SouthWare Excellence Series™ Rev 10 Upgrade Release


SouthWare Excellence Series™ Rev 10 Upgrade Release
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10
Upgrade Release Notice
Table of Contents
Highlight Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Sys tem Man age men t Too ls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
System Environment Tree View Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Control Record Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Transaction Operator Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Logged Activity Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Access to Workstation Device Names in Status Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
New Com pressio n Option for vutil Reb uild Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
New Wor ksta tion D evic e Cro ss-R efere nce File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Documentation of Selected Program Switches
Top PEG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Test SouthWa re Forms Directories in Diagnostic Re port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Suppo rt Tools - D irectory P ath Diag nostic R eport FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Status M anage r - Show Inactive W orkstation s Not Lo gged O ff FLASH . . . . . 27
Set Up and Implementation Aids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
ProcessWise™ Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
SouthWare CheckUp™ - Integrated SouthWare Diagnostic Tool . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Optional Control Record Templates for Default Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Master Transaction Operators FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Interactive Release Notice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Option to Use Uppercase Edit Control on Selected Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Uppercase E dit Control Option for Field Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Option to Use Environment Variables for Override Directory Paths
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
New Optional Starting Directory Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Installation Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Option for Workstation Number Assignment without switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Separate Directories for Macros and Bitmap Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Control Record Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
System Environment Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
New G/L Chart of Accounts Wizard to Simplify Set Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Set Up - Improved Automation When Installing Interim Updates FLASH . . . . 41
Workstation Record - Option to Rename Workstation Records
FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Option to Create Variable Multi-Company Spool Formats FLASH . . . . . . . . . . 42
Option to set Vision Version in cblconfig file FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Operator Profile - Option to Define “Global” Profiles for Use by All Operators
FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Security Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
New Data Maintenance Auditing System! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Activating Data Maintenance Auditing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Reviewing Audited Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Optional Expiration Date on Operator Passwords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Option to Disable Unsche duled Change of O perator Password . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Expanded O perator Password . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Inquiry Display of Operator Security Levels per Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Option to Secure Notes by Operator/Group
Top PEG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Optiona l Improve d NetLin k Param eter Sec urity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Increased Encryption on NetLink Session Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Other General Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
New Bitmap Images/Icons for Windows Workstations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Option to Create Backup Spool File When Printing
Top PEG . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Option to Specify Number of Copies to Print for Windows Printers Top PEG
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Color Option on Printed Rectangle Drawings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Grid Technology Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Export to HTML Option from Grids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Scroll tips on selected grid lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Exp ort to E xce l Now Han dles Num eric D ata o n Pa ged Grid . . . . . . . . 59
Add itiona l Prog ram s tha t Use a Gr id . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Improved Find Function Available in all Grid Lists FLASH . . . . . . . . . 59
Export to Excel Now Includes Column Headers FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Changes to Logged Activity Subsystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Log ged activ ity is n ow c aptu red in an ind exe d file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Update of the log reporting file is now automatically done when reviewing
logged info . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
New Archive # of Days lets you choose how much history to keep . . . 60
Logging Features Maintained and Reviewed via Logged Activity Manager
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
We b Te chn ology allow s Hy perlin k se tup o f Sou thW are P ass ing F ield . . . . . . . 60
Notes Preview Pane for FileView
Top PEG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Notes Search O ption to Use LFMT Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Thin Clien t Improv emen ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Improved Performance of Bitmap Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Support of WAV Sound Playback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Support of Windows Explorer File Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Suppo rt of Work station TA PI Ability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Windows Registry Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Display of Bitmap While Client is Connecting to Server . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Dem o Licens e - Increa se Re cord Lim it for Extend ed Da ta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Underlines Now Display Properly on Windows Workstations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Improved XFD Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Option to Call View Display Without Using Current Link Values FLASH . . . . . 63
Menu - Option to Use Web Page Pane for BUI Area in BUI Menu Style FLASH
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Menu - Alternate-size Images for TaskWise Image Shown in Menu FLASH . . 64
Inventory/Sales Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Ware house Track ing Mod ule!
Top PEG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Item Group Matrix Adapter Module! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Receivings - New Smart Scan Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Receivings - Optional Shipment ID to Reference Multiple Items Received in same
Shipment/container . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Receivings - Optional Storage ID for Interface to Warehouse Tracking . . . . . . 71
Physic al Coun t - Stream lined Entry of Detail Co unts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Physical Count - Option to Generate G/L Distributions for Count Discrepancies
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Physical Count - G/L Offset Account for Discrepancies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Physical Count - Option to Cou nt Tracking Num bers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Phy sica l Cou nt - O ption to Ad d a S tock Item to an Exis ting W orkfile . . . . . . . . 75
Physical Count - Option to Rebuild Existing Workfile if No Counts Have Been
Entered . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Physical Count - Option to Record Counts for Warehouse Storage IDs . . . . . . 75
Option to Purchase/Receive Items for Rental Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Optional Line Item Integration of Services to Service Orders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Add Notes Text to Stock Keyword Search
Top PEG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
New Features in Stock Info Tree View Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Mar ketin g Ca talog Optio n to O rgan ize Ite ms Y ou S ell
Top PEG . . . . . . . . 76
Option to Purchase Serialized Non-Stock Catalog Items
Top PEG . . . . . . 80
Copy Function for Location Now Gives Option to Copy Location Credit Card Info
Top PEG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
New “Find Part #” Lookup File for Stock, Vendor Catalog, Standard Bill, and
Matrix Group Numbers
Top PEG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Allow Ope rator Dec ision o n As sem bling/ Purc has ing Ite m O rder Han dling C ode in
Sales Entry
Top PEG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
E-Mail Address for Vendor Purchasing Record
Top PEG . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Miscellaneous Stock Records No Longer Update Quantities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Default Ship To Address in Order Entry Now Uses Customer Address if No
Default in Customer Record
Top PEG FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
ICVerify Interface - Option to Accept and Submit Card Verification Validation
Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Change Inventory Valuation by G/L Date
Top PEG FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Billing Inquiry Option to Display All Types and Statuses of Orders
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Billing Inquiry Option to Display Open Orders in Reverse Date Sequence
PEG FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Picking T icket Co ntrol Now Ignores Line Item s That W ill Not Print
FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Dept/Operator “Master” Transaction Operator Option for Simpler
Setup/Maintenance FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Inventory Operator “Master” Transaction Operator Option for Simpler
Setup/Maintenance FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Maintenance Lookup of I/S Dept/Operators, Inventory Operators, and SV
Top PEG FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Default Line Item Type for Billing Operator FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Default Purchase For C ode for PO Buye r FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Default Line Item Type for Receivings Operators FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Landed Cost - Ability to Add New Cost Types to a Location and Update Existing
Landed Cost Purchase Orders
Top PEG FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Landed Cost - Option to Clear Landed Cost Allocation Amounts in Receivings
Top PEG FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Landed Cost - Display Percentages for Cost Types
Top PEG FLASH . . . 88
Landed Cost - New ReportMate Pathing
Top PEG FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . 88
ICV erify In terfa ce - A llow B usin ess and C orpo rate C ard A ppro val FLASH . . . 89
Option to Cancel Assembled Line Item FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Identify Non-Multiplied Assembly Components on Forms FLASH . . . . . . . . . . 89
ICVerify Interface - New Mail Order Flag an d Revision Num ber FLASH . . . . . 90
Assembly Work Order Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Option to Use Wo rk Order Cost on S ale of Assembled Item Po sted from Work
Order System
Top PEG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Option to Cancel Assembled Line Item . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Identify Non-Multiplied Assembly Com ponents on Form s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Rental Department Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Option to Purchase/Receive Items for Rental Locations FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Quick Return Entry prog ram for Return of Rental Tracking N umbers . . . . . . . . 93
Rental Transactions - New Option for Elapsed Time on Fixed Rate Rentals
FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Service Management Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Optional Order Line Item Integration of Services to Service Orders
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Option to Individually Select Service Order Lines for Billing
Top PEG . . . . . 98
New Flag in Service Order Line to Control Whether Billing Line Will Print on
Invoice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Assign Technicians to Spe cific Dispatch Operator
Top PEG . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Streamline Access to Dispatch/Scheduling from Service Order Entry
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Unea rned R evenu e G/L A ctivity Rep ort
Top PEG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Service Order Operator “Master” Transaction Operator Option for Simpler
Setup/Maintenance FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Option to Suppress Printing of Cost on Service Order History Listing
FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Accounts Receivable Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Customer Relationship Notes Inquiry Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Option to Update Customer Default Ship/Bill Address from Address Maintenance
Top PEG FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Update TaskWise Contact Record for Changes to Customer E-Mail Address and
Fax Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Default E-Mail Address and Fax Number from Customer Record for New
Customer Contact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Commissions Report Now Shows Previous Amount Paid for "Commissions that
are not b ased o n custo mer pa ymen ts" FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Accounts Payable Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
New Allocated Lande d Cos t Option fo r Shipm ent ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Vendor Relationship Notes Inquiry Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Update TaskWise Contact Record for Changes to Vendor E-Mail Address and
Fax Num ber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Default E-Mail Address and Fax Number from Vendor Record for New Vendor
Conta ct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Option on A/P Trial Balance to Ignore Subsequent Void Checks FLASH . . . 104
General Ledger Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
New G/L Chart of Accounts Wizard to Simplify Set Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Option to Inquire Entire Transaction for a G/L Account Distribution
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Job Cost Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Optional Job Cost Transaction Operator for Interfaced Transactions
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Payroll Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Files for Payroll Reporting Are Now Archived for Last Four Quarters
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Payroll Option to Distribute Other Earnings Exceptions Using Salary Distribution
Accou nts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Option to Selectively Skip Recurring Earning Amounts if Gross Pay is Zero
FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Ability to Process Expense Reimbursements (Employee Refunds) in Normal
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Pay roll FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
New Minimum Monthly State Withholding Tax Option FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
New Payroll SUI Data Dictionary Fields FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Cash Flow Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Update of International Currency in Bank Account for Reversed G/L Accruals
FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
ImportMate II™ Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Import Format Field Definition Uses Grid Technology on Windows Workstations
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Keys for Records Created are available for use in other programs . . . . . . . . 113
Physical Count Detail Import - Ability to Add Quantity to Existing Records . . 114
Ability to Import Job Cost Information into A/P Transactions FLASH . . . . . . . 114
Allow Import of Quantity Returned Defective to Sales Order Line Item FLASH
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Allow Discard Handling Code for Imported Sales Order Line Items FLASH . 115
New Non-S tock O ptions in Sa les Ord er Line Item Import FLASH . . . . . . . . . 115
Option to Import Non-Stock Item That Exists in Vendor Catalog . . . . 115
Option to Create Stock Record for Non-Stock Item That Exists in Vendor
Catalog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Special Notes in Importing Non-Stock Sales Order Line Items . . . . . 116
ImportMate II - Environment Variable to Specify Format of Imported Dates
FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Import Dates Now Recognizes a P eriod as a Date Editing Character FLASH
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
International Transaction Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Upda te of Interna tional Curr ency in C ash Flo w Ban k Acco unt for Re versed G/L
Accruals FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
ReportMate™ Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
New Ability to Sort b y Subto tals!
Top PEG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Option to Apply Ranges and Selection Criteria to Subtotals
Top PEG . . . 119
New Ratio Reserved Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
New Count% Reserved Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Autom atic Setup of Work Flow P rogram Doc Info rmation for Repo rtMate F ormats
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Access to Application Control Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
New HTML Table Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
New Data Dictionary Format Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
New XX99 Data Dictionary Field for 6-Digit Time FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Data D ictionary - A bility to Acce ss Exc ellence P eriod His tory Files fo r “Curre nt”
Year/Period FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Option to Control Line Spacing After Subtotals FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
New Ship To Data Dictionary Fields FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
New Payroll SUI Data Dictionary Fields FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Option to Suppress Zero Amounts on ReportMate Reports FLASH . . . . . . . 125
Tab le Ed it - Flow Poin t for C han ge of Eac h Ce ll FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Extended Data Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Option to Define Field Pathing for User-Defined Extended Data Attached to a
Stan dard Sou thW are F ile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
SouthWare Forms™ Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Print C olum ns Im plem ente d for F orm s to A llow U se of Both Fon ts an d Ima ges in
Custom Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Review Custom Forms via SouthWare Environment Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
NetLink Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Combine the Power of RCF Packets with NetLink! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Utilize a NetLink Variable as an Input Variable for Running an RCF Packet . 132
Option to Switch User Login Within Same Session Top PEG . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Extended Data option for NetLink Order Header and Line Item Files Top PEG
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Ability to Copy a NetLink Order Top PEG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
New Marketing Catalog Option for Item Selection Pages Top PEG . . . . . . 135
Item Gro up M atrix G rid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Option to Continu e Table Cell on N ext Line o f RM F ormat FLASH . . . . . . . 136
Option to Control Records Per Table Row . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Available Resource and Sample Pages for Rev 10 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Add Notes Text to Stock Keyword Search
Top PEG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Option to Secure Notes by Operator/Group
Top PEG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Improvements to NetLink Setup Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
New Phone Number variable for POS Orders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
ICVerify Interface - Option to Accept and Submit Card Verification Validation
Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Opt ion to Use Cus tom Tem plate Direc tory fo r Imp ort O ption al Fo rma t File . . 139
Increased Encryption on NetLink Session Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Option to Pre-define Variable Names as ReportMate Parameter Values for
Increased Security FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Option to Define Edit Program for NetLink Templates FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
NetLink Variable to Override Unit Price in NetLink Orders Top PEG FLASH
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
NetLink Variable to Specify Format of Imported Dates FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . 141
TaskWise® Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Option to Access All Related Notes for a TaskWise Relationship
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
New Due Date/Time Fields for a Task
Top PEG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Option to create Ad Hoc L ists of Members wh en Generating Tas ks per Mem ber
Top PEG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Performance Improvement When Searching for Relationships for a Contact
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
New XX99 Data Dictionary Fields for Current Relationship ID, Contact ID, and
Task ID in TW01
Top PEG FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
OfficeLink from TaskWise Now Utilizes Current Relationship ID and Contact ID
Top PEG FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Optiona l Parent P roject and Seque nce for S ub-Pro jects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Optional Project Sequence and Cost Code for Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Update TaskWise Contact Record for Changes to Customer E-Mail Address and
Fax Num ber FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
Default E-Mail Address and Fax Number from Customer Record for New
Custo mer C ontact FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
Update TaskWise Contact Record for Changes to Vendor E-Mail Address and
Fax Num ber FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
Default E-Mail Address and Fax Number from Vendor Record for New Vendor
Conta ct FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Create/Maintain Default Employee Contact for Payroll Employee FLASH . . 147
WorkFlow Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Program Database Now Includes All SouthWare Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
New Fields in Program Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
FlowMods May Be Reviewed and Accessed via the SouthWare Environment
Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Keys for Records Created are available for use in other programs . . . . . . . . 149
Autom atic Setup of Work Flow P rogram Doc Info rmation for Repo rtMate F ormats
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
WorkFlow - New FlowPoint for Printing FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Field Filters - Option to Return Entered Value Via WorkFlow Current Field
FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Work Flow E -Mail - Op tion to Use HTM L-forma t Body fo r E-Ma il Sent via M icrosoft
Outlook FLASH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
File Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Conversion Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Additional Documentation Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
User Docum entation for G/L Chart of Accounts W izard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
How to Use th e Wiza rd to Add a Char t of Acco unts . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
How to Use the Wizard to Add Acco unts to an Existing Chart . . . . . . 160
Special Notes for SouthWa re Developers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Upgrading Your Custom Source to Rev 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Other Developer Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Expanded Linkage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Rewrite of Check Abort routine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Prog ram Data bas e in W orkF low N ow In clud es A ll Prog ram s and is
Reviewable via SouthWare Environment Manager . . . . . . . . 163
Data Maintenance Auditing Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
SouthWare CheckUp Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
SouthWare Forms Windows Print Columns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
SouthWare Excellence Series
Revision 10 Upgrade
Highlight Summary
“More Excellence for Your Business”
What an exciting time to be in business! Rapid changes always present opportunities
when you can respond quickly. During the past year we have focused our efforts on
providing FLASH updates that gave you immediate help and on creating the Rev 10
platform you’ll need to be a successful business in the future. Major areas of focus
Doze ns of To p Req uested Items fro m De aler Prod uct Enh ancem ent Com mittees w ith
particular emphasis on:
TaskW ise
Service Management
New Modules
Wa reho use Trac king Mod ule
Item Gro up M atrix A dap ter M odu le
New Sys tem Man age men t Too ls
SouthWare Environment Manager
Logged Activity Manager
Control Record Manager
Transaction Operator Manager
Set Up and Implementation Aids
ProcessWise™ Manager and Analyzer
Option to define automatic upper/lower case editing for selected fields
Master transaction operators
Control Record Templates
General Ledger C hart of Accounts Wizard
Option to Use Environment Variables for Directory names
Interactive Implementation Guides
New Rec ommen ded Installation Directory Structure
Diagnostic Tool
SouthWare “CheckUp” - Diagnostics for Setup/Implementation of each application
Additional Security Features
Comprehensive Data Maintenance Auditing System
Expiration Date for Passwords
Option to secure Notes
Increased Web Integration
Call RCF Packets via NetLink
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
.....and ma ny othe r new b enefits tha t can bring more e xcellenc e to your busines s!
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
System Management Tools
Several new features and tools are designed to help you man age an existing SouthWa re
system. Below are some common challenges and the related new tool that provides
some assistance:
Example System Management
Relate d Too ls
Which directories are being used for
SouthWare files?
Do directory permissions allow
necessary access to the files?
Are the p rogram s curren t?
SouthWare Environment
What information has been
added/changed/deleted in this file since
Data Maintenance Auditing
Which data is being audited on the
SouthWare Environment
What FlowMods are active on the system?
SouthWare Environment
What other customization features have
been set up?
SouthWare Environment
Are security levels set up properly for the
SouthWare Environment
What version of runtime are we using?
SouthWare Environment
Which control record features are we
Control Record Manager
What transaction operators and features
are we using?
Transaction Operator Manager
How man y rec ords have been set u p in
SouthWare Environment
ProcessWise™ Manager
SouthWare Environment
Directory Diagnostic report
What are the current settings on my
environment variables?
SouthWare Environment
Who/What activity is being logged?
Logged Activity Manager
Who ran program xxxxxx yesterday?
Logged Activity Manager
Data Maintenance Auditing
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Example System Management
Relate d Too ls
Have we ha d system file access errors
Logged Activity Manager
Logged Error Inquiry
SouthWare CheckUp™
Have any special maintenance functions
been used in the last week?
Logged Activity Manager
Data Maintenance Auditing
When was the Rev xx conversion done on
this system?
Logged Activity Manager
ProcessW ise Manager™
Are there setup/configuration issues that
need attention?
ProcessWise™ Manager
SouthWare CheckUp™
System Environment Tree View Manager
You now have a powerful new tool to help you manage much of the system
information for your SouthWare software. The System Environment Manager
(XX-05-01) provides access to a vast array of information about directory setup,
programs, files, fields, customization features, and many other system features
as w ell as p rovid ing ac ces s to o ther s yste m m ana ger p rogr ams . With this to ol it
is easier for you to review, maintain, and understand system options.
The System Environment Manager program uses a tree view to organize features
into the following areas:
SouthWare Directories
Program Management
Data File Management
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
A c u co r p R u n tim e
Customization Features
Security Overview
Control Record Manager
Transaction Operator Manager
XX99 Linkage Variables
Environment Variables
Operator/Workstation Manager
Printer Manager
Remote Control Field Manager
ProcessWise Manager
Logged Activity Manager
Data Maintenance Auditing
Scheduled Actions
SouthWare Directories
You may ex pand this section to see a list of directories used by SouthWare
CODE-PREFIX directory (may include up to five directories)
FILE-PREFIX directory (may include up to five directories)
Starting directory
Compan y Create Data directory
Temporary/So rt file directory
Macros directory
Grid layouts directory
For Thin client shows both the client and the server
Bitmaps directory
OfficeLink Template directory
For Thin client shows both the client and the server
OfficeLink Temporary file directory
For Thin client shows both the client and the server
OfficeLink Attachment directory
For Thin client shows both the client and the server
HTML P reviews directory
For Thin client shows both the client and the server
HTML V iews directory
For Thin client shows both the client and the server
HTML Im ages directory
For Thin client shows both the client and the server
HTML H elp directory
For Thin client shows both the client and the server
HTML T emporary file directory
For Thin client shows both the client and the server
HTML C ustom template directory
For Thin client shows both the client and the server
HTML E xcelAssist directory
For Thin client shows both the client and the server
SouthWare F orms Text File directory
SouthWare F orms Strings directory
For each directory you may see:
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
The actual path for the directory
Wh ethe r you have oper ating sys tem perm issio n priv ileges to wr ite files in
that directory
An explanation of the source of the directory path and any overrides that
can be defined within SouthWare.
Default Macros and Bitmaps Directories
For the Macros directory and Bitmaps Directory you may establish a
system default. You may e xpand either of thes e selection s in the tree to
view the current d efault directo ry. You m ay then use the E dit function to
enter a new default system default for the directory.
Pr og r am s
Within this section of the manager you have access to the following programrelated features:
Check of All Program Dates
Report of program dates
Tree List of all programs showing whether program date matches
referenc e date
Program Categories (organized by first two characters of program name
from Program Documentation file - WF-02-02)
Each Program within a Category
Check of program dates for Category
Access to special features (Modify function) for the
List of FlowPoints for Program (with indication of whether
a FlowM od exists for the Flow Point)
List of FlowMods within each FlowPoint
Access to Data Maintenance Audit Inquiry for the
Access to Primary File Info if program is a Maintenance
program (see File In fo below for file-related d ata
Within this section of the manager you have access to the following file-related
File C ateg ories (orga nize d by f irst tw o cha racte rs of D ata D iction ary file
Each Data Dictionary file within a Category (the manager shows
the number of records for each file)
Option to vutil rebuild the file (if your workstation pathing
does not use Acuserver file names)
If you choose the Edit function for this selection
the program will run the vutil -rebuild utility for
the file.
Opt ion to print D ata D iction ary file path ing fo r the file
Acc ess to Da ta Ma inten anc e Au diting featu res fo r the file
Access to Data Maintenance Audit Inquiry for the
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Option to Turn O n/Off Au dit of Reco rds Add ed to
Option to Turn On/Off Audit of Records Deleted
from file
Option to control w hether A uditing app lies to
cha nge s ma de to the file via S outh Wa re too ls
Opt ion to Turn On A udit o f Field Cha nge s for a ll
fields in file
Opt ion to Turn Off A udit o f Field Cha nge s for a ll
fields in file
List o f Aud it Statu s for e ach field in file
Option to Turn On/Off field audit status
List of all Data Dictionary fields for the file
Acces s to File Da ta
Wh en yo u high light a file the prev iew p ane uses a spe cial ut ility to o btain
and display the following information about the file:
Data Dictionary File Name
File Name (with Company ID and Suffix)
Full Path Name
File Size in Bytes
Number of Records
Record Size in Bytes
Number of Keys (including Primary Key)
Host File System (Normally Vision)
Vision Version (3,4, or 5)
Encrypted (Y or N)
File Rebuild Option
If the file pathing allows vutil access to a file (e.g. not an Acuserver path)
a vutil rebuild option displays when you expand the file. When you
highlight this option the preview pane uses a special utility to obtain and
display the following vutil information about the file:
Full Path name
File Size in Bytes
Number of Records
Number of Deleted Records
Percent Used
The perc ent u sed and n umb er of d elete d rec ords inform ation can h elp
you de termine whethe r the file need s to be reb uilt.
Customization Features
Within this section of the manager you can quickly review the key areas that have
been customized using SouthWare Tools:
WorkFlow FlowMods
Here you may list each FlowMod on your system for the current
company. The preview pane shows the steps for the highlighted
You m ay zoo m to the F lowMo d mainte nance program to
edit the FlowMod.
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Screen Overrides
Here you may list each Screen Override defined on your system.
You may zoom to the Screen Override maintenance
program to edit the highlighted record.
Program Security Overrides
Here you m ay list each Program Sec urity Override record
defined on your system.
You may zoom to the Program Security Override
maintenance program to edit the highlighted record.
SouthWare Form Overrides
Here you may list each SouthWare Form definition record for the
current company.
You may zoom to the SouthWare Forms maintenance
program to edit the highlighted record.
SouthW are Ob jects
Here you may list each SouthWare object that has been defined.
You may zoom to the SouthWare Object maintenance
program to edit the highlighted record.
Field Filters
Here you may list each SouthWare field filter that has been
You may zoom to the SouthWare field filter maintenance
program to edit the highlighted record.
OfficeLink IDs
Here you may list each SouthWare OfficeLink ID that has been
You m ay zoo m to the S outhW are Office Link ID
maintenance program to edit the highlighted record.
SouthWare Constructed Variables
Here you may list each SouthWare constructed variable that has
been defined.
You may zoom to the Sou thW are c ons truct ed va riable
maintenance program to edit the highlighted record.
Security Overview
Within this section of the manager you can quickly review some key features of
Sec urity O verv iew - O n Win dow s wo rksta tions this a cce sse s a he lp top ic
web p age that o verview s the ke y feature s of sec urity
Ope rator Sec urity L eve ls
You may zoom to a list of operators with their security levels per
You may zoom to the operator maintenance program for
a particular operator
Program Security Overrides
Here you m ay list each Program Sec urity Override record
defined on your system.
You may zoom to the Program Security Override
maintenance program to edit the highlighted record.
Control Record Manager
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
This selection accesses a manager for the Application Control Records. See the
related discussion “Control Record Manager” later in this release notice.
Transaction Operator Manager
This selection accesses a manager for the Transaction Operator Records. See
the related discussion “Transaction Operator Manager” later in this release
XX99 Linkage Variables
This selection accesses the Control Record manager for the XX99 Linkage
variables and shows their current values.
Environment Variables
Within this section of the manager you can quickly review some key environment
variables used b y South Ware program s:
Environment Settings Inquiry - This selection access es a special inquiry
(SWSETENV/C) that displays the values of many of the settings and
environ ment v ariables u sed by SouthW are or by the Acu corp run time.
This can be helpful in troubleshooting or diagnosing certain setup issues.
Standard SouthW are Variables - This selection displays a list of standard
SouthWare-only environment variables utilized by SouthWare programs
that may be useful for WorkFlow or other functions. A description of the
use of the variable appears in the preview pane.
Operator/Workstation Manager
This selection accesses the operator/workstation tree view manager (XX-02-01)
that shows the status and setup info for operators and workstations.
Printer Manager
This selection accesses the printer tree view manager (XX-05-05-03) that lets you
review information about your printer setup and related features.
Remote Control Field Manager
This selection accesses the remote control field packet tree view manager (XX09-14-02) that lets you review information about the RCF packets set up on your
ProcessWise Manager
This selection accesses the P rocessWise tree view manager for SouthW are
proc ess es. S ee th e rela ted d iscu ssio n “Pr oce ssW ise M ana ger” later in this
release notice.
Logged Activity Manager
This selection accesses a tree view manager for information related to logged
sys tem activ ity. Se e the relate d disc uss ion “L ogg ed A ctivity Man age r” late r in this
release notice.
Data Maintenance Auditing
Within this section of the manager you can quickly review key information related
to the Data Maintenance Auditing capability of SouthWare products:
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Data Maintenance Audit Inquiry
Here you may access the inquiry program for data maintenance
aud it inform ation . See “Dat a Ma inten anc e Au dit Inq uiry” later in
this release notice.
Operator Audit O/R Status
Here you may list each logon operator defined on your system
and show whether any of the Data Maintenance Auditing override
flags have been enabled for the operator.
You may zoom to the operator maintenance program
(XX-03-02) to edit the highlighted record.
Program Audit O/R Status
Here you may list each program documented on your system
and show whether any of the Data Maintenance Auditing override
flags have been enabled for the program.
You may zoom to the program information maintenance
program (WF-02-02) to edit the highlighted record.
File Audit O/R Status
Here you may list each data dictionary file documented on your
system and show whether any of the Data Maintenance Auditing
flags have been enabled for the file. See the related discussion
under the “Files” section above.
Scheduled Actions
This se lection acc esses the sch eduled a ctions ca lendar (X X-09-0 8-02) tha t lets
you see the status of current scheduled actions on your system. From the
calendar you may also maintain the scheduled actions.
CheckUp Function
You may press the [F6] key to run the SouthWare CheckUp diagnostic tests for
your system. See the SouthWare CheckUp discussion in this release notice for
more information.
Secur ity Note
The environment manager is intended for use by people who manage the
system . You m ust hav e a sec urity level of 7 in SwiftMa te in order to
access this program.
Control Record Manager
With this powerful new tool you can easily review the options and features set up
in your various control records for SouthWare applications. When you access
this program (XX-08-09-02) you will see a list of control records and related
information that you may review:
Acc oun ts Pa yab le
Acc oun ts Re ceiv able
Fixed A ssets
General Ledger
International Transactions
Assembly W ork Orders
Item Gro up M atrix
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Warehouse Tracking
Job Cost
Pay roll
Rental Department
Shipping Interface
Service Management
Execu Mate II
XX99 - Curren t “Link” Info
Saved Templates
Reviewing a Con trol Record
When you choose to review one of the control records by expanding it in the tree
you have the following options:
Current Values
You may choose to expand this selection to create a list of the fields from
the related data diction ary along with their cu rrent valu es.
Editing a Value
You may use the edit function to zoom to the related
maintenance program for any of the fields. The proper field or
window will be highlighted when you zoom on a field.
Inquire Changed Data - (file)
You may use this selection to access the Data Maintenance Auditing
Inquiry program for this control record. This lets you see any changes
made to the record that are recorded in the auditing file.
Note: Data Maintenance Auditing for changes is enabled by default for
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
all SouthWare control files.
Saved Templates
This selec tion a ppe ars if th ere a re an y sa ved setu p tem plate s for th is
control re cord. Se e “Rev iewing S aved T emplate s” below .
Review ing XX9 9 - Curre nt “Link” Info
You may expand this selection to review the current value of the XX99 or linkage
values on your system. These store many of the session-related values used by
the system including the “Ulink” fields that you may manipulate via WorkFlow.
Reviewing Saved Templates
This selection appears if there are any saved control record setup templates on
your system (stored in the ALCTLSAV.FIL file). These templates are used during
initial setup of a control record to streamline implementation. You may review
these templates prior to setup to decide which templates are the best fit for your
business. Expand a template to see its values for the fields.
CheckUp Function
You may pres s the [F6] key or click “CheckU p” button to run the SouthWare
CheckUp diagnostic tests for the currently highlighted application. If you run
CheckUp while “Control File Settings” is highlighted the tests for all applications
will be run. See the SouthWare CheckUp discussion in this release notice for
more information.
Transaction Operator Manager
With this powerful new tool you can easily review the options and features set up
in your various transaction operator records for SouthWare applications. When
you access this program (XX-08-09-03) you will see a list of transaction operator
types that you may review:
A/P Transaction Op erators
A/R Cash R eceipts Operators
A/R Sales Transac tion Operators
Cash Flow T ransaction Operators
G/L Transaction O perators
Warehouse Operators
Inventory/Sales Inventory Operator
Purchasing Buye r Operators
Job Cost Trans action Operators
Payroll Operators
Rental Department
Billing Operators
Service Manage ment Service Ord er Operators
TaskWise O perators
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Reviewing the list of operators for a type
You may choose to expand any of these types to create a list of the operators for
that type.
Reviewing the operator settings for an operator
You may then choose to expand an operator to view a list of the fields from the
related da ta dictionary along w ith their curre nt values .
Zooming to an operator to edit the settings
You may use the edit function to zoom to the related maintenance program for
any of the operator files.
Logged Activity Manager
With this tree view manager tool (XX-02-03-01) you may access various logged
information for your system. The information available includes:
Logged Activity for Operators/Menus
System Errors Inqu iry
Upgrade Conversions
Data M aintenan ce Aud iting Inquiry
If the lo gge d act ivity s yste m is e nab led th e sy stem will au tom atica lly
update the log reporting file from current capture information when you
access this manager. See the related discussion “Changes to Logged
Activity Su bsyste m” later in this release n otice.
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Logged Activity for Operators/Menus
The options in this section are related to the optional logging system for operator
and menu activity (XX-02-03). This system uses a capture file to record selected
system activity and then sum marize s the ca ptured d ata in a rep orting file. Only
activity that is selected for logging is captured in this system and only if t his
system is activated.
Turning the L ogging Sy stem On and Off
The m ain node for this sec tion indicates whethe r logging is O n or Off.
You may use the Edit function to change the current status:
If Logging is Off you may turn it on - this creates the logging
capture file.
If Logging is On you may turn it off - this deletes the capture file.
Here are the options for logging reporting:
#Days of Logging History to Retain [nnn]
The description of this item shows the num ber of days of logging history
that should be retained. Each time the reporting file is updated the
program will first remove any history records (from both the capture and
reporting file) that are prior to the interval specified here. You may use
the Edit function to modify the number of days.
Who/What is Being Logged
The optio ns in t his se ction allow you t o quic kly re view whic h act ivity is
being logg ed.
Operator Logging Status
Exp and this s elec tion to see a list of a ll logon oper ators and t heir
current logging status flag:
Always log activity by this operator
Con dition ally log men u act ivity fo r this o pera tor if m enu is
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
also conditional
Log only logon attempts by this operator
No lo gging base d on o pera tor (b ut oth er ap plicab le
logging flags may result in logging)
Company Logging Status
Exp and this s elec tion to see a list of a ll com pan y IDs and t heir
current logging status flag:
Always log activity in this company
Conditionally log menu activity for this company if menu
is also conditional
Log only logon attempts within this company
No lo gging base d on c omp any (but o ther a pplica ble
logging flags may result in logging)
Menu Logging Status
Exp and this s elec tion to see a list of a ll men u rec ords and t heir
current logging status flag:
Always log activity of this menu record
Con dition ally log men u act ivity fo r this m enu reco rd if
operator is also conditional
No logging based on menu (but other applicable logging
flags may result in logging)
Logged Activity by Date
This selection allows you to review all logged activity for a date. Options
Access to Date L ogging Report
This option accesses the related date-oriented logging report
Logging for (today)
This option displays a list of all activities logged on the system for
the current system date.
Logging for (yesterday)
This option displays a list of all activities logged on the system for
the previous system date.
Logging for (last 7 days)
This option displays a list of each of the last 7 days. You may
expand any of the dates to view all activities logged on the
system for that date.
Logging for All Dates
This option displays a list of each of the logged dates in your
repo rting file (whic h is lim ited b y the num ber o f day s yo u reta in
loggin g hist ory) . You may expa nd an y of th e dat es to view all
activities logged on the system for that date.
L o g ge d A ctiv ity by P rogram N am e
This selection allows you to review all logged activity for a particular
program name. Options include:
Access to Progra m Log ging Re port
This option accesses the related progra m-oriented logging report
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Logging for (program name)
You m ay exp and an y of the pro gram n ames show n to be ab le to
access logging activity recorded for the program for the same
date options as discussed under Logged Activity by Date above.
Logged Activity by Operator
This selection allows you to review all logged activity for a particular
logon operator. Options include:
Access to Ope rator Log ging Re port
This option accesses the related ope rator-oriented logging report
Logg ing for (op erator)
You m ay exp and an y of the op erators s hown to be able to
access logging activity recorded for the operator for the same
date options as discussed under Logged Activity by Date above.
Bad Log on Attem pts
This selection allows you to review bad logon attempts for the reporting
dates. Options include:
Access to Logo n Error Re port
This option accesses the related error logging report (XX-02-0302).
System Errors Inquiry (current company)
This option accesses the system errors inquiry program (XX-0808).
Logging for (dates)
Here you may access logging bad logon activity recorded for the
same date option s as disc ussed under L ogged Activity by Date
File Acces s Errors
This selection allows you to review file access errors logged for the
reporting dates. Options include:
Access to Logo n Error Re port
This option accesses the related error logging report (XX-02-0302).
System Errors Inquiry (current company)
This option accesses the system errors inquiry program (XX-0808).
Logging for (dates)
Here y ou ma y acce ss logge d file acces s errors for the sam e date
options as discussed under Logged Activity by Date above.
Special Override Number Usage
This selection allows you to review the use of special maintenance
override numb ers (for sp ecial sup port situation s) for the re porting da tes.
Options include:
Access to Logo n Error Re port
This option accesses the related error logging report (XX-02-0302).
System Errors Inquiry (current company)
This option accesses the system errors inquiry program (XX-08-
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Logging for (dates)
Here you may access logged use of special maintenance
numbers recorded for the same date options as discussed under
Logged Activity by Date above.
System Errors Inquiry
This option accesses the sy stem errors inquiry program (XX -08-08).
Upgrade Conversions
You may expand this section to view the logged upgrade/conversion programs
that have run on your system. Each revision is shown along with the date the
conversion was started. You may expand any revision to see the individual
con vers ion pr ogra ms ( by ap plicat ion) th at we re run along with th eir da te/tim e
informa tion.
Data Maintenance Auditing Inquiry
This option accesses the Data Maintenance Auditing Inquiry program (XX-02-0401). S ee th e rela ted d iscu ssio n “Ne w D ata M ainte nan ce A uditin g Sy stem ” later in
this release notice.
Access to Workstation Device Names in Status Manager
The O perator/W orkstation Status M anage r progra m now includes an option to
review Workstation Device Names. These are the names provided by the
machine or network to identify the workstation logging on to SouthWare. These
names are stored in a cross-reference file that identifies which SouthW are
workstation number is to be used for each workstation device name.
From the Status Manager (XX-02-01 or [F6]) from any menu) a new menu
cate gory of “W orks tation Dev ice N ame s” no w ap pea rs. Yo u ma y ex pan d this
category to see all the workstation device names and their related workstation
New Co mpression Option for vutil Reb uild Utility
The SouthWare file rebuild program that runs vutil for SouthWare files (XX-08-03)
now re cognize s any s pecial co mpres sion option s that hav e been set for files. If
you ha ve rebu ilt a file with a non-d efault com pressio n factor the SouthW are utility
will retain that compression factor when rebuilding your files:
If you have set th e CO MP RES SIO N-F ACT OR conf igura tion v ariab le this
will now be used in the VUTIL -rebuild logic.
If a file is not compressed and the COMPRESSION-FACTO R is set to 0
then the utility will issue vutil parameters so that the file will not have
comp ression when it is rebuilt.
New Work station Device Cross -Refere nce F ile
The system now maintains a new cross-reference file between machine device
nam e for a work statio n and the S outh Wa re wo rksta tion n umb er. Th is file
contains either a Station ID, Thin Client Machine Name, or User ID. The system
automatically builds records in this file as needed.
Access to Cross-Reference Records
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
You may access these cross-reference records via:
The W orkstation Status M anage r progra m ([F6] fro m any menu ).
Workstation IDs are displayed in a tree node.
A special maintenance program (SWWKSXRF). With this program you
may ass ign w orks tation num bers and n ame s. If yo u kno w the nam e of a ll
of the tty device names or Thin Client Machine Names you may set up
record s that ass ign a wo rkstation N umbe r to them before u sers log into
Sou thW are fo r the fir st tim e. If us ers a nd te rmin als ar e alre ady set u p in
SouthWare you may change the workstation numbers, but you MUST
make corresponding changes by renaming the workstation records in XX05-02.
Upgra de No te
The logon process will automatically create the new Workstation Cross
Refe renc e rec ords in Re v 10 w hen it reco gniz es th at the re is a n old T able F ile
record without a Workstation Cross Reference record.
Optional Technical Background
In the past there has been a record in the Table file that was internal and not accessible to the user.
It had an 8 character key that was used to store either the Unix tty device name or the Thin Client
Machine name. When a user workstation was used that did not have an assigned terminal number
the next available number was assigned so that when this work station logged on again it got the
same terminal number. With Thin Client, the Machine Names that were being returned from the
operating system could not be assigned a unique name that would fit in 8 characters. The new file
has a 65 character key so uniqueness should not be a problem any more.
See also the related discussion “Option for Workstation Number Assignment
without switches” later in this release notice.
Documentation of Selected Program Switches
From the Dealer PartnerZone NetLink site you may access a topic in the FAQ
section that documents selected program switches. This is not an exhaustive link
of switch es but inc ludes so me of the comm on one s that mig ht be use ful to
dea lers/u sers . You may also f ind so me o f the p rogr am s witch es do cum ente d in
the WorkFlow P rogram database (WF-02-02).
Test So uthW are Form s Directories in Diagno stic Repo rt
In the directory path diagnostic report (SWDIRLST - see below) the program now
also tests the p aths for the Sou thW are F orm s tex t file dire ctory and s tring file
directory. These paths are defined in the SouthW are Forms con figuration record
Support T ools - Directory Path D iagnostic Rep ort FLASH
You can now print a report that shows the SouthWare directory paths used by
your operator/workstation. This can be very helpful in support situations since
ma ny of th ese direc tory pa ths c ould h ave o verrid es. T he re port le ts you quick ly
see what directories the SouthWare programs are using on your
operator/workstation combination.
You may run this report by entering the program name “SWDIRLST ” at any menu
sele ct pro mp t. You mu st ch oos e an o utpu t optio n for the re port. The repo rt will
then print the following information:
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
CODE-PREFIX paths (up to five of them) and whether your workstation
can write to those directories
FILE-PREFIX paths (up to five of them) and whether your workstation
can write to those directories
Company ID data directory and whether your workstation can write to that
Path of macro bmp directory
Path of O fficeLink directory an d wheth er your wo rkstation can write to
that directory
Path of swhtml directory and whether your workstation can write to that
directory and to the following subdirectories:
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
Status M anager - Sho w Inactive W orkstations No t Logged Off FLASH
When you display inactive workstations in the workstation status manager
program ([F6] from menu) the list now highlights any workstations that were not
properly logged off. A workstation that has not logged on today but was not
logged off doesn’t count as “active” on the license but m ay still have active
programs with locked records or files. These display with the literal “*OLD
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Set Up and Implementation Aids
Several new tools are available to help you with set up and implementation of your
SouthWare system. Here are some common challenges and a corresponding tool that
provides new capabilities to help with the challenge:
Example Set Up/Implementation
Relate d Too ls
What steps should I take to plan the
implementation of this system?
ProcessWise™ Manager
What is the status of the implementation?
ProcessWise™ Manager
What are the sugge sted control record
Control record templates
Control record manager
Which features are not being used?
Control record manager
Transaction operator manager
SouthWare CheckUp™
What has changed since the initial setup?
Data Maintenance Auditing
How can I set u p the sys tem so th at it is
easy to move to ano ther computer later?
Environment variables for
Override Directory Paths
How can I ensu re that my operators are
consistent in the way they use upper/lower
case letters when they enter such values
as stock numbers?
Uppercase Edit control
Upp erca se E dit co ntrol fo r field
How can I ensure that workstation
num bers are a ssig ned cons isten tly with in
my network?
Workstation number assignment
without switches
Workstation device crossrefer enc e file
Rename of workstations
How can I minimize the maintenance
needed for operator profiles
Global profiles
How can I minimize the setup/maintenance
needed for billing operators?
Master transaction operator
How can I create a standard chart of
accounts but use a custom account
number structure?
G/L Chart of Accoun ts Wizard
ProcessWise™ Manager
SouthWare ProcessWise™ (XX-08-09-04) is an innovative tool that helps you
review a nd ma nage the proces ses yo u use w ithin SouthW are mo dules. Its
capabilities are divided into three major areas:
Implementation processes
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
These are the steps needed to set up your SouthWare system including
the steps for each module. Several implementation guideline web pages
are available to help you with planning.
Daily/Periodic processes
These are the proces ses you use w ithin SouthWare modules to perform
your daily or periodic tasks.
Upgrade processes
These are the processes and information related to upgrading your
SouthWare system from a previous revision to a more current revision.
The records shown in the ProcessWise manager tree are based on the process
records in the WorkFlow database (WF-02-01). Here are a few special notes
about the database:
Process Catego ry
The first character of the Process ID (WF-02-01, field 1) indicates the
major category for each process:
If the process ID starts with a period the process is identified as
an Implementation process.
If the process ID starts with an underline the process is identified
as an Upgrade process.
(Other) If the process ID starts with a character other than a period or
underline then it is considered a normal daily or periodic process.
Process Help/Info Records
You may define a process help record that will appear in ProcessWise as
an Info topic for the process. Enter a help record (XX-04-01-01) with a
Progra m ID tha t match es the pr ocess ID. For ex ample, fo r proces s ID
“.INST0 10" you may e nter a he lp record with a Pro gram ID of “.INST 010".
This will cause the help record to appear as an info record under the
.INST010 process.
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Optional Re lated TaskW ise Projects
You may relate one or more TaskWise projects to a process ID by
defin ing a P rojec t Cate gory that m atch es th e pro ces s ID. F or ex amp le, if
you want to use TaskWise to assign tasks related to the setup of
Inventory/Sales you may create a Project Category of “.INST080" and
create one or more projects for that category. When you display the
Inve ntory /Sale s imp leme ntatio n pro ces s in P roce ssW ise th e pro jects will
appear under that process.
Reference to a Menu Group to Expand
For a process se quence record yo u may refer to an existing SouthW are
menu reference by putting “@M=xx9999" in the Program Field (WF-0201, fie ld 3) w here “xx9 999 " is the men u refe renc e num ber. T his
simplifies the setup of process sequence steps since you may refer to a
set of steps already defined in the menu. For example, a process
seq uen ce re cord with “ @M =IS0 8" as the P rogr am ID will au tom atica lly
display all the program records under the IS08 menu when you display
the sequence record in ProcessWise.
The discussions below explain the unique features of each major type of process.
Implementation Processes
These processes are identified in the WorkFlow Process database by the use of
a period (.) in the first character of the Process ID (WF-02-01, field 1). The
remaining portion of the Process ID identifies the sequence of these processes
within the implementation area. SouthWare has provided standard records for
the implementation processes typically needed for a SouthWare installation.
Testing of Implementation File Setup Status
When you expand the Implementation selection the system checks each
process step to see if the step involves setting up data files that are
ident ified in S outh Wa re's D ata D iction ary. If a pro ces s invo lves a File
Mainten ance ty pe prog ram w ith a know n data file the s ystem check s to
see if at least one record has been set up for the file. If at least one
record exists, the process step is flagged as 'done'. If an entire
application has at least one record in each known setup file then the
applica tion is ch ecke d as 'd one'.
Please note that the 'done' testing is not a complete test when
there are files not identified in the SouthWare Data Dictionary or
otherwise known by the program. In addition, the system does
not know if you have taken other suggested planning steps.
For example, the Inventory/Sales implementation process looks at each
step in IS08 that involves maintenance of a Data Dictionary file. For each
such s tep the pro gram c hecks to see if there is at least on e record . If
there is at least one record the step displays a checkmark instead of the
normal icon.
Daily/Periodic Processes
The se pr oce sse s are the n orm al tran sac tion p roce ssin g and othe r perio dic
processes that you perform within each SouthWare application. You may review
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
them here to see the programs involved in each process.
Upgrade Processes
These processes are identified in the WorkFlow Process database by the use of
an underline (_) in the first character of the Process ID (WF-02-01, field 1). The
remaining portion of the Process ID identifies the sequence of these processes
within the upgrade area. SouthWare has provided standard records for the Rev
10 upgrade process including:
Suggested implementation/conversion planning worksheet
Interactive release notice
Access to full release notice
Acc ess to the Logg ed A ctivity man age r con vers ion m ana ger in quiry - this
shows the conversions that have been run on your system.
SouthWare CheckUp™ - Integrated SouthWare Diagnostic Tool
SouthWare CheckUp™ is a time-saving tool that runs diagnostic tests on your
Sou thW are s yste m an d rep orts th e res ults o f thos e tes ts. Th e tes ts prim arily
examine system and application setup options and look for possible errors and
warnings. The tests are particularly useful after implementation or when you
suspect setup problems.
To Run SouthWare CheckUp
You may launch SouthWare CheckUp testing by:
Choosing CheckUp from the SouthWare Environment Manager program
Choosing CheckUp from the Control Record Manager program (XX-0809-02) for either all applications or for a single application
Entering “SWCHEKUP ” at any menu select prompt
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Viewing the Res ults
After the tests you selected are complete the program will display a list of the
tests. Bes ide each test is an ind icator of w hether th e result is a s tatus of:
The test indicates no problem
The test indicates a situation you should review
The test indicates a problem
The test resulted in an informational situation, typically a
disabled feature that you should consider using
In addition to a status the list of test results displays other relevant information
about ea ch test.
On gra phical wo rkstations you m ay use the tabs th at display to list All Tests, Info
Only, Warnings Only, or Errors Only.
Zooming to More Details for a Test
Each test in SouthWare CheckUp has a related SouthWare Guide record (XX-0408). As you highlight a test in the list the beginning explanatory text from the
guide ap pears in a preview pane at th e bottom of the list.
You may highlight and select a test (double-click or press [Enter]) to zoom to the
relate d guid e. Th e guid e pro vide s mo re info rma tion a bou t the te st an d pos sible
results. If there are suggested actions you should take, the guide may provide a
list of options to help you correct an error or warning condition.
Optional Control Record Templates for Default Setup
Standard Control Record Templates are now available to help you set up
selected control rec ords. Th ese tem plates ca n simplify im plemen tation of a
sys tem by pr ovid ing re com men ded defa ults fo r the m any optio ns av ailable in
SouthWare control records. The following control records support the templates
Acc oun ts Pa yab le
Acc oun ts Re ceiv able
Fixed A ssets
International Transactions
Assembly W ork Orders
Warehouse Tracking
Job Cost
Pay roll
Rental Department
Service Management
Execu Mate II
When you access the control record m aintenance to create a new co ntrol record
the system will check to see if there are any available templates. If there are
templates the program will offer an option to:
Skip the use of templates
If you select to skip the use of a template the program will let you add the
fields with normal defaults.
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
View the settings for the template
You may select this option to access the Control Record Manager and
view the list of available te mplates . Here yo u may expan d a tem plate to
view its settings. When you exit the Control Record Manager the
program will turn to this op tion list.
Select a template
If you select to use a template:
The program will utilize the template fields as the default values
for each field in the con trol record .
Any fields that should be initialized for a new control record or
that must be tailored to your files (such as sequence numbers or
G/L account numbers) are initialized so they use their normal
defaults (if any).
The program will automatically complete most fields except those
that need valid values (typically account numbers). It will stop at
those fields that need valid values so that you may enter the
appropriate value for your company.
Note to SouthWare Installers:
You may use this technology to save your own standard control record templates for use
on other installations. From a control record maintenance program that supports this
feature you may press the Transaction Operator Hot Key (normally [Ctrl O] to save the
current settings as a template. You may enter a Sequence ID and a description. The
records are saved in the file “ALCTLSAV.FIL” in the SouthWare run directory. The current
revision is also saved in the file and saved templates are only available when they match
the revision of the program.
Master T ransactio n Ope rators FLASH
For selected transaction operator types you may now optionally create records
that refer to a “master” operator for the option values. This lets each operator
have a unique record for tracking and reporting but reduces the setup and
maintenance of the field options. An operator record that refers to a master
record will not allow you to access any fields except the password, Master code,
and name - the options are automatically updated from the master record. When
you ch ang e a fie ld in a m aste r ope rator reco rd the prog ram will aut om atica lly
change the value in all operators related to the master.
See the following related sections in this release notice:
Dept/Operator “Master” Transaction Operator Option for Simpler
Inventory Operator “Master” Transaction Operator Option for Simpler
Service Order Operator “Master” Transaction Operator Option for Simpler
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
Interactive Release Notice
There is a help w eb pag e with a su mma ry releas e notice fo r Rev 1 0. The first
time each operator logs in to Rev 10 the menu program automatically executes
an object “REV10". This object displays the help topic that provides an
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
interactive web page with highlights of Rev 10 . You may click on links for more
explanation or zoom to selected programs to try out new features.
Option to Use Uppercase Edit Control on Selected Fields
You may now implement “smarter” entry routines for selected fields that control
the u ppe r/low er ca se ed iting o f alph abe tic ch arac ters e ntere d into the fie lds. T his
Ensures that the resulting value will have the same upper/lower case
values for letters regardless of whether the letters were entered in upper
or lower c ase.
Helps ensure consistency in setup.
Can be a great convenience to operators since they won’t have to be
conce rned ab out the ca se of letters they ente r.
For example, you may want all stock numbers to use upper-case letters. In the
pas t you may have had t o ma nua lly enf orce this ru le or u se a c onfig uratio n file
entry to force all upper-case values for all data fields. With this new option you
can specify that stock numbers should use all uppercase letters and the stock
number entry routine will force all alphabetic characters entered to uppercase
The Uppercase Edit Control is simply a “translation filter” of the data you
ente r into a field. Y ou m ay ac tivate or de activ ate E dit Co ntrol fo r a field
and this will not change any existing data in your system.
Here are the Uppercase Control options available:
No control
The system will accept the case of any letters entered without changing
them. (E.g. - “abc12345xy" will remain “abc1234 5xy”)
All Uppercase
The sy stem w ill change a ll letters entere d to uppe r case lette rs. (E.g. “abc12345xy" w ill become “ABC12345 XY”)
All Lowercase
The sy stem w ill change a ll letters entere d to lowe r case lette rs. (E.g. “ABC12345 XY" will become ”abc123 45xy”)
Upper First Letter
The system will change values entered so that the first letter of each
word is uppercase and the remaining letters in the word are lowercase.
(E.g. - “MAINT SVC " will become ”Maint Svc”)
Note: If your Uppercase Control option is Upper First Letter but then
you key in a value with a com bination of upper and lower letters
the s yste m w ill NOT change the case of letters. This allows you
to handle names such as “McKay” and “McDonald” by keying
them in exactly as they should be used.
Here are the field entry routines that currently support this feature:
Alphan umeric v endor n umb ers
Upp erca se ed iting c ontro l for alp han ume ric ve ndo r num bers is def ined in
the A/P Control Record (AP -07-02, field 2).
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Alphan umeric c ustom er num bers
Uppercase editing control for alphanumeric customer numbers is defined
in the A/R Control Record (AR -08-02, field 6).
Alphan umeric e mploy ee num bers
Uppercase editing control for alphanumeric employee numbers is defined
in the Payroll Control Record (PR-08-02, field 15).
Stock n umb ers
Uppercase editing control for stock numbers is defined in the
Inventory/Sales Control Record (IS-08 -02, field 5).
Note: If you select <A>lpha no edit (the default for upgrade users) then
the stoc k entry ro utine will func tion as in pre vious re visions. If
you ente r a sto ck n umb er in lo wer cas e and the s tock reco rd is
not found, the system converts it to uppercase and looks for the
stock record. If it is still not found the system displays the
lowercase value.
Location numb ers
Uppercase editing control for location numbers is defined in the
Inventory/Sales Control Record (IS-08 -02, field 5).
Tracking numb ers
Uppercase editing control for stock tracking numbers is defined in the
Inventory/Sales Control Record (IS-08 -02, field 5).
Service co de num bers
Uppercase editing control for service code numbers is defined in the
Service Manage ment Control Record (SV-08-01, field 12).
Job nu mbers
Uppercase editing control for job numbers is defined in the Job Cost
Control Record (JC-0 7-02, field 5).
Rental ID numb ers
Uses the editing c ontrol definition for stock numb ers.
Rental trac king nu mbers
Uses the editing c ontrol definition for stock tracking n umbe rs.
Equipment IDs
Uppercase editing control for equipment ID numbers is defined in the
Service Manage ment Control Record (SV-08-01, field 12).
Trans action opera tors (ap plies to all)
You may set th e Up perc ase editin g con trol for all tran sac tion o pera tors in
the Com pany R ecord (X X-03-0 1, field 15). This flag ap plies t o all
transaction operator types.
See also the Uppercase Edit Control Option for Field Filters feature below.
Using C ase Ed it Control w ith Existing D ata
The Uppercase Edit Control is simply a “translation filter” of the data you
enter into a field. If you activate Uppercase Edit Control when you
already have data files the system does NOT cha nge existing data record
values ( your ex isting data c ould con tain duplica tes if case is ignored ).
If all your existing data matches this format then you may
activ ate th e con trol an d hav e the conv enien ce of the a utom atic
If you activate Entry Field Control for a field and you have
existing data that does not match the format you specify then you
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
will no t be a ble to ente r the n on-m atch ing da ta va lues direc tly
into the field. If you are looking for an existing record you may
still select it via the Lookup feature but the filter will not let you
direc tly en ter a v alue t hat d oes not m atch the U ppe rcas e Ed it
format y ou selec ted.
For example, if you select to use “All Uppercase” editing for the
stock number field and you have an existing stock number of
“xyz” you will not be able to enter “xyz” directly into the stock
num ber fie ld. Th is is be cau se th e sto ck n umb er en try ro utine will
convert the “xyz” you enter to “XYZ ” before looking for the record
in the stock file. The “xyz” record will display in lookup lists and
you may select it from the Lookup.
In the example above you could use a stock crossreference record to create a cross-reference that
assoc iates “XY Z” with the stock n umbe r “xyz”..
Uppe rcase Ed it Control O ption for F ield Filters
For field filters you now have the option to control the uppercase editing of letters
entered into alphanumeric filters. In the “Convert to Upper?” field filter option
(XX-09-07-01, field 5) you now have the following options:
N - No control
The system will accept the case of any letters entered in the filter without
changing them. (E.g. - “abc12345 xy" will remain “abc12345xy”)
Y - All Uppercase
The system will change all letters entered in the filter to upper case
letters. (E.g. - “abc12345xy" will become “ABC12 345XY”)
L - All Lowercase
The system will change all letters entered in the filter to lower case
letters. (E.g. - “ABC12345XY" will become ”abc1 2345xy”)
P - Upper First Letter (Proper case)
The system will change values entered in the filter so that the first letter of
each word is upperc ase and the rema ining letters in the word are
lowercase. (E.g. - “MAINT SVC " will become ”Maint Svc”)
Note: If your Uppercase Control option is Upper First Letter but then
you key in a value with a com bination of upper and lower letters
the s yste m w ill NOT change the case of letters. This allows you
to handle names such as “McKay” and “McDonald” by keying
them in exactly as they should be used.
This can be useful to ensure consistency in entering fields such as descriptions
and names. For example, you could put a Proper case filter on the customer
name field to ensure that customer names will be in the format “Xxxxxxxx Yyyy
Zzzzz” regardless of how they are entered.
Option to Use Environment Variables for Override Directory Paths
You now have the o ption to refe renc e sy stem envir onm ent v ariab le nam es w ithin
selected directory name s/paths that you d efine within S outhW are prog rams .
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Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
When the path is used by a SouthWare program the program will replace the
environment variable name with its current value. This allows you to:
Utilize a single SouthWare record that contains directory paths (such as a
GUI Config record) and modify the directory paths for different operators
via environment variables defined in the cblconfig file or operating
Switch to a different directory structure (such as moving the location of
SouthWare data) and change environment variables without modifying
SouthWare records.
The syn tax u sed to de fine a n env ironm ent v ariab le in a S outh Wa re pa thing field
is “<@ENV=xxxxx>” where “xxxxx” is the name of the environment variable. For
exam ple, let’s say you de cide to cre ate an en vironm ent variab le called “M yDir”.
For certain users “MyDir” might be “H:\temp\” and for other users it might be
“/usr/sw run/” or an y other p ath. In a So uthWa re recor d you c ould use the path
“<@ ENV =My Dir> sub direc tory” to refe renc e the varia ble. E ach time th e rec ord is
utilized by a user the variable w ill be replaced with the cu rrent valu e for “My Dir” to
create the directory path.
Background Info on Environment Variables
Environment variables are ess entially system values that are stored in memo ry
for each user. SouthWare users will typically have environment variables from
the following sources:
From operating system - you may crea te an d set envir onm ent v ariab le
values fro m the o perating s ystem .
On Unix/Linux this may done via setting variables and then
exporting them. Sample environment variables might include
TER M=ibm 3150 o r HOM E=/usr/m ynam e.
export variable_name
On Windows this may be done in different ways depending on
the version of Windows.
From Acuc orp cb lconfig file - you may defin e env ironm ent v ariab les in
Acucorp’s cblconfig file that is used to launch a runtime session.
From a variable set via WorkFlow - with SouthWare WorkFlow you
may set the value of an environment variable during your session. When
you defin e an e nviro nme nt va riable as a S pec ial En viron men t Varia ble
(XX-09-15) you may change its value via WorkFlow.
Variable Replacement
The environment variable is only replaced at runtime, such as at the time a
command line is sent, a file is accessed, or an ICVerify call is made. Whenever
you view a record in file maintenance, search, or reports the syntax <@ENV=>
will be shown so that you know the path is variable.
Wh ere A vailab le
Here are the SouthWare-related directory paths in which you may use the
environment variable feature:
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Macros Directory
In the GUI Config record you can define an override macro s directory
(XX-05-14, field 14). This may include an @ENV variable.
The default macros directory (as defined in the Environment Manager
XX-05-01) may also include an @ENV variable.
Bitmap Directory
In the GUI Config record you can define an override bitmap directory
(XX-05 -14, field 10). T his may include an @EN V variab le.
The default bitmap directory (as defined in the Environment Manager XX05-01) may also include an @ENV variable.
Com pany C reate Directo ry
In the Company ID record you may define a create file directory (XX-0301, field 16). This may include an @ENV variable.
OfficeLin k Parent D irectory
In the Company ID record you define an OfficeLink Parent directory (XX03-01, field 17). You may also override this in the GUI Config record
(XX-05-14, field 13). In either of these fields you may include an @ENV
DocT ransfer Dire ctory
In the DocTransfer Control Record there is a Default Directory (DT-03-01,
field 9). Per DocTransfer Type there is also a Default Directory (DT-0302, field 7). In either of these fields you may include an @ENV variable.
South Ware O bject Directo ry
In a S outh Wa re O bjec t reco rd yo u ma y def ine a d irecto ry for certa in
types of objects (XX-09-02, field 4). This may include an @ENV variable.
OfficeLin k Override Attachm ent Directo ry
In an Offic eLink reco rd yo u ma y def ine an over ride a ttach men t file
directory (XX-09-11, field 3). This may include an @ENV variable.
Note: Wh en an attac hme nt file is crea ted th e rela ted n ote w ill cont ain
the resulting pathname, not the variable. The variable is used
only at creation time.
ICVerify Dire ctory
In an ICV erify interfac e ID rec ord you may d efine a direc tory for ICV erify
files (XX-05-13, field 3). This may include an @ENV variable.
The name of the ICVERIFY REQUEST FILE includes the
user number - duplicates could be a problem
TRANS MISSION S. Duplicates could occur if there are
multiple users having the same USER NUM BER (from
the SW LINM NT IC Verify ID's user nu mber) and ICV erify
direc tory n ame . The ICVe rify m ainte nan ce pr ogra m w ill
not allow this during setup, but if you use this directory
override feature the program will not be able to detect
such an error.
Send ID Directory
In a Send Interface ID record you may define a directory for send files
(XX-05-12, field 4). This may include an @ENV variable.
Ship ID D irectory
In a Shipping Interface ID record you may define a directory for interface
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
files (SI-04-02, field 3). This may include an @ENV variable.
TW To pics Directo ry
In the TaskWise control record you may define a directory for
AnswerReady topic files (TW-05-01, field 8). This may include an @ENV
South Ware F orms D irectory
In the SouthWare Forms control record (SF-03) you may define
directories for text files and string files. These may include an @ENV
Notes Attachment Files
In notes attachments you may include an @ENV variable in the
attachm ent file nam e. This w ill be used at lau nch time .
New Optional Starting Directory Environment
You may now use an environment variable to define the “Start In” directory for
SouthWare. This establishes the starting directory for SouthWare paths.
This directory is particularly important for certain functions on Windows that refer
to files on the system. By default this comes from the “Start In” field on the
Windows icon you use to launch SouthWare. If this is blank or incorrect in the
icon you may not be able to access certain files.
You may now set the environment variable SWENV-STARTING-DIR to a starting
directory path to en sure tha t this value is p roperly s et.
This variable must be set in the cblconfig file since this is established
when the runtime is executed. Changing this variable after login time
has no effect.
Installation Changes
Some changes have been made to the default/recommended installation
configuration for new installations:
SWR UN direc tory
The default run directory for SouthWare is now “SWRUN” for new
installations. This replaces the naming convention that includes the
revision number in the directory name (such as “SW9" for Rev 9
installations). This should simplify future upgrades to new revisions since
you will not need to modify directory names or macros.
Program s directory
The default directory for programs is now “PROGRAMS” which is located
under the SWRUN directory. This provides better organization of system
files a nd m ay im prov e per form anc e on s ome sys tem s. Th e def ault
cblconfig file provided by SouthWare now uses the PROGRAMS
directory as the default for the CODE-PREFIX.
This means that the default SouthWare installation would have the following
SWRUN (AL* files)
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Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
(other company data file directories)
Option for Workstation Number Assignment without switches
You now have the o ption to as sign work statio n/ter mina l num bers in the r untim e
command line without using binary switches. You do this by adding a parameter
to the runcbl/wrun32 command. The format is:
runcbl -c config SWROOT.OBJ TERM #[xxx]
wrun32 -c config SWROOT .OBJ TERM#[xxx]
where [xxx] is the numbe r you want to assign (brackets are required).
This feature also works for Thin Client. For example:
D:\Acucorp\Acucbl610\AcuGT\bin\acuthin.exe swidev8:5635 SWRUN TERM#[xxx]
where xxx is the assigned workstation number.
The binar y sw itche s are still fun ction al. If neither is used then the number will be
assigned using the device name.
Special Switches
The follow ing list docu me nts s om e spe cial sw itche s or a ssig ned num bers within
12345678 for Switches or 255 for the Terminal Number - Asks user
for a terminal number
1234567 for Switches or 254 for the Terminal Number - Uses the
Operator ID to assign and access the Terminal Number
Separate Directories for Macros and Bitmap Files
You may no w have your bitmap files in separate directory(ies) from your macro
files. In previou s revision s the m acros a nd bitma ps we re in a single directory .
This directory might have been ov erridden via the GUI Config record, but for a
workstation the macros and bitmaps were combined. Now these files may be
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
By default the system uses the following directories:
“macros” is the directory for keystroke macro files. It is assumed to be a
sub-directory under the SouthWare run directory. This is also the
directory under which the grid layouts are stored.
If you have macros that multiple users must access then your
macros directory should be a shared or common directory.
“bitmaps” is the directory for bitmap images. It is assumed to be a subdirec tory u nde r the S outh Wa re run direc tory, but it m ay be over ridde n via
the GUI Configuration record (XX -05-14, field 10).
Your bitmaps directory may be shared or you may move bitmaps
locally on some workstations to improve bitmap loading
After you load Rev 10 the system assumes that macros and bitmaps will continue
to be in the s ame d irectory a s they w ere in prev ious rev isions.
Control Record Manager
See the re lated discu ssio n und er “S yste m M ana gem ent T ools ”. This man age r is
very useful during setup by providing access to the control record templates and
by providing an easily-reviewed list of control record options.
System Environment Manager
See the re lated discu ssio n und er “S yste m M ana gem ent T ools ”. This man age r is
very useful during setup by providing access to the control record templates and
by providing an easily-reviewed list of control record options.
New G/L Chart of Accounts Wizard to Simplify Set Up
See the related discussion under General Ledger. This wizard provides many
new options for generating standard accounts or utilizing customized charts you
have b uilt.
Set Up - Improved Automation When Installing Interim Updates FLASH
New fe atures h ave bee n adde d to sim plify the proce ss of load ing interim updates .
These features automate installation and setup steps that previously had to be
run manua lly for interim updates. Thes e will be particularly valuable in the future
bec aus e of th e incr eas ed nu mb er of enha nce me nts b eing r eleas ed as interim
FLASH updates.
Automatic Load of Sequential Files during Logon - If an update requires
new menus, objects, Data Dictionary records, etc., these are distributed
as po rtable sequ entia l files. T he se que ntial file s m ust b e load ed via
SWINST AL. In previous versions this was a manual step unless you
cho se to run th is fro m th e inst allatio n CD . Now the re leas e of in terim
updates will include a file ALRUNINS.SEQ. W hen the logon process
runs it will check for this file to see if an interim update has been loaded
and will automatically run SWINSTAL if necessary (and then delete the
Automatic Transfer of Supporting Files to Appropriate Directories - An
update may include image files, html web page files, and other supporting
files. These need to be placed in the proper subdirectory. In previous
revis ions this re quire d m anu al cop ying of the file s. No w the interim
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
upd ate w ill includ e dire ctives for th ese files in the A LRU NIN S.SE Q file
that is provided with the update. These directives are used by the
SW INSTAL proc ess to automa tically move the files from the run directory
whe re the y were loade d into the a ppro priate subd irecto ry.
Directives in the ALRUNINS.SEQ file may include:
@MACROS= filename
(to move file to macros
direc tory)
(to move file to bitmaps
direc tory)
@PREVIEWS= filename
(to move file to swhtml/previews
direc tory)
@VIEWS= filename
(to move file to swhtml/views
direc tory)
(to move file to swhtml/images
direc tory)
(to m ove f ile to sw htm l/help
direc tory)
(to mo ve file to
swh tml/e xce lass ist dire ctory)
You m ay also refe rence s ubdirec tories und er these directories .
For e xam ple, th e dire ctive @ EXC ELA SSIS T/do cs= file.pd f wou ld
mo ve “file .pdf” to the swh tml/e xce lass ist/do cs d irecto ry.
If the SWINSTAL process is able to successfully copy the file to the
appropriate directory it will delete the file from the run directory. If it is not
successful in copying (such as a permissions error) it will not delete the
file fro m th e run direc tory.
The s upporting files will be m oved ba sed on the appr opriate
subdirectory names for the operator who is logging on. If you
have multiple copies of these subdirectories (such as local
macrobmp directories on workstations) you will need to copy
these files man ually into the co pied sub directories .
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
Workstation Record - Option to Rename Workstation Records
You m ay now renam e a wor kstation re cord in X X-05-0 2. This allow s you to
quickly copy an existing workstation’s information to a new record.
When you rename a workstation the system will validate the Shipping Interface
and ICVe rify ID . The sys tem will pro mpt you t o cha nge them to un ique v alues if
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
Option to Create Variable Multi-Company Spool Formats FLASH
In a previou s revision a feature w as add ed that allow ed you to u se Da ta
Dictionary variables to create variable spool file names in spool format records
(prin ters w ith a typ e of “F ”). Th e use of co nstru cted varia bles requ ired th at this
feature limit the use of the spool format to the company that created the spool
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
format record.
Now you may us e a spo ol form at in mu ltiple com panies if you use a D ata
Dictionary field that is not a constructed variable (a constructed variable is in the
8000 field series for XX99). The program now determines if any variable in the
spool format name is a constructed variable. If not, the spool format will be
available to all companies.
If you use the spool format name of <@XX990001><NAM E> the format
will be available to all companies since the variable is not a constructed
variable. This example puts the logon operator in front of the normal
spool file name.
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
Option to set Vision Version in cblconfig file FLASH
You now have the option to specify the Acucorp V_VERSION format to use as
the default for newly created files.
Because of the num ber of files open limitation of operating systems SouthW are
defaults to using Acucorp’s V_VERSION 3 format for data files. Acucorp has
added additional formats but these newer formats have a dual format and thus
dou ble th e num ber o f ope n files . The Sou thW are e nviro nm ent s ets th is var iable
to prevent Acucorp’s normal default of a dual-format file.
There are certain situations such as very large files that benefit from using one of
the dual file fo rma ts. Previou sly you were r equired to use the vutil utility to
change the file format. The SouthWare environment now supports a new
environment variable so that Dealers/Cu stomers can set the default Acucorp
V_VERSION file format to any of Acucorp’s formats.
The Con figur ation Varia ble is " SW ENV _V_ VER SIO N". If yo u set this va riable in
your cblconfig file the SouthWare environment will establish this as the default for
new files.
(sets default to V_VERSION 4)
(sets default to V_VERSION 5)
This configuration variable must be set in the cblconfig file before logging
into SouthWare. It is used only during the startup of a session and may
not be changed during the session.
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
Ope rator Pro file - Opt ion to D efine “G lobal” Profiles for Use by All
Operators FLASH
You may now set up an operator profile record (XX-03-07) that may be used by
all operators. This gives you the option to create a new profile configuration and
immediately make it available to all your operators.
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Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
If you leave the operator field blank in a profile record this defines the record as a
global record. When any operator accesses the profile function from the menu
any global records will now appear as options for selection.
If the operator changes a profile that is a global profile via the Add/Edit selection
from the menu the program offers two options:
Make the changes temporary for this logon session.
Cre ate a new oper ator- spe cific r eco rd fo r the p rofile . The prog ram will
copy the global profile into a new operator-specific profile record.
Only operators with security to access the program via XX-03-07 may set up or
change global profiles.
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Security Features
New Data Maintenance Auditing System!
You now have the ability to create a selective audit trail of maintenance changes
made to your data via Sou thWare program s. This is a comprehensive feature
that lets you select to log any of the following maintenance changes:
Added Records - this will write an audit record with key information
about each record added via maintenance
Deleted Records - this will write an audit record with key information
about each record deleted via maintenance
Mainten ance ch anges to the value o f individua l fields in a record this w ill write an au dit rec ord fo r eac h time the v alue o f an a udite d field is
changed - the record will show the old value and the new value
Changes made via SouthWare tools import technology - You have
the option to include the changes made via WorkFlow, ImportMate II, and
Table Edit in the audited changes. If you activate this feature the
SouthWare import technology will create auditing records for the types of
cha nge s tha t are s pec ified to be au dited (i.e. the tools tech nolog y will
audit the same type of change s that the normal maintenance w ill audit).
If you use ODB C or othe r techno logies to m anipulate S outhW are data
then these changes won’t be audited since they don’t use SouthW are
The Data Maintenance Auditing system is very flexible and allows you to base the
auditing on any combination of the following:
Audit maintenance done for selected files/fields
This allows you to base the auditing on the file or field changed
regardless of who did it or what program was used. For example, you
could select to audit each time a sales order terms code (RS07, field 13)
is changed on an existing sales order. By setting auditing based on the
field, a change can be logged whether the change is made via Order
Entry, via a special maintenance, or via a WorkFlow FlowMod.
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Auditing o f mainten ance d oes N OT inc lude norm al update s of a
file by another program. If a standard update process changes
the data in a file this is not considered “maintenance” and will not
be audited. This feature is to audit changes not done by
standard update processes.
A u d it m a in ten a nce done via selected program s
This allow s you to base the auditing on the prog ram rath er than the file.
Note: Data Maintenance Auditing is enabled by default for Special
Maintenance programs used as support tools. See the related
disc uss ion “S pec ial Ma inten anc e Se curity Note ” later in this
Aud it main tenan ce do ne ba sed o n wh o doe s it
This allows you to base the auditing on the operator (the person who
made the change) rather than on the file or program. For example, if you
want to audit the activity done by a particular operator you could choose
to turn on auditing for all changes made by the operator. This overrides
the a uditin g flag s for file s/pro gram s so you d on’t h ave to ch ang e tho se in
orde r to au dit an oper ator. You may also u se th is fea ture to disab le
auditing for a selected operator (such as for an operator wh o runs import
jobs that you don’t want to audit).
Note on Multiple Companies:
If you use multiple companies the auditing flags enable all companies but
the audit change information is stored in a separate file per company.
Activating Data Maintenance Auditing
To ac tivate au diting fo r a File/Fie ld
The flags to activate data maintenance aud iting for files/fields are
maintained in the SouthWare Data Dictionary. You may change and
review these flags through the SouthWare Environment Manager (XX-0501). S ee th e rela ted d iscu ssio n “So uthW are E nviro nme nt Ma nag er” in
this release notice for more information on reviewing and changing the
Data M aintenan ce aud iting features .
Note on Defaults:
Data Maintenance Auditing for changes is enabled by default for
SouthWare control files. No other entire files are audited by
Data Maintenance Auditing for changes is also enabled for a few
selected fields in other files. These are fields that are not
normally maintained but that may be changed via special
SouthWare m aintenance functions of standard program s (where
the function requires an override number).
File Related Flags
Here are the flags you may set for a file:
Add Records Flag
Turn this on (“Y”) to create an audit record for each record added
to the file via SouthWare maintenance technology.
Delete Records Flag
Turn this on (“Y”) to create an audit record for each record
deleted in the file via SouthWare maintenance technology.
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Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Field Changes Flag
This will be “Y” if any fields in the file are to be audited. You may
turn on all fields or selected fields via the Environment Man ager.
Tool Changes Flag
Turn this on (“Y”) to have the SouthW are tools (import
technology) audit the same changes as will be audited by the
stan dard main tena nce . For e xam ple, if y ou ar e logg ing on ly
changes to selected fields in a file and you enter “Y” to this flag
then thos e sam e field s will b e aud ited w hen they are c han ged via
SouthWare tools technology.
Field Flag
For e ach field in a file you may spec ify wh ethe r cha nge s to th e field
should be audited. This flag is simply toggled on or off in the
Environment Ma nager (or you may turn all fields on/off for a file).
Note on Disabled Files
There is also a disable flag in the File record. This has been set
by SouthWare to indicate those Data Dictionary files that cannot
be audited because they don’t use SouthWare’s normal
maintenance technology. YOU SHOULD NOT CH ANGE the
Disable flag. Below are some files that are disabled:
ALL period history, including all XV files.
Any file wh ose typ e is "Data Base D irector O nly".
XX99 (this is not a "real" file).
TW97/98/99 (Outlook data)
Any file whose name is "ZF" - these are for WorkFlow
Flow Poin t defin itions only
RS03, Order Followup - This is marked as an overflow
file for R S07 but it is not th e cor rect F D bu ffer to enab le
the data to be captured.
AR11, Billto/Shipto - (use RS17 or RS18)
TW10/TW11, Task and Archived Task Details - the task
deta ils are in a diff eren t FD b uffer from thes e files . All
other information from TW10/TW11 is available, but the
task de tails may not be au dited.
Notes on Disabled Fields
Certain fields may not be audited for various reasons. These
All fields from any of the following files: XH,XK,XM
(except XM50)
Any field whose format code is: NOTE/TEXT/WFLW
Any field in the 8000 series (these are used for
constructed variables)
All Excellence History files (it is not possible to access
multiple time periods for audit of these files).
Note on Transfer of Data Dictionary Records
When you use the Data Dictionary dump/build utility or you install future
SouthWare releases the Data Dictionary install program does the following to
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retain your audit flag changes in existing fields:
If the incoming (standard) record has a “Y” and your current Data
Dictionary record is not “Y” then the system will update your Data
Dictionary record.
If your existing record has a “Y” for an enabled audit flag the incoming
record will not change the value of the audit flag but may change other
fields in the record unless you have set the overwrite protect flag for
the record.
To Activate Auditing for a Program
(You m ust hav e license d South Ware Work Flow to u se this op tion.)
The flags to activate data maintenance auditing for a particular program
are maintained in the WorkFlow Program file (WF-02-02, field 9). You
may access these records via WF-02-02 or from the Environment
Manager by choosing to edit a Program record in the Program section of
the tree.
9. Override On Log FM:
(Requires security level of 7 for SwiftMate)
This field displays a window of Data Maintenance Auditing
Ove rride Flag s tha t you may set fo r a pro gram (thes e flag s app ly
only to the Primary File for the program):
Add Records Flag
Turn this on (“Y”) to create an audit record for each
record added to the Primary File by this program.
Delete Records Flag
Turn this on (“Y”) to create an audit record for each
record deleted from the Primary File by this program.
Field Changes Flag
Turn this o n (“Y ”) to c reate an au dit rec ord fo r eac h field
chang ed in the P rimary F ile by this pro gram.
Special Maintenance Security Note:
Data Maintenance Auditing is enabled by default for Special
Maintenance programs used as support tools. These programs
are not a ccess ible via the no rmal pro gram d atabas e.
Special Maintenance Auditing includes programs used
only for special maintenance but may not include other
special maintenance features of normal programs.
To De-Activate Auditing for All Special Maintenance Programs
Special Maintenance program s are those provided by So uthWare
for support-related functions. They should not be used without
fully u nde rstan ding t heir p urpo se an d risk s. Th erefo re the defa ult
is to audit all changes made via these programs.
If for som e reaso n you w ant to globa lly de-activa te com plete
auditing for all Special Maintenance programs you may set the
following environment variable to “Y”
Wh en th is var iable is set to “Y” in your cblco nfig file or via
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WorkFlow the system will disable the auditing of all special
maintenance changes.
Note on Transfer of Program Documentation Records
When you use the WorkFlow program dump/build utility or you install future
SouthWare releases the WorkFlow database install program does the following
to retain your audit flag changes in existing fields:
If the incoming (standard) record has a “Y” and your current program
record is not “Y” then the system will update your record.
If your existing record has a “Y” for an enabled audit flag the incoming
record will not change the value of the audit flag but may change other
fields in the record unless you have set the overwrite protect flag for
the record.
To Activate or De-activate Auditing for an Operator
The flags to override data maintenance auditing for a particular operator
are ma intained in the operato r file (XX-03 -02, field 5).
Override Log FM Changes:
Here are the Data Maintenance Auditing Override Flags that you may set
for an operator:
Log Add Records?
Here you m ay specify an override for this operator:
Leave this field blank for no override. The program or
file/field flags will determine if auditing is done.
Enter “Y” to activate auditing for each record added by
this operator.
Enter “N” to deactivate auditing for any records added by
this operator.
Log Delete Records?
Here you m ay specify an override for this operator:
Leave this field blank for no override. The program or
file/field flags will determine if auditing is done.
Enter “Y” to activate auditing for each record deleted by
this operator.
Enter “N” to deactivate auditing for any records deleted
by this operator.
Log Field Changes?
Here you m ay specify an override for this operator:
Leave this field blank for no override. The program or
file/field flags will determine if auditing is done.
Enter “Y” to activate auditing for each field changed by
this operator.
Enter “N” to deactivate auditing for any fields changed by
this operator.
Log Too ls (Import)?
Here you m ay specify an override for this operator:
Leave this field blank for no override. The program or
file/field flags will determine if auditing is done.
Enter “Y” to activate auditing of applicable tools changes
by this operator.
Ente r “N” to de activ ate a uditin g of a pplica ble to ols
changes by this operator.
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To Review the Status of Which Data is Being Audited
The ea siest wa y to review which flag s have been ac tivated for D ata
Mainten ance A uditing is to us e the So uthWa re Enviro nmen t Mana ger.
The selection “Data Maintenanc e Auditing” includes selections for:
Operator Audit O/R Status
Expand this selection to see a list of all logon operators with an
indication of whether they have any data audit override flags
turned on. The list will distinguish between:
No overrides
Overrides to turn On
Over rides to turn Off
Program Audit O/R Status
Expand this selection to see a list of all programs with an
indication of whether they have data audit override flags turned
File Audit Status
Expand this selection to see a list of all files with an indication of
whether they have data audit override flags turned on.
Reviewing Audited Changes
You may review the data audit records in several ways:
Data Audit Inquiry (XX-02-04-01)
This program lets you review any of the data auditing records captured
for your system. When you access this program a parameters window
appears. You may use any of the following parameters to find particular
Date Range
Choose one of the standard date ranges or enter a special range
of dates.
Choose whether to sequence the records by:
File Name
Progra m ID
F ile N am e
Enter a specific Data Dictionary file ID or leave blank for ALL.
Field Number
Enter a specific Data Dictionary field number or leave blank for
Add/Change/Delete Type
Specify a specific type of record (Add/Change/Delete) or include
ALL types.
Progr am ID
Specify a particular program ID or leave blank for ALL. You may
also enter masking characters to specify a partial name such as
using “RSBIL*” to include all programs that start with RSBIL.
Ope rator ID
Enter a specific operator or leave blank for ALL.
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Enter a specific workstation or leave blank for ALL.
Search Ch anged D ata
Enter a specific word or words from the audit change data or
leave blank for ALL. The audit change data (the data that
appears in the Change column) includes the record key and
old/new values. For exam ple, if you wanted to search for a
specific amount such as “12.45" you could enter this and find
audit records where this was either the old or new v alue for a
The list of records is displayed in a FileView list so you may sort or group
the data. The data shown (which you may modify with a list format for
XX39) includes:
Field #
Source of Change
Values for this field show which auditing flags caused
this record to be written:
Because of Operator Override
Because of Program Override
Because of File/Field Flags
Because of change made via special
maintenance that require an override
Change Description
This co lumn sh ows a descrip tion of the ch ange.
For a n add ed or delet ed re cord this is
information about the key to the record.
For a changed field this shows the old and new
value and information about the key to the
Record Zoom
You may zoom on a record shown in the inquiry list to display a
scre en w ith co mple te de tails a bou t the a udit re cord . This
includes the data shown in the list as well as other information
from the audit record.
Data Audit Report (XX-02-04-03)
This is a sample ReportMate report that lets you print information from
the data audit file. The data audit file is Data Dictionary file XX39 so you
may create other reports via ReportMate.
Purge Data Audit Information (XX-02-04-04)
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With this program you may purge unneeded Data Audit information from
your system by entering a Purge Through Date.
Zoom to Data Audit Inquiry for a File/Program
In the SouthWare Environment Manager program you may zoom to the
data audit inquiry (XX-02-04-01) for a specific program or file. When you
expand a program or file one of the available selections is to Inquire
FMA UDIT Data for th at progra m/file. This w ill display only d ata related to
the program or file.
Optional Expiration Date on Operator Passwords
In the logon operator record you may now specify an expiration date for the
passw ord value . When this date is re ached the oper ator will be re quired to
cha nge his/h er pa ssw ord b efore loggin g on. Cha nging pass wor ds pe riodic ally is
a practice recommended by security experts.
Password expiration per Operator
This expiration date for each operator is accessible via the password field (XX03-02, field 2):
Expire Date:
Ente r an e xpira tion d ate fo r this p ass wor d or le ave this fie ld zer o if this
password should not expire (unless password expiration has been
activated via the Company record). The first time you log on after the
expiration date the system will require you to enter a new password.
If the Com pany R ecord h as an E xpire Da ys Interv al the exp iration date
will default to a calculated date based on the interval number of days
from the Com pany re cord. If the O perator R ecord h as an e xpire date
and there is no increment in the Com pany Record, then the ne w expire
date will be 30 days in the future.
Default expiration interval for Company
In the com pany re cord (X X-03-0 1) you m ay spe cify a num ber of da ys (up to
9999) that will be used as the default expiration interval for passwords. When
you add an operator or change an operator password this number of days will be
used to calculate the password expiration date.
This interv al is ac ces sed throu gh th e com pan y pas swo rd pro tectio n field (field
Enter the numb er of day s interval b efore yo u wan t to require o perators to
create a new password. This is used to calculate the next expire date for
an operator when he/she is required to change an expired password.
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Ente ring a value here will ac tivate the p ass wor d exp iration for all
ope rator s in th is com pan y. Th e first t ime a n ope rator in this
com pan y logs in afte r you have set th is inte rval th e sy stem will
compute the next expire date for the operator. If you don’t want
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
to ha ve an expir e dat e for s ome oper ators you m ust c han ge th eir
expire date to a date far into the future (such as 123199)
If you don’t enter a value for this field the default expiration interval for an
operator with an expire date will be 30 days.
After you enter an interval SWLO GON checks to see if there is a
Password Expire Increment in the Company Record and the Operator
has a Zero Password Expire Date. The first time the Operator logs on, an
Expire Date will be created in the Operator Record using the Increment
from the Company Record.
When a Password Expires
When an operator logs on after the password in his/her operator record has
expired the logon program will require the operato r to define a new pa sswo rd.
The password must be entered twice to validate the entry.
When a password expires the operator may NOT use the same password as the
old pass word u nless the previous passw ord wa s blank.
Note: You may disab le the ability for an oper ator to use a blank pass wor d via
the “Require Non-Blank Password” option in the operator record (XX-0302, field 8).
After the operator establishes the new password the system will update the
password Expire date in the operator record. This is computed by adding the
Expire interval days from the company record (or 30 if the company record does
not have an interval) to the current system date.
Implementing a Password Interval
The easiest way to implement password expiration is to define an Expire interval
in the com pany rec ord. The first time an operator in this company logs in after
you have set this interval the system will compute the next expire date for the
operato r. As a n alte rnativ e you m ay ent er an expir e dat e for each oper ator w ho is
to use this feature.
After you load this update no password expiration will be activated. To implement
this feature you must either:
Enter an Expire interval in the Company record, or
Enter a non-zero password expire date for those operators who will be
required to change their passwords.
Option to Disable Unsch eduled C hange of Ope rator Pass word
SouthWare’s login process allows an operator to change his/her own password at
login time by entering the current password and adding an asterisk (*) to the end
of the password. The system then allows the entry of a new password.
You may want to disable this feature if you plan to use the Password Expiration
feature. This will ensure that an operator doesn’t continue to change his/her
password back to the same value after the current password has expired. The
password expiration feature doesn’t allow you to continue to use the same
password, and by disabling the “*” feature you can also prevent the operator from
changing it back at the next logon.
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To disable the asterisk password change feature you may set an environment
variable in the cblconfig file to “Y”
If the value of this variable is “Y” the logon program will not allow the use of the
aste risk fe ature . If the v alue is blank or an y oth er va lue th e fea ture w ill rem ain
enabled as in prev ious rev isions.
Expan ded O perator Pa sswo rd
The operator passw ord field is now expanded to 20 charac ters to allow more
complex passwords if desired.
Inquiry Display of Operator Security Levels per Application
You may now more easily review the security levels assigned to each operator for
applications. In the SouthWare Environment Manager program (XX-05-01) you
may display Operator Security Levels as an option of the Security Overview
program . Each a pplication is s hown as a co lumn an d each operato r’s secu rity
levels are shown as a row. You may also zoom to the operator maintenance
program for the highlighted operator.
Option to Secure Notes by Operator/Group
In the SouthWare Notes feature you may now assign an access operator or
operator group to a note to limit access to that note record. The note search and
note entry/display program will verify that the current operator may access any
note that has this special security.
Sec uring a No te en tered man ually - When you enter a note you may
secure who may access the note via field 7 in the Note maintenance
7. Access Oper/Group:
Ente r a va lid ope rator or op erato r grou p if yo u wa nt to lim it
acces s to this note to a spec ific operator /group.
Securing a Note being imported - When you imp ort a note v ia ImportM ate
II you may now defin e how to up date the “A cce ss O per/G roup ” field in
your import format (IM-01).
Securing a Note created via WorkFlow - When you define a Notes
template for WorkFlow (WF-03-04) you may now specify to secure the
created notes:
10. Access Oper/Group:
Ente r a va lid ope rator or op erato r grou p if yo u wa nt to lim it
acc ess to no tes c reate d via t his te mpla te to a spec ific
Securing a Note attachment created via OfficeLink - When you define an
OfficeLink record that creates Notes attachments (XX-09-11, field 4,
“Create Attachment N ote?”) you now have the option to specify to secure
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the note if you defined an operator/group for the OfficeLink ID (field 3,
“Security Oper/Group”). The notes will be secured to that operator/group.
When you are defining templates related to notes (i.e. import formats,
WorkFlow templates, OfficeLink attachments) you may specify an
operator/group that you may not access. The program will warn you that
you won’t be able to see the resulting note.
Optional Imp roved NetLin k Parameter Se curity
See “Option to Pre-define Variable Names as ReportMate Parameter Values for
Increased Security” in the NetLink section of this release notice.
Increased Encryption on NetLink Session Number
See “Increased Encryption on NetLink Session Number” in the NetLink section of
this release notice.
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Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Other General Changes
New Bitmap Images/Icons for Windows Workstations
The bitmap images and icons have been replaced with new icons that have the
style used by current versions of W indows. The standard ima ge names are
unchanged but the bitmap files themselves have been replaced with new images.
If you have custom ima ges with names n ot overwritten by standard SouthW are
files your images should be unchanged after you load the update.
Option to Create Backup Spool File When Printing
You now have the o ption to cre ate a back up sp ool file d uring a prin t job. T his
feature allows you to simultaneously print and spool a backup copy of the same
print job. Then if you have a printer problem or other issue you may access the
spool file thro ugh the s pool ma nager (X X-01) a nd reprin t the repor t.
Sele cting to Cr eate a Ba cku p Sp ool F ile
Here are the various ways you can choose this option during printing:
GUI P rint Op tions S tyle:
If you are using the GUI Print Options Style you have these options:
Click on the provided check box - A check box displays at the
bottom of the print options screen below the “Text Display AsYou-Go” check box. You may click on this box to toggle the
Note: If you check the box and then select Spool (Send to),
Print Preview or Text display the program will set the
spool ba ckup flag to “N” an d clear the check box.
Press the Change Operator Hot Key (norm ally [C trl-O ]) - Th is
keystro ke will toggle the back up option .
If the flag is already set to “Y”, the keystroke will set the
flag to “N”.
If the flag is set to “N”, the ke ystroke will set the flag to
“Y”, the “Text Display As-You-Go” will be set to “N”, and
the print option will be set to 1 or 3 depending on the
current printer ID (printer displayed in field 1). The
proper fields will be set and displayed. You must press
OK to continue with the print job.
Enter “12 " and [En ter] - This will automatically set the print
option to 1 or 3 depending on the current printer and set the
spo ol bac kup flag to “Y”. It w ill not st op fo r con firma tion. T his
was added to give you keystroke capability the same as 10 for
Print Preview and 11 for Spool and Print Preview. You will not be
prompted for these except in the keystroke help field in the
Non-GUI Print Options
If you are not using the GUI Print Option you have the following option:
Press the Change Operator Hot Key (norm ally [C trl-O ]) - Th is
keystro ke will toggle the back up option .
If the flag is set to “N”, the flag will be set to “Y” and the
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
literal “Spool Backup” will be displayed at the bottom
above the function key prompt. The print option will be
set to 1 or 3 depending on the current printer ID (system
default printer in field 1 and alternate printer in field 3).
If the fla g has alrea dy be en se t to “Y ” the k eys troke will
set th e flag to “N ” and clear the b ack up lite ral. Th is is
also true if you enter a print option other than 1, 3, 5, or
Backup Spool File Name
The file name used for the backup spool file will be the default spool file name;
however, if applicable it will use the override spool format in your workstation
record as it does now.
Note: If you change the file name in the Send options screen (screen 2), and
then se lect to spo ol a back up the pr ogram will reset the s pool file nam e to
the d efau lt (just a s it do es if y ou se lect p rint aft er ch ang ing th e spo ol file
You have the option to define an override format for all Backup Spool Files by
setting up a spool format called “**BACKUP”. When you are creating a backup
spo ol file th e prin t routin e first lo oks for this form at to u se w hen form atting the file
Option to Specify Number of Copies to Print for Windows Printers Top
When you print to a Windows print spooler (type “WS”) and are using the GUI
Print Options Style you may now specify the number of copies to print. The
following field appears to the right of the print window under the Printer Options
# Copies
(Applies o nly if the selec ted printer is a Windo ws “W S” type p rinter.)
Enter the number of copies to print. This value is sent to the Windows
print spoo ler during p rinting.
Note: If you change the # of copies in this field and then press the
Printer Options button, this number will be displayed on the font
screen that appears. If you change the number of copies in the
setup screen (press Setup button on the font screen), the
number of copies selected will be displayed on the original
screen when it returns.
Rela ted E nviro nm ent va riable
You may control the default num ber of copies with a special SouthW are
environment variable. If you set the variable
to a non- blank va lue the pro gram will use this as the defa ult num ber of co pies.
This allows you to use WorkFlow in selected programs to set the default number
of copies. (Remember to clear this value at the end of the program or your next
print job will use this as we ll:)
Color Option on Printed Rectangle Drawings
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
The optio n to u se c olor s had es w ithin p rinted recta ngle d raw ings is now availa ble
with the Acucorp runtime used with Rev 10. This enables the shading options for
the rectangle drawings available in ReportMate formats, print page styles, and
SouthWare F orms adapter.
Grid Technology Changes
Some changes have been made to the grid technology available on Windows
Export to HTML Option from Grids - You now have the option to export
grid lists to an H TML file (web pa ge) if your o perator o ptions allow you to
export g rids (XX- 03-02, field 8 , “Allow Ex port in Gr id”).
The export to HTML option is available via the right mouse click
menu , “Expor t to HTM L”.
The HTM L file is c reate d in the swh tml/te mp d irecto ry an d will
open in your default browser.
Defau lt template
There is a default template in the swhtml/views directory that determines
how the g rid ex port lo oks . The file is ca lled gr idex pt.htm . This file sho uld
remain untouc hed, but c an be us ed like the o ther tem plates in the swhtm l
directory. You may place a version in the custom directory or have a
user's name appended, etc. This allows a customized template for lots of
different sc enarios .
Advanced Technical Notes on the Template
Here is the documentation as to the template rules as supplied by the grid vendor:
When exporting HTML, the #Grid control uses HTML template to generate HTML output.
This template file contains standard HTML tags and special #Grid tokens. These tokens
are enclosed inside the <% and %> delimiters, so that template file looks similar to the
ASP file. When #Grid parses template file, it replaces tokens with data. Any other text is
simply copied to the HTML output stream.
Here is a list of all tokens:
table: Export rows enclosed into the <TABLE> tag.
rows: Export rows embedded into the <TR></TR> tags but without <TABLE>
tag. Template must contain the <TABLE> tag (e.g.
fields(parameter): Export single cell value (without <TD></TD> tags). Parameter
can be string representing field name or number representing column position.
css_include: Replaced with style include statement. If exporting to file, styles
are saved into a separate file and css_include token is replaced with style
include statements.
Tokens can have these attributes:
heading: Export grid's heading row.
groups: Export with group headers and footers.
caption: Export grid's caption.
html_formatting: Export grid's styles as HTML attributes.
css_formatting: Export grid's styles as CSS attributes.
pixel_width: Set width (in pixels) of the generated column to the width of that
column in the grid.
percent_width: Set width (in percent) of the generated column to the width of that
column in the grid.
When CSS formatting is not active, font size is matched according to this table:
Font size in points
8.5pt and less
greater than 8.5pt and less than or equal to 10pt
greater than 10pt and less than or equal to 12pt
greater that 12pt and less than or equal to 14pt
greater than 14pt and less than or equal to 18pt
greater than 18pt and less than or equal to 24pt
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greater than 24pt
Scroll tips on selected g rid lists - On grid lists such as FileView and
TaskWise tasks the scroll bar now displays scroll tips as you scroll up
and down with the scroll bar. The scroll tip displays a value that indicates
which record will appear at the top of the list if you release the scroll bar:
If there is no grouping in the list the scroll tip display shows the
value of the current sort column.
If there is a grouping in the list the scroll tip display shows the
value of the first grouping.
Expo rt to Exc el Now Hand les Nu meric Data o n Pag ed Gr id
When you ex port reco rds from a paged grid list (not a full list) to M icrosoft
Exc el the resu lting w orks hee t will for mat num bers as nu mer ic dat a in
Exc el. In p revio us re visio ns nu mer ic dat a wa s han dled o nly fo r full
FileView lists.
Add itional P rogram s that U se a G rid
Here are some additional programs that now use grid technology:
Staging/Shipping Info Entry (IS-01-02-03-02)
SwiftMate Groups list - the Grid for selecting Groups and
TaskWise Alert Driver Grid (TW-04-11-03)
TaskWise Relationship Group Grid - the Grid for selecting
TaskWise Relationship Groups
Tas kW ise Lit eratu re Se lectio n Gr id
ImportMate II format editing
Improved Find Function Available in all Grid Lists FLASH
The Text Find feature available in FileView grid lists has been enhanced
and is now available in all grid lists:
Enhanced Find Options - When you select the find function a
dialog box now provides the following options:
Find Action
Search for text down from current row
Search for text up from current row
Search for text from top of grid list
Match case - you may choose to search only for text that
matches the case of the value you entered.
Increas ed Ava ilability - The Find func tion is now availa ble in a ll
grid lis ts via th e righ t mo use me nu. A new sub- me nu op tion is
“Find” an d the option s are “F ind Tex t” and “Fin d Again” . This lets
you ac ces s the Find func tion in grid lis ts tha t do n ot ha ve sp ecific
Find buttons.
(The Improved Find Function feature was also released as a FLASH
update to Rev 9 .)
Export to Excel Now Includes Column Headers FLASH
When you export records from a grid list to Microsoft Excel the resulting
worksheet will now contain the column headers. Headers are not
sup porte d by t he st and ard g rid ex port, but w e hav e wo rked arou nd th is
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
by exporting the headers as a separate process and then appending the
standa rd expo rt.
(The Export to Excel Column Headers feature was also released as a
FLAS H upd ate to Re v 9.)
Changes to Logged Activity Subsystem
The Logged Activity Subsystem (XX-02) has been improved via the following new
Logg ed activ ity is now captu red in an indexe d file rather than a
seq uen tial file
This will imp rove perfo rma nce if you allow muc h dat a to a ccu mula te in
the capture file before updating it to the log reporting file.
Upgra de No te
After you lo ad th is upg rade you s hou ld dele te the old
ALSWLOGS.SEQ file since it is no longer used.
NOTE: Before loading the Rev 10 upgrade you should update your
logging inform ation (X X-02 ) if you h ave b een u sing S outhW are's
activity logging system. Starting with Revision 10 this information
is sto red in a diffe rent file and t hes e old r eco rds w ill be ign ored if
you don't update them prior to the upgrade.
Update of the log reporting file is now automatically done when
reviewing logg ed info
When you access a logging report in XX-02 or view logging via the
Logged Activity Manager (XX-02-03-01) the system automatically runs
the u pda te pro gram that m ove s ca pture d logg ing da ta to th e rep orting file
before doing any reporting. This ensures that you are always viewing
current data.
Note: If you do not frequently look at the log information this file may
becom e very lar ge and the time to u pdate m ay be len gthy. W e
suggest that you create a scheduled action (XX-09-08-01) that
runs this u pda te da ily (e.g . at m idnigh t). Th e pro gram to run is
New Archive # of Days lets you choose how much history to keep
You may set a num ber o f day s of lo gging histo ry to m ainta in. Ea ch tim e
the repo rting upda te progra m runs it will first remove any histo ry prior to
the archive interval period before adding new captured data to the
reporting file.
Logging Features Ma intained and R eviewed via Lo gged Ac tivity
You may enable/disable logging, set the archive interval, and view
logging history via the Logged Activity Manager (XX– 02-03-01).
Web Tech nolog y allow s Hyp erlink se tup of South Ware Passin g Field
With Sou thW are’s Web View tech nolog y yo u ma y now inser t valu es in
SouthW are’s stan dard pa ssing field (R M-LIN K-PAS SING ) as part o f a hyper link.
@LINKPASS=xxxxxx will put the value “xxxxxx” in the link passing field used by
SouthW are objec ts and oth er South Ware program s.
Example 1:
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
The command line “XDMSTMNT/M [31]” is used to call Extended Data for
a user-defined record type 31. With this new feature you could have an
object with only the command “XDMSTMNT/M” and then use the value
“@linkpass=31" in a WebView hyperLink to “plug in” the [31] at launch
time (brackets are always ad ded).
Example 2:
Within a SouthWare object “WTPOSITION” you could have the program
comm and line W TSIDM GR/P /O/S. Th is calls the W arehou se Stora ge ID
mana ger prog ram (W T-02-0 1) with sw itches tha t cause the prog ram to
assume that a valid wareho use position ID is available in the standard
passing field. The following link within a WebView window could call the
object and set up the passing field (such as when you are displaying a
position in the page and want to be able to zoom to details about the
If you call an object tha t already c ontains b rackets in the com mand line to
set up RM-LINK-PASSING the WebView program will ignore the
@LINKPASS variable instead of overwriting the linkage value in the
Notes Preview Pane for FileView
When you display a list of notes for a record the FileView list now displays a
preview pane of th e notes conten ts. This m akes it ea sier to prev iew the c ontents
of a note w hile rema ining in the se arch list.
The preview file name is “xx40prvw.htm” in the previews directory.
Notes S earch O ption to U se LFM T Featu re
You may use the SouthWare LFMT feature (such as from the [F5] Modify View
function in the search) with the notes search list. The file is XX40 and allows you
to create custom versions of the search list layout for notes.
Thin Client Imp rovemen ts
Sever al improv emen ts have been m ade in the Thin Clien t runtime e nvironm ent.
Improved Performance of Bitmap Loading
Some chang es we re mad e in the Ac ucorp 6 .1 thin client run time to
increase the speed of loading bitmap images.
Support of WAV Sound Playback
The Acu corp 6.1 ru ntime supp orts th e play bac k of s oun d files on th in
client. SouthWare objects can be used to play WAV files. The file must
exist on th e serve r (not the c lient). Remem ber that most UNIX se rvers
are case-sensitive so any file name must match exactly.
Support of Windows Explorer File Selection
The Acucorp 6.1 thin client runtime supports the display of Windows
Exp lorer for the selec tion o f files in selec ted S outh Wa re pro gram s. Th is
is the ability to select a filename on a client machine through the
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Windows file browser. In previous revisions this was not supported on
thin client runtimes.
Support o f Workstation T API Ability
The Acucorp 6.1 thin client runtime supports the call to Windows DLL
files. T his en ables Sou thW are’s work statio n TA PI inte rface on th e thin
client platform.
Windows Registry Access
The Acucorp 6.1 thin client runtime supports interface with the Windows
Registry. This enables SouthWare’s logging of the registry of ActiveX
controls. Now when the controls are registered on a thin client
wor ksta tion th e Win dow s Re gistry will be chec ked and t he inf orm ation will
be stored in the Windows Registry file. This information may be
accessed via the Status Manager. Prior to this revision this was not an
option for th in client.
Display of Bitmap While Client is Connecting to Server
When you launch the thin client runtime a bitmap image now displays
while the client is connecting to the server. This helps you know that the
connection is in progress so that you don’t launch the runtime a second
Other Various Improvem ents
The A cucorp 6.1 thin client ru ntime inc ludes oth er chan ges de signed to
improve the stability and performance of thin client workstations.
See also the “Improved Data Loading Performance for FileView Grids” note under
“Grid Technology Changes” earlier in this release notice.
Demo License - Increase R ecord Limit for Ex tended Da ta
The limit on the number of Extended Data records you may have per record type
on a demo-registered license has been increased from 10 to 250. This provides
more ability to demonstrate the capabilities of Extended Data within this restricted
Underlines Now Display Properly on Windows Workstations
In previous revisions underlines displayed in Windows entry fields did not appear
in the displayed field although they were stored in the data. This issue has been
addressed so they will now be visible in the entry field.
Improved XFD Technology
The XFD files used to access SouthWare data from other software have been
revised. They now utilize an upgraded version of Acucorp’s XFD technology
(version 5) that is available with Version 6 of Acucorp products. This also
addresses some data access problems encountered with previous XFD versions.
The major change to the XFDs relates to the size of some of the fields
where the size of most of the fields is now a 10 digit field instead of the
original 5. This matches the new functionality of the VISION version 5
that is supported by AcuCorp products.
Changes have also been made to the function of SouthWare Extended
Data that creates XFDs for each Extended Data that is defined. To
facilitate this cha nge ne w XFD template files are bein g distributed with
Rev 10. They are: xdmaster.tem, xdtrans.tem, xdhist.tem, and
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Changes have been made to the generated XFDs that includes adding
the XD record name to each of the standard fields in the XFD that is not
defin ed by Exte nde d Da ta. Ch ang es ha ve als o bee n ma de to hand le
Date Fields and Alphabetic fields that contain less than the maximum
number of characters.
Option to Call View Display Without Using Current Link Values FLASH
You may now call the zoom view display program (SWVWDISP) from an object or
menu and disable the default use of link values. This forces the program to ask
for the related key for the zoom record to display.
For example, when you call the view display program for the view “CUSTWEB”
the prog ram au tomatica lly looks for a current link custom er and u ses it if found . If
you want to force the program to ask for a customer number even if there is a
curr ent lin k va lue yo u ma y add “V/N ” sw itche s to th e pro gram call
(“SWV WDIS P/V/N [C UST WEB ]” in this exam ple). This c auses the prog ram to
ignore any customer link value and to ask you for the customer number to use.
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
Menu - Option to Use Web Page Pane for BUI Area in BUI Menu Style
You m ay now display a w eb pag e in the BU I Area to the left of the BU I Menu !
This option lets you control the look and functionality of the BUI Area by:
letting you use HTML technology to display pictures, text, links, etc.
letting you customize the look for your company
giving you the option to customize this area for each operator
letting you access SouthWare programs by clicking on links in the web
The BUI A rea d isplay s a st atic w eb pa ge th at us es W ebV iew te chn ology so th at it
can reco gniz e links to sta nda rd So uthW are o bjec ts an d pro gram s. Th is fea ture is
designe d for static w eb pag es and will not replac e any v ariables in th e web page.
The standard BU I Area web page na me is “buiarea.htm” for non-TaskW ise users
and “twmenu.htm” for TaskWise users - by default these are located in the
swhtml\views directory (but see cus tomization options below).
Samples of these pages are provided as examples. You will likely want
to customize the page contents for your business.
To Activate the BUI Web Pane
You activate this feature for an operator by accessing the operator
profile, choosing BUI Menu style (field 17), and then answering Yes to the
question about using the browser pane.
To customize the standard BUI web page
You m ay cus tomize th e stand ard BU I web pa ges as you wis h. We
recommend that you move your customized templates to the “custom”
directory so that your changes w on’t be overwritten by standard
SouthWare up dates. See Appendix C of the SwiftMate manual for more
information on subdirectories for HTML templates.
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Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
To define an operator-specific custom BUI web page
You may create a BUI web pane page that is to be used only by a
specific operator. To do this you name the template
stdnameoperator.htm where stdname is the standard template filename
and operator is the operator ID for the operator.
This feature requires the operator name to be in all lower case
For example, if you wanted the BUI web pane for a TaskWise operator
(standard name of twmenu.htm) to be different for operator JSMITH you
could name the template “twmenujsmith.htm” and place it in either the
custom or standard template directory. This template would be used
when the menu program displayed the TaskWise BUI web pane for
operator JSMITH.
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
Menu - Alternate-size Images for TaskWise Image Shown in Menu FLASH
The TaskW ise image in the left-hand portion of the menu that serves as a
shortcu t for BUI-s tyle users w ill now adjus t its size for the re solution you use. W e
have created different sized images for these various resolutions.
640 x 480 resolution
800 x 600 resolution
1024 x 768 resolution
The menu program has also been changed to first look for the correct name for
the current resolution (e.g. in 800 x 600 resolution the menu program will first look
for the twmenu2.jpg file). This means you don’t need to delete the twmenu.jpg
file in order for the proper image to display at each resolution.
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
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Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Inventory/Sales Changes
Warehouse Tracking Module!
With the SouthWare Warehouse Tracking module (scheduled for release summer
of 2004) you can automate the tracking of information within your warehouse or
othe r stor age locat ion. T his int egra tes w ith Inv ento ry/S ales to ad d mu lti-bin
tracking and warehouse transactions to the existing inventory processing
capabilities of Inventory/Sales. You can:
Identify each storage ID or bin in your warehouse
Organize the storage IDs into zones and other areas for easy review of
sections of the warehouse
Know which item s are in a s torage ID
Place quantity of a stock item into unlimited storage IDs
Know in which storage ID(s) an item is located
Keep track of items in movea ble storage IDs such as pa llets and trailers
Know which received items need to be put away and where they go
This information is automatically provided from SouthWa re
receivings post
Know which items need to be picked and w here they are
This information is automatically provided from SouthWa re
picking tick ets
Plan and track the movement of items between storage IDs
Assign and reassign warehouse work to different stations
Optionally specify preferred sequence of storage ID assignment for each
Optionally assign attributes to storage IDs and match them with required
attributes o f stock item s (such as refriger ated, haz ardous , secure d, etc.)
Build custom rules (via SouthWare WorkFlow) for the assignment of
transactions to storage IDs
Optionally keep details of each tracking number or serial number position
within the warehouse
The diagram below illustrates the major components of the Warehouse Tracking
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
For more information contact your SouthWare representative.
Item Group Matrix Adapter Module!
Do some or all of the items you sell belong to groups or styles that can be
presen ted via a ro w/colum n matrix s uch as color/size ? Do yo u need to be able to
enter and review quantities for items via this type of matrix? Then you need
SouthWare’s Item Group Matrix Adapter.
With this a dd-o n mo dule f or the Inve ntory /Sale s Se ries y ou m ay de fine m atrix
types, s et up m atrix grou ps, spe cify attributes for rows and co lumns , and spe cify
or generate the SKU numbers for each group combination. You may then use a
matrix-oriented entry interface to efficiently buy, sell, and receive items within a
matrix group. For example, you could set up colors as matrix group rows and
sizes as columns and then easily sell or buy items within the group.
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
With the Item Group Matrix Adapter, you can:
Define unlimited matrix types of row/column combinations (such as
color/size , produc t/user co unt, wais t/inseam , etc.)
Easily define all the row/column attributes that apply to a matrix type
Spe cify w hich attribu tes a pply to ea ch gr oup matr ix
Use the same group definition in multiple locations
Automatically generate stock records needed for group row/column
Specify a stock num ber format to use for generated stock nu mbers
Indicate that certain row/column combinations are not applicable within a
Inquire stock item information for items in a matrix group
Easily view and edit the quantities for group matrix items via a grid or tree
in the following entry programs:
Sales order entry
Purchase order en try
Purchasing work file entry
Service order entry
Receivings entry
(This is als o availab le for Rev 9 - release d in April 200 4.)
Receivings - New Smart Scan Option
You now have the ability to randomly enter or scan items received in a shipment
and auto mat ically crea te ap prop riate r ece ivings trans actio n line ite ms. This
feature is designed to streamline the receiving of a shipment that includes
multiple POs without the need to separate items by PO before entering receiving
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
At the receivings transaction number field (IS-03-02-01, field 1) you now have the
option to select “Smart Scan” ([F5]) to enable Smart Scan mode. An option
screen lets you enter the following parameters for the scan:
Specify the location for the receivings - this defaults from the transaction
Receive Date
Enter the receiving date or press [Enter] to default to the current system
G/L Post D ate
Enter the G/L Post Date to use for the G/L distributions generated from
this receiving transaction. This defaults to the Receive Date.
Vendor (Op tiona l)
If all items you are entering are from the same vendor you may enter the
vendor number. This is particularly helpful if you order the same stock
item from multiple vendors since the system will ignore orders from other
vendors. You may leave this parameter blank to have the system
consider orders from all vendors.
Invoice (Op tiona l)
If you specified a single vendor and all items you are entering are
invoiced on the sa me invo ice you m ay ente r the invoic e num ber here .
The invoice number will automatically be inserted into each created
receiving line item.
Storag e ID (Op tiona l)
Enter a Warehouse Tracking storage ID to have all received lines
assigned to that storage ID. This is particularly useful for pallets. You
may enter a new storage ID and automatically create one by specifying
the storage ID type.
Shipm ent ID (Op tiona l)
If you need to allocate landed cost to multiple receivings transactions you
may enter a Shipment ID to relate all created receiving transactions to the
Ship men t ID. If y ou ar e rec eiving multip le PO s in a c onta iner th at will
have a single freight bill you can use the Shipment ID to allocate the
freight cost across the related receivings transactions.
After you define these parameters you may start scanning stock numbers and
entering quantities. For each scanned number the system will try to identify the
related do cume nt such as a PO or Vend or RA.
If there is only one matching document the system will create a
receivings line item (and related transaction if necessary) and function
similar to the norma l line item sca n mod e for a rec eiving tran saction.
If ther e are multip le pos sible d ocu men ts for t he st ock item th e sy stem will
display a list and let you choose the applicable document, or
automatically select the first matching document (if your
inventory operator record specifies this option - see related
discussion below).
If there are no matching documents the system will display a list of
options that include:
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
select a purchase order to which this item should be added (if the
operato r has the security to modify a docum ent)
receive on a miscellaneous transaction
[blank] re-enter the item number.
If you selec t “M” (mis cellan eou s) or “P” (p urch ase orde r) the prog ram will
display a list of the receivings transactions that have the same document
type and parame ters for you to choose an existing transaction. If there
are no applicable transactions to which this item may be added:
If you selected an “M” (miscellaneous) transaction the program
will accep t the docu ment n umbe r.
If you selected a “P” (purchase order) transaction the program
will display a purchase order search list so that you may select
the purchase order.
Other Ite m De faults
The quantity for the scanned item will default based on the operator scan
option: “1” - default 1, “2” default remaining on document line, “3” ask for
The unit of measure will default from the document line.
You may no t enter defective quantity for a rental item, a non-inventory
item, or if the handling code is a drop ship.
Information shown about the Last Item on the Smart Scan screen
As the Smart Scan screen creates each receiving transaction line item the right
portion of the screen shows the following information about the last item (so that
you can determine w hether you want to press [F1 ] to edit the line item):
Last item #/description
Qty received
Qty received defective
Receiving transaction number
Receiving transaction line number
Total qty received/defective on that line item
Document type/number for receiving
Document line number
Qty to receive
Vendor part number
Functions available from the Smart Scan screen
From the Smart Scan screen you may:
Edit the last item entered by pressing [F1] - this will zoom to the normal
receiving transaction detail maintenance.
Access and ed it the Sma rt Scan pa rameters by pressing [F4] at the
stock number field.
Go to normal receivings entry maintenance ([F5]) to access
Allocate Landed Cost ([F6]) (appears when the last item scanned is on
a PO w ith landed c ost) - this allows you to en ter the am ounts to a llocate
for landed cost if you have entered all the items for the PO or Shipment
ID. If the last scanned item has a shipment ID the system gives the
following options:
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Allocate b y shipm ent ID
Allocate to receivings transaction
No allocation
If the last scanned item did not have a shipment ID you will have the
option to allocate to the last receiving transaction.
Exit Rece ivings En try ([F8]) when you are finished.
Related Operator Option
In the Inventory operator record you have the following new options (IS-07-10,
field 6):
Auto Assign if Duplicates?
This feature applies to the Smart Scan m ode of receivings entry. Here
you may specify what the Smart Scan program should do when a
received item might apply to any of multiple possible documents. Enter
“Y” to hav e the pro gram a utoma tically select th e first matc hing doc umen t.
Enter “N” to have the program display a list of matching documents so
that you may select which one to use.
Auto Default Quantity?
This feature applies to the Smart Scan m ode of receivings entry. Here
you may spec ify tha t the S mar t Sca n pro gram shou ld aut oma tically
defa ult the rem aining quan tity to r ece ive on a tran sac tion. T his
eliminates the need to press [Enter] to ac cept the d efault.
Rece ivings - Optio nal Sh ipme nt ID to Refere nce M ultiple Item s Rec eived in
same Shipment/container
When multiple items from multiple POs are combined in a single shipment you
may n eed to alloc ate com bined freigh t and invo ice amo unts ac ross the se PO s. A
new Shipment ID option helps you allocate freight costs and/or split A/P invoices
across multiple PO s for a sh ipment.
For a receiving transaction you may optionally reference a Shipment ID (IS-0302-01, field 2, “Ship ID” on receiving transaction header). If you use this feature
the system maintains a cross-reference file that indicates which receivings
transac tions are re lated to a sh ipment ID .
Landed Cost
When you finish a receiving transaction for a PO that involves landed cost the
sys tem displa ys th e land ed co st allo catio n win dow . If the re ceiv ing tra nsa ction is
related to a Shipment ID the window will offer multiple options:
Allocate landed cost to the receiving transaction
If you enter landed cost that applies only to this receiving transaction then
any futur e amo unts that a re allocate d to the Sh ipment ID will NOT update
this receiving transaction.
Alloca te land ed co st to the Shipm ent ID
If you ente r land ed co st for t he S hipm ent ID it will be alloca ted a cros s all
receivings related to that Shipment ID.
Acc oun ts Pa yab le
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
See the related discussion “New Landed Cost Option for Shipment ID” in the
Accounts Payable section of this release notice.
Receivings - Optional Storage ID for Interface to Warehouse Tracking
If you use SouthW are’s W arehou se Tra cking sy stem y ou hav e the option to
specify a Storage ID (from the Warehouse Tracking system) for a receiving line
item. This allows you to record a pallet number or predefine the storage ID to use
for a received item.
The storage ID field is added to the various entry modes for receivings such as
review mode, scan mode, matrix group, and smart scan and is accessible via the
line item Other Info box (IS-03-02-01, field 15). You may enter a valid storage ID,
leave the field blank, or enter a new storage ID. If you enter a new storage ID the
program will ask you to select the type of storage ID from a list that appears. The
program will create a storage ID in Warehouse Tracking using the defaults from
the storage ID type.
You m ay also d efine a sto rage ID when you ac cess re view m ode or s can m ode.
Rece ivings line item s create d via thes e mod es will insert th e storag e ID if defined .
This makes it easy to receive multiple items that are bundled in a pallet and
automatically reference the pallet ID in each line.
When warehouse transactions are created from the posting of receivings the
system will insert the storage ID from the receiving transaction into the
warehouse ADJ transaction.
Physical Cou nt - Streamlined E ntry of Detail Coun ts
You now have an improved method of entering multiple detail physical counts for
a stock item. This should speed up the entry of detail counts for most users.
This feature requires that you use the Physical Count Detail subsystem (IS-08-02,
field 24, Use Physical Count Detail). If you don’t use Physical Count Details then
this feature will not be available.
When you access the Physical Count Entry program (IS-06-04-02) the program
asks you to choose an entry mode:
Enter Detail Quantity Count
Choose this mode to go directly to the detail count entry screen
View Sum mary Co unts
Choose this mode to view the stock record summary records that
total the detail counts that have been entered. When you use
Count Details you may not enter counts in the summ ary record
but you may view them and acces s the detail counts for a
particular stock record.
Detail Quantity Count Mode
The screen displays the detail entry screen with the following fields:
1. Location:
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Enter the inventory location for the counted item if multiple locations are
being counted.
This field displays the sequence key for the worksheet
sequencing used by the summary count records.
2. Stock N umb er:
Enter the stock number counted. You may use the [F3] Lookup to search
the stock file or [F4] lookup to search the worksheet count file.
3. Tracking Num ber:
(Applicab le only if you a re coun ting trackin g record s.)
Enter the tracking number counted if the stock record uses tracking or
serial numbers. You must enter a valid tracking number that existed
when the work file was bu ilt.
You are limited to one detail record per tracking number. You
may press [F5] at the Enter Change Number prompt to Add
additional q uantity to the tracking c ount.
4. ID:
(This field is s kipped if yo u entere d a track ing num ber - see Note ab ove.)
Enter an identifier code (up to 15 characters) to help identify the source of
this count. Typically this could be a counter’s name, a scanner ID, or
some other indicator that helps you group counts by their source.
Warehouse Tracking Users
If you are using Warehouse Tracking the count ID field in the
Physical Count detail record will automatically become the
Storage ID. You have a lookup option for Storage IDs when you
are entering count details. When you post physical counts to the
stock file the system will create appropriate warehouse
transac tions for an y discre pancies and ch anges in the stora ge ID
assignments and quantities.
Enter the quantity counted.
The screen shows the summary counted information for the stock item.
Tracking Num bers
You are limited to one detail record per tracking number. You
may press [F5] at the Enter Change Number prompt to Add
additional q uantity to the tracking c ount.
Physical Count - Option to Generate G/L Distributions for Count
You now have the option to automatically generate G/L distributions for the
quantity count discrepancies posted from the Physical Count subsystem (IS-06-
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
04). This will generate a G/L distribution per product category as shown in the
Product Category rec ap on the Physical Coun t posting register.
You may activ ate th is fea ture in the In ven tory/ Sale s co ntrol r eco rd (IS -08- 02, fie ld
Create G/L for C ount Diff?
Enter “Y” to automatically generate G/L distributions for quantity count
discrep ancies p osted for Physic al Coun ts. This w ill generate a G/L
distribution per product category as shown in the Product Category recap
on the Physical Count posting register.
The offset account for Physical Count Adjustments may be defined in the
Prod uct C ateg ory r eco rd (IS -07- 02, fie ld 11, Phy sica l Adj O ffset) . If this
field is blank for a p rodu ct ca tego ry the sys tem will us e the Rep air
Expen se Acc ount.
Other N otes on G/L Po sting from Physic al Coun ts
If you post G/L distributions from physical counts the program will do
automatic posting to G/L if specified in the A/R control record (AR-08-02,
field 7).
If you are posting initial stock quantities from the Installation/Set Up menu
(IS-0 8-09 ) the p ost p roce ss w ill NO T cre ate G /L dis tributio ns. T his is
because these initial counts should already be reflected in your General
Ledger numbers.
Physical Count - G/L Offset Account for Discrepancies
In the Product Category record you may now define an offset account for
Phy sica l Cou nt Ad justm ents (IS-0 7-02 , field 1 1, Ph ysic al Ad j Offs et). T his
account is shown on the Physical Count posting register in the Product Category
recap. If you choose to create G/L Adjustments for Physical Counts this account
will be use d to offset the chang es to the inv entory a ccoun t.
Physica l Count - O ption to C ount T racking N umb ers
You now have the option to record physical counts per tracking number in the
Physical Count subsystem (IS-06-04). This feature requires that you use the
Physical Count Detail subsystem (IS-08-02, field 24, Use Physical Count Detail).
This feature is added as another option in field 24 of IS-08-02:
Create Tracking Details?
(Applicab le only if you u se the P hysica l Count D etail subsy stem.)
Enter “Y” to have the system generate physical count detail records per
tracking number for the stock items in the workfile. When you enter
count details for a stock item the system will already have a record for
each tracking number so that you may record the quantity counted for
each tracking number. The total of all tracking records counted is the
total s umm ary c oun t for th e sto ck ite m. T he po sting of the se c oun ts will
make corresponding adjustments to the tracking file records.
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
If you select to count detail and to enter counts for tracking
numbers then you are limited to one detail record per tracking
numb er.
You do have the option to add to the tracking count for
an item.
If you use the Warehouse Tracking system and a
tracking number exists in multiple storage IDs then you
may enter a count for each storage ID.
Uncounted Tra cking Numbe rs
The counting of tracking numbers introduces a challenge into the count of stock
items. If you are doing a partial inventory count and all the tracking numbers are
not included in the count then you could inadvertently introduce errors into your
counts. The system addresses this challenge with the concept of uncounted
tracking quantity.
If you are counting a tracked item (also applies to a Storage ID) you do not have
to indicate that you counted all tracking numbers for a stock number. Those that
are not c ounted are acc umulate d in a field in the s umm ary reco rd nam ed qua ntity
not counted. This quantity plus the quantity actually counted less the quantity on
hand (at the time the workfile was built) is the adjustment to the stock on hand
Here is an exam ple of entering counts for a tracked stock num ber:
The adjustment to on hand is: 4999 + 1000 - 6010 = -11
There is a new field added to the physical summary record to accumulate the
quantity not counted. Again, the non-counted applies only to tracking and
warehouse tracked items.
Import Notes
If you use ImportMate II to create physical count transactions please note the
The import will create the a detail record for each tracking/serial # for a
stock item if the "Create Tracking Details?" option is activated in the
control record. This is necessary because of the Not Counted quantities.
The im port will add to the qua ntity if the impo rted reco rd alread y exists.
Since all tracking records must be in the workfile (for Not Counted
quantities) the definition of import add mode is to add the imported
quantity to the work file (the program will figure out if this needs to add a
record or simply add the q uantity to an existing re cord).
Note for Warehous e Tracking users
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
If you use the Warehouse Tracking system and are storing tracking number or
seria l num ber d etails in the w areh ous e you mus t gen erate corr esp ond ing de tails
in the phy sical cou nt detail file. The p osting of p hysica l counts w ill create
war eho use adjus tme nts fo r the d iscre pan cies and t hes e mu st ha ve th e det ail
required by your warehouse records.
Phys ical Co unt - O ption t o Ad d a Sto ck Item to an E xisting Work file
You now have the option to add workfile records to an existing workfile via the
Physical Entry program (IS-06-04-02). In previous revisions workfile records
could be changed but not added.
When you enter a stock numbe r in the Physical Entry program (both Sum mary
and Detail Mode) that does not exist in the workfile the program tells you that the
stock number does not exist in the workfile and asks if you want to add it. If you
say Yes the stock number will be added to the workfile.
Physical Count - Option to Rebuild Existing Workfile if No Counts Have
Been Entered
If you access the Print Inventory Count Worksheet program (IS-06-04-01) when a
workfile exists and you answer No to the question about reprinting the
works heets the program now ch ecks to see if any counts have b een en tered. If
no cou nts hav e been entered an addition al question now as ks if you w ant to
delete the workfile and start over. This is helpful if you change your mind about
the workfile parameters before you start to enter counts.
Physical Count - Option to Record Counts for Warehouse Storage IDs
If you use SouthWare’s Warehouse Tracking module you may record physical
counts per storage ID in the Physical Count subsystem (IS-06-04). You must use
the Physical Count Detail subsystem (IS-08-02, field 24, Use Physical Count
The count ID field in the Physical Count detail record will automatically become
the Storage ID. You have a lookup option for Storage IDs when you are entering
cou nt de tails. W hen you p ost p hys ical co unts to the stoc k file th e sy stem will
crea te ap prop riate w areh ous e tran sac tions for an y disc repa ncie s and chan ges in
the storage ID assignments and quantities.
Option to Purchase/Receive Items for Rental Locations
See the related topic in the Rental Department section of this release notice.
Option al Line Item Integration of Services to Service O rders
See the related topic in the Service Management section of this release notice.
Add Notes Text to Stock Keyword Search
You now have the option to include words from selected notes types in the stock
key wor d sea rch fe ature . The sys tem will inc lude a ll word s from the n ote te xt in
the index of key words. This is particularly useful when you have special notes
types such as the “C” type used for catalog descriptions in NetLink.
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
You may implement this feature in the Inventory/Sales control record (IS-08-02,
field 24). After you specify how many lines of stock description to use as
keywords you may specify the following:
Keywo rd Notes Ca tegory (1 to 3):
Here you may specify up to three user-defined notes categories for stock
notes. The words from the text of these note types will be incorporated
into the ke y word search feature.
For example, enter “C” in one of the fields to include the Catalog type
note text u sed by SouthW are Ne tLink for ca talog des criptions. N ote
types that are not referenced in these fields will not be included in the key
word search so that you can allow customers/vendors to use a NetLink
search by key word and exclude notes types that are for internal use
New Features in Stock Info Tree View Manager
In the Stock Info Tree Manager (IS-04-08) you now have the following features:
Ability to display marketing catalog structure with a drill-down
throu gh the catalog levels
The tree displays the marketing catalog structure (IS-07-20) if you use
this fe ature . This lets y ou ex pan d eac h cat alog le vel an d see the lev els
and items assigned to the catalog.
Ability to access marketing catalog from stock search to select
stock item
From the stock search/lookup function you may now press [F6] to access
the ma rketing ca talog view of the Tre e Man ager. Th is allows y ou to
select stock items from the marketing catalog.
Ability to view vendor catalog items per product category
When you expand a product category you now have the option to display
all vendor catalog records for the category. A “Vendor Catalog” option
app ears abov e the stoc k item s for th e cat ego ry. Yo u ma y ex pan d this
option to view all vendor catalog records that have been assigned to the
Marke ting C atalog Optio n to O rganiz e Items You S ell
This optional new subsystem lets you organize the items you sell into marketing
categories such as you would use in a catalog. You may have up to five levels of
marketing categories, and you may assign a stock item to more than one
marketing category. Primary uses of these catalog records include:
To allow easy navigation of your catalog via NetLink
To prov ide a ma rketing-o riented org anization structure in the Stoc k Info
Tree View Manager that is an alternative to organizing by product
To prov ide a stoc k lookup feature by Marke ting Cata log via the S tock Info
Tree View Manager that you may use to find a stock item wherever you
can enter a stock number
Within the marketing catalog you may reference any of the following types of
Stock items
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Stan dard Bills
Item Matrix Groups
Vendor Catalog Items
Service codes
Rental Items
This allows your catalog to be a complete outline of the items and services you
Here are the major components of this subsystem:
Lookup of Marketing Catalog
L To sell an item from the catalog
From a Billing or Service Order line item you may use the Stock Lookup
feature ([F3] from the stock number field) and then press [F6] at the list of
keys to access the Marketing Catalog. This list will include all types of
catalog items. When you select an item from the tree the item ID will be
placed in the line item for sale.
L To use the catalog in a stock item search
From any stoc k number entry field you may use the Stock Looku p feature
([F3] from the stock numb er field) and then pre ss [F6] a t the list of keys to
acces s the M arketing C atalog. Th is list will include on ly stock item s.
When you select a stock item from the list it will be returned to the field.
Marketing Category Maintenance (IS-07-20-01)
In this prog ram yo u define the marke ting levels a nd sub -levels tha t you wa nt to
use to organize your items. This is very flexible and allows you to create a
category that has up to four levels of sub-categories.
1-5. Catalog Level (1 to 5):
Ente r a co de (u p to 1 0 cha racte rs) fo r eac h leve l that a pplies to this
record. Level 1 must be entered. Levels are validated as you enter them
to ensure that you set up each level in the hierarchy. For example, if you
enter “MEN’S” in the level 1 field and there is not already a level 1 record
for “MEN’S” the program will automatically skip to field 6 so that you can
define a lev el 1 recor d.
Let’s say you have a simple catalog that is organized like this:
Hard goods
Widge ts
Cons umer W idgets
Com merc ial Widgets
Gadg ets
Men’s Gadg ets
Wom en’s Ga dgets
Soft goods
Men’s Clothes
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Women’s Clothes
Children’s Clothes
Shoes /Boots
Dress Shoes
Men ’s
Wo men ’s
Casual Shoes
Court Shoes
You could assign the following level codes to create this catalog
Leve l 1
Leve l 2
Leve l 3
Leve l 4
Leve l 5
Hard goods
Widge ts
Consu mer W idgets
Com mercial W idgets
Gadg ets
Men’s G adgets
Wom en’s Ga dgets
Soft goods
Men’s Clothes
Women’s Clothes
Children’s Clothes
Shoes /Boots
Dress Shoes
Men ’s
Wom en’s
Casual Shoes
Court Shoes
6. Catalog Description:
Enter the description of this category record (up to 30 characters).
7. Image Filename:
Here y ou ma y referen ce a pictu re or ima ge file for this ca tegory re cord.
This allow s yo u to c reate web page s tha t sho w an imag e to re pres ent th is
category. The file is assumed to be in your So uthWare images directory
(under the “swhtml” directory) so any path should be relative to the
images directory. On Windows workstations you may use the Lookup
feature to find a file in the images directory.
If you plan to use these images in NetLink the filename should be
accessible by the web s erver.
8. Status:
Leave this field blank for a norm al status o f Active. Yo u may enter “I” to
inactivate this record (such as when you are building a new section of the
cata log an d don ’t wan t to ac tivate this re cord until th e ent ire se ction is
9. Text Comments:
Here you may enter a longer description of this category (up to 2000
characters). This text displays in the Stock Info Tree View Manager
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
whe n you highlig ht this cate gory , and this te xt ma y also be us ed in
NetLink web pages.
Marketing Category Cross-Reference (IS-07-20-02)
You may ass ocia te sto ck ite ms a nd ot her re cord s with mar ketin g cat ego ries v ia
this cross-reference file. There are multiple ways to edit the records in this file:
From the Stock File Maintenance (IS-07-01) - For a stock record you may
acces s the “R elated Info” menu and ch oose “M arketing C atalog”.
On graphical workstations a list of categories appears and you
may toggle the checkmark box to indicate whether the item
belongs to each category.
On character-based workstations the function accesses the
Cross-Reference maintenance as described below.
From the Item Group Maintenance (IS-01-06-03-04) - For an Item Group
Matrix re cord yo u may choos e “Cata log” ([F6]).
On graphical workstations a list of categories appears and you
may toggle the checkmark box to indicate whether the Item
Group belongs to each category.
On character-based workstations the function accesses the
Cross-Reference maintenance as described below.
From the Standard Bill Maintenance (IS-07-13) - For a Sta nda rd Bill
record you m ay cho ose “C atalog” ([F 6]).
On graphical workstations a list of categories appears and you
may toggle the checkm ark box to indicate whether the standard
bill record belongs to each category.
On character-based workstations the function accesses the
Cross-Reference maintenance as described below.
From the Vendor Catalog Maintenance (IS-07-19) - For Vendor Price
Catalog record y ou ma y choo se “Ma rketing C atalog” ([F 4]).
On graphical workstations a list of categories appears and you
may toggle the checkmark box to indicate whether the vendor
catalog record belongs to each category.
On character-based workstations the function accesses the
Cross-Reference maintenance as described below.
From the Rental ID Maintenance (RD-05-01) - For a Rental ID record you
may c hoose “Catalog ” ([F6]).
On graphical workstations a list of categories appears and you
may to ggle the c heckm ark box to indicate w hether th e rental ID
record belongs to each category.
On character-based workstations the function accesses the
Cross-Reference maintenance as described below.
In the cross-reference maintenance program (IS-07-20-02) you may edit the
cross-reference records that associate stock items and other records to particular
marketing categories. For service codes this is the only way to create crossreference records.
1-5. Catalog Level (1 to 5):
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Enter the corresponding level(s) for the catalog category to which you
want to assign a record. The sy stem will validate that the levels are
defined in IS-07-20-01.
6. XRef Type:
the type of record to which this cross-reference refers:
Stock item
Item Matrix Group
Stan dard Bill
Vendor Catalog Item
Service code
Rental Item
7. Related ID:
Enter the appropriate ID (e.g. stock number, group ID, etc.) for this crossreference.
8. Vendo r Num ber:
(This ap plies only to vendo r catalog “C ” type rec ords.)
Enter the vendor number for this vendor catalog record. This allows the
system to include the record you desire if your vendor catalog includes
the same item from different vendors.
Option to Purchase Serialized Non-Stock Catalog Items
When you purchase a Non-Stock Vendor Catalog Item for a sales order as a
miscellaneous stock item you may now use the receivings process to enter the
tracking numb ers if the m iscellaneo us stoc k item sp ecifies to us e tracking . With
this fe ature you m ay s ell a no n-sto ck ite m fro m yo ur ve ndo r cata log, p urch ase it
via a miscellaneous stock item, and then record the tracking numbers at
receiving s so the se can be autom atically trans ferred into th e sales line item.
This feature applies when:
The Inventory/Sales control option to post serial #s to sales orders (IS08-02, field 16) is set to “Y”.
A non-stock item is received for a sales order an d the item’s stock record
indicates to use tracking.
Receivings Entry
The rece ivings entry prog ram will as k for tr ack ing nu mbe rs in th is situ ation but w ill
not require them (tracking numbers are required for normal stock items that use
track ing). If y ou do ente r trac king num bers for a n on-s tock item th e pro gram will
require the tracking quantity entered to match the quantity received. This applies
to scan mode, review mode, entry mode and receive full document mode.
Receivings Post
When you post a non-stock receivings with tracking numbers:
The receivings tracking records will be posted to the sales order tracking
file. For a non-stock item all tracking/serial numbers received will be
posted to the sales order ev en if this exc eeds th e sales o rder qua ntity.
For a normal stock item the tracking quantity posted to the sales order
does n ot exce ed the sa les order quantity.
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
The tracking records will be posted to the serial/tracking file and a
tracking ledger record will be created for receivings and for sales (the
stock number w ill be the miscellaneous stock number).
Cop y Fun ction fo r Loca tion N ow G ives O ption t o Co py Lo cation Credit
Card Info
When you create a new location record by rena me/copying an existing inventory
location (IS-07-05) you now have the option to copy the payment type information
into the new location as well. If the existing location has Credit Card or other
payment types a question will ask if you want to copy the payment types to the
new location. Specify whether to copy the payment type records. You could then
access these records in the new location for any needed changes.
New “Find Part #” Lookup File for Stock, Vendor Catalog, Standard Bill, and
Matrix Group Numbers
A new lookup file allows you to search for a part number without first specifying
wheth er it is a stock numb er, non-s tock ve ndor ca talog num ber, stan dard bill kit,
or item group. This is designed to streamline the lookup of a part number since
your operators don’t need to know what type of part number it is.
The co mbined part num ber looku p file is autom atically ma intained by the sys tem.
Each time you add:
a sto ck n umb er to th e sto ck file
a vendor catalog record
a standard bill record (type “S” or “B”)
an item matrix group
the sys tem w ill record the n umbe r in the part n umbe r lookup file.
Note: This file contains only valid item part number keys for SouthWa re
records. It does not contain cross-reference records such as customer
part numbers, obsolete part numbers, etc.
You may access this lookup file from the following programs:
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Billing Entry - from the stock number field you may enter a full or partial
part number and press [F5] to access the combined lookup file. When
you select a record from the list the billing line item will reflect the
appropriate type of record. You may also enter the part number and
press [Enter] and the program will determine the appropriate type.
Service Order Entry (SV-01-01-03) - from the stock number field you may
enter a full or partial part number and press [F5] to access the combined
lookup file. When you select a record from the list the line item will reflect
the appropriate type of record. You may also enter the part number and
press [Enter] and the program will determine the appropriate type.
Stock In quiry (IS-0 4-01) - from the Cus tomer field you m ay pres s [F4] to
call the sea rch to allow you to se lect a key and ente r a starting v alue.
When you select a record in the list and zoom the program will call the
appropriate maintenance program in inquiry mode.
As the “Find Item Part #” Inquiry (IS-04-09) - this uses the command line
“RSSEARC2/I/X/2" to call the lookup as a stand-alone function. When
you select a record in the list and zoom the program will call the
appropriate maintenance program in inquiry mode.
After you load this upgrade the system will automatically create the combined
lookup file from your existing records. This is done via a utility program
“RSXR2BLD” which you may run at any time to rebuild this lookup file.
Allow Operator Decision on Assembling/Purchasing Item Order Handling
Code in Sales Entry
You may now give a sales operator the option to override the normal Item Order
Handling code when an item may be purchased or assembled.
To enable this feature you specify “Y” to a new field in the billing operator record
(IS-07-11, field 18):
O/R Assemble/Purchase?
Ente r “Y” if th is ope rator shou ld be a llowe d to o verr ide a s tock item’s
normal Order Handling code in the following situations:
The item Order code (IS-07-01, field 25) specifies Assemble (“A”
or “M”) but you want to purcha se the item for this order.
The item Order code s pecifies pu rchase (“P”) but y ou wa nt to
assemble the item for this order.
E-Mail Address for Vendor Purchasing Record
You may now define an e-mail address for a Vendor Purchasing record (IS-0714) that will be used as the default e-mail address for Purchasing. You may
access this new field from field 3 in IS-07-14:
E-Mail Address:
Her e you may spec ify a p urch asin g e-m ail add ress for this vend or tha t is
differe nt tha n the defa ult e-m ail add ress for the vend or. Th is ma kes it
easy for your purchasing e-mail address to be different than your
payab les e-m ail addres s.
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
If you enter an e-mail address in this field the PO entry program (IS-0301-02) uses this address when e-mailing a PO unless you have
ove rridd en th e e-m ail add ress on th e PO . The hiera rchy for a P O e- mail
address is:
Use o verride e -mail add ress from PO if one exists
Use v endor p urchas ing e-m ail addres s if one ex ists
Otherwise use vendor e-mail address
Miscellaneous Stock Records No Longer Update Quantities
In previous revisions some SouthWare processes updated quantities for
miscellaneous stock items (those with a stock number that begins with an
asterisk) even though the quantities had no meaning. This resulted in some
unnec essary confus ion for som e users .
Now the sys tem w ill not update a ny qua ntities in misc ellaneou s stock records . If
there are non-zero quantities in a miscellaneous stock record, whenever that
specific stock record is rewritten by a posting process or other change the
quantities w ill be zeroed out.
After you load this update the system will automatically zero any quantities in your
miscellaneous stock records.
Compatibility Option:
If you need to retain the same quantity update situation for miscellaneous
stock items as in previous revisions (not recommended since the
quantities are not accurate) you may set an environment variable in your
cblconfig file:
This will disable the clearing of miscellaneous stock quantities during the
conversion and will continue to update the quantities for miscellaneous
stock records as in previous revisions.
Default Ship To Address in Order Entry Now Uses Customer Address if No
Default in C ustom er Reco rd
In Or der E ntry the ship t o add ress now defa ults to the c usto me r file ad dres s if
there is no default Sh ip To ID in the cus tome r record (AR-07 -01, field 18 ). In
previous revisions if the customer had only one ship to address then the program
defaulted to that add ress.
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
ICVerify Interface - Option to Accept and Submit Card Verification
Validation Number
You now have the option to specify that you want to enter a Card Verification
Valid ation num ber fo r ICV erify c redit c ard tr ans actio ns. T his su ppo rts this
relatively new security feature for credit card processing. Below is a brief
description supplied by ICVerify:
**Excerpted from ICVerify SDK manual
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
CVV2 and CVC are new security features on the back of Visa and
Mas terC ard c redit c ards . The y we re pu t in plac e to h elp m erch ants avoid
fraud an d increas e profits.
The new three-digit value is an important new security feature for cardnot-present transactions, and now appears on the back of most Visa and
MasterCard credit cards. It provides a cryptographic check of the
information embossed on the card.
The CVV2/CVC three-digit value is printed on the back signature panel of
Visa and M aste rCa rd cr edit c ards . The y imm ediat ely fo llow th e cre dit
card account num ber.
The CVV 2/CV C va lue he lps va lidate that a cus tom er ha s a V isa ca rd in
his/her possession, and that the card account is legitimate. It helps
minimize the risk of unknowingly accepting a counterfeit card or
fraudulent transaction.
CVV2 is printed only on the back of Visa cards, while CVC is only on
MasterCard credit cards. It’s not contained in the magnetic stripe
inform ation , and does not a ppe ar on sales rece ipts. It m ust b e inclu ded in
the authorization request, along with the following information:
• Transaction Type
• Account Number
• Expiration date
• Transaction dollar amount
If you are participating in CVV2/CVC, you can expect to receive a
or “no match” respons e (Y or N).
**End of Excerpt
To support this feature you must be able to manually enter a code found on the
back of the credit card. A new option in the ICVerify ID (XX-05-13, field 14)
allows you to enable this capability:
Ask for Verification#?:
Enter “Y” to have the program prompt you to man ually enter the Card
Verific ation Valid ation num ber (C VV2 /CV C) fro m the back of the cred it
card. This value will be submitted in the request data sent to your card
proces sor. This information is not stored in SouthWare files.
Change Inventory Valuation by G/L Date
The Inventory Valuation report (IS-05-03) utilizes the stock ledger file when
reconstructing quantities for a prior date. Prior to this change the program was
using the transac tion date in the ledger file. Th e progra m will now use the G /L
Post Date from the ledger record to reconstruct prior valuations. If the G/L Post
Date is blank on the ledger record then the date the ledger record was created
will be used. This displays as the Post Date colum n on the ledger.
Billing Inquiry Option to Display All Types and Statuses of Orders
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
In Order/Invoice Inquiry (IS-04-02) at the Order Type field you may now choose
“L” for “All Orders (Including History)”. This option will include all orders and
history items and is similar to the “B” option except that it also includes On Hold,
Quote, and Not Approved orders.
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
Billing Inquiry Option to Display Open Orders in Reverse Date Sequence
In Order/Invoice Inquiry (IS-04-02) you now have the option to view open orders
in reverse date sequence (most recent first). In previous revisions this option was
availa ble fo r invo ices but n ot for open orde rs. T his op tion is also n ow a vailab le
for history invoices when you choose B for Both Outstanding and History Orders.
At the Order Type field in the inquiry you may choose Open Orders by entering
“O” for Outstanding Orders only or by entering “B” for both Outstanding and
History. At the Date field a prompt “[F4] Most Recent” indicates that you may
press [F4] to choose reverse date sequence. The orders will then appear with the
mos t recent da tes first.
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
Picking Ticket Co ntrol Now Ign ores Line Items T hat Will Not Print
The Picking Ticket Control feature that controls when a picking ticket should be
printed w ill now ignore the status of Drop S hip and P urchas e For line item s IF
these line item Handling Codes will not be printed. In the Inventory/Sales Control
Record you specify whether to print Purchase For and Drop Ship line items on the
Picking Ticket (IS-08-02, field 28, Print Purchase For). If a line item will not be
printed, its status will be ignored when the Picking Ticke t Control feature
determ ines wh ether to pr int a picking ticket.
For example, if an order has the Picking Ticket control option of “N” for “Print
when all ready” this means that no picking ticket will print until all items are ready
to ship. If in the control record you said to skip the printing of Purchase For and
Drop Ship items then the picking ticket will print when all other items are ready
even if any Purchase For and Drop Ship items are not ready.
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
Dept/Operator “Master” Transaction Operator Option for Simpler
Setup/Maintenance FLASH
In the Sales Department/Operator maintenance program (IS-07-11) you may now
optionally create records that refer to a “master” dept/operator for the option
values. This lets each operator have a unique dept/operator record for tracking
and reporting but reduces the setup and maintenance of the field options. An
operator record that refers to a master record will not allow you to access any
fields except the password, Ma ster code, and nam e - the options are
automatically updated from the master record. When you change a field in a
ma ster o pera tor re cord the p rogr am will aut om atica lly chan ge th e valu e in all
operators related to the master.
A new field is added beside the passw ord field (field 2):
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Maste r:
Here you may specify whether this operator record should use the values
from a “master” record:
Leave this field blank to de fine a cus tom set o f optio ns fo r this
operator. No master record is referenced.
Enter the dept/operator code from a “master” dept/operator
record if all option values should come from the values in the
mas ter record .
Press [F1] to create a “master” dept/operator record. T his inserts
the k ey for this re cord as th e “M aste r” valu e. You ma y defin e all
the options for this record and these options will be used by any
dept/operator record that refers to this master record.
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
Inventory Operator “Master” Transaction Operator Option for Simpler
Setup/Maintenance FLASH
In the Inventory Operator maintenance program (IS-07-10) you may now
optionally create records that refer to a “master” transaction operator for the
option values. This lets each operator have a unique inventory operator record
for tra ckin g and repo rting b ut red uce s the setu p and ma inten anc e of th e field
options. A n opera tor record that refers to a ma ster reco rd will not allow you to
access any fields except the passw ord, Master code, and nam e - the options are
automatically updated from the master record. When you change a field in a
ma ster o pera tor re cord the p rogr am will aut om atica lly chan ge th e valu e in all
operators related to the master.
A new field is added beside the passw ord field (field 2):
Maste r:
Here you may specify whether this operator record should use the values
from a “master” record:
Leave this field blank to de fine a cus tom set o f optio ns fo r this
operator. No master record is referenced.
Enter the operator code from a “m aste r” ope rator reco rd if all
option values should come from the master record.
Press [F1] to create a “master” operator record. This inserts the
key for this record as the “Master” value. You may define all the
options for this record and these options will be used by any
operator record that refers to this master record.
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
Maintenance Lookup of I/S Dept/Operators, Inventory Operators, and SV
In the following maintenance programs you may now use the Lookup feature for
transaction operators.
Inventory Operators
Sales Dept/Operators
Service Order Op erators
This feature was added in conjunction with the master operator feature.
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
The L ooku p feature is available on ly in the ma intenanc e progra ms.
When you are asked to enter an operator for a transaction process the
lookup is not available since this is a security feature.
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
Default L ine Item T ype for Billing Operato r FLASH
For a billing o pera tor you ma y now defin e a de fault lin e item type (IS -07- 11, fie ld
Override Line Item Code
Here you may specify an override default line item type for billing line
items o r leave this b lank to us e the nor mal de fault. This a llows you to
customize entry for a particular operator’s normal function.
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
Default P urchase For Co de for PO Buyer FLASH
For a Purchasing Buyer you may now define an override default for the Purchase
For Code on pu rchase orders (IS-07-15, field 6):
Override Dft Purch For Code
Here you may specify an override default Purchase For code for PO line
items o r leave this b lank to us e the nor mal de fault. This a llows you to
customize entry for a particular operator’s normal function.
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
Default Line Item Type for Receivings Operators FLASH
For a Receivings operator you may now define an override default for the
receivings line item type code (IS-07-10, field 6):
Override Dft Line Item Type
Here you may specify an override default line item type for receivings line
items o r leave this b lank to us e the nor mal de fault. This a llows you to
customize entry for a particular operator’s normal function.
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
Landed C ost - Ability to Add New C ost Types to a Location and Update
Existing Landed Cost Purchase Orders
When you add landed cost types to a location record (IS-07-05, field 19) that
already has landed cost types defined a question now asks if you want to add the
new cost type(s) to existing purchase orders that have no receivings. This allows
you to define that a new landed cost type applies to a location and then have the
system automatically insert that new type in pending landed cost purchase
This update feature will update the landed cost types in purchase orders that
meet ALL of the following criteria:
The purchase order location must match the location you changed.
The purchase order must not have been updated for any receivings (the
new types can’t be retrofitted into receivings that have already occurred).
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
The purc has e ord er’s la nde d cos t types mu st ex actly m atch the loc ation ’s
landed cost types as they were before you made your change (the
system will change only a “matching” array of landed cost types).
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
Land ed Co st - Op tion to Clear L ande d Co st Allocat ion Am ount s in
In receivings entry you now have the option to clear the allocated amounts for
landed cost for a receivings transaction. This allows you to remove allocated
landed cost amounts from receivings line items when they were entered
incorrectly. You may then enter allocated amounts again or leave them zero.
When you exit the line items for a receiving transaction with allocated landed cost
the program will show you the current total allocations. You may select the Clear
function ([F5]) to zero out the allocated amounts in all line items for the
transaction. After the program confirms that you really want to clear it will “undo”
the allocations for landed cost and clear the totals. You will then have the same
option to allocate again as you did before allocation was done.
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
Landed Cost - Display Percentages for Cost Types
When you enter landed cost information in purchasing and receivings the display
will now show the percentage to be used for cost types that are based on
In the Purchase Order header landed cost window the default percentage
from the cost type code (or as adjusted by any automatic vendor
overrides in IS-07-18) will display to the right of the description so that
you can comp are it to any override percentage you enter.
In the Purchase Order line item landed cost window the percentage to be
use d (eith er fro m th e PO head er or f rom an ap plicab le ove rride ) will
display to the right of the cost type description when you enter the
applicability flags.
In the Receivings Entry line item landed c ost windo w the pe rcentag e to
be use d (either fro m the PO or f rom an applica ble overrid e) will display to
the right of the cost type description when you enter the applicability flags.
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
Landed Cost - New ReportMate Pathing
Rep ortM ate n ow h as ad dition al file p athin g rela ted to Land ed C ost file s. Th is
increases your reporting and WorkFlow options for Landed Cost information:
You may access the PO Landed Cost info per line item (IV40, type P)
from the PO line item file (IV06) and PO History line item file (IV26).
You may access the Landed Cost receivings header information (IV40,
type R) from the receivings transaction heade r file (IV34).
You may access the Landed Cost receivings line item information from
the receivings line item file (IV22).
This pa thing also re sulted in the following ad ditional fields in th e Data
Dictio nary:
PO header (IV05) and PO History Header (IV25)
127 - LC Trx Type [P] - this will always be “P”
128 - LC Trx Line Number
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
PO line item (IV06) and PO History line item (IV26)
57 - LC Trx Type [P] - this will always be “P”
Receivings header (IV34) and Receivings History header (IV35)
97 - LC Trx Type [R] - this will always be “R”
98 - LC Trx Line Number
Receivings line item (IV22) and Receivings History line item
97 - LC Trx Type [R] - this will always be “R”
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
ICVerify Interfac e - Allow Busin ess an d Co rporate Card Ap prov al FLASH
The ICVerify interface program now recognizes the special approval status for the
following ICVerify authorization responses:
B - Approved for VISA/M C Business C ard
C - Approved for VISA /MC Corporate C ard
These are in addition to the approval statuses of:
Y - Approved
P - Approved not captured
Q - Approved for VISA /MC Purchas e Card
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
Option to Cancel Assembled Line Item FLASH
When you enter an assembled item in Order Entry (IS-01-02-01) and your billing
operator specifies to Show Component Availability the program shows which
components are available and which ones are not. In previous revisions when
there were insufficient quantities you received the following options:
R - Ass emb le the Re queste d Qua ntity
A - Abo rt and Re enter O rder Q uantity
S - Se lect A noth er Bill o f Ma terials
You now have the following ad ditional option :
C - Cancel the Line Item
Choose this option to specify that the customer canceled the
orde r (typic ally bec aus e of u nava ilable c om pon ents ). Th is
records that the assembled line item was canceled similar to the
cance llation of non -assem bled line item s. You ca n then an alyze
history to identify the times that sales were lost because of
unavailab le com ponen ts.
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
Identify Non-Multiplied Assembly Components on Forms FLASH
Any non-multiplied components are now separately identified if you print
assembly components on picking tickets and invoices. In previous revisions a
non-multiplied component was difficult to identify. The form heading printed
ASSE MBLY PER E A and d id not clearly indic ate if any com ponen t had a qu antity
that was not multiplied per unit produced.
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Now th e form prints an e xclam ation point (! ) beside a non-m ultiplied com ponen t.
The form "ASSEMBLY PER EA" heading also prints the literal “! - Indicates Total
Qty Nee ded” to ind icate that if a c omp onent ha s “!” bes ide it then the q uantity
disp layed is the to tal qu antity n eed ed fo r all un its in th e ass em bly.
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
ICVerify Interfac e - New Mail Ord er Flag an d Revis ion Num ber FLASH
A new option has been added to the ICVerify Interface (XX-05-13). ICVerify
chang ed the fo rma t of their requ est interfac e file for vers ion 3.0 of th eir produ ct to
include an extra field within the data. This changes the positioning of the address
information from previous versions of ICVerify. The change im pacts ICVerify
users who:
use ICVerify version 3.0 (and presumably higher versions)
are Mail Order Catalog type users
use Ad dress V erification.
Two new fields are a dde d to th e ICV erify In terfa ce ID (XX -05- 13) to supp ort this
13. ICVerify 3.0 (or greater)?:
Specify whether you are using ICVerify version 3.0 or higher. The format
for the request file was changed by ICVerify as of version 3.0.
14. Mail Order Transactions?:
Specify whether you are using the Mail Order transactions feature of
ICVerify. If you enter “Y” here and the ICVerify version is 3.0 or higher
the request file will use the format that includes a recurring billing flag (the
RER field) and shifts the address in the record. Since SouthWare does
not handle recurring billings, this flag will be populated with an N.
If you use Mail Order transactions with ICVerify version 3.0 and Address
Verification you need to activate this feature or your request files may be rejected
because ICVerify is expecting the RER flag and reads the wrong positions of the
file for the address.
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
Assembly Work Order Changes
Option to Use Work Order Cost on Sale of Assembled Item Posted from
W o r k Or d er Sys tem
When you assemble an item for a sales order you now have the option to post the
wor k ord er un it cos t to the unit c ost fo r the s ale w hen you p ost fro m the Ass emb ly
Wo rk O rder sys tem . In pre viou s rev isions the w ork o rder cos t was used only if
the item used tracking numbers and used tracking number costing.
This feature is implemented via a new option in the Assembly Work Order control
record (IS-01-04-04-03):
7. Post W/O Cost to Order?:
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
This feature applies to work orders that are assembled for specific sales
order line items when:
There is not an override cost on the line item
The line item is not already selected for billing.
Specify whether the unit cost for assembled items should be used as the
selling cost when a work order is assembled for a sales order line item
and is posted:
Enter “Y” to have the work order post process update the sales
order line item cost with the Work Order cost for any stock item
assembled for an order. This means that when you assemble an
item for a sales order that the costing will come from the work
order regardless of the stock item costing method.
Note: If you select or invoice the sales order line before posting
the work order this feature will not affect the sales order
line item. In that case the sales order cost will be based
on the no rmal co sting me thod from the stock record.
Enter “A” to have the system post the Work Order cost to the
sales order line item for stock items that have an “A” type order
code (Assemble for Sales Orders). This will NOT affect stock
items that use tracking number costing.
Enter “N” to have the system use the normal stock item costing
method for items that are assembled for sales orders.
Option to Cancel Assembled Line Item
See the related discussion in the Inventory/Sales section of this release notice.
Id en tify N o n -M u ltip lied Assem bly C om ponents on Form s
See the related discussion in the Inventory/Sales section of this release notice.
Rental Department Changes
Option to Purchase/Receive Items for Rental Locations FLASH
You now have the option to purchase and receive items for rental locations.
When you receive items for inventory (purchase for code is “L” for Location) for a
rental location (the location record indicates Rental, IS-07-05 field 17) a question
asks if you want to receive into rental inventory. Answer “Y” to update the
quantity in the rental inventory file instead of the stock file. This can eliminate the
need to receive purchased rental items into the stock file and then transfer them
to rental inventory.
This feature applies only to purchase order (purchase for location type
“L”) and miscellaneous receivings.
This feature requires that an item exist in both the rental file and the stock
file for that location in order to receive into the rental location.
Receivings Entry for a Purchase Order
After you enter the receiving header information the program will look for rental
items on the purchase order. If it finds any it will ask if items should be received
into the rental location. If you answer “Y”, as you receive the items the program
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
will verify if the item is a rental item and will set a flag in the receiving detail record
to indicate whether or not the item should be received into rental inventory.
Your answer to the rental question is stored in the receiving header so
that the program can display a message in change mode. It will display a
message to let the user know that the items received in that transaction
will be received into the rental location if the item exists in rental
Only items that exist as Rental IDs may be received directly into rental
inventory. You may receive a PO that has both rental items and nonrental items - the non-rental items will be posted to the stock file.
Receivings Entry for a miscellaneous document
If the receiving location is a rental location the program will ask if items should be
rece ived into re ntal. T his qu estio n will b e ask ed be fore e ntry m ode begin s (if
using scan mode or matrix) and the answer will apply to all items that are rental
items. In re gular entry mode the prog ram w ill validate the item as a ren tal ID
before it as ks the q uestion.
Other Entry Notes
If you display a receiving line item that is to be received into rental
inventory the screen will display “Rental” beside the purchase for location
to indicate the item will be posted as a rental item instead of a stock item.
You may see the rental flag for a receiving line item in field 13. It will be
the last field in the window. You may not maintain this field because the
receiving data (U/M, serial code, description, etc) defaults from either the
rental record or the stock record. If you need to change this flag you
must delete the receiving line item and enter it again to change your
answ er to the qu estion.
You m ay not en ter defec tive quan tity on rece iving lines to b e poste d to
rental inve ntory sinc e rental inve ntory do es not trac k defec tive quan tity.
If you have defective quantity you need to receive it into stock and then
transfer the non-defective quantity from stock to rental inventory via an
inventory transaction.
Rental items allow serial tracking numbers but not tracking quantity-type
records. The invoice #, floor plan vendor and date do not apply to rental
items. The Extended Data fields entered are for the stock serial record as
it is now. The posting will create a serial record with an “A” status
(adjusted out).
The FlowPoint for the rental question is “8828”. The FlowPoint for the
rental message in chang e mode is “8829”.
Receivings Cost Entry Notes
If a receiving cost line item is flagged as a rental item it will display “REN”
beside field 4.
If you are in terfa cing from A/P tr ans actio ns th e acc oun t num bers will
default from the rental category.
Receivings Smart Scan
A question is asked about receiving for rental when you specify the
location - this will apply to all items for that location.
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Related Operator Option
The option to receive directly into a rental location is controlled by an inventory
operator flag (IS-07-10, field 6):
Rece ive Into Renta l?
Specify whether this operator may receive items for a rental location
directly into the rental location. This controls whether the receivings entry
program will ask about receiving into the rental file instead of into the
stock file when the location for a receiving transaction is a rental location.
Related Listings
The Receiving Listing and Receiving Cost Listing will print “*Rental*” beside the
purchase for literal (Purch For: xxx) to indicate a rental item.
Receiving Posting for Rental Items
When you post a receiving line for a rental item:
The program will post the on-hand quantity and average cost to the rental
ID record instead of to the stock record. The program will not post an
inventory ledger record because the stock on-hand quantity will not be
update d.
If there are serial numbers their information will be posted to the rental
tracking file as well as to the stock tracking file. T he prog ram w ill post a
record to the receiving tracking ledger.
The on-order quantity and purchase for/from quantities are updated in the
stock file.
The G/L account numbers for the update will default from the rental
category record.
Receiving Cost Posting will update the cost in the rental ID record, the rental
tracking record and the serial tracking record. The account #s will default from
the rental category record.
Import Notes
If you use ImportMate II to create receivings transactions please note the
You may import or replace the Receive Rental flag in the receiving
header (IV34, field 28).
If the header indicates to receive into Rental the line item import will set
the flag to “Y” for each item that exists as a Rental ID.
Data Dictionary notes
Here are the Data Dictionary references for the new flags related to this feature:
IV34 field 28 - Receive Rental flag (import options = I,R,N)
IV35 field 28 - Receive Rental flag (import options = I,R,N)
IV22 field 87 - Rental Item flag (no imp ort)
IV36 field 87 - Rental Item flag (no imp ort)
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
Quick Return Entry program for Return of Rental Tracking Numbers
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
For rental returns of tracking items you now have a Quick Return program that
makes it faster to record these returns. This option is available from the menu as
RD-01-01-06, Quick Return of Tracking Items. The related program is
“RDQICRTN” and you may also add it as a button or breakout option from other
In this program you may quickly scan or enter a tracking number for a returned
item. The system will find the associated rental contract for the tracking item and
record the return. When you have a large volume of returned tracking items on
multiple contracts this makes recording the returns as simple as entering the
tracking number.
Return Date/Time:
When you access the program you must first enter the date/time of the
return or default to the current system date/time. This will be recorded as
the return date/time on each tracking number entered.
Tracking #:
Here you enter or scan in the tracking number being returned. If the
tracking number is unique and exists on only one contract then the
system will automatically record the return and recalculate the rate for the
contract. You may then enter the next tracking number.
SouthWare Excellence Series™
If the tracking number is used on multiple rental IDs then the
system will asked you to indicate which rental ID applies.
If the tracking number exists on multiple contracts the system will
display a list of the contracts and ask you to select one.
If you automatically create a service order for returns this
program will also launch that function.
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Rental Transactions - New Option for Elapsed Time on Fixed Rate Rentals
For F ixed Rate renta l trans actio ns you ma y now spec ify that t he sys tem shou ld
not use days closed when calculating elapsed time for a daily fixed rate. A new
field is added beside the Rate Method field in RD-05-03:
Use Calendar?:
This field applies only to Fixed Rate Method.
Enter “Y” if you want rentals that use the daily fixed rate to not include
days close d wh en co mp uting elaps ed tim e for the re ntal. F or ex am ple, if
a daily rate rental includes a weekend and you are not open on Saturday
and Sunday then entering “Y” here will omit the Saturday and Sunday
hou rs fro m th e elap sed hour s for the re ntal.
Enter “N’ to ignore the location calendar when computing elapsed time on
a daily f ixed rate r enta l.
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
Service Management Changes
Optional Order Line Item Integration of Services to Service Orders
With this new option you have the ab ility to sell a service through the order entry
program and auto matically c reate a linke d servic e order line item for the service .
This makes it easier for you to use the order entry program for all billing functions
while retaining the management of service work provided by the service order
function. The billing status of the billing line item is controlled by the related
service order line item.
A particular business scenario targeted by this feature involves the following
steps related to a new sale of items that have related services:
Produce a Quote for sales and service
Turn the quote into an order and related service order
Produce an order acknowledgment
Purchase the items as needed
Do the service work as needed
Produce a single invoice for the items and the service
This sc enario is n ow m ore eas ily handled with this ne w feature . Improv emen ts
provided with this feature (and some related features later in this release notice)
A consistent entry point for sales of this type instead of entering orders
for some steps and entering service orders for other steps
The ability to produce a quote with both the stock items and services
The ability to produce an order acknowledgment with both the stock items
and services
The ability to produce a single invoice for the items and services
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
The ability to efficiently enter a sale with multiple serial numbers (and
purchase it/invoice it cleanly)
The ability to individually select which service order line items to bill (see
“Op tion to Indiv idually Sele ct Se rvice Ord er Lin es fo r Billing ” later in this
release notice)
The ability to us e Wo rkFlo w to m odify whic h ser vice orde r line ite ms w ill
print on the billing invoice (see “New Flag in Service Order Line to Control
Whether Billing Line Will Print on Invoice” later in this release notice)
Set up changes
L To implement the line item integration feature you must activate the following
Service Manage ment Control record (SV-08 -01, field 13):
13. Auto Bill/SO Link:
This field displays a window with the following options:
Use Bill/SO Auto Links?
Specify (“Y”es or “N”o) whether you want the sale of selected
service s throug h the billing en try progra m to au tomatica lly create
a linked service order line item that controls the billing of the
service. If you enter “Y”:
In the service order maintenance program (SV-07-04)
you may specify that a service should use this feature.
If the sales order already has a related service order
heade r the prog ram w ill add the ser vice ord er line item to
that service order. Otherwise the program will create a
service order header using the data packet specified
When you enter a service code in the billing entry
prog ram , if the s ervic e use s this featu re the prog ram will
automatically create a service order line item for the
service using the data packet specified below.
Note: If you are entering a quote the service order and
line item will no t be c reate d unt il the qu ote is
turned into an order.
New SO Data Packet
(Applicable only if using Bill/SO Auto Links)
Here you may specify the Data Packet to use for creating a new
Service Order (heade r and line item ) from a s ales orde r line item.
The default Data Packet is ZZNEWSO. The Data Packet you
use must create a service order header and detail record.
Update SO Data Packet
(Applicable only if using Bill/SO Auto Links)
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Here you may specify the Data Packet to use for creating a
Service Order line item record from a sales order line item for an
existing s ervice o rder. The default Da ta Pack et is ZZU PDSO .
L Service File Pricing Code (SV-07-04, field 6) - a new question is now part of
this field:
Auto Bill/SO Link?:
Specify (“Y”es or “N”o) whether a sale of this service through the billing
entry program should automatically create a linked service order line item
that controls the billing of the service. If you enter “Y”:
When you enter this service code in the billing entry program the
program will automatically create a service order line item for the
service using the data pac ket spe cified in the SV Contro l Record .
If the sales order already has a related service order header the
program will add the s ervice o rder line item to that serv ice order .
Otherwise the program will create a service order header using
the data packet specified in the SV Control Record.
Billing Entry changes
The billing entry program will automatically create a service order line item (and
header if necessary) for a service code entered as a billing line item if all of the
following are true:
The service code has “Y” to “Auto Bill/SO Link”
The SV control record has “Y” to “Use Bill/SO Auto Links”
The SV control record has valid Data Packets for the creation of service
order header and line item records
The billing tra nsaction is not a quo te
When a billing line has a “linked” service order line:
You may not edit the quantity, price, or cost in the billing line item (these
must be chang ed in the service order line).
You may select the billing line item (this is done via the service order
You may not delete the billing line item if the corresponding service order
line still exists (you must first delete the service order line).
The related service order number is displayed on the billing header
screen and the related service order line number is displayed on the
billing line item screen.
Ord ers y ou en ter in S ervic e Inv oicing (SV- 02-0 2) are auto mat ically
selected for billing. If you want to leave the order open until a related
service order is complete you should put the order on hold. The billing of
the linked service order will remove the on hold status when the service
order is billed to that sales order.
Service Order Entry changes
When a service order line item resulted from a “linked” billing line item:
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
The service order detail displays the related order number and line
Any changes made to the service order line will result in a corresponding
change to the linked billing line item.
You may de lete a linked service order line item, but the program will warn
you that a billing line item is linked. If you delete the service order line
this does NOT change or delete the linked billing line item.
The related sales order number is displayed on the service order header
Update changes for Service Management
When you update service orders to be billed (either interactively or via SV-01-0108):
Linked service orders will update existing linked sales order header and
line item information. If the related billing line item does not exist (such
as when you have already partially billed the service order) the program
will create the billing line item with the same number.
If you have selected to combine invoices for customers any “linked”
service orders w ill NOT be comb ined and will each be billed sepa rately.
Any other service orders not linked to billing orders may be combined.
Update changes for Billing (End of Day Update)
The billing of linked orders is based on the origin of the sales order:
If the order was entered via Order Entry the invoice produced
and the r elated up date are conside red part o f Inventory /Sales.
They will be updated when you run Inventory/Sales End of Day.
If the order was entered via Service Invoicing the invoice
produced and the related update are considered part of Service
Management. They will be updated when you run Service
Management End of Day.
When you run the End of Day process the program will not delete the
order header if the linked service order still exists. If you partially bill the
service order linked line item the sales order line will be posted to invoice
history and deleted (but the sales order header is not deleted).
Other Related Changes
The “linke d” ref eren ce inf orm ation betw een serv ice or der a nd sa les or der is
stored in history. For a service order in history you can identify the related linked
sales order. For an invoice in history you can identify the related linked service
order. These fields are available for ReportMate reporting.
Option to Individually Select Service Order Lines for Billing
When you do a partial billing from a service order yo u now have the option to
individ ually s elec t serv ice or der lin e item s for b illing ins tead of au tom atica lly
having all lines selected. This allows you to choose not to bill certain line items
eve n tho ugh they have amo unts to bill.
To enable this option you must activate it in the service order operator record
(SV-07-17, field 22):
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Select L ine Item s to Bill
Specify whethe r you w ant the ab ility to individually se lect the line item s to
be billed when you partially bill a service order. Enter “Q” to have the
program ask a q uestion a bout wh ether all line item s shou ld be billed.
Ente r “N” to au tom atica lly sele ct all line items that h ave amo unts to bill
when you do a partial billing.
If you specify “Q” the service order entry program will ask the question
“Select All Line Items?” when you choose to do a partial billing/invoicing
of a service order. If you answer “N”:
The program will return to the line item field. You may now [F1]
or enter a line number to display a line item. A prompt “[F5]
Select” allows you to toggle the select status of the line item. An
indicator to the left of the description field in the scrolling list
indicates whether each line item is [U]nselected or [S]elected.
When you press [F8] after choosing the select status for each
line item a qu estion as ks if you a re ready to bill. Answe r Yes to
continue with billing.
New Flag in Service Order Line to Control Whether Billing Line Will Print on
There is a new flag stored in the serv ice order line item that m ay be u sed to
con trol w heth er this line item will prin t on th e res ulting invoic e. Yo u ma y edit this
in the service order line item (SV-01-01-03, field 13):
Skip on Invoice?
This field is on ly available w hen the line item Exte nded P rice (am ount to
bill) is zero.
Here you may enter “S” if you want to Skip the printing of this service
order line on the resulting invoice. Leave this field blank for normal print
For example, on this service order you might have a line item that
contains the total price to bill for a service (a flat amount or a contracted
number of hours). But you a lso have line items for that service that are
nee ded to sc hed ule w ork d one by on e or m ore te chn icians . You could
use a zero bill percent on the scheduling line items and set this flag to “S”
so that you will capture cost for the technician work but avoid printing
these line items on the invoice.
Assign Techn icians to Sp ecific Dispa tch Op erator
You no w hav e the ability to a ssign se rvice ord er opera tors (disp atchers ) to
technicians for the purpose of limiting which technicians appear in the technician
scheduler (SV-01-02-01 ) for each dispatcher. If you have multiple dispatchers
that work only with certain technicians this allows you to customize the scheduler
board to include only those technicians.
There is a new field in Technician Maintenance (SV-07-10) to define the assigned
Dispatch Operator:
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
13. Dispatc h Ope rator:
Here you may specify a particular service operator who is responsible for
dispatching work for this technician via the Technician Schedu ler board
(SV-01-02-01). You may choose any service order operator who can
access the Technician Scheduler (SV-07-17, field 22, Technician
Scheduler? = "Y") or you may choose to leave this field blank.
If you leave this field blank this technician will always show up on
the technician scheduler for any dispatch operator.
If you ente r an o pera tor co de he re, this tech nician will on ly
appear when that operator is using the technician scheduler
Changes to the Technician Scheduler Board (SV-01-02-01)
When a service order operator accesses the Technician Scheduler and
chooses “All” Technicians the board will show only technicians that are
assigne d to him/h er or that ha ve no a ssigned operato r.
You may press [F2] at the Technician Selection Criteria parameter and
select another operator to view.
If you want to see ALL technicians regardless of assigned operator you
may press [F2] at the Technician Selection Criteria and then leave the
ope rator field bla nk to spec ify “AL L” dis patc h ope rator s. Th is will s how all
technicians as in previous revisions.
Note: After you load this revision the technicians will not have any
assigned operators. The Scheduler Board will work the same as
previous revisions unless you assign operators to technicians.
Streamline Access to Dispatch/Scheduling from Service Order Entry
Several changes have been made in the integration of the Dispatch/Scheduling
function into Service Order Entry:
Access to graph ical sched uling/disp atch bo ard - From the Service
Order entry program (SV-01-01-03) you may press [F5] for “Schedule” at
the S ervic e Or der n umb er field (field 1 ). On grap hica l work statio ns th is
now accesses the graphical scheduling/dispatch board (textual
workstations will continue to access the non-graph ical scheduler).
Inquire Scheduled Assignments during Dispatch - When you press
[F5] on an existing service order to access the Dispatch function you may
now pres s [F5 ] from the d ispa tch lis t to ac ces s the sch edu ler bo ard in
grap hica l mod e for in quiry . The Sch edu ler Bo ard w ill displa y the Daily
Scheduler tab. The date, operator, and location is passed to the
sched uler boar d.
This allows you to review the assignments already made in order to best
dete rmin e how to dis patc h this serv ice or der. T he sc hed uler b oard will
be in inquiry mode for viewing:
In this inquiry mode you may view the daily assignments grid but
you may not reas sign a SO to another technician since yo u are
already in the midd le of a serv ice order .
All assignment functions are disabled in this inquiry mode.
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
You may not s elec t a tec hnic ian in th e sc hed uler b oard - whe n you exit
the scheduler board you will return back to the dispatch list so that you
may select a technician.
Exit of Service Order Dispatch Now Returns to Menu - Wh en yo u exit
the special dispatching function (SV-01-01-05) the program will now
return to the menu. In prior revisions this returned to a blank service
order screen and caused some operators to believe they could do service
order functions not related to dispatching.
Unearned Revenue G/L Activity Rep ort
With this n ew rep ort (SV-0 5-03-10 ) you m ay list the U nearne d Rev enue G /L
activity that resulted from Service Management contracts. This is a G/L-based
report that analyzes the distributions in G/L for selected G/L accounts and groups
them b y Serv ice Man agem ent cus tomer a nd con tract.
When you select this report and choose an output option you may enter the
following parameters:
Range o f G/L Accou nts
Enter a ra nge of un earned revenu e acco unt num bers. Th is will default to
a range that includes all unearned revenue accounts specified in your
service code records (SV-07-04, field 26). If you cannot specify your
unearn ed reve nue ac counts within a sing le range y ou cou ld print a
separa te report for each a ccoun t.
Range of Post Dates
Enter a ra nge of G /L transa ction pos t dates to inc lude. This defaults to
the curre nt reporting period in A /R.
Note: You may select ALL dates, but this will remove the balance fields
from the report since the system won’t have an ending date for
the repo rt.
Rang e of Cus tomers
Enter a range of customer numbers to include or press [Enter] for ALL
Range o f Contracts
Enter a range of contract numbers to include or press [Enter] for ALL
If you enter a limited range of customers and/or contracts the
report will show activity but will not show balances since the
reporting data may not include all distributions that affected the
account balance.
The rep ort is sequ enced by date w ithin contrac t within cus tomer w ithin accou nt.
The rep ort provid es totals o f the activity for each c ontract w ithin each c ustom er.
For each account the report shows totals and the beginning and ending balances
unless you print for ALL dates or don’t print all customers/contracts.
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Service Order Operator “Master” Transaction Operator Option for Simpler
Setup/Maintenance FLASH
In the Service Order Operator maintenance program (SV-07-17) you may now
optionally create records that refer to a “master” transaction operator for the
option values. This lets each operator have a unique service operator record for
track ing an d rep orting but re duc es th e set up an d m ainte nan ce of the fie ld
options. A n opera tor record that refers to a ma ster reco rd will not allow you to
access any fields except the passw ord, Master code, and nam e - the options are
automatically updated from the master record. When you change a field in a
ma ster o pera tor re cord the p rogr am will aut om atica lly chan ge th e valu e in all
operators related to the master.
A new field is added beside the passw ord field (field 2):
Maste r:
Here you may specify whether this operator record should use the values
from a “master” record:
Leave this field blank to de fine a cus tom set o f optio ns fo r this
operator. No master record is referenced.
Enter the operator code from a “m aste r” ope rator reco rd if all
option values should come from the master record.
Press [F1] to create a “master” operator record. This inserts the
key for this record as the “Master” value. You may define all the
options for this record and these options will be used by any
operator record that refers to this master record.
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
Option to Suppress Printing of Cost on Service Order History Listing
On the Service Order History L isting (SV- 05-02-0 7) you m ay now choos e to
suppress the printing of cost. This is helpful if you want to print this listing to give
to a customer as a record of service work done. After you have entered the
normal parameters an additional question appears:
Print Cost?:
Enter “Y ” (the defa ult) to print cos t information on the rep ort. Enter “N ” to
suppress the printing of cost information on the report such as if you are
printing this report to give to a customer.
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
Accounts Receivable Changes
Customer Relationship Notes Inquiry Program
See the related discussion in the TaskWise section of this release notice.
Option to Update Customer Default Ship/Bill Address from Address
When you add a new bill to address (AR-07-08) or ship to address (AR-07-09) for
a customer the program now asks if you want to make this the default for the
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
customer. If you answer “Y”es the program will update the default field in the
customer record.
You may also use the [F4] function key to change a bill to or ship to address to be
the d efau lt. Wh en yo u cho ose this fu nctio n the curr ent b ill to or s hip to addr ess is
displayed and asks if you want to change the default from that old address to the
new a ddress . (The F lowPoin t for this ques tion is 8901 .)
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
Update TaskWise Contact Record for Changes to Customer E-Mail Address
and Fax Number
See the related discussion in the TaskWise section of this release notice.
Default E-Mail Address and Fax Number from Customer Record for New
Customer Contact
See the related discussion in the TaskWise section of this release notice.
Commissions Report Now Shows Previous Amount Paid for "Commissions
that are not base d on custo mer paym ents" FLASH
If commissions are not based on customer payments (as defined in the AR
control record), the Comm issions Due Report (AR-05-04) now prints the Prev
Am ount Pa id colum n. This w ill allow users to print a pas t com miss ions repo rt to
better reflect what commissions have been paid.
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
Accounts Payable Changes
New Allocated Landed Cost Option for Shipment ID
You now have a new option for landed cost allocation if you allocate invoice costs
to receivings transactions. Receivings transactions may be grouped by shipment
ID so that you can identify items from different Purchase Orders that were
received in the same shipment. Then when you receive a freight or other landed
cost invoice for the entire shipment you may use this new feature to allocate the
amount to all the receivings transactions included in the shipment.
This feature means that you can:
Allocate a landed cost invoice to receivings for multiple POs
Allocate a landed cost invoice to receivings for multiple merchandise
When you enter an A/P invoice you define a Landed Cost invoice by pressing [F4]
at the PO number field (AP-01-01, field 6). Then after you enter the remaining
header information you may select the receivings transaction(s) for the allocation
of the lande d cost.
Now you m ay pres s [F5] at the receiving s transa ction num ber to se lect a
Shipment ID as specified in receivings. You may enter a Shipment ID or select
the Shipment ID via the Lookup of non-allocated Shipment IDs. You may then
ente r the a mou nt to a llocat e for th e ent ire Sh ipme nt ID ( inste ad of for a s pec ific
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
receiving transaction). The amount will be allocated across all receivings
transactions related to the Shipment ID.
You may still choose to allocate cost to an individual receiving transaction
even though the receiving transaction was part of a shipment ID.
However, if you do this then that transaction will not receive any amounts
that are allocated to the Shipment ID.
Let’s say you received the following items in a single shipment and
assign a shipment ID of ABCXYZ:
Invoiced Cost
3 Widgets
1 Gadget
100 Whosits
Now you receive a freight invoice from the shipper for $100 freight. If you
allocate based on cost then the A/P invoice to Shipment ID ABCXYZ
would be automatically allocated as:
PO 45 = $15 (100 x 300/2000)
PO 53 = $50 (100 x 1000/2000)
PO 1234 = $35 (100 x 700/2000)
Vendor Relationship Notes Inquiry Program
See the related discussion in the TaskWise section of this release notice.
Update TaskWise Contact Record for Changes to Vendor E-Mail Address
and Fa x Num ber
See the related discussion in the TaskWise section of this release notice.
Default E-Mail Address and Fax Number from Vendor Record for New
Vendor C ontact
See the related discussion in the TaskWise section of this release notice.
Option on A/P Trial Balance to Ignore Subsequent Void Checks FLASH
You now have the option on the A/P trial balances (AP-04-02) to reprint a prior
reporting period and ignore subsequent void checks that were voided after the
trial balance date. This allows you to print the trial balance as it was on that
previous date (helps in reconciling to G/L) even though som e items that were
conside red paid a re now o pen.
The feature is implem ented as a new option in the trial balance parameters
(FlowPoint for field is 8905 if you want to automate it):
Include Voided Checks?:
Specify whether you want the report to reflect any voided checks that
have been proc ess ed af ter the end o f the r epo rting p eriod . The Def ault is
"N"o to show all open invoices, even those that were voided in future
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Ente r “N” to prin t the re port to acc urate ly reflec t wha t was really
open in the reporting period (if a check was voided in future
periods , the unpa id item w ill appear on the trial balanc e).
Enter “Y” to print the report as it would have printed on that
previous date. Th is option will m ore acc urately reflec t the G/L
balance at the end of the period. If a document was paid as of
the end of the reporting period but voided in a subsequent period,
it will not print as open on the reporting period’s trial balance.
An Invoice with an invoice GL post date of 06/01/04 for 1000.00
is paid in June. At the end of June this item does not appear on
June's A/P trial balan ce.
In Ju ly the c hec k is vo ided w ith a G L pos t date for th e void of Ju ly
When reprinting the June AP Trial balance:
If you specify “N” to Include Voided Checks the item will appear
as open on June’s trial balance (this will not match G/L - since
the GL post of the void check was in July).
If you specify “Y” to include voided checks the invoice will not
appear as open for June (since the void check was posted with a
post da te after the end of J une).
Answering "Y"es to this question will print a trial balance that
more accurately reflects what is in General Ledger. Answering
"N"o to this ques tion w ill print a trial ba lanc e tha t acc urate ly
reflects the A/P open amounts for that period but may not
nec ess arily m atch G/L if som e invo ices were voide d in
subse quent m onths.
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
General Ledger Changes
New G/L Chart of Accounts Wizard to Simplify Set Up
A new wizard process is available to give you much more flexibility in creating
and adding to your General Ledger chart of accounts. Previously the General
Ledger setup process allowed you to choose a standard 4-3 or 6-4 chart of
accounts . Now you m ay:
Choose to create a standard chart of accounts for any valid account
Use a tab-delimited text file as the input for your account codes (along
with a related tab-delimited file of account code ranges). This allows
you to utilize a standard list of account codes to generate various
account structures for different companies.
Generate a file of other account parts (such as departments or divisio ns)
to use in creating your chart of accounts.
Edit the list of standard account codes and other account parts (such as
departments or divisions) before the chart of accou nts is generated . If
you need to add or remove certain codes, departments, divisions, or
other values you can do this before the combinations are generated.
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Use the wizard to add new accounts to an existing chart (such as for a
new department) based upon existing accou nts.
In addition, the standard chart of accounts has been expanded to include
examples of all accounts needed wi thin SouthWare modules.
See the related section in the Additional Documentation Notes later in this
release notice for more details.
Option to Inquire Entire Transaction for a G/L Account Distribution
In G/L Account Inquiry (GL-02) you may now view the entire G/L transaction that
included a selected distribution. This helps you see the context of a particular
To access this f eature in the inq uiry you must zoom on an account, hi ghlight a
distribution, zoom to the details of the distribution, and then select “Entire Trx”
([F5])” to display a list of all distributions for the related transaction.
Job Cost Changes
Optional Job Cost Transaction Operator for Interfaced Transactions
When you post transactions to Job Cost from other systems such as A/P and
Payroll the system will assign a Job Cost operator to each interfaced transaction
as follows:
If the posting operator has a default Job Cost transaction operator (XX03-03, field 11) then the interfaced transaction will be assigned to that
Job Cost operator.
If the posting operator does not have a default Job Cost transaction
operator the transaction will have a blank Job Cost operator.
If you want the operators who create these interfaced transactions to be able to
post them within Job Cost you should make sure they have a default Job Cost
operator defined. This will allow them to post interfaced Job Cost transactions for
their operator code without posting all operators.
Payroll Changes
Files for Payro ll Reporting Are Now Archived fo r Last Fou r Quarters
At the end o f eac h payr oll rep orting quar ter the Res et Qu arter -to-D ate T otals
process (PR-05-04-06) now automatically archives a copy of the files used as
input for quarterly reports. This allows you to:
Re-process quarterly reports for a past quarter that has been archived
Employee listing
Employee recurring listing
Federal Tax report
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
State Tax report
Local Tax report
12 th of the M onth Em ployee Co unts
ICE SA M agn etic M edia
This is esp ecia lly valua ble/im porta nt if you r qua rter-e nd fa lls
close to a payroll date s ince it ma y not be po ssible to co mple te
your quarter-end reporting before you need to print checks for the
new payroll. This feature makes it possible for you to do your
quarterly reporting after you have done the payroll in the new
Re-process W-2 Year End reporting from the last quarter for the past
Reb uild th e W -2 wo rk file
Process W -2 forms
Create MMREF media files
The p rocess mainta ins a “rolling” a rchive of th e previou s four qu arters.
Here are the main components of this feature:
When the Reset Quarter-to-Date Totals process is run (PR-05-04-06) the
prog ram auto ma tically:
Creates a sub-directory under the current com pany ID directory
with the name “CCYYMMDD ” where CCYY is the four-digit year
and MMDD is the month and day of the end of the quarter. For
example, at the end of the last quarter of 2003 the archive subdirectory name would be 20031231.
Note: The acc ess perm issio ns of the a rchiv e dire ctory w ill
typically be derived from the operator who runs the
process (e.g. UMASK for UNIX). Make sure the archived
directory has proper permissions for the users who may
need to a ccess it.
Copies the necessary Payroll files for reporting into the subdirectory. These include:
Payro ll Con trol file
Em ployee file
Em ployee tax file
Em ployee dedu ction file
Mag netic me dia co ntrol f ile
The program also creates a “readm e.txt” file in the sub-directory
that docu men ts the So uthW are revisio n used to create th e files.
This is useful if you have upgraded to a new SouthWare revision
within the last year (see “Other Notes and Limitations” below”).
Removes the archive directory from five quarters ago (if it exists)
so that the archive history is a rolling history of the last four
completed quarters.
After the files are copied the program will clear the quarter-to-date totals.
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
A new sub-menu (PR-05-05) has been added to Quarterly processing
that a llows you to run th e rep orts f or a p ast q uarte r. Eac h rep ort in th is
process asks for the quarter-ending date for the quarter to use. The
system uses this date to find the appropriate archive sub-directory and
use s the files in that d irecto ry.
A new sub-menu (PR-06-07) has been added to the Year-End
Processing menu. You may use the options in this menu to recreate the
W-2 Processing for the past year using the archived files. The Year-End
clear process (PR-06-03) does not archive any information, but the
archive from the 4th quarter of the year (which is cleared before the yearend clea r) is available to re-proc ess W -2 repor ting.
The W -2 W ork F ile (PR -06- 02-0 3) fro m la st yea r is no rm ally ava ilable if
you just need to reprint forms or create m edia. However, if the W-2 W ork
File is not ava ilable or if it was b uilt incorrectly you m ay use the archive to
reprocess. The prog rams in PR-0 6-07 let you select to use the archive
files from the 4th qu arter of the previous year.
Note: The previous year’s 4th quarter information will be available from
the archive until you close the 4 th quarter o f the curre nt year. In
other words, the 4-period archive makes the previous year-end
information available until a full year has passed. After one year
the arch ive files sho uld not be neede d, but if you do need to
reprocess after one year you would have to restore files from
your year-end backup media.
Other Notes and Limitations
If you need to use archive files that were created from a different revision
of SouthWare than you are now using you must verify whether the files
are compatible. If the file structures were modified as part of a newer
revision you must manually create a compatible environment to run the
reporting processes on these older-format files. This could involve
mo ving th e files to an envir onm ent w ith the older vers ion of prog ram s or it
could involve converting the files to the newer format. Contact Support
for more information.
The archive files may not be used except for the special processes listed
You may not do any ReportMate or ImportMate II processing (or
Data Dictionary-related WorkFlow) from the archive files.
You may not maintain the data in an archive file (except for the
ability to edit the ICESA control record for reporting).
Certain perpetual history files are used in reporting. These files are not
archived, so you should not purge records from these files for any past
reporting period for which you may need to report from the archive files:
The Check History details file is needed for ICESA reporting and
the 12th of the M onth Co unt repo rt.
Tips History is used by the W-2 Build process.
On the full employee listing report you have the option to include
Employee Excellence Period History. This file is not archived.
Payroll Op tion to Dist ribute Oth er Earning s Excep tions Us ing Salary
Distribution Accoun ts
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
You now have the option to us e em ployee sa lary distributions (PR-07 -05) to
automatically distribute any earning amount that is not job-related. In prior
revisions salary distributions were used only when generating exceptions at the
time you defined a payroll. Now in the following proces ses you m ay specify to
turn an earning exception into multiple earnings exceptions using the sa lary
Entry of an earning code in exceptions entry
Generating exceptions from Time Entry
Importing Time Entry and Exceptions records
For ex amp le, when a salaried e mplo yee is on va cation for a day you ne ed to
enter ex ceptions to record the vaca tion earning s. You no w have the option to
automatically distribute these vacation earnings to the same G/L accounts used
for normal earnings.
Here are the components of this feature:
New flag in Payroll Deduction Code Maintenance (PR-07-08)
17. Salary Distribution:
This feature applies only to earnings codes and to employees
who h ave a s alary distribu tion recor d. It does N OT affe ct:
the batch generation of salary distributions that may be
done at the time a payroll is defined
exceptions or time records that have an associated job
(the job accounting and salary distribution accounting
would be in conflict).
This flag controls whether Time Entry (at generation time) and
Exceptions Entry will use salary distribution accounts for an
employee (when applicable) to distribute the earnings amount
when you use this earning code. Valid options are:
Y - Always Distribute This Earning
This value indica tes th at you wan t the s ystem to alw ays
distribute earnings of this type using applicable salary
distributions when the code is used in Time Entry or
Exc eptio ns E ntry.
N - Never Distribute This Earning
This value indicates that you don ’t want the s ystem to
distrib ute e arnin gs of this typ e wh en th e cod e is us ed in
Tim e En try or E xce ption s En try.
Q - Ask que stion during entry
This value indicates that you want the system to ask a
que stion abou t usin g sala ry distr ibutio ns ea ch tim e this
cod e is us ed in T ime Entry o r Exc eptio ns E ntry. T his
allows the operator to decide per employee or per
situation about using salary distributions.
Note: W hen you im port e arnin gs int o Tim e En try
records any code with a “Q” value will be
imp orted with “N ” sinc e the ques tion is
associated with entry programs.
Adding Earnings in Exceptions E ntry (PR-01-03)
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
When you enter an earnings code exception that is not job-related for an
employee who has salary distributions the program will look at the related
earnings code record to see if salary distributions apply. If the code
specifies to use salary distributions (or asks the question and you choose
to apply salary distributions) the program will do the following when you
finish the exception record:
Create s as m any addition al excep tion recor ds as n eeded to
distribute the earnings code amount to each salary distribution
Flags the exceptions as having been manually generated from
salary distributions (to distinguish these exceptions from any
batch salary distributions generated when the payroll was
Deleting Generated Salary Distribution Earnings in Exceptions Entry (PR01-03)
If you choose to delete an exception that was gene rated from salary
distributions (either manually or via the batch process) the program asks
if you want to delete all related generated records of the same type
(manual or batch generated) for the employee/code. You may answer
“Y” to remove all the related records. This is particularly useful if you
need to correct the original earning amount to be distributed - you can
easily delete the previous records and automa tically generate them for a
new am ount.
Changes to T ime Entry (PR-01-01-02)
If you enter an earnings code that specifies to ask the question about
salary distribution the program will ask the question and save your
answer. Distributions are not actually used until you generate exceptions
from the time records.
Changes to the Generate Exceptions from Time Entry process (PR-0101-04)
W hen you ge nera te ex cep tions from time reco rds th e pro gram will cre ate
multiple exceptions for salary distributions when appropriate.
ImportMate II Changes
The import processes into Payroll Time Records (PR22) now includes the
flag a bou t gen eratin g sala ry distr ibutio ns. “Y ” and “N” a re the only va lid
ans wers - if the d edu ction code spec ifies “Q ” the im port p roce ss w ill
assum e “N”.
Option to Selectively Skip Recurring Earning Amounts if Gross Pay is Zero
You now have the option to selectively specify that flat amount recurring other
earnings should not be generated if gross pay is zero. This automates a situation
that you previously had to handle with exceptions.
Normally the Payroll Calculation automatically includes Other Pay from an
Employee recurring record if the frequency matches the selected frequencies for
that payroll. In previous revisions you could specify to skip recurring earnings for
an employee by creating an exception and setting a flag in the Exception Header
to skip recurring earnings. However this m ethod did require you to enter a
ma nua l exce ption for em ployee s wh o wo uld no t othe rwise need any ex cep tions if
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
they did not work that period. The new feature allows you to globally define
whether to skip an earning if there is no gross pay for an employee.
A new field is available to the right of the Method field in the Deduction/Earning
Codes file (PR-07-08, field 4):
Omit if no emp/exc pay?:
(Applies only to Other Earnings with a method of “A” Flat
Amou nt)
This flag controls whether this flat amount earning should be
omitted as a recurring earning in a pay period when an employee
has no pa y.
Enter “N” to generate recurring pay for this earning even
if the e mp loyee h as no othe r gros s pay.
Enter “Y” to omit payment of this earning if the employee
has no ot her g ross pay.
To determine whether an employee has gross pay the system
totals all pay f rom exc eptio ns, e mp loyee d efau lts (su ch as defa ult
hou rs), a nd ot her re curr ing ea rning s tha t are n ot su bjec t to this
restr iction . If the t otal o f thos e sou rces is zero the e mp loyee is
considered to have no gross pay for this period.
An example of this situation might be a recurring tool allowance
earn ing th at is n orm ally paid per p ay per iod bu t is no t to be paid
when the employee doesn’t work. By setting this flag to “Y” in the
deduction/earning code for the tool allowance you instruct the
syste m to not g ene rate th e ear nings exc eptio n if gro ss p ay is
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
Ability to Process Expense Reimbursements (Employee Refunds) in Normal
Payroll FLASH
You now have the ability to process a payroll check for an expense
reimbursem ent when there is no gross pay. In previous revisions you were
required to enter a manual check for this situation and manually calculate taxes
because the normal payroll process would not process checks that had no gross
pay. This restriction has been eliminated.
Examples of this situation might include:
W hen you h ave withh eld too m uch for a loan repa ymen t and nee d to
refund money to the employee
When an em ployee’s employment ends and you have to reimburse them
for a 401k payment or payments to a savings fund.
To process this type of situation simply enter an exception for a negative
deduction. The payroll process will use the taxable flags to compute any taxes on
the reimbursement and will adjust the appropriate accumulations for the
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
New Minimum Monthly State Withholding Tax Option FLASH
You may now define a minimum state withholding tax amount for employees
within a state. As of July 2003 the state of Arizona now requires that employers
withhold at least $5.00 a month (or a proportional amount for pay periods less
than a month).
Two new fields are available in field 25 of the State Tax Table (PR -07-07):
Minimum State W/H?
Enter “Y” if this state requires a minimum monthly withholding amount per
employee. Enter “N” if this state has no minimum.
Min imum Mo nthly W /H
If you entered “Y” to the previous field you must specify the minimum
monthly withholding amount per employee. The minimum will be
prorated as follows for the various pay frequencies:
Divide 4.33 into the minimum amount
Divide 2.17 into the minimum amount
Divide 2.50 into the minimum amount
The minimum is used as entered
Multiply 3 by the minimum amount
Divide 20 into the minimum am ount
Ass um e the mo nthly m inim um is $5. 00. If a n em ployee is paid
Semi-Monthly and the state withholding only comes to $1.00 for
that PR run, the with holding fo r that paych eck w ill be increase d to
$2.5 0 sinc e the state requ ires th at at le ast $ 5.00 be wit hhe ld
mo nthly.
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
New Payroll SUI Data Dictionary Fields FLASH
See the related discussion in the ReportMate section of this release notice.
Cash Flow Changes
Update of International Currency in Bank Account for Reversed G/L
Accruals FLASH
You may now enter a Reversing G/L Entry (“RV” type journal transaction) for a
cash account that uses a non-base currency in Cash Flow (CF-04-01, field 2).
You may enter both the currency code and natural amount for the transaction.
When the transaction is reversed at the end of the period the resulting adjustment
in Cash Flow will include the natural amount for the transaction (no gain/loss is
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
ImportMate II™ Changes
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Import Format Field Definition Uses Grid Technology on Windows
The defin ition o f field im port in form ation for a fo rma t now uses the G rid
Technology on Windows workstations. This provides the following new features:
The Handling Code values are entered directly in the grid Handling Code
You have use of the standard grid features such as grouping, sorting,
remov al of colum ns, sea rching, pr int preview , export to E xcel, ability to
save the layout, etc.
Sam ple Im port M ainte nan ce G rid
K e y s fo r R e co r ds C re a te d ar e available for use in other pr ogr am s
When you add a record to a file via SouthWare import technology the key to the
crea ted re cord is now availa ble as an en viron men t varia ble. T he va riable nam e is
SW ENV -NE W-IM -KE Y. Yo u ma y se t this u p as a Spe cial E nviro nme nt Va riable
via XX-09-15 so that you can access its current value via ReportMate and
Work Flow.
For example, let’s say you are using a SouthWare data packet to create a new
customer record. Each time you launch the data packet via WorkFlow the value
of SWENV-NEW-IM-KEY will be the assigned customer number. You could then
display the new customer number or store this key for future reference if needed.
Note on Multi-Part Keys
This feature is most useful for files that have a single-part key. The key
available in this environment variable includes all parts of the key to the
created record. This means that if you are creating a single-part key
such as a customer record then the environment variable will contain the
customer number. But if you create a multi-part key such as a stock
record then the environment variable will contain both the stock number
and loca tion as a s ingle value .
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Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
There are other special environment variables for sales orders and
service orders so that you may identify just the header portion of the key:
This is the value of the last sales
order number assigned.
This is the value of the last
service order number assigned.
Physical Count Detail Import - Ability to Add Quantity to Existing Records
If you use I mpo rtMa te II to c reate phys ical co unt d etail tra nsa ction s the impo rt will
add to the existing count if you import a quantity into an existing record in the
wor kfile. T his im port a llows only A dd m ode , but th e def inition of ad d mo de in th is
cas e is to add t he im porte d qua ntity to the w ork file (the p rogr am w ill figure out if
the impo rt needs to add a re cord or s imply ad d the qua ntity to an ex isting reco rd).
This enhancem ent was added to han dle the new ability to import tracking record
counts but it may also be used to import additional quantities into records for nontracking items.
Ability to Import Job Cost Information into A/P Transactions FLASH
You no w hav e the option to import J ob Co st distribution informatio n into A/P
Transactions (file AP14). The following fields may now be imported:
Job Number
Cost Code
Retainage Amount
Assign - Distribution Amount * Job Retainage percent
IT Retainage Amount
Assign - IT Distribution Amount * Job Retainage percent
If the jo b num ber a nd co st co de ar e imp orted /repla ced , the d istribu tion ty pe w ill
be set to “J” instead of “A” for account distributions. Of course this will depend on
the A/P inte rface flag in th e Job C ost Con trol record . If the interface flag is set to
“N”, it will ignore the job number and cost code.
For Job Cost transactions only:
If you ass ign the ac count this defaults to th e job deta il accoun t.
If you ass ign the am ount this d efaults to the invoice am ount.
Notes on Assigned Retainage Fields
If you assign the retained fields they are computed my multiplying the Distribution
Amount by the Job Header Retainage percent. In order for retainage to be
assigned the following criteria must be true:
A/P interface flag in the JC control record must be “Y”
Retainage flag in the JC control record must be “Y”
Must be for an invoice, not a credit memo
The retainage percent in the job header m ust not be zero
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
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Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
A llo w Im p o rt o f Qu a ntity R etur ned D efective to S ales Order Line Item
You may now import the Quantity Returned Defective field (RS08 field 43) when
you import return line items. This allows you to update the stock file defective
quantity as well as the on hand quantity for certain returns.
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
Allow Discard Handling Code for Imported Sales Order Line Items FLASH
You may now im port an “N” handling code (RS0 8 field 36) when you import return
line item s. Th is allow s you t o spe cify tha t the re turn w ill be dis card ed an d sho uld
not update the On Hand quantity of the stock record.
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
New N on-Stock O ptions in Sales O rder Line Item Imp ort FLASH
You now have two new options related to importing non-stock items into sales
order line items:
Option to Import Non-Stock Item That Exists in Vendor Catalog
You now have the option to import a non-stock item into a sales order line
items if the non-stock item exists in the vendor catalog. This lets you
import sales of items that your vendor carries but that do not exist as
stock records in your system.
In your im port form at for the s ales orde r line item you may sp ecify to
Assign the item code. The program uses the following hierarchy for
assigning the item code:
If the orde r entry type is “3” fo r invoicing, the code w ill default to
“S” because invoicing only applies to services.
If the im porte d item ID is a valid s tock # and the q uan tity is
positive the code will default to “I”.
If the im porte d item ID is a valid s tock # and the q uan tity is
negative the code will default to “R”.
If the imp orted ID is a valid serv ice code the code will default to
If the imported ID is not a valid stock # or service code but does
exist in the vendor catalog file the code will default to “N” (unless
you are creating new stock records - see next feature
descrip tion).
Optio n to C reate S tock R ecord for No n-Sto ck Item That E xists in
Vendor Catalog
W hen you im port a ven dor cata log non-s tock item as a sa les order line
item you have the option to create a new stock record for the item and
sell it as a stock item. This is similar to the option you have within the
sales entry program to create a stock record for an item sold from the
vendor catalog.
In the import format for the sales order line item there are two new fields
related to this feature:
Field 121 - Create Stock?
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Replace this field with “Y” if you want to create a stock record for
an imp orted no n-stock item tha t exists in the vendor catalog.
Otherwise the import will assume that the item is to be treated as
Field 122 - Create Stock Number
Here you may import the number to use for the new stock
number for the non-stock item. If you do not import this number
the new stock number will be the first 15 characters of the nonstock num ber (vendor catalog num ber).
Sp e cial N ote s in Im p or ti ng N on-S tock Sales Order Line Item s
Assigned Fields
Here are how assigned fields are determined for a vendor catalog item:
Unit of measure - as signed from the vend or catalog unit of measure
Taxable flag, Comm issionable flag, Tracking flag - if the related product
category record references a miscellaneous catalog stock number (IS07-02, field 17) these flags are assigned from that stock record otherwise the assigned value is “N”
Description lines - assigned from vendor catalog
Unit price - if the related product category record references a
miscellaneous catalog stock number (IS-07-02, field 17) the unit price
uses the pricing routine (including override pricing) from the item otherwise assigned from the vendor catalog suggested list price
Unit cost - assigned from vendor catalog quantity break pricing
Discount percent - defaults from order header
Handling code - assigned as “D” for a drop ship sales order, as “P” for a
normal sales order
Location - assigned based on dept/operator option
G/L accounts - ass igned from produc t category
Fields for Non-Stock Items
Category - defaults from vendor catalog
Qty Format - defaults from vendor catalog
Format decimal - defaults from vendor catalog
IT Format decimal - defaults from currency code for international sales
Discount flag - set to “Y”
Price Meth od - If crea ting s tock reco rd, de faults from cate gory d efau lt
stock record. If non-stock item, defaults from category miscellaneous
stock record.
Non-s tock P O stoc k num ber (par t #) - 30 ch aracter p art #
Item ID (field 35)
If you are cr eating a n ew stoc k reco rd:
the ite m ID defa ults to the im porte d cre ate s tock num ber in field
if the imported stock # in 122 is spaces
if the vendor catalog has a manufacturer # and a
manufacturer part # and the manufacturer flag in the
control record (field 24 - Create stock w/Mfr Part #) is set
to “Y”, it will default to the first 15 characters of the
vendor catalog part #
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Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
otherwise will default to the first 15 characters of the
imported item ID in field 35
If you are not creating a stock record:
the item ID defaults to the category misc stock # and the
imported item number is moved to the PO Stock #.
You may import the 30 character cross-reference part # in field 35 “Item
ID”, but it will be converted to the correct item number before the line item
is written. The line item will be created with the misc stock # from the
vendor catalog record for non-stock items or the new stock # if you are
creating a stock record.
If the purchase for vendor # is imported (field 40) it will be used to find the
vendor catalog record. If you do not import the purchase for vendor the
program will find the first record for the part # and the vendor catalog
vendor # will be stored in the line item.
Type - (item code) - If it is a valid vendor part # in the vendor catalog file,
it will def ault to “N”. If the c reate stoc k flag (field 1 21) is set to “Y”, it w ill
be default to “I” before the record is written. The stock record will not be
written if the de fault stock # in the cate gory reco rd is spac es.
Override Price flag - set to “V”
Usage Flag - Set to “N”
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
ImportMate II - Environment Variable to Specify Format of Imported Dates
You m ay now op tionally set an e nvironm ent variab le that spe cifies the d ate
seque nce form at of incom ing dates before ru nning an impor t in Impo rtMate II™ .
The variable name is SWEN V-IMPORT-DATE-FOR MAT and the value can be
any of the Date Input formats allowed in the company record (XX-03-01 field 12)
excep t the CAL END AR op tion:
Prior to this change the import routine would only accept dates with a MMDDYY
format sequence. The system could not accurately determine if a date was
actually a YYMMDD sequence. Now you may specify the format to be assumed
for date imports.
If all your dates use the same incoming format you may put the environment
variable in your Acucorp cblconfig file. If you need to vary the format for different
imports you may define the variable as a Special Environment Variable (XX-0915) and use WorkFlow to set the value for selected reports. The environment
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
variable SWEN V-IM-FORMAT-NAME will contain the name of the current format
being used so that you may test this in your FlowMod.
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
Import D ates No w Re cogniz es a Period as a Date E diting Ch aracter FLASH
The imp ort da te rou tine h as be en to chan ged to allow a per iod as an ed it
charac ter in a date field (such as “03.0 8.31"). Th e routine n ow han dles "-", "/",
and "." as editing characters in a date field.
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
International Transaction Changes
Update of International Currency in Cash Flow Bank Account for Reversed
G/L Accruals FLASH
See the related discussion in the Cash Flow section of this release notice.
ReportMate™ Changes
New Ab ility to Sort by Subtotals!
You now have the a bility to sort th e rec ords on a r epo rt by th e valu es of subt otals
within the data. This provides many new reporting options such as:
sorting the product subtotals under each salesp erson on a report
sorting the product subtotals under each cus tomer on a report
sorting the customer sales subtotal for individual stock items to rank the
customers who purchased the highest volume for each item
or even sorting m ultiple levels by subtotals such a s sorting p roducts
within customer by sales amount and also sorting the customers by sales
This sort feature is available for each sort sequence you de fine on a report
(ReportMate format screen 3, fields 6 thru 10). If you choose to subtotal for the
sort you may now define an override sequence after you define the Subtotal
Break Description.
Subtotal Sequence?
(Applies only if you entered “Y” to Subtotal Break and the field is not
alrea dy a s ubto tal)
Here you m ay specify that the records/totals that result from this sort
should h ave a s pecial ov erride so rt seque nce ba sed on the value of a
subtota l. You ma y enter “A ” for Asce nding or “D ” for Des cending to
spe cify a spec ial ove rride sort s equ enc e by s ubto tal or le ave this fie ld
blank for no override. You may specify the subtotal to use in the next
For e xam ple, if y our re port is sortin g ope n item s with in cus tom er an d this
is the customer sort level you could specify to sort the customers by
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
descending open item balance subtotal. You would enter “D” here and
specify th e open item balan ce as th e “Subto tal Accum Field” below .
If the sort field is a numeric field that is being subtotaled (based
on to tals fla gs fo r the fie ld in the form at) the n this featu re is
skip ped - you can’t sort a num eric s ubto tal by anot her s ubto tal.
Subt otal Ac cum Field
(This field is skipped unless you specified a Subtotal Sequence above
and the s ort field is not be ing subto taled on the report.)
Here you m ay select a subtotal from the fields on the report that are
num eric a nd ar e bein g sub totale d. Th is me ans that th e rec ords within
this sort level will be resorted by this subtotal field.
For example, let’s say your report is printing from invoice line item history
and is sorting stock item (sort 2) within customer (sort 1). The format
prints the extended price for each line item and the extended price is set
to print at each subtotal level. You would like to:
print totals only for the total sales for each stock item within a
sort the stock items under a customer in descending sequence
with the highest sales first
To do this within the sort fields:
In sort 1 you specify the customer and no special Subtotal
In sort 2 you specify the stock item, choose “Y” to Subtotal
Break, enter “D” to Subtotal Sequence, and specify to sequence
by th e ext end ed pr ice su btota l.
Now you c an specify to print totals only for the report. When the report
prints it will have the following sequence:
Customer 1
Highest sale item
Next highest item
Customer 2
Highest sale item
Next highest item
subtotal for customer
subtotal for customer
subtotal for customer
subtotal for customer
Sample Rep ort
A sample ReportMate report that includes sorting by subtotals is added to the
Inventory/Sales reports. The report is called ITEMR ANK (IS-05-06-15).
Option to Apply Ranges and Selection Criteria to Subtotals
You now have the option to specify ranges and selection criteria that are to be
applied to subtotals instead of to detail records. This means that you can choose
to print only subtotals that fall within a certain range or that meet a specified
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Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
selection criteria. If the subtotal does not meet the criteria the report will NOT
the subtotal level
any subo rdina te su btota l levels
any of the related de tail records .
For example, you could use this feature:
On a Tota ls-O nly re port to print o nly su btota ls tha t exc eed a cer tain
amou nt.
On a report from invoice history that shows detail sales by city but
includes only cities with total sales above $20,000.
This featu re is availab le for each range o r selection criteria on a Repo rtMate
report if the tes t field is nume ric and is b eing sub totaled on the repo rt.
In the Range Fields (ReportMate format screen 3, fields 1 thru 5)
(Ch ang e mo de on ly - Fo r Ran ges you w on’t b e able to refe renc e sub totals until
you ha ve define d the sor t seque nces w ith subtota ls in fields 6 thru 10.)
The following field is now shown when you define a range:
Applies to Subtotal
(Available only if the test field is numeric and is being subtotaled on the
Here you may select to have this range test applied to the value of one of
the levels of subtotal for this report. A list of the subtotals for the report
will ap pea r and you m ay c hoo se on e of th e sub totals or lea ve th is field
blank to have the range test apply to the detail records. If you choose a
sub total le vel an d the subt otal fa ils to pa ss th e tes t all inclu ded subt otals
and de tail records will not print.
In the Selection Criteria Fields (ReportMate format screen 3, fields 11 thru 15)
The following field is now shown when you define a selection criteria:
Applies to Subtotal
(Available only if the test field is numeric and is being subtotaled on the
Here you may select to have this selection test applied to the value of
one of the levels of subtotal for this report. A list of the subtotals for the
repo rt will ap pea r and you m ay c hoo se on e of th e sub totals or lea ve th is
field blank to have the test apply to the detail records. If you choose a
sub total le vel an d the subt otal fa ils to pa ss th e tes t all inclu ded subt otals
and de tail records will not print.
Exam ple - Limiting th e Rec ords Pr inted on “T op” Ra nking R eports
When you are sorting by subtotals to produce a ranking report you may
wan t to es tablis h som e min imum subt otal v alues in ord er to s how only
the top significant amounts. In the example above under the Sorting by
Subtotal discussion you could add a selection criteria for subtotal 2 (stock
total) that indicates to print only amounts above $500 (or whatever
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
amount is significant). This will eliminate the stock items from the report
that have subtotals less than this amo unt.
Sample Rep ort
A sample ReportMate report that includes selection criteria for subtotals is added
to the Inventory/Sales reports. The report is called ITEMRA NK (IS-05-06-15).
New Ratio Reserved Calculation
You m ay now define a “R ATIO ” reserv ed calcu lation on a R eportM ate repo rt.
This calculation will divide the value of a field by the value of its subtotal. You
may express the result of this calculation in two ways:
As a Decimal value - to print the ratio as a decimal you would define the
calculation field as follows:
Choose to insert a calculation
For operand 1 reference the data field to be subtotaled
For the operation specify “/” for divide
For operand 2 select “Reserved Name” and enter “RATIO”
For each record on the report the calculation will show the result of
dividing the value of the field by the current subtotal value.
As a Percentage - to print the ratio as a percentage you would define the
calculation field as follows:
Choose to insert a calculation
For operand 1 reference the data field to be subtotaled
For the operation specify “%” for percentage
For operand 2 select “Reserved Name” and enter “RATIO”
For each record on the report the calculation will show the result of
dividing the value of the field by the current subtotal value and then
multiplying by 100 for a percentage.
As with any percentage or division calculation you must print any
data field us ed as a n opera nd as a separa te field on the r eport.
For e xam ple, le t’s sa y yo u are printin g a to tal of th e sale s for e ach stoc k item sold
by a s ales pers on. Y ou co uld de fine a RAT IO pe rcen tage calcu lation for the totals
for each stock item. When the report prints you would see what percentage each
stock item’s sales were of the total sales for the salesperson.
Sample Rep ort
A sam ple Rep ortMate report tha t has a ran king perc ent is add ed to the A ccoun ts
Rec eiva ble re ports . The repo rt is ca lled C USR ATIO and s how s eac h cus tom er’s
YTD sales as a perce ntage of to tal custom er sales . This is ava ilable as an A/R
report (AR-05-18).
New Count% Reserved Calculation
You now have a new rese rved type of ca lculat ion to expr ess the c oun t of de tail
records as a percent of the total number of detail records. The word “COUNT%
is a reserved calculation name available at operand 1 that automatically gives you
the current count for this subtotal as a percentage of the next level of subtotal
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
count. For the level 1 (most aggregate) subtotal the COUNT% is expressed as a
percen tage of the GRA ND T OTA LS cou nt.
Note: For this calculation each detail record constitutes a count of "1"
rega rdles s of w hat p rint flag s yo u hav e set or if yo u are runn ing fo r Tota ls
For example, you could print a Totals Only report that shows the total number of
support calls for each customer. The COUNT% calculation would show the
percentage that each customer’s number of calls represent of the total number of
Sample Rep ort
A sample ReportMate report that includes a COUNT% calculation on TaskWise
task s is ad ded to the Tas kW ise re ports . The form at na me is TAS KCO UN and is
available via TW-02-01-06
Autom atic Setup of W orkFlow Pro gram Do c Information for R eportMate
When you create a ReportMate report the system now automatically creates a
WorkFlow program record (program type of “R” for ReportMate) for the
ReportMate format. This enables the 8701 FlowPoint for the report format so that
you don’t need to add the FlowPoint to the Data Dictionary.
When you load this update the conversion process will automatically create a
program doc record for existing formats.
Access to Application Control Records
You may now use the Data Dictionary to access the information in the following
control records:
Inventory/Sales (IS-08-02)
Service Management (SV-08-01)
Accounts Receivable (AR-08-02)
Accounts Payable (AP-07-02)
Payroll (PR-08-02)
General Ledger (GL-08-01)
International Transactions (IT-03-03)
Job Cost (JC-07-02)
NetLink (NL-01-01)
Rental Department (RD-06-01)
Assemblies (IS-01-04-04-03)
Fixed Assets (FA-05-02)
Phone Find (XX-05-09-04-01)
Shipping Interface (SI-04-01)
ExecuMate II (XM-04-01)
New HTML Table Options
See also the several new HTML table options outlined in the NetLink section of
this release notice.
New Data Dictionary Format Codes
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
New format codes have been added for a number of entry field types. These
format codes are needed to identify the Upper Case edit control options
(Numeric, Alpha, Uppercase, Lowercase, Uppercase First Letter) for selected
fields. The format codes also allow the use of the entry routines for these fields
when referencing the fields in ReportMate, ImportMate II, and WorkFlow
Here are the new format codes:
Ren tal ID ( this fo rma t alrea dy ex isted but w as pr evio usly
processed as ALPHA)
STRK Serial/Tracking
VSVC SV Service Code
VEQU SV Eq uipmen t ID
TOPR Transaction Operator
MATR Matrix A ttribute
MGRP Matrix G roup ID
MTYP Matrix Type
WSID Ware house Storage ID
WSDT Warehouse Storage ID (SID) Type
WATR Ware house Attribute
WSTA Ware house Station ID
WPOS Warehouse Position
New XX99 Data Dictionary Field for 6-Digit Time FLASH
Field 44 for the System Time in HHMMSS has been added to XX99. This lets
you reference the time including seconds.
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
Data Dictionary - Ability to Access Excellence Period History Files for
“Current” Year/Period FLASH
Additional pathing options have been added to the Data Dictionary and
Rep ortM ate te chn ology s o tha t you h ave in crea sed ability to acc ess fields in
Excellence Period History from the related master file. In previous revisions you
could access the Excellence Period History files only as primary files or
supplemen tal files on a ReportMate report. This was becaus e the fields were
always de fined as relative to a “b ase” pe riod/year an d the use r was req uired to
specify the base period/year each time the report was run.
Now you may reference a field from one of these files in a technology such as
web page Zoom Views or OfficeLink if the Excellence Period history is a
supplemental file to the job. In these situations the ReportMate technology now
assumes that the period/year is the current period/year as determined by finding
the curre nt system date in the G /L period ta ble.
For e xam ple, o n a we b pag e zoo m v iew s uch as “V W CU STW EB” the p rim ary file
is the AR01 customer file. You may now include variables that reference fields
from the 6 00 se ries ( the E xce llence Perio d His tory file ) for c usto me rs. Ea ch tim e
these variables are replaced with data, the definition of period for “PTD” and of
year for “YTD” will be based on the current system date.
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Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
Option to Control Line Spacing After Subtotals FLASH
For each level of subtotal on a report you now have control over the line spacing
after a subtotal line. This is implemented in the sort definition on the
Rang es/Sorts /Selection Criteria sc reen (third screen ) for the rep ort form at. In
previous revisions you could specify whether you wanted a Page B reak after a
subtotal. Now if you answer “N” to the Page Break at Subtotal question you may
specify the following:
Skip # of Lines:
(Applies only if printing a sub-total and not requiring a page break after
eac h sub -tota l)
Here you may enter a number from zero to nine to control how many
additional lines to skip after the sub-total prints. This defaults to “1" for
one line. You may enter “0" to skip zero additional lines, which may be
particularly useful for Totals-Only reports if you want to single-space the
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
New Ship To Data Dictionary Fields FLASH
The follow ing fie lds ar e now availa ble in th e Da ta Dic tiona ry:
Ship to Phone Number and S hip to C ontact N am e
You m ay now pr int the phon e num ber or co ntact nam e from the ship to
file for an order header or line item. If you are printing from the order line
If the ship to ID is filled in on the line item the program provides
the phon e num ber and contac t from th at ship to re cord.
If the ship to ID is blank on the line item and ther e is a ship to ID
on the header the program provides the phone number and
contac t from th e head er ship to ID record.
Here are the fields:
RS07 247
RS07 248
RS10 247
RS10 248
RS08 151
RS08 152
RS11 151
RS11 152
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
New Payroll SUI Data Dictionary Fields FLASH
The follow ing fie lds ar e now availa ble in th e Da ta Dic tiona ry:
Payroll - Total SUI Non-Taxable Deductions for the Quarter
This field is a total of any QTD amount for any Deduction code that has
the SUI Tax Exempt flag set to Y. This allows users to calculate the Total
Pay fo r this S UI St ate - N T D edu ction s on a Rep ortM ate re port. This will
provide a way to give the equivalen t of colum n r on the Q uarterly State
Tax report. This field does not take into consideration an employee
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
working in multiple states or any exempt states that might be on the
deduction code but is simply a means of storing the total SUI exempt
deduc tions withhe ld.
Here are the fields:
PR13 68: SUI NontxDeds QTD
PR13 69: SUI Nontx Deds YTD
PR13 70: SUI Nontx Deds FTD
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
Option to Suppress Zero Amounts on ReportMate Reports FLASH
You now have the option to specify that a zero amount should be suppressed for
a numeric field on a report. This option is added as a new value to the “Zeroes?”
field parameter:
Enter “S” for Suppress Zero Amount if you want to print spaces on the
report if the amount is zero. This is different than the “N” for normal zero
suppression because the “S” option will completely suppress any printing
for the amount. The “S” option applies to all print timing levels (including
sub-totals) and is particularly helpful for a report with selection criteria on
fields in columns because zero amounts will be blank.
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
Table Edit - Flo wPo int for C hang e of Ea ch Ce ll FLASH
You n ow h ave th e opt ion to utilize a Flow Poin t that e xec utes each time a cell is
chang ed in a T able Edit w orksh eet. A prim ary purpo se of this F lowPoint is to
allow you to execute a user-written Acucobol program that will do additional
cha nge s or o ther p roce sse s tha t are n eed ed. T he F lowP oint is 8701 TV a nd w ill
execu te each time an y cell is chang ed in a T able Edit.
You must manually add this FlowPoint to the WorkFlow Data Dictionary if you
plan to use it. This is similar to the ReportMate 8701 FlowPoints that you may
use in WorkFlow. Here is the information for the Data Dictionary record:
Program ID:
DD F ile:
DD Field:
Primary File:
Has Fail Logic:
ReportMate Report Name
The primary file of the RM Report
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
Extended Data Changes
Option to D efine Field Pathing fo r User-Defined E xtended D ata Attached to
a Stan dard S outh Ware File
You have the option to use a User-Defined Extended Data type (types 31
thru 99) to provide additional fields for some SouthWare files that do not
have standard Extended Data types. This expands the use of Extended
Data beyond the reserved types assigned by SouthWare.
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
In the Extended Data control record (XD-03-01) you may enter two
Related Data Dictionary filenames (in field 4) for a user-defined master
XD ty pe. T his de fines a rela ted file to wh ich th is use r-de fined type shou ld
be pathe d in the Da ta Dictiona ry. During the Data Dictionary Upda te
process the program builds pathing between the XD record type and the
related file. In previous revisions the pathing was assumed to be from
the XD key field to field 1 in the related file.
You w ant to store some additional fields for a logon operato r.
You may define a user-defined type (such as XD50) and in the
Related Data Dictionary file insert “XX88" (Logon Operator) as
the related file. If you then use a valid operator ID for each XD50
record the Data Dictionary will be able to access the Extended
Data fields for each operator.
Similar examples might include:
XD for stock locations
XD for workstation records
New Fea ture
You m ay now name the field num ber in the re lated file whic h conta ins the ke y to
the user-defined XD. This expands this feature to situations in which the XD key
field is not the same as field 1 in the related file. A new field is available for each
Data Dictionary file in field 4 of the XD definition:
Field No:
Here you may name the field number in the related file which contains the
key to the user-defined XD. This controls the "Update Data Dictionary"
function that runs optionally whenever you change an XD record setup.
The Data Dictionary Pathing is always derived from this definition and
previou s pathing records are des troyed (u nless the y are ov erwrite
Exa mple
You would like to be able to store a Next Stock Number counter and
other information. You decide to use the comp any reco rd. You may
define a u ser-de fined type (such a s XD5 1) and in th e Relate d Data
Dictio nary file inse rt “XX 99" a s the relate d file an d “5" a s the field
numb er. You m ay then set up an Extend ed Da ta record for XD5 1 with
the key of your company ID. The Data Dictionary Update will establish
pathing from the current company ID (field 5 in XX99) to your record.
Similar examples might include:
XD for customer type values
XD for stock bin ID values
Advanced Technical Discussion
An additional use of this feature is be able to provide alternate pathing when there are too
many path levels for normal pathing. You may be able to establish a new path that will
allow the system to read the user-defined XD from some keyfield that is available from the
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Primary record directly, or from some file that is available from primary, or from XX99,
which is always available. For example:
User-defined master XD type 66 is to be used to provide additional fields for the
logon operator (i.e. same key as in XX88). Within that XD66 record field 6
contains the valid stock location for that logon operator.
Next XD02, reserved XD for A/R customer, has the stock location as field7.
Now when you use A/R Customer maintenance (AR01 is primary), you want to be able to
check the XD66 field 6 against the XD02 field 7. AR01 is primary and XD02 is available.
XX88 is also available (via field 1 of XX99, which is always available). However XD66 is
not available; the depth of available pathing has been exceeded.
You may now use this feature to make XD66 available from XX99 so that the location
there can be compared with the one in XD02.
So your record type 66 would have:
At field 0402: enter XX99 field 1. (Path to XD66 key field, which is the logon
operator ID from XX99 field 1, which is also the logon operator ID). This makes
XD66 available for any WorkFlow or Officelink job, since XX99 is always
Next we have user-defined master XD type 67 which is keyed by Stock Location number.
For that record, whenever we are in customer maintenance (AR01 is primary), we need to
read that Location XD record (XD67).
Inside this XD67 record is field 20 last inventory date of that location (i.e. truck). This date
needs to be available anytime the stock location is available (stock location is in linkage as
XX99 field 54).
So your record type 67 would have:
At field 0402 enter IV09 field 1. (Path to XD67 key field, which is the stock
location, from IV09 field 1, which is the stock location).
At field 0403 enter XX99 field 54 (Path to XD67 key field, which is the stock
location, from XX99 field 54, which is the stock location). This makes XD67
available for any WorkFlow or Officelink job, since XX99 is always available.
SouthWare Forms™ Changes
Print Columns Implemented for Forms to Allow Use of Both Fonts and
Images in Custom Forms
You now have the option to use Windows print columns in your custom
SouthWare Forms printing. This allows you to incorporate both images/drawings
and fonts when printing to a Windows printer.
The Microsoft Windows print spooler (a “WS” type printer in SouthWare) handles
its own data formatting by constructing “pages” in memory for each print job. If
you communicate to the spooler exclusively in “Windows-oriented” protocol your
print job is OK. Or if you print directly to the Windows device (a “WD” type printer
in SouthWare) you may use strings and your print job is OK. But, you can’t send
printer command strings to the Windows spooler because it will interpret these as
This situation means that if you use strings for printer commands then you can’t
use the Windows print spooler. But if you don’t use the Windows print spooler
you can’t send graphical features such as images to the printer without turning
them into complex printer strings. In past revisions this meant you couldn’t easily
combine strings for fonts with graphical images.
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
New Print Columns
Now when you print to a “WS” printer from a SouthWare form the printer will
output each data field in a Windows print column. Each print column can have a
font attribute (the attribute must use Windows fonts instead of strings). This new
capability means that you can specify fonts and images in the “Windows-oriented”
protocol for your SouthWare forms and send them to the Windows spooler with
print columns so that data aligns as it should, even with proportional fonts.
To Activate Print Columns
To activate print columns for a form you must specify the following attribute in the
control section of the form text file:
This tells the print program to set up print columns for each print line. If you don’t
activate this feature the form will print as in previous revisions.
To Define an Attribute for a Field
You may specify a print attribute with the following dataname:
where nnnn is the number of a SouthWare print attribute (XX-05-05-02-01). This
turns on that attribute until you insert the dataname @ATTR=OFF.
This means that when you specify an attribute that attribute will be used on all
fields on all print lines unless you turn it off with the @ATTR=OFF dataname.
To Specify the Alignment for a Print Column
By default the alignment within a column is Left-justified. You may use the
following dataname to specify the alignment for a column:
This attribute will apply only to a single field (you do not need to turn it off). If you
do not set alignment it will default to left-justified.
Aligning based on field size or columns
By default the Right and Center alignment are based on the size of the
field being aligned. The forms print program does this by inserting an
extra column definition that starts in the position after the width of the field
so that the Windows print spooler will align based on the area between
the two columns. For example, if you are right aligning an amount field
that is 12 characters wide the program will create a column defined at the
position immediately after the 12th position - then the alignment will be
right-aligned on the 12th position.
You have the option to change this default behavior so that the forms
print program does not create an extra alignment column. You may add
a “C” after the alignment letter to specify to base alignment on the normal
columns defined for the form. For example:
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
indicates to align right based on normal columns
indicates to align centered based on normal
The printout available when you digest a forms file will show the attribute
and alignment parameters for each field.
Sample form excerpt with image and fonts on Windows printer (no strings)
Review Custom Forms via SouthWare Environment Manager
You may now view a list of the customized forms on your system via the
SouthWare Environment Manager (XX-05-01).
NetLink Changes
Combine the Power of RCF Packets with NetLink!
You ma y now laun ch a South Ware RC F Packet from a NetLink requ est! This
lets you use a web page and browser to execute virtually any process that you
can au tomate with an R CF Pa cket.
This has ENOR MOU S poten tial powe r for your N etLink us ers:
With SouthWare’s RCF (Remote Control Fields) Packets you may
automate literally hundreds of SouthWare options. See XX-09-14 in the
SwiftMate manual for more information.
With the ability to launch an RCF packet by simply clicking on a link in a
web page that calls NetLink you can now utilize the power of RCF
Packets from any browser in the world!
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
For example, you can create an RCF Packet that runs in invisible mode to:
Upda te Exec uMate II Gather In fo
Post Transactions (e.g. be able to post receivings from a handheld web
Run I/S End of D ay Up date
Run a prin t prog ram with p aram eters to sp ool a file
Do literally hundreds of other automated tasks
Then you can launch the RCF Packet from a NetLink request to automate the
same functions you would otherwise perform from a normal SouthWare logon
Specifying that an RCF Packet should be run by a Request
In the request record you m ay now define an RC F Packet as the Sec ondary
Program (NL-01-02, field 9, “Secondary Program”). You may enter the syntax:
where xxxxxxxx is the name of the RCF Packet object to be launched. For
example, if you entered “@RCF=XMGATHER” the request would be configured
to launch the “XMGATHER” object/RCF packet at the timing you specify in the
“Secondary Timing” field.
Any RCF Packet you specify should be tested and configured for
“invisible” mode (XX-09-14-01, field 4 = “Y”). The normal user interface
for any program is not available to a web browser. If the program does
not run successfully in invisible mode the browser will “hang” when you
run from NetLink.
See the NetLink sample request “REV10UPDATED” for an ExecuMate II gather
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
See also “Utilize a NetLink Variable as an Input Variable for Running an RCF
Packet” later in this release notice.
Outputting a Report to be included in a NetLink page
You may give your NetLink users the ability to print certain reports and view the
results in NetLink. You should define a separate NetLink html output so that the
print file is accessible from the internet. For example:
There is a sample NL request called NLCSTMNT which illustrates how RCF
packets can be used to allow customers to print their own aging report. Before
you can test this example, you will need to create an html printer record called
NLHTM L with a filename output of:
<@DD=NL200005 >TMP<@DD=XX990008>.HTM
NL20 field #1 is the NL html local path defined in the NL control record and XX99
field #8 is the current workstation id.
Usin g the se fie lds in th e htm l outp ut will e nsu re tha t the o utpu t file is a cce ssib le
and that one NL user will not overwrite another NL user's report. This syntax
should only be used when allowing users to print temporary type reports (ones
that don’t ne ed to retain the spoo led file).
Launching the RCF Packet from a NetLink page
When you call a NetLink request that has an RCF Packet as the secon dary
program the NetLink prog ram will launch the RCF Pa cket at the “Secondary
Timing” point spe cified in the req uest.
Work Flow in R CF Pa ckets
If you run an RCF Packet from NetLink any WorkFlow FlowMods in the packet
will be executed. WorkFlow is not normally available in NetLink but the RCF
packets that utilize WorkFlow will be able to execute FlowMods.
FlowMods that are 'Accept' oriented will not work in invisible RCF
packets. The concept of invisible packets is to avoid accepting
data and instead update the value of fields with predefined
values. If you have FlowMods that include steps such as ACRE,
INS keystrokes, or a MESG utility, these steps will not work since
they require an acc ept statem ent to exe cute.
Variables in RCF Packe ts
See “Option to Pre-define Variable Names as ReportMate Parameter Values for
Increased Security” later in this section. When you run an RCF packet from
NetLink the primary file for @DD variables is NL03 instead of XX99 (e.g. you
wou ld not get th e cor rect N etLin k em ploy ee nu mbe r unle ss th e prim ary file is
NL03 instead of XX99 ).
Check for Other Limitations
Mak e sur e you test w heth er a p roce ss c an be auto mat ed via an inv isible
RCF Packet. There may be program/data situations that may not be
automated due to special passing or environment parameters.
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Utilize a NetLink Variable as an Input Variable for Running an RCF Packet
When you record an RCF Packet you ma y now define that the value for an entry
field should be sup plied by a N etLink va riable that is pr ovided a t runtime. This
allows your NetLink web page interface to provide ranges, selection parameters,
field values, or other data needed to make the RCF Packet do exa ctly what you
want it to do.
For example, let’s say you want to run an update post process with an RCF
Packe t from Ne tLink but y ou wa nt to be ab le to spec ify the trans action op erator to
post via th e NetLin k page that calls the packe t:
Define the transaction operator as a NetLink variable in the page
When you record the RCF Packet specify that the value for the “operator
to po st” field shou ld com e from the N etLin k va riable
When you launch the Packet from NetLink the Packet will get the current
value of the specified variable and use it in the “operator to post” field.
Option to Switch User Login Within Same Session Top PEG
A com mon s cenario on a we b site that se lls items is to a llow a cus tomer to
browse your catalog and select items for ordering without first logging in. Then
when the order is ready to submit you allow the user to log in with their customer
ID and p assw ord and switch th e order info rmation to their cus tomer a ccoun t.
A new feature in NetLink supports this capability. You may now switch a session
from an “O” type requestor (Other) to a C, V, or I type requestor while retaining
the other session information. This supports the order entry scenario above as
well as other possible browse-then-login scenarios.
To support this feature there are three new reserved NetLink variables:
chg _req r_id
chg _au th_id
NetLink will look for thes e variable s whe n the cur rent requ estor typ e is “O”.
These variables have the same mean ing as the variables that don’t sta rt with
“chg_” except that they are used to switch the requestor for an existing
session rather than to start a new session.
When NetLink finds these variables in the incoming values for an “O” requestor
sessio n it:
verifie s tha t the ty pe/id /auth oriza tion a re va lid
if valid, changes the session record to the new requestor info and
changes the session’s customer/vendor/employee number
Related Change to Standard NetLink Samples
This feature has been implemented in the standard sample page of "OPOSHDR"
(the blank order header form displayed for an Other type requestor who decides
to submit an order). This page now includes a login form for "Existing Customer"
that uses these new variables. If the user submits a valid customer ID and
authorization code from that form then NetLink will change the session to that
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
requestor and customer. NetLink will then call "CORDHD R" so that the
custom er’s defau lt information will be show n in the ord er head er.
Extended Data option for NetLink Order Header and Line Item Files Top
You may now use Extended Data fields to store additional information about
pen ding N etLin k ord ers. T his is in addit ion to the u ser fie lds pr evio usly availa ble
for the Ne tLink orde r heade r and ord er line item.
These XD types let you temporarily store custom information about a pending
NetLink order/line item before you submit the order. After you submit an order
any needed data should be imported into the standard order header and line item
fields and related Extended Data.
Two new reserved Transaction Extended Data types are available:
NetLink order header XD
NetLink order line item XD
You may de fine fields for these XD types in the Extended Data control record
(XD-03-01). For each type you may also hav e up to 20 user-related types for a
total of over 300 possible fields for each reserved type.
To accept XD fields in your NetLink page forms
You may define that a field in a web page form is to be stored as an Extended
Data field via the name you give to the form field. The naming convention is:
where “tt” is the last two digits of the record type and “nnnn” is the Data Dictionary
field number. For example, field 6 in the Data Dictionary for order header
Extend ed Da ta would be “XT 23000 6".
How NetLink saves NetLink order Extended Data fields
When the NetLink order entry routine is saving order header information
(NLORDENT/H) it also looks for order header Extended Data fields (“XTttnnnn”
for fields in XD 123 or related types). When saving order line item information
(NLORDENT/L) it also looks for order line item Extended Data fields (“XTttnnnn”
for fields in XD 124 or related types). When it encounters an applicable NetLink
order Extended Data field it automatically stores it in Extended Data.
Displaying a NetLink order XD field in a page
These fields are accessible via ReportMate just like the standard NetLink order
hea der a nd line item fie lds. Y ou m ay ou tput th em in a rep ort or as a v ariab le
value just like any other fields.
Importing NetLink order XD fields into standard SouthW are orders
When you submit a NetLink order the order data is written to a text file and then
the standard SouthWare order is created via importing the text file data. The
stan dard form at of th e tex t file is o utline d in Ap pen dix G of the NetL ink m anu al.
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
If you have defined Extended Data fields for a NetLink order header or line item
then the s pecial Ne tLink orde r entry pro gram o utputs the m into the text file data
as well (NLORD ENT/I):
NLORDENT /I will export one new record for each XD record type (i.e.
123 and its related, 124 and its related). An LBL record before each type
will show the variable name for each column in the record.
The 3-char record type will be the 3-digit XD record type (i.e. one text
record for each XD record type, inserted at the proper place in the text
file, following the H DR or DAT re cords) .
The first field in the record after the record ID will be the order number
(position 5). On the line item record the line sequence will be the next
field (position 55).
XD Fields will be output to the text record in field number sequence at 50byte incre ments .
For ex ample, th e first few ch aracters of the text lines for an ord er with bo th
header Extended Data (123) and line item Extended Data (type 124) would look
like this:
For Header XD
NL Order No
For Line Item XD
NL Order No
xd 1
Line No
xd 2
xd 3
xd 1
xd 2
In order to update NetLink order XD into the standard Inventory/Sales Order
(and line item) Exten ded Data yo u must m odify your imp ort format to
recognize and retrieve these additional record types. SouthWare does not
have an y standa rd sam ples of this s ince Exten ded Da ta is custom per user.
If you use the Multiple Stock Items per page feature
NetLink supports the ability to enter/edit quantities for multiple line items on a
single page (see “Ability to Add/Edit Multiple Order Line Item Quantities on Same
Pag e” in A ppe ndix G of th e Ne tLink man ual). Y ou m ay us e this featu re in
conjunction with line item Extended Data:
To have multiple stock items with Extended Data on the same page the
XD syntax must include the literal that triggers the program for multi lines
(ITEM _QT Y_) and the stock numb er (last elem ent). The Extend ed Da ta
format for this kind is ITEMQTY_XTnnffff_(stockno). For example:
ITEM_QTY_100 would be the variable to add a line item for stock number
100 w here the actual qty to add is the value of the variable. The value of
the form variable ITEMQTY_XT240006_100 would be the data for XT24
field 6 data for the line item that contains stock 100. The stock number
must be the last element so that em bedded space s cannot occur.
Special Limitations of these XD types
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Because these Extended Data types are specially designed for use with NetLink
pages they have related limitations:
You may not define key fields or auto-XD fields in these record types
Related notes are not available for these files
Ability to Copy a NetLink Order Top PEG
You now have the option to create a new NetLink order by copying an existing
NetLink order. This was requested so that you may allow a customer to copy a
prev ious sav ed or der in to a n ew o rder . For e xam ple, a cus tom er m ay fre que ntly
order some of the same items. The customer could have a saved order that
includes these items as a “template”, and you could allow the customer to copy
the template order to a new order eac h time they want to create an order.
This feature is implemented via a new reserved NetLink variable:
whe re “nn nnn nnn ” is the num ber o f a sa ved NetL ink or der. T ypic ally yo u wo uld
add a “Copy” button or link to a list of saved orders or the display of a saved
order. When the customer clicks on the link the URL should call NetLink and
pass the nl_copy_order_no=(the order to copy) variable as part of the GET string.
Normally the page you display would be a request that is a copy of the normal
order summary page or a special page that shows the new order number and
allows yo u to click on it to edit.
When NetLink encounters this variable it does the following:
Creates a new order number from the current session info. NetLink
pending order numbers are derived as follows:
The first 8 chars of the order number is the session#
The last 3 chars of the order number is the request counter (the
request counter that started the order).
Copies the order header, order line items, and any Extended Data from
the “copy” order into the new order.
Changes the se ssion info to refer to the new order number.
There is an exa mple of th is feature in th e stand ard requ est ID “R EV10 " you can look at the example to see the syntax for the hyperlink.
New Marketing Catalog Option for Item Selection Pages Top PEG
A new sample NetLink request uses the Inventory/Sales Marketing Catalog as a
method of reviewing/selecting items to order in NetLink. If you use the marketing
catalog you can replace the product category selection (QCCATSEL) with your
own version of this sample. The sample request type is CMKTSEL and uses the
following elements:
ReportMate format of NLMKTCAT to show items from RS27, the
marketing catalog (includes both categories and stock items)
The form at will o utpu t an im age for ca tego ries o r stoc k item s if
the related image name is not blank.
ReportMate parameter record for NLMKTCAT that uses the NetLink
Tab le Fo rma t reco rd of M KTC AT fo r a 3-w ide ta ble
HTM L temp late of nlmk tsel.htm
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
There is a link to the s ample o f this feature in the stand ard requ est ID
“REV10". The links from the RE V10 page will work with the standard
demo files released with Rev 10.
Item G roup Matrix G rid
A new set of sample NetLink pages uses the Item Group Matrix module to show
items availa ble w ithin a grou p. Yo u ma y opt ionally use t his to displa y a m atrix
group entry grid for entering items (add mode on ly) on a sales order. Here are
the related requests:
This req uest ac cepts a starting gro up/style v alue and calls to
CMATRIXLIST. You could easily embed this html form into another page
to provide easy access to the list of groups/styles.
This request produces a list of groups. The starting value can be
provided via the variable “group_start_id” or this can be blank to include
all groups. The related ReportMate format (NLMATLST) has a limit of 30
records with a next page option.
This request produces an entry grid for quantities to be ordered within a
matrix group. The entry form calls to request QCORDLIN to submit the
quantities and add them to the order.
The grid u ses two R epo rtMa te form ats to outp ut the entry table
and uses a table format of MATRIX that does not output any row
The format NLM ATCO L will output the column headers
and the ta gs for the firs t row.
The ReportMate format NLMATENT will output the rows
and entry fields for each row. It contains embedded
HTML syntax to produce table rows/columns that match
the group rows/columns (up to ten columns in the
sample). It uses the Table format of MATRIX which
suppresses all automatic row formatting so that the row
tags are controlled within the R eportM ate form at.
There is a link to the s ample o f this feature in the stand ard requ est ID
“REV10". The links from the RE V10 page will work with the standard
demo files released with Rev 10.
Option to Continue Table Cell on Next Line of RM Format FLASH
You now have the ability to use multiple ReportMate format lines to provide the
conten ts of a single cell within an HTM L table.
In prior revisions ReportMate automatically assumed the start of a new
cell when starting a new line in the format. This is typically the case and
works in most s ituations. H owev er, if you ha ve a lot of tex t to output into
a sing le cell ( suc h as m ultiple lines o f text fr om a Tas kW ise ta sk) th is
limited the contents of a cell to the text that would fit in a single format
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
With this feature you may place a continuation indicator at the end of a format line
to specify that the next line is a continuation of the same cell. Place an
underscore (_) in the last character of a format line to specify that the next line
should be a continuation of the last cell on this line.
For example, if you are defining a 264-column format you could place an
underscore in column 264 of a line to disable the automatic start of a new cell on
the next line.
Standard ReportMate samples that use this feature include NLMKTLST and
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
Option to Control Records Per Table Row
With this feature you may specify how many records to include in a table row
created via ReportMate. This allows you to:
Place multiple records in a single row for a multi-column presentation of
data such as names or categories.
Disable any automatic table rows so that you can conditionally insert
table row tags into yo ur Rep ortMate format.
This featu re is implem ented in the NetLink Data T able Fo rmat rec ord (NL -01-05) .
In field 11 Advanced Features you now have the following option:
# of Records Per Row:
Specify how many reporting records (from the primary file) should be
includ ed in a single table row. For a Tota ls On ly rep ort this coun t will
apply to the last subtotal level. This defaults to “1" which is the typical
structure of a table (one row per record).
You could ente r a nu mbe r grea ter tha n one if you plan to use t his
table format to create lists with multiple columns of records. For
example, if you enter “3" in this field the report will output three
records for each table row which should result in a three-column
table. A standard sample of this is the request CMKTSEL which
uses the table format of MKTCAT to produce a 3-wide display of
marketing catalog entries.
You could enter “0" here to suppress all standard row tags from
the resulting table. This would allow you to code the row
beginning and ending tags within your format so that you control
the rows based on the data. A standard sample of this is the
request CMATRIXENT which produces an entry grid by inserting
the appropriate row tags when a new row is needed.
Available Resource and Sample Pages for Rev 10 Features
A res ourc e we b pag e is pr ovid ed fo r sele cted Rev 10 fe ature s. Th is pag e is
named “nlhelp10.htm” and provides some example html code for certain features.
A req ues t type of “R EV1 0" pro vide s links to the new sam ple pa ges prov ided in
Rev 10. This also uses a request “REV10UPDATE” to demonstrate running an
Execu Mate II ga ther via an RCF Packe t.
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Add Notes Text to Stock Keyword Search
See the related discussion “Add Notes Text to Stock Keyword Search” in the
Inventory/Sales section of this release notice.
Option to Secure Notes by Operator/Group
See the related discussion “Option to Secure Notes by Operator/Group” in the
Other General Changes section of this release notice. This feature allows you
make selected notes available on NetLink pages while securing other notes.
How the Operator is Determined for NetLink
If you are a n inte rnal u ser th e logo n ope rator is the oper ator s pec ified in
your requestor record.
If you are NOT an internal user the logon operator is “DEMO”. These
users will only have access to notes that the DEMO operator may
Improvements to NetLink Setup Test
The following features have been added to the NetLink Setup Test ([F4] from NL01-01):
Test for corrupted session file - the test now opens the session file for
update to ensure that the session file is not corrupt. This should detect
any fatal file access error (such as a FAE 98 or FAE 39) that might cause
a NetLink process to hang.
Auto-run after add - when you initially set up the NetLink configuration
record the program now automatically runs the test mode to check for
New Phone Num ber variable for POS Orders
When you create a new customer from a NetLink order you now have the option
to include a phone number in the customer information. This feature includes the
following components:
“PHONE” variable - when this is submitted to the NLORDENT program
as part of the order header information the phone number is stored in the
NetLink order header.
An additional field in the NetLink order header record stores the phone
The NLN EW CUS program that creates a new custom er record for a
submitted order will now insert the phone number into the new customer
You may access the value of the NetLink order phone number via NL08
field 40.
Changes to Standard NetLink Samples
Here are the changes made in the standard samples for this feature:
Modified nlposhd r.htm
Modified nlposhd rc.htm
Modified NLOR DHDC - ReportMate report
ICVerify Interface - Option to Accept and Submit Card Verification
Validation Number
See the related feature under Other General Changes in this release notice.
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Here are the changes made in the standard NetLink samples for this feature:
New request is NLCCDVFY - will be called when:
an order is submitted (the VFYPAY request that is called during
ICVerify is enabled
the re lated ICVe rify ID flag fo r Ver ificatio n is “Y ” (XX -05- 13 , fie ld
related htm l template is nlccdvfy .htm
For security purposes this field is not stored within SouthWare or NetLink
Optio n to U se Cu stom Tem plate D irectory for Imp ort Op tional F orma t File
You now have the option to store your import optional format positioning files (NL01-02, field 7 ) in the Loc al Custo m Tem plate Direc tory (NL -01-01 field 2).
NetLink will first look in the custom directory for any optional format files before
looking in the Local Standard Template directory.
This is particularly useful if you modify one of SouthW are’s standard import
format files but leave it the same name. You ma y place it in the custom directory
so it won’t be overwritten by standard NetLink updates.
Increased Encryption on NetLink Session Number
The encryption has been increased on the session number passed between
NetLink requests in order to eliminate any possibility that someone could “guess”
a current valid session number in use by another user. The “visible” session
number is now modified per request and the encryption pattern uses random
Option to Pre-define Variable Names as ReportMate Parameter Values for
Increased Security FLASH
You may now use Data Dictionary variables as the values of NetLink ReportMate
parameters (NL-01-04). If the value needed for a ReportMate parameter is
available as a variable from the NetLink session file (NL03) you can “hard code”
the p aram eter to the v ariab le. Th is elim inate s the need to pa ss c ertain value s in
the post/get strings for NetLink requests. By removing certain variables from the
post/get string you don’t “expose” the variable to users.
This is particularly helpful for internal user requests since it helps prevent websavvy internal use rs from try ing to ma nipulate po st/get string s in an attem pt to
access internal data. It is less useful for customers and other requestors since
NetLink already prevents a customer from changing the customer variable.
In any NetLink ReportMate parameter field you may enter a variable as
whe re XX XX is the D ata D iction ary file and 9 999 is the field nu mbe r of a fie ld
available from the NL03 pathing. For exam ple, on a request where you a re
displaying info for a salesperson you could use the variable <@DD=PR010139>
to reference the salesperson number in the employee record for the current
internal operator. This would eliminate the salesperson value from the post/get
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
Option to Define Edit Program for NetLink Templates FLASH
You may now define a Template Editor Command that will be used when you
choose to edit NetLink templates via the NetLink Tree View Manager for Request
Types (NL-01-07). In the NetLink Configuration record (NL-01-01) you now have
the following field:
11. Template Editor Command:
Enter a command line (up to 80 characters) that will execute your
preferre d HTM L editor if you want to u se this ed itor for NetL ink temp lates.
The NetL ink R equ est T ree V iew M ana ger (N L-01 -07) will ap pen d the file
name to this command when you choose to edit a template from the
You may leave this field blank to use the default program for HTML
pages on you r works tation.
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
NetLink Variable to Override Unit Price in NetLink Orders Top PEG FLASH
You now have the ability to allow entry of an override price for new sales order
line items entered via NetLink. This provides similar capability to the Sales Entry
program that allows a n opera tor to m anually over ride the un it price for a line item .
The standard NetLink example pages do not use this feature but you may
implem ent it in spec ial situations s uch as when you allow a sale sperso n to
override pricing on an order.
To specify an override unit price for a line item you must submit the price from a
NetLink page as the value for the appropriate variable described below. These
varia bles are re cog nized by the sec ond ary pro gram call “N LOR DEN T/L” whic h is
used to add new line items to a N etLink order:
This variable is to establish an override price when the page
subm its a sing le stock item to be ord ered. When you submit the
qua ntity for a new line item you m ay sub mit th e ove rride unit pr ice via this
variable. The unit price will be stored as an override and will not change
for any quantity breaks or other special pricing situations.
This variable is to submit override pricing from a page that allows
y o u to ch o o se m ultiple line item s (such a s the stan dard req uests
QCORD LIN and QCSTKLST). W hen you submit non-zero quantities for
multiple items on a page you may submit the related override unit price
for each item via this variable. The unit price will be stored as an override
and will not change for any quantity breaks or other special pricing
Other Notes:
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
You may not use this feature to change the price to zero since the
program cannot distinguish between no override and an override of zero.
A new f ield 57 “Un it Price Ov erride?” h as bee n adde d to the D ata
Dictionary for NL09 so that you may identify line items that have override
The override feature does not apply to auto-generated standard bills.
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
NetLink Variable to Specify Format of Imported Dates FLASH
A new standard variable in NetLink lets you specify the date format of dates to be
imp orted from a Ne tLink requ est. If you su bm it the va riable
“IMPO RT_ DAT E_FO RMA T” as p art of the d ata for a N etLink re quest tha t imports
data then the value of that variable will be set up as the import variable “SWENVIMPORT-DATE-FO RMAT” (see “Environment Variable to Specify Format of
Imported Dates” above). The value can be any of the Date Input formats allowed
in the company record (XX-03-01 field 12) except the CALENDAR option
This capability is useful when you have NetLink customers or other users from
different parts of the world who use different conventions for date entry. You may
design your NetLink pages to contain this variable as a hidden field (if you use
different templates for various users) or as a selection within the page. For
example, you might have the template for European customers contain the value
“YYMMDD” for the IMPORT_DATE_FOR MAT variable.
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
TaskWise® Changes
Option to Access All Related Notes for a TaskWise Relationship
With this new inquiry you may now do a combined search of all notes related to a
TaskWise relationship if they are attached to any of the following record types:
The TaskW ise relationship record
The related SouthWa re master file if the relationship is a customer,
vendor, or employee
Tas kW ise co ntac ts as soc iated with th e rela tions hip
Ope n tas ks fo r the r elatio nsh ip
Tas ks in a rchiv e hist ory fo r the r elatio nsh ip
Tas kW ise pr ojec ts for t he re lation ship
This sp ecial inquiry is available v ia a spec ial SouthW are objec t “TWR ELNO TES”.
You may:
Select this function from standard Task entry button bar (Rel Notes)
Select this function from the TaskWise Controller button bar (Rel Notes)
Launch this object from any menu or via Breakout/Linkout
Set up a menu record that launches this object
Launch this object from a WebView web page
When you access this inquiry:
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
If you have identified a TaskWise relationship in the program you
are using the program will automatically use that relationship and
proceed to the parameters options.
If you don’t have a current relationship identified the program will ask
you to s elect a relatio nship ID . You m ay ente r the ID or u se the loo kup to
find the relationship ID.
Parameters for Inquiry
Here are the parameters available for the relationship notes inquiry:
Date Range
Sele ct on e of th e sta nda rd da te op tions or en ter a r ang e of d ates . This is
a test of the date the note was created.
Include Master Notes?
Specify whether you want to include Master File Notes for the
relationship. These include:
The notes for the TaskW ise relationship record
The note s for c onta cts a sso ciate d with the re lation ship
The note s for a ny pr ojec ts as soc iated with th e rela tions hip
The notes for the related master file (customer, vendor,
employee) if applicable.
Include Task Notes?
Specify whether you want to include notes from tasks and archived tasks
associated with this relationship.
Catego ry
You may specify a single notes category (field 2 in the Notes record) or
leave this field blank to include all categories.
Attachment Type
You may specify a single Notes Attachment type (field 3 in the Notes
record ), specify to include on ly Warn ing notes , or leave th is field blank to
include all types.
Created by Operator
You may specify a single create operator (the operator who created the
note) to include or leave this blank for all operators.
Search Purpose+Text
Here you may enter one or more words that must exist in the Notes
Purpose or Text fields. If you enter any words only Notes that contain the
word(s ) will be selec ted for the inq uiry list.
After you confirm these parameters the program will display a lookup list of the
notes that match the parameters. The data shown includes a “Src” column that
specifies the Data Dictionary file for the note. T his helps you kn ow if the no te
came from the relationship record, contact, customer, task, etc.
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
You m ay selec t any rec ord in the list to z oom to the notes mainten ance p rogram .
You m ay edit the note as n eeded . You m ay also a dd a new note for the type into
which you zoomed (for example, if you zoomed into a customer note for a client
relationship you may add a new customer note while in the notes maintenance
You may not create a warning note from this inquiry because the
ability to set the warning flag for a record is controlled from the
related maintenance.
Security Notes
The follow ing se curity restr iction s app ly to th e acc ess of no tes v ia this
Acc ess to this inquir y req uires a sec urity le vel of at leas t 3 in
Access to notes secured with an operator/group requires
appropriate operator/group match.
Access to Customer notes requires security level of 3 for
Accounts Receivable.
Acces s to Ven dor note s require s secu rity level of 3 for A ccoun ts
Acc ess to Em ploy ee no tes re quire s se curity level o f 3 for P ayro ll.
Access to Projects secured with an operator/group requires
appropriate operator/group match.
Acc ess to tas k not es is s ecu red w hen the re lated task is
New Due Date/Time Fields for a Task
You may now specify “Due Date/Time” for each task. This lets you define a
sep arate due d ate/tim e and sch edu led da te/tim e for ta sks that s pan multip le
Due Date/Time:
Here you may enter a due date/time for this task. This helps you review
tasks that are late relative to their scheduled completion.
This field is added to the task screen after the Estimated Start date/time. The
Scheduled dates now include:
Estimated Start Date/Time
Scheduled Due Date/Time
The Actual dates include:
Actual Start Date/Time
Completion Date/Time
The D ue Da te/Time is displaye d in the stan dard Ta sk List/G rid.
If you have a saved layout the Due Date/Time will not display in your task list after
you load this upgrade. You may restore to standard and then create your saved
layout ag ain if you w ant to includ e the Du e Date/T ime in yo ur custo m layou t.
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Related Data Dictionary changes
The # Late Tasks fields (XX88 field 37 and XX12 field 37) now use the
Due Date to determine whether a task is late if the Due Date is not
zero . If the Due Date is zero the Scheduled Date is tested as in previous
New fields were added for # Tasks Due (in addition to the # Tasks
Scheduled already ava ilable):
XX88, field 81 - # Tasks Due Today
XX88, field 82 - # Tasks Due over next 7 days
XX12, field 49 - # Tasks Due Today
XX12, field 50 - # Tasks Due over next 7 days
Option to create Ad Hoc Lists of Members when Generating Tasks per
Mem ber
When you are assigning the Operator/Group for a new task you now have the
option to create an Ad Hoc (one-time) List of operators and groups. Each
selected operator will receive a generated task as well as all operators within any
sele cted grou ps. T his is s imilar to the Tas k Pe r Me mbe r func tion fo r a sin gle
Group, but allows you to create a one -time list of any combination of operators
and gro ups.
This function is available at the Assign to Oper/Group field in the Assign/Access
window for a task. You may select the ‘Ad Hoc List” function ([F5]) to flag the
task as using a o ne-time list of all operator s and g roups.
When you finish entering the task (and have specified any RSVP or EMail Notification options) the program will display a list of each operator
and gro up to wh ich you m ay ass ign tasks .
Select each operator/group to receive this task by clicking on the check
box (or highlighting the record and entering “Y” or “N” on text
works tations). Th e “Tas k Per M embe r” option w ill automatica lly be set to
Yes. From within the Windows grid you may expand or collapse the
groups and operators groupings.
When you finish choosing operators and groups and select the “Assign”
function th e tasks are forw arded jus t like the "Tas k per m embe r" of a
group o ption.
You will see a messag e that explains how many tasks were
The orig inal task is c omplete d.
This works just like the "Task per member" option that existed in prior revisions
except that you may select multiple groups/operators. Just as with the "Task per
mem ber" func tion, the Ad Hoc Lis t option is on ly available d uring add mode of a
Performance Improvement When Searching for Relationships for a Contact
When you are searching for relationships for a contact the search process now
uses a cross-reference file to eliminate any delays in finding multiple
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
New XX99 Data Dictionary Fields for Current Relationship ID, Contact ID,
and Task ID in TW01
In the TaskWise Coordinator (TW -01) the program now updates XX99 fields that
show the current IDs of the relationship, contact, and/or task with which you are
working. The TaskWise Coordinator automatically communicates these IDs
between different tabs and functions similar to the way Link values work. The
XX99 fields now allow you to access these current values for any special
WorkFlow or other special processing.
The new fields
in XX99 are:
TW 01 Re lationship ID
TW 01 Co ntact ID
TW 01 Ta sk ID
----------------------------------Advanced Technical Note:
These current ID values are based on special SouthWare environment variables. The
TaskWise Coordinator sets these environment variable values as you work within the
screens. You may use the Special Environment Variables function (XX-09-15) to
update/clear these values via WorkFlow if you need special control over these values:
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
OfficeLink from TaskWise Now Utilizes Current Relationship ID and Contact
Now , whe n use rs ar e in T ask Main tena nce or on Rela tions hip or Con tact ta bs in
TW -01, users have the ability to access OfficeLink just as if the relationship,
contact, or task IDs were link values. They are NOT link values, instead the
OfficeLink programs have been coded to look at the environment variable that
contains the current relationship, contact, or task ID.
Task Maintenance was also changed to ensure that the proper environment
variables are set. So basically, this change is only visible when the user presses
the OfficeLink button from the button bar (or via linkout). Prior to this change, no
OfficeLink IDs with primary files of TW01, TW 02, or TW10 appeared. Now, they
will. OfficeLink would have always worked in the past on these files if WorkFlow
was used to drive it. Now, users can select them from a list instead of using
WorkFlow to drive.
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
Optional Paren t Project and Seq uence for Su b-Projects
In the TaskWise project record you may now define a parent project and project
sequence (TW-04-06, fields 11 and 12). These are for reference only at this time,
but will be part of a planned future feature that provides additional project
management review capability.
Optional Project Sequence and Cost Code for Tasks
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
For a TaskWise task that references a project you may now define a project
sequence number (and cost code if using Job Cost on the project). These fields
are shown w hen you acces s the project field in a task. Currently these fields are
for reference only, but are intended for use in a planned future feature that
provides additional project management review capability.
Update TaskWise Contact Record for Changes to Customer E-Mail Address
and Fax Number FLASH
When you make a change to a customer (AR-07-01) address, phone number, fax
number, or e-mail address the system gives the option to update TaskWise
contacts for matching information. In prior revisions the system updated only the
address and pho ne number.
Up to three questions will be asked depending on how many of these fields you
Change Matching Contact Address?
Change Matching Contact Phone/Fax?
Cha nge Matc hing C onta ct E-M ail?
If you answer “Y” to one or more of these questions the system will update the
information in contacts for this customer who have the same original information
(before the change). The questions allow you to control which data is updated.
Note: If you answer “Y” to the Phone/Fax ques tion then both phone num bers
have to m atch the n umb ers on th e conta ct or neithe r will be chan ged.
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
Default E-Mail Address and Fax Number from Customer Record for New
Customer Contact FLASH
W hen you create a new cus tomer record (AR -07-01) the e-mail address an d fax
number will be populated in the primary contact ID. In prior revisions only the
address and phone number were populated. The same update will occur if you
change the contact on the customer. The new TaskWise contact created from
that change will include the e-mail address and fax number as well as the
address and pho ne numb er.
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
Update TaskWise Contact Record for Changes to Vendor E-Mail Address
and Fa x Num ber FLASH
When you make a change to a vendor (AP-06-01) address, phone number, fax
number, or e-mail address the system gives the option to update TaskWise
contacts for matching information. In prior revisions the system updated only the
address and pho ne numb er.
Up to three questions will be asked depending on how many of these fields you
Change Matching Contact Address?
Change Matching Contact Phone/Fax?
Cha nge Matc hing C onta ct E-M ail?
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
If you answer “Y” to one or more of these questions the system will update the
information in contacts for this vendor who have the same original information
(before the change). The questions allow you to control which data is updated.
Note: If you answer “Y” to the Phone/Fax ques tion then both phone num bers
have to m atch the n umb ers on th e conta ct or neithe r will be chan ged.
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
Default E-Mail Address and Fax Number from Vendor Record for New
Vendor C ontact FLASH
When you create a new vendor record (AP-06-01) the e-mail address and fax
number will be populated in the primary contact ID. In prior revisions only the
address and phone number were populated. The same update will occur if you
change the contact on the vendor. The new TaskW ise contact created from that
change will include the e-mail address and fax number as well as the address
and phone num ber.
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
Create/Maintain Default Employee Contact for Payroll Employee FLASH
Wh en yo u add a new emp loye e in Pa yroll th e sy stem now crea tes a defa ult
primary contact record as well as a TaskWise relationship record for the
emp loye e. If yo u cha nge the a ddre ss o r pho ne nu mbe r info fo r the P ayro ll
employ ee the sy stem w ill also give you the option to make the sam e chan ges to
the employee contac t record (similar to the customer change feature).
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
WorkFlow Changes
P r og r am D a ta b as e No w Includes A ll S outhW are P rogram s
The WorkFlow Program Database (WF-02-02) now includes a record for each
standard SouthWare program. This database serves as the input for the
management of programs in the SouthWare Environment Manager program (XX05-01).
Security Note:
Special Maintenance programs will not be available.
New Fields in Program Database
The WorkFlow Program Database (WF-02-02) now includes additional fields and
field values to help manage program information:
6. Program Type:
Here you m ay specify the type program/form at that this record
Conversion - this is an upgrade conversion program
File Maint/Entry - this is a normal maintenance or entry program
Import U pdate - this is an upd ate prog ram us ed by Im portMa te II
Other - this program doesn’t fall into any of the other categories
Print - this is a normal print program
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Inquiry - this is an inquiry program
ReportMate - this is a ReportMate format (this record defines the
Primary File so that you may use the 8701 FlowPoint to launch a
FlowMod from the running of the report
Search Utility - this is a search/lookup program
TaskWise A lert Driver - this record defines the primary file for a
TaskWise A lert Driver record
Work Flow O nly - this rec ord define s a reco rd that is se t up to
define the primary file for special p rocedu ral FlowP oints
8. Special Handling:
This field contains some special indicators used by So uthWare
technology. Normally you should not edit these values:
(blank) No special handling
Extended Data maintenance or import of XD values - the
prog ram nam e var ies ba sed on th e XD type and t he m aste r file
may be determined at runtime
9. Override ON for Data Maintenance Auditing:
(This applies only to records that have “F” Program Type and that have a
Primary File.)
This field allows you to selectively turn on data maintenance auditing for
record s Adde d, Chan ged, or D eleted in the Primary file for this recor d.
This enables the audit logging for changes made with this program
rega rdles s of w heth er au diting is ena bled f or the file. This can be useful
for special maintenance programs when you want to audit override
changes to files without auditing all changes to the files.
See the “New Data Maintenance Auditing System” section in this release
notice for more details.
FlowMods May Be Reviewed and Accessed via the SouthWare Environment
In the SouthWare Environment Manager you may identify and view the FlowMods
set up on your system. There are two levels of review:
All FlowMods - from the main list of selections in the Environment
Manager you may select “Customization Features” and then “WorkFlow
FlowMods”. This will list all of the FlowMods defined on your system. As
you highlight each record the preview pane shows the steps for the
Flow Mod . You may also z oom to the Flow Mod for ed iting v ia the Edit
FlowMods per Program - from the main list of selections choose
Programs, choose an application, and expand a program. You may then
expan d the “Pro gram F lowPoin ts” selectio n to see a ll the FlowP oints.
Any FlowPoint that has an existing FlowMod will display a “Y” in the
description and will display a different icon on Windows workstations. You
may expand the FlowPoint to see the FlowMod(s). As you highlight each
FlowM od reco rd the pre view pa ne sho ws the s teps for the FlowM od.
You may also zoom to the FlowMod for editing via the Edit function.
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
K e y s fo r R e co r ds C re a te d ar e available for use in other pr ogr am s
See the related disc ussion in the Impo rtMate II se ction of this re lease no tice.
This feature means that you may use WorkFlow to create a record (such as a
task) and then access the new key (such as the task number).
Autom atic Setup of W orkFlow Pro gram Do c Information for R eportMate
See the related discussion in the ReportMate section of this release notice.
WorkFlow - New FlowPoint for Printing FLASH
You now have a FlowPoint in the SWPR TOVR program that is executed on each
print jo b bef ore th e def ault n am es s uch as sp ool file nam es ar e est ablish ed. T his
can be helpful if you need to establish a global FlowMod for print jobs.
This F lowPoint is d efined as follows:
FlowPoint: 8703PT
DD File: ZF23
DD F ield: 9
Primary File: XX99
Has F ail Logic: N
Let’s say you want to change the default spool file name for each print
job. In the spool format record you can define a variable that utilizes an
XX 99 fie ld. Th en via this n ew F lowP oint yo u can mo dify the XX 99 fie ld
for each print job.
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
Field Filters - Option to Return Entered Value Via WorkFlow Current Field
Field Filters use keystrokes to transfer the value entered into a filter back to the
norm al ent ry field. Now you ha ve the optio n to tra nsfe r the d ata to the e ntry fie ld
via the W orkF low C urre nt Fie ld tec hno logy. T his ca pab ility was adde d to h and le
International Characters passed from the Field Filter search since these
characters are not properly passed as keystrokes.
A new entry field has been added to the Filter Maintenance Program (XX-09-0701) a s par t of fie ld 4 en try type. The new field w ill be ac cep ted fo r alph anu me ric
field types. Normally, you will take the default which passes the entered value
back to the original program using the keystroke buffer. If the field entered has
special characters, such as accented letters, then you must enter a 'C' in the new
field. A 'C' value causes the entered field to be passed back using WorkFlow
curr ent fie ld tec hno logy.
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
Wo rkFlow E-M ail - Optio n to U se HT ML -form at Bod y for E-M ail Sent v ia
Microsoft Outlook FLASH
When you create e-mail messages via WorkFlow to send via Microsoft Outlook
you no w ha ve the optio n to u se an HT ML- form at file f or the tem plate of the e-m ail
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
message. This gives you full control over the “look” of the message since you
can use rich text html features such as images, fonts, and colors.
The setu p of th is fea ture is in the T ext S ourc e field of the W orkF low M ail
Template (WF-03-02 field 9). Choose Text Source of “F” for Filename, then enter
the n am e of th e htm l tem plate as th e tex t filena me . You m ay inse rt varia bles in
the html text just like a non-html text file template.
W hen W orkF low c reate s e-m ail from the te mp late it w ill repla ce th e var iables in
the html template, then send the result as the body of the e-mail message. When
the tem plate filenam e ends in “.htm” o r “.html” W orkFlo w will instruct O utlook to
use the Rich Text HTML format for the body of the e-mail message.
This fe ature is lim ited to E-Se nd interfac e record s that interfa ce to
Microsoft Outlook (XX-05-12, field 2 = “O”) since it involves ActiveX
communication with Outlook.
(This w as also re leased a s a FLA SH up date to R ev 9.)
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
File Changes
Below is an overview of the files changed via conversion programs by this update.
Addition of tracking
number to key
Zero quantities for
misc items only
Reads only the
miscellaneous stock
Automatically created
when upgrading
New file for combined
lookup of stock and
non-stock numbers
Add Shipping ID
Change to primary
New file for
Initialize new G/L
account for Physical
Count Offset
Expand filler area
New Indexe d file to
capture logged
GUI Config records
Copy macrobmp
directory to individual
macros and bitmaps
RCF Packe ts
Expand program
Add printer
para met ers to deta il
Repo rtMate
Data Dictionary
Rem ove IV43 file
Update Program Doc
Assign XD ke y to
Initializ e row cont rols
SwiftMa te
SouthWare Excellence Series™
seq uen tial file
New fields and
additional types
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Conversion Notes
Below are some notes you should read before loading this update.
System R equiremen ts
Runtime required
Window s - 6.1SW SouthWare patched runtime (available on Rev 10
product CD)
Unix - 6.1SW S outhW are patched runtim e
Thin Client - 6.1SW SouthWare patched acuthin (available on Rev 10
product CD) Aculaunch - 6.1SW
Minimum H ardware
Pentium 1 ghz or equivalent
Highly recommend at least 128 mb per Windows workstation
Disk Space
Should be similar to Rev 9. Allow for up to a 20% expansion, but actual
test conversions have resulted in much smaller expansions.
Internet Explorer version 6.0 or higher for browser features (Thin client only)
NOTE: The 6.1 runtime will take several minutes to display a web page if you
have an older version of the brows er.
Before You Load the Upgrade
Post pending transactions. This is not mandatory but is good practice.
Make a good (tested) backup of your data and run directory.
If you are using NetLink you mu st have a fully functioning REV 10 license before
conve rting to RE V 10.
Rebuild all data files using vutil to ensure the integrity of the data files prior to the
conversion. If you have not been doing this regularly you may recover more disk
space than any additional space required for Rev 10.
If you hav e sufficient d isk spac e you c an plan o n running parallel.
If you will be using Rev 10 in a new environment/directory make sure you
plan to change any macros, icon paths, config paths, etc. that must be
adjusted for the new file paths.
Upd ate yo ur logg ing infor matio n (XX -02) if yo u hav e bee n usin g Sou thWa re's
activity logging system. Starting with Revision 10 this information is stored in a
different file and these old records will be ignore d if you do n't update them p rior to
the upgrade.
See the “Miscellaneous Stock Records No Longer Update Quantities” discussion
earlier in this release notice. If you want to retain miscellaneous stock quantities
then you must enable a special environment variable (SWENV-MISC-STOCK =
N) via your cblconfig file before you run the conversion process.
Recommended Approach
NOTE: SouthWare highly recomme nds that you install Rev 10 in your current
run directory:
back up your curren t SouthWare system into a separate directory
delete all programs (files that end in “.OBJ”) in the SouthWare
delete sort files (files such as “Z*.FIL” and “RMRN*.FIL”) in the
SouthWare tem p directory
install Rev 10 into your current SouthWare directory
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
run the R ev 10 c onvers ion in your current S outhW are direc tory.
You may change to a new directory for Rev 10, but because of OfficeLink
files, spool files, NetLink files/paths, macrobmp directories, desktop icon
paths, etc., it is much easier to convert in the same directory where
SouthWare is currently running. To run parallel we recommend you copy
your Revision 9 system to another directory.
Turn on overwrite protect or save sequential files for records that you don’t want
to be overwritten by standard SouthWare records.
Loading the Upgrade
Install Rev 10 in your existing environment. Use the normal installation steps for
a new system.
If you take the default directories for installation your programs will now be loaded
in a “programs” subdirectory under your SouthWare run directory. You MUST
change your runtime cblconfig file(s) to include this directory in the CODEPREFIX path in order for the runtime to find the programs.
Running the Conversion Process
After you load the update the first logon session in Rev 10 will automatically run the
con vers ion pr oce ss. O nce the c onv ersio n is co mple te, SW INS TAL will run auto mat ically
to install new seque ntial files. You w ill need to log into each c ompa ny individu ally to
convert individual companies to Rev 10. The conversion will also reset each workstation
line record to ensur e that W indows controls a re registe red in the c orrect dire ctories.
Our testin g has show n tha t this c onv ersio n from Rev 9 to R ev 10 is fairly quick and s hou ld
take on ly a few m inutes to ru n on m ost sys tems.
NetLink installations:
You must have a per man ent R EV1 0 licen se to run N etLin k via
the web-browser. Do not convert to REV10 without a permanent
license. Intranet NetLink will run with a temporary registration but
standa rd NetL ink will not.
Locking Other Users Out of the System
It is a good idea to log out and lock other workstations before running the
conversion. You may use the Workstation Abort process and Workstation
Lockout process described in XX-02-01. This essentially puts you in single-user
mode for the conversion. After the conversion you may use the Status Manager
to unlock other workstations.
The First Time You Log On to Rev 10 (Windows workstations only)
Interactive Release Notice - The first time each operator logs in to Rev 10 the
menu program automatically executes an object “REV10". This object displays a
help topic that provides an interactive web page with highlights of Rev 10. You
may click on links for more explanation or zoom to selected programs to try out
new features.
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Regis ter Win dow s Con trols - The co nversio n autom atically sets works tations to
register Windows Controls the first time Rev 10 is accessed. This ensures that
the controls point to the proper location if you have changed directory structure.
See the attached Revision 10 Upgrade Imple mentation Planning Wo rksheet for more
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Additional Documentation Notes
Below are some additional documentation for selected features:
User Do cume ntation fo r G/L Ch art of Acco unts W izard
How to U se the Wizard to Add a Ch art of Accoun ts
When you create a new G/L control record (GL-08-01) a question will ask if you
want to automatically generate your chart of accounts before you enter your
Account Type Ranges (field 7). Your options are:
1 - Generate from So uthWare standard c hart
2 - G ene rate fr om c usto m tab -delim ited te xt file
3 - No automatic generation
If you choose option 1 or option 2 the program will lead you through the
following steps:
Create or identify the tab-delimited text file for input of the account code
ranges - If you are u sing Sou thW are’s stan dard char t the p rogr am w ill
create a text file “GLRANGES.TXT” with the standard account type code
rang es (th e one s us ed in G L-08 -01 fie ld 7). If y ou ar e usin g a cu stom file
the p rogr am w ill ask y ou to spec ify the nam e of th e file (it s hou ld exis t in
the SouthWare run directory) or you may let the program use the
standard ranges. See “Notes on Input Text Files” for information on the
format of the text file.
Enter the Account Type Ranges - These will default to the ranges from
the input text file. You must answer the Multiple Retained Earnings
account question for this company.
Enter the Remaining Fields in the Control Reco rd - You must define your
accounting periods before generating the chart of accounts.
Cre ate th e Ac cou nt Co des work file - You must create a work file with the
accou nt code s to use for your c ompa ny. Typ ically you w ould crea te
thes e from a tab -delim ited te xt file o f the c ode s (eith er So uthW are’s
standard chart or a custom file). If you are using SouthW are’s standard
chart the program will create a text file (“GLCHART.TXT”) with the
standard account codes. If the size you specified for the account code
portion of your account number does not match the six-digit code in the
text file the code will be shortened as needed. See “Notes on Input Text
Files” for information on the format of the text file.
Edit th e Ac cou nt Co des work file - A question asks if you want to add,
chang e, or delete any of the records in the Acc ount Co des w ork file. If
you created the work file from a text file you may want to edit the account
cod es fo r you r com pan y bef ore c ontin uing. The fields in the w ork file
(see GL-07-01 for more information) are:
1. Account Code:
This is the account code that will be generated into accounts.
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
2. Account Description:
This is the description that will be used on accounts that have
this account code.
3. Rsvd Fin Stmt Type:
This is the reserved financial statement type code that will be
generated into accounts with this account code.
4. Cash Flow FS Type:
This is the cash flow financial statement type that will be
generated into accounts with this account code.
5. Summary post this acct?:
This is the Yes or No flag for summary posting that will be
generated into accounts with this account code.
Create the work file for Breakdown P arts (Division/Department/Other) - A
message explains that you need to generate the other types of
breakdown codes needed for your chart of accounts. You must then
enter the following pa ramete rs to con trol how th e syste m will gen erate
these codes for you:
Division Options (if your account structure uses divisions)
1. Number of Divisions:
Specify the number of divisions needed for your chart of
accounts. For example, if you have six divisions enter “6" here.
2. Beginning Division #:
Enter the beginning number to generate (maximum is dependent
on the size of the division portion of your account structure).
3. Increment to Assign:
Enter 1, 10, or 100 to specify the increment to use when creating
division codes. For example, if you entered a beginning division
of “10" ab ove an d then en ter “10" he re the sy stem w ill generate
division 10, division 20, division 30, etc., for the number of
divisions needed.
Department Options (if your account structure uses departments)
4. Number of Departments:
Specify the number of departments needed for your chart of
accounts. For example, if you have 25 departments enter “25"
5. Beginning Department #:
Enter the beginning number to generate (maximum is dependent
on the size of the department portion of your accou nt structure).
6. Increment to Assign:
Enter 1, 10, or 100 to specify the increment to use when creating
department codes. For example, if you entered a beginning
dep artm ent o f “10" a bov e and then ente r “1" h ere th e sy stem will
generate department 10, department 11, department 12, etc., for
the number of departments needed.
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Other Part Options (if your account structure uses Other Parts)
7. Number of Other Parts:
Specify the number of Other Parts needed for your chart of
accounts. For example, if you have 50 Other Parts enter “50"
8. Beginning Other Part #:
Enter the beginning number to generate (maximum is dependent
on the size of the Other Part portion of your account structure).
9. Increment to Assign:
Enter 1, 10, or 100 to specify the increment to use when creating
Other Part codes. For example, if you entered a beginning Other
Part of “10 0" ab ove and t hen ente r “100 " here the s yste m w ill
generate Other Part 100, Other Part 200, Other Part 300, etc., for
the number of Other Parts needed.
Edit th e Bre akd own Parts work file - A question asks if you want to add,
chang e, or delete any of the records in the Brea kdow n Parts w ork file.
This lets you adjust the generated values from the previous step. The
fields in the work file are:
1. Part Type (V/D/O):
The possible types (depending on your account structure) are:
Other Part
2. Part Value:
This field contains the generated value for the part type.
3. Entity ID:
This field co ntains the Entity ID tha t will be gene rated into
accounts with this part value (see GL-07 -01 for more
Specify Generation Op tions for Each Breakdow n Part - A screen lets you
specify how you want to use combinations of the breakdown parts when
generating the chart of accounts. Here are the questions:
Division Options (if your account structure uses divisions)
1. Inc Stmt per Division?:
Specify whether you want to generate accounts that would allow
a separate income statement per division. Valid options are:
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Generate separate income and expense accounts per
division - each income and expense account will be
generated for each division
Do not generate income/expense accounts per division the p rogr am w ill leave the d ivisio n por tion z ero in
genera ted acc ounts
Specify by account type - some of the income and
expense accounts should be generated per division, and
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
you will specify this based on the account type. The
prog ram will the n disp lay a lis t of the valid
incom e/expe nse ac count ty pes an d you m ust spe cify
which type(s) should be generated per division.
Specify by ranges of codes - some of the income and
expense accounts should be generated per division, and
you will specify this based on ranges of account codes
2. Bal Sheet per Division?:
Specify whether you want to generate accounts that would allow
a separate balance sheet per division. Valid options are:
Generate separate asset and liability accounts per
division - each asset and liability account will be
generated for each division
Do not generate asset/liability accounts per division - the
program will leave the division portion zero in generated
accou nts
Specify by acc ount type - some of the ass et/liability
acc oun ts sh ould b e gen erate d per divisio n, an d you will
spe cify th is bas ed on the a cco unt ty pe. T he pr ogra m w ill
then display a list of the valid balance sheet account
types and you must specify which type(s) should be
generated per division.
Specify by rang es of co des - so me of the asset/liability
acc oun ts sh ould b e gen erate d per divisio n, an d you will
specify this based on ranges of account codes
3. Ranges of Codes:
If you chose option “C” for either of the two previous fields you
may enter up to five ranges of account codes. Only account
codes that fall within one of these ranges will be “divisionalized”.
Department Options (if your account structure uses departments)
1. Inc Stmt per Department?:
Specify whether you want to generate accounts that would allow
a separate income statement per department. Valid options are:
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Generate separate income and expense accounts per
department - each income and expense account will be
generated for each department
Do not generate income/expense accounts per
department - the program will leave the department
portion ze ro in gene rated ac counts
Specify by account type - some of the income and
expen se acc ounts s hould be genera ted per d epartm ent,
and you will specify this based on the account type. The
prog ram will the n disp lay a lis t of the valid
incom e/expe nse ac count ty pes an d you m ust spe cify
which ty pe(s) sh ould be g enerate d per de partme nt.
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Specify by ranges of codes - some of the income and
expen se acc ounts s hould be genera ted per d epartm ent,
and you will specify this based on ranges of account
2. Bal Sheet per Department?:
Specify whether you want to generate accounts that would allow
a separate balance sheet per department. Valid options are:
Generate separate asset and liability accounts per
department - each asset and liability account will be
generated for each department
Do no t genera te asse t/liability accoun ts per de partme nt the p rogr am w ill leave the d epa rtme nt po rtion z ero in
genera ted acc ounts
Specify by acc ount type - some of the ass et/liability
accounts should be generated per department, and you
will specify this based on the account type. The program
will then display a list of the valid balance sheet account
types and you must specify which type(s) should be
genera ted per d epartm ent.
Specify by rang es of co des - so me of the asset/liability
accounts should be generated per department, and you
will specify this based on ranges of account codes
3. Ranges of Codes:
If you chose option “C” for either of the two previous fields you
may enter up to five ranges of account codes. Only account
codes that fall within one of these ranges will be
Other Part Options (if your account structure uses Other Parts)
1. Inc Stmt per Other Part?:
Specify whether you want to generate accounts that would allow
a separate income statement per Other Part. Valid options are:
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Generate separate income and expense accounts per
Other Part - each income and expense account will be
generated for each Othe r Part
Do not generate income/expense accounts per Other
Part - the program will leave the Other Part portion zero
in genera ted acc ounts
Specify by account type - some of the income and
expen se acc ounts s hould be genera ted per O ther Part,
and you will specify this based on the account type. The
prog ram will the n disp lay a lis t of the valid
incom e/expe nse ac count ty pes an d you m ust spe cify
which ty pe(s) sh ould be g enerate d per O ther Part.
Specify by ranges of codes - some of the income and
expen se acc ounts s hould be genera ted per O ther Part,
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
and you will specify this based on ranges of account
2. Bal Sheet per Other Part?:
Specify whether you want to generate accounts that would allow
a separate balance sheet per Other Part. Valid options are:
Generate separate asset and liability accounts per Other
Part - each asset and liability account will be generated
for each Other Part
Do no t genera te asse t/liability accoun ts per O ther Part the p rogr am w ill leave the O ther P art po rtion z ero in
genera ted acc ounts
Specify by acc ount type - some of the ass et/liability
accounts should be generated per Other Part, and you
will specify this based on the account type. The program
will then display a list of the valid balance sheet account
types and you must specify which type(s) should be
genera ted per O ther Part.
Specify by rang es of co des - so me of the asset/liability
accounts should be generated per Other Part, and you
will specify this based on ranges of account codes
3. Ranges of Codes:
If you chose option “C” for either of the two previous fields you
may enter up to five ranges of account codes. Only account
codes that fall within one of these ranges will be generated for
each O ther Part.
Generate accounts from codes and breakdowns - When you finish
entering the generation options a question lets you confirm that you are
read y to g ene rate a cco unts . The prog ram will the n gen erate the v alid
comb inations of c odes/b reakdo wns a s you s pecified in pr evious s teps.
The program displays a total number of accounts generated.
How to Use th e Wizard to Add Accou nts to an Existing C hart
After you have a chart of accounts you may still use the wizard to add a group of
additional accounts. Select the wizard from the G/L Installation and Setup menu
(GL-08-02-02). You may then select one of the following sources for the new
1 - Create using Wizard Edit Files
This option lets you use the work files for codes and breakdowns
that you u sed w hen ge nerating th e original ch art of acc ounts.
You can enter different generation parameters to generate from
these work records.
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
When you select this option a list of options appears. These
options are explained in the documentation about adding a new
chart of accounts with the wizard:
Cre ate C ode s Ed it File
Main tain C ode s Ed it File
Cre ate B reak dow n Pa rts Ed it File
Main tain B reak dow n Pa rts Ed it File
Create G/L Accounts from Edit Files
Delete All Edit Files (start over)
2 - Crea te using e xisting ac counts
With this o ption you m ay ge nera te ne w ac cou nts b y co pyin g all
accou nts from one bre akdow n (such as a divisio n, depar tment,
or Other Part value). You simply use [F4] to specify the
breakdown part to use, enter the “From” breakdown value, and
enter the new “To” value. For example, to create a new
dep artm ent 8 0 from the a cco unts in dep artm ent 1 0 you wou ld
simply enter “10" as the From Department and “80" as the To
Depa rtment. A ll accoun ts for depa rtment 1 0 will be cop ied to
accounts for department 80.
Notes on Input Text Files
There are two tab-delimited text files that serve as the input for generating a chart
of accounts. You may use the standard files generated by SouthWare or you
may create/edit your own c ustom text files for use in account generation. Here
are the file formats:
GLRANGES.TXT (or a custom name)
This file is the input to the G/L Control Record ranges of account type
codes (GL-08-01, field 7). This text file is particularly helpful when you
have a custom accou nt code text file - the ran ges tex t file allows you to
store the ranges that match the codes in your account code text file.
Each account code in the text file is required to be six digits long the gene ration proc ess ca n adjust th e code s to sho rter sizes as nee ded.
For e xam ple, if th e fina l code part is four d igits lo ng, th e six- digit c ode will
be divided by 100. Code 4010 should be entered in this file as 401000 the trailing zeroes achieve six digits.
The format of the file is:
Rsvd FS Type [Tab]
Begin Code
End Code
Rsvd FS Type is one of the following
CA,FA,OA,CL,LL,OL,CP and CA-CASH (all for the
balance sheet)
RV,CG,EX,OI,OX,MM and EX-NONCASH (all for the
incom e statem ent)
Begin Code is a six digit beginning value for the code range
End Code is a six digit ending value for the code range
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
This file is the inp ut to the G /L Acco unt Cod e work file. Each account
code in the text file is required to be six digits long - the generation
proc ess can a djus t the c ode s to s horte r size s as need ed. F or ex amp le, if
the final code part is four digits long, the six-digit code will be divided by
100. Code 4010 should be entered in this file as 401000 - the trailing
zeroes achieve six digits.
The format of the file is:
FS type[Tab]
Cash Flow Type[Tab]
Summary Post Flag
Code is the six-digit account code
Desc is the 30-character account description
FS Type is the two-character financial statement account type
(this must match the G/L control ranges or the account
code will be skipped)
Cash Flow Type is the two-character Cash Flow type for the
Summary Post Flag is the Y/N flag that controls summary posting
for the acc ount - if the flag is not defined in the text file it defau lts
to “N”.
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
Special Notes for SouthWare Developers
Upgrading Your Custom Source to Rev 10
Here are the requirements for upgrading your custom source to Rev 10 of SouthWare:
You must upgrade your compiler/runtime to version 6.1.
If you use the SWOPNSAV.PL in a custom program you must insert the copy
libraries SWTHIN.WS and SWTHIN.PL into that program (since this is now
supported on the thin client runtime).
There are no other required source file changes for Rev 10.
As long as you are using SouthW are stan dards a nd cop y libraries yo u will simply need to
recom pile with the R ev 10 c opy libraries and the A cucorp 6.1 com piler.
Numerous changes have been made to the standard SouthWare routines but
none o f these req uire chan ges to y our sou rce prog rams .
And obvio usly if you have chan ged our s tand ard lib rarie s or file defin itions you w ill
need to make the appropriate changes for Rev 10.
Rev 9 object code is NOT compatible with the Rev 10 platform because program
linkage has been expanded.
Optional Integration with Rev 10 Features
There are a few Rev 10 features that you may choose to implement in your
custom code or applications. They include:
Adding Special Data Maintenance Auditing to selected routines
Adding or modifying a SouthWare CheckUp program
Implementing Form s Adapter Window s Print columns in your forms
Adding your programs to the WorkFlow Program Doc file so they will be
incorporated into the SouthWare Environment Manager
See the related notes in the next section for more details on any of these options.
Other Developer Information
Here is other information that may be useful to SouthWare Developers:
Expanded Linkage
The SWLINK.WS copy lib which provides linkage shared by all programs has
been e xpand ed for ne w fields an d to add filler.
Rewrite of Check Abort routine
The rou tine to che ck for ab ort while pro cessin g has b een rew ritten to elimina te
the use of ACCEPT FROM INPUT. This addresses some problems encountered
in the Thin C lient environ ment.
Progr am D ataba se in W orkFlo w No w Inclu des A ll Progra ms an d is
Reviewable via SouthWare Environment Manager
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
The WorkF low Program D atabase (WF-0 2-02) now includes all SouthWa re
released programs. It is used by the SouthWare Environment Manager (XX-0501) to provide management and review ability of the programs on the system.
You should consider adding your custom programs to this database so
that they may be accessed via the Environment Manager. Also see the
Data Maintenance Auditing notes below.
Data Maintenance Auditing Implementation
The feature to add Data Maintenance Auditing for SouthWare maintenance was
add ed via the S WF MS LGC .PL a nd S WF MS EQ .PL c opy librarie s. To utilize this
feature with your programs follow the instructions below:
Add Programs to SouthWare WorkFlow Program Database
Add your custom programs that use standard SWFMSLGC .PL or
SWFMSEQ .PL into the WF Program Doc database as <F>ile maint type.
They must have a working ReportMate on the file they name as the
Master File. If the program also uses the standard SWFMSLG2.PL
library, the Secondary File may be named (must have working
Rec omp ile of yo ur pro gram s us ing th e rev 10 S WF M* lib rarie s will
activate the feature (i.e. swfmaudt program will check out the
various LOG GING F LAGS to see if there is a job).
Add Auditing to any Non-Standard Maintenance Programs if desired
If any maint/entry program uses switches to alter the job between
open/h istory files, us e the W S-AU DIT-O VERR IDE-P ROG RAM -NAM E to
include the switch that matches a second WF Program Doc record. Ex:
RSBILMN9 maintains Order Pay file while RSBILMN9/H maintains
History Pay file. These are two different program doc records with two
different primary files. This may also be done at "open" time, by altering
the PR OGR AM-ID -NAM E value - but the pro gramm er MU ST SE T IT
BACK TO THE OR IGINAL VAL UE (for workflow purpose s).
Any SouthWare source using the “SWFMAUDT” copy libraries
has been coded for this special feature. Refer to one of these
programs for an example.
Other setup
In order for data maintenance auditing to take place the WorkFlow
program database record for a program must have a type “F” with a nonblank master file. The maintenance/entry program then checks the
auditing flags in the operator, program doc record, and Data D ictionary
S o u th W a re C h ec k U p Pr ogr am s
The re is n ow a prog ram per a pplica tion (e .g. RS CH EKU P) tha t runs diagn ostic
tests for the applications. You may want to modify these programs for additional
tests on your application.
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)
SouthWare Forms Windows Print Columns
In order to use the S outhW are print ro utine WIN PRIN T CO LUM NS fea ture, a
local working storage flag must be established BEFORE the printer is opened.
Sea rch y our c usto m so urce for 'PE RFO RM PRIN TER -OP EN'. Befo re this
All of the SouthWare forms source programs now include this code.
SouthWare Excellence Series™
Rev 10 Release Notice (7/13/04)