Main Avenue Streetscape
Main Avenue Streetscape
0DLQ$YHQXH6WUHHWVFDSH $VKWDEXOD2KLR 3UHOLPLQDU\3ODQ3UHVHQWDWLRQDQG'LVFXVVLRQ 2FWREHU Existing Assets • New asphalt and striping • Existing parks and green spaces • Proximity to S.R. 84 • Proximity to river valley and park • Intact street wall of commercial buildings • Ample parking • Historic Character • Wide sidewalks Existing Challenges • Vacant / underutilized storefronts • Perception of abandonment • Lack of safe crossing at large intersections such as W 44th and W 48th • Railroad tracks bisect corridor • Visibility from S.R. 84 bridge is limited • Inconsistent traffic patterns • Lack of consistent streetscape amenitites such as pedestrian lighting, furnishings and trees • Green to hardscape ratio unbalanced ([LVWLQJ&RQGLWLRQV 0DLQ$YHQXH6WUHHWVFDSH $VKWDEXOD2KLR 2FWREHU Preferred Images with Votes 19 13 14 13 11 9 8 7 Public Comments: • Western Reserve traditional style. • Railroad / Bridge Disaster or Covered Bridge Theme- “We’ve got you covered” • Unique Design- Industrial or 50’s -60”s Heyday of the Avenue • Conservation strip nice idea- needs walks from parking to stores. • Utilize color palette encouraged by ADDA • Consider awnings • Hanging baskets require lots of water- previously done by ADDA- banners now done • Parade Route • • • • • • • • • Plan for the future - Shea Theater / Carlisle Building - Renovation or threatened? Develop district signage/ banner / identity campaign Code enforcement of vacant buildings – jurisdiction of county Northshore Bike Trail route may skirt district Gulf Overlook needed / better connections to Indian Trials Utilize Main Ave as Trolley depot destination Commerce needed to make Main Ave a destination- Create the Destination Keep street clean- Sweep sidewalks, provide waste, recycling and Ash containers. Talk up the positives! 5HVXOWVRI9RWLQJ 0DLQ$YHQXH6WUHHWVFDSH $VKWDEXOD2KLR 2FWREHU Design Goals • Improve resident and visitor perception • Improve visitor experience from car to storefront • Provide environment that encourages people to explore once they are out of their car • Clarify vehicular traffic pattern and parking configurations • Create well defined pedestrian zones and street crossings • Improve connection between north and south parks • Develop unique district identity • Maintain commercial focus of street - provide amenities in ROW that support marketability of retail spaces • Respect historic character 'HVLJQ*RDOV 0DLQ$YHQXH6WUHHWVFDSH $VKWDEXOD2KLR 2FWREHU Historic Clock Ornamental Light with Hanging Baskets Trash Receptacle Grouped Planters MAIN AVE W 45th Bench 3URSRVHG6WUHHWVFDSHZLWK)XUQLVKLQJV 0DLQ$YHQXH6WUHHWVFDSH $VKWDEXOD2KLR 2FWREHU Ex. Building Sidewalk with Trees and Ornamental Lighting in Brick Amenity Strip Parking Drive Lanes Parking Sidewalk with Trees and Brick Amenity Strip. Banners at Existing Light Poles Ex. Building 7\SLFDO6HFWLRQDW3DUNLQJ 0DLQ$YHQXH6WUHHWVFDSH $VKWDEXOD2KLR 2FWREHU Ex. Building Sidewalk Brick Pavers with Trees, Benches and Planters and Ornamental Lighting Curb Ramp at Crosswalks Drive Lanes Curb Ramp at Crosswalks Ex. Building 7\SLFDO6HFWLRQDW&URVVZDON%XPSRXWV 0DLQ$YHQXH6WUHHWVFDSH $VKWDEXOD2KLR 2FWREHU Western Arrival Western Arrival Access to Parking 3URJUHVV3O &HQWHU6W :WK6W :WK6W Veteran’s Park Add Trees District Identity Sign Improve Crosswalks 0DLQ$YH Signature Health Parking Lot Kork and Kettle Signature Health Alley Enhancements Shea Theater &ROOLQV%OYG65 Northern Arrival Huntington Bank Access to Parking Restore 2-Way Traffic :WK6W Repair Access to Indian Trails Park Improve Railroad Crossing :WK6W Southern Arrival Lance Corporal Kevin M. Cornelius Memorial Park 6W Municipal Building WK South Park Casa Capelli : :WK6W Access to Parking Graphic on Parking Garage Bike Trail Connection to Ashtabula River Valley Overlook & Stair Connector to Ashtabula River Valley Eastern Arrival 3URSRVHG3ODQ 0DLQ$YHQXH6WUHHWVFDSH $VKWDEXOD2KLR 2FWREHU :WK 6W :WK6W :WK 6WW :WK6W :WK 6W :WK6W REINFORCE “STREET WALL” IMPROVE CONNECTION & AESTHETICS @ RAILROAD TRACKS IMPROVE CONNECTION TO INDIAN TRAILS PARK &ROOLQV%OYG YG G ([LVWLQJ&RQGLWLRQV 0DLQ$YHQXH6WUHHWVFDSH $VKWDEXOD2KLR 2FWREHU :WK6W :WK6W :WK6W South Park Add Trees Improve Railroad Crossing Southern Arrival Repair Access to Indian Trails Park Signature Health Parking Lot District Identity Sign &ROOLQV% 3URSRVHG 0DLQ$YHQXH6WUHHWVFDSH $VKWDEXOD2KLR 2FWREHU IMPROVE PEDESTRIAN SAFETY AT RAIL CROSSING IMPROVE CONNECTION ACROSS TRACKS ([LVWLQJ&RQGLWLRQV 0DLQ$YHQXH6WUHHWVFDSH $VKWDEXOD2KLR 2FWREHU :HVWWK#0DLQ$YHQXH 0DLQ$YHQXH6WUHHWVFDSH $VKWDEXOD2KLR 2FWREHU 3UR 3URJUHVV3O RJUH HVV3OO &HQWH &HQWHU6W HU6W STREET TREES AND GREEN EDGES CLARIFY PARKING IMPROVE UNDEFINED CORNERS @ INTERSECTION IMPROVE GATEWAY CONNECTION TO S.R. 84 :WK 6W :WK6W 0DLQ $YH 0DLQ$YH $Y YH &ROOLQV%OYG YG ([LVWLQJ&RQGLWLRQV 0DLQ$YHQXH6WUHHWVFDSH $VKWDEXOD2KLR 2FWREHU Western Arrival Access to Parking Municipal Building 3URJUHVV3O &HQWHU6W Access to Parking Casa Capelli Add Trees Signature Health Parking Lot Kork and Kettle Signature Health Alley Enhancements Shea Theater & OOL %O G 6 5 Access to Parking :WK6W 0DLQ$YH Restore 2-Way Traffic 3URSRVHG 0DLQ$YHQXH6WUHHWVFDSH $VKWDEXOD2KLR 2FWREHU ([LVWLQJ&RQGLWLRQV 0DLQ$YHQXH6WUHHWVFDSH $VKWDEXOD2KLR 2FWREHU 0DLQ$YHQXH#&HQWHU6WUHHW 0DLQ$YHQXH6WUHHWVFDSH $VKWDEXOD2KLR 2FWREHU CONSIDER PUBLIC MURAL PROGRAM ADD STREET TREES ([LVWLQJ&RQGLWLRQV 0DLQ$YHQXH6WUHHWVFDSH $VKWDEXOD2KLR 2FWREHU &HQWHU6WUHHW$OOH\#0DLQ$YHQXH 0DLQ$YHQXH6WUHHWVFDSH $VKWDEXOD2KLR 2FWREHU ees nature ealth ing Lot Kork and Kettle Signature Health Alley Enhancements Shea Theater &ROOLQV%OYG65 :WK6W 0DLQ$YH Access to Parking Restore 2-Way Traffic Graphic on Parking Garage Bike Trail Connection to Ashtabula River Valley Overlook & Stair Connector to Ashtabula River Valley Eastern Arrival 3URSRVHG 0DLQ$YHQXH6WUHHWVFDSH $VKWDEXOD2KLR 2FWREHU IMPROVE APPERANCE AT GATEWAYS TO DISTRICT ([LVWLQJ&RQGLWLRQV 0DLQ$YHQXH6WUHHWVFDSH $VKWDEXOD2KLR 2FWREHU :HVWWK#&ROOLQV%RXOHYDUG 0DLQ$YHQXH6WUHHWVFDSH $VKWDEXOD2KLR 2FWREHU 3URJ 3URJUHVV3O JUH HVV VV3 3O TIGHTEN RADIUS ON CORNERS IMPROVE PEDESTRIAN CONNECTION : WK :WK K 6WW K6W : WK 6W :WK6W CLARIFY PARKING ([LVWLQJ&RQGLWLRQV 0DLQ$YHQXH6WUHHWVFDSH $VKWDEXOD2KLR 2FWREHU Western Arrival 6W WK : 3URJUHVV3O Access to Parking Lance Corporal Kevin M. Cornelius Memorial Park Veteran’s Park Improve Crosswalks Northern Arrival Restore 2-Way Traffic :WK6W :WK6W Huntington Bank 3URSRVHG 0DLQ$YHQXH6WUHHWVFDSH $VKWDEXOD2KLR 2FWREHU BETTER UTILIZE WIDE SIDEWALKS ([LVWLQJ&RQGLWLRQV 0DLQ$YHQXH6WUHHWVFDSH $VKWDEXOD2KLR 2FWREHU 0DLQ$YHQXHDW+LVWRULF&ORFN 0DLQ$YHQXH6WUHHWVFDSH $VKWDEXOD2KLR 2FWREHU ([LVWLQJ&RQGLWLRQV 0DLQ$YHQXH6WUHHWVFDSH $VKWDEXOD2KLR 2FWREHU 0DLQ$YHQXHDW6KRSV 0DLQ$YHQXH6WUHHWVFDSH $VKWDEXOD2KLR 2FWREHU Honeylocust Lacebark Elm Zelkova 7UHH2SWLRQV 0DLQ$YHQXH6WUHHWVFDSH $VKWDEXOD2KLR 2FWREHU Bench Options Trash Receptacle Options Planter Shape Options )XUQLVKLQJ2SWLRQV 0DLQ$YHQXH6WUHHWVFDSH $VKWDEXOD2KLR 2FWREHU )XUQLVKLQJ2SWLRQV 0DLQ$YHQXH6WUHHWVFDSH $VKWDEXOD2KLR 2FWREHU