FOR SALE - Rochester Bicycling Club


FOR SALE - Rochester Bicycling Club
Banquet Annoincement
In This Issue
President’s Message
Spring Banquet
Announcements / New Members
Bike Clinics Announcement
Ride Chair Corner
Santa Ride Report
January Mini Survey Results
February Mini Survey Results
Route 66 Tour
NYC to Niagara Falls Announcement
Western New York Bike Festival
Lions Club Announcement
Merit Badge Seeker Request
Blasts from the Past
Safety is Your Business
December Board Meeting Minutes
Pictures to Ponder
Want Ads
2016 Board of Directors & Coordinators
12 - 13
21 - 23
24 - 25
Our Mission:
> Teach and promote bicycling for transportation,
recreation and health.
> Preserve and proclaim the rights of bicyclists as
operators of vehicles.
> Schedule and organize bicycle rides, tours and
other activities on a regular basis.
> Cooperate with other groups in promoting
> Advocate the use of approved helmets.
> Advocate the safe and responsible use of
appropriate lands for off-road cycling.
This Newsletter is published as scheduled below
by the Rochester Bicycling Club
Newsletter Deadlines:
September August
September 15th
December 15th
Issue 1
Issue 2
Issue 3
Issue 4
Issue 5
Issue 6
Issue 7
Issue 8
Issue 9
Issue 10
Newsletter Advertising:
The Flower City Cyclist accepts paid ads and
preprinted inserts. Paid ads will run for one issue.
Copy and payment are due by the deadlines listed
Rates are:
1/4 Page $10.00
1/2 Page $15.00
Full Page $25.00
Note: Members, local charities and non-commercial
organizations may place bicycle related classified ads
at no charge. See the RBC Website for complete
March Board Meeting
March 8, 2016
7:00 pm
Brookside School, S. Winton Road
Between 590 & Westfall Rd
Send your email address to:
[email protected]
Awards Banquet & Ride
March 12, 2016
Ride: 2:00 pm
Dinner: 5:00 pm
Christ The Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
1000 Winton Rd N
The editor accepts all bicycling related, member
submitted articles, photos and artwork for the
newsletter. Special consideration is given to RBC
related activities, rides, special events and your
personal experiences, cycling tips and
adventures! Share your stories!
Submit articles to:
[email protected]
Can you feel it coming??? Hard to believe that our First Ride of the 2016 season is
just around the corner. Hope to see many of you on our Kickoff Ride for 2016 on
March 12!!! Of course our first ride is followed by our annual Dish to Pass Awards
Dinner. Come and enjoy and celebrate the accomplishments of our fellow club
members!!! See elsewhere in this newsletter and on our website for further details.
I'd like to share some of the fruits of hard off-season labor on the part of many
dedicated individuals.....Our Ride Chairs, Steve and Kathy Reigel have been busy developing the
2016 Ride Calendar which will once again provide a rich menu of ride choices – many old favorites as
well as several new ones.
We'll be repeating last year's New Member Rides which were quite successful and provided a great
opportunity for new or prospective members to meet and ride with our “veteran” members. The Slow
and Easy and Sweep ride programs return for 2016. Big THANKS to Mike Stanton and Chris Basak,
respective coordinators of those programs. Our Susquehannock and Take a Bath weekends will be
reprised. This year's Andrew Spiller Memorial Challenge Ride and Picnic will take place on July 23rd at
Mendon Ponds Park. Impromptu Rides return with members able to schedule rides, via the RBC App,
on days other than when weekend calendar rides are scheduled. New for this year you'll see several
rides that are posted at 2 distances --this representing a strategy designed to bring together a broader
cross section of riders. See Ride Chair Corner elsewhere in this issue for additional information
including some exciting news on our expanded use of Meetup as a means of supporting
communication among our members regarding ride participation, route changes, updates, etc. Also
refer to Ride Chair Corner for info. as to how you can volunteer to lead the few remaining rides still
without leaders .
If you thought our already terrific RBC mapset couldn't possibly get any better... well think again. Our
members continue to come up with new routes for us to enjoy. Maps director, Andy Melnyk has been
busy this winter creating maps for those new routes and revising several others while Map Committee
members have provided support creating gpx files and cue sheets and performing a number of “map
set maintenance” functions. Brian Pack is progressing nicely as “apprentice map creator.”
We are so lucky to have the incredibly high quality mapset that we enjoy so much!!! One last
comment.. again this year you'll find that some routes have been modified (e.g.- parking lots no longer
available) so do make sure that you have the most current map by checking the mapset on our
website or on Meetup.
If you haven't looked lately, please do take a look at our website. You'll see that it has a fresh new look
and is far more mobile device friendly. A big THANKS to our webmaster, Brad Jensen!!!!
Perhaps you've noticed the increased traffic on our Facebook Page of late. Pam Rogers has been
providing fresh direction and lending her significant social media expertise in support of our efforts in
this area.
Hope to see everyone at the March 12th Kickoff Ride/Awards Dinner and on the road during our 2016
Sara Ture Last Year
Last Year’s Banquet Cake
Renew your membership, mark the calendar for March 12 and plan to be at the Christ The
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 1000 Winton Rd. North at 2:00 for the Kick Off to the 2016
RBC ride season. We will ride in rain, snow, cold whatever mother nature has in store for us.
As always it will be ride #194.
Price of admission is a dish to pass and the club will provide dessert. We will begin eating
around 5:00 pm. After dinner and dessert we will recognize members accomplishments with
our Annual Awards program. By the way, we will also recognize some of our members follies
with our humorous awards. Last year the club got way to serious because we have very few
humorous awards. There is still time if you have a humorous award.
Just contact Whitey at : [email protected] or call 738-1537.
So mark that calendar and we will see you:
March 12; 2 pm Ride; 5 pm supper
Christ The Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
1000 Winton Rd N.
Bicycle Cases for Rent to
Club Members!
Going on a bicycle tour and you need to ship
y o u r b i c y c l e v i a a i r, w a t e r o r g r o u n d
transportation safely?
Membership Report 1/13/15
Total Membership Revenue in calendar year
2014: $11,573
New Memberships:
Currently active:
$280 Dues Paid since the last board meeting:
$655 Paid to date for 2016:
Welcome To Our New Members
through February 1, 2016
The club has cases for rent to our members at
$2.50 per day.
These are hard cases to protect your bicycle
from damage.
Details on our rental agreement are on your
club’s CD. To rent the cases contact Beth
Johnson email:
[email protected]
On Wednesday, May 18th, thousands of cyclists around the world will take part in their local Ride of Silence
events. The RoS is a ride to honor those who have been injured or killed in a bicycle incident. We ride for about
one hour without talking so we can better remember our fallen friends and family. Our message also goes out
to the general public, cyclists are a part of traffic and rightfully belong on the roads.
The Rochester area’s 6th annual Ride of Silence will start and finish at Penfield’s Highway Depot lot on
Jackson Rd, just North of Atlantic Avenue and across from Veteran’s Memorial Park. Please arrive about 6:15
pm. After getting your bike ready, signing in on our rider sheets and getting an arm band we’ll gather for the
pre-ride ceremony at 6:40 pm.
We leave the lot at 7:00 pm being led by our motorcycle escort, who will control the intersections and shepherd
us, as we roll along the 9 mile route. Our pace will insure that we return to the lot around 8:00 pm when we’ll
retrieve the arm bands and say thanks to those we shared the ride with.
This event is unlike any ride you’ve done before. Close to 100 cyclists, side by side, quietly rolling along and
hearing the world around while thinking about those we love. Every year new riders discover what a moving
and meaningful experience the Ride of Silence is.
Please feel free to contact Andy Stewart, [email protected], with any questions and check out the club
website periodically for updates and personal stories.
Thanks, Andy.
This upcoming season will see a further expansion of our clinic offerings with at least 5 different topics
totaling 9 or more dates.
The first clinic in 2016 will be “How to Prepare for the Season”. This will be focused on the bike. We’ll
learn how to assess and discuss possible servicing in detail. Andy’s hope is that the attendees’ early rides
will be trouble free and they will be able to better monitor and anticipate their bikes needs during the rest of
the season. New club members might wish to attend. While attendees might bring their bikes this isn’t
meant to be a one on one service needs assessment but a more general guide.
The always well attended “Flat Tire Clinics” are scheduled for four dates. This is a hands on class in
dealing with the most common problem bikes have. Attendees bring their bike or wheel (if they already
know how to remove and reinstall the wheel) along with any tools, tubes, pumps they have. We’ll instruct
everyone through a trial tire/tube repair. If members wish to bring fresh tires or tubes they are welcome to.
Questions about care, prevention and current trends will be covered. Expect to get dirty. We will be limiting
each class to three attendees per each instructor. Prior registration through the web site is needed. This
will be the only clinic to require this registration.
“All About Your Bike”, will be repeated for two dates. Last year the common topics were centered on
gearing and shifting. But we decide what will be discussed at the start of each clinic and might drift as the
attendees wish. Suggestions prior to the clinic are also welcome as are anyone’s offer to lead the
discussion on their topic of expertise. As example, possible topics could be, but not limited to, commuting,
group riding guidelines or the latest materials bike are made of. Andy has passed out his 10 best and 10
worst cycling inventions before and looks forward to attendees suggesting their own nominations.
“How to plan for a Tour”. Andy has done many multi day tours, from credit card fast to self contained
camping. We will cover some of the basic steps in deciding what type, how long, where to ride and
whether to camp or motel. A sample list of equipment for each will be provided. Anyone hoping to ride a
many day tour (or has already) is invited. Anyone who has experience in touring is welcome to share their
knowledge also.
New for our clinics will be “Wheels Explained”. After flats, wheel issues are the next problem area on bikes.
While this clinic is still in the planning phase at this point Andy will likely build a wheel during the evening,
explaining issues and factors involving the care, feeding and servicing of wheels as he goes along.
Returning to help with the Flat Tire Clinic are Andy, Whitey, Brad and new will be Karen Managan. The
sharing of skills, information and advice is a very basic aspect of our club. Some might say one of the more
important reasons to be a member. We are blessed with members who feel this way.
Andy welcomes/requests any questions or suggestions for topics or aspects wished to be covered for any
of the clinics. The website will have a sign up function for each clinic although only the Flat Tire Clinic will
limit the class size and requires prior signing up.
Please feel free to contact Andy at [email protected]. Locations are the Christ the Good Shepherd
Lutheran Church, 1000 N. Winton Rd. Clinics start at 7pm and last for about two hours. Dates are as
follows, check the new calendar or contact Andy to confirm.
3/15- How to Prepare for the Season
3/31, 4/28, 5/24, 7/5- Flat Tire
4/21, 7/21- All about Your Bike
5/19- How to Plan a Bike Tour
6/9- Wheels Explained
Finding and
Printing RBC Maps
Awards Banquet Request
The 2016 cycling season is underway
so keep a outlook all year for
something that would qualify for a
Humor Award. Send your
suggestions (in confidence) to me:
Most RBC members have been in this spot at one
time or another: you thought you knew the route or
would have buddies to ride with and something went
wrong. You wound up alone on the route not
knowing the next turn. Don’t let this happen to you!
Print and bring a map to every RBC Club Ride – you
will be happy to have the reference during the ride.
[email protected]
We are looking for a volunteer to take over the
2016 Awards Banquet. I have been doing it for
five years and it is time for a change.
There are three ways to find printable maps without
owning a club CD:
A printable map is available online for every RBC
ride that uses a club map. Go to the Club Rides app
from the home page of the RBC website: Under "Quick
Links" click "Club Rides App" or type into your browser. Choose
the date of your preferred ride and click on the map
number. A printable map pdf will appear.
If you are interested please contact me or any
board member.
RBC Rides are
Now on!
Current paid RBC members can access the entire
map set through the club website. Log in to the
website, and from
the home page look under "Members Area" to click
Now you can see who else expects to attend a
ride, ask questions about it, or invite your
buddies to join you! Ride leaders (and
participants) can also provide updates on
conditions or other last-minute changes as a ride
approaches. Other benefits include reminders (if
desired), and space for photos and discussions.
Or you can download the club CD: Log in to the
website, and from
the home page go to “Members Area” and “Club
We hope this two-way communication further
encourages folks to connect and come to rides
and other events.
A reminder to Ride Leaders and Participants:
With our new presence on Meetup it's likely that
we'll be seeing more folks on our rides who are
new to RBC. Ride leaders can help make
someone's initial experience a more comfortable
and rewarding one by asking whether there are
new riders and, if so, introducing them to the
group. All participants can help by being your
natural warm welcoming selves and encouraging
the new rider throughout the ride, as
To join the Meetup group, go to:
Seen Around Town - K. Managan
The season is beginning! Visions
of reunions with friends, delicious
potluck dishes, great desserts, and
award presentations are dancing in
our heads. Oh, and there are BIKE
RIDES scheduled beginning with
the first one on Saturday March 12.
The first official club ride is at 2pm,
followed by a bring-a-dish-to-share
meal at 5pm. We hope to see you
In March and April, we schedule fewer and shorter rides, as we all warm up (along with the weather). If
you are already in great shape, consider adding distance by riding to the rides or extending them.
RBC Meetup is the go-to place for communicating about rides. Many of you already use Meetup for
other groups and activities. But for those who don't, think of it as the one-stop place to see all
upcoming rides and everything about them. See who is going, get maps & start locations, post info/
questions, and catch up on updates & discussions about each ride. Ideally, folks identify themselves
with first name and last initial, but you can also remain anonymous if you prefer, and just use it to check
for updates on rides. You simply visit the "event" page for the specific ride to see the comments (as
easy as looking at a website).
If you RSVP to a
particular ride, you
will receive updates
on it - e.g., road
conditions, detours/
re-routes, groups
doing shorter/longer
routes, delay in ride
start time due to
w e a t h e r. M a n y
people don't know if
they are going on a
particular ride until
night before or day
of, so it is common
to RSVP at a late
decision point.
RSVPing shows
those who are
considering the ride that a bunch of folks are going. RSVPing also enables you to add the ride details
to your own personal calendar.
Con'nued on the next page >>>
For those new to the club, as you do more rides, you'll identify more people and get to know who is
your speed and style. For all riders, it's just a nice way to know who's going and to receive (or look for)
communications from ride leaders and other riders. Often, folks *other* than the ride leader have very
useful information to share that can make the ride more interesting and fun.
It is also easy to post pictures after the ride. The beauty of Meetup is that each message or posting is
connected to the associated ride. Here are some examples from last year: Skaneay
Dippin' and Independence Century.
A few rides still need leaders, and we are always looking for more. On most rides, being a ride leader
just means signing people in and making some general announcements. You do not literally "lead the
ride" (don't try ... it's like herding cats!). Riders bring maps and ride in natural groups at their desired
pace. Slow & Easy and Sweep rides are a bit different, as the leader stays with the slowest rider. If you
are willing to be a ride leader,
at [email protected]. As a
reward for volunteering, you get a
free dinner!
Our PDF calendar 2016RideCalendar is
handy for hanging on the fridge, but
always check Meetup for up-todate info and changes. All RBC
rides and events are shown in
Meetup, both in calendar format
and as a list of upcoming items.
Meetup also has a good mobile
app for seeing the full calendar and
pulling up all info and comments for
a ride, including maps and start
With more eyes on Meetup, we
finally have a dynamic calendar. That means we can make small adjustments (add/change ride leader,
bump start time due to weather, etc.) or add rides to cover scheduling gaps or take advantage of good
"shoulder-season" weather by adding some rides. If you want to add a ride to the calendar, email us
at [email protected], and we will put it on (if it does not conflict with other rides). On weekdays,
since there are no scheduled rides, rides can be added using the impromptu system.
So get those bikes tuned up and let's enjoy wonderful riding in Upstate New York!
Riders meet at 2Vines Restaurant
Back in the summer of 2014, a small group of cyclists from RBC, Midtown cyclists, and RCA
were enjoying the freedom of a smooth country ride on a sunny day in the Finger Lakes. The week
prior, Ms. Katie Stevens, Dr. Scott MacRae and myself were talking about the joys of riding not just on
sunny days but year-round, and about giving back. Dr. MacRae shared stories of Santa rides that
happen each year in MN where hundreds of cyclists hit the streets on bicycles with riders adorned in
Santa and holiday outfits. Naturally, the conversation turned to “why can’t we do that in Rochester”
AND turn it into an event that will benefit a local charity? So, that’s where it all began and on that
summer day ride the idea was presented and the rest is history.
The 1st Annual Cycling Santa Charity Ride was held in December 2014 with a turnout of over
40 cyclists. The 35 degree temperature and slowly falling snowflakes weren’t a factor because the vibe
was all about fun! A little over the mountain and through the woods... on bicycles, in Rochester, during
the winter! In 2015, over 80 cyclists attended, from a variety of clubs, individual riders, experienced
and novice, younger and older. The donations were heartwarmingly over-flowing and included gift
cards, $335 to date, coats, sweaters, socks, hats, scarves, gloves, sporting gear, hoodies, shoes, pjs,
jewelry, art supplies, food, games, toys, music, and more! Surprised motorists unexpectedly seeing
cyclists in season’s attire honked, waved, and cheered us on. Imagine that. Our adventure started at
2Vine Restaurant, enthusiastically hosted by Mr. Jerry Serafine, continuing on with caroling at the
Liberty Pole, a stroll through the Rochester Transit Authority with bikes in tow and bus passengers
looking on with curiosity and eventually elation as we entertained again with carols and holiday
greetings. On to the South Wedge for more of the same whilst the “It’s a Wonderful Life” Holiday
Festival was in full swing. Next stop, two local Boy Scout Christmas tree sales locations on East
Avenue and back to Hart’s Market and 2Vine Restaurant.
The goodwill this brings to our community and each other makes for a magical experience.
Presented by Rochester Bicycling Club, Rochester Cycling Alliance, Tom DeRoller, and Canandaigua
National Bank. Donations to the Center for Youth. Photography by Peter Parts and Ginn Lee. Santa
hats from Fullmoon Vista. We hope that you will kick-off your holidays with us in 2016!
Con'nued on the next page >>>
Thank you Rochester
Cyclists for you donations!
Michael and Max Bohn
Rich Reidman, Laurie Reidman, Tom DeRoller,
Elaine Spaull, Elaine Mizzoni, Dr. Scott MacRae,
John Coriddi, Mark Frank, Ginny Brandreth, Max
and Cindy Fleischer
Dr. Scott MacRae, Teresa Lou Bowick, and
cyclists greeting passengers at the RTS.
The Question was: “How often did you use the different RBC calendars to find out about RBC
rides last season?” Here are the results from the 107 responses we received.
Rarely or Never
Almost Always
Seldom, rarely
or never
often, almost
(on web
or CD)
Meetup *
It is clear members are mostly using the calendars that provide the convenience of links to the maps. I suspect the
print calendar is mostly used by the long term members, like me. The ride calendar was only put up on Meetup on
June 20, so it’s not unexpected that the number of users was low. Most of our membership were not Meetup
members or even aware of Meetup last year. Of the seven who said they often or almost always use the Google
Calendar, six of them also said they often or almost always use the web calendar as well. Ten respondents said they
seldom, rarely or never use any of the calendars.
Why does the RBC have so many calendars and what are the pluses and minus of each?
Prior to 2000 only the print calendar existed. The calendar and all of the maps to be used during the season were
printed and then collated into packets at the Awards Banquet. In 2000, Brian Managan produced the first CD for
distribution to members. It included the web calendar in a monthly format with links to the maps. At first, members
could opt for the CD or the traditional hardcopy packet. After a few years we weaned most members off the hardcopy
and got out of the business of printing them, saving the club a significant amount of money.
In 2011, Cindy Fleischer worked with Onno Kluyt to create the Day Ride app (both a web version and a mobile app).
At first, it only included the day rides but later it was enhanced to include the entire calendar with links to the maps.
People could opt to get emails of posted day rides. It became quite popular. In 2012, then Ride Chair Joe Voekel,
created the RBC Google Calendar. It had the unique ability to enable someone to download the RBC calendar to
their personal Google calendar. In 2015, the Web calendar changed to a list format from the traditional monthly
format. It was easier to create and it was also easier for members to read.
In the middle of the 2015 season Steve Riegel came up with a way to upload our calendar to our RBC Meetup Page.
Meetup offers many advantages. Of course, links to the maps are available and you can download a ride to your own
calendar. Meetup also offers unique benefits such as giving members a means of asking questions or commenting
about an upcoming ride, RSVP that they will be attending a ride and then posting pictures and comments about the
ride afterward. Meetup members can opt to get emails of upcoming rides and events and to changes to rides they
have rsvp’ed to. Beginning this year the Impromptu rides will also be posted on RBC Meetup page. It is our desire
that Meetup become the primary means of back-and-forth communication between members about our rides.
The February Survey was about the number and types of bikes you own. Most respondents own more
than 1 bike, with the most owning 2 bikes and the average ownership is 3 bikes. One person claimed
owning 11 bikes. Although the number of responses was somewhat low I would guess this is a
reasonable representation of the club as a whole. How do you stack up? Are you above average or
even way above average?
There was a wide variety of bike types reported. Not surprisingly Road bikes top the list at 88%,
followed by Mountain bikes at 40%, Hybrids at 31% and Commuter bikes at 23%. Among the lesser
owned bike types were Tandems (13%), Touring bikes (10%), Recumbents (6%), Fat Tire bikes (6%)
and Cyclocross bikes (6%). A handful of people reported owning a folding bike, fixed gear bike, triathlon
bike or gravel bike. From my years riding with the club I’ve also seen recumbent-tandems and
mountain-tandems. This demonstrates that there is a broad range of bikes owned by members of the
RBC and that there is a bike for every purpose. If you find your riding is getting a bit stale think about
trying one of these different types to spice things up.
"Will Rogers Highway"
"Main Street of America"
Call it what you will, this is a GAS!
(Get it? That's a joke ... cars, gas ... oh heck, never mind.)
Yup .. The Great American Road Trip! Think Hollywood, the Sierras and Rocky Mountains, high
deserts, grasslands and cornfields, a road that sings, historic neon-laced motels, grubby
eateries, kitchy roadside spectacles and spectacular vistas, ghost towns and bustling cities.
Think John Steinbeck, Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, Will Rogers ... and Elvis? Model-T's and Triple
A, hot rods and hot dogs, Harleys and haboobs. An epic bit of mid-20th century, pre-interstate
American history that will sear it's way into your memory forever.
Even beer ... we're BIKING it!
I sit here at the computer this winter, doing my route research, making overnight reservations,
creating GPS track files for the route, and loads of other tasks all the while trying to contain my
excitement about leading another Epic Adventure Cycling Tour: Route 66 Eastward!
This one is different from last spring's van-supported Southern Tier that I co-led. First, it's selfcontained ... no van support. Just you, your bike, your camping gear and 14 new friends including
just one leader (yours truly) meandering across the country together. We will camp most nights,
typically some RV parks, private and state park campgrounds. We'll hole up a few times in hippielike hostels a few times, and we'll break it up with a motel stay every week or so that will seem
downright luxurious.
And this one is different in another way. Adventure Cycling's Route 66 Bike Route is one of our
newest routes, and the maps were only officially released in the spring of 2015. That means our
group leaving Santa Monica on April 17th is our first ever guided tour. We will be the inaugural
group, and you might even say historic! More technically … we are the "Beta-Testers". Although
nearly 4 years of research went into developing the route, and many individuals and small groups
have roughly toured the approximate route, this will be Adventure Cycling's first go at it. My job,
in addition to assuring my group has the adventure of a lifetime, is to document, in great detail,
everything of interest to cyclists along the route; I'm to gather all the intelligence successive
tour groups might rely on to make their tours fun, memorable, well supplied, and safe.
Con'nued on the next page >>>
My research to date has revealed countless POI's (points of interest) and I'm certain many more
will reveal themselves as we make our way to Chicago. This tour will be as much about the history
of Route 66, as it will be the sights, sounds and smells of the spaces, music and eateries that
makes up America's Mother Road.
This 55 day tour is rated Advanced. Daily mileages average 55 miles and range between 30 and
75 miles a day. We plan on a rest day every 7 to 10 days. You might be a beginner cyclotourist ... you'll learn a LOT along the way ... but you should be capable of riding a loaded bike up to
75 miles a day for several days in a row with some significant weather challenges. Temps can
range from freezing overnights to blistering hot days. Water can be a problem in some stretches
out west, so carrying enough is a concern but not impossible. We (and that includes your leader)
will be sharing cooking duties on a rotating basis. Nothing special, no gourmet dining, but if you
can cook a pot of stew on a camp store, you're good to go. If not, I can show you how easy it is.
Two months before the start date, we will open a Google Group email account for this tour where
I'll be sharing weekly tips on tour preparation and our group can discuss anything about extended
loaded touring in general and this route in particular. On day one, we'll be ready for an adventure!
Let me share a paragraph from Adventure Cycling's website about "Epic" tours like this one ...
"Someday. I’m going for it. The big one. The moon shot. People will talk about me when I’m not
around. Hardship and ecstasy will leave their marks on me forever ..."
Yeah ... that about sums it up. Why not make that "someday" happen in 2016?
Join me April 17th in Santa Monica California. Let's get our kicks on Route 66!
Sign up at: hp://
Brian Managan - Tour Leader and Life Member
Adventure Cycling Association
[email protected]
Inspiring and empowering people to travel by bicycle
for more information, click below:
NYC to Niagara falls
A fully supported seven-day ride to end cancer.
One-Day Ride Available from Rochester to Niagara Falls!
Ride. See New York. Raise money. And change the state of cancer research for good.
july 30-august 6, 2016 •
Get $30 off full week or day-ride registration with code: RBC1
Who says cycling is a low-impact sport?
Presented by:
“We Serve”!
The Batavia Lions Club will be holding its 7th Annual Bicycle Tour!
on June 11, 2016. The event has a 25 mile ride and a 50 mile ride. !
The starting times are 8:00 a.m. for the 50 mile ride and 9:00 a.m. for the 25 mile ride. !
Registration fee is $30 if postmarked before May 15, 2016. !
May 15th and afterwards the fee will be $35.!
The routes and the directions can be viewed on our website at !
There will be a free cookout for all participants after the event. !
We will be posting updates on the event on our website, as they occur.!
If you have any questions you can email us at!
[email protected]!
Also like us on Facebook.!
Batavia Lions Club, P.O. Box 456, Batavia, NY 14020!
[email protected]
To contact Danny, click on the email address above.
reprinted from a file
Author is unknown.
On your bicycle, you can see over most cars. You'll become used to this advantage.
Don't let it fool you, though. You can't see over a large SUV, van, truck or bus. Moving
blindspots lurk behind these tall vehicles.
Suppose that you're riding on a two-way, four-lane street. You've merged to the inside
lane, because you want to turn left. You signal your left turn and continue to move
forward. You see only one other vehicle on the street: a van, coming toward you in the
opposite passing lane. It stops to let you turn left. Can you make your turn safely?
The moving blindspot: Motorist (a) has stopped as a favor to the bicyclist who is turning
left. The bicyclist and motorist (b) have both seen the entire road at one time or another,
but they have never seen each other.
No! Since you are moving forward, a blindspot behind the van is moving toward you. A
car could be passing the van in the outside lane, and you would never see that car. If
you were to cross in front of the van, you could be met with a terrible surprise.
Drawing and text was reprinted with permission from Street Smarts by John S. Allen copyright © 1988, 2001
Brian Managan - “Bike Roots” Life behind bars
Click below for a blog of his thoughts from November this year.
A new link each month!
Granite State Wheelmen
Pedal Talk On-Line Edition
Dear Rochester Bicycling Club,
The September-October 2015 issue of the Granite State Wheelmen’s Pedal Talk Enewsletter is now available on-line for all members who requested electronic delivery.
Please click the (shortened) link below to view the complete GSW ride schedule by day or
scroll through the complete newsletter. This link to a special page on our web site will
remain active for at least four months so please retain this email or “bookmark” the URL for
future reference.
Genesee Riverway Trail
The Genesee Riverway Trail (GRT) is an off-road trail for walking, running and bicycling along the Genesee
River. It extends through the scenic, historic and cultural heart of Rochester, from the Erie Canal to downtown
and Lake Ontario. It provides pedestrian access to the Genesee River, its scenic gorge, three waterfalls, eight
pedestrian bridges, and eleven parks, including four historic parks designed by Frederick Law Olmsted.
Download the Free Genesee River and Trail Guide (pdf)
NYS Office of Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation
This is a rich site full of very interesting information about the NYS park system and the things it has to offer,
both for bicycling and other recreational use.
Add your blog here or a link to a favorite one (with a description).
Send copy to
RBC Board Meeting Minutes: December 8, 2015
Present: Mark Robbins, Dana Black, Dave Natrop, Steve Riegel, Kathy Riegel, Andy Stewart, Andy Melnyk, Cindy
Fleischer, Whitey Link, Richard DeSarra, Roger Weston, Brad Jensen, Elaine Mizzoni
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by President Mark Robbins.
The minutes of the previous board meeting on November 17, 2015 were approved.
The minutes of the general membership meeting on November 20, 2015 were approved.
Committee Reports
President’s Report From Mark via Email:
A motion by Bob Lechner to move the Challenge Ride to Mendon Ponds Park at an estimated cost of $200 was approved
via email to ensure the ability to reserve a lodge.
Congratulations to Elaine on the wonderful Santa Ride! It really was a Truly Great "Coming Together" of diverse parts of
the Rochester Cycling Community, offered to the Public a View of the Rochester Bicycling Community in a very Positive
Light, and Provided Generous Support for a Very Worthwhile Community Organization, the Center For Youth.
Membership Report from Cindy via Email:
Membership: Current active membership remains at 660.
Volunteers: I have communicated with 16 new volunteers as a result of the email I sent out and one who volunteered
through the survey. I plan to organize a meeting in mid-January.
Santa Ride: Pam Rodgers, one of those volunteers, is writing an article about the Santa Ride for the newsletter. Ginn Lee
took some great photos of the Santa Ride.
WNY Bike Fest: Continue to contact manufacturers about demo rigs and bike shops about their participation. No other
Treasurer Report from Dave via Email:
November 1, 2015 was the start of the 2016 fiscal year. Being early in the fiscal year, there are very few transactions.
Account Balances
$6,070 as of 12/6/2015 at 6:30 PM.
$0 as of 12//6/2015 at 6:30 PM.
$14,709 as of 10/31/2015
Memberships: $130, received in December
Con'nued on the next page >>>
PO Box rental: $82
Volunteer Dinner Door Prizes, misc: $325
Impromptu Ride Report from Pamm via Email:
A survey will be sent to all 2015 ride leaders - calendar and impromptu. Results will be analyzed and presented to the
Challenge Ride Report from Bob via Email:
A reservation was made for East Lodge in Mendon Ponds Park for July 23, 2016. The lodge has a large capacity, electrical
outlets, stove top, rest rooms and running water nearby.
Road Advocacy Report from Richard:
Strong Museum has agreed to support the Rochester Criterium in 2016. Specifics have not been determined.
Ride Chair Report from Steve and Kathy via Email:
Slow & Easy rides have been added. Mike S is recruiting leaders.
Potential SWEEP rides were added. Chris B and others are recruiting leaders.
Moderate rides that are cuts of long rides are now displayed as separate rides (ex: "Mendon-Stony Brook Century Cut,
29mi"). This significantly improves visibility of ride choices.
Calendar is very close to meeting goals of having a ride in each of the following categories each weekend day (during core
season May-September):
1. local short (<~20mi, easy terrain)
2. local medium/moderate (~20-50mi, moderate terrain)
3. long/hilly (>~50mi, possibly hilly terrain)
External communications by ride chair are starting now, including active recruitment of remaining leaders and newsletter
articles (first due Dec 15).
Old Business
Winter Media Show Update:
The Winter Media Show is scheduled for February 6th.
New Business
Publicity Director Vacancy:
Brad Jensen volunteered to be the Publicity Director. The board unanimously accepted his offer to serve in this capacity.
Resolution of Impromptus during Calendar Rides in 2016:
The Ride Chairs requested a resolution to the posting of Impromptu Rides during Calendar Rides so they could complete
the calendar and enlist ride leaders with full knowledge of the guidelines, noting that their preference was no Impromptu
Rides on weekend days or holidays that have Calendar Rides scheduled. A lengthy discussion ensued where every
participant stated their opinion on the matter of permitting impromptu rides during calendar rides. During the discussion
Steve & Kathy said they were not sure they could continue as ride chairs if impromptu rides were allowed to be scheduled
on weekend calendar ride days. Whitey stressed that if this was the case time is too short to find new ride chairs and
develop a calendar. Whitey made a motion “to support the Ride Chairs, that Impromptu Rides are suspended in 2016 on
weekends when there are Calendar Rides.” The motion was approved.
Con'nued on the next page >>>
Board Meeting Dates for 2016:
President Mark requested approval for the board meeting dates for 2016. The following dates were approved.
Time Line and Other Items:
Due to the time, review and discussions regarding upcoming events was postponed to the January meeting, including RBC
brochures for 2016 and budgets.
Next Meeting: The next board meeting will be held at 7:00 pm on January 12, 2016
The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 pm.
A Dedication to One of our Forefathers!
Watch for Announcement of future
“Member Mingles”!
“We Have a Dream...”
The new R BC website now also hosts a "classified sec<on." You may post or purchase items there. Go to and click on "Members Area, Forums, Classified Ads."
16” Women’s Hybrid, 8-speed.
Showroom New (<50 original miles),
Peacock color.
Lists at $540;
Asking $350, incl. wireless computer
Call: (585) 752-8027.
View Specs at:
Thule Dual Bike Rack & Deflector
with foot kit for 2007 Prius
$200.00 or fair offer
Dale Vanocker: [email protected]
Frame size
Rims (NEW)
Tires (NEW)
Front/Rear Derailures
Brake/Shift Levers
Rear Cassete
Synapse Carbon
Synapse S.A. V.E. Ultra Carbon
Shimano Ultegra 6700 Tubeless
Hutchsion Fusion Tubeless
Shimano Ultegra 6700
Shimano Ultegra 6700
Shimano Ultegra 6700
GORE Ride On Professional
Shimano Ultegra 6700 Compact
Shimano Ultegra 6700 11-28
Shimano Ultegra 6700
1999 Schwinn Paramount, 56cm. Hand built by
Curt Goodrich with
Reynolds 853 steel tubing. It’s the 463rd of
about 750 bikes that Curt built.
Great Condition, Pedals not included
585 202-­‐9763
Components are a mix of Dura-Ace and Ultegra.
A truly fantastic ride. This bike can be seen and
ridden at Mendon Cyclesmith.
Contact for questions is David Snyder,
943-4050. [email protected]
Asking $1,100 / OBO
For Sale
For Sale
Cannondale R1000 -Very Low mileage
Time to thin the herd!
Carbon Fiber Fork
CADD8 Frame
Carbon Fiber Tru-Vativ Triple Crank
All Ultegra Components
Ksyrium Elite Wheels
Carbon Fiber Seat Stem
Carbon Fiber Pedals (included)
SLK titanium Seat
Shimano Wireless Speedo
Weight 17 lbs.
New Price!
Bicycle #1
90's Univega hybrid, 50-ish cm. New 700x35
Good condition.$100
Bicycle #2:
90's Burley Piccolo trail-a-bike. 6-speed.
Includes rack/hitch for towing bike.
Good condition. $100
$900 or best offer
Dale Vanocker 227-7218
[email protected]
Dave Larson, 402-8892 or
[email protected]
For Sale
For Sale
Homemade short wheelbase recumbent and
Many accessories
Call Larry Johnson 315-524-8244
Rans Tailwind Recumbent with homemade
Many accessories
Call Larry Johnson 315-524-8244
- Blue Titles are non-Voting Members
Red Titles are Voting Members
Officers: (Voting)
Mark Robbins
[email protected]
Vice President
Elaine Mizzoni
[email protected]
Dana Black
[email protected]
Directors: (Voting, cont’d)
Immediate Past President
Whitey Link
[email protected]
Members-at-Large: (Voting)
Ann Carroll-Lee
[email protected]
Alice Carver-Kubik
[email protected]
Dave Natrop
[email protected]
Bob Lechner
[email protected]
Directors: (Voting)
Roger Weston
[email protected]
Andy Stewart
[email protected]
Andy Melnyk
[email protected]
Cindy Fleischer
[email protected]
Newsletter Editor
Dale Vanocker
[email protected]
Steve & Kathy Riegel
[email protected]
Coordinators: (non-voting)
Bob Lechner
[email protected]
CD Publisher
Brad Jensen
[email protected]
Impromptu Rides
Pamm Ferguson
[email protected]
Road & Trail Advocacy
Richard DeSarra
[email protected]
Slow & Easy
Mike Stanton
[email protected]
Coordinators: (cont’d)
Social Rides
Mike Barber
[email protected]
Sweep Rides
Chris Basak
[email protected]
Web Site
Brad Jensen
[email protected]
Bike Cases
Beth Johnson
[email protected]
Winter Meeting
Brian Managan
[email protected]
Board Appointed Positions:
Todd Calvin
[email protected]
LAB Touring
Ride information
Club Representative
Todd Calvin
[email protected]
Mark Bezinque
Times Square Building
45 Exchange Blvd., Suite 1000
Rochester, New York 14614
(585) 325-5110
[email protected]