This%week,%at%a%glance - Walled Lake Central Viking Bands
This%week,%at%a%glance - Walled Lake Central Viking Bands
! Sept.&29,&2014& This%week,%at%a%glance:% Sept!29!! Sept!30!! Oct!1! ! Oct!1! ! Oct!2! ! Oct&2& & Oct!3;4!! Note end times Rehearsal!–!GUARD!ONLY!2:50!–!6:15! Rehearsal!!;!NO!GUARD!2:50!–!6:15! Full!Ensemble!Rehearsal!2:50!–!6:15!! MANDATORY!parent/booster!meeting!7:00!/!final!$150!payment!due! Full!Ensemble!Rehearsal!2:50!–!5:15! Home&Football&Game&vs.&Waterford&Mott&–¬e&this&is&a&Thursday& No!Rehearsal…rest&up&for&our&first&competition&next&week!& FOOTBALL THURSDAY! ! Here’s our schedule for Thursday, Oct 2, vs. Waterford Mott 2:50 – 5:15 Rehearsal 5:15 Dinner Break – Pizza dinner will be provided! 6:45 pre-game performance **IN UNIFORM** 7:00 Football Game Remember…Sandy Kott will be selling freshly roasted almonds, cashews, or pecans for $5 a bag…proceeds benefitting the Macy’s trip! After halftime, we invite all Viking Marching Band members to stay & be part of the “pep band” to play during the 2nd half. It’s a lot of fun! If you do not stay, please report to band room to clean up following halftime and then you are excused. MANDATORY& PARENT/BOOSTER&MTNG& Wed,&Oct&1,&7:00&pm&in&the&cafeteria& Final&$150&payment&due!–!please! make!checks!out!to!WLCMB!(Walled! Lake!Central!Music!Boosters)!and!use!only! blue!or!black!ink…the!bank!is!returning! many!checks!because!of!errors.! Pick&up!bottle/can!collection!box! SCRIP!available!/!cash!or!check!only! Rally&Towels!available!@!$5! Car&decals!available!@!$5! NEW!&Skratchers&Program& September&19th&–&October&10! A!new!program!to!the!WLCMB!this!year,!Skratchers!booklets!were!presented!to!each!student!last!week.!This!is!a! donation;based!program!that!is!easy!for!every!member!to!complete!! Each%card%represents%$100%per%student%that%goes%into%our%Marching%Band%general%fund%for%the%2014%season.! As&a&band,&we&are&expecting&each&student&to&complete&the&scratch&off&program.&This&is&replacing& the&raffle&fundraiser,&which&we&will&NOT&be&doing&this&year.&& Please!put!all!funds!in!the!supplied!envelope,!indicate!the!amount!sold!&!member’s!name!and!return!to!the!band! safe!no!later!than!October!10.!For!more!info,!visit!our!website!! TOGETHER%WE%CAN%RAISE%$18,000!% GO&TO:&& IMPORTANT&SAFETY&NOTE&FOR& PARENTS&AND&STUDENT& DRIVERS…PLEASE!follow!these!;bingo! to!sign!up…there!are!still%opportunities!for!you!to!work!this! TUES!and!SAT!!!Earn&CASH&$&each&time&you&work&at&Bingo!! Looking&for&Bingo&Leads…earn&$50&each&time&you&work!&& & Email&[email protected]&for&info .& guidelines!for!pick!up!and!drop!off:! Make!a!one_way&loop!from!school!doors! towards!band!room.! Only&stop&in&right&lane,!along!school;! leave!left!lane!open!for!passing.! MACY’S'NEWS!' Webpage'–"There"is"a"page"on"our"website" dedicated"to"our"Macy’s"trip."It"is"located" under"“marching"band”"&"is"password" protected…password"is"wlcbands" Do¬&park&and&leave&car&unattended! in!this!lane…active!pick!up/drop!off!lane.! Please!use&extra&caution!as!pit!members! are!crossing!with!their!large! instruments…leave!plenty&of&space! around!the!ramp!and!band!door.! Please!do¬&park&in&front&of&the& trailers!in!the!parking!lot…this!is!not!a! parking!space!&!needs!to!be!used!by!team.! ! Please!park&in&a&parking&spot!and!do¬& wait&to!pick!up!your!students!behind& parked&cars!in!the!parking!lot.!!This!is! creating!a!very!dangerous!situation.! Let’s&all&work&together&to& &KEEP%OUR%KIDS%SAFE!% Thank%you!% PAR 5 SHIRTS AVAILABLE: Please contact Marge Wright at [email protected] for availability and to purchase. Mark Your Calendars: Oct!6!–!10! Oct!6! ! Oct!10! ! Oct!11! ! Oct!13!–!17!! Oct!15! ! Oct!18! ! Oct!20!–!24! Oct!25! ! Oct!27!–!31! Nov!1! ! Nov!3!–!7! Nov!8! ! Nov!8! ! ! BOTTLE'DRIVE"–"We"will"have"collection"boxes"available" at"the"MANDATORY'Oct'1'parent'meeting…please" support"the"band"and"pick"yours"up!!'Contact"Brant"Lyall" at"[email protected]"or"Curt"Whitworth"at" [email protected]"with"any"questions." 2015&MARCHING&BAND®ISTRATION& We!will!be!holding!registration&for&the&2015& marching&band&season&on&Wed,&Oct&15,&7:00&pm!in! the!auditorium.!This!is!also!the!MANDATORY! meeting!for!the!Macy’s!Parade.!Friends!&!Family! members!who!want!to!attend!the!Macy’s!trip!must! also!attend,!as!they!will!be!registering!that!night!as! well,!and!their!registration!is!first!come,!first!serve.! There!is!a!$200&non_refundable&deposit!due!that! night!for!all!members!and!Friends!&!Family.!Checks! made!out!to!WLCMB.! !!Weekly!Schedule! Ice!Cream!Social!for!8th!graders!7:00!Band!Room! HOME!FOOTBALL!GAME!vs.!WLW!7:00!pm!–!Pink!Vikings!Game! Plymouth!Canton!Invitational!–!schedule!TBA! Weekly!Schedule! FUTURE"date" MANDATORY!Registration!&!MACY’s!Mtng!7:00!! change…concert" bands"collage" Clarkston!Invitational!–!schedule!TBA! concerts"moved" Weekly!Schedule! to"Dec"12"&"13!" Huron!Valley!Invitational!–!schedule!TBA! Weekly!Schedule! MCBA!State!Championships!Ford!Field!–!Flight!I!starts!12:00! Weekly!Schedule! Full!Ensemble!Rehearsal!11:45!–!5:00! After;States!Party!5:00!–!9:00!@!Richardson!Center! 2014 BOA Grand Nationals Questionnaire Student Name: _________________________ We are excited to let you know that the Carmel High School Marching Band Boosters have offered to Home Stay our band for Grand Nationals, in Indianapolis. Grand Nationals will be held on Thursday, November 12th through Saturday, Nov 16th. This will not only be a great opportunity to bond with a top marching band, but we will also be saving the expense of staying at a camp or another facility. This will be a great experience for your son or daughter. Carmel s a very nice, tight-knit community and the Carmel band was the 2012 Grand National Champions. Visit Carmel Band’s website at to see how very cool they are! The Carmel Band Boosters understand our parents' concerns and are more than willing to work with us. They even perform background checks on their parent volunteers as we do here at WLC. Please take a few minutes and fill out this questionnaire. The answers will help us to start the planning process for this trip. Please note that this questionnaire is confidential and will not be shared with anyone outside the WLC band board. Please consider being a chaperone. We need a minimum of 14 chaperones to be with the students. We could use more then 14 chaperones, so that we can split the responsibilities up into separate days. This way everyone has a chance to help out and there is less overburden for all. Chaperones will be riding the bus with the students. - You stay at a Hotel, at your own expense - You will be staying with the students during practices and while they are at competition. Parent/Family Information I am not willing to be a chaperone. Will you and/or your family be attending Nationals? I would love to be a chaperone. Name:_____________________ will be staying at a hotel, at my own expense. am willing to be a chaperone, only if needed. Although we encourage all students to participate in the Home Stay, we understand that some may choose to keep your child with you in a local hotel. If you choose do to do this, please be aware of the following: - Your child will be expected to ride the bus with the other students. - You will be responsible for dropping off and picking up your child from the bus pick-up points on !time each morning and evening. - You may not pick up your child or drop off your child anywhere or anytime during the day other t! han the designated morning and evening locations. Please turn in completed form at the Booster Meeting or in the safe no later than Friday, October 1 Please list any other questions or concerns that you may have and preferred contact method: _______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 2014 BOA Grand Nationals Questionnaire Student Name:____________________________________ My child will be staying with me in a local hotel. I have read the above statements and fully understand the requirements. My child will be participating in the Home Stay (complete Student Information on page four) Student Information (MUST COMPLETE this information if your child is participating in the Home Stay) My child has the following allergies, which need to be taken into consideration when placing them with a family: Pets OK? Please consider not teaming my child up with the following students: _____________________________________________________ Please consider teaming my child up with the following students Grocery Scrips Kroger Plus Card: Visit, register your card with our organization number 82850 or Walled Lake Central Music Boosters. All Participants must have a valid online account at and must sign up online to participate. Hillers Reward Card: Visit Redeem your Hillers reward points to Walled Lake Central MusicBoosters. Meijer Community Rewards Program (up to 1%) Joining is free and can be done on-line at If you already have a Meijer Credit Card, just call 800-962-7011 to join. Each time you make a purchase, WLCMB will receive a percentage of the sale. Just be sure to swipe your Meijer Credit Card, or Meijer 1 Card with cash or debit card before your checkout is completed. Ask friends and family to sign up for their Meijer 1 Card and or Meijer Credit Card also. Be sure to designate WLCMB (Walled Lake Central Music Boosters) WLCMB’s School ID#: 959095