2013 Daffodil Days
2013 Daffodil Days
2013 Daffodil Days Winter blues have you down? Wish spring could be sprung early? Well, you’re in luck! To Order: Please fill out the form below and submit with payment to Gibson/Wagner in room 218. Checks should be made out to: American Cancer Society. Orders must be received by Tuesday, February 19, 2013. Delivery: Orders will be delivered on Tuesday, March 19, 2013. ABOUT THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY/HOW YOUR DONATIONS ARE SPENT The American Cancer Society funds groundbreaking research projects, provides support for those with cancer, their families and friends, works to prevent cancer through prevention, detection and education programs, and advocates for meaningful legislation in the fight against cancer. The American Cancer Society can answer your questions about cancer 24-hours a day, seven days a week at 1-800-ACS2345 and www.cancer.org. !"##$%&'()*+, 2+33/4)5$2+16$/3$%55'7 !"#$% !"##$%&'()*+,$-+,*'($./*)'01$$ 2013 Daffodil Days Order Form 2+33/4)5$2+16$/3$%55'78',1$-/9,01$:(/49*06$ * Name: _____________________________________________ !"##$%&'()*+,$-+,*'($./*)'01$$Homeroom: ____________ !"#$%&'()* 2+33/4)5$2+16$/3$%55'78',1$-/9,01$:(/49*06$ * Phone: _______________________________ Email: ____________________________ Items Bunch (10 flowers) L500,4*M1#1** Mini-Potted Daffodils A/225413-&'(@* * +%,-,*.,/"012"3*4/225413-* $56,*1#*./#4-*52*()* -0,6-7*28,-%*$"0*2856*0%,* !"#$%&'()* 21,34-*52*9/-%1#:05#* * Quantity Donation Total ;0/0,<** ! +%,-,*.,/"012"3*4/225413-* $10.00 $56,*1#*./#4-*52*()* -0,6-7*28,-%*$"0*2856*0%,* $12.00 21,34-*52*9/-%1#:05#* ;0/0,<** ! $15.00 =/-,*/#4*/** Vase and a Bunch +%,-,*C1.8/#0*E500,4* 4/1#0B*4/225413-*$56,* !"#$%&'(>* Boyds Bear and a Bunch * $25.00 E/$D/:,4*JFN*."3.-* L500,4*M1#1** ?5"8*@)((*A/225413*A/B-* 1#-14,*/*2513*I8/EE,4** A/225413-&'(@* C/-,*1-*./$D*.B*E5E"3/8* NH*E50K**O20,8*0%,B* Project Care $25.00 * 4,6/#4*/#4*10-*-16E31$10B* .35567*B5"*$/#*E3/#0* =/-,*/#4*/** +%,-,*C1.8/#0*E500,4* Project Care: a teddy bear is delivered to a child at Children’s 522,8-*C/815"-*B,/8*85"#4* 0%,-,*."3.-*/#4*I/0$%* Hospital of UPMC. 4/1#0B*4/225413-*$56,* !"#$%&'(>* "-,-*2856*/*$/#4B** %5E,*.3556*/:/1#*B,/8* * $10.00 E/$D/:,4*JFN*."3.-* $/#1-0,8*05*/*$/#43,* /20,8*B,/8< Gift! of Hope ?5"8*@)((*A/225413*A/B-* %534,8<**+%1-*$3,/87* 1#-14,*/*2513*I8/EE,4** Gift of Hope: a bunch of daffodils is delivered to a patient in a ,0$%,4F:3/--*C1#0/:,** C/-,*1-*./$D*.B*E5E"3/8* NH*E50K**O20,8*0%,B* local hospital. C/-,*1-*GH*0/33*I10%*/*JH* 4,6/#4*/#4*10-*-16E31$10B* .35567*B5"*$/#*E3/#0* 5E,#1#:*/#4*1-** 522,8-*C/815"-*B,/8*85"#4* 0%,-,*."3.-*/#4*I/0$%* Order Total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