TIMS FORD LAKE AREA - Tennessee State Parks
TIMS FORD LAKE AREA - Tennessee State Parks
nC o. o. To Tullahoma, Shelbyville, and Nashville k li or eC Fra n Mo Pleasant Hill E KR L E IVE R a Rd a lt tle k o rd n sf Ma Rd eek d r a n ch 26 : Mile 155 i 23 Lee Ford Mile 150 E E Ol d T DEVILS STEP ISLAND d [ Mile 0 d s Ol d E t il l 8 50 d [ Mile 0 # E # Dripping Springs Bo ilin g Fo rk C r eek Winchester Village E E 8 130 S Mile 5 E t 50 Red Mill Bridge h E 8 d [ DRY CREEK PUBLIC USE AREA AND BOAT RAMP d [ Ly nc hb ur g Rd Decherd ig Fa irvie w C om aR Winchester City Park ampg roun d Rd A w alt D ulla h : 20 : Harmony 127 Bible Crossing Rd 21 Devils Step " WARNING TO SAILBOATERS Do not come within 15 feet of aerial powerline crossings to prevent possible contact or electrical arcing. 8 H Broadview Murray Lake Estates : DEVILS STEP PUBLIC USE AREA AND BOAT RAMP E Rd WATER SAFETY TVA encourages the public to practice water safety procedures. Significant water-use hazards exist above and below TVA dams where waters often rush over spillways and through sluice gates, lock culverts, and turbines. Many of these operations are automatic and occur without warning. Boaters should obey all loading signs posted in these areas and wear Coast Guard-approved life preservers at all times. Lee Ford Bridge Joe Hawk :19 18 : Unless otherwise indicated, all vessels operating within 300 feet of a commercial boat dock must do so at a slow, no-wake speed regardless of whether or not the area is marked by buoys. E d R d : p Ma n sf o rd : Dry C re ek R a m rd R d 24 k ree y C Dr eR Cline Ridge r 41A £ ¤ Elklore E reek RI E Dry Creek Bridge " PRODUCED BY TVA GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION & ENGINEERING, ER&TA, SEPTEMBER 1986 LIMITED PLANIMETRIC REVISIONS 2000 & 2003 REVISED BY TENNESSEE TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, DEPT. OF EARTH SCIENCES 2008 a Bo e TVA and the State of Tennessee are equal opportunity employers, and are committed to insuring that the benefits of programs receiving financial assistance are available to all eligible persons regardless of race, color, national origin, handicap, or age. rg Rd M il bu Ly nc h S ix * Sailing lines or ranges may be followed between daymarks at or near full pool stages. EL K Topography, shown in brown form U.S. Geological Survey 7 ½ -minute quadrangles, has not been adjusted to agree with shoreline obtained from more current sources. Contour interval is 10 feet. o. nC d h ! [ id g Beginning January 1, 2005, persons born on or after January 1, 1989, must have proof of the successful completion of a nationallyapproved boating safety course accepted by Tennessee to operate any watercraft. E . Marinas…………………………………….. ER eR Br . # : Old M a n sfo Mile 160 16 : MAPLE BEND ISLAND GOOSE ISLAND E 8 k li Boat Ramps……………………………….. Co Contour lines……………………………… n Fra River Channel…………………………….. o re River Mile………………………………….. Mile +140 Mo Local Roads……………………………….. Cl in an 22 Pine Bluff 14 : Mile 0 Heatherwood e ns C K i t ch Right Bank Daymarks………………… V Hopkins Point # : m 5 E :17 E E B E a n sfo r d Rd Leatherwood Wi se £ ¤ ! £ É :10 s ng LAKE 15 : Fanning Bend E rS pr ch ra n yB Ra d [ There must be a person 12 years of age or older, other than the operator, who will observe the progress of the skier. Boats properly equipped with a 170° wide-angle rearview mirror are not required to have an observer. : 27 E llo w C r eek # : 12 FORD e es t # Oscar Farris :13 :6 E Every skier must wear an adequate and effective life preserver, buoyant vest, or life belt. This does not substitute for the Coast Guard-approved device aboard a craft. :25 Ho TIMS FORD DAM :9 Hu Owl Reservoir............................................ # E d [ h [ LEATHE RWOOD ISLAN D Bear Trace Golf Co urse E CLINE RIDGE BOAT RAMP 1: Mile 0 tle L it # E : City Park Managed by Municipality……. Mile 140 Hickory Hills : eR an c rr i Mile 145 E # TIMS Mansford Bridge TIMS FORD STATE PARK MARINA Skiing is permitted in daylight hours only. y Hw 4 TDEC……………………………………… E M y Ln Gallo w a 7: Tennessee Valley Authority Land…… State and County Highways…………… :3 BIG ISLAND Personal watercraft are not permitted to be operated between sunset and sunrise. Mile 0 ma E E o ll ah Tu Mile 140 LITTL E ISLA ND Owl Hollow Mill WMA…………………. US Highways……………………………… h Mile 0 E Huntable State Park Land…………… Left Bank Daymarks…………………… h [ # E Non-Huntable State Park Land……… Dayboards…………………………………. c an E Br E E n LEGEND Beech Hill # o rs Scale of Miles ² :2 " Highland Ridge de 1 B : nc h ra Ca r v TIMS FORD MARINA : 28 11 An ½ # E Tim s Fo rd Rd ¼ Beech Hill Ta nyard Hi ll Rd G r a ves Bran ch er B r k 0 d [ # 476 # Inflatable life jackets are not approved for persons under 16 years of age operating personal watercraft or in whitewater. Check product for label for restrictions. Estill Springs E Bridge Waters Edge 8 # d Eas t b t-J al a nch Aw ee Cr Co o p ne ee Cr # E d R ca Rock 29 Creek Bridge Mile 165 E ch t r ri Estill Springs City Park ROCK CREEK E PUBLIC USE AREA AND BOAT RAMP an Br E ng " Lo Browningto n R ok ro ek Rd s Lo Hu Taylor Creek West Additional Requirements A Coast Guard-approved wearable life preserver is required for each person aboard a vessel. d [ re ge ac l. 8 k Rock Creek Estates er i ll m ck Lo Ho id n so h la n d 130 r i ca n e C ig R E ANDERTON BRANCH PUBLIC USE AREA Anderton Branch AND BOAT RAMP H ur Awalt Bridge Roc Pineview Peninsula Mile 0 k TIMS FORD LAKE AREA Hon ey Ln S p rin gs R d Aw E W in ch Aw urk a lt-T E ree k ey C E PLEASANT GROVE PUBLIC USE AREA AND BOAT RAMP T ay lo r Cr Holiday Camp Dr Lic k C ree k e d. Ridgeville Lee Gray Sprin g Cree k Rd Rd k ey Tu r # d [ BOATING REQUIREMENTS Tennessee Boating Safety Law requires the registration of all vessels propelled by sail and/or machinery. A nonresident may operate a boat with proper homestate registration for 60 days before being required to register in Tennessee. The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA) enforces this law. E e r 's ge vi ve Rd nt Gr o Ple as a Estill Springs d t G r ove R t k n ut R id g e R Pl s an ea Li e re Ch e st 476 8 Lakehaven d [ id h [ " H C st Lo d [ Rd E Mile 5 Pleasant Grove ee k Cr " Bakertown y C re ek Bo at Do ck C re ek " ll e S ch o ol ho u s e Rd k TURKEY CREEK PUBLIC USE AREA AND BOAT RAMP Rd # k ee k T ur Estill Springs City Par k e re Cr Moor Lin Cabin Sites Ridgeville HOLIDAY LANDING RESORT C rr i ca ne ck Ro Hu E E A E D CR d dg E LOST CREEK PUBLIC USE AREA AND BOAT RAMP R F er Rd d Rd ill Holiday Hide-A-Way Ri Neal Bridge Sanders Causeway r ris e ridg ry B R ev i a H nt d [ Mo m -T l le a as Pl e ul la ho ll a Tu h ld om O E WOODS RESERVOIR E Rd " Mile 170 E Rd rd 8 121 Public Land is available for informal public recreation. Special Rules apply to developed areas, state and local parks, and wildlife management areas. For additional information contact: TIMS FORD STATE PARK (931) 962-2706 1 (888) 891-TDEC www.state.tn.us/environment TENNESSEE WILDLIFE RESOURCES AGENCY 1 (800) 624-7406 www.state.tn.us/twra TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY (256) 386-2560 1 (800) TVA-LAND www.tva.gov 41 Rogers Haven ¤£ £ ¤ 64 ¤ £ Winchester To Fayetteville, TN and Huntsville, AL 64 Co wa nH wy