HATCHCOVER the - Watergate Community Association
HATCHCOVER the - Watergate Community Association
the HATCHCOVER A publication of the Watergate Community Association BOARD OF DIRECTORS CANDIDATE FILING DEADLINE SEPTEMBER 2014 Volume 5, Edition 9 IN THIS ISSUE: The Annual Meeting of Members will be held on Monday, November 10 at 7:00 p.m. in the Clipper Club. Three seats are up in this year’s Board of Directors election. If you’re interested in running for the Board, please complete the “Candidates Filing Form” found in this issue of the Hatchcover. This form, also available in the WCA Office and on the WCA website, outlines the procedures, dates, and requirements for homeowners in good standing who are interested in running for the WCA Board of Directors. Clipper Club Movie Listing 2 Food Waste Recycling Pails 3 Coastal Clean Up 3 Boar Minutes July 2014 Meeting 4 The filing form must be submitted to the WCA Office at 8 Captain Drive, along with a brief resume and background statement from the candidate no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, September 26, 2014. Parking Policy Reminder 5 BE SURE TO VOTE IN THIS YEAR’S ELECTION! Fire Alarm Testing Schedule 6 Renewable Energy Options 6 Clipper Club Calendar - September 7 Interior Renovations Update 8 Watergate @ Ashby Village Updates 8 Watergate Crime Statistics 9 Classified Ads 9 A successful and viable community is generally one in which homeowners assume an informed and active role. The Board plays a critical role in the Association operations. The annual meeting and board elections give owners the opportunity to select and support the best representatives for their community. Each candidate provides a resume and statement that is included in the election packet. Owners are also invited to get to know this year’s candidates at Meet the Candidates night, being held on October 27, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at the Clipper Club. Watergate Community Association is not responsible for any published misprints, misrepresentation, errors or omissions in the Hatchcover newsletter. Advertisements placed in the Hatchcover should not be considered either product endorsement or service recommendation by the Watergate community, the community’s Association, or its representatives. Nothing stated in this newsletter should take precedence over any Association documents or State law. Even if you choose not to vote for a specific candidate, submission of your ballot for quorum purposes is essential. It’s very important for all homeowners in good standing to vote, assign a proxy, or submit a proxy for quorum to avoid the time-consuming and costly rescheduling of the annual meeting. ELECTION VOLUNTEERS NEEDED With the WCA Board of Directors Election quickly approaching the Association is seeking volunteers interested in participating in the election process and/or joining the Election Committee. The inspectors play a major role in ensuring the integrity of the voting process. Any homeowner in good standing interested in more information should contact the WCA Office at 510-428-0118. EMERYVILLE’S LEADING BROKERAGE! Your Key to East Bay Real Estate Movies are shown in the Clipper Club TV room every Tuesday at 3:00 pm and 7:30 pm unless otherwise noted. Movies and popcorn are provided free of charge courtesy of your Clipper Club staff. Please be aware that scheduled movies are subject to availability and substitutions may occur. For more information or to suggest a movie selection, please contact the Clipper Club at 510-654-4040. September 2: Noah Russell Crowe / Jennifer Connelly 137 min / Drama / PG-13 WATERGATE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION 8 Captain Drive Emeryville, CA 94608 OFFICE HOURS Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. OFFICE PHONE 510-428-0118 OFFICE FAX 510-428-0379 OFFICE EMAIL [email protected] WCA WEBSITE watergatehoa.com CLIPPER CLUB 5 Captain Drive 510-654-4040 TENNIS CLUB 2 Captain Drive 510-547-7577 SECURITY 4 Commodore Drive 24-hour phone: 510-772-5005 EMERYVILLE POLICE and FIRE EMERGENCY - 911 NON-EMERGENCY POLICE 510-596-3700 Crime Hotline (Anonymous) 510-596-3794 Graffiti Hotline 510-596-3773 NON-EMERGENCY FIRE 510-596-3750 EPD CRIME STATS crimereports.com 2 This ambitious adaptation of the story of Noah depicts the visions that led him to voice dire prophesies of apocalypse and to build an ark to survive. As he labors to save his family, Noah asks for help from a band of angels called the Watchers. September 9: Doppelganger Drew Barrymore / George Newbern 104 min / Crime Thriller / R Implicated in her mother's murder, sweet, shy Holly Gooding decides to leave New York City and start anew in Los Angeles. She rents a room from a writer, Patrick with whom she soon becomes involved romantically. Life seems to finally be taking a brighter turn -- until an alter-ego starts to haunt Holly's life and threaten her relationship with Patrick. But is the evil twin just a figment of Holly's imagination? September 16: Bad Words Jason Bateman / Rohan Chand 89 min / Comedy / R Blessed with a photographic memory but no high school education, Guy Trilby discovers that he's eligible to enter spelling bees intended for children. As Guy steamrolls his pre-teen competition, a journalist tries to find out what motivates him. September 23: Rob the Mob Michael Pitt / Nina Arianda 104 min / Drama / R Looking for easy money, a criminal couple sticks up New York City's top mobsters at their gun-free social clubs. In the process, the pair comes across a complete list of Mafia members -- and promptly becomes targets of the gangsters and the FBI. September 30: Heaven is for Real Greg Kinnear / Kelly Reilley 99 min / Drama / PG-13 Heaven Is for Real is the true story of the 4-year old son of a small-town Nebraska pastor who, during emergency surgery, slips from consciousness and enters heaven. When he awakes, he recounts his experiences on the other side. FOREIGN FILM NIGHT Clipper Club – 7:30 p.m. September 19, 2014: Gloria (Spain) Paulina Garcia / Sergio Hernandez 108 min / Drama / PG-13 A middle-aged divorcée looking to fill the void in her life sees an opportunity for a permanent relationship when she meets a charming former naval officer. But baggage from the past may derail their romance. FOOD WASTE RECYCLING PAILS Advertisement Food waste recycling pails are still available in the WCA Office for those interested in recycling their food scraps and containers. The pails, provided by the City of Emeryville and Waste Management, are free to all registered residents. You will need to provide your valid Watergate ID when picking up your pail. There is a limit of one pail per unit. Green food waste bins are now located next to the tan green waste bins in all garages, with the exception of the C Building, where it is located next to the white recycling bin. Please be sure to close the lid securely after dropping your food scraps into the food waste bin. This will help control odors, insects and other pests from becoming a problem. CITY OF EMERYVILLE COASTAL CLEAN UP SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 – 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon California Coastal Cleanup Day is an annual beach and inland waterway cleanup, and the state’s largest volunteer event. When combined with the International Coastal Cleanup, organized by Ocean Conservancy and taking place on the same day, California Coastal Cleanup Day becomes part of one of the largest volunteer events on the planet! It’s a great way for families, service groups and neighbors to join together, take care of our fragile marine environment, show community support for our shared natural resources, learn about the impacts of marine debris and how we can prevent it, and to have fun! To participate in Emeryville’s Coastal Cleanup, meet at 2333 Powell St. (next to the Fire Station), on Saturday September 20, at 9:00 a.m. The event lasts until about noon. To help minimize event waste, please bring your own collection bags or re-usable buckets, gloves and filled refillable water bottles and coffee mugs. Wear sturdy shoes, sunscreen and a hat, and be prepared for changing weather. Bring a garden “claw” digger to help dig up debris. To help with set-up or clean-up, or if you require an ADA reasonable accommodation to participate in this event, please contact Marcy Greenhut of the City of Emeryville at 510-596-3795 or [email protected]. Parking and a portable toilet will be accessible. Large and small groups are welcome. Volunteers will be treated to free refreshments and raffle prizes donated by local area businesses. GARETH M. FONG Real Estate Broker 510-655-8228 Call me for an appointment Serving the Watergate Community Since 1975 • • • • • • • Watergate resale experience since 1980 Member of Multiple Listing Service Honest and ethical representation Watergate condominium owner Member of California Association of Realtors Rental and management service available Representation outside Watergate TWO SAILS REALTY At WATERGATE DRE #00681533 Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow. ~Helen Keller Over 10 years as a Watergate owner 7 years as a residential Realtor Now working for one of the most recognized names in real estate around the world. With 7,100 offices in 75 Countries and Territories (Worldwide) Give me a call today and together, let’s figure out all of your options. Kevin Rooney cell—510-384-0442 CalBRE#01806169 www.kevinl.rooney.com m 2013 Century 21 Real Estate LLC. CENTURY 21 and the CENTURY 21 Logo are registered service marks owned by Century 21 Real Estate LLC. Equal Opportunity. Each office independently owned and operated Advertisement 3 “DRAFT” WCA BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING MINUTES July 21, 2014 I. Call to Order. President Tom Knight called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Directors present were Robert C. Blain, Doug Flock, Albert Repola and Neil Straus. Also present were General Manager Tim Sutherland. Assistant General Manager Jeff Kiel and Controller Lisa Trabert. Lubor Mrazek was absent. II. Reports/Announcements. Secretary’s Report. Before the meeting, the Board of Directors reviewed economic changes to the existing Teamsters #0665 labor contract, and voted to authorize Three Notices of Default and Election to Sell for APN’s 049-1528-298. 049-1528-153 and 049-1529-509. Secretary Straus reported that some email correspondence transpired since the previous board meeting, but no action was taken as a result of those emails. Treasurer’s Report. Treasurer Repola reported a favorable operating budget variance of $139,078 through 6/30/2014. Repola also reported an operating fund balance of $195,587 and a replacement fund balance of $5,505,408. The full report is available at the WCA office and watergatehoa.com. Manager’s Report. General Manager Sutherland reported the following: Common Utilities for June 2014: Electric +6.6 % (new lighting); Natural Gas -1.0%; Water -4.4 %. Election Committee volunteers are needed to coordinate the counting of registrations and ballots. Please contact Watergate office for more information. Food scrap recycling bins are located in each garage next to the tan green waste landscaping department bins except for C building which for now is located next to the white recycle bin. Lobby renovations are completed in E, C and A buildings with D building lobbies scheduled to be completed by the end of July 2014. Controller’s Report. Controller Lisa Trabert reported that as of June 30, 2014, fourteen accounts have been turned over to a collection agency for delinquent assessments. Four Notices of Delinquent Assessment and nine Notices of Default have been recorded against the subjected properties. Five owners of the delinquent accounts are making payments toward ongoing payment plans. Statements and Requests. Residents discussed water conservation, tennis court surface padding material and court color and finance. III. Consent Calendar. Approved by unanimous general consent: June 23, 2014 Board of Directors Regular Session Minutes ADP Payroll Services – 12 Month Agreement – 7/2014 through 7/2015 at a 1.5% Inc. IV. New Business. Directors and Offers Liability Insurance Pulled from Consent Calendar for Discussion by Secretary Straus in order to offer a comment that this insurance covers the Board for actions taken as a Board and not for individual directors acting outside the scope and authority of their duties as a Board. Straus moved, and Blain seconded, to approval the D & 0 renewal quote from Chubb for a premium of $4,404 for $1 million in coverage with a $10,000 retention for the period 8/12/2014 through 8/12/2015. Board Resolution to Record One Notice of Delinquent Assessment. Secretary Straus read the following resolution: “Resolved, the Board of Directors (“Board”) for Watergate Community Association authorizes 4 and instructs Allied Trustee Services to Record Four Notices of Delinquent Assessments (“Lien”) in the full amount of unpaid assessments, late charges, interest and collection fees and costs against the property bearing Assessor’s Parcel Number 049-1529-535 as authorized by Civil Code Sections 5650 and 5725 if such accounts have not been reinstated by the Notice of Intent to Lien expiration date.” Straus moved, and Blain seconded, to approve the aforementioned Notice of Delinquent Assessments. The motion was unanimously approved. Labor Agreement - Teamsters Local #0665. Straus moved and Blain seconded the Board of Directors approve economic changes to the current labor agreement with Teamster’s Local #0665 for the period April 1, 2014 through March 31, 2017. The motion was unanimously approved. VII. Upcoming Meetings. Executive Session and Regular Session August 18, 2014 VIII. Meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Neil Straus, Secretary WATERGATE PARKING POLICY REMINDER Please be reminded that parking on Watergate streets is available to registered residents whose vehicle displays a red parking permit on the left rear bumper of their car. Page 23, item 2 of the WCA Rule states, in part, “Vehicles belonging to residents and parked on WCA property must have a valid Watergate parking permit displayed on the left rear bumper of their vehicle.” In order to optimize what limited street parking is available to our residents, our Property Patrol Department continues to actively enforce vehicle registration and parking permit compliance. Unauthorized vehicles parked on Watergate streets are subject to be towed off site at the owner’s expense. In order to register a vehicle and obtain a parking permit sticker, you must have a valid WCA ID card and your vehicle must be registered through the DMV in your name. Permit stickers are not transferrable and are valid only for the vehicle the permit is registered to. New or additional vehicles must be registered separately. It’s the responsibility of the vehicle’s owner to contact Property Patrol to replace a sticker that has been removed, damaged, or is otherwise unreadable. Residents moving from one Watergate unit to another Watergate unit will also want to reregister their vehicles and provide their updated information. There is no temporary or guest parking on Watergate streets. It’s the responsibility of the unit owner to inform their tenants, and for residents to inform their guests, of these parking restrictions. Watergate is private property and there are signs posted throughout the complex indicating parking is by permit only. All cars towed off the property are done at the owner’s expense. To accommodate their guest’s need for parking, some residents allow them to park in their assigned garage parking space, while the Watergate resident parks their permitted car on the street for the duration of their guest’s visit. Guests may also find street parking along Powell Street, which is public property of the City of Emeryville. Support or service providers must check in at the Property Patrol office at 4 Commodore Drive. There is a vender log that must be completed every day that the provider parks at Watergate in order to avoid being towed off site at their expense. It is the responsibility of the resident to inform their provider of the Association’s service parking rules and procedure. THIS LOG IS NOT FOR GUEST PARKING. Unauthorized vehicles that are not properly registered, or are falsely logged in the register, are subject to immediate tow at the vehicle owner’s expense. Page 24, item 11 of the WCA Rules states, “The streets shall not be used to store any vehicles. After a period of five days, vehicles in violation of this rule will be towed at the owner’s expense.” Residents who use street parking for additional vehicles and who will be away for more than five days should complete a Resident Vacation form that indicates the outdoor space number where their vehicle is parked. Vacation forms are available at the Property Patrol office, the WCA office, and on our website at watergatehoa.com. 5 Watergate Community Association Board Candidate Filing Form 2014 - 2015 NAME ADDRESS OWNER OF UNIT NUMBER PHONE (Home) EMAIL I wish to declare my candidacy for a position on the Watergate Community Association Board of Directors. I have attached a brief resume of my background and a statement of my goals for Watergate. I also understand that verification of ownership will be completed by the Watergate Office and that members must be in good standing* to be a candidate for a position on the Board of Directors. ___________________________________ SIGNED ________________________ DATE *The Governing Documents (Bylaws, Article 4 Section 4.3) state the following: “Each Director must be an Owner who is not delinquent in the payment of any assessment levied against the Owner's Unit or any monthly assessment or fine. If any Director ceases to be an Owner, membership on the Board shall terminate immediately. In the event the Owner is a corporation or trust, the president of the corporation or the trustee of the trust may designate the person who will be eligible to serve as Director. Directors cannot have been convicted of a felony. They must be willing to do the following: a. fulfill the requirements of California laws regarding common interest developments; b. fulfill the requirements and enforce the Articles of Incorporation, the By-Laws and the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions of the Association, as amended from time to time, and the duly adopted rules of the Association; c. cooperate with the other Directors in a respectful manner in making decisions and resolving disputes.” Deadline for filing at the WCA Office is September 26, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. 8 Captain Drive, Emeryville, California 94608-1744 (510) 428-0118 • Fax (510) 428-0379 • watergatehoa.com RENEWABLE ENERGY OPTIONS AT WATERGATE There has been sustained interest in renewable energy options for Watergate over several years. As a result, the Watergate Citizens Energy Task Force was created in April to investigate the current state of renewable energy technology, and to correlate that with the current costs of operating Watergate’s common areas, including water consumption. OCTOBER FIRE ALARM TESTING SCHEDULE 2014 This year’s fire alarm testing is scheduled to take place October 7, 8, 9, 14, 15 and 16 and will require access to the following Watergate units only: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7 – A BUILDING, 2ND FLOOR WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8 – B BUILDING, 2ND FLOOR THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9 – C BUILDING, 3RD FLOOR TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14 – D BUILDING, 2ND FLOOR Who is on the Task Force? Some served on the Ad Hoc Renewable Energy Committee of 2008-2010 which, after much research, concluded that cost effective options did not yet exist. The others are residents who support renewable energy. You don’t need technical credentials to join -- only a sincere interest in contributing what you can, and being willing to work on one of the sub-groups of the Task Force, based on your experience. Douglas Flock ([email protected]), Task Force Chair, would be happy to hear from you if you would like to be part of the group. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15 – E BUILDING, 3RD FLOOR THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16 – F BUILDING, 3RD FLOOR State mandated testing of the speaker system and heat detector inside of these units requires someone be present on the day of testing to provide access to the unit. Detailed two week and 48-hour reminder notices will be sent to all affected unit owners, tenants, and known property managers. 6 The Task Force is not a formal committee of the Board. However, any recommendations from the Task Force will be communicated to the Board for its consideration. Meetings take place monthly on the Tuesday following the Watergate Board meetings at 7:00 p.m. at the Clipper Club. All residents are welcome and at each meeting there will be opportunity for members of the community to speak. September 2014 - Clipper Club Calendar Monday Sunday 1 Tuesday 2 7 8 7:30 pm Scrabble Club Thursday 4 5 6 6:30 pm Tai Chi Practice 7:30 pm Free Dance Session 2:00 pm Mah Jongg 7:30 pm Free Dance Session 10:00 am Universal Tai Chi Study 11:00 am Sensing Hands 10 11 12 13 11:00 am 3:00 pm and 6:30 pm Kundalini Yoga 6:15 pm ACC Meeting 6:30 pm Tai Chi Practice 7:30 pm Free Dance Session 10:00 am Landscape Committee 2:00 pm Mah Jongg 7:30 pm Free Dance Session 10:00 am Universal Tai Chi Study 11:00 am Sensing Hands 16 17 18 19 20 3:00 pm and 6:30 pm Kundalini Yoga 6:30 pm Tai Chi Practice 7:30 pm Free Dance Session TUESDAY MOVIE 3:00 pm and 7:30 pm “Doppelganger” Coffee and Conversation Watergate@Ashby Village 15 11:00 am Toastmasters 7:30 pm Scrabble Club Saturday 3:00 pm and 6:30 pm Kundalini Yoga 7:00 pm “Surfing For Life” Documentary TUESDAY MOVIE 3:00 pm and 7:30 pm “Noah” 9 14 Friday 3 7:30 pm Scrabble Club 11:00 am Toastmasters Wednesday TUESDAY MOVIE 3:00 pm and 7:30 pm “Bad Words” FOREIGN FILM NIGHT 7:30 pm “Gloria” (Spain)) 2:00 pm Mah Jongg 7:30 pm Free Dance Session 10:00 am Universal Tai Chi Study 11:00 am Sensing Hands (Anchor Club, 2nd floor) 21 22 11:00 am Toastmasters 7:30 pm Scrabble Club 23 7:00 pm WCA Board of Directors Meeting 28 29 11:00 am Toastmasters 7:30 pm Scrabble Club TUESDAY MOVIE 3:00 pm and 7:30 pm “Rob the Mob” 7:00 PM Watergate Citizens Energy Task Force Meeting 30 TUESDAY MOVIE 3:00 pm and 7:30 pm “Heaven is for Real” 24 25 26 27 3:00 pm and 6:30 pm Kundalini Yoga 6:30 pm Tai Chi Practice 7:30 pm Free Dance Session 2:00 pm Mah Jongg 7:30 pm Free Dance Session 10:00 am Universal Tai Chi Study 11:00 am Sensing Hands Board Candidates’ Filing Deadline – 5:00 pm Clipper Club Gym Hours Mon: 6:00 am - 9:30 am / 3:00 pm – 10:00 pm Tues, Wed, and Thurs: 6:00 am – 10:00 pm Fri: 6:00 am –11:00 pm Sat and Sun: 9:00 am – 10:00 pm Residents must present a valid Watergate ID card when using the gym Guests must be accompanied by a registered resident 7 The Clipper Club gym and the package room close at 9:45 pm Sunday through Thursday and at 10:45 pm on Friday INTERIOR RENOVATIONS UPDATE The Interior Renovation project has now progressed to the upstairs hallways of E Building. We are removing carpet, painting and putting up signage. After all three residential floors of E are completed, we will be starting on the fourth floor of C Building and working our way down, as will be the case in all subsequent buildings. Please note that as we move through the halls, all items must be removed from unit doors and door surrounds. Items left on doors, door frames or door surrounds will be removed and disposed of. Your continued cooperation is appreciated. WATERGATE@ASHBY VILLAGE UPCOMING EVENTS SURFING FOR LIFE Wednesday, September 3 – 7:00 p.m. – Clipper Club This is a vibrant and award-winning one-hour documentary about inspiring people, and it offers a totally fresh look at successful aging. It profiles ten legendary surfers who model healthy aging by staying active and engaged into their 7th, 8th and 9th decades. This remarkable documentary journey portrays the "sport of kings" as a uniquely powerful metaphor for passionate involvement and life's possibilities as we grow older, and it is an antidote to the negative images of aging presented in America's youth-obsessed culture. The showing of the film is a prelude to the discussion below. COFFEE AND CONVERSATION Tuesday, September 9 – 11:00 a.m. – Clipper Club Discussion of the film “Surf For Life” as inspiration for healthy aging. W@AV member Laura Rifkin, Faculty Emerita from the Recreation and Leisure Studies Dept. at San Francisco State University, is a nationally certified Recreation Therapist, with a Doctorate in Integral Philosophy and Transformative Adult Learning. She will lead us in a conversation looking at finding and sustaining experiences and perspectives that lead to a joyful and meaningful life as we age. Experiential exercises will be provided to help deepen the understanding of the role of leisure, play, and intrinsic motivation in creating a life well lived. Although it is recommended, it is not necessary to have seen the film in order to participate in this discussion. All residents are invited to join us for our presentations, which are planned by the Activities Committee of W@AV. Donations at the events are gratefully accepted to cover the expenses. Boyd’s Body & Auto Repair Complete Automotive Service Center Serving the East Bay for over 25 years Transmission Timing Belt Water Pump Engine Axle Brakes FREE ESTIMATES • all insurance welcome • frame straightening • computer precision color matching Advertisement 510-654-0425 1245 Powell Street, Emeryville, California 94608 8 WCA PROPERTY PATROL ACTIVITY July 2014 ARCHITECT OFFERS DESIGN COUNSELING - David Locicero, architect and Watergate property owner, offers Design Counseling sessions answering your questions and assessing your options. Learn more: DSLociceroarchitect.com or 415-342-2204 HOME CLEANING SERVICES - Regular cleanings – Windows - Moving - One time - A gift? - Chanda Phillips 510-520-9811 (We live here) PROFESSIONAL WRITER/EDITOR, Ph.D. - Fiction and nonfiction: novels, memoirs, autobiographies, screenplays, stories, stage plays, poetry, speeches, essays, and desktop publishing. Work in person or online, http://editor-writer.net. Contact Paul: [email protected] or 510-710-2249. MAINTENANCE – Handyman, home repair and remodeling – Reliable, free estimate, references available – Ira Goldman [email protected] or 917-868-0377 CARPET CLEANING - Highly effective teri-towel system; nontoxic, clean and dry in 1 to 2 hours! $100/hr, $75 minimum satisfaction guaranteed. “Many and sincere thanks for an excellent job cleaning my carpet.” L.B. Watergate resident. Call for estimate and appointment – mention Code W1109 – at 415-685-1422 – Jon, carpet cleaning tech since 2003 – The Carpet Muse (aka Red Rugs – see Yelp.com for reviews) and fellow Watergate resident COMPUTER REPAIR / CONSULTATION – Friendly, patient, $50/visit – PC/MAC/Smartphone, Software, Hardware, Network, all problems – Contact Jun 510-529-9568 HANDYMAN - Home repair and maintenance – Responsible, reliable, on time – References – Peter Cameron [email protected] 510-409-4429 COMPUTER REPAIR - Rentals, pc, mac, printers - DSL install, virus removal, all problems - Zoey 510-393-1540 DIANA GUITTARD, CNA - Caring, compassionate caregiver Dementia – Alzheimer’s - Drive to all appointments - Run errands - Cooking – Lite housekeeping - Live in or out - 16years’ experience - Excellent references 510-289-1417 AMAZING EFFECTS ON CHRONIC BACK & NECK PAINS – Treating the cause of disorders of all body by Osteopathic / CranioSacral Therapy – Holistic, comfortable touch – Mari 510725-7297 marihayama.com Property Patrol Director Dan Marchetti and the Watergate Property Patrol Department are dedicated to creating a safe and welcoming environment for Watergate residents. Rule enforcement questions can be discussed with Dan directly at 510-450-1721. Property Patrol Officers can also be contacted 24-hours a day at 510-772-5005 to observe, report, and document rules violations, property hazards, or other resident concerns. Please keep in mind that our Property Patrol Officers do not have police power or training. In the event of an urgent police, fire, or medical emergency, please first call 911. Property Patrol Activity Open Door Hazard Citizen Assist Animal Complaint Alarm Elevator Juvenile Complaint Misc. Investigation CC&R Violations Misc. Assignments Maintenance Reports Parking Violations Property Reports Vehicle Registration Vehicle Tow Casualty Reports Fire Fire Alarm Mail Delivery 1 2 5 0 1 0 12 7 305 8 58 2 28 4 0 0 2 53 The Hatchcover will no longer be reporting statistics involving crimes against persons or crimes against property in this section. Access to this information is readily available through the Emeryville Police Department’s Crime Reports website. Incidents reported to the police are updated regularly, providing recent activity and local crime statistics in an official and timely manner. Interested in advertising in the Hatchcover? To access this information, log on to crimereports.com and search Emeryville. Use of this website is free, and can be tailored to specific areas of interest. Users can access the information 24-hours a day, and personal settings can be customized to have public notices and crime alerts sent directly to your email or mobile device. Contact Debbie Tennell in the WCA Office at [email protected] or call 510-428-0118. For more information visit the Emeryville Police Department’s website at Emeryville.org. FREE COMPUTER ESTIMATE - FIX / TUTORING: PC-Macs, laptops, iPads - [email protected] 510-725-9470 9 Watergate Sales Company now is Wa t e r f r o n t Professional staging of your home, Professional videography of your listing, Publish your listing to 800+ websites: Because the right Agent makes all the difference in the world TM Listing Showcase: Pacific Park Plaza 2b/1.5bth 9th Floor Panoramic Hill & City View, lots of light! $559,000 William Sievers Delightful 2 Bedroom! 1 Captain Drive, $372,000 Priced to sell, 2 full baths! Hurry, this will not last! Robin Leineke Realtor CA BRE 00692528 Realtor CA BRE 01214440 (510) 917-2697 (510) 435-3838 FROM OUR SISTER OFFICE Updated Studio: 814 N. Delaware, San Mateo 2 bedroom / 2 bath: top floor! 930 Peninsula Watergate 1 BEDROOM STUNNING REMODEL: Enclosed balcony, & more! LISTED AT $284,400 Woody Clint Joseph Stein, President / Broker Realtor CA BRE 01235823 CA BRE 01337170 (510) 334-7425 (510) 332-0314 Wa t e r f r o n t 10 Commodore Drive, Emeryville, CA 94608: right on the waterfront! Realty World (Sales) (510) 654-8700 | www.rwwaterfront.com | Watergate Management (Rental Division) (510) 654-7666 Each Realty World Franchise is independently owned and operated Corp CA BRE 01943875. Equal Housing Opportunity. Equal Opportunity Employer. © 2013 Watergate Sales Inc.
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