3 Months Down… - Colonial Forge High School
3 Months Down… - Colonial Forge High School
COLONIAL FORGE HIGH SCHOOL From the Forge Fires of the V O L U M E Forge School Motto: Everyone Almost Winter Can Dare To Soar! INSIDE THIS ISSUE: From the Principal’s Office Administrators & Guidance 2 3 Sheriff/Fire Depts 4-7 Clinic 8 PTSO 9-12 JROTC 13 Athletics, Clubs, 14-42 Organizations, etc FORGE D E C E M B E R 3 Months Down… Colonial Where 1 5 , Poinsettia Sale Place: Front lobby Time: 8a.m.-2pm Now until sold out Only $5 each 2 0 1 3 PAGE 2 From the Principal’s Office Dear Colonial Forge Family, We were pleased to see so many of you come out for Parent Conference Night. We had a total of 684 conferences scheduled on the evening. Thank you for your a endance and con nued support of our students and teachers at Colonial Forge High School. If you were unable to schedule a conference on November 21st, please call your student’s teacher or counselor to schedule an appointment. The word of the month for December is “Kindness”. As part of the mission of Colonial Forge, we strive to bestow acts of kindness to our greater community. Throughout the school year, especially during the holiday season, specific ini a ves are sponsored by the staff, students, and clubs to reach out to local fa milies in need. Addi onally, our student organiza ons are dona ng food baskets to include turkeys to Stafford County families along with several community food banks and other service organiza ons. Our fall sports season has concluded. Congratula ons to our Boys and Girls Cross Country, Field Hockey, and Football teams on their outstanding seasons that resulted in conference championships and advancement into regional and state playoffs. We have begun our winter sports (Indoor Track, Boys/Girls Basketball and Wrestling) and ac vi es season, and we hope to see you in the stands. If the stands aren’t invi ng enough, we have lots of wonderful fine and performing arts events during the month to kick of the holiday season. Here are a few upcoming events and dates for you to add to your calendars. Please be sure to check the school’s website for other dates and events. December 7: SAT Tes ng (CFHS, 7:30am) December 12: Chorus Concert (Auditorium, 7pm – 9pm) December 17: Band Concert (Auditorium, 7pm – 9pm) December 18: Orchestra Concert (Auditorium, 7pm – 9pm) December 19: Teacher Apprecia on Luncheon (Sponsored by PTSO) December 20 – January 1: Winter Break – No school for students Please be sure to check the school’s website for other dates and events. We are very excited about this school year and all that it promises. Thank you in advance for your commitment to and involvement in all that is going on here at the Forge! I WISH YOU AND YOUR FAMILY A HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON AND NEW YEAR! Sincerely, Gregory O. Daniel FORGE Administrators PAGE Back row - Ms. Karen Mays (Assistant Principal A-F); Mr. Jeff Berry (Assistant Principal for Athletics and Activities); Mr. BJ Tucker (Principal Intern); Mr. Rodney Jones (Assistant Principal O-Z) Front Row - Mrs. Rosina Raines (Assistant Principal) G-N; Mr. Greg Daniel (Principal); Mrs. Joyce Steele (Testing Coordinator) Happy Holidays! Who am I? Guidance Department Forge Counselors Students By Last Name Amy Huerta A - Cos; Freshman Activities, Ham-Har Tina Boster, Director Cot-Ga, Ge-Hall Tisha Henderson Jaco-Na; Junior Activities, Hr-Jack Nina Brown Ne-Sk; Senior Activities, Has-Hen Josh Kline Sl-Z; Scholarship Coordinator, Her-Ho Mia Morrison APPX, Naviance Coordinator, Sophomore Activities Char Wood Administrative Assistant Jean Ross Data Entry Administrative Assistant Rosa Smith Registrar Joyce Steele Testing Coordinator FORGE see who on page 42 3 PAGE 4 Stafford County Sheriff’s Dept. December is an exci ng month. With the month of December comes the main part of the holiday season. Thanksgiving, Thursday, November 28, always one of my favorite holidays, is the first major holiday of the season and has come and gone. It is also a precursor of what is to come! I know my children get excited about the coming holidays and the joy those special days bring. December also brings the first cold weather and another student favorite…snow days. Nothing excites a student more than the poten al of a snow day and the resul ng day off from school! What is not exci ng about inclement weather is the poten al danger that snow, ice or sleet bring to our student drivers. Our young drivers have li le experience driving on roads that are covered with snow or ice. This me of year is an excellent me for parents who have teenage drivers to sit down with their child and carefully review the poten al dangers of driving in inclement weather and, if appropriate, develop alterna ves to driving. While not always a popular op on (although a safe one!), riding the school bus to and from school when the forecast calls for snow or ice is always available as an alterna ve especially when schools are dismissed early due to the weather. Reviewing safe driving techniques during inclement weather as well as making sure the car and res are ready for the season are two more things parents can do to ensure their young driver is equipped to drive in bad weather. I appreciate all of the hard work you parents do in making sure your young drivers are safe drivers. Let’s all work together to help ensure that all of the teenage drivers have an enjoyable and safe winter. Sheriff Je FORGE PAGE 5 Stafford County Sheriff’s Dept. cont. With the holiday season comes an excitement that is for people of all ages. One of the joys of this season is ge ng a gi or two for a family member or friend. Unfortunately, one of the elements of society that also enjoys the “season” is the segment of the popula on that steals from law abiding ci zens in a number of crea ve ways. I have listed in this le er some shopping safety ps that will help ensure that your holiday season is one that you will remember in a posi ve way! I hope these sugges ons will help. Stay alert and be aware of what is going on around you. Avoid carrying large amounts of cash; pay with check or credit card. Park in well-lighted space and be sure to lock your car. Place all shopping bags and gi s in the trunk. Carry a purse close to your body and make sure your wallet is in an inside coat or front pants pocket. Shopping with kids? Teach them to go to a store clerk or security guard if you get separated. If you are shopping online remember these ps: Shop with companies that you know. Keep your password private. Use a secure browser. Keep personal informa on private. Save all transac on informa on. FORGE PAGE 6 Stafford County Fire & Rescue Department Heating Safety Tips Be warm and safe this winter! Keep anything that can burn at least three-feet away from heating equipment, like the furnace, fireplace, wood stove, or portable space heater. Have a three-foot “kid-free zone” around open fires and space heaters. Never use your oven to heat your home. Have a qualified professional install stationary space heating equipment, water heaters or central heating equipment according to the local codes and manufacturer’s instructions. Have heating equipment and chimneys cleaned and inspected every year by a qualified professional. Remember to turn portable heaters off when leaving the room or going to bed. Always use the right kind of fuel, specified by the manufacturer, for fuel burning space heaters. Make sure the fireplace has a sturdy screen to stop sparks from flying into the room. Ashes should be cool before putting them in a metal container. Keep the container a safe distance away from your home. TEST SMOKE ALARMS MONTHLY It’s a Sound You Can Live With! FORGE PAGE 7 Stafford County Fire & Rescue Department Heating Safety Tips Heating Equipment Safety Have fuel-burning heating equipment and chimneys inspected and cleaned by a professional every year before cold weather sets in. When using a fireplace, open the flue for adequate ventilation. Never use your oven to heat your home. Install wood burning stoves following manufacturer’s instructions or have a professional do the installation. All fuel-burning equipment should be vented to the outside to avoid carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning. Carbon Monoxide is invisible, colorless and odorless. Often called “The Silent Killer” CO alarms should be installed in a central location outside each sleeping area and on every level of the home and other locations where required by applicable laws, codes or standards. For the best protection, interconnect all CO alarms throughout the home. With this application when one alarm sounds they all will sound. Carbon Monoxide Facts A person can be poisoned by a small amount of CO over a longer period of time or by a large amount of CO over a shorter amount of time. In 2005, U.S. fire departments responded to an estimated 61,100 non-fire CO incidents in which carbon monoxide was found, or an average of seven calls per hour. FORGE PAGE 8 Clinic News STAY HEALTHY MY FRIEND! As the first semester of school is quickly coming to an end, there is one school rule that the clinic would like to review, and that is the proper use of cell phones in school, especially as this relates to the clinic. It is the policy at CFHS that once students arrive in school and until they leave, cell phones may ONLY be used for academic purposes at the teacher's request. If your child is not feeling well, they should go to the clinic for assistance/evaluation once they have received a pass from their teacher. Once here, they may use our phone to call a parent/guardian to go home. Students are never denied access to any phone in the school offices. Your children are our responsibility, and their safety and well-being is of utmost importance to us. We must always verify who is picking up your child, and that you are aware of the situation if it is not a parent or guardian. This process also expedites our ability to get your child home quicker when they do not feel well. Students are reminded of this at school, but your reinforcement of this at policy at home is very much appreciated. An issue that I would like to inform you about, and that is becoming more prevalent, is teen cough medicine abuse. There has been noted, in increasing numbers among teens, the abuse of both over-the-counter and prescription medicines (such as cough medicine) which contain the active ingredient dextromethorphan (or DXM). Children may choose to ingest this directly or mix it with juices, soda, and other medications. Just as with the more recognizable illegal drugs, they will become "high" and, in some cases, have detrimental consequences. As the parent, you play the key role in helping to keep your children drug-free. Keep the lines of communication open and have frequent discussions with your child about the risks of drug abuse. Research has demonstrated that talking with your child is very effective in preventing their abuse of drugs. To help you in this effort, you may obtain free materials online at the following website: StopMedicineAbuse.org. Together we can keep your child safe and help them make positive decisions for themselves. As always, any questions, please contact the clinic at 540-658-6115 ext. 122. Wishing you all a very happy and safe holiday season! Filippa Unger RN, BSN School Nurse CFHS FORGE PAGE 9 PTSO Our next morning Coffee with the Principal, will be on January 13th from 9-10 AM in the Faculty Dining Room. Our next PTSO mee ng will be on Monday, December 2nd at 7 PM in the Faculty Dining Room. There are also many events going on at CFHS prior to the Winter Break. For a calendar of events, go to the “Building Calendar” under the “Calendars” tab at the top of each Fusion page. Please consider the fundraiser, see fundraiser order form following. Please note the order deadlines for the personalized graduation banner and yard stakes….sample below. The banners are generating quite a bit of interest. We are so proud of our past and future Forge graduates!!!! FOLLOW ME FORGE PAGE PTSO Fundraising Info: Check out the CFHS items that are available to purchase. Don’t miss this opportunity. PTSO Membership dues remain the same for the 2013 -2014 school year….$10 for the entire family. Your PTSO dues support the Renaissance Program (a free academic incentive program available for all students), Teacher Appreciation Events, the After Prom and the Scholarship program. We gave eight $500 scholar-ships to our 2013 graduating class. In order to apply for a PTSO scholarship, you must be a member of the PTSO. The next PTSO Teacher Apprecia on Luncheon will be Dec 19th. A sign up message will be coming out soon. Recycling - Just a reminder to bring in your printer cartridges and old cell phones for recycling. Just place your items in a ziploc bag and drop off at the Main office. Kartridge for Kids will forward a check to help fund our programs. FORGE 10 PAGE 11 CFHS PTSO FUNDRAISERS 2013-2014 Gradua on Banners– Personalized for $25. 18” x 54” banners are printed on durable 10 oz. white vinyl, and are weather resistant with metal grommets for hanging. Gradua on Stakes—Personalized for $15. 15” tall x 22” wide stakes are printed two-sided on durable weather resistant vinyl. Includes a metal stake. **Place your banner and/or stake order by September 30, March 31 Flip Flops -- High quality, navy blue flip flops with “Eagles” embroidered on woven straps. Straps are lined with so , green fleece. Arch support. Flip Flops are available for $18 in sizes: M, Ladies size 4-6; MM, Ladies size 6.5-7.5; ML, Ladies size 8-9; LL, Ladies size 9-10.5; LL, Men’s size 8-8.5; and LG, Men’s size 9-11.5. Sport Slides –So black eva sole with the Colonial Forge Eagle Emblem embroidered on the strap. A popular choice to slide in a er prac ce! Sport Slides are available for $16 in sizes Med, Ladies size 4-6; ML, Ladies size 6.5-9; LG, Ladies 9-10.5, and LG, Men’s size 8-12. Fleece Blankets ‐ Stadium Fleece blankets are available for $35 and can be monogrammed for that special student! High quality, forest green fleece blanket is embroidered with the Eagle emblem. Show Your Eagle Pride - License plate frames are available to purchase for $5 each. Order forms are on the next page. Or visit our school’s website, www.c s.org, click on Parent Resources, “PTSO”. Order forms are also located in the main office. Thank you for your support! PAGE CFHS PTSO ORDER FORM Please print clearly. Date: __________ Buyer’s Name: __----__________________________________________________________________ Home Address: ____________________________________________________________________ Phone Number(s): (H) ___________________________ (C) ________________________________ E-Mail Address: _____________________________________________________________________________ Gradua on Banner $25.00 each Gradua on Stake $15.00 each Personalized line: __________________________________________ (Limit 14 characters) Order deadline is March 31 by 2 PM in the school office. You will be notified when the banner arrives and of the pick-up location. CFHS Fleece Blanket $35.00 each Items Price Graduation Banner Graduation Stake CFHS Fleece Blanket License Plate Frame Flip Flops $25.00 $15.00 $35.00 $ 5.00 $15.00 Quantity x x x x x _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ Total = = = = = $______ $______ $______ ______ ______ Specify size: (Med 4-6, MM 6.5-7.5, ML 8-9, LL Ladies 9-10.5, LL Men’s 8-8.5, LG Men’s 9-11.5) Sport Slide $15.00 x ________ = ______ Specify size: (Med Ladies 4-6, ML Ladies 7-9 & Men’s 8, Large Ladies 9-10.5, Large Men’s 9-12) TOTAL COST $_____ Questions on ordering, contact Pam at [email protected] Please make checks payable to CFHS PTSO. Return the form to the school’s main office or mail to: PTSO Fundraiser Orders, c/o Colonial Forge High School, 550 Courthouse Road, Stafford, VA 22554 Thank you for supporting the CFHS PTSO Programs!!! For Office Use Only Amount Collected: __________ Cash ______ Check No. _________ 12 PAGE JROTC EAGLE BATTALION The CFHS Eagle Battalion Drill Team and Color Guard participated in the T.C. Williams HS "Best of the Best" Regional competition. Annually, some of the best Drill Teams and Color Guards compete for an opportunity to participate in the National Drill Team competition in Daytona Beach, Florida. TOur teams also received a Third Place trophy for the Courtland HS Drill Meet after a retabulation of scores. Please join us in celebrating the accomplishments of the members of the teams that competed at TC Williams HS: Third Place - Unarmed Regulation Drill Sportsmanship Award 2d Place in Knockout Drill - Cadet Timothy Bobeck (130 cadets competed in head-to-head competition) 8th Place - Cadet Joshua Mims Color Guard Brianna Jackson Aliyah Cox Armstead Liebl Ryan Uzzell Drill Team: Andrew Adkins Rachel Berry Timothy Bobeck Kerry Good Brendan Huddleston Armstead Liebl Joshua Mims Ilene Mitchell Car'lina Muth Dustin Payne Dante' Ray Nathaniel Rodriguez Anthony Winston FORGE 13 PAGE Athletics 2013 – 2014 Colonial Forge Athletic Boosters Club 550 Courthouse Rd. Stafford Va 22554 Executive Board Shavaun Roberts - President [email protected] Stacy Melancon-Vice President Karen Eggleston-Treasurer Rob Stanford - Secretary Committee Chairs: Phil Salinas - Membership [email protected]; [email protected] ___________________ – Sports Physicals ____________________ - Concessions Mary-Ellen Samuelsen – Asst. to President [email protected] Bob Cooper-Member at Large Kathleen Meservey-Spiritwear Laura Stanford-Spiritwear [email protected] [email protected] Shouldn’t you be flying off to a FORGE game? Athletic Boosters accepts memberships during the entire year. If you have a senior athlete that would like to apply for one of the six $500 scholarships we award, your family must be a member. Applications will be available in the Guidance office starting in February. FORGE 14 PAGE Athletics Congratulations to our Fall sports teams! Outstanding job to all the Coaches, team members and parents for your time and commitment under the CFHS name. Thank you Football, Volleyball, Field Hockey, Golf, Dance, Step Team, Cheerleading and Cross Country Shouldn’t you be flying off to a FORGE game? FORGE 15 PAGE FORGE 16 PAGE FORGE 17 PAGE FORGE 18 PAGE FORGE 19 PAGE FORGE 20 PAGE FORGE 21 PAGE FORGE 22 PAGE GYMNASTICS TEAM MEMBERS Please congratulate the following girls who have been selected to be members of the Varsity Gymnastics team: Emily Morgan Haley Cooper Jennica Pesino Kayla Rice Kimberlyn Chaney Lexy Holbrook Mary Howe Shannon Lea Stephanie Nail Sydney Nickens Mikaela Pesino - Manager Kim Thornburg, Gymnastics Coach FORGE 23 PAGE 24 Forge Sound & Guard November was another busy month for the Sound & Guard! On Tuesday, November 11th the Sound and Guard participated in the Annual Band Together to Fight Hunger at Mountain View High School. All 5 Stafford County High Schools performed their 2013 Field Shows. In addition to the high school bands, the US Marine Drum and Bugle Corps entertained the crowd! This event benefited the Fredericksburg Area Food Bank. The night proved to be a huge success. Check out BAND Together 2013 totals. Drum Roll, please... 4640 lbs (4552 in 2012 roughly 2% increase) $3006.23 (2564 in 2012, roughly 17% increase) Thank-you to ALL who attended and supported this worthy event! The Sound & Guard continued to support the Forge Varsity Football team at all of their home and away games as they finished the regular season. The band will continue to travel with the team during the playoffs! Forge Pride! An Evening of Jazz and Percussion! On Tuesday, November 19th, the Jazz Workshop, Jazz Ensemble and Percussion Ensemble performed for a crowd in the auditorium. The audience was treated to some amazing music. If you missed it, make sure you catch the next concert. The amount of talent in the music department at Colonial Forge is unbelievable. Plus, all band concerts are free to the public! December will not be a time to slow down for our musicians! Check out some upcoming events! FORGE PAGE Forge Sound & Guard FORGE 25 PAGE Forge Sound & Guard FORGE 26 PAGE 27 Forge Drama News UPCOMING AUDITIONS: ONE ACT PLAY AUDITIONS Monday Dec 9th ‐Sign up on auditorium door a er Thanksgiving for audi on me. You must have an audi on form signed by a parent to audi on! (forms are available on Forge Drama Produc ons fusion page) Prepare: a memorized 1 min comedic monologue (to be considered for VHSL one act or one‐act fes val comedies Prepare: a memorized 1 min drama c monologue (to be considered for drama c one‐act fes val dramas PREPARE BOTH TO BE CONSIDERED FOR ALL PLAYS! DRAMA ADOPT A FAMILY LIST: items due by FRIDAY DECEMBER 6! Boy Age 11- Washington Redskins stuff, football cards, star wars stuff Shirt size XL (16-18) Pants 12 Husky Boy Age 9 – Lego, Wrestlers, Steelers Stuff Shirt size 10-12, Pants 10 Regular Boy Age 7- Firetruck, Legos, Superman stuff, matchbox cars Shirt size 8-10, Pants size 8 R Boy Age 5- Buzz lightyear, Woody, Batman, Legos Shirt size 6-8, Pants size 6R Boy Age 9 months- pushtoys, ball, music/light toys Shirt size 18 months, Pants 12 months -We also need stocking stuffer items for each child. (small things that are age appropriate) -This is a single mom with FIVE kids, it would be great if we could get some pampering items for her- body wash, gi cards, slippers, etc. FORGE PAGE Forge Drama News At our recent competition, we received Virginia Theatre Association Awards for : Outstanding Dance Ensemble, Oustanding Vocal Ensemble, All Star Cast member Aleyse Shannon ONCE ON THIS ISLAND FORGE 28 PAGE 29 Forge Drama News WANT TO BE BETTER INFORMED? BE SURE TO VISIT OUR BOOSTERS WEBSITE FOR ALL THE LATEST FORGE DRAMA NEWS! http://forgedramaboosters.yolasite.com JOIN FORGE DRAMA BOOSTERS Your membership dues help fund efforts to support Forge Drama in many ways... competition and educational trips, workshops, scholarships and equipment, just to name a few! We offer several levels of membership ~ and the perks just get better & better! Membership starts at only $15 ~ you can sign up at every show, or download the attached membership form! Forge Drama T-shirts Our classic navy tee with the stylish Forge Drama logo is a great way to show your support! Shirts are only $15 and are sold at every show, or you can find an order form on our website: http:// forgedramaboosters.yolasite.com. THANK YOU!!! ~Crystal Adaway Forge Drama Boosters FORGE PAGE LEARN & SERVE Turkey Drive The Learn & Serve classes at Colonial Forge held the 6th annual Turkey Drive on November 21th, 2013. All Learn & Serve students par cipated in holding signs during the days leading up to the drive and collec ng turkeys on the 21st. Donaons were given directly to the Fredericksburg Area Food Bank. The Learn & Serve classes would like to thank everyone who par cipated in the event; it was a huge success! FORGE 30 PAGE 31 Nutri on & Wellness Classes The Nutrition and Wellness classes held traditional Thanksgiving dinners with turkey and all the trimmings this week. While we used paper plates, we did dress the table with cloths and table decorations. Our dinners included turkey, stuffing, green beans, carrots, potatoes, cranberry sauce and biscuits. One class had Mrs. Cousins’ students join them for the feast. The guests brought a variety of pies for dessert. FORGE PAGE 32 FCCLA Colonial Forge Chapter of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America hosted the county high schools and middle schools for a day of sharing and learning. FLASH was designed for students to par cipate in leadership ac vi es, hear mo vaonal speeches and inves gate what they can learn from other FCCLA members. Ms. Olivia Hanson, Mountain View, spoke about becoming a State FCCLA Officer. She held the office of VP of Compe ve Events during the 2012 -2013 school year. She spoke of how she has grown as a leader within the FCCLA community. While she might have been afraid to speak in front of 2,000 students when required to give an introductory speech, that also taught her she can do it. Students broke into small groups to explore sta ons about the various Na onal Programs and possible Star Events. Each chapter made a banner for their school and students could make their version of the “perfect leader.” Mrs. Murrill shared the story of Shirley Heim Middle School’s winning Na onal Event from last year. Students worked hard to raise money and awareness for Breast Cancer Research in the fall of 2012. They had lots of events during a week with a Pink Football game at the end. Everyone from players to those in the stands wore pink. Shirley Heim won the Na onal Award for Community Service which came with a $1,000.0 check for that chapter. Carolyn McVey, North Stafford, encouraged all to join other members at the State Leadership Conference in Virginia Beach in April and the Na onal Conference in San Antonio, Texas in July. She presented a slide show from past conference. We should have a large group par cipa ng in the spring. Mrs. McVey brought winning displays from past Star Events so students could see what is required to create a winning presenta on. Mrs. McVey also asked for volunteers to help with a program her students are working on for this weekend. Par cipa ng schools included Brooke Point, Mountain View, North Stafford, Shirley Heim Middle and Stafford High with Colonial Forge serving as the host school. FORGE PAGE Model UN CFHS Model UN par cipated in their first conference of the year at AshMUNC: Ashburn Model United Na ons Conference. It was hosted by Stone Bridge High School and Broad Run High School at Stone Bridge High School. A endees: Jacob Pyle [11th] Tess Ha on [10th] Maggie Carolan [12th] Madeline Urbanic [10th] Brandon Gonzalez [11th] Joseph Cruz [11th] Chaperone: Mr. Daniel Bruno Topics: DISEC: Mexico SOCHUM: Japan French Revolu on – Marie Antoine e Awards: Maggie Carolan: Outstanding Delegate Jacob Pyle: Verbal They will be a ending the Prince William Model UN Conference hosted by CD Hylton on December 6th and 7th. FORGE 33 PAGE 34 ACM Programing Chapter We’ve got LOTS going on….come join us and see for yourself! Congratula ons to our former member, Connor Cormier!! Connor was one of 19 students in the world to score a perfect score on last year’s AP Computer Science exam!! Over fi een of our members have made it to part II of the IBM Master the Mainframe compe on at h ps://contest‐reg.dfw.ibm.com/ contest/usaca.nsf. This compe on focuses on real world database and mainframe problems; students learn to use the system and begin solving these problems. We have one student, Ian O’Malley, who has made it all the way to part three, where he is working to solve actual problems IBM is currently facing in its systems. To date, less than 300 students na onwide have successfully completed the first two parts. We are preparing for the UVA programming compe on this spring. We are also studying for the Pico CTF hacking compe on, and Governor’s Cyber Challenge. If you are interested in par cipa ng in these or upcoming gaming compe ons, come to the Programming Club Mee ng on Wednesdays in room 320! Our club is constantly looking for new mentors to help teach us new concepts and aid us in preparing for various compe ons. If you are interested in helping the club, contact our sponsor Sharon McPherson: mcphersonsf@staffordschools.net FORGE PAGE 35 Misc. Ini a on Ceremony FCCLA held the Chapter Ini a on Ceremony on October 30, 2013. Parents and members were invited to a spaghe dinner preceding the ceremony. The following members are the new officers: Evangaline Campbell, President; Kelli Wiley, President – elect; Jasmine Corbin-King, VP, Veronica Ramos, Secretary; Kenya Augurson, VP of Peer Involvement, Isaish Harvin, Treasurer, Cholen Kelly and Elizabeth Chicuwezi, Photographers and Brianna Mar n is the historian. Distracted Driving Unit The Family and Consumer Science classes conducted a unit on Distracted Driving as part of the FCCLA FACTS program. FACTS stands for Families Ac ng for Community Traffic Safety. Students watched two videos which pointed out the dangers of driving while distracted in a variety of ways and the dangers when driving around trucks. A er the videos and discussion, students created a Public Service Announcement. While most of the students made posters, several groups made meaningful videos showing what could happen when you are not paying total a en on when driving. To top it all off, students were given the opportunity to drive a golf cart on an obstacle course while wearing beer goggles. Fashion Field Trip to VCU Young ladies in the Introduc on to Fashion and Design had the opportunity to a end Fashion Day at VCU on November 8, 2013. The event was a panel format consis ng of graduates of the VCU Fashion Design or Fashion Marke ng Program at VCU. The Marke ng graduates have worked for companies such as Ralph Lauren to Michael Coors. One owns two stores selling used clothes. She started this right out of college and now has 12 employees and is ready to open a third store. Another is a Stylist for the rich and famous in the DC area and employs several people as well. The design side work for Ralph Lauren to Target to Sears designing, planning fabrics and predica ng the future of fashion. Students learned that enrollment at the VCU Fashion is highly compe ve and your applica on will not be looked at if you do not have a cumula ve average of at least 3.6. The students know they have to work a li le harder to get into this pres gious school FORGE PAGE 36 CFHS-TSA Advisers: Nate Nadelen & Dan Henry CFHS-TSA Contact Information: [email protected] 2013-2014 CFHS-TSA Calendar of Events Note: This calendar of events is subject to change; please check it often for updates. An electronic version is available for download in the files section on the CFHS-TSA Fusion page. If you find any information that is incorrect please contact Mr. N at [email protected] Tuesday December 3, 2013 – 2:20pm The following competition individuals/teams need to report to room 321 by 2:20pm to have meeting to talk about their projects. Please bring a printed version of your events rules from the event guide: Animatronics Open Source System Control Technology Video Game Design Webmaster Tuesday December 10, 2013 – 2:20pm The following competition teams need to report to room 321 by 2:20pm to have meeting to talk about their projects. Please bring a printed version of your events rules from the event guide: Architectural Renovation Biotechnology Design CAD 2D/3D Dragster Design Engineering Design Flight Endurance Manufacturing Prototype Structural Engineering Technical Sketching and Application Technology Problem Solving Transportation Modeling Tuesday December 17, 2013 – 2:20pm The following competition teams need to report to room 321 by 2:20pm to have meeting to talk about their projects. Please bring a printed version of your events rules from the event guide: Digital Video Production On Demand Video Photographic Technology Promotional Graphics Career Preparation Debating Technological Issues Essays on Technology Extemporaneous Presentation Future Technology Teacher Prepared Presentation PAGE 37 Tuesday January 7, 2014 – 2:20pm The following competition teams need to report to room 322 by 2:20pm to compete in an in school competition to determine who will go to regionals: Debating Technological Issues Tuesday January 7, 2014 – 2:20pm The following event participants should report to room 321 by 2:20pm to help set up the CO2 car track and then test their designs: Dragster Design Transportation Modeling Tuesday January 14, 2014 – 2:30pm The following projects are due for evaluation to determine who will be attending regional competitions. All project materials need to be turned in by 2:30pm in room 321. You will be notified via email before the due date for the permission slips and registration fees: Digital Video Production Manufacturing Prototype Transportation Modeling Tuesday January 21, 2014 – 2:30pm Regional Permission Slips & Registration Fees are due by 2:30pm to Mr. N room 321. If they are not turned in you will not be allowed to go to regionals. Tuesday February 4, 2014 – 2:20pm The following competition teams need to report to the room listed by 2:20pm to compete in an in school competition to determine who will go to states: On Demand Video – Room 500 Structural Engineering – Room 321 Technology Problem Solving – Room 321 Tuesday February 25, 2014 – 2:30pm Meeting for all members attending regionals in room 321 at 2:20pm; information about regional transportation, dress code, what is expected, etc. Saturday March 1, 2014 – 6:45am-6:30pm Regional Competitions held at Mt. Vernon High School – 8515 Old Mt. Vernon Rd. Alexandria, VA 22309. Arrive at CFHS bus loop at 6:45am, park in the faculty parking lot; we will leave at 7:00am sharp! Get picked up at CFHS bus loop between 6:00-6:30pm. Tuesday March 4, 2014 – 2:20pm Meeting for all members in room 321 at 2:20pm; announce regional competition winners, sign up for state competition events, and pass out state permission slips and forms. Tuesday March 11, 2014 – 2:30pm The following projects are due for evaluation to determine who will be attending state competitions. All project materials need to be turned in by 2:30pm in room 321. You will be notified via email before the due date for the permission slips and registration fees: Biotechnology Design Engineering Design PAGE 38 Tuesday March 18, 2014 – 2:30pm State Permission Slips and Registration Fees due by 2:30pm to Mr. N room 321. If they are not turned in you will not be allowed to go to states. Thursday May 1, 2014 – Sunday May 4, 2014 State Competitions held at the Greater Richmond Convention Center – 403 N. 3rd. St. Richmond, VA 23219. Arrive at CFHS bus loop at 7:45pm Thursday May 1, 2014 we will leave at 8:00pm sharp. Get picked up at CFHS bus loop on Sunday May 4, 2014 between 2:30-3:00pm. Tuesday May 6, 2014 – 2:20pm Meeting for all members in room 321 at 2:20pm; announce state competition winners, sign up for national competition events, and pass out national permission slips and forms. Friday June 27, 2014 – Tuesday July 1, 2014 National Competitions held at the Gaylord National – Washington, D.C. PAGE See You in the Library Students who are having trouble with their NOVELL login can go to the Media Center for help might help many students during the year. Mr. Booth and Mr. Huffman - your Colonial Forge librarians are here to assist you. If there's a book you've heard about and are dying to read, come by and see if we have it. (If we don't, we'll more than likely order it for you.) Browse our considerable magazines or read a newspaper. And of course there are computers for you to use in the library as well. We are here to help you relax, read, learn, and succeed this school year. Listen for upcoming announcements for the Colonial Forge Reading Club, too. This club has become quite popular over the last few years. Maybe you'd like to join the fun? FORGE 39 PAGE 40 Yearbook Please email Tiffany Kopcak (Advisor for the Apollo Yearbook) at kopcakta @staffordschools.net with important dates for your club or organization this year. Concerts, shows, competitions, rivalry games, etc. dates/times for a coverage calendar. There is a new online version of Molten Art, the school's literary magazine. We want all students to submit original wri ng and art to : moltenart.c [email protected] Also, students can visit the site at: moltenart.wordpress.com Recycling at CFHS CFHS wants to adopt the slogan: Think: "Blue, Gray, Tray" as a catch phrase to help students to remember how they should proceed in the process of recycling. Students have been told the following: When the students get up to discard their trash, they should: 1. Go to a BLUE recycling bin----to deposit all recyclable items, especially drink containers, milk cartons, and plastics. 2. Next students should go to a GRAY trash bin----to deposit nonrecyclable items, to include used napkins/paper towels,wrappers of any kind (candy,crackers, potato chips, etc.) DO NOT RECYCLE THESE! 3. Finally, students should take their TRAY to the designated window in the cafeteria. Thus, we want to begin with the above stated catch phrase. So when you hear it, you will know that it is tired to our recycling efforts. Anything that you can do to encourage this school wide project is greatly appreciated. Hopefully, appropriate signs and posters will be created as visual aids for students. Your thoughts and ideas are welcomed! FORGE PAGE Need help? Come to… NHS Tutoring Tuesdays 2:30-3:00 in the library The following are the mandatory meetings for the National Honor Society for the year. Most regular meetings will begin at 2:30 and usually finish by 2:45 unless specifically stated due to the planned activities. Dec 5, Thurs-library Jan 9, Thurs-auditorium (this is induction, practice is mandatory (about 1 hour) as well as the program in the evening) Feb 6, Thurs-auditorium March 6, Thurs-library April 3, Thurs-auditorium May 6, Tuesday-auditorium, (election of officers 3:15) June 5, Thurs-room 141 41 PAGE 42 The Spanish Club is already off to a great start! We recently completed our first fundraiser (Joe Corbi's Pizza). Thanks to everyone in the community who placed an order. In November, we celebrated Day of the Dead with a party. We are looking forward to the month of December because we will be adopting a family to help make their holiday a little brighter. If you would like to join the club, please see Mrs. Chappelle or Mrs. Sanders. Dues are only $10.00. Can You Believe It? I’ve got my eye It’s me… Mickey Claus