Session 5 - Canadian Unitarian Council
Session 5 - Canadian Unitarian Council
Sunday, Feb 27 CUC Board Feb 27, 2011 - Session 5 Minutes 1 9:00 Opening Words - 2 min 2 9:05 SRI Study - History and Status - 5 min The resolution to set up an SRI study group was defeated at the 2010 ACM. Action: Leslie Kemp and John (Mich) Michell to draft a letter for John Hopewell's signature to state that it is the will of the Board that this resolution not be addressed again at the May 2011 ACM; that it is inappropriate to bring back a motion that has already been defeated. 3 9:10 Active Democracy Study Group - 5 min There has been difficulty with attempts to set up the first meeting sometime in March. In addition to a teleconference there will be a face to face meeting of attending study group members at the May ACM. The core group will approach additional people to serve. 4 9:15 Canadian Unitarian Universalist Women's Federation - 5 min CUUWF is currently working with Vyda Ng on constituting the group. The founding meeting will take place followed by a proposal to the Board for consideration. Discussion: The perception is that the group wants to be able to issue tax receipts. Clarification is that according to CRA a group has to be “in control” of the money, before tax receipts can be issued. 5 9:20 Motion to approve 2012 National Gathering - 5 min Motion: That the CUC hold a Leadership Symposium in conjunction with the 2012 Annual General Meeting. Moved: Ellen Campbell. Seconded: Leslie Kemp. Carried. 6 Interfaith Social Assistance Reform Coalition (ISARC) - 1 min Jeff reported on an ISARC program on Poverty; one in a series of ISARC social audits. The program is used in schools and public health program. Twenty-six interviews were conducted as part of the audit. 7 Bike Rack Bike Rack: 1.Potential Role of a Moderator of Canadian Unitarian Movement. 2. What are priorities of the Board & CUC -- Discuss in May Board meeting. 3. Identify Moral Owners not covered by legal owners - Mich Put on April Board meeting agenda. 4. Review Ownership Linkage Plan (see Jean’s email) - Jean April Board meeting agenda. Then share at AGM. 5. Revisit Annual Program Contributions (APC) conversation - % of bottom line of congregation's total budget to CUC instead of amount determined by number of members in congregation. 6. Redesigning congregational contacts format on wiki - Mich 7. ADSG Bylaw VIII 1 (b) - Gary 8. Bylaw cleanup clarification of Investment Committee role - Mich 9. Clarify follow-up and recording resolution actions - Leslie on SASG 10. Calliflower software introduced by Ben - Mich 11. Follow up for May with UUMOC. J. Stoneberg had suggested possibly at May meeting CUC might present to UUMOC on the Board's role, as UUMOC did at Board February meeting - John, Gary & Ellen. 12. Role of Monitoring Groups 13. Highlights 8 Technology Tools con'd The tool for teleconference meetings WebEx, and the agenda and minutes tool MeetingMix, were explained and demonstrated by the Board's resident expert. All agreed more technology help is required especially for new Board members. 9 9:50 One minute Checkout and Evaluation (Format suggested by Mich) - 10 min Members were asked to reflect on, record and share: -How they would describe the meetings, "this meeting has been....." - What was highlight for member, "I'm glad we......" - What more would they have wanted, "I wish we had....." Overwhelmingly positive responses were shared with palpable momentum and good energy around the table. 10 10:00 Toronto Organising Committee - 30 min Terry and Nancy chair the organizing committee for the May 2011 ACM, hosted by the First Unitarian Congregation of Toronto. They had requested a brief time with the Board to update all on the progress of proceedings and planning to date. They have a significant number of volunteers who are all working on task and to schedule. All are excited and looking forward to the 50th ACM celebrations to be held in downtown Toronto. See the CUC website for all details, including the keynote speaker, David Foot. The theme for the celebration is taken from hymn 145, 1961, "Revere the Past, but Trust the Dawning Future more". 11 10:30 Worship A participatory service was led by Linda and welcomed by all, as the February productive shared time came to a fitting end, with closer new and older relationships, in UU commitment. Thank you Linda.