News Archive 2012 - Novus Ordo Watch


News Archive 2012 - Novus Ordo Watch
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News Archive AUGUST 2012
Ground Zero of the New Church...
What really happened at
the Conclave of 1958?
The New Montinian
Rev Joaquin Saenz y
Was someone else elected before John XXIII?
The election of Cardinal Siri in 1958
The Papal Monarchy
Dom Prosper Gueranger
The Purpose of the
John S. Vaughan
Beautiful Pearls of
Catholic Truth,
Containing the
Teachings of the Holy
Catholic Church, and
It's where all the official trouble began: the conclave of October 1958, which met
the Sacred Books of the
Bible as Interpreted by
the One
Bernard O'Reilly
Fundamentals of
Catholic Dogma
Dr Ludwig Ott
The Catechism
Explained: An
Exhaustive Explanation
of the Catholic Religion
to elect a successor to Pope Pius XII, and, after a great many ballots and some
curious shenanigans, presented Cardinal Angelo Roncalli as "Pope" John XXIII.
We present this video not to support the claim that Cardinal Giusseppe Siri was
actually Pope Pius XII's successor, but to make people aware of the mysterious
goings-on at this conclave, to get people to investigate it, and to pinpoint the
moment in Church history that appears to contain the cause of the Eclipse of the
Catholic Church and the introduction of the Novus Ordo Church and its false
"Popes" and false new religion.
Related: Ex-FBI Consultant: U.S. Intel Docs say Cardinal Siri elected Pope
Gregory XVII in 1958 (N.O. Watch report of August 10, 2004)
Get the DVD "Papal Imposters" - with stunning
historical video and audio footage, including several
Vatican conclaves - CLICK HERE
Spirago & Clarke
Michael Davies - An
John S. Daly
Got a "Risen Christ" Crucifix? Get rid of it...
The Dolorous Passion
of Our Lord Jesus
Christ: From the
Visions of Anne
Catherine Emmerich
The Passion and the
Death of Jesus Christ
Pope Pius XII condemned Crucifixes without a Suffering Christ: "...[I]t
is neither wise nor laudable to reduce everything to antiquity by every
possible device. Thus, to cite some instances, one would be straying
from the straight path were he to wish the altar restored to its primitive
tableform; were he to want black excluded as a color for the liturgical
vestments; were he to forbid the use of sacred images and statues in
Churches; were he to order the crucifix so designed that the divine
Redeemer's body shows no trace of His cruel sufferings" (Encyclical Mediator
Dei, no. 62, 1947).
Saint Alfonso Maria De'
Liguori, Eugene Grimm
Why the Cross?
Edward Leen
In the likeness of
New Theology vs. True Theology:
Flashback 1962:
Fr. Joseph Ratzinger vs. Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani
before the Council
Fr. Edward Leen
Index of Leading
Catholic Indicators
Kenneth C. Jones
'But he told me he was cured!'...
The Great Encyclical
Letters of Pope Leo Xiii,
1878-1903: Or a Light
in the Heavens
Pope Leo XIII
The Faith of Our
Fathers: A Plain
Exposition and
Vindication of the
Church Founded by Our
Lord Jesus Christ
James Cardinal Gibbons
My Catholic Faith
Louis LaRavoire, S.T.D.
Morrow, Emmanuel
Marie Andre
Pedophile "Fr." Peter Kramer:
Another "Pearl" from Muller's Past
Looks like the new Head of the Congregation for the
Destruction of the Faith has some more explaining to do...
Pohle-Preuss Complete
Manual of Dogmatic
Theology - 12 Volumes
in a Six Book set
Fr. Joseph Pohle S.J.
Paul J. Glenn
The Blind Leading the Blind...
Former SSPX Priest Fr. Paul Aulagnier (now Indult/Motu) publishes
Book on Benedict XVI's Reintroduction of the 1962 Missal:
"Benedict's Liturgical Renewal is Tridentine"
"Benedict XVI's goal is that he wants that both forms [1962 and Novus
Ordo] intermix and become one and do this from Tradition."
No Crisis in the
Simon F. Galloway
True in 1907, it's still true today...
Work of Human Hands:
A Theological Critique
of the Mass of Paul VI
Rev. Anthony Cekada
The Church's Condemnation of Modernism
Cardinal Mercier (d. 1926) gives a complete diagnosis of all that is wrong with the
Novus Ordo Church and the Modern World
Radio Replies: Three
Volume Set
Leslie Rumble, Charles
Mortimer Carty, Charles
M Carty
The Popes Against
Modern Errors: 16
Famous Papal
Tan Books
Historical Tidbit:
The Canonization of Pope Saint Pius X
May 29, 1954
Canonization of Pope Pius X
Aa-1025: The Memoirs
of a Communist's
infiltration in to the
Marie Carre
The Permanent
Instruction of the Alta
John Vennari
The Fourth Secret of
Antonio Socci
Papacy And
Monseigneur Jouin
The Catholic Church celebrates the liturgical feast of St. Pius X every year on
September 3. Pope Pius, whose baptismal name was Giuseppe Sarto (the Italian
equivalent of "Joseph Tailor"), died a holy death on August 20, 1914, at the age of
79. It is said that he died of a broken heart at the outbreak of the First World War.
"I would have given my life to prevent it," he said.
Biography with gorgeous photos:
Pope St. Pius X by Yves Chiron
Freemasonry and the
Anti Christian
E. Cahill
Grand Orient
unmasked, as the
secret power behind
Communism through
discovery of lost
lectures delivered by
Monsignor George F.
Dillon, D.D. at
Edinburgh, in October
1884. With preface to
new and revised
edition (1950) by Rev.
Denis Fahey, C.S.Sp.,
B.A., D.Ph., D.D.
London, UK Britons
Publishing Society 1950.
Prophets and Our
Rev. R. Gerald Culleton
Fool me once, shame on you...
"Well-Informed Source" says
Vatican planning Revised "Traditional" Missal
for 2013, with new options featuring...
✓ New Prefaces for all feasts from Novus Ordo
✓ Mass facing the people
✓ Entire Mass of the Catechumens in Vernacular
See, We Told You So! Novus Ordo Watch predicted this back in 2007, when
Benedict XVI declared: "...the two Forms of the usage of the Roman Rite can be
mutually enriching: new Saints and some of the new Prefaces can and should be
inserted in the old Missal" (Letter to Novus Ordo Bishops, July 7, 2007).
In response to this, Novus Ordo Watch said: "There will be a whole lot of
'enriching' going on, no doubt; but the 'mutual' part will be pretty much a one-way
street: The 1962 form will start to take on some typically Novus Ordo
characteristics, while the Novus Ordo form will pretty much remain the sorry
Catholic Dictionary
collection of modernist-liberal-Protestant-Masonic hippie prayers that it is now.
Yes, I think it is no stretch to predict that what will come out of this 'co-existence' of
the 'two forms' of 'one and the same rite' will, at the end of the day, result in a total
butchering of the 1962 Missal, so that, eventually, Benedict XVI can stop the
nonsense of 'two forms' of 'one rite' and simply synthesize them together ..., and
the result will probably be a New Mass with a bit of Latin and a little more
incense." --From "One and the Same Rite: How Benedict XVI tries to Destroy
the Traditional Mass" by Gregorius
Donald Attwater
So, whoever is shocked or surprised at this, still hasn't understood what is really
going on in the Novus Ordo Church, nor what the real nature of -- and therefore
solution to -- the current Modernist occupation of the Vatican is. Keep reading this
web site!
Tumultuous Times
Fr. Francisco Radecki, Fr.
Dominic Radecki
"Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood" (Prov. 6:17)
For Greater Glory
Dean Wright
Tradition and the
"Cardinal" Dolan's Obama Invitation to Al Smith Dinner "for
a good cause to support women and their babies ... for an
evening of good humor and good fellowship and civil
George Agius
What has happened to
the Catholic Church?
Fr. Dominic Radecki, Fr.
Francisco Radecki
In the Murky Waters of
Vatican II
Atila S. Guimaraes
The Church of Christ:
An Apologetic and
Dogmatic Treatise
E. Sylvester Berry
How much will Resident Obama donate?
Rumor has it: About 30 Pieces of Silver...
Reality Check: "I know thy works, that thou art neither cold, nor hot. I would thou
wert cold, or hot. But because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold, not hot, I will
begin to vomit thee out of my mouth." (Apocalypse 3:15-16)
Related: Watch then-"Archbishop" Dolan expressing his approval for LGBT
"Catholic" Ministry Group (around 5:29 mark) at 2010 "Mass"
What Say You?
David Goldstein
You can't make this stuff up...
Pervert-Friendly Novus Ordo Church draws heat for
wanting to ban Men who Dress Up as Women
“Father Brian wasn’t educated about the importance of drag queens in the gay
community ... Once it was explained to him, he said they were welcome to
attend as long as their behavior was church-appropriate.”
The Modernist
Joseph Rickaby
More: "To think that we’re banning drag queens is obnoxious and
Well, hey, thanks for the clarification!
Laying the Foundation:
A Handbook of Catholic
Apologetics and
Fundamental Theology
Joseph Clifford Fenton
Welcome to the Modernist Den:
Father Connell Answers
Moral Questions
Francis J. Connell
No Space Between
Ratzinger and
Bergoglio: So Close in
Apostasy, So Far From
Catholic Truth
Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey
The Problems With the
Prayers of the Modern
Transalpine Redemptorists, formerly affiliated with
SSPX, now Formally Part of Novus Ordo Church
So far, the Conciliar sect has successfully neutralized every single traditionalist
group that has joined its ranks. It will be no different for the Transalpine
Anthony Cekada
Paul VI Beatified? The
book that stopped the
beatification process
Pope Paul VI
Was ist los? Germany forbids Sedevacantist Clerics from
calling themselves "Roman Catholic"?
The Apostolate of Our
Lady of Good Success
Close Ups of the
Charismatic Movement
John Vennari
"Do as I say, not as I do..."
On the Bus & Off the Rocker:
The Theology Of Prayer
Joseph Clifford Fenton
LCWR "Defending the Poor"
on a Luxury Bus!
The Raccolta Prayers
and Devotions Enriched
with Indulgences
Related: LCWR "Nuns" and the New Age Lesbo-Feminist Left
The Douay-Rheims
Bible: Translated from
the Latin Vulgate,
Diligently Compared
with the Hebrew, Greek
and Other Editions in
Diverse Languages
Baronius Press Ltd
Put on Your Surprise Face:
"Cardinal" Dolan's Al Smith "Charity" Dinner
willing to host Pro-Abortion Group
Looks like money talks in NY "Archdiocese" - even if it's blood money.
Bibles & Commentaries
[Douay-Rheims] Haydock
& Husenbeth
Douay-Rheims and
Clementina Vulgata:
English-Latin Bible
Roman Catholic Church
A Practical
Commentary on Holy
Historical Tidbit:
Video Footage of Pope Pius XII's Proclamation of the
Dogma of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary November 1, 1950
B.M.V. Assumptionis DeBnitio Dogmati…
Frederick Justus Knecht
Catechism of the
Council of Trent
(Classic Reprint)
Catholic Church.
Catechismus Romanus.
Canons and Decrees of
the Council of Trent
Fathers of the Church
The Sources of Catholic
Hear & see the last known Pope, Pius XII (d. 1958)!
Henry Denzinger
The 1917 or PioBenedictine Code of
Canon Law: in English
Translation with
Extensive Scholarly
I Can't Believe It's Not Catholic!
Ignatius Press
Decrees of the
Ecumenical Councils 2
Volume Set
Georgetown University
A Manual Of Moral
Theology: Volume 1 For
English Speaking
Rev. Thomas Slater S.J.
A Manual Of Moral
Theology: Volume 2 For
English Speaking
Rev. Thomas Slater S.J.
Benedict XVI's Teilhardian & Hegelian Theology
"With daring vision [Fr. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin] incorporated the historical
movement of Christianity into the great cosmic process of evolution from Alpha to
Omega: since the noogenesis, since the formation of consciousness in the event
by which man became man, this process of evolution has continued to unfold as
the building of the noosphere above the biosphere." --"Cardinal" Joseph
Ratzinger, 1982
See Also: Part 1 of James Larson's Essay on Ratzinger & Teilhard
Reality Check: Teilhard condemned even by John XXIII
Moral Theology
Heribert Jone
Gallicanism 2.0...
Theory of Evolution
Judged by Reason and
Faith, The
The Doctrinal Errors and Aberrations
of the Society of St. Pius X
Ernesto Cardinal Ruffini
The "Recognize-and-Resist" Position uses error to defend truth. In logic, that's
called a "contradiction." Only true, traditional Catholic theology will do, in all its
parts - not "Traditionalism Lite."
The Truth Of Papal
Raphael Merry Del Val
"No Rupture with the Past" Update:
The History Of
Heresies And Their
Refutation: Or, The
Triumph Of The Church
Alphonsus M. Liguori
The Catholic Church vs. the Novus Ordo Church
So much for that "hermeneutic of continuity" bvetween pre-Vatican II and postVatican II...
Chief Truths Of The
Rev. John Laux
Internal SSPX Crisis:
Fr. Francois Chazal in Hot Water with Bp. Fellay,
Responds to Second "Canonical Warning"
Church History: A
Complete History of
the Catholic Church to
the Present Day
Rev. John Laux
The irony here is baffling. Fr. Chazal is merely doing to the SSPX
Leadership what the latter has been doing to Rome for decades: resisting any
dangers to or compromises with the Faith! What's good for the goose is good for
the gander. It is irony on stilts that Bp. Fellay would issue a "canonical warning",
considering that he and his SSPX are themselves not canonically approved by the
people they consider to be their lawful authorities.
Catholic Apologetics :
God, Christianity, and
the Church (A Course
in Religion)
Fr John Laux
Catholic Morality: A
Course In Religion
(Book III)
Fr John Laux
Look, the guy just isn't a Catholic...
SSPX German District Web Site rips "Abp." Muller
for Doctrinal Errors on Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
(English Translation now up at above link!)
The Book of Destiny
Herman Bernard Kramer
Caption Contest!
Find a satirical caption for THIS PHOTO
Please submit to us HERE or via Twitter (@NovusOrdoWatch)
The Prophecies of St.
Peter Bander
The Ottaviani
Intervention: Short
Critical Study of the
New Order of Mass
Alfredo Cardinal
The Catholic Church
and Salvation in the
Light of Recent
Pronoucements by the
Holy See
Josepf C Fenton
The necessity of the
church for salvation in
selected theological
writings of the past
(Catholic University of
America. Studies in
Don't you hate it when that happens?
New CDF Head Gerhard Muller, under fire for
heretical and erroneous statements in his published
works, claims he's been "misunderstood":
“Either they have not read what I
have written or they have not
understood it.”
This, too, is an old trick in the modernist playbook: Subvert Catholic doctrine by
confusing otherwise clear teachings, by introducing new ideas, redefining old
terms, reinterpreting sources, injecting doubt into what is certain, and then
claiming that whoever exposes the fraud didn't "understand" you! The New
Theologians in the 30s and 40s like Congar, Chenu, etc., did the same thing.
Pope St. Pius X, however, exposed their tactics:
sacred theology, 2d
John J King
On the Roman Pontiff
(De Controversiis)
(Volume 1)
St. Robert Bellarmine S.J.
On the Roman Pontiff
(De Controversiis)
(Volume 2)
St. Robert Bellarmine S.J.
Papal Error?: A Defense
of Popes Said to Have
Erred in Faith
St. Robert Bellarmine S.J.
Introduction to the
Science of Mental
Fr. Chad A. Ripperger
Pope Pius IX: The Man
and the Myth
Yves Chiron
Pope Saint Pius X
"We [must] protect the faithful from evil and error; especially so when evil and
error are presented in dynamic language which, concealing vague notions and
ambiguous expressions with emotional and high-sounding words, is likely to
set ablaze the hearts of men in pursuit of ideals which, whilst attractive, are
nonetheless nefarious." --Pope St. Pius X, Apostolic Letter Our Apostolic
Mandate (1910), par. 1
"Although they express their astonishment that We should number them
amongst the enemies of the Church, no one will be reasonably surprised that
We should do so, if, leaving out of account the internal disposition of the soul,
of which God alone is the Judge, he considers their tenets, their manner of
speech, and their action." --Pope St. Pius X, Encyclical Pascendi (1907),
par. 3
"Further, none is more skillful, none more astute than they, in the employment
of a thousand noxious devices; for they play the double part of rationalist and
Catholic, and this so craftily that they easily lead the unwary into error; and as
audacity is their chief characteristic, there is no conclusion of any kind from
which they shrink or which they do not thrust forward with pertinacity and
assurance." --Pope St. Pius X, Encyclical Pascendi (1907), par. 3
"It is one of the cleverest devices of the Modernists ... to present their doctrines
without order and systematic arrangement, in a scattered and disjointed
manner, so as to make it appear as if their minds were in doubt or hesitation,
whereas in reality they are quite fixed and steadfast." --Pope St. Pius X,
Encyclical Pascendi (1907), par. 4
"This will appear more clearly to anybody who studies the conduct of
Modernists, which is in perfect harmony with their teachings. In their writings
and addresses they seem not unfrequently to advocate doctrines which are
contrary one to the other, so that one would be disposed to regard their
attitude as double and doubtful. But this is done deliberately and advisedly,
and the reason of it is to be found in their opinion as to the mutual separation
of science and faith. Thus in their books one finds some things which might
well be approved by a Catholic, but on turning over the page one is confronted
by other things which might well have been dictated by a rationalist." --Pope
St. Pius X, Encyclical Pascendi (1907), par. 18
Yves Chiron
More Methods of the Modernists exposed:
Liberalism is a Sin by Fr. Sarda y Salvany (1899)
"Thomism and the New Theology" [PDF] by Fr. David Greenstock (1950)
Rhine Flows into the
Ralph M. Wiltgen
Of course Mr. Muller would say he has been misunderstood. What else could he
say? "Yes, I'm a Modernist heretic; what took you so long to figure it out?!"
The Rite of Sodomy Volume III
Randy Engel
Goodbye, Good Men:
How Liberals Brought
Audio Interview with John Vennari on "Abp." Muller
This is a fairly interesting interview, though, of course, interspersed with the usual
SSPX/Neo-Trad errors.
Corruption into the
Catholic Church
Michael S. Rose
The Kingship of Christ
and Organized
Denis Fahey
An Introduction to
Philosophy: The
Perennial Principles of
the Classical Realist
Nothing like an Apostasy Party...
Vienna's "Cardinal" Schönborn Invites
the Dalai Lama to Pentecost "Mass"
Reality Check: "We fear that worse is to come: the end result of this developing
promiscuousness, the beneficiary of this cosmopolitan social action, can only be a
Democracy which will be neither Catholic, nor Protestant, nor Jewish. It will be a
religion ... more universal than the Catholic Church, uniting all men become
brothers and comrades at last in the 'Kingdom of God'. - 'We do not work for the
Church, we work for mankind.'" --Pope St. Pius X, Apostolic Letter Our
Apostolic Mandate (1910)
The only significant difference between Mr. Schonborn and the Dalai Lama is that
at least the Dalai Lama doesn't claim to be a Catholic...
Daniel J. Sullivan
College Apologetics
Rev. Anthony Alexander
Never mind "One Baptism" (Eph 4:5)...
Novus Ordo Bishop "Re-Baptized" by Protestant
"Enjoy Your Meal"...
Introduction to the
John Laux
New York "Archdiocese" Defends Obama Invitation to
"Catholic" Charities Dinner
There has never been an abortion Resident Obama didn't like... What a "fitting"
choice for a charity event!
Moral Theology: : A
Complete Course Based
on St. Thomas Aquinas
and the Best Modern
Authorities (Volume 1)
John A. McHugh O.P.,
Charles J. Callan O.P.
Moral Theology: A
Complete Course Based
on St. Thomas Aquinas
and the Best Modern
Authorities (Volume 2)
John A. McHugh O.P.,
Charles J. Callan O.P.
The Talmud Unmasked
- The Secret Rabbinical
Teachings Concerning
I. B. Pranaitis
Catholic Catechism of
Saint Pius X (1908)
Pope St. Pius X
The Semi-Traditionalists at The Remnant and Neo-Cons rashly hailed it as a
"Bombshell Appointment" - yeah, well...
The New "Archbishop" of San
Francisco is No Conservative
Fact: Cordileone wants Standing,
Not Kneeling, for "Communion"
Fact: Cordileone endorsed Book
Welcoming LGBT Perverts into
From our "I can't believe it's not Catholic!" Files...
Benedict XVI Again makes Non-Christian a
"Papal Knight of St. Gregory"
Reality: A Synthesis of
Thomistic Thought
Reginald GarrigouLagrange
God, His Existence And
His Nature V2: A
Thomistic Solution To
Certain Agnostic
Reginald GarrigouLagrange
Secret societies and the
kingship of Christ
Denis Fahey
The Sinner's Guide
Venerable Louis of
Last time, it was a Jewish Rabbi; this time, it's a Sikh Pantheist.
Benedict XVI is simply a Non-Catholic honoring other Non-Catholics.
Light And Peace
R. P. Quadrupani
Flashback: Benedict's "Papal" Knighthood for Jewish Rabbi
Reality Check:
The Dogma of Hell:
Illustrated by Facts
Taken from Profane
and Sacred History
Meet a Real Papal Knight of St. Gregory: David Goldstein, Convert from
Socialism & Judaism
Encyclical Mortalium Animos of Pope Pius XI condemning Ecumenism
and Interreligious Dialogue
Fr. F. X. Schouppe
Iota Unum: A Study of
Changes in the Catholic
Church in the
Twentieth Century
Romano Amerio
The Life and
Revelations of Anne
Catherine Emmerich
(2-Volume Set)
That "Spirit" Strikes Again...
"Pope" Sends Greetings to Japan
Interreligious Event in "Spirit of Assisi"
Reality Check: The Assisi Apostasy vs. Catholic Teaching
Related Video:
The Faith of Millions
(The Credentials of the
Catholic Church)
Benedict's Assisi 2011
PHD Rev John A. O'Brien
The Papal Encyclicals
1740 to 1981 (5
Volume Set)
Claudia Carlen Ihm
Liberty, the God That
Failed: Policing the
Sacred and
Constructing the Myths
of the Secular State,
from Locke to Obama
Christopher A. Ferrara
How The Catholic
Church Built Western
So, precisely why does John Vennari believe Fr. Joseph Ratzinger is the Pope of
the Catholic Church?
More: Photos of the 2002 Assisi Event
Thomas E. Woods Jr
The Summa Theologica
of St. Thomas Aquinas
(Five Volumes)
Thomas Aquinas
Tour of the Summa
Paul J. Glenn
Charity for the
Suffering Souls: An
Explanation of the
Catholic Doctrine of
Rev. John A. Nageleisen
The Art of Dying Well
St. Robert Cardinal
Letters, HebrewCatholic, To Mr. Isaacs
It's that time of the year again...
Apostate Vatican Sends Message
to Muslims at End of Ramadan
"[T]his privileged time ... gives
you the opportunity to deepen
obedience to God" [!]
Let's "be genuine heralds of
justice and peace"
Reality Check:
"[T]he peace of Christ ... is the only true
peace" -- Pope Pius XI, Encyclical Ubi Arcano (1922), par. 37
"[M]anifold evils in the world [are] due to the fact that the majority of men
[have] thrust Jesus Christ and his holy law out of their lives; that these [have]
no place either in private affairs or in politics: ... as long as individuals and
states [refuse] to submit to the rule of our Savior, there [will] be no really
hopeful prospect of a lasting peace among nations." -- Pope Pius XI,
Encyclical Quas Primas (1925), par. 1
"Be Thou King of all those who are still involved in the darkness of idolatry or
of Islamism, and refuse not to draw them into the light and kingdom of God." -Act of Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
David Goldstein
Flashback 2006: Benedict XVI says about the Koran: "for [it] I have the respect
due to the holy book of a great religion." (See Footnote 3, Regensburg Lecture,
The Ceremonies of the
Roman Rite Described
Adrian Fortescue, J.B.
O`Connell, Alcuin Reid
The Orthodox Eastern
Birds of a Feather...
Adrian Fortescue
The Young Man's
Guide: Counsels,
Reflections and Prayers
for Catholic Young Men
Rev. Francis Xavier
The Catholic Girl's
Guide: Counsels &
Devotions for Girls in
the Ordinary Walks of
Rev. Francis Xavier
The Apocalypse Of St.
"Cardinal" Dolan Invites Resident Obama to
speak again at Fundraiser for New York
"Catholic" Charities
Reality Check:
VIDEO: Barack Obama Supports Infanticide after Birth, too
Another Video on Same Topic
Rev. E Sylvester Berry
Life of Pius X (Classic
Frances Alice Forbes
Thanks for the Warning...
Benedict XVI Might Write New Encyclical on Faith:
Benedict XVI: Possible new encyclical f…
The Passion and the
Death of Jesus Christ
Saint Alfonso Maria De'
Liguori, Eugene Grimm
The Spiritual Life: A
Treatise On Ascetical
And Mystical Theology
Adolphe Tanquerey
The Unity of
Etienne Gilson
Reality Check:
An encyclical by Ratzinger on Faith would be like a fat-free hamburger by
McDonald's. In 2008, Fr. Ratzinger claimed that Faith without Charity is not
Dictionary of Scholastic
Philosophy: Scholastic
Editions [editiones
scholasticae] 2
True Faith: "A faith without charity, without this fruit, would not be true faith. It
would be a dead faith." (Benedict XVI, General Audience, 11/26/08)
True Catholic Teaching: "If anyone says that with the loss of grace through
sin faith is also lost with it, or that the faith which remains is not a true faith,
though it is not a living one, or that he who has faith without charity is not a
Christian, let him be anathema." (Council of Trent, Session VI, on
Justification, Canon 28)
Bernard Wuellner
Summary Of Scholastic
Bernard J. Wuellner
Who won't be next Pope...
A Look at possible [Non-]Papal Candidates
for Next Conclave
Thomist Realism and
the Critique of
Etienne Gilson
Looking for More? Check the Archived News Pages:
Sermons: Adapted to
All the Sundays and
Holydays of the Year,
Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint)
Franz Hunolt
Sangerizing Mankind
david goldstein
The Four Last Things:
Death, Judgment, Hell,
O.S.F.C. Fr. Martin von
The Relations Of The
Church To Society
Edmund J. O'Reilly S.J.
The Framework of a
Christian State
E. Cahill, S.J.
2013: 01/13; 02/13
2012: 01-03/12; 04/12; 05/12; 06/12; 07/12; 08/12; 09/12; 10/12; 11/12; 12/12
2011: 02/11; 05/11; 08/11; 10/11
2010: 01/10; 02/10; 05/10; 06/10; 07/10; 08/10; 10/10; 12/10
2009: 01/09; 02/09; 03/09; 04/09; 05/09; 07/09; 11/09
2008: 01/08; 02/08; 03/08; 04/08; 05/08; 06/08; 09/08; 10/08; 12/08
2007: 01/07; 06/07; 07/07; 08/07; 09/07; 10/07; 11/07; 12/07
2006: 01/06; 02/06; 03/06; 04/06; 05/06; 06/06; 07/06; 08/06; 09/06; 10/06; 11/06; 12/06
2005: 01/05; 02/05; 03/05; 04/05; 05/05; 06/05; 07/05; 08/05; 09/05; 10/05; 11/05; 12/05
2004: 01/04; 02/04; 03/04; 04/04; 05/04; 06/04; 07/04; 08/04; 09/04; 10/04; 11/04; 12/04
2003: 01-03/03; 04-05/03; 06/03; 07/03; 08/03; 09/03; 10/03; 11/03; 12/03
2002: 10-12/02