TEKO LOPC}CTUM, HSC State Department of Water MII{ISTER FOR
TEKO LOPC}CTUM, HSC State Department of Water MII{ISTER FOR
REA/LARKS BY MR. JAMES TEKO LOPC}CTUM, HSC PR.IIT{C IPAL S ECRETARY State Department of Water MII{ISTER FOR EI{VIRONMEI{T, WATER AND NATT]RAL RESOT]RCES MWA STRATEGIC PLAN FORUM WINDSOR GOLFHOTEL AND COUIYTY CLUE NAIROEI 5t, IVotrember 2014. )istinl4uislrccl I'rtrlit:ip;tn{s anii (ltrcsts l;rcl it:s rurel tk'rr tlcnrcn I . ll is ;r .,.:,1'r'.r1 Irrrrrirur" ltlltl Pt'ivili'lie l()l' nlc lt.l Lrt' itn'il*.'.'1 1.., ;ti],ltt's'- llti' A1 \\',\ )lr;rlt';qit I'llrlrnint; rrrct:tirr;q tlru'rn;q lltr' ,lt'iiirt't';ilir,ns irtl lll( l\('li\',i I'r rl,,iliinl. ,'\: lr t ()r{r1lr'\' \\'t' ill't' tlt'i'Il]\' lt,rtl()nt('(l llr,rl ,\i\\'.\ t rr}lliilllr'.r l() ltl,l\' ,lll ;rt'livr' l'rrlt' irl tltt' sr't'lt)r- llrrl i1 iss';t'r':illt'lr1)lrl r'. l.l1t'tl. \'('rit irr llrr'r\4\\'A ll)iti1.l.it'ltir'nl I',rt'llris,'lt't'isitrtt. t1 cXiriirils llrr't'trirf itlt'rrr't')reru lt:tvc iulci ltl)l)t'i'('l'l{itll trl'{1itr rr])Pol'1ut1llir':; i r r l l rL' Ir, i' n vi i rr \\rr t er" st'r,:tol" cictrclclptttctt l A'{r' t t(iii \\jt'\lr.\'llrrinli . irri;rr'. jririuultitv coiltirrr-rtrs l() .,it"litrIit' u,iilt ttnlilinl, ,'lirtllcnlqt's tllti' itr t liitriiiL ,,ritall-li(' llnd rr:rirti':ii ,.lis.r:jtt'l':r l]tltt ltltirc L:ci ltr ittr,'i'.'lt-st'rl sr:tt. tlv (!J \\,'lt iel . ilri;J. Cltcl':i\r ;l itrl l)rrr,'..','1r'. 'l'] it's,.' t'illtlir'ii,.i', itlrli;1.' .ili trl lt: lis iii'r\:rti"iltt1ci11s" I'r'itrltlc St'i-'iiri'lilrtl ("iVil SociclV ltr lrt'ltttt:ilr-rl"t'n oit tlrc lros.sible intct"r,crrtirrrl rirt::rsnt"rrs to luurilk'lItcse irct'tirrcttl i.ssltcrs. 'f Allrtur nrc lo sliilrc: \\rith you sollc lrilqhliglrts of' thc \\/itlLrr St:c{ot' irr fi*-$eLil t 1"l'i('S. ;lS ;l I(crrva, urlriclr I bc"t1 clerrrorrstrir t ioll oi' t ]rc stfitirs atrcl tltc cltiillc:rr;qcs lltc cotrliticnl flrccs. Statu.l_of lVater and Sanitation in Kenyg I(cnylrn has 5 tcr torvcrs rvliich arc Lurdcr rc'a1 dtrc ltt anthropo.gellic activities tllostly by llie liurrran poplrletion. Itctrya?s lorcsl cover which hosts ali these \\rater towers is i.776 of hu" latrclurass arca. 'l'his is u,ay Lle low lfic intern atronal standards of 7096. As pcr lasi ccnstrs? ollr popuiaiioll was 39 i-ni1lion and is projected to increase by 1 niiiliol1 people every year. Most of the Population is found in the rlrl"al areas (25.74.million) which are bordertng the water wa th tou.rers. The urban popr-rlation stands at 13.3 million of which 60% that iive in t' / ' infonnaI settlentents. As a grou.'itrg ecot"Lotrty, there are illiillerolrs derreloprrrental cha11en5;es that denrand the ilreager Govemnrent resources. This pr.rts pressLlre o11 tlre Governnreutls efforts to prorride sustain able access to safe r.r.,ater, sewer:age systenrs, andbasic sanitafion for tire population. Today, 24 rutlhon (SB%) of I(enya,s popurlation can access safe ciean drinking urater witirin short distances. Of these, 1C..3 nrillion live ii"r tutal ateas and have access to water withir-r 2 kiioineters. In the urban areas trrater is accessible within 30 minr.rtes of water soLtrce. Despite ihese efforts, i 6 nrillion I(enyans are nritirout access to rvater i1 both tutal and urban areas. Tlie current Fr-rncling to the w,ater sector is rnadequate and hence this high deficit in aces to water. On Sanitation Stah.rs,; + Tire ioiai j se\^/er:ate coverage only serves a population of abor_rt g.5 nriliion I{en1,ans. r\n estiniatcd 1.4 tr4i11ion iienrrairs i-lse on-site seu,eraqc. Tire cira1iel1ges are i1 i,,'r rlol'nL up r,r,itii crrc;.'arching sti.ilic5rcs \4rate;: ar,c Sanitatioti sen.ice:;. ilere i iia.rre a sL1ri11or-u-Liabie for ilirprorritrt access tc basrc nunrber of Proposals 1. Recogntzrng the right to services. Despite the acceptance of nir"iltilateral, brlateraT agencies, governu'Lents, acadentra and ctvtl sociefy ti'Lat water and sar-ritation is critical for 1'runian survival, they are noi a liigh priority issue in policy debate. We need to activei\/ Illrsue a rigltt based approach to the provision of these essentials. Water aud Sauitation shoulcl be provided on the basis of jr.rstice for all. co111i11o11 2. Political wilhngness from governments. There is sufficient er.idence tirat itllporlaut changes u,ill only be possible rvith political willingr"ress ai the highest ieve1. 3. The funding gap an Watev and Sanitation access. Tl'Lere exisis a irup4e fr"rrrdirrg gap, u,hich canr-rot be patd b), the poor, especially for initial investnleuts. We ueed io urgentiy firrd and pllrsue 11ew frurcling ntechatrisirts like tite I'i'P inte n entious. Iu lienya the fuitclint Eap to be abie _G ri..ri lr ljrt' i\11)t,., is cslirrurlcrl ilt I"TSI) 7.{ nrilliorr ,uril \\';tlr't' rttttl S;r llil;11 irrll l'c.sl)cctivt:1,\'' 1r, 4. tlsl) l',1 ilrillittrl l"t Clicat-irncl spccil'ic pro-poor policics anC strategics tllat include ; r ,\1 .tI l)t.o./tttLtt.,:'lt..tlt,.,4it"t litt' fi"tlL't"/tlr/ '\"ltlll,/l/:i)tt ,tt(i',\'\. ltttl;,',1 l,' /ltr' ,lt,lit.c.,t.t,ttt /ltt't\l{)ti.;. It('('t/ ltt lt ttttlt/r'tllt'ttlCt{ t';/l)ttlll. r Il ,llt't'/t't't'.t't'lltt,':,tttll t',1/ttt't'.t'lt',li'/t:tttt /iitll/ ll"t'slL' /n,,li'./.\i,,/ ,t1yt1 ,', 1.111,r17 "ttttl tiltlt;l,t/itttl ttl' /{t'tlt'tt',lltlt' l"tti't,"4t' '\'t'l'/t" | 1 I t t, /, t t ilr>fifr;fl#lis'.-''-i'''i o 1 lrt , rt/' l,tlt'tl t'l/t'r'lir'r' it't't,'';.tlttttt lt','llllttlrt'41' ,111t/ tl,' c'lli'''lt,t' lt 'ttt\'l('!'' '/'lti.s'tt't// t,'tr'tiit.tii't'i).r'/ t'/'li'r'1it't'tttt'lltit'l't i'/'ltt't'l l't'ttlttt'/i')11 llllti u'ili t'r.',lllr'r' l|1q' 1:irst t'ri lirittl irf tllr' ('()lllitlt'tt1. r S. i\1;rirrstl.r'illlin;i cnvirotllrlclltril isst-tcs and partictrlarlv clirtrate chanS,c iri iutlitrn;lI tir'\/cltrI)ntltii rlt',tlt'1iics irlld tite tlt'r't'llrlrtttt'111 lllle ll(iii' (i" l,rrlr,illt.r,. lirc 1tiil-lit.iir.iiitrn r)1' \\itrnrIri-lrrrcl -liri' rritil'tllIli\rt' clCYt'1OItll('ll1 liir. .qit.i r.lriirl iri tiit' \\'lilt'r" tirrd S:tilii;tlir'rtl ,\11t'tiilli. 'l'lris t rl11l1t)[ ,)\'t't-itrrrl.i.tj lls jl tt ili ,.1,- li lrill:.1, \\'il\ ill I,'l':lrliCltiltl'i l).')\'\'1'i\'' rJt:lilrcr"rrtiot"is anc'l cicrcisiotrs itl"l'i\'('d 11t 11t.I ihcr;rI it)11s rlriI1 Lrc r)o111111trl1 icr tc to t,-r.,:fffm:* Ii"s l.lt' lropc tlrll ilte ll:i*:fi '1 Join tI-rc \VS\\r(l t'orttttr ,/ .]oi, hapds u,itli tlrc l*ic'lcrship ol'thc llttcl ttttclel'statrtiilr;4 o"* {1 Al ig,r'r a nd support (lovcrni11cl1 rtl 1,.c iitrrilrl4 thcse t't"'' i\4inis{r"3,'l'or cottrtrroll a}r}lroli.lllcs t.s {i that )ronr efforts urill r.rlliir1a1rr1V lriitrslate to itlrprovcd scrrriccs to tliea;1o&+i.eo++n++rttity. l":r"^,4i1" i I arrr convit.rcecl KARIBIJ-a*+ci ha ve d cl ibcra lions and a 1t8a8e n1 Thank you cnt'