Early Call


Early Call
Early Call 6th Czech – Italian – Spanish Conference on Molecular Sieves and Catalysis
Dear friends and colleagues,
We are glad to announce the 6th Czech-­‐Italian-­‐Spanish workshop that will be held in Italy from June 14th to 17th 2015. Following the great experience of Segovia in 2013, the conference will move back in Italy, on the deep blue seaside of Calabria.
We invite you to save the date and be ready to submit your abstract, according to the key dates reported below.
With your contributions, we are sure that another great scientific event will take place, also enjoying social events in a sunny and naturalistic spot in the south of Italy.
See you in Italy!
The Co-­‐Chairs G. Giordano, L. Marchese, S. Perathoner Venue The conference will be host at the Conference Centre of “La Principessa”, a beautiful hotel located in Amantea (CS), just facing the deep blue sea of Calabria. The venue is 15 min far from either the international airport or train station of Lamezia Terme. Key Dates January 15th, 2015 March 15th, 2015 April 15th, 2015 May 15th , 2015 June 14th -­‐ 17th, 2015 2nd Circular, call for abstracts and registration opening Abstract submission deadline Notification of acceptance Early-­‐Bird Registration deadline CIS6 Conference 

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