Redband Trout Habitat Assessment: Owyhee
Redband Trout Habitat Assessment: Owyhee
Redband Trout Habitat Assessment: Owyhee, Bruneau-Jarbidge, and Salmon Falls Creek Basins Version 2.1, February 2015 Kurt Fesenmyer and Dan Dauwalter Trout Unlimited, Arlington, VA 0 1 Executive Summary The US Bureau of Land Management (BLM) manages a substantial portion of public lands in the western United States. Many of these public lands contain significant biological and cultural resources that span not only BLM lands but private, tribal, state, and other federal lands as well. Thus, multiple-use land management (mining, grazing, recreation) is best done with a landscape-scale approach that places local biological and cultural values into a larger landscape context for informed land management and conservation decision making. The Owyhees are a high desert region in southwestern Idaho, southeastern Oregon, and northern Nevada that is one of the most remote regions in the United States and where BLM manages a significant portion of lands. Of the many biological resources, interior redband trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri) inhabit the stream and rivers of the region – the Owyhee, Bruneau, and Salmon Falls basins. Redband trout are known for their ability to inhabit harsh desert streams, and the species is listed as a sensitive species by Nevada and Idaho BLM offices and by state fish and wildlife agencies. This broad-scale assessment of redband trout habitat in the Owyhees is intended to compile existing spatial data, as well as develop new spatial data sources, that are analyzed and made available in a framework that can aid in making strategic conservation decisions focused on redband trout habitats. In short, this assessment briefly reviews the instream and riparian habitat needs of redband trout in desert streams; develops new measures of stream temperature and riparian conditions for redband trout streams; develops linkages between these new measures and redband trout distribution and abundance; and, incorporates these new measures of habitat into Trout Unlimited’s Conservation Success Index (CSI), as a tool that can help inform redband trout habitat conservation in the Owyhees. Importantly, key spatial data sources used in developing the CSI, as well as key riparian condition measures and stream temperature predictions, are made available in a web-mapping application. This application allows the data to be continually queried based on specific land management and redband trout conservation questions. The results of such queries facilitate strategic, place-based conservation of a significant but sensitive aquatic resource in one of the more remote regions of the United States, and which is managed, to a large degree, by the US Bureau of Land Management. Recommended Citation: Fesenmyer, K., and D. Dauwalter. 2014. Redband Trout Habitat Assessment: Owyhee, Bruneau-Jarbidge, and Salmon Falls Creek Basins. Final report to Nevada State Office, U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Trout Unlimited, Arlington, Virginia. Cover photos: Clockwise from top left, Trail Creek, NV (K. Fesenmyer); Deep Creek, ID redband (J. Kellner); Owyhee River Canyon (K. Fesenmyer); Diversion with fish ladder, Cottonwood Creek, NV (D. Dauwalter); Redband habitat, South Fork Cottonwood Creek, NV (D. Dauwalter). 2 Table of Contents Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................. 1 Assessment Objectives ............................................................................................................................ 3 Overview of Study Area ........................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Climate and Topography ................................................................................................................ 3 1.2 Land Ownership ............................................................................................................................. 4 Salmonids and the Fish Community ......................................................................................................... 5 2.1 Fish communities ........................................................................................................................... 5 2.2 Salmonids ...................................................................................................................................... 6 2.3 Redband Trout ............................................................................................................................... 7 Stream Temperature, Riparian Vegetation, and Links to Redband Trout ................................................ 12 3.1 Stream temperature monitoring ................................................................................................. 13 3.2 Riparian Vegetation Monitoring ................................................................................................... 15 3.3 Redband Population and Fish Community Monitoring ................................................................. 17 Conservation Success Index ................................................................................................................... 18 4.1 CSI Overview................................................................................................................................ 18 4.2 CSI Factors and Indicators ............................................................................................................ 19 4.3 CSI Results ................................................................................................................................... 20 4.4 Conservation Strategies ............................................................................................................... 26 Discussion ............................................................................................................................................. 27 Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................................... 33 Reference List........................................................................................................................................ 34 Appendix A. Stream Temperature Monitoring and Validation of the NorWeST Stream Temperature Model ................................................................................................................................................... 42 Appendix B: Evaluate Classification of NAIP imagery as a Tool for Riparian Vegetation Classification and Monitoring ............................................................................................................................................ 45 Appendix C. Development of a Solar Radiation Model from Terrain and Riparian Vegetation Attributes49 Appendix D: Redband trout associations with instream and riparian habitat in Salmon Falls Creek, Nevada .................................................................................................................................................. 54 Appendix E. A model to predict smallmouth bass distribution above Hells Canyon and Below Shoshone Falls....................................................................................................................................................... 69 Appendix F. Conservation Success Index (CSI) Application ..................................................................... 73 3 Assessment Objectives The US Bureau of Land Management (BLM) manages over 260 million acres of public land across the West. At one-eighth of the United States land mass, this includes some of the most significant biological and cultural resources in the country. Multiple uses of BLM lands requires that management include a broad-scale view of these resources to ensure that complex decisions regarding use - such as mining, grazing, and recreation - are made using an informed process that considers the local value of specific resources relative to those elsewhere across the landscape. The Owyhee uplands is a general description of the high desert region in southwest Idaho, southeast Oregon, northern Nevada. This region is one of the most remote in the United States, and it is dissected by deep canyons, high plateaus, and distant mountain ranges. Also within this region is a significant biological resource - the Interior redband trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri). The species is known for its ability to reside in harsh desert streams not typically associated with trout habitat, and is listed as a sensitive species by the Nevada and Idaho BLM. In order to make informed decisions about land management, especially while considering the long-term conservation of redband trout, information about the status and trends of redband trout habitat is required. As such, the Nevada State Office of the BLM contracted Trout Unlimited (TU) to develop relevant spatial and non-spatial data sources that could inform a broad-scale spatial assessment of redband trout habitats and riparian conditions in the Owyhee, Bruneau-Jarbidge, and Salmon Falls Creek basins. To do so effectively, four main objectives were addressed: • • • • Review key linkages between redband trout populations and instream and riparian habitat conditions in the study area, Develop stream temperature and riparian vegetation measures of redband trout habitat that can be used for broad-scale assessment and monitoring, Develop linkages between landscape-scale measures of stream temperature and riparian vegetation and redband trout distribution and abundance, Integrate landscape-scale measures of stream temperature and riparian vegetation into TU’s Conservation Success Index as a tool that can help inform strategic redband trout conservation. By addressing each of the objectives, this assessment can serve as a resource for making informed land management and strategic habitat restoration decisions targeting redband trout conservation in the basin. This assessment updates an older version released in 2012 with newly available redband trout data and stream temperature forecasts. Technical appendices provide detailed information on the methods. Overview of Study Area 1.1 Climate and Topography The Owyhee River, Bruneau-Jarbidge River, and Salmon Falls Creek basins drain 18,900 square miles of deep canyons, plateaus, and high mountain ranges in southwestern Idaho, northern Nevada, and 4 southeastern Oregon. This varied topography, ranging in elevation from 10,843 to 2,185 ft, creates a wide range of climatic conditions, including daily summer temperatures averaging from 10°C (50°F) to 25°C (77°F) and daily winter temperatures averaging from -20°C (-4°F) to 5°C (41°F). Precipitation falls in the basins primarily in the winter and annually totals 7 to 45 inches, supporting sagebrush steppe at low elevations and stands of conifers and aspens at high elevations. The main Nevada tributaries of the Owyhee in Nevada are the Little Owyhee, East Fork Owyhee, and South Fork Owyhee Rivers (Figure 1). The upper East Fork is impounded at Wild Horse Dam, a Bureau of Reclamation facility completed in 1937; flows downstream are managed for irrigation in the Duck Valley Indian Reservation. The main tributaries of the East Fork in Idaho are Battle, Deep, and Red Canyon Creek. The Middle Fork Owyhee, North Fork Owyhee, and Jordan Creek flow out of Idaho to join the mainstem river in Oregon. The lower river is impounded by Owyhee Dam, a Bureau of Reclamation facility completed in 1932. Tributaries to the Snake River on the northeastern edge of the Owyhee Basin, including Reynolds, Sinker, Castle, Big and Little Jacks Creeks, are included in this assessment. The Jarbidge and Bruneau rivers originate from the north side of the Jarbidge Mountains in Nevada (Figure 1). The main tributaries include Sheep and Mary’s Creeks. The system is undammed. The North and South Forks of Salmon Falls Creek drain from the east side of the Jarbidge Mountains and come together to flow into Salmon Falls Reservoir in Idaho. Salmon Falls Dam is a Bureau of Reclamation facility completed in 1910. Discharge in the basins is driven by snow melt and typically peaks between mid-March and mid-May. Flows can exceed 50,000 cfs at the USGS gage at Rome, OR, approximately 100 miles upstream of the confluence of the Owyhee with the Snake River near Nyssa, OR; 7,000 cfs at the Bruneau River gage at Bruneau, ID; and 3,500 cfs at the Salmon Falls Creek gage near Jackpot, NV above the reservoir. Low flows typically occur during late August and mid-September and average 150 cfs at Rome (Owyhee), 75 cfs at Bruneau (Bruneau), and 25 cfs at Jackpot (Salmon Falls Creek). 1.2 Land Ownership Land ownership in the basins is primarily public, with management by BLM (72%), USFS (5.5%), Idaho Department of Lands (2.8%), and Oregon Department of State Lands (1.8%) (Figure 1). Private lands comprise 15% of the basins and include irrigated pasture and rangelands, as well as mining districts in vicinity of Silver City (ID), South Mountain (ID), Tuscarora (NV), and Jarbidge (NV). The Duck Valley Indian Reservation of the Shoshone and Paiute tribes occupies 2.3% of the basin. Federally designated wilderness areas, roadless areas, or wilderness study areas cover just under 14% of the basins. These include the Jarbidge, Big and Little Jacks Creek, Pole Creek, North Fork Owyhee, Bruneau-Jarbidge, and Owyhee River Wilderness areas and several BLM wilderness study areas along the South Fork Owyhee in Nevada and throughout the Owyhee plateau of Oregon; several USFS roadless areas exist in Nevada. 5 Figure 1. Study area, including Owyhee, Bruneau, and Salmon Falls Creek basins. Salmonids and the Fish Community 2.1 Fish communities The Owyhee, Bruneau, and Salmon Falls river basins are inhabited by a suite of native coldwater and warmwater fishes (Meyer et al. 2013; Wallace and Zaroban 2013). Across the basins, native fishes include: three salmonid species (Salmonidae), three sucker species (Catostomidae), seven minnow species (Cyprinidae), and three sculpin species (Cottidae) (Table 1); only the leopard dace was not collected during recent extensive surveys by Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG; Meyer et al. 2013). Although there are non-native salmonids (brook trout and hatchery rainbow trout) present, there are few non-native non-game species inhabiting redband streams (Meyer et al. 2013). Most notably, smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) have been stocked into several reservoirs in the Snake River Basin, including Owyhee Reservoir, and the species has invaded into the main forks of the Owyhee River. Currently, barriers to fish passage prohibit smallmouth bass invasion in the Bruneau River and in Salmon Falls Creek above Salmon Falls Reservoir. Non-native common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and grass carp 6 (Ctenopharyngodon idella) are common in large rivers not typically inhabited by redband trout in southern Idaho (Meyer et al. 2013). Table 1. Native and notable non-native fish species present in the Owyhee, Bruneau, and Salmon Falls basins (Meyer et al. 2013; Wallace and Zaroban 2013). BLM status as a Type 1 (Threatened, endangered, proposed, and candidate species) or Type 2 (Rangewide/globally imperiled) sensitive species, and state agency status as a Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) are noted. Common Name Native Interior Redband trout Bull trout Mountain whitefish Bridgelip sucker Largescale sucker Mountain sucker Chiselmouth Leopard dace Longnose dace Speckled dace Redside shiner Peamouth Northern pikeminnow Mottled sculpin Paiute sculpin Shorthead sculpin Non-native Coastal rainbow trout Brook trout Brown trout Smallmouth bass Scientific Name Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri1,2 1,2 Salvelinus confluentus Prosopium williamsoni2 Catostomus columbianus Catostomus macrocheilus Catostomus platyrhynchus Acrocheilus alutaceus Rhinichthys falcatus2* Rhinichthys cataractae Rhinichthys osculus Richardsonius balteatus Mylocheilus caurinus Ptychocheilus oregonensis Cottus bairdii Cottus beldingii Cottus confusus Oncorhynchus mykiss Salvelinus fontinalis Salmo trutta Micropterus dolomieu 1 BLM Special Status Species 2 Species listed as SGCN in ID, OR, or NV *Species listed as SGCN but status not yet assessed. 2.2 Salmonids The Snake River below Shoshone Falls once had a diverse salmonid fish community. Fall and spring runs of anadromous chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and summer run steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) once occupied the basins. Historical accounts exist for runs in the Owyhee (Jordan Creek, along the East Fork Owyhee at the Duck Valley Indian Reservation, and as far inland as the South Fork Owyhee near Tuscarora, NV), in the Bruneau-Jarbidge, and Salmon Falls Creek (near Contact, NV, below the confluence of the North and South forks) (Praggastis and Williams in press; Shock et al. 2007). The completion of Swan Falls Dam on the Snake River in 1901 blocked access of anadromous salmonids to the Bruneau-Jarbidge and Salmon Falls Creek drainages, while Owyhee Dam eliminated the runs from the upper Owyhee basin in 1932. Lower reaches of the Owyhee near Ontario, Oregon may have supported runs of fall chinook and coho salmon until the completion of the first Hell’s Canyon complex dam in 1958 (Shock et al. 2007). In addition to anadromous salmon and steelhead, the bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) inhabits only the Jarbidge River among all the southern tributaries to the Snake 7 River. The Jarbidge bull trout population is a Distinct Population Segment (DPS) that was listed as Threatened under the Endangered Species Act in 1999 (USFWS 2004). 2.3 Redband Trout The interior redband trout is an iconic species native to the high desert basins of the western US, as the species is renowned for its persistence in harsh desert conditions (Benke 1992). The species is designated as a sensitive species (Table 1) by Idaho and Nevada BLM, and is a Species of Greatest Conservation Need in Idaho and Oregon (e.g., IDFG 2005). The redband trout in desert environments have twice been petitioned for listing under the Endangered Species Act but listing was found to be not warranted in either case (USFWS 1995; 2000). 2.3.1 Redband Trout Ecology Native, resident redband trout reside primarily small to medium-sized, coldwater streams, where they have been shown to mature in their first or second year of life (Schill et al. 2010). Because of the desert environment they inhabit, these redband trout have long been thought to have an inherited genetic ability to withstand the higher temperatures commonly observed in desert streams (Benke 1992). Redband trout have been observed in streams with maximum daily temperatures as high as 28-29°C (Benke 1992; Zoellick 1999). Recent research has suggested that redband trout in desert streams are genetically distinct from montane populations, and they have genes likely to have been selected for adaptation to local thermal environments (Narum et al. 2010). Despite genetic evidence of local adaptation, laboratory studies have not been able to demonstrate that desert populations of redband trout are more adapted to the thermal regime of desert streams than are montane populations (Cassinelli and Moffitt 2010). Redband trout abundance has been observed to be as high as 130 redband trout / 100 m2 in desert streams (Zoellick et al. 2005), and it is typically higher in colder streams that are more shaded (Zoellick 2004; Zoellick and Cade 2006). Despite high abundance in some places only a few streams have been shown to have any exploitation from angling, and where exploitation has been observed it has been a only 3.4 to 5.7% of the population (Schill et al. 2007). Abundance has also been shown to be lower in stream with higher concentrations of silty substrate and in the presence of piscivorous fish, particularly northern pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus oregonensis) and smallmouth bass (Meyer et al. 2010). The distribution of redband trout is typically defined to streams with mean summer stream temperatures less than 16°C (Meyer et al. 2010). The species distribution is generally perceived to have constricted out of higher order mainstem rivers in the Owyhee basin since the 1970’s, resulting in decreased population connectivity (Allen et al. 1998). However, the extent of habitat occupied by individual populations has been shown to expand and contract over time in conjunction with annual changes in precipitation and streamflow (Zoellick 1999). Additionally, redband abundance in the Idaho Owyhees decreased from the late 1970’s to the late 1990’s only in streams below 1,500 meters elevation; abundances were stable or increasing at higher elevation sites (Zoellick et al. 2005). In a more recent survey in Salmon Falls Creek (NV), redband trout densities have decreased since the early 2000’s (see Section 3.3). 8 2.3.2 Redband Rangewide Status Assessment In 2012, state wildlife management agencies, federal land management agencies, tribes, and other interested agencies and organizations across the northwest produced a rangewide status assessment for redband trout. This effort compiled various data sources, including expert opinion, to map and attribute stream reaches with information related to redband distribution, abundance, life history, genetic status, habitat quality, and the presence of non-native species and barriers to population connectivity (May et al. 2012). In all, the assessment identified 2,090 stream miles of redband trout habitat within the Owyhee, Bruneau-Jarbidge, and Salmon Falls Creek basins (Figures 2 and 3). The status assessment highlights 18 populations or sub-populations within larger connected habitat patches as conservation populations, designations assigned to populations with <10% introgression or that have unique genetic, ecological, or life history traits, such as a migratory behaviors (UDWR 2000; May et al. 2012). Figure 2. Populations of redband trout in the northern portion of the study area. For population identities, consult Table 2. 9 Across the basin, nearly 60% of populations persist at the lowest densities, 19 % have some indications of introgression (>1%), and 34% co-occur and compete with non-native trout or bass (Table 2). All populations exhibiting an anadromous life history no longer express it due to fish passage barriers, mainly large dams. Large redband are known to occur in some mainstem river systems like the Owyhee below the confluence of the East Fork and South Fork, but it is unknown if these fish express fluvial life histories. Similarly, some redband populations occur in artificial reservoirs, but none have a known adfluvial life history. Figure 3. Populations of redband trout in the northern portion of the study area. For population identities, consult Table 2. 10 Owyhee basin Table 2. Populations of redband trout in the Owyhee, Bruneau-Jarbidge, and Salmon Falls Creek basins and summary of attributes from the Redband Rangewide Status Assessment (May et al. 20112). Populations are identified by habitat contiguity and values are length-weighted by stream miles within populations. Metapopulations with sufficient available habitat are identified with bolded population names; conservation populations are identified by italicized population names; # denotes populations with subpopulations identified as conservation populations; * denotes inferred genetic status; ^ denotes populations or portions of populations with unknown densities inferred here as 100-250 fish/km. Map ID Population Mi. stream habitat 1 Mainstem Owyhee R. # ^ 317.6 Average population density (fish/km) 35- 100 2 Upper Jordan Cr.^ 131.0 35- 100 3 Snake R. below Swan Falls # 89.0 4 Snake R. above Swan Falls # 5 Minimum genetic status Non-native species present Average habitat quality 1 - 10% Bass (modeled) Fair 1 - 10% Trout Fair 0 - 35 1 - 10% Bass (modeled) Poor 84.8 0 - 35 1 - 10% Trout Poor-fair East Fork Owyhee R. 75.0 35- 100 1 - 10% Trout Fair 6 Big Jacks Cr. 51.9 35- 100 0 - 1% * None Fair 7 Middle Jordan Cr.^ 47.1 100 - 250 0 - 1% * Trout Poor 8 Lower Succor Cr.^ 43.0 100 - 250 0 - 1% * None Poor-fair 9 Dry Cr. (Oregon) ^ 40.6 100 - 250 0 - 1% None Poor 10 South Fork Owyhee R. 37.7 0 - 35 1 - 10% Trout Poor 11 Red Canyon 27.3 0 - 35 1 - 10% None Good 12 Upper Deep Cr. (ID) ^ 26.8 35- 100 0 - 1% * None Fair 13 Little Jacks Cr. 21.9 250 - 625 0 - 1% None Good 14 Sinker Cr. 20.8 0 - 35 0 - 1% * None Fair 15 Thomas Cr. 16.0 0 - 35 0 - 1% * None Fair 16 Jacks Cr. (NV) 15.5 35- 100 0 - 1% * Trout Fair-good 17 Columbia Cr. 15.1 0 - 35 > 20% Trout Fair 18 Martin Cr. 12.6 0 - 35 1 - 10% Trout Fair-good 19 Upper Reynolds Cr. 11.8 0 - 35 1 - 10% Trout Fair 20 Fawn Cr.^ 9.8 35- 100 0 - 1% * None Fair 21 Rock Cr. 9.8 0 - 35 0 - 1% * None Fair 22 Mill Cr. 9.3 35- 100 0 - 1% * None Poor-fair 23 California Cr. 8.1 0 - 35 0 - 1% * None Fair-good 24 Deep Cr. (NV) 7.7 100 - 250 0 - 1% * None Fair 25 Jerritt Canyon 7.5 35- 100 0 - 1% * None Fair 26 Shoofly Cr. 6.8 0 - 35 0 - 1% None Fair 27 Middle Succor Cr. 6.2 0 - 35 1 - 10% None Poor 28 Water Pipe Canyon 4.9 0 - 35 0 - 1% * Trout Poor-fair 29 Upper Succor Cr.^ 4.3 100 - 250 1 - 10% None Fair 30 Breakneck Cr. 4.2 0 - 35 0 - 1% * Trout Fair 31 Fourmile Cr. 4.1 0 - 35 0 - 1% None Fair 32 Riffle Cr. 3.7 0 - 35 0 - 1% * None Fair 33 Bull Run below Res.^ 3.5 100 - 250 1 - 10% Trout Good 34 Indian Cr. 3.4 35- 100 0 - 1% None Poor Salmon Falls Cr. basin Jarbidge – Bruneau basin Owyhee basin, continued 11 Average population density (fish/km) Minimum genetic status Non-native species present Average habitat quality Map ID Population Mi. stream habitat 35 Jump Cr. 3.3 0 - 35 10 - 20% Trout Fair 36 McCann Cr. 3.2 0 - 35 0 - 1% * None Fair 37 Mitchell Cr 2.9 0 - 35 0 - 1% None Fair 38 Capp Winn Cr. 2.8 0 - 35 0 - 1% * None Poor-fair 39 Winters Cr. 2.5 0 - 35 0 - 1% None Good 40 Red Cow Cr. 2.4 35- 100 0 - 1% None Poor 41 Upper Cow Cr. 2.2 100 - 250 0 - 1% * None Fair 42 Wall Cr 2.1 0 - 35 0 - 1% None Good 43 Wickahoney Cr. 2.1 0 - 35 0 - 1% * None Fair 44 Marsh Cr. 2.1 35- 100 0 - 1% * None Fair 45 Dip Cr. 2.1 0 - 35 0 - 1% * None Fair 46 Wood Gulch Cr. 2.0 0 - 35 0 - 1% * None Poor 47 Burns Cr. 1.6 0 - 35 0 - 1% Trout Poor 48 Clear Cr. 1.0 0 - 35 0 - 1% None Fair 49 Schmidt Cr. 0.7 100 - 250 0 - 1% None Fair 50 Doby George Cr. 0.4 0 - 35 0 - 1% None Fair 51 Frost Cr. 0.1 0 - 35 0 - 1% * None Poor 52 Bruneau R.# ^ 234.2 35- 100 > 20% None Fair-good 53 Clover Cr.# 97.8 0 - 35 0 - 1% * Trout Fair 54 Upper Bruneau R. 97.7 35- 100 0 - 1% * None Fair-good 55 Sheep Cr. 53.1 0 - 35 0 - 1% * Trout Fair-good 56 Mary's Cr.^ 20.0 0 - 35 0 - 1% * None Fair 57 Deadwood Cr. 9.7 0 - 35 0 - 1% * Trout Fair 58 Cat Cr. 4.5 0 - 35 0 - 1% * None Fair 59 Crab Cr. 3.5 35- 100 0 - 1% None Fair 60 Log Cr. 3.4 0 - 35 0 - 1% * None Fair 61 Columbet Cr. 3.1 0 - 35 0 - 1% * None Poor 62 Corral Cr. 2.5 0 - 35 0 - 1% * None Fair 63 Bear Cr. 2.1 0 - 35 0 - 1% * Trout Fair-good 64 Louse Cr. 1.8 35- 100 0 - 1% * None Fair 65 Mason Cr. 0.3 0 - 35 0 - 1% None Fair 66 Upper Salmon Falls Cr.# ^ 129.0 35- 100 0 - 1% * Trout Fair-good 67 Shoshone Cr.# ^ 51.9 35- 100 1 - 10% Trout Poor-fair 68 Salmon Falls Cr. below Res. 50.1 100 - 250 > 20% Bass (observed) Good 69 Mainstem Salmon Falls Cr.^ 48.9 0 - 35 > 20% Trout Poor-fair 70 Upper Cottonwood Cr. 24.6 0 - 35 0 - 1% * None Good 71 House Cr.^ 19.7 35- 100 > 20% Trout Fair-good 72 Lower mainstem Salmon Falls Cr.^ 10.6 100 - 250 > 20% Trout Poor Salmon Falls Cr. basin 12 Average population density (fish/km) Minimum genetic status Non-native species present Average habitat quality Map ID Population Mi. stream habitat 73 Cedar Cr. and Res. 9.3 35- 100 1 - 10% Trout Good 74 Sun Cr. 7.2 35- 100 0 - 1% None Poor 75 South Fork Jakes Cr. 6.4 0 - 35 0 - 1% * Trout Fair 76 Cottonwood Cr - lower SFC 5.0 35- 100 1 - 10% None Poor 77 China Cr. (SFC)^ 4.9 100 - 250 > 20% Trout Poor 78 West Fork Deer Cr. 3.8 0 - 35 0 - 1% None Fair 79 Middle Fork Deer Cr. 3.8 0 - 35 0 - 1% * None Good 80 Dry Cr. (SFC) 3.6 35- 100 0 - 1% * None Poor 81 Shack Cr. 3.5 35- 100 0 - 1% * None Fair 82 Trout Cr. (SFC) 3.4 0 - 35 0 - 1% None Poor 83 East Fork Deer Cr. 2.4 0 - 35 0 - 1% * None Fair 84 Bull Camp Cr. (SFC) 2.3 0 - 35 0 - 1% * None Poor Several researchers have identified criteria for identifying metapopulations of fish likely to persist over time due to the increased resiliency afforded by habitat diversity and connectivity of large habitat patches (Rieman and Dunham 2000; Hildebrand and Kershner 2000; Haak and Williams 2012). Metapopulations are defined as populations that are sufficiently large to accommodate local extinctions through migration and recolonization (Hanski and Simberloff 1996). When applied to this assessment, metapopulations include redband populations with large, connected habitats (> 9 miles) occurring at any density or moderate-sized connected habitats (6 – 9 miles) occurring at moderate to high densities (>35 fish/km) (Haak and Williams 2012); there are 39 metapopulations in the basin. 54% of populations occur in isolated habitats or at densities too low to warrant this designation. Stream Temperature, Riparian Vegetation, and Links to Redband Trout Strategic conservation decisions require information on key habitat attributes across broad landscapes. A main objective of this assessment was to develop methods to characterize stream temperatures and riparian vegetation conditions associated with redband trout habitats across the study area. To do this we deployed a stream temperature monitoring network to establish baseline stream temperature data in un-monitored streams and to validate a newly developed stream temperature model developed for the region. As stream temperature and riparian vegetation have been shown to be important to redband trout distribution and abundance previously (Zoellick et al. 2006; Meyer et al. 2010), we conducted a pilot study to link these landscape-scale measures of temperature and riparian vegetation to the distribution and abundance of redband trout, and the entire fish assemblage, to ensure they provide meaningful measures of habitat across the landscape. 13 3.1 Stream temperature monitoring The development of small underwater data loggers with sufficient battery and memory resources to record hourly water temperatures has greatly facilitated stream temperature monitoring during the last decade (Sowder and Steel 2012). The US Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station (RMRS) recently assembled a large dataset - the NorWeST Regional Database and Modeled Stream Temperatures – of hourly August stream temperatures collected from 1993– 2011 throughout the northwest US (Isaak et al. 2011). They used these data to develop a spatial statistical model that predicts average August stream temperatures for every stream reach in the Columbia River Basin as a function of climate, topography, and land cover factors. These predictions of stream temperature have recently been released for the middle Snake River and its tributaries (Figure 4). From 2010 to 2012, we deployed a network of 103 data loggers set to record hourly stream temperatures year-round for up to 4 years (Figure 4). The temperature monitoring network was designed to fill data gaps in the NorWeST database, as well as focus on BLM lands in the Owyhee and Salmon Falls Creek basins (Appendix A). The primary intent of the temperature monitoring network in Owyhee and Salmon Falls Creek basin monitoring locations is to provide baseline data for tracking trends and change in stream temperatures over time. Year-round monitoring captures important monthly and seasonal patterns in stream temperature beyond the peak annual temperatures in summer that are typically the focus of temperature studies. 14 Figure 4. Location of temperature loggers installed in streams of the Owyhee River and Salmon Falls Creek basins. TU monitoring locations represent loggers deployed for this assessment. NorWeST mean August temperature predictions also shown. The secondary intent of our temperature monitoring has been to serve as an independent dataset for validating the NorWeST stream temperature models. This was important because the model was developed for both montane and desert streams in the middle Snake Basin, but stream temperature data were sparse in the Owyhee and Salmon Falls Creek basins (Appendix A). To date, stream temperature data were downloaded from 23 loggers representing 42 summers of data. To validate the NorWeST model, we compared observed mean August stream temperatures in 2012 and 2013 to mean August temperatures predicted by NorWeST in 1994 (the year that closely corresponds to air temperature and precipitation in 2012 and 2013). Predicted temperature was typically with +/- 1°C of observed temperatures, indicating that the model accurately predicted mean August stream temperatures. The exceptions were on mainstem rivers like the East Fork Owyhee below Wildhorse Reservoir and the mainstem Owyhee below the confluence of the East and South Forks, where the NorWeST models under predicted stream temperatures by 3°C (Appendix A). This error is likely induced by a lack of data for large streams for use in model development, the alteration of expected temperature regimes by Wildhorse Dam operations, and extensive irrigation practices on the Duck Valley Reservation. Despite these anomalies, a majority of temperature predictions were accurate for 15 small streams representing redband trout habitat, and the NorWeST model provides an excellent measure of stream temperatures, and suitability for redband trout, across the basin that can be used for broad-scale assessments of stream temperatures. 3.2 Riparian Vegetation Monitoring We developed two new spatial datasets that have immediate application for assessment of riparian vegetation and its influence on stream shading and contribution to redband habitat quality in the Owyhee and Salmon Falls Creek basins – a riparian vegetation classification derived from high-resolution aerial photography and estimates of stream shading and exposure. 3.2.1 Riparian land cover classification To assess the condition, gross composition, and structure of riparian vegetation, we performed a supervised classification of land cover using high resolution (1-m2) USDA National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) photographs. High resolution aerial imagery interpretation and classification is increasingly used as a tool for monitoring riparian vegetation (Booth et al. 2007). Our classification used available NAIP imagery from 2006 (entire Owyhee basin, Nevada), 2009 (redband streams in Owyhee basin, Idaho), and 2010 (redband streams in Salmon Falls Creek basin, Nevada and portions of the Owyhee Front, Idaho) to classify vegetation within the riparian zone as woody riparian, herbaceous/emergent riparian, upland shrubland or grassland, bare ground, agriculture, or open water types (Figure 5). We did not produce riparian mapping for portions of the study area in Oregon, the Bruneau-Jarbidge basin, Idaho portions of Salmon Falls Creek, or for Little and Big Jacks Creeks, Idaho because of limited Figure 5. Example of supervised classification of NAIP imagery riparian restoration opportunity along mainstem (top panel) into land cover categories (bottom panel). rivers (e.g. Owyhee River in OR) and in wilderness areas and due to existing riparian monitoring within the range of bull trout (Bruneau-Jarbidge). Appendix B provides additional details pertaining to the riparian classification and its interpretation. 3.2.2 Shade modeling We characterized how our classification of riparian vegetation across the landscape contributes to stream shading by modeling field-measured percent August solar radiation (percent of total direct solar radiation for the month of August) as a function of woody riparian vegetation cover and local shading 16 from terrain features (e.g., canyon walls) and azimuth using a regression model (Appendix C). Because riparian vegetation and shading can be measured across a large portion of the landscape, we were then able to use the model to predict mean August solar radiation at all stream reaches with available data in the study area based on percent woody vegetation (derived from NAIP imagery) and terrain (Figure 6). Figure 6. Proportion of August solar radiation reaching the stream surface due to shading from riparian vegetation and terrain features (e.g., canyons). These two mapped products – riparian vegetation and percent solar radiation - provide a simple means to monitor riparian vegetation condition and structural composition and its influence on stream shading across a large landscape. Monitoring is possible because NAIP imagery are collected periodically (~5 years). These data will provide baseline measures for tracking changes in riparian condition over time, and provide and indicator of stream habitat quality, that can then be used to identify potential restoration strategies (see Section 4.4). 17 3.3 Redband Population and Fish Community Monitoring 0.6 0.0 20 40 60 80 1.0 Woody Vegetation (%) 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Redband >100mm Probability 3.3.2 Stream temperature and woody riparian vegetation links to redband trout populations Redband trout distribution and abundance has been linked to stream temperature (or surrogates) and woody riparian vegetation measured in the field (Zoellick et al. 2006; Meyer et al. 2013). In 2013, we sampled 21 sites in the Salmon Falls Creek (NV) to develop associations between redband trout occurrence and abundance, and fish assemblage structure, and models of stream temperature (NorWeST model) and remotely sensed measures of woody riparian vegetation – two landscape-scale measures of redband trout habtiat (see Section 3.2.1). In fact, percent woody vegetation in a 5-m stream buffer, as classified using NAIP imagery, was the best predictor of the presence of both small (<100mm TL) and large (>100mm) redband trout when compared against field measures of riparian vegetation, bank conditions, and instream physical habitat (Figure 7; Appendix D). Likewise, mean August stream temperature, as modeled for the NorWeST project, and percent woody vegetation are most likely the main factors limiting abundance of large redband trout in Salmon Falls Creek basin streams (Figure 8; Appendix D). As expected, they are also main drivers of fish community structure as well (Appendix D). 0.2 0.4 Probability 0.8 1.0 3.3.1 Redband population monitoring Redband trout population trend monitoring has been ongoing in southwest Idaho jointly between IDFG and Idaho BLM since the 1970’s. As noted earlier, Zoellick et al. (2005) reported decreasing population trends at lower elevations, but stable to increasing population trends at higher elevations. Resampling some of these sites in 2010, IDFG found no significant trend in abundance or change in distribution (Butts et al. 2011; Kozfkay et al. 2011; Butts et al. 2013). Our redband trout trend monitoring in Salmon Falls Creek (NV) showed a 5% annual decline, on average, across eight sites that were sampled in 2003 by IDFG; two of these sites were dry. An additional two sites were inundated by beaver ponds, and an additional six sites were not sampled due to a lack of land access (Appendix D). While trends at individual sites are hard to detect and trend estimates may not accurately index trends in local populations as a whole, Redband <100mm population monitoring across a suite of sites allows for generalizations to be made regarding regional trends (subbasin) or trends in specific parts of the study basins pertaining to large-scale changes in land use or broad-scale restoration programs (Dauwalter et al. 2010). 20 40 60 80 Woody Vegetation (%) Figure 7. Influence of woody riparian vegetation, measured from classified NAIP imagery, on probability of redband trout occurrence in streams. Circles represent observed presence (1) or absence (0) at 21 sites. 18 Figure 8. Redband trout abundance relationships with woody riparian vegetation and stream temperature (mean August) in Salmon Falls Creek, NV. The pseudo R-squared (R1) is a measure of model fit ranging from 0 to 100. 3.3.3 Smallmouth bass distribution modeling Non-native smallmouth bass have invaded some streams in the Owyhee, Bruneau, and Salmon Falls streams, and their presence has been shown to reduce the likelihood of redband trout presence in streams (Meyer et al. 2010). Although some records of smallmouth bass exist where fish surveys have been completed, their current distribution and invasion potential is not completely understood. To address this uncertainty and better understand the species’ invasion potential, we developed a model that predicts smallmouth bass occurrence as a function of landscape-scale environmental variables in the Lower Snake Basin (Appendix E). Stream temperature, stream gradient, stream size, reservoir, and land conversion all influenced smallmouth bass distribution, and when the model was applied to the study area smallmouth bass were most likely to occur, or capable of invading habitats, in the mainstem and main forks of the Owyhee basin and lower Salmon Falls Creek. Although the model suggest there to be some invasion potential in the lower Bruneau River and upper Salmon Falls Creek, barriers to fish passage currently limit the species’ invasion in those systems. Conservation Success Index 4.1 CSI Overview Trout Unlimited developed the Conservation Success Index (CSI) to provide a strategic, landscape-scale planning tool for cold-water conservation that is focused on watersheds (see Williams et al. 2007). The CSI is a compilation and assessment of spatial information related to a species’ distribution, populations, habitats, and future threats. It summarizes spatial (GIS) data within watersheds related to a broad suite of population metrics, anthropogenic stressors, and environmental conditions and assigns the summaries a categorical score (5 through 1, reflecting exceptional through poor condition) based on the best scientific understanding of the significance of the particular data on aquatic species persistence and effects on habitat quality. The data considered are not intended to comprise a comprehensive list of factors affecting instream habitat or aquatic species; rather, they include factors that exist as broadly 19 available, mapped data. This watershed data “summary and scoring” approach is a standard conservation planning tool and is similar to products developed by other land management agencies and conservation partners, including the Watershed Condition Framework developed by the US Forest Service and the NFHAP Data System created by the National Fish Habitat Partnership. The watershed units for this CSI analysis are the subwatershed or 12 digit hydrologic unit code watershed (HUC12) and subbasin or 8 digit hydrologic unit code watershed; these units average 15,000 acres and 1.2 million acres, respectively. 4.2 CSI Factors and Indicators The CSI has a hierarchical structure in which each spatial data source is summarized and interpreted as individual factors, suites of similar factors are rolled up into thematic indicators, and indicators are combined into four simple groups – Rangewide Conditions, Population Integrity, Habitat Integrity, and Future Security (Figure 9). Rangewide Conditions indicators compare current and historical distribution patterns at multiple spatial scales. Population Integrity indicators are based on data directly from the Redband Rangewide Status Assessment (May et al. 2012), including population density, habitat patch size, genetic status, competition with non-native species, and life history diversity. Habitat Integrity indicators account for factors related to instream habitat (such as road densities), temperature (including NorWeST stream temperature models and shade models from this study), watershed connectivity (as affected by barriers data from the status assessment and other sources), water quality (such as land use), and flow regime (such as water storage and conveyance infrastructure). Threats to subwatersheds are accounted for in the Future Security indicators, which address conversion risk (exurban development), resource extraction (development of renewable and non-renewable resources), climate change, sedimentation (landslide and erosion risk), and land stewardship (public ownership and protected status). All indicators can be further organized to identify conservation strategies that may be appropriate in watersheds given the pattern of species occurrence, habitat condition, and likely future threats, providing a landscape-scale blueprint for management efforts on public and private lands. 20 Figure 9. A schematic of CSI structure. Data are summarized and scored within factors and then organized into Indicators and Groups. Each Indicator may have multiple factors – for example, the Climate Change Indicator is comprised of factors related to winter precipitation regime change, stream temperature change, annual precipitation volume change, base flow index, drought risk, and fire regime change risk. The Climate Change indicator includes several factors which assess the vulnerability of aquatic habitats to climate change based on a composite analysis of six risk factors: changes in precipitation and flow regime based on winter precipitation type (snow vs. rain); increasing August stream temperatures based on temperature models for 2040 within the NorWeST dataset; changes in flow volume based on total annual precipitation volume models for 2050; ability of watersheds to buffer changes in flow through base flow condition (groundwater vs. surface flows); heat-related moisture loss measured through the Palmer Drought Severity Index; and changes in fire regime associated with earlier spring warming and anticipated lengthening of fire seasons. CSI methods, including factors and interpretive scoring rules, are outlined in detail in Appendix F. 4.3 CSI Results The following brief summaries describe the broad patterns of the data summary and scoring for the CSI as applied to the Owyhee, Bruneau-Jarbidge, and Salmon Falls Creek basins. While the maps provide 21 one way to compile, summarize, and interpret the data across the landscape, the underlying data are available in a web-mapping application available online. This application allows one to view specific data sources and overlay them in specific ways to answer specific questions regarding the populations, habitats, and future threats, and, thus, facilitating informed conservation decision-making over time. Rangewide Conditions scores are generally high because redband trout are persisting within their historical range at the subwatershed and subbasin scale (Figure 10). The majority of redband trout range contraction in the basins has occurred in the tributaries to the East Fork and South Fork Owyhee. There, and in the southern-most tributaries to Salmon Falls Creek, populations persist in small, disconnected habitat patches. Most populations persist in higher order streams outside of the highest elevation headwater reaches of the Bull Run and Jarbidge Mountains, where many populations occur in first order streams. Figure 10. CSI Rangewide Condition scores representing distribution across subbasins (HUC8), distributions within subbasins, distribution across subwatersheds (HUC12), and distribution within first order streams. Population integrity indicator scores reflect the data within the redband trout rangewide status assessment and are high to moderate across much of the Owyhee basin (Figure 11). Redband 22 population densities generally correspond to elevation, with highest densities in the highest elevations. The habitat extent of connected populations is greatest for populations that include mainstem river distributions, including the Owyhee River and Salmon Falls Creek above the reservoirs. However, many of those same mainstem rivers, including the Owyhee below Rome, South Fork Owyhee in Nevada, mainstem Snake, and lower reaches of the mainstem Bruneau River, have lower genetic status scores, reflecting a history of stocking. Similarly, mainstem rivers, except for the Bruneau River, also have nonnative species present which compete with or prey upon redband trout. Life History Diversity scores are uniformly moderate, reflecting the loss of an anadromous steelhead life history across all three basins. Additional data related to redband trout density, genetic status, occurrences of smallmouth bass and brook trout, and presence of fluvial life histories across the basins will further refine these results as that information becomes available. Much of the population density and genetic status attributes are inferred for redband across the basins. No data for characterizing populations are currently available from the Duck Valley Indian Reservation. Figure 11. CSI Population Integrity scores representing population density, habitat extent occupied, genetic status, competition, and life history diversity. Habitat integrity scores are generally moderate to high across the Owyhee basin (Figure 12). Moderately low and low watershed condition scores are associated with high ratios of miles of road within riparian 23 and floodplain zones to miles of stream, reflecting that human development in the basin tends to occur along watercourses and that the topography confines roads to level terrain near streams. Subwatershed-scale road densities are generally low. Temperature scores are highest in high elevation subwatersheds with intact riparian vegetation; low to moderate scores occur on many of the largest systems, with substantial portions of each subbasin 303d listed for temperature. Watershed connectivity scores are generally moderately high, but likely inflated due to the lack of a comprehensive barrier survey across the basins. Agricultural areas along the mainstem Snake, along Jordan Creek, in Duck Valley Indian Reservation on the East Fork Owyhee, along the upper South Fork Owyhee, and along Salmon Falls Creek upstream of Jackpot and widespread 303d listing for toxins (arsenic, mercury, zinc, and manganese), dissolved oxygen, and E. coli cause low-scoring exceptions to overall high water quality scores. Flow regime scores are low in association with extensive canal networks and diversions for flood irrigation of pastures in low and mid-elevation portions of the basin and associated with reservoirs such as Wild Horse, Owyhee, and Salmon Falls dams, and numerous smaller structures. Figure 12. CSI Habitat Integrity scores representing watershed conditions, temperature, watershed connectivity, water quality, and flow regime. 24 The CSI analysis of future security suggests that redband in the Owyhee are at moderate risk (Figure 13). The basins have a high future security for land conversion, with minimal threat of urban or suburban development. The threat of resource extraction is moderate. Renewable energy development areas exist in the upper South Fork Owyhee and Shoofly Creek areas (geothermal), in the western portion of the basin in the headwaters of Crooked and Antelope Creeks and along the Owyhee Front (wind), and across plateau areas (solar). Additionally, substantial mining claims exist in the vicinity of the Tuscarora, Jarbidge, and Silver City mining districts and along Salmon Falls Creek above Jackpot. The risk of increased sedimentation from riparian soil erosion and severe wildfire events is high across the basins due to inherently erosive soils and altered fire regimes. The Owyhee basin has a range of land stewardship scores, with high scores related to wilderness and wild and scenic river designations along several canyonlands and in the Jarbidge Mountains, but moderate scores elsewhere reflecting substantial public lands in general management status. Figure 13. CSI Future Security scores representing land conversion, resource extraction, climate change, sedimentation, and land stewardship. The CSI considers the effects of climate change on redband in the basins (Figure 14). Precipitation regime change risk is high across the basins as mid-elevation portions of the basin outside of the highest 25 elevations of the War Eagle, Bull Run, Independence, and Jarbidge Mountains are forecast to transition from snow to rain or mixed winter precipitation regimes by 2050 (Figure 14 A). The volume of annual precipitation forecast to fall in the basins in2050 is equivalent and not forecast to exceed 113% of current annual precipitation and base flows are generally moderate to high (Figure 14 B and D), indicative of some contributions from groundwater sources and snowmelt. Redband are at moderate risk to range constriction due to forecast summer temperatures for 2040, except at the highest elevations in the basin (Figure 14 C). Potential range contraction is most pronounced in the mainstem Owyhee below the confluence of the East Fork and South Fork, in lower Jordan Creek, and in the mainstem Snake. Drought scores associated with heat-related moisture loss are moderate to low (Figure 14 E). Fire regime change risk is highest in the forested portions of the basin, where longer fire seasons and fine fuels contribute to increase risk (Figure 14 F). Figure 14. CSI Climate Change scores: A) Winter precipitation regime change, B) Annual total precipitation change, C) August stream temperature change, D) Base flow index, E) Drought risk, F) Fire regime change. 26 4.4 Conservation Strategies The CSI provides an assessment of species, habitat, and threat data from multiple data sources summarized at a consistent scale and interpreted using transparent scoring rules. By comparing factors from the combined indicators, we can categorize watersheds according to generalized conservation strategies (Figure 15). • Protection strategies occur in subwatersheds with best habitat conditions, as indicated by the highest CSI Habitat Integrity scores, and with the highest CSI Population Integrity scores. • Habitat restoration strategies are appropriate in watersheds with a lower relative habitat condition, as reflected in CSI Habitat Integrity scores, but highest CSI Population Integrity scores indicating healthy populations. Restoration strategies may need to address single factors that lower the CSI scores (e.g. addressing water quality impairment caused by heavy metals from a mining legacy) or a broader suite of factors to secure populations into the future. • Population restoration strategies occur in subwatersheds with the best habitat conditions, as reflected in CSI Habitat Integrity scores, but low CSI Population Integrity scores. Restoration strategies may be feasible for specific causes of low Population Integrity (e.g. habitat connectivity) but may require large-scale population restoration for other causes (e.g. introgression or non-native species). • Habitat and population restoration strategies may both be necessary in subwatersheds with impaired population and habitat conditions. In some cases , addressing habitat restoration needs may result in a population level response (e.g. addressing flow regime modification caused by irrigation diversions and canals may allow for expansion of redband-occupied habitat downstream). High CSI Future Security scores and the presence of agency special status species (e.g., Greater sage grouse, Columbia spotted frogs) provide useful overlays for further prioritization within these areas, reflecting the likelihood of success of conservation actions or additional priority driven by special status species or agency habitat objectives. 27 Figure 15. Conservation Strategies for subwatersheds based on arraying Population Integrity and Habitat Integrity. Discussion This redband trout population and habitat assessment and the associated webmap for the Owyhee, Bruneau-Jarbidge, and Salmon Falls Creek basins is a compilation and interpretation of various data sources to describe broad patterns of redband trout distribution, populations, habitats, and the threats those habitats and redband trout are likely to face in the future. Taken together, the Redband Rangewide Status Assessment data, riparian vegetation and shade maps developed specifically for this assessment, redband stream temperature predictions, and CSI provide species, habitat, and threat data from multiple sources at multiple spatial scales. The results outlined in this document are one of a multitude of interpretations of the original data based on a suggested set of scoring rules and the organizing structure of the indicators and factors. However, the primary utility of this effort and other watershed conservation planning tools is to provide a single source for filtering and querying a large set of disparate but important data with user-defined questions 28 about landscape scale patterns (see Game et al. 2013). These questions start with a specific conservation strategy in mind. For example, for identifying where riparian restoration projects can have the most “bang for the buck,” the following questions are relevant: Where are the highest quality redband trout populations in the basins? Which stream reaches within those populations have the warmest predicted stream temperatures? Finally, which of those reaches have degraded riparian vegetation cover that could be restored to mitigate those projected increases in temperature? These questions can be asked at a variety of scales, including within state, basins, and for individual populations (Box 1). Some examples of conservation strategies relevant to the Owyhee, Bruneau-Jarbidge, and Salmon Falls Creek basins include: • Protection These strategies can occur in watersheds or for populations with best habitat conditions, as indicated by the highest categories within the Redband Rangewide Status Assessment, high CSI Habitat Integrity scores, most intact riparian zones offering shade and physical structure, and the coldest stream temperatures (e.g. Big and Little Jacks Creeks, Upper Cottonwood Creek). Examples of protection strategies include land status designations (e.g. BLM Areas of Critical Environmental Concern) or limiting and mitigating development. • Connecting and expanding existing populations The resiliency and likelihood of persistence of existing metapopulations can be bolstered by increasing their connectivity. While some populations in the basin are so isolated that increasing connectivity is not possible (e.g. McCann Creek), many are separated by relatively short reaches of habitats that are currently unoccupied for a variety of reasons, including seasonally passable barriers (e.g. the diversion isolating Cottonwood Creek from Upper Salmon Falls Creek), permanent barriers (e.g. the ARS research dam isolating Upper Reynolds Creek from Lower Reynolds Creek and the mainstem Snake), degraded instream habitat (e.g. the headcut isolating the Upper Bruneau and mainstem Bruneau populations), or potential thermal barriers (e.g. Combination Creek and Upper Jordan Creek). Increasing connectivity may have negative consequences if restoration opens up new habitat to non-native species (or introgressed populations) and should be carefully evaluated with agency partners. • Riparian restoration In many locations, riparian plantings or grazing management may be a means to restore the key functions establishing riparian vegetation, including mitigating highest summer temperatures, where it is currently absent. These activities will have the greatest immediate impact to trout habitat in places currently at the species’ thermal margins (i.e. > 17°C August stream temperatures) and where shade and solar exposure are mapped at levels observed to decrease trout abundance (i.e. < 60% shaded). Upper Reynolds Creek below Dobson Creek is one such location. 29 • Climate change mitigation The primary climate change threat identified for redband trout in the basins is the shift from snow to rain or mixed winter precipitation regimes associated with warmer winter temperatures. The primary impacts to stream habitat from these shifts will likely be decreasing summer base flows, higher winter stream flow, and increasing frequencies of rain-on-snow flood events (Williams et al. 2009; Mantua et al. 2010). Mitigation strategies for these include protecting the pools and groundwater upwelling zones that provide persistent habitat at low flows, increasing floodplain connectivity to attenuate flows, and promoting beaver. Beaver impoundments can provide persistent perennial water and bolster downstream flows in many circumstances (Pollock et al. 2003). Strategies with immediate redband benefits that also lessen impacts from climate change include riparian vegetation restoration to increase stream shading in thermally marginal habitats and increasing habitat connectivity to facilitate fish movement and recolonization following disturbance. Fish passage improvements with larger culverts has the additional benefit of decreasing road and infrastructure damage during flooding; NorWeST temperature predictions provide a means to identify areas forecast as thermally marginal. An equally useful approach is to use the information synthesized in this assessment to evaluate projects. As potential projects arise, the Redband Rangewide Status Assessment and CSI results become two landscape-scale criteria in the project evaluation phase. Additional considerations can be gained from a limiting factors analysis using the stream temperature predictions, or local data sources such as agency field data or surveys of on-the-ground habitat conditions. Figure 16 provides a conceptual model of this project evaluation process, in which different tools are used to identify priorities. 30 Box 1. Using Web-Mapping to Identify Strategic Restoration Opportunities for Redband Trout Populations Vulnerable to Climate Change. Strategic conservation decisions use science and data to focus limited resources. Scientific assessments are commonly completed to provide strategic, science-based guidance for largescale conservation initiatives. Often these assessments are done in the early stages of an initiative, and they necessarily need to anticipate many different types of conservation actions that might be implemented. Because of this, tools are needed that allow conservation practitioners to continue to use science and data to answer new questions that arise as initiatives mature over time. Web-based mapping applications provide a means to help answer unanticipated questions not addressed in initial scientific assessments. Here we show a simple example of how the data assembled and developed for this assessment – and served using a web-mapping interface – can be used to identify strategic opportunities to restore redband trout habitat and provide resilience to climate change across the large Owyhees landscape. Woody riparian vegetation is known to reduce solar insulation to streams through shading and, as a result, can help to reduce stream temperatures. It also helps to stabilize stream banks and provide quality instream habitat for trout. Thus, one habitat restoration strategy that can help buffer climate change impacts to redband trout is to restore riparian vegetation with a goal of reducing stream temperatures and improving habitat quality. However, to be most strategic in restoration implementation, one needs to have an answer to the following question: Where can riparian restoration best benefit redband trout populations that are predicted to be impacted by climate change? This question can easily be answered by using the web-mapping application developed for this assessment. The application contains data on redband trout populations (Section 2.3.2), stream temperature predictions under climate change (Section 3.1), and percent solar radiation reaching the stream (Section 3.2.2) that were assembled or developed as part of this assessment. Within the application you can filter the genetically pure redband trout populations (‘Population Integrity Indicator 3 (PI_3)’ score > 3), where stream temperatures are predicted to be marginal for trout (‘NorWeST modeled avg. Aug temp C (2040)’ > 17°C) and where stream shading is sparse (‘Total ave. August direct solar radiation’ > 0.40 [40%]). Applying this filter highlights strategic restoration opportunities in several tributaries to Jordan Creek, Salmon Creek (Reynolds Creek), upper Sinker Creek, North Fork Owyhee River, Red Canyon Creek, Nip and Tuck Creek, Salmon Falls Creek in Nevada, and more (see Figure below). Additional filters, such as land ownership, may help to further refine strategic restoration opportunities with specific conservation partners. 31 Figure 16. Example of how landscape assessment information can be used with conservation needs and local knowledge (agency partners, or other data sources) to evaluate the efficacy of potential projects. When interpreting assessment results, there are two important considerations related to the input data – data quality and missing data. The data we use represent the best available datasets for representing a particular feature. Most data are from the period from 2000-2010, and may not be the most up to date: the assessment and analyses presented here provides a snapshot – and potential baseline – for features and conditions for that period. Additionally, there may be variability within a particular factor not captured by the coarse resolution of some of the GIS data used in the assessment. For example, we use road densities to approximate sedimentation effects from road networks, but roads will vary greatly in their delivery of sediment to streams based on their quality of construction, position in the watershed, and bedrock geology (Black et al. 2010). Likewise, there may be local spatial datasets overlooked during the data gathering of broader, more general datasets that may provide additional resolution for considering conditions or resources on the ground. Thus, this assessment and CSI results 32 should not be considered the final says in habitat conditions or conservation strategies, but should be considered a starting point for making strategic conservation decisions across a large landscape. A second consideration is what important factors are missing. For CSI Habitat Integrity results, several factors lack any spatial data for approximating or measuring impact, including direct or indirect measures of grazing and accurate maps depicting seasonality of stream flows or dewatering. In particular, the lack of measures of grazing impacts will likely overestimate instream habitat quality in much of the study area, where grazing is often the only land use or anthropogenic disturbance on large blocks of public land. For Future Security, we lack overlays on the resilience of aquatic systems or the interactive effects of natural disturbances like fire and floods that may compound existing or future threats. Restoration opportunities may be best pursued at the watershed scale, given recent evidence of the importance of concentrating restoration efforts in limited areas in order to produce measurable changes in aquatic species abundance (Roni et al. 2010). Agency management plans (e.g., Johnson 2005) and local knowledge will provide important information on fine-scale condition and opportunities within watersheds identified based on their relative condition across the analysis landscape. For example, restoration opportunities likely exist on local scales within watersheds with a protection priority. The presence of agency special status species within redband trout habitat may increase the availability of funding for restoration, so long as restoration activities for redband are compatible with other species’ needs. Two candidate species for listing under the Endangered Species Act- Columbia spotted frog (Rana luteiventris) and Greater sage grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) – both utilize riparian areas during portions of their life histories. Despite the abundance of newly available information assembled within this assessment, many data gaps and monitoring needs remain in the basin, including: • Monitoring flows and fish passage Surveying for diversions, impassible road culverts, and flow limited reaches would fill a critical information gap across the basin. Throughout the basin, diversions irrigating pastures with surface water both block upstream passage of fish and limit downstream flows. Modifying the largest barriers provides an opportunity to increase the connectivity of populations, while improving the efficiency of diversions provides an opportunity to increase downstream flows, which is particularly important during the late summer low flow period. • Monitoring non-native fishes Non-native fishes like brook trout and smallmouth bass pose threats to some redband populations. Although recent surveys have been completed (Meyer et al. 2010; Meyer et al. 2013; Butts et al. 2011; Butts et al. 2013), the exact distribution of non-natives in the basin is not known. Modeled predictions of smallmouth bass occurrence, can, for example, help target 33 efforts to define and monitor the potential spread of this non-native species, and how it might interaction with specific populations of redband trout. • Fill data gaps in Rangewide Status Assessment For many stream reaches in the assessment area, the Redband Rangewide Status Assessment assumes abundance or genetic status. Clarification of those population characteristics will help refine conservation strategies for the species. Additionally, population connectivity or potential connectivity with downstream sources of non-native species is undetermined for many watersheds (e.g. Red Canyon or North Fork Owyhee with Mainstem Owyhee). • Continued temperature monitoring Continued monitoring with our network of 104 sensors provides key baseline temperature data for the basins and allows for further evaluation of NorWeST models. With the development of riparian vegetation and shade maps specific to the basin, the opportunity exists to develop higher-resolution, basin-specific models to predict stream temperatures with higher accuracies. Additional variables worth exploring are beaver dam and impoundment locations and topographic predictors of snow drift formation. Broad-scale assessments of species and habitats represent a specific view of conditions across a landscape that can then be used as a starting-point for strategic conservation decisions that are based on a blend of broad-scale data, local information, and informed discussion with agency and other potential project partners. Delivery of these various data sources allows for exploration of various data sources viewed in ways done explicitly for this report. Acknowledgements This project was supported by grant/cooperative agreement BLM L10AC20195 from the BLM Nevada State Office. We are grateful for data provided by Elko and Owyhee Field Offices – BLM, Nevada Department of Wildlife, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, and Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and for discussions on redband habitat with C. Evans, P. Coffin, G. Johnson, J. Elliott, J. Kozfkay and M. Koenig. R. Pahl provided helpful overview of stream temperature and shade assessment techniques as used in the Dixie and Hanks Creeks Temperature TMDLs. Field work and GIS support were provided by: R. Bjork, J. Kellner, M. Mayfield, P. Gardner, I. Shives, and J. Barney. 34 Reference List Allen, D. B., B. J. Flatter, J. Nelson, and C. Medrow. 1998. Redband trout population and stream habitat surveys in northern Owyhee County and the Owyhee River and its tributaries, 1997.Technical Bulletin No. 98-14. Benke, A. C. 1990. A perspective on America's vanishing streams. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 9(1): 77-88. Benke, R. J. 1992. Native trout of western North America. Monograph 6, American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. Black, T. 2010. Road inventory and monitoring with GRAIP. CDM Water Resources Discipline webinar. Booth, D. T., S. E. Cox, and G. Simonds. 2007. Riparian monitoring using 2-cm GSD aerial photography. Ecological Indicators 7: 636-648. Bozek, M. A., and F. 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We deployed Onset Hobo TidBit dataloggers within PVC housing epoxied to boulders or anchored in the stream channel to rebar (Isaak and Horan 2011). These loggers were deployed in 2010 – 2013 and have the capacity to record hourly temperatures for over 4 years. At each location, we also measure the solar exposure at the monitoring location using a Solar Pathfinder. We used these data (August average direct solar radiation) to predict shading on all stream reaches within the current distribution of redband trout based on the results of the riparian vegetation classification and a measure of shading provided by terrain features (Appendix C). We evaluated the stream temperature predictions produced by the NorWeST Stream Temp Regional Database and Modeled Stream Temperatures (Isaak et al. 2011) using the subset of our stream temperature monitoring data that has been downloaded. Because the NorWeST dataset provides predictions for mean August temperatures for the years 1991 – 2011 and our field measurements date from 2012 and 2013, we first had to identify which year from the 1991 – 2011 time period was most similar to 2012 and 2013 climatically. We downloaded monthly average temperature and precipitation from weather stations within the study area via the NOAA National Climatic Data Center. 23 weather stations provided a continuous temperature dataset and 16 provided a continuous precipitation record. We compared the average difference in mean August temperature and total precipitation from the preceding water year across sites for each year relative to 2012 and 2013 and selected the year that was most similar to both criteria. We assigned each field observed temperature to a NorWeST stream segment and compared the difference in observed temperature to predicted temperature. Results We have established a stream temperature monitoring network of 103 data loggers in the Owyhee and Salmon Falls Creek basins (Figure A-1). These locations complement existing networks of dataloggers, including existing US Forest Service monitoring in the Bruneau-Jarbidge (PIBO and bull trout), a currently inactive network of sites maintained by the Idaho BLM Owyhee Field Office, and annual, summer-only monitoring by Nevada BLM Elko Field Office and Idaho Department of Water Quality. Our network is unique in the basins as the only source of year-round temperature monitoring, which will prove 43 invaluable for tracking changes in stream temperatures outside of the summer period (i.e. spring and fall temperature trends). Based on average August air temperatures and preceding water year total precipitation measured at 16 locations throughout the basin, 1994 is most similar to both 2012 and 2013 (for observed average August air temperature and preceding water year total precipitation from the 1993-2011 period within NorWeST). Data from 29 sites representing 42 unique summer-observations were available for comparison with NorWeST predictions. Of those, 50% have observed temperatures less than 1 C from predicted and 71% fall within the standard error values reported by NorWeST (mean standard error for basins = 1.9°C). Of the 28% of sites with the greatest disparity in observed vs. predicted temperatures (i.e. those with an absolute difference > 2 C), half are located on the mainstem Owyhee or below Wildhorse Reservoir on the East Fork Owyhee and are warmer than predicted. Systems colder than predicted include the Middle Fork Owyhee above Three Forks, Flint Creek, and North Boulder Creek (Figure A-2). Figure A-1. Stream temperature monitoring network. 44 Figure A-2. NorWeST stream temperature model validation sites. 45 Appendix B: Evaluate Classification of NAIP imagery as a Tool for Riparian Vegetation Classification and Monitoring Objectives: • • Use widely available, free, high-resolution National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) photographs to classify riparian vegetation composition Assess NAIP image classification as a tool for long-term monitoring of riparian vegetation. Methods We acquired National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) photographs from 2006 (entire Owyhee basin, Nevada), 2009 (redband streams in Owyhee basin, Idaho), and 2010 (redband streams in Salmon Falls Creek basin, Nevada and portions of the Owyhee Front, Idaho). NAIP images are color aerial photographs with a horizontal resolution of 1 meter and include spectral information for 4 bands – red, green, blue, and infrared. Imagery for Nevada date from the summer of 2006; Idaho and Oregon images are from 2009. We conducted a supervised classification of the NAIP imagery using two main steps – delineating potential riparian zones and characterizing the vegetation within that area. For identifying potential riparian areas, we two used variables derived from a 10 meter resolution digital elevation model (USGS 2008c) - slope and distance from NHD Plus streams (USEPA and USGS 2005) - to identify a threshold value at which the product of a slope x distance raster encompassed the zone of productivity within the riparian zone (Ramirez et al. 2003). For classifying vegetation, we used the feature extraction tools within the Feature Analyst GIS software package and the “Land cover feature” and “Manhattan input representation” algorithms. These tools take the spectral information contained within multiple example polygons delineated by GIS technicians for each vegetation type and computes statistics from all four bands of the NAIP imagery to cluster pixels within the entire image into land cover classes based on common signatures. Our classification is limited to the floodplain area and includes the following classes: woody riparian vegetation, herbaceous riparian vegetation, upland sagebrush shrubland/grassland, bare ground/sand/rock, agriculture, roads, and water. Several classes proved problematic to correctly classify and we used a series of steps to improve the quality of the final classification. We cross-checked our mapping of agricultural areas against the National Land Cover Dataset (USEPA 2001) and 2009 cropland data layer (USDA 2009) to improve the agriculture mapping. To discriminate between bare ground/rock and roads, we overlaid existing roads data (IGDC 2008; USGS 2008a) onto the final vegetation map after buffering primary, paved roads by 25 meters and secondary road data by 12 meters. Water mapping proved difficult due to the similarity in spectral statistics in the NAIP images between open water, shadows, and dark rock flows (basalts). We improved the water class though a separate mapping effort focused solely on water and limited to low slope areas within the floodplain area and in patches at least 120 m². We conducted an accuracy assessment to determine the quality of our riparian mapping effort after completing the classification by 46 comparing the mapped vegetation categories against the vegetation type directly interpreted from the imagery at randomly placed points throughout the basin. As mapped, the woody riparian vegetation class includes willows (Salix sp.), cottonwoods and aspens (Populus sp.), dogwood (Cornus sp.), Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), western juniper (Juniperus occidentalis) and other woody tree and large shrub species that serve a functional role of providing shade within the riparian zone. The herbaceous riparian vegetation class includes sedges (Carex sp.), grasses, and forbs that occupy the wetted area adjacent to streams and exhibit robust annual leafy growth. Sagebrush (Artemisia sp.), bitterbrush (Purshia tridentata), native grasses, and introduced annual grasses (especially cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum)) characterize the upland sagebrush shurbland/grassland vegetation class. Agriculture in the basins is comprised solely of hay pasture typically flood-irrigated with diverted surface water. Results Figure B-1 provides an example of an original false-color NAIP image and the final land cover classification of the potential riparian zone. The error matrix in Table B-1 compares the mapped vegetation categories against the vegetation type directly interpreted from the imagery at randomly placed points throughout the basin. Although a rigorous accuracy assessment would compare the mapped vegetation type to vegetation identified on the ground in field surveys, direct image interpretation still provides a useful set of data for understanding the quality of the classification product. These data are summarized to report producer’s accuracies and user’s accuracies by vegetation type. Producer’s accuracies reflect how well a vegetation type on the ground is mapped within the classification product, while user’s accuracies reflect the likelihood that a pixel mapped as a particular vegetation type actually represents that type. Overall accuracy for the riparian vegetation mapping effort is high – 77%. Similarly, the accuracy of the key vegetation type – woody riparian shrubs and trees that provide shade – is high. Most of the classification errors are associated with the adjacent type of vegetation within the moisture-driven productivity gradient of woody riparian --- herbaceous riparian --- sagebrush/grass --- bare ground/rock. Thus, woody riparian vegetation patches on the ground are most likely to be misclassified in the map product as herbaceous riparian vegetation, sagebrush and grassland patches are most likely to be misclassified as bare ground or as herbaceous riparian vegetation, and so forth. Road mapping errors are associated with our method of using roads data to overlay on the vegetation mapping; due to inaccuracies in the data, dirt and two-track roads are misplaced into the adjacent upland vegetation (typically sagebrush). Other errors are understandable given the similarities in vegetation type – hay meadows mapped as agriculture are often similar in structure and function to wet meadows mapped as herbaceous riparian vegetation. 47 Classification Table B-1. NAIP image classification error matrix resulting from classifying randomly sampled test pixels. Woody Rip Emerg Rip Sage/grass Bare Ag Roads Water Total Training Set Data Woody Rip. Emerg. Rip. Sage/grass Bare Ag 21 4 4 1 4 18 1 2 1 29 11 19 2 1 25 5 2 25 25 51 22 27 Woody Riparian Emergent Riparian Sagebrush/grassland Bare ground/rock Agriculture Roads Water Overall Accuracy Producer's Accuracy 84.0% 72.0% 56.9% 86.4% 92.6% 100.0% 100.0% Roads Water 6 6 12 12 User's Accuracy 70.0% 72.0% 96.7% 63.3% 89.3% 54.5% 85.7% 77.4% Total 30 25 30 30 28 11 14 168 48 Figure B-1. Example of the supervised classification of NAIP imagery (top panel) into vegetation classes (bottom panel). 49 Appendix C. Development of a Solar Radiation Model from Terrain and Riparian Vegetation Attributes Objective: • • Develop a model that predicts percent August solar radiation as a function of percent woody vegetation and terrain exposure Predict Percent August Solar Radiation for all streams segments in the study area. Methods: A model of percent total August solar radiation was developed to link field measures of total solar radiation in the month of August with GIS-derived measures of woody riparian vegetation and topography. Similar methods have been used by the Nevada Department of Environmental Quality for development of TMDL documents for temperature impaired streams (Pahl 2010). To develop the model, we measured the percent of total solar radiation that reaches the stream surface, hereafter referred to as Percent Solar Radiation, using Solar Pathfinder™. Solar Pathfinder identifies the amount of solar insulation intercepted by shade-producing objects such as riparian vegetation and topographic features such as valley walls, and estimates the average daily thermal input reaching the stream surface for each month of the year by integrating the effects of azimuth, topographic altitude, vegetation height, latitude, hour angle, and time of year. The location of Solar Pathfinder measurement was recorded with a GPS unit in order to link it with the NAIP image classification. At each Solar Pathfinder location, percent woody vegetation and potential relative radiation were measured as predictors of percent solar radiation, and they are known to influence the amount of solar radiation reaching stream surfaces (Zoellick 2004) and are inherently accounted for by Solar Pathfinder measurements. Percent woody vegetation was measured from the NAIP imagery classification (see Section 3.2.1 above) as the percent of woody vegetation within a 5-m buffer of the Solar Pathfinder location. Terrain exposure was evaluated by generating an August potential relative radiation layer for the basin from a 10-meter resolution digital elevation model. Potential relative radiation reflects the shading contributions of terrain features, including canyon walls and northerly aspects, for a specific time period (Pierce et al. 2005). Potential relative radiation values are scaled around 1 (flat ground) and have values < 1 when terrain shelters a site and > 1 when the site is oriented to maximize exposure (e.g., southerly aspects). Percent woody vegetation and terrain exposure were used to predict percent total August solar radiation using beta regression in a model selection framework. Beta regression is a commonly used form of regression that assumes the dependent variable is beta-distributed with values ranging from 0 to 1. Beta-regression also has a precision parameter that can be used to account for heteroskedastisity and skewness. A global model included percent woody vegetation, terrain exposure, and their interaction as predictors. Other candidate models included both woody vegetation and terrain 50 exposure terms but excluding an interaction term, as well as two single variable models with percent woody vegetation and terrain exposure terms only. Candidate models were evaluated using Akaike’s Information Criterion adjusted for small sample size (AICc). The model with the lowest AICc was considered the most plausible model, and all other models within 4 ΔAICc unis of the best model were also considered plausible. Akaike weights (wi) were used to assess the probability of each model being the most plausible. Pseudo R2 was used to evaluate model fit. Since percent woody vegetation and terrain exposure variables were measured in a GIS and are available for redband streams in the Owyhee (Idaho, Nevada) and Salmon Falls Creek (Nevada) basins, the best model was used to predict percent August solar radiation for all stream segments in those basins. Results: Solar Pathfinder was used to measure the percent of total August solar radiation estimated to reach the stream surface at 79 sites. At these sites, percent solar radiation ranged from 1 to 99%, indicating that a wide range of conditions were measured. Likewise, the percent woody vegetation at the sites ranged from 0 to 100%, and terrain exposure values ranged from 0.658 (low exposure due to terrain and azimuth) to 1.06 (high exposure). When candidate beta-regression models were fit to these data, the model with both percent woody vegetation and terrain exposure terms, including their interaction term, was suggested to be the most plausible(Table C-1; C-2). This model predicted percent solar radiation to be higher in highly exposed terrain when woody vegetation was absent, but to be lower in highly exposed terrain when woody vegetation was near 100% (Figure C-1, bottom panel). This most plausible model explained 56% of the variance in percent August solar radiation (pseudo-R2 = 0.557). After the model was applied to redband streams in the Owyhee and Salmon Falls Creek basin, predicted percent solar radiation was higher in lower elevation streams with sparse woody vegetation and along larger streams and rivers with wide valleys (Figure C-2). For example, the South Fork Owyhee River was predicted to have a high percentage of August solar radiation reaching surface water because of low percentages of woody vegetation, flat terrain, and a north-south oriented river course. 51 2 Table C-1. Pseudo-R , AICc, ΔAICc, and Akaike weights (wi) for candidate beta-regression models predicting percent August solar radiation as a function of percent woody riparian vegetation and terrain exposure. Pseudo-R2 0.557 0.502 0.515 0.001 Candidate Models Percent Woody Vegetation x Terrain Exposure Percent Woody Vegetation Percent Woody Vegetation + Terrain Exposure Terrain Exposure AICc -57.91 -55.15 -54.19 -1.81 ΔAICc 0.00 2.76 3.72 56.09 wi 0.71 0.18 0.11 0.00 Table C-2. Parameter estimates and standard errors for a beta-regression model predicting percent solar radiation as a function of percent woody vegetation, terrain exposure, and their interaction. Parameter Intercept Percent Woody Vegetation Terrain Exposure Percent Woody Vegetation x Terrain Exposure bi -2.594 4.444 4.236 -7.139 se(bi) 1.583 2.760 1.674 2.908 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.0 0.2 0.4 August Solar Radiati 52 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.6 0.8 1.0 Woody Vegetation (%) 0.0 0.2 0.4 August Solar Radiati 0.0 0.8 0.9 Terrain Exposure (High) 1.0 (Low) 1.0 0.4 0.6 0.8 Low Exposure High Exposure 0.0 0.2 August Solar Radiati 0.7 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Woody Vegetation (%) Figure C-1. Plots of Percent Woody Vegetation versus observed Percent August Solar Radiation (top panel), Terrain Exposure versus observed Percent August Solar Radiation (middle panel), and predicted Percent Solar Radiation versus Percent Woody Vegetation at low and high levels of Terrain Exposure from a beta regression model (bottom panel). Dotted lines are standard errors of predictions. 53 Figure C-2. Percent August Solar Radiation predicted for redband streams in the Owyhee basin in Idaho and Nevada, and the Salmon Falls Creek basin in Nevada. Percent solar radiation was predicted from percent woody vegetation and terrain exposure using a beta-regression model. 54 Appendix D: Redband trout associations with instream and riparian habitat in Salmon Falls Creek, Nevada Objectives • • • • • Determine the interrelations between riparian vegetation, stream temperature, and other stream habitat characteristics. Evaluate how redband trout distribution is associated with instream and riparian habitat, and non-native salmonids, with an emphasis on woody riparian vegetation and stream temperature. Evaluate woody riparian vegetation and stream temperature as limiting factors to redband trout abundance. Assess trends in redband trout abundance over the last 10 years. Determine how the fish assemblage is structured by instream and riparian habitat. Methods Fish Sampling - Fishes were sampled by electrofishing at 21 sites in the Salmon Falls Creek basin from June to August, 2013. At each site, a stream reach 50 – 165m in length was established and isolated with 6.35-mm bar mesh block nets. Fishes were sampled with multiple-pass electrofishing using a Smith-Root LR-24 backpack electrofisher with one netter for 13 sites, 2 LR-24 backpack electrofishers and four netters at seven sites, and by visual observation (1-person) at one site. Electrofishing was done using pulsed (30-40 Hz) direct current and 200-450 V. All species were collected during the first electrofishing pass. If one or more salmonids were collected during the first pass, then subsequent passes were made until a decreasing number of salmonids were collected during subsequent passes or until no salmonids were captured. All fishes were identified to species, and all salmonids were measured to the nearest mm total length and weighed to the nearest g. Abundance of salmonids in each reach was estimated using the Zippin removal method (Zippin 1958) as implemented in the FSA package in Program R (R Development Core Team 2013). The one site where visual observation was used was in an intermittent reach where fish were congregated into two small pools. Fish were easily identified and the total length of counted individuals was estimated. The visual count was divided by a 0.8 detection probability as an estimate of abundance (Bozek and Rahel 1991). Instream Habitat Survey – In association with fish surveys, instream habitat, streambank conditions, and riparian vegetation were assessed using transect-based sampling. At each site, 10 transects were established every 10-m along the reach beginning at the downstream reach boundary. Transects were placed across the stream channel at bankfull height. Bankfull height was identified as the greenline (Burton et al. 2011). Channel depth, water depth, stream substrate, and cover were recorded at 10 equidistant points along each transect (Platts et al. 1983). Channel depth (m) was measured as the depth of the channel from bankfull elevation to the stream bottom. If the point fell within the wetted portion of the channel, then water depth (m) was also measured. Stream substratum at each point was classified according to the modified Wentworth scale as: bedrock, silt/clay (<0.064-mm diameter on baxis), sand (0.064-2-mm), gravel (2-15mm), pebble (15-64mm), cobble (64-256mm), and boulder (>256- 55 mm) (Cummins 1962). Cover was classified as: boulder, large wood (>10-cm diameter, >4-m in length), small wood, rootwad, submergent vegetation, emergent vegetation, and undercut bank (>10-cm depth). Channel unit type was classified as riffle, run, or pool based on water depth and velocity (Hawkins et al. 1993). Streambank alteration, woody vegetation height, and streambank stability and cover were assessed within 25-cm of the transect between the greenline and the water’s edge using the US Bureau of Land Management’s Multiple Indicators Monitoring protocol (Burton et al. 2011). Streambank alteration was classified as none, cattle hoof prints, or cattle trail. Woody species height was classified above each transect at the greenline as 0.0-0.5-m, 0.5-1.0-m, 1.0-2.0-m, 2.0-4.0-m, 4.0-8.0-m, and >8.0m. Streambank cover and stability was classified at each transect between the water’s edge and the greenline. Streambank cover was classified as covered or uncovered. Streambank stability for erosional banks was classified as fracture, slump, slough, eroding, or absent. Mean August temperature (°C) was based on a spatially-explicit stream temperature model developed for streams in the Salmon Falls Creek watershed (NorWeST project). Percent Woody Riparian vegetation was based on a supervised classification of National Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP) imagery from 2010. Associations Among Instream and Riparian Habitat – The inter-relationships among instream habitat variables at the 21 sites were assessed using a principal components analysis (PCA). The variables included in the analysis were: watershed size (km2); Residual pool depth (m); Channel width:depth ratio; Channel slope (%); Mean woody vegetation height (m); Percent woody vegetation within a 5-m stream buffer; Percent bank sloughed or slumped (%); Percent submergent aquatic vegetation; Percent cobble substrate; Percent fine substrate (silt, clay, or sand); Mean August temperature (°C); Density of brown trout >100mm TL (#/m2). A scree plot was used to determine the number of meaningful principal components for interpretation. The PCA was fit using scaled and centered data (mean = 0, SD = 1) and the correlation matrix in princomp in Program R (R Core Development Team 2013). To visualize how redband trout densities varied with habitat variables, densities (#/m2) <100 mm and >100 mm TL were overlain on PCA biplots. Redband Trout Associations with Instream Habitat – Instream and riparian habitat were evaluated for their effect on redband trout occurrence and abundance (both <100 mm and >100 mm TL). Their effect on occurrence was assessed using logistic regression models within a model selection framework. All combinations of one and two-variable models were fit with the same variables used in the PCA; candidate models were limited to two predictors variables to keep the ratio of sample size to number of predictor variables to 10:1 or greater. PCA axis scores were also evaluated as predictors of occurrence. Akaike’s information criterion adjusted for small sample size (AICc) was used to evaluate the plausibility of all candidate models; the model with the lowest AICc value was considered the most plausible, but all models within 4 AICc units of the best model were also considered plausible (Burnham and Anderson 2002). If multiple candidate models were plausible, then parameter estimates (and variances) were averaged using Akaike weights and shrinkage (Burnham and Anderson 2002; Lukacs et al. 2010). In addition to unstandardized parameter estimates, we computed standardized parameter estimates (from models fit with data that were standardized with mean = 0, and standard deviation = 1) for comparison of relative effect sizes for the variables included in plausible models. Variable importance was evaluated using the sum of Akaike weights for models containing each variable. Fit of the most plausible model, 56 for each size class, was evaluated with a Hosmer Lemeshow test, and predictive performance was evaluated using a 10-fold cross-validated Area Under the Curve (AUC) of a receiver operating characteristic plot (Hosmer and Lemeshow 2000), where values of 0.5 indicate no discrimination (predictive ability) and values of 1 indicate complete model discrimination. Logistic regression models were fit using the glm function with a logit link in Program R (R Core Team 2013). We evaluated instream and riparian habitat variables as limiting factors on redband trout density using quantile regression models, again in a model selection framework (Cade and Noon 2003). Quantile regression conditionally models the quantiles of a response variable distribution that may be more informative in understanding ecological process – compared to a mean response - when not all variables affecting the response are measured and included in a model. When upper quantiles are modeled they effectively represent the potential maximum response to a variable at different levels of that variable, and thus can be viewed as an evaluation of limiting factors (Cade and Noon 2003). Because of the small number of sites sampled, we only evaluated single-variable models for their potential as limiting factors to redband trout density. Thus, single variable models for the 90th percentile were fit using all instream and riparian habitat variables, ln-transformed redband trout density (<100mm, >100mm, and all sizes) was the response variable, and models were evaluated using the rqAICc statistic, which is AICc adjusted for quantile regression (Cade et al. 2005). As before, the model with the minimum AICc was considered the most plausible, and models within <4 rqAICc units were considered plausible as well. Model fit was evaluated using quantile coefficient of determination (R1)(Cade et al. 2005). Trends in Redband Trout Density – We resampled 10 sites in the Salmon Falls Creek basin that were sampled by Idaho Department of Fish and Game in 2003 (IDFG 2007) to estimate trends in redband trout densities. Previously sampled sites were located with a global positioning system coordinate at the downstream reach boundary. We navigated to this reach boundary, which was used as the beginning (or downstream) of the sampling reach during electrofishing surveys. Trends in redband trout densities between 2003 and 2013 were estimated for two size classes (<100mm and ≥100mm TL) as percent annual change in redband density (#/100m2; intrinsic rate of population change, r): % 𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 𝑐𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 = 100 ∗ (𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 �ln�𝑁𝑁𝑦𝑦𝑦𝑦2 + 0.5� − ln�𝑁𝑁𝑦𝑦𝑦𝑦1 + 0.5�� − 1) (𝑦𝑦𝑦𝑦2 − 𝑦𝑦𝑦𝑦1) where Nyr2 is the estimated density of fish during the second sampling year (yr2 or 2013), and Nyr1 is the estimated density of fish in the first sampling year (yr1 or 2003). Fish Assemblage Associations with Instream Habitat - Associations between fish assemblage structure and instream and riparian habitat was evaluated using non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS). A Wisconsin-standardization on square root-transformed species abundances was used to compute NMDS axis scores. Significance of instream and habitat variables was assessed by permuting the variables 1000 times to assess the likelihood of random associations with NMDS axes. Fit of variables was evaluated using a squared correlation coefficient, and significance was assessed at α = 0.10. A thinplate spline was fitted to ordination plots for selected significant variables to view non-linear relations between species scores and habitat variables. 57 Results Fish Sampling – Across the 21 sites sampled by backpack electrofishing (Figure D-1), redband trout were collected at 11 sites, brook trout were collected at one site, and brown trout were collected at seven sites (Table D-1). In addition to trout, the non-game species collected were: mottled sculpin, bridgelip sucker, speckled dace, longnose dace, mountain sucker, northern pikeminnow, redside shiner, chiselmouth, and largescale sucker (Table D-2). Speckled dace were collected at the most sites, whereas the brook trout was only collected at one site. Likewise, speckled dace represented the highest percentage of all fish caught (45%) and brook trout represented the lowest percentage (0.6%). Associations Among Instream and Riparian Habitat – The PCA showed that most variation in instream and riparian habitat was associated with a stream-size gradient, where larger streams had higher mean August stream temperatures, deeper residual pools, lower channel slopes, and less woody vegetation (PCA axis 1, 31% of variance; Figure D-2). A secondary gradient was one of stream disturbance, where sites with more bank sloughing and slumping had more fine substrates (silts and sands), more aquatic vegetation, and little woody riparian vegetation (PCA axis 2, 20% of variance; top panels of Figure D-2). Brown trout were more abundant at these sites. A third gradient represented a substrate size gradient that distinguished site with more cobble substrates from those with more fine substrates (PCA axis 3, 14% of variance; bottom panels of Figure D-2). A scree plot suggested the first three axes explained most of the variance among instream and riparian habitats; therefore, PCA axes 4 and higher were not interpreted. When redband trout density (#/m2) was plotted on the PCA biplots, it showed densities to be higher in smaller streams, with no relation with the stream disturbance gradient, with a similar pattern between small (<100mm; right panels of Figure D-2) and large (>100mm; left panels of Figure D2) redband trout. When redband trout densities were plotted against individual habitat and riparian variables, these relationships were also apparent (Figure D-3). Redband Trout Associations with Instream Habitat – Logistic regression models suggested that percent woody riparian vegetation within a 5-m stream buffer was the strongest predictor of redband trout occurrence, both for small (<100mm) and large (>100mm) trout. Specifically, the most plausible logistic regression model for small redband trout included two measures of riparian vegetation: percent woody vegetation and woody vegetation height (Table D-3; top panels in Figure D-4). When interpreted together, the parameter estimates for those two variables suggested that small redband trout occur more frequently when woody riparian vegetation is dense (covers a high percent of stream corridor) but short (e.g., willows versus mature cottonwoods) (Table D-4). This most plausible model fit the data and had good predictive ability (Hosmer Lemeshow: χ2= 3.45, P = 0.90; AUCxval = 0.80). Small redband trout were also more likely to occur in higher gradient streams with few or no large brown trout (Tables D-3 and D-4; Figure D-4). Large redband trout were also more likely to occur at sites with more woody riparian vegetation – the major driver of occurrence. The most plausible model with percent woody vegetation and percent cobble substrate variables fit the data and had good predictive ability (Table D-3; Hosmer Lemeshow: χ2= 5.01, P = 0.76; AUCxval = 0.78). Large redband trout were more likely to occur when there was a higher percentage of woody vegetation and more cobble substrate at a site (Table D4; bottom panels of Figure D-4). However, model selection uncertainty suggested that other habitat variables influenced occurrence as well (Table D-3). Parameter estimates suggested large redband trout 58 were more likely occur at sites with more cobble substrates, taller woody riparian vegetation, and fewer brown trout (Table D-4). Other variables had lesser and more uncertain influences in occurrence (Tables D-3 and D-4). Models with individual habitat variables were better predictors of redband trout occurrence than models predicting occurrence from PCA axes scores that represented synthetic stream size and stream disturbance variables (Table D-4). Quantile regression models evaluating the potential of instream and riparian habitat variables as limiting factors suggested that channel slope was most likely limiting abundance of small (<100mm) redband trout; although not nearly as plausible, percent woody vegetation was the next most likely limiting factor (Table D-5; Figure D-5). Percent woody vegetation and mean August stream temperature were first and second-most plausible models for large (>100mm) and all redband trout abundance; abundance could potentially be higher with more woody vegetation along the stream corridor and in streams with cooler mean August temperatures (Table D-5; Figure D-5). Despite these most likely models, parameter estimates for the 90th percentile were highly uncertain and included zero for every model. Pseudo-R2 were low, ranging from 18.6 to 26.2%. Trends in Redband Trout Density – Of the 10 sites that were able to be relocated with landowner permission, two were dry and two were colonized and ponded by beaver. Thus, of the eight that were revisited, including dry sites, all sites that had fish in 2003 decreased in the density of small and large redband trout. The mean percent annual change in density was -5.6% (SE = 2.5) for small redband trout, and -5.3% (SE = 2.4) for large redband trout (Table D-6). Fish Assemblage Associations with Instream Habitat – Fish assemblage structure was associated with several instream and riparian habitat variables, as revealed by the NMDS ordination. Stress was 0.067, indicating a good ordination fit. Of the 10 habitat variables evaluated, seven were significantly correlated with NMDS axes (Table D-7): temperature, slope, width:depth ratio, watershed size, percent woody vegetation, percent fines, and percent cobble substrate. Redband trout were most abundant in high gradient, cold streams, whereas longnose dace, largescale sucker, and chiselmouth were in the largest, low-gradient streams that were warm (Figure D-6). In contrast, brook trout and the two sculpin species were most abundant in streams with more cobble substrate and narrower channels, whereas speckled dace, northern pikeminnow, and mountain sucker were more abundant at sites with wide channels with more fines and less cobble substrate. Redband trout were most abundant when there was a higher percentage of woody riparian vegetation. 59 Table D-1. Trout densities (#/100m2) for two size classes (<100mm and ≥100mm TL) at sites survey using electrofishing in Salmon Falls Creek, NV. Site ID BULLCAMP1a* CANCK01 CC01 CC02 CW00 CW01 CW02 JAKE01 LIME01 MFCAN01 NFSALM01 SF02 SF03 SF04 SF05 SF06 SFJAKE01 SFSF00 SHACK01 WILS01 Stream name Bull Camp Creek Canyon Creek Camp Creek Camp Creek Cottonwood Creek Cottonwood Creek Cottonwood Creek Jake Creek Lime Creek M Fk Canyon Creek N Fk Salmon Falls Cr Salmon Falls Creek Salmon Falls Creek Salmon Falls Creek Salmon Falls Creek Salmon Falls Creek S Fk Jakes Creek S Fk Salmon Falls Cr Shack Creek Wilson Creek Date 8/5/2013 6/27/2013 7/26/2013 8/08/2013 7/10/2013 7/25/2013 7/24/2013 8/07/2013 7/15/2013 6/27/2013 7/16/2013 7/25/2013 7/22/2013 7/22/2013 7/23/2013 7/23/2013 8/06/2013 7/24/2013 7/9/2013 7/10/2013 Length (m) 50 100 80 100 100 80 90 100 95 90 100 100 135 132 90 100 100 165 100 100 Area 2 (m ) 39 401 294 325 322 563 295 284 226 154 590 1150 1000 1284 833 849 96 1168 195 303 Redband trout <100mm ≥100mm 20.51 20.51 -2.24 -0.34 0.31 0.92 -1.86 ----0.70 0.70 7.52 14.15 1.30 3.25 ------------1.04 --0.26 --0.66 5.94 Brook trout <100mm ≥100mm --0.50 5.49 ------------------------------------- Brown trout <100mm ≥100mm ---------------0.35 ----0.85 1.86 --0.70 -0.39 -0.36 1.08 0.82 0.12 --0.26 1.03 ----- *Fish were counted using visual observation, and abundance was estimated using a visual observation efficiency of 80% for small streams (Bozek and Rahel 1991). Table D-2. Counts of non-game fish species collected during electrofishing surveys in Salmon Falls Creek, NV. Site ID BULLCAMP1a* CANCK01 CC01 CC02 CW00 CW01 CW02 JAKE01 LIME01 MFCAN01 NFSALM01 SF02 SF03 SF04 SF05 SF06 SFJAKE01 SFSF00 SHACK01 WILS01 Chiselmouth ----------1 14 16 -4 -1 --- Bridgelip sucker --3 ---2 28 ---2 6 1 3 1 -33 --- Largescale sucker ----------2 5 5 2 ------- *Fish were counted using visual observation. Mountain sucker -----15 4 -------------- Mottled sculpin -2 --33 ---25 ----------- Paiute sculpin -6 -83 ----4 ----------37 Northern pikeminnow -----12 -----3 --------- Longnose dace ---------3 4 1 2 -8 -2 --- Speckled dace --12 1 1 47 138 74 4 -95 12 79 228 48 143 -95 5 21 Redside shiner -----28 25 ---87 45 92 74 81 79 -149 --- 60 Table D-3. Candidate logistic regression models predicting redband trout occurrence (<100mm and >100mm) as a function of instream and riparian habitat variables in Salmon Falls Creek, NV. Candidate models K LogLikelihood AICc ΔAICc wi Redband trout <100mm Percent Woody Vegetation + Woody Vegetation Height Percent Woody Vegetation + Slope Percent Woody Vegetation Percent Woody Vegetation + Brown trout >100mm 3 3 2 3 -3.63 -4.04 -6.22 -5.29 14.7 15.5 17.1 18.0 0.00 0.83 2.45 3.32 0.466 0.308 0.137 0.089 PC1 PC1 + PC2 PC1 + PC3 2 3 3 -9.633 -9.079 -9.613 23.9 25.6 26.6 0.00 1.64 2.70 0.588 0.259 0.152 Redband trout >100mm Percent Woody Vegetation + Percent Cobble Percent Woody Vegetation Percent Woody Vegetation + Woody Vegetation Height Percent Woody Vegetation + Percent Aquatic Vegetation 2 Percent Woody Vegetation + Brown Trout Density (# ≥100mm / m ) Percent Woody Vegetation + Watershed size Percent Woody Vegetation + Slope Percent Woody Vegetation + Temperature Percent Woody Vegetation + Percent Fines Percent Woody Vegetation + Percent Slough Slump Percent Woody Vegetation + Channel Width:Depth Ratio 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 -6.468 -7.888 -7.038 -7.465 -7.476 -7.534 -7.612 -7.709 -7.770 -7.860 -7.881 20.348 20.442 21.488 22.342 22.363 22.480 22.635 22.829 22.952 23.133 23.174 0.000 0.094 1.140 1.994 2.016 2.133 2.287 2.481 2.605 2.785 2.826 0.201 0.192 0.114 0.074 0.073 0.069 0.064 0.058 0.055 0.050 0.049 PC1 + PC3 PC1 PC1 + PC2 + PC3 PC1 + PC2 3 2 4 3 -9.180 -11.217 -9.153 -11.177 25.8 27.1 28.8 29.78 0.00 1.33 3.03 3.99 0.535 0.275 0.117 0.073 Table D-4. Unstandardized and standardized unconditional parameter estimates (model averaged using shrinkage) and standard errors for logistic regression models predicting redband trout occurrence in Salmon Falls Creek, NV. Akaike weights (wi) were summed across all models as a measure of variable importance. Variable 𝛽𝛽�𝚤𝚤̅ Unstandardized 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆� � 𝛽𝛽 𝚤𝚤 Redband trout <100mm Intercept Percent Woody Vegetation Woody Vegetation Height Slope (%) 2 Brown Trout Density (# ≥100mm / m ) -21.880 0.327 -0.814 0.695 -0.198 17.104 0.221 1.151 1.743 1.021 Redband trout >100mm Intercept Percent Cobble Substrate Percent Woody Vegetation Woody Vegetation Height Percent Aquatic Vegetation 2 Brown Trout Density (#≥100mm / m ) 2 Watershed Size (km ) Slope (%) Temperature (C) Percent Fine Substrate Percent Bank Sough/Slump Channel Width:Depth Ratio -8.806 0.016 0.135 0.159 -0.002 -0.075 -0.00007 -0.019 -0.012 -0.0008 0.0004 -0.0004 3.419 0.039 0.047 0.642 0.013 0.057 0.00005 0.015 0.009 0.0006 0.0003 0.0003 𝛽𝛽�𝚤𝚤̅ Standardized Sum(wi) -3.980 7.007 -0.848 1.011 -0.198 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆� � 𝛽𝛽 2.904 4.747 1.199 2.537 1.021 1.000 1.000 0.308 0.137 0.089 -0.474 0.267 2.890 0.166 -0.042 -0.075 -0.046 -0.028 -0.021 -0.018 0.007 -0.003 0.632 0.650 1.014 0.669 0.220 0.057 0.035 0.021 0.016 0.014 0.006 0.003 1.000 0.201 1.000 0.114 0.074 0.073 0.069 0.064 0.058 0.055 0.050 0.049 𝚤𝚤 61 Table D-5. Parameter estimates with lower and upper confidence intervals (rank inversion method), and model selection statistics for single-variable quantile regression models predicting the 90th percentile of ln(redband trout abundance+1) as a function of instream and riparian habitat variables in Salmon Falls Creek, NV. Variable 𝛽𝛽�𝚤𝚤̅ Parameter (τ = 0.90) 𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿 � � 𝛽𝛽 Redband trout <100mm Slope (%) 0.690 Redband trout >100mm Temperature (C) Percent Woody Vegetation -0.843 0.044 -0.957 -0.064 Redband trout (all sizes) Temperature (C) Percent Woody Vegetation -0.981 0.053 -1.133 -0.062 -0.067 𝚤𝚤 𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈 � � 𝛽𝛽 rqAICc ΔrqAICc Sum(wi) 65.59 0.00 1.000 0.543 0.047 68.31 70.75 0.00 2.44 0.772 0.228 0.069 0.057 75.58 77.53 0.00 1.95 0.727 0.273 +∞ 𝚤𝚤 Table D-6. Trends in redband trout densities (#/100m2) for two size classes (<100mm and ≥100mm TL) from 2003 to 2013 in the Salmon Falls Creek basin. Trends are represented as a percent annual change. Site ID BULLCAMP2 CANCK01 CC01 CW00 CW01 CW02 MFCAN00 MFKDEER NFSALM01 NFSALM02 NFSALM03 NFSALM04 SF00 SF02 SF03 SF04 SHACK01 SHOCR01 WILS01 MEAN (SE) Stream name Bull Camp Creek Canyon Creek Camp Creek Cottonwood Creek Cottonwood Creek Cottonwood Creek MF Canyon Creek MF Deer Creek NF Salmon Falls Creek NF Salmon Falls Creek NF Salmon Falls Creek NF Salmon Falls Creek Salmon Falls Creek Salmon Falls Creek Salmon Falls Creek Salmon Falls Creek Shack Creek Shoshone Creek Wilson Creek 2003 (IDFG) <100mm ≥100mm 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.39 0.23 1.23 3.47 3.28 0.35 0.00 0.31 8.79 2.20 11.40 15.71 0.00 0.38 0.00 0.36 0.00 4.18 0.00 0.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.75 51.02 51.02 0.00 0.00 6.74 2.95 2013 <100mm DRY No access Beaver pond 0.00 0.00 Beaver pond Not sampled, difficult access DRY No access No access No access Not sampled, difficult access No access 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 No access Not sampled, difficult access ≥100mm % change <100mm ≥100mm 0.0 0.0 1.86 0.00 -5.2 -8.4 -2.2 -2.3 -12.9 -14.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -18.2 -1.9 0.0 -3.9 -18.2 -5.6 (2.5) -5.3 (2.4) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 62 Table D-7. Axis scores, squared Pearson correlation coefficient (R2), and significance (P) from a nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) ordination for instream and riparian habitat variables on fish assemblage structure in Salmon Falls Creek, NV. Variable Temperature (C) Slope (%) Width:depth ratio 2 Watershed size (km ) Woody Vegetation Height (m) Percent Woody Vegetation Percent Bank Slough/Slump Percent Aquatic Vegetation Percent Fines Percent Cobble NMDS1 0.732 -0.875 0.811 0.630 -0.994 -0.999 -0.104 0.993 0.441 -0.256 NMDS2 -0.681 0.484 0.585 -0.777 0.109 0.036 -0.995 -0.114 0.897 -0.967 R2 0.521 0.468 0.252 0.493 0.143 0.426 0.053 0.089 0.330 0.509 P 0.003 0.006 0.080 0.004 0.257 0.010 0.639 0.481 0.032 0.004 63 Figure D-1. Locations of fish and temperature monitoring in Upper Salmon Falls Creek. Redband trout habitat from redband trout rangewide database (May et al. 2012). 64 JAKE01 JAKE01 4 3 PFines BNTgt_den SFJAKE01 SF0 PctAqVeg PctSloSlu 1 PctSloSlu SFSF00 NFSALM01 NFDRY01 2 2 PctAqVeg PC2 ( 20.2 %) NFSALM01 NFDRY01 1 PC2 ( 20.2 %) RBT Present Absent 3 4 RBT Present Absent PFines BNTgt_den SFJAKE01 CW02 CW02 -1 CW01 BULLCAMP1a PctWoody MFCAN01 WILS01 Temperature LIME01 PCob ResPoolDepth WoodVegHt -1 0 1 MFCAN01 WILS01 SF04 SF03 SF02 WD_Ratio 2 -2 PCob ResPoolDepth SF06 WatSize_km2 SHACK01CC01 WoodVegHt -1 0 PC1 ( 30.8 %) ResPoolDepth Temperature 3 RBT Present Absent BNTgt_den SFSF00 CC02 WILS01 PctAqVeg CC01 SF0 SF06 ResPoolDepth Temperature PctWoody 0 CANCK01 MFCAN01 LIME01 SF04 PctSloSlu -1 NFSALM01 2 SF0 SF06 LIME01 WatSize_km2 JAKE01 WD_Ratio Slope_pct SFJAKE01 SF04 PctSloSlu SF03 BULLCAMP1a SF02 WD_Ratio Slope_pct SFJAKE01 SF02 CW02 CW02 PFines CW01 SHACK01 SHACK01 -2 NFDRY01 -2 -1 WatSize_km2 JAKE01 SF03 BULLCAMP1a PFines CW01 -2 3 WoodVegHt -1 1 SFSF00 PctAqVeg PctWoody 2 CW00 PC3 ( 14.1 %) BNTgt_den WoodVegHt 0 PC3 ( 14.1 %) 2 CW00 CANCK01 MFCAN01 1 PCob 1 3 RBT Present Absent PCob CC01 SF04 SF03 SF02 WD_Ratio PC1 ( 30.8 %) NFSALM01 CC02 WILS01 Temperature LIME01 CW00 3 CW01 BULLCAMP1a PctWoody CC02 CANCK01 SF06 WatSize_km2 SHACK01CC01 CW00 -2 0 Slope_pct -1 0 Slope_pct CC02 CANCK01 SF0 SFSF00 0 1 PC1 ( 30.8 %) 2 3 NFDRY01 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 PC1 ( 30.8 %) Figure D-2. Biplots of principle components analysis axis scores (top panels: axes 1 vs 2; bottom panels: axes 1 vs 3) showing interrelationships among stream habitat characteristics (arrows) and stream sites in Salmon Falls Creek, Nevada. Variables are: WatSize_km2 = watershed size (km2); ResPoolDepth = Residual pool depth (m); WD_Ratio = channel width:depth ratio; Slope_pct = channel slope (%); WoodyVegHt = Mean woody vegetation height (m); PctWoody = Percent woody vegetation within a 5-m stream buffer; PctSloSlu = Percent bank sloughed or slumped (%); PctAqVeg = Percent submergent aquatic vegetation; PCob = Percent cobble substrate; PFines = Percent fine substrate (silt, clay, or sand); Temperature = Mean August temperature (°C); BNTgt_den = Density of brown trout >100mm (#/m2). Site names are shown on Figure D-1. Site symbols are scaled by the density (#/m2) of redband trout <100mm TL (left panels) and >100mm TL (right panels). PFines 100 2 3 2 1 0 log(RBT / m +1) 3 2 2 3 2 1 0 log(RBT / m +1) 3 2 1 2 1 0 2 4 3 PctWoody log(RBT / m +1) 3 2 1 2 6 0 Temperature 3 2 1 40 0 40 Conductivity 3 2 1 2 500 0 log(RBT / m +1) 3 300 20 PPeb 2 100 40 0 2 20 1 2 17 20 PctAqVeg log(RBT / m +1) 3 2 1 0 0 log(RBT / m +1) 3 2 15 20 40 60 80 PCob 1 13 5 0 2 2 10 20 30 40 0 11 4 PctUndBnk log(RBT / m +1) 3 2 1 2 2 60 0 PBldr log(RBT / m +1) 3 2 1 2 log(RBT / m +1) 0 20 40 60 80 0 log(RBT / m +1) 3 2 1 2 log(RBT / m +1) 0 0 PctSmWd 0 3 PctSloSlu 8 ResPoolDept WoodVegHt log(RBT / m +1) 2 3 2 1 log(RBT / m +1) 3 2 1 0 2 log(RBT / m +1) 0 20 PctBnkImp 4 6 2 Slope_pct 0 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 0 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 20 40 60 80 0 2 1 2 log(RBT / m +1) 3 2 1 30 WD_Ratio 0 0.3 WDepth 0 2 20 0.1 WWidth log(RBT / m +1) 3 2 1 0 2 log(RBT / m +1) WatSize_km 10 0 log(RBT / m +1) 3 2 0 2 4 6 8 1500 0 500 1 2 0 0 log(RBT / m +1) 3 2 1 0 2 log(RBT / m +1) 65 0.0 1.0 BNTgt_den Figure D-3. Biplots of stream characteristics versus redband trout density (all sizes) in 21 stream sites in Salmon Falls Creek, NV. Variables are: WatSize_km2 = watershed size (km2); WWidth = mean wetted width (m); WDepth = Mean water depth (m); ResPoolDepth = Residual pool depth (m); WD_Ratio = channel width:depth ratio; Slope_pct = channel slope (%); WoodyVegHt = Mean woody vegetation height (m); PctWoody = Percent woody vegetation within a 5-m stream buffer; PctBnkImp = Percent streambank impacted; PctSloSlu = Percent bank sloughed or slumped (%); PctUndBnk = Percent undercut bank; PctAqVeg = Percent submergent aquatic vegetation; PctSmWd = Percent small wood; PBldr = Percent boulder substrate; PCob = Percent cobble substrate; PPeb = Percent pebble substrate; PFines = Percent fine substrate (silt, clay, or sand); Temperature = Mean August temperature (C); Conductivity = conductivity (µS/cm); BNTgt_den = Density of brown trout >100mm (#/m2). 1.0 1.0 66 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Probability 0.6 0.0 0.2 0.4 Probability 0.8 Redband <100mm 0.8 Redband <100mm 20 40 60 80 0 1 2 5 1.0 Redband >100mm 0.8 0.6 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Probability 0.8 Redband >100mm 0.4 Probability 4 Woody Veg. Height (m) 1.0 Woody Vegetation (%) 3 20 40 60 80 Woody Vegetation (%) 0 10 20 30 40 50 Cobble (%) Figure D-4. Predicted probability of redband trout occurrence (<100mm and >100mm) versus percent woody vegetation, wooyd vegetation height, and percent cobble substrate in Salmon Falls Creek, NV. Open points represent observed presences (1) or absences (0). 20 20 67 Redband <100mm Redband <100mm R1 = 20.3 15 0 5 10 2 RBT / m 10 0 5 RBT / m 2 15 R1 = 18.6 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 1 2 5 6 15 Redband >100mm R1 = 22.5 0 5 10 2 RBT / m 10 0 5 RBT / m 2 15 Redband >100mm R1 = 23.2 0 20 40 60 80 11 100 12 13 14 15 16 17 Temperature (C) 40 40 Woody Vegetation (%) 30 Redband all R1 = 26.2 20 10 0 0 10 20 RBT / m 2 30 Redband all R1 = 25.5 2 RBT / m 4 Slope (%) 20 20 Woody Vegetation (%) 3 0 20 40 60 80 Woody Vegetation (%) 100 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Temperature (C) Figure D-5. Redband trout density versus Percent Woody Vegetation (5-m stream buffer), Percent channel slope, and Mean August Stream Temperature (°C) at 21 sites in Salmon Falls Creek, NV. Lines represent 50th (solid line) 75th (long dash), and 90th (dotted) percentiles predicted from quantile regression models. Pseudo R-squared (R1) is noted for each 90th percentile quantile regression model. -2 -1 0 1 16 2 LND CSM LSS PSC -1 0 65 1 2 1.6 2.2 -1 0 NPM -0.5 BLS MSC 2 RSS BNT LND CSM LSS PSC -1.5 -1.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 NMDS2 10 0.5 1.0 1.5 -0.5 NMDS2 21 NMDS1 1 20 0 17 -1 RBT 14 PSC BKT -2 MTS SPD 15 RSS BNT LND CSM LSS 16 15 40 35 MSC 19 MTS NPM 30 2 Width:Depth ratio 18 5 BLS 1 NMDS1 SPD 25 RSS BNT LND CSM LSS BKT -2 Cobble (%) RBT20 NPM 6 0. BLS NMDS1 10 1 1.8 0.5 1.0 1.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 2 8 0. PSC -1.5 0 2 MTS SPD MSC LSS PSC -1.5 RBT -0.5 RSS BNT 50 CSM LND BKT -1 1 Slope (%) 2.4 45 40 BLS 55 -0.5 NMDS2 NPM 60 NMDS2 70 SPD RBT -2 RSS 16.5 BNT NMDS1 MTS 70 NPM BLS BKT -2 Woody Vegetation (%) MSC75 MTS SPD 15.5 MSC NMDS1 65 5 13. 1. 2 -1.5 PCob 15 14.5 RBT -1.5 Temperature WatSize_km2 PSC BKT 14 13 MSC 12 13 1. 4 RBT PctWoody Temperature (C) -0.5 WD_Ratio SPD NPM BLS RSS BNT LND CSM LSS 0.5 1.0 1.5 Slope_pct MTS NMDS2 0.5 1.0 1.5 PFines -0.5 NMDS2 68 BKT -2 -1 0 1 2 NMDS1 Figure D-6. Non-metric multidimensional scaling plots (axes 1 vs 2) showing relations between fish species and instream and riparian habitat variables. Surfaces for inidivdual varaibles are a thinplate spline. Variable abbrebiations are: PctWoody = Percent Woody Vegetation; Slope_pct = Percent slope; PCob = Percent cobble; PFines = Percent fines; WD_Ratio = channel width:depth ratio; WatSize_km2 = Watershed size (km2); Temperature = Mean August Stream Temperature (C). Species abbreviations are: RBT = redband trout; MSC = mottled sculpin; BLS = bridgelip sucker; SPD = speckled dace; LND = longnose dace; MTS = mountain sucker; NPM = northern pikeminnow; RSS = redside shiner; BNT = brown trout; BKT = brook trout; CSM = chiselmouth; LSS = largescale sucker. 69 Appendix E. A model to predict smallmouth bass distribution above Hells Canyon and Below Shoshone Falls. Objective • • Develop a model to predict the probability of occurrence for smallmouth bass in streams and rivers as a function of landscape-scale habitat variables. Use the model to predict smallmouth bass occurrence probability for all stream segments in the Snake River Basin above Hells Canyon and below Shoshone Falls. Methods Presence-absence data for smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) were used in conjunction with landscape-scale environmental variables to fit a random forest model that can predict the probability of occurrence for smallmouth bass in streams and rivers in the Lower Snake River basin above Hells Canyon and below Shoshone Falls. Random forests represent a flexible modeling approach that can model high order interactions and non-linear relationships between environmental variables and species occurrence without a priori model specification (i.e., predefined variable interactions or non-linear responses between predictor and response variables) that is needed in traditional modeling approaches such as generalized linear models (Olden et al. 2008; Evans et al. 2011). Fish data were from a database compiled for the Upper Snake River basin above Hells Canyon (e.g., Idaho Department of Fish and Game; Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife; US EPA; Chris Walser, College of Idaho; Idaho Department of Environmental Quality); data from reservoirs were excluded. Landscape-scale variables evaluated were: Mean Annual Streamflow (m3/s; USEPA and USGS 2005); Stream Segment Slope (%; USEPA and USGS 2005); Mean Annual Precipitation (cm; USEPA and USGS 2005); Mean August Stream Temperature (°C; NorWeST); Cumulative Reservoir Storage (m3/km2; USACE 2008); Percent 100-m Stream Buffer Converted (USEPA 2001); Percent Watershed Converted (USEPA 2001); and road density in the watershed (km/km2; US Census Bureau 2001). The approach of Murphy et al. (2010) was used to screen variables based on their importance (via the Gini Index) and contribution to explaining smallmouth bass occurrence; final models were refit with the remaining variables that best explained species occurrences. Final species-specific models were then used to predict probability of occurrence for all species for perennial stream segments in the NHDPlus data set. Model predictive ability was assessed by using 10-fold cross-validated Area Under the Curve (AUC) of a plot of a receiver operating characteristic plot (i.e., a plot of 1-specificity vs. sensitivity across a range of probability values), which is a measure of model performance ranging for 0.5 (no discrimination ability) to 1.0 (complete discrimination) that is unaffected by species prevalence (proportion of sites where species was observed)(Hosmer and Lemeshow 2000; Manel et al. 2001). Results Of the 661 records in the fish database, smallmouth bass were present at 45 sites (6.8%). Seven variables predicted smallmouth bass occurrence. In order of predictive importance, the variables were: Mean August Stream Temperature, Stream Segment Slope; Mean Annual Streamflow, Mean Annual 70 Precipitation, Percent of 100-m Stream Buffer Converted Land Use; Percent Watershed Converted Land Use; and Reservoir Storage (Table E-1). Smallmouth bass were more likely to occur in larger, warmer streams of higher gradient with lower mean annual precipitation. They were also more likely to occur in streams and rivers with watersheds were land cover has been converted for agriculture or other uses (Figure E-1). Spatial predictions of occurrence probability shows the Owyhee River basin to have the highest probability of occurrence, as did the lower portions of Salmon Falls Creek, Boise River, Weiser River, and Malheur River (Figure E-2). The 10-fold cross-validated AUC was 0.92 (sensitivity = 0.87; specificity = 0.85), indicating the model had excellent predictive performance. Table 1. Mean decrease in Gini Index values as a measure of variable importance in a random forest model predicting smallmouth bass occurrence. Variable Mean August Stream Temperature (C) Slope (%) Mean Annual Streamflow (m3·s-1) Mean Annual Precipitation (cm) Percent Watershed Converted Percent of 100-m Stream Buffer Converted reservoir storage (m3·km-2) Mean Decrease Gini Index 16.8 13.2 13.1 12.0 8.8 7.6 7.0 71 10 15 20 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 maugstrtemp slope Partial Dependence on m Partial Dependence on m -5 -1.00 -4 -3 -0.90 -2 -0.80 -1 5 Partial Dependence on s -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 -4 -3 -2 -1 Partial Dependence on m 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 mannflow 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 maprecip Partial Dependence on b -4.0 -3.0 -2.0 -4.0 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 Partial Dependence on c 200 -1.0 0 0 20 40 60 80 cpconv 0 20 40 60 buf_pconv -4.0 -3.0 -2.0 Partial Dependence on d 0 50000 150000 250000 damstor Figure E-1. Partial dependence plots from a random forest model predicting smallmouth bass occurrence as a function of: maugstrtemp = Mean August Stream Temperature (°C), slope = Slope (%), mannflow = Mean Annual Streamflow (m3·s-1), maprecip = Mean Annual Precipitation (cm), buf_pconv = Percent of 100-m Stream Buffer Converted, cpconv = Percent Watershed Converted, and damstor = reservoir storage (m3·km-2). 72 Figure E-2. Probability of occurrence predictions for smallmouth bass in the Snake River Basin above Hells Canyon. 73 Appendix F. Conservation Success Index (CSI) Application Objective: • • Assemble and summarize relevant spatial data within subwatersheds related to redband trout distribution, populations, habitat quality, and future threats. Interpret the subwatershed summaries based on current scientific understanding of the significance of the particular data on aquatic species persistence and effects on habitat quality. Methods: Trout Unlimited developed the Conservation Success Index (CSI) to provide a strategic, landscape-scale planning tool for cold-water conservation that is focused on watersheds (see Williams et al. 2007). The CSI summarizes spatial (GIS) data at the subwatershed scale (12-digit hydrologic unit (NRCS USGS), equivalent to approximately 10,000 acres) related to a broad suite of population metrics, anthropogenic stressors, and environmental conditions and assigns the summaries a categorical score (5 through 1, reflecting exceptional through poor condition) based on the best scientific understanding of the significance of the particular data on aquatic species persistence and effects on habitat quality. The data considered are not intended to comprise a comprehensive list of factors affecting instream habitat or aquatic species, rather they include factors that exist as broadly available, mapped data. The CSI is a species-specific assessment comprised of four groups of “indicators.” Each indicator is a summary of several factors or metrics grouped thematically. For example, the Watershed Condition indicator includes summaries of data related to factors which affect instream habitat condition, especially through sedimentation: the footprint of road networks in watersheds, status of streams on EPA’s 303d list for sediment impairment, and the presence of active sand and gravel mining operations in the riparian zone. Data summaries in some cases are normalized by watershed area or stream mileage within watersheds (e.g. percent agricultural land or diversions per stream mile) and in other cases summarized just for the riparian zone. Each indicator receives a score and indicators are organized into groups that can be summed for overall scores related to Range-wide Conditions, Population Integrity, Habitat Integrity, and Future Security (main document,Figure 9). Scores can be further organized to identify conservation strategies that may be appropriate in watersheds, given the pattern of species occurrence, habitat condition, and likely future threats, providing a landscape-scale blueprint for management efforts on public and private lands. The following summaries provide an overview of the indicators and factors in the CSI. Table F-1 outlines the scoring rules and data sources used for each indicator and metric. Rangewide Conditions The Rangewide Conditions indicator compares the observed distribution of redband trout to the inferred historical distribution at multiple scales – across subbasins (how many historically occupied HUC8s remain occupied across the study area), within subbasins (how many historically occupied 74 HUC12s remain occupied within each HUC8 in the study area), and within subwatersheds (how many historically occupied stream miles remain occupied within HUC12s). These factors assess range contraction as regional and watershed scales. The indicator also summarizes the percent of current distribution that occurs in at least 2nd order streams, which indicates the degree to which the species is not relegated to a distribution limited to headwaters streams. Population Integrity Population Integrity indicators take and interpret data directly from the Redband Rangewide Status Assessment (May et al. 2012), including population density, habitat patch size, genetic status, competition with non-native species, and life history diversity. Population density and habitat patch size factor scores reflect that small, non-sustaining populations are more vulnerable to extirpation (Soule, 1987). Genetic status scores, which reflect the degree of introgression with stocked rainbow trout, address the reduced fitness that can be conferred by non-localized brood stocks. Non-native species considered for the competition factor include brook and brown trout and smallmouth bass. Distribution for these species is highlighted in the Rangewide Status Assessment and further clarified using the smallmouth bass distribution models produced for this study (Appendix E). The variety of life histories present in a population contributes to genetic variation essential for responding to environmental changes and facilitates the ability to occupy a greater variety of habitats, mitigating risks across space and time (McElhany et al 2000). Overview: Habitat Integrity The current condition of aquatic habitats is analyzed in the CSI through five Habitat Integrity indicators: Watershed Condition, Temperature, Watershed Connectivity, Water Quality, and Flow Regime. We summarized and scored individual metrics within each of these indicators, calculated the average and minimum score by indicator, and summed indicator scores for an overall Habitat Integrity score. Habitat Integrity – Watershed Conditions Sedimentation is addressed through the Watershed Conditions indicator, which summarizes the miles of 303(d)-listed streams for sediment, the overall road density, and the ratio of road miles within the riparian zone to stream miles in each subwatershed. These factors reflect the presence of sediment in streams or the footprint of roads in watersheds, a source of fine sediments (Lee et al. 1997), which smother benthic invertebrates, embed spawning substrates, and increase turbidity (Lloyd 1987; DaviesColley and Smith 2001). Habitat Integrity – Temperature The Temperature indicator assesses instream water temperatures by looking at the miles of stream 303(d)-listed for temperature, the predicted average August stream temperature from the NorWeST database, and average August total direct solar radiation received by the stream surface, as modeled in this study (Appendix C). 303(d) impairment for temperature reflects a departure from anticipated natural water temperatures required to sustain aquatic biota. Stream temperatures and exposure are interpreted in consideration of the observed relationship between redband abundance and average summer stream temperatures below 16°C and ample shading (Meyer et al. 2010). 75 Habitat Integrity – Watershed Connectivity The Watershed Connectivity factors compares the amount of currently connected habitat to the amount of historically connected habitat within the entire connected stream network within subwatersheds and interpret the overall count of stream x road intersections, the likely locations of culverts that limit habitat connectivity. Increased hydrologic connectivity provides more habitat area and better supports multiple life stages of aquatic species, an important viability criterion which increases their likelihood of persistence (McElhany et al. 2000). Habitat Integrity – Water Quality The Water Quality indicator incorporates information on 303(d)-listed streams for toxicity and nutrients, the amount of agricultural land, number of active mines, and number of oil and gas wells. Impaired water quality, including reduced dissolved oxygen, increased turbidity, toxins, and nutrients associated with land uses, reduces aquatic habitat suitability. Habitat Integrity – Flow Regime The Flow Regime indicator represents the count of dams and their storage capacity in each subwatershed, the miles of canals that divert water from streams, the count of diversions per stream mile, the amount of dense, early successional forest habitat, and the amount of private land in rural residential land use. Natural flow regimes are critical to proper aquatic ecosystem function (Poff et al 1997) and dams, reservoirs, diversions, and canals alter flow regimes (Benke 1990). Overview: Future Security Threats to aquatic habitats are addressed in the CSI through five Future Security indicators - Land Conversion, Resource Extraction and Development, Climate Change, Water Quality, and Land Stewardship – which are evaluated at the subwatershed scale only (Table F-1). Future Security – Land Conversion The Land Conversion indicator evaluates the risk of unconverted private land being developed for residential purposes. Such changes will likely reduce aquatic habitat quality and availability through land disturbances and changes in water use (Stephens et al. 2008). Future Security – Resource Extraction The Resource Extraction indicator includes information on the amount of oil and gas leases, hard rock mineral claims, renewable energy development resources, and potential dam sites. Increased resource development will increase road densities, modify natural hydrology, increase water uses associated with development, and increase the likelihood of pollution to aquatic systems. Dam construction is likely to be associated with habitat loss, changes in flow regimes and habitat suitability, and increased likelihood of invasion by non-native species. Future Security – Climate Change 76 The Climate Change indicator includes several factors assesses the vulnerability of aquatic habitats climate change based on a composite analysis of six risk factors: changes in precipitation and flow regime based on winter precipitation type (snow vs. rain); predicted average August stream temperatures for 2040; changes in flow volume based on precipitation models for 2050; ability of watersheds to buffer changes in flow through base flow condition (groundwater vs. surface flows); heatrelated moisture loss measured through the Palmer Drought Severity Index; and changes in fire regime associated with earlier spring warming. The CSI identifies areas vulnerable to changes in flow timing and magnitude related to climate change. Transitions in winter precipitation regimes throughout the western United States – especially from snow to rain - may be associated with changes in spring peak flow timing and magnitude, summer low flow magnitude, and increased likelihood of rain-on-snow events (Williams et al. 2009; Mantua et al. 2010). For each watershed, we predict the transition in precipitation regime, where regimes include snowdominated (December through February mean temperature < - 1°C), mixed (December through February mean temperature between – 1°C and 1°C), and rain-dominated (December through February mean temperature > 1°C), based on current climate and forecasts for 2050. Increasing water temperatures will displace species from portions of their current distribution (Williams et al. 2009; Mantua et al. 2010). The CSI anticipates stream temperature increase using the forecast average August temperature values reported in the NorWeST database for 2040 under the A1B warming trajectory for 2040s (2030-2059) with accounting for differential warming of streams by using historical temperatures to scale temperature increases so that cold streams warm less than warm streams (Isaak et al. 2011). These values are interpreted based on the observed relationship between redband abundance and summer water temperature less than 17°C The CSI summarizes total annual precipitation forecasts for 2050 (Maurer et al. 2007) and characterizes watersheds with a 10% or greater forecast increase in precipitation volumes as low risk, stable precipitation volumes as moderate risk, and any forecast decrease in precipitation greater than 10% as high risk. Base Flow Index measures the ratio of base flows to total stream flows expressed as a percentage (Wolock 2003). High base flow watersheds have groundwater or snow melt dominated flows, while low base flow watersheds have surface run-off dominated flows. Watersheds with large components of their annual flow provided by stable sources such as groundwater or snow are likely to have lower fluctuations in flow in response to climate variability. Heat-related moisture loss is forecast to overwhelm any increase in precipitation in much of the interior western United States anticipated with changing climate causing a perpetual state of drought (Hoerling and Eischeid 2007). Areas with low total annual precipitation volumes and high temperatures will be especially at risk and likely to have less water available for instream flows (Haak et al. 2010). 77 Earlier spring snowmelt coupled with warmer spring temperatures are forecast to increase the duration, extent, and severity of wildfire seasons as climates change, affecting instream habitats directly through burning and indirectly through post-fire flooding and debris flow (Williams et al. 2009). Fire regime changes in the western United States are likely to be particularly amplified in mid-elevation watersheds currently dominated by fine fuels (Westerling et al. 2006). Future Security – Sedimentation The potential for new sedimentation through shallow landslides on unstable slopes (Shaw and Johnson 1995), particularly in habitats vulnerable to severe, stand replacing wildfire, is addressed through the Sedimentation indicator. The Sedimentation indicator also looks at the susceptibility of riparian soils to erosion and the rate of runoff, as measured by the soil K factor, and the fire regime condition class, a measure of the departure of vegetation from expected historical fire regime and fuel characteristics. Sediment smothers benthic invertebrates, embed spawning substrates, and increase turbidity (Lloyd 1987; Davies-Colley and Smith 2001); landslides and post-fire erosion can be significant sources of sediment. Future Security – Land Stewardship Finally, the Land Stewardship indictor represents the fraction of each subwatershed with lands that have a protected status. Protected lands have some mandate for conservation via federal, state, or other conservation ownership with some additional regulatory or congressionally-established protections (e.g., Wilderness Areas, Research Natural Areas, Areas of Critical Environmental Concern). Stream habitats and watersheds with higher portions of protected lands are likely to experience less anthropogenic disturbance than other lands. Results: CSI results are described in the main assessment document and can be explored in an online webmap. 78 Table F-1: Indicators and factors within the Redband Trout CSI and their scoring rules and datasources. Rangewide Conditions and Population Integrity indicators are only scored for subwatersheds with redband trout present. Range-wide Conditions Group Indicator Factor Persistence across subbasins Percent of historical HUC8s currently occupied Percent of historical HUC12s currently occupied w/in HUC8 Percent of historical stream habitat occupied within HUC12 Percent of habitats occupied >= 2nd order Population density (Fish/km) Persistence within subbasins Persistence within subwatersheds Population Integrity Persistence in large streams within subwatersheds Population density Habitat extent Genetic status Miles of occupied, connected habitat Genetic status Score = 1 0 – 50% 0 – 20% 0 – 10% 0 – 10% Score = 2 50 – 70% 20 – 40% 10 – 20% Score = 3 70 – 80% 40 – 60% 20 – 35% Score = 4 80 – 90% 60 – 80% 35 – 50% 90 – 100% 80 – 100% 50 – 100% 10 – 15% 15 – 20% 0 – 35 35 – 100 100 – 250 or “Unknown” 250 – 625 > 625 <6 6 – 12 12 – 18 18 – 30 > 30 10 – 20% 1 – 10% or “suspected hybridized” “Suspected unaltered” 0 – 1% > 20% 20 – 25% Score = 5 25 – 100% Data and Scoring Sources Redband Rangewide Status Assessment 2012 (May et al. 2012) Redband Rangewide Status Assessment 2012 (May et al. 2012) Redband Rangewide Status Assessment 2012 (May et al. 2012) Redband Rangewide Status Assessment 2012 (May et al. 2012); NHD Plus Redband Rangewide Status Assessment 2012 (May et al. 2012) Redband Rangewide Status Assessment 2012 (May et al. 2012); Haak and Williams 2012 Redband Rangewide Status Assessment 2012 (May et al. 2012) 79 Population Integrity, continued Group Indicator Factor Competition Non-native trout or bass present Life history diversity Life history diversity Instream habitat Miles 303d listed for sediment Habitat Integrity Road density (miles/miles²) Temperature Roads in riparian zone (miles road within 200m of streams/miles stream) Miles 303d listed for temperature Watershed average predicted summer stream temperature (C°) Score = 1 - - Score = 2 Score = 3 Bass observed Bass modeled at probability ≥ 0.65 Trout - All forms present except anadromous - Score = 4 > 0.1% of streams >= 4.7 1 - 0.5 4.7 - 3 0.5 - 0.25 3 - 2.5 0.25 - 0.1 23 - 26 19 - 23 None All historical forms present 0% 2.5 - 1.6 0.1 - 0.05 > 0.1% of streams > 26 Score = 5 < 1.6 0.05 - 0 0% 17 - 19 < 17 Data and Scoring Sources Redband Rangewide Status Assessment 2012 (May et al. 2012); Appendix E Redband Rangewide Status Assessment 2012 (May et al. 2012) ID Dept. of Env. Quality, 2010; OR Dept. of Env. Quality, 2004/06; NV Dept. of Env. Protection 2006 US Census Bureau TIGER 2000; BLM ID Ground Transp. 2004; BLM OR Ground Transp. 2009 EPA NHD Plus (1:100K); US Census Bureau TIGER 2000; BLM ID Ground Transp. 2004; BLM OR Ground Transp. 2009 ID Dept. of Env. Quality, 2010; OR Dept. of Env. Quality, 2004/06; NV Dept. of Env. Protection 2006 Isaak et al 2011 (1993 – 2011 Average); Meyer et al. 2012 80 Group Indicator Watershed connectivity Factor Watershed average predicted shade (redband streams only) Ratio of current maximum stream network connectivity (mi) to historical Score = 1 Score = 2 Score = 3 Score = 4 Score = 5 Appendix C < 20% 20 – 35% 35 – 50% 50 – 75% > 75% < 50% 50 - 75% 75 - 90% 90 - 95% > 95% >= 12 8 - 11 5-7 1-4 0 > 175 100 - 175 50 – 100 20 – 50 0 - 20 Habitat Integrity, continued Barrier count Road – stream intersection counts (likely passage barriers) Water quality Miles 303d listed for toxins or nutrients % urban or agricultural land use Active mine count Data and Scoring Sources > 0.1% of streams 0% 58 - 100% 28 - 58% 15 - 28% 5 - 15% 0 - 5% >= 10 7-9 4-6 1-3 0 Redband Rangewide Status Assessment 2012 (May et al. 2012); USFWS NV Passage Assessment Database 2013 ; USACE National Inventory of Dams 2008 Redband Rangewide Status Assessment 2012 (May et al. 2012); USFWS NV Passage Assessment Database 2013 ; EPA National Hydrography Dataset Plus (1:100K); US Census Bureau TIGER 2000; BLM ID Ground Transp. 2004; BLM OR Ground Transp. 2009 ID Dept. of Env. Quality, 2010; OR Dept. of Env. Quality, 2004/06; NV Dept. of Env. Protection 2006 USGS National Landcover Dataset 2006 USGS Minerals Resources Data System (Active) 2005 81 Group Indicator Factor Active oil/gas well count Habitat Integrity, continued Flow regime Dam count Ratio of dam storage (ac-ft) to stream miles Miles canal Future Security Diversions per stream mile Score = 1 Score = 2 >= 400 300 - 400 200 - 300 50 - 200 0 - 50 >= 5 3-4 2 1 0 >= 2500 1000 2499 250 -999 1 - 249 0 >= 20 10 - 20 5 - 10 1-5 0-1 >1 0.6 - 1 Score = 3 0.4 - 0.6 Score = 4 0.2 - 0.4 Score = 5 0 - 0.2 Data and Scoring Sources USGS Western Oil and Natural Gas Wells 2004 USACE National Inventory of Dams 2008 EPA NHD Plus (1:100K); USACE National Inventory of Dams 2008 EPA Nat'l Hydrography Dataset Plus (1:100K) EPANat'l Hydrography Dataset Plus (1:100K); Idaho DWR 2002 Conversion risk % vulnerable to urban/ex-urban conversion 80 - 100% 60 - 80% 40 - 60% 20 -40% 0 - 20% D. Theobald - US Forests on the Edge Spatially Explicit Growth Model v3 Resource extraction risk % suitable for solar development 50 - 100% 25 - 50% 10 - 25% 1 - 10% 0 - 1% % suitable for geothermal development 50 - 100% 25 - 50% 10 - 25% 1 - 10% 0 - 1% A.L. Haak, unpublished data. Suitability a function of annual direct normal irradiance >= 500 KwH/m2/day, slopes < 5%, and within 50 mi. of 115-345 kV transmission lines. BLM Geothermal potential areas 82 Future Security, continued Group Indicator Climate change risk Factor Score = 1 Score = 2 Score = 3 Score = 4 Score = 5 Data and Scoring Sources % suitable for wind development 50 - 100% 25 - 50% 10 - 25% 1 - 10% 0 - 1% Count hydro development sites >= 1 in local subwatershed >5 in subbasin 3- 5 in subbasin 1 - 2 in subbasin 0 in subbasin WPA and NREL, Wind Resource Potential 2003; excludes USGS Protected Areas Database 1.3 2012 Idaho National Laboratory, Hydropower Resource Assessment 2004 % acreage of mining claims 50 - 100% 25 - 50% 10 - 25% 1 - 10% 0 - 1% BLM LR2000 2003 % in oil and gas lease areas 50 - 100% 25 - 50% 10 - 25% 1 - 10% 0 - 1% BLM Geocommunicator 2008; excludes USGS Protected Areas Database 1.3 2012 Winter precipitation regime change risk (2050 current and forecast average winter temp °C) 2040 forecast average summer stream temperature (°C) Current snow (< 1°C) and future rain (>1°C) or mixed (-1 to 1°C) Current and future snow (<-1°C) or rain (> 1°C) E. Maurer et al. "Fineresolution climate projections enhance regional climate change impact studies", Eos Trans.AGU 88, (2007). Flow volume change risk I (precipitation forecast) > 26 <90% of current levels Current mixed (-1 to 1°C) and future rain (>1°C) or mixed (-1 to 1°C) 23 - 26 19 - 23 90 - 110% of current levels 17 - 19 < 17 >110% of current levels Isaak et al 2011 (Scenario S30_2040D); Meyer et al. 2012 E. Maurer et al. "Fineresolution climate projections enhance regional climate change impact studies", Eos Trans.AGU 88, (2007). 83 Future Security, continued Group Indicator Factor Score = 1 Flow volume change risk II (Base Flow) 0 - 33 (Surface flow regime) Flow volume change risk III (Heat-related moisture loss) Upper 1/3 of temp or below average to average temps W/in 1680 - 2690 m elevation range and fine fuels majority Altered fire regime risk Sedimentation % shallow landslide risk area Average soil erodibility (k factor) within riparian zone Average Fire Regime Condition Class – departure from expected fire regime 58 - 100% 0.3 – 0.5 70 – 100 (Highly departed) Score = 2 28 - 58% 0.25 – 0.3 50 – 70 Score = 3 Score = 5 Data and Scoring Sources 33 - 66 66 - 100 (Groundwater or snowmelt flow regime) USGS Base Flow Index 2003 1 - 2 st. dev above ave precip or middle 1/3 of temp > 3 st dev above ave precip or lower 1/3 of temp E. Maurer et al. "Fineresolution climate projections enhance regional climate change impact studies", Eos Trans.AGU 88, (2007). W/in 1680 - 2690 m elevation range and fine fuels in minority Outside of 1680 - 2690 m elevation range USGS National Elevation Dataset 30m; USGS/USFS LANDFIRE Anderson 13 Fuel Models 15 - 28% 0.2 – 0.25 30 – 50 Score = 4 5 - 15% 0.15 – 0.2 10 – 30 0 - 5% 0 – 0.15 0 – 10 (Least departed) USGS National Elevation Dataset 30m; SMORPH shallow landslide models NRCS SSURGO soil survey; EPA NHD Plus (1:100K) 200m buffer USGS LANDFIRE: Fire Regime Condition Class 2009 84 Future Security, continued Group Indicator Factor Land stewardship % public ownership % public ownership with protected status Score = 1 0% 0% Score = 2 0 - 30% 0 - 30% Score = 3 30 - 50% 30 - 50% Score = 4 50 - 90% 50 - 90% Score = 5 Data and Scoring Sources > 90% USGS Protected Areas Database 1.3 2012- GAP status code 1,2,3 > 90% USGS Protected Areas Database 1.3 2012- GAP status code 1,2