Día de los Muertos


Día de los Muertos
Día de los Muertos Day of the Dead Pay a2en4on to the story and the symbols in the video • 
TEE&feature=youtu.be Video Discussion What happened in this story? What themes and symbols did you no4ce in the video? Day of the Dead •  Día de los Muertos is a
traditional Mexican holiday
where people remember loved
ones who have passed away.
•  It is a celebration where people
remember, rejoice and
celebrate death.
•  It is celebrated every year on
the 2nd of November.
•  It is celebrated in Mexico,
Ecuador, Guatemala and other
areas in Central and South
•  It is also celebrated in many
parts of the United States.
Objec4ves Content Learning Target Scholars will be able to understand the cultural significance of Día de los Muertos tradi4ons Language Learning Target Scholars will be able to define Día de los Muertos and explain how the holiday honors the deceased Day of the Dead Tradi4ons •  Families arrange an altar to honor and welcome their deceased family member(s) in their homes. •  Offerings (ofrenda) are laid out on top of the altar. •  Offerings typically include as a picture of the deceased, candles, skulls, flowers, food, skeletons, toys, and other items the person enjoyed while he/
she was alive. Cempasúchil •  An orange flower that represents love, the sun, and the short dura4on of life. •  Commonly used to decorate altars. •  Wreaths made of flowers are o[en placed on the grave sites. Pan de Muerto •  A so[, round shaped bread decorated with bone-­‐like designs Calacas •  Hand-­‐cra[ed skeletons that are fun and friendly rather than spooky or scary. •  They represent the occupa4ons and hobbies of the deceased. Papel Picado •  A tradi4onal art form that is used to decorate homes, businesses, markets and altars in prepara4on for Day of the Dead. •  Delicately decorated 4ssue paper banners are usually cut and hung in repea4ng pa2erns. •  Represents wind and the fragility of life. Calaveras de Azúcar •  Sugar skulls decorate altars during Day of the Dead. •  Both sugar and salt are used to express the bi2er and sweet aspects of life shared with those who are deceased. Your Turn Cleanup, dance 4me •  Put completed projects on your desk •  Song to clean up for world music immersion h2ps://www.youtube.com/watch?
ndex=9 Part Two Day of the Dead Tradi4ons •  Families arrange an altar in their home to honor and welcome their deceased family member(s). •  Offerings are laid out on top of the altar for the dead — known as ofrenda. •  Offerings include: pictures of the deceased, candles, skulls, flowers, food, skeletons, toys, and other items the person enjoyed while he/she was alive. Components of an Altar • 
Photo(s) Cempasúchil flowers Papel Picado Calaveras •  Pan de muertos (bread of the dead) • 
Calacas (skeletons) Water Fruit Salt Food Toys Candles Display •  Create your OWN Day of the Dead Display with a small group. •  Use a shoebox, the materials, and your crea4ons from part 1 •  Work with your group to express yourselves and your culture. Every altar is different. Be crea4ve! J •  Gallery walk at the end of the session Tradi4onal Components • 
Photo Cempasúchil flowers Papel Picado Sugar Skull Pan de muertos (bread) Skeletons Water Fruit Salt Food Toys Candles Gallery Walk Quietly circulate the room to admire the displays your fellow scholars have made J •  h2ps://www.youtube.com/watch?
v=K6DA4XjO9yU Clean up h2ps://www.youtube.com/watch?
v=VPz5nQPHvhU&list=PLA8EA4BE1B4161364 References • 
h2p://www.dpsk12.org/programs/almaproject/pdf/ElDiadelosMuertos.pdf h2p://www.mexicansugarskull.com/index.html h2ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCQnUuq-­‐TEE&feature=youtu.be h2p://www.mommymaestra.com/2010/10/dia-­‐de-­‐los-­‐muertos-­‐lesson-­‐plans-­‐and.html h2p://www.mexic-­‐artemuseum.org/images/uploads/educa4on/Day_of_Dead_Guide.pdf h2p://www.redtedart.com/2013/10/03/day-­‐dead-­‐cra[s-­‐dia-­‐de-­‐los-­‐muertos/ h2p://growingupbilingual.com/2014/day-­‐of-­‐the-­‐dead/25-­‐easy-­‐day-­‐dead-­‐diy-­‐cra[s/ h2p://www.npr.org/sec4ons/thesalt/2012/11/01/163549325/day-­‐of-­‐the-­‐dead-­‐decoded-­‐a-­‐joyful-­‐
celebra4on-­‐of-­‐life-­‐and-­‐food h2p://www.deepspacesparkle.com/2012/10/29/dia-­‐de-­‐los-­‐muertos-­‐art-­‐project/ h2p://mexicansugarskull.com/sugar_skulls/kits.html h2ps://happythought.co.uk/day-­‐of-­‐the-­‐dead/how-­‐to-­‐make-­‐papel-­‐picado h2p://www.mommymaestra.com/2010/10/how-­‐to-­‐make-­‐4ssue-­‐paper-­‐flowers.html h2p://i2.wp.com/www.mul4lingualmama.com/wp-­‐content/uploads/2014/10/Screen-­‐
Shot-­‐2014-­‐10-­‐03-­‐at-­‐14.42.25.png?resize=799%2C234 h2ps://scontent.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-­‐xfa1/t51.2885-­‐15/s320x320/
e15/11378957_1624646721114604_226227669_n.jpg h2p://foros.eluniversal.com.mx/blogs/imagenes/maraca-­‐mariachi.jpg h2p://www.blacksnowcomic.com/blog1/wp-­‐content/uploads/2011/10/Dia-­‐De-­‐Los-­‐Muertos-­‐