Rajeev Chandrasekhar
Rajeev Chandrasekhar
.<i!l-i.d<{- lri ri ,.- !, ,Y4 -'-\.*t r.kf \'\ -,i \.q''- FOR$I 2t {See :ule zl) iT OldtIlgA?IClq PAPER' ?' -Eiectio:: -,-\ 4- Ei te the Ccr:reil oi'States PART - I ut" candidate's Naure ..8n-q.A.F.f-.... ..(n nl:rpS-ft.6.FK'ft'&R " gou56o6,ls Name fi.tg""ept(""H''K""Ctl'5.4{ARngggri 4R Farher,s / l*ot6s i -tq 3lj'g'+'q +E '''K'8R'4!118'rz b4tA ' His postal address .3"5.,..i3:1..fl*Jhr. ..R.,AQ'r" """"'/ ....8.fi1;1.a.8"i.n.ft1....5.4c..p.3.+....-.'-::.. part No' ""J"O8" ""{ of His name is entererl at S. No' ""'l'++""":" in the electoral roll for thq {7.2r.8-1.|\J"'LAY'g'V'-7"'''I<ARN'ft'TnKfr""l'E'qtsLATtvE' ,l Assembiy/ * miamen+atr-eonstituency' we declare that we are elected inembers of the Legislati)ts-Assemblv fffl,],1.. or .KAKNfr.T.n.F.fr........,:'...... electoratr colle$e for 4fr.Qx'LIL"aE"iInT{t the list- rnaintalned ancl or"lr names are enter-e,1 as indica+"ed below in ii' tckeri cf :-rnller seci.ioil 152 a;rd lve appenc oi-r.i siinai-r:les beLcv; subscr:ibinq to h.is nominailcn: Pa:ticr,rla-rs oi i-he i-rroposeis sl. Si. lJo. as entereC No. in the and ihe:r ' '" t--) signar-ure Signature Fuli i'ia::e lis'r rnairttained r:ncer Scr:tlon L5i .'-:--=1'- L.t -1 !€e 1^v ?u;':e'S, -T- '.,\.r'l i.-\i r.t r,. " )VV'-/'J v' r"/-rv' ,,3-7 ,Lt \ )J*'-r-1-->, 2 zeJrtTa i ?nhe<A C' ,,-V^..^,'/t \,u f J< <t / lar lalir t nt -' '-n,u*- - ? ' j ?- 3- :r-l-'r: ' ' '-tr' ; -- '3:r= '?J ll ,i i-.t'3 I 3 <'a ,,.,^r.+' 4 ? nri ^^\T,L LL ll\ +Rl \. -FORM 2C NOMINATION PAPER Eleetion to the Council of States PART -I a-.,,.ar.-,.. Of -'the etectoral roll-for fne t27,..8,J:.tl.'.tAyQV.Tl.tJ#&Nn'fflRA"'LEb'tSzAT'lta Assembly/ * Parr*iamen*ary Constituency' - We declare that we,e elected members of the Legislative 't6-.==-embly C{"X#a electoral college rot4!E'?!!''QF""s'IATE5" of ... [<ARN-al-4'K4' maintained and our names are entered as indicated below in the list token of under section 152 and we append our si$natures below-in ''::""' subscribing to his nomination: ./I Particulars of the proposers and their si$nature sl. No. Signature Si. No. as entered in the list maintained under Section 152 Date l7-3-)o r > f?-3-)orl -3 -:o rz ? -3 -2or:- (a -3 -2o | 2,? -3-2ot2- l7-3'2D(> ,? -3->a'L - 291 2- -3 I I I * for Deihi oniy r* There si:ould be ren .t/v' cent, of the elected members of the l-egislative Assernbly or cerl concerned, whichever is less. --:c r 1 & . ;. r-i:t :r--:u\-€ mentionei canciidar-e. asseni '6- :f Lilis ::c:':il:aticn a:lc ::ereh',' i.eciq re: i i!.i ] L-jat ii-'l har-e corr.Dletei rli2i lrl i.jlai- ru1i name 2rd i,, l'-'.:i +n nn:-rcnriv \Ulr!!..j (ria-me of the n-1' ifqth c- crr-It -rl'Lr! .": '-i! language): abo-.-e s ,' r:c'ii1ei€ . €t,t r' r LirgC;iC-s fra-ritei l3 :1".','e .,t'', ^*A arlu rbar ic :he best ci ;::.i' I;c-;'lcig'e arrt1 bciief. i am quaiitiec anci nct al.so ciisqua!.ified fc-rr berng ci-rcsen to fiil tiie seal- in the Council of I I States. I aiso declare that i have nct been. and shaii not be norninate,i as a carrjiciate at the present biennial el.ection/bi'e-Electicns L'eing heici Srar.e siinuitaneoi-lsiy, io rhe Legislative Councii of ....:i:--*.;-.*:...... i;'cn rt;"; e rlian t'.a'c.' Councii C.cnstrtuenci.es in rhe State. ,@ /r, TII A Date .t3:..H.*.R.+t+..-..2.o t > ISIGNATURE OF' CAI{DIDA"E} PART II (To be filled by the Candidate) Whether the candidate iii (ii) has been convicted (a) of any offence(s) under Sub-section (1) ; or (b) for contravention of any law specified in Sub-section (2) of section 8 of the Representation of the peopie Act, r95L (43 of i95r) ; or has been convicted for any other offenceis) for whjch he has been sentenced to irnprisoament for twc years cr more. V. tkrlNo . f t' "'i AFFIR.I$ATIO}i S+{ut] of C';ris-;:u'.:c'i: oi lniial r"ORhI OF OATH i-A;dcie OR, i:3{a) Tc be riade Lx'a canciidate for eiecdon'io =:i:*a:i1;*;/ -'ne F.aii'asa'::ia I-:qisl: ui'e -l^ssenbl), r/ i,lgisla=$e-eau-aqll haiengbeennclminatedasaca:rcidaf.etCfillaSeatinrhe"Counci]ofStateiM g=--peepir / ELEg:Iag,At.Lo.t-c-b.coE..?.F...Karex.anTJ<A.. l,e{islative Assembiy Legislatirre- Gtrur:eiF do s\ /ea-r ir:I the naxse of of God/Sole;nnlv afiii:::. -:nat i qn-ll bear rnie iait.lt alci allegia.nce to the Constiiudon Inrtia as hrz lav.r esiabtisired a-ld *Jrar I v,:ll, uphold the soveieignB and iniergily 9i ind.ia. /f /(l+<-/j-"-;:-**'- HA* -r-ane inc biock ,-.*-^*.c-KerqL:o (Signacu"rE'ald , "R+?5#iffioidate) let-ters *Score out qrhich is not applicable &e Before me ( - Signatuft g$B&{fr Fdt+ers on) -.f**, pnffimgtFgabretarrat t ( T.qf.t -\-. ,l-: Trialst:-"'C:' ij i .--^.;.;lt'.e !G:!u:v..'' : Ca==i'T'"'r=t ilic:alai:oii ;r.;''iil Ii C. ,,/ l..,rS .. '("t'= - ---. .t L t,Districir.sj .'-':''|{ fr' :-" Sraieisl " "' T':'']''f1":_1ii) Pt':-ice sLa.'itnisi -: " " " ' . .=:- -!J E'. ";' gct[sJ and o;.i"t jtt"x;t"g.: irjri) sec-.icn[s; of th'e conce;nec] fi:-i t!I ciftrrce[s}fcru,h'c,hirehas'nee,nCon\'iCi'td'...1.n.,. -lJ',*" "' -:: -: * --=::=='.. Daie (s) ..=.:"'ix1f;"::'-. .-l Date{sl cf conr'ictioni'sJ - ^fk...-.... C.oiirt(s)-;;hicl:ccnvic'-edthecandiclate""':-"==''!Y'ft:"=:--"' Punishrnent(s.tinrposeC(inCj'catepei:ioC":tt11tt=onrnenr[sianci or quanturn of iine[s) """=:-""N'*"'-:-' h 4- ' pate(s) of- release frorn priscn "'-:-"'/'Y"''i"""' [ \ r;!, Was,lwer e ?--# filed against vrLy appeai(s)/revisicn(s) aL'ove Yes/No "::'N*"':.F"""' far revision appeai(s)/application[s) / Da..e and patticulars cf conviction[s] {x) filed appeal(s)/applicaiion(s) fcr the which before Name of the court(s) revision filed """'-T:--'Al'k"' :::- st tL "'r--="""'{Y':'}' (xi)Whetherthesaidappealfs)/application(s)forrevisionhas/have pending ""'ffi:'^/'&"".-'-"" been disposed of or is/are {xii}Ifthesaidappeai(s)/applica.tion(s}forrerlisionhas/harlebeen disposed (a) of - Oate[s] of disPosal (b) Nature of order(s) passed Piace:B &N t4&ts/d- E, Dare '. "{*.:.1.{.6. &.<.*. .- ZE tL -.N.*.: islcnA"u*t oGsEB&"Ei + PART III (To be filled by the Returning Officer) ii Paper Nomination ""e'l of No. Serrai Daue i'J M p.SffiffiffiF"lgl" ..,*pl+ :..4 \x/ score out the qordJs) !{ote: \Alhe::ever aiternative is Provlded Karnatatg i.€ Sacretartat a$d Rcturningof[ccr' Biendar-rtFcflorl J"so,* ftoro lhrnataka - tothg Ln r 8r? "oftiffi Deeision of Returniug offlcer Accepting or ReJecting the Nomination PaPer with I have examined this nomination paper in accordance 1951 and decide as Section 36 of the Representation of the People Act' foiiows :/. \hg/ty?.\ . A"]'tr tue i I t r.r .a^', Date / ..*4.re1fu.t2: ,./ I P. OMPRAIGSIIA Sccre*"ar]t Karnataka i-cgisla&e Assembly Secrelari a + and Rctrtrning Oi{icta Biennial-diectiorr to Ii ; : Cotrncil of States.frosr Sarrrataka - 20 I ? F'G'*=?:i*''tAE-CR.5FiF.'11i-Ti*:i cf indiai oi Ccasl!:udcn ii-:l:cie E+i.::L r'7e(^l "l / 'r\''r '..i*z=,l:a+z ior eiect'on tc the To be nade by a carrdicatie / Ra'lyasabha ;gtt""*.Assernbiy / . . . ,' ii ^.., Legislauvr€cu-'rcu aK'* 3'F' K'H'n R "' tt' ?'f' f''f ' f 'v''' "t' ..'6'*''')"1''h'ot" '::i:-^ ,r, *e * counci] 0f sta'.e/irtcrrse-ei ii: ^'t.l! -"^'",.r-" to fi!1 a seat ".", ca;rdiiate a as Asserr'Ol-'Asserr'or;no;ntiaied' p: (xBpfl',rlaf+lnsislabve hal--ng havlT been / ^ . , .- r r-. ;r) *K u rn** *utislabve ":-i 7=r: tl r,ue-€+eple / Bl.'Tt!'E "'t!=trct swear in the n2''ne i, r;; ; ; r#;;: "-uu-.1,_*-,-_-__c*,-rn-iF Tr=:' 'JO do to ttre Constih:'tion of *tgance "sovereignty . and rntergnry i: fu Jt*l u=a es*,abr'shec rndia as br- raw ilno:" |U-C+X-4vf--A'{v&-*a-k^-,,'-/" --'-' of -^\ f AR) *u : r **x'dse EY*,,50 r-*.rs of t]le *rraia--"t (r-l3- E -:- inciia' ./ .n a t"r*tt" .S.r-" ""t-*tti"h i= t ojiltpltt^bl' Rnc.ee.v' (Place) day of Before me Authorised Personl (S{nature '-F^*", of Desig;nation and Seal oatle) (Certiflcate for receipt of forna of person) candida"e by the auttrorised ttre to over handed be flo 1oriified L*uve ca:rdidaie for requireo bY '..iic as tt3 =tl=",it; *3 oath/afirinaiion :*":....to"**t**' r::e ai mv office tt ' ' ' .--- ia"t.f Ccnstj.i.:.i1on of ItCi"' befcre fnour) on"""""' (S€nature of Au'Jroi-ised Perscni lr[a-ne, Des-$naacn C.eal Daie alieraarives as may Ot Here r:se-- one of the foilo'at:g -'-l:e Hcuse of :ie ?eoPie fron r.)1 Legisiatr= l,sser:biy fros: the ".'"', """"' ci Siai:s ';t; te e1.icttc. =e::'le= Cc,,:::c.i: '- Le''is;a-;;e Co';:c! t;- lt r\:'i?4r lJs-+ cf iie "On:::.1.].1lo'too.r,O' " " ConsctuenclLe{:slariv-e Asse::;l; A ----hl'--, r -::--^ nei:rters of -;e Leg:siacve Asse=biv ,.-;i-i. -":r;: -il "-'*-' ,'il'1!g!3i'j{ ic i-:ri 1;rP;;';$)t fic jifr|r,', n"', :'c," :, : + f" ll /-' c:is 'tf ii i< ! ti t': i: :'.'! ain cLlntestlng l'1rl1iric-' filo. Ii liants f,llo. .:' i I i l.lii:i-ber i ,\rir-,un 1.Z,rN) , ,.vhi,:h tire iast I ,".. ,.tu* lr,i.a has Incorne- | snown in llruu- R.etrirn (!n been I Tax lP.uPecs) !3'" - 2ott I; t'o'Lw 7"7 ftzsszr-tl1= ftsrcn:r':-."*n*o<q:E{gr.l I z. I -r.-;.--ZT*^.1,^lnFv i -_N+ __ \ -'',*'--i-------rv,,Er=hi#a -iyA ,DL:pel.C':irt,can*"q.>flroii i:. I ...r _ ,-.4 .'i 1 J, iL il rihich c+gnlzance has ircell l_ i tesrtnpr.lon I ftii .- tts I , e- ;^.: lJ 'r tZli t\i i,; ir: f'c:l; ,t. ,i-l:r i1S '-'i ii it fr- ,/a'' t]* ---F' .1,', -- i -1 .-\: *, tt,. . !-;-:, - i>.,i-f ;ii,? z :-t.'--j'',' !!q]rS-, 1,.f1) ) - - nA i-' ui i 1 ?1 a< i) Jt -1 "er-" /.'t ctZci z-.i 'Ix'\/1--,lr c' L11 - '/,t i u JV i ,^ I :1,L-r,. I -, ,I,u ,, \,,'t S.z ,l I ^ i-^jL /4 tL P. - '\Z- \). L'L' . lt', ,f:o - iti.i;L li'p^3'1c,.*L i i i'it,,lt, 9U_1\.u tt,t ..4 i t {ryrv Vtv:F x.LrR X_LlE!___ jJ,e:ai]s ':. lf ilt',/e:;tlj-1i.i:l". r*. .-.i.-. |iI i I ip l'!S3. i'rrlia: ^ : ';' iavestrne:rt in anv f inanciai I ins'-rument in Post ofhce or lnc'i:ance | Comoari'ancl the amruni h . n'> l-N )LI I I i f-Trrl i Pe;sor,al II i..') " l allv i i ; Ccmpany,Trusietc.andctnei l-NlL- loar's/a<lr,ance glven li) fir'n -,,.+ir,,;^-i,,.1;".,., -- errtif pelson or i:lciuiing firn. ---^-* receiva'bles from debtors and ine amouni. i.i'! j iil amcunt) -i--fr iil i i I i, : i /D -NF+ _ itl i ] I -,nn'l.- I i L4otcr \rehicies/ Aircrafts i Y:rch:s / Ships (cieiails of N{al:e, R-egisiraii:n ItTo. etc. Year of Purchase and _tutL* -NIL* - i i-/vtL-i ii; lil I .jv4 -li iti l I iPct<sc1E "7L.a1 Svv, i!r*orAr< ijcoY'tI I r&D-cel &i r->auo is^---,<l i z|v'1 .''Jl -xfL- -)vfLI GaLD ) -,/ti i -lVfl-- 1,b,1 I ch as iraiue i oi -N) L -l I I I I t>! 7"Tti 3st.r-g L|" Lt- 3. Sr -.A/ 4 -- - -1:- -r lo: lL l-Wir"th.. irheri ted Pi:oPeri)' -l\l !L ^ r r.tA - ; ' L F:i -lr' ;lJ Kox.axa- @ Nbr4. LA -s -A/ o Locations(s) Srri-,rey number(s) i .fuea (Total ht1 I sq.ft.) irer_11 *NIL* r,v/____ . - E;rc;-l---_-ll-gs',{ i-,*,f - | --r*'ll-b"',.to;p-oochi:seincl.s;ois"r' ItA'a'ss i.-..i-,,.i.T,.nirrniiirianti'oyw,ry r-, , lr.tf iI /\'xCu j | i-vtr-I Lr\rr- fo i- '- li.inclucirg3p:r,ir:3i::si i-i.rr- i-.-,rji-i-X,ri.ocrli'',ni31 i rll ; i I i II i Ji.-i / rrr:^rir.r{s\ j.J !:1.:!)'t'-L\ i'/\)L- .'i.'::';I .rn: lnvesin:.cr,'cn ti+ lriceiri ,i, i f,'-'*\'\i l---r: Anr ; ' !'r.rs!us ;j l1 tr il-i1 1.,'1,L ._ !l 1l : Srrrr=ld ri':;i:ei i *AiJi-l-ri,t- , ).ir r- - i i i ! (]r.-nrer; v! I i -ri*- , ',-"1'- i i , i -lv,L* I Io.'it'r-ri,;r,'r-r,elri,scnst::lciionetc' i q',t. L.!p!,,,-',,i=.teC*rrentnark:i i i.,iil,. i -,vt.- iL/ i ii J- Su. F'f 1 Loa flieas-drement ii1 -NlL-- - Nlt-._ -NtL-- i-1,^'1 -lilL- :, * Vlr - \: *rrti " -vi!Li i - ' - I I --_--_-:l i \: ' *'::-:t,t l, ! .rt -!-'1 t:_ il' 5,Fnt i i,rr,i-r I ) [, tv l5rv A:;u> r '- I'i-: -1.j.?iltjrd-g- -.. I i I -.lx i :., r i,-,, ; 1,:;, "3r' .-,; ;1i 3:-i l'. r .i- - -\re ^,jr. -.1.J - L;1 t\. *- ji,- -.',t1L- i iri-[;i]i€i'.' l. 1i l.,A -xtf /,-| I I Cl i*N!/-- '*N! .-NIl - I tNiL* I I' i i - --,., r:1'1;r 1-:t-:.fi:l::fl i' " --F ': -f'|ll- --- I i* /\t ht eI | - I -rvlr-1 *tltL* i -;vi1 - l-),/lr-- i t, _xttt-- I I I| -1 zt.,^ I / i 4--r\ K b'l > I ^t-.rIt t\el- I - | -:V ,:i.i-"..;:'i''.':r.;'",;':g!r.lqr'/;hecieral.!selfiiahil!irie;/e]tlq:stcptlt;irefnaneiaIimsii1'-lrtict,lga-..:dG.r,*r. -{Sfti'f,t5;cl' :;":r";. *-1 .. - ".:r s;.;.,: r;.re eis:ri;its tr nanrr r:f Erilg ;nsi,ftfiuvrt'l56tDqPA$FgF\, ,' ; ' -,;-,:--'' t'\, i ": Fescriprion _l-----r \I l " -----J-euli-esssir'y+<tl^"Sd-mtrd,l"etz+:Nas4:r<?t4P)j _ s*rr i spouse{s) | nepenricnt-tr irr'i-ii------] l{ai.n'c qlf'lcan | Depencemt-Z i Depenritnpli --NI i-NtL- L_ NIL I 'fI g t a:l * a{ I I I F-,aen f */i I -N k- :-N/L-- i *r Cues ic anv individr:als I n$f-r' ofhei thac lrsendaned in (i) a'uove. h;arne {s) i _l ; i-,ttttt', r,.; i:",o:il tu Ferik,{Financia! I itstittitis'r.; isl ,'i;-:n: gf the ts.ank or F] limcur.t outstancling l -Ar *NIL* l4* *NI L* ri -& 'u: e, air^l.liii or:tstanriing ,fl i l,iature of loan i Anr- {ither Liabilifies I i Ci-',irn-npnt *{ iiEhilities a^sgl4 *N IL- -NfL_ -N rt- *NtL-i ealingr',,i+h i -NlL- -rtt/t-- -lvlL-NIL* I ^iir-- i -|,llt-- | -|/4- *l'( lL ht I / --Nr+* - xt).| _NA_ +*-F+l i i> -N 1L- =-NIL_ i it.t.oto.- Tix *j\tlL- D:r':s -Af t{- - *N t/-- *RttL- - f'l tLi -rVlz-i ^Ntt* I .rri:ei:11 T'i-L-{ }t-''':-' S,.,,." Tr:. I-':::': \lirnicicei i lrrunc;iv Tax | Diics -l=Al)-t----l:!l-I xe,t| Sili€S I il,\ L't isr Ar_y other l- cr:es -.+.r.".ro t::1"..:',' I I (7) Details oi prcfessi'oil otr oticixpation a.-<eir ..8./S.tN".edS - . z )v t . r'- I -Ltlt t" r ' - -NtL_NI L- - -A+tr-- a-;f i---{:l l*.*.zt l-Nrt - I lA&;*r,Ir,.t : .FN.r..X"*.px.ENEuR b. spcusc -N tt - i -/t t t l -Nit- ^t3+ -jn4 -t't'/r'- -N]L_ -r'/4 - _)'tR _ * xr! / I -Ai/Lo \ oBrA'NED ,tnt + 3rnq - *p'pEA/trtLED (A\ >oos- o 1) cBsq s-E^'otD'+P-Y -sLt:ooot (Fu=r]l**rf,;y, (b)cas E 5E,u, r,u s"io oe [r13r) 6 anZr ?tnr#,lttifiTi'u"[' 7.:1.y,,, 17 s c L (n,'' li Z'i''e' -, -.U*', ttt t= r, *' r t W tqlle +iX t 7,:ip,i i.frI 7 d; ;iru+Uf c st" ' - :..I'JA _Ni L * f Puez-'t \erevi'E @) I -)\ A - c U 'mn'iri*-"fl'",."'F['iI]'Jt??:::"x, ,,-,,!,?#..y,1}|,ffi.p-,i*f;1,.I-K,,*,r.rfnr#'r*r* the corrrse vres ccrlpletec''\ i].,:ine cf ,t,i ii-rc schor-,1 i C,:lleg,: / u;;.iversiry end the .vear in which ,r|,ll;. r1:.1-i ir i,. T r-i11 ]l{.TAiLS Cl-!'Ei-{ il'f i1i TO {3) :\'FGVF | 3t ; i-<-'-/- : tz'x Hr t --___-_-| rr Rcd o,!i)+-eal- k-LF-Ld-/j-4tc'tat tE.l^td. td. A_ lv4 ti l Zeti - 7ci .a :l /. fi as'a- / , -< i* + >TR{ oETr\ INEP jt:i:i,a.se Price and Dei,eicpinent Cost of irru:rci'abie ProPerrY (Total 52b.+2 aAK t*9 ll,lJ tl -l-t I L rrrrtl_- -NIt-- -sd *? r tt_Eu .-NIL- - N&- Ap;rc>:in:are Curent Ii4a:'ket Price of Asset iToiel 'i'alue) r Liabil!'-les 3e.r{i} {i) Gcve;:nirrent dues (Toiai) (ii) LftRI+9 L,oaas frorn Bank, -rvtL-l _rutt- Fin:.nciai instituticns and 8l'5?t *r / degree course) iGii,e <ietaiis of School / Uni'.rersity education with full form of the certificate / diploma p{ane cf the Sciiool / College / University and the year in which the course was completed.) VERIFICATION i, rire ciepcnenr above named, do hereby veri$ and ,Jeclare that the contents of this affidavit u." t u" and correct to the I further best of rny knou,ledge and belief; no part of it is false and nothing material has been concealed there from. ieciiue ihat (a) there is iio case of conviction or pending case against me other than those mentioned in trmes 3 -frct4 aFove ; : (b) I, rny spouse, or rny dependents do n_ot have any asset or liability, other than those mentione.4 a items { and 6 above. Verified atB this the .\ ',: uci Note 1 : ,r'] ii iii, t.!'" shouid J, "S.pJ"{yi /--' 4. ='( ',74 lun<in *e last caie.iri frling nominations, bv 3. before an %if Cbt-tssidner or Magistate of the First Class or be filled up and no column to be left blank. If there is no information to firmish in respect of any item, either "Nil" or "Not applicable", as the case may be, .sholtd be mentioned. The affidavit should be either flped or written legibly and neatly. Pc - 17.e, Grrr P--qc l.zrczlitr. - z-a l' ;.o".eC4'* ZE - t- 2-atl ,. 1,y \-,. An n sxll re \ , DETAILS OF MR. RAJEEV CHANDRASEKHAR 'ANK ->/ Bank Name TVpe of Account P 10140.55 Axis Bank c o I Amount (ln Rupees) Corporation Bank 3673516.00 I c Ing Vysya Bank 7 692.12 o I Oriental Bank of Commerce State Bank of India Fixed Deposit Corporation Bank 790745.00 3297s426.35 37459040.88 Eq Y.F r,r:r " - '.ii " *.n\? r)-':l.jUte -,f .,L\'a .r-. r .r!L a c.-. . '-L '..': '-i. -: l.i-.t \ ' .'' '.:':> 'l^-.*'/ , .:' a. An n exu re BANK DETAILS OF MRS. ANJU CHANDRASEKHAR Amount (ln Rupees) Bank Name TVpe of Account 1749457.00 Canara Bank F: d€ =(J 8836.00 Yes Bank 1.440408.00 Ing Vysya Bank TOTAL ?*$ -f E$T' FtFd'd r-s itd .t -.- l. 1 1 t :i\F'i0i? 3198701.00 ANNEXURE RAJEEV CHANDRASEKHAR Name and Address of the ComPanY ectra Consultancy Services Private Limited No. 54, Richmond Road Bangalore 560025 G NATURE Nature of Business of lnvestment ComPanY i nfrastructure Com PanY Minsk DeveloPers Private Limited No. 54, Richmond Road Bangalore 560025 I nfrastructure ComPanY Gardencity Plantations Private Limited . 54. Richmond Road Bangaiore 560025 I nfrastructure ComPanY oiter Global Infrastructure Private Limiied No. 54, Richmond Road Bangalore 560025 *t -' e:: '{ pr!'{'#-{*'tr "; c {. * reuS sl;-flF ' -'; ' '. i'l : - tfti,a{l-1,' '-'' " irt. .,.. -...:,.1....€, . ': - _j---'\. "' . Ai'i -, ' --o .1 ', , -,)....:li ': ii. ,i,, ' ^rfr'Q a $Ah ttJ\t' "l\r' Percentage of shares held o*;t#'"i'iil:Tffii1tr o;^#i 1. 'i:T"" oi t1e^1o..ffi;53gLoae t}" candidate Nridavit to !e- !qrn;sh9{ P{. fihi3ifr,i.*fb;: : Rnn ru ","".fl1i01'i':: ni*"il l: f fl"-:*'.?: . i, { t [F !?.Y r"::rr'.' .. I ^ about ....H.4. "Iaia^;" ; ; - f .fi : L .? ?3"" titu encv (name tt€ de .(.il r.v Q fiii. :' 5 ]l 5t n / da.r'ffi:e -'-,1 l4rrru , fr5.a'*rL"orou-o-@il* . of. qJ bnzi ^lf.g L - 'r:F.nUr!..K.?.4.Q.,.3..b.+.t)(K,.KQ'Kr'tn^"'. B.+.Qc<,.Kc, RAI"I t|N I2*^rl-AtAl2.herk ofJ!'1'''''q- 1 UL-1!.1.1. K resident B'niuh-'"ors6ogt, years. racit'lPT"lT nn oath n:th as aS on affirm/state soremnry hereby do election, above under :- r. for punishable with imprisonment offence(s) any of I m/am not accdsed twoyearsormoreinapend.ingcase(s)inwhichachar$e(s)has/havebeen competent jurisdiction' framed by the court(s) of Ifthedeponentisaccusedofanysuchoffence(s)heshallfurnishthe following information (i) : '-N+ No'/Nos Case/First informatj'on report District(s)"""'-Ai'4"'::"::'-il (ii) Police station(s) ':--A{'*"'--""" State(s) ' ":='tg'4' ':'::* (""''-=' ilii)Section(s)oftheconcernedAc,u(s)ancshortdescriptionofthe charged "-='''Y the candidate has been offence(s) for wh.ich (iv) (vl w'lt char$e(s) """'l-:':''"'." court(sJ which frameci the r-'ras/were framed '"" Date(s) on r'r-hich the char$e(s) -/v'; - (vi)Wlretheralloranyo[theproceecing(s)havebeenstayedbyan.i *' " -jl]' *!'k "' =-' jr-irisrliction''''' coinpetentof courtts) anv offence(s) orher than an of ccn"'ictec 2. I have been/ha'z€ rlo-r- bcen {'2)' at covercc ln 5'rrsub-section (i) of sub-secucr offence(s) referred to in I95i ('13 ci ^ r tne FcoPIe Act, ur Representatroi: tne of section (3), of section 8 for one year or rnore' imprisonrcenl to sentenced 1951) and oresaic' he shaLL fuillsh rf rhedeponentisccn'ict"o.+'-f"qff.r-*1,--E;\af \'\ /,/ : -.. .-"_ )!.\-! '"'.-" t ',t i , the foliowing infor-maiion -]'-'. --'t^ .'t,^ | ;'..-l , i ,' t . '". - ,' '.' ', -j, ,,,);_,, 'i. ='r: :r ':"--. '\, .:t' - . -. l. 'i-' ', ,' ^t); |- ,' '-;'. \l -.--= il ,.' :,,4! - ' .' ':.1 . .;'l ",t,-.' r-C!.v .-. C;.::,, l,:s - ^: ^io:=a.iior repo:i \:cr..,, !':rL. ^Dnlino '- c-erir*l^\ > ua,-r,,i-itSj li ; s . . .:. _=..i..1 r-7 DiStfiCtiS) Slt:e:.i I r-l ,Sf:ef:.,'lfc) -^rlr/ -f,!n :.vl nfiorof! ^- -^-vv(r/ ] l\/ |4 -D:ite[s] ol t,i { \'iJ n^nnp-na.i wjiicjl Lhe Actis) ancl shori cie_scri-nrlcr or ::e candida'.e has e\rer be ci: cnarge d -rtl:.ich ihe s-nrenceIs] uras / \\:eie pronounceci 14 \\'irether the sentencs(sl has/hai'e been stayeci brr anv corrrf[s) nf nnrntar anl _---.r _v_^rr Place .^: ur -1ra L1^* f)-l .rt i"-i^J.'^ri - -I q_ ^>uruLl(JIl L, t ,4 ..{2f1.{:.II I' u-.--l.L Signature of deponent IERTFICATION I' the above named deponent, do hereby r.erify and declare that the contents of this affidavit are trLre and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, no part of it is false and nothing material hasrleen concealed therein. verified at f:intre .u ,20 tL .\rtN.hft.|9R€...... this .......1.1'... ciay of ll lu4zdt-ka,---- Signature of deponent Note : The columns in this Form. may be struck off. ;; " ,) i' i!;, . '! : . : 'i ,-:':+ ::::llg' :.: -i:' e';:-, I l d>€dJ:: Sdft'tdd'. Pa, . ,t l / b i"iAli L !J [€. .. s+coae+, -i.:re\^-\ i i:; \:"i:' '. .t = 6 =7-E z' =', t -:.-::- :.:= =t ::t;::-::-:'-'-.{ ==<=1.: r' :';Q-')5- :'.:'\i ry v-fr r--_:'-'' t' : ;' t-1.-. : - =- id ,fi-'iti; Gsvernment of Karnataka =c # ecdri aarta txcgcd'acYaeE o?sQ *V. . -we.c, Reglstration and Stamps Department * E€cat4c^a?€di cF-dr*i c*d.ee ru$d:* This sheet can be used for any document ;p:d :=;; cC*-6-a +, Edg*- Ls ct ?.+', *l\cFrcd d:e*d;. Total stamp duty oaid Rs. Date of executicn ,.ii"ili",, for electjon to Rajva Sabha Lfhdar-it to be furrushed b,v the candrdetc bciote dre Rerurmng Ofhcer from I{arnataka Legislatir-e Assembll- cons[irucrl':t ' l, Rajccv ChandraselJrar, son oi.\ir Cclr. \LIi. Chandrasekhar, aged about -13 r'cers. residcnt abole clecrion' oi375, 13," \[ain lload,3'd B1ock, I{oran-rangele, lSangalore 56003'1, candidate at the clo hercbt- sol,emnl)'afhrm/statc on olrth as tittdcr:1n il of anv offcnce(s) purusl-reblc s'ith rmprisollrncnt for nr'''t \-etrs ur morc bv the c,urt(s) of compctcnt pcnch;re casc(s) in *'iirc6 a c6ergcir) hrs,/h:r-'-c 6ecn iramed 1. I anr lot accusecl ir-rrisclicuorr. offence(s; rctefl-ccl to 1n ilii-'thc lLeprescrrtattt)t] section(l) c>f sub-sccdon(3). or ctx-crccl irr sub-scctron(3), of section 8 of vcer ()l'nl()LL' onc [ttr of tl're PeoPle -\ct, 1951 (-13 ,'t- L,l5 I .rn.1 scrtrertcgti t,, un1'tris,,llmcnl ). I hlr-,: not bcen crlur-ictcd oi en oiience(s) otitc-- iltrrl liil' llr ' *.144-./,.-A-a-* Signatute of DePorreft tri.rcc 81,nf rlnfi LDRE Verification i.d1g2br)\-en,.rmedcicDt;ncnt.doherebr.l-crit.r-liri]clecilrretlrattheconteiltsoftlrisli|rdarit ilt:Lel' rnt-i b.:liei.,t,-t ;11r1r1.131-j1x3 ln,-i llltLt,)f i it rs ielsc :ii'J ;;L:e end ccrrect to tle 5351 of rn'' Ilo'r'l'e''ige natcrial h'.ts bcen concelleC lhel':lll. 'r-erit-ietl rt Ac r i-t u ,?r1;J t'-A l{ 'll. t-t'R€ rlli: - J ,'" ,,1-,.1, I t \4--.L_,rJ-a-_ '/. Signature of DePoneni I : F L' ' r.a, i -r 4 j,t,f 45. ' ..*..; -! aF].R -"--*:otcded *lCU'.-\.\' =Y,Ai"qF xJli. :i.:,:.3"i.i =il:-! arte #xq,Ed agoS r,Jr*: c-e. 2r- Registration and Stamps Department * edci-xi cc=d;de ai;edexil t*aiCoth*$d)dJ This sheet can be usecj fer any document cryf*Qz;d*€.o+ aGc.d Dale cf execuiicn *dcad 8-s*r E$]Grod d}q dF. Tctal stamp duty paid Fs. Before the Returmng Officer For election ro the Rajya Sabha from the Kzrnrataka Legislative Assembly constituencv. VERIFICATI ON AFFIDAVIT I, Rajeev Chandlasekhar, son of .\r-r' CdL. \I.I{. Chanclrasckhar, ased '18 vcars, residcnt oi .j15, 1.j'r'\larn,3"i Block, I{oramanqlla, Brnsalorc 56(l ()3-1. do hcrcbr- solcmnly allrm and declarc es fc>llorvs: -fhet I hlvc illccl mv n,rrtrirrtnon plpet(s) br dre rltor-c clcction. 2) '1'1-rli, in conncction u'idr mr crndiclature tcr the ubor-e election. I am subrnitung itel-es-tdl rhe irrformation. es aslied ior br- rhe lierurmng Offtcer, under Secrion 8 of thc l{epresentrtion oi rhc People -\ct, i951. in tl-rc pr-escnbed protormr. 3) l-hat th. rnformauon furnishcel in ilre cnclosed proiirrmt is truc ttt ihc bcst t-ri til, iin..r."r'le.lgc anC bcllcf enC thlr notHng inltcl:.il llris been conceilecl ihciefion:. li Plecc: iiingrilore Drrr,:: tt !U j/r '!a dI !'wrl?t 'Lt-la-7"-Uo '-)lr'\ /- L I./ ,r_ T'lpnnnen+ Verified belbre me n-' l ^1? a" -''.::/:: - t^--'--- :*.?vw-v- l:,' l;:q ::.^i - ---,--" &./_- I:+ dr* J c4u -9,w ! - l /- 1 --;i'.: =- :.:; -'= ri)5-01-2i)12 | \ ' ^1 w\:J:J- - ^ ^.-:*] ;;r;aa !t -.c :r-_.J- Fii; :^:t-i" "J i J^^) l ilro . i 6 oi;J-6;{r. :!a?J. {:;J-",l---^) tJ.a) ic : 151 s- =;91 ;r ,tt - iJ i-) ^1- r^-J :r irJ^ - i.i a^ ^2 . ') ii t^-\^r ^.!w-W r^^\^-JvwvW!* ^-- itJ*^rw vgr :J-J-f- t :J*.t 2J -1.L, .:o r^ wr.^Jw ^) I l-t \75 J:*:=' --1- c c. J* ! v,vl^:!\/ ^J.JI ilo- J^j i?vL- =?-?-J\ { ;w {rl,Jg v\/ iFr itww.wvinl' :"1 -18 J\\A-/\JJ9 f.e \J!-IJ 9vv^JUJ :{ i i .16{)9790 J 5; ie:; * ila l-r-0-r-20l2 J'-i.ii,&- il'*;v;eJ t.r-{):i-2{)i rJ:Jget 2 ir i)-l-ii)il :,:-;-Jv- ;'e ^-v;/u\-r;rJ'- -.-:r=-t t ^.*--^-., 7 =^ .: \ /) / ./.. / !X----',\ .-/ \J-Y \ e -F__ ^Y _ 5hf}sJ v w r I L') - u'''.?{ti.ffi:Jt-=ft " d; I i= :rcos:Yi- s{'Js'!t -o *'l r-=d ;:,:i;tc;ffiipiti-;:; r;::-;-^- =s.-:..': lil. ;:c.:: wwY.r-lejJv t--/-/ ^.:=.--^'^-J.-._._---:-.! :& wi:- I lv :LJ v 3. llS. \o. J6(J I 0,3)/\IS,\/2{)l I -l l\.r !,'rl (l()/ll I /? rt 1 ") 2 I'tioVISI O.\,\ I _ C t.ti..t' tF tcA.t'I_ Ihis is to cclili\ tl:lit Sitt'i Iiaicci ('irlrcir'.i:ci'hu:'. \lcnrL-.cl ol'Parliatlcnr- IiiLJ\a Sabili riire is cjlic irr tctile trtl lrlti .\prii. l0ll is cntiilcci l() r.t:1 iir (iorcln;r.rciri aic()nlu()datirrn. l:rccpt ihis ir6t5ip!. is tlLic \lcilbcr iis ircl't'ucL)t', i5 oi'lhi-. licureirrriili and thc iniirlrliarirrn lirrnisltcd br rhc alljctr atci-icie s lis ttn ciatc. Irinal ('crtillcuic ()i \i,. DLrcs t ill bc issucci aticr his rctiiellcut. i.lull:illjt'.hc saiii --. I t/ | .ar\ \ \ '' v/ (\I.K. KHA\) DiREC-i-Oi< -l-el:- 2J()-r-l{)-17