2015 November
2015 November
Thoburn United Methodist Church Thoburn News Volume 44 Issue 11 November 2015 From the Pastor Inside this issue: Rethink Christmas 2 Daylight Savings Ends 2 Library News 3 UMW 3 UMM 3 All Saints Sunday 4 Organ & Tissue Donor Day 4 Stewardship Sunday 5 UM Student Day 5 Advent Begins/Communion 5 Calendar 6-7 Outreach 8 Charge Conference 8 Mission Opportunity 8 Christian Sympathy 9 Poinsettia Order Form 9 Thanks 10 Congratulations 10 Nursery Schedule 10 Treasurer’s Report 11 Noisy Offering 11 Christmas Projects 12 Thoburn’s Mission: “To share the love of Jesus Christ with all people.” Dear Friends in Christ, Adam and I are excited to be working on a goal set by the church of developing a third worship service. We’ve been pleased with the number of people willing to assist in the planning and eventual beginning of this new service. This new service will have a casual format with more modern Christian songs. Our anticipated start date is Thursday, January 14, at 6:30 p.m. We will meet in the sanctuary and we are expecting the service to last 45 minutes. If you are interested in being a part of this new service, we could certainly use your help. We will need assistance in childcare, greeters, tech personnel (sound and video), hospitality, and a number of other areas. Please let either Adam or I know if you are feeling led to serve in one of these areas. This is a great opportunity for us at Thoburn to reach out to our surrounding community. Many people work various shifts or for other reasons are unavailable for Sunday morning worship. Others are simply looking for a different style. Even if this is not for you, please invite others to come and prayerfully support this ministry. God’s Grace and Peace, Pastor Ken T H O BU RN NE WS PAGE 2 Rethink Christmas When the Season of Advent has rolled around in years past, I have tried to remind the church of Jesus Christ to focus on Jesus Christ at Christmas! What I have found is that by the time we get to Advent, the church is already immersed in the madness of the Season! So I thought I would use my space in this month’s newsletter as a kind of preemptive strike for Jesus being the center of our Christmas Season. The challenge every year is to “rethink Christmas,” to make certain we are honoring Christ in our holiday celebrations. As Ginghamsburg UMC pastor Mike Slaughter has reminded us: “Christmas is not YOUR birthday!” So what we’ll be doing during Advent, and, if this article achieves its desired intent- leading up to Advent- is rethinking Christmas. We will sing many songs throughout the Season about the salvation the Christ child was to bring. We will be rethinking what it means to be “saved” this Christmas. The coming of the Messiah was the fulfillment of long awaited promises of God. We will be rethinking those promises as well. And there is another birth story that coincides with the birth of Christ- the birth of John the Baptist, who preached a message of repentance. We will be rethinking repentance in this Season of Advent. Mary was called upon to serve the Lord in a way unlike anyone had ever been called upon to serve (or ever will again). Advent, then, is the perfect time to rethink “service.” And finally, Christmas is a time to celebrate and to strengthen our relationships with others. We will be rethinking relationships as well. Hopefully we will all begin to think now about what our Christmas celebrations are going to look like. How does a “saved” people celebrate Christmas? What do God’s fulfilled promises mean for my life today and every day? What does repentance have to do with Christmas? How does Mary’s “Yes” to God inspire me? And who can we reach out to as God has reached out to us in Christ? Let’s celebrate the Season like sold-out Jesus people. And let’s start thinking about how to do that now. Merry Christmas! Pastor Adam Time Change November 1 Daylight Savings Time ends at 2:00 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 1, 2015. Please remember to turn your clocks back 1 hour on Saturday night. V O LU M E 4 4 I S S U E 1 1 T H O BU RN NE WS PAGE 3 Library News NOVEMBER IS NATIONAL LIBRARY MONTH Help us celebrate by visiting the Thoburn library and checking out a book! Many new books have arrived so there are lots for everyone - adults and children alike. The library is open when the church is open! UMW Circles The Mary Reed Circle of the UMW will meet Monday, Nov. 2, at 7:00 p.m. The Isabella Thoburn Circle will meet on Wednesday, Nov. 4, at 11:00 a.m. The program, “Welcoming Through Giving” will be given by Karen Shoemaker. Members will make their pledges for some of our mission work for 2016. Elaine Hunter will have the pledge service and Connie Smith will have devotions. Lunch will follow at Mehlman’s. Devotions will be given by Kay Day. Linda Bean and Melissa Reinbold will be our hostesses. See you then! UMM The United Methodist Men will again have their trailer at the St. Clairsville Christmas Parade on November 19. The guest speaker for the November 21st meeting, we will be Matt Mowrer. Matt recently attended and participated in the 23rd World Scout Jamboree, which was held in Japan. More than 30,000 scouts and leaders from 161 countries around the world converged on Kirara-hama, Yamaguchi, Japan, in August and early September. The Methodist Men will deliver fruit baskets to shut-in’s after their December 19th meeting. PAGE 4 T H O BU RN NE WS All Saints Sunday November 1 All Saints Sunday will be observed at Thoburn on November 1. During our worship services that morning, we will be remembering members of our church who have passed away during the last year. We will invite family members or friends of those persons to bring forward a candle which will be placed on the altar table as part of a visual worship focus. Organ and Tissue Donor Sunday November 8 On Sunday, November 8, we will join with faith communities throughout the country to observe National Donor Sabbath. National Donor Sabbath helps to increase awareness of the critical need for organs and tissues and the miracle of transplantation. Last year more than 29,000 organ transplants were performed in the United States and more than 1 million Americans received a tissue transplant. Men, women and children’s lives were saved or enhanced due to generous, caring strangers. Unfortunately, the national waiting list for a life-saving organ transplant is rising at an alarming rate with now more than 123,000 individuals currently on the waiting list. Although the need is very great, some people choose not to donate because of some commonly held misconceptions and myths about organ, eye, and tissue donation. Many believe it is against their religion, when in fact ours and all other major religions in the United States supports organ, eye, and tissue donation. Other people believe that it will cost money to become a donor. The truth is there is no cost to the donor’s family or to their estate. Finally, people assume that they are too old to be an organ, eye, and tissue donor. In fact, the oldest organ donor in the United States was 92 years old and he donated his liver to someone in their early 60’s. Anyone, of any age, can register their decision to donate and medical professionals will determine what can be donated at the time of death. On Sunday, November 8, look for the worship bulletin insert that will provide you with more information and tell you how you can be involved. T H O BU RN NE WS PAGE 5 Stewardship Sunday November 15 By now you may have received a mailing asking for your commitment to help keep our church fiscally strong. On Sunday, November 15, we will be receiving financial commitments to support our ministry together. A financial commitment card was included in the aforementioned mailing. We are asking you to complete and return those cards on November 15, so that we might plan responsibly for our 2016 ministry budget. We hope you will prayerfully consider your financial support of our church as we take a next step toward being the church we feel we are called to be. Obviously the need is there. But the very best reason to give is out of gratitude for the ways God has blessed us. All that we have, all that we are, and all that we have the potential to be are gifts that God has given to us. Our faithful stewardship is a way of saying thank you to the Giver. United Methodist Student Day November 29 On Sunday, November 23, we will recognize United Methodist Student Day, which calls the church to support students as they prepare for life in uniting faith with knowledge. A leaflet/offering envelope will be provided in the worship bulletins that day. Your generous gifts support United Methodist scholarships and student loans for qualified United Methodist applicants through the U.M. Student Loan Fund, administered by the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM). First Sunday of Advent / Communion November 29 On Sunday, November 29, we will celebrate the start of the Advent Season with the sacrament of Holy Communion at both services. N ove mbe r 20 1 Sun Mon Tue 1 2:00am Daylight Savings Time Ends 2 3 Food Collection Sunday All Saints Sunday 9:30am Alpha/Omega Choir 9:30am New Member Class 2:00pm Children’s Program Practice 5:30pm Boy Scouts 6:00pm Bible Study 6:00pm Adam Davis Small Group 6:00pm Nick Myser Small Group 8 Election Day 4 11:00am Isabella Thoburn Circle 5:30pm Cub Scouts 6:00pm Ken Gifford Small Group 7:00pm Mary Reed Circle Recycle Sunday Organ & Tissue Donor Sunday 9:30am Alpha/Omega Choir 9:30am New Member Class 2:00pm Children’s Program Practice 5:30pm Boy Scouts 6:00pm Bible Study 6:00pm Adam Davis Small Group 6:00pm Nick Myser Small Group 9 15 Stewardship Sunday 9:30am Alpha/Omega Choir 9:30am New Member Class 2:00pm Children’s Program Practice 2:30PM Forest Hill Worship Service 5:30pm Boy Scouts 6:00pm Bible Study 6:00pm Adam Davis Small Group 6:00pm Nick Myser Small Group 16 22 Noisy Offering Sunday 9:30am Alpha/Omega Choir 2:00pm Children’s Program Practice 5:30pm Boy Scouts 6:00pm Bible Study 6:00pm Adam Davis Small Group 6:00pm Nick Myser Small Group 23 29 30 Scholarship Sunday UM Student Day First Sunday of Advent Communion 9:30am Alpha/Omega Choir 2:00pm Children’s Program Practice 5:30pm Boy Scouts 6:00pm Bible Study 6:00pm Adam Davis Small Group 6:00pm Nick Myser Small Group Wed 6:00pm Celebration Ringers 6:00pm Cub Scouts 10 1:30pm UMW Board Meeting 6:00pm Daisies 6:00pm Ken Gifford Small Group 7:00pm Trustees Committee 5:30pm Cub Scouts 6:00pm Ken Gifford Small Group 6:00pm Daisies 6:00pm Ken Gifford Small Group 5:30pm Cub Scouts 6:00pm Ken Gifford Small Group 6:00pm Celebration Ringers 6:00pm Cub Scouts 7:00pm St. C. Council of Churches East Richland Friend’s Church 7:00pm Finance Committee 7:30pm Outreach Ministry Team 17 6:00pm Celebration Ringers 6:00pm Cub Scouts 7:00pm SPR Committee 24 6:00pm Celebration Ringers 6:00pm Cub Scouts 4:00pm Youth Choir 4:30pm Wesley Bells 6:00pm Amy Aspenwall Small Group 6:00pm Youth Group 6:00pm Cub Scouts 7:30pm Sanctuary Choir 11 4:00pm Youth Choir 4:30pm Wesley Bells 6:00pm Amy Aspenwall Small Group 6:00pm Youth Group 6:00pm Cub Scouts 7:30pm Sanctuary Choir 18 4:00pm Youth Choir 4:30pm Wesley Bells 6:00pm Amy Aspenwall Small Group 6:00pm Youth Group 6:00pm Cub Scouts 7:30pm Sanctuary Choir 25 4:00pm Youth Choir 4:30pm Wesley Bells 6:00pm Amy Aspenwall Small Group 6:00pm Youth Group 6:00pm Cub Scouts 7:30pm Sanctuary Choir ove mbe r 20 1 5 Thu Fri Sat 5 6 7 13 14 11:00am Isabella Thoburn Circle 4:00pm Youth Choir 4:30pm Wesley Bells 6:00pm Amy Aspenwall Small Group 6:00pm Youth Group 6:00pm Cub Scouts 7:30pm Sanctuary Choir 3:00pm Membership Care Ministry Team 6:30pm Boy Scout Roundtable 12 4:00pm Youth Choir 4:30pm Wesley Bells 6:00pm Amy Aspenwall Small Group 6:00pm Youth Group 6:00pm Cub Scouts 7:30pm Sanctuary Choir 2:00pm Order of the Arrow 6:00pm Scout Advancement Meeting 7:00pm Scout Committee Meeting 19 4:00pm Youth Choir 4:30pm Wesley Bells 6:00pm Amy Aspenwall Small Group 6:00pm Youth Group 6:00pm Cub Scouts 7:30pm Sanctuary Choir 4:00pm Youth Choir 4:30pm Wesley Bells 6:00pm Amy Aspenwall Small Group 6:00pm Youth Group 6:00pm Cub Scouts 7:30pm Sanctuary Choir 10:00am Library Ministry Team 20 21 8:00am UMM Breakfast Meeting 6:00pm St. C. Christmas Tree Lighting 6:30pm St. C. Christmas Parade 7:30pm Church Council (note time change) 26 Office Closed 27 Office Closed 28 PAGE 8 T H O BU RN NE WS Outreach Christmas Parade Operation Christmas Child The St. Clairsville Christmas Parade will be held on November 19. The Outreach Ministry Team will again be sharing hot chocolate and cookies. There will be a sign-up sheet in the Narthex for donations of both of these items. We will again be filling shoeboxes to be sent to needy children both at home and abroad. We would like to challenge our congregation and community to fill 200 boxes. We will need the boxes filled and monetary donations to cover shipping. We can do this!!! Charge Conference December 2 Our annual Charge Conference is scheduled for Wednesday, December 2, at 7:00 p.m. at Scott Memorial UMC in Cadiz. The Charge Conference is the annual business meeting of the church at which leadership officers for the coming year are elected and reports on the ministries of the church are given. Our congregation will meet together with Bell Chapel, Cadiz Scott Memorial, Carrollton First, Mt. Pleasant (Carroll County), Richmond, Shadyside Lincoln Avenue, Steubenville Finley and Wintersville. Our District Superintendent, Rev. Jim Winkler, will preside at the Conference. All members of the church are voting members of the Charge Conference. Members of Church Council are especially encouraged to attend. Mission Opportunity Don Redmond, layperson of Toronto Riverview UMC, who has taken about 10 mission trips to Senegal, is planning another two week trip for either January or February 2016. If you are interested in taking part in this trip or would like more information, please contact Don at 740-537-4486. PAGE 9 T H O BU RN NE WS Christian Sympathy CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY IS EXTENDED TO THE FAMILY AND FRIENDS OF: Elizabeth Morgan “Ellie” King, of St. Clairsville, who passed away Monday, September 14, 2015. (Daughter of Tom and Kathy King) Norma J. Eells, of St. Clairsville, who passed away Thursday, September 24, 2015. Thomas Ballog, of Pickerington, who passed away Sunday, October 18, 2015. (Brother of Barbara (Jim) Baugh) Poinsettias With the Holidays quickly approaching, it is now time to place your orders for poinsettias. The cost is $9.00 per plant. Please return this completed form, with payment, to the church office or place in the offering plate. Orders must be received by Monday, December 14th. Note: We ask that the poinsettias remain in the church until after the Christmas Eve services. In Memory of/in Honor of (circle one) Name: __________________________________________ Given By: _______________________________________ Amount Enclosed: _______________ T H O BU RN NE WS PAGE 10 Thanks Dear Church Family, Many thanks to all of you who donated items for the St. Clairsville Coat Closet located at First Presbyterian Church. We collected over 125 gently used items. Thank you Church Family for all the prayers, cards, and encouraging words for our recent illness and recovery. We are blessed to be a part of a caring congregation. In Christian Love, Kurt and Pam Stubbs Outreach Ministry Team Congratulations CONGRATULATIONS TO MEGAN AND GREG COOK on the birth of their daughter, Savannah Ragen, who was born Monday, October 19th. She weighed 7lb, 12oz and was 20 inches long. The proud great grandmother is Elsie Cook. Nursery Schedule November 2015 8:30 10:45 November 1 Mary Mowrer Em Mowrer Lori Custer Gabe Hays November 8 Shawn Meier Judy Coutts Kayla Custer Nick Myser November 15 Amy Baugh Alison Newell Kristen Dubowski Jen Fulton November 22 Dotty Meigh Chrissy Stack Paula Murphy Phyllis Roberts November 29 Kari Fillipovich Cherel Husek Dan Young Jo Prosser Thank you for taking care of our little ones. T H O BU RN NE WS PAGE 11 Treasurer’s Report Report of Treasurer for September, 2015: The Operating Fund progresses as follows: Current Month General Fund Income: Current Month General Fund Expenses: Difference for Month $ 24,085.47 $ 28,157.22 $ ( 4,071.75) Additional designated offerings collected: $ 1,951.00 September SGG $ 396.00 Meals for Missions INCOME 2015 YTD Budget $263,062.53 2015 YTD Actual $263,352.81 Difference $ 290.28 EXPENSE 2015 YTD Budget $303,127.11 2015 YTD Actual $294,971.62 Difference ($8,155.49) Respectfully submitted, Shawn Meier, Treasurer Noisy Offering Thank you for your Noisy Offering of $310.89, collected during September for the Operation Christmas Child project. Your generosity is appreciated. Adopt A Child The St. Clairsville Council of Churches is again participating in the “Adopt A Child” Program. If you would like to purchase a gift for a child or children in need, please call Cheryl Martin at 695-9628. Gifts must be dropped off at the church office by December 9th. St. Clairsville Council of Churches Christmas Project Distribution will take place on Friday, December 11, at Calvary Presbyterian Church and the St. C. Food Pantry. Donations needed include: Blankets, Pillows, Pillow Cases, Sheets, Towels, Wash Cloths Children’s Socks, Mittens, Gloves, Underwear Personal Care Items such as Bath Soap, Shampoo, Deodorant, Facial Soap & Creams, After Shave Lotion Facial Tissue Thoburn Uni te d Me thodi s t Churc h 209 East Main Street P. O. Box 4 St. Clairsville, OH 43950 Phone: Fax: 740-695-0770 740-695-4137 Pastor’s e-mail: [email protected] Associate Pastor’s email: [email protected] Church e-mail: [email protected] PLEASE TAKE NOTE: Newsletter items for next month should be submitted to the Church Office no later than the 15th of each month. Dr op off or e-mail to: [email protected]. Published Monthly November 2015 Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors Visit us on the web! www.thoburnumc.org THOBURN UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Sunday Worship 8:30 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. (for all ages) Pastor: Rev. Kenneth A. Gifford Associate Pastor: Rev. Adam Davis Deaconess: Ginny Moore Office Manager: Megan Doyle Assistant Secretary: Julie Kirsopp Organist: Joyce Crouch Pianist: Linda Steffl Worship Music Director: Marian Martin Financial Secretary: Julie Kirsopp Treasurer: Shawn Meier Custodian: Bill Eddy