la marque crossing
la marque crossing
L A M ARQUE CR OSSING NWC I-45 & FM 1764 | La Marque, Texas Connor Lynch or Anderson Smith 281-816-6550 | 45 59 249 290 1960 Lake Houston 45 HARDY 290 TOLLWAY 10 610 10 WE STPARK TOLLWAY 99 6 M HOUSTON SA TOLLWAY 36 59 288 Galveston Bay 45 Property Description: Located adajcent to a Walmart Supercenter anchored development at the NWC of I-45 and FM 1764. This shopping center is strategically positioned at the gateway to the rapidly growing cities of Texas City and La Marque. Highlights: - Proximity to one of the highest grossing Walmart locations in the Houston metro area - Cross access to the Wal-Mart parking lot - Excellent visibility to I-45, the Emmet Lowry Expressway and FM 1764 Available Sites: 41,425 SF In-line Retail Space: 1,750 SF - 7,125 SF Traffic Counts: I-45: 89,587 VPD Emmet Lowry Expy: 43,000 VPD FM 1764: 15,637 VPD Area Retailers: L A MA RQU E CR O S S I N G NWC I-45 & FM 1764 | La Marque, Texas Connor Lynch or Anderson Smith 281-816-6550 [email protected] or [email protected] INTERSECTION AERIAL L A MA RQU E CR O S S I NG NWC I-45 & FM 1764 | La Marque, Texas Connor Lynch or Anderson Smith 281-816-6550 [email protected] or [email protected] RETAIL AERIAL L A MAR QU E CR O S S I NG NWC I-45 & FM 1764 | La Marque, Texas Connor Lynch or Anderson Smith 281-816-6550 [email protected] or [email protected] OBLIQUE AERIAL L A MAR QU E CR O S S I NG NWC I-45 & FM 1764 | La Marque, Texas Connor Lynch or Anderson Smith 281-816-6550 [email protected] or [email protected] SITE PLAN L A MAR QU E CR O S S I NG NWC I-45 & FM 1764 | La Marque, Texas Connor Lynch or Anderson Smith 281-816-6550 [email protected] or [email protected] SITE PLAN Proposed L A MAR QU E CR O S S I NG NWC I-45 & FM 1764 | La Marque, Texas Connor Lynch or Anderson Smith 281-816-6550 [email protected] or [email protected] Pitney Bowes Software, Inc. Updated Summary Report 3/1/2016 11:06:24 PM For: 6614 Gulf Freeway Texas City, Texas, Rings 1,3,5 mi S UMMA RY PRO F I L E Longitude: -95.03784420 Latitude: 29.40587180 1 mi Ring 3 mi Ring 5 mi Ring Population Trend 2000 Total Population 2010 Total Population 2015 Total Population 2020 Total Population 1,070 2,184 2,509 2,947 9,202 13,304 15,106 17,355 53,562 67,603 73,915 82,366 399 841 906 1,056 3,597 5,075 5,526 6,279 19,710 24,539 26,184 28,862 104.1% 134.5% 34.9% 17.5% 44.6% 64.2% 30.4% 14.9% 26.2% 38.0% 21.8% 11.4% 110.8% 127.1% 25.6% 16.6% 41.1% 53.6% 23.7% 13.6% 24.5% 32.8% 17.6% 10.2% 65.4% 23.2% .6% 2.2% .1% 5.3% 3.1% 56.5% 32.0% .6% 1.7% .1% 6.1% 3.0% 63.3% 23.5% .5% 1.8% .1% 7.9% 2.8% $26,372 $57,341 $72,070 $25,223 $52,878 $67,009 $26,525 $56,631 $73,051 2.7 2.7 2.8 3,223 1,717 1,506 53.3% 46.7% 15,458 6,633 8,825 42.9% 57.1% 64,769 22,684 42,085 35.0% 65.0% 2000 Total Households 2010 Total Households 2015 Total Households 2020 Total Households DEMOGRAPHICS Households Trend Population Change Trend 2000 to 2010 Population Change 2000 to 2015 Population Change 2010 to 2020 Population Change 2015 to 2020 Population Change Household Change Trend 2000 to 2010 Household Change 2000 to 2015 Household Change 2010 to 2020 Household Change 2015 to 2020 Household Change 2015 Race White alone Black or African American alone American Indian and Alaska Native alone Asian alone Native Hawaiian and OPI alone Some Other Race alone Two or More Races 2015 Income Per Capita Income Household Income: Median Household Income: Average Average household size Total Daytime Population Total Employee Population Total Daytime at Home Population Total Employee Population (% of Daytime Population) Total Daytime at Home Population (% of Daytime Population) Location Map Center 6614 Gulf Freeway Texas City, Texas, NWC I-452 9&. 4 FM 0 51764 8 7 2 , |- 9La 5 . 0Marque, 3 7 8 4 4 Texas L A MA RQU E CR O S S I NG 2.8 mi 2.8 km Connor Lynch or Anderson Smith 281-816-6550 [email protected] or [email protected] 11-2-2015 Information About Brokerage Services Texas law requires all real estate license holders to give the following informaƟon about brokerage services to prospecƟve buyers, tenants, sellers and landlords. TYPES OF REAL ESTATE LICENSE HOLDERS: . • A BROKER is responsible for all brokerage acƟviƟes, including acts performed by sales agents sponsored by the broker. • A SALES AGENT must be sponsored by a broker and works with clients on behalf of the broker. A BROKER’S MINIMUM DUTIES REQUIRED BY LAW (A client is the person or party that the broker represents): • Put the interests of the client above all others, including the broker’s own interests; • Inform the client of any material informaƟon about the property or transacƟon received by the broker; • Answer the client’s quesƟons and present any offer to or counter-offer from the client; and • Treat all parƟes to a real estate transacƟon honestly and fairly. A LICENSE HOLDER CAN REPRESENT A PARTY IN A REAL ESTATE TRANSACTION: AS AGENT FOR OWNER (SELLER/LANDLORD): The broker becomes the property owner's agent through an agreement with the owner, usually in a wriƩen lisƟng to sell or property management agreement. An owner's agent must perform the broker’s minimum duƟes above and must inform the owner of any material informaƟon about the property or transacƟon known by the agent, including informaƟon disclosed to the agent or subagent by the buyer or buyer’s agent. AS AGENT FOR BUYER/TENANT: The broker becomes the buyer/tenant's agent by agreeing to represent the buyer, usually through a wriƩen representaƟon agreement. A buyer's agent must perform the broker’s minimum duƟes above and must inform the buyer of any material informaƟon about the property or transacƟon known by the agent, including informaƟon disclosed to the agent by the seller or seller’s agent. AS AGENT FOR BOTH - INTERMEDIARY: To act as an intermediary between the parƟes the broker must first obtain the wriƩen agreement of each party to the transacƟon. The wriƩen agreement must state who will pay the broker and, in conspicuous bold or underlined print, set forth the broker's obligaƟons as an intermediary. A broker who acts as an intermediary: • Must treat all parƟes to the transacƟon imparƟally and fairly; • May, with the parƟes' wriƩen consent, appoint a different license holder associated with the broker to each party (owner and buyer) to communicate with, provide opinions and advice to, and carry out the instrucƟons of each party to the transacƟon. • Must not, unless specifically authorized in wriƟng to do so by the party, disclose: ᴑ that the owner will accept a price less than the wriƩen asking price; ᴑ that the buyer/tenant will pay a price greater than the price submiƩed in a wriƩen offer; and ᴑ any confidenƟal informaƟon or any other informaƟon that a party specifically instructs the broker in wriƟng not to disclose, unless required to do so by law. AS SUBAGENT: A license holder acts as a subagent when aiding a buyer in a transacƟon without an agreement to represent the buyer. A subagent can assist the buyer but does not represent the buyer and must place the interests of the owner first. TO AVOID DISPUTES, ALL AGREEMENTS BETWEEN YOU AND A BROKER SHOULD BE IN WRITING AND CLEARLY ESTABLISH: • The broker’s duƟes and responsibiliƟes to you, and your obligaƟons under the representaƟon agreement. • Who will pay the broker for services provided to you, when payment will be made and how the payment will be calculated. LICENSE HOLDER CONTACT INFORMATION: This noƟce is being provided for informaƟon purposes. It does not create an obligaƟon for you to use the broker’s services. Please acknowledge receipt of this noƟce below and retain a copy for your records. Licensed Broker /Broker Firm Name or Primary Assumed Business Name License No. Email Phone Designated Broker of Firm License No. Email Phone Licensed Supervisor of Sales Agent/ Associate License No. Email Phone Sales Agent/Associate’s Name License No. Email Phone Buyer/Tenant/Seller/Landlord Initials Regulated by the Texas Real Estate Commission Date InformaƟon available at IABS 1-0
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