All You Could Ask for in one


All You Could Ask for in one
All You Could Ask for in One
The Israeli Diamond Industry
The Israeli Diamond Industry has been a leading
global diamond manufacturing and trading center for
over seven decades. Over the years the industry has
evolved to serve as a symbol of outstanding excellence,
achieved by a unique mixture of one-of-a-kind elements.
in one secured and convenient complex. An ultimate
selection of stones is available in any carat, color, clarity
or cut accompanied by a professional approach set firmly
on commitment, loyalty and the finest business practices.
Long-standing tradition and know-how, passed down from
generation to generation, combined with international
business dynamics shaped by Israeli based multi-national
corporations enables The Israeli Diamond Industry to
extend its solid roots, while continuing to flourish with
the fast-paced changes of the global diamond industry.
Remarkable creative solutions based on original,
innovative and out the box thinking are what Israeli
diamond companies are renowned for. The world’s
largest diamond trading floor in Ramat Gan enables
every diamond trader to enjoy all–inclusive facilities
The Israeli Diamond Industry
The Israel Diamond Institute
A Group of Companies
The Israel Diamond Institute (IDI) Group of
Companies is a non-profit, public interest company
that represents all organizations and institutions
involved in Israel’s diamond industry. As the global
promoting force behind The Israeli Diamond
Industry, the IDI has always endeavored to reinforce
the industry’s status as a world leader, and lead it to
new frontiers, markets and initiatives.
In order to achieve that goal the IDI constantly
strives to reinforce The Israeli Diamond Industry
and diamantaires’ position in the global market, via
extensive world-wide marketing initiatives, such
as: Facilitating and participating in leading jewelry
and diamond trade shows; hosting international
conferences and delegations; operating representative
offices in key buying centers such as New York and
Hong Kong; launching innovative state-of-the-art
branding, advertising and public relations campaigns
in relevant media and geographical locations around
the globe.
As an internationally renowned rough diamond
trading center, the Israel Diamond Institute is
constantly seeking new sources of rough diamonds for
The Israeli Diamond Industry and facilitates ongoing
contacts with new and existing rough diamond centers
and suppliers worldwide.
An additional key function of the IDI is the Israel
Diamond Technology Center, responsible for
centralizing and supervising all stages of R&D
projects including planning and implementation,
to serve The Israeli Diamond Industry with
comprehensive, state-of-the-art, cutting edge facilities.
Other highlights in IDI’s activity portfolio
include a professional training center, a publishing
company, an internet portal, and a unique
diamond museum that takes the visitor on a
fascinating journey through the magnificent
world of diamonds.
A Group of Companies
According to its key role in the global diamond arena,
IDI operates the state-of-the-art World Gemological
Institute (WGI). This institute offers an array of
products and services to the international diamond
and jewelry industry.
The Israel Diamond Institute
Israel Diamond Technology Center
Asia Pacific LTD
Of New-York, Inc
The Israel Diamond Institute
World Gemology Institute
The Harry Oppenheimer
Diamond Museum
The idi way
As the umbrella organization of The Israeli Diamond Industry, the Israel Diamond Institute (IDI) Group of
Companies has a clear philosophy with goals that are deeply rooted in daily implementation and practice.
Leading Israel’s diamond industry into the 21st century and maintaining its position at the apex of the global
diamond industry through exceptional, round the clock, comprehensive, all-inclusive services.
Constantly ensuring that the industry’s services maintain their reputation as exceptional and extraordinary.
Know- How
Creative Solutions
Unique Center
Best Business Practices
entire selection
Canvassing the global market, searching for new rough diamond sources, markets, ventures, clientele as well
as new technologies and manufacturing techniques.
Monitoring the international diamond industry for new trends, phenomena and events, as well as parallel and
relevant luxury industries such as fashion, beauty and leisure.
Maintaining and strengthening our brand through new and innovative branding methodologies, advertising
strategies, and ground breaking creative campaigns and online portal coverage.
The Israel Diamond Institute
International marketing and public relations
As the international promotion and marketing facility
of The Israeli Diamond Industry, the main goals of
the Israel Diamond Institute are to identify new
markets and business channels, maintain existing
markets and position Israel’s diamond industry at
the forefront.
In order to achieve these targets IDI operates on
a multi-level marketing platform: Participating in
leading trade shows; creating new and innovative
advertising campaigns in established and emerging
markets; developing tailor made branding lines
aimed at unique localized target audiences and
investing resources in public relations activities
that result in ongoing coverage and interest in all
media platforms.
IDI Group of Companies - Marketing & Public Relations
Developing new rough diamond sources
Israel Diamond Technology Center (IDT)
The Israeli Diamond Industry is one of the world’s
major buyers of quality rough diamonds and a
leading global rough trade center. As such, the
Israel Diamond Institute is making enterprising
efforts to seek, find, and develop new sources of
rough diamonds for the Israeli market through
diversified efforts.
IDT is the Research and Development vessel of the
Israel Diamond Institute. The core activities of the
center aim towards state of the art technological
innovations towards reducing production costs,
improving yield and make And thus enabling
production of a larger variety of goods for the Israeli
diamond industry.
As part of this endeavor, IDI hosts international
conferences, discussions and delegations with rough
diamond suppliers and conducts international
lobbying to forge vital new connections with
existing and new rough producers.
In order to achieve these goals IDI is investing
substantial resources into R&D and through
IDT promotes and introduces new diamond
manufacturing technologies, identifies viable new
techniques, regulates guidelines for research and
initiates joint ventures. As a highly developed
IDI Group of Companies - Rough Diamonds
technology center, constantly looking to maintain
its state of the art/cutting edge capacity, the IDT
team work on a consistent and close contact basis
with Israel’s leading academic institutions, private
industry and leading hi-tech companies.
IDI Group of Companies -Technology
the World Gemological Institute (WGI)
The World Gemological Institute (WGI) is a
leading gemological research center and diamond
grading laboratory designated to provide the most
comprehensive, state of the art, cutting edge
services to Israeli and international diamantaires
and diamond jewelers.
research conducted in collaboration with leading
academic institutions, all in order to increase
the local and international diamond and jewelry
industry’s knowledge of diamonds.
WGI is fully owned and supported by the Israel
Diamond Institute, and since its establishment
in 1977 it has contributed to the global diamond
industry in all stages of diamond processing, from
rough sorting and analysis, to cutting and re-cutting,
and up to the professional grading of the finished
polished diamond. 
The WGI diamond grading laboratory provides a
wide range of services, from carrying out accurate,
reliable and comprehensive diamond grading
analysis followed by reports to diamond-related
IDI Group of Companies - Gemology
The Israeli Diamond industry Web portal
The web portal is another fundamental and instrinsic
tool in IDI’s efforts to promote The Israeli Diamond
Since the portal was launched in 2004, it has assisted in
developing relationships with thousands of diamantaires,
wholesalers, manufacturers, retailers and jewelers in
Israel and worldwide. Today,
is among the highest rated online diamond and jewelry
portals in the world.
greater commercial exposure as well as the creation and
expansion of vital business links, and provides invaluable
current data and useful tools to facilitate ongoing business.
This is the first diamond industry portal to operate in three
languages: English, Hebrew and Chinese.
The Israeli Diamond Industry web portal offers outstanding
value as a marketplace. It offers a search engine for locating
Israeli diamond companies by type of goods, a ‘Diamond
Needs Board’ with a real-time alert system, industry news,
and information on how to do business with Israel. The
portal offers members a wide range of tools that enable
IDI Group of Companies - On-Line
The Harry Oppenheimer Diamond museum
The Harry Oppenheimer Diamond Museum is
the most modern diamond museum in the world
today. Situated in the heart of the Israel Diamond
Complex, the museum offers a unique experience
that leads the visitor on a fascinating journey
through the realm of diamonds, from the depths
of the earth to the human heart, from the mines to
the polished gem.
of visitors every year-industry guests, tourists,
students and the general public.
The museum is designed as a total experience,
offering visitors a multi-faceted, interactive
diamond experience combining science, art
and industry through films, audio-visual displays,
demonstrations, lectures, debates and creative
activities. As a cultural and educational center,
The Harry Oppenheimer Diamond Museum offers
guided tours for groups and it attracts thousands
IDI Group of Companies - Museum
Security consultancy
The Israel Diamond Institute addresses the safety and
security of The Israeli Diamond Industry locally and
worldwide. It advises polishing factories, participants
in trade fairs and the IDI Group of Companies in
security related matters, from new security systems
and procedures to personal security for salespeople
while traveling abroad.
The IDI represents The Israeli Diamond Industry
on security issues vis-a-vis agencies, insurance
companies and diamond factories, and advises
businesses regarding local and international
diamond shipments.
IDI Group of Companies - Security
Professional Training
T h e I s r a e l D i a m o n d I nstitute offers an
assortme n t of cou rse s, le c tu res and seminars for
I srae li d iaman taire s on topics of interest to the
d i a m o n d i n d u s t r y. A m o n g the offered courses
are Bu sin e ss En glish , Ch inese, computers, the
Internet and research.
The IDI also sponsors a management training
program as well as seminars for manufacturers.
In addition, it produces a wide range of written
learning material and books about various aspects
of the diamond industry, from mining, cutting and
production, to the finished product.
IDI Group of Companies - Training
The Israel Diamond Institute publishes a number
of magazines, books, supplements and resource
guides. Over the years the IDI has also published
several books for the local diamond and jewelry
markets covering a wide variety of subjects such
as an in-depth glossary of the diamond industry,
jewelry design, mining and rough diamond guides,
anti-money laundering guides and even the
connection between diamonds and Jewish tradition.
Its principal publication, Hayahalom Magazine,
is published in Hebrew on a quarterly basis and
features news, views and in-depth stories about the
Israel Diamond Industry.
IDI Group of Companies - Publishing
A Group of Companies
Group: -54Group
Israel, Tel
Fax +972-3-7526675
Powered by Israel DiamondIDIInstitute
Gan 52521, Israel,
Tel +972-3-7515388, Fax +972-3-7526675
576 5th
301, New
NY 10036,
USA, Toll
Tel +212-938-0888,
Fax +212-938-0488
IDI of U.S.
York Inc:
576 Avenue,
5th Avenue,
301, York,
New York,
NY 10036,
Free +1-866-4-IDIUSA,
Tel +212-938-0888,
Fax +212-938-0488
Kong, Tel
Tel +852-2522-6702,
IDI Pacific
Asia Pacific
Queen’s Road
Road C.
C. Central,
Central, Hong Kong,