Ryfast og Rogfast
Ryfast og Rogfast
Eiganes tunnel / Ryfast Worlds longest sub-sea road-tunnel, a city tunnel, and a sub-sea city-tunnel Stavanger Norway's fourth largest city with a population of 170,000. The centre of Norway's off-shore oil and gas industry. Rogfast 20152022 Ryfast 20122019 Facts • Rv 13 Solbakk tunnelen (Ryfast) – – – – • Rv 13 Hundvaag tunnel (Ryfast) – – – – • 14 km 290 meters below sea level 2 tubes with two lanes (T8,5) Traffic: ca 8 000 cars/day in 2035 ca 4 000 cars/day by opening 5,5 km 95 meters below sea level 2 tubes with two lanes (T9,5) Traffic: ca 25 000 cars/day in 2035 ca 10 000 cars/day by opening E 39 Eiganestunnelen – 3,7 km – 2 tubes with two lanes (T9,5) – Traffic: 35 000 cars/day in 2035 • Cost – Ryfast: 5 billion NKR (90 % toll, ca 10 % lokal government) – Eiganes tunnel: 2 billion NKR (50 % toll, 50 % government) Contracts E01-E07 E03 E06 E02 E05 E04 E01 E07 Time schedules Ryfast / Eiganes tunnel E01 Solbakk november 2012 preparing for tunnelling construction E02 Tunnel construction from Solbakk towards Hundvaag april 2013 E03 Tunnel construction from Hundvaag towards Solbakk october 2013 E04 Tunnel construction, Eiganes tunnel november 2013. E05 Tunnel construction, Hundvaag tunnel from Buøy march 2014 E06 Eiganes North august 2014. E07 Solbakk, bus-terminal, parking places. E08 Electricity The project will be finished 2018/2019. Tunnel profil All tunnels will be excavated by drill and blast Emergency exits Solbakk tunnel Rv. 13 Hundvaag nord Rv. 13 Buøy E39 Schancheholen - Madlaveien E39 Eiganes north