Large scale P recovery in the phosphorus industry
Large scale P recovery in the phosphorus industry
Large scale P recovery in the phosphorus industry – Experiences from prac:ce Presented by: Christopher Thornton P recovery and reuse I 3RD SUSTAINABLE PHOSPHORUS SUMMIT Sydney 29th February – 2nd March 2012 Chris Thornton Industrial P-recycling from secondary sources - potential - progress - perspectives www.phosphate-‐ 3RD SUSTAINABLE PHOSPHORUS SUMMIT Sydney 29th February – slide 2nd March 2012 n°2 NL: two routes today • Thermal route to phosphorus high-tech industrial needs for P4 very high purity phosphoric acid à removal of impurities à adaptable to different secondary materials • Processing into fertiliser production combination with P-rock based NPK products à micro-nutrients can be used à lower cadmium than rock 3RD SUSTAINABLE PHOSPHORUS SUMMIT Sydney 29th February – slide 2nd March 2012 n°3 Thermphos, NL • Electrothermal P furnace Coke + electricity -‐> CO (energy) + P4 + slag 600 KT/y rock -‐> 80 Kt/y P 3RD SUSTAINABLE PHOSPHORUS SUMMIT Sydney 29th February – slide 2nd March 2012 n°4 Thermphos, NL • Sewage sludge incinera:on ash P-‐content: -‐ secondary treatment = 5 – 8% P -‐ biological P-‐removal STP = 10 – 12% P • Other secondary sources -‐ manure gasifica:on residues -‐ P-‐containing industry/food wastes • Issues -‐ handling / prepara:on / granula:on -‐ copper, zinc 3RD SUSTAINABLE PHOSPHORUS SUMMIT Sydney 29th February – slide 2nd March 2012 n°5 Thermphos, NL • Integration with sewage policy Chemical P-removal: - iron dosing à up to 10% Fe in ash à incompatible - aluminium dosing à compatible à separate handling of iron dosed/no-iron sludge and of sludge where no P-removal (low P) [ all STP operate P-removal in Netherlands ] • Thermphos P-recycling underway - sewage ash: SNB (NL), Frankfurt (D) … - other P-rich streams - 10 000 tonnes ash recycled 2012 - Objective: 100% recycled by 2020 (80 kt/y P) 3RD SUSTAINABLE PHOSPHORUS SUMMIT Sydney 29th February – slide 2nd March 2012 n°6 Amfert (ICL), NL • Recyling P in fer:liser produc:on -‐ sewage sludge incinera:on ash -‐ chicken manure incinera:on ash • Integra:on into fer:liser process -‐ upstream of acidula:on = ensures P availability -‐ adjustment of 1ry nutrients balance (NPK) -‐ use of micro nutrients in wastes (Fe, B, Cu, Mn, Mo, Zn) -‐ granula:on -‐ marke:ng 3RD SUSTAINABLE PHOSPHORUS SUMMIT Sydney 29th February – slide 2nd March 2012 n°7 Amfert (ICL), NL • Advantages -‐ P-‐stewardship, local sourcing -‐ CO2 savings • P-‐recycling underway -‐ small quan::es of 2ry materials tested since 2011 • Process modifica:ons -‐ transport, storage systems -‐ enclosure of conveyor systems • Objec:ve: 10-‐15% of rock used = 1 500 -‐ 2 000 tP/y hap:// 3RD SUSTAINABLE PHOSPHORUS SUMMIT Sydney 29th February – slide 2nd March 2012 n°8 Japan • Strategic demand for P-‐acid supply pharmaceu:cals, metal -‐ electronics industry, food and treatment, flame retardants, bio-‐industry catalysts -‐ biofuels = need to close P-‐loop • No na:onal P-‐resources • Na:onal import: 750 KtP/y • Experience and R&D -‐ struvite produc:on -‐ incinera:on ash P-‐recovery -‐ calcium silicate hydrate adsorp:on, -‐ bio-‐algae processes -‐ … 3RD SUSTAINABLE PHOSPHORUS SUMMIT Sydney 29th February – slide 2nd March 2012 n°9 Japan • Phosphorus Recycling Council of Japan -‐ 70 corporate members -‐ R&D ins:tu:ons, local authori:es, user industries • Possible secondary sources -‐ sewage sludge ash -‐ animal wastes -‐ steel slag -‐ food & drink industries • Industrial project -‐ business model -‐ Thermphos technology transfer 3RD SUSTAINABLE PHOSPHORUS SUMMIT Sydney 29th February – slide 2nd March 2012 n°10 Chris Thornton Global Phosphate Forum [email protected] 3RD SUSTAINABLE PHOSPHORUS SUMMIT Sydney 29th February – slide 2nd March 2012 n°11