Dear Playmor Terrace Homeowner: Playmor Terrace Condominium
Dear Playmor Terrace Homeowner: Playmor Terrace Condominium
,4A 7 trcfu u DearPlaymorTerraceHomeowner: PlaymorTerrace CondominiumAssociationhas been incorporatedby law into a California corporation to provideyou with benefitsthat otherhomeowners do not have. The primarybenefitis the preservation and enhancement of yourAssociation.Another benefitis certainlythe satisfaction of living in a communitythat is attractiveand well maintained. As the managementcompanyof PlaymorTerrace,Merit Propefi Management, Inc. workscloselywith your Boardof Directorsto overseethe day to day operationof yout: Association.Workingtogether,we strive to preseruethe value and integrity of your Association. This packagecontainsadditionalinformationregardingPlaymorTerraceCondominium Association.Pleasereviewthis informationcarefullyas it mayassistyou with questions you mayhave. lvteritProperfulvlanaoe AccountExecutive SusanMangan 8581457-0200 or 8001s27-39L4 BillingQuestions BilliRoman 9491465-5555 or B0ol42$-ss88 Maintenance Coordinator AndreaFleischman 8581457-0200 or 8001s27-39L4 AfterHoursEmergenry Sincerely, SusanMangan AccountExecutive MeritPropeftyManagement, Inc. 858/457-0200 or 8001s27-39L4 TABLEOF G TENTS REVISED:03/00 PAGE t. INTRODUCTION il. BYLAWSANDCC&Rs ......2 ilt. PROMULGATION AUTHORITY ......3 tv. POWERS& DUTIESOFTHEBOARDOF DIRECTORS ........3 V. VIOLATIONS OF CC&RsANDRULES& REGULATIONS .....3 vt. ASSOCIATION ADDRESS ... vil. OWNERRESPONSIBILIry vilt. CHANGE OF ADDRESS OROWNERSHIP tx. ASSESSMENT FEEPAYMENTS ,.... X. ASSESSMENT COLLECTION POLICY xl. MEMBES RU G G E S T I O N . .S ... ........7 xil. PROJECT UTILIZATION ANDAPPEARANCE ........7 xilt. ANTENNAINSTALLATION XIV. CARPORTS, PARKING SPACES & STREETS....... ........8-9 XV. PETS . . . . . . .I. . XVI. TRASHPICK-UP ........10 XVII. NOISE ......1 . .1 xvilt. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL XIX. LANDSCAPING FORCOMMON AREAS XX. POOLRULES .......... 3 ,....... 34 ....4 ......... 4 .. 4.7 ....8 .. 11-13 ........13 .. 13.14 XXI. RULES,FORPOOLAREA RESERVATION XXII. ENFORCEMENT xxilr. VIOLATIONPROCEDURES XXIV. F I N ES C H E D U L E ... XXV. D E L I N Q U E N CPYO L I C Y XXVI. TRASHMAP 15.16 . . . . . . .1 .6 16-17 . . . . . . .1. 8 .........19 ........20 INTRODUCTION In orderto maintainadequateenvironmental conditions for enjoyablelivingwithinthe Playmor Terrace HomeownersAssociation,reasonableregulatory policies and guidelinesmust be establishedand enforced, This manual providesinformation concerningregulationsestablished by resolutionof the PlaymorTerraceHomeowners Association Boardof Directorsfor the mutualbenefitof all propertyownersand tenants associated with the project. Compliance with theseregulatoryprovisionsis mandatory in accordance with Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, hereafterreferredto as the CC&Rs,in orderto preventdeterioration of livingconditions andpropertyvalues. Provisions will be enforcedby the Boardof Directors,with the assistanceof the project PropertyManagerand the Association's legalcounselby the impositionof a rnonetary penaltyfor eachviolation,or by the appropriate legalactionas required. As deemednecessary, the regulations established hereinmaybe modifiedor rescinded throughrnajorityactionat properlynoticedmeetingsof the Boardof Directorsof the PlaymorTerraceHomeowners Association.Additionalinformationconcerningcurrent Boardof Directorsactionswillbe promulgated in information letters. This manual is supplementatto the Declarationof Covenants,Conditionsand Restrictions filed in the Officeof the CountyRecorder. lf thereis a conflictbetweenthe Bylaws,CC&Rs,and/orthe RulesandRegulations,"the CC&Rsshallprevail. Authorityto imposethese articlesis expresslygrantedby the languageset forth I n ArticfeVlll, Paragraph1, page29 of the CC&Rs,as well as ArticleV, Paragraph1 , (g), page22. subparagraph il. BYLAWSAND C &Rs Certainportionsof the Bylawsand CC&Rshavebeensupersededby new laws. The followingis a listingof the moreimportantprovisions changedby laws: Article lV, Secfions3, 4 and 5 of the CC&Rs have been superseded by Civil Code Secfion1366. The Boardof Directorsmay imposedan annualassessment that is up to twentypercent (2oo/o)greaterthan the annualassessmentfor the precedingfiscal year or impose specialassessments which do not in the aggregateexceedfive percent(5%) of the gross budgeted expensesof the Associationfor the fiscalyear withoutthe approvalof owners. An increasein regularassessments whichis morethan twen$ percent(20%) greateror the impositionof specialassessments whichin the aggregateexceedfive percent(5%)requirethe approvalof a majorityof a quorumof members.For purposes of this section,a quorummeansmore than fifty percent(50%)of the membersof the Association. Section1366 does not limit assessmentincreasesnecessaryin certainemergency situations. Article lV, Section18 of the Bylaws has in some respecfs been supersededby Civil CodeSecfion1363.05 The meetingsof the Board of Directors,except executivesessions,are open to members.The Boardof Directorsmustpermitany memberof the Association to speak at any meeting,exceptfor executivesessions,subjectto reasonabletime limitations establishedby the Boardof Directors.The Boardof Directorsmay adjournto executive sessionto considerlitigation,mattersrelatingto the formationof contractswith third parties,memberdiscipline, or personnel matters. ArticleVll, Section7 of the CC&Rsprohibiting externaltelevisionantennashas to some degreebeensuperseded by F.C.C.regulations. ilt. pnouulcnlorunurHo This manualis promulgated in accordance with provisionsof the CC&Rs. Deliveryof the manualto the last knowncondominium addressor off-siteaddressof each Owner and tenant, as providedby such Owner or tenant to the Association'sBoard of Directors,shallconstitutepropernoticeof provisionscontainedhereinfor enforcement purposes. rv. powrnsnNooulrs Q Powersand dutiesof the Boardof Directorsto act is as outlinedin the PlaymorTerrace AssociationBylaws,Article7, paragraphsa and b to govern,adoptand publishRutes govemingthe use of the commonareaand facilities,and the personal and Regulations conductof the membersand their guestsor tenantsthereon,to establishpenaltiesfor the infractions thereof,and establishcommittees andappointcommitteechairpersons. V. VIOLATIONS OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS. RUL A monetarypenaltywill be assessedagainsteach Ownerviolatingthe CC&Rs,or the Rules and Regulationsof Playmor Terrace Association(after due process, by notification throughfirst class mail, is givento the Ownerwhichallowsthe Ownerthe opportunity to appearbeforethe Boardof Directorsat a regularbusinessmeeting).lf the violationis not correctedfollowinga warning letter, additionalmonetaryand assessmentof penaltiesfor the same violationwill be assessedagainstthe Owner (CC&Rs,ArticleV, Paragraphg, page23). vt. ASSOCIATION ADDRESS All correspondence,maintenancesuggestions,or identificationof problemsshould be sent to the Property Management Company, address and telephone as given in the monthly newsletter. vil. OWNERRESPONSIBIL 1. Projectregulatoryprovisionsare applicableto all condominium residentsand visitors. 2. Ownerswillbe heldstrictlyaccountable to the Association for the conductof, and any violationsof, the Rulesand Regulations of the Associationby theirtenants and guests. OWNERSMUSTPROVIDETENANTSWITH A COPYOF THE RULESANDREGULATIONS. 3. Should a residentuse his dwellingas a businesswith visibleevidenceand/or causing external effects detrimental to neighbors or incompatiblewith the residentialzone, a fine will be imposed. 4. Owners will be held liable for all damages to the common area by residents, tenants, or guests of their unit. The actual cost of such damage shall be assessedagainstthe owner. 5. As of November,1990,all ownersare responsible for repair/replacement of their gate own latches. 6. Rightto Lease: Condominiums shallbe usedonlyas a singlefamilyresidence and shall not be rented by Ownersfor transientor hotel purposes(CC&Rs, ArticleVll, Paragraph 8, page26). VIII. CHANGE OF ADDRESS O An up-to-datelist of Owners is essentialfor efficientmanagementof condominium operations.Any changeof addressor ownershipmust be promptlyreportedto the management company. In the eventof sale,all regulatorydocuments, includingthis manual,must be made by the sellingpartyto the Associationno laterthan three (3) workingdaysafterthecloseof escrow(CC&RsArticlelll, Paragraph 3, page12). IX. ASSESSMENT FEEPAYM Policyis sentto Ownersoncea yearfrommanagement. The incomefrom monthlyassessmentpaymentprovidesthe only means for the to meetits obligations Association for maintenance of the project'sCommonAreas, lt is essential thatpaymentsbe receivedin a timelymannerwhendue. Merit PropertyManagementoffers the state-of-the-arttechnologyof IVR (lnteractive VoiceResponse).This lets you, our client,call in, any time,any day, any hour,and checkthe statusof yourassessment account.Alt you needto do,withyourassessment invoicein hand,is followthe promptsfrom the main greetingto obtainan up-to-date recordof your account. You can obtainyour balance,determineif we have received policy,and much,muchmore. your lastcheck,find out your association's delinquency try! it a Give X. COLLEC ASSESSMENT for managingand operating PlaymorTerraceCondominium Associationis responsible project, homeowners' the and for collecting assessments.The the commonareasof is importantto the management from all homeowners timelycollectionof assessments of propertyvalues. Pursuantto and operationof the project,and to the preservation has adoptedthe followingpolicy California CivilCodeSection1365(d),the Association for collecting delinquent assessments. 1. Annualassessments shallbe paid monthlyin twelve(12) equal installments. Eachinstallment is dueon the first (1st)day of the month. Any installment not paid by the thirtieth(30th)of the month shall be delinquent. Any special assessmentleviedshallbe delinquentif not paidthirty(30) days after the date due. An assessment is consideredpaidthe day the paymentis receivedby the Association.Postmarks are not considered. A latechargeof ten dollars($1O.OO1 shallbe assessed whenan assessment is delinquent.Any assessment not paid by the thirtieth(30th)day after it is due shalfaccrueinterestat the rate of twelvepercent(12%)per annum. Interest shall also accrueon late chargesand costs of collection.To simplifymonthly accounting,the Associationmay choose not to computeintereston small delinquencies.However,if the Associationtakes actionagainstan ownerto collect delinquentassessments,the Associationwill compute,to the fullest governingdocuments, extentpermittedby lawand the Association's the interest due from the date of the first delinquencyand will add that interestto the delinquentowner'sbalance. lf a check is returnedfor insufficientfunds, the checkswill not be accepted. ownerwill be chargeda $20.00fee. Post-dated 2. the Association becomingdelinquent, or its designated Uponany assessment pay the accountin full or agentwill maila noticeto the ownervia certifiedmailto a lien will be recordedagainstthe owner'sproperty. Shouldthe ownerfail to bringthe accountcurrentpursuantto the Association's demand,the Association will causea liento be recordedagainstthe owner'sproperty. 3. assessments, Withinten (10) days aftera lien is recordedfor delinquent the Associationor its designatedagent will mail a copy of the lien to all record ownersof the propertyas set forthin CaliforniaCivilCodeSection2924b. 4, After thirty (30) days has passed since recordationof a lien for delinquent the Association or its designatedagentwill diligentlyproceedwith assessments, a lawsuitmaybe filedagainst foreclosure.In lieuof foreclosure, or concurrently, the ownerpersonallyif the Associationconcludessuch actionwill enhancethe prospectof recoveringthe delinquentassessments,'or will otherwisebe in the bestinterestsof theAssociation. 5. of the Davis-Stirling All collectionactionwillcomplywiththe applicableprovisions 1350,et seq. Civil Code Section Act, California CommonInterestDevelopment 6. all amounts An ownermaychooseto pay in full, underprotest,to the Association latecharges,interestandthe costof the lien. Such assessments, due,including protestmust be made in writingand sent to the Associationvia certifiedmail alongwith paymentin full as set forth abovewithinthirty(30)daysafterthe lien is recordedagainstthe owner'sproperty. lf paymentunderprotestis madein this manner,the Associationshall advise the owner of the owner's right to resolve the dispute via alternativedispute resolution,civil action, or other proceduresthe Association may havein place. Paymentunderprotestmay not be mademorethantwotimesin one yearor threetimesin fiveyears. 7. All attorneys'fees, costs, late charges,interest,penalties,fines, chargesand expensesbilledto the Association for any of the aboveactivitiesshallbe added to the owner'saccountand shallbecomethe liabilityof the owner. 8. The Associationffiay, prior to recordinga lien or filing a lawsuit,declarethe entire annualassessmentfor the delinquentpropertyimmediatelydue and payableif the Associationconcludessuch actionwill enhancethe prospectof recovering the delinquentassessments, or will otherwisebe in the bestinterests of the Association. 9. Monetarypaymentsreceivedfrom a homeowner will be cr,edited to balanceson the homeowner's accountin the followingorder: a. b. c. d. e. f. Specialassessments Annualassessments Monetarypenaltiesor fines Legalfeesand costs Interest Latecharges 10. The Association has selectedEpsten& Grinnelt,APC,as its legalcounselfor all matters concerningthe collectionof delinquentaccounts,and has further selectedCal-Western Reconveyance Corporation as its trusteefor the purposes of foreclosingand selling any propertywhich is subject to a delinquent assessment lien. 11. A copyof thiscollectionpolicyshallbe annuallysentto all ownerswithinthe sixty (60) day periodimmediately precedingthe beginningof the Association's fiscal yearpursuantto CaliforniaCivilCodeSection1365(d). 12. ln general,the Association'sBoard intends to take whateveractions are authorizedby law and the Association'sgoverningdocumentsto collect assessments.lf the Boardelectsto use practices,proceduresor noticeswhich exceedthose requiredby law or under the governingdocuments,it does so withoutwaivingthe Association'sright to exercisecollectionremediesto the fullestextentpermissible.Any additionalnoticesor time periodsthe Association might use are extendedsolelyas a courtesy. No owner shall be entitledto expectlongertime limitsor noticesotherthanthosewhichare requiredby lawor the governingdocuments. Monthlystatementsare a courtesy. Ownersare responsiblefor making paymentson time, whether or not a statementis received. 13. This collectionpolicyis effectiveOctober1997, and was adoptedby the Boardof Directors at a meetingheldJanuary,1998. XI. MEMBER SUGGESTION Requestsfor considerationby the Board of Directorsof suggestionsor problems concerninggeneralAssociationmattersshouldbe submitted,in writing,to the Property Manager. However,if time does not permit,Ownersmay appearat the next regular, monthlyBoard meetingand each Ownerwill be allottedfive (5) minutesunder Open session. Forumof the Board'sregularbusiness XII. UTILIZATION PROJECT 1. Patios,balconies,porchesand carportsare restrictedcommonareas,and are controlsin the best interestof all Ownersand subjectto projectenvironmental patio plantingsmust not exceedthe bottornof the tenants. The heightof all eaveson the two-storyunitsand the bottomof the eaveson the one-storyunits, in order to preservethe eaves,gutters,etc. Commonpropertymust not be i.e.,vinesgrowingon the stucco. ONLY plantsin damagedby any plantings, waterpotsand patiofurnitureare permittedon balcony/deck.No self-contained itemsare permittedon railingtops. Balconiesare subjectto both structuraland surfacedamage,primari$ from drainageproblems.Eachpottedplantshallhavedrainageprovisionsunderthe plantto retainthe runoffwater. Nothingis to be set on the upperwindowledges water potsare permittedon the lowerwindow and only plantsin self-contained costsof damageto for repairand replacement ledges. Ownersare responsible fences,walls, balconies,attics,etc., which resultfrom their plantings. Such areasmust not be utilizedin a mannerwhichcreatesan annoyingconditionfor in theseareasat otherresidents.A clean,neatappearancemustbe maintained all times. 2. Rugs, drapes, towels or other articlesshall not be draped or hung on are permitted.All balcony/deck railingsor patiofences. No externalclotheslines garbage containers,wood and/or equipment,bicycles,tools, trash and/or storagepilesand shedsshallbe kept concealedfromviewof otherunits(below the fenceline),the commonareasand adjacentstreets. No furnitureis allowed exceptfor outdoorpatiofurniture. Violatorsare subjectto fines and can be assesseda finefor eachincident. 3. frontdoorlightsare to remainon at all For securityreasons,powerto residential times. (Absenteeownersmust make sure electricpowerremainson between renters.) 4. supportingverticalposts. Only Nothingshallbe hungfrom/onthe balcony/deck plantscan be hungfromhorizontalsupportbeams. No objectsshallbe attached nor hungfromanyeavesunlessapprovedby Boardof Directors. XIII. ANTENNAINSTALLATI companyfor currentpolicyon the latestregulations PleasecontactManagement procedures. and XIV. CARPORTS.PARKINGSPACESAND-SJREETS 1. Carportsmustnot be usedfor storage. 2. Carportspacesmay only be used to park (1) standardvehicle. A standard JeepCherokee, motorcycle, automobile, vehicleis any standardsize passenger vehicles;open bed trucks,includingtruckswith camper Blazeror Bronco-type shells,that do not exceed314tons in grosscarryingcapacity,and do not bear signage,or haveequipmentracksof any kind; obtrusiveor offensivecommercial or any van or mini-vantype vehicledesignedfor passenger,non-commercial use. Any suchvehiclemay not extendbeyondthe carportspace. Carportsmay vehicles. not be usedto parkany abandonedor storedvehiclesor inoperable 3. spaceis providedfor eachunit. One coveredparkingspaceand one uncovered Each space is identifiedby the appropriateunit number and will be used accordingly. 4. Vehiclesmustnot be backedintoparkingspace. 5. on sidewalks,planted or skateboards Ridingor parkingof bicycles,motorcycles, areas,or in the fencedpoolareasis not permitted. 6. are subjectto towPrivatevehiclesparkedin violationof Rulesand Regulations may initiatethis Owner Any expense. awayfor impoundstorageat the Owner's privileges. actionwhena vehicleinfringesuponthe Owner'srightsand 7. repair,and overhaulwork is not allowedwithincarportsor Vehiclemaintenance, otherareasof the Projectexceptwith priorwrittenapprovalof the Board. 8. Washingof anyvehicleis not permitted.Violatorswill be fined. 9. to carportsare FIRELANES,as well as commonmeansof entry The driveways and exit. Therefore,NO vehicleis to be parkedin a mannerthat evenpartially btocks any driveway. To do so would create additionalhazards in an emergency. Cars parked in RED emergencyareas will be towed away and/orOwnerswill be fined. Ownersof vehiclesparkedillegallyin immediately, NO PARKINGareas,sidewalks,or plantedareaswill be fined and/ortowedfor eachoccurrence. 10. Guestparkingspacesare for guest parkingONLY and are not to be used by Ownersor tenants.A guestis limitedto 48 hoursin guestparking.Violatorswill be subjecttoo tow-awayand/ora fine. 11. vehicle,truck(otherthan pick-upor No trailer,camper,motorhome,commercial van), inoperableautomobile,boat or similarequipmentshall be permittedto remainmore than 48 hours in an assignedparkingspace (CC&RsArticleVll, motorvehicles 3, page25). No noisy,smoky,off-road,or unlicensed Paragraph may be operatedwithinthe project.Vehicleswill be towedand Ownersfinedfor violations. 12. for ensuringtheirassignedparkingspacesarefreeof oil Ownersare responsible by the Association and greasedrippings. Spacesmay be cleanedperiodically Ownerand/ora fine may be assessed. andthe costschargedto the responsible EffectiveJune, 1989,the Ownerof any parkingspacethat has excessiveoil or otherfluidsdrippingontothe spacewillbe fined. (SeeFineSchedule.) 13. No powerequipment,tools,or hobbyshopsshall be permittedon the Projdct unlessauthorizedby the Board. 14. Shoppingcarts will not be removedfrom PlaymorTerraceby maintenance personnel.All owners/residents such cancallshoppingcart retrievalcompanies, (222-0911), and requestthat they as the CompleteShoppingCart Services removethe carts. XV. PEE 1. poultry,or animalsof anynatureshallbe keptin anycondominium, No livestock, householdpets,such as dogs exceptcagedbirds,and/ortwo (2) domesticated purposes, for any commercial or cats,providedthey are not keptor maintained (CC&RsArticleVll, Paragraph 6, page25). i.e.,breeding 2. All provisionsof the San DiegoCountyCodefor regulationof animalsapplyto Association. PlaymorTerraceHomeowners 3. Dogs must be controlledby a leashat all times when outsideindividualpatio enclosuresand livingquarters. Any litterdepositedby dogs or cats on lawns, by the sidewalks, or other projectcommonareasmustbe removedimmediately material containers waste carry or should involved. Owners Ownerof the animal prevent to landscaping, damage dogs a scoopwhenwalkingdogs. In orderto are not permittedto be tiedto treesor to otherexteriorbuildingstructureswithin the projectcommonareas. Violatorswill be fined. 4. Dogsand cats found roamingaroundfree withinthe projectcommonareaswill be assumedto be strayanimals.Suchanimalswill be subjectto pickupby the continuingleashviolationsmay Additionally, countyAnimalShelter(236r,4250). be reportedby any residentto personnelat the CountyAnimalShelter. Litter Health Department violationsmay be reportedto the CountyEnvironmental (692-3M3). Any offensivenoise,such as barkingdogs may be referredto the at 531-2000,or the police,at 236-5500. cityNoiseAbatementDepartment XVI. TRASHPICKUP "Trashcans must not be placedin the designatedpickuparea before6:00 PM on the day priorto pickupand the cansmustbe removedfrom designatedpickupareaby 6:00 CodeSec.66.0105) PMthe dayof pickup."(SanDiegoMunicipal on February10,2000: was madeto the Rules& Regulations The followingamendment "Trash can violators will receive a $50.00 fine, without a hearing, as notice is given in each newslefter." THEASSOC'ATIONHAS HffENDED THEHOURS,FORYOTJRCONVENIENCE, TO A 5:OOPM PUT OUT TIME THE NIGHTBEFOREPICKUP ANDMUSTBE PLACED BACK BY MIDNIGHTTHE DAY OF PICKahP. You are in violationif your trash containeris in the designated pick-upareaat any othertime. Trashpickupis handled by the Cityof San Diego. Trashmustbe placedin the containers requiredby the City. No othertrashcontainers are permitted. Bulkyitems whichdo not fit in the containersmust be disposedof by the resident. Trashcontainersare to be placedat the curb on the streets. (Do not place them in curbedareas going into cul-de-sacs.) lmproperplacementof trash containers,or leavingtrashwhichwill not be pickedup by the Citymay resultin a fine beingassessed againstthe owner. lf the Associationincurs any costs as a result of as owner's improperlydiscardingor disposingof bulky itemsor any othertrash,the Association mayobtainreimbursement fromthe responsible owner. Trashcontainersmustbe storedonlyin carportsor patioareaout of sightof otherunits, commonareasandadjacentstreets.Eachtrashcontainerhasbeennumberedwiththe uniUcarport number. 10 XVII. reEE Radios,televisions,stereos, musical instruments,party activities,and other noise sourcesmust be restrictedat all times to a levelthat is NOT disturbingto residents. Shoulda residentcreatea nuisanceas definedin San DiegoCityCodesand California CivifCode,Section3419,a fine will be imposedfor each said nuisance.Shouldthe Boardof Directorsdetermine,after due process,that the legal remedyis inadequate, proceedings for abatement shallbe commenced.Additionally, noiseproblemsmay be reportedby any residentto the San DiegoPoliceDepartment(531-2000) for "corrective action",or 236-5500for "immediateaction". Please note a permit is neededfor amplifiedmusic. Be considerate! xvilt. nncHrecrunnl coNlRoL 1. IndividualpropertyownershipwithinPlaymorTerraceHomeowners Association is limitedto the area bound by the interiorsurfaceof walls, floors, ceilings, windows,and doors,with the exceptionof windowcoveringsas outtinedin 6(e) following. The ownershipof all qxteriorareas is jointlysharedin commonby membersof the Association. 2. All proposedchangesto the exteriorsurfaceof buildingsand groundsmust be approvedby the Boardof Directorsand/orits authorizedcommittee. a. At the timeyour plansare submittedfor approval,and if approved,you will be giventhirty(30)daysto completethe specifiedwork. b. Eachwrittenrequestfor approvalof a plannedexterioradditionor change must includefive (5) items: generaldescription,detailedspecification drawings,color,and type of materialsto be used,and the name,license number,addressand phonenumberof the contractoror individual doing the work. In some instances,a San Diego city buildingpermitwitl be required. Plansshouldbe submittedthroughthe PropertyManageror to the Boardof Directors. d. The PropertyManagermust be contactedwithin ten (10) days after completion for finalinspection andapproval. e. Beforeany work is started,the Homeownermustsignthe "Restrictive Use and Maintenance Agreement".Ownersare requiredto pay the recording feefor the the timethe agreement is completed. 3. Unauthonzed additionswill be subjectto removalat the owner'sexpenseand subjectto a fine. 4. Ownersare responsiblefor installation costs and maintenance of any exterior additions. L1 5. No signsshallbe displayed to the publicviewon any unitsor any portionof the projectunlesstheyare approvedby the Board,exceptFORSALEor FOR RENT signsof custornary and reasonable (CC&RsArticleVll, Paragraph dimensions 4, page26). The Boardhas determined that signsare to be no largerthan g" x 12". A maximumof two (2) signsis permitted.One sign maybe postedon the carportfenceand onesignon the groundlevelwindowof the unit. 6. Architectural restrictions are: a. Patio covers cannot extendbeyondoriginalpatio fence line and must conformto standardpatiocoverdrawingsand specifications on file withthe management company. b. Balcony railing areas may not be modified,except for the following approvedmodifications on file at the management company. An extra picketcan be insertedbetweeneach existingpicketof the same sizeand sameboardtypeand placedon equaldistancebetweenthe other verticalboards,withpaintto matchthe existingboards. Screendoorsshallbe of extrudedaluminum(not roll-formed) for strength and rigidity. Surfacefinish shall match the metal trim of the building (brown,bronze,or black). Securitydoorsmay be installed(brown,bronze or black are the only colorsapproved). Specifications are on file at the ManagementCompany.Any otherdoor must be approvedby the Board and/or authorizedcommittee. Owners are responsiblefor continued maintenance,i.e., paintingand repair. This policy was adopted in September 1990. d. Othersecuri$ items: No barsor grillscan be installedon the secondfloor windowor doorsof the livingunits. No metalshuttersor roll-downsecurity devicesmay be installed.No exterioralarmdevicesmaybe installed.The policywas adoptedin September1990. 1) WindowBars: All securitywindowbarsand grillsmustbe installedon the insideof the livingunits. All barson bedroomsmustbe equipped with quick-release openersfor panic situations.All grillson living room and kitchenwindowsmust be equippedwith lockingdevices, whichwillallowthemto be unlockedand openedin emergencies. 2) Patio doors: Securitydoors can be installedon eitherthe insideor the outsideof the slidingglassor Frenchdoors,on the groundlevel. 3) All barsandgrillsmustbe eitherblack,white,tan or trimcolor. 4) Policieson the securityscreendoor,windowbars,patiodoors,colors and "othersecurityitems"weremadeSeptember1990. 1,2 e. All covered windowsshall have facing the exterior,either draperies, draperylinings,casements, shutters,or shadesof a light neutralcolor (CC&RsArticleVll, Paragraph10, page 28). Othersmust have Board and/orauthorized committee approval. No noticeablepatterns are allowed. No stickersor other decorations may be placedon the interioror exteriorof anywindowexceptfor safetyon slidingglassdoors.Suitableholidaydecorations maybe placedon interior of windowone (1) week prior to a holiday. Such decorationsrnust be removedno laterthan three (3) days afterthe holiday. Exceptionis the Christmas season, when decorations can be put up the first (lst) weekendin Decemberand must be removedby the first (1st) weekend after New Year's Day. xrx. LANpSGAP|NG FORCO All proposedchangesin landscaping of commonareasrequirepriorwrittenapprovalof the LandscapeCommitteeand/orthe Board of Directors. All replantingof common areasrequestedby specificOwnersor groupof Ownersmustbe approvedby the Board of Directors.Donatedplantsof suitabletype may be acceptedfor the use withinareas specifiedby donorsat the discretionof the LandscapeCommittee/Board of Directors, and be properlyplantedby a qualifiedlicensedprofessional. Steppingstones placedoutsidepatio gates may be installedby an owner with prior approvalof the Boardof Directors.Any steppingstone must be a minimumsize of twelve(12) inchesin diameter(roundor square),be a cementmaterial(can have inset pebbles),be of a light neutralcolor,and must be properlyplacedin pathway. The Owner should request current installation guidelines from Management. After properinstallation by the owner,the Association for maintaining shallbe responsible the steppingstones. Patioslabsmaynot extendpastthe fence line nor patio gate intothe commonareas. XX. POOLRt'tE 1. All personsusingthe pooldo so at theirown risk. 2. Observeall poolsafetyprecautions at all times. 3. NO divingor running. 4. The Associationdoesnot is the responsibility of parentsto assurethat children(14 yearsor younger)are underthe DIRECTpool side supervisionof a designated, responsibleadultwho mustoverseetheir activities StateLaw) at all times. (California 5. NO glassis permittedin the poolarea;onlyplasticand/ormetalcontainers. 6. Animalsare not permittedin poolor poolarea. (Califomia StateLaw) 1,3 7. Any guestfourteen(14) yearsor youngerusingthe pool must be accompanied by an adult(18 yearsor older)resident,and be underdirectsupervision at all times. No morethansix (6) guestsper unitmay usethe poolat any one time unlessattendinga privateparty. 8. No flotationdeviceswill be allowedin the pool unlessspecificallyapprovedby the Boardof Directors. 9. Pool gates must be kept lockedbeforeand after enteringor leavingthe pool area. Onlythosewithauthorizedpoolcardsareentitledto usethe pool. 10. Everyonemusttakea showerbeforeenteringthe pool. 11. Personsintoxicated, physicallydirty,or sufferingfrom a contagiousor infectious diseaseare not permitteduseof the pool. (California StateLaw) 12. Lifesavingequipmentis for emergencyuseonly. (California StateLaw) 13. NO wheeledvehiclesare allowedin pool areaexceptfor the handicapped, i.e., wheelchairs andwalkers. 14. poolcardswill cost$50. No secondcardswill be issued. When All replacement any cardis lostor stolen,the poollockswillbe reprogrammed within48 hours,in orderto eliminatethatcard. This policywaseffectiveas of August1991. 15. Noiseshouldbe keptat a low levelfor the enjoymentand relaxationof all. Use headsets/earphones whenusingradios.No amplified music. 16. No barbecuing allowedin poolarea. 17. All poolviolations are subjectto fines. 18. POOL HOURS.The swimmingpoolhoursare as follows: 7:00AM to 10:00PM SundaythroughThursday 7:00AM to 11:00PM FridayandSaturday. XXf. RULESFoR PooL AREA 1. The pool area may be reservedfor the exclusiveuse of partiesby residents ONLY, for a maximumof four (4) hours. The residentmust requestthe reservationseven(7) days in advanceto the PropertyManagementCompany, alongwith a depositof $100,whichwill be refundedif the reservationrutesare observed.Onlyone poolmay be reservedat anyonetime. 2. Privatepartiesare considered to be a gatheringof morethan twelve(12)people for a socialevent. Thesegatheringsare not to be relatedto business,political, (Effective Juty 19, 1989) L4 or religiousactivities, solicitation of funds,or admissioncharges.Garnblingor otherillegalactivitiesare not permitted. 3. The hosUhostess is held responsible for the properconductof his/herguests. NO ONEunder21 yearsof agewill be servedalcoholicbeverages. 4. Closingtimefor partieson SundaythroughThursdayis 9:00PM and 10:00PM on Fridayand Saturdaynights. 5. Complaints aboutpartieswill be resolvedby the Boardof Directors.Penalties involvefines and/or restrictionof the use of the recreationfacilities. Any complaintwill requirethe residentwho madethe reservationto appearbefore the Boardof Directors. 6. Afl rulesand regulationsaffectingthe pool area, containedin the Rulesand Regulations for PlaymorTerracemustbe compliedwith in additionto all posted rulesat the pool. 7. Residentsshould inform guests of parkingrules. Guests must park in the spaces designatedfor "visitors"or on the street. All other cars, besides residents andtheirguests,parkedin residents' spacesare subjectto towing. 8. The authorizedhost is responsiblefor cleanupimmediatelyfollowingthe party andfor the completeremovalof all trash. (Thehostwill providethe trashbags). 9. Partiesare limitedto 25 people. 10. Partygiversmust keep the musicto a reasonablelevel for the area, and be considerate of poolneighbors.No amplifiedmusicis allowed. 11. of the partyat the Any violationof rulesmay resultin the immediatecancellation discretionof a Board member,Pool Committeemember,or employeeof the Management Company.Fineswillbe implemented. 12. Properattire must be worn in pool area at all times. Babiesmay not wear diapersin the poolat any time. XXII. ENFORCEMENT 1. Exceptwhere municipaland state statutesare cited,these rulescall for selfregulation.In casesof abuse,the Boardof Directorswill notifythe Owner,by letter,requestingcompliancewith the specifiedrules. lf the problemcontinues, the Boardof Directorswill schedulea hearingwith the Ownerby giving"due process".Fineswill be imposedafterdue processand as decidedby the Board of Directors. 2. whichmay not havebeen Any previousviolationsof the Rulesand Regulations enforceddoes not set a precedent.All Rulesand Regulationsare subjectto enforcement. 15 3. The Boardof Directorswill be the final arbitratorson the interpretation of the RulesandRegulations. XXIII. VIOLATIONPROCEDU The followingprocedurewill apply to all violationsand infractionsof the governing documents and rulesand regulations.Ownersmay reportviolations to the management companyor Boardof Directorsby submittinga writtennoticedescribingthe violation. The Boardof Directors,management company,or committeeappointedby the Board may alsonoteany violationsdiscovered duringwalkthroughs or by personalknowledge of anyof its membersor representatives. At the timea violationis notedor reported,actionwill be as follows: 1. A first noticeto correctthe violationwill be sent by the management company giving two (2) weeks to correctviolation. 2. lf the violationis not conected,a secondnoticewill be sent by the management companygiving an additionaltwo (2)weeks to correctthe violation. 3. lf the violationis still not conecteda noticeof a fine will be sentand a hearing willbe scheduled.The ownermayeitherappearat the hearingor submitwritten testimony. 4. lf the violationis not correctedevenafterthe impositionof a fine,the Boardmay impose additionalor continuingfines until such time as the violationis satisfactorily corrected. 5. lf the violationcontinues,the Boardmay refer the matterto the Association's legal counsel. lf a lawsuitis filed, the homeownermay be liablefor the Association's legalcostsandfeesif the Associationprevailsin thatlawsuit. 6. Notwithstanding the foregoing,under circumstancesinvolvingconduct that (a) an immediateand unreasonable constitutes infringement of, or threatto, the safetyor quietenjoymentof neighboring residents;(b) a trafficor fire hazard;(d) a threatof materialdamageto, or destructionof, the CommonArea; or (d) a violationof the governingdocumentsthat is of such a naturethat there is no materialquestionregardingthe identityof the violatoror whethera violationhas paymentor parkingviolations), occurred(i.e.,delinquent assessment the Board or its agents may undertakeimmediatecorrectiveor disciplinaryaction and conducta hearing as soon thereafteras reasonablypossible,if either (1) requestedby the offendingOwnerwithinfive (5) daysfollowingthe Association's actions,or (2) or its own initiative. 1,6 XXIV. FINESCHEDULE Finesfor firsttimeviolations shallbe leviedin accordance withthe followingschedule: Hazardous Activities $100.00 UseRestrictions $50.00 Vehicle& ParkingRestrictions $50.00plus$10.00perday Anyviolation of the Bylaws,CC&Rs or Rules& Regulations not specifically mentioned Unauthorized improvements to propertyper discretionof Board of Directors $50.001st month,$100.00every additional month $100.00 Finesshallbe in additionto an assessmentequalto anyapplicable costof repair. Finesfor continuing or repeatedviolationsrnaybe increasedin $50.00incrementsat the discretion of the Boardof Directors. t7 DELINOUENCT POLICY 1. Ass€ssmont6 are dueand payablein full on tho firstdayof eachmonth.All otherchargesincludingbut not limited to late fees, int€rsst, collectioncosts and fines are due as inored. All assossments,late fess, interest and collectioncosts are subjectto the DelinquencyPolicy. 2 Payoeots eceived will be applied in the follou'iog oder Unpaid pincipd induding e$€ssmmts and special assessrnentslevied in accodance with the Dedaration and Civil Code,late fees, collectioo ftcs, hter€st etrd CC&R's violatioo fees. 3. Aay request for special coosidemtion must be submitted to the Board pri<x to tLe ersessmeotbecomiog morc thaa forty-five (45) days pest due. 4. NOTICE OF STATUTORY RIGTIT OF ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOruTION C'ADT). Califooie Civil Cotle Section 1566.3 providee for the rcsolutioo of disputer lcgaldiog aon-paym€nt of assessmeotsthrough ADR as set forftr in Cdifomia Civil Code Seaioo 1354, provided tbat thi o'ner vithio $Lg P0) days of the recording of a Notice of Ddinquent Assessnedt, does all of the following & Pay6id firll to $e Association the amount of lhe ess€rsmeotsin di6puiq lat€ cb4rges,intereit and all rea.$ooablefees ald cosrs associatedwith the prepatation erd filing of a Notice of Delirqueot Aesersrneat (ien), includhg all arailiog costs, and induding rcasonableettortrds fe€s not to eiceed four huodted t$eng-6ve dolers ($425). b. Thtt dudng seid thirty (30) days folo,ving the recordiog of the Notice of Ddinquent Assessmedt Qien),the owner statesto t1te Association in a written noticc, mailed by certified oat that the .oourt is paid under protesL ACNAI] TO BE @MMENCED #OFDAYS AF|ERDUE DATE GIARGETO HOMEOIYNER'S ACCOUNT 5. Lste fee assesledotr lrost due ass€scmdrts. 30 $10.00 6. Man g€meot sends a part du€ staterneot for all outsaodiog chargeson the account (Asse6seeot6,late fe6, ioter€rt, colection) 30 No Charge 7e- Ao 'Intedt to Lied' leter is sent to t}te owrers by certified mail fha'ge iocutrd for this letter will be levied agaiost the delinquent rccoun! Docr:aneots md processiogprovided in accoldrulc! $'ith Spei6 BiU (CC1367) induding account detail Ddioquency Policy, md Fiae Policy. 60 S25.00 b. 8r b. A Notice ofDelinqueot AssessmeotLien will be 6led "g:;.st the ddinqueot propcrty .nd charger fot it6 processiog aod recoding vill be levied against the delioquelt accouat Copy ofccorded doclment will be seot to owoers ofccord by certified oail ia accoldancewith Speier Biu (cc 2924b). $15.00 90 ' 9. Upon rccebt of payoeot in fu1I,. Rdeise of Lieo will be ccordcd. Copies lrill be sent to all o'nec ofccord. 10.. Upon authodzatioo ofthe Board ofDirectots, a Notice of Iqteflt to Forcdos€ will b€ sent to rhe ou'ner. Delinqucot owner will bc liable for payment of fees and co6ts. Copi€s will be 6eot to tie owaers ofrecord. 720 11, Account will be refetred to the Association .ftorney or collectioo egent All legal fees and costs ofcollectioo u,i[ b€ cbarged to the delinquedt o\r'!e!. 135 12 Copies ofdocooeats to rutkiple owners ofrecord in accordance with Speiet Bill: a) One copyonly b) Han<lling fec fot additional copics 30 r $140,00 $25.00 t25.00 I€gal fe€s end co6t6 No chaage $10.00 ea, All fees may be eubiect to chaogewitlout ootice. Fo( ovemight payments, mail to: Meiit Property Menegemeot, Inc. 5910 Aceto Street, Second Floor Mssion Vieio, CA 92691 Date: January2003 .19 'tl gV.',TBA,SH.$AP 20