Annual Report - Missouri Western State University
Annual Report - Missouri Western State University
Pride Passion Promise 2013 Annual Report Missouri Western State University Foundation Promise probably one of the most successful seasons in the history of our athletic programs. As we look to the next five years, there is much to anticipate. In November 2013, we unveiled the Walter Cronkite Memorial, a tribute to St. Joseph’s own “most trusted man in America” in the Spratt Hall Atrium. The University is also gearing up for its next capital campaign, which will provide a wonderful opportunity to help Missouri Western continue to transform lives. Dear Friends, In July 2013, I marked my fifth anniversary as president of Missouri Western State University, and it has been an honor to serve as president for the last five years. I look forward to the next five years of my presidency because I believe they are filled with great promise. Our academic programs are top quality, as evidenced by two recent program accreditation visits garnering overwhelmingly positive comments. Students continue to have numerous opportunities for outstanding experiences both in the classroom and beyond the classroom in all academic areas. Additionally, 2012-13 was When we talk about lives that have been transformed by Missouri Western, there is no doubt that the Foundation has been in the forefront of those transformations, thanks to the generosity of our donors and steadfast supporters. Thank you for your support. I look forward to working with you in the next five years to continue transforming lives in our region and beyond. Sincerely, Robert A. Vartabedian President, Missouri Western State University The quotations throughout the 2013 Annual Report were taken directly from letters sent to the Foundation from recipients of scholarships and Student Excellence Fund grants in the past year. Mission of the Missouri Western Foundation The mission of the Missouri Western State University Foundation is to inspire a lifelong passion for learning and to empower a diverse population of students to succeed as citizens in a changing world. The Foundation exists to foster partnerships and vital connections by encouraging gifts and stimulating investments to further the cause of Missouri Western State University. Foundation Staff Jerry Pickman ’85 Executive Director Tara Adwell Associate Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer Tammy Durbin Accounting Clerk Susan Leslie ’93 Database Specialist Jennifer Riley Accountant Foundation Board Corky Marquart ’84, Chair Jason Horn ’95, Vice Chair John Wilson, Treasurer Seth Wright, Secretary Kit Bradley Bowlin Drew Brown Eric Bruder ’93 Jim Carolus Pat Dillon Ed Haffey ’62 Stephen Hamilton Cindy Hausman Diane Hook ’90 Jennifer Kneib-Dixon ’89 Chris Looney Mike Pankau ’84 Al Purcell Tom Richmond David Roberts J.L. Robertson Dennis Rosonke LaVell Rucker ’03 Dave Shinneman Melody Smith ’87 Sara Summers Stein Jon Styslinger Robert Vartabedian, Missouri Western President Greg VerMulm ’89 Julie Woods ’96 Zack Workman ’74 Jerry Pickman ’85, Executive Director 1 Foundation Highlights July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013 • Contributions received by the Foundation in Fiscal Year 2013 totaled $3,149,074, which included $211,534 in in-kind contributions. Net assets grew by $2,505,575 during FY2013. • The Foundation awarded scholarships totaling more than $726,000 to 565 students, an increase of more than $50,000 from FY2012. • The Foundation received bequests from five benefactors totaling more than $1.2 million. The majority of the funds have been designated for student scholarships. • The Foundation’s Student Excellence Fund awarded 146 students a total of $43,000 so they could attend and present their research at conferences across the country. Additionally, the Blake Scanlon Applied Learning Grant awarded $10,000 to 12 students. • Six new scholarships were established in FY2013: Passion Dear Friends, - John and Kay Mallon Keyboard Studies Scholarship Although I am relatively new to the position of executive director of the Foundation, most of you know I am not new to the University. - Earl E. and Elmyra (Susie) J. Euler Memorial Scholarship - Ensworth Medical Education Scholarship - R.F.B. Acton Scholarship - Dr. Janet Murphy McCarthy Memorial Scholarship - R. Dan Boulware Scholarship • Approximately 300 attended the 2013 Foundation Appreciation Reception in April. • The third annual Engineering Technology Awards Banquet was held in March, honoring student Korbin von Stentzsch and community member Al Landes. The banquet, which supports the Department of Engineering Technology, is funded by generous sponsors, thanks to the efforts of the Engineering Technology Advancement Committee. • The 2012 R. Dan Boulware Convocation on Critical Issues featured entrepreneur T. Boone Pickens, and the 2013 R. Dan Boulware Convocation on Critical Issues featured historian Doris Kearns Goodwin. • The Foundation received $464,261 on When I was hired as director of development in 2004, I was already passionate about Missouri Western because I had been a student and had received an outstanding education. My passion for Missouri Western has not diminished in my nine years here. In fact, it has continued to increase as I visit with donors and supporters throughout the United States. I am passionate about Missouri Western because I have seen how your gifts have transformed students’ lives. I have seen this personally because two of my children are Missouri Western graduates, and I know how much the Foundation helped them when they were students. I know that many of you share my passion because you have supported the University with your gifts of time, money and advocacy. You believe in our mission and know of our outstanding accomplishments. We truly appreciate all you have done for Missouri Western. As you read through this report, I hope you will realize two things. One, that your gifts are very important to fulfilling the mission of this great University; and two, that the Foundation has been a good steward of your gifts and will continue to be in the future. Thank you. Sincerely, Jerry Pickman ’85 Executive Director, Missouri Western State University Foundation Vice President for University Advancement 2 A Return on Investments: Pride July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013 Dear Friends, On behalf of the Foundation, I want to thank you for your support of the University. This annual report is an amazing testament to the outstanding support that Missouri Western receives from its donors. As chair of the Foundation Board of Directors, I want to tell you how proud I am to serve on the Board. It gives me great pleasure to be a part of an organization that supports students who have the desire and initiative to make their lives successful. Thanks to your generous support, the Foundation provides students with scholarships to assist with their education, opportunities to travel to conferences to present papers and research results, and the ability to hear guest speakers and renowned scholars from around the globe. I am pleased to be associated with Missouri Western and honored to be the chair of the Foundation Board of Directors. You should feel very proud because of all you have done to make this University such a special place. You are very important to Missouri Western. As you read through this annual report, I hope you realize what a crucial role you play in students’ lives when you contribute to the Missouri Western Foundation. Thank you. Sincerely, Corky Marquart Chair, Foundation Board of Directors “I am the first and only one in my family to attend college, and thanks to your generous support, I will be allowed to continue my education.” Amber Thorp, St. Joseph, Elementary Education Craig Gift Produces Large Return I f a donor supports Missouri Western with a gift to the Foundation, they can be assured that those gifts are going to bring a large return on their investment, whether it is through helping students with scholarships, supporting construction projects or funding campus initiatives. In the last year, for example, four new scholarships were established, and this fall, several students are benefiting from those donors’ generosity. Recently, the Foundation saw a different sort of return on investment, when the value of the largest individual gift in the history of Missouri Western grew to 140 percent of the amount pledged. Steven L. Craig, founder and CEO of Craig Realty Group of Newport Beach, Calif., pledged $5.5 million to the Foundation in 2008 to establish the Craig School of Business. Most of the gift was in the form of shares of ownership in Woodburn Company Stores, a shopping center in Woodburn, Ore. The sale of that shopping center was completed this year. With the sale of the property, and more than $2.5 million in distributions prior to the sale, the total value of Craig’s gift soared to more than $7.7 million. An important return on Craig’s investment is the growth of the entrepreneurship program in the School of Business. Craig has devoted his time and effort in helping to grow and shape the program. He conceived and helped execute Missouri Western’s partnership with Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory that began in 2009, which gives graduating seniors and alumni the chance to compete to own their own store. “It’s fitting that the entrepreneurial spirit Steve Craig is helping to nurture in our students has made the largest gift in Missouri Western’s history even larger than anybody anticipated,” said Dr. Robert Vartabedian, Missouri Western’s president. “I applaud his creativity and thank him for his generosity.” 3 “I am grateful that Missouri Western is embracing the entrepreneurial ideals that can have long-lasting economic and personal benefits. My dream is for this gift to elevate not only the University but the entire northwest Missouri region,” Craig said. Another return on investment came last spring, when the School of Business was awarded a grant of $207,000 from the Initiative for a Competitive Inner City – Kansas City in spring 2013. That grant will make micro-loans available for students to open franchises in the Kansas City, Mo. urban core. The growth of Steve Craig’s gift, and his ongoing involvement in the School of Business that bears his name, is an example of a movement known in fundraising circles as “venture philanthropy,” said Jerry Pickman ’85, vice president for university advancement and executive director of the Foundation. “Like a venture capitalist, a venture philanthropist is looking for the greatest return on their charitable investment, often with active involvement long after the gift is given,” Pickman said. “Steve’s generous gift and his ongoing engagement with the Craig School of Business and its students are a great model for philanthropists hoping to make the biggest difference possible through their gifts.” Foundation Allocates $250,000 to University I n Fiscal Year 2013, the Foundation allocated $250,000 to the University’s general operating account, and the funds brought substantial returns on the Foundation’s investment. One initiative was the development and expansion of online education, which used $50,000 of the allocation to fund the salary of a graphic designer and implement the ads she created. In spring 2012, online enrollment was 2,205, and in spring 2013, it was 2,759. Part of this initiative included the “Back to Western” campaign, which featured Missouri Western’s recently approved Bachelor of General Studies degree. The University also used $100,000 for expanded student recruitment efforts, hiring two new admissions counselors. One of the counselors was an alumnus based in St. Louis and the second covered areas in Nebraska and Iowa. Direct-fromhigh school student inquiries in the two counselors’ areas increased by 7 percent and applications had increased by 4 percent as of June 2013. A third initiative was international student recruitment at a cost of $40,000. With the funding, faculty and staff traveled to Brazil, India, Washington, DC; South Korea and several other countries in Asia. Additionally, funds were used to launch an online international recruitment tool, which brought more than 560 visits to Missouri Western’s website from the online tool. The Office of University Advancement received $10,000 for the purchase of prospect research software and $25,000 to hire a grant writing firm, which helped garner a $207,000 grant for the Craig School of Business. The balance of the Foundation grant, $25,000, was spent on University-wide training for loss prevention. New Foundation Executive Director J erry Pickman ’85 was named executive director of the Foundation and vice president for university advancement June 1, 2013. “Jerry has earned the respect and trust of his colleagues during his many years at Missouri Western,” said Dr. Robert Vartabedian, Missouri Western’s president. “I know he’ll do an outstanding job in this new role.” “With both university advancement and the Foundation, we have a wonderful opportunity to impact all facets of what happens at Missouri Western,” Pickman said. “I firmly believe Missouri Western makes a positive difference in the lives of our students. I’m excited about the opportunity to help lead the University forward.” Pickman began working at Missouri Western in 2004 as director of development. He became associate vice president for university advancement earlier this year, and has served as interim vice president since the resignation of Dr. Jonathan Yordy on April 30. He graduated from Missouri Western with a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice and received an Executive Master of Business Administration from Benedictine College in 2001. 4 Statements of Financial Position Assets 20132012 Current Assets Cash $751,581 Pledges receivable net - current portion2,400,644 Pledges receivable net - gifts-in-kind Notes receivable, net - current portion Interest and dividends receivable Prepaid expenses Due from temporarily restricted fund Total current assets The audit of the financial statements for the fiscal year ended 2013 was conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards ,and the statements have been approved by the Audit Committee of the Foundation Board. Investments Investments Mineral Rights Cash surrender value of life insurance Total investments Equipment, at cost Total Assets 78,903 372,399 Deferred revenue 229,396 241,198 228,856 238,856 Due to unrestricted fund 228,856 238,856 10,079 Agency funds - 32,248 Lease payable - current portion 3,656,046 4,565,091 Total current liabilities 30,916,959 23,026,915 522,090 511,059 37,464 240,195 295,531 23,833,505 12,514 114,370 291,469 5,278,700 5,165,475 6,465,088 10,806,944 $41,808,770 $39,217,964 Beneficial interest in perpetual trusts 2012 $240,059 8,392 Pledges receivable - net Current Liabilities 2013 $355,597 49,945 Other Assets Liabilities & Net Assets Accounts payable 75,379 Total equipment Total other assets 2,766,223 58,337 Less accumulated depreciation Other equity interests $953,151 202,124 148,519 31,679,244 Equipment Notes receivable - net June 30, 2013 and 2012 122,018 950,000 62,865 - 5,350,000 Long-term Liabilities Lease payable - net Total liabilities Net Assets 38,308 2,543 44,393 2,420 854,700 766,926 2,902 5,445 857,602 772,371 Unrestricted: General operating 1,888,555 2,513,083 Temporarily restricted 13,377,386 11,969,876 $40,951,168 38,445,593 Board designated Permanently restricted Total net assets TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS 1,712,353 23,972,874 1,485,888 22,476,746 $41,808,770 $39,217,964 “It has always been my goal in life to love the hurting, and this scholarship will help me take another step in accomplishing that goal. It is people like you that make it possible for us to excel and achieve our dreams.” Logan Fischer, Pleasant Hill, Mo., Nursing 5 Statement of Activities & Changes in Net Assets 2013 Totals Revenues, Gains & Other Support Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted 2013 Years ended June 30, 2013 and 2012 2012 Mineral Rights Royalties 0.3% Other Income 12.4% Change in Value of Beneficial Interest in Perpetual Trust 2% Dividends from Equity Interests 13.2% Investment Contributions $194,436 $1,156,535 $378,256 $1,729,227 $1,637,739 Contributions Income 17.6% 29.9% Legacies and bequests - 82,405 1,125,908 1,208,313 3,606,224 In-kind contributions - 211,534 - 211,534 394,332 Investment income 211,378 1,069,705 (267,568) 1,013,515 1,069,379 Dividends from equity interests - 762,260 - 762,260 591,976 In-Kind Mineral rights royalties 17,900 - - 17,900 25,011 Contributions 3.7% Legacies & Other income 4,339 702,975 9,583 716,897 657,380 Bequests 20.9% Change in value of beneficial interest in perpetual trust - - 113,225 113,225 684,746 Revenue FY 2013 Change in donor restriction (136,724) - 136,724 - Net assets released from donor restrictions 3,683,462 (3,683,462) - - Total revenues, Agent Fees 1.7% Fundraising 4.1% gains & other support 3,974,791 301,952 1,496,128 5,772,871 8,666,787 Uncollectible Expenses Scholarships Allocations General and administrative Fundraising Agent fees Uncollectible pledges Total expenses Other Revenues (Expenses) Unrealized gains (losses) on investments Unrealized losses on mineral rights Total other revenues/expenses CHANGES IN NET ASSETS NET ASSETS, BEGINNING OF YEAR NET ASSETS, END OF YEAR Pledges 1.9% General & Administrative 4.7% 703,636 3,040,048 201,331 176,982 71,438 80,044 4,273,479 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 703,636 3,040,048 201,331 176,982 71,438 80,044 4,273,479 (44,039) (55,336) 1,105,558 - - - 1,061,519 (55,336) (99,375) 1,105,558 - 1,006,183 (398,063) 1,407,510 1,496,128 $2,505,575 $3,998,971 $11,969,876 $22,476,746 $3,600,908 $13,377,386 $23,972,874 $38,445,593 $40,951,168 691,786 2,840,280 185,107 200,973 57,022 16,184 3,991,352 (346,433) (19,923) Scholarships 16.5% Allocations 71.1% Expenses FY 2013 (366,356) 4,309,079 34,136,514 38,445,593 6 Undesignated Gifts W hile many gifts to the Foundation are designated for a particular project or scholarship, many gifts are undesignated, which provide outstanding “extras” for students that may not otherwise be available. Each spring, faculty members and staff across campus submit requests for funding from the Allocation Committee of the Foundation Board of Directors. For the academic year 2012-13, the committee allocated $49,590 for 21 projects. Some of those projects are listed below. • A new Braille embosser was purchased for the Office of Adaptive Technology. Adaptive Technology provides services and equipment to assist students and faculty with functional limitations, and one of their services is converting textbooks to Braille. The new embosser is capable of converting non-text material, as well, such as mathematical formulas. • Two visiting artists programs were funded by the Foundation. The Department of Art hosted internationally known artists throughout the 2012-13 academic year. The artists not only displayed their work, but also taught in classes. The Department of Music hosted a guest recital series where artists not only performed, but met with students in master classes. • Nursing students traveled to Belize in May 2013 to work in rural clinics and provide medical care to underserved populations. The trip gave students the opportunity to apply their classroom learning in a very different environment. • Equipment funded for the Department of Art allows students to insert 3D and 2D computer graphics into video footage. The equipment is used in television commercials, videos and professional film work, and students will be working with that type of equipment in their careers. “The funding I received to go to Dayton, Ohio for the Geological Society of America conference helped me immensely and is greatly appreciated. This experience will look excellent on my resumé and help me get into graduate school.” Nicole Wallace, St. Joseph, Zoology • The Foundation funded equipment for Missouri Western’s music technology and piano pedagogy teaching facility/lab. The equipment, a Surround Sound Playback System, allows students to gain experience in creating surround sound for television, movies, games and audio works, an essential skill in the field of music technology. • A collaboration between the departments of Music and Art, the production of “Hansel and Gretel” as a children’s opera, was also funded. The Department of Art added digital animation to the set, and students from both departments visited elementary schools to perform the opera and distribute coloring books created by art students. 7 The Western League for Excellence The Missouri Western League for Excellence is an honorary society of donors to the Foundation in support of the University’s mission. Contributions to the League are undesignated and provide the Foundation with the flexibility to meet current needs of the University. Members of the Missouri Western League for Excellence have expressed an intent to contribute at a designated level each year and are recognized in divisions according to their level of contributed support. The following roster contains the names of those individuals and businesses who are current members of the League as of June 30, 2013: Lifetime Membership Michael D. De Priest, M.D. and Barbara A. Braznell* Nell T. Morris† Trust in memory of Ted Walkowiak Founder’s Circle $5,000 or more Richard ’53 and Shirley ’55 Davis Phyllis and Bill ’56 Gondring* Joseph L. ’42 and Anne R. Gray* Pete and Staci ’92 Gray* Hillyard Companies Regent’s Circle $1,000 - $4,999 American Family Insurance Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Baltezor ’72* Jeffery ’77 and Beverly Barnes Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City R. Dan and Dale Boulware Brown Transfer & Storage/Brown Mannschreck Business Systems* Dr. Dan ’66 and Mrs. Susan ’66 Colgan* Commerce Bank* Dan ’78 and Chris ’78 Danford* Ellison-Auxier Architects* Bob and Susan Fay* John and Karen Grace Phil and Linda Holmes* Tim ’86 and Kim Houlne Carole Kleeman Tuttle ’52* Kirk ’81 and Lorna ’85 Lawrence* S. Chris Looney* Carlos and Carol ’85 Moya* Deena R. Murphy ’85 Daniel K. ’77 and Deborah B. O’Rourke Mark and Ann Pearce Jerry ’85 and Shannon Pickman* Brent ’82 and Susie Porlier - Porlier Outdoor Advertising Co.* Annie and Al Purcell* Jim and Lauren Scanlon* Emil Sechter* Shelby Smith ’48 St. Joseph News-Press* St. Joseph Plbg., Htg. and Cooling Dennis ’76 and Sherry ’77 Thompson* Jane Urquhart ’41 U.S. Bancorp Foundation* Drs. Bob and Laurel Vartabedian Greg ’89 and Joleen VerMulm* Zach ’74 and Mary ’76 Workman President’s Circle $500 - $999 Altec Industries, Inc.* Stephen J. and Nancy R. Briggs* Bill and Joy ’93 Cole Brig Gen Stephen D. Cotter ’78* Richard and Sharon Evers* Jane and Lyman Frick* Kevin and Esther ’80 George* James T. and Karen M. Graves* Edward H. Haffey ’62 Leila D. Hicks ’76* Ralph ’77 and Norma Hiller Mr. Gordon ’57 and Mrs. Beverly Hopkins Jason ’95 and Tara ’97 Horn* Vernon James ’72 Bob Keener ’55 Linda Kerner ’73* Randy ’78 and Donna ’87 Klein Patt and Sherri Lilly* John P. ’59 and Kay Mallon Morton, Reed, Counts Briggs & Robb, LLC* James and Jeanne ’85 Murphy* Nodaway Valley Bank J.L. Robertson Jim and Carol Roever* Rupp Funeral Home* Charles and Margaret Salanski Larry R. Stobbs ’74 Jon and Bobbie Styslinger Staci Thornton ’93* Jamie M. Waldren C.F.P. ’78* Tracey ’95 and Dove Watkin Kevin ’89 and Alyn West Ralph and Jan Young Cabinet Circle $250 - $499 AL J. Mueller Construction* Tim ’71 and Betty ’03 Ashworth Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bangerter ’76* Lorrie Beck ’81* Calvin and Mary Ann Bibens* George Bishop* Dr. Brenda Blessing* BMS Logistics, Inc. Sheryl ’81 and John Bremer Dr. Michael and Mrs. LuAnn ’99 Cadden* Susan and Jim Carolus CliftonLarsonAllen LLP* Cochran Head Vick & Co., P.C. Lee and Jeanie Crain* Robin ’73 and Jenny Crawford Jeanne ’75 and Don Daffron* Ed and Mona Dastmalchian* Frank and Mary Beth Davis Todd and Patty ’08 Eckdahl* Daniel Eckhoff ’91* Don and Mary Eggebrecht Jerry ’85 and Sherry Enyeart Susie Evans John David Foster ’86* Brad ’80 and Jane Graves Dr. Judith Grimes* Stan and Doris ’51 Hall* Steve and Marcy Hamilton* *Denotes Charter Member † Denotes Deceased Cosette Hardwick Mark and Vicki Hargens* Hausman Metal Works & Roofing, Inc.* Chuck ’79 and Angie Hazelwood Daniel J. Heckman II ’84 Kent and Janice ’94 Heier Kayla and Jeff Hinton* Neal G. ’90 and Diane K. ’90 Hook* Roger and Debby Ideker* Sidney and Jean ’73 Johnson* Dan ’82 and Jennifer ’87 Kellogg* Denise Kiehnhoff ’76* Mitzi Klukvin ’84 Jennifer Kneib-Dixon ’89 Norman P. and T. Joan Lang Larry ’75 and Carolyn ’74 Lawson Janet Leachman* Faye Litvak Rebecca Mackoy ’76* Keith and Corky ’84 Marquart* Dr. Michael ’95 and Christina Mastio* Joe ’58 and Jean Mazur Scott ’82 and Sally McAtee Shane and Jennifer ’00 McDonald* Bill ’70 and Judy McMurray* Stephen T. ’76 and Jerri F. H. Michaels Vern and Darlene Middleton Larry and Cherryl Morrow 8 The Western League for Excellence continued Nicholas ’97 and Kimberly Muller Carol and Chuck ’08 Mullican Tami Murdock ’92 Timothy P. Murphy M.D. ’75* Joseph Murray ’87 Richard A. Optican* Dr. Bernie L. Patterson ’73 Prudential Summers Realtors Tee and Bekah ’12 Quillin Dr. Carol Reynolds ’56* Denise Reynolds James and Eileen Reynolds Ann and Jim Ringer Roberts Roofing Co., Inc. James H. Roth Joe Salanky ’88 Ralph ’82 and Lisa ’84 Schank Tyson ’04 and Kim ’03 Schank* Thomas ’64 and Julia ’67 Schneider* Dave and Sonja Shinneman Matt Schoenfelder and Mallory Murray Robert ’95 and Kim ’93 Sigrist* Steven ’04 and Stacey ’02 Skinner Edwin H. and Deborah J. ’79 Smith Larry and Melody ’87 Smith Roy and Lana Tewell Tom and Cristina Tewell Larry ’72 and Peggy Thompson in memory of Elizabeth Thompson ’06 Terrence Turner ’84 Bruce and Mary Vaughan ’79 Ben Vineyard* Mrs. John Waldron* John and Donna Wilson Michael D. and Allene Wright* Seth and Emmy Wright William Wright Chuck and Bobbi Zimmerman* Dean’s Circle $100 - $249 Lou Ann Adams ’83 Dr. Jimmy and Janice Albright Dirk ’93 and Jennifer Allsbury Neil and Gayle Ambrose Jerry and Joanne Anderson Dr. and Mrs. Wm Andresen* David and Sharon Ashley* David E. Bahner* Jim and Ann Bargar* D. Craig Barnes ’76 Tom and Angie ’97 Beam* Kyle Beger ’08 Gary Bell ’73 David Bennett ’08 Robert Bergland* Jay and Jennifer ’97 Bettis Deborah Birr ’88 Vern Boswell ’83 Donna Jean Boyer ’64* Mike and Susan Bracciano* David ’80 and Jacqueline ’83 Brentano Mike Brickey ’82 Charles ’78 and Pam Brock III* Donald R. Brown ’68 and Janet Kay Waller Brown ’56 Drew and Charlene Brown* Byron ’62 and Barbara Browne Marcia Brox-Hughes ’87 and Frank Hughes Carl and Marian Bryan Charlene (Riemen) ’52 and Bill Bunten John and Carol Burns Charlie ’55 and Patti ’55 Burri* Candy D. Burton ’78, D.V.M. Robert and Judith Butler* Patrick ’95 and Susan ’95 Canchola Sally and Bill Carpenter* Richard ’94 and Cathryn Carroll Michelle Cebulko ’93* Michael Chiao Terry ’74 and Tracy ’79 Christie Mrs. Ellen Church ’43 Cindy Barnes Productions, Inc. Janice Clark ’87 Dirck Clark ’85* Sue Comley James ’71 and Marsha ’72 Conant John and Amy Cook Shelby Coxon ’99 Jeannetta Danford ’72* Larry and Linda DeShon Pat Dillon Dillon Company Dennis and Sandra ’91 Dodd Jerome Downs ’39 R. Todd and Nancy Ehlert* Mary Jo Eiberger ’87 Mary Elder* Craig ’79 and Tracy Elford Karen and Chad Elifrits* Dennis and Deborah Ellsworth Lori England ’91 Jolene ’76 and John Errante* Dr. Cordelia M. Esry, R.N. and Irvin T. Esry Marc Evans ’82 Danny and Carla ’98 Ezzell John ’04 and Izzy Fabsits Dana Fanning ’11 Travis and Julie Fiedler* Carl ’74 and Esther Firkins Kevin Fisher ’87 Gini Fite ’01 Joan Folks Tony ’82 and Karen ’84 Franklin* Dr. Joseph Friedman ’39* Kristina Fulk ’00 Matt and Linda Gilmour* Jack Hendrix and Kelly Glynn Ronald E. Goodman ’88 Diane and David ’09 Gorcyca Lucus ’06 and Alissa Gorham Andy ’81 and Nancy Graham Gary ’62 and Barbara ’63 Graves Sam and Lesley Graves Cathy and Mike Habermehl* Terry ’92 and Susan ’92 Hall Scott ’99 and Lisa Hamilton Karen M. Hamlet ’93 George Hammett ’37 Mark and Carrie Hampton Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Hansen* Mrs. Bonnie L. Hartigan in memory of Dr. Leonard Hartigan* Kena Hartigan ’93 Richard Hatten ’79* Cindy Hausman Jim Hausman Judith Hausman* Larry and Sherry ’65 Hausman* Randy Hawkins ’86* Cort Hegarty* Richard and Cindy Heider Stacey Helfery ’10 Dallas and Claudia Henry* Scott and Kathy Hillyard Sharaon Hinderks ’91 Blaine ’80 and Linda Hipes Landon S. Hoecker ’87* Michael ’82 and Nancy ’80 Hoffman Michael ’96 and Jennifer Holden* Doug ’87 and Mary ’88 Holland Heidi H. Hornaday* Phil ’78 and Ronda ’83 (Knadler) Houghton* Stuart ’82 and Chrissy Hughes Kwanza ’98 and Jo Ellen ’00 Humphrey Marilyn D. Hunt* J. Franklin Gallery Jay and Linda ’81 Jackson James ’73 and Frances Jeffers* Jerry and Linda Myers Shelter Insurance Brent† and Tara Johnson Kendy Jones ’94* Weldon ’72 and Linda ’82 Judah Tom ’55 and Eleanor Kalin Dave ’90 and Rita ’05 Karleskint Katherine’s Distinctive Gifts* Tom and Suzanne Kendig Bruce Kneib ’84 Kelley W. Koch ’88 and Mary C. (Faustlin) Koch ’89 Jennifer ’97 and Kyle ’96 Koch* Larry and Sharon ’77 Kosek* Colleen A. Kowich Scott and Andi ’98 (Rittman) Lassiter Geraldine Lawhon* Tim and Roxanna ’99 Lawing* Dr. Catherine Lawson* Nancy Lear Dr. Ken and Maribeth Lee* Jerry and Jackie ’66 Lewin Jeff and Kelli ’88 Linch* Vernelle I. Linch ’38 Greg and Laura Lindsteadt William ’75 and Debra Lipira David ’85 and Joyce ’90 Lochhead 9 The Western League for Excellence continued Gregory D. Mason ’89 Don C. Matthews ’54 Barbara Ann Maxwell ’51* Steve and Risa McCamy Howard and Beth McCauley* David E. McDonald ’07 Dr. and Mrs. Wallace McDonald* Hervey ’81 and Thea McGaugh* Rick ’80 and Theresa McKnight Linda McNeiley ’87 Robert ’82 and Linda Means Matt and Brandy ’07 Meeks James and Dana ’86 Meers Midwest Federal William ’73 and Diane Mockbee Money Matters Tax & Financial Services, Inc. Ireene Mooney ’87 Eugene ’52 and Evelyn Morin John ’74 and Marian ’76 Morin Randy ’70 and Patricia Morris Phil and Judy ’84 Mullins Mark and Jenni ’96 (Schenk) Murray Bill and Roseanne Mytton Murray and Adriana Nabors Jim ’73 and Kim Nadolski Marvin Nelson Dan and Linda Nicoson* Elaine and Evan Noynaert* Dr. Kathleen O’Connor Drs. Russ ’76 and Cynthia O’Hare Denise Offutt ’75 Dean ’90 and Judy ’82 Ousley Doug Paden ’78 Marjorie L. Palmer ’73 Beverly Payne ’84* Bill and Mary Ann ’83 Penniston* Dan ’74 and Kris Pepper Jim ’61 and Linda ’60 Perry Chris ’93 and Vicki ’98 Peterson Dr. Molly Kelley Pierce ’77 Steve and Jeannie Pitluck* Mrs. J. Gordon Pray* H. Margo Prentiss ’68 Charlene Rainey* Zachary D. Ramsay ’02* Jim ’73 and Sharon Reinert Robert L. Ricklefs ’83 David A. ’91 and Julia K. ’94 Robaska* Scott L ’85 and Gail M ’84 Robaska David and Jenny Roberts Gregg and Myrna Roberts Louanne Robreau ’57* Roderick Sign Company Joyce C. Rush ’82 Nicholas ’01 and Kimberly Saccaro Madeleine Saners Patricia Sauer ’54 Dr. Elizabeth Latosi-Sawin and Mr. Fred Sawin Lee and Toni Sawyer* Tom and Jane Saxen Sally Saxen Dr. Robert ’79 and Mrs. Deborah ’87 Schaaf* Bruce ’75 and Carolyn ’78 Schindler “Going back to school was not an easy decision, so it helped me to know that people and groups believe in people like me.” Donna Goodman, St. Joseph, Mo., Psychology Mary Ann ’68 & ’70 and Leo ’48 Schmitz* Mary Beth Schmitz ’99 Steve and Rhonda Schram* Dr. Bob and Mrs. Carol ’77 Scott Terry and Marlene ’97 Seiter Mark and Candy Sheehan Ross and Mary Shuman Bob ’51 and Kay Simpson* David Slater ’82 Charlene and Bob Slater* Charles ’80 and Shirley ’79 Smith Lyle and Fredda Smith Sally Smith Josh and Angie ’02 Springs Jim and Barbara ’90 Squires Don and Loah Stallard* Jennifer J. Stanek ’99 Merrill M. Steeb ’47* Rick Stepanek ’92 and Alice Batson-Stepanek ’92 Stephen W. Stilwell ’94* Brett and Kylee ’03 Strough Bob and Mary Helen ’60 Stuber Steve and Lisa Stumpf Timothy ’84, Debra, and Gwen ’01 Sutlief Laura Taylor ’99 Eric and Melissa ’93 Taylor John and Gene Teeter Gary ’74 and Connie ’74 Thompson Andy and Amy ’92 Thomure Bette Tolbert ’47* Gary Turbak ’83 Brian Turner ’10 R.T. and Karen ’74 Turner Melissa Turner ’11 David and Lynn Tushaus* Dr. Christopher Uliana ’99 John and Kathy Wallace* The Clock Tower Society The Clock Tower Society is an honorary society of donors who have made the Foundation a beneficiary of their estate and financial planning. Membership in the Society is extended to all who have made an estate or deferred gift commitment, regardless of the amount, to the Foundation, and have provided the Foundation with appropriate documentation of this commitment. Members as of June 30, 2013, include the following: † Deceased Dr. Jimmy and Janice Albright Charlene Riemen Bunten ’52 Tom A. Carmichael, Jr.† Jean Conner ’38† Cheryl Ann Cornett ’76 Lorraine Crews ’42 LeRoy† and Jeanne† Eaton Earl E.† and Elmyra J.† Euler Dale and Valerie Finney Dr. Frances M. Flanagan ’35 Rod ’48† and Anne† Fletcher Lyman L. and M. Jane Frick Dr. Joe Friedman ’39 Helen Gettys ’51† Andrew ’34† and Betty Glaze David A. Grahl ’74 Edward ’62 and Janet Haffey David and Jill Waller* Karen Waller ’95 Tom and Lynn Watkins John and Diane Watson* Edward and Jean Weber Tim and Kim ’00 Weddle* Sean, Curtis and Carolyn Whiters Steve ’76 and Cindy Black ’79 Whitlock* Tom and Tracey Williamson* Stan and Doris ’51 Hall George Hayward ’75 Rose W. Herman† David C. Horn ’66 Herb ’35† and Peggy† Iffert Carole Kleeman Tuttle ’52 Bill ’70 and Judy McMurray Nell T. Morris† Alice K. Phelan ’45† Charles and Carol ’56 Reynolds George S. Richmond† Louis R.’28† and Roberta S.† Riemer V. Joyce Rochambeau ’47 Roy L. and Lana Tewell Edward Vincent ’39† William G. Wright Richard S. ’52 and Lavon L. ’54 Wilson Joyce Winston ’73* Nannette ’73 and Rudy Wolford* Gary and Julie ’96 Woods Marvin and Sharon Wright ’71 Michael Zeorlin ’66 Jerry and Sandy Zweerink Recent Graduate Jennifer Agee ’06 10 The Missouri Western Arts Society The purpose of the Missouri Western Arts Society is to supplement the annual budgets of the arts programs, encourage attendance at performances and exhibitions, and help spread the reputation of Missouri Western’s arts programs. Donors for the 2011-12 year are designated as Charter Members. Members may designate their support for the Departments of Art or Music, the theatre program, musical theatre productions, Community Arts programs, or undesignated to be used at the discretion of the dean. Medici Circle $1,000 or more Steven E. Goldring and Robert E. Wennersten* Joseph L.’42 and Anne R. Gray* Marty and Jo Anne Grey* Heartland Health Mark and Mary Margaret Laney* Casey and Carol Meyers* St. Joseph News-Press* Larry R. Stobbs ’74* Drs. Bob and Laurel Vartabedian* William Wright* Beethoven Circle $500 - $999 Dr. and Mrs. R. Philip Acuff* Commerce Bank Chuck ’79 and Angie Hazelwood Leila D. Hicks ’76* Dan ’82 and Jennifer ’87 Kellogg* Al and Grace Landes* John ’59 and Kay Mallon Murray and Adriana Nabors* Joe and Jomel Nichols* Dee Dee Squires da Vinci Circle $250 - $499 Jerry and Joanne Anderson* Calvin and Mary Ann Bibens* Dr. Brenda Blessing* Stephen J. and Nancy R. Briggs* Byron Browne ’62* Tim and Merry Burtner* Dan ’78 and Chris ’78 Danford* Jeraldine R. Felling* James and Karen Graves* Dallas and Claudia Henry* Tom and Denise ’76 Kiehnhoff* Chris and Kate Looney Mark and Ann Pearce* Wesley and Patsy ’79 Remington* Jim and Carol Roever* Marcia Diane Rogers* Todd ’92 and Allison Stewart Kevin and Tama Wagner* Ralph and Jan Young* Shakespeare Circle $100 - $249 Dirk ’93 and Jennifer Allsbury Kyle Beger ’08* Drew and Charlene Brown* Carl and Marian Bryan* Charlie ’55 and Patti ’55 Burri* Robert and Judith Butler* Susan and Jim Carolus* Susan Carter* Martha Chesney* Walter D. Chipps* Nancy and Charles ’80 Clisbee Sue Comley* Dr. Richard and Barbara Crumley Jeannetta Danford ’72* Ed and Mona Dastmalchian* Larry and Linda DeShon* Dick ’54 and Mignon Deshon* Bea and Dennis Dobyan Anthony and Theresa ’73 Drummond* Matt and Kelly Edwards* Don and Mary Eggebrecht* Chad and Karen Elifrits* Lanny and Janet Ellis Bob and Susan Fay* Judy Fields* Frame Station* Gary and Sandy Frazer* Jane and Lyman Frick Dr. Joseph Friedman ’39* Eric ’88 and Carol Fuson* Dr. and Mrs. F. M. Gilmour* Ronald E. Goodman ’88* Scott ’78 and Edie Graham* David and Brenda Griffith* Dr. Judith Grimes* Konrad Gunderson Marjorie D. Haage* Roger and KayDe Hale* David ’79 and Teresa ’82 Harris* Judith Hausman* Heartland Health’s Center for Healing Generosity* Richard and Cindy Heider* David and Anita Hendrickson John and Joan Hickman* Scott and Kathy Hillyard* Mary Jo Hornaday* Sumbul Islam Mr. Larry and Dr. Sharon ’77 Kosek* Colleen Kowich* Dixie Landers ’60 Geraldine Lawhon* Rick and Murla Leahy* Suzanne and Jim Lehr* Harold and Margaret Redmond Lister Bob and Judy Long* Don and Sara Mahaffy* Gordon E. and Gaynell E. Mapley* Barbara Ann Maxwell ’51* Dr. Nathanael May and Michelle Rautmann* Howard and Beth McCauley* Dr. and Mrs. Wallace McDonald* Terry Ullery McKellar Bill ’70 and Judy McMurray* Rico McNeela* Mark and Louise Mills* Jerry and Sandra Mogg Randy ’70 and Patricia Morris* Larry and Cherryl Morrow* Carlos and Carol ’85 Moya* Bill and Roseanne Mytton* Terry and Kay Oldham* Kaynoosh Partamian Jerry ’85 and Shannon Pickman* Steven and Jeannie Pitluck* Myrna Ransdell* Nancy Reed* Ann and James Ringer* RiverSong* June and Gordon Robaska* Tom and Jackie Runyan* Madeleine Sanders* Lee and Toni Sawyer Family Keith and Alison Schieber* Kathleen Schmidt Leo ’48 and Mary Ann ’68 & ’70 Schmitz* Dave and Sonja Shinneman* Ross and Mary Shuman Robert L. ’51 and Kay J. Simpson* Dr. C. Daniel & Robin L. Smith Janet D. Storts ’13* Brett and Kylee ’03 Strough Bob and Mary Helen ’60 Stuber* Jim and Linda Summers Jr.* John and Gene Teeter* Tom and Cristina Tewell* Frank Thomas and Jacqueline Dekoster Thomas* Jim and Judy Trout* Dr. Davin and Michelle Turner R.T. and Karen ’74 Turner David and Jill Waller* Karen Waller ’95* John and Diane Watson* Tim and Kim ’00 Weddle* Dorothy May Wenz* Cheryl ’73 and Lucy ’10 Wood* Jeffrey N. Woodford* *Denotes Charter Member † Denotes Deceased 11 Honor Roll of donors Thank you to the following donors who made contributions to the Foundation. The list reports gifts received between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013. Every attempt has been made to include all of our contributors. If your name is omitted from the list or the information is in error, please call 816-271-5647. † Denotes Deceased 1st Street Graphics, Inc. 36th Street Food & Drink Co. 54th Street Grill & Bar Sam ’86 and Sue ’77 Abarr Absolute Balance Chiropractic Larry ’55 and Claudia ’57 Ackley Barbara Acton Phil and Diane Acuff ADA Fundraising & Auction Merchandise Source John and Norma Adams Lou Ann Adams ’83 Pat Adams Wilton and Beverly Adkins Scott ’02 and Rebecca ’04 Adler Andrew and Jeanne Adwell Barry and Tara Adwell Affiliated Foods Midwest Jennifer Agee ’06 AgriLabs Benjamin ’04 and Mara Ahles-Iverson Kent and Phyllis Ahrens James and Elizabeth ’77 Akard Norman and Karen ’83 Akers Al J. Mueller Construction Co. Albaugh, Inc. Earl and Gail Albers Lila Albertson ’39 Jimmy and Janice Albright Bob ’55 and Shirley ’55 Alcorn Paul and Barbara ’94 Alden Bryan ’12 and Angela Alford Chris Allen Cynthia Allen ’06 Richard Allen Sandy Allen Steven and Freda ’74 Allen Norman ’83 and Jo Anne Alley Allied Arts Council of St. Joseph, Mo. Inc. Dirk ’93 and Jennifer Allsbury Allstate Insurance BL Walker & Associates, L.L.C. Douglas and Kendra Almgren Dennis and Mary Beth ’76 Alpers Alpha Sigma Alpha Alscott, Inc. Altec Industries, Inc. Altec/Styslinger Foundation Ralph and Jacqueline Altvater David ’95 and Frances ’96 Alvarez Neil and Gayle Ambrose William and Mary Ambrose American Family Insurance Matt Thrasher Agency, Inc. American Family Mutual Insurance Co. American Systems, Inc. Mary Amigo Michael ’86 and Cheryl Amos Felix ’86 and Wendy Amparano Beatrice Anderson ’75 Adam and Cynthia Anderson Carl and Joann Anderson David and Toni Anderson Edward and Mary ’74 Anderson Gay Anderson ’62 Jeffery and Karen Anderson Jerry and Joanne Anderson Michael and Susan Anderson Rogene Anderson Anderson Ford of St. Joseph Janice Anderson Ulmer Ed and Grace Andres Bill and Alice Andresen Mark and Denise Andries Debra Anglemyer Roger ’89 and Tracy ’87 Angold Anthony G. Drummond, CLU Insurance Brokerage Service Apple Market Store #751 Aramark Martin and Allison Arbo Joe and Francie Archdekin Ron ’79 and Nancy Archdekin Archdekin & Jones Plumbing & Heating, Inc. Steve ’75 and Nita Archer Archer Lawn Care, Inc. Lisa Armbruster Ronald ’78 and Nancy Armstrong Roxanne Armstrong ’05 Ron and Jean Arn Roger ’82 and Nancy ’82 Arnold Alex and Lynnette Ashcroft Ashland United Methodist Women David and Sharon Ashley Darrel ’75 and Marsha Ashlock Tim ’71 and Betty ’03 Ashworth Larry and Christine Assmann David and Megan Atashroo Alex Atchity ’12 Brandi Atha ’03 Tahani Atieh ’12 David ’76 and Virginia Atkinson Jennifer Atkinson ’01 John and Barbara Atkinson Atlantis Fire Protection Inc. Gregory and Traci Atzmiller Michael Austin Ron ’73 and Pat Auxier Bruce ’87 and Deborah ’85 Ayers McKinley and Elinor Ayers B. & J. Skate Center B.K.D., LLP Charles Babb Gary ’73 and Mary Babb Steven and Geri Bacheller Mark and Jodie Bachman Back into Balance Holistic Therapy Daniel and Ellen Backhaus John and Shannon Baete Dave and Beth Bahner Kathy Bahner Mary Bailey Jason and Margaret Baker Joy Baker ’89 Roger and Susan Baker Julie Baldwin Belinda Ball Jim Ball ’83 and Cynthia Alsup Walter and Shirley ’75 Ball Ball & Alsup Management, L.L.C. Mark ’92 and Beth Ballard Ralph and Kelly Balsdon Bill and Carol ’81 Baltezor Mike ’72 and Pat Baltezor Bill ’76 and Margaret Bangerter Robert ’73 and Evelyn ’68 Bangerter Norman and Amber ’01 Banks Barbosa’s, Inc. Matthew and Gina ’96 Bare Jim and Anne Bargar Keenan Barker ’87 Robert and Janie Barker Michael and Angela ’84 Barmann Mike and Mary Barmann Craig ’76 and Barbara Barnes Jeffery ’77 and Beverly Barnes Barnes & Noble Bookstore Brandon Barnhardt ’12 Shayne and Bethany Barr Henry and Elna Lynn ’91 Barron Edwin and Diane Barrow John Tapia and Denise Bartles-Tapia ’74 Gary Bartley Phil and Amy Bartlow Barbara Barton ’67 Franklin ’80 and Catherine Barton Barton, Hall & Schnieders, P.C. Nick ’98 and Kim Bartulica Kenneth and Karen Baruth Ernest Baskerville Sally Bass Tom and Kathy Bass Carlos Bateman ’97 Eugene and Susie Bates Dan and Stephanie Batliner Dan ’79 and Lisa ’80 Bauman Richard and Roberta ’97 Bauman Kenneth ’97 and Lisa ’00 Beal Ben ’74 and Cathy Bealor Tom and Angie Beam Edward and Kathleen Beashore Beautyfirst Professional Products & Salon Kerry ’78 and Marilyn ’77 Beck Lorrie Beck ’81 Becker Underwood, Inc. Kyle Beger ’08 Steven ’79 and Janet ’78 Beger Logan and Margie ’71 Beggs Jerry Belcher and Linda Medina Douglas and Jane Bell Fred ’63 and Sharon Bell Gary ’73 and Kathy Bell Harlan and Joy Bell Randy Bell Wesley and Rebecca Bell Belt Sports Complex Dennis ’79 and Karol ’92 Bembrick Jerry Benitz ’05 Roy ’42 and Evelyn Benner Cassandra Bennett David Bennett ’08 Patricia Bennett ’80 Bill ’84 and Barbara ’84 Bensing Anne-Marie Benson ’08 James and Ava Benson Ron and Kristy Benson Jack and Cindy Bentley Kathy Berg Sandra Berger ’94 Bob and Tammy Bergland Bernstein-Rein McDonald’s Ronald and Susan Berrie Ronald Berrie Rudy and Suzanne Bertolozzi Charles and Sharon Bertram Dan and Joni Bestgen Steve ’75 and Debbie ’75 Betsher Jay and Jennifer ’97 Bettis Vicki Bettlach Linda Beutner Calvin and Mary Ann Bibens Bob and Kathleen ’95 Bidding Jack Bidding ’80 Big Four Hardware Big Sky Battery Co. Big Sky Donuts Barb Bigelow ’73 12 Mari Ann Bihr BioZyme Incorporated Charles Birkett Barry and Deborah ’88 Birr George and Ruth Bishop Robert and Mary Ellen Bishop Bi-State Acoustics, LLC Bart ’97 and Lisa ’86 Bjustrom Gary ’67 and Claudia ’74 Black Nancy Black Dave and Karla Blain Robert ’90 and Heidi Blair Nathan ’06 and Stacy ’05 Blake Leo ’62 and Dorothy Blakley Susan Blakley ’88 Linda Blank ’67 David and Virgie ’75 Bledsoe Ronald and Lee ’90 Bledsoe Brenda Blessing BlueCross and BlueShield of Kansas City BMO Harris Bank BMS Logistics, Inc. Mark ’04 and Sandy Boatright Garth and Amy Bock Body Business and Massage Wellness John and Andrea Boeh Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc. Tim ’84 and Connie Boender Mickey and Susan Bohart Todd Bohart Carl and Angela Boles Gene ’60 and Joyce Bollman John Bonebrake ’77 Bonebrake Vision & Eye Center, L.C. Steve and Chris Booher Boom Boom Effects Norman ’75 and Melody ’71 Boring Craig and Mary ’74 Borkowski John and Jolene Born Rodney and Raedean Born Don ’52 and Bonnie Borngesser James and Sonja Bornheimer Mike and Julie Boschert Vern ’83 and Mary Ellen Boswell Boudreaux’s Louisiana Seafood & Steaks Dan and Dale Boulware R. Dan Boulware - Attorney at Law Laura Bowen ’41 David and Katherine Bowlin Jay and Kim ’80 Bowmaster Donald and Shirley Bowser Jim and Betty Boyd Timothy and Jennifer ’93 Boydston Donna Jean Boyer ’64 Mary Boyles ’97 Mike and Susan Bracciano Brian and Francie Bradley David and Suzy Bradley Eric and Jo Anne Bradley Hank and Vickie Bradley Rall Bradley Stephane Bradley Bradley Family Fund David and Cindy Bradshaw Torrence Brager Jim ’73 and Wendy Brand Shirley Brandt ’72 Leo and Amelia ’75 Bravo Mayme Braxton Gregory Brecht Mary Breit ’48 John and Sheryl ’81 Bremer David ’80 and Jacqueline ’83 Brentano Douglas and Judy ’81 Brewer Sarah Brewer Mike Brickey ’82 Randall ’82 and Patsy Brickey Zane and Lonnie Brickey David Bridenstine ’58 Scott and Barbara Bridges Stephen and Stephanie Bridges Steve and Nancy Briggs The Briggs Company Broadmoor Apartments Chip ’78 and Pam Brock Matt and Dolores Brock Kennan ’82 and Marla Brockett Tom and Vicki Broderick Brookdale Presbyterian Church Jeff and Julia ’91 Brooke Alvin and Barbara Brooks George and Susan Brooks Glora Brooks Shirley Brooks Steve ’01 and Evelyn Brooks Steven ’90 and Sharon Brooks Kyle and Irene Brooner Matthew and Janice Bross Patricia Brost ’09 Dave Brown ’75 and Ellen Kisker Don ’68 and Janet ’56 Brown Drew and Charlene Brown Garion and Andrea ’99 Brown Ingrid Brown ’90 Janee Brown Joe and Diane ’83 Brown Leroy Brown Tishia Brown ’10 William ’74 and Jean ’73 Brown Brown Mannschreck Business Systems Brown Transfer & Storage Byron ’62 and Barbara Browne Charlene Bruce ’79 John and Janet Bruck Randy and Julie Bruck Eric ’93 and April Bruder Bill and Cecilia ’53 Brunner Carl and Marian Bryan Kernan Bryant ’88 Martin and Nola Bubb Bob Bucher Craig and Barb ’73 Buckley Mark and Anita Buechel Jerry and Dorthy ’46 Buehler Ford Buffalo Wild Wings Grill and Bar Laura Buhman ’94 BulldogLand LLC William Bunch and Connie Hill-Bunch John ’94 and Ginger Bundridge Bill and Charlene ’52 Bunten David Burasco Thomas and Marilyn Burasco Tom and Deanna Burasco Bradley and Anna ’01 Burdick Andy and Lorene Buresh Daniel and Julie ’87 Burge David ’82 and Brenda ’88 Burgess John ’71 and Joan Burgess Elbert and Joella Burmester Richard Burnett ’68 Roger Burnham ’64 Dorothy Burns ’49 John and Carol Burns Mike ’78 and Linda Burns Fred and Lucretia Burress Charlie ’55 and Patti ’55 Burri Earl and Clara Burson Tim and Merry Burtner Brodie and Kelsey Burton Candy Burton ’78 Christopher ’79 and Kathleen Burwell Eric Burwell ’81 Carl and Ruth Anne ’58 Bush Gary and Helen Butchart Butchart Flowers, Inc. Donald and Linda Butcher Bob and Judy Butler Gary and Wilma Butler Jeff and Theresa Buttz Billy and Jeanine ’80 Byous Kim and Chris Byous Scholarship Fund Richard and Susan Byrne Michael and LuAnn ’99 Cadden Ben and Cathy Caldwell Julie Calfee ’98 Brian and Christy ’84 Callaway Callaway Detailing Co. Inc. Adams and Marjory Calvert Charles ’80 and Belinda Cameron Charles and Nichelle Cameron Cleo and Doris ’84 Campbell Colin and Ann Campbell Craig and Amy ’12 Campbell Doug ’76 and Barbara Campbell Joshua and Susan ’01 Campbell Russell and Ann Campbell James and Elaine Canby Patrick ’95 and Susan ’95 Canchola Candlewood Suites Jack and Imelda Cannon Julie Cannon Carole Capul Car City Angie Cardella ’94 Barbara Cardwell Patrick Cargill R. Patrick Cargill PC Terry and Linda Carlson Tracy ’97 and Cathy Carlson Cathy Carlton ’77 Jim and Susan Carolus Terri Carolus ’96 Bill and Sally Carpenter Larry and Susie Carpenter Carpenters Local Union 110 Mark and Grace Carrender Carriage Square Health Care Center, Inc. David and Rita Carroll Richard ’94 and Cathryn Carroll James and Barbara ’73 Carson Donnie and Margarida Carter Jay and Elizabeth ’84 Carter Raymond Carter Sarah Carter Susan Carter Susan J. Carter William and Susan Carter Jerri Carver ’88 Jonn ’02 and Julie ’83 Casey Joseph Castellani James and Pamela ’82 Castor Richard ’84 and Cynthia Cates Michelle Cebulko ’93 William and Meredith ’76 Cecil The Center for Counseling and Training L.L.C. Jerry ’67 and Jackie ’74 Chambers Terry Nash and Melinda Chandler-Nash Christopher Faughn and Julia Chaney-Faughn ’02 David and Josephine Chapman Peter Charbonneau Daryl and Marsha Charlet Gary and Angela ’97 Chavez Cheddar’s Casual Cafe Martha Chesney Bruce and Sharon Chevalier Donald and Sally Chew Michael Chiao and Pi-Meng Yeh Chick-fil-A Harold and Marge Childress Walter Chipps Dennis and Cheryl Christiansen 13 Don ’75 and Brenda Christie Terry ’74 and Tracy ’79 Christie John and Jo Ann Christman Jeannine Christowski ’87 Helen Chuchka Bill Church ’89 Ellen Church ’43 CiCi’s Pizza Cindy Barnes Production, Inc. Cintas Corp Citizens Bank & Trust R.J. ’87 and Emily Claassen Susan Claflin Gary and Mary Jean Clapp Michael and Mary ’85 Clarady Brenda Clark ’85 Brittany Clark Dirck Clark ’85 Galen ’54 and Diane Clark Janice Clark ’87 Mark and Flavia Clark Clark Family Dentistry, L.L.C. Cynthia Clausen CliftonLarsonAllen LLP Club K & Co. Inc. Travis Clubb ’95 and Lynne Lamy Scott Coates ’95 Carol and Gene Cobb Janice Cobb Perry and Jill Cobb Richard ’84 and Elizabeth ’84 Cobb Lynna Cochran ’88 Mark and Julie Cochran Cochran Head Vick & Co., P.C. Colleen Cochren Miller Paul and Debra Cockram Jeff and Laurie ’87 Coe Bill and Joy ’93 Cole Bill ’80 and Ming Ming Cole Coleman Industrial Construction Dan ’66 and Susan ’66 Colgan Isaac Collins ’11 Jerald Collins Randy ’92 and Meggin Collins Ryan Collins Will and Angela Collins Larry and Joan ’88 Colliver Jim and Joyce Colman Colman Insurance Services, Inc. Colony House Furniture Colville Chiropractic Clinic, Inc, P.S. Gary and Patti Colvin Sue Comley Commerce Bank Community Foundation of Northwest Missouri Complete Landscape Edging Johnathan ’95 and Angie ’96 Compton James ’71 and Marsha ’72 Conant Barney Congdon Charly and Morgan ’02 Conn Barb Connor Pat ’73 and Mary Conway David ’99 and Leann ’99 Cook John and Amy Cook Sarah Cool ’08 Richard ’86 and Elizabeth Cooper Jose Cornejo and Robin Cooper-Cornejo Bob and Karen Corder Arley Cordonier ’84 Donald and Lori ’84 Cordonnier Fred and Wilma ’79 Corkins Cindy Cornelius ’85 Cheryl Cornett ’76 Mary Cornett Minerva Correa Torres Gerry and Louise Cortner William and Eileen ’81 Coscarelli Steve Cotter ’78 Cotter Travel Scott and Angela ’96 Couchman Brenda Coulter Donald and Betty ’89 Coulter Donald and Mary Coulter Bryan ’96 and Dana Courtney Shelby Coxon ’99 Scott ’93 and Tabitha Coykendall Garry ’59 and Linda ’60 Crabtree Steve Craig Lee and Jeanie Crain Roger ’79 and Sharon Cramer Brad ’79 and Connie Crawford Ila Crawford Paul ’89 and Synda Crawford Robin ’73 and Jenny Crawford Scott ’83 and Sue Crawford Creviston & Son Jewelry Company Lorraine Crews ’42 Curt and Cori ’97 Criger Critters Pet Shop Brian and Bobbie Cronk Joe Coss and Vicky Thompson-Coss ’93 John and Stacy ’84 Cross Raymond and Trena Cross David and Karen Crouch Taylor Crouse ’01 Robert and Laurie Crowder Kevin and Melissa ’99 Crowl David ’85 and Janet Crumley Rich and Barb Crumley Gerald and Carole Cullen Dennis and Suzanne Cummings Margaret Cummings Walter and Betty Cundiff Larry and Peggy ’90 Cunning Jim ’73 and Mary Cunningham Donna Curran ’74 Wilma Curran ’80 Larry and Sharon Curtis Ken and Leigh Custard The Cutting Edge Shandon Cyrus D & S Technology D. Phillips Fund on behalf of Jacob Lewis Don and Jeanne ’75 Daffron Laurence and Joanne Dailor Kelli Dale Jamie and Cara ’00 Damgar Dan ’78 and Chris ’78 Danford Jeannetta Danford ’72 Sally Danford Danford Family Charitable Fund Lem ’78 and Jean Daniels Kenneth and Jan Danilson Dan’s Sales & Service Patrick Dare ’91 Michael and Romme Darrah Frank and Stacey Dasta Ed and Mona Dastmalchian Ashley Daugherty Herman Daugherty John ’81 and Jill ’85 Daugherty Kyra Dauner William Dauner Robert and Keri Davey David R. Price Agency Bryan ’06 and Meghann ’09 Davidson Jonathan Davidson ’03 Andrew ’05 and Erica ’06 Davis Barbara Davis Darrell W. Davis, D.D.S., P.C. Frank and Mary Beth Davis Greg Davis ’97 and Sheila Devall Jess ’84 and Laura Davis Richard ’53 and Shirley ’55 Davis Grant Jackson ’85 and Corla Dawson ’94 Days Inn DCM Contractors L.L.C. Michael De Priest and Barbara Braznell De Priest Family Foundaton, Inc. Gerald and Dana Dean Gary and Beth Dechman Mary Dehlic Ann Deichmann Matthew Deichmann and Saundra Miller Larry and Gerry DeLong Frank and Carolyn DeMarco Ronald and Jennifer Demeyer Denise’s Hair and Nail Salon Dick ’54 and Mignon DeShon Larry and Linda DeShon Kevin and Doris ’94 DeVault Corky and Dianne Dewey Mike ’99 and Jaime ’00 Dial Michelle Diaz ’92 Bernard and Judy Dick Don Dick ’68 Job Dick Holly Dickie Pat and Nancy Dillon Steve and Peggy ’78 Dillon Dillon Company Phillip and Kimberly Dingle Stan ’76 and Nancy Diskin Gay Dittemore Tom Dixon and Jennifer Kneib-Dixon ’89 Dennis and Bea Dobyan Dennis and Sandra ’91 Dodd Dodd Foundation Rebecca Dodds ’93 Ronald ’72 and Karen Dodge Joseph and Sandra Doerring Don Adkins Plumbing and Heating, LLC Anne Donohue Michelle Doolan ’03 Richard and Roberta Doornink Andrew and Jamie Dorothy Jim Dostal Bubba Dotson David and Sheila Dotson Linda Dotson Stan and Meredith ’77 Doty Robert and Debbie ’92 Dougan Jhony and Lara Doumit Franklin Dover Reed and Connie Dowling Greg Downing ’76 Jerome Downs ’39 Dream Weaver Graphics Amanda Dreier ’88 Bernard and Karen ’40 Dreier Tim ’89 and Shelly ’87 Dreier Roger ’60 and Carolyn Driver Steven and Debra Droll Tony and Theresa ’73 Drummond Drury Hotels Company, LLC Michael Ducey Dorothy Dudley ’10 Johnie Dudley ’76 Gary and Cindy ’81 DuMontier Tom ’66 and Diane Dunavant Grant ’82 and Kelly Dunigan Dunlap Automotive Service, Inc. Beverly Dunn Mark and Carol Dunn Kenneth and Stephanie Durbin Wally and Tammy Durbin Richard and Marjorie ’96 Dworshak Venita Dycus Eileen Dyer Eagle Communications, Inc. Douglas and Theresa Earhart Tom ’83 and Rebecca Earley Sandra East ’97 14 LeRoy Eaton Kevin ’85 and Cathy ’87 Echterling Todd and Patty ’08 Eckdahl Dan Eckhoff ’91 Barbara Eddins ’75 Ronald Edelman ’96 and Gretchen Herndon ’85 Rob and Gina Edmisson Chad and Tiffany Edwards Curtis ’08 and Carly ’09 Edwards Matt and Kelly Edwards Theresa Edwards Connie Egge Ronald and Corrine Egge Scott and Kim Egge Shawn Egge Todd and Becky Egge William and Karen Egge Don and Mary Eggebrecht Sharon Eggleston Butch and Cherie Ehlert Derek Ehlert Todd and Nancy Ehlert Tonya Ehlert James ’74 and Jackie Ehly Mary Jo Eiberger ’87 Phil Eiberger Frank ’61 and Karen Eichstadt Bob Elder ’79 Julia Elder ’02 Mary Elder Elegant Interiors by Tabi Craig ’79 and Tracy Elford Sara Elgin-Surface ’99 Chad and Karen Elifrits Dan ’81 and Janette ’81 Elliott Dennis and Gwendolyn Elliott Fred and Pat Elliott James W. Elliott, D.D.S. Michael and Marie Elliott Bill and Peggy ’92 Ellis Brady ’10 and TyAnn ’10 Ellis Cynthia Ellis Lanny and Janet Ellis Lawrence ’78 and Donna Ellis Tim ’83 and Jayne ’81 Ellis Grant and Mary ’84 Ellison Jeff and Rebecca Ellison Ellison - Auxier Architects, Inc. Dennis and Deborah Ellsworth Steve and Janet ’90 Elrod Empire Oil Company Jesse and Lori ’91 England Alan and Lanie Engle Bob ’90 and Jo Engnell Marc and Jennifer Enna Ensworth Medical Education Scholarship Fund Enterprise Leasing Company of Kansas, LLC Jerry ’85 and Sherry Enyeart Joe and Mary Enyeart John and Jolene ’76 Errante Donald and Jamie Erwin Brett ’01 and Kate ’00 Esely Frank and Diane Esely Steven and Linda Espeer Irvin and Deedie Esry Jim and Judy ’96 Estes Kyle ’89 and Julie Estes Earl E. † and Elmyra J.† Euler George Euler ’83 J.D. ’60 and Peg ’75 Euler Jack ’49 and Phyllis Euler Joel ’85 and Lynn ’86 Euler Todd ’94 and Michele ’94 Euler Jayme Evans ’86 Kimberly Evans ’08 Marc ’82 and Christine Evans Ryan ’96 and Dana Evans Stephen and Rhonda ’85 Evans Susie Evans Thadeus Evans ’91 Philip ’42 and Kismet Eveloff Philip Eveloff Attorney-atLaw Cathy Everett Mel and Jo Eyberg Danny and Carla ’98 Ezzell John ’04 and Izzy Fabsits Kip and Deena Fagg Jeff and Susan Fah Fairfax State Savings Bank Fairway Independent Mortgage Bill and Renee ’95 Falkner Family Investment Center, Inc. Famous Dave’s Legendary Pit Bar-B-Que Erich Uhlhorn and Teresa Fankhauser ’79 Glenn and Gail ’72 Fankhauser Farmers Insurance Group Steve Archer Insurance Agency Inc. Roger and Kelly Fast Fasteners Inc. Kevin Faulkner Bob and Susan Fay Eugene Felling ’55 Robert and Mary Jo Fender Roger and Sylvia ’63 Fenn Jack ’71 and Carol Fennel Mark Fenner Heather Fenton ’98 Charles and Patricia Ferbet Steven and Christina Ferbet Dillon Ferguson Jason and Jill ’06 Ferguson Steven and Karen Ferguson Cale and Jaime Fessler Robert and Paula ’86 Fessler Davey ’04 and Lorie ’99 Fickess Mary Jane Fields ’47 Manley and Juanita Files Tom Files Grant and Susan Fink Helen Fink Ronald Fink Nick ’75 and Lisa Finn Dale and Valerie Finney Dennis and Carolyn ’93 Finnigan Louis and Mary Finocchario Joseph and Jeanmarie ’85 Fiorello Carl ’74 and Esther Firkins First American Title First Bank of Missouri First National Bank First Presbyterian Church Mike Fish ’78 Kevin Fisher ’87 Mary Fisher ’95 Ronald and Lisa ’92 Fitch Gini Fite ’01 Janet Fite ’77 Marcus ’00 and Erin ’00 Fizer Frances Flanagan ’35 Dan and Candace Flanigan Steve and Patricia Fleschner Thomas and Rhonda Fleschner Marjorie Fletcher ’74 Maurice and Nadine Flores Jeff and Alyssa Flynn Sean and Mary Flynn Bill ’48 and Eleanor Foddy Simon Fink and Rebecca Foley Joan Folks Tod and Shelley Forbis John and Diane Ford William Forrest ’07 John Foster ’86 Lynn Foster ’89 Four Corner Hamburgers, LLC DBA Wendy’s Kevin and Joyce ’78 Fowler Curt Francis Dennis Francis Donna Franklin Tony ’82 and Karen ’84 Franklin Gary and Sandy Frazer Donna Frazier Jim Frazier Piper Frazier Lindsey Frederickson Jodee Fredrick ’73 Fredrick Inn Steakhouse Lyman and Jane Frick James and Judith Friedel Joe Friedman ’39 George and Sue Frissell Matthew Fry ’88 Eric and Joetta ’94 Frye Helen Frye ’92 Jayme Frye ’91 Mitch ’84 and Dawn ’85 Fuemmeler Kristina Fulk ’00 Richard and Karen Fulton Eric ’88 and Carol Fuson Gregory ’80 and Bethann Fuson John and Terri ’03 Gabbard Terry ’87 and Kaye ’87 Gach Debra Galliani ’87 Allyson Galyean ’12 John and Kristin ’66 Gambill Kathy Gammon ’93 Mary Gann Russ Hemme and Teresa Garr ’86 Ron and Julie Garretson Michael ’62 and Nancy Garrett Sharen Garrett Kathy Gartin Rick ’77 and Anita Garvey Gary and Carol ’80 Gawatz Jack and Genila Gay Judy Geer ’55 Randall Geesing ’82 Robert Geissert ’80 Leo and Delores Geneser Robert and Marjorie ’78 Gentet Chris and Angie Gentile David and Carol ’88 Gentry Jerry and Lynne Gentry Dennis ’74 and Linda Gentzell Christina George James George Joe and Ann ’71 George Kevin and Esther ’80 George Jim Gerau Dan Gerson Helen Gettys ’51† estate Ian and Mercer Gewin Robert and Wanda Gibbons Jim and Donna Gibson Robb ’94 and Carla Gibson Leslie and Tammy Giesing William and Donna Gillaspy George and Susan Gille John and Liz Gillen Sharon Gillespie Logan Gilliland ’12 Oneida Gillispie ’47 Rick ’74 and Eva Gilmore Matt and Linda Gilmour Paul Given and Shari Hancock-Given Coy and Della Glass Jeannine Glise ’75 Jack Hendrix and Kelly Glynn Preston and Melinda ’06 Godsey Gerald Goin ’73 Goldmine Property Services Inc. Steve Goldring and Bob Wennersten Bruce ’07 and Beth Goll Bill ’56 and Phyllis Gondring Goochy Goo Barbeque Goodcents Deli Fresh Subs Stephen and Sheila ’76 Goodlet Ron Goodman ’88 Larry Goodwin Jerome Goolsby ’01 David ’09 and Diane Gorcyca Mark and Jill Gordon Luke ’06 and Alissa Gorham Ruth Grable John and Karen Grace Michael ’71 and Judy Grafton 15 Andy ’81 and Nancy Graham Michael Graham Scott ’78 and Edith Graham David Grahl ’74 Grand River Equipment Company LLC Grant and Kelly Dunigan Fund Frank Grassmuck Brad ’80 and Jane Graves Gary ’62 and Barbara ’63 Graves Jim and Karen Graves Jimmy and Patricia Graves Graves Real Estate Appraisal, Inc. Joe ’42 and Anne Gray Neal and Mary ’86 Gray Pete and Staci ’92 Gray Todd ’96 and Suzanne ’91 Gray Gray Manufacturing Company, Inc. Greater Kansas City Community Foundation Jim and Debbie Grechus Philip Greco Larry and Mary ’87 Green GreenWorks Service, Inc. Jared and Martha Greer Steve Greiert Marty and Jo Anne Grey Grey Charitable Fund Elizabeth Griebat ’80 Cindy Grier ’95 Bill ’72 and Joyce Griffith Charles and Rachel ’02 Griffith Steve and Helen ’65 Griffith Eddie ’73 and Marilyn ’73 Griggs Keith ’06 and Sheri Grigsby Judy Grimes Brad ’93 and Amy ’94 Grooms Charles and Phyllis Gross Ken ’99 and Jennifer ’98 Grossl Ed and Cathy Grove Lisa Gruenefeld ’99 Deigh Guardado ’89 Jerry and Alice Guinn Konrad and Rachel Gunderson Frank and Joellen ’90 Gunsauley James ’88 and Cassandra Gunter Efrem ’83 and Kathleen Gutteridge Larry and Toyoko Guy H and S Land Livestock, L.L.C. H.T.A. Solutions, Inc. Marjorie Haage Mike and Cathy Habermehl Habiger West - McDonald’s of St. Joseph Ed ’62 and Janet Haffey Harvey and Eileen ’78 Hahn Mark and Vann ’82 Hahn Hair Studio Eldred and Cheryl ’90 Hale Roger and KayDe Hale Mike and Lora ’89 Hales Judith Halferty ’89 Stan and Doris ’51 Hall Terry ’92 and Susan ’92 Hall Roger and Joni Halley Charles Hallowell Sara Hallowell Shawn and Kelly Hallowell Hallowell Paint Contractors Jason Hallquist ’99 John and Twila Halter Jarrel ’72 and Dixie Ham Lisa Hamblen Brian ’99 and Lisa Hamilton Sandra Hamilton ’57 Ann Hamlet ’79 Karen Hamlet ’93 Ken and Sandra ’73 Hamlin George ’70 and Nancy Hammer George Hammett ’37 Mike and Robin ’91 Hammond Tina Hammond Walt ’66 and Pam Hanabury Jack and Carol Hancock Larry and Ann Hancock Daryl and Sherris Hane David and Ruby Hanna Stephen and Teresa Hanna Gregory and Diane Hansen Thomas and Janet Hansen Bruce ’81 and Reeze Hanson Erin Hardesty ’06 Steve and Rhonda Hardiman John and Cosette Hardwick Mark and Vicki Hargens David and Joanne Harkonen Lynn and Sheryl ’90 Harms Larry Harness ’77 Jeff and Kathryn ’98 Harpenau Brian and Leah Harrah Jerry and Hannorah ’06 Harrah Lee Harrelson Brian and Teona Harris David ’79 and Teresa ’82 Harris James and Barbara Harris John Harris Anthony and Loraine Harrison Nancy Harrison Russell and Jacquelin Harrison Jason ’00 and Erica ’01 Hart Jeffrey and Susan Hart Lynn and Jeanne Hart Bonnie Hartigan Robert and Kena ’93 Hartigan Dan and Sherri ’96 Hartley Paul ’66 and Patricia ’66 Hartman David and Lisa ’89 Hartmann Mark and Karma ’05 Hartong Delbert and Patty Harvey Rowena Harvey Irene Hasegawa Rick and Karen ’82 Hass Richard and Susan Hassler Hastings Books Music & Videos Glenn and Marilyn Hattan Richard Hatten ’79 Douglas and Tracy Hauff Bob ’75 and Janet Hausman Cindy Hausman Dan and Judy Hausman Jim Hausman Larry and Sheryl ’65 Hausman LeRoy and Gladise ’82 Hausman Hausman Metal Works & Roofing, Inc. Gary and Martha Hawkins Hylan and Dianna Hawkins Randy Hawkins ’86 Harold and Janice ’00 Hawman Solon and Maureen Haynes Charles Hays ’80 George Hayward ’75 Chuck ’79 and Angie Hazelwood Hazelwood Industrial Sewing, Inc. Sharon Headrick ’86 Joyce Hearn Heartland Foundation Heartland Health Heartland Health’s Center for Healing Generosity Heaton-Bowman-Smith & Sidenfaden Chapel Daniel and Sharon Heckel Carol Heckman Josh and Christina ’01 Heckman Karree Hedden ’03 William and Loes Hedge Dave ’75 and Kathy Hedrick Cort and Tracee Hegarty Richard and Cindy Heider Kent and Janice ’94 Heier Bob ’76 and Beth ’77 Heimbaugh Lois Heimsoth ’72 David and Stacey ’10 Helfery Brian ’02 and Jessica Helmich David and Carlotta Hemphill Brian Henderson ’83 Shalonda Henderson ’01 Henderson Engineers, Inc. David and Anita Hendrickson John Henke ’80 Matt and Melissa Hennigan John and Kelly Henrichs Brian and Kristina Henry Dallas and Claudia Henry Bobby and Lisa Hensley Doris Hering Heritage Investments Ross and Shelly Herman Eddie Herndon ’73 and Sue Creason Ivan ’74 and Wanda Herpel Leon and Mary Kay ’76 Herring Herzog Contracting Corp. Bill and Samantha Hess Jeff ’90 and Shonna ’87 Hester Brian ’81 and Mary Hewitt Mitchell and Shelly Hewitt HGI St. Jo Frontier Casino Terry Hibbard ’85 Clifton and Janis Hibbs hibu Inc. John and Joan Hickman Leila Hicks ’76 Chad ’02 and Christina ’08 Higdon Chris and Elizabeth ’72 Hildebrandt Joan Hill ’73 Rodney Hill ’88 Shaun and Ashton Hill Tom and Rene ’96 Hill Wayne Hill ’87 Ralph ’77 and Norma Hiller Hiller Family Foundation Herbert and Madeline ’45 Hillsberg The Hillsberg Foundation Inc. Hillshire Brands Company Scott and Kathy Hillyard Hillyard Companies Harold ’73 and Coleen Himes Bill and Vicki Hinde Dave and Karen Hinde Scott and Mary Hinde Sharaon Hinderks ’91 Stena Hinkle Jeff and Kayla Hinton Blaine ’80 and Linda Hipes Michael Hirohata Dawn Hirter ’92 HNB National Bank Terry and Julie Hochenauer Sally Hodge Sue Hodges Landon Hoecker ’87 Larry and Sandra ’85 Hoecker Jim Hoene ’81 Hoene Farms, Inc. Forrest ’58 and Trudy Hoff Jeffrey ’83 and Jacqueline Hoffman John Hoffman ’66 Michael ’82 and Nancy ’80 Hoffman Jon Hoffmann Lawrence and Rosemary Hoffmann Margaret Hoffmann Dan and Alicia Hogan Johnnie and Barbara Hoggatt Cheryl Hokama Jerry and Melissa ’96 Holcomb Mike ’96 and Jennifer Holden Dale and Joy ’87 Holeman Holiday Inn William and Colleen Holifield Doug ’87 and Mary ’88 Holland Kenneth and DeLynn ’87 Holland David and Kimberly Hollander Michael Hollander 16 Richard Hollander Emma Hollinger Keith and Julia Hollingsworth Jim and Bev Holloran Matthew and Margaret Holloran Mary Holloran Simon and Marilyn ’91 Holly James ’71 and Diane Holmes Phil and Linda Holmes John and Diane Holtz Robert Honnold and Jean Lasater Honnold ’51 Neal ’90 and Diane ’90 Hook Ron and Robin Hook Gordon ’57 and Beverly Hopkins Harry and Marcia ’81 Hopper Horizon Equipment, Inc. Bob and Kathi Horn Jason ’95 and Tara ’97 Horn Dave and Heidi Hornaday John Hoselton ’79 and Deborah Tanner Rhonda Hoselton ’79 Allison Hoskins Thorne ’75 Philip ’78 and Ronda ’83 Houghton Tim ’86 and Kim Houlne Robert ’76 and Carol Housh Curtis ’90 and Christie ’94 Howard Pamela Howard Tracy Howard David and Laura Howe Robert and Norma Howe David and Carol Howell Gene ’52 and Harriet Hower Doug and Ann Hoy Tammy Hudlemeyer Larry and Fleta Hudson Duane and Connie Huelsmann Richard Huerter Dale and Judy ’87 Huettner Jeff ’85 and Patty ’86 Huff Denece Huffman ’00 Delia Hughes ’11 James Hughes John and Ellen ’64 Hughes Mert ’76 and Barbara Hughes Stuart ’82 and Christina Hughes Bob ’06 and Jennifer ’03 Hughs Kathy Hughs Brian and Brandy Huitt Renita and Charles ’77 Hull Allison Humphrey ’11 Kwanza ’98 and Jo Ellen ’00 Humphrey Bill and Teresa Humphreys William G. Humphreys, M.D., P.C. David and Stephanie ’88 Hundley Craig and Sheila ’99 Hunt Marilyn Hunt Megan Hunter ’00 Nathaniel Hunter and Elise Hamilton Heidi Hunter-Goldsworthy Jean Hunton Bill and Pam Hurley Buffy Hurley Michael ’85 and Stacie ’96 Hurst Earl ’97 and Marylin ’84 Huskamp Robert and Mary Jo ’93 Hutchcraft Mary Hyde Hy-Vee, Inc. Ken and Jennifer ’89 Ideker Roger and Debby Ideker Ideker, Inc. Kerry and Susan Iffrig O.D. Ilseng Imke & Associates Wanda Ingerson ’81 Anthony and Joan Ingino Jim and Rosalie Ingle Insurance on the Avenue Inc. Eugene and Sharon Irsik Robert and Nancy Irvine Allen ’72 and Mary ’72 Iske Sumbul Islam Lee and Claire Isselhardt Sonja Ivarsen Tyler ’03 and Amy ’04 Ives J. C. Wyatt House J. Franklin Gallery LeAnn Jaacks Jack Horner’s Machinery & Contractor Supplies, Inc. Al and Jennifer ’02 Jackson Carol Jackson ’73 Charles and Donna ’74 Jackson David ’76 and Dana Jackson Donald ’46 and Joan Jackson James and Linda ’81 Jackson John ’73 and Nancy Jackson Mollie Jackson Roger and Jane ’87 Jackson Troy and Karen ’90 Jackson Patricia Jacobs ’84 Lowell and Anna Jacobsen Dale and Ellen Jaeger Duane Jaeger Claudia James ’89 Judy James Theresa James ’78 Vernon James ’72 James Educational Meetings & Seminars Inc Dan Jamison and Jodi Ramsey-Jamison Randi Jangula Allen and Phyllis Janssen Shirley Jarman John and Cheryl Jarrett Jack ’82 and Carol Jeffers Jim ’73 and Frances Jeffers James ’77 and Nancy Jenkins Patrick ’95 and Amy ’88 Jenkins Brandon Jennings ’01 Gregory and Tammy Jennings Timothy ’83 and Karen Jennings Jerry and Linda Myers Shelter Insurance Eric ’06 and Paula ’04 Jessen William and Lucille ’47 Jewett Dr. Jack Jewett D.C. Joseph and Rose Marie Jezak Jim Ingle Construction, Inc. Jim Walters Construction Co., Inc. Jimmy John’s of St. Joseph, LLC Bradley and Katherine Johannes Robert and Beth Johanns John E. Kirschner Educational Trust John Sublett Logan Foundation, Inc. Brent† and Tara Johnson Bruce ’84 and Terri Johnson Carl Johnson Dennis ’73 and Debbie Johnson Diane Johnson Glenn and Dorothy Johnson Horace and Terri Johnson Julie Johnson ’09 Mark and Linda ’00 Johnson Martin and Leslie Johnson Murrell and Jacquelyn ’76 Johnson Ryan Johnson ’98 Sidney and Jean ’73 Johnson Steven and Catherine ’76 Johnson Steven and Teresa Johnson Timothy and Holly Johnson Todd Johnson Tom and Penny ’65 Johnson Wendell and Mina Johnson Johnson Controls, Inc. Clay ’98 and Amanda Johnston Ernest and Kathleen Johnston Gary and Myrna Jones George ’94 and Rachel ’93 Jones James and Marilyn ’66 Jones Kendy ’94 Jones Jim ’77 and Judy Jones Larry ’75 and Nancy Jones Lynn Jones Mike and Elizabeth ’03 Jones Robert Jones ’81 Robert and Martha ’99 Jones Ron Jones Sondra Jones Steven ’10 and Triston ’10 Jones Tonie ’91 and Gynetta Jones Kurtis ’84 and Jacqueline Jordan Philip ’84 and Ellen ’84 Jordan Jerry and Jessie Joseph P.J. Joyce ’79 Ed Juda Don ’72 and Linda ’82 & ’94 Judah John and Winnie Juergens James and Joy Juhl John ’97 and Donna ’94 Juhl Scott and Teresa ’88 Juhl Russell and Dorothy Jumps Bill and Nancy Junk Bob and Tracey Jurevitz Ryan Kabaj Dennis and Dawn Kaiser Tom ’55 and Eleanor Kalin Will ’04 and Devon ’05 Kariker Dave ’90 and Rita ’05 Karleskint Katherine Karr ’96 Katherine’s Distinctive Gifts Joanne Katz KCP&L Falou Kebe Mary Keck William Keck Greg ’86 and Kristi Keegan Jenell Keene Bob Keener ’55 Jeannine Keith Ron ’80 and Becky Keith Carol and Daniel Kelley Christopher ’86 and Kelly Kelley Jonathan Kelley ’87 Dan ’82 and Jennifer ’87 Kellogg Don and Ruth Kelly Donald Kelly Jennifer Kelly ’98 Patrick and Robin Kelly Travis ’84 and Pamela Kelly Cheri Kempf ’85 Chuck ’83 and Debbie Kempf Gary ’95 and Barbara Kempf Ken Smith Autobody, L.L.C. Tom and Suzanne Kendig Jon and Sarah Kepler Blair and Karen Kerkhoff Linda Kerner ’73 Jim ’82 and Susan Kerns Raymond and Lucinda ’72 Kerns Mitchell Kerr ’01 Robert ’91 and Alicia ’94 Kershaw Mike and Cindy Kersley David and Sarah Kessler Timothy Keys ’93 Richard and Alice Kibling Tom and Denise ’76 Kiehnhoff Glenn and Mary Kiepe Krista Kiger Steve Kiley and Cynthia Jackson-Kiley ’85 Larry Kilgore ’74 John and Peggi Kilroy Brad and Julia Kimball Gary and Gail ’92 Kincaid 17 Bonnie King ’76 Gary and Retha ’71 King Samuel and Cathy ’79 King William and Helen ’73 King Mindy Kinnaman ’01 Timothy and Suzanne Kissock Steven Klassen John and Pamela ’03 Klaus Albert ’74 and Cynda Klawuhn Carole Kleeman Tuttle ’52 Randy ’78 and Donna ’87 Klein John ’11 and Catherine Klindt Gregory ’77 and Shirley Kline Mel and Kay Klinkner Glen and Linda Klippenstein Ivan and Stephanie ’00 Klippenstein Mitzi Klukvin ’84 Tom and Kristal ’89 Kmetz Andria Knapp Jeffrey Knapp ’86 Bruce Kneib ’84 Elden Kneib Timothy and Laura Knott Rodney and Regina ’83 Knott Kelley ’88 and Mary ’89 Koch Kyle ’96 and Jennifer ’97 Koch Charles and Patricia Koehler Ronald Koelliker ’89 Steve Koenig and Ann Condron Mary Kohler Thomas and Sue Korgie Gerald M. Korsten D.D.S., P.C. Larry and Sharon ’77 Kosek Michael and Susanne Kossen Alison Kossover Amit Kathrotia and Amy Kotwani Mark Kovac Kovac’s Hometown Foods Colleen Kowich KQ2 James and Paula Kraft Reinhold Kraft ’73 Shawn and Trisha ’94 Kreman Kenneth Krimpler Connie Krohnfeldt Dan and Jennifer Kroymann Steven and Angela Kroymann Dale and Barbara ’87 Krueger Rudolph and Marilyn Krueger Jean Kuechler Patty Kuechler Don and Pat Kuehn Reid and Jane Kuhlman Kuiper Landscape Management Gordon and Carol Kulberg Margaret Kulowski Juan and Laureen Kuniyoshi Kenneth and Arlene Kuniyoshi Mary Kuniyoshi Sandra Kuniyoshi Susan Kuniyoshi Jesse ’07 and Kristen Kuntz Richard and Nancy Kuntz Bob and Sue Kupfer Bradley ’86 and Jodie ’88 Kurtz Michael Kuwitzky Ryan Kuzman Kylon Landscaping Doris La More Barbara LaBass Timothy and Victoria LaBerge Bruce and Kimberlie Lackey Ronald and Maureen Lager Anthony and Stephanie Lambert Larry and Virginia Lambing William Lamborn ’40 Gregory ’89 and Audrey Lammers Karma Lamping Jeff and Renae Lampkin Neal and Roberta Lampkin Casey and Ashley Lance Al and Gracie Landes Mark and Mary Margaret Laney David ’85 and Lucinda Lang Norman and Joan Lang Keith Langabee ’07 Shirley Langel Lankford + Associates Laura Lanter ’05 Lapat Interiors & Upholstery Roger and Holly Larsen Ian and Evelyn Larson Kelly Larson Scott and Andi ’98 Lassiter Ila Latcham Lathrop Constrution, Inc. Elizabeth Latosi-Sawin and Fred Sawin ’83 Greg and Debbie Latshaw Charlie and Mary Beth ’53 Lau Dave ’89 and Kendra ’95 Lau Jerry ’79 and Kathryn ’82 Lau The Law Offices of Jon Hoffmann P.C. Geraldine Lawhon Lawhon Construction Company Tim and Roxanna ’99 Lawing Lawns Unlimited, Inc. Kirk ’81 and Lorna ’85 Lawrence John Smith and Joan Lawson ’48 Larry ’75 and Carolyn ’74 Lawson Larry and Cathy Lawson Clay and Cleo ’89 Laybourne Kenneth and Regina Laymon Le Peep Restaurant Leah Spratt Charitable Trust Rick and Murla Leahy Nancy Lear Ken and Maribeth Lee Ron and Marti Lee Jeremy ’03 and Amanda Leer Lee’s Summit North High School Albert and Colleen Lehman Jim and Suzanne Lehr John ’88 and Wanda Leidy Lyle and Nancy ’01 Leimkuhler Scott and Dena Leinen Neal and Martha ’89 Leivan Tom Lemmon Steven Leonard Frank ’76 and Peggy Leone James and Jane L’Estrange Jerry and Jacqueline ’66 Lewin Larry and Debra Lewis Paul ’79 and Marsha Lewis Lia Sophia Advisor Janell Holtz Donald and Ellen Licocci Dave and Sandi Liechti Dennis and Nancy Liechti Liechti, Franken & Young, L.L.C. Jay and Lydia Liedman Andrew and Amber Lierman Scott ’04 and Ashley Lightle Michael ’79 and Debbie Lillig Patt and Sherri Lilly Jeff and Kelli ’88 Linch Vernelle Linch ’38 Hershel and Roberta Lindly Greg and Laura Lindsteadt Richard ’76 and Linda Lionberger Bill ’75 and Debra Lipira Elaine Lippold ’62 Harold and Margaret Lister Dale and Dolores Liston Matthew and Dara Liston Jack and Nina Little Faye Litvak Living Community of St. Joseph Living Water Farms, Inc. David ’85 and Joyce ’90 Lochhead Lockton Companies Linda Loeffler Tony Loeffler ’12 Kevin Lombard Laura Lombardi Bob and Judy Long Lowell Long Sam and Arlene ’90 Long Steve ’81 and Christine Long Chris and Kate Looney Francisco Lopez Hector and Linda Lopez Joseph and Martha Lopez Stephen and Germaine Lorbert Steven and Jeanette Lorimor Jerry and Joyce ’89 Loughrige Mark ’77 and Pam Lovelace Larry Loveland ’82 Wayne and Jane Lovstuen Allan ’69 and Enid Lowenberg Linda Lower Steve ’74 and Kathie Lower Hubert and Rita Lowery Jim and Patty Lucas Aaron ’02 and Susan Lueders Genevieve Luetkenhaus Holt Tony ’85 and Karen ’87 Luke Sadie Lund Fred ’80 and Marsha Lunt Charles and Anita ’57 Lyon Seth ’08 and Kelsey ’08 Lyons Thomas Lyons M Con, LLC M K K & C, LLC. M. Scott Wineinger Agency, Inc. Jim and Kari ’03 Maag David and Jacqueline Maasen Michael and Louise Maasen Mark ’78 and Jan ’86 Mabe Adam and Lindsey MacDonald Ron and Gloria MacDonald Christopher Macke Larry and Barbara Macke Rebecca Mackoy ’76 Don and Sara Mahaffy Joe and Deborah ’83 Mahoney Andrea Maier ’05 Galen and Jean Mairs Gerald and Murrie Major John ’59 and Kay Mallon Brittany Malone ’12 Shawn ’87 and Connie Malone Michael and Millie ’78 Maloney Rex and Alberta Malson Malzach Painting Gordon and Nell Mapley Steve and Michelle Margulies Mark D. Newton Agency Stephen and Sharon Marlow Christel Marquardt ’70 Keith and Corky ’84 Marquart Margaret Martin ’58 John Marx ’77 Gregory ’89 and Carla Mason Paul Mason ’80 and Sandra Wright-Mason Merrill ’74 and Debbie Masters Mike ’95 and Chris Mastio Emil and Marge Mastroianni Michael and Julie ’87 Mathews Charles and Sharon Matt Matthew J. Brock - Edward Jones Dan and Marilyn ’97 Matthews Don ’54 and Donna Matthews Dodie Maurer Maxim Security Map Project Barbara Maxwell ’51 Ruby Mayes ’96 Barbara Mayfield Joe ’58 and Jean Mazur 18 Rose Mazvinsky Catherine R. McAdams McAlister’s Deli Patricia McAtee Scott ’82 and Sally McAtee Donald and Janet McBain Linda McBride ’08 McBride Lawn Care & Landscaping Steve and Risa McCamy Janet McCarthy† Martin McCarthy Teresa McCarthy Dawn McCarver ’92 Howard and Beth McCauley Randall and Robin McClain Mike and Janet McClanahan Scott and Lydia McClanahan Mark and Esther McClellan McCloud and Nichols, Inc. Evelyn McClure ’42 Glen and Linda McCollum John and Eileen McConnell Stanley McCormack ’79 Michael and Diane McCormick McCoy’s, Inc. Jeff McCrary and Rene Rochambeau-McCrary ’04 M.L. and Suzanne ’82 McCrea Kim McCue ’85 Mitchell and Theresa McCullough Arthur McCune Kierre and Jeanette McCune Barbara McDonald David McDonald ’07 Shane and Jennie ’00 McDonald Wally and Peggy McDonald Dena McDonell ’98 Harvey and Charlotte McDowell Cliff and Donna McFadden Andrew McGarrell Hervey ’81 and Thea McGaugh Kurt and Shannon McGinnis Kurt and Jessica McGuffin Arvid McGuire Mike and Carrie McGuire Rachel McIntosh ’09 Terry McKellar Sharon McKinney ’82 Thomas McKinney Richard and Janet ’89 McKnight Rick ’80 and Theresa McKnight Carey McMillian ’86 Bill ’70 and Judy McMurray Rico McNeela Linda McNeiley ’87 Douglas and Connie McPhee Marty McPhee Shane McQuerry ’05 Patrick McRae ’91 Clinton and Joanne McVey David McWilliams Bob ’82 and Linda Means Mark and Felicitas Medina Darby ’11 and Jenny ’99 Meehan Matt and Brandy ’07 Meeks James and Dana ’86 Meers Donna Meier Michael and Ronda Meierhoffer Meierhoffer Funeral Home & Crematory Jeffery ’05 and Courtney Meinders Jim and Marcella Meisenheimer Mark and Marnie Mellencamp Meravic Dale ’07 and Susie Mercer George ’84 and M.D. ’86 Mereness Merrill Lynch Wealth Management Dennis ’01 and Connie Merritt Merry Maids Rick ’96 and Deborah ’89 Messa Steven and Mary Messer Jeanne Meyer ’79 Shana Meyer Thomas and Linda Meyer Meyer Floors Casey and Carol Meyers William and Judy ’81 Meyers David and Amanda Michael Stephen ’76 and Jerri Michaels Richard and Susan Michalski Nick and Jeril Middleton Vern and Darlene Middleton Midland Empire Home Builders Association Midland Marketing Group dba Shopper Max Midland Steel Co Midwest ARP Clinic Midwest Federal J. Mihelich Mark and Mya Mikkelsen Brett ’01 and Brook Miller Danny and Pam ’99 Miller Gordon and Valerie Miller Jack and Sherry ’98 Miller Jeff and Dawn Miller Leon and Carlene ’90 Miller Mark and Kim Miller Nancy A. Miller ’85 Nancy Miller Randy and Bibi ’90 Miller Steve and Suzett ’86 Miller Timothy Miller Harvey and Kyra Mills Mark and Louise Mills Vincent and Kelly Minette Doug and Marjorie Minnis Mirrors Nightclub LLC Missouri American Water Missouri Auto Dealers Exchange Inc. Missouri Gas Energy Missouri National Guard David ’73 and Barbara Mitchell Joan Mitchell Mod Podge Boutique and Design Studio Patrick ’88 and Terri Modlin Erlys Moe Michael and Linda ’85 Moeck Margaret Moffet ’79 Jerry and Sandra Mogg Jana Mohler ’97 Phillip and Dorothy Mohler Ben ’03 and Melissa ’01 Mollus Charles and Karen Mollus Cori Mollus Brien and Karen Monasmith Money Matters Tax & Financial Services, Inc. Eric ’93 and Doris ’87 Montegna Arthur ’89 Montgomery David and Ireene ’87 Mooney Craig and Brenda Moore Jeanne Moore ’97 Jeffrey and Jan ’82 Moore Ricky Moore Shawn ’84 and Jinny Moore Virgil ’87 and Susan Moore Rocky and Ruth Moorehead Keith and Melissa ’86 Moran James and Linda ’87 Moravac Darin Morgan ’89 Twyla Morgan John ’74 and Marian ’76 Morin Randy ’70 and Patricia Morris Rodney and Shirley Morrison Morrison Post Insurance Agency, Inc. Dent and Janice Morriss Larry and Cherryl Morrow Frank and Charity Morse Morton, Reed, Counts, Briggs & Robb Robert and Joan ’52 Moskowitz Dean ’84 and Lisa Moss Michael and Patricia Mounce Mountain Air L.L.C. Terry and Linda Moutray Keith and Marlene ’70 Mowry Gary ’84 and Kathy ’84 Moxley Carlos and Carol Moya Mr. Dell’s Foods Inc. Mr. Goodcents Franchise Systems, Inc. Aaron Muehlebach ’95 Brian ’93 and Kelly ’94 Mueller Jim Mulder Nicholas ’97 and Kimberly Muller Chuck Mullican ’08 Julia Mullican Phil and Judy ’84 Mullins Kevin and Missie ’79 Mulvaney Larry and Deborah Mumford John ’73 and Karin Murawski Lawrence and Tami ’92 Murdock Deena Murphy ’85 James and Jeanne ’85 Murphy Ray and Ann Murphy Scott and Caroline Murphy Shirley Murphy ’67 Stanley Murphy Timothy Murphy ’75 Murphy Motors Joseph Murray ’87 and Marcia Drumm Mark and Jenni ’96 (Schenk) Murray Maxine Murray Doug ’91 and Carrie Muse Thomas and Mary ’78 Muse Scott and Debra Musselman Joseph and Margaret Myer Jerry ’71 and Linda Myers Tim and Sharon ’05 Myers Bill and Roseanne Mytton Murray and Adriana Nabors Jim ’73 and Kim Nadolski James A. Nadolski, P.C. Attorney at Law Michael and Janette Nall Bernard ’74 and Debra Napier Frank and Donna Nash Michael and Pamela Nash Robert and Nancy ’84 Nash Tim ’90 and Kimberly ’93 Nash National Beef Leathers, LLC Terry and Cindy ’84 Neely James and Gwen Neidel Marvin Nelson Rodney and Michelle Nelson Stephanie Nessa Gary and Karen Nesseth Fred and Jill ’04 Nesslage Nestle Purina Petcare Company Nestle Purina Product Technology Robert ’83 and Karen ’82 Newhart Mark Newport and Terry Voboril-Newport Mark and Angie ’86 Newton Jennifer Newton ’80 Dorothy Newton Miriani The Next Level Championship Fastpitch Kent Nicholls ’77 David and Leslie ’81 Nichols Joe and Jomel Nichols Kathryn Nichols ’84 Thomas and Sherryl Nicholson Jerry and Judy Nickels Dan and Linda Nicoson Greg ’77 and Kristi ’98 Nikes 19 Steven and Sandra Nissen Philip and Barbara Nitse Freddie Nix ’74 Ronald ’51 and Gloria ’53 Nixon VaSean and Julie ’99 Nixon Nodaway Valley Bank Chad ’93 and Shannon Nold Ron Nold ’73 Shaun and Letha ’05 Nold Tamarra Nold ’76 Wayne and Betty Nold Nor-Am Ice and Cold Reginald and Aija ’72 Norbergs John and Susan ’73 Norris Tom ’75 and Jennifer Norsworthy Northshore Distributors Bill and Karen Northup Northwest Fertilizer, Inc. Northwest Missouri Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Tom ’89 and Robin Norton Norty’s Bar and Grill Evan and Elaine Noynaert David and Judith Nuckols Karin Nuernberger Shane ’93 and Rhonda Null Leslie Oberg ’11 Cindy Oberkrom ’80 Michael Watts and Dana Ober-Watts ’87 Bill and Kim ’78 O’Brien Terry and Jennifer O’Brien Terry and Velma O’Brien Tom ’74 and Cindy ’76 O’Brien Occupational Health Solutions, Inc. Barry and Kathy ’90 Ocker John and Kimberly O’Connor Kathleen O’Connor Travis and Shannon O’Doherty Ryan ’01 and Joy ’01 O’Donnell Denise Offutt ’75 Richard and Barbara Ogden Olathe Ford Lincoln Old Mill Nursery Terry and Kay Oldham Eduardo Garcia and Sharon O’Leary ’85 Michael and Judith Olen Don and Andrea Olenyik Dennis ’82 and Denise ’83 Olson Eric and Ronda ’97 Olson Frank and Bobbie O’Malley O’Malley Beverage, Inc. Omnium Crop Protection Mfg. Division of Agriliance Thomas and Cheryle O’Neal Eldon and Wynona O’Neill James and Mary Jo O’Neill Kevin ’89 and Cathi O’Neill Opfer Communications, Inc. Gerald Oppenheimer Family Foundation Cindy Opperman Richard Optican Optimist Club of St. Joseph Bob and Kathy Orf Kathy O’Riley Patrick and Kathy O’Riley Seann and Christi O’Riley Dan ’77 and Debbi O’Rourke Jayleen O’Rourke ’93 Homer Orth Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center Alice Osborn Daniel and Michele Osborn Kenneth Osborn Lee and Alice Osborn Tim and Laura ’85 Osborn Rob and Kris ’93 Ostdiek Dean ’90 and Judy ’82 Ousley Eddie ’94 and Kelley ’95 Owen Glen ’79 and Irene Owen P.E.O. Sisterhood – Chapter KM Doug Paden ’78 Kenneth ’72 and Deborah Paden Bobby and Annette Painter Anthony Palmentere Marjorie Palmer ’73 Stephen ’76 and Joyce ’77 Pankiewicz Papa John’s USA Pappy’s Grill & Pub Paramount Financial LLC Wade ’83 and Doris ’83 Park Dale and Mary ’93 Parker Mike ’78 and Mari Ann Parker Steve and Jannes Parks Joan Parmenter Les ’00 and Amy Parnell Krikor and Kay Partamian Alecia Partridge Jennings and Patricia Partridge Jerry ’86 and Pam Partridge Wade Partridge Angela Pasley ’02 Spencer and Sarah Patrick Bernie Patterson ’73 Christopher and Jan Patterson Richard and Jeanne Patterson Todd and Dana Patterson Dennis and Susan Patton Bill and Mary Jo Paulsen Tim Paulsen Paulsen’s Barge & Dock Services LLC Robert ’72 and Cynthia Paulus Danny and Wanda ’78 Pawling Beverly Payne ’84 Donald and Judy ’76 Payne Jack and Mary Payne Mark and Peggy Payne Mark and Ann Pearce Stanley Pearson ’03 Billy and Nancy ’89 Peek Jeffrey Pelaccio Sarah Pelster ’81 Pen & Pencil Antiques and Estate Sales Jack Pennington ’73 Bill and Mary Ann ’83 Penniston Peoples Furniture Company, Inc. Dan ’74 and Kris Pepper Rachel Pepper ’03 Pepperjax Grill - Heartland Marketing Mitchell and Terry ’89 Peppers Pepsi Beverages Company Stacy and Sheila Percival Performing Arts Association of St. Joseph, Inc. Jim ’61 and Linda ’60 Perry Joseph and Pat ’79 Perry Mike and Mary ’93 Perry Webb and Betty Perryman Jeff and Tina Peterson Larry Peterson George and Irene Petroll Ron and Judy Petroll Greg and Susan ’83 Pettigrew Gary and Ethel ’63 Pettijohn Alice Phelan ’45 Mark and Tina Phillips Scott and Cindy Phillips Thomas and Kathryn ’72 Phoenix Phoenix Urology of St. Joseph, Inc. Physician Office Partners Inc. Piatto 614 Betty Pickens Jerry ’85 and Shannon Pickman Malinda Pierce ’80 & ’82 Molly Pierce ’77 Peggy Pierson ’76 Henry and Lourene Pilgram Pine Barber Shop L.L.C. David Pingel ’80 George and Debra Pinkney Steve and Jeannie Pitluck Lee ’91 and Tina Pitman Mike and Carol Pittman Kevin Pitts Shannon Pivovar ’10 PJ’s Imprinted Sportswear Karl ’86 and Kristina ’85 Ploeger Roger and Elizabeth ’06 Ploeger Donald Plumb ’55 Paul ’92 and Carol Plummer Theodore and Laura Plyler Polk City Subway Pat Poloski ’70 Polsinelli Shughart, P.C. Jill Pool Glen and Deonna Poole Brent ’82 and Susie Porlier Porlier Outdoor Advertising Co. Donald Porter ’11 Glen ’74 and Marcia ’75 Porter Jullian Porter Neil Porter Wayne ’72 and Elizabeth Porter Alan and Laura Portis Jeff ’84 and Gail Post Gary Naeger and Gladys Poth Naeger Melanie Potter ’95 Jan Powell ’88 Wilbur and Mary Powell William Powell ’84 Katie Power ’00 Power Group Company, LLC William Poynter ’85 Stephanie Prather ’97 Tim ’83 and Angela ’83 Prawl Timothy N. Prawl, D.D.S. Jan Pray Stanley and Layne ’93 Prenger Margo Prentiss ’68 Frederick and Karla Prewitt Alan and Paula ’01 Price David and Christine Price Robert and Karen Prichard Bill and Debbie ’89 Priesmeyer The Printing Centre, Inc. Bob and Terry ’81 Pritchett Roger ’85 and Kristin Procter Prudential Summers Realtors Alan and Venny ’74 Pruitt Patrick and Julie Pryor Thomas Puett Richard and Doris ’88 Pulley Brity Punzal Al and Annie Purcell Michelle Purcell ’08 Clifton and Anne Putnam Kurt and Carmen Putzier Robert and Jennifer ’82 Pyatt Richard and Louette ’94 Pyles Michael and Denise Queen Mario and Aida Quiason Gay Quick Rodney and Karen ’92 Quigley Tee and Bekah ’12 Quillin Chris and Kimberley ’88 Quimby James Quimby Robert and Judith Quinn Greg Quirin ’76 R. N. and M. G. DeShon Designated Fund R/S Electric Corporation R/S Electric Support Services Terry and Maureen Raffensperger Tony and Marlene ’05 Ralston Ramada Inn Conference Center James and Linda Ramier Cory and Corinne Ramler 20 Gary and Sheryl Ramler Nathan Ramler Zach ’02 and Keli ’01 Ramsay Mike ’72 and Sharon Ramsey Michael ’73 and Constance Rankin Myrna Ransdell Linda Rapp ’70 Shane and Jill ’07 Rardon David and Gwenda Raska Steven and Karen ’70 Read Rick and Beth ’97 Ream Darren Reder Mary Reder Nancy Reed Dolores Reeder ’72 Regional Radio Daniel and Gretchen Reilly Sheri Reineke ’89 Jim ’73 and Sharon Reinert Robert and Ronda ’83 Reinert Rejuvenating Health Systems Wes and Patsy ’79 Remington Remington Family Foundation Randy and Lisa Renzelman Jerry ’74 and Jane Reschke Lee and Tandy Reussner Barry ’72 and Barbara ’73 Reynolds Charles and Carol ’56 Reynolds Denise Reynolds Jim and Eileen Reynolds Larry and Jane ’65 Reynolds Neil and Betty Reynolds Bill and Kathy ’71 Rhoad Charles and Sigrid Rhoads Dustin and Rachel Rhoads Paul ’89 and Vickie ’91 Rhoads Judy Rhodes Helen Richards Paul and Carol Richards Gary ’72 and Linda Richardson Sharon Richey ’88 Pete ’84 and Susie ’89 Richie John and Jill ’91 Rickart Cheryl Rickel Rob Ricklefs ’83 Larry and Brenda Ricks Jeffery and Carlissa Riddle Shawn and Kris Rieth William and Connie Rieth Jim and Jennifer Riley Barb Rinehart ’85 James and Ann Ringer Leonard ’72 and Juanita Risker Homer Ritter ’68 and Laurene Matson-Ritter Ronald ’58 and Donna Ritter Pat and Jackie Rivera RiverSong, Chapter 0753, Sweet Adelines Int’l Bill ’67 and Jean Roach Bob and Charlotte ’62 Roach Charlie and Cindy Roach Phillip and Jennifer Roades David ’91 and Julia ’94 Robaska Gordon and June Robaska Scott ’85 and Gail ’84 Robaska Patrick and Carol Robb Bernadine Roberts Bill Roberts Dave and Jenny Roberts Gregg and Myrna Roberts Mark ’84 and Jenifer Roberts Roberts Roofing Co, Inc. Chad ’00 and Nicki ’03 Robertson J.L. and Tracy Robertson John and Carolyn ’87 Robertson Lee Robertson Robidoux Resident Theatre John and Jennifer Robinson Louanne Robreau ’57 Joyce Rochambeau ’47 Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory – Huntington Beach, Calif. Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory – Lake Elsinore LLC Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory – Lehi, Utah Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory – Omaha Oakview LLC Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory – Omaha Westroads LLC Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory – St. Joe LLC Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory – Vicksburg LLC Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory – Williamsburg, Iowa LLC Kyle and Karlee Rodenkirk Rod and Jeannie Roderick Roderick Sign Co., Inc. Marvin and Beverly Roemmich Michael and Deborah ’84 Roever Jim and Carol Roever Don Rogenhofer ’79 Dennis and Susan Rogers Gloria Rogers Marcia Rogers Phil ’94 and Sandy Rogers Tim and Judy ’85 Rogers Doug and Nancy Rohr Roger ’75 and Renee ’93 Rohrer Tony and Brenda Roldan Danny Romans Orlyn Romero Ron Lumb’s TLC Tree & Shrub Care William and Susan Roose Gerald and Karla Root Scott and Anne Root Arayna Rosen Kyle and Becky Ross Greg ’94 and Joni Rost Blake ’02 and Julie Roth Bob ’73 and Susan Roth David and Leslie Roth James Roth Richard ’81 and Nancy Roth Taira Roth ’04 Randy ’77 and Vicki ’98 Rowland Edner and Bonnie Rudolph Darrin and Hawley ’98 Rumpf Randall and Cindy ’79 Rumpf The Runcie Club Tom and Jackie Runyan Rupp Funeral Home Bill and Connie Russell Timothy Ryan Leslie Saccaro ’01 Nicholas ’01 and Kimberly Saccaro St. Joe Petroleum Co. – Fast Gas C-Stores St. Joseph Agri Services, Inc. St. Joseph Building & Construction Trades Council St. Joseph Construction Association, Inc. St. Joseph Convention & Visitors Bureau St. Joseph Electric Supply Company, Inc. St. Joseph Host Lions Club St. Joseph Metro Chamber St. Joseph Mustangs St. Joseph Plumbing, Heating & Cooling St. Joseph Title and Abstract Company Joe Salanky ’88 and Ann Toloso-Salanky Bud and Margaret Salanski Mandi Salcido Stephen and Linda ’87 Saliga Robert and Victoria ’98 Sample Sophia Sanchez Madeleine Sanders Kenneth and Nancy ’75 Sandy Robert and Laura Sanford Rafael Sauceda ’72 Charlene Sauceman ’52 Pat Sauer ’54 Rodney and Alicia Saunders Wayne and Kenda ’78 Saunders Patrick Saville Lee and Toni Sawyer Alexandria Saxen Sally Saxen Tom and Jane Saxen Amy Saxton ’05 Jill Sayre Jim and Lauren Scanlon Jeff and Kathy Scannell Angela Scarbrough James and Nancy Scarbrough Michael and Stacey Scarbrough Thomas and Shelby Scarbrough Rob ’79 and Debbie ’87 Schaaf Gary and Jackie Schaben Schaben Insurance and Financial, Inc. Bill and Ilene ’90 Schaller Ralph ’82 and Lisa ’84 Schank Tyson ’04 and Kim ’03 Schank Verne and April Schanz Stet and Jeanne Schanze Jeffery and Deborah Schebler David Scheer ’80 Randall and Kelley ’92 Schenk Henry and Bonita ’75 Scherer Thomas and Mary Schille Robert ’10 and Danelle ’10 Schimming Tim ’12 and Lacey ’10 Schimming Kellie Schimweg ’94 Bruce ’75 and Carolyn ’78 Schindler John ’86 and Brenda ’87 Schindler Wayne Schleicher ’93 Belinda Schlueter ’11 Melvin and Kathleen Schmidt Michael and Wanda Schmieding John and Deborah Schmiemeier Gerry and Julie Schmitt Leo ’48 and Mary Ann ’68 & ’70 Schmitz Mary Beth Schmitz ’99 Tony and Lynette Schmitz Jacob Schneider ’04 Jedd ’01 and Christine Schneider Joseph and Rachelle Schneider Lee ’46 and Nina Schneider Tom ’64 and Julia ’67 Schneider Matt Schoenfelder and Mallory Murray Michael ’78 and Cindi Schooley James and Faire Schoonover Marvin Schottel ’80 Ina Schowengerdt Jacob Schrader James and Sara Schrader Larry and Mary Ann Schrader Steve and Rhonda Schram William Schreiber Kitty Schuettpelz ’99 Andrew Schultz ’76 Andy Schultz ’74 Michael and Connie Schulze Michael and Dorothea Schulze Vernon and Lavonne Schulze Lee and Judy ’96 Schuster Steven and Joyce ’83 Schuster Daniel and Jane Schwabe Katy Schwartz Drowns ’08 Rick and Anna Schwarz Ronald and Jean Schweizer Gina Sciara Joseph Sciara Bob and Carol ’77 Scott Carole Scott Michael ’82 and Barbara Scott 21 Royce and Suzanne Scott Sheila Scott Troy and Angela Sculley Seaman & Schuske Metal Works Co. David and Terina Sears Emil Sechter Terry and Marlene ’97 Seiter Dawn Sellars ’75 Ron ’76 and Carolyn Sellmeyer Herman Seufert ’48 Rick ’74 and Janet Shackelford Susan Shaffer ’92 Shamrad Metal Fabricators, Inc. Daniel and Nancy Sharp James ’78 and Jeanne Sheehan Mark and Candy Sheehan Steve and Lauretta ’94 Sheldon Shelter Insurance Agency Gary M. Riepl Gary and Beverly Shepherd Kevin and Angela Shepherd Woodrow Shepherd ’48 Joy Sherard ’78 Gary ’74 and Cartha Sherman Kenneth Shewell Tom and Patty Shiflett Kevin Shine ’00 Dave and Sonja Shinneman Ronald and Joyce Shirk Clarence and Marie Shockley Doris Shockley Jessica Shockley Spencer Shockley Stephen Showalter ’86 Orlo and Karen ’77 Shroyer Ross and Mary Shuman Mike ’78 and Rhoda ’83 Shute Roger and Kimberly Siegel William and Joan Siglin Robert ’95 and Kim ’93 Sigrist Johnnie ’92 and Michelle ’88 Silkett Rickey Silvey ’88 Larry Simhiser Jeff and Patti Simmelink Richard and Peggy ’72 Simmons Melvin and Christine Simon Bob and Kay Simpson Carolyn Simpson Chad Simpson ’96 Curt and Kim Simpson Ulas and Joyce ’65 Simpson Constance Sims ’72 Chuck ’72 and Judie Sinclair Mark and Julie Sindlinger Jim and Marietta ’75 Singer Megan Sinnett Derek and Tracie ’83 Skaggs Shannon Skaggs ’98 John Skiles ’96 Bill Skinner E.R. and Fern Skinner Steven ’04 and Stacey ’02 Skinner Robbie Skipper ’01 Rudy and Jenny Skrbina Bob and Charlene Slater David Slater ’82 Ron ’78 and Joyce ’77 Slayden William ’78 and Diane ’82 Slentz Greg Slibowski ’94 Joseph Sloan ’09 James and Deborah Smelcer James and Pamela Smelcer Aurbery Smith ’95 Barbara Smith Beverly Smith ’57 Charles ’80 and Shirley ’79 Smith Dale and Deb Smith Dan and Robin Smith Donovan and Jennifer ’05 Smith Earl Menchhofer and Pamela Smith ’78 Edwin and Debbie ’79 Smith Gregory and Dawna Smith Gretchen Smith ’09 Jenifer Smith Larry and Melody ’87 Smith Larry and Sally Smith Lyle and Fredda Smith Michael and Darlene Smith Neal Smith Riley Smith ’81 Roger and Cristina Smith Ronald and Dorothy Smith Sally Smith Shannon and Sara Smith Shelby ’48 and Betty Smith Susan Smith ’64 Tom and Patsy ’95 Smith Jockey Smock Levi Smock ’09 Dwight and Lynn ’77 Snodgrass Snorkel International Paul and Norma ’56 Snow Earl and Diane Soetaert Lisa Sollars ’84 John and Dixie ’52 Solonycze Martin ’68 and Cynthia Soper Dorothy Sorensen Mark and Janelle Sorfonden Megan Sova ’07 Scott and Christy Spain Carl and Doris ’95 Sparks Bradley and Kristen Spears Robert and Sandra Spears Spec Building Materials Corporation The Spec Shoppe of St. Joseph, Inc. Sheldon ’64 and Rowanne Spector Neal ’81 and Holly Spencer Richard and Pat ’94 Spencer Michael Speros Mike and Jean Spiegel Spine & Sport Physical Therapy Dave ’86 and Brenda ’85 Spinner Cindy Spotts-Conrad Mark and Brenda ’89 Sprague Tim ’92 and Lisa ’96 Sprague Keith and Lisa Spreckels Lucille Spreckels Ronald and Beverly Spreckels Rick and Jana Springer Josh and Angie ’02 Springs Sprint Jerry Sprong Don and Barbara Squires Patrick and Dee Dee Squires Elain Stahl ’85 Don and Loah Stallard Craig and Jennifer ’99 Stanek Dan ’76 and Janet ’80 Stanley Butch and Karla Stansberry Dennis ’97 and Michelle Stanton Ralph and Connie ’90 Stanton Eleanor Stark ’46 Mark ’76 and Charlene ’78 Steadman Merrill ’47 and Glenrose Steeb Merrill Steeb, AttorneyAt-Law Michael ’88 and Ramona ’88 Steele Steffen Construction Adam and Sara Stein Larry Stein Deborah Steinbrenner ’80 Michael ’89 and Gloria Steinhauer Jim and Tammy ’90 Steinkamp Gary and Terri Steinke Ryan ’95 and Chastity Stemmons Rick Stepanek ’92 and Alice Batson-Stepanek ’92 Rodney ’72 and Waunita ’80 Stephen Bartholomew Steponovich Tony and Vee Steponovich Jack and Janet Steury Bill ’81 and Gretchen ’99 Stevens Bruce and Abby Steward David and Dina ’74 Stewart Todd ’92 and Allison Stewart Stewart Hauling, Inc. Kevin and Lori ’94 Sticken Mark and Barbara Stier Christianna Stiles Steve Stilwell ’94 Kristin Stitt Jonathan and Carol Stobaugh Larry ’74 and Joyce Stobbs Helen Stone Mike and Jeana ’91 Stone Tara Stone Stoney Creek Inn & Conference Center Morris and Celeste Stoops Jeffrey and Gretchen Stove Jerry ’55 and Carol Strong Margit Strong ’85 William and Janice ’94 Strop Edward and Ashley ’03 Stroud Brett and Kylee ’03 Strough Mark ’75 and Lauren Struthers Melissa Stuart ’83 Jeff ’83 and Jolene ’86 Stubblefield Jeff and Teresa ’94 Stubbs Bob and Mary Helen ’60 Stuber Donna Stuber ’85 Steve and Lisa Stumpf Herman Miller and Adrienne Sturdivant-Miller ’92 Nathaniel Stutterheim ’11 Jon and Babbie Styslinger Success Weight Loss Suddenlink Communications Eleanor Sullivan ’52 Jim and Linda Summers Sumner, Carter, Hardy, Schwichtenberg & Company, PC Charles Sunderland Scott and Edie Sundvold Sunshine Electronic Display Corp. Susan J. Campbell Copywriting Solutions LLC Gwen Sutlief ’01 Timothy ’84 and Debra Sutlief Mark and Antoinette ’95 Svuba Bernard and Patricia ’74 Swartz Jeffrey and Judy ’72 Swartz Gary and Lori Sweeney Ryan and Natasha Sweeney Robert Swift ’75 Thomas and Zeta Switlik Steve Swymeler ’94 and Gene Pulliam Bob Syata ’72 John ’79 and Connie ’93 Szczepanik Byron ’81 and Cindy Taber Taco Bell / F.O. Williams Advertising, Inc. Taco John’s of St. Joseph Ronnie ’77 and Patricia Taff Tim ’85 and Tammy ’82 Talbot Donald and Mary ’86 Tanner The Tap Room Barbara Taylor Bradley and Kimberly Taylor Eric and Melissa ’93 Taylor Jana Taylor Michael and Janet Taylor Laura Taylor ’99 Linda Taylor Macquelyn Taylor Norman and Joan Taylor Ronald Taylor Ronald ’76 and Suzan ’76 Taylor Sandra Taylor Taylor Crouse Agency of Farmers Insurance Group 22 John and Gene Teeter Harold and Joyce Templeman Roy and Lana Tewell Tom and Cristina Tewell Tewell & Associates Thanksgiving Fund Vincent and Louise Tharp James and Cherie ’99 Thatcher Bill ’43 and Virginia Thedinga Richard ’77 and Roberta Thedinga Kenneth and Cynthia Theisen Frank Thomas and Jacqueline Dekoster Thomas Jerene Thomas Rick and Rhonda Thomas Thomas McGee, L.C. Dennis ’76 and Sherry ’77 Thompson Gary ’74 and Connie ’74 Thompson George ’37 and Anita Thompson James ’72 and Kathy Thompson Jim ’59 and Jo Thompson John and Mary ’90 Thompson Robert and Cindy Thompson Donnie ’91 and Angela Thomson Andy and Amy ’92 Thomure Matthew ’99 and Hope Thornton Staci Thornton ’93 Matt ’95 and Ashley ’95 Thrasher Phillip and Dawn ’82 Threatt Gary and Billie Thurman Scott and Leslie Thurman Dick and Sandra Thyer Russell Tice James and Donna Tidwell Tieman, Spencer, Hook & Hicks, LLC Manley ’78 and Jeri Tillison Judith Tilton Ernest and Sarah Timmons Joe Timmons Kelly Timmons Steve and Diana Tingler Mary Todero Bette Tolbert ’47 Tom Lemmon Insurance Agency, L.L.C. Robert and Yvonne Topp Ada Tourbier ’73 Alene Tourbier ’73 Mary Tracy Transmith, Inc William ’74 and Rosemary Treu Trip Kadey Culinary Consulting Triumph Foods, LLC Regi ’00 and Jen Trotter Todd and Kathleen Troughton Donald and Margaret Trout Jim and Judy Trout Kobee and Joanna Trueblood Gary Turbak ’83 Cletus Turley Davin and Michelle Turner John and Connie Turner Leslie Turner ’93 R.T. and Karen ’74 Turner Russell and Mandi ’97 Turner Terrence Turner ’84 Dave and Lynn Tushaus Todd and Susan Twachtmann Twilight Gardens Shirley Twombly Ed ’64 and Gail Tyler U.S. Bancorp Foundation, Inc. Kayte Ulibarri ’08 UMB Bank Chad Umetsu and Janeen Umetsu Tabag Uncle D’s Sports Bar and Grill Union Broadcasting / 810 Sports Union Pacific Corporation FFEG United Bank of Iowa United Pharmaceutical Co, Inc. Roger ’75 and Donna Unruh Myron and Connie Unzicker Jane Urquhart ’41 US Bank Michael ’81 and Myrna Usher Jim ’73 and Lois ’74 Ussary Gregory and Anna Vahrenberg Vincent and Mary Beth ’76 Valencia Valvoline Express Care Kurt and Christine ’79 Van Hoozer Steven Van Horn ’78 Arthur ’75 and Sharon Van Meter Travis and Jane Van Schoiack Darrell ’80 and Timi VanLengen Mary Ellen VanOrmer Robert and Laurel Vartabedian Bruce and Mary ’79 Vaughan Mike and Cynde ’89 Veale James and Bobbi ’07 Venneman Darren ’88 and Peggy ’78 Verbick Greg ’89 and Joleen VerMulm C.J. ’54 and Sue Vetter Karla Vey ’85 William and Lori Vick Steve and Patty Viestenz John ’85 and Patricia ’87 View Joe ’75 and Ronica Vigliaturo Juanito and Alice Villahermosa Ben Vineyard Louis and Caterina Vittoria Bradley and Joni Vogel Tyson and Tiffany Vorderstrasse W. Fairleigh Enright Charitable Trust Fund Robert ’62 and Diane ’91 Waddell Donald and Kathleen Wade Frances Wade Mark and Julie Wade Richard and Christy Wade William Wade Kevin and Tama Wagner Sue Wagner ’68 Bruce and Judith ’87 Wake Keith and Deborah Walden Jamie ’78 and Nora Waldren Waldren/Kelly Family Charitable Trust Jean Waldron Bob ’74 and Mary Waldrop James ’78 and Donna Walker James and Heidi Walker Steven and Anita ’05 Walker Daryl Walkup ’67 Gregg Walkup ’82 and Theresa Zawodny-Walkup ’89 Pam Wall Scott Wall James and Shirley Wallace John and Kathy Wallace David and Jill Waller Gary ’60 and Pat Waller Kaila ’00 and Eric Waller Karen Waller ’95 Doug ’03 and Terri Wallis Wallis Guttering Company Craig Walters ’85 John and Lisa Walz Mark and Mary Jo Wandersee Phil and JoAnn Wann Laurie S. Ward, Attorney at Law Matt and Sheri ’00 Ward Steve and Laurie ’87 Ward William Ward James and Lou Ann Warner Mary Warren ’70 Robert and Shirl Warren Sheryl Warren Jim and Jean Wasem Michael ’95 and Michelle Washburn Tracey ’95 and Dove Watkin Tom and Lynn Watkins Alan Watson John and Colleen Watson John and Diane Watson Sean and Donna Watson Forrest and Ruth Watts Michael and Leslie Weakland Millie Weaver Pamela Weaver Ray and Jyl ’92 Webb Ed and Jean Weber Reynold and Teresa Weber Kyle and Lori Webster Tim and Kim ’00 Weddle John and Debra ’91 Wehr Chad and Jodi Weiberg Charles and Linda Weinzerl Sharon Weiser ’88 Richard ’60 and Deborah Weitlich Howard ’76 and Sherry Weldon Karl Wellenkoetter Joseph and Alexi Wellman Marcine Wells Rachell Wells Valerie Wells Warren and Linda ’83 Wenner Dorothy May Wenz Loyde and Delores Wessley Cheryl West ’74 Kevin ’89 and Alyn West Regonald and Dawn ’99 West William (Ed) ’56 and Judith ’80 West Helga Wester Herbert and Cathleen Wester Western Staab, Inc. – Pizza Hut Stan ’74 and Kitty Weston Dean and Penny Wetzel Wetzel Repair James and Carolyn Weybrecht Linda Weyer ’62 Donna Wheeler Frank ’85 and Pamela ’87 Wheeler Whiskey Creek Woodfire Grill Richard ’71 and Sandra Whisler David ’83 and Lilia ’12 White Joel and Larae ’92 White Curtis and Carolyn Whiters Linda Whitford ’82 Randy and Judy Whiting Steve Whitlock ’76 and Cynthia BlackWhitlock ’79 Bruce Whitsell Stephen and Jo Ann ’04 Whittington Terry ’56 and Barbara Wickham Brian Wiedmer ’08 Wayne Wiedmer ’73 Tom ’83 and Patricia Wieligman Chris Wigger David and Trinidad Wiggins Johngelene Wiggins Ronald and Kendra Wilcoxson Ed and Connie Wildberger Wildcat Homes, Inc. Jerry and Cathy ’77 Wilkinson Jim ’84 and Brenda Wilkerson T.J. and Janelle Wilkerson Mary Wille ’87 Angela Willenbring Brian Williams ’99 Brian Williams, Attorney at Law David ’81 and Diane ’79 Williams John and Tammy Williams Joseph and Karen ’72 Williams Kelly and Kara ’05 Williams Rhea Williams ’89 Theodore Williams Thomasine Williams Tom and Tracey Williamson Carl and Karen Willis Charles and Anita Willits Bart and Kelly Wilson Carol Wilson Craig and Andrea Wilson David and Michelle Wilson 23 Hugh ’51 and Barbara Wilson John and Donna Wilson Michael and Lina Wilson Mike ’96 and Trenny ’91 Wilson Minnie Wilson Stan ’52 and Lavon ’54 Wilson Steven and Jacqueline Wilson Dennis and Susan ’86 Winchester Kenneth ’73 and Virginia Winder Steve and Lisa ’95 Windle James and Hope Windmiller Bruce ’98 and Amy Windoffer Bruce ’76 and Marilyn Windsor Scott and Paula ’86 Wineinger Max and Judy ’73 Wines William Wines Wines by Jennifer Marilyn Winger ’86 Barry Winkler Harold ’72 and Sandra ’73 Wintcher Wallis Winter WireCo WorldGroup Hugo and Bette Wischmann James and Kim Wischmann Brad ’77 and Jan ’76 Wolf Eric ’90 and Traci Wolf Allyn and Judith Wolff Rudy and Nannette Wolford Alvin and Peggy ’72 Wood Andy ’84 and Norma ’83 Wood Cathy Wood ’82 Cheryl Wood ’73 Gaylan and Nigel ’80 Wood Mark and Karen Woodbury Jeffrey Woodford Gary and Julie ’96 Woods Ray and Ramona Woods Dan Woody ’98 Larry and Twyla Workman Zack ’74 and Mary ’76 Workman Ashley Worrell ’98 Bill Wright Christopher and Mary Wright Marvin and Sharon ’71 Wright Michael and Allene Wright Seth and Emily Wright Craig Yamashita Gary Yamashita and Susan Oka-Yamashita Linda Yameen Griffith and Olivia Yanagi Richard and Susan ’86 Yeager Jonathan and Jean Yordy Don Young Jonathan and Suzanne Young Ralph and Jan Young Sonny and Judy ’60 Younger Rusty Yuille ’92 Daniel ’56 and Gloria Yurkovich Byron Yurth Mary Zacklene Julie Zahnd ’93 Marcia Zanko ’76 Richard Zebelean ’67 Vernon ’74 and Sheila Zelch Mike Zeorlin ’66 Mei Zhang Andrew and Tanya ’90 Ziegler Mark and Julie Ziegler Aaron and Rita ’04 Zimmerman Chuck and Bobbi Zimmerman Ellen Zimmerman ’56 Jeff Zimmerschied Steve ’85 and Brenda Zwaschka Jerry and Sandy Zweerink Dan Boulware Jerrold and Carol Barnett Todd and Kimberly Bartels Al and Sasha L. Boulware Suzy and David Bradley Milton and Grace Day Todd and Nancy Ehlert Daniel and Candace Flanigan Sharon Kennedy John and Peggi Kilroy Thomas and Polixeni Kokoruda Stephen Lightstone Gregory and Judy Lucas Janet McCarthy† Michael and Ronda Meierhoffer Charles Parker Larry and Susan Parker Lisa Parker Polsinelli Shughart, P.C. Frank Ross Jr. Eddie and Debbie ’79 Smith Gerald Sprong Drs. Bob and Laurel Vartabedian Lawrence and Joan Ward Tom and Lynn Watkins Russell and Deborah Welsh Mark and Karen Woodbury Seth and Emily Wright Jonathan and Jean Yordy Drew Brown Deborah Williams Patti Burri Mary Cornett Dr. Susan Carter Patrick and Deirdre Squires Barb Crumley Ambassadors Executive Board Sally Carpenter Nancy Briggs Democratic National Jeannie Pitluck Convention Kelsy Nicole Williams Dr. Michaelene Bardo Mignon and Dick DeShon Rebecca Preston Jan Pray In honor of: Lawrence Ellis ’78 Donna Ellis Joe Gray Rohrer’s Wings and Webs Annetta Heckman Dr. and Mrs. Richard Crumley Stena Hinkle, Past President of MWSU Ambassadors Joyce Fowler ’78 Diane Holtz Nancy Briggs Katelyn Keith, 4th-year nursing student Jeannine Keith Jacob Kelly ’08 Robin Kelly Dr. Steve Long Rebecca Preston Dr. Chris Looney Rebecca Preston Missouri Western Ambassadors Thea McGaugh Jamie and Gwen Neidel Jan Pray Nontraditional Students Mark and Mary Margaret Laney Dr. John Olson Rebecca Preston Jan Pray Mary Shuman Jerry Sprong Charlie ’55 and Patti ’55 Burri William Strop Wallace and Margaret W. McDonald Drs. Bob and Laurel Vartabedian for their enthusiasm and devotion to all things Missouri Western Dale Boulware George H. Wood’s 90th Birthday Tim and Merry Burtner In Memory of: Dr. Robert Zink Rebecca Preston Barbara Acton Maria Rivera Mark Stephens Thuy Torres In Celebration of the Wedding Anniversary of Leo and Mary Ann Schmitz Jody Bauman Jerry and Susan Bauman John and Barbara Atkinson Lori Balcar Michael and Julia Clark Mary Coyne ’72 Ed and Kathryn Currier Cynthia Dodge John ’90 and Brenda ’89 Dodge Raymond and Elisabeth Donahue Keith and Margaret Fox John and Kathryn Gloggner Dennis and Barbara Harkrider John and Kaye Kabus David and Shirley Kelly Mike and Helen ‘73 King James and Karen Landers Eugene and Jean Lawhon Mary Ann Lawhon Kevin and Deanna McClurg Joe and Margaret Reardon Wayne and Mary Reardon James and Jeanne Rost Robert A. Schmitz Bill Scott and Sherry Sansone Scott Helen Smith Richard ’77 and Roberta Thedinga Stephen ’76 and Victoria Thedinga Leo and Delores Vertin Jean Waldron Marilyn Welch Jay Adcox Scott ’78 and Edith Graham Randy Bever Pizza Shoppe of St. Joseph Nelle Blum Merrill Steeb, AttorneyAt-Law Kelsy Brown Cooper Beshears Thomasine M. Williams Donna Ceglenski Patricia Adams Dr. Charles Coyne Jim and Carol Roever Lyman and Jane Frick Solon and Maureen Haynes Brittany Douglas Staci Kramer Amy Elifrits Legacy for Learning New York Life Insurance Company Daniel E. Elkins Jon Ahlgrim John Broadrick Patty Cortez Leslie Even Dana Fanning Tina Graham Jim Doepke Jennifer Jumps Bruce Lee Jim Maastricht Donna Mogensen John Morin Jackie Musick Lee O’Brien Kevin Owens Kelly Roumas Julie Rupert 24 Jenny Schultz Shawna Sollars Jim St. Vincent Laura Stein Bobbie Violett Julie Woods ’96 Mary Ann Fenner Geraldine Lawhon Bob ’73 and Susan Roth Eddie and Debbie ’79 Smith Rod Fletcher Commerce Bank Frank Connett ’42 Lynne Dickens Mel and Jo Eyberg Mr. and Mrs. John L. Gray, Jr. Betty Killackey ’41 Louis Killackey Bailey Lauerman Natalie Lewis Faye Litvak James and Patricia Marston Jane Urquhart ’41 Chris Frakes Pizza Shoppe of St. Joseph LeAnn Francis Fred ’63 and Sharon Bell Stephen and Dana Browning Barbara A. Dunham Janet Marriott Rhesa Sumrell Annetta Williams Paul Funk Richard Roberts and Judith Towse Roberts Dr. Leo Galloway Theodore and Mary Lou Satorie Bob and Mary Helen ’60 Stuber Helen Goff Mary Helen Stuber ’60 Mike, Jessica and Garret Grable Carl, Molly and Nicole Sifers Rob Hicklin Steven Cox Scott ’78 and Edith Graham LeeAnna Hicklin Ann Humphreys Jan Pray Herb and Peggy Iffert Joe ’58 and Jean Mazur Rhonda Ingham David and Sharon Ashley Jason and Margaret Baker Dave Brown ’75 and Ellen Kisker Jim ’07 and Elaine ’04 Bryant Mike ’83 and Mary Buckler Craig and Deborah Crisler Ellis ’13 and Noel ’01 Cross Richard and Barbara Crumley Sharon Driggers ’97 Todd and Patty ’08 Steven Greiert John and Cosette Hardwick Dennis ’73 and Debbie Johnson Carolyn Long “Your help made it possible for me to attend the national convention, which put me one step closer to reaching my career goal, experiencing one of the greatest memories I will carry with me the rest of my life.” Kallie Schoonover, ’13, Mound City, Mo., Health and Exercise Science Andrew McGarrell Mary Miller Mark and Louise Mills Jim and Carol Roever Robert and Victoria ’98 Sample Bruce ’75 and Carolyn ’78 Schindler Darin and Kelly ’02 Sloan Roger and Susan Wright Dr. Larry Jones Sandra Jones Norma King Sally Carpenter Sharon McKinney ’82 Dorsey Looney Larry and Virginia Lambing Jerome Lund Sadie Lund John Masson Jr Dr. Judith Grimes Glen and Linda Klippenstein James E. McCarthy Arthur and Claudia McCarthy Suzanne Meierhoffer Dan and Dale Boulware Shirley Bradley James and Kathleen Byrnes Commerce Bank Mel and Jo Eyberg Lyman and Jane Frick Kevin and Esther ’80 George Nancy Hamilton Randy and Mary ’74 Herzog Leila Hicks ’76 Scott and Kathleen Hillyard Barbara Hartwig Ulmer Morty and Barbara Lebedun Keith and Corky ’84 Marquart Wally and Peggy McDonald Clifford and Donna McFadden Meierhoffer Funeral Home Accounting Staff Bill and Carol ’93 Meyers Eric ’93 and Doris ’87 Montegna Larry and Cherryl Morrow Dennis and Holly Rosonke Bob ’73 and Susan Roth Don and Loah Stallard Joanne Mori Edward and Mona Dastmalchian Dr. Janet Murphy McCarthy Henry and Vickie Bradley Charitable Fund Bill and Sally Carpenter Ron Goodman ’88 Larry and Sharon ’77 Kosek Sandra McGuire Julia K. Mullican James and Ann Ringer Jim and Carol Roever Bob ’73 and Susan Roth James and Linda Summers Drs. Bob and Laurel Vartabedian Richard Wilson Alex Perez Janet Marriott Betty Jane Roth Nancy Briggs Harriette Schulz Richard and Anna Schwarz Thomas and Carol Schwarz Spencer Singleton Raymond ’76 and Donna Hickok John and Ellen ’64 Hughes Ronald and Judy Singleton Spencer and Charlotte Singleton Robert and Rhonda Callison Lenny and Kim Frazee Barbara Sprong Charlie ’55 and Patti ’55 Burri Lynne Dickens Jerry and Mary Grace Doris Hall ’51 Dixie Ham Faye Litvak Peggy McDonald Michael and Carol Pittman Jan Pray Dave and Sonja Shinneman Gerald Sprong Drs. Bob and Laurel Vartabedian Joyce Winston ’73 Thomas Theis Janice Yocum Lewis W. Thompson Julia Schneider ’67 Elizabeth Thompson’’06 Larry ’72 and Peggy Thompson Dr. Sharon E. Waggoner and Marion Waggoner Thomas and Mary Bingaman Lloyd Wall Pamela Wall Fred and Alice Wiebelt Cristina Smith Matching Gift Companies Bank of America Foundation Cargill Inc. Caterpillar Foundation D.S.T. Systems, Inc. Dean Foods Company ExxonMobil Foundation General Electric Foundation Hallmark Corporate Foundation Hillshire Brands Company Hormel Foods Corporation Charitable Trust IBM Corporation Juniper Networks Mutual of Omaha Foundation New York Life Foundation Pepsico Foundation Pfizer Foundation Sara Lee Foundation Shell Oil Company Foundation Southwestern Energy Sprint Foundation Starbucks State Farm Companies Foundation The Boeing Company The Dow Chemical Company Foundation The Sherwin-Williams Foundation Union Pacific Corporation Wells Fargo Foundation Yum! Brands Foundation 25 Ways to Give There are many ways you can make a difference through gifts to Missouri Western. From outright contributions to planned giving, there are many opportunities for you to get involved. As a public charitable organization, gifts to the Missouri Western State University Foundation are deductible at the highest limits allowed for federal income or estate tax purposes. Cash and Annual Fund Gifts Cash contributions are the most frequent charitable gift. Checks should be made payable to Missouri Western State University Foundation. The most frequent contributions are to the Annual Fund. now, rather than in your will, you can realize an immediate income tax d eduction. Gifts of Securities – Stocks, Bonds & Mutual Funds Charitable gifts of stocks, bonds or mutual funds that have been held for at least one year and have appreciated offer special tax advantages. You will receive a tax deduction for the full market value of the gift, but you will not have to pay capital gains tax on the appreciated amount. If you sell depreciated stock and contribute the proceeds, you will receive both a tax deduction for the charitable gift and a deduction for the capital loss. Gifts-in-Kind Tangible personal property can be given to support Missouri Western. These gifts may be eligible for a deduction of the item’s fair market value, if the gift is related to the charitable purpose of the university. All personal property gifts must be approved by the Foundation. Gifts of Real Estate Donations of appreciated homes and other real property are entitled to an income tax deduction equal to the full value of the p roperty and no tax on the capital gain. If debt-free property is donated, the gift is deductible at the property’s appraised value. It may even be possible to make your gift of property now but still maintain the right to use the property. By making this gift Memorial Gifts Any gift may be given in memory or honor of a friend or family member. Corporate Matching Gifts A matching gift program provided through your employer or board membership may allow you to increase the value of your gift. Many companies match charitable gifts made by their employees, retirees or board members. Deferred or Planned Gifts Deferred gifts help insure Missouri Western’s future. A deferred gift through an estate plan or life income gift offers you the ability to support Missouri Western but retain the income from those assets during your lifetime. Will or Revocable “Living” Trust A bequest contained in a person’s will or r evocable “living” trust is the most common form of planned gift. Charitable Remainder Trust This gift allows you to irrevocably place cash, securities or other property in a trust but keep a s pecified income for life. This can be done by an a nnuity trust or unitrust. Gifts of Life Insurance Missouri Western can be named as primary or c ontingent beneficiary of a life insurance policy. Life insurance gifts are simple; just ask the insurance company for the appropriate forms to make the Foundation the owner and beneficiary of a policy. Gifts of a policy are tax deductible, as are future premium payments. Gifts of Retirement Plans Naming Missouri Western as a primary or contingent beneficiary of a retirement plan (i.e. IRA, 401(k)) can benefit both Missouri Western and your estate. Your retirement account’s plan administrator can help you designate Missouri Western as a beneficiary. Create a Legacy Check out Missouri Western’s new website to help you sort through all the information – • Explore the most popular options for creating your legacy Gifts of Assets Gifts by Will • Click on your age group to use the Life Stage Gift Planner tool • Compare all the options to see which one best fits your needs Gifts That Pay You Income for Life Gifts That Protect Your Property • Get a general idea of the benefits you may receive with a particular type of gift with the online gift calculator • Find the answers to all your questions Gifts of RetirementPlan Benefits Gifts by Estate Note • Learn about bequest language, check out the glossary of terms, and more! will help you find your answers! For more information: Missouri Western State University Foundation 4525 Downs Dr., Spratt Hall 111 St. Joseph, Missouri 64507 816-271-5647 Fax 816-271-4134 Missouri Western is an equal opportunity institution. Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PA I D Missouri Western State University Foundation 4525 Downs Drive Spratt Hall Room 111 St. Joseph, Missouri 64507 St. Joseph, MO 64507 Permit No. 32
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