Employee Handbook - New Hope Christian Academy


Employee Handbook - New Hope Christian Academy
 New Hope Christian Academy 2264 Walnut Creek Pike Circleville, Ohio 43113 (740) 477­6427 nhchristianacademy.org Employee Handbook Effective as of August 1, 2014 Revised August 1, 2015 This document is for informational purposes only and is not to be construed as an employment agreement, memorandum of understanding, or a contract. New Hope Christian Academy retains the right to amend and/or change policies contained here­within at any time without prior notice. New Hope Christian Academy Employee Handbook Table of Contents Paragraph
Title 0001
Purpose/Vision/Core Values 0010
Employee Acknowledgement 0020
Customer Relations 0025
Working Hours and Pay 0030
Equal Employment Opportunity 0040
Business Ethics and Conduct 0050
Immigration Law Compliance 0060
Conflict of Interest 0070
Non­Disclosure 0080
Disability Accommodations 0090
Personal Data Changes 0100
Introductory Period 0110
Performance Appraisals 0120
Vacation/Sick/Personal Days 0130
Jury Duty 0140
Benefits 0150
Professional Development 0160
Safety and Security 0170
Use of Telephones and E­Mail 0180
Employee Conduct and Work Rules 0190
Personal Appearance 0200
Outside Appearance 0210
Progressive Discipline Appendices Appendix A
Request for Absence Form Appendix B
Discipline Report (PDP) Appendix C
Check­In and Check­Out Procedures Appendix D
Hourly Performance Evaluation (Part­time) Appendix E
Full Time Staff Performance Evaluation Input Form Appendix F
Full Time Staff Evaluation Form Appendix G
Appendix H
Appendix I
Appendix J
Appendix K
Appendix L
Appendix M
Appendix N
Annex O
Early Learning Center ­ Lead Teacher Evaluation Early Learning Center ­ Assistant Teacher Evaluation Faculty Evaluation Process ­ Self Evaluation Faculty Mentor/Peer Evaluation Student Survey Faculty Evaluation Package Professional Development Goal Sheet Faculty Individualized Professional Development Plan Annex for Staff/Faculty/Pastoral Children in the Early Learning Center New Hope Christian Academy Employee Handbook 0001
Purpose/Vision/Core Values Effective Date: 08/01/2014 Revision Date: 07/27/2015 PURPOSE The purpose and goal of New Hope is to provide our students with the very best education with caring, qualified, Christian teachers. Our school provides curriculum, activities, methods, and materials centered in and upon the eternal principles of God's Word and His son, Jesus Christ. Small class sizes provide a high degree of individual interaction. We believe that the education of our students is important because it not only deals with their present lives, but it also affects and shapes their futures. The student's home, church, and school experience should be a preparation for life, a life of walking daily with God and service to man. VISION STATEMENT New Hope Christian Academy is an innovative preKindergarten–high school Christian academy dedicated to excellence by partnering with families and churches in educating future Christian leaders through Christ­centered training, application, and example. Our vision is to become the premier Christian Leadership school in the state of Ohio. CORE VALUES NHCA affirms the following core values: ● Scripture is recognized as the revealed Word of God and is taught as truth. ● A rigorous process of the integration of faith and learning in all academic disciplines is maintained. ● Christian administration and faculty model Christ in teaching and leading ● High academic standards are maintained, and both internal and external evaluation is welcome. ● Curriculum and other programs are characteristically innovative. ● Every student can learn and be successful. ● Parents have the primary responsibility for the education of their children; the school serves as a tool for the parents. ● Teaching of the Bible is a core subject and is essential to the academic curriculum. New Hope Christian Academy stands firmly upon the historical truth claims and moral foundation of Christianity. This includes, but is not limited to the biblical definition of marriage, the attendant boundaries of sexuality and moral conduct, and the clear biblical teaching that gender is both sacred and established by God’s design. The Biblical and philosophical goal of New Hope Christian Academy is to develop students into mature, Christ like individuals who will be able to exhibit a belief of what qualities and/or characteristics exemplify a Christlike life. New Hope Christian Academy retains the right to deny enrollment to or to expel any student who engages in sexual immorality, including any student who professes to be homosexual / bisexual / transgender or is a practicing homosexual / bisexual / transgender, as well as any current student who otherwise promotes such practices (Leviticus 20:13, Romans 1:27). Parents or legal guardians, who choose to apply, are accepted and subsequently enroll their children at New Hope Christian Academy are agreeing to support these and other basic Biblical values derived from historical Christianity and relevant Christian positions. Parents understand and agree that New Hope Christian Academy will teach these principles and Biblical values." New Hope Christian Academy Employee Handbook 0010
Employee Acknowledgement Form Effective Date: 08/01/2014 Revision Date: The Employee Handbook describes and provides important information about New Hope Christian Academy. I understand that I should consult the Head of School or Principal if I have any questions that are not answered in the handbook. I became an employee voluntarily. I understand and acknowledge that my employment is based upon the contractual agreement/Memorandum of Understanding previously signed. I understand and acknowledge that there may be changes to the information, policies, and benefits herein. I understand that New Hope Christian Academy may add new policies to the handbook as well as replace, change, or cancel existing policies. I understand that handbook changes can only be authorized by the Head of School. I understand and acknowledge that this handbook is not a contract of employment. I acknowledge receipt of the handbook and I understand it is my responsibility to read and follow the policies contained within along with any changes made to it in the future. EMPLOYEE’S NAME (​
): _________________________________________________ EMPLOYEE’S SIGNATURE: ______________________________________ DATE: 8­17­15_____ New Hope Christian Academy Employee Handbook 0020
Customer Relations Effective Date: 08/01/2014 Revision Date: New Hope ​
include but are not limited to our students, parents, grandparents, church members and community. Each and everyone of them is very important to us. Every employee represents New Hope Christian Academy to our customers as well as the community­at­large. One of the highest priorities at New Hope is to help any customer or potential customer in a Christian manner ­ nothing is more important than to be courteous, friendly, prompt, and helpful. As an employee, your contact with the community, your telephone manners, as well as any form of communication you send reflect on both New Hope and yourself. We are an educational organization and therefore we must check the grammar of our emails and any other written correspondence. Good customer relations will build greater customer loyalty, thus increase long term viability. New Hope Christian Academy Employee Handbook 0025
Working Hours and Pay Effective Date: 08/01/2014 Revision Date: I. Categories of Employees: New Hope classifies its employees as follows: A. Full Time Regular Employees: Employees hired to work New Hope’s normal, full­time work week on a regular basis. Full time employees are entitled to the benefits as set forth in their contract or memorandum of understanding provided they qualify ­ per their contract/agreement. Full­time work week shall mean any workweek in which an employee works at least 32 hours for New Hope Christian Academy. B. Part­time regular employees: Employees hired to work fewer than 32 hours per week on a regular basis. C. Temporary Employees: Employees engaged to work full­time or part­time with the understanding that their employment will be terminated no later than the completion of a specific assignment or project. Temporary employees are not eligible for benefits. D. Volunteers: In many cases at New Hope, there are opportunities for people to volunteer for certain duties and responsibilities at New Hope Christian Academy. Volunteers are not eligible for benefits. E. Staff Employees: Staff employees include the Head of School, Principal, Dean of Academics/Curriculum, Financial Officer, Admissions, Intervention Specialist, and the ELC Director ­ these employees are not required to be paid overtime, in accordance with applicable federal wage and hour laws. Executives and professional employees (Faculty and Staff at New Hope Christian Academy) are typically exempt employees. F. Faculty: Faculty are professional teachers employed by New Hope Christian Academy. This includes Classroom teachers as well as tutors. G. Early Learning Center(ELC) Staff: Any adult member of the Early Learning Center that provides learning and supervision. II. Working Hours: The standard workweek for Full­time employees is from 12:01 a.m. Sunday until 12:00 midnight Saturday. All employees are to check with their supervisor for their scheduled hours of work. III. Severe Weather Conditions and Emergency Closings: Inclement weather conditions that prevent employees from reporting to work are a situation over which New Hope has no control. Therefore, in fairness to all, if the office is open, hourly employees will not be paid if they are unable to come in for work. The decision to close will be made by either the Principal or Head of School. Employees will be informed as soon as possible after the decision is made to close. New Hope Christian Academy Employee Handbook 0030
Equal Employment Opportunity Effective Date: 08/01/2014 Revision Date: To give equal employment and advancement opportunities to all people, New Hope makes employment decisions based on a person’s performance, qualifications, and abilities. New Hope does not discriminate in employment opportunities or practices on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, age, disability or any other characteristic covered by law. However, an employee must sign a Statement of Faith and Life Style Statement per attached in order to be considered an employee at New Hope Christian Academy. New Hope will make reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with known disabilities unless making the reasonable accommodations would result in an undue hardship to New Hope Christian Academy. Our Equal Employment Opportunity policy covers all employment practices, including selection, job assignment, compensation, discipline, termination, and access to benefits and training. If you have any question about any type of discrimination at work, please feel free to speak with the Director of Finance, the Principal, or Head of School. Also, if we find out that anyone was illegally discriminating, that person will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal/termination of employment. New Hope Christian Academy 2264 Walnut Creek Pike Circleville, Ohio 43113 (740) 477­6427 nhchristianacademy.org Life­Style Statement New Hope Christian Academy is a religious, nonprofit organization representing Jesus Christ throughout the local community. New Hope requires its employees to be born­again Christians, living their lives as Christian role models (Romans 10: 9­10; 1 Timothy 4: 12; and Luke 6: 40). Employees will conduct themselves in a way that will not raise questions regarding their Christian testimonies. A Christian lifestyle should reflect the Biblical perspective of integrity, appropriate personal and family relationships, business conduct, and moral behavior. An employee is expected to demonstrate a teachable spirit, an ability to share love for others, a willingness to live contently under authority, and a commitment to follow the Matthew 18 principle when an issue arises with fellow employees or leadership. New Hope Christian Academy’s Statement of Faith expects employees to maintain a lifestyle based on Biblical standards of moral conduct. Moral misconduct, which violates the bona fide occupational qualification for employees to be Christian role models, includes, but is not limited to, promiscuity and homosexual behavior or any other violation of the unique roles of males and females (Romans 1: 21­27; 1 Corinthians 6: 9­20). New Hope Christian Academy believes that Biblical marriage is limited to a covenant relationship between a man and a woman. New Hope Christian Academy employees will maintain a lifestyle based on Biblical standards of conduct. Failure to do so may result in reprimand (verbal or in writing), or in some cases, dismissal from employment at the Academy. ___8­17­15_____________________________________
_____________________ Signature
Date New Hope Christian Academy 2264 Walnut Creek Pike Circleville, Ohio 43113 (740) 477­6427 nhchristianacademy.org Statement of Faith/Moral Integrity New Hope Christian Academy expects all of its employees, as well as volunteers who have unsupervised access to children, to model the same Christian values and lifestyles that it seeks to inculcate in its students. As an applicant for a ministry position as an employee or as a volunteer at New Hope, I ___________________________, recognize, understand, and agree to live by the Christian moral standards of the school. I declare that as a follower of Christ, I am not engaging in and commit to not engage in inappropriate sexual conduct. Inappropriate conduct includes, but is not limited to, such behaviors as the following: heterosexual activity outside marriage (e.g., premarital sex, cohabitation, extramarital sex), homosexual activity, sexual harassment, use of (including the viewing of) pornographic material or websites, as well as sexual abuse or improprieties toward minors as defined by Scripture and Federal and/or State law. I declare that the above statement is factual and true. The signature below indicates that I meet the moral integrity and statement of faith standards and Christian role model lifestyle requirements of New Hope Christian Academy. 8­17­15 __________________________________________
____________________ Signature
Date _________________________________________
____________________ Head of School
Date New Hope Christian Academy Employee Handbook 0040
Business Ethics and Conduct Effective Date: 08/01/2014 Revision Date: We expect our employees to be ethical in their conduct. It affects our reputation as a Christian Academy as well as our organizational success. New Hope Christian Academy requires all employees to carefully follow all laws and regulations, and have the highest standards of conduct and personal integrity. Our continued success and long term viability depends on our customers’ (families) trust. Employees owe a duty to New Hope Christian Academy and our customers to act in a way that will earn and maintain continued trust and confidence of the families and community­at­large. As an organization, New Hope will comply with all applicable laws and regulations. We expect all employees to conduct business in accordance with the letter, spirit, and intent of all relevant laws and to not do anything that is illegal, dishonest, or unethical. If you use good judgement and follow Godly principles of conduct and ethics, you will make the right decisions. It is the responsibility of every New Hope employee to comply with our policy of business ethics and conduct. Employees who ignore or do not comply with this standard of ethical behavior may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including possible termination of employment. I agree to manifest by daily example the highest Christian virtue, serving as a Christian role model (1 Timothy 4:12) both in and out of the Academy ­ to students (Luke 6:40), parents, and fellow employees. I agree that instruction is not only through rational explanation of formal subject material, but even more powerfully through word, deed, example, and shared experience. I have read the Academy’s Life Style Statement and agree to follow it 24/7 during the entire time of my employment at New Hope Christian Academy. New Hope Christian Academy Employee Handbook 0050
Immigration Law Compliance Effective Date: 08/01/2014 Revision Date: New Hope Christian Academy is committed to employing only people who are United States citizens or who are aliens legally authorized to work in the United States. We do not illegally discriminate because of a person’s citizenship or national origin. Because we comply with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, every new employee at New Hope Christian Academy is required to complete the Employment Eligibility Verification Form I­9 and show documents that prove their identity and employment eligibility. New Hope Christian Academy Employee Handbook 0060
Conflict of Interest Effective Date: 08/01/2014 Revision Date: New Hope Christian Academy has guidelines to avoid real or potential conflicts of interest. It is your duty as an employee of New Hope to follow the guidelines about conflicts of interest as noted below. What is a Conflict of Interest? An actual or potential conflict of interest is when you are in a position to influence a decision or have business dealings on behalf of New Hope that might result in a personal gain for you or one of your relatives. For conflicts of interest, a relative is any person who is related to you by blood or marriage or whose relationship with you is similar to being a relative even though they are not related by blood or marriage. New Hope does not automatically assume that there is a conflict of interest if you have a relationship with another company. However, if you have any influence on transactions involving purchases, contracts, or leases, you must tell either the Principal or Head of School as soon as possible. By telling one or both there is the possibility of an actual or potential conflict of interest, we can set up safeguards to protect everyone involved. The possibility for personal gain is not limited to situations where you or your relative has a significant ownership in a firm with which New Hope does business. Personal gains can also result from situations where you or your relative receives a kickback, bribe, substantial gift, or special consideration as a result of a transaction or business dealing involving New Hope Christian Academy. New Hope Christian Academy Employee Handbook 0070
Non­Disclosure Effective Date: 08/01/2014 Revision Date: It is important to New Hope Christian Academy that we protect confidential business information. Confidential information includes but is not limited to: * Compensation data * Computer processes * Computer programming and codes * Parent/Family information * Customer preferences * Financial information * Labor relations strategies * Marketing strategies * Pending projects and proposals * Proprietary production processes * Research and development strategies * Scientific data * Scientific prototypes * Technological data or prototypes If you have access to confidential information, New Hope may ask that you sign a non­disclosure agreement as a condition of your employment. If you improperly use or disclose confidential business information, you will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment and legal action. This applies even if you do not gain any benefit from releasing the information. New Hope Christian Academy Employee Handbook 0080
Disability Accommodations Effective Date: 08/01/2014 Revision Date: New Hope Christian Academy is committed to complying fully with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA). We are also committed to ensuring equal opportunity in employment for qualified persons with known disabilities. We conduct all our employment practices and activities on a non­discriminatory basis. We do make pre­employment inquiries regarding an applicant’s ability to perform the duties of the job ­ this is done during the hiring review process. New Hope may require post­offer medical examinations only for jobs that have a bona fide job­related physical requirement (s). Medical records will be kept separately and confidential. Reasonable accommodation(s) is(are) available to an employee with a known disability when the disability affects the performance of job functions. We make our employment decisions based on the merits of the situation in accordance with defined criteria, not the disability of the individual. Qualified individuals with disabilities are entitled to equal pay and other forms of compensation (or changes in compensation) as well as job assignments, classifications, organizational structures, position descriptions, lines of progression, and seniority lists. We make all types of leaves of absence available to all employees on an equal basis.. New Hope Christian Academy is committed to taking all other actions that are necessary to ensure equal employment opportunity for persons with disabilities in accordance with the ADA and any other applicable federal, state, and local laws. New Hope Christian Academy Employee Handbook 0090
Personal Data Changes Effective Date: 08/01/2014 Revision Date: It is important that New Hope Christian Academy have certain personal information about you in our records. You need to tell us as soon as there are any changes to your mailing address, telephone numbers, marital status, dependents’ information, educational accomplishments, and other possibly related information. We also need to have information about who to contact in case of an emergency. To make changes, please contact the Director of Finance. New Hope Christian Academy Employee Handbook 0100
Introductory Period Effective Date: 08/01/2014 Revision Date: New Hope Christian Academy has a 90 day introductory period for new employees. During the introductory period, we will evaluate your work habits and abilities to ensure you can perform your job satisfactorily. The introductory period also gives you time to decide if the new job meets your expectations. If you are absent for a significant amount of time during your 90 day introductory period, the length of the absence will automatically extend the introductory period. We may also extend your introductory period if we decide it was not long enough to evaluate your performance. This could happen anytime during the initial introductory period. New Hope Christian Academy Employee Handbook 0110
Performance Appraisals Effective Date: 08/01/2014 Revision Date: Performance management is an essential tool for communication between managers and employers to discuss job performance as well as growth and development. New Hope Christian Academy supports employees to perform their duties and responsibilities in a professional manner, enabling them to obtain their individual professional goals as well as the goals of the organization. New Hope Christian Academy will implement a 360 degree performance evaluation process. For staff, this means they provide inputs to their supervisor (Appendix E). For faculty, this means they too provide their inputs to the Principal. For all High School teachers, they are required to ask for student input (Appendix I). Performance appraisals serve as an essential tool for supervisors to assess, review the performance and plan development of each employee. On­going performance management provides a clear and open line of communication between management and employees as well as an opportunity for positive reinforcement and mentoring for improvement. You will be evaluated by your supervisor to discuss your performance and goals, identify and correct areas of improvement, and encourage, celebrate, and recognize your strengths. The Annual Performance Appraisal process for Staff members will be accomplished as of April 1 of each school year. The Performance Appraisal of faculty will be done periodically during the school year during the school year. New Teachers will be evaluated in the classroom twice during the academic year. All New Hope veteran teachers (defined as teaching at New Hope for more than three (3) years) will be evaluated a minimum of once during the academic year. See Appendix I for details. The ELC Staff will be evaluated based on their individual hire date. Each employee is highly encouraged to discuss job performance and goals on an informal, day­to­day basis as well. New Hope Christian Academy Employee Handbook 0120
Vacation Effective Date: 08/01/2014 Revision Date: 07/20/2015 K­12 Faculty and Staff: Refer to your contract for specific details regarding health care benefits, sick leave, personal days, bereavement leave, and holidays. Early Learning Center Staff: Vacation time will not be carried over from year to year. Any unused time will be lost. No pay will be given for unused vacation time during employment. All vacation time must have prior approval from the ELC Director/ Principal/Head of School. Schedule of accrued vacation: a. 5 days of vacation (1 week) after completing the first year of employment, and for the second year of employment. b. 10 days of vacation (2 weeks) for the 4th ­ 6th year of employment. c. 15 days of vacation (3 weeks) starting the 7th year of employment. Note​
: Employees who elect to resign/depart New Hope upon completion of a minimum of 2 years of employment, will receive all accrued vacation pay that has not been used during their current contract period. Sick Leave Eligible employees will accrue ½ a day of sick leave per month of employment. unless otherwise stated in individual contracts. ELC staff have the ability to accrue sick days beginning this year (2015­2016). This accumulation will start after completing the 90­day introductory period. Employees are allowed to accumulate up to 90 days of sick leave. New Hope Christian Academy reserves the right to request a doctor’s note for any extended sick leave used. Extended sick leave is defined as any sick leave that requires more than 3 consecutive days of absence. Any unused sick time will be forfeited upon resignation or termination of employment. Personal Days Eligible employees will receive 2 personal days per year after completing the 90­day introductory period. Prior approval from your supervisor is required for all Personal Days. Any unused Personal Days will accrue as sick time at the end of the year. One additional personal day is earned once an employee shows proof he/she had an annual physical. Annual physicals are not required but encouraged. Any unused personal days will be forfeited upon resignation or termination of employment. Bereavement Leave New Hope Christian Academy provides bereavement leave to employees who need to take time off because of an immediate family member’s death. To request bereavement leave, see your supervisor. New Hope will grant employees up to three (3) days leave of absence with no loss of pay. New Hope will normally give you bereavement leave unless there are business reasons that require you to be at work. Accrued sick leave and/or vacation days may be applied to any extra time lost in excess of three (3) days. Immediate family is considered to be mother, father, spouse, child, brother, sister, grandparent, father­in­law, mother­in­law, stepparent, step child, step­sister, or step­brother. New Hope will consider requests for bereavement leave if someone dies who was as close to you as an immediate family member. Holidays Full time employees in the ELC receive seven paid holidays based on the average number of hours worked per work. These include: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day; July 4, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and the Friday after Thanksgiving; and Christmas and the day after Christmas. No paid holidays are received during the 90­day introductory period. Life­threatening Illnesses in the workplace Employees with life­threatening illnesses, such as cancer, heart disease, and others, often wish to continue their normal lives, including work, to the degree that they can. New Hope Christian Academy wants to help these employees to work as long as they continue to meet acceptable performance standards. As is the case of other disabilities, we will make reasonable accommodations in accordance with legal requirements to allow qualified employees with life­threatening illnesses to perform the essential functions of their jobs. New Hope Christian Academy Employee Handbook 0130
Jury Duty Effective Date: 08/01/2014 Revision Date: New Hope Christian Academy encourages you to fulfill your civic duties and responsibilities by serving jury duty if you receive a summons. You may request unpaid jury duty leave for the absence. You may also use any available paid time off benefits you have, such as vacation, to be paid for an unpaid jury duty leave. If you receive a jury duty summons, show it to your supervisor as soon as possible. This will help New Hope plan for your possible absence from work. No employee who is summoned and appears for jury duty for 4 or more hours, including travel time, in one day will be required to start any work shift that begins on or after 5 PM (custodians for example) on the day of the employee’s appearance for jury duty. Either you or New Hope Christian Academy may ask the court to excuse you from jury duty if necessary. We may ask that you be relieved from going on jury duty if we think your absence would cause serious operational problems for New Hope. New Hope Christian Academy Employee Handbook 0140
Benefits Effective Date: 08/01/2014 Revision Date: New Hope Christian Academy is not liable to reimburse ELC/Faculty/Staff for any benefit not used in the benefit package. The Academy reserves the right to change benefit providers and plans during the contract year at its sole discretion. K­12 Faculty and Staff should refer to their individual contracts for specific benefits. New Hope Christian Academy Employee Handbook 0150 Professional Development Effective Date: 08/01/2014 Revision Date: New Hope Christian Academy provides professional development opportunities for employees who seek self­improvement through continuing education. Professional development dollars are limited. Courses must be pre­approved in writing by the Principal/Head of School. Courses taken without pre­approval will not be reimbursed. Limited funds are budgeted and appropriated for continuing education and professional development. The course must relate to the job duties of the employee. Your individual academic plan must be presented to the Principal and Head of School for approval. Faculty should also refer to Appendix M for further information regarding their specific Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP). Employees will be reimbursed at a rate of $250.00 per 3 credit hour course, after the course is completed. Only courses completed with a grade of “B” or above will be reimbursed. by New Hope Christian Academy. In the event an employee takes advantage of the professional development benefit at New Hope Christian Academy, the employee will be obligated to remain at New Hope for at least two years upon completion of their course or degree completion. If an employee leaves New Hope employment before their obligation is fulfilled, they may be required to reimburse New Hope for the dollars spent. New Hope Christian Academy Employee Handbook 0160
Safety and Security Effective Date: 08/01/2014 Revision Date: A. Safety: New Hope Christian Academy is committed to providing a safe, healthy, and secure working and learning environment for our faculty, staff, and students. As such, we make every effort to comply with relevant federal and state occupational health and safety laws and to develop the best feasible operations, procedures, technologies, and programs conducive to the working environment. All employees are expected to work diligently to maintain safe and healthful working conditions and to adhere to proper operating practices and procedures designed to prevent injuries and illnesses. The responsibility of all employees includes: 1. Exercise maximum care and good judgement at all times to prevent accidents and injuries. 2. Reporting to supervisors and seeking first aid for all injuries, regardless of how minor. 3. Reporting unsafe conditions, equipment, or practices to supervisory personnel or the Safety Officer (Principal). 4. Using safety equipment provided by New Hope at all times. 5. Observing conscientiously all safety rules and regulations ­ at all times. 6. Notifying your supervisor before the workday if you are taking any medication that may cause drowsiness or other side effects that could lead to injury to the employee, co­workers, students, or other customers. 7. Every employee must wear a seatbelt in any vehicle or piece of equipment where such a safety device is provided. Speed limit signs must be adhered to at all times as well. B. Reporting of Injuries and Accidents: When any accident, injury, or illness occurs while an employee is at work, it must be reported to the Principal/Head of School as soon as possible, regardless of the nature or severity. C. Violence Prevention Policy: Matthew 18 prevails in all incidents. D. Inspections: In order to safeguard the property of our employees, students, parents, customers and New Hope, New Hope reserves the right to inspect any packages, parcels, purses, handbags, briefcases, lunchboxes, vehicles or any other possessions, articles, or affects carried to and from New Hope and Heritage Church of the Nazarene. New Hope also reserves the right to search any employee’s office desk, files, locker, etc. New Hope Christian Academy Employee Handbook 0170
Use of telephones Effective Date: 08/01/2014 Revision Date: Our telephone communications are an important reflection of our image to our families and the community. Always use proper telephone etiquette. Examples of proper etiquette include but are not limited to: An approved greeting; speak clearly and in a professional and courteous manner; and only hang up after the caller hangs up. Use of email Our email conversations are a form of communication and as such are an important reflection of our image to our customers and the community. Always use proper email etiquette. The Internet and Social Media In today’s world, social media and the internet have become a major influencer in our day­to­day lives. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, texting, on­line gaming etc are all forms of communication. As employees of New Hope Christian Academy, ​
we are not allowed to communicate or interact in any manner with students via social networking media.​
There are inherent risks that an employee takes when communicating with students by way of non­sanctioned social networking or online gaming. These include revealing confidential, personal, or inappropriate information, as well as exposing the Academy and employee to potential liability for any information shared, given or obtained through these means and outside school norms. Employees who have knowledge of any rule­breaking or risk of harm to students or others via conversations, photographs or videos posted online are responsible for addressing or reporting such rule­breaking consistent with Academy policy and applicable law. Employees are urged to make certain that their personal social networking profiles are set to “private” and that personal information is not available to “friends of friends” or other peripheral contacts, thereby making it difficult for students, parents and others to access information about an employee’s private life. When an employee considers creating an online presence for personal or other reasons (blogging, personal websites, etc), the Academy asks the employee to consider the potential impact of having students and/or their parents viewing the posted content. Employees who violate this policy may be subject to corrective or disciplinary actions, up to and including dismissal/termination of employment. New Hope Christian Academy Employee Handbook 0180
Employee Conduct and Work Rules Effective Date: 08/01/2014 Revision Date: (1) The employee agrees he or she is a “born­again” Christian who knows the Lord Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior (John 3:3; Peter 1:23). The employee accepts without verbal or mental reservations the Academy’s Statement of Faith and is committed to upholding it. (2) The employee agrees to manifest by daily example the highest Christian virtue, serving as a Christian role model (1 Timothy 4:12) both in and out of the Academy ­ to students (Luke 6:40), parents, and fellow employees. The employee agrees that instruction is not only through rational explanation of formal subject material, but even more powerfully through word, deed, example, and shared experience. The employee has read the Academy’s Life Style Statement and agrees to follow it 24/7 during the entire time of employment at New Hope Christian Academy. (3) The employee has carefully read and fully agrees that his or her life meets the requirements of the Academy’s declaration of moral integrity/statement of faith and he or she will abide by the Biblical precepts set forth in the declaration of moral integrity. The employee also agrees that the unique roles of the male and female are clearly defined in Scripture, and that Romans 1:24­32 condemns the homosexual lifestyle (Romans 12: 1­2; 1 Corinthians 6: 9­20; Ephesians 4: 1­11, 5: 3­5; 1 Thessalonians 4: 3­8; 1 Timothy 4: 12; 2 Timothy 2: 19­22; 1 Peter 1: 15­16, 2: 15­17; John 3: 1­3). Failure to agree and comply will result in dismissal from the Academy. (4) The employee agrees to faithfully participate in a local church whose fundamental beliefs are in agreement with the Statement of Faith of New Hope Christian Academy (Hebrews 10:25). (5) The employee agrees to observe appropriate confidentiality in matters regarding student, parent, and Academy personnel. (6) The employee agrees to inform the Administration, without delay, of any fraud, false entry, substantial error, embezzlement, or employee misconduct that he or she discovers or knows to have taken place in any records, property, or funds of the organization, and report to the Principal or Head of School any transaction or matter that seems damaging to the organization. (7) The employee understands that New Hope Christian Academy is a department of Heritage Church of the Nazarene Circleville. It is understood that when an employee accepts a position with New Hope/Heritage Church of the Nazarene, he/she agrees to be supportive and loyal to the mission of both the organizations. (8) The employee understands that New Hope Christian Academy employees have the right to work in an environment free from any unlawful discrimination. Sexual harassment is constituted as discrimination and is prohibited by state and federal laws. This will not be tolerated and such conduct will result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. Investigations will be conducted of all incidents of alleged harassment. Note: New Hope Christian Academy reserves the right to monitor, access, retrieve, read, listen and delete any communication that is created upon, received through or sent from the electronic communication systems, computer systems, or telephone systems to assure compliance with this or any other New Hope policy, or otherwise when New Hope deems it appropriate to do so. New Hope Christian Academy Employee Handbook 0190 Personal Appearance Effective Date: 08/01/2014 Revision Date: New Hope Christian Academy prides itself on providing a learning environment free of distractions. One’s personal appearance ­ how one dresses, how neat you are, and personal hygiene can influence what customers and visitors think about New Hope Christian Academy. Personal appearance can also impact the morale of coworkers. It is therefore very important for every New Hope employee to dress appropriately when they are on campus. During school and normal business hours, or whenever you represent New Hope Christian Academy, you should be clean, well groomed, and wear appropriate clothes. Smoking: Effective Date: 08/01/2014 New Hope Christian Academy is a “smoke­free” campus. No employee is to chew tobacco, smoke, or use any other type of tobacco product on school grounds. New Hope Christian Academy Employee Handbook 0200 Outside Employment Effective Date: 08/01/2014 Revision Date: The first obligation of all employees is to New Hope Christian Academy. He/she is expected to give the Academy a full day’s work as assigned. There may also be other assignments that may be designated by school officials as well. Outside employment that does not interfere with the Academy employment and does not discredit New Hope or Heritage Church of the Nazarene may be arranged through prior approval of the Head of School through the Principal. The Head of School does reserve the right to disapprove any request for outside employment. New Hope Christian Academy Employee Handbook 0210
Progressive Discipline Effective Date: 08/01/2014 Revision Date: This is New Hope’s policy for administering fair and consistent discipline for unsatisfactory conduct and/or work performance. It is important to make sure all employees are treated fairly and that disciplinary actions are prompt, consistent, and impartial. Disciplinary action may be any of the following four steps: 1. Verbal warning. 2. Written warning. 3. Suspension with or without pay. 4. Termination of employment. Note: There may be circumstances when one or more steps are bypassed. By using the progressive discipline model, the Academy prays that most employee problems can be corrected at an early stage, benefiting both the employee and New Hope Christian Academy In serious situations, some types of employee problems may justify either a suspension, or, in some situations, termination of employment, without going through the usual progressive discipline approach. Access to Personnel Records: It is the policy of New Hope Christian Academy to furnish information contained in the employee’s personnel file when a lawful subpoena or court order has been properly served by one having the authority to do so. Terminations In the event an employee is terminated as a result of discharge for cause, that employee will be required to return all Academy equipment such as keys, cell phones, credit cards, laptops, etc as soon as possible. Employees terminated involuntarily or for dismissal for cause will not be allowed on campus once termination is effective. Appendix A Request for Absence Form REPORT OF ABSENCE FOR: NAME​
______________________________ Each employee must fill out this form for ALL absences planned and unplanned (in the case of illnesses). 1. Complete this form for ANY period of absence. 2. Turn this form into the office for approval of the Administration and also for a substitute to be called and assigned for your class. 3. You will NOT receive a copy of this form back UNLESS there is a question or the absence is not approved. 4. If your plans change, please resubmit this form. I WAS absent or WILL BE absent on the date(s) indicated below. Please charge this time as marked. DATE(S) OF ABSENCE NO OF DAYS* CHARGE AS NAME OF See List Below **
SUBSTITUTE ________________
____________ *If less than full day, indicate hours. **Type of day charged: 1. Sick Day or Medical Appt.
3. Vacation Day 2. Personal Day 4. Professional Development SIgnature: ____________________________________ Date: ________________________ Approved by: ________________________________ Principal/Head of School Appendix B Discipline Report Progressive Discipline Plan Employee Name: ____________________________
Date: _______________ This action is: Verbal Warning: ____Written Warning: ______
Final Written Warning: ______ 1. The following is a specific description of the issue, situation, or behavior of which has been brought to the attention of the Administration which may have a negative impact on your performance or may be adverse to the good order and discipline of New Hope Christian Academy: Date/Time of Incident: ___________________. Further details as necessary: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________. 2. The following immediate change(s) is(are) required for your future success: a. __________________________________________________. b. __________________________________________________. c. __________________________________________________. 3. The following are recommended for continuous success: a. _________________________________________________. b. _________________________________________________. c. _________________________________________________. 4. The following is what the Administration will do for you in order to assist and support you: a. ________________________________________________. b. ________________________________________________. c. ________________________________________________. 5. Continued/repeated performance issues will result in additional consequences up to and including termination. General Comments: ______________________________________________________________. Employee Signature: ______________________Manager/Supervisor Signature: ________________ Note:​
Your signature is considered acknowledgement of receiving the progressive discipline plan. Appendix C Check­In and Check­out Procedures Check­In Name: _________________________________
Date: ____________ Initials _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
Contract/Time Card
Head of School/Principal
Direct Deposit Form
Director of Finance
Copy of Employee Manual
Director of Finance
Fingerprint Card
Director of Finance
Assigned a Mentor (Faculty)
Employee Signature: ____________________________________________________________. ******************************************************************************
****************************************************************************** Check­out (Resignation/Termination) Reason for Departure
Head of School/Principal
______ Resignation/Dismissal/Layoff Forwarding Address
Director of Finance
______ Credit Card Turn­in
Director of Finance
______ Key Turn­in
______ Employee Signature: ___________________________________________________________. Note: ​
This does not replace the Faculty End­of­Year Checklist. Appendix D Hourly Performance Evaluation (Part Time) Employee Name: _______________________
Date of Evaluation: ____________ Job Title: _____________________________
Department: _________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Rating Scale 1. UNSATISFACTORY:
Major shortcomings in performance. Progressive Discipline Plan required. 2. MARGINAL:
Improvement needed in some key job areas. Considerable guidance and supervision is required. Progressive Discipline Plan required. 3. COMPETENT:
Responsibilities are met in a satisfactory manner. Normal guidance and supervision is required. 4. SUPERIOR:
Generally exceeds requirements with minimal to no guidance. Well above average performance. 5. DISTINGUISHED:
Conspicuously meritorious performance. Consistently exceeds all requirements. Directions: Rate each area by placing the number commensurate with the rating scale that best describes the employee’s performance in each area described below. Comments should be made in order to support the numerical grade given. Knowledge of Job: Demonstrates understanding of the basic fundamentals and job procedures. Rating: __________
Comments: _______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Quality of Work: Consider the level of accuracy, uniformity, thoroughness of work. Rating: __________
Comments: _______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Productivity: Effectiveness in completing required work assignments. Rating: __________
Comments: _______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Dependability: Follows Manager/Supervisor instructions and requests. Exhibits sound judgement. Rating: __________
Comments: _______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Human Relations: Deals with colleagues, guests, families, and students respectfully and effectively. Rating: __________
Comments: _______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Initiative: Strives to find ways to complete assignments with minimum supervision. Rating: __________
Comments: _______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Overall Evaluation: Average all the ratings above. Overall Rating: __________
Manager/Supervisor Comments: _______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________. Employee Comments: _______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________. I agree that this performance evaluation has been reviewed and discussed with me. ______________________________
______________ Employee Signature
Date 8­17­15 This performance evaluation has been discussed with the employee. ______________________________
______________ Manager/Supervisor Signature
Date Appendix E Staff Performance Evaluation Input Form Employee Name: _______________________
Date: ______________ Job Title: _____________________________ Directions: Place an “X” in each section by the best description of the employee’s performance. Include comments in the appropriate section below that supports the rating in each area. Job Knowledge
Judgement/Decisions _____ Not observed
______ Not observed _____ Has gaps in job skills
______ Decisions often unsound _____ Has a good knowledge
______ Judgement is usually good _____ Has excellent knowledge
______ Shows good judgement _____ Exceptional knowledge
______ Accurate decision maker _____ Visionary knowledge
______ Consistent on complex matters Planning Ability
Resource Management _____ Not observed
______ Not observed _____ Relies on others
______ Ineffective _____ Plans enough to get by
______ Barely effective _____ Effective planner
______ Conserves through positive control _____ Exceptional planner
______ Above expectations _____ Visionary planner
______ Exceptionally effective Productivity
Adaptability _____ Not observed
______ Not observed _____ Below expectations
______ Below expectations _____ Meets expectations
______ Declines under stress _____ Above expectations
______ Changes as required _____ Well above expectations
______ Performs well under stress _____ Superior expectations
______ Clearly outstanding Writing Ability
Oral Expression _____ Not observed
______ Not observed _____ Unable to express thoughts
_____ Expressions good on routine
_____ Expressions usually clear
_____ Expressions well above average
______ Unable to express thoughts ______ Expressions good on routine ______ Expressions usually clear ______ Expressions well above average ______ Clearly outstanding _____ Clearly outstanding
Human Relations
Quality of Work _____ Not observed
______ Not observed _____ Can’t get along with peers
______ Below standards _____ Difficult to get along with
______ Barely adequate standards _____ Has average relationship skills
______ Meets standards _____ Has above average relationship skills
______ Above average _____ Outstanding relationship skills
______ Superior Overall Evaluation _____ Not Observed _____ Unsatisfactory _____ Marginal _____ Good _____ Very Good _____ Exceptional Manager Comments Job Knowledge: Judgement/Decisions: Planning Ability: Resource Management: Productivity: Adaptability: Written Expression: Oral Expression: Human Relations: Quality of Work: Overall: Employee comments ______________________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________. I agree that this performance evaluation has been reviewed and discussed with me. ______________________________
______________ Employee Signature
Date 8­17­15 This performance evaluation has been discussed with the employee. ______________________________
______________ Manager/Supervisor Signature
Date Appendix F Staff Evaluation Form Employee Name: _______________________
Date: ______________ Job Title: _____________________________ Directions: Place an “X” in each section by the best description of the employee’s performance. Include comments in the appropriate section below that supports the rating in each area. Job Knowledge
Judgement/Decisions _____ Not observed
______ Not observed _____ Has gaps in job skills
______ Decisions often unsound _____ Has a good knowledge
______ Judgement is usually good _____ Has excellent knowledge
______ Shows good judgement _____ Exceptional knowledge
______ Accurate decision maker _____ Visionary knowledge
______ Consistent on complex matters Planning Ability
Resource Management _____ Not observed
______ Not observed _____ Relies on others
______ Ineffective _____ Plans enough to get by
______ Barely effective _____ Effective planner
______ Conserves through positive control _____ Exceptional planner
______ Above expectations _____ Visionary planner
______ Exceptionally effective Productivity
Adaptability _____ Not observed
______ Not observed _____ Below expectations
______ Below expectations _____ Meets expectations
______ Declines under stress _____ Above expectations
______ Changes as required _____ Well above expectations
______ Performs well under stress _____ Superior expectations
______ Clearly outstanding Writing Ability
Oral Expression _____ Not observed
______ Not observed _____ Unable to express thoughts
______ Unable to express thoughts _____ Expressions good on routine
_____ Expressions usually clear
_____ Expressions well above average
______ Expressions good on routine ______ Expressions usually clear ______ Expressions well above average ______ Clearly outstanding _____ Clearly outstanding
Human Relations
Quality of Work _____ Not observed
______ Not observed _____ Can’t get along with peers
______ Below standards _____ Difficult to get along with
______ Barely adequate standards _____ Has average relationship skills
______ Meets standards _____ Has above average relationship skills
______ Above average _____ Outstanding relationship skills
______ Superior Overall Evaluation _____ Not Observed _____ Unsatisfactory _____ Marginal _____ Good _____ Very Good _____ Exceptional Manager Comments Job Knowledge: Judgement/Decisions: Planning Ability: Resource Management: Productivity: Adaptability: Written Expression: Oral Expression: Human Relations: Quality of Work: Overall: Employee comments ______________________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________. I agree that this performance evaluation has been reviewed and discussed with me. ______________________________
______________ Employee Signature
Date 8­17­15 This performance evaluation has been discussed with the employee. ______________________________
______________ Manager/Supervisor Signature
Date Appendix G Early Learning Center ­ Lead teacher Evaluation Employee Evaluation
Employee Name:
Title: Lead Teacher
Evaluation for the
period: 2014-2015 SY
Supervisor: Whitney Wrightsel
Title: Director of Early Learning Center
Goals and objectives for this evaluation
∙ Achievements, accomplishments, and
responsibilities ​
(completed by employee)
∙ Evaluation ​
(completed by supervisor)
∙ ​
­­Lead Teacher is able to provide ∙ information to the Administrator about happenings in the classroom (i.e.: student information, parent information) ∙ ​
­­Information is disseminated to parents on a regular basis. ∙ ​
­­ Lead teacher communicates appropriately with staff. ∙ ​
­­Lesson plans are filed in the office by Friday. ∙ ​
­­Room is clean and orderly, with attractive bulletin boards and work displayed (when appropriate). ∙ ​
Required in­service training has been met in the time frame required, regularly attends staff meetings and functions, and assists with special programs presented by the children. ∙ ​
­­Records are kept of conferences and are on file in the Administrator’s office. ∙ ​
­­Daily program and procedures are conducted in accordance with school policy and state requirements as described. Strengths and areas for development
∙ Career development plan
∙ Goals and objectives for next evaluation
∙ Employee Signature
Supervisor Signature
Appendix H Early Learning Center ­ Assistant Teacher Employee Evaluation
Employee Name:
Title: Assistant Teacher
Evaluation for the
period: 2014-2015 SY Supervisor: Whitney Wrightsel
Title: Director of Early Learning Center
Goals and objectives for this evaluation
∙ Achievements, accomplishments, and
responsibilities ​
(completed by employee)
∙ Evaluation ​
(completed by supervisor)
Met-1. Help conduct and supervise the
daily class activities.
Met-2. Assist lead teacher in developing
lesson plans.
Met-3. Supervise children, maintaining
their health and safety.
Met-4. Provide adequate and
age-appropriate care of children.
Met-5. Involve children in activities
which provide opportunities for
appropriate social, emotional, physical,
and spiritual development.
Met-6. Help create an environment that
is secure, warm, and accepting for
Met-7. Communicate with lead teacher
about problems in the classroom.
∙ Met-8. Communicate with all employees
in an acceptable Christ like manner.
Met-9. Participate in appropriate training
experiences and staff meetings.
Met-10. Good attendance is required,
including limited tardiness.
Met-11. Attendance at school programs is
Met-12. Take special precautions in
checking that the proper person is picking
up the child at the end of their day; bring
children left late to the appropriate place.
Strengths and areas for development
∙ Career development plan
∙ Goals and objectives for next evaluation
∙ Employee Signature
Supervisor Signature
Appendix I Faculty Evaluation Process ­ Self evaluation Informal Observation – Self Evaluation
Three Step Process: Self Observation, and two Peer Observations outside of your pod
Lead Observations will be completed on an ongoing basis throughout the school year
(please watch your recording)
In what areas could I improve?
(use one of the self observation areas below to create a goal):
Learning target stated at the beginning of the session
Blackboard tool usage (used effectively, several used)
Interaction with students (50/50)
Respect for all learners (parameters/expectation set at the beginning of the session)
Student engagement/time on task
Comfortable with content of lesson
Check for understanding throughout lesson
Writing component within the lesson
On Track
Exit ticket at the end of the lesson
Were students sent to a specific Study Island lesson or Reading Eggs following the
Self Observation Comments (please include link):
Appendix J
Faculty Mentor/Peer Evaluation
Mentor/Peer Observation
1. Select which area(s) to be observed? (should be no more than three)
2. Mentor/Peer observes only for selected area of improvement
3. Feedback/ Comments should be data driven (called on 8 of the 10 participants, teacher asked
only 3 questions and lectured for 40 of the 50 minutes, asked questions throughout the
lesson to make sure students were engaged with and understanding concepts, etc)
4. Feedback should be provided in written form below
Peer 1
Peer 2
Peer - Observation
Learning target stated at the beginning of the session
Blackboard tool usage (used effectively, several used)
Respect for all learners (parameters/expectation set at the beginning of the session)
Student engagement/time on task
Comfortable with content of lesson
Check for understanding throughout lesson
Writing component within the lesson
Exit ticket at the end of the lesson
Interaction with students (50/50)
Were students sent to a specific Study Island lesson or Reading Eggs following the
Peer Observation Comments (please include link):
Peer 1:
Peer 2:
Appendix K
Student Survey
Appendix L
Faculty Evaluation Package
The Faculty Evaluation Package will be provided by the Principal with the following items:
1. Teacher Evaluation Rubric
2. OTES Evaluation System
Appendix M Professional Development and Goal Sheet Employee Name: _____________________
Date: __________________ Degrees Held: Check all that apply: _____ GED _____ HS Diploma ____ BA/BS ____ MA/MS ____ EdS/EdD ____ PhD **************************************************************************** Current Certification(s): ________________________ Expiration: __________________ ________________________ Expiration: __________________ **************************************************************************** Dean Review: Date: ___________ Signature: _________________________ Principal Review:
Date: ___________ Signature: _________________________ Head of School Rvw: Date: ___________ Signature: _________________________ **************************************************************************** Professional Development/Goals for this SY _____________: 1. __________________________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________________________________ Professional Development/Goals completed this SY____________: 1. __________________________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________________________________ Where do you see yourself from a professional standpoint in 3­5 years? 1. __________________________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________
___________________ Signature
Date Appendix N Faculty Individualized Professional Development Plan (IPDP) The IPDP is required to be done each year during the Faculty member’s five (5) year licensure cycle in accordance with the Central Ohio Christian School Consortium. Any questions please see either Head of School, the Principal, or the designated IPDP Faculty Representative. Resident Teachers will be required to conduct their professional development as a part of the Mentorship Program per the Ohio Department of Education. Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP) Individual Professional Development Plans (IPDP) must reflect the needs of the profession, school, and individual. ∙ It is recommended that within two weeks after the issuance of a license or four weeks after beginning employment at a member school, employees who hold Ohio educator licenses should complete an Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP). ∙ Submit your IPDP to your School Principal, by Oct. 1 for approval each year. ∙ If simply updating your IPDP, submit to your School Principal by October 1. ∙ Review your IPDP frequently. ∙ As outlined by your IPDP, engage in QUALITY PROFESSSIONAL DEVELOPMENT that is aligned with your school’s goals, your own professional goals, and with the Ohio Educator Standards. ∙ As you complete a Professional Development activity, attach the documentation to your IPDP. ∙ There are THREE (3) activities that need PRE­approval from the LPDC. They are: Spiritual Growth; Travel; Project. You must complete the appropriate pre­approval form, found online, and submit the form and your IPDP to your School Principal. He/she will review the documents and will present them to the entire LPDC on your behalf. You will receive approval or reasons why it was not approved after the regularly scheduled meeting. After completing your proposed activity, submit a final approval from, with all necessary documentation, to your School Principal. He/she will bring the documents to the entire LPDC for final approval. ∙ There are TWO (2) activities that need PRE­approval from your School Principal only. They are: Collaboration and Educational Reading. You must complete the appropriate pre­approval form, found online, and submit the form and your IPDP to your School Principal. He/she will review the documents and will notify you of approval or reasons why it was not approved. ∙ If for some reason you are not satisfied with the decision of your School Principal or the LPDC, you may follow the appeals procedures as outlined in the By­Laws. ∙ Toward the end of your 5­year license cycle, complete an application for license renewal, submit your IPDP and all documentation to your School Principal. There are only three LPDC members permitted to sign the applications – the chairperson, vice­chairperson and one other designee (determined at the first meeting of the academic year). License years run from July 1 – June 30. Make sure you submit your application, etc. to the Ohio Department of Education prior to June 30. INDIVIDUALIZED PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN (IPDP) Central Ohio Christian School Consortium LPDC COCSC School ________________________ Position _____________________ Name _____________________________ Renewal Date ____________________ License Type __________________________Issue Date ______________________ 18 CEUs are needed to renew your teaching license. One CEU is equal to 10 contact hours, so you need a total of 180 contact hours of professional development. Your IPDP is viewed as working document​
, ​
a fluid plan that can change​
with your life. YOU are responsible for keeping up with this plan and it will travel with you to any school district in the state of Ohio. Your IPDP ​
align with the school goals for each year. The school principal will check and sign your IPDP at the beginning of each year to make sure your ​
Areas of Interest ​
align with the school goals. ​
: At the heart of an IPDP are statements of broad learning goals that you plan to meet during the renewal cycle. List 3­5 goals that include three distinct aspects: (1) State an intention to engage in learning ­ use an action verb that signifies learning; (2) Describe the focus of your learning; and (3) Explain rationale for and application of learning. Then, indicate which Ohio Educator Standard(s) each goal reflects. Sample Goals EXAMPLE: “I will increase my knowledge of strategies to manage groups of students in order to improve classroom discipline.” ● Educator Standards​
: ○ Teacher Standard #1, Teachers understand student learning & development and respect the diversity of the students they teach. ○ Teacher Standard #5, Teachers create learning environments that promote high levels of learning & achievement for all students. ○ EXAMPLE: “I will explore inter­disciplinary teaching by collaborating with the nd​
fine arts teachers to create multi­discipline learning units for my 2​
grade students.” ● Educator Standards​
: ○ Teacher Standard #2, Teachers know and understand the content area for which they have instructional responsibility. ○ Teacher Standard #5, Teachers create learning environments that promote high levels of learning & achievement for all students. ○ Teacher Standard #6, Teachers collaborate and communicate with students, parents, other educators, administrators and the community to support student learning. ** There are three parts to the goal statement. Then list the correlating Educator Standards. These are SAMPLES of phrases you could use in designing your goal statements. Feel free to use your own as long as they fit within the confines of the description. 1. ​
2. ​
3. ​
RATIONALE / APPLICATION ○ Learn about A method (cooperative learning) Writing ○ Read widely in A program (history day) Presenting ○ Study theory/practice of A discipline (science) Developing ○ Become skillful at A population (ADHD) Designing ○ Gain an understanding of An organizational group (multi­age)
Documenting ○ Explore / Research An area (school reform) Demonstrating ○ Investigate A curriculum area (music) Creating ○ Increase my knowledge Strategies (classroom mgmt) Improving IPDP for​
__________________________________ Learning Goals This Renewal Cycle: (use additional paper if needed) 1. __________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________
_ ______________________________________________________________________________________
_. Educator Standard(s):​
__________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________
. 2. _________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________
___ ______________________________________________________________________________________
_. Educator Standard(s): ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________. 3. _________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________
___. Educator Standard(s): ____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________. ****************************************************************************** Teacher Standards: #1. Teachers understand student learning & development and respect the diversity of the students they teach. #2. Teachers know and understand the content area of which they have instructional responsibility. #3. Teachers understand and use varied assessments to inform instruction, evaluate and ensure student learning. #4. Teachers plan and deliver effective instruction that advances the learning of each individual student. #5. Teachers create learning environments that promote high levels of learning & achievement for all students. #6. Teachers collaborate and communicate with students, parents, other educators, administrators and the community to support student learning. #7. Teachers assume responsibility for professional growth, performance, and involvement as individuals and as members of a learning community. Principal’s Signature of Approval: ______________________ Date: ________________ IPDP for ____________________________ YEAR : ​
____________________ SCHOOL GOAL AREAS THIS YEAR: ______________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________ MY AREAS OF INTEREST THIS YEAR: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________. Principal’s Approval (sign at beginning of year):​
________________________________ Activity Documentation Date of Completion # CEUs 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. _______________________________________________ _________ Principal’s Approval (sign at end of year)
Total # CEU Annex O Annex for Staff/Faculty/Pastoral Children in the Early Learning Center As a staff member of NHCA/ELC/Heritage Nazarene you are permitted to enroll your child in the ELC by following the Admissions process outlined in the Family Handbook and paying the application fee. A position in the classroom is available provided that it is a full time spot or if you are enrolling your child the same days every week. If you are in need of a flex schedule, then availability is determined on a weekly basis. You must call into the school to speak with the Admissions Director and make arrangements for your child at least a week in advance. Please keep in mind on holidays off from school/work or snow days, that you should keep your child home with you, as we are remaining open for those parents that must be at work. There will be no cost to you for this service.