GREATNEWSPRING KIT ROADTESTED bikeradarcom rnrri' BONTA.ONE CYCLESHOE f245 Ciever custom clogs pricing. Supplied with thrceiole Look/SPD drillings as standard, BoDt will re drill or supply the shoes as blanks to accommodate all pedals. A Ones also feature heat mouldable uppeN and an EVA footbed, which can be shaped and re shaped as malry times as you require. Just lire up your oven to 85'C, leave the shoes to heat for 20 minutes and you caD hand mould them for m.dimum cornfoft aird performance. After fittin8 the shoes properly, we found using a few geals hiSher than normai wasn't unconnon oD our tesi rides. At 1245, they're ceriainly not for those on a sldct budget. But given the level of attention to detail, the wondefful fittiDg systen and the grin-inducing extra fide performance, it's not had io find rcasons lo justily the outlay for these foot gloves. lN 1975,AUSTRAIIAN speed skate$ lnza and Sarah Bont wanted stifler skates. So, using glass fibre, they desigDed the forefather sole to many differcnt performance spofts shoes, including A-One cycle wear After 34 yeaJs of rcfinemeDt, Bont's cycling soles have become a work of one piece, hand laid cafbo0 an. Each is epoxy bonded by hand to ihe A-One s non stretch micro fibre uppers and any period of scnitiny rcveals why most of the British track cycliDg team tlse the shoes - ihey're rigid beyond belief. We're noi jrLst talking end to end ri8idity, thou8h, but a near total elirnination o[ lateral flex. That's great because it tackles the pronation/supination stabilily prcblems most cyclists expe ence, which olten resu]t in lost power. Customisability is the oth-"r reason these shoes command top dollar u ]j.rir|. b ont. L a m / Ly c l ing ) GORE BTKEWEAR XENON JERSEY loin u is prctection ifont the elements, ihe rell€cled in its cost. But taking lhat sLeeves arc ntore tlun long enough price inlo accounl, the Xenon jersey and the dropped lail siops voul lower isn'l nearly as inpressive as others ir1 back from gettinS cold. Zipped, for th challe ready tl09.99 Wind-stopping topping THISISGORE'S top end jelsey, which the core r. rge. features. It does have sone Nce The Jerse) rs nr,rde Irorr nylon/ elastane that's cut close to ),our body, bur it's also stretchy enough that don't feel reslricted. Th€ iront of torso and tops of the arms JJe from a windstopper fabic lor you the made 30cm Long vents on the ch€sl let cool air in, while three Darch pockets at lhe rear and visible rcilective Irim are sound iinishjng touches. It also comes ir thfee colouf choices of white/black, fed/black and orange/black. Ii all sounds good so far, bu1 we had two issues with the Xenon. First, the wirldslopper fabnc stops at your elbo[,s, leaving your iorearms to get cold, and second, the eck, rvhich is cut high at the fronl and low at the fear, just didnl fit closely enouSh, and funnclled air in when it should have n) i) u Ea reb t ke ut e ar. I nts c and tt rural to n. u k Frz counr The material is good, but some features left us baffled We tl in thc ,t Fund SWRVESOFTSHETL TROUSERS fl 1O Water-resistant pants ISAUS braDd that seeDrs to boast a similar ethos to our very own Rapha serious cyclinS gear, but with a knowing nod to urban fashion. Its Softshell trcuseF arc nade lrom stretchy, wind and wateHrsistani SchoeLler fabric, fleece lined for comfo . They work well: we wore them on some Srolty days and lhey oflercd warmth and good weather proteclion without leeling al all sweaiy, and they also sufviv€d a couple ol falls. The tapercd ankles rnean they don't get caught in your chain and the Farah Slacks aesthetics mean you can get away with wearing them in the office or pLLb. SWRVE comfy and practical but, like Rapha, a touch prkey PLETSCHER MULTIZOOM KICI(STAND fi9.99 A proper little propper AT ovER HALF a kilo, this kickstand mjght e(treci,rlly lighl, but it 5 5tuftl\ cnLrLBh lo a full_v laden toLrrinS bike. Easy to fii, it's greil fof those photo opporiunjties without a place lean your stecd, or for *'hen yolr reed io pa* up to nip in a shop. Build qu.iliry is good and our model has siood up to sever.ltmonths ol hard usc. The load is braced across the chainstays and seatstrys we d feconmend lspifB them before firr fg ro prore,I lou ' finish wrth an adjuslable afm that drouLd fil most hame sizes. The leg can Lre cur dor\,n lo suit all rvheel sizes too. urlr,rr../ii.k€ncycle.s..o. u& Excellent for tourers and commuters alike male. Pror Fot w\ En EY Ca