2012 WMZ Map Page
2012 WMZ Map Page
Wildlife Management Zones No hunting of wildlife permitted between ½ hour after sunset and ½ hour before sunrise. To calculate times for your hunting area, subtract one minute for every 16 kilometres (10 miles) east of 106 degrees longitude or add one minute for every 16 kilometres west of 106 degrees longitude. Provincial Forest Ministry Office Wildlife Management Units and Recreation Sites 2012 Week Ending Game Preserves, Wildlife Refuges, Bird Sanctuaries Sunrise (am) August 19 August 26 September 2 September 9 September 16 September 23 September 30 October 7 October 14 October 21 October 28 No Hunting Areas (National Parks, Air Weapons Range) Road Corridor Game Preserves Shotgun-ArcheryMuzzleloader Areas 5:55 6:06 6:18 6:29 6:41 6:52 7:04 7:16 7:28 7:40 7:53 8:18 8:03 7:47 7:31 7:15 6:58 6:42 6:26 6:10 5:55 5:41 Week Ending Sunrise (am) Sunset (pm) November 4 November 11 November 18 November 25 December 2 December 9 December 16 December 23 December 30 January 6 8:06 8:18 8:30 8:42 8:52 9:01 9:08 9:11 9:13 9:11 5:28 5:17 5:07 4:59 4:54 4:51 4:52 4:55 5:00 5:09 104° West Longitude North/South Game Bird District Dividing Line Sunset (pm) REINDEER Cree Preston Lake Lloyd Lake Lake Clearwater er iv R LAKE Rive r ie eik G 57° North Latitude Careen Lake CLEARWATER RIVER PROVINCIAL River PARK Clearwater 74 Road Wasekamio Lake Turnor 914 Lac La Loche Lake La ke La Loche Southend Frobisher Hwy. 155 RCGP Key Lake 73 Churchill Peter Pond Royal Lake 56° North Latitude Lake Steephill Lake CH Buffalo Narrows UR CH ILL Lake Sandfly Knee Lake McIntosh Black Lake Lake Bear Island Lake RI VE La CHILL CHUR Pinehouse Lake Ile-a-la-Crosse ou 72 Beauval 965 Lac Pr imrose Lak e Wildlife Refuge 71 LAC LA RONGE 106° Canoe Lake Sandy Bay Lake Pin eh Primrose Lake Air Weapons Range ER RIV Otter se Wildlife Refuge 104° West Longitude Gatehouse Island R ke 914 Lac Ile-a-la-Crosse PROVINCIAL PARK La RongeLAC 165 La LA RONGE Swan Lake Plonge Pelican Narrows Primrose 155 N. Bndry. Twp. 69 RCGP Charbonneau RCGP Lake 18th Base Line Wapawekka Deschambault Road Lake River Rge. 6 Rge. 7 ke ke La RC Twp. 66 GP ge nd Elaine Green Lake Meadow Lake 969 67 Bittern Lake Big River RCGP Paradise Hill Debden 26 H RT NO 51 PAWMZ Shellbrook 240 Man itou North Battleford RIV ER Krydor 12 Wildlife Refuge Middle Lake and Bird 777 Landis 27 Biggar 14 14 Mariposa Perdue Hill 655 Progress 51 Ruthilda 658 Dodsland 28 4 Antelope Bird Sanctuary Coleville 41 Lanigan Wadena Crystal Beach Lake 310 44 15 14 Newcombe S as ka t c h 13 n Twp. 21 R. 21 Craik A NB ell e 42 er 2 Craven Buffalo 11 Pound Regina - Moose Jaw WMZ Mortlach (20) Moose Jaw Chaplin Game Preserve POUND 19 19 1 Maple Creek 5 Duncairn Reservoir 17 7 628 Shaunavon 4 13 Kincaid 21 Eastend Wildlife Refuge Fillmore Assiniboia Weyburn 36 13 Woo man nd lu eg H life W ild Grid ge fu Re 3 Val Marie Bird Sanctuary Climax 18 37 13 Willow Bunch 18 Willow Bunch Game Preserve 16 Ceylon Bengough Midale Lampman Wood Mountain Wood Mountain Val Marie 32 9 Mankota 2 GRASSLANDS NATIONAL PARK Lomond Oxbow Game Preserve 18 Wood Mountain Rockglen UR IS 6 1 Carnduff SO No. 3 Estevan Estevan- Minton Coronach Frenchman River 15 Cambria Torquay 18 Gainsborough 18 RIVE R er Riv Wildlife Refuge 13 No. 2 Radville d 13 Consul Redvers Manor Brokenshell 358 nch Grid d n Isla 603 Carlyle 13 Ogema Fre MOOSE MOUNTAIN PROV. PARK Stoughton No. 1 13 Twp. 5 33 47 Brokenshell 13 Lake Twp. 6 615 Wildlife WawotaRefuge 33 2 Lafleche Grid Cypr ess 48 35 Ponteix Moosomin 34 Osage er PROV. PARK Kipling 18 718 Riv 6 CYPRESS HILLS Gravelbourg 1 Glenavon Montmartre Francis Avonlea Mossbank Vanguard 43 Refuge 47 Preserve 33 Isle of Bays Wildlife Refuge 37 Stevenson Borrow Lake 627 35 Whitewood Kendal Game Sanctuary 716 Grid Bird Sanctuary R 9 1 Wildlife Old Wives Piapot 1 Grenfell Regina Briercrest Coderre r ive Indian Head Preserve and Bird 339 2 Bird Sanctuary 363 Hodgeville CROOKED LAKE PROV. PARK Bird Sanctuary Old Wives Lake Webb National Wildlife Area p u'A 1 Boggy Creek Game Preserve 1 Wascana Game 1 22 e ll pe BUFFALO PROV. PARK Gull Lake 22 22 36 Skinner's Qu'Appelle Q 1 9 McLaren Lake 35 Qu'A Morse Esterhazy KATEPWA POINT PROV. PARK Fishing Lakes Wildlife Refuge ppelle Swift Current 10 Lumsden Hidden Valley Lake 13 332 Preserve 35 Ft. Qu'Appelle River Riv Central Butte Hazlet Grid Saltcoats Game Melville Langenburg ECHO VALLEY PROV. PARK Grid SASK. LANDING 21 Preserve and Bird Sanctuary 617 pp PROV. PARK 8 15 Chamberlain 'A 644 Fox Valley 37 Upper Rousay Lake Game 38 22 R Cabri 52 Holdfast Qu Wildlife Refuge FE DIE 15 Strasbourg Lake Elbow Yorkton Ituna 21 Mountain Nisku KE LAKE 32 10 Wildlife Refuge Riverhurst Beechy 14 4 Horseshoe Lake Kelliher ROWAN'S RAVINE PROV. PARK 342 Twp. 20 Abbey 321 R. 19 R. 20 21 Burstall Kyle River 12 T. 22 T. 21 Kamsack 6 Wildlife Refuge Lucky Lake 42 11 PARK 9 Last Mountain Lake Bird Sanctuary 11 DOUGLAS PROV. PARK Drackley Grid MOUNTAIN PROV. GOOD SPIRIT LAKE PROV. PARK 35 Last Mountain Lake National Wildlife Area Stalwart National Wildlife Area 23 Elbow 14 No. 1 e Imperial Last a Leader w South R. 20 No. 2 Raymore 2 Davidson 24 Plato 44 Newcombe 22 DANIELSON PROV. PARK Elrose Eston Mantario DUCK Canora Game Preserve Nokomis 15 Dinsmore Buchanan Patterson Lake Foam Lake Mount Hope 11 39 Janusson Wildlife Refuge Kenaston Eatonia Pelly Invermay Wildlife Refuge 16 Dafoe Game Preserve OutlookPreserve 4 Boundary separating North and South Game Bird Districts Norquay 49 Fishing Lake Wynyard Watrous Outlook Game Game Preserve Alsask 48 Preeceville 49 Lakes Quill 764 BLACKSTRAP PROV. PARK Str at Roa hcon a d 25 Refuge 16 Grid 29 Herschel Kindersley Lintlaw 38 40 Wildlife 6 211 Harris 31 Rosetown RCGP Endeavour Mud Lake Colonsay Bradwell National Wildlife Area PIKE LAKE PROV. PARK Opuntia Lake Watson Bird Sanctuary Saskatoon WMZ 30 ElstowAllan Delisle Tennant Lake 48 Kelvington Sutherland Asquith Saskatoon 57 56 Round Lake Rec. Site Game Preserve Humboldt 671 658 655 Round Lake Charron Lake ad Ro 30 14 Archerwill 349 Lake Lenore RCGP PROV. PARK 777 Sanctuary Woody Lake LAKE GREENWATER Naicam and Bird Sanctuary 376 Luseland 42 9 an GREAT BEND Shawaga Game Preserve Sw W AN Preserve Porcupine PlainSanctuary 23 Lenore Lake Wildlife Refuge 20 Alvena Redberry Lake Radisson Langham HE 45 Lake Bird Sanctuary 49 Game and Bird 679 Lenore Lake Basin and Middle 41 Game Preserve 49 Bjorkdale 776 St. Brieux Basin Lake Wildlife Refuge Basin Lake Neely Lake Horsehide Lake tle Lit 14 Macklin Game Preserve Mistatim 23 Refuge Wakaw Radisson Lake AT C Tisdale 6 Campbell Wildlife Tway National Wildlife Area 312 44 SK PROV. PARK Hudson Bay Melfort 3 Rosthern SA 58 WILDCAT HILL 59 Wildlife Refuge Redberry Lake Wilkie 21 49 23 Ingvald Opseth 40 21 Unity 26 Twp. 51 Weldon St. Louis Preserve Hafford Arborfield 43 Birch Hills 52 Blaine Lake Game Wildlife Refuge Lake 21 55 9 54 687 Kerrobert RC Fort a la Corne Prince Albert Blaine Lake 376 Sibley Cut Knife Heart's Twp. 52 Ca Carrot River Murray Lake 378 31 Nipawin 3 and Bird Sanctuary 46 49 White Fox 50 Smeaton t rro 123 Game Preserve Neilburg Weirdale Meath Park 2 Canwood Scent Grass Lake Preserve 9 Refuge Rabbit Lake Bird Sanctuary Macklin Christopher Lake 794 Jackfish Lake 40 n River 3 River Game Preserve Drumheller Wildlife eo THE BATTLEFORDS PROV. PARK Maidstone Marsden Game Tobin Lake rg Berube Lake Game Preserve 60 AN EW CH E.B. Campbell Stu 53 Spiritwood Glaslyn Cumberland House nel Chan AT SK SA Candle Lake Game Preserve 120 3 45 63 62 Wildlife Refuge 47 PARK Harding Elk Closure Area RCGP Lake 3 61 PROV. RCGP Candle Fairy Island Leoville Lake HILLS Hwy. 120 NATIONAL PARK RCGP Turtle Turtleford GP CANDLE LAKE PROVINCIAL PARK RCGP 2 Chitek LakeCowan Lake St.Walburg Meeyomoot Lake RCGP PRINCE ALBERT Revo Lake Twp. 59 REC. SITE RCGP NARROW WhiteSwan Lakes Game Preserve ER 67 Lakes Rge 8 MAKWA LAKE PROV. PARK 913 Swan WHITE SWAN Old Lake RCGP Lloydminster 3 Twp. 60 White 64 Snowfield Lake Rge 9 Delaronde RIV Cowan Lake RCGP 26 Wildlife Refuge Steepbank RD Twp. 60 Rge 15 Hwy. 55 Makwa Loon Lake 68S Scheelhaase Island RCGP Rge 16 Recreation site Montrea Bronson Forest West Maraiche Lake RCGP 106-Narrow Lake-120 106 Lake Twp. 61 Lake Big Sandy Lake l 55 26 RCGP 55 ns Ha Little Bear Macdonnell Lake RCGP Lake er Riv WILDERNESS PARK Lake RCGP Bea 65 LAKES PROV. 91 66 Lake ay W GP RC 70 106 on hw fu re Do East Trout Lake CLARENCE-STEEPBANK Listen Hig Beaver la Re ck life ild Ro un Mo Amis k Mystic Lake RCGP 969 tain Goodsoil 68N Hwy 167 RCGP ke La Lake RCGP RCGP RCGP 165 Wapawekka Lake Lake Smoothstone Lake Pierceland ver 106 Tracey Rock Is Lake Bronson GP Waterhen 2 Twp. 67 155 Line MEADOW LAKE PROV. PARK Creighton La Lake Lake ar all 17th Base 69 RC Wildlife Refuge nd RCGP Pe Backes Island Dore Refuge Ra Bazill Wildlife Hwy. 903 31 47 2 15 Minutes 10 Minutes 5 Minutes 106° 5 Minutes 10 Minutes 15 Minutes 20 Minutes
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