The INIS Hydro Legacy
The INIS Hydro Legacy
The INIS Hydro Legacy John Howe & INIS Partners Scottish Association for Marine Science Scottish Marine Institute Oban UK [email protected] NERC RATE Lo-Rise (LongRange Transport of Radionuclides in the Marine Environment INIS Legacy Working Together – INIS Partnership SAMS Experience Studying a whirlpool! MAREMAP – the mapping family Life at the bottom of the Firth of Lorn Future work – Civil Hydrography Program INTERREG V Improved Data Quality ! 1. Reson 8124 Test Data, central Firth of Lorn RV Calanus February 2009 2. Reson 7125 INIS Hydro Survey, RV Calanus June 2012 W-E profiles of the Gulf of Corryvreckan Whirlpool Gulf of Corryvreckan bathymetry S N N 1. Scarba S N 2. Jura Scarba S N 3. Jura Scarba S N 4. Jura Scarba S 5. Jura Scarba Jura Scarba B A A B Dune crest 190m wide, 25m high. Complete ridge is 1.7km long D C Jura Whirlpool Gulf of Corryvreckan ‘Great Race’ submarine dunes influence of confined to unconfined flow? C 1.5km long dune field Dunes 3-10m high 20-100m approx wavelength D NERC TSB Grant proposal ‘Sediment mobility under strong tidal flows’ BGS-SAMS-HWUASTROSAT Ltd F E Type 3A Banner Banks? E 1 km F East of Corryvreckan, multi-crested dunes, 15m high 1km2 with superimposed bedforms in water depths of 30-60m 100 75 50 25 (m) 1 km Previously unknown coarse-grained sediments – mobile bedforms? Vulnerable habitat? Relict sediment? NERC investment in Underwater robotics and autonomous vehicles – MAREMAP Remus 600 AUV multibeam system and ROV. UKCS multibeam Surveys ~45% coverage…? REMUS 600 AUV ! ! ! ! Propeller-driven vehicle Speed: 4.5 knots (~2.5m/s) Endurance: 24h, >100km Depth rating: 600m ! Scientific objective: studying coastal and shelf-edge areas, mapping vulnerable and protected habitats, geodiversity ! Equipped with: ! GPS ! Iridium, Wi-Fi and acoustic communications ! Conductivity Temperature Depth sensor ! 600 kHz ADCP (up and downward looking) ! Micro-structure sensing package 200 150 100 5 km Moving forward – can predictive habitat mapping be used to identify vulnerable habitats in the Firth of Lorn e.g. Lophelia (cold water corals?) Predictive habitat mapping building on previous studies with SNH (Butters et al., In Prep) 50 (m) JHI-SAMS The (submarine) Landscape Theatre Ordnance Survey (10m resolution) Digital Terrain Model extracted for the land around Loch Linnhe. Multibeam sonar data (1m resolution), surveyed by the UK Marine Environmental Mapping programme (MAREMAP) by the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) and the British Geological Survey, (BGS) and the National Oceanography Centre (NOC), combined with Admiralty seabed data. Visual Natural Studio (VNS) used to render a 3D model combining the seafloor and terrestrial areas (221km2; 2.5m resolution), with true scale above sea level and a 2 times vertical exaggeration below sea level. An innovative and powerful tool for developing marine policy & planning High-resolution aerial imagery used for background landscape textures. Extruded buildings were derived from Ordnance Survey MasterMap. Etive – Civil Hydrography Program 2014 An unsurveyed fjord under pressure? Located 6 km N. of Oban, west coast of Scotland. 1-2 km wide, 30 km long. Several basins separated by shallow sills. The entrance sill is only 7 m below mean high water (MHW) constrains currents so that the internal tidal range of the loch is 1.8 m, c/f external range of 4 m Rivers Awe and Etive = catchment area of 1,350 km2 The outer E-W trending basin <70m, inner NE-SW trending basin,150 m. Thankyou Acknowledgements Officers and crew of RV Calanus, RV White Ribbon, NLV Pole Star, Claire Smalley, Andrew Lessnoff, Andre Cocuccio, David Parker, Fergal McGrath, Danny Wake, Tim le Bas, Clayton Summers, Richard Fotheringham, Sean Cullen, Alan Stevenson, Bob Gatliff, Russ Wynn, Tom Bradwell, Dayton Dove, Rhys Cooper, Mike Spain, Adrian Gibbons, Rae Boyd, John Beaton, Colin Abernethy, Andrew Mogg, Estelle Dumont, Colin Griffiths, Graeme Bruce & David Ainsley