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LIONFISH PAPERS AND PRESENTATIONS FROM THE GULF AND CARIBBEAN FISHERIES INSTITUTE 2008‐2010 Picture from Acero et al. INTRODUCTION The documents that comprise this compendium represent papers and presentations from lionfish special sessions held at the annual meeting of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute. Starting in 2008, the GCFI, together with partners from NOAA, Florida Sea Grant, and REEF, have conducted sessions comprised of oral presentations on topics ranging from lionfish control strategies in the Wider Caribbean to new research results on lionfish biology and ecology. Lionfish ecological impacts was a common and urgently expressed theme throughout the sessions as presenters described extreme changes to local biodiversity and native reef fish biomass owing to lionfish consumption. New insights were provided on lionfish age and growth, habitat correlations, bioenergetics, genetics, and local removal programs. GCFI expresses grateful appreciation for for financial support to Florida Sea Grant. PAPERS Table of Contents Papers 2008 Smith and Sullivan Sealey – The Lionfish Invasion in the Bahamas: What do We Know and What to do About It? 2009 Claydon et al – The Red Lionfish Invasion of South Caicos, Turks & Caicos Islands Green and Côté – Abundance of Invasive Lionfish (Pterois volitans) on Bahamian Coral Reefs Morris et al – Biology and Ecology of the Invasive Lionfishes, Pterois miles and Pterois volitans Sullivan Sealey et al. – The Invasion of Indo-Pacific Lionfish in the Bahamas: Challenges for a National Response Plan 2010 Green and Côté – Consumption Potential of Invasive Lionfish (Pterois volitans) On Caribbean Coral Reefs Presentations 2010 Acero et al – Reconstructing the Western Atlantic Lionfish Invasion Albins – Effects of invasive Pacific red lionfish on Bahamian coral-reef fish communities: preliminary results from a large-scale, long-term experiment Bernal et al – The Impacts of the Indo-Pacific Lionfish (P. volitans and P. miles) on Fish Assemblages in Near Shore Benthic Reefal Habitats of the Central and Southern Bahamas Claydon et al – Invasive red lionfish in shallow habitats of the Turks & Caicos Islands Donaldson et al – Why Are Lionfishes (Pterois, Scorpaenidae) So Rare In Their Native Ranges? Johnson et al. – Red Lionfish control strategies in the Caribbean UK Overseas Territories (Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands and Turks and Caicos Island) Meléndez – Implementation of the Management Plan for the Control of the Lionfish in Puerto Rico Molina Ureña – Lionfish in Costa Rica: threats, actions, and opportunities Santos-Martínez – Trophic and Reproductive Aspects of the Lion Fish Pterois volitans, in San Sandrés Island, Biosphere Reserve- Seaflower, Colombian Caribbean The Lionfish Invasion in the Bahamas: What do We Know and What to do About It? NICOLA S. SMITH1,2 and KATHLEEN SULLIVAN SEALEY1 Marine and Environmental Studies Institute, College of The Bahamas, Oakes Field Campus, P.O. Box N4912 Nassau, Bahamas 2 Graduate Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Biological Sciences Building, 6270 University Boulevard, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z4 1 ABSTRACT Biological invasions include both human and non-human mediated forms of dispersal in which an exotic or non-native species successfully arrives, survives and reproduces in a novel locality and then proliferates and spreads throughout a region (Carlton, 1989). The recent invasion of the Indo-Pacific lionfish (Pterois volitans) throughout the western Atlantic Ocean, including The Bahamas, is generally considered to be the result of several species introductions associated with both the intentional and unintentional release of specimens from private aquariums. Small Island Developing States (SIDS) like The Bahamas are particularly vulnerable to bioinvasions due to our: 1) import-driven economy; 2) heavy reliance on tourism; and, 3) biological fragility inherent in island ecosystems. A review of the pattern of invasion by habitat, island group and size distribution is presented from recent surveys throughout the archipelago. KEY WORDS: Lionfish, reef fish, Bahamas, invasive species La Invasión del Pes Escorpion en las Bahamas Las invasiones biológicas comprenden tanto las formas de dispersión naturales como las generadas por el Hombre, donde una especie exótica o no nativa arriba, sobrevive y reproduce en una nueva localidad, y prolifera y se propaga por toda la región (Carlton, 1989). La reciente invasión del pez escorpión del Indopacífico (Pterois volitans) a través del Atlántico occidental, incluyendo Las Bahamas, se considera el resultado de la liberación intencional y no intencional de ejemplares por acuarios privados. Los Estados Pequeños Insulares en Desarrollo (SIDS) como Las Bahamas son particularmente vulnerables a las invasiones biológicas debido a 1) una economía sustentada por la importación y la exportación; 2) a la gran dependencia del turismo; y 3) la fragilidad biológica inherente a los ecosistemas insulares. Se presenta una revisión del patrón de invasión por hábitat, grupo de islas y amplitud de la distribución, a partir de los resultados de prospecciones recientes a lo largo del archipiélago PALABRAS CLAVES: Pez escorpion, arrecifes, Bahamas, invasión INTRODUCTION Biological invasions include both human and nonhuman mediated forms of dispersal in which an exotic or non-native species successfully arrives, survives, and reproduces in a novel locality and then rapidly spreads throughout a region. On the one hand, species that disperse without the aid of humans into an area where they were not previously found are referred to as range expansions. On the other hand, species that have been released outside of their native range and have spread due to human activity are referred to as species introductions (Carlton 1989). The recent invasion of the Indo-Pacific lionfish (Pterois volitans*) throughout the western Atlantic Ocean, including The Bahamas, is generally considered to be the result of several species introductions associated with both the intentional and unintentional release of specimens from private aquariums followed by the natural dispersal process (Hare and Whitfield 2003, Ruiz-Carus et. al. 2006). Biological invasions in the form of species introductions, however, are not new. The introduction of nonnative species has occurred since the dawn of early human migrations. Historically, flora and fauna were intentionally introduced to a new region usually to satisfy food demands or social needs while other non-native species would have been accidentally brought to an area in the form of hitchhikers. What distinguishes invasions today from those Proceedings of the 60th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute experienced in the past is that the current rate and magnitude of human-caused invasions is unprecedented (Lowe et. al. 2000). Today’s worldwide trend in successful species introductions can be partly explained by the exponential increase in global trade, transport, tourism, and travel, which have all served to transfer species to places that would have otherwise been virtually impossible to access due to natural physical barriers (BEST 2003, Lowe et. al. 2000). Furthermore, invasion theory predicts that increased disturbance to an environment should result in increased invader success (Altman and Whitlatch 2007, Lozon and MacIsaac 1997). Interpreted from this perspective, Carlton and Ruiz (2005) suggest that current worldwide increases in urban and other disturbed habitats may have created an excess of modified ecosystems that are more susceptible to invasion. Small Island Developing States (SIDS) like The Bahamas are particularly vulnerable to bioinvasions due to our: i) Import-driven economy; ii) Heavy reliance on tourism; and, iii) Biological fragility inherent in island ecosystems (BEST, 2003). November 5 - 9, 2007 Punta Cana, Dominican Republic Page 420 60th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Explanations for The Bahamas’ first two vulnerabilities to invasion are self-evident: a high level in the global traffic of people and goods leads to increased opportunities for non-native species that were once far-removed from The Bahamas to come in contact with our shores as hitchhikers. Evidently a small proportion of hitchhikers prove to be successful invaders. The third vulnerability of The Bahamas to invasion is a bit more complicated but is probably best explained by the “empty niche hypothesis”. Ecological models predict that the likelihood of establishment of an exotic species is increased when the functional differences between the nonnative and the resident/native species are great (Tilman 2004, Von Holle and Simberloff 2004). Small islands like those of The Bahamas tend to be missing entire functional groups of organisms – an example being the absence of native mammalian top predators. Introduced species that are able to occupy these missing functional groups may therefore be more likely to become successful invaders due to their ability both to use unexploited resources and to compete for other resources with inexperienced natives (Alpert 2006). All invaders impact the environment in which they invade because every organism must utilize resources such as space and food to survive. However, not all invaders have readily discernible effects on the invaded community or ecosystem. In cases in which impacts are substantial, and thus detectable, biological invasions have resulted in: declines, extirpations, and extinctions of native species (Goldschmidt et. al. 1993, Witte et. al. 2000, Lowe et. al. 2000), alterations of natural disturbance regimes (D’Antonio and Vitousek 1992), habitat structure (Daehler and Strong 1996), and nutrient cycling (Vitousek et. al. 1987) which have all in turn, changed the ecology of natural systems; changes in food web structure (Vander Zanden et. al. 1999), morphological and behavioural changes in native species (Vermeij 1982, Trussell and Smith 2000), and hybridization of native species with the invader (Rhymer and Simberloff 1996). Indeed, biological invasions are considered to be one of the leading threats to biodiversity worldwide (Lowe et. al. 2000). Nevertheless, it is important to note that there have been some, though few, documented beneficial effects of invasions. For example, Crooks et. al. (1998, 1999) found that the invasive Asian mussel, Musculista senhousia, created new habitat via producing mats of byssal threads in the predominantly unstructured mudflats of Mission Bay, San Diego. This novel habitat subsequently allowed for the development of a unique community assemblage with a higher diversity and abundance of taxa than the neighboring mudflats. Similarly, King and colleagues (2006) point out that the invasive round goby, Neogobius melanostomus, now constitutes more than 92% of prey consumed by the resident Lake Erie Water Snake, Nerodia sipedon insularum, which is threatened in the US and endangered in Canada. This shift in diet by the water snake following the invasion of the round goby has resulted in more rapid growth and attainment of a larger body size in the water snake - which the scientists assert may in turn, reduce predation, speed reproductive maturity, increase offspring production and ultimately, promote population growth in this threatened/endangered species. LIONFISH IN THEIR NATIVE RANGE Lionfish (Pterois volitans and P. miles) are tropical reef fish native to the Indian and South Pacific Oceans, including the Red Sea, where they inhabit coral reefs, rocky outcrops and sandy substrates at depths ranging from the surface (< 1 m) to about 50 m (Schultz 1986). Both P. volitans and P. miles are variable in color but tend to be either red-, maroon-, or black-and-white striped (Figure 1). They are a source of food in their native range and are highly sought after globally as a high priced aquarium fish (FishBase 2007). Figure 1. An adult lionfish on a near shore patch reef in its introduced range of The Bahamas. Photo credit: COBMESI, 2007. The maximum size record for adult lionfish in their native range varies according to the source with a conservative estimate of about 380 mm TL (FishBase, 2007). P. volitans become sexually mature between 140 - 160 g body weight and 180 - 190 mm TL (Fishelson 1997). Based on spawning information and the collection of larvae from the water column, it is likely that lionfish have a pelagic larval stage (Hare and Whitfield 2003). Lionfish are usually solitary as adults and will defend their home range against conspecifics. Nevertheless, they tend to congregate in small groups during mating and as juveniles (Fishelson 1975). Juveniles have also been observed to gather together in groups of up to 40 individuals (Fishelson 1997). Relatively stationary, top-level predators, lionfish feed on a wide variety of smaller fishes and crustaceans Smith, N.S. and K. Sullivan-Sealy GCFI:60 (2008) (Fishelson 1997). There are few known, if any, natural predators of lionfish, most likely due to the venomous nature of the species (Allen and Eschmeyer 1973). However, the literature reports an isolated case of a single pacific cornetfish, Fistularia commersonii, (94 cm SL) with a P. miles in its stomach (10 cm SL) (Bernadsky and Goulet 1991). Furthermore, it has been speculated that some sharks may consume lionfish with no apparent illeffect (Moyer and Zaiser 1981). Schultz (1986) concluded that Pterois volitans and P. miles are allopatric, sibling species. Kochzius et. al. (2003) showed that there are genetic differences between P. volitans and P. miles, but they were inconclusive as to whether they are two separate species or two populations of a single species. This paper recognizes P. volitans and P. miles as two separate species as determined by Schultz (1986) – although keeping with convention, both are herein commonly referred to as lionfish - and acknowledges the possibility that a cryptic invasion is occurring in The Bahamas similar to the situation in the US (Hamner and Freshwater 2007) in which both P. volitans and P. miles are found along the southeast continental shelf. LIONFISH ENVENOMATION Members of the family Scorpaenidae, lionfish possess venomous dorsal, anal, and pelvic spines and have been known to sting humans when threatened or harassed (RuizCarus et. al. 2006, Vetrano et. al. 2002). Envenomation may also occur due to reckless handling of recently dead specimens (Pulce et. al. 1991). Lionfish venom contains both acetylcholine and a toxin affecting neuromuscular transmission, but the major component is an antigenic, heat labile protein (Vetrano et. al. 2002). No fatalities have resulted due to lionfish envenomations, and the majority of stings occurred on the hands of victims who attempted to clean the aquarium of fish kept as pets (Patel and Wells 1993). The predominant symptom of lionfish envenomation is severe pain at the wound site, which is usually responsive to hot water immersion therapy. Rare but more serious symptoms include: chills, headache, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain or cramping, delirium, seizures, limb paralysis, hyper- or hypotension, respiratory distress, congestive heart failure, and pulmonary edema (Vetrano et. al. 2002). Victims may develop a hypersensitivity to lionfish venom and experience anaphylactic reactions upon subsequent envenomation (Auerbach 1991, Patel and Wells 1993). THE INTRODUCTION OF LIONFISH TO THE WESTERN ATLANTIC OCEAN AND THE BAHAMAS The first documented release of lionfish in US waters occurred in 1992 in Biscayne Bay, Florida when six lionfish escaped from a private aquarium following its destruction by Hurricane Andrew (Courtenay 1995). Since Page 421 then, adult lionfish have been observed along the southeast United States coast from Miami, Florida to as far north as Cape Hatteras, North Carolina - in addition to Bermuda. In comparison, juveniles have been sighted off North Carolina, Long Island, New York and Bermuda (Whitfield et. al. 2002). However, juveniles remaining in US waters farther north than Cape Hatteras in the fall are predicted to perish due to an inability to survive winter bottom temperatures there (Kimball et. al. 2004). In contrast, the first documented report of lionfish in The Bahamas did not occur until 2004 (Department of Marine Resources, Pers. comm.). Nevertheless, by late 2006, lionfish had already been reported on a variety of habitat types throughout much of The Bahamian archipelago by local scientists, environmentalists, fishermen, recreational divers, and beach goers alike. Many of the reports were anecdotal and consisted of brief emails or phone calls directed to various Government Ministries or to The Marine and Environmental Studies Institute at The College of The Bahamas. At the start of 2007, the Reef Environmental Education Foundation (REEF) – a Florida based environmental not-for-profit organization – teamed up with local dive operators and the College of The Bahamas to conduct lionfish surveys throughout the archipelago at popular dive sites. Furthermore, in August 2007, the College of The Bahamas Marine and Environmental Studies Institute (COB-MESI) in collaboration with the Department of Marine Resources established an on-line lionfish sightings questionnaire in order to consolidate information on lionfish occurrences throughout the country and subsequently follow-up by verifying reports. Preliminary surveys of lionfish around New Providence were conducted in summer of 2007 by The COBMESI. Their findings revealed, among other things, that a substantial number of lionfish are being found in highly disturbed, near shore, shallow waters of The Bahamas (between 1 – 4 m) (Sullivan Sealey and Smith In prep.) as opposed to the deeper, offshore waters (the majority of lionfish observed between 35 and 45 m) of the lionfish introduced range along the southeast coast of the US (Kimball et. al. 2004). This suggests that the pattern of invasion of lionfish in The Bahamas may more closely resemble lionfish occurrences and distributions in their native range of the Indo-Pacific than their introduced range in neighboring US waters. Evidently, further research is needed to fully characterize the nature of the invasion of lionfish in The Bahamas. Nevertheless, this initial difference highlights the need for The Bahamas to invest substantial resources into closely evaluating the lionfish invasion in its own waters, as reliance on the findings and subsequent management policies developed to address the invasion in the US may not necessarily be applicable here. Page 422 60th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute A PLANNED RESPONSE FOR THE BAHAMAS The scale and scope of the lionfish invasion in The Bahamas requires innovative approaches and partnerships to: protect public health and interests, assess the potential impacts of lionfish, and effectively manage the invasion. Biological invasion management is a multi-year endeavor for both marine and terrestrial species; and a draft of a National Invasive Species Policy for The Bahamas has already been developed, which among other things, calls for the country: i) To prepare a strategic management plan for individual species of high priority; ii) To facilitate research on the occurrence, distribution and impacts of invasive alien species, and iii) To monitor invasive species populations in The Bahamas (BEST, 2003). The College of The Bahamas Marine and Environmental Studies Institute (COB-MESI) in collaboration with the Department of Marine Resources is launching a multiyear project to develop a National Lionfish Response Plan (NLRP) that entails a partnership between both local and regional government and non-governmental agencies. The plan focuses on: i) Ecological research, ii) Invasion management and policy development, and iii) Educational initiatives to understand the implications of the establishment of the Indo-Pacific lionfish on fisheries resources and the ecology of coastal systems in The Bahamas. The project will ultimately build a body of stakeholders that can contribute to the long-term strategic management of lionfish in our waters. Preliminary research will address questions surrounding which types of near-shore habitats are more susceptible to invasion and lionfish diet niches. A few permanent monitoring sites will also be established around New Providence to examine lionfish movement, habitat utilization and recruitment. Longer-term efforts include the creation of a National Lionfish Specimen Library for future investigations into genetics, ageing, growth and reproduction of the species in The Bahamas (Figure 2). Initial invasion management and policy development includes the creation of a national online lionfish information network that serves both to compile sightings over the entire archipelago and to coordinate efforts with the regional lionfish invasion work being done by REEF and the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service Laboratory based in Beaufort, North Carolina (NMFS-NOAA). Specifically, the online information network will include: a national lionfish reporting system that is linked to a spatial dataset of marine habitats; a specimen cataloging system for the tracking of lionfish collected in the country and housed either within The Bahamas at the National Lionfish Specimen Library or abroad; and, a contact and project database related to on-going lionfish research permitted in the country that is linked to two the preceding network components. Figure 2. COB-MESI researchers record various lionfish morphological characteristics in addition to specific habitat information before housing specimens within the country in the National Lionfish Specimen Library. Photo credit: COBMESI, 2007. Future educational efforts of the NLRP involve raising awareness among beach goers, as well as the local fishing and recreational diving communities, about lionfish invasion management options and first-aid response to envenomation. The National Lionfish Response Plan (NLRP) is a costly and ambitious long-term endeavor. The project requires significant financial, technical, and logistical support from multiple government and non-governmental agencies at both the national and the regional level. The Indo-Pacific lionfish is now found widely throughout The Bahamas, and the effects of their invasion are expected to become more apparent as their numbers continue to increase. As a concerned individual, you can best contribute to the National Lionfish Response Plan by: reporting lionfish sightings on the national online questionnaire; urging others to report sightings; and, donating money or other much needed resources to the National Lionfish Response Team. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to thank the Disney Wildlife Conservation Fund, Department of Marine Resources and the College of The Bahamas Marine and Environmental Studies Institute for support and funding for this project. Smith, N.S. and K. Sullivan-Sealy GCFI:60 (2008) LITERATURE CITED Allen, G.R. and W.N. Eschmeyer. 1973. Turkeyfishes at Eniwetok. Pacific Discovery 26:3-11. Alpert, P. 2006. The advantages and disadvantages of being introduced. Biological Invasions 8:1523-1534. Altman, S. and R.B. Whitlatch. 2007. Effects of small-scale disturbance on invasion success in marine communities. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 342:15-29. Auerbach, P.S. 1991. Marine envenomations. New England Journal of Medicine 325:486-493. Bernadsky, G. and D. Goulet. 1991. A natural predator of the lionfish, Pterois miles. Copeia 1991:230-231. BEST Commission. 2003. The National Invasive Species Strategy for The Bahamas. BEST, Nassau, The Bahamas, 40 pp. Carlton, J.T. 1989. Man's role in changing the face of the ocean: biological invasions and implications for conservation of near-shore environments. Conservation Biology 3:265-273. Carlton, J.T. and G.M. Ruiz. 2005. The magnitude and consequences of bioinvasions in marine ecosystems, Pages 123-148 in: E.A. Norse and L.B. Crowder (eds.) Marine Conservation Biology: The Science of Maintaining the Sea's Biodiversity. Island Press, Washington, D.C. USA. Courtenay, W.R. 1995. Marine fish introductions in southeastern Florida. American Fisheries Society Introduced Fish Section Newsletter. 1995(14):2-3. Crooks, J.A. 1998. Habitat alteration and community-level effects of an exotic mussel, Musculista senhousia. 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Witte, F., Msuku, B.S., Wanink, J.H., Seehausen, O., Katunzi, E.F.B., Goudswaard, P.C. and T. Goldschmidt. 2000. Recovery of cichlid species in Lake Victoria: an examination of factors leading to differential extinction. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 10:233-241. The Red Lionfish Invasion of South Caicos, Turks & Caicos Islands JOHN ALEXANDER BRIGHTMAN CLAYDON, MARTA CATERINA CALOSSO, and SIRI ELIZABETH JACOB The School for Field Studies – Center for Marine Resource Studies, 1 West Street, South Caicos, Turks & Caicos Islands, British West Indies ABSTRACT The first observation of red lionfish (Pterois volitans/miles) in the waters around South Caicos, Turks & Caicos Islands was made in December 2007. From this time until the end of July 2008, lionfish sightings were recorded by staff and students from The School for Field Studies Center for Marine Resource Studies in South Caicos. Twenty-five individuals were observed. Although effort was made to capture all specimens seen (with 23 individuals captured), sightings represent opportunistic observations made during other activities. All except two were recorded in waters shallower than 2.5m, and specimens have been found in patch reef (n = 15), seagrass (n = 6), mangrove (n = 2), and deep reef (25m; n = 1). Although individuals captured ranged in size from 4.1 to 27.7cm TL, all but two individuals were < 15 cm TL. This study documents the invasion of South Caicos by red lionfish, and although the effects of this invasion are unknown, the exponential increase of sightings per month is worrying. Future monitoring will include targeted searches for red lionfish. KEY WORDS: Red lionfish, invasión, Turks & Caicos Islands La Invasión de South Caicos, Turks & Caicos Islands, por los Peces León Rojo La primera observación de pez león rojo (Pterois volitans/miles) en las aguas alrededor de South Caicos, Turks & Caicos Islands fue hecha en Diciembre de 2007. Desde esa fecha hasta fines de Julio de 2008, avistamientos de peces león han sido registrados por estudiantes y miembros de The School for Field Studies Center for Marine Resource Studies en South Caicos. Veinticinco individuos han sido observados. Aunque se realizaron esfuerzos para capturar todos los especímenes observados (con 23 individuos capturados), los avistamientos representan observaciones oportunistas hechas durante otras actividades. Todos, excepto dos, fueron registrados en aguas de profundidad menor a 2.5 m y especímenes han sido encontrados en manchas de arrecife (n = 15), hierba marina (n = 6), manglares (n = 2) y arrecife profundo (25 m; n = 1). Todos los individuos capturados iban de una gama de 4.1 a 2.27 cm TL, excepto 2 que eran de <15cm TL. Este estudio documenta la invasión de South Caicos por los peces león rojo y, aunque los efectos de esta invasión son desconocidos, el crecimiento exponencial de avistamientos mensuales es preocupante. Futuros monitoreos incluirán búsquedas específicamente orientadas al pez león rojo. PALABRAS CLAVES: Pez león rojo, invasión, Turks & Caicos Islands Invasion de South Caicos, Îles Turks & Caicos, par le Poisson Scorpion La première obseration d’un poisson scorpion (Pterois volitans/miles) dans les eaux autour de South Caicos a été faite en décembre 2007. Depuis lors et jusqu’à la fin juillet 2008, le staff et les étudiants de The School For Field Studies Center for Marine Resource Studies localisée à South Caicos ont pris note de toutes les observations de poissons scorpions. Vingt-cinq individus ont été observés. Tandis qu’un effort a été fourni pour capturer tous les individus observés (avec 23 capturés), toutes les observations représentent des observations opportunistes, réalisées pendant d’autres activités. Toutes, sauf deux, ont été enregistrées dans des eaux peu profondes de moins de 2.5m et les spécimens ont été trouvés dans des récifs en patch (n = 15), herbiers (n = 6), mangroves (n = 2), et récifs profonds (25 m ; n = 1). Bien que les individus capturés aient une taille de 4.1 à 27.7 cm TL, tous les individus étaient < 15 cm TL sauf deux. Cette étude documente l’invasion de South Caicos par le poisson scorpion et, bien que les effets de cette invasion ne soient pas connus, l’augmentation exponentielle des observations est inquiétante. Futures monitorings incluront des recherches spécifiques pour les poissons scorpions. MOTS CLES: Poisson scorpion, invasion, Îles Turks & Caicos INTRODUCTION The red lionfish, Pterois volitans/miles, invasion of the western Atlantic is well documented (Whitfield et al. 2007). However, very little information has been collected in the Turks & Caicos Islands (TCI). Whilst the first sightings in the TCI were made off West Caicos and Providenciales in 2005, in South Caicos no individuals had been documented until December 2007 (Figure 1). This study documents the invasion of red lionfish in the waters around South Caicos following the initial sighting. Proceedings of the 61st Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute MATERIALS & METHODS Lionfish sightings around South Caicos were recorded by staff and students from The School for Field Studies, Center for Marine Resource Studies (SFS-CMRS). These sightings represent opportunistic observations made during snorkeling and SCUBA diving activities. Depth and habitat were recorded, and specimens were captured to prevent multiple sightings of the same individual. Total lengths were measured and maturity assessed through gonad analysis. November 10 - 14, 2008 Gosier, Guadeloupe, French West Indies Claydon, J.A.B., et al. GCFI:61 (2009) Page 401 research will include a more systematic and representative monitoring protocol. In addition, potential threats of the lionfish invasion will be investigated with the aim of identifying appropriate strategies of management and mitigation. Figure 1. Location of South Caicos within the Turks & Caicos Islands. RESULTS A total of 25 lionfish were observed, of which 23 were captured and measured. The number of sightings per month increased exponentially during the study period (Figure 2). Most lionfish (n = 24) were recorded at less than 2.5m depth. The majority were found in reef habitats (15 on patch reefs, 1 on fringing reef, and 1 on the edge of the drop-off at 25 m). Six individuals were seen in seagrass habitats of which five were sheltering in blow-out ledges (Figure 3). A further two lionfish were found in mangroves (Figure 2). Specimens ranged in size from 4.7 to 27.7 cm TL, with 21 individuals < 15 cm TL (Figure 3). The largest specimen caught was the only sexually mature individual recorded. DISCUSSION The lack of sightings prior to December 2007, the exponential increase in sightings over time, and the predominance of immature and small individuals suggest that the lionfish invasion of South Caicos is in its initial stages. Although the effects of the invasion are unknown, some results are of concern. Lionfish were observed in blow-out ledges in seagrass habitats (5 during the study and 11 thereafter). These structures serve as important microhabitat for juvenile Nassau groupers (Epinephelus striatus) around South Caicos (Claydon & Kroetz 2007; see Figure 3D). A continued exponential increase of lionfish may lead to inter-specific competition for space in blow-outs. This could impact populations of the regionally endangered Nassau grouper. Although the majority of lionfish were found on reefs and at shallow depths, this may partly reflect disparity in sampling effort. Future Figure 2. A. Lionfish sightings per month from August 2007 to July 2008. B. Frequency of lionfish observed in reef, seagrass and mangrove habitats (n = 25). C. Size frequency distribution of lionfish caught around South Caicos (n = 23). Figure 3. A. The smallest (4.7cm TL) and B. the largest (27.7cm TL) lionfish captured. C. Lionfish in blowout ledge in seagrass habitat. D. Juvenile Nassau grouper in blowout ledge. Page 402 61st Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to acknowledge: The School for Field Studies – Center for Marine Resource Studies for financial and logistical support; TCI Government Department of Environment and Coastal Resources for supporting the project; and for assistance in the field provided by staff and students of School for Field Studies – Center for Marine Resource Studies and the staff of the East Bay Development. LITERATURE CITED Claydon, J.A.B. and A. Kroetz. 2008. The distribution of early juvenile groupers around South Caicos, Turks & Caicos Islands. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 60:345-350. Whitfield PE, J.A. Hare, A.W.David, S.L. Harter, R.C. Muñoz, and C.M. Addison. 2007. Abundance estimates of the Indo-Pacific lionfish. Biological Invasions 9:53-64. Abundance of Invasive Lionfish (Pterois volitans) on Bahamian Coral Reefs S.J. GREEN and I.M. Côté Department of Biological Sciences, Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, BC, V5A 1S6 Canada EXTENDED ABSTRACT Indo-Pacific lionfish (Pterois volitans and P. miles) have recently invaded and rapidly spread throughout temperate and tropical Western Atlantic and Caribbean habitats. The invasion is thought to be the result of accidental or intentional releases from aquaria off the southeast coast of Florida, with recent genetic work suggesting a small founding population (Freshwater et al. 2009). Lionfish abundances have been increasing exponentially at several locations in the Caribbean over the past few years, and individuals have now been sighted in the Caribbean as far south as Panama. These venomous, invasive predators use an ambush strategy to consume whole prey fish and have few predators in their introduced range. Lionfish were first reported from Western Atlantic coral reef habitats in 2004, off the southwest coast of New Providence Island, Bahamas, and are now abundant throughout the archipelago (REEF 2008). Despite their popularity in the aquarium trade, there is little scientific information about the abundance of lionfish from coral reefs in their native range, and no information from coral reef habitats in Caribbean. We set out to assess the population abundance and size distribution of lionfish inhabiting sites along a continuous coral reef off the southwest coast of New Providence, Bahamas in 2008. At each of the 13 sites, we assessed lionfish abundance along six 50 m x 10 m transects. Transects were conducted at depths of between 10 and 20 m, and total length of each lionfish encountered was estimated to the nearest cm by trained observers. At several sites, densities of P. volitans exceeded those reported anecdotally from their native range in the Red Sea by Fishelson (1997), as well as density estimates from their invaded range along the eastern coast of the US by Whitfield et al. (2007) (Table 1). The impacts of the lionfish invasion are generating great concern, with individual lionfish having been shown to reduce recruitment of native reef fish by 79% on small experimental reefs in the Bahamas (Albins and Hixon, 2008). Given the high densities we documented across our study sites, the impacts of lionfish on natural reefs in the invaded range may be severe. These abundance estimates can be used in conjunction with data on fish community assemblage and habitat metrics from the study system to predict the distribution of lionfish across coral reef habitats. As lionfish continue to spread and increase in abundance across the region, these data may be used to target areas of management and control priority. LITERATURE CITED Table 1. Density and total length (TL) of Pterois volitans on coral reef sites off southwest New Providence, Bahamas. Means are shown ± 1 SD. Site Density TL (cm) 1 345 ± 165 22 ± 6 2 233 ± 82 24 ± 7 3 213 ± 177 24 ± 7 4 141 ± 122 23 ± 5 5 99 ± 45 25 ± 7 6 65 ± 30 21 ± 7 7 65 ± 55 20 ± 7 8 40 ± 10 28 ± 3 9 28 ± 30 18 ± 5 10 28 ± 27 20 ± 6 11 27 ± 10 20 ± 6 12 27 ± 35 24 ± 5 13 10 ± 12 30 ± 3 Proceedings of the 61st Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Ablins, MA and MA Hixon. 2008. Invasive Indo-Pacific lionfish Pterois volitans reduce recruitment of Atlantic coral-reef fishes. Marine Ecology Progress Series 367:233-238. Fishelson, L. 1997. Experiments and observations on food consumption, growth and starvation in Dendrochirus brachypterus and Pterois volitans (Pteroinae, Scorpaenidae). Environmental Biology of Fishes 50(4):391-403. Freshwater, D.W. et al. 2009). Mitochondrial control region sequence analyses indicate dispersal from the US East Coast as the source of the invasive Indo-Pacific lionfish Pterois volitans in the Bahamas. Marine Biology 156(6):1213-1221. REEF. (2009). Reef Environmental Education Foundation Volunteer Survey Project Database. (01/11/2008). Whitfield, P.E., J.A. Hare, A.W. David, S.L. Harter, R.C. Muñoz, and C.M. Addison. 2007. Abundance estimates of the Indo-Pacific lionfish Pterois volitans/miles complex in the Western North Atlantic. Biological Invasions 9(1):53-64. November 10 - 14, 2008 Gosier, Guadeloupe, French West Indies Biology and Ecology of the Invasive Lionfishes, Pterois miles and Pterois volitans JAMES A. MORRIS, JR.1, J.L. AKINS2, A. BARSE3, D. CERINO1, D.W. FRESHWATER4, S.J. GREEN5, R.C. MUÑOZ1, C. PARIS6, and P.E. WHITFIELD1 1 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 101 Pivers Island Road, Beaufort, North Carolina 28516 USA ,2Reef Environmental Education Foundation, 98300 Overseas Hwy, Key Largo, Florida 33037 USA, 3Department of Biology, Salisbury University, 1101 Camden Avenue, Salisbury, Maryland 21801 USA, 4University of North Carolina Wilmington, Center for Marine Science, 5600 Marvin Moss Lane, Wilmington, North Carolina 28409 USA, 5Department of Biological Sciences, Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, British Columbia, V5A 1S6, Canada, 6 Applied Marine Physics, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, Florida 33149 USA ABSTRACT The Indo-Pacific lionfishes, Pterois miles and P. volitans, are now established along the U.S. southeast coast, Bermuda, Bahamas, and are becoming established in the Caribbean. While these lionfish are popular in the aquarium trade, their biology and ecology are poorly understood in their native range. Given the rapid establishment and potential adverse impacts of these invaders, comprehensive studies of their biology and ecology are warranted. Here we provide a synopsis of lionfish biology and ecology including invasion chronology, taxonomy, local abundance, reproduction, early life history and dispersal, venomology, feeding ecology, parasitology, potential impacts, and control and management. This information was collected through review of the primary literature and published reports and by summarizing current observations. Suggestions for future research on invasive lionfish in their invaded regions are provided. KEY WORDS: Lionfish, invasive species, Pterois Biologia y Ecologia del Pez Leon Invasor, Pteoris miles y Pterois volitans Los peces león del Indo-Pacifico, Pterois volitans and Pterois miles, se están estableciendo a lo largo de la costa sur oriental de los Estados Unidos, Bermuda, Bahamas y han comenzado a invadir el Caribe. Aunque los peces leones son populares en el comercio de acuarios, poco es conocido de su biología y ecología. Dado el rápido establecimiento de los peces león y su impacto potencial de estos invasores, los estudios comprensivos acerca de su biología y ecología son necesarios. Aquí proporcionamos una sinopsis de la biología y ecología del pez león incluyendo la cronología de la invasión, taxonomía, abundancia local, reproducción, historia temprana de la vida y dispersión, venomology, ecología de alimentación, parasitología, los impactos potenciales, y control y gerencia. Esta información fue recogida por medio de la revisión de la literatura primaria y informes públicos y resumiendo observaciones actuales. Las sugerencias para la investigación futura sobre el invasor pez león en las regiones invadidas son proporcionadas. PALABRAS CLAVES: Peces león, especie invasora, Pterois Biologie et Ecologie de Rascasses volantes Invasives, Pteoris miles et Pterois volitans Les rascasses volantes, Pterois volitans et Pterois miles, originaires de la zone tropicale indo-Pacifique sont aussi retrouvées le long des côtes sud-est américaines, aux Bermudes, aux Bahamas, et sont actuellement entrain d’envahir les Caraïbes. Alors que ces poissons sont très demandés dans le commerce des poissons d’aquarium, peu de données relatives à leur biologie et à leur écologie sont connues. Dans ce contexte, d’invasion rapide de ce poisson et des impacts potentiels sur les communautés de poissons récifaux endogènes, nous essayons de mettre en évidence la biologie de reproduction, les habitudes alimentaires et les caractères venimeux en utilisant les observations menées en laboratoire et sur le terrain. Concernant la reproduction de ce poisson, les observations menées montrent que c’est un animal itéropare, asynchrone avec de multiples pontes par saison (le nombre de ponte étant indéterminé). Les mesures visant à déterminer la périodicité de ponte montrent que ces poissons pondent mensuellement, avec des périodes de ponte au cours de la plupart des mois du calendrier d’où le caractère invasif de cette espèce. Les expérimentations conduites au laboratoire sur la prédation des rascasses juvéniles ont montré que ces derniers ne constituent pas de véritables proies pour les poissons récifaux endémiques à cause de leurs défenses venimeuses. L’analyse du contenu stomacal révèle essentiellement des crustacées et des poissons des espèces fourragères incluant les poissons dévolus à la pêche commerciale ou de loisirs, comme le vivaneau et le mérou. Ces travaux fournissent un nouvel éclairage en ce qui concerne la biologie intégrée et l’écologie des rascasses volantes non endémiques, et démontrent le besoin d’une détection précoce et systématique de cette espèce et la mise en œuvre de solution rapide pour faire face à cette invasion dans l’écosystème marin. MOTS CLÉS: Rascasses volantes ,espèce invasion, Pterois INTRODUCTION The lionfish invasion in the Northwestern Atlantic and the Caribbean represents one of the most rapid marine finfish invasions in history. Despite being a popular member of the marine ornamental aquarium trade, little Proceedings of the 61st Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute was known regarding the biology and ecology of these lionfishes prior to this invasion. Information on lionfish abundance, dietary habits, predators, and seasonality of reproduction are scarce. Most of what has been published on lionfish relates largely to lionfish envenomations, which November 10 - 14, 2008 Gosier, Guadeloupe, French West Indies Page 410 61st Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute commonly occur during aquarium husbandry or as a result of poor handling by home aquarists. Invasive lionfish are a concern to coastal managers due to their potential threat on fisheries resources, native fish communities, and human health. Since 2000, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) researchers have partnered with non-governmental organizations, academics, and other federal and state agencies to develop a programmatic response to the lionfish invasion. The following provides a synopsis of information on the biology and ecology of the invasive lionfishes that have invaded the Northwestern Atlantic and Caribbean, and a discussion of future research needs and management options. Invasion Chronology Many non-native marine ornamental fishes have been reported along the U.S. East Coast, with a “hotspot” of introductions occurring in South Florida (Semmens et al. 2004). Lionfish have been documented off Palm Beach, Boca Raton, and Miami, Florida beginning in 1992; and Bermuda, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia beginning in 2000 (Hare and Whitfield 2003, REEF 2008, USGS 2008, Whitfield et al. 2002). Since 2004, lionfish have become widespread in the Bahamas (REEF 2008, USGS 2008, Whitfield et al. 2007). More recently, lionfish were reported in the Turks and Caicos and Cuba (Chevalier et al. 2008) in 2007, and in the Cayman Islands, Jamaica, Dominican Republic (Guerrero and Franco 2008), U S. Virgin Islands, Belize, and Barbados in 2008 (REEF 2008, USGS 2008). Juvenile lionfishes have also been reported along the U.S. northeast coast including Virginia, New York, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts since 2001. These northeastern specimens are incapable, however, of overwintering due to thermal intolerance (Kimball et al. 2004), and they are not considered established. It is nearly impossible to determine which introduction event(s) allowed lionfish to become established. Research on the genetic variation of the lionfish populations is providing insight into the minimum number of lionfish and the geographic origin of founder population(s) (Hamner et al. 2007). Interestingly, this is not the first documented invasion of Pterois sp. as Golani and Sonin (1992) reported a Mediterranean invasion of P. miles from the Indian Ocean via the Suez Canal. Taxonomy Pterois miles and P. volitans are morphologically similar and distinguishable in their native range by meristics, with P. volitans exhibiting one higher count of dorsal and anal fin rays when compared to P. miles. This difference was documented by Schultz (1986) who reported that P. miles is found in the Red Sea, Persian Gulf, and Indian Ocean (excluding Western Australia) and P. volitans is found in the Western and Central Pacific and Western Australia. Kochzius et al. (2003) used mitochon- drial DNA analyses to show that specimens identified as P. miles and P. volitans were genetically distinct. Their geographic sampling did not allow the determination of whether this distinction was at the species or population level. Hamner et al. (2007) analyzed specimens identified as P. miles and P. volitans from additional areas of their native range, including Indonesia, where they are sympatric. They found that the two taxa are clearly distinct supporting the designation of two species. Analyses with different molecular markers and additional geographic samples of species in Pterois and the out-group comparison with the closely related genus Dendrochirus, support the classification of P. miles and P. volitans as separate species. Recent efforts by Hamner et al. (2007) have confirmed that: i) Both P. miles and P. volitans were introduced along the U.S. East Coast, ii) P. volitans comprises approximately 93% of the population, and iii) A strong founder effect (i.e. low genetic diversity) is evident among Atlantic specimens. The genetic structure of invasive lionfish in the Caribbean is presently unknown. Only one species (P. volitans) has been confirmed along the Bahamian archipelago. Documentation of genetic change and adaptation of lionfish populations in their invaded range is warranted (e.g., Morris and Freshwater 2008). Greater understanding of lionfish genetics could assist with validation of reef fish dispersal and connectivity models in the Northwestern Atlantic, Caribbean, and Gulf of Mexico. Local Abundance Whitfield et al. (2007) provided the first assessment of lionfish densities off North Carolina and reported an average of 21 lionfish per hectare across 17 locations in 2004. Lionfish densities off North Carolina have continued to increase. Recent assessments off New Providence, Bahamas indicate lionfish densities are more than 18 times higher than the 2004 North Carolina estimates (Green and Côté 2008). The cryptic nature of lionfish make them difficult to census. It is likely that estimates of lionfish on complex coral reef habitats under-represent local abundance of juveniles. Thus, these density estimates should be considered conservative. Further, lionfish densities in the Bahamas are more than eight times higher than estimates from their native range (Green and Côté 2008). Few published data are available, however, from the IndoPacific region providing high uncertainty for this comparison. In their invaded Atlantic and Caribbean ranges, it is unclear when lionfish densities will reach carrying capacity. Given that many reef fishes along the east coast of the U.S. and Caribbean are overfished (Hare and Whitfield 2003), lionfish might be utilizing vacated niche attributes such as increased availability of forage fishes and reef space. Morris, J. et al. GCFI:61 (2009) Monitoring of lionfish densities across habitat types using standardized indices of abundance is needed to determine when lionfish abundances reach carrying capacity. Lionfish densities are expected to vary depending on such factors as seasonality, local recruitment, local niche availability, and fishing pressure. Studies assessing the drivers controlling lionfish densities in specific habitats are needed to support lionfish control measures and to identify potential pathways for new invaders. Reproduction The Pteroines, including P. miles and P. volitans, are gonochoristic; males and females exhibit minor sexual dimorphism only during reproduction (see Fishelson 1975). Lionfish courtship has been well described by Fishelson (1975) who provided a detailed description for the pigmy lionfish, Dendrochirus brachypterus, and reported similar courtship behaviors for Pterois sp. According to Fishelson, lionfish courtship, which includes circling, side winding, following, and leading, begins shortly before dark and extends well into nighttime hours. Following the courtship phase, the female releases two buoyant egg masses that are fertilized by the male and ascend to the surface. The eggs and later embryos are bound in adhesive mucus that disintegrates within a few days, after which the embryos and/or larvae become free floating. P. miles and P. volitans ovarian morphology is similar to that reported for D. brachypterus (Fishelson 1978) in that these fishes exhibit cystovarian type ovaries (Hoar 1957) with ooctyes developing on stalks or peduncles. The oocytes are terminally positioned near the ovary wall, which secretes the encompassing mucus shortly before spawning. The seasonality of lionfish reproduction throughout their native range is unknown. Invasive lionfish collected off North Carolina and in the Bahamas suggests that lionfish are reproducing during all seasons of the year. Early Life History and Dispersal Larval stage descriptions for P. miles and P. volitans are incomplete with only one report by Imamura and Yabe (1996) describing five P. volitans larvae collected off northwestern Australia. Scorpaenid larvae exhibit two morphologically distinct groups characterized as “morph A” and “morph B” by Leis and Rennis (2000). Pteroine larvae are grouped among the “morph B” morphotypes, whose traits include: large head, relatively long and triangular snout, long and serrated head spines, robust pelvic spine, and pigment confined to the pectoral fins (Leis and Rennis 2000) and postanal ventral and dorsal midlines (Washington et al. 1984). Pterois sp. meristic characters are reported as 12 - 13 dorsal spines, 9 - 12 dorsal rays, three anal spines, 5 - 8 anal rays, 12 - 18 pectoral rays, one pelvic spine, five pelvic rays, and 24 vertebrae (Imamura and Yabe 1996; Leis and Rennis 2000). Page 411 The size of P. miles or P. volitans larvae at hatching is unmeasured, but is likely to be approximately 1.5 mm based on reports for P. lunulata (Mito and Uchida 1958; Mito 1963). The specific planktonic larval duration of lionfish is also unknown, although Hare and Whitfield (2003) estimated it to be between 25 to 40 days based estimates for Scorpaena (Laidig and Sakuma 1998). Dispersal of lionfish presumably occurs during the pelagic larval phase during which larvae can be dispersed across great distances. For example, lionfish eggs released in the Bahamas are capable of dispersing to New England via the Gulf Stream. Larval connectivity models for reef fishes (e.g., Cowen et al. 2006) provide insight into lionfish larval dispersal and are valuable for predicting the spread of lionfish as evidenced by the recent establishment of lionfish in the Caribbean. Further lionfish dispersal into the lower Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico seems imminent. Assuming a planktonic larval duration of 25 to 40 days (Hare and Whitfield 2003), the Caribbean and Yucatan currents are capable of dispersing lionfish larvae into the Gulf of Mexico from locations in the Caribbean where lionfish are already resident (i.e., Cuba, Jamaica, Cayman Islands) (Cowen et al. 2006). Based on the rapidity of lionfish establishment along the U.S. East Coast and the Bahamas, lionfish establishment along the southern edges of Central America (Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama), the Yucatan peninsula, and the western Gulf of Mexico is likely within a few years or less. Establishment would also be facilitated by gyres such as the ColumbiaPanama Gyre and the Gulf of Mexico loop current, which could provide a mechanism for lionfish to become established in the Florida Keys. Venomology Lionfish are venomous with their spines containing apocrine-type venom glands. Each spine of the lionfish (except caudal spines) is venomous including 13 dorsal spines, three anal spines, and two pelvic spines. The spines are encased in an integumentary sheath or skin and contain two grooves of glandular epithelium that comprises the venom producing tissue. Spine glandular tissue extends approximately three quarters the distance from the base of the spine towards the tip (Halstead et al. 1955). Lionfish envenomation occurs when the spine’s integumentary sheath is depressed as it enters the victim. This process tears the glandular tissue allowing the venom to diffuse into the puncture wound (Saunders and Taylor 1959). The toxin in lionfish venom contains acetylcholine and a neurotoxin that affects neuromuscular transmission (Cohen and Olek 1989). Lionfish venom has been found to cause cardiovascular, neuromuscular, and cytolytic effects ranging from mild reactions such as swelling to extreme pain and paralysis in upper and lower extremities (Kizer et al. 1985). Antivenom of the related stonefish (Synanceia ssp.) is highly effective in neutralizing lionfish venom activity (Shiomi et al. 1989, Church and Hodgson 2002). Page 412 61st Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute The severity of sting reactions in humans is dependent upon such factors as the amount of venom delivered, the immune system of the victim, and the location of the sting. Records of home aquarists stung by lionfish provide a comprehensive assessment of how lionfish stings affect humans (Kizer et al. 1985, Vetrano et al. 2002). The probability of lionfish envenomation is higher when handling smaller-sized lionfish because the venom glandular tissue is closer to the tip of the spine (Halstead et al. 1955). The effectiveness of lionfish venom defense in their invaded range is in question. Maljković et al. (2008) reported that lionfish were found in the stomachs of groupers; however, this observation provides no assessment of the frequency of lionfish consumption by grouper. Furthermore, laboratory behavioral experiments suggest that groupers actively avoid lionfish, even during periods of extreme starvation. Additional research is needed towards understanding predatory interactions between lionfish and native predators. Work by Sri Balasubashini et al. (2006a, 2006b) indicated that lionfish (P. volitans) venom contains antitumor, hepatoprotective, and antimetastatic effects in mice suggesting a promising application for cancer research. Depending on the outcome of this research and the subsequent demand for lionfish venom, bioprospecting of venom from invasive lionfish could assist with fishery development. Feeding Ecology In the Red Sea, lionfish (P. miles) have been reported to feed on assorted taxa of benthic fishes including damselfish, cardinal fish, and anthias (Fishelson 1975, Fishelson 1997). However, in the Pacific Ocean, P. lunulata were observed to feed primarily on invertebrates including penaeid and mysid shrimps (Matsumiya et al. 1980, Williams and Williams 1986). Assessments of invasive lionfish feeding suggests that lionfish are largely piscivorous, but also feed on a number of crustaceans. The particular taxa of highest importance in invasive lionfish diet will likely vary by habitat type and prey availability. Feeding, growth, and starvation of P. volitans from the Red Sea was investigated by Fishelson (1997) who reported that lionfish stomachs can expand over 30 times in volume after consuming a large meal. This capability supported Fishelson’s hypothesis that lionfish were capable of longterm fasting, and demonstrated their ability to withstand starvation for periods of over 12 weeks without mortality. Fishelson (1997) also measured daily consumption rates in the laboratory for six size classes of lionfish ranging from 30 - 300g and found that lionfish consumed approximately 2.5 – 6.0% of their body weight per day at 25 - 26 °C. Preliminary observations suggest that lionfish in their invaded range can consume piscine prey at rates greater than reported earlier by Fishelson (1997). Quantification of the feeding ecology of lionfish including consumption rates and prey selectivity will permit better assessment of the impacts of their predation on local reef fish communities. Parasitology Knowledge of the parasites infecting native and nonnative lionfish is scant. No comprehensive survey of protozoan or metazoan parasites of either host (P. miles or P. volitans) has been published. There are, however, a few isolated records of single parasite species such as monogeneans from the Red Sea (Paperna 1972, Colorni and Diamant 2005) and Japan (Ogawa et al. 1995), copepods also from Japan (Dojiri and Ho 1988), and leeches from Japan (Paperna 1976) and the Florida coast (Ruiz-Carus et al. 2006). Most published records of lionfish parasites are of ectoparasites; the only record of an endoparasite is of a new myxosporean species, Sphaeromyxa zaharoni which was found in a lionfish gall bladder from the Red Sea (Diamant et al. 2004). Recent observations of invasive lionfish collected off North Carolina and in the Bahamas have found low prevalence of endo- and ectoparasites when compared to parasites of native reef fishes. Future research describing parasites of invasive lionfish will provide a unique study of opportunistic parasitism by common parasites of marine reef fishes. Potential Impacts Potential ecological impacts of lionfish on local reef fish communities will vary depending on the abundance of top level predators, the forage fish community, the density of lionfish, and the geographic location. Local studies that provide observations of lionfish impacts on community structure and the abundance of forage fishes are needed. The first evidence of lionfish impacts in their new range was provided by Albins and Hixon (2008) who reported a 79% reduction in forage fish recruitment on experimental patch reefs in the Bahamas during a five week observation period. Analysis of the potential impact of lionfish consumption on whole coral reef fish communities is also being documented in the Bahamas, where data on stomach contents are being combined with abundance estimates of the prey community across various habitat types and seasons. Given the high levels of lionfish biomass found at some locations (Whitfield et al. 2007), the predatory removal of forage fishes is a growing concern, because many other top level predators (i.e., potential food competitors with lionfish) are overfished or in low abundance (Hare and Whitfield 2003). It is unclear if lionfish predation on economically important species such as juvenile serranids will harm stock rebuilding efforts. Economically important species were relatively low in importance in the lionfish diet of the Bahamas, but this could be a direct result of their low abundance in the forage fish community. Research that monitors lionfish predation on economically important species is needed. Morris, J. et al. GCFI:61 (2009) Lionfish impacts on tourist recreational activities have been observed. Some locations have posted warning signs advising of the potential for lionfish envenomation. As lionfish densities increase, so too does the risk of envenomations. It is unknown whether increasing lionfish densities will reduce recreational activities and cause economic hardship. This will be dependent on factors such as the prevalence of warning signs, the density of lionfish, and the effectiveness of education and outreach. Control and Management Management of marine finfish invasions are confounded by highly diverse and wide-ranging habitats, swift ocean currents, and jurisdictional constraints. Prevention is the least expensive and most effective management option. There are currently two lionfish management and control efforts in Bermuda and the Bahamas. Bermuda initiated a lionfish culling program in 2006 that included a training program, collecting license, and a special dive flag allowing commercial and recreational fishers to spear lionfish along nearshore reefs. A video description of this program can be seen at v=LNbKjiUCGRU . Bahamian fisheries officials instituted a lionfish kill order to fishermen in 2005. They have also actively engaged the public with educational seminars devoted to promoting lionfish as a food fish with the hopes that human consumption will support fishery development. Grassroots, “adopt a reef programs”, are being developed in Eleuthra (see that encourage local citizens to take ownership of small reefs and to protect them from lionfish impacts. Some tourist locations, such as resorts, are physically removing lionfish by spearfishing and handnets to reduce the risk of swimmer interaction. It is unclear how effective these approaches will be, because too little is known about the rate of lionfish recruitment and movement among the various habitat types. Recently, NOAA researchers have developed techniques to trap lionfish, thus providing a means of removal from deeper waters and larger areas that are impractical for diver removal. CONCLUSIONS The lionfish introduction provides a reminder of how rapid a non-native species can become established and potentially compete with native fishes for resources. Early detection and rapid response efforts are of utmost importance in the marine environment due to the complexity and ineffectiveness of eradication measures. An early detection and rapid response program has been developed in south Florida (a hotspot for marine introductions), which utilizes and coordinates resources from over thirty state, federal, and non-governmental organizations in the region. Programs such as this represent the first line of defense for marine introductions and should be endorsed and supported by local managers. Future research on invasive lionfish should focus on understanding and reducing their ecologi- Page 413 cal impacts, the scale of which is yet to be determined. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank the NOAA Aquatic Invasive Species Program, NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, the NOAA Undersea Research Program (Grant No. NA030AR4300088), the National Science Foundation (Grants OCE0825625, OCE0550732, PEET No.0328491, DBI-MRI No.0618453), the GEF Coral Reef Targeted Research Program, Connectivity Working Group, and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada for funding support. We also thank J. Langston and P. Schofield (USGS) for providing lionfish sightings records and D. Ahrenholz and D. Evans for their helpful review of this manuscript. LITERATURE CITED Albins, M.A. and M.A. Hixon. 2008. Invasive Indo-Pacific lionfish (Pterois volitans) reduce recruitment of Atlantic coral-reef fishes. Marine Ecology Progress Series 367:233-238. Chevalier, P.O, E. Gutierrez, D. Ibarzabal, S. Romero, V. Isla, and J. Calderin, and E. Hernendez. 2008. First record of Pterois volitans (Pisces: Scorpaenidae) for Cuban waters. 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Icthyological notes about fishes collected for parasite examination around Sesoko Island, Okinawa. Galaxea 5:217-221. The Invasion of Indo-Pacific Lionfish in the Bahamas: Challenges for a National Response Plan 1 KATHLEEN SULLIVAN SEALEY1, 4, LAKESHIA ANDERSON2, DEON STEWART3, and NICOLA SMITH4, 5 University of Miami Department of Biology, Coral Gables, Florida USA; 2 Department of Marine Resources, Nassau, Bahamas; 3 Bahamas Environment, Science and Technology Commission, Nassau, Bahamas; 4 Marine and Environmental Studies Institute, College of The Bahamas, Nassau, Bahamas; 5 Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada ABSTRACT The invasion of the Indo-Pacific lionfish to Bahamian waters raises considerable concern due to the uncertainty of its ecological impacts and its potential threats to commercial fisheries and human safety. Lionfish have been reported throughout the archipelago and are the focus of several research and monitoring initiatives. The Bahamas has a National Invasive Species Strategy, but marine invasions require unique partnerships for small islands developing states to develop realistic management goals and actions. The Government of The Bahamas has limited funds to address major resource management issues; hence, collaboration with non-governmental agencies and tertiary education institutions is imperative. The establishment and spread of lionfish has created a novel opportunity for the formation of innovative public-private partnerships to address the ecological, economic and social impacts of biological invasions. KEY WORDS: Lionfish, invasion, reefs La Invasión en las Bahamas del Pez León del Indo-Pacifico: Un Caso de Investigación, Planificación, y Manejo La invasión del pez león del Indopacífico en las aguas de Las Bahamas ha generado una gran preocupación debido a la incertidumbre sobre su efecto ecológico y la posible afectación a la pesca comercial, el turismo y la seguridad de la población. El pez león se ha registrado en todo el archipiélago y ha sido objeto de investigación y monitoreo. Aunque Las Bahamas posee un Plan Estratégico Nacional para las Especies Invasoras, las marinas requieren de esfuerzos institucionales conjuntos para recopilar y analizar la información, lanzar iniciativas educativas, y elaborar medidas realistas de manejo. El gobierno de Las Bahamas posee fondos limitados para enfrentar los problemas prioritarios de manejo; por eso es indispensable la colaboración con agencias no gubernamentales e instituciones terciarias de educación. La invasión del pez león ha creado una oportunidad para la formación de asociaciones innovadoras entre instituciones privadas y públicas con el fin de abordar las consecuencias ecológicas, sociales y económicas de los invasores biológicos. PALABRAS CLAVES: Pez león, invasión, arrecifes L’invasion des Rascasses de L’Indo-Pacifique aux Bahamas: Problèmes de Recherche, D’éducation et de Gestion L’invasion de la rascasse de l’indo-pacifique dans les eaux des Bahamas génère une grande préoccupation liée à l’incertitude de ses impacts écologiques et de ses répercussions possibles sur la pêche commerciale, le tourisme et la santé humaine. La rascasse a été observée sur l’ensemble de l’archipel et fait l’objet de plusieurs programmes d’études et de surveillance. Les Bahamas possèdent un plan stratégique national contre les espèces invasives mais les espèces marines nécessitent des collaborations institutionnelles fortes pour compiler et analyser les informations, promouvoir des programmes éducatifs et développer des moyens réalistes de gestion. Le gouvernement des Bahamas possède des fonds limités pour répondre à ces questions majeures de gestion des ressources, c’est pourquoi il est indispensable d’avoir des collaborations avec des agences non gouvernementales et des institutions éducatives. L’invasion des rascasses a créé une nouvelle opportunité pour la formation d’associations innovantes public-privé dans le but d’analyser les conséquences écologiques, sociales et économiques des envahisseurs biologiques. MOTS CLÉS: Rascasse, Bahamas INTRODUCTION The Commonwealth of The Bahamas faces significant challenges in the management and protection of marine resources over the 1,200 kilometer-long archipelago. Stressors on the marine environment include overfishing, marine and terrestrial sources of pollution, climate change, and invasive species. Biological invasions involve both human and non-human mediated forms of dispersal in which non-native species successfully arrive, survive, and reproduce in a novel locality and then spread throughout a region (Carlton 1987, 1989). The establishment and spread Proceedings of the 61st Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute of exotics represent one of the most pressing threats to the diversity and distinctiveness of ecological communities (see Clavero and Garcia-Berthou 2005, Lowe et al. 2000, Sax and Gaines 2008, McKinney and Lockwood 1999, 2005, Vitousek et al. 1987). Moreover, the rate and magnitude of species introductions are increasing worldwide while the economic costs associated with the impacts and control of invaders are estimated in billions of dollars per year in the US alone (Lowe et al. 2000, Pimentel et al. 2000, 2005). November 10 - 14, 2008 Gosier, Guadeloupe, French West Indies Sullivan-Sealey, K. et al. Addressing the current state of invasions is therefore a daunting task for even the most well-equipped management teams. Invasive species management underscores the long-standing tension between decision-makers’ need for a rapid, cost-effective and yet, scientifically-informed response to environmental issues and the incremental nature of advances in scientific knowledge. On the one hand, emergent crises demand a timely and viable response to both real and perceived public concerns. On the other hand, the technical and scientific expertise required to guide management options often involves a comparably slow development process. This strain is further exacerbated in small island developing states in which the threat from invasions is high and an immediate concern but national capacity to address the issue in terms of monetary resources and scientific expertise is limited. The recent introduction of the venomous Indo-Pacific lionfish (Pterois volitans and P. miles) to the Western Atlantic Ocean brings to focus the substantial challenges faced by small developing nations such as The Bahamas to effectively manage high priority invaders and develop realistic prevention and early detection programs for other exotics. Invasive species management is a long-term proposition that entails partnerships between both local and regional governmental and non-governmental agencies. Accurate and continually updated scientific knowledge in addition to ongoing monitoring is critical to understanding the risks associated with lionfish establishment and spread. The National Invasive Species Strategy for The Bahamas provides a good starting point for work in this area (BEST 2003), but the unique challenges presented by such a widespread and venomous marine invader may require a greater degree of innovation. This paper presents a brief overview of: i) The unique challenges in creating a NRLP, especially in establishing a central focused goal; ii) Management options for a NRLP, and iii) Assessment of stakeholder grounds, and potential partnerships for a NRLP. Part of the introduction to the management issues is a short review of lionfish ecology and the invasion history. A summary of events related to the Lionfish invasion of The Bahamas is presented in Appendix 1. LIONFISH ECOLOGY AND INVASION HISTORY Lionfish (Pteroinae) are a subfamily of the scorpionfishes (Scorpaenidae). There are 17 different species of lionfish that occur within five different genera (Kochzius et al. 2003). All Pterois species contain venomous dorsal, anal and pelvic spines (Randall et al. 1997). Pterois volitans (Linnaeus 1758) and a closely related form, P. miles (Bennett 1828), share similar morphological resemblance and are generally considered to be allopatric sibling species native to the sub-tropical and tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific, where they are carnivorous midlevel predators on coral, rocky and sandy substrates GCFI:61 (2009) Page 405 (Schultz 1986, Fishelson 1997). P. volitans has a pelagic egg and larval stage, matures between 180 - 190mm and can grow up to 350 mm or more in total length (Fishelson 1997, Imamura and Yabe 1996). Lionfish have few natural predators most likely due to the venomous nature of the species. In the Indo-Pacific, Bernadsky and Goulet (1991) report an isolated case of a pacific cornetfish Fistularia commersonii that consumed a juvenile P. miles, while in its invaded range of The Bahamas, groupers may be a potential predator. This is supported by the discovery of juvenile P. volitans in the stomachs of adult Nassau grouper, Epinephelus striatus, and tiger grouper, Mycteroperca tigris (Maljkovic et al. 2008). Lionfish occur outside of their native range in the Mediterranean Sea as well as the Atlantic Ocean. Pterois miles entered the Mediterranean Sea via the Suez Canal as a Lessepsian migrant (Golani and Sonin 1992) while both P. volitans and P.miles were most likely introduced to the Western Atlantic in the early 1990s off the coast of Florida via aquarium releases (Courtney 1995, Hare and Whitfield 2003; Ruiz-Carus et al. 2006, Semmens et al. 2004, Whitfield et al. 2002). P. volitans is now established and abundant along the US southeast continental shelf, Bermuda and several Caribbean countries including The Bahamas, The Cayman Islands, Cuba, and The Turks and Caicos (Albins and Hixon 2008, Hare and Whitfield 2003, Meister et al. 2005, Ruiz-Carus et al. 2006, Snyder and Burgess 2006, USGS NAS Database 2008, Whitfield et al. 2002, 2007). Since 2008, lionfish have also been reported in the Dominican Republic, Jamaica and St. Croix (Guerro and Franco 2008, USGS NAS Database 2008). Unlike P. volitans, which is now widespread and abundant in the Atlantic, P.miles has only been observed in its invaded range in relatively small numbers along the US eastern seaboard (Hamner et al. 2007). The overall impact of lionfish in the Atlantic remains largely unknown, but many suggest that the species will negatively affect marine communities by decreasing the abundance of a wide range of reef associated fish via direct predation and competitive interactions in which lionfish monopolize food resources (see Albins and Hixon 2008, Hare and Whitfield 2003, Whitfield et al. 2007). UNIQUE CHALLENGES TO INVASIVE SPECIES MANAGEMENT IN THE BAHAMAS The Bahamian archipelago is a unique ecological system, with real limitations to how much humans can alter the landscape without irreversible changes to the environment. Invasive alien species has been recognized an important cause for the loss of national biological diversity of both natural communities and species. The primary environmental sensitivities are related to water use, nutrient cycles and island hydrology, and link coastal land use to the adjacent marine resources. Thus, the vulnerability of The Bahamas to near shore marine invasive species is very high. The Government agencies and non-government Page 406 61st Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute organizations have a high level of problem recognition and awareness, yet the general population has a poor understanding of what an “invasive alien species” is. Many invasive alien plant species such as the Australian pine (Casuarina equestifolia) are long established in the country, and considered part of the natural landscape. The challenge of just being able to monitor the ecology of an archipelago with 30 different island population centers is substantial. The management of invasive species requires a coordinated response between many different islands with varying capacities. Like many environmental issues, the threat invasive species is the consequence of inadequate infrastructure, regulation and planning both for the fastgrowing population on New Providence, and the emerging Family Island communities. MANAGEMENT OPTIONS The consensus at the fall 2008 Lionfish Stakeholders’ Meeting for The Bahamas was that there is an urgency to develop and implement a National Lionfish Response Plan (NLRP) in lieu of the precautionary principle. The mission of a NRLP should be fourfold: i) To maintain the distinctiveness and diversity of Bahamian marine communities, ii) To protect commercially important fisheries, iii) To safeguard public health, and iv) To reduce the growth and spread of lionfish populations. Ideally, the ultimate goal of a NLRP would be the eradication of lionfish and prevention of a possible reintroduction of the species. Realistically, the goal would be to reduce lionfish population growth and spread in targeted areas such as Marine Protected Areas and beaches frequently used by the general public. For any invasive species management plan to be effective it must be informed by sound science, objective data and the financial reality of those charged with its implementation. Table 1 presents a summary of potential lionfish management options suggested at the fall 2008 Lionfish Stakeholders’ Meeting. Each option was subjectively ranked by meeting attendees. However, we emphasize that none of these managements options can be implemented or seriously considered without prior rigorous scientific research and economic analyses of their viability. STAKEHOLDER GROUPS AND POTENTIAL PARTNERSHIPS One of the most remarkable aspects of the Indo-Pacific lionfish invasion is the wide range of stakeholders and resource user groups that are potentially impacted by its establishment and spread. The lionfish invasion is unprecedented for The Bahamas in terms of the scope of its potential impacts across many different marine and coastal resource user groups. Because of the large number of private businesses and individuals included in the stake- holder groups (Table 2), there are likely to be a number of privately funded initiatives independent of any government action. The geographic extent and rapid rate of spread of the invasion coupled with the large and diverse body of stakeholders demands an equally rapid and coordinated planning and implementation process on the part of the government. One challenge in bringing together all the stakeholder groups is building a common body of information or knowledge, the “baseline” information on the lionfish and its impacts. Science-based management requires a close coordination between research and management decisionmaking. Emerging information from researchers emphasizes the challenges of management, and a NLRP requires engagement of all stakeholder groups for years to come. There are four “functional” components of the plan: i) Accessing and the management of adequate funding, ii) Lionfish research, information management and monitoring, iii) Outreach and education on lionfish control and prevention efforts, and iv) Revision and further development of invasion policy and regulations. No component is more important than another, all components work in concert to implement a management plan. The NLRP will require new and innovative approaches to resource management and regulation. In addition, new international partnerships should to be forged to meet the scientific research and information needs. The level of information exchange and sharing of resources would likely change dramatically when foreign researchers are engaged to help address a national research agenda. Table 3 outlines some basic research areas, with an assessment as to whether sufficient progress could be made with capacity within the country. Research done collaboratively with more student exchanges and formal training will serve to build the long-term resource management capacity. Perhaps the biggest challenge is developing a national data management system for natural resource and biological diversity management. The NLRP can be an initial step towards larger environmental management goals by providing the necessary public focus, funding and international collaborations. CONCLUSION The writing and implementation of a National Lionfish Response Plan for The Bahamas is a culmination of many long term efforts to implement broader “ecosystem management” of natural resources and build an integrated coastal zone management plan. The invasion of the IndoPacific lionfish is in many ways symptomatic of the overall challenges for Small Island Developing States (SIDS) to Sullivan-Sealey, K. et al. address environmental threats that cut across government agencies and require additional scientific and technical capacity beyond the borders of the country. If The Bahamas can successfully plan and implement actions to control lionfish populations, it will be an important step forward in inter-departmental cooperation and privatepublic partnerships. The management actions require both regulatory and non-regulatory approaches to the invasion control, with a critical role assigned to public education and outreach programmes. From the initial stakeholders meetings, it is clear that the overall level of “science literacy” in the country will come into play in building public support for management goals and actions. Fishers, diver operators and Family Island fisheries officers all have opinions on the movement, behaviour and ecology of lionfish based on observations and conversations, yet there is very little information about the science of fish population dynamics and invasion ecology. Often, this lack of “science literacy” leads to unrealistic expectations for management goals, and underestimates of the cost for management actions. Workshops and seminars are critical to bring accurate, factual and up-to-date information to a broad audience of stakeholders, and focus an educational outreach campaign on the broader science of invasive species. Marine alien species invasions are a threat to The Bahamian environment not only from the aquarium trade, but also through ballast water introductions associated with port operations. The focus of any outreach and public education campaign should be on both the specific stewardship actions required for individuals as well as the importance of a broader knowledge of the local environment and its ecology. Clearly, the areas in the above tables where there was a lack of stakeholder consensus were due largely to a lack of information or knowledge by some stakeholder groups. Managing expectations and getting the best lionfish population control results for the resources invested will depend on an aggressive and innovative outreach campaign. This need for accurate and current information on the biology and ecology of lionfish in Bahamian waters may present some new challenges in partnerships between the Government of The Bahamas and foreign research permit holders. The control of lionfish populations will be a management issue for likely decades to come. The Bahamas would wish to both increase its internal capacity to study, analyze and archive information on invasive species, as well as build stronger and more collaborative relationships with foreign researchers working in the country. Special conditions or arrangements may be necessary on research permit holders to insure that results are presented back to the NLRP management team in a timely manner, and that datasets are available for compiling national archives and databases. A clear focus in management planning can help refine the requests for funding and research priorities. The Bahamas will play an GCFI:61 (2009) Page 407 important role as a regional leader in marine invasive species research and management as the NLRP continues to develop. LITERATURE CITED Albins, M.A. and M.A. Hixon. 2008. Invasive Indo-Pacific lionfish Pterois volitans reduce recruitment of Atlantic coral-reef fishes. Marine Ecology Progress Series 367:233-238. Bennett, J.W. 1828. 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Environmental Biology of Fish 50:391-403. Golani, D. and O. Sonin. 1992. New records of the Red Sea fishes, Pterois miles (Scorpaenidae) and Pteragogus pelycus (Labridae) from the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology 39:167-169. Guerrero, K.A. and A.L. Franco. 2008. First record of the Indo-Pacific red lionfish Pterois volitans (Linnaeus, 1758) for the Dominican Republic. Aquatic Invasions 3:255-256. Hamner, R.M, D.W. Freshwater, and P.E. Whitfield. 2007. Mitochondrial cytochrome b analysis reveals two invasive lionfish species with strong founder effects in the western Atlantic. Journal of Environmental Fish Biology 71:214-222. Hare, J.A., and P.E. Whitfield. 2003. An integrated assessment of the introduction of lionfish (Pterois volitans/miles complex) to the western Atlantic Ocean. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS 2. 21pp. Imamura, H. and M. Yabe. 1996. Larval record of a red firefish, Pterois volitans, from northwestern Australia (Pisces: Scorpaeniformes). Bulletin of the Faculty of Fisheries Hokkaido University 47:41-46. Kochzius, M., Solier, R., Khalaf, M.A., and D. Bloom. 2003. Molecular phylogeny of lionfish genera Dendrochirus and Pterois (Scorpaenidae, Pteroinae) based on mitochondrial DNA sequence. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 28:396-403. Linnaeus, C. 1758. Systema naturae per regna tria naturae, 10th ed. Lauerntii Salvii Holmiae. Lowe, S., M. Browne, S. Boudjelas, and M. DePoorter. 2000. 100 of the world's worst invasive alien species: a selection from the global invasive species database. Published by The Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG) a specialist group of the Species Survival Commission (SSC) of the World Conservation Union (IUCN). 12 pp. Maljkovic, A., T.E. Van Leeuwen, and S.N. Cove. 2008. Predation on the invasive red lionfish, Pterois volitans (Pisces: Scorpaenidae), by native groupers in the Bahamas. Coral Reefs. Online:28 March 2008. McKinney, M. and J. Lockwood. 1999. Biotic homogenization: a few winners replacing many losers in the next mass extinction. Trends in Ecological Evolution 14:450-453. McKinney, M. and J. Lockwood. 2005. Community composition and homogenization: eveness and abundance of native and exotic plant species. Pages 365-380 in: D.F. Sax, J.J. Stachowicz and S.D. Gaines (Eds.) Species Invasions: Insights into Ecology, Evolution and Biogeography. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, Massachusetts USA. Page 408 61st Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Meister, H.S., D.M. Wyanski, J.K. Loefer, S.W. Ross, A.M. Quattrini, and K.J. Sulak. 2005. Further evidence for the invasion and establishment of Pterois volitans (Teleostei: Scorpaenidae) along the Atlantic coast of the United States. Southeastern Naturalist 4:193206. Pimentel, D., L. Lach, R. Zuniga, and D. Morrison. 2000. Environmental and economic costs of nonindigenous species in the United States. BioScience 50:53-65. Pimentel, D., R. Zuniga, and D. Morrison. 2005. Update on the environmental and economic costs associated with alien-invasive species in the United States. Ecological Economics 52:273-288. Randall, J.E, Allen, G.R., and R.C. Steene. 1997. Fishes of the Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, Hawaii USA. Ruiz-Carus, R., Matheson, R.E., Roberts, D.E., and P.E. Whitfield. 2006. The western Pacific red lionfish, Pterois volitans (Scorpaenidae), in Florida: evidence for reproduction and parasitism in the first exotic marine fish established in state waters. Biological Conservation 128:384-390. Sax, D.V. and S.D. Gaines. 2008. Species invasions and extinction: the future of native biodiversity on islands. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105:11490-11497. Schultz, E.T. 1986. Pterois volitans and Pterois miles: two valid species. Copeia 1986:686-690. Semmens, B.X., Buhle, E.R., Salomon, A.K. and C.V. PattengillSemmens. 2004. A hotspot of non-native marine fishes: evidence of the aquarium trade as an invasion pathway. Marine Ecology Progress Series 266:239-244. Snyder, D. and G. Burgess. 2006. The Indo-Pacific red lionfish, Pterois volitans (Pisces: Scorpaenidae), new to Bahamian ichthyofauna. Coral Reefs. Online:25 October 2006. USGS NAS Database (United States Geological Survey Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database). 2008. Available at http:// (accessed 3 October 2008). Vitousek, P.M., L.L. Loope, and C.P. Stone. 1987. Introduced species in Hawaii: biological effects and opportunities for ecological research. Trends in Ecological Evolution 2: 24-227. Whitfield, P.E., T. Gardner, S.P. Vives, M.R. Gilligan, W.R. Courtenay, G.C. Ray, and J.A. Hare. 2002. Biological invasion of the IndoPacific lionfish Pterois volitans along the Atlantic coast of North America. Marine Ecology Progress Series 235:289-297. Whitfield, P.E., J.A. Hare, A.W. David, S.L. Harter, R.C. Munoz, and C.M. Addison. 2007. Abundance estimates of the Indo-Pacific lionfish Pterois volitans/miles complex in the Western North Atlantic. Biological Invasions 9:53-64 Consumption Potential of Invasive Lionfish (Pterois volitans) On Caribbean Coral Reefs STEPHANIE GREEN and ISABELLE CÔTE Department of Biological Sciences Simon Fraser University 8888 University Drive Burnaby, BC V5A1S6 Canada EXTENDED ABSTRACT First reported from Atlantic coral reefs in 2004, Indo-Pacific lionfish (Pterois volitans) have spread rapidly around the Caribbean basin (Freshwater et al. 2009, Morris et al. 2009) and are now one of the most abundant predators of their size on invaded Bahamian coral reefs (REEF 2009). Following this rapid range expansion, temporal data from the Reef Environmental Education Foundation reveal exponential increases in the local abundance of lionfish in several regions (REEF 2009). There is great concern about the ecological and economic impacts of dense lionfish populations on Caribbean coral reef systems (Green and Cote 2009). Analyses of lionfish stomach contents from the Bahamian archipelago reveal that lionfish prey on over 50 species of native Caribbean reef fish (Green Unpublished data, Morris and Akins 2009) and studies on experimental reefs reveal that a single lionfish can reduce the recruitment of native Caribbean fishes by 80% through predation (Albins and Hixon 2008). However, to understand the cumulative impact of lionfish on Caribbean coral reef fish communities, and set targets for lionfish population management, we must link the magnitude and rate of lionfish prey consumption to the production of their prey on invaded reefs. To meet these objectives, we synthesized data on invasive lionfish population parameters, bioenergetics and diet to created a probabilistic model (Vose 2008) of lionfish prey consumption on invaded reefs and then compared these consumption rates with estimates of production of their fish prey. To parameterize our model, we collected data on prey-sized fish density, diversity and size distribution, and lionfish density, size distribution and diet collected from 13 invaded coral reef sites off the southwest coast of New Providence, Bahamas, from May through to September 2008. Our analyses reveal that invasive lionfish populations far exceed sustainable levels on the majority of the coral reefs we studied. Using our model to quantify the density of lionfish that could be sustained by their prey populations at each site revealed that most reefs require significant reduction in lionfish abundance and that ‘sustainable’ lionfish densities depend not only prey production rates, but on the size distribution of lionfish at each site. The main tool being considered by managers to control invasive lionfish population is manual removal by divers. However, the cryptic nature of lionfish may introduce challenges in effectively detecting their presence across the reefscape. In particular, there may be a bias towards detecting and removing only the largest size classes of lionfish inhabiting a reef area. We used our model to evaluate the effect of this potential size bias on the ability of removal efforts to keep lionfish abundances at sustainable levels. Using data from a study site harbouring a high density of large lionfish (density: 344 ± 164 lionfish/ha (mean ± SD); body mass: 296 ± 211 g/lionfish), we simulated our model for three removal scenarios. We varied the smallest size class of lionfish detected and removed from 15cm, to 20cm, and 25 cm total length, respectively. To determine how the minimum size of lionfish removed affects the sustainability of the consumption by the remaining lionfish, we simulated the difference between annual prey consumption by lionfish and the annual production of their prey base for each scenario. Results were only considered sustainable if the removal effort reduced annual prey consumption to a level equal to or less than annual prey production at the site. We found that targeting all individuals greater than 15cm, 20cm and 25cm total length would remove 89%, 87%, and 79% of the population, respectively. However, there were substantial differences in the sustainability of each removal scenario (Figure 1). Our analyses revealed in two of the three scenarios, both targeting lionfish greater than 20cm and 25cm total length for removal, lionfish prey consumption was not reduced to sustainable levels (i.e. net annual biomass production of their prey was less than zero). However, our model revealed that removing all individuals greater than 15cm total length from the site reduced the consumption capacity of the remaining population to levels that were far surpassed by the production of their prey, and was therefore sustainable. These results indicate that potential size selectivity in removal efforts can significantly affect the success of lionfish population management efforts. Our model provides a method by which regional resource managers can assess the risk of local reef fish populations to lionfish predation, and set clear targets for control and management efforts on invaded Caribbean reefs. KEYWORDS: Lionfish, invasive species, predator, fish production Tasas de Consumo Potenciales del Pez León Invasor (Pterois volitans) en los Arrecifes de Coral del Caribe Desde el año 2004 cuando se registro la primera aparición del pez león (Pterois volitans) especie invasiva procedente del IndoPacifico en los arrecifes de coral del Atlantico occidental, el pez león se ha extendido rápidamente en la cuenca del Caribe. Para entender el impacto de la depredación del pez león sobre la comunidad de peces en las Bahamas y para predecir los impactos potenciales sobre el mar del Caribe, creamos un modelo probabilístico de la tasa de consumo de presas por el pez león en 13 arrecifes invadidos en las Proceedings of the 62nd Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute November 2 - 6, 2009 Cumana, Venezuela Green, S. and I. Côte GCFI:62 (2010) Page 359 Bahamas y comparamos estos valores con las estimaciones de las tasas de producción sus peces presa. Nuestro análisis revela que el pez león tiene la capacidad de consumir presas en los arrecifes con una tasa mayor a la que las que las poblaciones de peces de arrecife pueden recuperarse. Para fijar objetivos para la gestión, usamos el modelo para cuantificar las densidades de peces león que podrían mantener las tasas de producción de peces presa disponible en cada zona. Las densidades sostenibles estimadas no dependen solo de la tasa de producción de las presas sino también del tamaño de las distribuciones de los peces león que habitan en cada zona. Nuestro modelo proporciona una herramienta a los gestores de los recursos regionales para evaluar el riesgo de los peces león sobre las poblaciones de peces de arrecife locales y para establecer objetivos de control y esfuerzos de gestión. PALABRAS CLAVES: Especie invasiva, Pterois volitans, producción sus peces Consommation Potentielle du Rascasse Envahissant (Pterois volitans) Sur les Récifs De Corail Antillais D'abord annoncé des récifs de corail de l'Atlantique en 2004, le rascasse Indo-Pacifique (Pterois volitans) s'est étendu rapidement autour de la cuvette antillaise et est maintenant un des prédateurs les plus abondants de leur taille sur les récifs de corail envahis des Bahamas. Pour comprendre l'impact de la prédation par le rascasse sur les communautés de poisson natifs aux Bahamas et prédire leurs impacts potentiels au large des Caraïbes, nous avons synthétisé des données sur les paramètres démographiques de rascasse envahissant, la bio-énergétique et l'alimentation pour créer un modèle probabilistique de consommation de proie de rascasse sur les récifs envahis et avons comparé ces taux de consommation aux estimations de production de leur poisson de proie. Pour paramétrer notre modèle, nous avons recueilli des données sur la densité du poisson de la taille de poisson proie, la diversité et la distribution de taille et la densité rascasse, la distribution de taille et l'alimentation recueilli de 13 sites de récif de corail envahis de la côte du sud-ouest de la Nouvelle Providence, Bahamas, de mai à septembre 2008. Nos analyses révèlent que le rascasse a le potentiel d'enlever la proie de nombreux récifs à un taux bien plus élevé que les populations de poissons de récif peuvent se reconstituer. Nous avons utilisé aussi notre modèle pour quantifier la densité du rascasse qui pourrait être soutenue par la production de poissons de proie disponibles sur chaque site. Les densités de rascasse 'durable' dépend non seulement des taux de production de poisson, mais de la distribution de taille de rascasse sur chaque site. Notre modèle fournit une méthode par laquelle les directeurs de ressource régionaux peuvent évaluer le risque de la population locale de poissons de récif à la prédation du rascasse et fixent des objectifs clairs du point de vue de la densité du rascasse pour le contrôle et les efforts de gestion sur les récifs antillais envahis. MOTS CLÉS: Rascasse, espèces envahissantes, prédateur, production de poissons LITERATURE CITED Figure 1. Predicted net prey production (mean ± non-parametric bootstrapped 95% confidence intervals) under three removal scenarios: Removal of all lionfish greater than 15cm TL (a), 20cm TL (b), and 25cm TL (c). Ablins, M.A. and M.A. Hixon. 2008. Invasive Indo-Pacific lionfish Pterois volitans reduce recruitment of Atlantic coral-reef fishes. Marine Ecology Progress Series 367:233-238. Fishelson, L. 1997. Experiments and observations on food consumption, growth and starvation in Dendrochirus brachypterus and Pterois volitans (Pteroinae, Scorpaenidae). Environmental Biology of Fishes 50(4):391-403. Freshwater, D.W. et al. 2009. Mitochondrial control region sequence analyses indicate dispersal from the US East Coast as the source of the invasive Indo-Pacific lionfish Pterois volitans in the Bahamas. Marine Biology 156(6):1213-1221. Morris, J.A., J.L. Akins, A. Barse, D. Cerino, D.W. Freshwater, S.J. Green, R.C. Muñoz, C. Paris, and P.E. Whitfield. 2009. The biology and ecology of invasive lionfish. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 61:409-414. REEF. 2009. Reef Environmental Education Foundation Volunteer Survey Project Database. (01/11/2008). PRESENTATIONS Reconstructing the Western Atlantic lionfish Invasion R. Betancur-R. A. Acero P. G. Ortí A. Hines A. Wilbur W. Freshwater Pterois volitans Pterois miles Pterois volitans Pterois miles Introduced into Florida! Popular ornamental fishes ~80K lionfish specimens imported into Florida in 40 years First non-native marine fishes established across the W. Atlantic Non-native lionfish reports as of June 2010 Lionfish progression Schofield (2009): Aquat. Invas. Lionfish progression Schofield (2009): Aquat. Invas. Lionfish as model system Research aims/questions 1- Establish the geographic extent of invasive P. volitans and P. miles Lionfish reports: P. volitans? P. miles? Difficult morphological differentiation! Research aims/questions 1- Establish the geographic extent of invasive P. volitans and P. miles 2- Reduction or increment in genetic diversity? Reduced or increased levels of genetic diversity? •Founder event Native population Invasive population bottleneck Reduced or increased levels of genetic diversity? •Founder event Native population Invasive population bottleneck REDUCED DIVERSITY! Reduced or increased levels of genetic diversity? •Multiple introductions from different populations Invasive population Native pop. A Native pop. C Native pop. B Reduced or increased levels of genetic diversity? •Multiple introductions from different populations Invasive population Native pop. A Native pop. B INCREASED DIVERSITY! Native pop. C 2/3 of aquatic invasions (Roman & Darling, 2007) Research aims/questions 1- Establish the geographic extent of invasive P. volitans and P. miles 2- Reduction or increment in genetic diversity? 3- Single or multiple independent lionfish introductions across WA? Single introduction? Multiple independent introductions? Research aims/questions 1- Establish the geographic extent of invasive P. volitans and P. miles 2- Reduction or increment in genetic diversity? 3- Single or multiple independent lionfish introductions across WA? 4- Population structure and insights into Caribbean connectivity patterns Lionfish as model system •Marine biology: insights into Caribbean connectivity patterns Cowen et al. (2006): Science Data •Mitochondrial d-loop sequences Native lionfish 1- Pterois volitans vs. P. miles n h P. volitans 734 9 P. miles 1 21 P. miles is restricted to the north; P. volitans is ubiquitous 2- Genetic diversity in P. volitans n= 734 h= 9 HD= 0.60 n= 70 h= 36 HD= 0.97 Founder eff. 2- Genetic diversity in P. miles n= 21 h= 1 n= 10 h= 8 Founder eff. Increased genetic diversity in 2/3 of aquatic invasions (Roman & Darling, 2007) Invasive population Native pop. A Native pop. C Native pop. B Increased genetic diversity in 2/3 of aquatic invasions (Roman & Darling, 2007) GENETIC PARADOX! Invasive population Native pop. A Native pop. C Native pop. B 3- Single or multiple introductions of P. volitans? D-loop haplotype network 3- Single or multiple introductions of P. volitans? No evidence of multiple introductions 3- Single or multiple introductions of P. volitans? Mitochondrial data are consistent with the lionfish progression from sightings Rapid range expansion •30K eggs per spawning event •Spawn as often as every four days •Release buoyant egg masses with pelagic larval duration estimated at 25+ days 4- Population structure in P. volitans? h= 9 h= 4 Secondary founder effect in the Caribbean 4- Population structure in P. volitans? Secondary founder effect in the Caribbean Conclusions 1- P. miles is restricted to the US east coast and Bermuda; P. volitans is ubiquitous and much more abundant 2- Reduction in genetic diversity in the WA as a result of a founder effect: genetic paradox 3- Mitochondrial data show no evidence of multiple independent introductions. Consistent with a range expansion out of the epicenter (Florida) 4- Two population groups (northern vs. Caribbean) Directions •Obtain samples from the eastern Caribbean and collect microsatellite data: • Fine-scale resolution into population structure and Caribbean connectivity • Species boundaries Acknowledgements •Lab members at the Ortí, Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Caribe, and UNCW labs Effects of invasive Pacific red lionfish on Bahamian coral-reef fish communities: preliminary results from a large-scale, long-term experiment Mark A. Albins Department of Zoology Hixon Lab Lionfish Research 1. Effects on native coralreef communities – Experimental – Observational 2. Ecological release and biotic resistance – Recruitment, movement, growth and survival – Time budgets, predation rates etc. – Community interactions • • • Competition Predation Parasitism Effects on Atlantic Coral-Reef Communities ? Experimental Patch Reefs 1m 200 m Predation Experiment Coney effect 35% reduction p=0.105 Lionfish effect Combined effect 85% reduction 88% reduction p=0.001 p=0.001 Albins (in review) Biological Invasions Effects on Atlantic Coral-Reef Communities ? Small scale Large Short term Long term ? ? Large-scale, Long-term Experiment • • • • 10 large reefs (2500-5000 m2) Paired based on habitat similarity Baseline surveys Low and high lionfish density – Low ~0-100/hectare – High ~500-600/hectare • Quarterly surveys • Quarterly treatment maintenance Large-scale, Long-term Experiment Each Site: 2 Plots – 100 m2 / each 4 Strips – 50 m2 / each Change in Density (fish/m2 ± SEM) All Species Combined Low Lionfish Density High Lionfish Density Change in Density (fish/m2 ± SEM) All Species Combined Low Lionfish Density High Lionfish Density 82% reduction 52% reduction Time (quarters) Effects on Atlantic Coral-Reef Communities ? ? ? Large scale Long term ? Funding and Support Provided by: ? Special Thanks Academic Committee: Mark Hixon, Bruce Menge, Lisa Madsen, Selina Heppel, George Bohlert Colleagues: Chris Stallings, Darren Johnson, Mark Christie, Tim Pusack, Tye Kindinger, Kurt Ingeman, Kimberly Page-Albins Post Graduate Assistants: Gabe Scheer, Julia Lawson Undergraduate Assistants: Robbie Lamb, Megan Cook, Emily Pickering, Wendel Raymond, Alyssa Alder Perry Institute Staff: Brenda Gadd, Meredith Newman, Eric Lamarre The Impacts of the Indo-Pacific Lionfish (P. volitans and P. miles) on Fish Assemblages in Near Shore Benthic Reefal Habitats of the Central and Southern Bahamas Nicholas Bernal 1, Alexio Brown2 and Kathleen Sullivan Sealey1, 2 1Department of Biology, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida 33124 2School of Natural Sciences, College of The Bahamas, Nassau, The Bahamas. Coastal Ecology of The Bahamas • • • • Completing 10 years of surveys of major islands in the Bahamian archipelago Look at near shore marine environments, including patch reefs, seagrass beds, hard-bottom and mangrove creeks Examine patterns in fish species assemblages with season, degree of coastal alteration and water quality Lionfish have been encountered since 2006 surveys 2006 2007 2003 2002 2010 2005 2004 2008 2009 RESEARCH QUESTION: How have lionfish impacted fish community level diversity in near shore habitats over time? Great Exuma Great Inagua Habitat Classifications: Near Shore Fringing Reef Near Shore Patch Reef Channel Reef Hardbar Some sites can be 1m> at low tide! Roving Diver Surveys Average survey is 45 minutes per snorkeler. All sites used in the study have aggregate bottom time of over 180 minutes. Sites restricted within 200m of shore (usually less than a hectare) Allows for rapid assessment of fish assemblages in habitats around an island with multiple observers. Diversity Indices Summary Table Average Shannon (H') Diveristy by Habitat and Year Year Hardbar Channel Patch Fringing 1996 N/A 4.371 4.093 N/A 2002 N/A 4.292 3.977 N/A 2010 3.942 4.237 3.962 3.978 Average Berger Parker (d) Diversity by Habitat and Year Year Hardbar Channel Patch Fringing 1996 N/A 16.854 13.64725 N/A 2002 N/A 15.739 12.51575 N/A 2010 11.917 15.132 12.249 11.865 11/1/10 Mean Shannon Diversity Mean Shannon Diversity From 1996-2010 5 4.8 4.6 4.4 4.2 4 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 3 1996 2002 2010 Year Mean Berger Parker Diversity Mean Berger Parker Diversity From 1996-2010 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1996 11/1/10 2002 Year 2010 Results: Bray Curtis Similarity Dendogram (Years) EX-TS EX-HB EX-RC EX-SR EX-FC Results: PCA Diagram Inagua Sites EX-FC EX-SR Conclusions: • • • • • Observable shifts in fish assemblages dependant on habitat type and island. Shift in five sites on Great Inagua attributable to differences in parrotfish abundance. Fowl Cay (EX-FC) changes related to temporal decline in Nassau grouper abundances. Great Exuma patch reefs shifting due to change in abundance of: Silversides, Grunts, Damselfish, and Chromis species Hardbar habitats on both islands show shift due to increase in lionfish abundance. Lionfish are not successful everywhere – what limits their success and abundance? What are the preferential habitats for lionfish? Thank You! University of Miami Department of Biology Invasive red lionfish in shallow habitats of the Turks & Caicos Islands JAB Claydon,1 J Batchasingh,2 MC Calosso,1 SE Jacob,1 K Lockhart 2 1 The School for Field Studies, Center for Marine Resource Studies South Caicos, Turks & Caicos Islands, B.W.I. 2 Department of Environment & Coastal Resources Turks & Caicos Islands, B.W.I Introduction Regionally, emphasis on deep habitats (SCUBA) Shallow habitats overlooked Mangrove & seagrass nursery Critical habitats for fisheries species TURKS & CAICOS ISLANDS Data collection Opportunistic sampling 2007 to 2008 Systematic sampling 2009 to 2010 Tournament specimens 2009 to 2010 Opportunistic sampling 2007 - 2008 Shallow Deep 15 Sightings month-1 n 28 1 TL (cm) 10.2 27.7 N 10 10 km at 16 m 6 km at 24 m 5 0 A S O 2007 N D J F M A 2008 M J J Systematic sampling 2009 - 2010 Mangrove = 4 Seagrass = 60 Total lionfish = 107 Reef = 43 3m Systematic sampling 2009 - 2010 CPUE 0.4 0.3 Chi2 test p < 0.05 0.2 0.1 0 Seagrass Reef 3m Seagrass > 90% in blowouts Deep n = 126 n = 809 15 Shallow 5 10 T-test p < 0.05 0 Density (%) 20 Size vs. depth 0 10 SL (cm) 20 30 3m Invasion timeline 2007 2008 2009 2010 N 1 km Invasion timeline 2007 2008 2009 2010 N 1 km Invasion timeline 2007 2008 2009 2010 N 1 km Invasion timeline 2007 2008 2009 2010 N 1 km Invasion timeline 2007 2008 2009 2010 N 1 km Invasion timeline 2007 2008 2009 2010 N Ontogenetic migration ? 1 km Conclusions Highest densities of lionfish in seagrass Larger lionfish deeper Delay in invasion of deeper habitats ? Ontogenetic shift in habitat use ? Future directions Ontogenetic habitat shifts Tagging & telemetry Deep & shallow sampling Effect on Nassau grouper Competition & predation Population density Acknowledgments The School for Field Studies for financial and logistical support Staff and students of SFS Center for Marine Resource Studies In particular: J Clauson, C Cormier, F Hoogakker, B Hooper, K Ketch, C Lamendola, D Myers, D Short, L Sperry Turks & Caicos Islands fishermen and dive operators [email protected] [email protected] Why Are Lionfishes (Pterois, Scorpaenidae) So Rare In Their Native Ranges? Terry J. Donaldson, David Benavente and Roxie Diaz University of Guam Marine Laboratory UOG Station Mangilao, Guam 96923 USA email: [email protected] What is Rarity? • Species with low abundance • Species with small geographic ranges • Species that may be found only in a few specialized habitats • These components are not mutually exclusive A Fourth Definition • Species with wide geographical ranges but low adult abundances at any given locality Cheilinus undulatus (Labridae) Photos: J.E. Randall Bolbometopon muricatum Labridae: Scarinae What Causes Species to be Rare? • Relationship between body size and range size • Relationship between body size and abundance • Environmental adaptations resulting from range size variability at higher latitudes • Habitat requirements and resource availability • Poor ability to exploit marginal habitats or other resources • Poor mobility • Low reproductive effort • Poor recruitment After Gaston (1994); Jones, Munday and Caley (2002) The Unusual Suspects: Lionfishes (Pterois, Scoraenidae) Pterois antennata Photographs: J.E. Randall Pterois radiata Pterois volitans Why Are Scorpionfishes So Rare? Photographs: J.E. Randall and R.E. Myers Tropical and Subtropical Scorpionfishes • Some have a high degree of habitat specificity • Strong site fidelity because of poor mobility • Behavior • Ambush or hunting predators • Long larval life but poor recruitment? • Prey of larger predators limits abundance of adults and juveniles? • Sampling artifacts: cryptic and/or nocturnal Visual surveys at selected Pacific localities (n = 632 transects) Transect Type and Number Locality Guam Northern Mariana Islands (limestone) Northern Mariana Islands (volcanic) Palau Southwest Palau Islands Yap-Ulithi, Micronesia Chuuk, Micronesia Kosrae, Micronesia Kwajalein, Marshall Is. Majuro, Marshall Is. American Samoa Sta. Ysabella, Solomon Is. Visayas, Philippines Total Timed Swim GPS Timed 63 43 5 0 65 21 0 11 6 3 0 22 12 251 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 10 Belt 157 4 0 11 0 8 55 0 7 7 122 0 0 371 Number of transects out of a total of 632 transects where lionfishes were observed. Pant = Pterois antennata; Prad = P. radiata; Pvol = P. volitans. Transect type Pant Prad Timed GPS 0 0 0 Timed swim 3 5 23 Belt 3 0 3 Total 6 5 26 0.8% 4.1% Percent 1.9% Pvol What Causes Species to be Rare? • Relationship between body size and range size • Relationship between body size and abundance • Environmental adaptations resulting from range size variability at higher latitudes • Habitat requirements and resource availability • Poor ability to exploit marginal habitats or other resources • Poor mobility • Low reproductive effort • Poor recruitment Body Size, Range Size and Abundance • Species with wide geographical ranges but low adult abundances at any given locality Cheilinus undulatus Photos: J.E. Randall Bolbometopon muricatum Habitat Pterois antennata Pterios volitans Pterois radiata Pterois volitans Resource Use and Behavior • Lionfishes are social • Shelter together • Hunt cooperatively Resource Use: Being a Predator • Adults are piscivorous but also feed upon crustaceans • Nocturnal predators but also feeding during daylight and crepuscular periods (dusk and dawn “switchover”) • Prey limited? Doubtful. Long Larval Life and Poor Recruitment • Morphological and life history specializations of larvae facilitate long larval periods and greater dispersal • Wide geographic ranges • Why poor recruitment? Many larvae lost in “vastness” of the IndoWest Pacific? Predation upon larvae, post-larvae and small juveniles promotes low abundance locally? Prey of Larger Predators? • Largely anecdotal information or small sample sizes • Scorpaenids found in stomachs of groupers (some groupers not much larger than their prey) • Moray eels will prey opportunistically upon adults • But, how much larger? What preys upon postlarval juveniles? Poor Mobility and High Site Fidelity Scorpaenopsis macrochir Pterois volitans Pterois antennata Rarity, “crypticity”, nocturnal behavior and sampling error Turning the Question Around: Why Aren’t Lionfishes Rare in the Western Atlantic? Some Possible Explanations (But Not All) • Lack of effective predators upon adults • A surfeit of suitable habitat (= disturbed habitat) • The geography and physics of larval distribution • Lack of effective predators upon post-larval juveniles • Competitive release as invasive species • Altered states: shifts in life history strategies that promote rapid growth, early maturity and reproduction Acknowledgments • Jack Randall- B.P. Bishop Museum (photographs) • Robert Myers- Coral Graphics (photographs) • Surveys funded or supported directly or indirectly by: NOAA, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. National Park Service, U.S. Navy, The Nature Conservancy, and the University of Guam Marine Laboratory Red Lionfish control strategies in the Caribbean UK Overseas Territories (Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands and Turks and Caicos Island). Bradley Johnson1, Shannon Gore2, Kathy Lockhart3 1 Department of Environment, Cayman Islands, [email protected] 2 Conservation & Fisheries Department, British Virgin Islands, [email protected] 3 Department of Environment and Coastal Resources, Turks and Caicos Islands, [email protected] Nov ‘07 Mar ‘10 Feb ‘08 Nov ‘07 Mar ‘10 Feb ‘08 Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) Funding Nov ‘09 British Virgin Islands (B.V.I.) Marker System, #’s low B.V.I. Marker System, #’s low Wine Cork Request B.V.I. Public Awareness – Get initial sighting reported – Only trained responders – No licensing needed • TCI MPA and CI required B.V.I. Training – REEF • TCI & CI – CORE - Caribbean Oceanic Restoration and Education B.V.I. School/Business Visits – TCI & CI also B.V.I. Capture Gear – Donated 40 sets – Purchased with JNCC funds TCI & CI additional Image: Turks and Caicos Islands (T.C.I.) Tasting Events Supermarkets, public events etc. T.C.I. Restaurant Initiative Promote lionfish as a food fish T.C.I. Convert Commercial Fishermen Safe to eat, care when handling T.C.I. Year-long Tournament – Grand Prize $3,000 for 3,000 fish Cayman Islands C.I. Licensing courses held regularly C.I. Licensing courses held regularly Over 600 culler licensed since March 2009 C.I. License conditions: • Only for taking lionfish • Now allowed to: – Take while on SCUBA – Take from MPA – Wear gloves – Take fish under 8” • All fish killed • Data sent to DoE • No spearing devices or noxious substances Photo: Jason Washington C.I. Resident participation • Enjoyment • Recreational activity • Environmental awareness C.I. Dive Operators/Companies • Involved from the start, even without proper gear C.I. C.I. C.I. Problems encountered by dive companies • More & larger lionfish – time/depth constraints – Smaller gear not practical anymore • Nets bulky and cumbersome • Responsibility to guests first • Requested pole spears C.I. Conditions for Dive Companies to spear: • Only licensed cullers • Only DoE issued spears • Only while leading dives • Spears tagged & licensed to company & boat • Companies provide list of employed licensed cullers Can’t import or manufacture spear guns or parts C.I. Expand spearing program • DoE supervised culls • Spears remain with DoE • Import/manufacture more spears • Assign Fisheries Officers to lead culls C.I. Tournaments • Private companies organize • Must follow DoE Tournament Guidelines • DoE acts in advisory and support role – Measuring at weight station – Training chefs on handling fish • Less time required • Enforcement presence Facebook • Turks and Caicos Lion Fish Public Awareness Campaign • BVI lionfish • DoE Lionfish Culling Group Thank You Photo: Jason Washington Implementation of the Management Plan For the Control of the Lionfish In Puerto Rico • 4 Years Carmen Rosa Valentín • 15 minutes Luis Raúl Saez Joel Meléndez Geovanny Negrón Everything Start • July 25, 2007 – Caribbean Photo: Jaime Matos • Vieques – November 14, 2008 Everything Start • Fuete y Verguilla en Octubre 2008 (Volumen 2, Número 4) – Sr. Daniel Matos – “Los beneficios de las Vedas para los Pescadores comerciales”/ “The benefits of the fishing seasons for commercial fishermen” Las especies marinas pueden ser sobre explotadas y pueden desaparecer / Marine species can be overfished and can disappear • Fishing gear and methods / regulations Everything Start • GIS – Overlap – Ecosystems – The People (Divers, Fisherman's, Water Sport, Public) – Lionfish • Not in my Backyard Público Marinas Buzos Arrecife Deportes Acu Manglar Protegemos Ambiente Everything Start • March 5, 2010 – William C. Coles, Ph.D. USVI, Chief Environmental Education Aquatic Education Coordinator Division of Fish and Wildlife 45 Mars Hill Frederiksted, VI 00840 – 340-772-1955 • Train the Trainers Puerto Rico ACTIONS / STRATEGIES Some Areas Low Visibility – Season Habitats Seagrass (Dra. Roberson) Mangrove (Pedro Padilla) Reef (Pedro Padilla) Natural & Artificial Structures Jaime Matos People Concentration & Natural Reserves Organize the Program: Cooperation Levels Operaciones Supervisor de Operaciones Responsable de Apoyo Administración Gerencia Apoyo Logística de Campo Seguridad y Protección Emergencias Pescadores Técnicos de Respuesta Rápida Estudiantes Médicos Restaurantes Operaciones Pescadores Gobierno Comunidades Técnicos de Respuesta Rápida Estudiantes Médicos Restaurantes Logística de Campo Seguridad y Protección Emergencias • Work – Público Fallow up • • How are you? What you need? – – Provide what they need when things are not working – Keepers • Act Rosa Valentin Vision / Luis Saez Marinas Buzos Arrecife Deportes Acu Manglar Protegemos Ambiente • Part 1 - Seminar - General Information • Part 2 - Workshop – How to make Ornamental Fishing tools • Part 3 – Water Training – How to Used • DATABASE • Lionfish Credit Program • Laws & Regulation • Tools for report – UMET • Support – Pure Adventure – Fideicomiso Conservación – DNAR – Managers NR • Aguadilla Lionfish Derby – January 2011 • $4.00 Credit per Lionfish + – $1.00 report Terry Chevako Bava Restaurants • Añasco – – • Dorado – – • El Fogón de la Curva $1.00 x Pound ChoPHouse 9 Lionfish minimum Luquillo – – La Parrilla $1.50 x Pound • DNA Results – February 30, 2011 • Habitat Description & Fish Population – Reefs • January 1, 2011 – Seagrasses • January 1, 2011 – Mangrove • April 30, 2011 • Report - Lion Fish No take zones – Universities & NGO,s – Natural Reserves – Low People Concentration • • Mayor Update – Directory • Who is doing What? – Education Materials (Free) • Power Points / Videos Publishing Date: January 1, 2011 Important Point 2010 & 2011 • Support to the Communities – Seminars & Workshops • New Videos for 2011 – Eat the Lionfish & Protect our Fish (Kids) • Fishing Regulations Amendments • Lionfish Markets – Fajardo, Aguadilla, Ponce • Continue Telling the People – Never Give UP!!! Thanks Reinaldo Rios Johnathon Fulop Caribbean & Eastern Canada Sales Representative Anna Backe National Sales Manager, TUSA Tamara Trinidad Dr. Robert Mayer Joseph “Joe” Gulli Susan Soltero Noemi Peña Craig Lilyestrom Dr. William Coles Carlos Mendez Fisherman Associations of Aguadilla Fisherman Association of Cataño Marcos Hanke Capt. Jose Carlos Gonzalez Brenda Bell Cerezo Fred Lentz Questions or Comments? © Carlos Jiménez Lionfish in Costa Rica: threats, actions, and opportunities Helena Molina Ureña, Ph.D. Universidad de Costa Rica 63th GCFI, Nov 4, 2010 1 © Carlos Jiménez Lionfish in Costa Rica: a love – hate relationship Helena Molina Ureña, Ph.D. Universidad de Costa Rica 63th GCFI, Nov 4, 2010 2 Lionfish in Costa Rica 2009 2002 1992 3 Lionfish in Costa Rica: threats Feeding habits • Voracious carnivores üAmbush predators üPrey unusually large üCompetitor à predator • Nighttime? feeders üCaribbean C.R. à full guts during the day © Helena Molina-Ureña Juvenile lionfish, 2.5 cm TL Puerto Viejo, October 17, 2009 4 Lionfish in Costa Rica: threats Native habitat • Coral & rocky reefs © Carlos Jiménez Young lionfish Costa Rica, May 2009 üWarm waters (≥ 15ºC) üCalm waters à bays, coves ü0 – 50 m depth Caribbean habitat • Seagrass beds • Mangrove • Shipwrecks, artificial reefs Nemo, Vero Beach FL, Aug 2010 ü0 – ~333 m depth 5 Lionfish in Costa Rica: threats Natural predators • Large groupers • Sharks • Overfished across the Caribbean • Other lionfish Maximum size • ~ 38 cm TL • 47.5 cm TL Grouper caught off Uvita Island Diario Extra, June 14, 2010 6 Lionfish in Costa Rica: threats Governance issues Captured lionfish Puerto Viejo, February 2010 © Oscar Gutiérrez • Slow institutional response • National Park legislation • No decree declaring lionfish an invasive species • Lack of funding 7 Lionfish in Costa Rica: threats Tropical Eastern Pacific • Potential invasion üUnconfirmed reports üNorth and Central Pacific coast of CR üNot through Panama Canal 8 Lionfish in Costa Rica: actions Lionfish Interinstitutional Task Force (LITF): 4 axes 1. Prevention à monitoring © Helena Molina-Ureña 2. Mitigation / Control / Impact reversal Time scale Spatial scale 3. Scientific research • Short term • National 4. Outreach • Mid run • Regional 9 Lionfish in Costa Rica: actions LITF: Costa Rica • C.R. Fisheries Institute decree • Permanent monitoring à early detection • Outreach & training workshops à South Caribbean communities • Collector licences • Health practioner training • Data collection © Helena Molina-Ureña 10 Lionfish in Costa Rica: actions Gear design © Helena Molina-Ureña © Helena Molina-Ureña 1.Costa Rican version of the Hawaiian sling 2.Containers 11 © Helena Molina-Ureña Lionfish: monitoring data sheet 10/05/09 Pollito Danny Mora 9º43'36.3" 82º48'36.2" 2759-xxxx 6 15, 21 R (P / A) 2 peces comiendo juntos / buceo noche 12 Lionfish: removal data sheet CR0907-0001 09/05/09 Pollito 9º43'36.3" 82º48'36.2" 12 15 Bichero 13 Lionfish: sampling data sheet CR0907-0001 02/07/09 Pollito 9º43'36.3" 82º48'36.2" 10 23 14 Lionfish: sampling data sheet P Sí Hígado 4D, 2A, 1P Sí Sí I, D 15 Lionfish in Costa Rica: opportunities New native predators • Large groupers • Large snappers • Moray eels ü “Teach” predators to feed on lionfish Give reefs a chance • Learn to live w/ lionfish • Rearrange food webs Nassau Grouper, ~90 cm LT Cave Reef, Bahamas. Photo: Lyle Gremillion 13 October, 2009 16 Lionfish in Costa Rica: opportunities GCFI Net • Dispersion monitoring & history • Scientific & technical forum ü Biology ü Ecology ü Genetics ü Management • Arrival warnings • Contacts Search “Lionfish” GCFINet Nov 03, 2010 (230 matches) 17 © Helena Molina-Ureña © Helena Molina-Ureña ¡GRACIAS! © Oscar Gutiérrez © Helena Molina-Ureña 18 INSTITUTO DE ESTUDIOS CARIBEÑOS CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIONES MARINAS TROPHIC AND REPRODUCTIVE ASPECTS OF THE LION FISH PTEROIS VOLITANS, IN SAN SANDRÉS ISLAND, BIOSPHERE RESERVE- SEAFLOWER, COLOMBIAN CARIBBEAN ASPECTOS TRÓFICOS Y REPRODUCTIVOS DEL PEZ LEÓN PTEROIS VOLITANS, EN SAN ANDRÉS ISLA, RESERVA DE BIOSFERA - SEAFLOWER, CARIBE COLOMBIANO Por Santos-Martínez, Adriana; Acero P., Arturo; Sierra-Rozo, Omar San Juan de Puerto Rico, noviembre de 2010 El pez león Pterois volitans (Linnaeus, 1758) es una especie originaria del Indo-Pacífico que ha invadido y colonizado los arrecifes del Gran Caribe. Representa un alto riesgo ambiental por ser depredadora, ponzoñosa, con pocos depredadores y euritolerante. En Colombia se ha registrado en el Caribe insular y continental; en el Archipiélago de San Andrés - RB Seaflower, se observó por primera vez en Providencia en noviembre de 2008. En 2009 se inició la investigación de ésta especie, con el estudio de su población para estimar su impacto en Seaflower, con la meta de contribuir a su manejo. El archipiélago de San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina, reserva de la Biosfera - Seaflower (Unesco, 2000), constituye el Caribe occidental colombiano La isla mayor es San Andrés, la cual tiene un barrera arrecifal en el costado este. Se evidencia el deterioro en los arrecifes de coral en San Andrés de cerca del 50% y sobrepesca de poblaciones de importancia comercial. Se cuenta con una zonación de AMP - Coralina FASE DE CAMPO Búsqueda en arrecifes – Buceo y censos visuales Captura manual con bolsa y congelado FASE DE LABORATORIO Procesamiento y mediciones (identificación, peso y longitud) Identificación de sexo y análisis de contenido estomacal SAN ANDRÉS SITIOS DE BUCEO MAYORES DENSIDADES PTEROIS VOLITANS (Guía de Buceo Pérez et al., 2009) Se estima de acuerdo con los buzos y las observaciones que se han detectado cerca de 500 individuos del pez león en ocho meses (noviembre 2009 a junio de 2010) en los lugares de buceo alrededor de la isla. En el primer semestre se observaron por lo general individuos solitarios o en parejas y actualmente es más frecuente ver grupos entre tres y siete individuos. El pez león es más abundante en los arrecifes coralinos en el presente semestre que en el anterior; p. ej. en los sitios de buceo Parguera y Trampa Tortuga, Faro y Cantil de la Piscinita (Com. Per. J. Veleño y D. Ladino). Es más frecuente ver ejemplares pequeños (juveniles) en el costado occidental entre 2 y 25 m, pero se observan hasta 80 m (Com. Per. D. Guggenheim y D. Ladino). La población de pez león está aumentando en los arrecifes, pese a la pesca de buzos y entidades (Coralina, gobernación, colegios, UNC). ASPECTOS BIOLÓGICOS Relación longitud peso Histograma de frecuencia de longitud Peso total (g) 600 y = 1,0969e0,2292x R² = 0,929 N=37 500 400 n 300 200 100 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Longitud total (cm) Crecimiento alométrico, con mayor aumento en peso que en longitud. Factor de Condición promedio K= 1.36028 (10x5). Alto comparado con otras especies ícticas 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 4.6 8.4 12.1 15.8 19.5 23.3 27.0 Ámbito de longitudes (cm) n=37 A partir de los 15 cm se empieza a ver el sexo (en algunos casos) ASPECTOS REPRODUCTIVOS Sexo y estados gonadales P. volitans (% n=40) Proporción de sexos P. volitans (% n=40) Juvenil 52% Hembra 20% Inmaduro Madurando 60 40 20 Macho 28% Relación Hembra : Macho = 0.7 Mayor proporción de machos 0 Hembra Macho Indifer. Juvenil Mayor % de machos madurando ASPECTOS TRÓFICOS Proporción de Grasa en Vísceras P. volitans (% n=33) Media 52% Mucha 24% Poca 24% Sin 0% Los peces analizados tenía grasa en un alto porcentaje, se usó la escala propuesta por Lorenzo-Cobo (1993) ASPECTOS TRÓFICOS Proporción del Grado de Repleción Proporción del Grado de Digestión P. volitans (% n=31) Lleno 0% Medio lleno 39% Fresco 7% Vacio 16% Casi vacio 45% Parcial. Dig. 45% Digerido 48% ASPECTOS TRÓFICOS Porcentaje de frecuencia por ítem P. volitans (% n=26) Porcentaje numérico por ítem P. volitans (% n=26) 1.4 Resto moluscos 2.7 Resto Vegetal 42 % Crustaceos 13.7 Peces 19.2 Otolitos Resto peces 20.5 Crustaceos 20.5 58 % Peces 21.9 M. Organica 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 0 20 40 60 ASPECTOS TRÓFICOS Especies del contenido estomacal P. volitans La población del pez león ha aumentado en los arrecifes coralinos de isla de San Andrés y se empiezan a observar individuos en zonas de pastos marinos y muelles del costado oriental; lo que hace probable que lleguen a los manglares e impacten más la comunidad íctica y de crustáceos por la abundancia de juveniles en ese ecosistema. Entre los peces hallados por nosotros en los contenidos estomacales de Pterois se pueden mencionar serránidos y lábridos Entre los crustáceos identificados se destacan portúnidos, ermitaños, galatheidos y stomatópodos Se requiere profundizar la investigación y emprender acciones interinstitucionales e internacionales, para poder contribuir mejor al manejo de AMP y RB Seaflower y por lo tanto del resto del Caribe. Trabajo de investigación interinstitucional (Acero et al., 2010). Campaña de educación ambiental escrita (Folleto UN Gavio, 2010), TV. Cursos para buzos, estudiantes, pescadores y comunidad. Trabajo internacional – región (acciones y protocolos conjuntos). INSTITUTO DE ESTUDIOS CARIBEÑOS CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIONES MARINAS Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Caribe, IEC y CECIMAR Directivos Estudiante Michel Orellano Chia Buzos del Caribe, San Andrés David Guggenheim, Edon Rafael Fraile Montego Jaime Veleño Manuel Angarita Diego Ladino Lanchero Marcos Urrego Secretarias Mirna Zambrano y Yanet Freire Buzos independientes Paolo Usseguio Moises Gómez Fotos A. Santos-Martínez, UNC - Sede Caribe, IEC David Guggenheim y colaboradores, Buzos del Caribe, San Andrés Amilcar Cupul, Universidad de Guadalajara – Centro Universitario de la Costa. This Page Intentionally Left Blank