Enclosure and cubicles HIMEL (ENG)
Enclosure and cubicles HIMEL (ENG)
cofrete metalice monobloc CRN IP-55 (IEC-529) Cofrete metalice executate dintr-o foaie continuŸ de tablŸ de oÍel dublu fŸlÍuitŸ la partea frontalŸ Ûi cu partea din spate sudatŸ de cadrul de rezistenÍŸ. Protejat Án interior Ûi la exterior cu rŸÛina poliestericŸ Ûi cu vopsea gri RAL-7032 texturat. n noile serii CRNO...KT cu uÛŸ transparentŸ n prezoane sudate pe partea din spate pentru fixarea directŸ a plŸcilor de montaj sau a altor accesorii n profile perforate de ranforsare a uÛilor ce permit prinderea echipamentului pe uÛŸ n balamale interioare demontabile, ce permit deschiderea uÛilor la peste 120˚ n garniturŸ din spumŸ poliuretanicŸ Ûi jgheab frontal care asigurŸ protecÍie ridicatŸ Ámpotriva pŸtrunderii apei referinÍe Ûi detalii ale cofretelor dimensiuni exterioare (mm) referinÍŸ ÁnŸlÍ. lŸÍime adÊnc. (A) (B) (C) 250 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 700 700 800 800 800 800 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1200 1200 200 250 250 300 300 300 300 400 600 600 400 400 400 500 400 400 400 500 500 500 600 600 500 500 600 600 600 800 800 600 600 800 800 1000 800 1000 150 150 200 150 200 150 200 200 250 300 150 200 250 250 150 200 250 150 200 250 250 300 200 250 200 250 300 200 300 250 300 250 300 300 300 300 plŸci de montaj cofrete CRN-2520/150 CRN-3025/150 CRN-3025/200 CRN-33/150 CRN-33/200 CRN-43/150 CRN-43/200 CRN-44/200 CRN-46/250 CRN-46/300 CRN-54/150 CRN-54/200 CRN-54/250 CRN-55/250 CRN-64/150 CRN-64/200 CRN-64/250 CRN-65/150 CRN-65/200 CRN-65/250 CRN-66/250 CRN-66/300 CRN-75/200 CRN-75/250 CRN-86/200 CRN-86/250 CRN-86/300 CRN-88/200 CRN-88/300 CRN-106/250 CRN-106/300 CRN-108/250 CRN-108/300 CRN-1010/300** CRN-128/300** CRN-1210/300** * Greutatea cofretului cu uÛŸ simplŸ referinÍŸ cu uÛŸ transparentŸ CRN-3025/150 KT CRN-3025/200 KT CRN-33/150 KT CRN-33/200 KT CRN-43/150 KT CRN-43/200 KT CRN-44/200 KT CRN-46/250 KT CRN-46/300 KT CRN-54/150 KT CRN-54/200 KT CRN-54/250 KT CRN-55/250 KT CRN-64/150 KT CRN-64/200 KT CRN-64/250 KT CRN-65/150 KT CRN-65/200 KT CRN-65/250 KT CRN-66/250 KT CRN-66/300 KT CRN-75/200 KT CRN-75/250 KT CRN-86/200 KT CRN-86/250 KT CRN-86/300 KT CRN-88/200 KT CRN-88/300 KT CRN-106/250 KT CRN-106/300 KT CRN-108/250 KT CRN-108/300 KT CRN-128/300 KT - ** Cofret cu sistem de zŸvorÊre Án 3 puncte tip fig. decupare D flanÛŸ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 0 A A B B B B C D D B C C D B C C B D D D D D D D D D E E D D E E F F F 125 150 150 150 150 200 200 200 200 200 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 - greutate aprox*. (Kg) 3,2 4,2 4,9 5 6 6 6,8 8 10 11,2 8,7 9,8 11 12,8 9,3 10,8 12,3 11,3 14,3 16,3 18,2 19,8 17,3 19,3 21,8 24,8 26,3 29,5 32,5 28,4 30,6 34,5 37,4 46,7 44,8 53,4 metalice l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l suporÍi reglabili ptr. plŸci izolante perforate de montaj l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l CRN cofrete metalice monobloc IP-55 (IEC-529) SuporÍi pentru plŸci de montaj, reglabili Án adÊncime Án paÛi de 12,5 mm Orificii Ø 4mm , suplimentar, pentru prinderea echipamentului auxiliar Cofrete cu uÛŸ transparentŸ, ce asigurŸ gradul de protecÍie IP-55 Vedere de detaliu a pŸrÍii din spate a cofretului cu 4 prezoane M8x25 sudate, pentru prinderea plŸcilor de montaj Orificii pentru prinderea pe perete acoperite cu dopuri din material plastic Conexiune de ÁmpŸmÊntare Ántre uÛŸ Ûi corpul cofretului cu prezoane sudate M6x15 Balamale fixate prin Ûurub, uÛor demontabile, care permit schimbarea direcÍiei de deschidere a uÛii dimensiuni (mm) Detaliu pentru placa de trecere cabluri (cu excepÍia modelelor CRN-1010/300, CRN-128/300 Ûi CRN-1210/300) * Toate cofretele cu uÛŸ transparentŸ tip KT sunt fŸrŸ profile de ranforsare a uÛilor accesorii Ûi elemente complementare CRN plŸci de montaj O gamŸ largŸ de plŸci de montaj incluzÊnd 3 modele utilizabile pentru majoritatea tipurilor de instalare. n plŸci metalice zincate, cu orificii pentru prinderea accesoriilor Ûi a legŸturii la pŸmÊnt n plŸci izolante de bachelitŸ n plŸci perforate din oÍel zincat, pentru fixarea rapidŸ a echipamentului; placa perforatŸ Ûi piuliÍele de fixare permit montarea echipamentelor Án orice poziÍie metalicŸ ptr cofretele cu: ÁnŸlÍime lŸÍime (A) (B) 250 300 300 400 400 400 500 500 600 600 600 700 800 800 1000 1000 1000 1200 1200 200 250 300 300 400 600 400 500 400 500 600 500 600 800 600 800 1000 800 1000 izolantŸ metalicŸ referinÍŸ MM-2520 MM-3025 MM-33 MM-43 MM-44 MM-64 MM-54 MM-55 MM-64 MM-65 MM-66 MM-75 MM-86 MM-88 MM-106 MM-108 MM-1010 MM-128 MM-1210 grosime (mm) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 2,5 2,5 2,5 urechi de fixare Executate din oÍel acoperit cu zinc pasivat. Se monteazŸ din exterior Ûi pot fi amplasate orizontal sau vertical. Nu sunt incluse Án furnitura standard. referinÍŸ FMCR PFCR descriere set de urechi standard utilizate ori de cÊte ori sunt necesare accesoriile DCNS, sau cÊnd distanÍierul din plastic nu este necesar perforatŸ izolantŸ greutate aprox. (Kg) 0,4 0,6 1,2 1,6 2,2 3,1 2,5 3,7 3,1 4,0 5,5 4,6 9,9 13,6 12,6 16,9 18,6 17,8 21,7 referinÍŸ MB-2520 MB-3025 MB-33 MB-43 MB-44 MB-64 MB-54 MB-55 MB-64 MB-65 MB-66 MB-75 MB-86 MB-88 MB-106 MB-108 MB-1010 MB-128 MB-1210 perforatŸ gro- greutate sime aprox. (mm) (Kg) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 0,13 0,2 0,3 0,5 0,7 1,1 0,9 1,2 1,1 1,4 1,7 1,7 2,3 4,5 4,2 5,7 7,1 6,8 8,3 P 215 265 265 365 365 565 465 465 565 565 565 665 765 765 965 965 965 1165 1165 S 150 200 250 250 350 350 350 450 350 450 550 450 550 750 550 750 950 750 950 referinÍŸ MR-3025 MR-33 MR-43 MR-44 MR-46 MR-54 MR-55 MR-64 MR-65 MR-66 MR-75 MR-86 MR-88 MR-106 MR-108 MR-1010 MR-128 MR-1210 D 253 255 348 345 345 450 450 555 555 555 645 750 750 945 945 945 1145 1145 E 228 251 251 351 551 351 451 351 451 551 451 551 751 551 751 951 751 951 accesorii Ûi elemente complementare CRN piese opÍionale pentru a transforma Áncuietoarea standard Áncuietoare Încuietoare standard cu barŸ dublŸ, referinÍŸ CDB/CRN, acÍionatŸ cu: n mÊner Án formŸ de aripŸ DPB (standard) n cheie LDB 5 DIN 43668 (furniturŸ opÍionalŸ) CÊnd piesa DPB este scoasŸ de pe Áncuietoarea cu barŸ dublŸ, aceasta se transformŸ Án Áncuietoare normalŸ. dispozitiv de Áncuiere Án 3 puncte Încuietoare standard cu barŸ dublŸ pentru modelele CRN-1010/300, CRN 128/300 Ûi CRN 1210/300 Án versiunile cu uÛŸ plinŸ Ûi transparentŸ KT. n acÍionare prin: p cheie LDB 5 (conform DIN 43668) suporÍi pentru reglarea pe adÊncime a plŸcii de montaj n Pentru cofrete de 200, 250 Ûi 300 mm adÊncime n Se permite reglajul plŸcilor de montaj Ûi al accesoriilor Án paÛi de 12,5 mm n Orificii de rezervŸ cu Ø 4 mm Án capŸtul din faÍŸ pentru fixarea echipamentului auxiliar pentru cofretele de adÊncime A DCNS-200 200 44 DCNS-250 250 46 DCNS-300 300 49 referinÍŸ tip tip cheie / referinÍŸ referinÍŸ p Áncuietoare pŸtratŸ de 6 mm, cu cheie LC-7 TC 6/CRN p Áncuietoare pŸtratŸ de 7 mm, cu cheie LC-7 TC 7/CRN p Áncuietoare pŸtratŸ de 8 mm, cu cheie LC-8 TC 8/CRN Áncuietoare triunghiularŸ de 7 mm, cu cheie LT-6,5 TT 6/CRN Áncuietoare triunghiularŸ de 8 mm, cu cheie LT-8 TT 8/CRN cilindru de siguranÍŸ cu cheie CL/CRN adaptare din oÍel inoxidabil pentru lacŸt (neinclus Án furniturŸ) KPLM piese de intercalare opÍionale pentru a transforma dispozitivele standard de Áncuiere Án 3 puncte pentru cofrete tip tip cheie / referinÍŸ referinÍŸ p Áncuietoare pŸtratŸ de 6 mm LC-7 TC 6/ML p Áncuietoare pŸtratŸ de 7 mm LC-7 TC 7/ML p Áncuietoare pŸtratŸ de 8 mm LC-8 TC 8/ML Áncuietoare triunghiularŸ de 7 mm LT-8 TT 7/ML Áncuietoare triunghiularŸ de 8 mm LT-8 TT 8/ML Áncuietoare cu mÊner TS/ML Áncuietoare cu mÊner Ûi cheie TL/ML dulapuri industriale asociabile Sistem de dulapuri metalice modulare, incluzÊnd o structurŸ din profile triunghiulare, cu capacele inferior Ûi superior sudate Ûi montanÍi verticali demontabili, ce conferŸ ansamblului stabilitate Ûi adaptabilitate optime. Panouri metalice de fund Ûi laterale din tablŸ de 1,5 mm, uÛi simple sau transparente ranforsate, de 2 mm grosime, precum Ûi o gamŸ largŸ de accesorii. Asamblarea diferitelor pŸrÍi componente este facilitatŸ de accesoriile special proiectate . Dulapul de bazŸ conÍine urmŸtoarele elemente: n 4 montanÍi verticali pe care se monteazŸ balamalele; ei sunt prevŸzuÍi cu gŸuri la fiecare 100 mm, necesare pentru fixarea echipamentului Án interior n rame superioarŸ Ûi inferioarŸ, pe care se fixeazŸ prin Ûuruburi montanÍii verticali n uÛi frontale simple sau transparente, cu excepÍia OLNE…/…SP n sistem de Áncuiere cu mÊner, cu 2 bare, cu cilindru dublu, livrat dezasamblat (cilindrul se comandŸ separat) n partea de sus a dulapului cu o manÛetŸ personalizatŸ, eticheta Himel Ûi capac plan n panou de fund n suporÍi de fixare pentru placŸ de montaj n Ûine de ghidare pentru plŸcile de montaj Rigiditate: Rigiditatea dulapului este asiguratŸ prin cele douŸ plŸci sudate, inferioarŸ Ûi superioarŸ, iar balamalele sunt realizate din oÍel. Sistem universal de Áncuiere cu diverse variante distincte, inclusiv sistemul cu cilindru dublu. Acces uÛor Án interiorul dulapului prin demontarea montanÍilor (chiar cu dulapul deja asamblat). Auto-centrarea uÛilor: Din proiectare, uÛile Ûi sistemul de zŸvorÊre se autocentreazŸ la Ánchiderea dulapului. Astfel, nu mai este necesarŸ montarea altor accesorii de centraj. OLN Tratamente Ûi finisaje: Tratamentul aplicat Ánainte de finisarea finalŸ asigurŸ o aderenÍŸ perfectŸ a vopselei, pentru o protecÍie mŸritŸ Án medii grele. Etapele procesului: degresare, fosfatare, pasivare, uscare, polimerizare Ûi vopsire cu pulbere de rŸÛinŸ poliestericŸ. OperaÍii finale de vopsire: n dulapuri Ûi componente: cu RAL-7032 texturat n plŸci de montaj: cu RAL-2000 n socluri cu gri Ánchis: cu RAL-7002 n alte pŸrÍi cum ar fi: balamale, tije de Áncuiere, suporÍi pentru plŸci de montaj, etc., sunt zincate Ûi cromate dulapuri industriale asociabile OLN Dulap metalic realizat dintr-o structurŸ de profile triunghiulare, cu capacele inferior Ûi superior sudate Ûi cu montanÍi verticali demontabili, ce conferŸ ansamblului stabilitate Ûi adaptibilitate. Vopsit interior Ûi exterior cu rŸÛinŸ poliestericŸ culoarea RAL-7032 texturat. n acces uÛor Án interior n adaptabilitate maximŸ pentru toatŸ gama de instalaÍii n deschidere uÛŸ la 120° n sistem de Áncuiere Án 4 puncte amplasat Án afara zonei cu garniturŸ Dulapul de bazŸ: n capac superior sudat n capac inferior sudat n montanÍi verticali n acoperiÛ demontabil n panou spate demontabil n uÛŸ simplŸ cu Áncuietoare n suporÍi pentru plŸcile de montaj n ghidaje pentru culisarea plŸcii de montaj referinÍe Ûi dimensiuni dimensiuni exterioare (mm) ÁnŸlÍ. lŸÍime adÊnc. (A) (B) (C) 1200 600 400 1200 600 600 1200 600 800 1200 800 400 1200 800 600 1200 800 800 1400 600 400 1400 600 600 1400 600 800 1400 800 400 1400 800 600 1400 800 800 1600 600 600 1600 600 800 1600 800 600 1600 800 800 1800 600 400 1800 600 500 1800 600 600 1800 600 800 1800 800 400 nr. de uÛi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 referinÍŸ OLN 126/40 OLN 126/60 OLN 126/80 OLN 128/40 OLN 128/60 OLN 128/80 OLN 146/40 OLN 146/60 OLN 146/80 OLN 148/40 OLN 148/60 OLN 148/80 OLN 166/60 OLN 166/80 OLN 168/60 OLN 168/80 OLN 186/40 OLN 186/50 OLN 186/60 OLN 186/80 OLN 188/40 dimensiuni exterioare (mm) ÁnŸlÍ. lŸÍime adÊnc. (A) (B) (C) 1800 800 500 1800 800 600 1800 1000 400 1800 1000 400 1800 1000 500 1800 1000 500 1800 1000 600 1800 1000 600 1800 1200 400 1800 1200 500 1800 1200 600 2000 300 500 2000 300 600 2000 300 800 2000 600 400 2000 600 500 2000 600 600 2000 600 800 2000 800 400 2000 800 500 2000 800 600 2000 800 800 nr. de uÛi 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 referinÍŸ OLN 188/50 OLN 188/60 OLN 1810/40 OLN 1810/40/2P OLN 1810/50 OLN 1810/50/2P OLN 1810/60 OLN 1810/60/2P OLN 1812/40/2P OLN 1812/50/2P OLN 1812/60/2P OLN 203/50* OLN 203/60* OLN 203/80* OLN 206/40 OLN 206/50 OLN 206/60 OLN 206/80 OLN 208/40 OLN 208/50 OLN 208/60 OLN 208/80 dimensiuni exterioare (mm) ÁnŸlÍ. lŸÍime adÊnc. (A) (B) (C) 2000 1000 400 2000 1000 400 2000 1000 500 2000 1000 500 2000 1000 600 2000 1000 600 2000 1000 800 2000 1000 800 2000 1200 400 2000 1200 500 2000 1200 600 2000 1200 800 2200 600 600 2200 600 800 2200 800 600 2200 800 800 2200 1000 600 2200 1000 800 2200 1000 800 2200 1200 600 2200 1200 800 nr. de uÛi 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 referinÍŸ OLN 2010/40 OLN 2010/40/2P OLN 2010/50 OLN 2010/50/2P OLN 2010/60 OLN 2010/60/2P OLN 2010/80 OLN 2010/80/2P OLN 2012/40/2P OLN 2012/50/2P OLN 2012/60/2P OLN 2012/80/2P OLN 226/60 OLN 226/80 OLN 228/60 OLN 228/80 OLN 2210/60 OLN 2210/80 OLN 2210/80/2P OLN 2212/60/2P OLN 2212/80/2P dulapuri industriale asociabile StructurŸ cu profil triunghiular, cu orificii o11x13, cu pas de 25 mm Ûi cu gŸuri Ø5 cu pas de 100 mm dimensiuni (mm) *cote de fixare pe soclu sau pe sol Detaliu pentru dispozitivul de Ánchidere cu mÊner Ûi douŸ Áncuietori OLN Balama din oÍel proiectatŸ pentru modificarea rapidŸ a sensului de deschidere a uÛii dulapuri industriale asociabile OLN Dulapul de bazŸ se asambleazŸ din elemente care constituie referinÍe separate. Dulapul de bazŸ: OLSI: n capac superior sudat, cu acoperiÛ n capac inferior sudat n ghidaje pentru culisarea plŸcii de montaj n suporÍi de fixare pentru placa de montaj OLMV: n montanÍi verticali cu balamale, elemente de Áncuiere Ûi blocuri de fixare lateralŸ deja montate OLPP: n uÛŸ simplŸ cu sistem de Áncuiere n panou spate n versiunea kit este livratŸ parÍial asamblatŸ, determinÊnd reducerea timpului de montaj, conducÊnd la economie de spaÍiu, la micÛorarea costurilor de transport Ûi de depozitare. referinÍe Ûi dimensiuni montanÍi verticali dimensiuni nominale ale dulapului (mm) nr. de ÁnŸlÍime uÛi (A) 1200 1 1400 1 1600 1 1800 1 1800 2 2000 1 2000 2 2200 1 2200 2 capac superior Ûi inferior referinÍŸ OLMV 12 OLMV 14 OLMV 16 OLMV 18 OLMV 18/2P OLMV 20 OLMV 20/2P OLMV 22 OLMV 22/2P dimensiuni nominale ale dulapului (mm) lŸÍime adÊncime (B) (C) 400 500 400 600 600 400 600 500 600 600 600 800 800 400 800 500 800 600 800 800 1000 400 1000 500 1000 600 1000 800 1200 400 1200 500 1200 600 1200 800 nr. de uÛi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ûi 2 1 Ûi 2 1 Ûi 2 1 Ûi 2 2 2 2 2 uÛŸ Ûi panouri referinÍŸ OLSI 45 OLSI 46 OLSI 64 OLSI 65 OLSI 66 OLSI 68 OLSI 84 OLSI 85 OLSI 86 OLSI 88 OLSI 104 OLSI 105 OLSI 106 OLSI 108 OLSI 124 OLSI 125 OLSI 126 OLSI 128 dimensiuni nominale ale dulapului (mm) ÁnŸlÍime lŸÍime (A) (B) 1200 600 1200 800 1400 600 1400 800 1600 600 1600 800 1800 600 1800 800 1800 1000 1800 1000 1800 1200 2000 400 2000 600 2000 800 2000 1000 2000 1000 2000 1200 2200 600 2200 800 2200 1000 2200 1000 2200 1200 nr. de uÛi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 referinÍŸ OLPP 126 OLPP 128 OLPP 146 OLPP 148 OLPP 166 OLPP 168 OLPP 186 OLPP 188 OLPP 1810 OLPP 1810/2P OLPP 1812/2P OLPP 204 OLPP 206 OLPP 208 OLPP 2010 OLPP 2010/2P OLPP 2012/2P OLPP 226 OLPP 228 OLPP 2210 OLPP 2210/2P OLPP 2212/2P dulapuri industriale asociabile Amplasarea Ûi fixarea celor 4 montanÍi verticali pe ramele inferioarŸ Ûi superioarŸ Montarea uÛii prin introducerea Ûtifturilor Án balamale OLN Amplasarea panoului din spate cu ajutorul cÊrligului de prindere cu autocentrare Ûi fixarea prin Ûuruburi Detaliu pentru cÊrligul de prindere cu autocentrare furniturŸ (OLMV + OLSI + OLPP) 4 montanÍi verticali Capac superior Ûi inferior Panou spate Ûi uÛŸ OLMV OLSI OLPP kit de asociere pentru obÍinerea unui ansamblu de dulapuri Toate modelele de dulapuri pot fi Ámbinate cu ajutorul kitului CUN. referinÍŸ: CUN accesorii Ûi piese complementare OLN panouri laterale cu fixare exterioarŸ / interioarŸ Set de 2 panouri laterale fixate pe dulap din exterior sau din interior, realizate din tablŸ de oÍel Ûi vopsite cu rŸÛinŸ poliestericŸ de culoare RAL-7032 texturat. n livrat cu garniturŸ din spumŸ poliuretanicŸ Ûi accesorii de fixare plŸci de montaj Din tablŸ de oÍel cu margini ranforsate. Cele verticale sunt dublu fŸlÍuite pentru o rigidizare suplimentarŸ. Vopsite Án portocaliu RAL-2000. AdÊncime reglabilŸ din 25 Án 25 mm. Montaj uÛor prin culisare pe ghidajele din partea inferioarŸ. Ori de cÊte ori sunt necesare plŸci de montaj pentru un ansamblu de dulapuri, o suprafaÍŸ continuŸ de montaj se poate obÍine cu ajutorul plŸcilor de montaj intermediare n sarcinŸ maximŸ 600 Kg (cu placa pe fundul dulapului) Ûi 500 Kg (dacŸ placa este plasatŸ pe mijloc) dimensiuni dulap ÁnŸlÍime lŸÍime (A) (B) 1200 600 1200 800 1400 600 1400 800 1600 600 1600 800 1800 600 1800 800 1800 1000 1800 1200 2000 400 2000 600 2000 800 2000 1000 2000 1200 2200 600 2200 800 2200 1000 2200 1200 referinÍŸ PMOL 126 PMOL 128 PMOL 146 PMOL 148 PMOL 166 PMOL 168 PMOL 186 PMOL 188 PMOL 1810 PMOL 1812 PMOL 204 PMOL 206 PMOL 208 PMOL 2010 PMOL 2012 PMOL 226 PMOL 228 PMOL 2210 PMOL 2212 dimensiuni dulap (mm) ÁnŸlÍ. adÊnc. 1200 400 1200 600 1200 800 1400 400 1400 600 1400 800 1600 600 1600 800 1800 400 1800 500 1800 600 1800 800 2000 400 2000 500 2000 600 2000 800 2200 600 2200 800 referinÍŸ fixare fixare exterioarŸ interioarŸ 2 PLOL 124 2 PLIOL 124 2 PLOL 126 2 PLIOL 126 2 PLOL 128 2 PLIOL 128 2 PLOL 144 2 PLIOL 144 2 PLOL 146 2 PLIOL 146 2 PLOL 148 2 PLIOL 148 2 PLOL 166 2 PLIOL 166 2 PLOL 168 2 PLIOL 168 2 PLOL 184 2 PLIOL 184 2 PLOL 185 2 PLIOL 185 2 PLOL 186 2 PLIOL 186 2 PLOL 188 2 PLIOL 188 2 PLOL 204 2 PLIOL 204 2 PLOL 205 2 PLIOL 205 2 PLOL 206 2 PLIOL 206 2 PLOL 208 2 PLIOL 208 2 PLOL 226 2 PLIOL 226 2 PLOL 228 2 PLIOL 228 accesorii Ûi piese complementare plŸci trecere cabluri Pentru intrarea cablurilor prin partea inferioarŸ a dulapului,vopsite cu RAL7032. Disponibile la cerere: plŸci neperforate pentru presetupe. dimensiuni dulap lŸÍime adÊncime (B) (C) 400 500 400 600 600 400 600 500 600 600 600 800 800 400 800 500 800 600 800 800 1000 400 1000 500 1000 600 1000 800 1200 400 1200 500 1200 600 1200 800 o intrare ECON 45/1 ECON 46/1 ECON 64/1 ECON 65/1 ECON 66/1 ECON 68/1 ECON 84/1 ECON 85/1 ECON 86/1 ECON 88/1 ECON 104/1 ECON 105/1 ECON 106/1 ECON 108/1 ECON 124/1 ECON 125/1 ECON 126/1 ECON 128/1 fig. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 douŸ intrŸri fig. ECON 46/2 3 ECON 66/2 ECON 68/2 3 3 ECON 86/2 ECON 88/2 3 3 ECON 106/2 ECON 108/2 4 4 ECON 126/2 ECON 128/2 4 4 fig. 1 fig.2 fig. 3 fig. 4 OLN accesorii Ûi piese complementare OLN Áncuietori Încuietoare standard cu barŸ dublŸ (furniturŸ normalŸ) n acÍionare prin: cheia LDB 5 (conform DIN 43668) elemente opÍionale pentru adaptarea Áncuietorii standard tip tip cheie / referinÍŸ referinÍŸ p Áncuietoare pŸtratŸ de 6 mm LC-7 TC 6/OLN p Áncuietoare pŸtratŸ de 7 mm LC-7 TC 7/OLN p Áncuietoare pŸtratŸ de 8 mm LC-8 TC 8/OLN Áncuietoare triunghiularŸ de 7 mm LT-8 TT 7/OLN Áncuietoare triunghiularŸ de 8 mm LT-8 TT 8/OLN LT-6,5 TCNOMO/OLN Áncuietoare triunghiularŸ tip CNOMO de 6,5 mm Áncuietoare triunghiularŸ tip CNOMO de 6,5 mm pentru dulapuri cu 2 uÛi TCNOMO/OLN-2P cheie tip yale 405 TL/OLN cheie tip yale cu cilindru de siguranÍŸ TLR/OLN Áncuietoare cu buton TS/OLN Áncuietoare care se deschide cu cartelŸ magneticŸ TMG/OLN Áncuietoare FIAT TFI/OLN Áncuietoare E1 TLE1/OLN adaptare ptr. lacŸt (lacŸtul nu este furnizat) BC/OLN dulapuri monobloc cu fixare pe sol CMO IP-55 (CEI-529) Dulapuri monobloc cu fixare pe sol, executate dintr-o singurŸ foaie de tablŸ din oÍel, de lungime continuŸ, triplu fŸlÍuitŸ. Partea frontalŸ dispune de profil perforat, iar partea din spate este sudatŸ pe un profil cu flanÛŸ, asigurÊnd protecÍie mŸritŸ. Vopsite interior Ûi exterior cu rŸÛinŸ poliestericŸ Ûi vopsea gri RAL-7032 texturat. Montaj simplu n cadru frontal cu orificii o11 x 13 Ûi cu pasul de 25 mm pentru fixare accesorii n profile perforate cu pasul de 25 mm pentru reglajul Án adÊncime al plŸcilor de montaj Ûi al altor accesorii n uÛŸ frontalŸ cu deschidere de 120° pe stÊnga sau pe dreapta, cu profil de ranforsare, care poate fi utilizat pentru montajul echipamentului Rigiditate Ûi protecÍie la apŸ n fŸlÍuire dublŸ a profilului frontal Ûi prindere ranforsatŸ a pŸrÍii din spate n autocentrare a uÛii cu ajutorul dispozitivelor de prindere ale Áncuietorilor n sistem de Áncuiere montat Án afara zonei prevŸzute cu garniturŸ de etanÛare n pentru ÁnŸlÍimi de 1600-2000 mm, sistem de Áncuiere Án 4 puncte n pentru ÁnŸlÍimi de 1000-1400 mm, sistem de Áncuiere Án 2 puncte n garniturŸ de etanÛare din spumŸ poliuretanicŸ Furnitura standard n livrat cu sau fŸrŸ placŸ de montaj n uÛŸ frontalŸ simplŸ cu profil de ranforsare n 4 suporÍi pentru placa de montaj n sistem de Áncuiere cu 2 tije n placŸ pentru presetupe, compusŸ din douŸ pŸrÍi, prevŸzutŸ cu garniturŸ dulapuri monobloc cu fixare pe sol CMO IP-55 (CEI-529) Detaliul profilului frontal perforat, cu pas de 25 mm pentru fixarea accesoriilor Detaliul profilului cu pas de 25 mm pentru reglajul Án adÊncime al poziÍiei plŸcii de montaj sau a altor accesorii Dispozitiv de Áncuiere plat, standard, amplasat Án afara zonei etanÛate cu garniturŸ. ExistŸ diferite posibilitŸÍi de transformare a mÊnerului sau chiar a dispozitivului de Áncuiere dimensiuni (mm) *cote de fixare pe soclu sau pe sol panorama generalŸ a dulapurilor CMO dimensiuni exterioare (mm) ÎnŸlÍime LŸÍime AdÊnc. nr. de uÛi referinÍe dulapuri cu plŸci de montaj referinÍe dulapuri fŸrŸ plŸci de montaj referinÍe dulapuri cu uÛi transparente referinÍe dulapuri cu uÛi faÍŸ / spate CMO 128/30 KT - - 1000 1000 300 2 CMO 1010/30 PM CMO 1010/30 1200 1200 800 1000 300 300 1 2 CMO 128/30 PM CMO 1210/30 PM CMO 128/30 CMO 1210/30 - 1200 1200 400 2 CMO 1212/40 PM CMO 1212/40 - - 1400 600 300 1 CMO 146/30 PM CMO 146/30 CMO 146/30 KT - 1400 600 400 1 CMO 146/40 PM CMO 146/40 CMO 146/40 KT - 1400 800 300 1 CMO 148/30 PM CMO 148/30 CMO 148/30 KT - 1400 800 400 1 CMO 148/40 PM CMO 148/40 CMO 148/40 KT - 1400 1000 400 2 CMO 1410/40 PM CMO 1410/40 - - 1400 1200 400 2 CMO 1412/40 PM CMO 1412/40 - - 1600 600 300 1 CMO 166/30 PM CMO 166/30 CMO 166/30 KT - 1600 600 400 1 CMO 166/40 PM CMO 166/40 CMO 166/40 KT - 1600 800 300 1 CMO 168/30 PM CMO 168/30 CMO 168/30 KT - 1600 800 400 1 CMO 168/40 PM CMO 168/40 CMO 168/40 KT - 1600 1000 300 2 CMO 1610/30 PM CMO 1610/30 - - 1600 1000 400 2 CMO 1610/40 PM CMO 1610/40 - - 1600 1200 300 2 CMO 1612/30 PM CMO 1612/30 - - 1600 1200 400 2 CMO 1612/40 PM CMO 1612/40 - - 1800 600 300 1 CMO 186/30 PM CMO 186/30 CMO 186/30 KT - 1800 600 400 1 CMO 186/40 PM CMO 186/40 CMO 186/40 KT - 1800 600 500 1 – – CMO 186/50 KT 1800 600 600 1 – – CMO 186/60 KT 1800 800 300 1 CMO 188/30 PM CMO 188/30 CMO 188/30 KT - 1800 800 400 1 CMO 188/40 PM CMO 188/40 CMO 188/40 KT - 1800 800 500 1 CMO 188/50 PM CMO 188/50 CMO 188/50 KT - 1800 800 600 1 CMO 188/60 PM CMO 188/60 CMO 188/60 KT CMO 188/60 PUP 1800 1000 400 2 CMO 1810/40 PM CMO 1810/40 - 1800 1000 500 2 CMO 1810/50 PM CMO 1810/50 - - 1800 1200 400 2 CMO 1812/40 PM CMO 1812/40 - - 1800 1200 500 2 CMO 1812/50 PM CMO 1812/50 - - 1800 1600 400 2 CMO 1816/40 PM CMO 1816/40 - - 1800 1600 500 2 CMO 1816/50 PM CMO 1816/50 - - 2000 600 300 1 CMO 206/30 PM CMO 206/30 CMO 206/30 KT - 2000 600 400 1 CMO 206/40 PM CMO 206/40 CMO 206/40 KT - 2000 600 500 1 – – CMO 206/50 KT 2000 600 600 1 – – CMO 206/60 KT 2000 800 300 1 CMO 208/30 PM CMO 208/30 CMO 208/30 KT - 2000 800 400 1 CMO 208/40 PM CMO 208/40 CMO 208/40 KT - 2000 800 500 1 CMO 208/50 PM CMO 208/50 CMO 208/50 KT - 2000 800 600 1 CMO 208/60 PM CMO 208/60 CMO 208/60 KT CMO 208/60 PUP 2000 1000 400 2 CMO 2010/40 PM CMO 2010/40 - - 2000 1000 500 2 CMO 2010/50 PM CMO 2010/50 - - 2000 1200 400 2 CMO 2012/40 PM CMO 2012/40 - - 2000 1200 500 2 CMO 2012/50 PM CMO 2012/50 - - 2000 1200 600 2 CMO 2012/60 PM CMO 2012/60 - CMO 2012/60 PUP 2000 1600 400 2 CMO 2016/40 PM CMO 2016/40 - - 2000 1600 500 2 CMO 2016/50 PM CMO 2016/50 - - 2000 1600 600 2 CMO 2016/60 PM CMO 2016/60 - - panorama generalŸ a dulapurilor CMO referinÍe dulapuri din oÍel inoxidabil referinÍe dulapuri cu compatibilitate magnetica - - CMOX 1210/30 - - copertinŸ socluri ÁnŸlÍime 100 mm ÁnŸlÍime 200 mm TJ 10030 CMO ZUN 103/100 ZUN 103/200 TJ 8030 CMO TJ 10030 CMO ZUN 83/100 ZUN 103/100 ZUN 83/2000 ZUN 103/200 - TJ 12040 CMO ZUN 124/100 ZUN 124/200 - TJ 6030 CMO ZUN 63/100 ZUN 63/200 - - TJ 6040 CMO ZUN 64/100 ZUN 64/200 - - TJ 8030 CMO ZUN 83/100 ZUN 83/200 - - TJ 8040 CMO ZUN 84/100 ZUN 84/200 - - TJ 10040 CMO ZNU 104/100 ZUN 104/200 - - TJ 12040 CMO ZUN 124/100 ZUN 124/200 - - TJ 6030 CMO ZUN 63/100 ZUN 63/200 - - TJ 6040 CMO ZUN 64/100 ZUN 64/200 - - TJ 8030 CMO ZUN 83/100 ZUN 83/200 CMOX 168/40 COAF 168/40 PM TJ 8040 CMO ZUN 84/100 ZUN 84/200 - - TJ 10030 CMO ZUN 103/100 ZUN 103/200 - - TJ 10040 CMO ZUN 104/100 ZUN 104/200 - - TJ 12030 CMO ZUN 123/100 ZUN 123/200 - - TJ 12040 CMO ZUN 124/100 ZUN 124/2000 - - TJ 6030 CMO ZUN 63/100 ZUN 63/200 - - TJ 6040 CMO ZUN 64/100 ZUN 64/200 TJ 6050 CMO ZUN 65/100 ZUN 65/200 TJ 6060 CMO ZUN 66/100 ZUN 66/200 - - TJ 8030 CMO ZUN 83/100 ZUN 83/200 CMOX 188/40 COAF 188/40 PM TJ 8040 CMO ZUN 84/100 ZUN 84/200 - - TJ 8050 CMO ZUN 85/100 ZUN 85/200 - - TJ 8060 CMO ZUN 86/100 ZUN 86/200 - - TJ 10040 CMO ZUN 104/100 ZUN 104/200 ZUN 105/200 - - TJ 10050 CMO ZUN 105/100 CMOX 1812/40 - TJ 12040 CMO ZUN 124/100 ZUN 124/200 - - TJ 12050 CMO ZUN 125/100 ZUN 125/200 - - TJ 16040 CMO ZUN 164/100 ZUN 164/200 - - TJ 16050 CMO ZUN 165/100 ZUN 165/200 - - TJ 6030 CMO ZUN 63/100 ZUN 63/200 - - TJ 6040 CMO ZUN 64/100 ZUN 64/200 TJ 6050 CMO ZUN 65/100 ZUN 65/200 TJ 6060 CMO ZUN 66/100 ZUN 66/200 - - TJ 8030 CMO ZUN 83/100 ZUN 83/200 CMOX 208/40 COAF 208/40 PM TJ 8040 CMO ZUN 84/100 ZUN 84/200 - - TJ 8050 CMO ZUN 85/100 ZUN 85/200 - - TJ 8060 CMO ZUN 86/100 ZUN 86/200 - - TJ 10040 CMO ZUN 104/100 ZUN 104/200 - - TJ 10050 CMO ZUN 105/100 ZUN 105/200 - - TJ 12040 CMO ZUN 124/100 ZUN 124/200 CMOX 2012/50 - TJ 12050 CMO ZUN 125/100 ZUN 125/200 - - TJ 12060 CMO ZUN 126/100 ZUN 126/200 - - TJ 16040 CMO ZUN 164/100 ZUN 164/200 - - TJ 16050 CMO ZUN 165/100 ZUN 165/200 - - TJ 16060 CMO ZUN 166/100 ZUN 166/200 accesorii Ûi elemente complementare CMO plŸci de montaj Executate din oÍel galvanizat cu margini ranforsate. Marginile verticale sunt dublu fŸlÍuite pentru creÛterea rigiditŸÍii. AdÊncimea de montaj reglabilŸ cu pas de 25 mm n sarcinŸ maximŸ 600 Kg (cu placa pe fundul dulapului) sau 500 Kg dacŸ este plasatŸ pe mijloc dimensiunile dulapurilor ÁnŸlÍime (A) 1000 1200 1200 1200 1400 1400 1400 1400 1600 1600 1600 1600 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 lŸÍime (B) 1000 800 1000 1200 600 800 1000 1200 600 800 1000 1200 600 800 1000 1200 1600 600 800 1000 1200 1600 referinÍŸ PMOL 1010 PMOL 128 PMOL 1210 PMOL 1212 PMOL 146 PMOL 148 PMOL 1410 PMOL 1412 PMOL 166 PMOL 168 PMOL 1610 PMOL 1612 PMOL 186 PMOL 188 PMOL 1810 PMOL 1812 PMOL 1816 PMOL 206 PMOL 208 PMOL 2010 PMOL 2012 PMOL 2016 dispozitiv de Áncuiere plat standard elemente opÍionale pentru a transforma dispozitivul de Áncuiere tip Element de intercalare cu barŸ dublŸ n acÍionare prin: cheia LDB 5 (conform DIN 43668) tip cheie / referinÍŸ referinÍŸ Áncuietoare triunghiularŸ de 7mm LT-7 TPT 7/OLN Áncuietoare triunghiularŸ de 8mm LT-8 TPT 8/OLN p Áncuietoare pŸtratŸ de 6mm LC-7 TPC 6/OLN p Áncuietoare pŸtratŸ de 7mm LC-7 TPC 7/OLN p Áncuietoare pŸtratŸ de 8mm LC-8 TPC 8/OLN accesorii Ûi elemente complementare CMO dispozitive opÍionale de Áncuiere Încuietoare cu mÊner Ûi tijŸ dublŸ n acÍionare prin: cheia LDB 5 (conform DIN 43668) elemente opÍionale pentru a transforma dispozitivul de Áncuiere cu mÊner tip tip cheie / referinÍŸ fŸrŸ mÊner (1) referinÍŸ MCS/OLN p Áncuietoare pŸtratŸ de 6 mm LC-7 TC 6/OLN p Áncuietoare pŸtratŸ de 7 mm LC-7 TC 7/OLN p Áncuietoare pŸtratŸ de 8 mm LC-8 TC 8/OLN Áncuietoare triunghiularŸ de 7 mm LT-8 TT 7/OLN Áncuietoare triunghiularŸ de 8 mm LT-8 TT 8/OLN LT-6,5 TCNOMO/OLN Áncuietoare triunghiularŸ tip CNOMO de 6,5 mm Áncuietoare triunghiularŸ tip CNOMO de 6,5 mm pentru dulapuri cu 2 uÛi TCNOMO/OLN-2P cheie tip yale 405 TL/OLN cheie tip yale cu cilindru de siguranÍŸ TLR/OLN Áncuietoare cu buton TS/OLN Áncuietoare FIAT TFI/OLN Áncuietoare E1 TLE1/OLN lacŸt BC/OLN (1) NotŸ: dispozitivul de Áncuiere cu mÊner MCS/OLN se comandŸ separat. Catalogue 2002 data and communications network metal enclosures dv-opb Catalogue Ref.: 2002/01DV The unstoppable expansion of the integration of voice and data networks in all areas of industry and service sectors creates the demand for a wide range of enclosures and accessories to facilitate the installation of all kinds of equipment relating to these applications. Our extensive experience in the design and manufacture of enclosures has intervened directly in the creation of a range of enclosures for voice, data and image, VDI, applications. New models 2002 New Mini Box enclosures are designed for VDI (voice, data and image) cable distribution in small offices, mainly those which do not exceed 30 connection points. For this reason, Himel has designed two new 10” enclosure models with cable-entry points on each of its sides, thus guaranteeing total accessibility. With this new range, Himel completes its already extensive family of VDI enclosures, thus catering for small offices as well. ✓ Wide range of sizes and complements ✓ Easy installation ✓ New design, with an excellent finish ✓ Ideal for installation in offices “OPB y VDC-VDA” metal enclosures are made of sheet steel, painted RAL-7035 light grey, with special features, RAL-3003 red details and “fine texturised” paint. ■ They provide excellent self-ventilation, thanks to a well-studied system of slots placed on the body of the enclosure. ■ Glazed door with a wide view. ■ New handle with key lock as standard. ■ Supports for 19” or metric frames, depth-adjustable every 25 mm. ■ Wide variety of accessories for Voice and Data applications: panels, trays, guides, cable gland plates, supports... The Mini Box MNB enclosure is unique and has been designed to solve the problems of small installations. Due to its reduced size and light weight, a single person can install a small network, interconnection enclosure, area distribution... f e a t u r e s Connections are easier thanks to the totally detachable front cover. Cable entries on all sides. A wide variety of accessories for networks and data and communications sectors, specifically designed, which enable their immediate application. Two-height economic solution, 4 U and 8 U. 4 Open Box OPB enclosures are designed to facilitate their installation in distribution networks, office data transmision, commercial centres, industry, etc. They are available in 10 models with a fixed rack and 5 models with swing rack, from 6 U to 18 U high. f e a t u r e s Unique on the market. Optimum interior accessibility. Depth-adjustable fixed and swing racks. Wide back cable entry. Removable side doors. Key lock. Can be fitted with a wide variety of DV accessories. 5 HIMEL has developed this range of enclosures combining flexibility in assembly, the strength of steel and an impecable finish, facilitating the installation of any kind of equipment related to this application. Monobloc wall mounting steel enclosures consisting of body and door with side trim painted to fine texturised red RAL-3003, and the rest of the components painted to fine texturised light grey RAL-7035. Wall mounting steel enclosures consisting of two bodies joined together with door and side trim painted to fine texturised red RAL-3003 with remaining enclosure parts painted to fine texturised light grey RAL-7035. 6 The VDA enclosures are made of sheet steel, comprising an easily detachable vertical framework, with cable gland plates at the top and bottom and a 19” rack at the front. They provide excellent self-ventilation, they are very robust and can be fitted with a wide variety of accessories. Ideal for applications that require high stability, good equipment protection combined with an attractive design enabling them to be fitted in offices, laboratories, telecommunications centres, data transmission systems... f e a t u r e s 12 600 mm-wide models. 12 800 mm-wide models. Height from 24 U to 47 U. Excellent self-ventilation thanks to the slotted enclosure bodies. Smoked glazed doors for an optimum view. Newly designed handle and key lock. Brackets for depth adjustable 19” or metric racks every 25 mm. Great variety of indispensable accessories for data and communications applications: front panels, trays, guides, cable gland plates, plinths... 7 s e r v e r The VD-Server enclosures have been specifically designed to hold and protect network servers. Manufactured under the strictest quality controls, giving them great versatility and strength. Made of sheet steel, painted to fine texturised light grey RAL-7035, 6 models are available in 24 U and 16 models in 42 U. d a t a b a s e s E-mail Server Web Server Client f e a t u r e s Good interior accessibility, facilitating maintenance and technical servicing. A strong and safe enclosure, the front door has a two-point lock and key lock type 333 to protect the equipment from unauthorised handling. A wide range of accessories is available. Attractive design and excellent finish, under the strictest quality controls. Modular design for extensions. Includes front and back frame. Available in 800 mm and 1,000 mm depths. The front and back doors are slotted for optimum ventilation of the equipment. Customised solutions available. 8 Data Base Server Client h o s t The DV-Server enclosures with compartments have been designed taking into account users and Hosting, ISP, ASP, users and suppliers With the rise of these Internet service providers, users demand enclosures offering both security and space. f e a t u r e s Totally independent compartments to make best use of the available space. Individual cable channels to each compartment. Optimum accessibility to the interior. Partial doors for the compartments, with a lock and slots for ventilation of They can hold different servers independently from the rest, in compartments separated by metal panels and with their own cable channels. the equipment. A wide variety of accessories available, front covers, trays, etc. Made of sheet steel, painted to fine texturised light grey RAL-7035, 8 models are available with 2 compartments of 20 U, 8 models of 3 compartments of 14 U and 8 models of 4 compartments of 10 U. Attractive design and excellent finish. Modular design for extensions. Includes front and back rack for each compartment. Available in 800 mm and 1,000 mm depth. Customised solutions available. Firewall WEB Server for hosting Internet Router Housing WEB Server 9 Range of enclosures and general accessories 10 HIMEL index Range of enclosures page Presentation Enclosure and accessories chart 10” MNB... enclosures Fixed rack enclosures OPB... Swing frame enclosures OPB... 1-body wall mounting steel enclosures for data and communications aplications VDC... 2-body wall mounting steel enclosures for data and communications aplications VDC2C... 600 mm-wide enclosures VDA... 800 mm-wide enclosures VDA... VDS... Server enclosures Server enclosures with compartments IP-55 range enclosures, CRN... IP-55 range enclosures, OLN... 6 12 14 20 22 26 28 32 34 42 44 62 64 Accessories For 10” MNB... enclosures For 19” OPB... enclosures For 19” VDC... enclosures For 19” VDA... enclosures For VDS... Server enclosures 16 24 30 36 46 General accessories Aluminium and steel cover plates, cut-out cover plates and with housing and cover plates with brush Cover plates with metal cable ties and insulating cable ties, cover plates for protection and ventilation control, DIN rail cover plates and channel cover plates 2 u perforated and telescopic trays, fixed trays and 1u perforated tray 1 u telescopic trays, solid and perforated, reinforced trays and trays fixed to the chassis Cable support crossbeams in length and depth and vertical covers for VDA... 800 mm enclosures 2 u service tray, fixed frame guide, frame guide and telescopic guide Fans, ventilation filters, protective grills and fan connection cables Fans for 1 u 19” racks, tangential fans and schuko bases 19” racks, metal cable guides and insulating cable guides Front handles, hexagonal spacers, earth connections and terminals Monitoring systems, temperature, humidity, smoke and pressure interruption sensors Monitoring systems, vibration sensors, movement sensors, cable extensions 48 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 60 61 Reference list Product reference and index HIMEL 66 11 enclosure and accessories general product chart external dimensions (mm) height metric no. of units depth 1 U = 44.45 mm mm (C) DV and OPB 1-body wall mounting enclosures OPB frame fixed swing mounted kit wall mounting enclosures 1-body 2-body VDA enclosures set of 2 side panels enclosures back lid for OPB height (A) width (B) 350 600 120 6 - - - - - - - - 350 350 350 401 401 483 483 483 483 534 534 614 614 614 614 668 668 750 750 750 750 801 801 883 883 883 883 934 934 1200 1200 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 800 800 600 600 600 600 400 420 520 400 500 120 400 420 520 400 500 120 400 420 520 400 500 120 400 420 520 400 500 120 400 420 520 400 500 600 600 6 6 6 6 6 9 9 9 9 9 9 12 12 12 12 12 12 15 15 15 15 15 15 18 18 18 18 18 18 24 24 43 43 HHH OPB6U4BF HHH OPB6U5BF HHH OPB9U4BF HHH OPB9U5BF HHH OPB12U4BF HHH OPB12U5BF HHH OPB15U4BF HHH OPB15U5BF HHH OPB18U4BF HHH OPB18U5BF - HHH OPB6U5BP HHH OPB9U5BP HHH OPB12U5BP HHH OPB15U5BP HHH OPB18U5BP - VDC 6U64 VDC 9U64 VDC 12U64 - VD2C 6U64 VD2C 6U65 VD2C 9U64 VD2C 9U65 VD2C 12U64 VD2C 12U65 VD2C 15U64 VD2C 15U65 VD2C 18U64 VD2C 18U65 - VDA 24U66 VDA 24U68 2PLVD 24U6 2PLVD 24U8 HHH OPB6UTP HHH OPB6UTP HHH OPB9UTP HHH OPB9UTP HHH OPB12UTP HHH OPB12UTP HHH OPB15UTP HHH OPB15UTP HHH OPB18UTP HHH OPB18UTP - 1200 1200 1400 1400 1400 1400 1600 1600 1600 1600 1800 1800 1800 1800 2000 2000 2000 2000 2200 2200 2200 2200 800 800 600 600 800 800 600 600 800 800 600 600 800 800 600 600 800 800 600 600 800 800 600 800 600 800 600 800 600 800 600 800 600 800 600 800 600 800 600 800 600 800 600 800 24 24 29 29 29 29 33 33 33 33 38 38 38 38 42 42 42 42 47 47 47 47 43 43 52 52 52 52 59 59 59 59 68 68 68 68 75 75 75 75 84 84 84 84 - - - - VDA 24U86 VDA 24U88 VDA 29U66 VDA 29U68 VDA 29U86 VDA 29U88 VDA 33U66 VDA 33U68 VDA 33U86 VDA 33U88 VDA 38U66 VDA 38U68 VDA 38U86 VDA 38U88 VDA 42U66 VDA 42U68 VDA 42U86 VDA 42U88 VDA 47U66 VDA 47U68 VDA 47U86 VDA 47U88 2PLVD 24U6 2PLVD 24U8 2PLVD 29U6 2PLVD 29U8 2PLVD 29U6 2PLVD 29U8 2PLVD 33U6 2PLVD 33U8 2PLVD 33U6 2PLVD 33U8 2PLVD 38U6 2PLVD 38U8 2PLVD 38U6 2PLVD 38U8 2PLVD 42U6 2PLVD 42U8 2PLVD 42U6 2PLVD 42U8 2PLVD 47U6 2PLVD 47U8 2PLVD 47U6 2PLVD 47U8 - 12 VDC 15U64 VDC 18U64 HIMEL plinths 19" metric - BRFC 6 - HHH ZUN 64/100 OPB HHH ZUN 65/100 OPB HHH ZUN 64/100 OPB HHH ZUN 65/100 OPB HHH ZUN 64/100 OPB HHH ZUN 65/100 OPB HHH ZUN 64/100 OPB HHH ZUN 65/100 OPB HHH ZUN 64/100 OPB HHH ZUN 65/100 OPB ZUN 66/100VD ZUN 68/100VD BRFC 6 BRFC 6 BRFC 6 BRFC 9 BRFC 9 BRFC 9 BRFC 9 BRFC 12 BRFC 12 BRFC 12 BRFC 12 BRFC 15 BRFC 15 BRFC 15 BRFC 15 BRFC 18 BRFC 18 BRFC 18 BRFC 18 BRF 24 BRF 24 BMF 43 BMF 43 ZUN 86/100VD ZUN 88/100VD ZUN 66/100VD ZUN 68/100VD ZUN 86/100VD ZUN 88/100VD ZUN 66/100VD ZUN 68/100VD ZUN 86/100VD ZUN 88/100VD ZUN 66/100VD ZUN 68/100VD ZUN 86/100VD ZUN 88/100VD ZUN 66/100VD ZUN 68/100VD ZUN 86/100VD ZUN 88/100VD ZUN 66/100VD ZUN 68/100VD ZUN 86/100VD ZUN 88/100VD BRF 24 BRF 24 BRF 29 BRF 29 BRF 29 BRF 29 BRF 33 BRF 33 BRF 33 BRF 33 BRF 38 BRF 38 BRF 38 BRF 38 BRF 42 BRF 42 BRF 42 BRF 42 BRF 47 BRF 47 BRF 47 BRF 47 BMF 43 BMF 43 BMF 52 BMF 52 BMF 52 BMF 52 BMF 59 BMF 59 BMF 59 BMF 59 BMF 68 BMF 68 BMF 68 BMF 68 BMF 75 BMF 75 BMF 75 BMF 75 BMF 84 BMF 84 BMF 84 BMF 84 HIMEL cable gland plate with cut-outs for fans cable gland cable gland plate plate with cut-outs for selffor fans ventilation and brush swing cable gland plate cable gland plate with brush - - EC 309 ECP 309 ECVT 309 - - HHH OPB6UBF HHH OPB6UBF HHH OPB9UBF HHH OPB9UBF HHH OPB12UBF HHH OPB12UBF HHH OPB15UBF HHH OPB15UBF HHH OPB18UBF HHH OPB18UBF - HHH OPB6UBP HHH OPB6UBP HHH OPB9UBP HHH OPB9UBP HHH OPB12UBP HHH OPB12UBP HHH OPB15UBP HHH OPB15UBP HHH OPB18UBP HHH OPB18UBP - EC 309 EC 309 EC 309 HHH ECCOPB HHH ECCOPB EC 309 EC 309 EC 309 EC 309 HHH ECCOPB HHH ECCOPB EC 309 EC 309 EC 309 EC 309 HHH ECCOPB HHH ECCOPB EC 309 EC 309 EC 309 EC 309 HHH ECCOPB HHH ECCOPB EC 309 EC 309 EC 309 EC 309 HHH ECCOPB HHH ECCOPB EC 420 EC 420 ECP 309 ECP 309 ECP 309 HHH ECPOPB HHH ECPOPB ECP 309 ECP 309 ECP 309 ECP 309 HHH ECPOPB HHH ECPOPB ECP 309 ECP 309 ECP 309 ECP 309 HHH ECPOPB HHH ECPOPB ECP 309 ECP 309 ECP 309 ECP 309 HHH ECPOPB HHH ECPOPB ECP 309 ECP 309 ECP 309 ECP 309 HHH ECPOPB HHH ECPOPB ECP 420 ECP 420 ECVT 309 ECVT 309 ECVT 309 HHH ECVTOPB HHH ECVTOPB ECVT 309 ECVT 309 ECVT 309 ECVT 309 HHH ECVTOPB HHH ECVTOPB ECVT 309 ECVT 309 ECVT 309 ECVT 309 HHH ECVTOPB HHH ECVTOPB ECVT 309 ECVT 309 ECVT 309 ECVT 309 HHH ECVTOPB HHH ECVTOPB ECVT 309 ECVT 309 ECVT 309 ECVT 309 HHH ECVTOPB HHH ECVTOPB ECVT 420 ECVT 420 ECVP 420 ECVP 420 ECAV 420 ECAV 420 - - EC 420 EC 420 EC 420 EC 420 EC 420 EC 420 EC 420 EC 420 EC 420 EC 420 EC 420 EC 420 EC 420 EC 420 EC 420 EC 420 EC 420 EC 420 EC 420 EC 420 EC 420 EC 421 ECP 420 ECP 420 ECP 420 ECP 420 ECP 420 ECP 420 ECP 420 ECP 420 ECP 420 ECP 420 ECP 420 ECP 420 ECP 420 ECP 420 ECP 420 ECP 420 ECP 420 ECP 420 ECP 420 ECP 420 ECP 420 ECP 421 ECVT 420 ECVT 420 ECVT 420 ECVT 420 ECVT 420 ECVT 420 ECVT 420 ECVT 420 ECVT 420 ECVT 420 ECVT 420 ECVT 420 ECVT 420 ECVT 420 ECVT 420 ECVT 420 ECVT 420 ECVT 420 ECVT 420 ECVT 420 ECVT 420 ECVT 421 ECVP 420 ECVP 420 ECVP 420 ECVP 420 ECVP 420 ECVP 420 ECVP 420 ECVP 420 ECVP 420 ECVP 420 ECVP 420 ECVP 420 ECVP 420 ECVP 420 ECVP 420 ECVP 420 ECVP 420 ECVP 420 ECVP 420 ECVP 420 ECVP 420 ECVP 421 ECAV 420 ECAV 420 ECAV 420 ECAV 420 ECAV 420 ECAV 420 ECAV 420 ECAV 420 ECAV 420 ECAV 420 ECAV 420 ECAV 420 ECAV 420 ECAV 420 ECAV 420 ECAV 420 ECAV 420 ECAV 420 ECAV 420 ECAV 420 ECAV 420 ECAV 421 19" OPB rack rack fixed 13 10” Mini Box steel enclosures MNB Wall mounting steel enclosures, consisting of a body with brackets, 10” fixed rack and detachable lid with glazed window. c 2 heights: 4 and 8 U. c Depth: 200 mm. Made of sheet steel, painted to fine texturised light grey RAL-7035. Fitted with a 10” fixed rack made of galvanised sheet steel. Basic unit: c One-piece body, pre-cut cable gland plate at the top, bottom, sides and back. c Detachable lid with glazed window fitted with a key type H-140. c Depth adjustable 10” fixed rack made of galvanised sheet steel at the front. models, sizes and references external dimensions (mm) height (A) width (B) depth (C) 282 459 310 310 200 200 14 no. of units 4 8 reference HHH MNB4UBF HHH MNB8UBF Fig. no. 1 2 HIMEL 10” Mini Box steel enclosures MNB Front glazed window. The 10” rack is depth adjustable. Lid with key lock and ventilation louvres. The upper bracket can be removed from its original position and be used as a crossbeam to secure cables with ties. Detail of the frame and the upper bracket that can be used as a crossbeam to secure cables with ties. Brushes can be fitted through the cable entry to avoid ingress of dust. The cables can be secured to the cut-out metal brackets with ties. dimensions (mm) HIMEL 15 accessories MNB cover plate Fixed directly to the 10” rack with GFR ref. screws. Made of 1 mm-thick sheet steel, painted grey RAL-7035. reference 1 HHH CRTMB 1U 269.3 251.8 21.8 43.6 21.8 no. of units 8 269.3 cut-out cover plates for cables Fixed directly to the 10” rack with GFR ref. screws. Made of 1 mm-thick sheet steel painted to grey RAL-7035, perforated for cable entry 27 186 mm. no. of units reference HHH CRTMB 1U/PC 21.8 27 43.6 269.3 251.8 21.8 1 41.65 186 8 233.3 1 u fixed tray Fixed directly to the 10” rack with GFR ref. screws. Made of 1 mm-thick sheet steel, painted to grey RAL-7035. Maximum load: 5 kg. tray dimensions height width depth 230 120 HHH BFMB 1U12 43.6 14.8 36.6 1 reference 251.8 8.75 120 232.3 224 269.3 16 HIMEL accessories MNB rack adaptor for 9.5” panel Made of 1.2 mm-thick zinc coated steel, fixed to the 10” rack with nuts and screws included. no. of units reference HHH ADMB 1UEK 1,2 1,2 5 43,6 17 9,5 16,5 ° 45 Ch. 2⳯45° 5 8,75 32,75 brush cable entry Brush made of black polypropylene fibre, fastened directly to the cable entry with staples, to avoid ingress of dust. length reference 108 HHH ECPMB cut-out cover plate for 4 SCHUKO connections Fixed directly to the 10” rack with M5 screw included. Made of 1.2 mm-thick sheet steel, painted to grey RAL-7035, with 4 rectangular 45 ⫻ 45 mm openings for SCHUKO connections (not included). no. of connections reference HHH CRTMB 1U4T 33 40,5 24 5,5 11 27,5 22,7 4 1,2 1 40,5 no. of units 289,5 300 12,5 260 4,2 5 9 24 8,25 HIMEL 8,25 17 accessories MNB cut-out cover plate for 10 RJ45 connections Fixed directly to the 10” rack with GFR ref. screws. Made of 1 mm-thick sheet steel, painted to grey RAL-7035, with 10 rectangular 19 ⫻ 15 mm openings for RJ45 connections (not included). 10 reference 8 251.8 HHH CRTMB 1U10T 19 no. of connections 43.6 1 15.6 no. of units 7.5 15 25.9 233.3 269.3 cut-out cover plate for 12 RJ45 SLIM INFRA+ connections Fixed directly to the 10” rack with GFR ref. screws. Made of 1 mm-thick sheet steel, painted to grey RAL-7035, with 12 rectangular 12 ⫻ 14 mm openings for RJ45 SLIM INFRA+ connections (not included) and 2 faston-type terminals for earthing. 12 reference HHH CRTMB 1U12T 269.3 251.8 21.8 43.6 1 no. of connections 21.8 no. of units 31.4 14 3.5 32 233.3 18 HIMEL accessories MNB cut-out cover plate for 9 22.5 ⫻ 45 supports Fixed directly to the 10” rack with GFR ref. screws. Made of 1.2 mm-thick sheet steel, painted to grey RAL-7035, with 4 rectangular 40.2 ⫻ 42.5 mm openings and 1 rectangular 40.2 ⫻ 17.5 mm opening for 9 supports format 22.5 ⫻ 45 or 4 supports format 45 ⫻ 45 (not included). 9 reference 269.3 251.8 HHH CRTMB 1U9T 40.2 1 no. of connections 42.6 no. of units 25.8 42.5 7.5 42.5 31 17.5 35.8 HIMEL 22.5 27.5 22.5 5 4.6 5 233.3 19 Open Box metal enclosures fixed rack OPB Metal wall mounting enclosures, consisting of a body with hinged side panels, fixed 19” rack and glazed door. c 5 heights: 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18. c 2 depths: 400 and 500 mm. Made of sheet steel, painted to fine texturised light grey RAL-7035. Fitted with a 19” fixed rack in zinc coated sheet steel. Compatible with all DV accessories. Basic unit: c Slotted body for self-ventilation and a large cable entry at the back (the rear lid for the enclosure back is not included in the standard unit). c Hinged side panels, easily removable to facilitate access. c Depth adjustable fixed 19” rack made of zinc coated sheet steel at the front. c Completely reversible templated glass door, opening 130° with handle and key lock type 333. c Knock-out cable gland plates at the top and bottom of the enclosure body. c Correct earthing of the side panels is guaranteed by the accessory HHH CTI/ OPB, not included in the standard unit. models, sizes and references nominal dimensions in mm height (A) width (B) depth (C) 401 401 534 534 668 668 801 801 934 934 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 400 500 400 500 400 500 400 500 400 500 20 no. of units 1 U = 44.45 mm 6 6 9 9 12 12 15 15 18 18 F reference enclosures kit supply OPB enclosures reference rear lid 235 235 368 368 502 502 635 635 768 768 HHH OPB 6U4BF HHH OPB 6U5BF HHH OPB 9U4BF HHH OPB 9U5BF HHH OPB 12U4BF HHH OPB 12U5BF HHH OPB 15U4BF HHH OPB 15U5BF HHH OPB 18U4BF HHH OPB 18U5BF HHH OPBK 6U4BF HHH OPBK 6U5BF HHH OPBK 9U4BF HHH OPBK 9U5BF HHH OPBK 12U4BF HHH OPBK 12U5BF HHH OPBK 15U4BF HHH OPBK 15U5BF HHH OPBK 18U4BF HHH OPBK 18U5BF HHH OPB 6UTPN HHH OPB 6UTPN HHH OPB 9UTPN HHH OPB 9UTPN HHH OPB 12UTPN HHH OPB 12UTPN HHH OPB 15UTPN HHH OPB 15UTPN HHH OPB 18UTPN HHH OPB 18UTPN HIMEL Open Box metal enclosures fixed rack OPB Detail of the swinging side panels, which are easily removable. Detail of the easily removable side panel hinge. Detail of the side panel lock by quick-turn screws. View of the glass door, with handle and key lock. Detail of the ventilation louvres. Detail of the knock-out cable gland plates at the top and bottom. A–80 F A dimensions (mm) 225/325 C=400/500 480 B=600 300 HIMEL 0/ 44 0 Ø10 25 85/110/135 225/325 103 6 34 21 Open Box metal enclosures swing rack OPB Wall mounting steel enclosures, consisting of a body and hinged side panels, 19” swinging rack and transparent glass door. c 5 heights: 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18. c Depth: 500 mm Made of sheet steel, painted to fine texturised light grey RAL-7035. Fitted with a 19” swing rack made of zinc coated sheet steel. Compatible with the complete range of DV accessories. Basic unit: c Slotted body for self-ventilation and a large cable entry at the back (the rear lid for the enclosure back is not included in the standard unit). c Hinged easily removable side panels, to facilitate access. c Depth adjustable 19” swing rack made of galvanised sheet steel, at the front. c Totally reversible templated glass door, opening 130°, with handle and key lock type 333. c Knock-out cable gland plate at the top and bottom of the enclosure body. c Correct earthing of the side panels is guaranteed by the HHH CTI/OPB accessory, not included in the standard unit. models, sizes and references nominal dimensions in mm height (A) width (B) depth (C) 401 534 668 801 934 600 600 600 600 600 500 500 500 500 500 22 no. of units 1 U = 44.45 mm 6 9 12 15 18 F reference enclosures reference rear lid 375 523 670 818 965 HHH OPB 6U5BP HHH OPB 9U5BP HHH OPB 12U5BP HHH OPB 15U5BP HHH OPB 18U5BP HHH OPB 6UTPN HHH OPB 9UTPN HHH OPB 12UTPN HHH OPB 15UTPN HHH OPB 18UTPN HIMEL Open Box metal enclosures swing rack OPB Detail of the swinging rack fixing point. View of the enclosure rear and detail of the depth adjustable rack in 25 mm steps. View of the rear cable entry. Can be fitted with an OPB TPN lid, not included in the standard unit. A–80 F A dimensions (mm) 225/325 C=400/500 480 B=600 HIMEL 85/110/135 225/325 103 300 23 accessories rear lid for OPB... Prepared for fitting to the cable entry at the rear of the OPB... enclosures Made of 1.5 mm-thick sheet steel, painted to fine texturised light grey RAL-7035. OPB dimensions to fit to (mm) enclosures height width height reference 318 434 6 HHH OPB 6UTPN 451 434 9 HHH OPB 9UTPN 585 434 12 HHH OPB 12UTPN 718 434 15 HHH OPB 15UTPN 851 434 18 HHH OPB 18UTPN racks for OPB... Prepared to be directly fitted to the OPB... enclosures Made of zinc coated sheet steel. height no. of units fixed rack swinging rack 375 6 HHH OPB 6UBF HHH OPB 6UBP 523 9 HHH OPB 9UBF HHH OPB 9UBP 670 12 HHH OPB 12UBF HHH OPB 12UBP 818 15 HHH OPB 15UBF HHH OPB 15UBP 965 18 HHH OPB 18UBF HHH OPB 18UBP 100 mm plinth for OPB... Prepared to be fitted to the OPB... enclosures Made of 1.5 mm-thick sheet steel, painted to fine texturised light grey RAL-7035. Height of the plinths 100 mm. nom. dimensions enclosure mm width depth (B) (C) reference 600 400 HHH ZUN 64/100 OPB 600 500 HHH ZUN 65/100 OPB 19” 2 u support bracket Set of 2 brackets made of zinc coated sheet steel. Fitted to the back of the enclosure, for fitting of schucko sockets. reference: HHH SS/OPB 24 HIMEL accessories OPB blind cable gland plate For cable entry through top or base of the enclosure. Made of 1.5 mm-thick zinc coated sheet steel. cable gland plate for self-ventilation For cable entry through top or base of enclosure. Made of 1.5 mm-thick zinc coated sheet steel, perforated for self-ventilation of the enclosure. cable gland plate with cut-outs for fans Cable entry at the top or base of enclosures. Prepared for fitting fans, filters and protections. Made of 1.5 mm-thick coated sheet steel. external dimensions (mm) width depth 360 100 external dimensions (mm) width depth 360 100 external dimensions (mm) width depth 360 100 reference no. of plates per OPB... enclosure HHH ECC/OPB 1 reference no. of plates per OPB... enclosure HHH ECAV/OPB 1 reference no. of plates per OPB... enclosure HHH ECVT/OPB 1 cable gland plate with brush For cable entry through top or base of enclosure. Dust-proof. Made of 1.5 mm-thick zinc coated sheet steel. external dimensions (mm) width depth 360 100 reference HHH ECP/OPB rear support cable securing Designed to be fitted to the rear of OPB... enclosures, for securing cables with ties. reference: HHH SPC/OPB. HIMEL 25 1-body wall mounting steel enclosures for data and communications applications VDC Monobloc wall mounting steel enclosures consisting of body and door with side trim painted in fine texturised red RAL-3003, and the rest of the components painted to fine texturised light grey RAL-7035. Basic unit: c Body prepared for depth-adjustment of the different accessories and slotted for self-ventilation, top and base for cable entry or ventilation (not included in the standard unit). c depth adjustable fixed 19” frame in galvanised sheet steel at the front. c Transparent templated glass door with handle and key lock 333. models, sizes and references nominal dimensions in mm height (A) width (B) depth (C) 350 483 614 750 883 600 600 600 600 600 400 400 400 400 400 26 no. of units 1 u = 44.45 mm reference enclosures reference fixed 19" racks 6 9 12 15 18 VDC 6U64 VDC 9U64 VDC 12U64 VDC 15U64 VDC 18U64 BRFC 6 BRFC 9 BRFC 12 BRFC 15 BRFC 18 HIMEL 1-body wall mounting steel enclosures for data and communications applications VDC Enclosure fitted with ventilation louvres at top and bottom. Bottom cable entry plate (not included in the standard unit). View of door with handle and key lock 333. Detail of side trim and ventilation louvres. dimensions (mm) 525 440 31.75 12.7 44.45 44.45 Wall fixing 12 A-129 A A-57 A-70 8.5 465 451 557 25 325 C+17 B=600 300 90 Detail of wall fixing min. 28 Ø10 26 6.5 HIMEL 27 2-body wall mounting steel enclosures for data and communications applications VDC2C Wall mounting steel enclosures consisting of two bodies joined together with door and side trim painted in fine texturised red RAL3003 with remaining enclosure parts painted to fine texturised light grey RAL-7035. Basic unit: c 120 mm body placed at the rear of the enclosure prepared for depth adjustment of the different accessories, top and base prepared for cable entry or ventilation (not included in the standard unit). Back prepared for cable entry. c 300 or 400 mm body. Swing front prepared for depth adjustment of the different accessories, slotted at top and base for enclosure ventilation and key lock 333. c19” depth adjustable fixed front frame made of galvanised sheet steel. c Transparent templated glass door with handle and key lock 333. models, sizes and references nominal dimensions (mm) height (A) width (B) depth (C) 350 350 483 483 614 614 750 750 883 883 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 420 520 420 520 420 520 420 520 420 520 28 no. of units 1 u = 44.45 mm 6 6 9 9 12 12 15 15 18 18 reference enclosures reference fixed19" racks VD2C 6U64 VD2C 6U65 VD2C 9U64 VD2C 9U65 VD2C 12U64 VD2C 12U65 VD2C 15U64 VD2C 15U65 VD2C 18U64 VD2C 18U65 BRFC 6 BRFC 6 BRFC 9 BRFC 9 BRFC 12 BRFC 12 BRFC 15 BRFC 15 BRFC 18 BRFC 18 HIMEL 2-body wall mounting steel enclosures for data and communications applications VDC2C Top view of the two-body enclosure, with cable entry plate at the back (not included in the standard unit). Side view of the enclosure, with key lock 333 to keep both bodies closed. View of the bottom of the enclosure with detail of depth adjustable rack in 25 mm steps. dimensions (mm) 525 440 31.75 12.7 44.45 44.45 Wall fixing 12 A-129 A A-57 A-70 8.5 465 451 557 25 25 50 137 225 / 325 C+20 B=600 90 300 Detail of wall mounting min. 28 Ø10 26 6.5 HIMEL 29 accessories VDC cable gland plate For cable entry through top or base of the enclosure. Made of 1.5 mm-thick zinc coated sheet steel. external dimensions (mm) width depth 300 90 no. of plates per VDC... enclosure reference EC 309 1 cable gland plate with brush For cable entry through top or bottom of enclosure. Dust-proof. Made of 1.5 mm-thick zinc coated sheet steel. external dimensions (mm) width depth 300 90 no. of plates per VDC... enclosure reference ECP 309 1 cable gland plate with cut-outs for fans Cable entry at the top or base of enclosures. Prepared for fitting fans , filters and protections. Made of 1.5 mm-thick zinc coated sheet steel. external dimensions (mm) width depth 300 30 90 reference ECVT 309 no. of ventilation holes 2 no. of plates per VDC... enclosure 1 HIMEL accessories VDC cable gland plate for self-ventilation For cable entry through top or base of enclosure. Made of 1,5 mm-thick zinc coated sheet steel, perforated for self-ventilation of the enclosure. external dimensions (mm) width depth 300 90 reference no. of cable gland plates per VDC... enclosure ECAV 309 1 19” fixed rack for VDC... Prepared to be fitted directly to VDC enclosures. Made of zinc coated sheet steel. no. of units height 6 9 12 15 18 HIMEL to fit enclosures height (mm) 350 483 614 750 883 reference BRFC 6 BRFC 9 BRFC 12 BRFC 15 BRFC 18 31 600 mm-wide steel enclosures for data and communications applications VDA Steel enclosure consisting of an easily detachable upright structure, upper and lower frame and open at the sides. Vertical uprights painted in fine texturised red RAL-3003 with remaining parts painted to fine texturised light grey RAL-7035. Basic unit: c Top perforated for self-ventilation and lid prepared for cable entry or enclosure ventilation. c Bottom slotted for self-ventilation and prepared to fit the different types of cable entry plates. c Transparent templated glass front door with handle and key lock 333. c Plain partial back door with key lock 333. c Partial back panel bolted externally at the base of the enclosure for cable entry. c Exchangeable back door and panel to allow cable entry at the top of the enclosure. c 19” fixed front frame, depth adjustable by fixed frame guides, made of zinc coated sheet steel at the front of the enclosure ref. SBRF… delivered as standard. models, sizes and references nominal dimensions (mm) height (A) width (B) depth (C) 1200 1200 1400 1400 1600 1600 1800 1800 2000 2000 2200 2200 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 800 600 800 600 800 600 800 600 800 600 800 32 no. of units 1U= 44.45 mm reference enclosures 24 24 29 29 33 33 38 38 42 42 47 47 VDA 24U66 VDA 24U68 VDA 29U66 VDA 29U68 VDA 33U66 VDA 33U68 VDA 38U66 VDA 38U68 VDA 42U66 VDA 42U68 VDA 47U66 VDA 47U68 set of two side panels 2PLVD 24U6 2PLVD 24U8 2PLVD 29U6 2PLVD 29U8 2PLVD 33U6 2PLVD 33U8 2PLVD 38U6 2PLVD 38U8 2PLVD 42U6 2PLVD 42U8 2PLVD 47U6 2PLVD 47U8 reference 19" racks BRF 24 BRF 24 BRF 29 BRF 29 BRF 33 BRF 33 BRF 38 BRF 38 BRF 42 BRF 42 BRF 47 BRF 47 reference metric racks BMF 43 BMF 43 BMF 52 BMF 52 BMF 59 BMF 59 BMF 68 BMF 68 BMF 75 BMF 75 BMF 84 BMF 84 kit supply VDA enclosures upper and lower uprights and frame VDA SI66 VDA SI68 VDA SI66 VDA SI68 VDA SI66 VDA SI68 VDA SI66 VDA SI68 VDA SI66 VDA SI68 VDA SI66 VDA SI68 VDA MV 24U VDA MV 24U VDA MV 29U VDA MV 29U VDA MV 33U VDA MV 33U VDA MV 38U VDA MV 38U VDA MV 42U VDA MV 42U VDA MV 47U VDA MV 47U transp. door and rear door VDA PP 24U6 VDA PP 24U6 VDA PP 29U6 VDA PP 29U6 VDA PP 33U6 VDA PP 33U6 VDA PP 38U6 VDA PP 38U6 VDA PP 42U6 VDA PP 42U6 VDA PP 47U6 VDA PP 47U6 HIMEL 600 mm-wide steel enclosures for data and communications applications VDA Lower view of the enclosure with depth adjustable fixed frames at the front every 25 mm. Detaill of top lid elevation with EX.../6 spacers for direct ventilation of the enclosure. Top view of the enclosure prepared for cable entry. 31.75 12.7 44.45 44.45 dimensions (mm) A-120 8.5 440 A-325 465 451 A A-155 12 536 25 25 C-175 460 C 44 0 0 44 min. 60 mín.60 C-125 C-200 400 B=600 HIMEL 33 800 mm-wide steel enclosures for data and communications applications VDA Steel enclosure consisting of an easily detachable upright structure, top and base frame and open at the sides. Vertical uprights painted in fine texturised red RAL-3003 with remaining parts painted in fine texturised bright grey RAL-7035. Basic unit: c Top perforated for self-ventilation and lid prepared for cable entry or enclosure ventilation. c Open base perforated for self-ventilation and prepared for fitting the different types of cable entry plates. c Transparent tempered glass front door with handle and key lock 333. c Plain partial back door with key lock 333. c Partial back panel bolted externally at the base of the enclosure for cable entry. c Exhangeable back door and panel to allow cable entry at top of enclosure. c 19” fixed frame made of galvanised sheet steel, at the front of the enclosure, depth adjustable by the fixed frame guides (ref. SBRF...) delivered as standard. models, sizes and references nominal dimensions (mm) height (A) width (B) no. of units 1U= depth 44.45 mm (C) 1200 1200 1400 1400 1600 1600 1800 1800 2000 2000 2200 2200 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 600 600 600 800 600 800 600 800 600 800 600 800 34 24 24 29 29 33 33 38 38 42 42 47 47 reference enclosures VDA 24U86 VDA 24U88 VDA 29U86 VDA 29U88 VDA 33U86 VDA 33U88 VDA 38U86 VDA 38U88 VDA 42U86 VDA 42U88 VDA 47U86 VDA 47U88 set of two side panels 2PLVD 24U6 2PLVD 24U8 2PLVD 29U6 2PLVD 29U8 2PLVD 33U6 2PLVD 33U8 2PLVD 38U6 2PLVD 38U8 2PLVD 42U6 2PLVD 42U8 2PLVD 47U6 2PLVD 47U8 reference 19" racks BRF 24 BRF 24 BRF 29 BRF 29 BRF 33 BRF 33 BRF 38 BRF 38 BRF 42 BRF 42 BRF 47 BRF 47 reference metric racks BMF 43 BMF 43 BMF 52 BMF 52 BMF 59 BMF 59 BMF 68 BMF 68 BMF 75 BMF 75 BMF 84 BMF 84 kit supply VDA enclosures upper and lower VDA ASI86 VDA ASI88 VDA ASI86 VDA ASI88 VDA ASI86 VDA ASI88 VDA ASI86 VDA ASI88 VDA ASI86 VDA ASI88 VDA ASI86 VDA ASI88 uprights and frame VDA MV 24U VDA MV 24U VDA MV 29U VDA MV 29U VDA MV 33U VDA MV 33U VDA MV 38U VDA MV 38U VDA MV 42U VDA MV 42U VDA MV 47U VDA MV 47U transp. door and rear door VDA PP 24U6 VDA PP 24U8 VDA PP 29U6 VDA PP 29U8 VDA PP 33U6 VDA PP 33U8 VDA PP 38U6 VDA PP 38U8 VDA PP 42U6 VDA PP 42U8 VDA PP 47U6 VDA PP 47U8 HIMEL 800 mm-wide steel enclosures for data and communications applications VDA Rear view with exchangeable door to allow cable entry at the top. Top view of the enclosure with louvres and cable entry plate (not included in the standard unit). Inside view of the enclosure with fixed frames at the front, depth adjustable every 25 mm by the fixed frame guides (ref. SBRF...). 31.75 12.7 44.45 44.45 dimensions (mm) A-120 8.5 440 A-325 465 12 A A-155 451 736 25 25 C-175 660 C 44 0 44 0 min.60 C-125 C-200 400 B=800 HIMEL 35 accessories VDA example of possible cable gland plate combinations (both for top and bottom of the enclosure) dimensions (mm) width depth 600/800 600 600/800 800 combination 1 combination 2 combination 3 combination 4 cable gland plates For openings at top or bottom of the enclosure. Made of 1.5 mm-thick zinc coated sheet steel. external dimensions (mm) width depth reference 400 EC 420 200 maximum no. of cable gland plates per enclosure for VDA... for VDA... depth 600 mm depth 800 mm 2 3 cable gland plate with brush For cable entry at the top or bottom of the enclosure, perforated and with anti-dust protection. Made of 1.5 mm-thick zinc coated sheet steel. external dimensions(mm) width depth reference 400 ECP 420 36 200 maximum no. of gland plates per enclosure for VDA... for VDA... depth 600 mm depth 800 mm 2 3 HIMEL accessories VDA cable gland plates with cut-outs for fans For openings at top or bottom of enclosure, prepared for fitting fans, filters and protectors. Made of 1.5 mm-thick zinc coated sheet steel. external dimensions (mm) width depth 400 200 reference no. of cut-outs for ventilation ECVT 420 maximum number of gland plates per enclosure for VDA... for VDA... depth 600 mm depth 800 mm 3 2 3 cable gland plate with cut-outs for fans and brush For openings at the top or bottom of the enclosure, perforated and with anti-dust protection and prepared for fitting fans, filters and protectors. Made of 1.5 mm-thick zinc coated sheet steel. external dimensions (mm) width depth 400 200 reference no. of cut-outs for ventilation ECVP 420 3 maximum no. of gland plates per enclosure for VDA... for VDA... depth 600 mm depth 800 mm 2 3 cable gland plate with self-ventilation For apertures at the top or bottom of the enclosure. Made of 1.5 mm-thick zinc coated sheet steel, perforated for self-ventilation of the enclosure. external dimensions (mm) width depth 400 200 reference ECAV 420 maximum no. of gland plates per enclosure for VDA... for VDA... depth 600 mm depth 800 mm 2 3 top lid with brush Top lid for enclosures, with a brush and prepared to be fitted directly to the top of the enclosure, acting as a gland plate. Made of 1.5 mm-thick sheet steel painted in fine texturised RAL-7035 colour. The lid can be raised from the top by spacers ref. EX.../6 for direct ventilation of the enclosure. external dimensions (mm) width depth 440 HIMEL 440 44 0 44 0 reference TSP 440 37 accessories VDA 19” fixed rack for VDA... Set of 2 profiles ready to be fitted directly to the VDA enclosures. Made of zinc coated sheet steel. 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 reference BRF 24 BRF 29 BRF 33 BRF 38 BRF 42 BRF 47 enclosures depth (C) distance racks front-back (D) 600-800 600-800 800 800 250 350 450 550 Note: The rear rack is not supplied as standard. D-92 24 29 33 38 42 47 to fit to enclosures height (mm) D no. of units height Detail of the assembly distance between the front and rear racks BRF… metric rack for VDA... Set of 2 profiles ready to be fitted directly to VDA enclosures. Made of zinc coated sheet steel. no. of units height 43 52 59 68 75 84 38 to fit to enclosures height (mm) 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 reference BMF 43 BMF 52 BMF 59 BMF 68 BMF 75 BMF 84 HIMEL accessories VDA supplement for 19” fixed rack Set of 2 fixed frame side supplements. Made of 1.5 mm-thick zinc coated sheet steel. Enables 19” racks to be depth-adjusted in 25 mm steps. Designed for securing cable guides and accessories. to fit enclosures (mm) width depth (B) (C) 600 600 800 800 600 800 600 800 reference SBRF 66 SBRF 68 SBRF 86 SBRF 88 supplement for metric fixed rack Set of 2 fixed rack side supplements. Made of 1.5 mm-thick zinc coated sheet steel, enabling racks to be depth-adjusted in 25 mm steps. Designed for securing cable guides and accessories. to fit enclosures (mm) width depth (B) (C) 600 600 800 800 600 800 600 800 reference SBMF 66 SBMF 68 SBMF 86 SBMF 88 plinths Made of 1.5 mm-thick sheet steel, painted fine texturised RAL-7035 colour. Detachable front and back, sides with cut-outs for connecting batteries. Plinth height 100 mm. nom. dimensions enclosures (mm) width depth (B) (C) 600 600 800 800 HIMEL 600 800 600 800 reference ZUN 66/100VD ZUN 68/100VD ZUN 86/100VD ZUN 88/100VD 39 accessories VDA side panels Set of 2 side panels made of 1.5 mm-thick sheet steel, painted fine texturised grey RAL-7035, perforated for ventilation, quick opening catches and locks designed for fitting key lock 333. ext. dimensions enclosures (mm) height depth (A) (C) 1200 1200 1400 1400 1600 1600 1800 1800 2000 2000 2200 2200 600 800 600 800 600 800 600 800 600 800 600 800 reference 2PLVD 24U6 2PLVD 24U8 2PLVD 29U6 2PLVD 29U8 2PLVD 33U6 2PLVD 33U8 2PLVD 38U6 2PLVD 38U8 2PLVD 42U6 2PLVD 42U8 2PLVD 47U6 2PLVD 47U8 side panel lock Complete lock with key 333, standard supply one unit. reference: STVDA partial back panel Partial back panel bolted externally, with cut-outs for fitting different cable gland plates of enclosures ref. EC420, ECP420, ECVT420, ECVP420, ECAV420. Made of 1.5 mm-thick sheet steel, painted fine texturised grey RAL-7035. 800 mm VDA... enclosure vertical covers Set of 2 cable protection covers, fixed between the rack and the structure of the enclosure with GFR ref. quick-removing screws. Made of 1.5 mm-thick perforated sheet steel, painted fine texturised grey RAL-7035. 40 external dimensions (mm) height width 250 250 600 800 reference PPEC 26 PPEC 28 no. of units height to fit enclosures height (mm) reference 24 29 33 38 42 47 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 TV 24 TV 29 TV 33 TV 38 TV 42 TV 47 HIMEL accessories VDA vibration-proof adjustable stands Set of 4 vibration-proof stands, for fitting to VDA enclosures. Maximum load 240 kg. reference: PRVD levelling stands Set of 4 stands, for levelling enclosures on uneven surfaces. Maximum load 240 kg. reference: PNVD castors Set of 2 castors with stop and 2 castors without stop, for moving the enclosure. Maximum load 240 kg. reference: RUFVD joining set suite For joining enclosures. reference: CUNVD HIMEL 41 Server metal enclosures VDS DV enclosures specifically designed to hold and protect network servers, consisting of a structure with a top frame and a bottom frame fitted to upright profiles, giving the assembly great versatility and strength. Made of sheet steel, painted fine texturised light grey RAL-7035 and upright profiles, top and bottom frames painted red RAL-3003. c Good access to the interior. c Possibility of grouping together. c Earth continuity assured, according to regulations. c Admissible static load: 500 kg. c Levelling stands fitted. Basic unit: c Top perforated for self-ventilation and 3 cut-outs for cables. Possibility of fitting fans. c Bottom open and prepared for fitting the different types of cable plates. c Reversible front door, opening to 180º, with two-point locking, key lock type 333. c Smoked tempered 4 mm securit glass door model. c Grooved surface door model, to improve cooling. c Reversible rear door, perforated for ventilation, two-point lock and key lock type 333. c Quick-fitting side panels, key lock 333. c 19” front and rear racks. Composition of the enlargement enclosure: c Identical to the above but without side panels. c Joining kit for grouping. c Enclosure separation plates CHVDS... not included. models, sizes and references nominal dimensions in mm height (A) width (B) 1200 1200 1200 1200 2000 2000 2000 2000 600 600 800 800 600 600 800 800 42 depth (C) 800 1000 800 1000 800 1000 800 1000 reference no. of units 1 U = 44.45 mm enclosure 24 24 24 24 42 42 42 42 VDS 24U68 VDS 24U610 VDS 24U88 VDS 24U810 VDS 42U68 VDS 42U610 VDS 42U88 VDS 42U810 grooved door enclosure without sides + joining kit VDSA 24U68 VDSA 24U610 VDSA 24U88 VDSA 24U810 VDSA 42U68 VDSA 42U610 VDSA 42U88 VDSA 42U810 enclosure transparent door enclosure without sides + joining kit VDS 24U68 KT VDS 24U610 KT VDS 24U88 KT VDS 24U810 KT VDS 42U68 KT VDS 42U610 KT VDS 42U88 KT VDS 42U810 KT VDSA 24U68 KT VDSA 24U610 KT VDSA 24U88 KT VDSA 24U810 KT VDSA 42U68 KT VDSA 42U610 KT VDSA 42U88 KT VDSA 42U810 KT HIMEL Server metal enclosures VDS Perforated door for ventilation. Ample lower cable entry. Includes front and rear racks. dimensions (mm) 19” front rack 25 5 6/736 HIMEL (1) 600/800 (1) 800/1000 43 Server metal enclosures with compartments VDS DV enclosures with 2, 3 and 4 compartments designed for holding all types of servers, from the mini-tower type or equipment for 19” racks. Consisting of a structure with a top and bottom frame fitted to upright profiles making the assembly very versatile and strong, with compatrments separated by horizontal metal panels. Made of sheet steel, painted fine texturised light grey RAL-7035 and upright profiles, top and bottom frames painted red RAL-3003. c Easily accessible interior. c Earthing assured, according to regulations. c Maximum static load: 500 kg. c Closed and independent cable channels for each compartment. c 19” front and rear racks for each compartment of 20, 14 and 10U, respectively. Basic unit: c Top frame perforated for natural ventilation. c Bottom frame perforated for cable entry. c Partial reversible front doors for each compartment, opening180º, with two-point lock, key lock type 333. c 4 mm Securit tinted tempered glass front door models. c Grooved doors for improved ventilation models. c Reversible partial rear doors for each compartment, opening 180º, perforated for ventilation and with a key lock type 333. c Quick-fitting side panels, key lock 333. c Compartments separated by fixed horizontal metal panels perforated for individual cable channels. Enlargement enclosure unit: c Identical to the above, but without side panels. c Joining kit for grouping Kit. c Separation plates between CHVDS... enclosures, not included. models, sizes and references nominal dimensions in mm height (A) width (B) 2000 2000 2200 2200 2200 2200 600 600 600 600 600 600 44 depth (C) 800 1000 800 1000 800 1000 reference number of units 42 U 42 U 46 U 46 U 46 U 46 U number of compartments 2 2 3 3 4 4 enclosure grooved door enc. without panels+ joining kit VD2S 42U68 VD2S 42U610 VD3S 46U68 VD3S 46U610 VD4S 46U68 VD4S 46U610 VD2SA 42U68 VD2SA 42U610 VD3SA 46U68 VD3SA 46U610 VD4SA 46U68 VD4SA 46U610 enclosure transparent door enc. without panels + joining kit VD2S 42U68 KT VD2S 42U610 KT VD3S 46U68 KT VD3S 46U610 KT VD4S 46U68 KT VD4S 46U610 KT VD2SA 42U68 KT VD2SA 42U610 KT VD3SA 46U68 KT VD3SA 46U610 KT VD4SA 46U68 KT VD4SA 46U610 KT HIMEL Server metal enclosures with compartments VDS Enclosure with two compartments and transparent doors. Enclosure with four compartments and grooved doors. Enclosure with three compartments and transparent doors. dimensions (mm) 2 compartments 19˝ 20 U rack 600 1975 Detail A (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) 800/1000 (1) Independent channels 3 compartments 4 compartments 19˝ 14 U rack 600 2175 2175 (1) (1) 600 10˝ 20 U rack (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) 800/1000 HIMEL 800/1000 (1) (1) Independent channels 45 accessories fixed tray for heavy loads, attached to the frame Provided with the necessary fasteners to be fitted directly to the enclosure uprights. Made of sheet steel, painted RAL-7035. Maximum load: 100 kg. telescopic tray for heavy loads, secured to the frame With telescopic guides and the necessary fasteners to be fitted directly to the enclosure uprights. Made of sheet steel, painted in RAL-7035. Maximum load: 100 kg. double telescopic tray, fixed to the frame Double independently removable tray, supplied with the necessary fasteners to be fitted directly to the enclosure uprights. Made of sheet steel, painted in RAL-7035. Maximum load: 2 ⫻ 45 kg. 19” tray for monitor Made in sheet steel, painted in RAL-7035. Maximum load: 45 kg. VDS nom. dimensions enclosure mm width depth (B) (C) 600 600 800 800 800 1000 800 1000 nom. dimensions enclosure mm width depth (B) (C) 600 600 800 800 800 1000 800 1000 nom. dimensions enclosure mm width depth (B) (C) 800 800 800 1000 nom. dimensions enclosure mm depth (C) 800 1000 19” tray for keyboard Made in sheet steel, painted in RAL-7035. Maximum load: 45 kg. nom. dimensions enclosure mm depth (C) 800 1000 46 reference BFSAR 68 BFSAR 610 BFSAR 88 BFSAR 810 reference BTSAR 68 BTSAR 610 BTSAR 88 BTSAR 810 reference BTS2A 88 BTS2A 810 reference BSM 80 BSM 100 reference BST 80 BST 100 HIMEL accessories anti-overturning plinths for VDA-server enclosures Made of sheet steel, painted in RAL-7035, height 70 mm. Includes removable antioverturning feet. plinths for VDA-server enclosures, 70 mm Made of sheet steel, painted in RAL-7035, height 70 mm. VDS nom. dimensions enclosure mm width depth (B) (C) 600 600 800 800 800 1000 800 1000 nom. dimensions enclosure mm width depth (B) (C) 600 600 800 800 800 1000 800 1000 reference ZUNA 68 VDS/70 ZUNA 610 VDS/70 ZUNA 88 VDS/70 ZUNA 810 VDS/70 reference ZUN 68 VDS/70 ZUN 610 VDS/70 ZUN 88 VDS/70 ZUN 810 VDS/70 brush gasket for top To be fitted to cable entry cut-outs. reference: JP/VDS joining set suite for VDA-servers For grouping enclosures. reference: CUN/VDS vertical separation plates With cut-outs for the entry of cables between enclosures with 1, 2, 3 or 4 compartments. nom. dimensions enclosure mm no. of unitsdepth (C) 24 24 42 42 46 46 HIMEL 800 1000 800 1000 800 1000 reference CHVDS 24U80 CHVDS 24U100 CHVDS 42U80 CHVDS 42U100 CHVDS 46U80 CHVDS 46U100 47 accessories DV 19” cover plates Fixed directly to the 19” rack with GFR ref. screws. Made of 1.5 mm-thick sheet steel painted in fine texturised grey RAL-7035 or in 3 mmthick aluminium. no. of units 1U 2U 3U 6U 9U 10 U 12 U reference steel aluminium CRTM 1U CRTM 2U CRTM 3U CRTM 6U CRTM 9U CRTM 10U CRTM 12U CRTA 1U CRTA 2U CRTA 3U CRTA 6U CRTA 9U CRTA 10U CRTA 12U cut-out cover plates for cables Fixed directly to the 19” rack with GFR ref. screws. Made of 1.5 mm-thick sheet steel painted fine texturised RAL-7035, protected cable entry holes. no. of units no. of holes 1U 2 reference CRTM 1U2 cut-out cover plates for cables with housing Fijxed directly to the 19” rack with GFR ref. screws. Made of 1.5 mm-thick sheet steel, painted fine texturised grey RAL-7035, protected cable entry holes and supporting fold. no. of units 1U no. of holes 2 reference CRTM 1UA2 cable gland plate with brush Fixed directly to the 19” rack with GFR ref. screws. Made of 1.5 mm-thick sheet steel, painted fine texturised grey RAL-7035, with a cale entry hole and anti-dust protection. no. of units 1U 48 no. of holes 1 reference CRTM 1U1P HIMEL accessories cut-out cover plate for 8 45 ⫻ 45 supports Fixed directly to the 19” rack with GFR ref. screws. Made of 1.2 mm-thick sheet steel, painted to grey RAL-7035, with 8 40.5 ⫻ 40.5 mm rectangular openings for 8 supports format 45 ⫻ 45 or 16 supports format 22.5 ⫻ 45. cut-out cover plate for 16 22.5 ⫻ 45 supports Fixed directly to the 19” rack with GFR ref. screws. Made of 1.2 mm-thick sheet steel, painted to grey RAL-7035, with 16 40.5 ⫻ 17.5 mm rectangular openings for 16 supports format 22.5 ⫻ 45. vertical cable tie Set of 4 vertical cable ties to fix directly to the 8.5 ⫻ 8.5 mm hole on the 19” rack with included screws. Made of 5 mm diameter zinc coated rod. HIMEL DV 19” no. of units no. of connections reference 1 8 CRTVD 1U8T no. of units no. of connections reference 1 16 CRTVD 1U16T external dimensions (mm) width depth 200 300 100 100 reference GCH1020 GCH1030 49 accessories DV 19” cover plates with steel cable ties Fixed directly to the 19” rack with GFR ref. screws. Made of 1.5 mm-thick sheet steel, painted in fine texturised grey RAL-7035, with welded cable ties. no. of units no. of ties/ position reference 1U 1U 4 vert 3 vert /2 hor CRTM 1U40B CRTM 1U32B cover plates with insulating cable ties Fijxed directly to the 19” rack with GFR ref. screws. Made of 1.2 mm-thick sheet steel, painted to fine texturised grey RAL-7035, with 5 GCA 46 insulating cable ties with 4 different positions (vertical, horizontal, 45° and 135°). no. of units no. of ties/ position reference 1U 3 vert / 2 hor or 5 vert CRTM 1U5GCA cover plates for protection and ventilation control Fixed directly to the 19” rack with GFR ref. screws. Made of 1 mm-thick sheet steel fitted with an illuminated switch TS-141 thermostat to operate and adjust the fans. no. of units 1U reference CRTM 1UVT DIN rail cover plates Fixed directly to the 19” rack with GFR ref. screws. Made of 1 mm-thick sheet steel, DIN rail module cover plate taking up to 22 modules, with detachable front, painted in fine texturised grey RAL-7035. cable guide cover plates Fixed directly to the 19” rack with GFR ref. screws. Made of 1 mm-thick sheet steel, cable guide front cover with quick-detachable front for concealing cables, painted in fine texturised grey RAL-7035. 50 no. of units no. of modules (18 mm) 3U 22 reference CRTM 3UD no. of units reference 2U CRTM 2UC HIMEL accessories DV 19” 2 u perforated fixed tray Fixed directly to the 19” front rack with GFR ref. screws. Made of 1.5 mm-thick perforated sheet steel, painted in fine texturised RAL-7035. Maximum load 20 kg. tray dimensions height width depth 2U 2U 450 450 250 380 reference BF 2U25 P BF 2U40 P 2 u telescopic tray Fixed directly to the front of the 19” rack with GFR ref. screws. Made of 1.5 mm-thick sheet steel, painted in fine texturised RAL-7035 colour, fitted with telescopic guides and securing device. Maximum load 5 kg. tray dimensions height width depth 2U 450 250 reference BT 2U25 1 u fixed tray Fixed directly to the front and rear of the 19” rack (not included). Made of 1.5 mm-thick sheet steel, painted in fine texturised RAL-7035 colour. Maximum load 25 kg. tray dimensions height width depth 1U 450 400 1U 450 600 1U 450 800 (1) See drawing on page 38. for enclosures depth (1) distance frame front-back (D-92) reference 600/800 800 1000 258 458 658 BBF 1U40 BBF 1U60 BBF 1U80 1 u perforated fixed tray Fixed directly to the front and rear of the 19” rack (not included). Made of perforated 1.5 mm-thick sheet steel, painted to fine texturised RAL-7035 colour. Maximum load 25 kg. tray dimensions height width depth 1U 450 400 1U 450 600 1U 450 800 (1) See drawing on page 38. HIMEL for enclosures depth (1) distance frame front-back (D-92) reference 600/800 800 1000 258 458 658 BBF 1U40P BBF 1U60P BBF 1U80P 51 accessories DV 19” 1 u telescopic tray Fixed directly to the 19” front and rear rack (not included). Made of 1.5 mm-thick sheet steel, painted in fine texturised RAL-7035 colour, fitted with telescopic guides with a securing device. Maximum load 25 kg. height tray dimensions width depth 1U 450 400 1U 450 600 1U 450 800 (1) See drawing on page 38. for enclosures depth (1) distance frame front-back (D-92) reference 600/800 800 1000 258 458 658 BBT 1U40 BBT 1U60 BBT 1U80 (1) distance frame front-back (D-92) reference 1 u telescopic perforated tray Fixed directly to the front and rear of the 19” rack (not included). Made of 1.5 mm-thick sheet steel, painted in fine texturised RAL-7035 colour, fitted with telescopic guides and a securing device. Maximum load 25 kg. height tray dimensions width depth 1U 450 400 1U 450 600 1U 450 800 (1) See drawing on page 38. for enclosures depth 600/800 800 1000 258 458 658 BBT 1U40P BBT 1U60P BBT 1U80P reinforced tray Supplied with all the necessary fasteners to be fixed directly to the front and back of the 19” rack (not included). Made of 2 mm-thick sheet steel. For heavy material, basically at the bottom of the enclosure. Maximum load 40 kg. tray fixed to the enclosure Supplied with all the necessary fasteners to be directly fitted to the enclosure uprights (see note). Made of 1.5 mm-thick perforated sheet steel, painted in fine texturised RAL-7035 colour. Maximum load 40 kg. VDA enclosure depth 600 800 reference BBR 60 BBR 80 tray dimensions (mm) width depth 485 485 VDA enclosure width depth reference 600 600 800 800 BFA 66 P BFA 68 P BFA 86 P BFA 88 P 600 800 600 800 265 465 NOTE: Order 1 frame less. 52 HIMEL accessories DV 19” horizontal cable support crossbeam For cable support with adjustable cable ties (LZ). Made of 1.5 mm-thick sheet steel painted in fine texturised grey RAL-7035 colour. For fitting horizontally across the width of the rack, with GFR ref. screws. to fit 19” rack metric rack reference TVA TVAM depth cable support crossbeam For cable support with adjustable ties (LZ). Made of 1.5 mm-thick zinc coated sheet steel. For fitting in depth between the front and back of rack (not included) , with GFR ref. screws. vertical covers for 800 mm VDA... enclosures Set of 2 covers for wiring protection, fixed rack and the structure of the enclosure with GFR ref. screws, quick-detachable. Made of perforated 1.5 mm-thick sheet steel, painted in fine texturised grey RAL-7035 colour. HIMEL length (mm) (1) distance frame front-back (D) 180 250 280 350 380 450 480 550 (1) See drawing on page 38. reference TVP 256 TVP 356 TVP 456 TVP 556 no. of units height to fit enclosures height (mm) reference 24 29 33 38 42 47 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 TV 24 TV 29 TV 33 TV 38 TV 42 TV 47 53 accessories DV 19” 2 U service drawer For fixed enclosures. Fitted on telescopic guides ref. GT... (not included in the standard unit). external dimensions height width depth 2U 480 400 reference CS 2U400 fixed frame guide Set of 2 guides for fitting directly to the 19” racks and front and back frames (not included). Made of 2 mm-thick zinc coated sheet steel. length (mm) (1) distance frame front-back (D) 256 250 356 350 456 450 556 550 (1) See drawing on page 38. reference GF 256 GF 356 GF 456 GF 556 frame guide Set of 2 guides for fitting directly to the front of rack. Made of 2 mm-thick zinc coated sheet steel. reference: GB140 telescopic guide Set of 2 guides for fitting directly to the front and rear of fixed racks (not supplied). Maximum load 25 kg per set of guides. 54 length (mm) distance frame front-back reference 400 600 250/350 450/550 GT 40 GT 60 HIMEL accessories DV fans Turbine-type fan motor for ventilation/ extraction. For fitting to cable gland plates of the different enclosures. ø4,2 ø4,2 71,5 104,8 ø1 14 104,8 MV 156 to fit enclosures VDA... VDA... VDA... VDA... VDC... VDC... VDC... VDC... reference MV156 MV156/115 MV35 MV35/115 71,5 MV 35 MV 156/115 voltage (V-Hz) 230 230 120 120 230 230 120 120 ø7 8 MV 35/115 frequency (Hz) electric power (W) noise level (dB) flow (m3/h) 50 60 50 60 50 60 50 60 17 15 17 15 16 14 16 14 42 46 42 46 32 35 32 35 156 180 156 180 35 40 35 40 rpm 2700 3100 2700 3100 2500 3000 2500 3000 height (mm) external dimensions width depth (mm) (mm) 120 120 38 120 120 38 80 80 25 80 80 25 ventilation filters Outlet filter set for ventilation of enclosures. For fitting to cable gland plates or fans. to fit enclosures fan VDA... VDC... MV156 MV35 reference FS156 FS35 protection grill Protection grill for enclosure fans. For fitting to cable gland plates or fans. to fit enclosures fan VDA... VDC... MV156 MV35 reference RV156 RV35 connection cables fans For fitting to the connection terminal of the fan motors. reference: CBMV 100 HIMEL 55 accessories DV 1 U fans for 19” racks Connection cable delivered separately. reference characteristics VR 312 2 fans depth 180 mm with thermostat and pilot light 3 fans depth 180 mm 4 fans depth 310 mm with thermostat and pilot light 6 fans depth 310 mm 9 fans depth 445 mm VR 400 VR 624 VR 800 VR 1200 flow (m3/h) noise level dB electrical power (W) voltage (V) frequency 230 50-60 312 50 34 230 230 50-60 50-60 400 624 50 52 36 68 230 230 50-60 50-60 800 1200 52 55 72 108 2 U tangential fan 19” Front aspiration fan with air channelled vertically through the 19” rack. The connection cable is delivered separately. reference voltage (V) frequency (Hz) flow (m3/h) noise level dB (A) electrical power (W) VTR 300 230 50-60 1200 55 108 1 U schucko line protection switched socket block Double pole distribution socket block with 16 A switch. Rated voltage 250 V. 3-metre cable (3 × 1,5 mm2) with 2F+T 10/16 A 250 V plug. 2 flat mounting supports and fasteners included. No. of bases 6 12 19 24 length mm 440 (19”) 704 968 1232 reference connector reference position support ZDBE 6I ZDBE 12I ZDBE 19I ZDBE 24I FZD 6/7 FZDB FZDB FZDB horiz. vert. vert. vert. horizontal and vertical position schucko socket distribution block with switch Double pole distribution socket block with 16 A. switch. Rated voltage 250 V. 3-metre cable (3 × 1.5 mm2 ) with 2F+T 10/16 A 250 V plug. Ready for fitting to the 19” rack. 1 U schucko line protection socket block Double pole distribution socket block with line protection. Rated voltage 250 V. 2-metre cable (3 × 1.5 mm2) with a 2F+T 10/16 A 250 V plug. 2 flat mounting supports and fasteners included. 56 No. of bases height mm length 8 76 19” No. of bases 6 12 18 24 length mm 440 (19”) 704 968 1232 reference connector ZDBE 6P ZDBE 12P ZDBE 18P ZDBE 24P reference ZDBE 8IN reference position support FZD 6/7 FZDB FZDB FZDB horiz. vert. vert. vert. HIMEL accessories DV 19” Batisack racks Kit comprising two references: the uprights and the base. height width depth no. of units description reference 2000 600 600 42 U 19” Batisack rack base 19” uprights 4 U and cross member KIT 6600SO KIT 6600MO metal cable guides Vertical cable guides for fitting to 19” racks. Made of 2 mm-thick stainless steel sheet, RAL-7035 colour. dimensions (mm) to fit to enclosures width reference 40 × 100 100 × 100 600/800 800 GC 4 GC 10 insulating cable guide Insulating cable guide, for fixing to the 8.5 mm rectangular perforations (19” racks). dimensions (mm) 40 × 60 40 × 100 100 × 100 reference GCA 46 GCA 410 GCA 1010 AD/GCA GCA... Adaptor for fixing the cable guides to the 6 × 5.4 mm holes. reference: AD/GCA hardware set To secure front cover or distribution panels Set composed of: 1 screw 1 washer 1 nut packing unit = 50. reference: GFR HIMEL 57 accessories DV front cover handles For fixing to front cover plates. height reference 99 156 ASR 3U ASR 6U hexagonal spacers Steel hexagonal spacers for lifting the top lid. height thread reference 10 16 20 M6 M6 M6 EX 10/6 EX 16/6 EX 20/6 earthing strips CTI/VDA Generally used for connecting the “enclosure door and body”, supplied with the necessary fasteners. Rectangular section CTAF... references guarantee the proper earthing for high frequencies, avoiding the electrical current disturbances produced at these frequencies. CTI reference length mm CTI/VDA HHHCTI/OPB CTI 17/6 CTI 17/10 CTI 22/6 CTI 22/10 CTI 22/25 CTI 41/10 CTI 41/25 250 250 170 170 220 220 220 410 410 CTAF 15/16 CTAF 20/25 CTAF 25/25 CTAF 20/50 155 200 200 200 58 width mm 20 21 26 40 section mm2 material 1.5 1.5 6 10 6 10 25 10 25 faston-type quick connection faston-type quick connection copper wires with tinned copper terminal copper wires with tinned copper terminal copper wires with tinnrd copper terminal copper wires with tinned copper terminal copper wires with tinned copper terminal copper wires with tinned copper terminal copper wires with tinned copper terminal 16 25 25 50 tinned copper wires and terminal tinned copper wires and terminal tinned copper wires and terminal tinned copper wires and terminal CTAF HIMEL accessories DV terminal strip 500 mm-long earthing strip. With faston-type connectors every 25 mm. reference: RBLVD RAL-7035 aerosol Touch-up paint. Air drying. RAL-7035 colour. 150 g. reference: BPA-7035 logotypes Your logotype can be attached to the enclosure door glass. Please contact our sales network for further details. HIMEL B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B BB B B B B 59 monitoring system monitoring system for enclosures Enables the control of security, temperature and humidity in the distribution, network server, telecommunications, etc. Measurement of environmental and safety parameters is carried out via the digital and alarm of the controller. Signalling and configuration: in the contoller itself, via serial or Ethernet ports. Digital inputs and outputs allow continous monitoring of several enclosures at a time. reference: ask temperature sensor Temperature range: 0 ºC to 60 ºC. Cable length: 4 m. Maximum distance: 20 m. reference: ask humidity sensor Relative humidity range: 10 to 90 %. 0 ºC to 60 ºC. Cable length: 4 m. Maximum distance: 20 m. reference: ask combined temperature/ humidity sensor Maximum distance: 20 m. Temperature range: –20 ºC to 60 ºC. Combines the functions of the temperature and humidity sensors. Identical characteristics to the above. Cable length: 4 m. reference: ask optical smoke detector Allows the early detection of fires inside the enclosures. Temperature range: -20 ºC to 60 ºC. Cable length: 4 m. Maximum distance: 20 m. reference: ask door switch Magnetic door switch. Cable length: 4 m. Maximum distance: 20 m. reference: ask 60 HIMEL monitoring system vibration sensor Detects vibrations and movement. Adjustable sensitivity. Cable length: 4 m. Maximum distance: 20 m. reference: ask movement detector Detects movement within the area of surveillance via an infrared system. Adjustable sensitivity. Anti-sabotage protection. Cable length: 4 m. Maximum distance: 20 m. reference: ask cable extension Available in 5, 10, 15 and 20 m. reference: ask connections 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 L1 L2 L3 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 fuse 2 mains 3 connection to phase surveillance 4 digital output 5 digital inputs 6 alarm inputs 6 1 2 7 3 4 1 2 8 9 10 11 07 connection for temperature and humidity sensors 08 connection for emergency power supply 09 Ethernet RJ45 port 10 serial port for external equipment 11 serial port for connecting a terminal 43,6 dimensions (mm) 483 HIMEL 5 218 445 61 IP-55 range CRN electronics application enclosures CRN with fixed and swinging frame rack Built of sheet steel painted in RAL 7032 colour, made up of KT glazed door with swing or fixed frame rack: c KT reversible tempered glass glazed door. c 1 or 2 double bar locks. c Fixed or swing frame racks depth adjustable every 25 mm. c Cable gland plate. c Welded earth stud. fixed or swinging frame racks to fit to CRN standard enclosures Fixed rack made of galvanised sheet steel and swinging frame rack in sheet steel painted in RAL 7032 colour, with v 8.5 mm drill holes every 44.45 mm. electronics application enclosures dimensions in mm height width depth (C) (A) (B) 300 400 500 700 800 600 600 600 600 600 400 400 400 400 400 racks reference electronics application enclosures CRN 36/400 EP KT CRN 46/400 EP KT CRN 56/400 EP KT CRN 76/400 EP KT CRN 86/400 EP KT reference separate racks to fit to enclosures with 19" fixed chassis no. of units with19" swing chassis no. of units (1) ref. 5U 8U 10 U 14 U 17 U CRN 46/... 250/300 CRN 66/... 250/300 CRN 86/... 250/300/400 CRN 106/... 250/300 4U 7U 9U 13 U 13 U CRN 36/400 EF KT CRN 46/400 EF KT CRN 56/400 EF KT CRN 76/400 EF KT CRN 36/400 EF KT D E F G H W’ X’ 223 354 445 625 755 206 306 406 606 706 225 325 425 625 725 200 300 400 600 700 275 375 475 675 775 200 300 400 300 350 250 350 550 depth fixed* BRF8/CRN BRF12/CRN BRF17/CRN BRF21/CRN no. of units swing* no. of units 8U 12 U 17 U 21 U BRP7/CRN BRP12/CRN BRP17/CRN BRP21/CRN 7U 11 U 17 U 21 U * Order enclosure separately, see (1). dimensions (mm) enclosure reference CRN 36/400 EP ... CRN 46/400 EP ... CRN 56/400 EP ... CRN 76/400 EP ... CRN 86/400 EP ... 62 no. of locks 1 1 2 2 2 no. of hinges 1 1 2 2 3 HIMEL IP-55 range CRN electronics enclosures CRN Three-module (base, top and KT glazed door) swing enclosure system with a 19” fixed frame rack with v 8.5 drill holes at 44.45 mm. c 5 heights, for 5, 8, 10, 14 and 17 U. c 2 depths: 400 and 500 mm. Made of sheet steel painted in RAL-7032 colour. c KT glazed door with tempered glass, removable hinges enabling it easy to change the direction of door opening. c 1 or 2 doubl bar locks. c 19” fixed frame in the main swing body, depth adjustable (50 mm). c 2 cable gland plates. c Welded earth stud. dimensions in mm height (A) width (B) depth (C) 300 400 500 700 800 300 400 500 700 800 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 360 360 360 360 360 460 460 460 460 460 reference enclosures CRN 36/400 E 5U KT CRN 46/400 E 8U KT CRN 56/400 E 10U KT CRN 76/400 E 14U KT CRN 86/400 E 17U KT CRN 36/500 E 5U KT CRN 46/500 E 8U KT CRN 56/500 E 10U KT CRN 76/500 E 14U KT CRN 86/500 E 17U KT no. of units (1 U = 44.45 mm) 5U 8U 10 U 14 U 17 U 5U 8U 10 U 14 U 17 U no. of locks 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 no. of hinges 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 D E K F L G H 183 183 183 183 183 283 283 283 283 283 298 298 298 298 298 398 398 398 398 398 250 450 550 250 450 550 223 354 445 625 755 223 354 445 625 755 200 300 400 600 700 200 300 400 600 700 225 325 425 625 725 225 325 425 625 725 275 375 475 675 775 275 375 475 675 775 J 81 81 81 81 81 181 181 181 181 181 dimensions (mm) *adjustable from 40 to 90 mm HIMEL 63 IP-55 range OLN Metal enclosure consisting of a structure of triangular closed profiles with welded top and base and vertical detachable bolted profiles giving the assembly optimum versatility. Painted internally and externally with light grey texturised polyester-epoxy resin RAL-7032. c Great accessibility. c Maximum versatility for all kinds of installations. Basic unit: c welded top. c welded base. c vertical uprights. c detachable roof. c quick-fixing side panels. c 2 removable back panels. c front frame. c front and rear 19” profiles. models, sizes and references ext. dimensions (mm) height width depth (A) (B) (C) 1200 1200 1400 1400 64 600 600 600 600 600 800 600 800 no. of units. reference 24 24 29 29 OLNE 126/60SP OLNE 126/80SP OLNE 146/60SP OLNE 146/80SP ext. dimension (mm) height width depth (A) (B) (C) 1600 1600 1800 1800 600 600 600 600 600 800 600 800 no. of units 31 31 36 36 reference OLNE 166/60 SP OLNE 166/80 SP OLNE 186/60 SP OLNE 186/80 SP ext. dimensions (mm) height width depth (A) (B) (C) no. of units 2000 600 600 2000 600 800 42 42 reference OLNE 206/60 SP OLNE 206/80 SP HIMEL IP-55 range OLN Metal enclosure consisting of a structure of triangular closed profiles with welded top and base and vertical removable bolted profiles giving the assembly optimum versatility and strength. Painted internally and externally with light grey texturised polyester-epoxy resin RAL-7032. c Great accessibility. c Maximum versatility for all kinds of installations. c Door opening 120º. c 4-point locking system outside the sealed area. Standard action handle with double bar locking, possibility of several types of action and locking. c Glazed tempered glass door. Basic unit: c Welded top. c Welded base. c Vertical uprights. c Removable roof. c Quick-fixing side panels. c 2 detachable rear panels. c Profiles front and rear rack. c Glazed front door with lock. models, sizes and references ext. dimensions (mm) height width depth (A) (B) (C) 1200 1200 1400 1400 HIMEL 600 600 600 600 600 800 600 800 no. of units 24 24 29 29 reference OLNE 126/60KT OLNE 126/80KT OLNE 146/60KT OLNE 146/80KT ext. dimensions (mm) no. of height width depth units (A) (B) (C) 1600 1600 1800 1800 600 600 600 600 600 800 600 800 31 31 36 36 reference OLNE 166/60 KT OLNE 166/80 KT OLNE 186/60 KT OLNE 186/80 KT ext. dimensions (mm) no. of height width depth units (A) (B) (C) 2000 600 600 2000 600 800 42 42 reference OLNE 206/60 KT OLNE 206/80 KT 65 General index of references BMF68 Reference 2PLVD24U6 2PLVD24U6 2PLVD24U6 2PLVD24U8 2PLVD24U8 2PLVD24U8 2PLVD29U6 2PLVD29U6 2PLVD29U6 2PLVD29U8 2PLVD29U8 2PLVD29U8 2PLVD33U6 2PLVD33U6 2PLVD33U6 2PLVD33U8 2PLVD33U8 2PLVD33U8 2PLVD38U6 2PLVD38U6 2PLVD38U6 2PLVD38U8 2PLVD38U8 2PLVD38U8 2PLVD42U6 2PLVD42U6 2PLVD42U6 2PLVD42U8 2PLVD42U8 2PLVD42U8 2PLVD47U6 2PLVD47U6 2PLVD47U6 2PLVD47U8 2PLVD47U8 2PLVD47U8 AD/GCA ASK ASK ASR3U ASR6U BBF1U40 BBF1U40P BBF1U60 BBF1U60P BBF1U80 BBF1U80P BBR60 BBR80 BBT1U40 BBT1U40P BBT1U60 BBT1U60P BBT1U80 BBT1U80P BF2U25P BF2U40P BFA66P BFA68P BFA86P BFA88P BFSAR68 BFSAR88 BFSAR610 BFSAR810 BMF43 BMF43 BMF43 BMF52 BMF52 BMF52 BMF59 BMF59 BMF59 BMF68 BMF68 66 Pag. BMF75 32 34 40 32 34 40 32 34 40 32 34 40 32 34 40 32 34 40 32 34 40 32 34 40 32 34 40 32 34 40 32 34 40 32 34 40 57 60 61 58 58 51 51 51 51 51 51 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 51 51 52 52 52 52 46 46 46 46 32 34 38 32 34 38 32 34 38 32 34 BMF75 BMF75 BMF84 BMF84 BMF84 BPA-7035 BRF8/CRN BRF12/CRN BRF17/CRN BRF21/CRN BRF24 BRF24 BRF24 BRF29 BRF29 BRF29 BRF33 BRF33 BRF33 BRF38 BRF38 BRF38 BRF42 BRF42 BRF42 BRF47 BRF47 BRF47 BRFC6 BRFC6 BRFC6 BRFC9 BRFC9 BRFC9 BRFC12 BRFC12 BRFC12 BRFC15 BRFC15 BRFC15 BRFC18 BRFC18 BRFC18 BRP7/CRN BRP12/CRN BRP17/CRN BRP21/CRN BSM80 BSM100 BST80 BST100 BT2U25 BTS2A88 BTS2A810 BTSAR68 BTSAR88 BTSAR610 BTSAR810 CBMV100 CHVDS24U80 CHVDS24U100 CHVDS42U80 CHVDS42U100 CHVDS46U80 CHVDS46U100 CRN36/400E5UKT CRN36/400EFKT CRN36/400EP CRN36/400EPKT CRN36/500E5UKT CRN46/400E8UKT CRN46/400EFKT CRN46/400EP CRN46/400EPKT CRN46/500E8UKT CRN56/400E10UKT CRN56/400EFKT 38 32 34 38 32 34 38 59 62 62 62 62 32 34 38 32 34 38 32 34 38 32 34 38 32 34 38 32 34 38 26 28 31 26 28 31 26 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Ind. El Pla 08750 MOLINS DE REI (Barcelona) SPAIN Tel.: +34 934 843 579 Fax: +34 934 843 489 www.himelenclosures.com 900054 I02 We reserve the right to alter any detail of design shown in this catalogue without previous notice. Dep. legal: B. 38.441-2002 HISPANO MECANO ELECTRICA, S.A.
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