Selichot Observance


Selichot Observance
September 2016
K.K. Bene Israel
Rockdale Temple
Where you are valued...
...and values matter!
Shofar Soundings
Senior Rabbi’s Reflections.................2
It’s Complicated
Assistant Rabbi & Educator’s
Spotlight on Youth Engagement at
Congregational Israel Mission 2016..
B’not Mitzvah Celebrants..................5
President’s Letter................................6
Get Involved!!
Executive Director’s Comments.......7
Gearing Up for the Year Ahead
Selichot Observance...........................8
High Holy Days Schedule.................9
Women of Rockdale Update...........10
Meet the Congregant.......................11
Thank You to Our Advertisers!......14
Enivronmental Committee..............15
Mitzvah Opportunities....................16
Congregational Israel Mission 2016..
Tribute Funds List............................19
Tribute Funds...................................20
Birthdays & Anniversaries..............21
High Holy Days Babysitting
Sukkot & Simchat Torah Services..23
Selichot Observance
Saturday, September 24, 2016
8 p.m. Prison Reform & the Process of Atonement
9 p.m. Refreshments
9:30 p.m. Candlelight Service
Starting at 8 p.m., we will study the phenomenon of mass incarceration and how prison reform relates to the process of atonement. Together, we will engage with tradition and innovation as
we prepare for the Days of Awe. We will then take a break for
refreshments before we start our candelight service with the
changing of the Torah covers.
The High Holy Days are late this year!
Check out page 9 for the full schedule
of services and page 22 for babysitting
Find us on
Senior Rabbi’s Reflections It’s Complicated
“It’s complicated.” That’s the phrase that
a group of Rockdale Temple congregants
want to put in the middle of the State of
Israel on a t-shirt commemorating our
recent trip.
Amid pilgrims from every inhabited continent, our Cincinnati
community traveled together, supported by the Jewish
Foundation of Cincinnati. We represented Jews who identify
as Orthodox, Reform, Conservative and Humanist. We
had among us an interfaith group and families who share
different faiths. We knew each other from Cincinnati. We
deepened our relationships on our journey. I found true awe
in the conversations we shared along the way. Our mission
strengthened each of our congregations to find, through
complexity, something so simple-- home.
Our congregation was one of 9 different
Greater Cincinnati synagogues who
travelled together in Israel July 18-27. For
ten days, we traversed the Land of Israel
in tandem aboard 15 buses under the hot
Middle Eastern sun. Each group had their
own unique experience, while also joining
together several times - over 500 Cincinnatians strong - to
celebrate our relationship with our homeland and with each
Rabbi Sigma Faye Coran
other. I had told our congregation that traveling to Israel is not
Senior Rabbi
a trip or a vacation. I knew that it would be a pilgrimage.
Our community gathered the second night of the mission in
Netanya, our sister city. We were joined by Netanyans we
know: those who have been Israeli emissaries in Cincinnati
before they served in the Israeli army and others with whom
we have built ongoing relationships and exchanges. It was
understood that our journey was about being together, sharing
Cincinnati with Netanya even as Netanya has given to us. We
have all been transformed by this relationship which has been
shepherded by the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati.
As we traveled, we held one another’s hands as we climbed
rocks in ancient ruins and stairs in sacred cities. We cried as
we confronted history’s darkest hours. We laughed as we
slathered on Dead Sea mud. We explored our history, learning
of our people’s ability to adapt in the face of adversity to
survive as a religion with multiple faces. We were challenged
by the complexity of living in the Jewish State which strives to
embrace our shared values of tolerance and democracy.
Our journey took us to Jerusalem. As we stood in front of the
Western Wall, the holiest place in the Jewish religion, we saw
the Al Aksa mosque, a Muslim holy site. Within the walls of
the ancient city, we also visited Christianity’s sacred place, The
Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Each group was transformed
as we confronted this sacred geography. Jerusalem contains
within its name the word, “shalom” and we continue to be
compelled to pray for peace (shalom) in the Holy City and
around the world. We explored the complexities together.
On Saturday afternoon, about 350 of our community stood
to sing together in front of the Western Wall. We prayed for
Israel and we came together to advocate for a Jewish State that
can support diverse expressions of what it means to celebrate
Judaism. It’s complicated. But as we sung HaTikvah (the Hope),
Israel’s National Anthem, that Saturday afternoon, I began to
hope that we could love that messiness together; Jews of more
types than you might be aware along with so many people
who hold the Land of Israel in their hearts.
Shofar Soundings September 2016
leo sapien, molestie aliquet
viverra vitae, ultrices eget
nisl. Proin auctor facilisis
congue. Etiam venenatis
tempor suscipit. Aenean
eget ipsum mauris. Cras non
arcu lectus, vel scelerisque
erat. Nulla dui ligula, mollis
nec lobortis sed, rutrum
quis magna. Pellentesque id
vehicula libero. In porttitor
ultrices lorem, at iaculis metus
vehicula vitae. Donec porta
semper leo a vehicula. Donec
interdum condimentum ante,
eget elementum elit ultrices sit
Create a lasting legacy and enrich your community now and for years to come.
Assistant Rabbi & Educator’s Thoughts Spotlight on Youth Engagement at Rockdale
As the New Year 5777 approaches,
so too does another year of exciting
opportunities for our young
people to socialize, volunteer,
and engage Jewishly at Rockdale!
Our congregation is dedicated to
providing informal programming
for our youth that combines social
activities, learning opportunities,
and social action opportunities all
throughout the year. We are blessed
to have three fantastic youth group
advisors who work with me to offer
amazing youth group experiences for our kids and teens –
Whitney Jacobson (YGOR - HS), Michael Weiss (Rak Noar
– 7/8), and Jason Schapera (Club 456 – 4/5/6). Each of our
youth groups will be kicking off their year with an event
on Sunday, August 28th – read below, check out the “youth
groups” section of the Rockdale website, or contact the
advisors for more information!
But this year especially, youth group is NOT just for our
kids! Rockdale Temple and our senior youth group, YGOR,
will be hosting 150 teens for the NFTY-Ohio Valley Spring
Kallah, April 20-23, 2017! Our teen leaders will plan a
long weekend of programming for NFTY-OV, our high
school regional youth group of 9th -12th graders who come
to us from Ohio, Indiana, West Virginia, Kentucky, and
Tennessee. The participants will spend time in our building,
pray with our congregation, and eat meals with us – we also
hope many of our congregants, whether you have kids or
teens at home or not, will host a few teens in their homes for
the weekend (this is an awesome way to spend time with
really amazing, thoughtful, kind kids and only requires
that you drive them a few places and feed them breakfast)!
We can’t wait to bring the magic of NFTY- Ohio Valley to
Rockdale Temple and hope our entire congregation will join
in on the fun! We will reach out this winter to let you know
how you can be a part of this weekend.
Club 456
Advisor: Jason Schapera
Email: [email protected]
Noar program for junior high schoolers. Rak Noar teens meet
for monthly programs and outings, usually starting with
lunch and youth-group-style mixers and community building
exercises. Previous Rak Noar events have included giant
trampoline jumping at SkyZone, movie night in the youth
lounge, and our annual Rak Noar retreat (in concert with the
Rak Noar classroom component). Rak Noar has a number of
exciting opportunities to look forward to, especially “JYG,” the
Junior Youth Group Kallah sponsored by NFTY-OV to be held
at GUCI the weekend of March 3-5, 2017! Plus – 8th graders
have two special opportunities: 8th graders are invited to
YGOR’s annual Purim Carnival Lock-In on March 11th AND
are invitied to participated in the NFTY-OV Spring Kallah
weekend held at Rockdale in April!
Advisor: Whitney Jacobson ([email protected])
President: Matthew Wagner ([email protected])
YGOR (Youth Group of Rockdale) is the senior high school
youth group at Rockdale Temple. YGOR is advised by veteran
NFTY leader Whitney Jacobson and run by a student board of
Rockdale teens who oversee every aspect of programming and
organization. All Rockdale high schoolers are welcome and
encouraged to join YGOR and attend programs, drop-ins, and
city-wide and regional events. YGOR plans and puts on social
activities, volunteer and social action programs, and outings
to restaurants and amusements. YGOR also writes its own
educational programming, leads services, and facilitates Torah
study for its membership. YGOR is particularly looking forward
to hosting NFTY-OV Spring Kallah here at Rockdale in April!
We hope all of our Rockdale teens will get involved in YGOR
this year.
We are proud of the numerous youth programming
opportunities here at Rockdale. Please be in touch with me with
questions on any of our youth group programs. Thank you for
sharing your kids and teens with us!
Rabbi Meredith Kahan
Assistant Rabbi & Educator
Club 456 is the youth group program for our 4th, 5th, and
6th grade students here at Rockdale. Participants gather
approximately once per month for an activity outside of
temple, usually coupled with lunch and mixers (get-toknow-you games). These events are a great way for our
grade-school-aged students to get to know each other
and form community. Last year, Club 456 threw a special
Chanukah party, played laser tag, went to a Reds game, and
participated in Mitzvahpalooza and the MLK March.
Rak Noar
Advisor: Michael Weiss
Email: [email protected]
Rak Noar is the youth group experience for 7th and 8th
graders that operates as part of our “all-inclusive” Rak
Please consider naming Rockdale Temple in your will or estate plan.
YGOR Board 2016-17!
Shofar Soundings September 2016
Congregational Israel Mission 2016
We asked our congregants who went on the Cincinnati Jewish
Community Israel Trip this past July to share their stories and
pictures. This issue and the October issue will feature some each
month. Enjoy!
“I had a great desire to experience Israel, its blend of ancient and
modern, its evidence of the survival of my people. I expected a
routine educational tour, but have exciting and amazing memories. I expected to be part of a group, but became a member of a
family of “Rockdale Angels.” It was emotional and fulfilling, but
more difficult physically than I had anticipated and will forever
be grateful to all who made it possible for me. The love of Israel
and Judaism are blessings that I will cherish forever and hope to
impart to family and friends.”
B’not Mitzvah Celebrants
Saturday, September 3, 2016
10:30 a.m.
Bat Mitzvah of
Melanie Kraus
Daughter of
Barrie & Steven Kraus
Sister of
Jacob, Benjamin, and Sydney
-Fay B May
This special day in Melanie’s life represents several momentous occasions.
It’s the fresh start to a new school year, it closes the B’nei Mitzvah year for
her Hebrew School class and is actually her 13th birthday! She watched as
22 members of her class lead services and chanted Torah beautifully, now
it’s finally her turn. This occasion is additionally meaningful to the Kraus
family because Melanie was named & consecrated on Rockdale’s bima.
She gets to follow in her brothers’ footsteps to become the third member
of the family to lead services from the Rockdale bima.
“I had often wondered why Birthright for Adults didn’t exist.
I had gone to Israel 39 years ago, but the experience I returned
with from the Cincinnati Mission was much different through
adult eyes. It was richer, deeper, with a better understanding
of the complicated balance both outside and inside the state’s
borders. Coupled with strategically placed speakers and experiences, this trip re-connected me to both Israel as well as Rockdale
congregants. Those that I nodded to in passing at Rockdale I now
consider friends who I love and care about and miss being with
each day. The rabbi produced a spectacular itinerary that was
to be envied by others, thoroughly enjoyed by us and our guide
Keren (pictured with us) was “AMAZING”!”
-Jane & Bob Garfield
Continued on page 10
Melanie is beginning her 8th grade year at Mason Middle School. She is
an honor roll student, and because of her sweet nature & infectious spirit
she is adored by all her teachers. Unlike her older brothers, Melanie’s
favorite subjects are anything that have nothing to do with math or
science, or so she says. Like many of her peers she balances her school
work and many extracurricular activities. She loves to sing, dance &
hopes to some day participate in theatre. She takes voice lessons regularly
and has just celebrated her 10th year dancing at Mason Dance Center.
However, as much as she loves to sing and dance her first love is reading.
Most kids get reminded to turn off the television or the video games,
Melanie gets reminded, consistently, to put down her books. She is
always looking for that next good book to devour.
Melanie’s mitzvah project is something near and dear to her
grandmother’s heart. Her grandmother, Meryl, is very involved with
the Multiple Sclerosis Society. This past May, Melanie, and family
volunteered to model at a huge fundraiser for the MS Society called The
Women on the Move Luncheon and Fashion Show. It’s an event that
Melanie has actively participated in for the past five years. This single
event raises tens of thousands of dollars to help fund research to find a
cure for MS. In addition, Melanie plans to make a donation to the MS
Society in honor of becoming a Bat Mitzvah.
Melanie would like to send a shout out to her Rak Noar teachers &
friends for making Religious School & Hebrew School so much fun to
attend: Rabbi Matthew Kraus, Joey Rosen, Simone Schicker & all her
friends. A thank you to Sara Otero-Eiser for being such a positive role
model & encouraging tutor. Last but certainly not least, Rabbi Coran
and Rabbi Kahan for all their love, guidance and support over this past
year. She could not have achieved this milestone without the positive
encouragement you all provided.
Shofar Soundings September 2016
Create a lasting legacy and enrich your community now and for years to come.
B’not Mitzvah Celebrants
Saturday, September 10, 2016
10:30 a.m.
Bat Mitzvah of
Lindsey Archiable
Daughter of
Jami & Chris Archiable
Sister of
Saturday, September 10, 2016
10:30 a.m.
Bat Mitzvah of
Morgan Archiable
Daughter of
Jami & Chris Archiable
Sister of
Morgan is a seventh grader at Mason Middle School. She loves to
hang out with her friends, travel, draw, craft, and be outdoors. Her
favorite place to be outdoors is during the summer at Camp Livingston.
Lately, Morgan has found a new love of photography. Morgan recently
wrapped up her 7th year in Girl Scouts and is now looking for new
adventures. She is hoping to try out for winter guard in the fall and join
the track team in the spring.
Lindsey is a seventh grader at Mason Middle School. She loves to
swim, hang out with her friends, travel, spend time with her pets, and
be outdoors. Her favorite place to be outdoors is during the summer
at Camp Livingston. She loves animals and especially her two dogs,
Sophie and Lily. Lindsey recently wrapped up her 7th year in Girl
Scouts and is now looking for new adventures. She is hoping to try out
for winter guard in the fall and join the track team in the spring.
Morgan’s mitzvah project has been volunteering her time at Matthew 25
Ministries. She has done many different things while there. Morgan has
been sorting and packing many items for people in need throughout the
world. She has a new understanding of what it feels like to need these
items and help from others. Morgan will, also, be donating a portion of
her Bat Mitzvah gifts to the Jadyn Larky Camp Scholarship Fund.
Lindsey’s mitzvah project has been volunteering her time at Matthew 25
Ministries. She has done many different things while there. Lindsey has
been sorting and packing many items for people in need throughout the
world. She has a new understanding of what it feels like to need these
items and help from others. Lindsey will, also, be donating a portion of
her Bat Mitzvah gifts to the Jadyn Larky Camp Scholarship Fund.
Morgan would like to thank her tutor Adam Bellows, as well as Rabbi
Sissy Coran and Rabbi Meredith Kahan, for all their guidance and
support in preparing for her Bat Mitzvah.
Lindsey would like to thank her tutor Adam Bellows, as well as Rabbi
Sissy Coran and Rabbi Meredith Kahan, for all their guidance and
support in preparing for her Bat Mitzvah.
As hamish
as your
chicken soup
Whether you need help at home or a
rehabilitation stay in our kosher health
care center, we deliver care with kindness.
5467 Cedar Village Drive
Mason, OH 45040
Please consider naming Rockdale Temple in your will or estate plan.
Shofar Soundings September 2016
President’s Letter Get Involved!!
“When people are financially
invested, they want a return. When
people are emotionally invested,
they want to contribute.” (Quote
from Simon Sinek, Author and
Motivational Speaker for Rand
At Rockdale, we hope you feel
emotionally invested and want
to contribute – not simply your
annual sacred commitment, but
your presence and energy. Our
continued success depends upon it.
As many of you know, we are currently working with a
consultant, funded by a Jewish Foundation grant, to improve
the overall engagement of our members. The Rockdale
Connects process has taught me that our congregant
engagement is good, not great, and definitely could be
Trust me, I get it. All of us have several competing interests
all at the same time, from family obligations, careers, to
good friends who are not Jewish and not part of Rockdale.
There is only so much time in each day, and we have to be
very deliberate with it. Further, because we are an eclectic
membership, some of us are happy and satisfied at different
levels of involvement. For some, just belonging works well. For
others, maybe attending High Holy Days every fall is sufficient.
For others still, we are fine simply ensuring that our children
receive a Jewish education and rarely venture inside the
building and strike up a conversation. (Personally, I remember
my father waiting for me and my brothers in the family station
wagon and never, to my memory, meeting me inside the
temple. I love the man dearly, but what was up with that?)
Is it okay for us at Rockdale to simply accept the fact that
many of our congregants are not involved, not engaged?
Absolutely not. And here’s why. The lifeblood of the Jewish
people is temple life. The temple is the conduit to celebrating
and observing holidays and life events, to worship, to practice
and pass on Jewish traditions to our children and future
generations, and most importantly in this transient and
geographically diverse world, to be with other Jews and be a
part of Jewish community.
In essence, the temple provides each of us with our Jewish
identity and purpose. And without a vibrant and engaged
congregation, Rockdale cannot continue to provide those
benefits to us and the Jewish community. And when temples
fail to provide such benefits, the existence of the Jewish people
is jeopardized and we may die out over time. We cannot let
that happen. Thus, it is important to do everything we can to
engage our Rockdale community and encourage and convince
our members to become emotionally invested, to contribute, to
get involved.
If you are not already involved at Rockdale in some fashion,
I ask that you do so. You won’t be disappointed and I believe
that you will enjoy yourself. An easy way to get involved
and hopefully become engaged is to commit to attending a
committee meeting to see if it is your cup of tea. We hope it will
lead to your becoming a committee member. Here is a listing of
our current committees:
Shofar Soundings September 2016
• Audit (calling all CPAs out there)
• Baby Boomers (having fun like it’s the 60’s and 70’s
• Building and Grounds (help keep Rockdale beautiful)
• Choir (beautiful sounds and music)
• Create Your Jewish Legacy (protecting our future)
• Development/Fundraising (currently working on an
annual fun event)
• Endowment (calling all financial advisors out there)
• Environmental (to make us as green and ecological as
• FoRT (Families of Rockdale Temple; a community of
families with children ages 0-6)
• Finance (to ensure a balanced budget)
• Greeters and Ushers (the friendly faces welcoming you
to services)
• Historian/Archives (preserving our rich past)
• Library (educating minds of all ages)
• Adult Education (never stop learning)
• Membership (help us attract and retain wonderful
• Publicity (conveying our culture and messages to the
Jewish community)
• Religious School (educating our future)
• Ritual/Religious Practice (setting our process to
• Rock Shabbat Band (a fun, energetic group)
• Social Action (giving back to the community at large)
• Brotherhood (cultivating male friendships)
• Women of Rockdale (cultivating female friendships)
• Youth Group (cultivating young friendships)
Of those 22 committees, I’m confident there is something that
peaked your interest. If not, let us know of something else you
would like to do to get involved. If feasible, we will make it
For more information about our committees, to attend an
upcoming meeting, or join one or more, please contact our
Executive Director, Gene Meyers at 513-891-9900 or send an
email to [email protected]. Again, you won’t be
Hopefully I convinced you to take action and get involved.
If not, please contact me and we’ll discuss it further. As
always, please do not hesitate to contact me at 513.600.0322 or
[email protected].
Finally, and along the lines of strong involvement, please read
the article on page 15 and consider supporting Rockdale’s
efforts against the Duke Energy pipeline project. Under
Joanne’s leadership, the Environmental Committee’s efforts
have been invaluable and hopefully will lead to a favorable
Take care and see you soon.
Josh Shapiro
Board President
Create a lasting legacy and enrich your community now and for years to come.
Executive Director’s Comments Gearing Up for the Year Ahead
Ramping Up! – With Labor Day
rapidly approaching and summer
vacations having come to an end
we all realize activity at Rockdale
Temple is starting anew with vigor
and enthusiasm. We celebrated two
Bar Mitzvahs in August. Before
September is over our congregation
will celebrate three Bat Mitzvahs
and start the “High Holy Day
Season.” Just in case you haven’t
heard, the High Holy Days are late
this year. A service schedule can be found on page 9.
High Holy Days – Our rabbis and staff are already hard
at work preparing for the High Holy Days. From laying out
the schedule of services and events, to arranging the logistics
bringing everything together for a rewarding experience, to
writing stimulating and meaningful sermons the challenges
appear endless. And then, it all comes together.
Please remember, all are welcome at Rockdale. We urge
you to encourage your relatives, friends and neighbors
to join you at the High Holy Days and all of our services.
Please consult the schedule for the availability of child care
during the High Holy Days. As in the past, we ask for your
help. Rockdale is known throughout Cincinnati as a warm,
welcoming community. Our High Holy Day greeters have
been an important contributor to this reputation. Please
respond to the request for volunteers found on page 8.
Last year, several people volunteered to set up the chairs
and distribute the books for services. We could use your
assistance once again. Please call (513-891-9900) or write
([email protected]) Patty Kaufman if you have
the time to lend a hand.
Teresa Ames, Jennifer Clark, Janet Cohen, Bob Ingberg, Abby
Schwartz and their leader Joe Loewenstein, for all they have
done. An additional thank you goes out to Bernie Reiss for his
help reviewing the construction projects as they progressed from
start to finish.
Save the Date - Rockdale’s Development Committee will be
hosting a fundraising event to honor a very special Rockdale
husband and wife team Saturday evening, April 29, 2017. It’s an
event you don’t want to miss. More information to follow.
Please Remember – Enroll today to participate in:
Kroger Community Rewards and Amazon Smile
The programs will benefit Rockdale Temple and cost you
nothing. Contact Gabi Cohen or Patty Kaufman with questions
or for help enrolling by phone (513-891-9900) or e-mail
([email protected] or [email protected]).
Rockdale Temple Tribute Funds - The Tribute Funds give
you a way to honor people on specific occasions. Reasons could
include birth, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, confirmation, graduation,
wedding, honor being bestowed, accomplishment, passing, etc.
The Tribute Funds and their purpose are listed on page 19 of this
issue. You and the honoree will receive an acknowledgement
of your contribution. The honoree will not be informed of the
amount and your contribution can be anonymous. If you would
like to establish a new tribute fund, please contact Gene Meyers
([email protected] or 513-891-9900).
Labor Day – Please stay safe and enjoy your Labor Day
Weekend. The temple office will be closed on Labor Day,
September 5.
Israel 2016! – Great stories of excitement, pleasure and
adventure are coming in daily. Rockdale’s contingent of the
Israel trip, sponsored by the Jewish Foundation of Cincinnati
and led by Rabbis Sissy Coran and Matthew Kraus, was a
fantastic success. Starting in this Shofar Soundings issue and
continuing in the October issue we will feature the Israel
trip stories you want to share with your fellow congregants.
Please write a paragraph or so (limit 200 words) and send it
to Gabi Cohen ([email protected]) by September
9. If you’ll send a special picture, we’ll try to include it in the
Gene Meyers
Executive Director
Restrooms, Brides Room and Kitchenette – No
monthly Shofar Soundings letter from me would be complete
without a report on our renovations. Well, this is my final
report. Construction is complete. Reviews are being received
and are welcome. The building updates were a long time
coming and we all hope you’ll be happy with the changes.
A special thanks goes out to all those, congregants and staff,
who tolerated the inconvenience caused by construction.
Rockdale’s Building and Grounds Committee is owed our
gratitude for their input planning the projects. Please join
me and take a moment to thank the committee members,
Please consider naming Rockdale Temple in your will or estate plan.
Shofar Soundings September 2016
Selichot Observance Saturday, September 24
8:00 p.m.
Study Session
Prison Reform and the Process of Atonement
Join the Rockdale Temple community on Selichot as we explore the phenomenon
of mass incarceration, prison reform, and how it relates to the process of atonement. Our congregation is invited to once again enter that holy space as we welcome the arrival of the High Holy Day season with sacred study. Together, we will
engage with tradition and innovation as we prepare for the Days of Awe.
9:00 p.m.
Including a “Delicious Peace” Coffee Tasting
Sponsored by the Inter-Congregational Coffee-Buying Club
9:30 p.m.
Candlelight Service
With Changing of the Torah Covers
During this period of Selichot, we turn our thoughts to the themes of the High Holy Days as we
prepare ourselves for worship. In addition to ourselves, we must prepare our Beit Tefillah, our
House of Prayer, for the Holy Day Services. We do so by taking special care to ensure that all
ritual and ceremonial items are properly cleaned and placed in order.
Our preparation culminates on this night of Selichot. We share Holy Day music and words of
prayer from the Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur liturgies. In a sense, this is the dress rehearsal
for the Days of Awe.
As a symbol that our sanctuary is ready for worship, we will place the white covers on
the Torah scrolls. We do so with a public ceremony so that our entire Temple family may
participate in this significant endeavor.
High Holy Days Food Drive
Cash donations and non-perishable
food items will be accepted at Rockdale
Temple for the Freestore Food Bank
and the Jewish Family Service Heldman
Family Food Pantry.
Checks should be made payable to the
Freestore Food Bank and sent to the
The Freestore Food Bank truck
will be located in the JCC parking lot during
Yom Kippur morning services. Donations for
the Jewish Family Service Heldman Family Food
Pantry will be picked up after Simchat Torah.
The drive begins on Selichot:
Saturday, September 24, 2016
Rosh Hashanah Reception
Baked goods and monetary donations are being
collected for our Rosh Hashanah Reception. Both
monetary donations and baked goods should be
clearly marked for the reception and brought to
the temple by:
Friday, September 30, 2016
High Holy Days Ushers & Greeters Needed!
To reinforce Rockdale’s friendly reputation - we need greeters!!! Please let us
know if you’d like to greet at one (or more!) of the 4 High Holy Day services. You’ll
need to arrive 45 minutes prior to the service and remain in your spot 10 minutes
past the service start time to greet late-comers. Bring a warm smile and a friendly
attitue. That’s it! Easiest mitzvah ever!
And continues through Simchat Torah: Please Contact:
Monday, October 24, 2016
Chris Malhtora: [email protected] or 513-374-0009
Janie Meyers: [email protected] or 704-771-0721
Shofar Soundings September 2016
Create a lasting legacy and enrich your community now and for years to come.
High Holy Days Schedule 5777
All services will be held in the Amberley Room at the Mayerson JCC, unless otherwise specified.
Schedule subject to change.
Sunday, October 2, 2016
8:00 p.m.
*Erev Rosh Hashanah Service
With Installation of Board of
JCC Amberley Room
Monday, October 3, 2016
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
8:00 p.m.
*Kol Nidre Service
JCC Amberley Room
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Yom Kippur Morning Services
Rosh Hashanah Morning Services
Children’s Service
Children’s Service
9:30 a.m.
Infants to 1st Grade
9:30 a.m.
Rockdale Temple Chapel
Babysitting available following service.
(RSVP required-form enclosed)
Youth Service
1st Grade to 5th Grade
10:00 a.m.
Rockdale Temple Chapel
Youth Activities available following service.
(RSVP required-form enclosed)
*Morning Service
10:00 a.m.
JCC Amberley Room
Followed by
Rosh Hashanah Reception
In the Courtyard
Tashlich Service
5:00 p.m.
At French Park
Meet in the first parking lot;
access from Section Road, just east of Ridge.
Infants to 1st Grade
Rockdale Temple Chapel
Babysitting available following service.
(RSVP required-form enclosed)
Youth Service
1st Grade to 5th Grade
10:00 a.m.
Rockdale Temple Chapel
Youth Activities available following service.
(RSVP required-form enclosed)
*Morning Service
10:00 a.m.
JCC Amberley Room
Afternoon Discussion
1:00 - 2:30 p.m.
Rockdale Temple Chapel
Connecting through study & dialogue with
Rabbis Coran & Kahan
*Afternoon Service
3:00 p.m.
JCC Amberley Room
*Yizkor Service
4:30 p.m.
JCC Amberley Room
*Neilah/Concluding Service
With Havdalah
5:15 p.m.
JCC Amberley Room
*Streaming is available
online at rockdaletemple.
Break the Fast
6:00 p.m.
In the Courtyard
Please consider naming Rockdale Temple in your will or estate plan.
Shofar Soundings September 2016
Women of Rockdale Update September
Join Sisterhood and become a member of the Women of Rockdale. You will become a part of a community within the greater
Rockdale community that needs and values your participation. We still have a few spaces open on different committees: gift shop,
writing/sending condolence and simchas cards, assisting our gift shop at the Mayerson JCC’s Fall Farmer’s Market, Chanukah sale,
day of service at Ronald McDonald House, and a few others. We are changing our meetings up a bit this year with different days and
times. All are welcome at our board meetings. A light breakfast or snacks will be served. Keep an eye out for information about our
spring Tupperware fundraiser with special returning guest, Dee W. Ieye.
Co-Presidents Jennifer Clark and Jen Smilg
Mark your calendars for the following dates!
Upcoming Events & Meetings
Thursday, 9/1 WRJ Area Event, Happy New Your Year,
Wise Temple, 6 - 9 p.m.
Sunday, 9/11 Opening Board Meeting, Rockdale, 11 a.m.
Sunday, 9/18 Gift Shop table at JCC Farmer’s Market,
Parking Lot, 9:30 a.m.
Sunday, 10/16 Open Board Meeting, Rockdale, 11 a.m.
Friday, 10/21 Sukkot Potluck - joint event with Brotherhood,
Rockdale, 7:15 p.m.
Nov. 3-6 WRJ Central District Conference, Louisville, KY
Friday, 11/11 Sisterhood Shabbat Service w/ dinner,
Rockdale, 6:15 p.m.
Sunday, 11/13 Mitzvahpalooza - joint event with
Brotherhood, Rockdale, 10 a.m.
Sunday, 12/4 Chanukah Sale, Rockdale, 10 a.m. - 12 noon
Tuesday, 12/6 Program & Meeting, Rockdale, 7 p.m.
Sunday, 12/25 Ronald McDonald House, Prep, Set-Up,
and Serve Dinner
Sunday, 1/8 Open Board Meeting, Rockdale, 11 a.m.
Sunday, 2/12 Open Board Meeting, Rockdale, 11 a.m.
March 3-5 WRJ Leadership Conference, Charleston, SC
Tuesday, 3/7 Open Board Meeting,
Rockdale (Bride’s Room), 5 p.m.
Thursday, 4/13 Women’s Seder, Rockdale, 7 p.m.
Sunday, 4/23 Annual Board Meeting, Rockdale, 11 a.m.
Congregational Israel Mission 2016
“For us, Israel came into
sharp focus on
a narrow road
between two
now ancient
Syrian minefields on the
Golan Heights.
There we
could see the
narrow land at
our feet and all of the dangers and ill will that press on the country, that still aim down from either side. We saw a symbol, too.
The narrow line within which the country’s leaders and thinkers
must tread between the religious and secular world.
Nearby our caravan of Jeeps and Land Rovers which had soldiered us up the steep slope looking down on Israel’s north-
Shofar Soundings September 2016
ernmost kibbutz, our guide, despite being a jovial man, soberly
related his story of how he lost his wife to terrorists and suffered
years of paralysis from the wounds he received in the same attack.
He had nearly decided on returning to his birthplace, France. But
he drew on the founders’ courage to build this this narrow land. It
was home.
We live in a country that is as wide as a continent with plenty of
elbowroom. So much so, that we don’t realize that the same dangers, ill will, and self-inflicted wounds and divisions exist. There
is plenty of Israel here and we don’t see it. We don’t see our own
resoluteness. We don’t have that same focus you could see on that
washboard road through the Golan.
This moment had its own contrasts, too, coming as it did between
a pleasant lunch of kosher gelato and wine tasting later. But such
is hardly peculiar to Israeli sensibilities, living amid the sweet as
they do and negotiating the poignant.”
-Jim & Lori Reidel
Continued on page 17
Create a lasting legacy and enrich your community now and for years to come.
Meet the Congregant: Beth Goldstein by Janie Lam Meyers
Beth Goldstein, best known for her
beautiful Judaica Art, is the artist behind
our new magnificent Torah covers. Her
original paintings, collectively called
The Seasons of Our Jewish Lives, are the
source from which the covers were
designed. You can view these original paintings upstairs in the Rockdale
Library. These pieces were commissioned by the temple to commemorate
Rockdale’s 190th Anniversary. “It was
a terrifically wonderful honor for me,”
exclaimed Beth.
“In the olden days,” recalls Beth – a
third generation Rockdale member,
“we always sat in the same pew with
my parents and grandparents. All three
generations together. I even remember
the posture my mother held during the
standing prayers. It makes me happy
we share that spiritual connection -- because I stand the same way too!”
Beth’s early years were spent in Roselawn. “It was a solidly Jewish area and
my whole world back then was Jewish.
All my friends lived nearby; we walked
everywhere, and seemed to always end
up at the JCC, which was just up the
street. It was a very secure way of life.
Then, just before 7th grade, we moved
to Wyoming, which at the time was
comprised of a tiny Jewish population.
I never had the Walnut Hills experience
as so many others did. But fortunately
the Jewish kids I was close to all went to
Rockdale enabling us to remain friendly.” Beth’s preteen summers were spent
at a Jewish overnight camp. “My earliest
and most meaningful Shabbats were
those experienced at camp. It was there
I began to understand the significance
of being Jewish. Some of the friendships
I made at camp I still have today,” she
When Beth was in high school, she was
accepted into an international exchange
summer program, and she was asked:
“Where would you like to go?” Most
young people requested a civilized
country nearby or in Europe – but not
Beth! She has no idea what came into
her head as she boldly announced: “I’d
like to go to the FAR EAST!” In those
days, air travel wasn’t like it is today
plus there were few airports in that part
of the world. “They sent me to Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia for two months! I
can’t believe my parents let me go!”
Beth exclaimed.
That summer in Malaysia and graduating from Wyoming High School taught
Beth the world isn’t just Jewish. “I felt
comfortable with my Jewish identity,”
she articulated, but she also learned the
importance of being a Jewish ambassador – showcasing who we are to others.
Where does Beth’s exquisite talent come
from? “My maternal grandmother was a
beautiful painter and my mother wrote
and illustrated books. But I believe,”
Beth continued, “you are born with
skill. You have a predisposition to recognize and understand it - or not.”
Beth graduated from Brown University
with degrees in Fine Art and Biological Sciences. “I wanted to be a medical
illustrator.” But upon graduation, Beth
spent 15+ wonderful years with Macy’s.
“It was a fun career and I was living in
Atlanta when the retail wars began,” she
lamented. “So many stores merged and
became part of the Federated chain.”
They offered Beth the opportunity to
go to NYC, San Francisco or to leave
with a severance package. “I decided to
take the latter and that break changed
my life,” she asserted. Beth returned to
Cincinnati and earned a Master of Art
Education at the Art Academy of Cincinnati. It was here that Beth discovered
the scope of her creative talent.
One day while a student at the Art
Academy, Beth found herself alone in
a classroom and noticed a large, heavy
piece of photography background paper
lying there. Without giving it much
thought, she began tearing the heavy
paper into pieces, creating Hebrew letters. Suddenly, one of her professors entered the room and Beth froze. “Oh no!”
Please consider naming Rockdale Temple in your will or estate plan.
she silently moaned, “I’ve ruined this
expensive paper and made a mess of it.”
Her professor stood there staring down
at the scattered letters and then turned
his eyes to Beth. His face broke into a
warm smile as he declared: “There’s
Beth Goldstein!” It was an amazing
revelation for Beth. “In that moment I
realized I’d accidently discovered the
marriage of my art and my Judaism as
the key to my artistic journey, and I
never looked back.”
Beth chose gouache – opaque
watercolor – for her design of the
portfolio - The Seasons of Our Jewish
Lives which became the artwork for our
temple’s Torah mantels. Beth explains,
“it took over a year of determination
and perseverance by members of our
congregation to painstakingly bring the
intricate designs to life in needlepoint.
Now complete and at home in the ark
in our chapel,” Beth continues, “they
still take my breath away each time I see
them. It is a Hiddur mitzvah for me,”
decreed Beth, “an unimaginable gift.
I am ever humbled to have had such
a privilege, along with the trust and
support of Rabbi Coran, the board, and
the Torah committee, to see the project
Beth works in a wonderful atelier at
the Essex Studios in East Walnut Hills.
Her work consists of numerous mediums including: collage, printmaking,
watercolor, gouache, ketubahs and
ceramics. Beth is a member of the
American Guild of Judaic Artists. In
addition to her studio, you can find
Beth’s art in various craft and gift shops
around town, the Spertus Museum Shop
in Chicago, the Jewish Museum of Art
in New York, Cedar Village where she
teaches art to the residents, in Rabbi
Sissy Coran’s office and in many fine
exhibits. Beth was commissioned to
create a present for President George W.
and Laura Bush while they lived in the
White House and she also has a piece in
the Governor’s Mansion in Columbus.
“A day without creating art is like a day
without uttering a single word.” Beth
Shofar Soundings September 2016
September 2016
Labor Day
Temple Office
9:30 a.m.
4:30 p.m.
9:30 a.m.
4:30 p.m.
9:30 a.m.
4:30 p.m.
Kehal Kodesh
Religious School
(First Day)
11:00 a.m.
Sisterhood Open
Board Meeting &
5:00 p.m.
Kulanu (CRJHS)
Isaac M. Wise Center
Kehal Kodesh
Religious School
5:00 p.m.
Kulanu (CRJHS)
Isaac M. Wise Center
Kehal Kodesh
Religious School
5:00 p.m.
Kulanu (CRJHS)
Isaac M. Wise Center
Hebrew School
7:00 p.m.
Board Meeting
7:00 p.m.
Choir Rehearsal
Hebrew School
7:00 p.m.
Choir Rehearsal
Hebrew School
Shofar Soundings September 2016
5:45 p.m.
Shabbat Nosh
6:15 p.m.
Shabbat Service
9:30 a.m.
Sichat Torah
(Torah Discussion)
10:30 a.m.
Bat Mitzvah of Melanie
Daughter of Barrie &
Steven Kraus
9:30 a.m.
5:45 p.m.
5:45 p.m.
5:45 p.m.
Shabbat Nosh
6:15 p.m.
Shabbat Service
YGOR Lock-In
5:45 p.m.
Shabbat Nosh
6:15 p.m.
Rock Shabbat Service
With Birthday
Followed by dinner
Shabbat Nosh
6:15 p.m.
Shabbat Service
With Choir Singing &
Anniversary Blessings
Sichat Torah
(Torah Discussion)
10:30 a.m.
B’not Mitzvah of
Lindsey & Morgan
Daughters of Jami &
Chris Archiable
YGOR Lock-In
9:30 a.m.
Sichat Torah
(Torah Discussion)
10:30 a.m.
Service In-the-Round
9:30 a.m.
Sichat Torah
(Torah Discussion)
10:30 a.m.
Service In-the-Round
8:00 p.m.
Selichot Program
Followed by
9:30 p.m.
Selichot Candlelight
Service (changing of
the Torah covers)
Shabbat Nosh
6:15 p.m.
Shabbat Service
Create a lasting legacy and enrich your community now and for years to come.
Erev Rosh
No Kehal Kodesh
Religious School
No Kulanu (CRJHS)
8:00 p.m.
Erev Rosh
Hashanah Service
With Installation of
Board of Directors
Rosh Hashanah
No Hebrew School
Temple Office
9:30 a.m.
Children’s Service
Infants to 1st Grade
10:00 a.m.
Youth Service
1st -5th Grades
10:00 a.m.
Morning Service
Followed by Reception
5:00 p.m.
Tashlich Service
No Kehal Kodesh
Religious School
*High Holy
Day Break
No Kulanu (CRJHS)
*High Holy Day
Kehal Kodesh
Religious School
5:00 p.m.
Kulanu (CRJHS)
Isaac M. Wise
9:30 a.m.
Sichat Torah
(Torah Discussion)
10:30 a.m.
Service In-theRound
4:30 p.m.
5:45 p.m.
9:30 a.m.
8:00 p.m.
Erev Yom Kippur/
Kol Nidre Service
10:30 a.m.
Simchat Torah
Morning Service
Followed by Festival
Shabbat Shuvah
Temple Office
9:30 a.m.
Office Closed
Sichat Torah
(Torah Discussion)
10:30 a.m.
Service In-theRound
Simchat Torah
4:30 p.m.
No Kulanu (CRJHS)
9:30 a.m.
Kehal Kodesh
Religious School
6:00 p.m.
Congregational Dinner
7:00 p.m.
Erev Simchat Torah
Followed by Oneg
9:30 a.m.
Erev Simchat
Shabbat Shuvah
5:45 p.m.
Shabbat Nosh
6:15 p.m.
Shabbat Service
Office Closed
10:30 a.m.
Sukkot Morning
Followed by Festival
Yom Kippur
Kol Nidre
Temple Office
Closes at 1 p.m.
No Hebrew School
Erev Sukkot
9:30 a.m.
Kehal Kodesh Religious
12:00 p.m.
Sukkah Decorating
1:00 p.m.
Kulanu (CRJHS)
Isaac M. Wise Center
7:00 p.m.
Erev Sukkot Service
Followed by Festival
Oneg in the Sukkah
October 2016
Hebrew School
7:00 p.m.
Choir Rehearsal
7:00 p.m.
Board Meeting
Hebrew School
9:30 a.m.
Children’s Service
Infants to 1st Grade
10:00 a.m.
Youth Service
1st-5th Grades
10:00 a.m.
Morning Service
1:00 p.m.
Afternoon Discussion
3:00 p.m.
Afternoon Service
4:30 p.m.
Yizkor Service
5:15 p.m.
Please consider naming Rockdale Temple in your will or estate plan.
NFTY Fall Kallah
5:45 p.m.
Shabbat Nosh
6:15 p.m.
Shabbat Service
With Birthday
NFTY Fall Kallah
9:30 a.m.
Sichat Torah
(Torah Discussion)
10:30 a.m.
Bar Mitzvah of
Henry Simon
Son of Maureen &
Stephen Simon
Shabbat Nosh
6:15 p.m.
Shabbat Service
With Choir Singing &
Anniversary Blessings
7:15 p.m.
Joint Sisterhood &
Brotherhood Sukkot
Potluck Dinner
Sichat Torah
(Torah Discussion)
10:30 a.m.
Service In-theRound
9:30 a.m.
5:45 p.m.
Shabbat Nosh
6:15 p.m.
Shabbat Service
Sichat Torah
(Torah Discussion)
10:30 a.m.
Service In-theRound
Shofar Soundings September 2016
Thank You to Our Advertisers!
Together, we can do so much for so many
here in Cincinnati and around the world.
Thank you for making a difference.
2016 Community Campaign Partner
This could
be the most
important gift
you ever make.
With a legacy gift,
your impact can continue
beyond your lifetime. In a
hundred years, you can
still be changing lives.
Looking to take the next
step in your Jewish Journey?
Introduction to Judaism
Register now for this 9-week course on the basics of Judaism.
§ Part of an interfaith relationship and want to learn more?
Anybody can do it.
Now is the time.
§ Born Jewish, but it’s been a while?
§ Interested in conversion to Judaism?
Create Your Jewish Legacy
K.K. Bene Israel/Rockdale Temple
Daniel Hoffheimer, Team Leader
Join us at
Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati, OH
Beginning Tuesday, October 18, 2016, 7:00–9:00 pm
To learn more or to register contact Steve Sorkin at
[email protected] or visit
Shofar Soundings September 2016
Create a lasting legacy and enrich your community now and for years to come.
Environmental Committee Update September
Myron and I spent a week this summer at Chautauqua Lake Institute in NY. It is best described as summer camp for adults. There are hundreds of classes
to choose from and lots of activities for children too.
Evenings are amazing with world class symphony,
opera, theater and dance. Each week focuses on a different theme. The theme the week we were there was
the environment. We heard presenters from National
Geographic; a former principal producer of 60 Minutes; Karenna Gore, director of the Center for Earth
Ethics; and Geoffery Kemp, who gave an update of
the Middle East water crisis. There is strong Jewish
representation on the campus. Classes were offered on
“Jewish Tradition and the Environment” and a presentation was given by Rabbi Ellen Bernstein, founder of
Shomrei Adamah.
Thank you to the Rockdale Temple community for
supporting our Environmental Committee programs.
The week at Chautauqua made clear the importance of
this work.
The Rockdale Temple Environment Committee has
been clearing out honeysuckle and dead trees near our
temple driveway. We have purchased 20 native Red
Cedar trees and will plant them on Sunday, Sept 25th
at 10:30 a.m. We welcome your help.
Members of our committee joined with members from 5
other synagogues to form
SHOMREI OLAM: Jewish Environmental Advocates of Cincinnati (JEAC) which is founded upon our collective Jewish responsibility to care for our planet;
• To guide, educate and advocate,
• To assist the community in making decisions with intentionality to further the good stewardship of our world and
• To protect the environment for future generations.
Last fall, we organized the group after the UC Lichter Lecture series on ECO-Judaism. At the end of each lecture I
asked if people were interested in forming a group to act
upon the ideas discussed at the lectures. Over 20 people
signed up. We have been meeting monthly and in that short
time we have put together a call-to-action letter and obtained
support from Rabbi Barr, Chair of the Congregational Rabbis, Rabbi Jaffee, President of the Board of Rabbis and Rabbi
Goldschmeidt, representing the Orthodox community, as our
honorary chairs championing our cause. We are working on
prioritizing our list of goals, have set up a Facebook presence and are designing a website. We will have a table at the
September 18th JCC Farmers’ Market and November 20th
JCC Global Day of Jewish Learning. The call-to-action letter
will soon be online. To learn more contact Joanne at joanne.
[email protected].
Joanne Gerson
Environmental Committee Chair
The Duke Energy Central Corridor Pipeline: Duke Energy plans to install a 30 inch diameter natural gas transmission line in Hamilton County. They held 3 public meetings showing three possible pipeline routes. Residents and
community leaders have expressed opposition to locating this size pipeline in high density urban areas. Concerns
include lowering of property value, destruction of landscapes, permanent removal of trees, possible leaks and or
“Gas companies reported 35 explosions and 32 ignitions at their transmission pipelines since 2010, according to federal records. During that same time period, 17 people died and 86 were injured in incidents involving the pipelines,
including a September 2010 explosion in San Bruno, Calif., that killed eight and injured 51. In all, gas companies
estimate incidents involving transmission pipelines have caused nearly $1 billion in damage since 2010.” – Westmoreland Trib 2016. Wikipedia also keeps a list of US pipeline explosions listing many additional incidents and 41
fatalities, 195 injuries, and $448,900,333 in property damage from transmission lines like the ones Duke Energy has
proposed between 1994-2013. Source:
Rockdale Temple board published a statement opposing building the pipeline in urban areas. and several Rabbis including Rabbi Coran wrote
very strong letters opposing the pipeline.
Do your research. Check out the information on the www.NOPECINCY.ORG website, the Duke Energy website
and Then send a letter to Ohio Power Siting Board, 180 East Broad street,
Columbus, Ohio 43215. Be sure to include case #16-0253-GA-BTX. Duke will file its application in mid-September.
Please consider naming Rockdale Temple in your will or estate plan.
Shofar Soundings September 2016
Mitzvah Opportunities
Soup Kitchen
For families celebrating a Bar/Bat
Mitzvah, this has been a tradition for
many years. Not only does it help kids
to empathize with hungry people, it
provides an opportunity for familes to
work together and for parents to pass on
Jewish values.,
To volunteer please call:
Dolores Goldfinger
Kroger Reward Cards are an
easy way to support Rockdale
Go to and
click on the COMMUNITY tab
on the top of the page, then
select Kroger Community
Rewards along the left hand
side of the page. Or, call the
Rockdale Temple office and
someone will be happy to help!
The Kroger rewards program
requires an annual enrollment.
Anything is everything.
Rockdale Temple IHN
Volunteers Needed
Interfaith Hospitality Network
hosts a group of homeless families
at Adath Israel Synagogue for 3
weeks per year – a week in July,
a week in August and the week
of Christmas (for more info about
the IHN program see http:// For
each of those weeks, Rockdale
supplies the food and the volunteers to host on Friday nights.
Sisterhood recognizes the need to help
make things easier for congregants
sitting shiva or hosting family after a
funeral by providing a tray of sweets. If
you are able to provide baked goods that
we can store in the freezer, or if you are
able to help assemble and deliver the
trays when needed, please contact:
Alison Auerbach at
[email protected]
The Literacy Network
of Greater Cincinnati
is Seeking Volunteers
Join the Literacy Network of Greater
Cincinnati in the mission to change
lives through
reading, tutoring
and character
are needed for
various programs,
Cincinnati Reads,
Winners Walk Tall, and office help.
Contact Kathy Ciarla or Sarah
Cranley at (513) 621-READ to
find out how you can positively
impact the lives of children in the
Jewish Hospital Needs
The Jewish Hospital is a community
faithful to its Jewish heritage and
grounded in the Jewish and Catholic
traditions of service to the community.
We are looking for volunteers who
would like to share their time. A
minimum of 4 hours a week is
the commitment. We have many
opportunities in various departments
to make a difference!
Join our team!
Contact Volunteer Services, 686-5330
For further information and
a tour of the facilities, please
contact Rockdale Temple’s
Linda Chatterjee at
[email protected].
Shofar Soundings September 2016
Create a lasting legacy and enrich your community now and for years to come.
Congregational Israel Mission 2016
“When we heard about the 2016 Cincinnati Congregation &
Community Israel Mission, it was an opportunity we couldn’t pass
up. We had been to Israel 4 previous times, but not in the last 21
years! We both looked forward to both the micro-experience of traveling with our rabbi and our congregation and the macro-experience
of being part of an historic community mission. Nothing could have
prepared us for how impactful this trip would be. We connected in
such meaningful ways with Rabbi Coran and Rabbi Kraus—how
lucky we were to learn from both of them, each of them sharing their
particular knowledge and expertise. The events for the whole mission
were awesome—being together with so many Jewish Cincinnatians in
Israel! What a formidable group we were! Our visit to the Reform congregation Natan-ya was eye-opening. We learned so much about the
challenges for liberal Judaism in Israel and returned eager to do more
to advance diversity and tolerance in the Jewish homeland. We also
loved the visits to Zippori and Akko, where the sense of the many layers of history and civilization were so apparent. These were sites we
had not visited on previous trips, and we were thrilled to experience
these special places with “Bus 1”, and to return home feeling so much
more engaged with and committed to our Rockdale Temple family.”
-Abby & David Schwartz
Chamber of Commerce Honors
Ramesh Malhotra
this undertaking and set the artist up with a studio and
By Janie Lam
The Franklin
Area Chamber
of Commerce
honored Ramesh Malhotra
at its July 11th
meeting where
they presented
him the chamber’s highly
regarded Eldridge Award.
Each year the
Eldridge Award
is bestowed upon an organization or individual who
performs outstanding efforts toward historic preservation
within the community.
About ten years ago Malhotra engaged a well-known
local landscape artist, Chuck Marshall, to paint a portrait
of Mother Teresa for Malhotra’s personal collection. Immediately recognizing the spiritual passion captioned by
the artist, Malhotra conceived the idea to create a body of
spiritual art to encompass a wide range of interfaith art.
Malhotra engaged Chuck Marshall to work full time on
In 2012 Malhotra and his wife, Christine, began to transform the historic Thirkield home, which they owned, into
the Museum of Spiritual Art (MOSA). It officially opened
in September 2015. The Malhotra private art collection is
also housed at this location. The property is an anchor to
the downtown area thus enriching the local community
and establishing a point of destination for visitors to the
Ramesh Malhotra has collected spiritual art from diverse
religious sources in France, England, Israel, India, China
and numerous other countries. New artwork is being
added every month. The art showcases paintings from a
wide range of the world’s religions and faiths. A second
opening event is planned for the near future.
The Malhotras reside in West Chester, OH and are members of K. K. Bene Israel – Rockdale Temple in Amberley,
OH, where Christine serves as treasurer of our Board of
The Museum of Spiritual Art is located at 318 River Street,
Franklin, OH 45005, and is currently open by appointment
only. Groups and visitors are welcome and there is no
charge for admission. For further information, please visit
the museum’s web site: www.spirituality or
search for the site: Museum of Spiritual Art, Franklin, OH.
Please consider naming Rockdale Temple in your will or estate plan.
Shofar Soundings September 2016
Thank You to Our Advertisers!
Mazel Tov
On the birth of
Levi Craig Weinberger
Grandson of
Cathy & Tim Heldman
August 6th
On the birth of
Noah Herschel Kurz
Son of
Jonathan & Amy Kurz
Grandson of
Elaine & Alan Fishman
On the marriage of
Michael Kahan & Carly Gilbert
Son of
Brenda & Sheldon Kahan
Brother of
Rabbi Meredith Kahan & Sean Flowers
Ritual Committee
The Ritual Committee serves as a liaison between the
congregation and the clergy. Its goals are to promote
and encourage participation in services for Shabbat and
festivals and Shabbat Morning Torah discussions and
services; to evaluate liturgy and music; to discuss issues
raised by congregants; to understand rabbinic plans in
order to explain them to congregants; and to participate in
Temple activities.
Please Contact:
Fay May, Committee Chair
Phone: 513-779-2774
Email: [email protected]
Grandson of
Sam Kocherov
Uncle of
Seth Flowers
August 6th
On the marriage of
Lesley Messer & Jonathan Goren
Daughter of
Steve & Jeanie Messer
August 27th
Welcome New Members
Since our last issue of Shofar Soundings we
have welcomed new members:
On the marriage of
Samantha Gerstein & Jason Schapera
August 28th
Donna Kabakoff
Jonathan Mezibov & Lisa Schiesler
Barry Margulis
Dan & Regan Perlman
and their children,
Marley & Lily
Shofar Soundings September 2016
Create a lasting legacy and enrich your community now and for years to come.
Tribute Funds List
Your contributions to one of our
philanthropic funds is a thoughtful way to
commemorate special occasions, life cycle
events, or to remember a loved one.
Alan L. Rosenberg Memorial
Fund: funds temple beautification and
Lillian and Dolph Harteveld Fund:
Stark Fund: provides for musical
enrichment of children.
Louise F. Reichert Flower Fund:
Steven E. Altman Fund: funds the
Youth Group of Rockdale (YGOR).
enhances the musical program.
provides bimah flowers and outdoor
enhancements including the acquisition
of Rockdale artifacts.
Memorial Fund: helps fund Shabbat,
Barrows Music Fund: funds
Rabbi Sigma Faye Coran’s
Discretionary Fund: funds
musicians for special events or services.
Estelle Levine Fund for Special
Children: funds scholarships for
differently abled or gifted children.
Heldman Family Fund: provides
financing for special programs;
provides special artifacts for Rockdale.
Heritage of Learning Fund:
underwrites educational programming
for temple members of all ages.
Jules & Elizabeth K. Oppenheimer
Fund: provides Goldman Union Camp
festivals, and other prayerbooks.
opportunities and charities chosen by
Rabbi Coran.
Rabbi Harold D. Hahn Fund: funds
the Sunday adult education series.
Rabbi Meredith F. Kahan’s
Discretionary Fund: funds
opportunities and charities chosen by
Rabbi Kahan.
Roll of Remembrance Fund: funds
the Yom Kippur Roll of Remembrance
Book and other High Holy Days
Temple Fund: provides annual
support for the temple operations.
Trager Family Music Fund: funds
brass instruments for High Holy Days.
Ullman Cultural Fund: funds
community lectures at Rockdale.
Warner Fund: funds programs for
temple seniors.
Rabbi Victor and Louise Reichert
Fund: funds the Scholar-in-Residence
Institute (GUCI) scholarships for
Rockdale youth.
musical enrichment.
Library Fund: funds the purchase and
upkeep of our library books.
Soup Kitchen Fund: funds the Overthe-Rhine Soup Kitchen.
Sacred Music Fund: provides for
Tribute Occasion:
In honor of
In memory of
In appreciation of
Speedy recovery of
City, State Zip:
Phone: (
For (Bar Mitzvah, wedding, etc.):
Please make a contribution to the following fund:
Name to appear on tribute:
$18.00 Contribution
$36.00 Contribution
Other, please specify:
Please make checks payable to Rockdale Temple and send to
Please send acknowledgment to:
8501 Ridge Road, Cincinnati, OH 45236
Check Enclosed
MasterCard AmEx
Exp. Date:
Billing Name:
Please consider naming Rockdale Temple in your will or estate plan.
City, State Zip:
Shofar Soundings September 2016
Tribute Funds Donations from July 11, 2016-August 10, 2016
Rabbi Coran’s
Discretionary Fund
In Honor of the Congregation of Natanya
Israel Trip Company
In Honor of Dan Hoffheimer’s Service as
President of the Congregation
Aaron & Lauren Herzig
In Memory of Marcia Cohen
Marvin & Gerry Kraus
Barry Cohen
In Honor of “Rockdale Angels”
Fay B. May
Rabbi Kahan’s
Discretionary Fund
In Honor of Josh Shapiro’s election as
President of the Congregation
Aaron & Lauren Herzig
In Memory of Abraham Bodenstein
The Garfield & Bodenstein Families
In Memory of Virginia Felson
The Felson Family
Blair Tillett & Judy Lawrence
In Honor of the Brit Milah of Noah Kurz
Jonathan & Amy Kurz
In Honor of Bailey Romano’s Social
Fay B. May
In Honor of Rabbi Kahan Officiating the
Wedding of Carly Gilbert & Michael
Sam Kocherov
Heritage of Learning Fund
In Honor of Rabbi Barry S. Kogan
Blair Tillett & Judy Lawrence
In Memory of Marcia Cohen
Blair Tillett & Judy Lawrence
Marti & Luc Bedard
Jules & Elizabeth K.
Oppenheimer Fund
In Memory of the Father, Father-in-law, &
Grandfather of Mrs. Martin Oppenheimer &
Dave & Jean Simmons
In Honor of the 50th Wedding Anniversary of
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Bratburd
Dave & Jean Simmons
Library Fund
In Memory of Marcia Cohen
Mark & Barbara Michaelson
Louise Reichert Flower Fund
In Honor of Dr. Robert Ingberg & His Beautiful
Blair Tillett & Judy Lawrence
Memorial Fund
Soup Kitchen Fund
In Memory of Virginia Felson
Marvin & Gerry Kraus
In Memory of Marcia Cohen
Mark & Barbara Michaleson
Chris Malhotra
In Memory of Harold Wise
Lynn & Glen Mayfield
In Memory of Carl Gutmann
Lynn & Glen Mayfield
In Memory of Richard Lazar
Donna Kabakoff
Fay B. May
Dolores Goldfinger
Wendy Jodice
Robert L. Ingberg, M.D.
Chris Malhotra
Shofar Soundings September 2016
In Memory of Esther Silverman
Sally & Gerry Korkin
Daniel J. Hoffheimer
Elizabeth Van de Ryt
Cheryl & Scott Mattis
In Memory of Memory of Richard Lazar
Daniel J. Hoffheimer
In Memory of Marcia Cohen
Daniel J. Hoffheimer
Anita & Ed Marks
In Memory of Rachel Kambelis
Fay B. May
In Honor of the 85th Birthday of Fay May
Barbara Nelson
In Honor of the 90th Birthday of Roy White
Sonia Strauss
In Honor of the 65th Wedding Anniversary of
Maurice & Erva Dick
Sam Kocherov
In Memory of Esther Swillinger
Sam Kocherov
Warner Fund
In Memory of Rachel Kambelis
Blair Tillett & Judy Lawrence
Honor & Remember
Your Loved Ones
Tribute Fund
with a contribution to
your favorite
In Memory of Esther Silverman
Chris Malhotra
In Memory of Abraham Bodenstein
Julie & Alan Solomon
Temple Fund
In Memory of Esther Silverman
Kenneth Lieberthal
Alan L. Rosenberg
Memorial Fund
In Memory of Vera Sanker
Marvin & Gerry Kraus
In Honor of Dolores Goldfinger’s Birthday
Chris Malhotra
Call Patty Kaufman
Rockdale Temple Office
Or make an online donation at
Click on “Donate” at the bottom of the screen.
Create a lasting legacy and enrich your community now and for years to come.
Birthdays and Anniversaries
Adults of September
2..... Miriam Richman
4..... Bercie Frohman
8..... Beverly Hirschberg
8..... Sonya Oppenheimer
10..... Nancy Messer
11..... Jean Bergstein
11..... Ophra Weisberg
12..... Dr. Bob Ingberg
12..... Ed Felson
14..... Dale Rabiner
14..... David Rosenberg
16..... Sally Korkin
16..... Susan Kahan
18..... Libby Fleischer
18..... Skip Richard
19..... Steven Goldstein
22..... Robert Stein
23..... Nancy Rosenthal
24..... John Heldman
26..... Ellie Shott
29..... Heather Shapiro
30..... Sonia Strauss
Adults of October
3..... Lorraine Levine
4..... Lilly Narusevich
7..... Joe Hirschhorn
7..... Morton Zeff
7..... Ila Frankel
10..... Ronald Rose
10..... John Marmer
10..... Rachel Schild
14..... Jen Smilg
15..... Rosemary Bloom
17..... Trisha Wolf
18..... Estelle Galper
19..... Sara Frankel
20..... Ed Wertheimer III
22..... Keith Eiser
26..... Bernie Jacobson
31..... Don Steinberg
Children of October
3..... Lilly Laden ~ 9 years old
4..... Perrin Varland ~ 16 years old
6..... Julia Frankel ~ 10 years old
7..... Molly Grossman ~ 17 years
Children of September
13..... Emma Alexander ~ 1 year old
1..... Max Simon ~ 15 years old
3..... Melanie Kraus ~ 13 years old 14..... Gregory Rivin ~ 17 years old
3..... Cameron Sheldon ~ 12 years 22..... Noah Smilg ~ 17 years old
22..... Ella Kurtzer ~ 15 years old
25..... Zachary Berger ~ 17 years old
6..... Micah Kraus ~ 17 years old
9..... Lindsey Archiable ~ 13 years 30..... Noah Stern ~ 18 years old
31..... Renly Kaplan ~ 4 years old
9..... Morgan Archiable ~ 13 years
14..... Sophia Checroun ~ 11 years
16..... Izzy Bankin ~ 11 years old
16..... Levi Kaplan ~ 6 years old
17..... Elias von Thomsen ~ 8 years
17..... Margo Kane ~ 7 years old
18..... Ben Goldman ~ 16 years old
20..... Sophia Shapiro ~ 11 years old
1..... Allan & Sara Frankel ~ 25th
1..... Jamey & Vanessa Kurtzer ~ 20th
11..... Gary & Stefi Zola ~ 40th
18..... Ramesh & Chris Malhotra ~ 45th
19..... Douglas & Marilyn Shott ~ 40th
21..... Doug & Carolyn Goldberg ~ 30th
11.....Jerry & Nancy Schwartz ~ 58th
20..... John & Betty Heldman ~ 67th
20..... Mark & Sheryl Sheldon ~ 20th
34..... Steven & Rachel Schild ~ 40th
Anniversaries will be listed every five
years starting with the 5th anniversary.
All anniversaries of 50 years and over are
“Children of the Temple” are those who are
18 years old & younger. You will receive a
McDonald’s gift certificate for a free dessert
if you attend your birthday blessings. The
next birthday blessings are Friday, August
To the Family and Friends of:
Esther Silverman
cherished mother of
Nancy & Barry Gibberman
beloved grandmother of
Alex & Alyssa Gibberman and
Lauren & Jamie Asquith
devoted great-grandmother of
Elliot & Mallory Asquith
Carl Gutmann
Esther Swillinger
devoted sister of
Maury & Erva Dick
Adult Birthdays are listed every five
years starting with the 20th birthday
and every year for members who have
reached the age of 75.
Please consider naming Rockdale Temple in your will or estate plan.
Shofar Soundings September 2016
High Holy Days Babysitting Forms
Babysitting Request Forms
Babysitting Request
Babysitting Request
Infants to Kindergarten
Infants to Kindergarten
Yom Kippur 2016
Rosh Hashanah 2016
Monday, October 3, 2016, 9:30 a.m.
Name(s) of Child(ren)
$12.50 per Service, Per Child
Must be pre-paid
Wednesday, October 12, 2016 9:30 a.m.
Name(s) of Child(ren)
$12.50 per Service, Per Child
Must be pre-paid
Parent/Guardian’s Signature
Parent/Guardian’s Signature
Daytime Phone
Daytime Phone
Cell Phone
Cell Phone
Printed Name (Please print legibly)
Printed Name (Please print legibly)
Printed Address
Printed Address
Youth Activities Grades 1-5
Yom Kippur 2016
Youth Activities Grades 1-5
Rosh Hashanah 2016
Monday, October 3, 2016
Name(s) of Child(ren)
$12.50 per Service, Per Child
Must be pre-paid
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Following the Yom Kippur Youth Service
Name(s) of Child(ren)
$12.50 per Service, Per Child
Must be pre-paid
Parent/Guardian’s Signature
Babysitting RSVP Due
Monday, October 10, 2016
Babysitting RSVP Due:
Friday, September 30, 2016
Following the Rosh Hashanah Youth Service
Parent/Guardian’s Signature
Daytime Phone
Daytime Phone
Cell Phone
Printed Name (Please print legibly)
Cell Phone
Printed Name (Please print legibly)
Printed Address
Printed Address
Friday, September 30, 2016
Monday, October 10, 2016
If your child will be attending the main service with you,
he/she must be picked up by a parent/caregiver immediately following the youth service.
Shofar Soundings September 2016
Create a lasting legacy and enrich your community now and for years to come.
Sukkot & Simchat Torah Services
Sukkot Services
Simchat Torah Services
7:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Erev Sukkot Service
In the Chapel
Followed by Kiddush & Oneg
In the Sukkah
Monday, October 17, 2016
10:30 a.m.
Sukkot Morning Service
In the Chapel
Followed by Festival Luncheon
In the Social Hall
Temple Office Closed
Sunday, October 23, 2016
Congregational Dinner
In the Social Hall
7:00 p.m.
*Erev Simchat Torah Service
With Music by the Rock Shabbat Band
Celebrating Consecration
In the Chapel
*Streaming available online at
Followed by Kiddush & Oneg
In the Sukkah
Monday, October 24, 2016
10:30 a.m.
Simchat Torah Service
In the Chapel
Followed by Festival Luncheon
In the Social Hall
Temple Office Closed
Listening Devices Available Upon Request
High Holy Day Visitors
Rockdale Temple does not take tickets at the door. Prospective members with pending applications will be
our guests. Anyone visiting the Cincinnati area is welcome to attend High Holy Day services. We respectfully
request a contribution to the temple of $150 per person. If you expect guests, we can accommodate them
at our services. If they are members of another URJ temple, they should secure the courtesy seating request
form provided by the URJ from their home congregation. Otherwise, we request they make a donation to the
If you plan to be away from the city during the High Holy Days, contact our temple office as soon as possible.
We can issue a courtesy seating form for admission to any URJ congregation, in advance. Your request
should specify the city/state, the temple, the dates you expect to be there, and if you wish to be seated with
someone from their congregation.
Temperature Variations
Remember that in any large space it is difficult to regulate the temperature.
We can expect the same to be true in the JCC Amberley Room. Please come
prepared for fluctuating temperatures, so you can enjoy the services in
Please consider naming Rockdale Temple in your will or estate plan.
Shofar Soundings September 2016
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Cincinnati, Ohio
Permit No. 4403
K.K. Bene Israel
Rockdale Temple
Where you are valued...
...and values matter!
8501 Ridge Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45236
Address Service Requested
Liturgical Calendar
Friday, September 2, 2016
5:45 p.m. Shabbat Nosh
6:15 p.m. Shabbat Service
Saturday, September 3, 2016
9:30 a.m. Sichat Torah
(Torah Discussion)
10:30 a.m. Bat Mitzvah of
Melanie Kraus
Daughter of Barrie &
Steven Kraus
Friday, September 9, 2016
5:45 p.m. Shabbat Nosh
6:15 p.m. Shabbat Service
Saturday, September 10, 2016
9:30 a.m. Sichat Torah
(Torah Discussion)
10:30 a.m. B’not Mitzvah of
Lindsey & Morgan
Daughters of Jami & Chris
Friday, September 16, 2016
5:45 p.m. Shabbat Nosh
6:15 p.m. Rock Shabbat Service
With Birthday Blessings
Followed by dinner
Saturday, September 17, 2016
9:30 a.m. Sichat Torah
(Torah Discussion)
10:30 a.m. Service In-the-Round
Friday, September 23, 2016
5:45 p.m. Shabbat Nosh
6:15 p.m. Shabbat Service
With Choir Singing
and Anniversary Blessings Send us your e-mail address
for weekly Rock-mail!
Saturday, September 24, 2016
9:30 a.m. Sichat Torah
(Torah Discussion)
Affliliated with the URJ
10:30 a.m. Service In-the-Round
(Union for Reform Judaism)
8:00 p.m. Selichot Program
Serving Reform
Followed by refreshments
9:30 p.m. Selichot Candlelight
in North America
With Changing of Torah
Sigma Faye Coran
Friday, September 30, 2016
5:45 p.m. Shabbat Nosh
6:15 p.m. Shabbat Service
Saturday, October 1, 2016
9:30 a.m. Sichat Torah
(Torah Discussion)
10:30 a.m. Service In-the-Round
Shofar Soundings September 2016
Senior Rabbi
Meredith Kahan
Assistant Rabbi & Educator
Gene Meyers
Executive Director
Joshua Shapiro
Mark N. Goldman, D.D.
Rabbi Emeritus
Rockdale Temple
Phone: 513-891-9900
Fax: 513-891-0515