90-37) SHAUGHNESSY began discussion of this matter by noting that she had been asked by the previous IBD to try to determine interest in such an international occasion. She had done a survey that established that there is considerable interest. The question now is how to proceed. Do we need a Host Group, professional assistance, or both? 15 . KULTUKKA felt that it would be best to have a Host Group, based in Europe, and to seek professional assistance, bearing in mind that this could be quite expensive. REMINE said there is still ample time to plan and suggested forming a committee. The Chairman asked SHAUGHNESSY to form a Planning Committee for a 1992 International Mensa Meeting. SHAUGHNESSY then noted the Mission Statement for the Committee: "The Planning Committee for a 1992 International Mensa meeting is charged with:- 1. soliciting bids from national Mensas in Europe, to serve as Host Group for the meeting; 2. circulating a Postal Ballot to IBD for approval of the Host Group selected and the proposed site and dates; and 3. assisting the Host Group with logistical planning and publicity for the meeting, which may include proposing a budget for professional assistance by a conference planning firm." The statement was accepted by the Board. 37. Moved SHULTZ, Seconded KUPPER That the report of the IBD Representation Subcommittee be accepted, that the proposed amendments to the Mensa Constitution be put to a Postal Ballot among all members in Spring 1991 (to coincide with the election), and that new Standing Orders be adopted by each body if the Constitution is amended as proposed. The Motion failed with GOH and KUPPER abstaining. No issue has so thoroughly and earnestly occupied and troubled the Board in recent years as has the matter of the size, function, representation and cost of what is bound to be a larger IBD in future. Committees were formed to study and report. Debates and discussions ensued for three consecutive IBD-IGC meetings. All IBD-IGC delegates participated in the exchange of viewpoints. 16 . The IRD wants tn see Mensa develop internationally. This is now happening. The anticipation must be that under existing rules new groups will become eligible to sit on the Board. This, however, leads to some basic problems, about which there seems little disagreement. The IBD will become increasingly unwieldy. Costs for meetings will escalate. The IBD could try to redefine rules for eligibility, but this would inevitably lead to a reduced representation or voice - or no voice - for smaller groups currently represented. Delegates have agreed that the problems are emerging and must be solved, but they have also insisted that the democratic nature nf t h e snciety, reflected in the language of the Constitution, be preserved. On this occasion, the proposals put forward by the Sub-Committee chaired by SCHULTZ, were rejected by the IBD. The sense of the discussion, at its conclusion, and with regret, was that the Board knew what was required, however it was not satisfied with the prospects implied by proposals thus far for a reduced or curtailed representation for any national Mensa. SHAUGHNESSY suggested that, in view of the failure of the proposals to carry, these issues should not be brought back to the Board for at least two years. The Chairman, with the endorsement of the Board, suggested that SCHULTZs Sub-Committee be thanked for its extensive work and be disbanded. H. GOOD AND WELFARE (Matters Arising) 1. Moved KUPPER, Seconded McNULTY To establish a programme, Mensa Around The Earth (MATE), in order to promote association between any two Mensa groups in different countries, for mutual benefit, cultural exchange, friendship and understanding; To establish the position of International Mensa MATE Coordinator to administer this programme; and To appoint Virginia J Host to the position of International Mensa MATE Coordinator. (90-38) Passed unanimously. KUPPER reviewed details of the proposal, and thanked Virginia Host for plans she had prepared and circulated. She also thanked Mensa Canada President, KH Wickremasinghe, for his contributions to the development of this programme. 17 . . 2. Discussion Item McNULTY noted that the personal statements appearing in the "Entre Nous" section of the International Journal seemed sometimes to be forms of direct advertising, or of a "mate sought" nature which are contrary to the "contact and friendship" purpose of that section. He then proposed these guidelines: Entre Nous Restrictions The Entre Nous Section is to: a substitute for paid advertising and is limited 1. Items of general interest to members internationally (i.e. not '7ob seeking" nor "lovelorn" types and not concealed "personal ads" which could appear in national magazines. 2. Forty (40) words or less. Moved GOULDER. Seconded BAUMEISTER That the IBD adopt the McNulty guidelines for the Entre Nous Section of the International Journal. Passed unanimously. (90-39) McNULTY agreed to write to IJ Editor Stevens to advise her of the guidelines. 3. JM FISHER suggested that it would be useful to establish a computer bulletin board network for contact between Mensa officers and members. He then volunteered to develop such a project and to begin work on it directly. WF Members of the IBD expressed support and appreciation to Fisher. 4. SHAUGHNESSY proposed that there be an exchange of "boutique" catalogues between Mensa groups in various countries. She also suggested that Vince Bonzagni be appointed Boutique Co-ordinator until 31 December 1991. These suggestions were approved by the Board. 5. The Chairman moved to thank Delaware Valley Mensa for its courteous assistance and good will in serving as hosts in the IBDnGC meeting. Seconded and passed unanimously. 18 (90-40) . . I. POSITION or NEXT MEETING KUPPER reported that she had "expressions of interest" from two European Mensas, though no definite bids as yet. She anticipated that the next meeting would be held in Europe. VINCENT advised the Board that he had discussed an IBD-IGC meeting bid with Mensa Yugoslavia Chairman, Josip Sahan, who said his group was "very likely" to make a formal bid shortly. Both Zogreb and Dubrovnik sccmcd attractivc and affordable locations. The Board was enthusiastic about this prospect. VINCENT to Ev pursue with Saban, and report to Kupper. J. ADJOURNMENT Prior to the end of the meeting, Chairman SCHULMAN addressed the IBD, noting that this would be his last meeting in the Chair. He expressed his "deep appreciation for the continuing courtesy, good will and brotherly feeling" conveyed by the members of the IBD "at each and every meeting". He thanked the delegates for their support and said he was grateful to have been able to serve Mensa as International Chairman and Director of Administration. The IBD applauded Schulman and expressed a warm message of appreciation. Director of Administration, Helen Kupper, whose term of office would also be expiring prior to the next meeting, remarked that when she joined Mensa twenty one years ago, she "never expected to serve the society in so many roles" and that she had enjoyed herself tremendously. The delegates applauded Kupper too, and thanked her for her many contributions to Mensa. Moved BAUMEISTER, with a unanimous Second That the Meeting be adjourned Passed unanimously. (90-41) The Meeting closed at 5.00pm on Monday 22 October, 1990. 19