Wheelspin February 2013 - Sporting Car Club of SA


Wheelspin February 2013 - Sporting Car Club of SA
JAN./ FEB. 2013
Wednesday 6th February 2013 - 8pm
Next General Meeting – Wednesday 6 February 2013 at 8pm
All Members are once again invited to attend our next General Meeting to be held at the Clubrooms on Wednesday 6 February starting
at 8pm. Prior to the meeting a meal can be purchased from 6pm. This month’s meal will be chicken and salads at a cost of $10.00
per person. Bookings are essential for the meal and must be confirmed to the office by Friday 1 February.
Members please note: Those who receive WheelSpin by mail will be too late to reply due to this edition’s unusual print schedule.
We apologise for any inconvenience. Electronic recepients will have received in time.
Entertainment for the evening will be our Guest, new Member Grant Zippel, one of the nicest blokes you are likely to meet, Grant
wears some diverse hats: he is with, one hat, the organiser of the famous Zippel Cruises for American cars and with another, a
Motorsport Chaplain. Grant joins Graham Boulter "On the Couch" in our popular and entertaining Monthly General Meeting segment.
Vice President
Vice President
Graham Boulter (M) 0408 277 380
(E) [email protected]
Greetings Members and Friends – Happy
New Year!
I am delighted to be able to report a significant outcome agreed
in December.
Over the last two and a half months, we have been involved on
an issue involving Mallala and the Club’s role in Circuit Racing.
The Club has a long history as a major Promoter of motor racing
in South Australia, going back to the 1936 SA Centenary Grand
Prix race, and then to various other venues, including the last
30 years at Mallala. It is in the blood of the Sporting Car Club
to be a major provider of motor sport in SA.
The owner of Mallala Motor Sport Park, Clem Smith, is a man
who is progressive and professional in his operation of the
facility, and he has felt that over a period of time, the Club’s
running of the five major events at the circuit had been slipping
on some issues. He therefore proposed that MMSP would take
over as Promoters of those events, and invited the Club to
submit an offer to run the events for MMSP.
Many meetings and negotiations have kept us busy in considering
this matter, and the various consequences and scenarios.
Work continues in developing a Strategic Plan for the Club.
We have committed time in identifying the many issues highlighted
from previous studies and from further more recent input, via
members and by demographic analysis. This has resulted in the
production of a draft Strategic Plan, first tabled in July last year.
The Plan considers many current and future scenarios with much
relevant detail on each – but it has been considered too extensive
in scope to be appropriate for general distribution. Therefore, the
Working Group has defined the seven highest priority issues for
action: they are Membership, Marketing, Volunteers,
Communications, Collingrove, Events Management and Financial
An Action Plan for each issue is being further refined by individual
Management Committee members for imminent implementation.
It has been a big job to get this far, and there is more to do!
I feel that 2013 has great potential to be an exciting year of good
progress for the Club. Much potential has been identified, and if
we as members wish to take the opportunities, make them work
and thus create significant positive progress, the Club will continue
to strengthen.
Let’s do it together, and have fun!
I invite you to contact me, or the Office, if you wish to be involved
in any particular way.
Wishing you all safe motoring & racing,
Ken Messenger
0413775900 [email protected]
The outcome was announced at the December General Meeting
– that the Club would continue as Promoter of the events, with
a new Agreement having been signed between MMSP and the
We will be operating in a joint venture, with a deeper working
relationship and with expanding potential results for all.
Now, as a Club we have committed to making this work, and
it requires maximum support from our membership. The aim is
to increase circuit racing activity and participation, with a proactive series of initiatives, and with appropriate returns being
achieved to justify the commitment. More on this later.
I have no doubt that Clem has provided the Club with a great
opportunity to advance through the arrangement we have
negotiated. Thank you, Clem.
We have worked well as a team in developing the strategy to
make this work, and I wish particularly to thank Graham Boulter,
our new Competition Section Chairman, Colin Bourner, Club
Manager, and Troy Ryan, Chair of the HRR and member of the
Competition Committee for their outstanding work in achieving
the outcome.
Now, the work has started to create the desired result, i.e. that
the Club and circuit racing strengthens.
There has been a new appointment to the Management
Committee, to fill a casual vacancy. Troy Ryan brings his
enthusiasm and talent to join us. Welcome, Troy.
February 2013
Section Meeting
Club Forum
General Meeting
Evening Cruise
Section Meeting
Working Bee
Early Bird Run
Beer & Wine Tasting
March 2013
Section Meeting
Dawnbuster Run
General Meeting
Working Bee
Festival Fringe Function
Section Meeting
Round 1 SA State Champs
Michael & Jenny Thomas
Classic, Conditional Reg.
David Prest
15 February: Monthly Meeting
Stuart Innes
Classic, Fleurieu
Toby, Penelope, Eleana
& Hugh Coates
12 April: Monthly Meeting
Peter Harper
Hillclimb, Circuit, CAMS
Pamela Langdon-Walsh
Rick Smith
Classic, Fleurieu, Hillclimb,
CAMS, Cond Reg.
Gerri Milham
Jason Thiele
Classic, Comp, Hillclimb,
15 March: Monthly Meeting
10 February:
Cooks and BBQ helpers required provide breakfast for
some 300 persons at Mylor Oval. If you are able to help,
please advise Peter Templer. Think of all the new friends you
can make!
17 February: EARLY BIRD!!!
This year the “Early Bird” will have two separate start
times and locations:
Circuit, CAMS, Circuit
Mal & Ruth Hemmerling
Vintage, Classic
For the true “Early Birds”, start from HMS Buffalo,
Adelphi Tce,. Glenelg at 5.30am. As a reward,
pastries will be supplied by the organisers (BYO
tea/coffee) at the early morning tea stop.
Bill Murray
Classic, Conditional Reg.
Trevor Bailey
Vintage, Conditional Reg.
Steve Wright
For the Lazy Galahs (late starters), assemble at
Windy Point at 7:30am for an 8:00 am start.
Frank Virgara
Classic, CAMS
Breakfast will be at a reputable Hotel (cost $18.90
per person). Please advise Steve Day or Peter Templer of your
attendance for catering purposes.
17 March: Pre-1931 Vehicle Display
Organised by VSCC; details in March WheelSpin
March 10 -15: National 1 & 2 Cylinder Tour, Canberra, ACT.
Enquiries: [email protected]
The Fleurieu group wishes everyone a happy and safe 2013.
September 15 - 20: National Veteran Tour, Shepparton, Victoria.
We hope that many will join our group with the events scheduled
for this year.
May 5 - 9 2014: National 1 & 2 Cylinder Rally, Robe, South
October 2014: National Veteran Rally, Western Australia
Refer: www.veterancarclubofwa.asn.au/
This event, for Veteran vehicles with engines of either 1 or 2
cylinders (including motor cars, motor cycles, etc.), will be held
in Robe between 5 and 9 May 2014. Expression of Interest
forms are available at the club rooms or from the club web site.
Peter Templer
Chairman Veteran & Vintage Sections Committee
Our next run will be a “Dawnbuster” to be held on the Sunday
3 March 2013. Meeting time is 7.15am at the Goolwa Regatta
Yacht Club, Barrage Road, Goolwa.
Our April run is to be on the 7th. April. Details to be advised
May Day - Sunday 5 May 2013.
Our major event for the year:
New venue, good fun.
Details will be forthcoming.
Until now, one of the many benefits of Club membership (go on line and see just how many there are) has been that financial
members can attend any State Championship Series event held at Mallala simply by showing their current Club Membership
For book-keeping and internal management, and to ensure this benefit is only available to Club members, the Office requests
that any Member planning to attend a State Championship Series event held at Mallala Motorsport Park contact our Administration
office to obtain ticket/s. These tickets will still be supplied to financial Club Members at NO COST, but Members will no longer
be able to gain free entry by showing a current membership card as was allowed previously.
HRR News
Hi all,
We will hold a Pontiac night for a
Friday 1 February 2013:
look back at this former iconic US model, named after a native
American tribe.
With racing over for the year, congratulations to everyone who
won something. Sorry I don’t know who you all are but my grasp
of facts is limited at best and only declines where I am not the
subject. For the November meeting we went to Crofty’s Streamliner
Garage in Belair. This is an extreme garage make over by Jade
Deverson of Garage Mahal and owned by Gary Croft. It’s a totally
over-the-top piece of architecture that was entirely memorable.
Thanks very much to those guys for looking after us on the night.
Thanks to Wayne Edwards from Adelaide Auto Refinishers,
members of the Pontiac Club will join us and we will squeeze
three interesting cars on stage.
Did you know that hundreds of Pontiacs were built here in
Adelaide? All are welcome: wear your best headdress! Gosse
Bar Rain Dances from 6pm, Tribal meeting starts 8pm.
Friday 1 March 2013:
Adaptive Driving! There are times when we all adapt our driving
to various effects. Come along and find out what some outstanding
people have done to ensure they continue to drive safely and
enthusiastically when their circumstances change. Gosse Bar
opens at 6pm, meeting at 8pm.
Saturday 9 February : Something a little different for the SCC
and a great opportunity for the young-at-heart and modern car
owners. We will hold a Saturday evening run to combine with
one of Grant Zippel’s hugely successful US/HotRod cruises.
Starting with light refreshments at the Clubrooms at 6pm for a
6.30pm start, then a short evening cruise to meet with the Rods
at their half-way point. ALL are welcome!
Sunday 14 April : The magnificent Keels and Wheels returns
again for 2013! 10am from Clubrooms to the Royal SA Cruising
Yacht Squadron, Outer Harbour. Displays in conjunction with a
Vintage Machinery Club, Vintage Motorcycle Clubs, artists and
more; a great day out for family and friends. Opportunities for
open-water Yacht cruises and the RSACYS catering facilities
will be open for business (bookings essential) – or BYO picnic.
Entry forms out soon!
Group N Falcon Sprint in action at Mallala.
See it and many others over Easter too!
By the time you read this you will have missed (or attended) the
Christmas show at my place. I’ve started a couple more projects
especially so there will be stuff everywhere.
Easter preparations are heating up nicely. We are making a
special effort this year to let folks know it is on. Crowd and
competitor numbers have generally built over the last three years
and so has enthusiasm for the HRR in general. I send Committee
business to 11 other enthusiastic contributors these days: Rod
Kuchel (secretary), Rory O’Neil (host), Robin Mitchell, John Bryant
(opinions), Chris Frost, Daryl Siggs, Simon Pfitzner, Adam Sellars
(away meetings), Martin Stow (hillclimb), Peter Hall (Clerk of
Course) and Graham Boulter (current club everything). This is
a fantastic outcome and I’d like to sincerely thank all of you for
your input.
Happy New Year
Troy Ryan
The venue for our November meeting
by “Up hill”
While most have been having a holiday during
the summer break activity continues at
It all started at our December meeting held at the home of Judy
and Andy Ford where, in a relaxed setting, the emphasis was
on discussing the future maintenance and development of our
entire property.
John Eagle reported on a survey carried out by John Haddaway
(Track Engineer for the Adelaide Street Circuit) on the condition
of the Hillclimb track and return road. The essence of the report
is that both required some attention, however, if essential
maintenance were to be carried out then the life of the track
could be significantly extended before a complete reseal was
necessary. Concrete edging work could be carried out by the
Collingrove volunteers and other work on fixing some undermining
by ants, etc., and sealing of cracks would need to be contracted
out. Trevor Stidston from Civil Tech has given us a price for the
repair of approximately 1700 meters of cracks and about 12
square meters of surface repair with Degadur.
Along with the concrete edging, this will put the need for major
work back by a number of years. Civil Tech is happy to teach
our volunteer group the techniques and materials required to
keep up this maintenance as needed. It was resolved that an
application for funds to complete this essential maintenance work
would be made to the Management Committee to allow work to
be carried out before the Competition season starts in April 2013.
An approach would be made to the contractor who built the
return road to do some warranty work that was suggested be
carried out after the survey.
It was decided that there would be at least three working bees
prior to the start of the Competition season: the first of these was
held on January 12 the others will be held on February 16 and
March 9. Jobs to be carried out will include the track repairs as
described above, work on the Gatekeeper’s Lodge (gifted by
John Wien-Smith), and on the elevated Clubrooms, together with
the regular maintenance required to keep everything in good
working order. We rely on the support of our Members so if you
can help out please call Abbie in the Events Office so that we
may provide you with a delicious lunch and drinks when you join
our work group.
Andy Ford then gave us a presentation on the revised Master
Plan for Collingrove that takes into account the Pank Paddock
gift. This gift allows us to consider ways to further enhance the
Collingrove facilities and to increase the income stream for the
Club. Collingrove development has always been dependent on
finance becoming available. What Collingrove needs now is a
person with skills in development finance and capital raising to
enable this wonderful facility to improve more rapidly. Any offers?
This is the way that the Club has been able to develop its assets
1 April
Easter Historic Hillclimb
20 April
Come & Try 1
21 April
Wintercup 1
26 May
Multi Club 1
23 June
Wintercup 2
13 July
Come & Try 2
14 July
Multi Club 2
4 August
Wintercup 3
in the past – maybe it can happen again? If you have offers or
ideas please discuss them with the Club Secretary or any other
member of the Collingrove Management Committee.
Collingrove Sponsorship arrangements for the coming year are
in the process of being reviewed and renewed; offers of
Sponsorship of Collingrove's Competition or of the property itself
are always welcome; should you wish to assist please talk to the
Club Secretary or any other member of the Collingrove
7 & 8 Sept. S.A. Hillclimb Championship
Management Committee.
21 Sept.
Come & Try 3
22 Sept.
Wintercup 4
May we wish you a successful and fulfilling motoring year during
2013 that includes some enjoyable times at Collingrove.
Sunday 25 November started out in a rather unusual fashion for
the Classic Section, as we were invited to gather at the clubrooms
at the rather accommodating time of 1.30pm for a 2pm start. This
was a rather more popular time to arrive, especially for the
gorgeous ladies in our lives that are usually awoken at dawn on
Sunday for a classic drive and get-together. We were also invited
to dress for the occasion, fitting approximately to the year of our
The run in our classic cars was about an hour long and took us
through the Hills for a delightful drive before returning to the
Clubrooms for quite a visual surprise: as we carefully parked our
gleaming E-types, MGs, Chevs, Triumphs, Benzes and BMWs
in front of the club, the attendees readied for "High Tea" and the
neighbours and passers-by suddenly became aware that we in
the Classic Section do things very special on occasions.
The authors of the "Italian Dinner", namely Marion Patrick and
Gaynor Francis and their willing husbands Ian and Neil, amazed
us again as we were invited to enter the Percy Wien-Smith Room
and witness how beautiful our Club can be and in particular this
room when dressed for the occasion. Gone were the committee
tables, whiteboards and rows of red chairs, and what greeted us
were seven round tables covered in white tablecloths, decorated
with candles, fresh flowers, and each with two magnificent cake
stands brimming with savoury items and petit fours galore! The
chandeliers were lit, gentle music was playing and we were
greeted with a refreshing fruit punch to sooth our thirsts.
Once seated at our respective places, we were greeted with an
individual china tea cup, saucer and side plate, each piece
matching and every single member had their own patterned tea
Where did they all come from you may ask? I'll tell you later!
Our next treat was to be all served an icy glass of champagne;
the ladies were also offered fresh strawberries as a garnish.
Next thing to land on the tables were three China tea pots, offering
us a choice of Earl Grey, Traditional Afternoon and Pure Ceylon
teas. Where did all these fancy teapots come from? I'll tell you
The music that was playing very soon took second place to all
the happy and contented chatter as we tucked into the teas,
sausage rolls, salmon and cucumber sandwiches, and two layers
of petit fours on each cake stand. With two cake stands to every
table, that makes 14 perfectly symmetrical cake stands that looked
like they were hoisted from the Ritz! Where did all the cake stands
come from? I'll tell you later.
I have to say that Percy Wien-Smith and his son John would have
been extremely proud to see the room named in their family
honour, sparkling and thriving in such a grand way. As the
accompanying photos will attest, it was a grand occasion at a
bargain price and I feel that the Windsor Hotel in Melbourne and
the Ritz in London should be on notice about how to hold their
High Teas in future.
The Club members who attended were unanimous in their praise
for the afternoon tea and together with the gleaming display of
classic cars outside the front of the clubrooms on a Sunday
afternoon, caught the attention of passers-by and even attracted
one person in to see what was going on and decided he must
join the Club too!
The tea cups and saucers were gleaned from various households
including from Ian and Marion, Ian's mum Bernice, Marion's mum
Beryl, and some! The story of tea pots goes like this: Gaynor
was going to hire the 21 tea pots required and then discovered,
after some considerable effort that it was cheaper to buy them
by scouting around the Adelaide op shops. The cake stands?
Well, 14 cake stands aren't easy to procure either, so our crafty
committee member Neil Francis made them in his garage. They
were perfect for the occasion, fitting the three different sized
plates with ease and as Mark Bloustien discovered, the levels
were correct and you could see your fellow guests across the
table through the layers of petit fours.
A huge vote of thanks from all who attended needs to go to
Marion and Gaynor for thinking of the idea and carrying it out.
Also to their husbands Ian and Neil for their support and to all
those who helped move all the chairs and tables to make the
venue look so great.
Lastly, let's not forget dear Beryl for the best sausage rolls in the
Beryl said “no more sausage rolls”, but she said that last time
and we won’t press her too hard again. Thanks to Bernice and
Beryl for their help and attendance, not bad for two mums both
in their 90s! Gaynor and Marion said we won’t do this again, no
way! However, I've heard of at least three wives who want to
help next time. We are even considering High Tea on the front
veranda. Maybe then the passers-by might think we have returned
to being a restaurant.
Congratulations to both Grant Zippel and Veronica for being
voted best dressed on the occasion and being rewarded with a
bottle of champagne.
All I can say is Georgina and I just loved the event and I'm so
proud of our Classic Committee for getting behind it. Well done!!!!
Andy Morgan
Classic Section Committee
Beryl’s Sausage Rolls (makes 48)
1kg Sausage Mince
1 tablespoon Italian Herbs
2 Potatos
1 Carrot
1 (Red) Onion
2 tablespoons Chopped Parsley
4 Cloves Garlic
Salt and Pepper
1 Packet Puff Pastry Sheets
1 Egg
Grate Potatos, Carrot and Onion. Mix with Sausage Mince.
Add Parsley, Italian Herbs, Garlic, Salt and Pepper.
Cut Pastry Sheets in two.
Place mixture in the middle of Pastry and roll.
Glaze with egg (beaten)
Bake for 30 minutes at 220 degrees.
SA State Motor racing
Championships – Round 4
HQ Report.
A strong field of twenty three cars fronted for qualifying for the
final round of 2012, the November Twilight.
There was much interest in two “debut” cars (not new, but new
to Mallala) those of Heinrich and Porteous. While Bruce’s
refurbished example would have won the pretty car competition,
Gav’s had a little way to go exterior wise. It was no surprise
when the times were posted that it was Heinrich on pole, Corey
second followed by Mason, Jenkins and Heinrich Jnr 5th. It was
nice to see Perry Beckers from Victoria over to play. In case
anyone was wondering, Dino’s poor qualifying was due to lack
of fuel... silly boy. Dino was much better off however than Ben
Ligertwood who put the (ex ?) Kovacs car into the wall at
Our first race was 45 minutes late and clearly at 16.45 we were
ready to do battle. There was a bit of movement through the
field over the five laps, Heinrich and Corey finished as they
started, Mason picked up a spot on Jenkins, likewise Porteous
over Joel Heinrich and Crosbie over Pratt. The contests were
close and the driving particularly clean. No reports of swapping
even bog dust!
1st B.Heinrich, 2nd Corey, 3rd Mason.
It was dark, but not scary for us, because we love racing at night.
Porteous and Jenkins were off 10th and 11th respectively with
no intention of staying there. Heinrich and Corey led the field
away but on the second lap Mason took over from Corey... this
was redressed on lap 6. Porteous worked his way through the
field and was closing on Joel when the chequered flag came
Race two, starting at sundown, had a bit of excitement as
Porteous and Jenkins had a coming together at the Southern
Hairpin. Nothing serious, but this event put Jenkins’ chances of
winning the State Championship in jeopardy. Up front it was
Heinrich Snr ahead of Corey who was doing only what was
needed to stay ahead of Mason. Joel inherited 4th with Pratt
Crosbie Schultz and Boulter in tow. As the race went on Boulter
and Schultz swapped places with Schultz the winner of that
battle. Our Victorian friend Beckers made it into the top ten.
Same again: 1st Heinrich, 2nd Corey, 3rd Mason.
out. There was nothing between Crosbie, Pratt and Schultz as
they crossed the line, with Beckers closing on Boulter and
Bond/Scott Goding, Munn/Klyde Goding fighting for minor spots.
And again 1st Heinrich, 2nd Corey, 3rd Mason.
With “club meeting” points yet to be counted, the results of the
Driver of the Year are still provisional, but it looks like Corey has
it. It will be his first state title after many years in sidecars, F/Vees
and HQs.
I can’t afford
Motorsport part 2
(The Adventure continues)
by Marque Le Maistre
Things get better in the second half of 2011
For those of you who read my first literary attempt, you will realize
that my first two and a half years of competing in motorsport far
exceeded any expectation that I could possibly have dreamed.
It was now time for me to continue my adventures with a new
set of soft compound tyres for my Hillclimb thrills.
The first event in which I had a chance to run these tyres was
wet but I proceeded to improve my best-ever run in the wet by
nearly two seconds. Then came the Officials Recognition Day
which was very kindly offered to the Hillclimb organisers by the
Nissan Datsun Club of SA. During this event the new tyres
excelled and I was able to set a new best time of 37.58 seconds
(non-official event time) and my previous record of 38.53 was
now in peril at the upcoming Phoenix Project Management South
Australian Hillclimb Championships.
This period also saw me convince my good friend from the MX5
Club of SA, Ian Duncan, to come out to one of the Come and
Try Hillclimbs. I was going to officiate at this event and was
looking forward to encouraging him to beat my times up the hill.
I was also looking forward to comparing my times with a man I
consider to be a great driver with many years experience.
Unfortunately, I did not get this opportunity as Ian failed to appear.
The next day at the Multiclub event, who should happen to drive
in ready for the Come and Try? Sorry “Blondie”, but no Guernsey
this time. Right place, wrong day. Oops!
A fortnight before the SA Championships saw me competing at
a round of the Supersprints at Mallala, run by the Marque Sports
Car Association of SA. At this event I was speaking to Ian and
mentioned that at the NDCC day I had achieved a time quicker
than Peter Emes. the man with whom I had been involved with
in great friendly rivalry. This was the first time for over a year that
I had bettered his best time. During this discussion I said to Ian
that if I bettered his time at the Championships I was fairly sure
that he would overdrive and go off.
The weather for the Championships was absolutely glorious and
fast times were expected from most competitors.
After slowly improving my times all day Saturday I brought my
time down to 37.48 and set a new record that was finally quicker
than Peter’s own class record. (We were now actually running
in different capacity classes in 2F production sports.) Then on
my final run of the day I nailed a run to record a blistering 37.10.
WOW! How the hell did I do that? After a barbecue at the venue,
it was time to head home and rest up for Sunday, dreaming that
just maybe a 36 second run was possible, but alas it was not to
be: a day of runs consistently in the lower 37 second bracket
was encouraging. Maybe I was just trying that little bit too hard.
Guess what! On Sunday afternoon my good friend Peter Emes
did indeed overdrive the wall, running off and finding a huge
moss rock. Unfortunately he failed to shift it very far but the bent
crossmember and massive hole in the sump spelt the end of his
car. This was the very same car that he had sold to a fellow
competitor the day before, as he had already acquired a new
MX5 for next season. Whoops! That sale got called off. My last
run of the Championships did actually see me improve by .01 of
a second and it now sat at 37.09.
What another successful year! Class winner at both the Wintercup
and SA Hillclimb Championships. Then to top 2011 off completely,
I was amazed to be called up as class champion in the Marque
Sports Car Association’s Supersprint series for the year, even
though my best time of 1 minute 32.29 seconds was far short of
my hopes. Oh well, maybe next year.
2011 also saw a new graphic added to the car, and although
“Catch my Drift” invoked images of MX-5 drifting, the discussion
gave me plenty of opportunity to explain that it was a section of
a community company (Your World Your Stage) set up by Mary
Aloisi, to inspire youth and raise awareness of youth and mental
health issues, as well as trying to prevent youth suicide. The
help we all received from this group was instrumental in us having
my 22 year old step-daughter still with us today. For more
information please go to www.wystage.com or check out the
“Catch my Drift” page on Facebook. The car has attended and
been a part of some of their projects and fundraisers throughout
the year.
After what seemed like an eternity, it was time to start thinking
about another year of fun and games. This meant kicking the
tyres, giving the car a service and a quick wash. Boy these MX5s are just such hard work to keep going. On the other hand,
Peter Emes’ accident at last year’s States did give me an
opportunity to pick up a hardtop for the car. For the Supersprints
this year I splashed out and bought four second hand 15-inch
Toyo R888 tyres on Ebay for the massive sum of $220, delivered.
These had to give me better grip on the circuit than the old 14”
Yokeys and my first outing at Mallala saw me gain over three
quarters of a second. Through the five sprints, I actually continued
this improvement down to a 1 minute 31.53 with one round to
go. But more on that later. The six hour relay saw me placed
into a team with four other MX-5 drivers, none of whom was
really aware of what was expected, and a team manager who
believed that if a driver was going too fast and breaking out, then
they were going well. This saw us losing 29 laps by driving too
fast. I broke out four times and on every one of those, the signal
I got from the pit wall was that I was at the right speed. I did
however put in 14 laps that gained bonuses due to being in my
nominated time bracket. The team ended up finishing 7th out of
16 teams. I am looking forward to being team manager of a team
next year with a distinct possibility of a podium finish.
The Hillclimb season started in late April with a Come and Try
day on the Saturday and a combined Reynella Mazda Collingrove
Cup and Penrite Oils Wintercup round on Sunday. This saw me
run a consistent day with times between 37.60 and 38.23 seconds
over seven runs for the day. This seemed to be the pattern for
all the series events for the year with times in the mid 37 second
range being achieved regularly. This was reinforced when Ian
Davis commented several times that I just kept on doing the
same thing time after time. And this from Mr Consistency himself!
I by now had resigned myself to not being able to get down to
a 36 second run until another set of new soft tyres were purchased
in 2013.
The last weekend of September saw the 60th Anniversary of
Collingrove celebrations. What a great event, predominantly
instigated and organised by Martin Stow with great assistance
from his family and band of helpers. We got to do ten competition
runs over the weekend as well as several parade runs with
passengers. The highlight of this was giving Daryl Warman a
drive up the hill while he was commentating. I also went for rides
up as a passenger in Norm Goodall’s Porsche, Andrew Stevens’
Lotus and Doug Lehmann’s Lancer. What a hoot and a great
way to pick up some driving tips. More of the same from me with
times ranging from 37.54 to 38.42 other that the run that I drove
too hard and had a minor indiscretion.
The Phoenix Project Management South Australian Hillclimb
Championships were to round out the season, and here I must
forward a huge thank you to Norm Goodall for his kiss of death.
At the drivers briefing, he approached me and congratulated me
on winning my class (only entrant). I said “nothing has been won
until after my first completed official run”. Going around the wall
on my practice run, the inside front tyre started scraping on the
guard. After I completed a 38.98 second run and got back to the
pits, I found that the car had a broken rhf shocker. I believe that
it had been weakened when I hit a pothole coming out of the
“wall “ at the 60th Anniversary. The only other shockers that I
had were the original standard set at home that had done
250,00kms. After a steady drive back home and the fitment of
one of these, plus the winding back of the adjustment on the left
front shock, and I was on my way back to Collingrove.
By the time I got back I had missed the first three runs. Imagine
my shock when the first run (taking it easy as I didn’t know what
to expect) was my fastest of the year at 37.24 seconds. With a
bit of fiddling with rear shocker adjustment, I finished the day
with a new record of 37.05. Just maybe a 36 second run was
possible on these tyres. By my third run on Sunday I had brought
it down further to a 37.02. Oh so close! The next run saw me
come out of the wall, past the bus stop only to be momentarily
distracted by a large brown snake slithering across the track. I
drove over it and with a run of 36.77 seconds, I had done it!
Even with the loss of concentration.
After another half dozen cars had rolled the snake further up the
hill, the event was stopped as they cleared the carcass from the
track. Two runs left for the day and both of these were in the 36
second bracket. The last run saw the class record being set at
36.54 seconds. I was the fastest of the four MX-5 drivers for the
event and two of those were driving a turbocharged vehicle.
This soft suspension set up was then carried over to the next
weekend’s final Supersprint of the season. It worked at Mallala
too! Finally I was able to break the 1 minute 30 barrier, with a
final time of 1:29.81. My season was complete and all goals for
the year had been exceeded. For the first time ever this sprint
saw me consistently faster than Ian Duncan, a man I looked up
to for much advice and support. After the day was over he came
and congratulated me and on discussion suggested an area
for improvement through the esses. With tongue in cheek I
replied “Just what a driver needs, advice from someone slower”.
I don’t think he stopped laughing for five minutes. Really Ian I
do appreciate it and no offence meant or taken.
Time to look forward to next year, and time to thank all those
people that make this Club level Motorsport possible and so
enjoyable. The organisers, the officials and fellow competitors
really do make my day every time I am out there. Lyn Wheatley,
YOU ROCK! Thank you for giving me such support doing
something you loathe. And all this on a spend for the year of
under $3000. That includes Club memberships, CAMS licence,
entry fees, all parts and tyres and fuel. So if you can afford $60
a week you too can be out there!
Possible Spin-off Festival Fringe
Function at the Club ?
Jazz, Blues, Ballads & Country Rock
Gosse Bar Lounge Area ?
Bar to be open, nibbles provided.
Sunday 10 March
8.00pm till 10.00pm
Normal price $20.00
Details to be confirmed in next
WheelSpin !
2013 Calendar Sporting Car Club - MALLALA
16 February
Round 1, SA State Circuit Racing Championships Twilight Meeting
30/31 March
National Historic Race Meeting
18 May
Round 2, SA State Circuit Racing Championships 1 day event
17/18 August
Round 3, SA State Circuit Racing Championships 2 day event
2 November
Round 4, SA State Circuit Racing Championships Twilight Meeting
21 December
Officials Recognition Day
2 day event
Expect to see some changes at Mallala in 2013. With the back
straight Grandstand gone, the wall and the old Clubhouse
removed, a new Medical centre and the Sporting Car Club now
using the “Corporate Building”, Round 1 will have a new look.
Clem has made a huge investment in the venue with these
extensive upgrades that will guarantee the future of our local
Talking about the Corporate building which has various names
depending on its usage at the time... ”What about Hudson House?”
It sure beats the Taj tag that it has now, and we would all save
Time you ask? Most people see it as “the big white building near
the Scrutineering Bay”, i.e. two words instead of eight, “Hudson
House” saves time!
The Easter National Historics are shaping up well, with strong
field of Sports Sedans and Formula 5000s expected. The HRR
Committee is organizing a dinner at the SCC Clubrooms for the
Friday night.
The status and format of the second race meeting for 2013 has
been changed and there will be more info to follow. The short
version is that it will be “One day” (not “Twilight”) and provide all
competitors with three races in the reduced time; there will be
some combining of categories.
This meeting on 18 May will not count as a State Round, however
all competitors who race will be awarded a flat 110 points towards
the year’s total.
Over the Summer break there have been a number of changes
to the State Championships series for 2013.
The State Championships will be run over 4 events and you must
enter 3 of the 4 to qualify for the State Championships. The
events are:
Round 1 of the State Circuit Racing Championships 16 Feb
Round 2 of the State Circuit Racing Championships 18 May
Round 3 of the State Circuit Racing Championships 17/18 August
Round 4 of the State Circuit Racing Championships 2 November
The May 18 event will be 3 races and a qualifying session and
categories will be combined for the third race. The first 2 races
will count for State Championship Points and points will be
allocated in the finishing order of each category and the third
race will be for trophies, it will be a one day event (not a twilight).
Points will be allocated as per the series regulations. eg Race
for Championships points 1st place 25 points, race 2/ final race
for championship points 1st place 60 points.
We look forward to seeing you all
in February.
A great year of Motorsport ahead.
70th Birthday
On Sunday 16 December, 2012 one of the Club’s Library
volunteers, Nigel Murray-Harvey celebrated his 70th Birthday at
the Clubrooms in the Reg Sparks Room with 100 family and
Thanks to Nigel’s better half, Jennie, the room was tastefully
decorated. The floral arrangements in pastel colours and the use
of the Club’s silver Christmas trees along with mauve balloons
created a bright atmosphere as well as softening the room with
gentle colour.
The stage area was set up as a children’s play area with books
and cushions in one area and the dance floor ideal for small cars,
lego and green tunnel and cubby. The continuous slide show of
Nigel and Jennie’s life was most popular with many of the guests
There were a number of positive comments on what brilliant
venue it was and Nigel and Jennie are most happy to be referees
for any potential hirers of the function room.
By all reports another very successful social function at the Club.
Alan Caire
Functions / Facilities
MENS POLOS - Breathable Biz Cool
With pocket and Club Logo.
Fabric allows maximum airflow to maintain comfort
in any situation.
Quick dry, easy care- machine wash & wear.
Range of colours available.
Size: S to 5XL
PRICE $38.00
ALL SHIRTS $40.00 (incl. Club Logo)
Men's Long & Short Sleeve available
Sizes: XS to 5XL
Women's Long & Short Sleeve available
Sizes: 8 to 24
Enamel badge - zinc alloy
Size 130mm x 75mm
PRICE $25.00
Madrid Style String Straw with Club Logo on Band
Two sizes: Small/Medium & Large/XL
PRICE $30.00
By Paul Murrell
Expensive parking.
Adelaide’s traffic problems are comparatively minor
compared to those in larger cities. However, we can all
see things are getting worse rather than better. Why, then,
do we continue to allow cars (and trucks, delivery vans,
small buses etcetera) to park on the sides of the road on
major arteries? These immobile chicanes effectively reduce
the carriageway by one lane in each direction and force
traffic in the left lane to either stop or invade the middle
lane. Unley Road, Greenhill Road, Goodwood Road, Glen
Osmond Road, Main North Road, Portrush Road are all
prime examples (and there are many, many more). In
Sydney and Melbourne, peak hour clearways (for up to
four hours each morning and evening) limit the problem
but even on the busy and narrow Pacific Highway in
Sydney, traffic is reduced to a single lane each way through
shopping strips. Adelaide’s clearways are ineffective and
poorly enforced. Yes, shopkeepers and businesses will
complain if on-street parking is reduced, but surely
expensive road lanes are better utilised by traffic than as
parking space? The only cars on major roads should be
using them as roadways, not parking lots.
The downstairs Club lounge and merchandise area
is in the process of being updated.
To celebrate the re-opening of
the Gosse lounge function area,
the Club is holding a:
Sponsored by wine merchants
Samuel Smith & Son
Date : Friday 22 February 2013
Time : 6.00 pm – 8.00 pm
Passing red-and-blues.
Cost : $5.00 per head
In yet another road rule change that seems to have been
introduced with minimal publicity and overlooked by 99
per cent of drivers, it is now necessary for drivers to slow
to no more than 40km/h when passing any stationary
emergency vehicle with flashing red and blue lights. This
is for the safety of police officers, ambos, fire operatives
(can’t call them “firemen”) and others. And there is no
argument with that, especially in built-up areas. But the
situation on freeways and motorways is downright silly
and dangerous. Patrol cars regularly pull vehicles over
and following traffic can come across a flashing red-andblue with minimal advance notice. Reducing speed from
110km/h to 40 doesn’t happen safely in a few metres (by
the time you have reduced speed at a sensible rate to
Nibbles and dips provided
Members can either pre-pay or pay on the night.
Please advise the Club if you will be attending
Alan Caire
Facilities/ Functions
By Paul Murrell
$400 fine for a relatively minor infringement reasonable?
We have entered an era of “no tolerance, no excuses”.
According to the legislators, “the number of points incurred
depends on the offence and how likely it is to cause a
crash”. Really? Overseas, fines and demerit points are
markedly less severe than ours. In Germany, Sweden
and some other countries, the system even takes into
account urban and built-up areas versus rural (obviously
it is more irresponsible to travel at 10km/h over a 50km/h
limit than a 110km/h limit). Up to 10km/h over in Germany
incurs a ¤15 fine (urban) or ¤20 (other roads). 11-15km/h
over: ¤25 fine (urban) or ¤20 (other roads). Demerit points
only kick in above 21km/h over (1 point, 3 points for
26km/h+). In reality, nobody is booked for minor
infringements, unless they are blatantly unsafe or stupid.
In the UK, the penalty is £44 (plus £30 costs and three
demerit points) up to 25km/h over the limit. Both these
countries (and many others with similar rules) have
considerably heavier traffic than we do. New Zealand
applies a $30 fine for exceeding the limit by less than
10km/h. In the US, speed limits vary from state to state.
55mph and 65mph speed limits are widely ignored (most
people travel 5-10mph above the posted limit). Rhode
Island, Utah and Texas recognise a prima facie speed
limit (you need to prove that you were travelling at a safe
speed – which you patently weren’t if you are involved
in an incident). In New Jersey, for example, up to 10mph
(16km/h) over the limit will incur an $81 fine and two
demerit points, rising to $91 at 10mph over (and four
demerit points). Payment of a $100 surcharge removes
the demerit point penalty!
40km/h, you’ll probably be hundreds of meters past the
emergency vehicle). I slowed to 80km/h the other day in
the right hand lane (the speed restriction applies to all
lanes) and was almost rear-ended by a following truck
and abused by numerous drivers... and I could still have
lost my licence on the spot (40km/h over the prevailing
speed limit). This road rule needs to be reassessed,
better defined and changed to accord with the real world.
Turning left on red.
Another simple change that improves traffic flow has
been in place in the US and Europe for many years. It
simply allows drivers to turn left (or, in Europe and the
US, right) after stopping at a red light and ensuring it is
safe to proceed. And why not have red right turn arrows
go out or change (perhaps to flashing amber) to allow
us to make a right turn at traffic lights if it is safe to do
so? Of course... too logical and it puts the onus for safety
back on the driver.
Safety, deterrent or revenue?
Prior to Christmas, two acquaintances were pinged for
speeding. One was on Duthy Avenue and she was
clocked at 10km/h above the speed limit. She mistakenly
believed the speed limit was the 60km/h she was travelling
at. The second offence was a neighbour entering Hahndorf
along the Echunga Road where the speed limit changes
from 80km/h to 50. He backed off the throttle but was
still doing 62km/h when nabbed. The penalty in both
cases was a loss of three demerit points and a hefty fine
of $390 ($330 penalty plus victims of crime levy). Now
I agree that speed limits should be observed, but is a
Even in Australia, SA’s penalties seem unduly harsh (and
obviously aren’t working, since our fatality rate is 15 per
cent higher than the national average, relative to
population. Source: SAPOL website). Most states
recognise that up to 10km/h over the limit is hardly a
hanging offence (unless it’s in a school zone or other
high-risk area). NSW, for example: $105, 1 point ($173
and 2 points in school zones), but it increases to $243
By Paul Murrell
and 3 points for 10-20km/h over (and double demerit
points apply for all public holiday long weekends).
Queensland fines drivers $146 (and one point) for
exceeding by up to 13km/h, $220 for 13-20km/h over
(double demerit points apply for a second offence within
12 months at speeds 20km/h over). [All details in this
article are subject to change at any time, and may not
even be correct at time of writing – this information is
notoriously difficult to source and confirm, unless of
course, you commit an offence!]
We all know a speeding fine is a voluntary tax (don’t
speed, you won’t get fined). But can SA’s approach be
right and everyone else’s wrong? Where is the statistical
data for setting our penalties? And how does SA’s traffic
infringement “take” as a percentage of total revenue
compare with other states and countries?
Cars for sale beside the road.
Ah, the mind of the bureaucrat! More councils are banning
the practice of parking a car on the roadside with a “For
Sale” notice. The reason, apparently, is that cars being
offered for sale on the roadside may “distract the attention
of passing drivers”. And a pretty girl in a short skirt won’t?
(Or, to be gender neutral, a well-toned bloke jogging in
brief shorts and a singlet?) Or roadside posters and
notices? Shopping centres full of tempting goods?
Thousands of things distract passing motorists – it is up
to them to ensure they aren’t distracted. Where does this
madness stop?
Possible Spin-off Festival Fringe
Function at the Club ?
Jazz, Blues, Ballads & Country Rock
Gosse Bar Lounge Area ?
Bar to be open, nibbles provided.
Sunday 10 March
8.00pm till 10.00pm
Normal price $20.00
Details to be confirmed in next
WheelSpin !
Lower Cowl Badge for Holden bodied Chev
BB National 1928. Badge has Holden Lion and
Holden name. Phone Ross Brown 0419842220
Austin Healey 3000 Mk 3 BJ. All matching
numbers with heritage certificate. 90% original
upholstery black... BRG paintwork. Speedo reading
62350 miles believed genuine by the Healey factory.
4 speed manual + 2 speed overdrive. Underside treated
with 3 stage antirush. Personalised number plate ‘BIG
TOY’ may be sold with car or separate. In excellent
condition. $67,000ono. Phone Rodger Polgreen on
7070 5169 or Email [email protected]
88,000 km, Spark Silver. Owned since new by mature age
couple. Excellent condition throughout, full service history.
Any inspection is welcome. $23,300.00 Ph 7423 9001
Reg no: XOS298.
One of three Sports Prototypes built in Adelaide, and now
first time back on the market in 18 years.
Log Book shows 48 documented Race Meetings at AIR,
Mallala, Winton and Sandown since 7/1987. A reliable and
well maintained ground effects car, with no major accidents
in its history.
All three cars were Mazda based, this one with a 12A PP
engine and 48 IDA Weber. Pushrod suspension fully rosejointed and ground effects sorted. Safety features include
foam-filled fuel cell, Odyssey gel battery, 6-point harness
and in-cabin plumbed Diest fire system, in addition to handheld fire extinguisher. Poured removable racing seat suits
driver up to 6ft 1”.
Race results include trophy winner at Winton Long Circuit
(1.30), including a number of pole positions and a lap record,
and trophy winner also at Mallala (1.13). An exciting car,
simple to maintain and always creates a lot of interest in
the paddock!
Car located in Adelaide and offered with trailer, flat lift jack,
two sets of composite wheels, springs and assorted spares
etc, and a full set of original engineer’s drawings. P.O.A.
David Mackie 0401 755 974
Wanted, DA Dodge or Model K Desoto 1929 Ute or
Tourer suitable for conversion possibly farm vehicle or similar
may suit.
Also consider 1929 Model Anniversary Buick. Definitely
unrestored model vehicle required at a low cost as minimal
funds available for this project . Ral Rainsford 85528494
1970 ALFA ROMEO Berlina 1750 Reg.no.SCK233, 4
door sedan. Second owner since 1977. 152,454 miles, motor
& gearbox rebuilt in 1979 at 96,000 miles. Full service history
from new.
On historic reg. but not on the road for four years. Needs master
cylinder, fuel pump & radiator hoses. $1500 o.n.o.
Ron Ph. 82788294, 0423230015 or email
[email protected]
Extensive work done to all mechanicals. New duco. New
upholstery. Drives very well, ready for club events. Must
sell, space needed for other project. $4000 ono.
S924ANH Ph. Bruce Hartwig 83885738. 0431 024 719
MORRIS MINI DELUXE, 1967, Total Restoration &
Upgrade, Show Condition, 58,000 miles, many spares.
$19,000 Norm 0439 883 331 Reg No: RNB505.
Laser TX3 AWD Turbo Completely original and unmodified.
Only two previous owners. 236,000km. Spare set of correct
white alloys. Good basis for a Hillclimb or Targa car. VUX
865. $4,500 neg. Phone Roger on 8388 9287.
Buttercup Yellow, Wire Wheels, Excellent Condition, 90,000
miles. Norm 0439 883 331 Reg No: SKS228.
For a 1928/29 Morris Minor one front axle with brake,
one rear axle with brake, four 19”wheels. I have held these
parts for over 65 years, now I am concerned that they will
eventually finish up at the dump. I believe these items will
also fit a J2 MG if anyone is lucky enough to own one. Phone
Doug 8295 6089.
Formula Clubman last raced and hill-climbed in early ‘90s.
1100cc Passat engine, with twin Weber IDF carbies, Cortina
close ratio gearbox, space frame chassis, gas Spax. Needs
some work, but available at a very good price to an enthusiastic
customer. Email [email protected]