Rockwall Neighborhoods
Rockwall Neighborhoods
Rockwall Neighborhoods US Census Bureau 2009-2013 5-Year American Community Survey Rockwall Neighborhoods Region: The Shores / Lakeview Summit Block Group: 1 Census Tract: 401.01 I 0 0. 125 0. 25 0. 5Mil es N LAKES SEX Number Percentage 1667 43.82% 2137 56.18% Male Female ETHNICITY White African American Native American Indian / Alaskan Asian Native Hawaiian Other Two or More Ethnicities Percentage 84.67% 2.60% 0.50% 3.81% 3.47% 0.00% ST Lake Ray Hubbard LIAD N GO R RE D HO This Census group is found within Rockwall County in the city of Rockwall, TX. It consists primarily of two subdivisions, The Shores and Lakeview Summit. It is bound by Lake Ray Hubbard to the West and N Goliad St (SH 205) to the East. " ) 205 Home Life Total Population: 3,804 Median Family Income: $132,054 Below Poverty Level: 7.25% Average Household Size (All): 3.23 Occupied Residences: 1,179 Vacant Residences: 0 Home Owners: 3,119 Median Mortgage: $2,403 Average Household Size (Owner Occupied): 2.96 Renters: 685 Median Rent: $1,688 Average Household Size (Renter Occupied): 5.44 4.94% HISPANIC/NONHISPANIC Hispanic NonHispanic Percentage 12.46% 87.54% Distribution by Age Group EDUCATION LEVEL Level Obtained High School or Less High School Diploma GED or Equivalent Some College / Associates Degree Bachelors Masters Degree or Higher Percentage 1.59% 13.49% 0.00% Marital Status Single: 15.35% (381) Married: 69.50% (1,725) Divorced: 10.68% (265) Widowed: 4.47% (111) 11% 35% 30% 29.56% 14 & Younger 15 - 19 20 - 39 18% 6% 40 - 59 60 & Older 33.56% 22.25% The dat ar epr esent ed on t hismap w asobt ained w it ht he bes tmet hods avail abl e.Dat aiss uppl iedf r om var ioussour cesandac cur acy may beout oft he Cit y ofRockw al l ’s c ont r ol .The ver if icat ion ofac cur acy and /or c ont entl ies ent ir el y w it ht he end user .The Cit y ofRockw al ldoes not guar ant eet heaccur acy ofcont ainedinf or mat ion.Al l I nf or mat ionispr ovided ‘As I s ’ w it h no w ar r ant y being made, eit her ex pr ess ed or impl ied. Sour ce:U. S.CensusBur eau 200920135YearAmer icanCommunit y Sur vey Rockwall Neighborhoods Region: Hillcrest Shores / Northshore / The Preserve / Northern Downtown Rockwall Block Group: 2 Census Tract: 401.01 This Census group is found within Rockwall County in 0 0. 125 0. 25 0. 5Mil es " ) 205 N SH LA K E OR Lake Ray Hubbard E DR WR 66 " ) SEX Number Percentage 1402 50.25% 1388 49.75% Male Female ETHNICITY White African American Native American Indian / Alaskan Asian Native Hawaiian Other Two or More Ethnicities Percentage 78.78% 10.43% 0.00% 0.82% 0.00% 4.27% S USK T N GOLIAD S T S GOLIAD ST N FANNIN ST I the city of Rockwall, TX. It consists of many subdivisions, including Hillcrest Shores, Northshore, The Preserve, Highland Hills, and The Pinnacle. It also includes parts of Northern Downtown Rockwall. It is bound by Lake Ray Hubbard to the West, N Goliad St (SH 205) to the East, and SH 66 to the South. Home Life Total Population: 2,790 Median Family Income: $95,284 Below Poverty Level: 4.76% Average Household Size (All): 2.86 Occupied Residences: 975 Vacant Residences: 78 Home Owners: 2,176 Median Mortgage: $1,698 Average Household Size (Owner Occupied): 2.70 Renters: 614 Median Rent: $1,151 Average Household Size (Renter Occupied): 3.63 5.70% HISPANIC/NONHISPANIC Hispanic NonHispanic Distribution by Age Group Percentage 7.78% 92.22% EDUCATION LEVEL Level Obtained High School or Less High School Diploma GED or Equivalent Some College / Associates Degree Bachelors Masters Degree or Higher Percentage 15.72% 1.28% 42.87% Marital Status Single: 29.64% (672) Married: 59.02% (1338) Divorced: 6.40% (145) Widowed: 4.94% (112) 20% 19% 14 & Younger 12% 24% 28.89% 25% 15 - 19 20 - 39 40 - 59 60 & Older 8.82% 2.44% The dat ar epr esent ed on t hismap w asobt ained w it ht he bes tmet hods avail abl e.Dat aiss uppl iedf r om var ioussour cesandac cur acy may beout oft he Cit y ofRockw al l ’s c ont r ol .The ver if icat ion ofac cur acy and /or c ont entl ies ent ir el y w it ht he end user .The Cit y ofRockw al ldoes not guar ant eet heaccur acy ofcont ainedinf or mat ion.Al l I nf or mat ionispr ovided ‘As I s ’ w it h no w ar r ant y being made, eit her ex pr ess ed or impl ied. Sour ce:U. S.CensusBur eau 200920135YearAmer icanCommunit y Sur vey Rockwall Neighborhoods Region: The Shores / Creekside Village / Shores North Block Group: 2 Census Tract: 401.02 I 0 0. 1250. 25 0. 5Mil es " 552 FM 552 " ) 205 This Census group is found within Rockwall County in the city of Rockwall, TX. It consists of many subdivisions including The Shores, Shores North, Promenade Harbor, and Creekside Village. It is bound by Lake Ray Hubbard to the West and N Goliad St (SH 205) to the East. LIAD N GO O R E R ST D Lake Ray Hubbard NL SEX Number Percentage 1886 49.06% 1958 50.94% Male Female ETHNICITY White African American Native American Indian / Alaskan Asian Native Hawaiian Other Two or More Ethnicities Percentage 94.33% 0.49% 0.00% 2.29% 0.73% 0.00% 2.16% AKE S H Home Life Total Population: 3,844 Median Family Income: $119,113 Below Poverty Level: 0% Average Household Size (All): 3.05 Occupied Residences: 1,260 Vacant Residences: 0 Home Owners: 3,517 Median Mortgage: $1,866 Average Household Size (Owner Occupied): 2.99 Renters: 327 Median Rent: $890 Average Household Size (Renter Occupied): 3.85 Distribution by Age Group HISPANIC/NONHISPANIC Hispanic NonHispanic Percentage 7.93% 92.07% EDUCATION LEVEL Level Obtained High School or Less High School Diploma GED or Equivalent Some College / Associates Degree Bachelors Masters Degree or Higher Percentage 3.51% 11.22% 3.39% Marital Status Single: 20.82% (611) Married: 73.25% (2,150) Divorced: 3.34% (98) Widowed: 2.59% (76) 14% 24% 26% 8% 28% 23.31% 14 & Younger 15 - 19 20 - 39 40 - 59 60 & Older 44.03% 14.53% The dat ar epr esent ed on t hismap w asobt ained w it ht he bes tmet hods avail abl e.Dat aiss uppl iedf r om var ioussour cesandac cur acy may beout oft he Cit y ofRockw al l ’s c ont r ol .The ver if icat ion ofac cur acy and /or c ont entl ies ent ir el y w it ht he end user .The Cit y ofRockw al ldoes not guar ant eet heaccur acy ofcont ainedinf or mat ion.Al l I nf or mat ionispr ovided ‘As I s ’ w it h no w ar r ant y being made, eit her ex pr ess ed or impl ied. Sour ce:U. S.CensusBur eau 200920135YearAmer icanCommunit y Sur vey Rockwall Neighborhoods Region: Breezy Hill / Stone Creek / Dalton Ranch Block Group: 1 Census Tract: 402.00 I 0 0. 275 0. 55 This Census group is found within Rockwall County in the city of Rockwall, TX. It consists of many subdivisions, including Breezy Hill, Stone Creek and Dalton Ranch. It is bound by N Goliad St (SH 205) to the West and the Rockwall City Limits to the East. 1. 1Mi l es " ) 205 " 552 FM 552 JO HN SEX Number Male Female 788 897 ETHNICITY White African American Native American Indian / Alaskan Asian Native Hawaiian Other Two or More Ethnicities Percentage 46.77% 53.23% Percentage 77.27% 2.02% 1.07% 1.07% 0.00% 11.81% 6.77% 1141 D LV KING B MS LIA W IL ST " " 3549 E SH 66 66 " ) FM 3549 N T IA D S N GOL Lake Ray Hubbard Home Life Total Population: 1,685 Median Family Income: $111,111 Below Poverty Level: 6.60% Average Household Size (All): 2.72 Occupied Residences: 620 Vacant Residences: 30 Home Owners: 1,584 Median Mortgage: $2,139 Average Household Size (Owner Occupied): 2.92 Renters: 101 Median Rent: $ N/A Average Household Size (Renter Occupied): 1.31 HISPANIC/NONHISPANIC Hispanic NonHispanic Distribution by Age Group Percentage 20.71% 79.29% EDUCATION LEVEL Level Obtained High School or Less High School Diploma GED or Equivalent Some College / Associates Degree Bachelors Masters Degree or Higher Percentage 8.78% 16.03% 3.38% Marital Status Single: 14.32% (198) Married: 67.32% (931) Divorced: 16.12% (223) Widowed: 2.24% (31) 18% 27% 5% 28% 29.87% 22% 14 & Younger 15 - 19 20 - 39 40 - 59 60 & Older 26.92% 15.02% Th e dat ar epr esent ed on t hi smap w asobt ai ned w i t h t h e bes tmet h ods av ai l abl e.Dat ai ss uppl i edf r om v ar i oussour cesandac cur acy may beout oft h e Ci t y ofRockw al l ’s c ont r ol .Th e v er i f i cat i on ofac cur acy and /or c ont entl i es ent i r el y wi t h t h e end user .Th e Ci t y ofRockw al ldoes not guar ant eet h eaccur acy ofcont ai nedi nf or mat i on.Al l I nf or mat i oni spr ov i ded ‘As I s ’ wi t h no w ar r ant y bei ng made, ei t h er ex pr ess ed or i mpl i ed. Sour ce:U. S.CensusBur eau 200920135YearAmer i canCommuni t y Sur v ey Rockwall Neighborhoods Region: Caruth Lakes / NE Downtown Rockwall Block Group: 2 Census Tract: 402.00 0 0. 15 0. 3 0. 6Mi l es H S L AK E ST " ) 205 W IL M LIA S ST E RUSK ST Lake Ray Hubbard SEX Number Percentage 1290 45.52% 1544 54.48% Male Female ETHNICITY White African American Native American Indian / Alaskan Asian Native Hawaiian Other Two or More Ethnicities Percentage 95.87% 0.00% 1.34% 0.53% 0.00% 1.62% 0.64% D LV N JOHN KING B L IA D N GO N This Census group is found within Rockwall County in the city of Rockwall, TX. It consists primarily of two regions, Caruth Lakes and NE Downtown Rockwall. It is bound by N Goliad St (SH 205) to the West. DR O RE I " 1141 E SH 66 66 " ) Home Life Total Population: 2,834 Median Family Income: $90,547 Below Poverty Level: 2.48% Average Household Size (All): 3.20 Occupied Residences: 886 Vacant Residences: 68 Home Owners: 2,520 Median Mortgage: $1,678 Average Household Size (Owner Occupied): 3.25 Renters: 314 Median Rent: $907 Average Household Size (Renter Occupied): 2.83 HISPANIC/NONHISPANIC Hispanic NonHispanic Percentage 6.56% 93.44% Distribution by Age Group EDUCATION LEVEL Level Obtained High School or Less High School Diploma GED or Equivalent Some College / Associates Degree Bachelors Masters Degree or Higher Percentage 4.64% 22.61% 3.09% Marital Status Single: 26.38% (580) Married: 63.39% (1,394) Divorced: 4.50% (99) Widowed: 5.73% (126) 12% 22% 25% 14 & Younger 9% 15 - 19 20 - 39 40 - 59 60 & Older 40.41% 32% 19.69% 4.64% Th e dat ar epr esent ed on t hi smap w asobt ai ned w i t h t h e bes tmet h ods av ai l abl e.Dat ai ss uppl i edf r om v ar i oussour cesandac cur acy may beout oft h e Ci t y ofRockw al l ’s c ont r ol .Th e v er i f i cat i on ofac cur acy and /or c ont entl i es ent i r el y wi t h t h e end user .Th e Ci t y ofRockw al ldoes not guar ant eet h eaccur acy ofcont ai nedi nf or mat i on.Al l I nf or mat i oni spr ov i ded ‘As I s ’ wi t h no w ar r ant y bei ng made, ei t h er ex pr ess ed or i mpl i ed. Sour ce:U. S.CensusBur eau 200920135YearAmer i canCommuni t y Sur v ey Rockwall Neighborhoods ST MS 205 G LI O ST RIDG AD E RD S §30 ¨ ¦ " 740 " ) 276 SEX Number Male Female 783 741 ETHNICITY White African American Native American Indian / Alaskan Asian Native Hawaiian Other Two or More Ethnicities 0 IH 3 30 § ¦ ¨ Percentage 51.38% 48.62% Percentage 89.50% 2.89% 0.00% 4.00% 0.46% 1.18% This Census group is found within Rockwall County in the city of Rockwall, TX. It is located East of Downtown Rockwall. It is bound by S Goliad St, SH 276, Corporate Crossing, FM 3549, SH 66, and Clark St. 66 " ) FM 3549 LVD GB K IN " ) Lake Ray Hubbard E SH 66 J O HN US K WR T S 0. 7Mi l es LIA W IL 30 § ¦ ¨ SH 276 S FMCORPORATE 549 CROSSING 0 0. 175 0. 35 N S OH D N J BLV G K IN I N GOLIAD ST Region: East of Downtown Rockwall Block Group: 1 Census Tract: 403.02 Home Life Total Population: 1,524 Median Family Income: $80,000 Below Poverty Level: 13.91% Average Household Size (All): 1.96 Occupied Residences: 683 Vacant Residences: 88 Home Owners: 564 Median Mortgage: $1,324 Average Household Size (Owner Occupied): 3.94 Renters: 773 Median Rent: $928 Average Household Size (Renter Occupied): 1.43 1.97% HISPANIC/NONHISPANIC Hispanic NonHispanic Distribution by Age Group Percentage 10.96% 89.04% EDUCATION LEVEL Level Obtained High School or Less High School Diploma GED or Equivalent Some College / Associates Degree Bachelors Masters Degree or Higher Percentage 12.71% 19.72% 1.58% Marital Status Single: 23.43% (321) Married: 46.86% (642) Divorced: 21.02% (288) Widowed: 8.69% (119) 10% 39% 5% 14 & Younger 15 - 19 31% 20 - 39 40 - 59 60 & Older 15% 34.36% 19.81% 11.83% Th e dat ar epr esent ed on t hi smap w asobt ai ned w i t h t h e bes tmet h ods av ai l abl e.Dat ai ss uppl i edf r om v ar i oussour cesandac cur acy may beout oft h e Ci t y ofRockw al l ’s c ont r ol .Th e v er i f i cat i on ofac cur acy and /or c ont entl i es ent i r el y wi t h t h e end user .Th e Ci t y ofRockw al ldoes not guar ant eet h eaccur acy ofcont ai nedi nf or mat i on.Al l I nf or mat i oni spr ov i ded ‘As I s ’ wi t h no w ar r ant y bei ng made, ei t h er ex pr ess ed or i mpl i ed. Sour ce:U. S.CensusBur eau 200920135YearAmer i canCommuni t y Sur v ey Rockwall Neighborhoods Region: E/SE of Downtown Rockwall Block Group: 2 Census Tract: 403.02 I 0 0. 0750. 15 W 0. 3Mi l es ST SK 66 RU E RUSK ST " ) S LA K E SH S GOLIAD ST This Census group is found within Rockwall County in the city of Rockwall, TX. It is located East and Southeast of Downtown Rockwall. It is bound by S Goliad St, Clark St, and SH 66. DR ORE SU MMIT RI DGE DR " ) 205 Lake Ray Hubbard SEX Number Male Female 379 584 ETHNICITY White African American Native American Indian / Alaskan Asian Native Hawaiian Other Two or More Ethnicities Percentage 39.36% 60.64% Percentage 71.34% 22.53% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 6.13% Home Life Total Population: 963 Median Family Income: $41,200 Below Poverty Level: 7.34% Average Household Size (All): 2.38 Occupied Residences: 335 Vacant Residences: 43 Home Owners: 473 Median Mortgage: $1,231 Average Household Size (Owner Occupied): 2.21 Renters: 323 Median Rent: $848 Average Household Size (Renter Occupied): 2.67 HISPANIC/NONHISPANIC Hispanic NonHispanic Distribution by Age Group Percentage 6.13% 91.59% EDUCATION LEVEL Level Obtained High School or Less High School Diploma GED or Equivalent Some College / Associates Degree Bachelors Masters Degree or Higher Percentage 19.54% 33.33% 6.26% Marital Status Single: 24.83% (216) Married: 27.13% (236) Divorced: 25.52% (222) Widowed: 22.53% (196) 10% 37% 6% 21% 14 & Younger 15 - 19 20 - 39 40 - 59 60 & Older 28.86% 26% 5.36% 6.64% Th e dat ar epr esent ed on t hi smap w asobt ai ned w i t h t h e bes tmet h ods av ai l abl e.Dat ai ss uppl i edf r om v ar i oussour cesandac cur acy may beout oft h e Ci t y ofRockw al l ’s c ont r ol .Th e v er i f i cat i on ofac cur acy and /or c ont entl i es ent i r el y wi t h t h e end user .Th e Ci t y ofRockw al ldoes not guar ant eet h eaccur acy ofcont ai nedi nf or mat i on.Al l I nf or mat i oni spr ov i ded ‘As I s ’ wi t h no w ar r ant y bei ng made, ei t h er ex pr ess ed or i mpl i ed. Sour ce:U. S.CensusBur eau 200920135YearAmer i canCommuni t y Sur v ey Rockwall Neighborhoods Region: Stonebridge Meadows / SW Downtown Rockwall Block Group: 3 Census Tract: 403.02 0. 1 0. 2 0. 4Mi l es E RUSK ST ST " ) 205 RE D R K E SHO Lake Ray Hubbard US K S LA 66 " ) WR S GOLIAD ST I 0 This Census group is found within Rockwall County in the city of Rockwall, TX. It is located Southwest of Downtown Rockwall. It is bound by Lake Ray Hubbard on the West, S Goliad St (SH 205) to the East and SH 66 to the North. RIDGE RD SUMM IT RIDGE D R SEX Number Male Female 721 965 ETHNICITY White African American Native American Indian / Alaskan Asian Native Hawaiian Other Two or More Ethnicities Percentage 42.76% 57.24% Percentage 87.72% 0.00% 0.42% 10.56% 0.00% 0.00% 1.30% Home Life Total Population: 1,686 Median Family Income: $78,250 Below Poverty Level: 1.94% Average Household Size (All): 2.85 Occupied Residences: 592 Vacant Residences: 0 Home Owners: 1,437 Median Mortgage: $1,995 Average Household Size (Owner Occupied): 3.16 Renters: 249 Median Rent: $685 Average Household Size (Renter Occupied): 1.82 HISPANIC/NONHISPANIC Hispanic NonHispanic Percentage 3.80% 96.20% EDUCATION LEVEL Level Obtained High School or Less High School Diploma GED or Equivalent Some College / Associates Degree Bachelors Masters Degree or Higher Percentage 2.16% 29.45% 0.00% Distribution by Age Group Marital Status Single: 7.57% (94) Married: 79.47% (987) Divorced: 9.90% (123) Widowed: 3.06% (38) 26% 30% 15 - 19 3% 24% 22.80% 14 & Younger 17% 20 - 39 40 - 59 60 & Older 32.47% 13.13% Th e dat ar epr esent ed on t hi smap w asobt ai ned w i t h t h e bes tmet h ods av ai l abl e.Dat ai ss uppl i edf r om v ar i oussour cesandac cur acy may beout oft h e Ci t y ofRockw al l ’s c ont r ol .Th e v er i f i cat i on ofac cur acy and /or c ont entl i es ent i r el y wi t h t h e end user .Th e Ci t y ofRockw al ldoes not guar ant eet h eaccur acy ofcont ai nedi nf or mat i on.Al l I nf or mat i oni spr ov i ded ‘As I s ’ wi t h no w ar r ant y bei ng made, ei t h er ex pr ess ed or i mpl i ed. Sour ce:U. S.CensusBur eau 200920135YearAmer i canCommuni t y Sur v ey Rockwall Neighborhoods Region: Lakeside Village / Turtle Cove Block Group: 4 Census Tract: 403.02 0 0. 175 0. 35 0. 7Mi l es This Census group is found within Rockwall County in the city of Rockwall, TX. It consists primarily of 2 subdivisions,Turtle Cove and Lakeside Village. It is bound by Lake Ray Hubbard on the West, Ridge Rd to the East, and I30E to the South. S O G I LI AD R IDGE R D ST Lake Ray Hubbard SH 276 30 § ¦ ¨ " 30 Y KW H HA IZ RA LP R O H LL IH P 740 O N R D SEX Number Male Female 901 900 ETHNICITY White African American Native American Indian / Alaskan Asian Native Hawaiian Other Two or More Ethnicities Percentage 50.03% 49.97% Percentage 94.56% 1.33% 0.00% 1.94% 0.00% 0.00% 2.17% Home Life Total Population: 1,801 Median Family Income: $97,283 Below Poverty Level: 0.62% Average Household Size (All): 2.75 Occupied Residences: 644 Vacant Residences: 86 Home Owners: 1,573 Median Mortgage: $1,995 Average Household Size (Owner Occupied): 2.70 Renters: 201 Median Rent: $1,392 Average Household Size (Renter Occupied): 3.24 HISPANIC/NONHISPANIC Hispanic NonHispanic EDUCATION LEVEL Level Obtained High School or Less High School Diploma GED or Equivalent Some College / Associates Degree Bachelors Masters Degree or Higher Distribution by Age Group Percentage 13.27% 86.73% Percentage 4.22% 19.01% 1.79% Marital Status Single: 24.76% (406) Married: 62.68% (1,028) Divorced: 5.61% (92) Widowed: 6.95% (114) 9% 27% 9% 16% 14 & Younger 15 - 19 20 - 39 40 - 59 60 & Older 39% 41.89% 15.37% 17.73% Th e dat ar epr esent ed on t hi smap w asobt ai ned w i t h t h e bes tmet h ods av ai l abl e.Dat ai ss uppl i edf r om v ar i oussour cesandac cur acy may beout oft h e Ci t y ofRockw al l ’s c ont r ol .Th e v er i f i cat i on ofac cur acy and /or c ont entl i es ent i r el y wi t h t h e end user .Th e Ci t y ofRockw al ldoes not guar ant eet h eaccur acy ofcont ai nedi nf or mat i on.Al l I nf or mat i oni spr ov i ded ‘As I s ’ wi t h no w ar r ant y bei ng made, ei t h er ex pr ess ed or i mpl i ed. Sour ce:U. S.CensusBur eau 200920135YearAmer i canCommuni t y Sur v ey Rockwall Neighborhoods Region: Pebblebrook / Mission Rockwall / Waterstone Estates / Sonoma Court / Canyon Ridge Block Group: 5 Census Tract: 403.02 I 0 0. 15 0. 3 This Census group is found within Rockwall County in the city of Rockwall, TX. It consists of many residential communities, including Pebblebrook Apartments, Mission Rockwall Apartments, Waterstone Estates, Sonoma Court Apartments, and Canyon Ridge Apartments. It is bound by Ridge Rd on the West, S Goliad St (SH 205) to the NE and I30E to the S/SE 0. 6Mi l es " ) 205 S O G LI AD ST " 740 Number Male Female 621 794 ETHNICITY White African American Native American Indian / Alaskan Asian Native Hawaiian Other Two or More Ethnicities 0.00% 5.23% 3.96% 0.00% 0.49% 30 " ) SH 276 W Y 276 PK PH AL Percentage 43.89% 56.11% Percentage 86.64% 3.67% IH W J R SEX 30 § ¦ ¨ W O N L AC Y E K E LL T R IDGE RD Lake Ray Hubbard HA LL Home Life Total Population: 1,415 Median Family Income: $49,464 Below Poverty Level: 0% Average Household Size (All): 2.10 Occupied Residences: 675 Vacant Residences: 44 Home Owners: 190 Median Mortgage: $1,411 Average Household Size (Owner Occupied): 2.79 Renters: 1,225 Median Rent: $915 Average Household Size (Renter Occupied): 2.02 HISPANIC/NONHISPANIC Hispanic NonHispanic EDUCATION LEVEL Level Obtained High School or Less High School Diploma GED or Equivalent Some College / Associates Degree Bachelors Masters Degree or Higher Distribution by Age Group Percentage 9.75% 90.25% Percentage 1.86% 25.53% 0.00% Marital Status Single: 22.42% (243) Married: 48.43% (525) Divorced: 25.55% (277) Widowed: 3.60% (39) 6% 23% 14 & Younger 15 - 19 33% 11% 20 - 39 40 - 59 60 & Older 27% 41.39% 27.26% 3.97% Th e dat ar epr esent ed on t hi smap w asobt ai ned w i t h t h e bes tmet h ods av ai l abl e.Dat ai ss uppl i edf r om v ar i oussour cesandac cur acy may beout oft h e Ci t y ofRockw al l ’s c ont r ol .Th e v er i f i cat i on ofac cur acy and /or c ont entl i es ent i r el y wi t h t h e end user .Th e Ci t y ofRockw al ldoes not guar ant eet h eaccur acy ofcont ai nedi nf or mat i on.Al l I nf or mat i oni spr ov i ded ‘As I s ’ wi t h no w ar r ant y bei ng made, ei t h er ex pr ess ed or i mpl i ed. Sour ce:U. S.CensusBur eau 200920135YearAmer i canCommuni t y Sur v ey Rockwall Neighborhoods Region: Rockwall Lake Estates / Oaks of Buffalo Way Block Group: 1 Census Tract: 405.03 WY 0. 7Mi l es S RA L IA OL G " H O R IZ O N " ) 205 R D " 3097 SEX Number Percentage 1,019 55.99% 801 44.01% Male Female ETHNICITY White African American Native American Indian / Alaskan Asian Native Hawaiian Other Two or More Ethnicities 549 ST R IDGE RD D SUM ME DR R LE E Percentage 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% FM This Census group is found within Rockwall County in the city of Rockwall, TX. It consists primarily of 2 communities, Rockwall Lake Estates and Oaks of Buffalo Way. It is bound by Horizon Rd on the Southwest, FM 549 on the Southeast, and S Goliad St on the Northeast. S FM 549 PK 0 0. 175 0. 35 PH 0 HA LL I IH 3 " 1139 9 54 Home Life Total Population: 1,820 Median Family Income: $50,375 Below Poverty Level: 23.49% Average Household Size (All): 3.30 Occupied Residences: 552 Vacant Residences: 40 Home Owners: 1,165 Median Mortgage: $990 Average Household Size (Owner Occupied): 2.79 Renters: 655 Median Rent: $605 Average Household Size (Renter Occupied): 4.89 HISPANIC/NONHISPANIC Hispanic NonHispanic EDUCATION LEVEL Level Obtained High School or Less High School Diploma GED or Equivalent Some College / Associates Degree Bachelors Masters Degree or Higher Distribution by Age Group Percentage 56.70% 43.30% Percentage 59.42% 24.32% 3.60% Marital Status Single: 37.33% (536) Married: 41.78% (600) Divorced: 9.12% (131) Widowed: 11.77% (169) 21% 22% 14 & Younger 6% 11% 15 - 19 20 - 39 40 - 59 60 & Older 10.45% 40% 1.03% 1.20% Th e dat ar epr esent ed on t hi smap w asobt ai ned w i t h t h e bes tmet h ods av ai l abl e.Dat ai ss uppl i edf r om v ar i oussour cesandac cur acy may beout oft h e Ci t y ofRockw al l ’s c ont r ol .Th e v er i f i cat i on ofac cur acy and /or c ont entl i es ent i r el y wi t h t h e end user .Th e Ci t y ofRockw al ldoes not guar ant eet h eaccur acy ofcont ai nedi nf or mat i on.Al l I nf or mat i oni spr ov i ded ‘As I s ’ wi t h no w ar r ant y bei ng made, ei t h er ex pr ess ed or i mpl i ed. Sour ce:U. S.CensusBur eau 200920135YearAmer i canCommuni t y Sur v ey Rockwall Neighborhoods Region: Windmill Ridge / Lynden Park Block Group: 2 Census Tract: 405.03 0. 3Mi l es P 0 AL L H H Y KW AL P § ¦ ¨ 30 IH 3 This Census group is found within Rockwall County in the city of Rockwall, TX. It consists primarily of 2 communities, Windmill Ridge Estates and Lynden Park Estates. It is bound by Horizon Rd on the Southwest and I30E on the North. R 0 0. 0750. 15 RIDGE R D I " 740 SUMM ER H LEE O R IZ O N DR SEX R D " 3097 Number Percentage 1,175 53.10% 1,038 46.90% Male Female ETHNICITY White African American Native American Indian / Alaskan Asian Native Hawaiian Other Two or More Ethnicities Percentage 81.47% 7.05% 0.72% 0.00% 0.00% 3.80% 6.96% Home Life Total Population: 2,213 Median Family Income: $87,642 Below Poverty Level: 4.15% Average Household Size (All): 3.05 Occupied Residences: 726 Vacant Residences: 28 Home Owners: 1,744 Median Mortgage: $1,457 Average Household Size (Owner Occupied): 3.10 Renters: 469 Median Rent: $1,136 Average Household Size (Renter Occupied): 2.88 HISPANIC/NONHISPANIC Hispanic NonHispanic EDUCATION LEVEL Level Obtained High School or Less High School Diploma GED or Equivalent Some College / Associates Degree Bachelors Masters Degree or Higher Distribution by Age Group Percentage 23.18% 76.82% Percentage 0.54% 15.83% 5.35% Marital Status Single: 26.59% (413) Married: 48.36% (751) Divorced: 20.73% (322) Widowed: 4.31% (67) 5% 31% 14 & Younger 15 - 19 20 - 39 24% 44.34% 30% 10% 40 - 59 60 & Older 27.75% 6.19% Th e dat ar epr esent ed on t hi smap w asobt ai ned w i t h t h e bes tmet h ods av ai l abl e.Dat ai ss uppl i edf r om v ar i oussour cesandac cur acy may beout oft h e Ci t y ofRockw al l ’s c ont r ol .Th e v er i f i cat i on ofac cur acy and /or c ont entl i es ent i r el y wi t h t h e end user .Th e Ci t y ofRockw al ldoes not guar ant eet h eaccur acy ofcont ai nedi nf or mat i on.Al l I nf or mat i oni spr ov i ded ‘As I s ’ wi t h no w ar r ant y bei ng made, ei t h er ex pr ess ed or i mpl i ed. Sour ce:U. S.CensusBur eau 200920135YearAmer i canCommuni t y Sur v ey Rockwall Neighborhoods Region: Rockwall Lake Estates / Lynden Park / Highland Meadows Block Group: 3 Census Tract: 405.03 ILake Ray P RI DG LL Y KW RA LP HA ST H AD LI 740 205 O " U MMER L EE " ) G S 276 S H IH 30 " ) 30 § ¦ ¨ W JA E Hubbard This Census group is found within Rockwall County in the city of Rockwall, TX. It consists of many subdivisions, including Rockwall Lake Estates, Lynden Park, and Highland Meadows. It is bound by Horizon Rd on the Southwest, I30E on the Northwest, and S Goliad St (SH 205) on the Northeast. SH 276 S JOHN KING BLVD Y C ELL KE O T W LN 0. 7Mi l es RD 0 0. 175 0. 35 O R DR IZ O N R D FM 549 SEX Number Percentage 1,541 52.96% 1,369 47.04% Male Female ETHNICITY White African American Native American Indian / Alaskan Asian Native Hawaiian Other Two or More Ethnicities Percentage 86.29% 7.15% 0.17% 3.68% 0.00% 2.71% 0.00% Home Life Total Population: 2,910 Median Family Income: $79,013 Below Poverty Level: 9.87% Average Household Size (All): 3.95 Occupied Residences: 736 Vacant Residences: 69 Home Owners: 1,997 Median Mortgage: $1,498 Average Household Size (Owner Occupied): 3.64 Renters: 913 Median Rent: $1,204 Average Household Size (Renter Occupied): 4.86 HISPANIC/NONHISPANIC Hispanic NonHispanic EDUCATION LEVEL Level Obtained High School or Less High School Diploma GED or Equivalent Some College / Associates Degree Bachelors Masters Degree or Higher Distribution by Age Group Percentage 49.79% 50.21% Percentage 32.14% 15.65% 0.89% Marital Status Single: 24.81% (491) Married: 64.63% (1,279) Divorced: 8.44% (167) Widowed: 2.12% (42) 7% 25% 14 & Younger 15 - 19 20 - 39 30% 33.93% 32% 6% 40 - 59 60 & Older 15.21% 2.17% Th e dat ar epr esent ed on t hi smap w asobt ai ned w i t h t h e bes tmet h ods av ai l abl e.Dat ai ss uppl i edf r om v ar i oussour cesandac cur acy may beout oft h e Ci t y ofRockw al l ’s c ont r ol .Th e v er i f i cat i on ofac cur acy and /or c ont entl i es ent i r el y wi t h t h e end user .Th e Ci t y ofRockw al ldoes not guar ant eet h eaccur acy ofcont ai nedi nf or mat i on.Al l I nf or mat i oni spr ov i ded ‘As I s ’ wi t h no w ar r ant y bei ng made, ei t h er ex pr ess ed or i mpl i ed. Sour ce:U. S.CensusBur eau 200920135YearAmer i canCommuni t y Sur v ey Rockwall Neighborhoods Region: Lago Vista / The Harbor / Chandlers Landing / Signal Ridge Block Group: 3 Census Tract: 405.04 Y 0. 5Mil es "" § ¦ ¨ 30 SUMM ER E RD R IDG Lake Ray Hubbard SEX Number Percentage 1,164 41.36% 1,650 58.64% Male Female ETHNICITY White African American Native American Indian / Alaskan Asian Native Hawaiian Other Two or More Ethnicities Percentage 98.47% 0.64% 0.00% 0.89% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% H R 3097 740 H AL L 0 H 3 IH PK W 0 0. 125 0. 25 AL P I LE E O R IZ DR O N R This Census group is found within Rockwall County in the city of Rockwall, TX. It consists of many subdivisions, including Lago Vista, Chandlers Landing, and Signal Ridge. It is bound by Lake Ray Hubbard on the West, I30E on the North, Horizon Rd on the Northeast, and Ridge Rd on the East. D Home Life Total Population: 2,814 Median Family Income: $120,625 Below Poverty Level: 2.87% Average Household Size (All): 2.21 Occupied Residences: 1,272 Vacant Residences: 317 Home Owners: 2,343 Median Mortgage: $2,119 Average Household Size (Owner Occupied): 2.17 Renters: 471 Median Rent: $1,229 Average Household Size (Renter Occupied): 2.44 Distribution by Age Group HISPANIC/NONHISPANIC Hispanic NonHispanic Percentage 9.35% 90.65% EDUCATION LEVEL Level Obtained High School or Less High School Diploma GED or Equivalent Some College / Associates Degree Bachelors Masters Degree or Higher Percentage 1.86% 19.47% 1.59% Marital Status Single: 15.82% (372) Married: 64.88% (1,526) Divorced: 13.73% (323) Widowed: 5.57% (131) 28% 2% 20% 34% 27.63% 16% 14 & Younger 15 - 19 20 - 39 40 - 59 60 & Older 51.59% 17.34% The dat ar epr esent ed on t hismap w asobt ained w it ht he bes tmet hods avail abl e.Dat aiss uppl iedf r om var ioussour cesandac cur acy may beout oft he Cit y ofRockw al l ’s c ont r ol .The ver if icat ion ofac cur acy and /or c ont entl ies ent ir el y w it ht he end user .The Cit y ofRockw al ldoes not guar ant eet heaccur acy ofcont ainedinf or mat ion.Al l I nf or mat ionispr ovided ‘As I s ’ w it h no w ar r ant y being made, eit her ex pr ess ed or impl ied. Sour ce:U. S.CensusBur eau 200920135YearAmer icanCommunit y Sur vey Rockwall Neighborhoods Region: Hickory Ridge / Lofland Lake Estates / Lofland Farms Block Group: 1 Census Tract: 405.05 0. 6Mi l es " ) SH 276 This Census group is found within Rockwall County in the city of Rockwall, TX. It consists primarily of 3 subdivisions, Hickory Ridge, Lofland Lake Estates and Lofland Farms. It is bound by S Goliad St on the Southwest, FM 549 on the South and East, and SH 276 on the North. 276 Y 0 0. 15 0. 3 A 205 S GO A LI D ST S FM 549 " ) S JOHN KING BLVD H PH RA L LL IH PK W 30 I " 549 FM 549 SEX Number Percentage 1,963 56.31% 1,523 43.69% Male Female ETHNICITY White African American Native American Indian / Alaskan Asian Native Hawaiian Other Two or More Ethnicities Percentage 80.06% 14.83% 0.20% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 4.91% " 1139 Home Life Total Population: 3,486 Median Family Income: $74,228 Below Poverty Level: 11.51% Average Household Size (All): 3.31 Occupied Residences: 1,052 Vacant Residences: 0 Home Owners: 2,862 Median Mortgage: $1,584 Average Household Size (Owner Occupied): 3.15 Renters: 624 Median Rent: $1,691 Average Household Size (Renter Occupied): 4.39 HISPANIC/NONHISPANIC Hispanic NonHispanic EDUCATION LEVEL Level Obtained High School or Less High School Diploma GED or Equivalent Some College / Associates Degree Bachelors Masters Degree or Higher Distribution by Age Group Percentage 12.59% 87.41% Percentage 5.16% 14.89% 1.79% Marital Status Single: 26.47% (613) Married: 61.49% (1,424) Divorced: 8.89% (206) Widowed: 3.15% (73) 10% 25% 14 & Younger 15 - 19 20 - 39 23% 39.37% 33% 9% 40 - 59 60 & Older 24.53% 14.26% Th e dat ar epr esent ed on t hi smap w asobt ai ned w i t h t h e bes tmet h ods av ai l abl e.Dat ai ss uppl i edf r om v ar i oussour cesandac cur acy may beout oft h e Ci t y ofRockw al l ’s c ont r ol .Th e v er i f i cat i on ofac cur acy and /or c ont entl i es ent i r el y wi t h t h e end user .Th e Ci t y ofRockw al ldoes not guar ant eet h eaccur acy ofcont ai nedi nf or mat i on.Al l I nf or mat i oni spr ov i ded ‘As I s ’ wi t h no w ar r ant y bei ng made, ei t h er ex pr ess ed or i mpl i ed. Sour ce:U. S.CensusBur eau 200920135YearAmer i canCommuni t y Sur v ey Rockwall Neighborhoods 0 0. 075 0. 15 0. 3Mi l es SH 2 76 H OL SG AL L PK W Y IH 30 I H LP This Census group is found within Rockwall County in the city of Rockwall, TX. It consists primarily of the subdivision Meadowcreek Estates. It is bound by S Goliad St on the Southwest, and SH 276 on the North. IAD RA " ) 276 S JOHN KING BLVD Region: Meadowcreek Estates Block Group: 3 Census Tract: 405.05 ST " ) 205 SEX Number Percentage 1,115 52.89% 993 47.11% Male Female ETHNICITY White African American Native American Indian / Alaskan Asian Native Hawaiian Other Two or More Ethnicities Percentage 75.76% 0.16% 0.00% 1.14% 0.00% 1.00% 6.17% Home Life Total Population: 2,108 Median Family Income: $100,694 Below Poverty Level: 4.30% Average Household Size (All): 3.32 Occupied Residences: 634 Vacant Residences: 24 Home Owners: 1,539 Median Mortgage: $1,504 Average Household Size (Owner Occupied): 3.25 Renters: 569 Median Rent: $1,240 Average Household Size (Renter Occupied): 3.56 Distribution by Age Group HISPANIC/NONHISPANIC Hispanic NonHispanic Percentage 9.77% 90.23% EDUCATION LEVEL Level Obtained High School or Less High School Diploma GED or Equivalent Some College / Associates Degree Bachelors Masters Degree or Higher Percentage 0.00% 20.82% 2.69% Marital Status Single: 21.44% (304) Married: 63.75% (904) Divorced: 9.80% (139) Widowed: 5.01% (71) 8% 24% 14 & Younger 15 - 19 20 - 39 30% 43.45% 33% 5% 40 - 59 60 & Older 21.42% 11.62% Th e dat ar epr esent ed on t hi smap w asobt ai ned w i t h t h e bes tmet h ods av ai l abl e.Dat ai ss uppl i edf r om v ar i oussour cesandac cur acy may beout oft h e Ci t y ofRockw al l ’s c ont r ol .Th e v er i f i cat i on ofac cur acy and /or c ont entl i es ent i r el y wi t h t h e end user .Th e Ci t y ofRockw al ldoes not guar ant eet h eaccur acy ofcont ai nedi nf or mat i on.Al l I nf or mat i oni spr ov i ded ‘As I s ’ wi t h no w ar r ant y bei ng made, ei t h er ex pr ess ed or i mpl i ed. Sour ce:U. S.CensusBur eau 200920135YearAmer i canCommuni t y Sur v ey