SpokePiston March 10 RRR_MdW.pub


SpokePiston March 10 RRR_MdW.pub
Welcome to a new era! May this newsletter be as exciting as your expectations
of the new Committee and our new Clubhouse!
The following from Dave Swart, our recently elected Chairman:
“Firstly I must thank the committee for their confidence
in electing me to represent the Club as Chairman.
Sunday Rides - p 3
Bike Fest - p 7
Members’ Trips
Meet the Committee - p 4
Thank you Henri Heyns - p 5
Protect your Ears - p 7
Do you Know? - p 8
Spoke & Piston - p 8, 9
Chrissiesmeer - p 11
Tiny Marriner - p 11
Sabie GS Challenge - p 12
Lief & Leed - p 12
Such a lot has happened since the November/December edition of the S&P. Numerous Club
trips have taken place such as the trip to Namibia - by ship(!) as well as Club Sunday rides and
members doing rides and trips of their own.
In this short period the Club has experienced some tragedies with the death of a member
(Jamie Rossouw) and one member is still in hospital in a serious condition (Amanda Blom).
In both instances the riders were riding in their lanes doing nothing wrong.
Not only do we need to be aware of other road users/pedestrians but with the state of the
roads in some provinces we need to remember that the road condition can deteriorate literally
within seconds – often when moving from one province or area to another. Recently many
bikers had serious accidents in the popular Magaliesburg area due to potholes.
On the way home from the Buffalo Rally, Des Pistorius, legendary
for riding his Honda Gold Wing with his dog on the tank wherever
he goes, was involved in an accident in an area in the Eastern
Cape where they were busy with road works. He ended up in a
ditch and is in hospital with injuries. Tragically however, his friend
Denise Meyer was killed in the accident.
These are only some incidents that we are aware of and I have
used them to highlight the need to be extremely vigilant when on
our roads.
I also want to request members to keep Dani updated with a short report of trips or interesting
snippets you may have that she can use in the Spoke & Piston. It is always interesting to read
what other members are involved in and can often give ideas to others.
Please also use the Club forum as a place where trip reports and general discussion topics
can be posted (and please include lots of pictures).
… and lastly, please be safe when riding!”
Next issue:
June 2010
Baie dankie aan
Extreme Awards - p 13
almal wat bydraes
ingestuur het
en spesiale erkenning
aan dié wie se foto’s in
hierdie uitgawe
gebruik is.
- Red.
Upcoming Events - p 15
Spoke & Piston
Page 2
Volume 15 No 1 april 2010
Come ride with us!
January: Dullstroom
Normally every first Sunday
February: Soweto
of the month ‐ S & GS rides
March: Kosmos Run
Final arrangements on the
website & forum.
Die eerste Sondag-oggend Klubrit dié jaar het 14 motorfietse en 8 passasiers op die teerroete
gehad en 18 fietse op die GS-roete, almal oppad na Dullstroom. Johan Maree het die S-groep op
die ou pad via Bronkhorstspruit, Balmoral en Witbank en die agterpaaie na Middelburg geneem vir
“Coffee & More” en daarna na Dullstroom se Dunkeld via Stoffberg en Belfast. Johan se opsomming van Dunkeld Country Farm:
“Still an immaculate venue and the buffet in similar style. We just got seated after about 15mins from arrival when the GS guys
pulled in. Perfect timing! And we enjoyed each others' stories and tales - as we should.”
Drix Pretorius het die grondpad-roete-wat-nooit-teleurstel-nie geneem via Loskopdam - hier en daar het die modder, tipies van die
seisoen, ‘n paar ryers laat vasval maar die roete was uitstekend - oor die algemeen droog en ‘n perfekte dag om op die fietse te
wees! Die S’se en GS’se se saamkuier kan beslis nou en dan ‘n instelling word!
was nog altyd vir ons net 'n plek in die suide van Johannesburg. Ons hoor en lees van die plek en
weet daar woon baie mense, sommer ‘n paar miljoen. Die gedagte om ‘n Sondagrit na Soweto te
onderneem is met gemengde gevoelens ontvang, maar die meerderheid het die entoesiasme gedeel en
die reëlings het begin. Die uiteinde? ‘n Wonderlike geleentheid met sowat 29 fietse en vele passasiers op die S-rit via
Fordsburg, Soccer City en Orlando Towers na Lebo's Backpackers. Die rit deur Soweto was ‘n openbaring - hierdie is ‘n stad in
eie reg, met sy eie kultuur, vriendelike inwoners, teerstrate en warmte wat oral voelbaar is. Die ontbyt en gasvryheid by Lebo’s
was ’n belewenis. Die doemprofete het lekker uitgemis!”
Johan Maree
“A group of 18 riders, on nimble 650’s to the I-use-two-lanes-to-turn 1200 GS Adventures, turned their trusty steeds towards the
varied terrain between Randfontein and Soweto. There were sandy patches, a couple of muddy stretches, rocky areas, grassy
two-spoor tracks, pebble uphills and no less than three river crossings. Despite these experience-opportunities, it was an easy,
relaxed and enjoyable ride that made you forget that you were riding on the fringes of a major metropolis, and through the mining
areas that created it more than a century ago.
After working our way through some of the Soweto suburbs (where the residents were surprisingly friendly) we ended up at
Lebo’s where a hearty brunch & beer was enjoyed by everyone. It was amazing to see riders of every skill level conquering the
route and a special thumbs-up to the three ladies that showed the fairer sex doesn’t mind getting dirty!”
Marnus Pieters
Twenty-three riders started off at Atterbury Shell in the direction of the blooming Kosmos
flowers in the Delmas area on Wahl Fitzgerald’s first breakfast run as the S leader. Brunch
tables were set up at Que Sera and according to the happy faces and the positive feedback it
was another well organised ride! Well done Wahl!
Etienne Pieterse took the GS group (16 bikes of whom 3 lady riders) on “nice open dirt highways with the odd mud puddle here
and there to Secunda. Lunch at the Dros was great, with great company and lots of laughs.
The ride back was where the fun started … It is
impossible to convey the true ‘alien mud, kosmos & mielielande’ story in a few sentences!
The Ride Reports of all the Club
Sunday Rides are available on the
Forum ‐ ‐ ‐ Join us (again) next
Page 4
Spoke & Piston
A new Committee was elected by the members during the
Annual General Meeting in March.
Here a bit of background …
Chairman: Dave Swart
Dave started riding in April 2004 and joined the Club shortly
after. He sees himself as a Couch Potato sport fan, specifically rugby and cricket. He used to Scuba dive and feels he
need to get back into it. Dave is involved in sales since 1982
and says: “… after all, we are all salespeople.”
Comfortable on a GS as well as on his new RR1000S, like
many in the Club, Dave is always looking for an excuse to get
on his bike and share the riding pleasure!
Sekretaris en S-kaptein: Johan Maartens
“Ek en Ina is lede van 2006 af nadat ons die motorfiets
gekoop het. As ons nie op die motorfiets is nie, is ek ‘n
elektriese ingenieur / projekbestuurder by Siemens, ISO
9001:2000 ouditeur, ‘n PADI instrukteur, Tesourier van die
“Society for Automation, Instrumentation, Measurement &
was active on the forum even before then. I was born and
raised in Pretoria and still live here, so occasionally I need to
get out, and no better way to do that than taking a lekker bike
trip. My longest trip was around 4000km down south and my
shortest one ended near the Atterbury Shell!”
Treasurer: Etienne Pieterse
“I started riding a motorcycle in 2006 on my F650GS. For 12
months I did only tar, but then ventured onto gravel and as
they say there was no turning back. In 2009 I got myself a XChallenge to improve my off-road skills and I am loving life on
the BMX. In the future I am looking at getting a 1200GS for
the longer trips. I enjoy more technical riding and love sand
riding. I have a passion for South Africa and I believe that we
have the best country in the world for dual-sport riding. It’s my
goal to ride as much of this stunning country as possible!
I’m a financial manager at an international courier company.”
Regalia: Corlia Cilliers
Corlia het Stads- en Streeksbeplanning by die
Pukke geswot en dit is waar sy haar
aanstaande, Sias, ontmoet het. Hulle is baie
lief vir die buitelewe en het einde 2007 by die
Klub aangesluit. “Ek is ‘n konsultant oor ‘n wye
spektrum van velde, o.a. vir die onderverdeling van landbou-grond asook vir myne in
terme van omgewings; mynbeplanning en
sosiale aspekte. Ek en Sias is sedert ons
ontmoet het onafskeidbaar en ek sal selfs
agter op die motorfiets spring deur dik en dun
(of moet ons liewer sê deur modder of sand!).
Die saam-ry en saam-ervaar sal later net NOG
lekkerder raak wanneer ek self ry!
O, en in Oktober verander ek uiteindelik my
van na KOEN!”
Control” (SAIMC), op die ECSA werkgroep wat buitelandse
aansoeke vir lidmaatskap evalueer (die praktiese gedeelte) en
ek evalueer kursusse van maatskappye wat ingenieurs,
tegnici en tegnoloë wil oplei (“Continuous Personal
Development”), sodat die kursusgangers as professionele
mense by ECSA geregistreer kan bly.
Clubs Africa Representative: Deon Mattheys
Dan bied ek ook kursusse aan in Projek-bestuur, “Power
Systems Protection” en die Bybel. Dit is baie lekker om
houtwerk te doen, met ysters te werk en te sweis, klavier en
kitaar te speel, videos te maak van ons gesin en ons
kleinkinders en om Ina te bederf! Ons geniet dit ontsettend
baie om wildtuin toe te gaan en te kamp.”
“Ek het drie BMW's en ry van 1978 af motorfiets so dit is maar
my stokperdjie. Ek en Lynn is nou drie jaar lank klublede; ons
hou veral van die lang fietstoere waar die samesyn tussen
klublede regtig vorendag kom.”
GS Captain: Marnus Pieters
“I am married to Dulinda and have a 5-year old boy. During
the day I am an Operations Manager at an Insurance company, which is providing the funding for my bike riding passion. In addition to my dual-sport interests (recently written off
my R1200GS), I also have a G450X and an old but aggressive Yamaha YZ450F. I've joined the club late in 2007, but
Deon woon in Fourways en is ‘n 47-jarige Risiko Ingenieur. Hy
is getroud, het 3 kinders en 4 kleinseuns wat al klaar begin
motorfiets ry!
Communications: Dani du Preez
“I got my first bike in 2005, joined the Club shortly after and
serve on the committee since 2007. Teaching was my profession, but I now spend my energy on my own family (Marius &
3 daughters), cycling and of course on my 800GS! Other
things I love are travelling, scuba diving, windsurfing and our
three hunting dogs - and the Bulls. I don't know much about
computers, but the challenges keep me going!”
Spoke & Piston
PageNo 1 april 2010
Volume 15
Volume 15 No 1 april 2010
Dave Swart
Founder of The Spoke &
Piston, Honorary member,
Veteran and editor
for many years - - “Time marches on and it is now
opportune for me to say
goodbye . . . “
Henri at word during
December’s Club Night:
A number of ‘regulars’ went to the Buffalo Rally
in Mossel Bay again this year with
Mike Wright attending his first ‘Buff’!
Dorothy and I elected to take the easy route by
train to and from Beaufort West.
We arrived in Beaufort West at 4am. After a leisurely ride through Meiringspoort and Robinson Pass
we arrived at the campsite in Mossel Bay at 10h15.
There we met Deon and Basiliki who were already
keeping a campsite for us.
Geagte Voorsitter, Komiteelede,
Dames en Here,
Baie dankie vir die mooi woorde wat vanaand hier van my gesê is. ..
Please permit me to say a few things about myself, perhaps not
covered by die Chairman.
I have had a plus thing about motorcycles from an early age and have
been riding since my 16th year, 62 years in all. The bikes I could get
hold of as a scholar with a limited allowance were mostly fit only for the
scrap yard. We lived in Alberton then and the street running past our
backyard had a fairly steep downhill ending at a small spruit a few
blocks away. My one step brother, some 4 years my junior, also shared
my love for motorised two-wheelers and this affiliation proved to be
beneficial as we both could ride down the street and more often than
not, he could help me push the bike back home if it wouldn’t start.
What kind of bikes were available during those days? Obviously the war
years brought about a scarcity of everything, which meant that also
motorcycles were not in plentiful supply, at any price. German and
Italian machines as well as spares were obviously scarce and we had to
choose between bikes, mostly British and many of them two-strokers.
Oorspronklik was daar ‘n BMW Motorfietsklub net in Johannesburg en
moes ons vir die maandelikse gesellighede daarheen gaan. Gelukkig
was die verkeer gedurende daardie tyd nie so on-moontlik soos nou nie
en het ons as geesdriftiges nie geskroom om te ry vir die lekker daarvan
Mettertyd het die behoefte ontstaan om ons eie ding
hier te doen en met die voltooiing van Bavarian
Motorcycles, of ‘Bruce se plek’ in die vroeë 80’s,
soos hierdie gebou oorspronkik informeel na verwys
is, het die motorfietsklub-geesdrif behoorlik vlam
Oom Hen
Each year it seems to get busier and by Thursday
night the camp was very full. Next year we will
probably have to be there on Wednesday to get our
usual spot.
The usual bike revving took place and we even had
a ‘burnout’ – not the usual type though.
One guy’s bike actually caught fire! – in the event of
this happening remember not to use alcohol to try
and put out the flames!
None of our members won the main prize
but at least a good time was had.
Ek het die eer gehad om daardie tyd al betrokke te wees met nuusbriefaktiwiteite, die eerste blad het in 1980 verskyn.
But, as the saying goes, time marches on and it is now opportune for
me to say goodbye, not as an honorary Club member, but as editor of
our own newsletter, Spoke & Piston. The question of a replacement
immediately arises but here I have no hesitation in recommending
Daniela du Preez, fondly referred to as Dani, to be appointed in this
position. Please don't forget that the Editor position is for ‘mahala’ and
take up more time and effort, requiring serious and continuous input to
perform successfully ....
Last but not least is my wish that you, ladies en gentlemen, will support
the Club in a manner commensurate with its objective, namely that of
helping to provide safe and enjoyable motorcycling activities for all
members and visitors in an interesting and professional manner.
Terloops, moet asseblief nie dink dat julle nou die einde van my sien
nie. Die erelidmaatskap is vir my baie waardevol en ek onderneem
hiermee plegtig om die Klub by te staan as en wanneer dit van my
verlang word. As dit nodig blyk te wees druk net op my nommer!
Baie dankie vir u aandag en lekker ry en kuier vorentoe!
(Departure message slightly abbreviated.)
We even met up with Tom (Swiss) and Nina
(German) who are travelling through Africa on their
GSA. Follow their ride here: tomsride.net or
All too soon it was over and everyone
headed home via their different routes.
Thanks to all who attended
for the good company and memories!
Spoke & Piston
Daleen Dudley
“I was extremely anxious to start riding off-road when I first
got my bike but I soon started overcoming those fears as I
got more confident. I was quite nervous before our first offroad trip with the Club, not wanting to hold up the group but I
soon learned this wasn’t necessary. The Club trips are all
about assisting one another, offering advice and making sure
everybody enjoys the trip. I enjoyed it tremendously and tar
roads were suddenly just not as exciting anymore!
Riding off-road requires quite different skills to make the bike
go where you want to and get it through mud, sand, over
rocks and all kinds of other obstacles. For me, dirt passes
like ‘Die Hel’ with its tight corners, are very addictive and to
ride them is absolutely exhilarating!
Our planned
road trip had
to include a
number of dirt
roads and dirt
passes to feed
this addiction.
Our trip took
us from Pretoria
Cape Agulhas Lighthouse
Hartenbos in
the Western Cape and touring back through the Eastern Cape
and Eastern Free State. We went to visit Cape Agulhas for
our extreme award, on a route with stunning dirt highways
with lots of wild animals and birds next to the road. We also
got the chance to cross the Breë River with the pont at Malgas
– a quite unusual experience.
We left Hartenbos after Christmas and started the rest of the
trip riding amazing dirt passes, from George on the old road to
Knysna through 7 dirt passes to the Prince Alfred Pass on the
other side of Knysna. We went to Port Elizabeth, and then via
Grahamstown to mystic and beautiful Hogsback where we
spent two days resting and exploring.
We carried on to Maclear via a highly technical Michel’s Pass
outside Hogsback. The road from Maclear took us to Rhodes
over the very picturesque Naudé’s neck dirt pass with its lush
green vegetation and breathtaking views. From there we went
to Zastron for a quiet New Year’s Eve. We started off 2010
Des en sy Boswell
“I have saved the
bone breaking
for my old age.”
Op 75 is die motorfietsryer van Durban,
Des Pistorius, een
van die mees bekende gesigte op die pad
en by rallies. 2Wheels se Maart-uitgawe
skryf hoe ongelukvry die eerste helfte van
Des se motorfietslewe was, maar soos hy
ouer word, het dinge begin verander. Hy
vertel van sy 1982 Honda Gold Wing wat
hy destyds vir R2600 gekoop het en
waarmee hy vandag nog ry. Hy het meer
Page 6
Martin & Daleen became members of the Club in 2009 and have
already joined in several Club rides and trips - Share their
December adventure and Daleen’s positive off-road attitude . . .
travelling through a very green and scenic Eastern Free State
to Clarens, with the golden wheat fields with all their patterns,
green corn fields and tall poplar trees - any photographer’s
dream! From Clarens it was back to Pretoria and after 4300km
we were back home again.
This trip was all about getting away from the stress and hustles
of the year. Even though we were on separate bikes, the trip
still brought us closer as we shared the amazing scenery and
the joy of overcoming some difficult and technical sections.
There is nothing like the thrill of overcoming an
unexpected difficult stretch, and then to be able
to share it with someone special.
For me riding off-road is all about discovering real ‘off-thebeaten-track’ places and riding roads where I can not go with
my car. The best of all is the tranquillity you get on some of the
less travelled routes. We sometimes travelled for hours without
seeing another vehicle! Great stuff!
One of the
best things of
a road trip like
this, is that
you can really
let your hair
down and just
be you, without the masks
we hide behind at work
Prince Alfred Pass
and in society.
That however
doesn’t mean it has to be back to basics with only the absolute
necessities. You can still take the creams, oils, paints and perfume that make us women and make us feel special.
“Yes, you do get dirty, but overcoming the obstacles,
especially as a woman, makes you feel so much stronger
and somehow more feminine.”
This trip was everything I could wish for – the early morning
smell of the Karoo bossies, fields of wild flowers, lots of animals, stunning scenery, excellent food, discovering new places, great company and best of all –
shared riding pleasure!”
as 1 140 000km op die klok gehad voor- opera en werk graag self aan sy fietse.
dat hy ‘n paar weke gelede oppad terug Ons wens Des baie sterkte toe en ‘n
vanaf die Buffalo Rally in Mosselbaai, volkome herstel na sy ongeluk!
naby PE geval het en o.a. sy heup gebreek het. Hy het beheer verloor nadat sy
Gold Wing se voetstuk die teerpad op ’n
padwerk-seksie getref het. Boswell was
Voordat Boswell in 2005 by hom opgedaag het, was dit Widget wat ±100 rallies en byeenkomste saam met hom, voor
op die tenk, bygewoon het. Buiten motorfietsry en sy hondjie, is Des ook baie lief vir
Volume 15 No 1 april 2010
Members’ feedback
An anxious phenomenon is developing:
In the world of motorcyclists it is becoming more and more known of
victims who’s hearing loss is due to their favourite sport.
The motorcyclist is beginning to realise that their hearing has to be
protected. People who ride a motorcycle regularly are running the risk
of hearing loss. Official measurements show that the safe limits are
being overtaken very quickly.
This custom made hearing protector is made
from 50 Shore Silicon material. It is appreciated for its composition and wearing comfort
under most styles of helmet. This hearing protector is equipped with a selective filter.
The sound of the motorcycle isn’t the biggest
For this target group problem, but mostly the rush of the wind near
Noise Clipper offers the helmet causes high noise levels.
The noise pressure is ± 90 dB by 80 km/hour,
± 94 dB by 100 km/hour, ± 98 dB by 120 km/
hour and by a speed of 140 km/hour it can rise
up to 102 dB. The noise level during a ride depends also on the type of
the motorcycle and the type of helmet.
the V-Sil MOTO
Our motto: You better prevent than heal.
Hearing loss is a creeping process.
More info: www.noiseclipper.co.za
Bavarian East Motorcycles is 1 year old!
Feels like just the other day when the dealership in
Hans Strijdom Drive was launched!
Simon Pilfold (Dealer Principal) and his staff would like to thank the
BMW Motorcycle Club Pretoria and its members for supporting
Bavarian East Motorcycles since its opening in March 2009.
Simon stated that Bavarian East Motorcycles has shown positive
results over the past year despite opening in a recession. The business is going from strength to strength every month and he and his
team are looking forward to a bright future.
McCoy Dundas (Motorcycle Sales Executive), Simon Pilfold (Dealer
Principal), Roger Faulkner-Smith and Eric Teixeira (Directors).
Johan Toerien: “I was somewhat concerned to go to
Oudtshoorn as I have never covered
such a long distance on the bike. I registered in January and was really looking forward to the weekend, with a bit
of respect for the distance. Our group
consisted of 5 bikes and a pillion. Richard Hussey was the ride leader and we
had a pleasant ride to Colesberg. Dinner was great and the affordable prices for both food and drinks was a
pleasant surprise.
The next morning we left Colesberg for Oudtshoorn
and en route we encountered many bikers on their
way to the Buff in Mossel Bay. It amazes me to find
bikers riding high speeds with hardly any riding gear,
however, its their choice…
We were welcomed in Oudtshoorn in sweltering
heat, although the locals reminded me that the 36°
was quite cool as it was 46° the previous week!
The Bike Fest was well organised; many thanks
to all involved in organising a great weekend.
I tremendously enjoyed the opportunity to experience
the hospitality of Oudtshoorn, the opportunity to
spend a weekend with fellow Beemer passionates
from across Southern Africa, and the scenic routes…
and… I have overcome my respect for long distance
Pieter de Koker: “The 2010
Bike Fest was held at the
Kleinplaas Resort, which lies on
the Northern edge of
Oudtshoorn. The event was limited to 500 people and was already fully booked a month in
advance - About 30 Club members were lucky
enough to participate!
Upon registration we received an interesting welcome pack full of small gifts and information.
I joined a group of 6 bikes on the Saturday on a GS
ride via Follies Pass and Prince Alfred’s Pass to Plettenberg Bay. We returned to Oudtshoorn via the
spectacular Seven passes road and the very scenic
Montagu Pass.
On the Sunday we had another lovely ride to
Gamkaskloof en route to Prince Albert and back to
Oudtshoorn via Meiringspoort.
A lovely carnival atmosphere was created at Sunday
evening’s function held at Moooi@Jamstreet, a dairy
farm transformed into an art gallery.
The event will be hosted in Oudtshoorn
again in 2011. Do not miss it!”
Geoff Bateman: “..This long weekend was so well
organised, from the various routes and options to
travel to the local fare .. not forgetting Saturday evenings gathering at Kleinplaas .. with much laughter,
humour and music in true KKNK spirit!
The accommodation at Protea Riempie Estate was
very comfortable and the swimming pool an absolute
blessing at the end of each day’s ride! Thanks to all
concerned for an enjoyable weekend amongst like
minded friends.”
Spoke & Piston
Page 8
* Do you know your bike’s clutch?
* How and when do you clean
your bike’s chain?
There are two general categories of clutches in power sports * Looking after your chain
applications. One operates partially immersed in oil (wet-clutch) Along with oil changes and tyre maintenance, keeping your
while the other has no contact with a fluid at all (dry-clutch).
bike’s chain in a good condition is a crucial part of safe riding.
Whether you prefer white, thick and sticky chain lube or the
clear, thin and oily formulations, the important thing is to mainAll BMW motorcycles except the G650, F800 and new
tain the chain, clean it and lubricate it, and you'll get a longer life
K1200/1300 models have dry clutches.
out of it.
The G650, F800 and new K-Model BMW motorcycles
all have a wet clutch similar to
most non-BMW model motorcycles.
* What is the best way to clean a motorcycle chain?
Kerosene and a brush are the best, but kerosene is smelly,
A dry-clutch configuration is common on older Harley-Davidson doesn't come in a spray can and it isn't something that's normalbikes as well as some models of BMW and Ducati. The wet- ly in the home garage.
clutch configuration is by far the most widely-used and is com* WD-40
mon on Japanese motorcycles and manually shifted ATV’s.
In a wet-clutch design, the oil acts as a heat transfer medium, WD-40 (WD stands for Water Displacement) will displace the
reducing the overall operating temperature of the clutch assem- water in all the hard to get places in your bike’s chain, but it’s
bly. By reducing operating temperatures, the formation of var- important to use a good lubricant afterwards.
nish and lacquer on the clutch plates is minimized. When varnish and lacquer deposits form, it changes the frictional characteristics of the plates, promoting slippage and increased heat.
This effect can result in more rapid deposit formation and the
potential for plate distortion. The fluid in a wet-clutch acts like
the water used with wet sandpaper, minimizing the build-up of
wear debris on the frictional plates. The oil also provides lubricity to components and wear areas within the clutch, such as
bearings and the points of contact between the outer tabs of the
frictional plates and the clutch basket. Wet-clutches generally
last longer and provide more consistent operational performance because they operate at a more consistent temperature.
http: //www. syntheticwarehouse. com
* When is the best time to clean the chain?
It is best done when you return home from your ride while the
chain is still warm. Spinning the back tyre will ensure that the
rest of the chain is lubricated when it comes into contact with
the sprocket and pinion. Put your bike on the centre stand,
(make sure the rear tyre runs free), engage first gear and spray
the lubricant or wax on the chain. Be careful not to spill on the
wheel or tyre.
If your chain is very dirty after a long ride on a dirt road, leave it
overnight and brush the dry crud off with a small steel wire
brush the next morning. If you do want to clean it with a solvent
do not use petrol as this dries out the small rubber O-rings in the
chain. Use oil based commercial chain cleaners, kerosene or
diesel fuel.
(Continued on page 9 → )
Johan Maartens
Volume 15 No 1 april 2010
Exhibitions, Stalls, Free Style Moto X, Brian Capper trick bike riding, scooter track,
entertainment for children,
mini quad track, etc.
Adults: R50 / Kids under 12: Free
Free Motorcycle Parking
Do you know? A BMW Enduro helmet can easily
roll down 20 meters of stairs to go for a swim in the
Kaaimans River, if not placed
securely on the bridge plaque…
Ask Mud-Pooh-bah how.
* Is your bike water or air cooled?
* Boot marks
Some people use oven cleaner (cold version on cold pipes) to
remove boot marks from chrome exhaust pipes. Make sure not
to use powerful solvents on paint or chrome.
* Is your bike water cooled?
Careful when taking your water cooled bike through thick mud. * Oil checks
The mud can be thrown up against the radiator where it dries
thus preventing proper air flow. Oh and do not simply add water The oil should not be inspected cold and is therefore best done
when you stop for fuel. Do not screw a threaded dipstick in
but a mixture of antifreeze and water!
when taking a reading.
More tips
* Wash your bike in a shady spot… and ride your bike.
The sun can create temperature differentials that harm paint
and allow water to leave spots. If you have spoked wheels with
tubes ensure that you ride the bike after the wash to evaporate
any water that may have forced its way inside the rims. This
avoids rust where the spokes penetrates the rim.
* Batteries
If you drop your bike then battery acid sometimes leaks out and
begins to corrode anything in the immediate area. Therefore
always check this area very carefully for acid damage if your
pride and joy does end up on the deck for a few moments or
Kim Ireland
& Vasthi
Page 10
Spoke & Piston
Zambesi Motorrad
Montana, Pretoria
Corner Zambesi Drive
and Breedt Street
E28 270 45
S25 681 84
Your other
BMW Dealer
012 523 3600
[email protected]
Volume 15 No 1 april 2010
Johan Maartens
due to the unique cellular arrangement in each wool fibre!
The Saturday night we were taught how to listen to the frogs:
You cup your hand behind your ears and this amplifies the
sound incredibly! We could distinguish different frogs. One of
them is called the “blikslanertjie – Common Caco”.
Chrissiesmeer is one of the best kept secrets in Mpumalanga.
Johan Maartens guided seven bikes to the Carolina area over
the first weekend in March . . . Clearly a weekend trip to repeat
in future and a little town not to underestimate...
We need to go back in order to participate in the frog hunt and
even do the GS trail at Holnek in order to see the kudu,
gemsbok, zebra, blesbuck, springbuck, eland, hartebeest,
waterbuck, etc.
When we arrived at Chrissiesmeer, some of us just had to get
some 100% wool fill duvets. Unfortunately the shop was closed
but when our host phoned them, they willingly came in to open
the shop for us. There was a lot of laughter and joking as
everybody tried to get their new prize possessions stored
somewhere on/in the bikes! Sorry, no credit cards – but the
wonderful owner of McClouds made the necessary arrangements and we could pay on Monday!
On Sunday as we left we turned in to the graveyard at
Chrissiesmeer to see the grave of Arthur William Swanston.
This lieutenant died on 10 October 1900 while trying to save
Private J. Garlick during the Anglo-Boer war.
His fiancée in Scotland sent flowers to the postmaster at
Chrissiesmeer for 65 years after the war for him to put on
Arhtur’s grave. The Post Office as well as the Primary School
made a special occasion out of this and cared for the grave
Then some of us tried to get fuel in Chrissiesmeer –
and had the annual ceremony of putting the flowers on the
Sorry, only cash. Eish!
grave. The people of Chrissiesmeer still honour this love story
Why is it unique? Wool is a natural fibre and therefore it by putting wild flowers on the grave at every wild flower day.
regulates the body temperature. It is cooler in summer and
We felt small as we got back on the big bikes,
warmer in winter, it is also hypoallergenic and ultra light. Wool
leaving behind a town that looks small and poor
can absorb up to 30% of its own weight without feeling damp
from the outside, but is big and rich on the inside!
On Sunday, 7 February 2010
two of our new members,
Sue and Dion de Beer,
attended a special event at the
Deneysville Historic Bike Museum.
Sue’s father, Tiny Marriner, a well known 1960
– 1970’s South African motorcycling racing
champion was requested by the Deneysville
Historic Bike Museum to sign their two “Walls of
The first picture is of Tiny signing the “Jim Redman” wall. This wall is to commemorate the
greats of South African Motorcycle racing.
The second photo is of Tiny signing the TT
wall. This wall commemorates all South Africans who participated in the “Isle of Man TT”
Tiny earned his Springbok colours for motorcycle racing in 1963 and is flanked in the pictures by owner of the museum, Geo Marnewick
and the museum’s curator John Boswell.
Tiny was quite amused when he was asked to
donate his old racing boots to the museum!
Tiny Marriner, father of Sue de Beer - one of our members,
signing the ‘Jim Redman’ and the ‘TT’ Wall of Fame
in the Deneysville Historic Bike Museum earlier this year.
Page 12
Spoke & Piston
We think of you, Amanda!
Amanda was in a serious accident just outside Fouriesburg
end of February after a weekend away on her BMW.
We’re happy to report that despite serious head and face injuries, Amanda
is getting better, although the road to recovery is not without pain and
intense emotional moments.
Herewith an extract from the website run by Mirvan,
a friend and colleague of Amanda:
“A pedestrian (apparently intoxicated) walked into the road right in front of
her. Amanda could not avoid him. After she hit him hard, the bike became
airborne and Amanda collided with both the pedestrian and then her own
motorcycle. The bike caught fire and burnt while her husband and friends
rushed to help her. Fortunately, there were doctors in the group of motorAmanda & Nico Blom
cyclists and they attended to her well before emergency services arrived.
She was eventually evacuated to the Eugene Marais Hospital.
Her progress in recovery is slow but consistent. After a month in ICU, she has been moved into a High Care ward. This means
that she is now so stable that she no longer needs to be kept under constant supervision, but regular supervision is sufficient.
She is responding well to attention, but does not communicate well in any conversation. Nico is happy that she responds
coherently to specific questions and statements. She moves her limbs freely now and moves around in bed to reposition
herself - all good indications of her awareness of her surroundings and her ability to react.” http://amandablom.shutterfly.com
And Willie …
All our sympathy to Willie le Hanie who recently lost his wife, Dedre.
5th Annual Sabie GS Challenge
Quite a few of our members attended this year’s
weekend event in Sabie
earlier in March.
“Gonna do a Sunday
breakfast run to Ludwig’s Rose farm ...
Tents were set up between
the trees on the banks of
the Sabie River and riders
could enjoy their bikes to
the fullest on green, red
and black routes.
The weekend’s program
consisted of (among other
things) forest rides, river
crossings, a hare scramble
and of course the Skills
Bruno Bonotto (top & left),
competed for the first time
in the Skills Challenge and
walked away with the 2nd
prize! Eddie Immelman,
last year’s winner, was
Bruno & Eddie!
More than 30 bikes, despite rain and
strong winds, joined an informal
Valentine’s Day Ride & Lunch.
Sue Coetzee’s post on the forum where
she invited members and friends to join a
ride and Cupid Breakfast on 14 February
showed the power the forum can have.
Ludwig’s Rose Farm
turned out to be an excellent venue
for a special romantic day out.
Thank you Sue for the initiative and the
planning! It seems the scene is set for an
annual occasion of this kind!?
Volume 15 No 1 april 2010
Deon Gericke
Johann Strauss
Günther Meyer
André Beneke
Peet Beneke
Bill Lance
Billy Thomas
Roland Malan
André Botha
Brian Cannoo
Dave Peach
Dave Rothmann
Elsebè Myburgh
Chris Booysen
Dennis Barry
André Gouws
Hennie Martens
Bruno Gila
Gary Kayat
Ronny Davidson
Peter Kirchner
Wouter Coetzer
Marius du Preez
Daniela du Preez
Pierre Rousseau
Wahl Fitzgerald
Richard Hussey
Peter Fuhri
Gert Steyn
Christo Engelbrecht
The first ‘Extreme Trips’ were made in 2003…
and see how the list has grown!
49 Gold & 51 Silver awards were made up to date!
Joubert Bosman
Nico Blom
Amanda Blom
Tinus Tredoux
Jakes Jacobs
Andre Botha
Fritz Pistorius
Piet Snyman
Gerrit du Toit
Alta du Toit
now available!
Basiliki Gericke
Marisabel Strauss
Tanya Schönfeldt
Hentie Oostendurp
Mary Martens
Charné Kemp
Jane Engelbrecht
Hilde Pistorius
Adri Snyman
Erick van Zyl
Johan Botes
Pieter de Koker
Adriaan Scheepers
Richard Richter
Wayne Clarke
Dawie Cloete
Mike Hennessy
Charl du Preez
Etienne van der Stock
Charles Haumann
Willie Coetzer
Wouter Coetzer
Lauritz Hansen
Renier Jordaan
Colin King
Dave Swart
Dorothy Prinsloo
Hennie Pretorius
Hennie Martens
Faan Geyser
Gerrit Geyser
Johan Maree
Fritz Pistorius
Francois vd Berg
Thomas Erasmus
Mike Wright
Deon Mattheys
Henning van Zyl
André Botha
Jakes Jacobs
Willie le Hanie
Jamie Rossouw
Stienie Rossouw
Ansuretha du Toit
André Bezuidenhout
N E W!
Contact Dani for
backdated certificates.
More about our Club’s Extreme Awards
on the website www.bmwclubs.co.za
Magriet van Zyl
Ada Botes
Zonica Vermeulen
Allie Scheepers
Ina Cloete
Vanessa du Preez
Jakkie Coetzer
Sheelagh Hansen
Tina King
Sharon Pretorius
Mary Martens
Trudie Maree
Dilla Wright
Lynn Mattheys
Jean van Zyl
Page 14
Spoke & Piston
Namibia - by ship, by bike!
Dave Swart
Eighteen people with 13 bikes waited in anticipation for the start of this extraordinary trip! Most left for Cape Town on 26 December 2009 to meet up with
the rest of the group for departure on the RMS St Helena from Cape Town harbour on 30 December. The RMS St Helena is one of only two ocean-going
vessels in the world still to carry the venerable title of Royal Mail Ship.
Three nights on board ship including a New Years Eve Party of note at sea!
Initially there was some apprehension as
the bikes were hoisted aboard in cargo nets
but once we got the ‘hang’ of it we relaxed.
The Captains Cocktail party was a
formal affair. An experience not many of us will have again.
We disembarked in Walvis Bay on 2 January 2010 after a fantastic time on board ship
(except for some who had a rather ‘unsettled’ first night on board).
Two nights in Swakopmund and the day touring around the area was rounded off by
some with a 1.6km long foefie slide. Then it was on to Windhoek for another two nights
where we had our first braai – bit tired at this time of restaurant food.
Our fifth night in Namibia was in Keetmanshoop where we found we had a 14km dirt road to get to our accommodation where
we witnessed the feeding of wild cheetahs and some even had the opportunity to venture into their enclosure. Another braai and
a fleeting early morning visit to the Giants Playground and we were on our way back to South Africa for a visit to the Augrabies
Falls. Our last night was spent in Kuruman and all too soon the trip was over – 15 days after leaving Pretoria.
Thanks to Wahl and Chris for joining us in Kuruman for dinner the last night and to Johan & Trudie for joining us for breakfast in
Vryburg on our last day. The ‘escort’ on the home leg was appreciated.
Thanks to all who went with for making this an extremely memorable trip!
For 19 years, Bavarian Motorcycles has been a significant landmark on the map for BMW motorcyclists.
As the first BMW motorcycle dealership in South Africa, Bavarian are experts in their field.
Having serviced BMW motorcyclists from Vermeulen Street in central Pretoria for the past 19 years,
Bavarian Motorcycles will be moving to Centurion Gate, Centurion. The new and improved state-of-theart showroom and workshop will open on 3 May 2010.
The address of the new Bavarian Motorcycles premises is:
Centurion Gate
Cnr John Vorster Drive &
Akkerboom Street (Just off the N1)
Our dedicated staff and BMW-trained experts will be relocating with us, offering the same world-class
experience as before, ensuring that Bavarian Motorcycles remains your First choice.
Bavarian Motorcycles
450 Vermeulen Street
Arcadia, Pretoria 0083
Tel 012 323 4865
Volume 15 No 1 april 2010
Chairman: Dave Swart
Secretary: Johan Maartens
Please note!
Website: www.bmwclubs.co.za
Treasurer: Etienne Pieterse
Editor: Spoke & Piston: Dani du Preez
PO Box 75474, Lynnwood Ridge, 0040
(012) 803 7123 0832608542 fax 0866112734
Our Clubhouse is moving !
All runs and events are subject to confirmation at the prior Club
social meeting. This is a work-in-progress schedule and may be
altered at any time. No responsibility will be accepted for
9 April will be the last Club Night
at the current location.
The Club Night of 7 May
changes to the programme.
Non-Club members are welcome to attend Club riding events as
guests. Non-members, however, are required to sign an
indemnity form before participating. The form can be downloaded from the website. The Club has an official policy
will be held
regarding the use and financial compensation of support
vehicles on official overnight club trips.
in our new Clubhouse
at Centurion Gate!
See you there!
Spoke & Piston also appears on our website. Please send
articles, pictures, comments, etc. to [email protected]
INDEMNITY: Although reasonable care has been taken to
ensure the correctness of all material contained herein, the
publisher cannot be held liable for any inaccuracies that may
occur or damage/loss sustained as a result of advice given.
Opening of new Bavarian Motorcycle
@ Centurion Gate - 3 May
11 April
Victoria Falls
24 April - 2 May
S & GS
Johan Maar tens
9 May
S & GS
Sunday Rides
12 - 27 June
6 June
S & GS
“Shared riding pleasure whilst fostering fellowship by the safe,
supportive, responsible and courteous enjoyment of BMW motorcycles.”
See page 15 for Club contact details
Club Night
Every first Friday of the
month @ 18:00
Visit the website
for the Ride Calendar
and other Club Info.
Discussions on the forum.
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