January 2014 Unity - AADaytonOnline.org
January 2014 Unity - AADaytonOnline.org
A declaration of Intergroup meets at 8 p.m., the second Thursday of the month, at St. John Lutheran Church, 141 S. Ludlow St., downtown Dayton. The next meeting is Jan. 9. Unity Your Dayton, Ohio, Intergroup Newsletter Love and Service sums up A.A. The older I get and the longer I’m sober, my respect grows for people who have gone before to help light the road of happy destiny. Some of these folks go about their lives quietly, just doing the next right thing, showing me how to live life as it comes. They are the ones who inspire me most. I look at old-timers who show up to lend a quiet stability to meetings. I watch members with 30 and 40 years of sobriety still active in service in Intergroup and Area 56. These folks have met life on life’s terms without a drink. But that’s what Dr. Bob was talking about when he summed up this simple program in two words: “love” and “service.” Here’s wishing all of us a year of continued love for one another and service in Alcoholics Anonymous. — Ann P. Unity Mailing Address P.O. Box MO 2223 Dayton, OH 45401-2223 [email protected] Central Office 120 W. 2nd St. Liberty Tower, Suite 211 Dayton, OH 45402 (937) 222-2211 http://aadaytononline.org [email protected] Just 40 cents January 2014 Vol. 39, No. 1 Prescription or description? At first reading, the Twelve-Step-Process portion of the Big Book (first 103 pages) may appear to unfold as direct commandments for finding sobriety, seemingly in the category of “Do it, Buster, or die,” or “Thou must under pain of drunkenness.” Of course, careful reading reveals this is not at all the tenor of our basic text. But the initial Big Book manuscript, completed in December of 1938, certainly gave that impression, e.g.: Doing Step Seven “On your knees” or “Now we think you can take it,” or “… reread this book up to this point or else throw it away.,” etc. The manuscript, at that time, presented itself, for all practical purposes, as a prescription. Four-hundred of these manuscripts were mailed to the fellowship, as well as certain professional people, for review and advice. By January, 1939, an overhaul editing took place. This editing changed the general tenor of, “You must,” to, “This is what we did.” Consequently, when the Big Book was published in April of 1939, it no longer presented itself as a prescription, but a much more congenial and friendly sort of Description. Please notice that the first three words of the Big Book Title Page are in italics: “The Story Of.” This tells us that we are about to read a storybook, as story-text book, if you will. It proceeds to tell us what they did, and suggests that we follow their path if we want to get what they got: SOBRIETY! I do not believe the book would have sold in the style of a prescription. Most drunks already have been prescribed to by doctors, preachers, friends and spouses. Plus, winos who sang for their supper in missions had already had their fill of such prescriptions. Drunks don’t like being told what to do, so this book, wisely, simply describes what others had done to find blessed sobriety. Thank God for our editors. —Bob S. Richmond, IN Would you like to write for Unity? Your Intergroup newsletter is always in need of articles and cartoons sharing your experience, strength and hope. If you’d like to write and need a topic, each month we look for articles on the step, tradition and concept of the month. Last year we featured a Newcomer’s corner that provided fresh perspective. How about Old-timers? What was it like back then? Have you attended out-of-town meetings when traveling? How do they compare to local meetings? How did you choose your home group? What makes you keep coming back? Do you have memorable experiences from attending A.A. functions (e.g. workshops, potlucks, dances, special speaker meetings)? How has sponsorship contributed to your sobriety? How about Service Work? Share your passion for the Program! Write for Unity. Service work opportunity In the spirit of rotation, Bob W. is stepping aside as Intergroup liaison to Area 56 after two years of service. Intergroup needs a volunteer to take over Bob's position as a trusted servant. Please contact Bob W. (937) 477-9208 or the central office (937) 222-2211 for details if interested. This is an excellent way to build on a good foundation of sobriety — Bob W. Statement of purpose A Declaration of Unity is the monthly newsletter of the Dayton, Ohio, Area A.A. Intergroup. Opinions contained in articles are strictly those of the authors. Announcements are informational only. Publication of opinions, articles and announcements does not represent expressed or implied endorsement or approval by Alcoholics Anonymous at any level. Material identified as from A.A. Conference-approved literature or the Grapevine is reprinted with permission. The editors try to validate all contributions and cite sources when known. Subscription information A subscription form is posted on our website: www.daytonaaonline.org or contact circulation manager John D. at (937) 832-3790 or [email protected] to subscribe. Article submissions Deadline for submission of articles, announcements, etc. is the 15th of the month prior to publication. Articles cannot be returned unless accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. We reserve the right to edit submissions for clarity, proper language, length, and contents that violate A.A. Traditions. Please mail material to: Unity, P.O. Box MO2223, Dayton, OH 45401-2223 E-mail guidelines • E-mail articles and announcements to: [email protected] • Please send attachments using plain text or Word (items will be edited to fit the newsletter format and might not appear as you send them). • Confirmations will be sent only if requested. • Submissions to the Unity Post Office Box (bottom of page 1) are also welcome. • Questions? Call Ann P. at (937) 415-1606. Unity subscriptions due Now is the time to renew your group or individual subscription to A Declaration of Unity, the Dayton Area Intergroup Newsletter, to make sure your group doesn’t miss an issue in 2014. The per-copy price is 40¢. A subscription for a friend in recovery — or for yourself — makes an ideal gift that will carry the message all year long. Subscription Information For groups and individuals that currently do not receive Unity and wish to subscribe, please fill out the form at the bottom of this box and mail it, with check or money order, to the address listed below. Please note these designated pick-up points for those who wish to save on mailing costs: a.) Central Office b.) Crossroads Club c.) Southside Club d.) Alco Aides * Single subscriptions are only available for mailing; the breakdown cost is included for information only. Thanks for your support of our Dayton Area Intergroup newsletter! Number of copies per month Newsletter only per year Mailing cost per year Total per year (newsletter + mailing) 1* 5 10 20 25 30 $4.80 $24.00 $48.00 $96.00 $120.00 $144.00 $5.28 $18.96 $28.56 $57.12 $63.00 $81.96 $10.08 $42.96 $76.56 $153.12 $183.00 $225.96 SUBSCRIPTION FORM Name (group or individual) _______________________________ Point-of-Contact (name & phone) __________________________ ____________________________________________________ Number of copies per month ______________________________ Grapevine turns 70 Join in the Celebration! Special events are planned all year long. Beginning this month, check www.aagrapevine.org/GV70 to learn about ways to get involved. Take on a New Service Position in the New Year! Thanks to all who have been of service to Grapevine and La Viña during this past year. If you're a new GVR or RLV, there's plenty of information to guide or help you. Just don't forget to register by going to the website. 2014 MIAMI VALLEY WINTER CONFERENCE 177h Annual Celebration of Recovery Saturday, March 1 IUE Hall 1675 Woodman Drive, Dayton, OH 45432 9 a.m. Check-in begins • 9:30 a.m. First speaker Lunch on your own 6 p.m. Dinner (included if registered by Feb. 21) 7:30 p.m. Final speaker A.A., Al-Anon and Alateen Speakers Registration by Feb. 21-- $30 includes dinner Alateens free but must register to get dinner Walk-ins $30, dinner on your own Registration is transferable but NOT refundable Make checks payable to: MVWC Mail to: MVWC, PO Box 291948, Dayton, OH 45429 REGISTER ONLINE AT: www.winterconference.com Info: Robin S. (937) 609-0659, Carl G. (937) 271-0152 DEADLINE: Registration with dinner – Feb. 21 Mailing address or Drop-off point __________________________ REGISTRATION FORM EVERYONE MUST REGISTER ____________________________________________________ Name Amount enclosed (If mailed, use ‘Total’ amount, if dropped-off, use ‘Newsletter Only’ amount) _________________ Address Please clip and mail this form with check or money order to: Phone UNITY P.O. Box MO 2223 Dayton, OH 45401-2223 E-Mail For questions about Unity subscriptions, contact either Ann P. at (937) 415-1606 or John D. at (937) 832-3790. ~2~ Dinner (CHOOSE ONE) __ Chicken Breast __ Veggie Lasagna A closer look at The Serenity Prayer GOD — Saying this word I am admitting the existence of a higher power that is greater than I. Grant — Saying this second word, I am admitting that this consciousness or higher power is able to bestow and give to me and to others. Me the — I am asking something for myself. Holy books say that if I ask sincerely, it shall be given. It is not wrong to ask for improving myself. For with the improvement of my character, both I and people around me will be happier, and my relationships will have a better chance to improve. Serenity — I am asking for calmness, composure and inner peace in my life, which will enable me to transcend my ego, to think straight and to govern myself properly. To accept — I am resigning myself to conditions as they are right now. I am living in the now, the present moment. The things — I acknowledge my tragedy, death, suffering, illness and pain, as a part of my life, neither good nor bad. I accept my humanness and fallibility. I am accepting my lot in life as it is. Until I have the courage to change any part of my life I don't like, I must accept it, without doing so grudgingly. I cannot change — I can't prevent these events or conditions from happening to me or to others. Courage — A quality, which enables me to deal with the problems and realities of life without reliance on alcohol. A determination to stand my ground and "slug it out" with all issues, pleasant or otherwise, that might return me to drinking. A strength of my spirit to face and handle the negative. Fearlessness in the practice of faith, humility and honesty. To change — In facing these negatives directly and honestly, I am asking for myself and my life conditions to be different for me. I am taking an active part in this changing. The things I can — I am asking for help to make the right decisions. Everything is not the way I would like it to be in my life. I must continue to face reality and constantly work toward my continued growth and progress. And wisdom — I am asking for the ability to rise above my ego and form sound judgments about myself and my life. I then use my ability to ask for guidance from myself, others and a higher power. To know the difference — I want to be able to understand clearly truths of fact. I want to see things differently in my life so that I will be more aware of myself and of others. I need to sense a definite value in loving over being selfish. —Charles W. Twelve Traditions Assurances? Or maybe, Traditions! A brief historical glimpse Forward to the First Edition, pages xiii-xiv: “We are not an organization in the conventional sense of the word. There are no fees nor dues whatsoever. The only requirement for membership is an honest desire to stop drinking. We are not allied with any particular faith, sect or denomination, nor do we oppose anyone. We simply wish to be helpful to those who are afflicted.’ The above writing is a partial prologue to the Twelve Traditions as we know them today. The long form was written by Bill W. and first published in the April 1946 Grapevine. However, Bill’s awareness of the often rebellious alcoholic personality led him to introduce them as “Twelve Points to Assure Our Future,” thus avoiding the implication of rules or laws. An editorial was added for each point explaining its origin and why it was necessary. Later, Earl T., a co-founder of A.A. in Chicago, suggested that these “assurances” would benefit from revision and shortening. Bill agreed and the shorter version was formed; thereafter, they were referred to as the Twelve Traditions. Bill found another opportunity to present the Twelve Traditions at our first International Convention at Cleveland during the summer of 1950. He presented them to three thousand attendees, in a general manner, without actually reading them verbatim. In a standing vote, the attendees pronounced their ‘yea’ to the Twelve Traditions. At the next International Convention at St. Louis, July 1-3, 1955, Bill presented a resolution to the 3,800 attendees which resolved that the General Service Conference become the Guardian of the Twelve Traditions. The Twelve Traditions were then officially ratified. They were finally published, in both long and short form, in the 1955 second edition of the Big Book. Bill then began a speaking tour of the country in attempt to develop greater interest in the newly-formed Twelve Traditions — albeit with little success. Consequently, he developed another idea: Here follows an excerpt from a letter dated May 20, 1952, from Bill W. to Fr. Ed Dowling: “A few people think that the Traditions aren't covered with enough dignity -- that posterity may not like them for that reason. However, we feel that we are writing for the information of alcoholics who ordinarily have no time to read anything much except as it concerns their own survival. Our idea is to publish the Twelve Steps and these Twelve Traditions in a small book to appear, I hope, by next fall. If we are able to do a fair job on the Steps, that will be helpful and, published along with the Traditions, they may act as a bait for reading the latter. However, we'll see.” Bait indeed! So now you know the reason Bill wrote the 1953 book titled, “Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions,” which, in my opinion, gives an excellent summation of the A.A. Traditions. As a side note, I find it interesting to note that the phrase “honest desire to stop drinking” (found on page xiv above) was never included, as is often thought, in either the long or short form of Twelve Traditions. This phrase, however, was at first included in the early Grapevine Preamble, but the word “honest” was removed in 1958. May this snippet of A.A. history encourage us to delve more deeply into this subject so as to more accurately pass along the interesting history of our Twelve Traditions. — Bob S., Richmond, IN ~3~ Why alcoholism is a disease BIG BOOK QUIZ By Twila W. 1. I felt I had every right to be ____-_____(p.40), that it would be only a matter of exercising my will power and keeping on guard. 2. The chances are that we have ____(p.80) troubles. 3. By force of circumstances, she was often obliged to treat father as a sick or ____(p.130) child. 4. Being ____(p.60), we were at Step three, which is that we decided to turn our will and our life over to God as we understand him. 5. ____(p.110) may shake their heads and advise you to have him committed. 6. No wonder an alcoholic is strangely ____(p.140). 7. Neither should the family ____(p.90) plead with him to do anything, nor should they tell him much about you. 8. We have listed and ___(p.70) our resentments. 9. Then you and your husband can get right down to ___(p.120). 10. This Power has in each case accomplished the ____(p.50), the humanly impossible. Checklist for 12 Concepts for World Service Concept I: Final responsibility and ultimate authority for A.A. world services should always reside in the collective conscience of our whole Fellowship. 1. Does our group have a general service representative (G.S.R.)? Do we feel that our home group is part of A.A. as a whole and do our group’s decisions and actions reflect that? 2. Do we hold regular group conscience meetings encouraging everyone to participate? Do we pass that conscience on to the district, area, or the local intergroup meetings? 3. Is the “collective conscience” of Alcoholics Anonymous at work in my home group? In my area? 4. Where do we fit in the upside-down triangle of A.A.? 5. Are we willing to do what it takes to insure that our democracy of world service will work under all conditions? Concept II: The General Service Conference of A.A. has become, for nearly every practical purpose, the active voice and the effective When I came to A.A. in 1989, I quickly heard people talking about the “disease of alcoholism.” I didn’t understand that concept and while I felt others night have a disease, my excessive drinking was due to my lack of willpower and poor character. After some years of recovery I came to accept the idea of it being a disease but kind of assumed it was so because A.A. said it was. In 2001, I became a part of a chemical dependency clinic and began my new career as a counselor, now part time. As I began to study chemical dependency I gradually learned why addiction is a disease and want to share what I learned. In 1956, the American Medical Association defined alcoholism as a disease and in 1991, further defined it as a treatable type of mental illness. Well, what exactly makes it a disease? I have learned that to be classed as a disease, two things have to exist. First, the process has to harm the person in some definite way: physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually. Well, addiction certainly does that! Second, the process has to have easily identifiable signs and symptoms. Just as a common cold has its symptoms (coughing, sneezing, runny nose, etc.) so does addiction. Medical experts and chemical dependency counselors will point out some of the early signs of alcoholism include repeated DUIs, blackouts, loss of control and drinking for relief from some type of pain — physical, emotional, spiritual. In addition, alcoholics display many other symptoms such as work and family problems, continual lying, isolating, etc. We also now know that alcoholism strongly affects brain function and can do serious physical damage in its later stages. So, having met the two critical criteria, we can see that the alcoholic is ill, not just a bad person. This knowledge can help to make recovery easier and the illness much more treatable. — Don C. What surrender means : to agree to stop fighting, hiding, resisting, etc., because you know that you will not win or succeed : to give the control or use of (something) to someone else : to allow something (such as a habit or desire) to influence or control you When I realized that my alcoholism was so much bigger than I was, and I couldn't keep going on the way I was going, I began the journey of my surrender. Surrendering to the powerlessness over alcohol is a very powerful thing for the real alcoholic. For this drunk, I didn't even understand the idea that the first drink gets you drunk. It was a proven fact for me that I never had just one. I really understand “one” of anything. I don't think you can put into words anyone's surrender to God. I believe surrender is sharing your experiences and taking action on a daily basis to do God’s will. The book of Alcoholics Anonymous says, "Our real purpose in life is to be of maximum service to God and the people about us." One of the many things I love in sobriety is watching God work in people's lives. When things seem to just "work out." Coincidence? I don't think so. I believe God flows through people, so becoming more God-conscious opens up endless possibilities in this existence and to carry on through the next. God is good. — Mariah S. ~4~ SOBER AREA EVENTS January Meetings in need of support Does your meeting need support? Has your group changed its location, time or format? Let Unity know and we’ll print the information here. Sunday, 10 a.m. Sunday Morning Breakfast Group OL, AlcoAides, 2206 E. Third St. Dayton. NEEDS SUPPORT Sunday, 5:30 p.m. Big Book Study, OD, Crossroads Club, 5235 Main St., Dayton. On Bus Routes 7 & 16 behind Penn Station. NEEDS SUPPORT Sunday, 7 p.m. Alco-Aides Group, OL, Alco-Aides Club, 2206 E. Third St., Dayton. NEEDS SUPPORT 9 — Dayton Area Intergroup Meeting, 8 p.m. St. John Lutheran Church, Fifth and Ludlow streets, downtown Dayton. 9 — 2nd Thursday of the month Waffle House Spirit Night. If at least 20 people go to the Waffle House on Brandt Pike in Huber Heights between 2 p.m. and 9 p.m. the 2nd Thursday of the month, and upon paying say that they are from Northside Fellowship Club, the club will receive 25% of the income for that sevenhour period. 18 — Southside Club 3rd Saturday Euchre Tournament, Beginners' Table 9:30 p.m. Eight-Round Tournament 9:45 p.m. Cost $2.50 includes cards, coffee, snacks & prizes. Location: 3040 Valleywood Drive, Kettering, behind Bob Evans. 19 — Area 56 Monthly Meeting at St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church at 470 South Gebhart Church Road in Miamisburg. Meetings the third Sunday of the month from 2 to 4 p.m. with GSR school at 1 p.m. Northside Fellowship Club 28th Annual Spaghetti Dinner Saturday, March 22 New Location: Sulphur Grove UMC 7505 Taylorsville Road Huber Heights, OH 45424 Fellowship 5 p.m.• Dinner 6 p.m. • Lead following dinner Dance after lead until Midnight Cost $12 in advance, $15 at the door, $10 for NFC members Dance only $7 after 9 p.m. NOTE: No children under 16 admitted For tickets or more info: Dan W. (937) 233-5603 or Bill M. (937) 689-8889 Monday, 7:30 p.m. New Beginnings CD, Clearcreek Christian Church, 1150 S. Main St. (Route 741) Springboro, OH. NEEDS SUPPORT Saturday 7 p.m. La Luz Group Spanish meeting at 427 Steele Ave. St. Mary’s Center behind the church. It’s open to all and is a Big Book CD study in Spanish. You don’t need to speak Spanish to attend! We will teach you! Thursday, 7 p.m. This is Your Meeting young people’s group at Crossroads Club. Thursday, 7 p.m. This Chip Of A Book Group C-BB, Christ United Methodist Church, 3440 Shroyer Road, Kettering, OH. NEEDS SUPPORT Saturday, 2 p.m. Woman-to-Woman OD, Crossroads Club. NEEDS SUPPORT Share with vets at VA meetings All A.A. meetings at the VA are now in Building 302. Sober vets are especially needed, but meetings open to all. Call Margo P. at 268-6511, ext. 1507 or 520-1819. Sunday, 2 p.m. – A.A. Women in the Now, Room 130, 1st floor. Sunday, 7 p.m. – A.A. Beginners, Room 235, 2 nd Floor Monday, 7:30 p.m. – A.A. Chairman’s Choice, Room 235, 2 nd floor Tuesday, 7 p.m. – A.A. Big Book Study, Room 130, 1st floor Friday, 7 p.m. – A.A. 12 &12 Study, Room 235, 2nd floor Saturday, 11 a.m. – A.A. Open Discussion, Room 235, 2 nd floor Chairpersons are needed for monthly commitments to these meetings. Support from all A.A. members is needed. Need a meeting but can’t get out? Check out this website for Dayton Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous for meetings and activities. Are you ill, healing from surgery, homebound, hospitalized and unable to get out? Mobile Meetings can help! If you would like a mobile meeting brought to you or if you know someone who would, please call Central Office at (937) 222-2211. Alco-Aides Club 2206 E. Third St., Dayton, OH • Breakfast every Sunday 8 a.m. until 9:45 a.m. before the 10 a.m. lead. $5 buys eggs, bacon or sausage, home fries, toast, juice and small coffee. • Artists wanted to display artwork, pictures, poems, sculptures, or ceramics in AlcoAides' card room. Some pictures have already been sold. If you are interested, please call Terry at 254-0067. • Volunteers to maintain our food counter are always needed. You work for tips and need to be sober at least 30 days. Interested? Please call Terry at 254-0067. • Alco-Aides houses the Dayton Area Intergroup Archives. Stop by, have a cup of coffee and check to see if the archives room is open. You might learn something. • Sandwiches and lunch specials are available. Kitchen hours are 6 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 6 a.m. to midnight Friday and Saturday, and 6 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Sunday. • Alco-Aides is open 24 hours on Fridays and Saturdays. ~5~ Dec. 12 Dayton Area Intergroup minutes CHAIR: Joe P. [email protected] VICE-CHAIR: Janine P. [email protected] SECRETARY: Jim T. [email protected] TREASURER: Nancy D. [email protected] Welcome: Joe P. welcomed the group and opened the meeting with the Serenity Prayer. Doug read the A.A. Preamble and Don read the Twelve Traditions. October Birthdays: Jean – 5, Don – 11, Dan. – 33, Tom M. - 47 Membership: No new reps. Pam thanked Matt for the desserts. GSR: Bob W. announced that he still needs a replacement to volunteer as new Intergroup General Services representative as his term has expired. Grapevine: Go to http://www.aagrapevine.org/ to explore all the online Grapevine has to offer. Old Business: None New Representatives: Doug – St. Mark’s New Business: None. Secretary’s Report: No corrections. Next Meeting is Jan. 9 at 8 p.m. Treasurer’s Report: Opening balance ..................................$13,994.15 Deposits .................................................$2,959.19 Closing balance....................................$16,074.24 Total Checks .............................................$879.10 Big Change from Small Change.............$1,571.51 CD Balance ............................................$5,412.88 Central Office Report: Patrice J. Nov. literature sales were up 9%, YTD down 1%. Nov. contributions were up 28%, YTD down 1% • The Central Office thanked the numerous members who contributed time and resources to making the Open House a success. • Reminder that starting Jan. 2014, the Central Office will remain open until 6 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Archives: Steve G. [email protected] The Archives had a display at the Central Office Open House. Unity: There is a constant need for interesting articles, cartoons and announcements. Please send all contributions by the 15th of the month through the link at aadaytononline.org or directly to [email protected] PI & CP: Dan C. – No report Big Change from Small Change Contributions Group Name Nov. YTD 3M Group ................................... $160.00 .... $710.00 Acceptance in the Heights ........... $64.16 .... $549.93 Brookville Grapevine .......................... .............. $3.90 Full Measure Group Medway ........$60.00 .... $170.00 Huber Serenity Group ...................$85.84 .... $427.78 J.U.G.G.S. .....................................$50.47 ... $148.25 La Luz................................................. .............. $7.00 Monday Eves................................................... $46.50 Wednesday Women's-Aldersgate.$19.62 ... $287.61 Fort Serenity Group............................ ............ $61.45 Zippo ............................................ $10.00 ...... $60.00 Sobriety for Lunch Bunch.................................. $5.00 Valley Group....................................... ............ $25.00 Corrections: Dave M. [email protected] No report 27th Annual Family Afterward Workshop Jan. 24-26 Kings Island Resort & Conference Center, Kings Island, OH Workshop for COUPLES only (one or both in AA and/or Al-Anon) Topics selected from The Family Afterward chapter in the Big Book • Small sessions with pre-selected topics • Free time for meditation, relaxation, swimming, fellowship, etc. • Hospitality room for snacks and fellowship COST: Hotel room is $67.00 per night (includes tax). Workshop fee is $43.00 per couple. DEADLINE TO REGISTER – Jan. 10 For more Information contact: Richard Norris (937) 371-7665 email: [email protected] Send your completed registration form and a check (pays for hotel Friday night and workshop fees) made out to Richard A. Norris for $110.00 to: Serenity Group c/o Richard A. Norris 4150 Woodman Drive Kettering, OH 45440 You are responsible for the second night’s lodging (about $68.00). Registration is transferable but non- refundable. If you register and don’t show up, you will forfeit the first night’s room charge and the workshop fee. Confirmation will be sent upon receipt of your registration. Workshop details and directions to the conference center will be sent about two weeks before the workshop dates. Outreach: Dave S. reported that the 12 Step Call List has been updated and submitted to Central Office. Special Events: Karen D. No Report Web: Chris P. No report. ~6~ A look back at 2013 Hello A.A.s, A new year, 2014, has arrived with all the promise reserved for each new year, but before we give it our full attention, a review of the past few months seems appropriate. The "Nite Owl" program came to fruition and approximately 60 volunteers now answer the telephone when the Central Office is closed. Experienced members manning the phones are able and willing to directly assist those seeking help in a timely fashion. To date, many volunteers have voiced a sincere satisfaction for being allowed to participate. Some even say they recognized a newfound spiritual footing. The Central Office conducted an Open House on Nov. 29. The hope was to introduce the office more widely to the local A.A. community. Each year many new members begin sobriety in the Dayton area and few of these are aware of the office. With the help of many individual members, snacks, cookies and cakes appeared. The day was a success. Sixty to 70 members were welcomed during the day. Lastly, the first six months of 2013 were dismal with regard to monetary contributions. Efforts to inform the A.A. community of the shortfall followed and soon the trend was noticeably reversed. The positive momentum gained in the summer continued through the fall. Remarkable as it now seems, a strong December may allow total contributions for 2013 to slightly exceed 2012. This is very important. Every year since 2009, contributions inexplicably declined, one year after the other. To the numerous groups and individual members responsible for today's good news, recognition is in order. Thank you all. May 2014 become the best we have ever known. — Steve B. Central Office November Report TELEPHONE ACTIVITY A.A. Related Calls....................................... 545 Twelve Step Calls ............................................6 Al-Anon/Alateen Calls ...................................12 Narcotics Anonymous .....................................5 Adult Children Of Alcoholics ...........................0 Miscellaneous ..................................................0 Total Calls ................................................... 568 FINANCIAL SUMMARY BEGINNING BALANCE .......................$9,305.68 INCOME Group Contributions .............................$3,300.96 Literature Sales.....................................$6,488.02 Bank Balance Adjustment...........................$0.00 * Total monthly income.........................$9,788.98 TOTAL ................................................ $19,094.66 EXPENSES Rent and Utilities......................................$385.00 Message Center-Answering Service........$65.76 Parking .....................................................$140.00 Wages....................................................$3,372.32 Office Supplies and Expenses..................$96.00 Literature Purchases ............................$5,885.41 Telephone incl. Bridging The Gap..........$216.56 Contribution-Dayton Area Intergroup .........$0.00 Contribution-General Service-A.A.WS...$500.00 Contribution-SW Ohio Area 56 ...............$100.00 Postage-Freight .........................................$46.00 Accounting Service ..................................$125.00 Taxes-WH-State-Local-Sales Tax.......$1,378.53 Reserve For Printing Publication ................$0.00 Conference Expense ...................................$0.00 BWC Premium .............................................$0.00 * Total monthly expenses.................. $12,310.58 MONTH END BALANCE......................$6,784.08 NOTE: November income did not cover November expenses. If your group does not support Central Office, Area 56 and GSO, ask why! Dayton Area Central Office 120 W. 2nd St. Liberty Tower, Suite 211 Dayton, OH 45402 (937) 222-2211 http://aadaytononline.org [email protected] Monday, Wednesday & Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday & Thursday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. to Noon Books, CDs, tokens, jewelry, book covers November Group Contributions Group November YTD ALCO AIDES 12/12 Study Group........................ $1.75 ........ $11.45 Alco-Aides Group.......................... $4.70 ........ $29.01 Beginners Meeting ........................ $3.50 ......... $9.39 Big Book Study Group........................ .............. $58.75 Early Bird AM Group .................... $47.39 ...... $261.84 Happy Hour Group....................... $18.53 ...... $114.73 Monument Group......................... $12.51 ........ $79.99 Sunday Morning Breakfast Group. $13.25 ........ $84.52 Thursday Night Women................. $3.15 ......... $8.70 Tuesday Morning Group............... $44.86 ...... $197.26 CROSSROADS Attitude Adjustment............................ ............. $Dealing With Sobriety Fort Serenity .... ............ $110.76 Emotional Sobriety............................. ............. $Fast Group ........................................ ............. $Forest Park........................................ ............ $100.00 Hump Group Wed. 5:30 ..................... ............. $It's In The Book.................................. ............ $120.00 Keep It Simple ................................... ............. $Never On Sunday .............................. ............. $Noon Ego Busters.............................. ............. $ODAAT-North .................................... ............. $S.M.A.R.T.......................................... .............. $96.00 Sat. Before Sat. Night .................. $33.00 ........ $70.00 Shiloh Group ..................................... ............ $100.00 Spiritual Maintenance......................... ............ $205.80 Thurs. Serenity .................................. ............. $Wed. Night Men................................. ............ $140.00 Wed. Night Women............................ ............ $140.00 Women To Women Saturday ............. .............. $95.20 X Roads Group.................................. ............. $NORTHSIDE FELLOWSHIP A Message Of Recovery .................... .............. $90.00 A.L.O.H.A. at the gate................ $120.00 ...... $120.00 Back To Basics.................................. ............ $399.00 Beginner Meeting....................... $120.00 ...... $120.00 Bill W. Big Book Disc.................... $75.00 ........ $75.00 Celebrating Sobriety .......................... ............. $Chairman’s Choice Monday ............... ............. $Daily Reprieve Group......................... .............. $90.00 Deeper Reed ..................................... ............. $Discovery Group................................ .............. $90.00 Keep It Simple ................................... ............. $Men's Tuesday .................................. ............. $New Beginning .......................... $120.00 ...... $120.00 Open Discussion Saturday ................. .............. $60.00 Page Manor....................................... ............. $Resolving Resentments ..................... .............. $90.00 Sisters In Sobriety........................ $60.00 ........ $60.00 Steps Tuesday............................. $90.00 ........ $90.00 Sunlight Of The Spirit ................... $60.00 ........ $60.00 Take The Steps-Elevator’s Broke ....... .............. $60.00 You Have A Choice............................ ............. $SPRINGBORO/FRANKLIN Beginners .......................................... ............. $Franklin 12 Steppers .......................... ............. $Living in the Solution.......................... ............. $Mid-Day Sobriety Groups ........... $183.70 ... $1,880.38 Women’s Week-End Wind Down........ ............. $- SOUTHSIDE 3 M Men's Discussion......................... ........... $785.00 541 Group.......................................... ........... $240.00 A Way Of Life..................................... ............. $Acceptance Group.............................. ........... $186.00 Beyond Group Wed AM ...................... ............. $Beyond Human Aid Group .................. ............. $25.00 Beyond Sobriety .......................... $40.35 ........ $79.35 Big Book Friday........................... $60.00 ...... $180.00 Bring Y’r Own Brown Bag ................... ............. $Came To Believe................................ ............. $Chairman’s Choice Thurs. .................. ........... $100.00 Forward Step ..................................... ............. $Happy Hour........................................ ............. $75.00 Joe & Charlie ..................................... ............. $60.00 Just Say Noon.................................... ............. $Letting Go Monday Noon.................... ............. $Newcomers........................................ ............. $Nothing Else Worked Step.................. ............. $69.50 Over The Hump Step................... $45.00 ........ $90.00 Relationships & Sobriety..................... ............. $Saturday Step ................................... ............. $Self Worth.......................................... ........... $120.00 Serenity Sunday Morning.................... ........... $502.76 Sharing She's..................................... ........... $451.50 Shot Of Hope ..................................... ............. $Singles Group .................................... ............. $Sister's Step Study ............................. ........... $180.00 Southside Lead .................................. ............. $Sunday Afternoon Step....................... ............. $45.00 Sundowners Group............................. ............. $66.00 Thanks For Not Smoking .................... ............. $Wednesday Noon Step....................... ........... $180.00 Women's Sober Connection................ ............. $96.76 You Are Not Alone.............................. ............. $25.57 Young People’s Sunday ..................... ............. $WEST DAYTON CLUB A Way Of Life..................................... ........... $105.00 Big Book Disc Sunday ........................ ............. $54.00 Big I Group......................................... ............. $Bridgebuilders .................................... ............. $Dayton Friendship .............................. ............. $Gimme A Break.................................. ............. $Let's Stick Together............................ ............. $Men's Over The Hump........................ ............. $Sunday Morning Delphos.................... ............. $60.00 Upshaw Group ................................... ............. $60.00 Westwood Group................................ ............. $60.00 Women's Discussion Sat. ................... ........... $108.00 INDIVIDUAL CONTRIBUTIONS Harry M.............................................. ............. $75.00 Bobby B. ............................................ ............. $50.00 Mark E. .............................................. ........... $330.00 Frank H..................................... $100.00 ...... $100.00 Rick S. ........................................ $10.00 ........ $10.00 Does your home group support A.A. with contributions to Central Office, Area 56 and GSO in New York? Where to send group contributions After the group’s basic needs are met, such as rent, literature and refreshments, the group can participate in the financial support of the Fellowship as a whole by sending money to: • Central Office, 120 W. 2nd St., Liberty Tower, Suite 211, Dayton, OH 45402 • Area 56 Treasurer, P.O. Box 684, Dayton, OH 45401 • General Service Office, P.O. Box 459, Grand Central Station, New York, NY, 10164 These entities use contributions to carry the A.A. message to the alcoholic who still suffers. B ~7 ~ o o k s • NON-CLUB GROUPS .......... November ........... YTD A B Big Book Study Thurs ........... $60.00 ........ $60.00 A B C Group Springboro..................... ............. $A B S I Group..................................... ............. $A Vision For You ................................ ........ $1,314.25 Acceptance In The Heights................. ........... $600.00 Afternoon Delight ............................... ............. $60.00 Alanon Solution For Living .................. ............. $Aley-Beaver Acceptance Thurs........... ............. $Another Choice .................................. ............. $As Bill Sees It..................................... ............. $B B First 164 Pages ........................... ............. $Back To Basics Beginners .................. ............. $Back To The Basics ........................... ........... $288.00 Beavercreek Pass It On...................... ........... $531.00 Beavercreek Wed Night...................... ........... $180.00 Bellbrook Disc. Monday...................... ............. $Big Hard Book.................................... ............. $Bill's Bunch Wednesday ..................... ............. $66.00 Bound By Traditions NC ..................... ............. $Brown Bag CEC ................................. ............. $CADAS Group.................................... ........... $256.00 Cedarville Village Group ..................... ........... $130.00 Celina Sun Group............................... ............. $Coldwater Friday Night ....................... ............. $College Crowd CEC ........................... ............. $College Hill......................................... ............. $Complete Abandon............................. ........... $240.00 Covington Monday ............................. ............. $CPR Group ........................................ ............. $Disorganized B.B. Study..................... ............. $Double Trouble In Recovery ............... ............. $Down To Earth Minster....................... ............. $Downtowners Gay.............................. ............. $Downtowners Noon............................ ............. $Eaton Tues & Thurs ........................... ........... $300.00 Edgemont Group................................ ............. $Englewood Friendship Group.............. ............. $Enon Group ....................................... ........... $100.00 Evening Of Hope................................ ........... $357.36 Fairborn Flimsy Reed ......................... ............. $Fairborn Group Tues ................... $35.00 ...... $310.00 Fairborn Hilltop Disc ........................... ........... $100.00 Fairborn Just Us Gals Getting Sober $255.73 $255.73 Fairborn Noon Group.......................... ............. $Fairborn Reach Out And Touch ......... ........... $270.00 Fairborn Serenity Sisters .................... ............. $Fairborn Women’s Thurs .................... ............. $Fairborn Working On It ....................... ........... $258.25 First Things First ................................ ............. $Franklin 12 Steppers .......................... ............. $80.00 Franklin Group ................................... ............. $Generic Group ................................... ............. $Germantown Group............................ ........... $210.00 Glast Group - Friday Night.................. ............. $God Help Us-New Carlisle.................. ............. $30.00 Grapevine At Brookville ...................... ............. $Green Hall-Safe Haven Group ............ ............. $Greenville Beginners .......................... ............. $Greenville Thursday ........................... ............. $20.00 Greenville Treaty................................ ............. $Greenville Young Peoples .................. ............. $Group Of Hope................................... ............. $Hart Street ......................................... ........... $300.00 Harvest Of Hope ................................ ........... $323.40 Helping Hands ................................... ............. $High Hopes ........................................ ............. $Honey Creek NC................................ ........... $100.00 How It Works............................. $270.00 ...... $270.00 Huber Hts. Aloha At The Gate ............ ............. $Huber Serenity ................................... ............. $52.00 I Can Group ....................................... ........... $200.00 Introduction To The Steps .................. ............. $12.00 Jacksonburg Group ............................ ............. $James Gang ...................................... ............. $- Jamestown 12 & 12 BB...................... ............. $Jamestown Serenity........................... ............. $Jefferson Street ................................. ............. $Joy Step Group.................................. ............. $Kettering Rebels ................................ ............ $252.00 Lamplighter Spiritual Group................ ............ $237.75 Language Of The Heart...................... .............. $25.00 LAST Group-Dayton .......................... ............. $Lebanon 12X12 ................................. ............. $Lebanon Discussion Group ................ ............ $125.00 Lebanon Mon Nite BB ........................ ............. $Let There Be A New Awareness......... ............. $Living Sober Group ............................ ............ $356.00 Maple Grove Group ........................... ............ $420.00 Medway Full Measure Group.............. ............ $140.00 Mercy Manor Sunday Night ................ ............. $Miamisburg Big Book Disc.................. ............. $Miamisburg Burg Group Sun ........ $26.50 ...... $180.43 Miamisburg New Hope....................... .............. $13.32 Miamisburg One Step Closer.............. ............ $648.00 Miamisburg Wednesday..................... .............. $50.00 Middletown Home Group.................... ............. $Middletown Mid-Week........................ ............. $Minster Down To Earth....................... ............. $Misfits-Fri. Nite................................... ............. $Monday Eve's Women ....................... ............ $108.00 Montezuma 12 & 12........................... ............ $147.41 Moon City Wapak .............................. ............ $138.40 Needmore Sobriety .................... $345.00 ...... $715.00 New Hope-Nova ................................ ............. $New Lebanon .................................... ............ $500.00 Nova House....................................... ............. $Nutt Rd Fri................................. $120.00 ...... $210.00 Nutt Rd Thurs .................................... ............ $340.00 Nutt Rd Tues ............................... $90.00 ...... $255.00 Old Timers Group .............................. ............. $One Day At A Time ODAT-Kett .......... ............. $Ontario Group ................................... ............. $PAL Group......................................... ............ $300.00 Pioneer Group-Covington................... ............. $Piqua Best Is Yet To Come ................ ............. $Piqua New Wise Group...................... ............. $Piqua Serenity Island ......................... ............. $Recovery Group-Ft. Recovery ............ ............. $Roomful of Miracles ........................... ............. $S Group............................................. ............ $176.38 S O S ................................................ ............ $304.31 Sabina Group .................................... ............. $Saturday Night Downtowners ............. ............. $Saturday Night's All Right................... ............. $Saturday's Special ............................. ............ $425.00 Serenity is a Gift ................................ ............. $Shared Beginnings Oakwood ............. ............ $511.20 Shot of Hope #2................................. ............. $Sidney Friday Night............................ ............ $111.76 Sidney Noon...................................... ............. $Sidney Primary Purpose..................... .............. $25.32 Sidney Tuesday Night ........................ ............. $Sidney Wednesday Night ................... ............. $Smoke Free Mercy Medical................ ............. $Sober & Grateful-St. Eliz. ................... .............. $82.00 Sober Flyers-Wed. U.D. ..................... ............. $Sobriety For Lunch Bunch.................. ............ $341.78 Springfield-Mercy Medical .................. ............. $St. Francis Tues 5:45 PM................... ............. $St. George's Sponsorship/Step........... ............ $600.00 St. Marks Group................................. ............ $240.00 Step Ahead Lunch Bunch CEC........... ............. $Summit Group ................................... ............. $The Good Shephard Group ................ .............. $69.00 The Young and The Free ................... ............. $There Is A Solution Ginghamsburg $60.00 ...... $120.00 This Chip Of A Book .......................... ............ $117.00 Thomas Howard Group...................... ............. $Tipp City Group.................................. ............. $- ~8 ~ Tipp City Group .............................................. $300.00 Total Abandon.................................................. $Tradition Only................................................... $Trenton Group Tuesday.................................... $Trinity East..................................................... $278.40 Trinity Lakeside ................................................ $60.00 Trotwood Group ............................................. $240.00 Troy 12 & 12 Wed............................................. $Troy AA/Alanon Combined................................ $Troy BB Disc Monday ....................................... $Troy Beginners ................................................. $Troy Friday Morning ......................................... $Troy Green and Growing .................................. $Troy Happy Hour B B........................................ $Troy Recovery is a Journey .............................. $Troy Reed & Apply ........................................... $Troy Sat Morning Men’s.................................... $Troy Sat. AM Women ....................................... $Troy Spirituality Thurs..................................... $110.00 Troy Tri-City ..................................................... $40.00 Troy Trinity Sunday .......................................... $Troy Welcome Home Group.............................. $Troy Winners Sat.............................................. $Troy Women’s Disc Thurs................................. $Troy-The Best Is Yet To Come........................ $255.00 Turn It Over B.B. .............................................. $Valley Group .................................................. $180.00 VAMC Group VA Center ................................. $120.00 Vandalia Fri Night ........................................... $625.00 Vandalia Thurs AM .................... $210.00 ... $1,965.00 Washington Church Road Group .................... $225.60 Waynesville B B Wednesday/Saturday.............. $We Ain’t Saints................................................. $We Still Ain't Saints........................................... $Wed Night Group.............................................. $Wed Women Grp, Aldersgate ......................... $360.00 Welcome Back Step ....................................... $538.00 West Alex Tues. Noon ...................................... $West Carrollton B B Thumpers.......................... $West Carrollton Step Tues ......... $222.04 ...... $631.25 West Carrollton Thurs..................................... $300.00 West Milton Monday .................................... $1,200.00 Wilmington Monday Night ................................. $Wilmington Out To Lunch.................................. $Wilmington Saturday Night................................ $Wilmington Tuesday Night ................................ $Wilmington Wednesday .................................... $Woes Be Gone............................................... $156.93 Women’s Under Construction ......................... $269.00 Women's Recovery Xenia................................. $Xenia Bring the Donuts - BB - 12x12................. $Xenia Country Club B.B. ................................... $60.00 Xenia Friendship .............................................. $50.00 Xenia Grow Up................................................. $87.00 Xenia Serenity Seekers .................................... $Xenia Serious About Serenity .... $200.00 ...... $200.00 Xenia Sharing Shes .......................................... $32.88 Xenia Thurs Early Risers .................................. $Xenia Trebein................................................... $Xenia Tuesday Evening .................................... $Xenia Tuesday Morning .................................... $Xenia Turn it over BB........................................ $60.00 Yellow Springs Jackson Rd............................... $Yellow Springs No Name ........... $130.00 ...... $250.00 Yellow Springs Relationship.............................. $Yellow Springs Stepheads ................................ $90.60 Yellow Springs Sunday ................................... $348.00 Yellow Springs Young People ........................... $Young & Free ................................................... $Young Sobriety Step Group .............................. $Zippo Group ................................................... $240.00 Anonymous Contribution.............. $10.00 ...... $129.00 Memorials ........................................................ $35.00 TOTAL ................................... $3,300.96 . $35,002.93
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March 2014 Unity - AADaytonOnline.org
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