13. ADJOURNMENT - Brant County Health Unit
13. ADJOURNMENT - Brant County Health Unit
BRANT COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH REGULAR AGENDA June 17r2015,9:30 a.m, Boardroom Wednesday, CALL TO ORDER CONFLICT OF INTEREST IN-CAMER,A, MEETING ADDITIONS TO AGENDA APPROVAL OF'MINUTES 5.1 Brant County Board of Health, May 20,2015 6. * FINANCIAL REPORT 6.1 Report on the Audit Committee Meeting of June 17,2015 BUSINESS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES 7.1 Report from the Chair 7.2 Report from the Medical Officer of Health * 7.3 Report from the Executive Director * 7.4 Food Safety Disclosure Report t 7.5 Annual alPHa Conference Report 8. AII Chair Mills Chair Dr. M. Lock Dr. J. Tober Mr. J. Kowal Councillor Kings, Councillor Neumann, Dr. J. Tober NEW BUSINESS 8.1 Rabies Prevention and Control Program Report * Mn J. Kowal Mn J. Kowal Mr. J. Kowal Mr. J, Kowal Dr. J. Tober 8.2 Vector-Borne Diseases Program Report * 8.3 Health Hazard Prevention and Management Program Report * 8.4 Emergency Preparedness Program Report * 8.5 2014 Annual Report t Motion to accept reports as presented, 9. CORRESPONDENCE (Board members may request ø copy of ltems that are not attached from Board of Health Seuetary) 9.1 Correspondence from City of Brantford, dated li4ay 20,2015,re proclamation of Community Water Fluoridation Day on June 20,2015 9.2 Correspondence from Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit, dated May 28,2015, re basic income guarantee. 9.3 Correspondence from Ontario Association of Public Health Dentistry, dated June 8, 2015, re fluoridation, 10. QUESTIONS / ANNOUNCEMENTS 11. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 12. NEXT MEETING DATE July 1 5 and August 19, 2015 meetings Wednesday, September 9, 201 5 13. will be at the call of the Chair' ADJOURNMENT *Attqchments chair **Attachmenls for Board of Health members only DATE: June 17,2015 #: 7.2 FROM: Dr. Malcolm Lock REPORT Medical Officer of Health Medical Offìcer of Health's Report RE: l.l. An unimmunízed chíld from Grey Bruce has been d¡agnosed with tetanus, lt is the f¡rst recorded case of tetanus in Grey Bruce. The child has been hosp¡talized and is in critical 4.1. June 4,2015: Ebola virus disease (EVO) case incidence continues to fluctuate in Guinea and Sierra Leone, with approximately l3 new confirmed cases reported in the pastweek in each country. 4. Ebola Virus Disease condition. Tetanus (lockjaw) is rare in Ontario, on average one case per year, lt is a serious disease caused when tetanus spores get into a cut or puncture wound, Tetanu s spores are found everywhere, in soil, dust, and manure, 2.1. more than 100 cases measles a week are 2. Guinea: Measles 5.1. More than 31,460 suspected and confirmed cases of ch¡kungunya fever have been reported Ch¡kungunya is an arboviral infection transmitted by mosquitoes. 6.1. More than 300 cases of cholera a day are 5. Honduras: Chikungunya I dog bringing the total number of laboratory-confirmed cases to 4l (including 1 case exported to Ghina and 4 deaths). 3.2. index case is a South Korean traveler who returned from a trip to Bahrain 3. Middle East Respiratory 7. France: Rabies currently occurring 3.'1. Since June 5, 2015, 6. Tanzania: Cholera Update 7.1. I imported case of canine rabies. The dog, infected in Algeria, bit at least t human and of Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) South Korea 3.3. Four of the 5 cases are hospital-acquir ed tertiary cases, br¡nging the total number of tertiary cases to l0 (including 1 death). 3.4. 30 secondary cases have been reported in close contacts (spouse, attendi ng physician, nurses, and hospital roommates 3.5. According to WHO exposure times may have been as short as 5 minutes to a few hours. ties in Gyeonggi, Chungbuk, and Ghungnam provinces and in Seoul, have been temporarily BRANT COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH REPORT #: 7,3 FROM: Jo Ann Tober RE: Executive Director's Report DATE: June 17,2015 Low Income Dental Integration Status Update - A bulletin was posted on the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care's website on May 3l announcing that the New Integrated Dental Program is to begin in January 2016. We are awaiting further details from the Ministry. Updated Board of Health E-Learning Module - The Ministry of Health has announced the release of an updated Board of Health E-Learning Module which is now available on the Public Health section of the e-Health Ontario portal at the following address: i o. ca./norta l/servel'. ut?onen=5 1 2&o b tlD:324 This module provides an orientation to the public health sector and to specific roles and responsibilities under the Health Protection and Promotion Act with respect to the oversight and delivery of public health programs and services in Ontario. The module includes overviews of the Ontario Public Health Standards and the Ontario Public Health Organizational Standards. Implementation of the Child Care and Early Years A,ct,2014 and New Regulations-This Act received royal assent in December 2014 and will modernize and strengthen the Ontario Child Care System. The Act will replace the Day Nurseries Act and will set a foundation for a high quality integrated system of child care and early years services for children aged 0 to 12. This legislation applies to both unlicensed and licensed child care and will strengthen compliance and health and safety in child care settings. Making Healthier Choices Act, 2015 - The government passed the Making Healthier Choices Act, intended help Ontario's children and families make healthier food 26,2015 which is to 2015 on May choices, protect people from the harmful effects oftobacco use, and regulate electronic cigarettes. The Act has three parts. 1. The requirement for large chain restaurants and other food services premises with 20 or more locations in Ontario who sell ready-to-eat and prepared foods to post calories on menus. 2. Amendments to the Smoke-Free Ontario Act which increases penalties for selling tobacco to children/youth, a ban on the sale of flavored tobacco products, and further limits to smoking in public areas. 3. A prohibition on the sale of e-cigarettes to minors, regulations to the display and promotion of ecigarettes, and the ban of their use in places designated smoke-free, Information on the legislation can be found at http://news.ontario.calm 132891 . BRANT COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH REPORT #: 7.4 DATE: June 1.7' 2015 FROM: Jeff Kowal, Manager Environmental Health and Emergency Preparedness RE: City of Brantford/County of Brant Food Disclosure By-Law Report The Board of Health requires that reports of premises convicted of food safety violations or issued Orders under the Health Protection and Promotion Act be provided. These reports are intended to provide the community with information about the food safety status of local premises. Court notification on the following was received: The following premise was convicted of violations pertaining to Ontario Food Premises Regulation 562, under the Health Protection and Promotion Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter H.7 . Angels Family Diner 125 King George Rd Brantford, ON "Serve milk in other than original container." 2. "Fail to have test reagent available at place of sanitization. 3. "Operate premise in manner permitting a health hazard," 1. s60.00 $60.00 $460.00 BRANT COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH RBPORT #: 8.1 FROM: Jeff Kowal, Manager, Environmental Health and Emergency Preparedness RE: Rabies Prevention and Control Program Report DATE: June 17,2015 The Ontario Public Health Standards require Boards of Health to prevent the occurrence of rabies in humans. Rabies control activities involve the investigation of scratch/bite incidents, confinement of implicated animals, distribution of rabies vaccine to some victims and arrangement of animal testing for rabies infection. To date, Environmental Health and Emergency Preparedness staff investigated 100% of the animal bite/scratch incidents reported to the Brant County Health Unit. During the past six months, Public Health Inspectors investigated 126 biting incidents, including 68 dogs, 49 cats, 2bats,3 raccoons, I Coatie, and 3 rodents. It was necessary to order the destruction of 4 animals for rabies testing. All specimen results were negative. In compliance with the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Protocol, Rabies vaccine and the associated Immune Globulin were distributed to 15 individuals as of May 31,2015. In order to meet the requirement of providing rabies information on an ongoing basis to the community, Health Unit staff display rabies/vaccination materials at the Health Unit and distribute similar materials to operators of veterinary practices and the Humane Society office. Rabies messaging for children is also promoted through the dissemination of a rabies colouring book to all primary students attending elementary schools in Brantford and Brant County. The vaccination of household pets is promoted through the verification of current vaccination status by Public Health Inspectors during dog and cat bite investigations. BRANT COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH REPORT #: 8.2 DATE: June 17' 2015 FROM: Jeff Kowal, Manager, Environmental Health and Emergency Preparedness RE: Vector-borne Disease Prevention Program Report (formerly West Nile Virus) The Vector-borne Disease Prevention program will remain the same as previous years, consisting adult mosquito trapping and larviciding catch basins to reduce the local mosquito populations in urban areas. of For the 2014 operational season, surveillance indicators follow: Positive Humans Brant Ontario Canada 2014 0 8 Positive Mosquito Pools Brant Ontario 2014 0 52 15 2015 Vector-Borne Disease Prevention Activities During the 2015 season, the core Vector-bome disease prevention activities will include: 1. Community outreach/education: West Nile Virus (WNv) pamphlets will be mailed to all customers of Brantford and Brant County Power. Materials will also be distributed to various municipal veterinary clinics, and pet shop retailers. 2. WNv Telephone Hotline: A dedicated extension with 24-hour voicemail service will be maintained for members of the public to call with questions and report standing water complaints. The WNv Technician will monitor this line and respond to calls within one business day. In 2014, Health Unit staff responded to 22 complaints and issued 18 Orders under the City of Brantford Standing V/ater By-Law. 3. Surryeillance: o Mosquitoes will be trapped weekly from June to August at 10 sites. These traps will be located in high density urban areas in the towns of St. George, Scotland, Paris, Oakland, Burford, and the City of Brantford. The adult mosquitoes collected will be identified for species and tested for the presence of WNv. o Larval testing: From June to August, 38 sites will be tested weekly for mosquito larva throughout the City and County. These sites include 19 storm-water management ponds and 3 ditches in the City of Brantford, Also included in Brant County are 12 storm-water management ponds, 3 sewage lagoons in Cainsville, and I ditch area. o Human surveillance: Passive surveillance will identify human cases of WNv in the City of Brantford and County of Brant. 4. Larviciding: A Request for Proposal was issued March 2015 for larvicide applicators to apply two treatments of larvicide (methoprene) to all catch basins on municipally-owned property throughout Brantford and Brant County. GDG Environmental was chosen to be the larviciding contractor for 2015. BRANT COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH RBPORT #: 8.3 DATE: June FROM: Jeff Kowal, Manager, Environmental Health and Emergency Preparedness RE: Health Hazard Prevention and Manaqement Proqram Report 17' 2015 The Ontario Public Health Standards require all public health units to prevent or reduce adverse health outcomes resulting from exposure to all biological, physicaland chemical agent public health hazards. During the period of January I through June l, 2015, Public Health Inspectors responded to 144 Health Hazard Complaints from the public, The type and number of complaint responses are summarized in the table below: Health Hazard Com plaints January 1, 2015 -June 1, 2015 Jan-June 1,2015 Complaint Type Food Safety 40 Infection Control 66 West Nile Virus-Standing V/ater 2 Smoke Free Ontario 7 Heat By-law 6 Sewage 0 Water Quality I Air Quality 2 Public Pool Safety 0 Environmental Safety 20 TOTAL t44 All public inquiries were responded to in accordance with the Ontario Public Health Standards. The Brant County Health Unit maintains a 24-hour on-call response capability for Health Hazard emergencies. BRANT COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH REPORT #: 8.4 FROM: Jeff Kowal, Manager, Environmental Health and Emergency Preparedness RE: Emergencv Preparedness Program Report DATE: June 17,2015 The Ontario Public Health Standards require that health units prepare for and effectively respond to public health emergencies on a 2417 basis. In order to meet this program requirement, Health Unit staff have modified the Brant County Health Unit Emergency Response Plan and associated business continuity plan. This document is now written in the Incident Management Systems (IMS) format. IMS is a standardized approach to emergency management encompassing personnel, facilities, equipment, procedures and communications. All Health Unit management staff are IMS level-100 certified, and two managers have also achieved Level-200 certification. Additionally, Health Unit managers and some community partners have recently received an IMS in-service from Public Health Ontario. Health Unit staff will also take part in Brantford's Emergency Response Exercise this September which will test the community's ability to deal with a disruption of potable water service. This exercise will be led by Brantford's Community Emergency Response Coordinator (CEMC) and used to evaluate (IMS) practices. The Brantford Emergency Response Committee met twice this year with Health Unit participation. Brantford's Hazard Incident Risk Assessment (HIRA) was reviewed and updated by committee members. The Brant County Health Unit continues to maintain a24-hourlT-day response capability for community emergencies, An event requiring activation of Brant's Emergency Operations Centres (EOC's) has not arisen over the past 5 months. B R A N T C O U N T Y H E A L T H U N I T ESTABLISHED 1946 Annual Report 2014 Take our courses Call to register: 519-753-4937 Prenatal classes (in person and online): ext. 463 Food safety training: ext. 470 Pool safety (online): ext. 470 Visit our clinics Call for an appointment: 519-753-4937 Immunization General: ext. 449 Flu: ext. 446 Travel: ext. 453 Sexual health: ext. 471 TB skin test: ext. 448 Quit smoking: ext. 455 Public Health is Everywhere Since 1946, our staff have touched thousands of lives at home and in the community. Every year we’re encouraged by the number of clients who attend our programs such as immunization clinics, parenting groups, and food safety classes. We’re also delighted when we receive Twitter posts that thank our staff for their good work. After all, results matter. It’s why we measure and improve the performance of our services and programs. And why we encourage you to take part in our surveys, talk to our staff, and engage us on social media. By working together, we build a healthier community. Jo Ann Tober, Executive Director Dr. Malcolm Lock, Medical Officer of Health Get parenting support Visit our website at www.bchu.org Family drop-in centres Breastfeeding clinics Read our reports Visit our website at www.bchu.org Brant Health Atlas Food premises inspections Beach postings In October, students from high schools across Brant came out to our Youth Leadership Retreat. We shared information about leadership, tobacco denormalization, and health promotion. 2014 approved budget Other Funding Sources (e.g., Ministry of Children and Youth Services, Health Canada) $1,415,402 Find information Call us: 519-753-4937 Family health line: ext. 464 Healthy Babies Health Children program: ext. 482 West Nile virus: ext. 444 Well water testing: ext. 470 Infectious diseases: ext. 454 2014 Board of Health Robert Chambers, Chair County of Brant Appointee Janice Mills, Vice-Chair Provincial Appointee Greg Anderson Provincial Appointee Vince Bucci, Chair City of Brantford Appointee Marguerite Ceschi-Smith City of Brantford Appointee Debi Dignan-Rumble City of Brantford Appointee Helen Mulligan County of Brant Appointee Nancy Nichols Provincial Appointee Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Funding $8,486,360 Municipal Funding $3,124,545 The Wellness Works program promotes activity and healthy lifestyles. Total Budget: $13,026,307 830 food handlers completed food safety training course 450 animal bites investigated and closed 38 ticks tested for Lyme disease 432 children received fluoride varnish 19 schools participated in Healthy Bites program 4,469 children screened for dental health at local schools 239 families received home visiting support 2,733 parents and 2,947 kids attended family drop-in centres 265 immunization clinics held 343 participants registered for quit-smoking clinics 2014 Approved Budget Other Funding Sources (e.g. Health Canada) $1,415,402 Ruby Toor Provincial Appointee Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Funding $8,486,360 Report your child’s immunizations Municipal Funding $3,124,545 Questions? Let us help 519-753-4937 • [email protected] • www.bchu.org Total Budget: $13,026,307 194 Terrace Hill Street, Brantford, ON N3R 1G7 • 519-753-4937 www.bchu.org