Style Guide - British Rowing


Style Guide - British Rowing
Style Guide
Copyright © British Rowing Ltd. 2009
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, sorted in a retrieval
system or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise
without the prior written permission of British Rowing Limited.
The Primary Logo
The logo is made up of 2 elements:
1) The Grpahic, based on the Union Jack, incorporating two oars.
2) The Logotype, which is based on the font Trajan Pro.
The elements of the Graphic are not to be adjusted in their proportion to each other, neither whould those of the Logotype.
Colour Palette
Pantone 295C (blue) and Pantone 485C (red) should be used for any 2 colour reproductions.
CMYK and RGB reproductions are as above.
14mm minimum
(not to scale)
Logo Size and Positioning
The logo must sit on any letterhead, website page, pulication or other format with at least
one O width between it and the edge of the shape or page.
The Graphic should be at least 14mm wide, measured from the furthest tip of the left oar
to the furthest tip of the right oar. The Logotype will adjust to the relative size of the Graphic.
There is no maximum size for the logo.
Adobe Garamond Pro Regular
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789
Myriad Pro Regular
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789
Lucida Sans Regular
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789
Body Copy
The Garamond family of fonts can be used for body copy.
If a sans serif font is required, use Myriad Pro or Lucida Sans fonts.
Trajan Pro Bold
abcedfghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789
Trajan Pro Regular
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789
Adobe Garamond Pro Regular
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789
Primary Font
The primary font is Trajan Pro Regular, which the logotype is based on.
This is an ‘all capitals’ family of fonts. Trajan Pro should be used wherever possible
on materials associated with the British Rowing. Regular or bold font should be used
with discretion to suit legibility issues.
Secondary Font
The Garamond family of fonts can be used to compliment the primary font where
both upper and lower case are required. This may be necessary for headings and sub-headings.
Logo Variations
1. Use on Coloured Backgrounds
Where possible, the logo should always be reproduced against a white background.
If the logo is to appear against a coloured background, the ‘outlined’ version above shoud be used.
Logo Variations
2. Monochromatic
When the logo is produced in single colour halftone against white, the cross, oars
and word ‘British’ are all printed 100% tint with the remainder being 50% tint.
When printed against black the cross, oars and word ‘British’ are knocked out.
Logo Variations
3. Graphic/Logotype Relationship
Wherever possible the primary logo design should be used. However, the relative
position between the Graphic and the Logotype can be adjusted as required.
Affiliate Logos
Affiliate Logotypes should be set in Trajan Pro Bold and centred under the Graphic.
A range of affiliate Logotypes ranged right, outlined, centred and monochromatic
are available on application from the British Rowing Office. Contact [email protected]
Headers using the Logo
Here are some examples of letterheaders using the logo.
Affiliate logos can be substituted for the primary logo to personalise
a letterhead or form for any region, committee or commission.