CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CALEDONIA BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING NOTICE A regular meeting of the Charter Township of Caledonia Board of Trustees will be held beginning at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 18th , 2015 at the Caledonia Township Hall, 8196 Broadmoor Ave, Caledonia, Michigan. NOTE: Individuals with disabilities may request auxiliary aids and services for the meeting by contacting the Township Clerk at 616.891.0070. TENTATIVE AGENDA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. CALL TO ORDER / ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION CONSIDERATION OF THE MEETING AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENT (BRIEF – UP TO 2 MINUTES) INQUIRY OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA A. Minutes of the November 4th, 2015 Meeting B. Approval to Pay Bills i. Accounts Payable ii. Accounts Payable Current Tax C. Treasurers Report D. CD Report E. Building Dept Report F. Utilities Report i. Infrastructure Maintenance Budget ii. Infrastructure Maintenance Client Report 7. REPORTS FROM BOARD/COMMITTEE OFFICERS AND STAFF 8. CORRESPONDENCE 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 10. NEW BUSINESS A. Public Hearing – Industrial Facilities Tax Exemption Certificate Application [George Koch Sons, LLC (5041 68th St SE)] B. Resolution – To Approve Industrial Facilities Tax Exemption Certificate For Plant Rehabilitation District [George Koch Sons, LLC – Plant Rehabilitation District No. 1 (5041 68th St SE) C. Resolution – To Establish The Supervisor’s Salary For 2016 D. Resolution – To Establish The Treasurer’s Salary For 2016 E. Resolution – To Establish The Clerk’s Salary For 2016 F. Resolution – To Establish The Trustee’s Salary For 2016 G. Public Hearing – 2016 Caledonia Township Budget H. Resolution – Approving The Annual Township Budget For 2016 and Determining Tentative Property Tax Rates For Support of Budget I. Motion – To Appoint The Fire Chief J. Resolution – To Approve And Authorize Execution of Combined Caledonia Sewer System Contract 11. BOARD COMMENTS 12. PUBLIC COMMENT (EXTENDED – UP TO 5 MINUTES) 13. ADJOURNMENT DRAFT – 11/04/15 CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CALEDONIA BOARD OF TRUSTEES A regular meeting of the Charter Township of Caledonia Board of Trustees was held beginning at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, November 4th, 2015, at the Caledonia Township Hall, 8196 Broadmoor Ave, Caledonia, Michigan 49316. Meeting Minutes 1. CALL TO ORDER / ROLL CALL TIME: 7:00 SNOEYINK: HERE Roll Call: VENEMA: HERE HERMENET: HERE CAVANAUGH: ABSENT KOOPMANS: HERE ROBERTSON: HERE HARRISON: HERE Others Present: Citizens, Students, Media, Fire Lt. Kyle Fennell, Fire Capt. Scott Siler, Deputy Clerk Wilcox 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION – Supervisor Harrison 3. CONSIDERATION OF THE MEETING AGENDA Motion Stated: Harrison– Motion to Add Items 10A1, “Alaska Ave Paving” & 10B2, “Consumers Energy Light Change”. Motion Supported: Robertson Motion Status: Approved Motion Stated: Snoeyink – Motion to Adopt the Agenda as Amended. Motion Supported: Hermenet Motion Status: Approved 4. PUBLIC COMMENT (BRIEF - UP TO 2 MINUTES) None 5. INQUIRY OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST None Minutes from November 4th, 2015 DRAFT – 11/04/15 6. APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA A. Minutes of the October 21st, 2015 Meeting B. Approval to Pay Bills i. Accounts Payable Motion Stated: Hermenet – Motion we Approve the Consent Agenda. Motion Supported: Snoeyink Motion Status: Approved 7. REPORTS FROM BOARD / COMMITTEE OFFICERS AND STAFF None 8. CORRESPONDENCE None 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Ordinance – 2nd Reading: To Amend the Zoning Ordinance of the Charter Township of Caledonia [Application of Buffum Builders for R-2]. Motion Stated: Koopmans – Move We Approve the Zoning Ordinance Amendment of Buffum Builders to R-2. Motion Supported: Snoeyink Roll Call Vote: SNOEYINK: AYE VENEMA: AYE HERMENET: AYE CAVANAUGH: ABSENT KOOPMANS: AYE ROBERTSON: AYE HARRISON: AYE Motion Status: Approved 10. NEW BUSINESS A1. Motion – Alaska Ave Paving. Motion Stated: Harrison – Motion to Approve the Paving of Alaska Ave between 100th St – 108th St. Motion Supported: Hermenet Motion Status: Approved 2 Minutes from November 4th, 2015 DRAFT – 11/04/15 A. Resolution – To Schedule a Public Hearing for Consideration of an Application for an Industrial Facilities Exemption Certificate for Plant Rehabilitation District [George Koch Sons, LLC -5041 68th St SE]. Motion Stated: Harrison – Motion to Schedule a Public Hearing for Nov 18th, 2015. Motion Supported: Snoeyink Roll Call Vote: SNOEYINK: AYE VENEMA: AYE HERMENET: AYE CAVANAUGH: ABSENT KOOPMANS: AYE ROBERTSON: AYE HARRISON: AYE Motion Status: Approved B. Resolution – To Place the 2015 Winter Special Assessment Districts on the December, 2015 Tax Roll. Motion Stated: Robertson – Motion that these Special Assessments be placed on the Winter 2015 Tax Rolls. Motion Supported: Venema Roll Call Vote: SNOEYINK: AYE VENEMA: AYE HERMENET: AYE CAVANAUGH: ABSENT KOOPMANS: AYE ROBERTSON: AYE HARRISON: AYE Motion Status: Approved B2. Resolution – Consumers Energy Light Change. Motion Stated: Venema – Move to Approve the Consumers Energy Light Change Work Order. Motion Supported: Snoeyink Roll Call Vote: SNOEYINK: AYE VENEMA: AYE HERMENET: AYE CAVANAUGH: ABSENT KOOPMANS: AYE ROBERTSON: AYE HARRISON: AYE Motion Status: Approved 3 Minutes from November 4th, 2015 DRAFT – 11/04/15 C. Workshop – 2016 Budget. Time: 8:56pm – 8:58pm 11. BOARD COMMENTS Koopmans – Thanks to Dick and Jen for another nice budget presentation. Robertson – Village Council will be having a workshop on sewer treatment and collection being combined with the Twp. Harrison – Thanks to Dick on this workshop and the Village utilities workshop; he certainly exceeds what we pay him. 12. PUBLIC COMMENT (EXTENDED – UP TO 5 MINUTES) Katherine Henry introduced herself as running for the 86th District of the State House of Representatives. 13. ADJOURNMENT Motion Stated: Koopmans – Move to Adjourn. Motion Supported: Snoeyink Motion Status: Approved 9:03pm Bryan Harrison, Supervisor Jennifer Venema, Clerk Minutes Reported By: Angela Wilcox, Deputy Clerk 4 Minutes from November 4th, 2015 11/11/2015 10:32 AM User: JEN DB: Caledonia Check Date Bank CHECK REGISTER FOR CALEDONIA TOWNSHIP CHECK DATE FROM 11/11/2015 - 11/11/2015 Check Vendor Vendor Name Description Page: 1/2 Amount Bank 01 CHEMICAL BANK (BYRON) 11/11/2015 01 69355 BUR-004 ANGELA BURNSIDE MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 8/13/15-10/26/15 129.95 11/11/2015 01 69356 BOB-000 BOB'S DISPOSAL, INC. TWP - WASTE REMOVAL OCTOBER 2015 LIBRARY - WASTE REMOVAL 68.00 90.00 158.00 11/11/2015 11/11/2015 11/11/2015 11/11/2015 01 01 01 01 69357 69358 69359 69360 BSA-001 CAL-003 CAL-001 CIN-000 BS&A SOFTWARE CALEDONIA TOWNSHIP CALEDONIA VILLAGE ACE HARDWARE CINTAS CORPORATION 725 ANNUAL SERVICE/SUPPORT CONTRACTS TRAILER TAXES FIRE - SUPPLIES TWP/FIRE - JANITORIAL SUPPLIES/FLOOR MAT 11,313.00 163.50 150.13 343.37 11/11/2015 01 69361 CON-883 CONSUMER ENERGY STREETLIGHTS - 10/1/15-10/31/15 STREETLIGHTS - PARK&RIDE 9/24/15-10/22/1 2,085.06 141.06 2,226.12 11/11/2015 01 69362 CON-000 CONSUMERS ENERGY-UTILITIES ELECTRIC - BARBER SCHOOL - 9/24/15-10/22 ELECTRIC - LAKESIDE CEMETERY 9/24/15-10/ ELECTRIC - ALASKA CEMETERY 9/24/15-10/22 ELECTRIC - HOLY CRNRS CEMETERY 9/25/15-1 ELECTRIC - LIBRARY 9/24/15-10/21/15 ELECTRIC/GAS - FIRE DEPT 9/25/15-10/26/1 ELECTRIC/GAS - TWP OFFICE 9/25/15-10/26/ 23.00 47.96 24.66 23.37 1,138.32 713.48 871.59 2,842.38 11/11/2015 11/11/2015 11/11/2015 11/11/2015 11/11/2015 11/11/2015 11/11/2015 11/11/2015 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 69363 69364 69365 69366 69367 69368 69369 69370 CON-000 RUS-000 EAS-000 ETN-000 FCC-000 HAL-000 HAR-000 INF-001 CONSUMERS ENERGY-UTILITIES EDUARD RUSTICUS EJ USA, INC ETNA SUPPLY COMPANY FCC, INC HALLIFAX'S SERVICES HARDER & WARNER INC. INFRASTRUCTURE ALTERNATIVES ELECTRIC SERVICE FOR GR SEWER CONNECTION MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 9/8/15-9/30/15 WATER - SUPPLIES WATER - METER FIRE - REPAIR DOOR HINGE CEMETERY SERVICES C/K WWTP LEAVE REMOVAL CONTRACTED SERVICES NOVEMBER 2015 2,562.00 166.18 523.46 1,200.00 100.00 1,200.00 986.00 48,639.84 11/11/2015 01 69371 INT-002 INTEGRITY BUSINESS SOLUTIONS OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/11/2015 11/11/2015 11/11/2015 01 01 01 69372 69373 69374 JBL-000 KCI-000 KCC-000 JBL ENTERPRISES KENT COMMUNICATIONS INC. KENT COUNTY CLERKS ASSOC NAME PLATES PARTIAL POSTAGE FOR WINTER '15 TAX BILLS CLERK - BUSINESS MEETING & RECOGNITION C 29.00 2,000.00 40.00 11/11/2015 01 69375 KEN-POY KENT COUNTY TREASURER TRAILER TAXES TO REIMB KC FOR TAX RFD PER JULY 2015 BO 817.50 43.37 860.87 11/11/2015 11/11/2015 11/11/2015 11/11/2015 11/11/2015 11/11/2015 01 01 01 01 01 01 69376 69377 69378 69379 69380 69381 KIW-000 MAY-001 MML-000 SIE-000 STA-PRO SUN-000 KIWANIS CLUB OF THE CALEDONIA AREA MAYNARDS WATER CONDITIONING MML WORKERS COMP FUND SIEGFRIED, CRANDALL PC STATE OF MICHIGAN SUN & NEWS SUPERVISOR - MEMBERSHIP DUES/ MEAL FEES BOTTLED WATER WORKERS COMP PAYROLL AUDIT CLERK - PAYROLL TAX PREP 2016 PERMIT FEE OCTOBER 2015 PUBLICATIONS 156.00 68.75 277.00 100.00 800.00 369.08 11/11/2015 01 69382 TEC-000 TECH MASTERS 2007 FREIGHTLINER R71 2006 CHEVROLET 2500 C1 362.34 414.68 90.71 102.26 63.13 256.10 11/11/2015 10:32 AM User: JEN DB: Caledonia Page: CHECK REGISTER FOR CALEDONIA TOWNSHIP CHECK DATE FROM 11/11/2015 - 11/11/2015 Check Date Bank Check Vendor Vendor Name Description 11/11/2015 11/11/2015 11/11/2015 11/11/2015 11/11/2015 01 01 01 01 01 69383 69384 69385 69386 69387 TER-000 TRI-000 VAN-010 VFS-000 VZW-000 TERMINIX OF WEST MICHIGAN TRIMATRIX LABORATORIES, INC VAN GUARD SERVICES VANGUARD FIRE & SECURITY SYSTEMS VERIZON WIRELESS LIBRARY - PEST CONTROL WATER TESTING LIBRARY - SPRINKLER SYSTEM REPAIR LIBRARY - SPRINKLER INSPECTION FIRE - USB MODEMS 11/11/2015 01 69388 VRI-001 VRIESMAN & KORHORN ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING 2/2 Amount 777.02 SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERIVCES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES - DAVENPORT ATHLETI CAMP OMALLEY DAVENPORT ATHLETI CALEDONIA HIGH SC GEORGE KOCH SONS DAVENPORT COLLEGE SCOTSMOOR PH 2 COUNTRY MEADOWS SOUTHBELT SPEC BU WHITNEYVILLE SAND DAVENPORT ATHLETI CAMP OMALLEY CALEDNOIA HIGH SC DAVENPORT COLLEGE BROADVIEW COUNTRY SCOTSMOOR PH 2 SOUTHBELT SPEC BL - SAW GRANT ELIGIBL - SAW GRANT ELIGIBL 11/11/2015 01 69389 VRI-001 VOID 11/11/2015 01 69390 WEL-000 WELLS FARGO FINANCIAL LEASING PRINTER/COPIER SERVICE CONTRACT BLDG - KIP COPIER SERVICE CONTRACT 11/11/2015 01 69391 WES-002 WEST MICHIGAN COFFEE BREAK FIRE - COFFEE SUPPLIES FIRE - COFFEE SUPPLIES 35.00 60.00 1,575.56 150.00 128.96 738.98 51.83 688.20 45.50 1,294.98 233.83 558.65 273.00 188.33 318.50 39.00 45.50 1,651.80 500.50 45.50 467.65 500.50 2,721.95 3,213.80 1,198.83 2,531.75 17,308.58 V 801.45 279.76 1,081.21 114.00 3.00 117.00 01 TOTALS: Total of 37 Checks: Less 1 Void Checks: 98,894.06 0.00 Total of 36 Disbursements: 98,894.06 11/10/2015 09:29 AM User: MARCIA DB: Caledonia Check Date Bank CHECK REGISTER FOR CALEDONIA TOWNSHIP CHECK DATE FROM 10/01/2015 - 10/31/2015 Check Vendor Vendor Name TAX-CSCHDB TAX-CALTWP TAX-ES TAX-GRCC TAX-KCTY TAX-KCSET TAX-KDL TAX-KISD TAX REFUND TAX-CSCHDB TAX-CSCHOP TAX-CALTWP TAX-NWSWR TAX-NWWTR TAX-GRCC TAX-KCTY TAX-KCSET TAX-KISD TAX-VILL TAX-VOIDCK TAX REFUND TAX-CSCHDB TAX-CSCHOP TAX-CALTWP TAX-GRCC TAX-KCTY TAX-KCSET TAX-KISD TAX-VILL CALEDONIA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS DEBT CALEDONIA TOWNSHIP CALEDONIA TWP EMERGENCY SERVICE GRAND RAPIDS COMMUNITY COLLEGE KENT COUNTY TREASURER KENT COUNTY TREASURER-SET KENT DISTRICT LIBRARY KENT INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL DISTRICT CALEDONIA TOWNSHIP-PETTY CASH CALEDONIA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS DEBT CALEDONIA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS OPER CALEDONIA TOWNSHIP CALEDONIA TWP NW SEWER CALEDONIA TWP NW WATER GRAND RAPIDS COMMUNITY COLLEGE KENT COUNTY TREASURER KENT COUNTY TREASURER-SET KENT INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL DISTRICT VILLAGE OF CALEDONIA CALEDONIA TOWNSHIP-GF CALEDONIA TOWNSHIP UTILITY CALEDONIA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS DEBT CALEDONIA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS OPER CALEDONIA TOWNSHIP GRAND RAPIDS COMMUNITY COLLEGE KENT COUNTY TREASURER KENT COUNTY TREASURER-SET KENT INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL DISTRICT VILLAGE OF CALEDONIA Page: 1/1 Amount Bank 02 CHEMICAL BANK 10/06/2015 10/06/2015 10/06/2015 10/06/2015 10/06/2015 10/06/2015 10/06/2015 10/06/2015 10/07/2015 10/15/2015 10/15/2015 10/15/2015 10/15/2015 10/15/2015 10/15/2015 10/15/2015 10/15/2015 10/15/2015 10/15/2015 10/16/2015 10/20/2015 10/29/2015 10/29/2015 10/29/2015 10/29/2015 10/29/2015 10/29/2015 10/29/2015 10/29/2015 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 1557(A) 1558(A) 1559(A) 1560(A) 1561(A) 1562(A) 1563(A) 1564(A) 6737 1565(A) 1566(A) 1567(A) 1568(A) 1569(A) 1570(A) 1571(A) 1572(A) 1573(A) 1574(A) 6738 6739 1575(A) 1576(A) 1577(A) 1578(A) 1579(A) 1580(A) 1581(A) 1582(A) 37.67 8.99 9.88 7.47 26.69 25.09 8.42 19.61 7.15 32,596.93 8,175.26 996.35 2.43 2.87 16,846.20 40,362.90 56,580.04 45,172.22 3,342.30 7.17 229.21 10,074.86 1,146.57 308.94 5,142.43 12,320.99 17,271.33 13,789.04 697.49 02 TOTALS: Total of 29 Checks: Less 0 Void Checks: 265,216.50 0.00 Total of 29 Disbursements: 265,216.50 Caledonia Township Treasurer's Report - Oct 2015 101-General Fund Financial Institution Chemical Chemical Lake MI CU Lake MI CU Various MBIA FirstSW FHLB-FirstSW Interest Beginning Account Type Rate Balance Disbursements Interest Deposits Due to Mun Now Ckg 0.55% $5,319.87 $71.51 $600.84 $2.39 Mun Now Ckg 0.55% $798,842.37 $517,275.95 $776,104.80 $441.60 Bus Svg 0.00% $5.11 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Bus Ckg 0.50% $895,097.07 $0.00 $20.00 $379.35 CD's variable $245,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Pool 0.18% $35,660.85 $0.00 $0.00 $5.36 MM variable $0.01 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Agency 5.625% $259,316.75 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $828.70 Chemical Chemical United Bank Mun Now Ckg Mun Now Ckg Public Fd Ckg 0.55% 0.55% 0.00% $176,048.37 $1,589.40 $102.33 $126,736.24 $3,157.49 $0.00 $264,972.97 $451.69 $0.00 Chemical Chemical Chemical Chemical Chemical Chemical Various Mun Now Ckg 0.55% Mun Now Ckg 0.55% Mun Now Ckg 0.55% Mun Now Ckg 0.55% Mun Now Ckg 0.55% Mun Now Ckg 0.55% CD's variable $12,718.61 $18,881.82 $19,314.73 $46,712.00 $269,372.77 $176,340.24 $207,833.98 $1.00 $0.00 $1.00 $0.00 $65,483.88 $27,000.00 $0.00 $1.00 $0.00 $1.00 $0.00 $133,305.77 $12,000.00 $0.00 Mun Now Ckg 0.55% $1,342,496.93 Bus-Svg 0.00% $25.00 CD's variable $503,809.56 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Mun Now Ckg 0.55% $432,675.20 Mun Now Ckg 0.55% $184,824.21 Mun Now Ckg 0.55% $478,579.40 Mun Now Ckg 0.55% $351,779.86 Mun Now Ckg 0.55% $1,018,559.28 Checking 0.00% $1.00 Bus MM 0.10% $229,585.63 CD's variable $248,568.82 $13,374.10 $0.00 $0.00 $228,011.37 $148,611.98 $981.00 $2.87 $0.00 $30,929.40 $0.00 $0.00 $58,319.42 $44,831.66 $981.00 $0.00 $0.00 $325,070.42 $534,510.15 $3,060.00 $0.00 $178,662.50 $0.00 Mun Now Ckg 0.55% $67,838.24 Mun Now Ckg 0.55% $224,557.00 CD's variable $1,003,387.45 $16,526.09 $341,733.55 $0.00 $67,000.00 $0.00 $341,731.12 $0.00 $1.00 $1.00 $0.00 Fund Total 703-Current Tax 703-Current Tax-O-S 703-Current Tax Fund Fund Total 151-Ganzel Trust 152-Hilzey Trust 153-Munford Trust 203-Kraft Ave Imp (Recvg Fd) 205-Emergency Services 207-ES Capital Replacemt Fund Total 246-Twp Imp Revoling Fund Chemical Consumers CU Various Fund Total 249-Building Dept Fund Chemical 271-New Library Fund Chemical 403-TV Waste Wtr Plnt Imp Fd Chemical 590-Sewer O&M Chemical 591-Water O & M Chemical 701-Trust & Agency Chemical 856-NW Water (Bond) Mercantile Various Fund Total 860-2003 Cap Imp Bond Chemical Various Fund Total 884-CK Sewer Chemical 886-NW Sewer (Bond) Chemical Various Fund Total Historical Commission Chemical Chemical Total Funds Balance Mun Now Ckg 0.55% CD's variable Savings Comm/Ckg 0.05% 0.00% $661.83 $216.88 $62.82 $5,000.00 $2.93 $1,000.00 $0.00 $100.00 $65.75 $5.94 $8.82 $9.02 $21.82 $115.82 $85.99 $0.00 $85.99 $627.11 $0.00 $0.00 $627.11 $197.87 $86.34 $223.56 $178.50 $490.57 $0.00 $18.87 $0.00 $18.87 $100.93 $0.00 $100.93 $13.29 $230,478.09 $197.59 $1,037.72 $1,235.31 $0.00 $0.00 $4,314.21 Fund Reserve GF GF GF $5,000.00 $10,000.00 $12,500.00 $468,372.21 GF Ending Balance $4,792.93 $540,455.12 $5.11 $895,456.42 $245,000.00 $35,666.21 $0.01 $259,316.75 $1,980,692.55 $32,874.46 $3,298.13 $2.33 $36,174.92 $7,724.55 $8,890.64 $6,823.75 $46,733.82 $201,666.70 $191,426.23 $207,833.98 $399,260.21 $1,343,124.04 $25.00 $503,809.56 $1,846,958.60 $415,317.77 $184,910.55 $10,430.75 $521,650.31 $1,122,830.17 $1.00 $229,607.37 $248,568.82 $478,176.19 $149,568.85 $534,510.15 $684,079.00 -$213,100.47 $566,488.14 $662,694.05 $1,229,182.19 $660.83 $217.88 $8,969,281.91 Caledonia Township Oct 15 CD Report Fund Financial Institution 101-General Fund United Bank Fund Total 207-ES Capital Replacemt Mercantile Bank Fund Total 246-Twp Imp Rev Fund First Natl Bk of America Consumers Credit Union Fund Total 856-NW Water Huntington Bank Fund Total 860-2003 Cap Imp Bond Hastings City Bank Comerica Bank United Bank United Bank Fund Total 886-NW Sewer Mercantile Bank Old National Bank Flagstar Bank Commercial Bank Fund Total Total Funds CD's Balance Interest Rate Maturity Date 0.45% 3/19/16 $ $ 0.40% 8/4/16 $ $ 0.70% 6/9/16 $ 1.49% 7/15/16 $ $ 0.30% 6/6/16 $ $ 0.18% 9/22/16 $ 0.20% 5/31/16 $ 0.45% 7/3/16 $ 0.45% 2/21/16 $ $ 0.54% 12/1/15 $ 0.30% 10/2/15 $ 0.50% 3/7/16 $ 0.15% 11/27/15 $ $ Amount 245,000.00 245,000.00 207,833.98 207,833.98 253,809.56 250,000.00 503,809.56 248,568.82 248,568.82 146,549.88 187,960.27 100,000.00 100,000.00 534,510.15 145,611.12 261,863.39 255,219.54 662,694.05 $ 2,402,416.56 October 2015 Building Department Report Building permits issued Category Revenue 7 New Residential $ 3,730.00 0 Addition $ 0 Alteration (remodel) $ 5 Garage / Pole Barn $ 1,115.00 3 Pool $ 650.00 Deck 1 Roof / Siding $ 105.00 1 Mobile Home $ 105.00 1 Commercial $ 230.00 0 Industrial $ 1 Sign $ 328.50 4 Demolition $ 479.60 12 Electrical permits $ 1,725.00 28 Mechanical permit $ 3,070.00 13 Plumbing permits $ 1,665.00 8 Registration $ 120.00 Additional Insp fees $ 51.00 0 Refund $ 84 Totals $ 13,374.10 Certificate of Occupancy Permits Issued 11 Total # of CO's issued Inspections Dan Heyer Gary Campbell Jim Spaak Ken Davis Mike Andrews Vic Spaanstra Totals 33 34 134 41 0 0 242 September 2015 Caledonia Township Water and Wastewater Maintenance Budgets Date M-37 Sewer Collection and Campau/Kettle Sewer Systems Caledonia Water System CAL302 CAL304 September 2015 September 1, 2015 Beginning Balance: $16,681.37 September 1, 2015 Beginning Balance: $21,319.20 Village Hardware - Stainless Supplies and Fasteners for Digester Airline Replacement at the Campau WWTP (280.38) Village Hardware - Combination Hygrometer and Thermometer for the South Water Plant ($31.79) Village Hardware - Campau WWTP Cleaning Supplies, Rope, Replacement Broom (57.51) Village Hardware - (4) Muriatic Acid for Injection Quill Cleaning and (4) Tubing Couplers ($45.74) Amazon / Internet Security Systems - Replacement Mission Telemetry Batteries for the remaining Batteries in the M37 Collection System, Campau Collection System, Campau WWTP, Alarm Backup Batteries in the Dujunado, Campau Heaven, and Grinder #62 (328.30) Fasteners Inc. - Stainless Steel Strut for the Campau WWTP Digester Airline Replacement (215.18) Etna Supply - Pipe, Mechanical Flanges, SS Threaded Rod for the Campau WWTP Digester Airline Replacement (269.24) Grandtech - Campau WWTP, Middle Rapid Infiltration Bed Actuator Repairs Grandtech - Jasonville Lift Station, Replace Contacts on both Pumps Motor Starters Grandtech - Kettle Lake Lift Station, Pull 18hp Pumps with Hydraulic Crane with Outriggers, Inspect Pump Mounts and Check Valves Plummer's Environmental - Campau WWTP Sludge Removal for Airline Replacement AAA Fence - Fence Gate Relocation at the Kraft Avenue Lift Station (lowest of 3 proposals) (1,788.75) Corrpro - Annual Inspection of the Cathodic Protection on the ($1,370.00) North and South Water Towers Etna Supply - 2.5" Fitting for Fire Hydrant Flushing ($43.99) Lee's Trenching - Water Service Curbstop Replacement at ($2,073.90) 7881 Golf Point Drive Peerless Midwest - Annual Efficiency testing of the (6) Production Wells located at the North and South Water ($1,230.00) Plants USA BlueBook - Valve Box Cleaning Tool Replacement Blades ($75.91) (698.10) (1,229.50) (630.00) (1,061.00) Monthly Totals Total for Month ($6,557.96) Total for Month ($4,871.33) Budget Bal. YTD* M-37 Sewer Collection and Campau/Kettle Sewer $10,123.41 Systems: Caledonia Water System: $16,447.87 * Denotes remaining balance for the particular budget for contract year of January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015. Revised: 11/10/2015 ………………………………………….. November 10, 2015 Caledonia Township 8196 Broadmoor Avenue SE Caledonia, MI 49316 Caledonia Township Water and Wastewater Utilities Report October 2015 Caledonia Township Board, Attached please find the Caledonia Township’s Water and Wastewater Utilities Report for October 2015 and the maintenance budget expenses and totals for September 2015. As always I would be happy to elaborate on any of the submitted information or provide any additional information that would assist the township board. If there are any questions or clarifications please do not hesitate in contacting me. Sincerely, Ryan Moseley Infrastructure Alternatives Caledonia Township Water/Wastewater Utilities Attachments: September 2015 Maintenance Budget Page 1 of 5 ………………………………………….. Caledonia Township Water System Executive Summary: The North Water Treatment Plant produced 0.114 Million gallons of water for the month of October with the South Water Treatment Plant producing 12.714 Million gallons of water for the month of October. The combined production total for the month of October was 12.828 Million gallons of water. Both plants and the distribution system were checked daily during the month for proper equipment operation, water quality, and the required preventative maintenance tasks. The Monthly Operations Report (MOR) for October 2015 was filed on time with the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ). New-Construction: • Performed one (1) water installation inspection(s) for the month of October. • Performed thirty two (32) MISSDIGS for the month of October. • Performed five (5) water meter radio remote installation(s) for the month of October. • Performed three (3) water meter repair(s) for the month of October. Emergency Call-Outs: • October 27, 2015 (11:08 pm): Emergency miss dig locate request for 5318 68th Street. Miss Dig was advised the area was already marked due to the ongoing fiber optic installation in the area along 68th Street. Preventative Maintenance: • All scheduled maintenance has been performed. A report can be made available upon request. • October 2015: IA staff completed the annual service on the generators located at the South and North Water Plants. The service includes oil/filter change and fuel filters (as applicable). • October 19, 2015: The fire hydrant inspection and winterization began for 2015. Each hydrant is inspected, documented, and pumped out. Pending Projects: • SEMS Software integration Page 2 of 5 ………………………………………….. General Operation Information / Housekeeping: • October 2015: IA staff completed the third quarter water meter reading. • The graph below demonstrates the Caledonia Township’s annual water production from both north and south water plants. During the year of 2012 water production set a new precedent at 208.073 Million Gallons (MG). The total water production for 2014 was 178.260 MG which is a 0.55% decrease from 2013. The max daily demand record of 1.918 MG took place on Saturday, October 14, 2012. Page 3 of 5 ………………………………………….. Caledonia Township M-37 Wastewater Collection System Executive Summary: The lift stations were checked weekly for general operation which includes: recording the pump run-times, manually exercising each pump to check for proper operation and “scrubbing” of the force main, and visually observing the lift station level and general condition. In addition to the weekly rounds all lift stations were also checked on a monthly basis for the following: alarm dialer operation, manually operation of all lift station floats, and performing amp draws on each lift station’s pumps. New-Construction: • Performed zero (0) sewer installation inspections for the month of October. • Performed seventeen (17) MISSDIGS for the month of October. Emergency Call-Outs: • October 27, 2015 (11:08 pm): Emergency miss dig locate request for 5318 68th Street. Miss Dig was advised the area was already marked due to the ongoing fiber optic installation in the area along 68th Street. Preventative Maintenance: • All scheduled maintenance has been performed. A report can be made available upon request. • October 7, 2015: Following the routine monthly testing of the Jasonville Lift Station Generator, the unit failed to transfer back to line power. Michigan Critical Power was contacted and repaired the transfer switch. • October 2015: The Mission Telemetry unit was removed from the Patterson Lift Station, following the shut down, and relocated to the metering panel. The unit now records flow data from the northwest sanitary collection system at the City of Grand Rapids metering station. • October 2015: IA staff completed the annual service on the generators located at the Jasonville, 68th Apartments, and Patterson Lift Stations. The service includes oil/filter change and fuel filters (as applicable). Pending Projects: • SEMS Software integration • Relocation of the Patterson Generator to the Cherry Valley Lift Station Page 4 of 5 ………………………………………….. Caledonia Township Campau/Kettle Lake Sewer System Executive Summary: The wastewater treatment plant was checked on a daily basis for proper operation of equipment and system performance. All preventative maintenance tasks required for the month of October have been completed. The lift stations were checked weekly for general operation which includes: recording the pump run-times, manually exercising each pump to check for proper operation and “scrubbing” of the force main, and visually observing the lift station level and general condition. In addition to the weekly rounds all lift stations were also checked on a monthly basis for the following: alarm dialer operation, manually operation of all lift station floats, and performing amp draws on every pump. The monthly Compliance Monitoring Report (CMR) for October 2015 was filed on time with the MDEQ. The physical year 2015 Biosolids annual report was submitted to the MDEQ. There was 1.721 Million Gallons (MG) discharged from the WWTF throughout the month of October. New Construction: • Performed two (2) sewer inspection(s) for the month of October. • Performed six (6) MISSDIGS for the month of October. Emergency Call-Outs: • October 4, 2015 (Sunday 8:35 pm – 10:45 pm): High level call for the grinder station at 6624 Jack. IA staff responded and found the grinder station not operating. The grinder basin was pumped down in the manual position. The automatic controls were tested and found not operating correct. An electrician was contacted to troubleshoot the control panel on Monday morning, October 5. The 50 amp disconnect circuit breaker was found faulty and replaced. • October 10, 2015 (Saturday 7:11 pm – 9:20 pm): Power outage call from the Blackstone Lift Station. IA staff arrived onsite with a portable generator but found the power was on to the station. The variable frequency drive (VFD) for pump #1 was found failed causing multiple circuit breakers to trip. Pump #2 was placed in the lead position and the circuit breakers were reset. An electrician was onsite the following week and replaced the failed VFD for pump #1. No sewer backups or overflows were experienced before, during, or after the VFD failure. • October 13, 2015: Call from the resident at 7197 McCords Avenue regarding a wet spot near their grinder basin. IA staff arrived onsite and determined there was a leak on the force main connected to the basin. The force main was hand shoveled and repaired with piping and fittings kept in inventory at the Campau WWTP. The sanitary sewer overflow was reported to the appropriate agencies verbally and with the required formal report on time. • October 18, 2015 (Sunday 5:34 pm – 8:30 pm): High level call for the grinder station at 6625 Jack. IA staff arrived onsite and found the station’s level control floats faulty. Both of the floats were replaced and the station continued in normal operation. Preventative Maintenance: • All scheduled maintenance has been performed. A report can be made available upon request. • October 2015: IA staff completed the annual service on the generators located at the Campau WWTP. The service includes oil/filter change and fuel filters. Pending Projects: • Fourth quarter monitoring well sampling • SEMS Software integration Page 5 of 5 CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CALEDONIA COUNTY OF KENT, MICHIGAN At a regular meeting of the Township Board of the Charter Township of Caledonia, held at the Township Hall, 8196 Broadmoor Avenue, Caledonia, Michigan, on the 18th day of November, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. PRESENT: ABSENT: The following preamble and resolution were offered by Member _______________ and seconded by Member _________________: RESOLUTION NO. __ RESOLUTION TO APPROVE INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES TAX EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE FOR PLANT REHABILITATION DISTRICT [George Koch Sons, LLC – Plant Rehabilitation District No. 1 (5041 68th St. SE)] WHEREAS, the Township Board adopted a resolution on April 18, 2015, establishing a plant rehabilitation district under the terms of the Michigan Plant Rehabilitation and Industrial Development Districts Act, being Act 198 of the Public Acts of Michigan of 1974, as amended, known as the “Plant Rehabilitation District No. 1 (5041 68th St. SE)” (the “District”); WHEREAS, George Koch Sons, LLC (the “Company”), proposes to construct a replacement facility of obsolete industrial property, consisting of certain building improvements (the “Facility”) on certain real property located within the District (the “Real Property”) and to furnish the Facility with certain personal property; WHEREAS, the Company has submitted an application for an Industrial Facilities Tax Exemption Certificate under the terms of said Act 198, with respect to the Real Property and the {01815623 1 } proposed Facility and certain machinery equipment, furniture and fixtures (the “Personal Property”), all to be located on the lands described on Exhibit A of this resolution; WHEREAS, the Company has submitted a tax abatement agreement to the Township, in the form on file with the Township Clerk (the “Agreement”), which sets forth certain terms and conditions for the grant of the tax abatement by the Township; WHEREAS, the Township Board has held a public hearing on the application for the Industrial Facilities Tax Exemption Certificate, after the providing of notice to the applicant, the Township assessor and to the legislative bodies of the affected taxing units, as required by law; and WHEREAS, the Township Board desires to approve the application for the Industrial Facilities Tax Exemption Certificate and the Agreement for the Facility and applicable Real Property and Personal Property located within the District upon certain terms and conditions. IT IS THEREFORE RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Township Board hereby approves the application of George Koch Sons, LLC, for an Industrial Facilities Tax Exemption Certificate for the Facility, upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this resolution. 2. The Township Board approves the Industrial Facilities Tax Exemption Certificate for the Real Property, Facility and the Personal Property described on the Company’s application, all to be constructed, furnished and used on the Real Property described in Exhibit A of this resolution. The Company’s application, dated October 15, 2015, is included in this resolution by reference, to the extent of the Facility and the described Personal Property that are lawfully subject to an Industrial Facilities Tax Exemption Certificate under the terms of Act 198. The Facility and Real Property and the specified Personal Property that are described on the application are summarized on Exhibit B of this resolution. {01815623 1 } 2 3. The Industrial Facilities Tax Exemption Certificate is approved for the Real Property and Personal Property specified in the application, subject to the provisions of Act 198, as follows: (a) Real Property consisting of the demolition of 39,000 square feet of the existing 87,000 square foot building and rebuilding of the 39,000 square foot portion, including 12,000 square feet of new, two-story space for manufacturing purposes located at 5041 68th Street SE, Caledonia, MI 49316 – for a period of 10 years, commencing December 31, 2015 (or such date as determined by the State Tax Commission), based upon applicable value as of December 31, 2014. (b) Personal property consisting of industrial and related machinery, equipment, furniture and fixtures, more fully described in the application – for a period of eight years, commencing on December 31, 2015 (or such date as determined by the State Tax Commission), based upon applicable value as of December 31, 2014. 4. The Township Board finds and determines that the granting of the Industrial Facilities Tax Exemption Certificate, considered together with the aggregate amount of industrial facilities exemption certificates previously granted and currently in force, if any, will not have the effect of substantially impeding the operation of the Charter Township of Caledonia or of impairing the financial soundness of the Township. The state equalized valuation of the property proposed to be exempt pursuant to the application, considered together with the aggregate state equalized value of property exempt under certificates previously granted and currently in force, if any, does not exceed 5% of the state equalized valuation of the Township. 5. The Township Board determines that the Real Property and the proposed Facility will be located in the District, which is a Plant Rehabilitation District that was duly established in the Charter Township of Caledonia by resolution adopted by the Township Board on April 18, 2015, and that the District was established before the commencement of the construction of the facility. {01815623 1 } 3 6. The Township Board determines that the commencement of the rehabilitation of the Facility occurred not earlier than six months before the filing of the application for the Industrial Facilities Exemption Certificate. 7. The Township Board finds that the Company’s application relates to construction which when completed will constitute a replacement facility for obsolete property within the meaning of Act 198. 8. The Township Board finds that completion of the Company’s industrial facility is calculated to, and will at the time of issuance of the certificate, be reasonably likely to create employment, retain employment or prevent a loss of employment in the Charter Township of Caledonia. 9. The Township Board finds that the proposed Facility, more fully described in the Company’s application, would not be a speculative building within the meaning of Act 198. 10. The Township Clerk is directed to forward the Company’s application to the Michigan Tax Commission within 60 days after the adoption of this resolution. The Clerk is further directed to provide the additional information concerning local government action as is called for in the Local Government Action and Certification portion of the Act 198 application for Industrial Facilities Tax Exemption Certificate, and to sign the certificate and provide other Township information as required by Act 198. 11. The Township Board hereby approves the Agreement in the form on file with the Township Clerk and the Township Supervisor and Township Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver the Agreement on behalf of the Township. AYES: NAYS: {01815623 1 } 4 RESOLUTION DECLARED ADOPTED. ____________________________________ Jennifer Venema, Township Clerk I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Township Board of the Charter Township of Caledonia at a regular meeting thereof held on the date first stated above, and I further certify that public notice of such meeting was given as provided by law. __________________________________________ Jennifer Venema, Township Clerk {01815623 1 } 5 EXHIBIT A Legal description of property of George Koch Sons, LLC at 5041 68th St. SE, Caledonia, MI 49316 located within Plant Rehabilitation District No. 1 (5041 68th St. SE) District No. 2: PART OF E1/2 SWFRL 1/4 COM 669.92 FT N 89D 56M 52S W ALONG S SEC LINE FROM S 1/4 COR TH N 89D 56M 52S W ALONG S SEC LINE 368.08 FT TH N 0D 03M 08S E 222.0 FT TH S 89D 56M 52S E 42.0 FT TH N 0D 03M 08S E 602.27 FT TH S 89D 56M 52S E 315.0 FT TH S 0D 03M 08S W 506.98 FT TH SLY 211.69 FT ALONG A 4043.0 FT RAD CURVE TO LT /LONG CHORD BEARS S 1D 26M 52S E 211.67 FT/ TH S 2D 56M 52S E 105.84 FT TO BEG * SEC 6 T5N R10W. (6.20 Acres) Parcel No. 41-23-06-300-030 {01815623 1 } A-1 EXHIBIT B Application of George Koch Sons, LLC for Industrial Facilities Tax Exemption Certificate for building improvements and certain personal property to be located at 5041 68th Street SE within the Plant Rehabilitation District No. 1 (5041 68th Street SE), as follows: 1. Real Property consisting of the demolition of 39,000 square feet of the existing 87,000 square foot building and rebuilding of the 39,000 square foot portion, including 12,000 square feet of new, two-story space for manufacturing purposes located at 5041 68th Street SE, Caledonia, MI 49316 – for a period of 10 years, commencing December 31, 2015 (or such date as determined by the State Tax Commission), based upon applicable value as of December 31, 2014. The total value of such building improvements (excluding the cost of land) is $2,708,285.00, which the applicant has requested be subject to property tax abatement. 2. Personal property consisting of machinery, equipment, furniture and fixtures more fully described on the application of George Koch Sons, LLC, and having a value of $1,462,000, which the applicant has also requested be subject to property tax abatement. Accordingly, the total of the real property value and the personal property value subject to property tax abatement as requested on the George Koch Sons, LLC, application is $4,170,285.00. {01815623 1 } B-1 AGREEMENT BETWEEN GEORGE KOCH SONS, LLC AND THE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CALEDONIA CONCERNING INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE FOR PLANT REHABILITATION DISTRICT FOR 5041 68TH STREET SE THIS AGREEMENT made this 18th day of November, 2015, by and between George Koch Sons, LLC (the “Company”) and the Charter Township of Caledonia, a Michigan charter township, of 8196 Broadmoor Avenue, Caledonia, Michigan (the “Township”), for the purpose of fulfilling the requirements of Act 198 of the Public Acts of Michigan of 1974 as amended, and to specify the rights, duties and obligations of the respective parties concerning the Industrial Facilities Exemption Certificate for the Plant Rehabilitation District described on Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof. 1. Purpose and Representations. The Company has entered into this Agreement with the Township for the purpose of inducing the Township to grant an Industrial Facilities Exemption Certificate (the “Certificate”) for a replacement industrial facility located at 5041 68th Street SE (the “Facility”), described in an application that has been filed by the Company with the Township, pursuant to the Plant Rehabilitation and Industrial Development Districts Act, being Act 198 of 1974, as amended (the “Act”). (a) The Company acknowledges that as a prerequisite to obtaining the Certificate, the Company has made certain material representations to the Township in its application, including, but not limited to, the fact that not less than 50% of the SEV of the industrial property comprising the Facility is “obsolete” as that term is defined in the Act, upon which the Township has justifiably relied, and will continue to rely, and based upon which the Company may receive certain property tax abatements and other benefits to which it otherwise would not be entitled. (b) In consideration of receiving the Certificate, the Company agrees that should any of the material representations made by the Company be erroneous or should the Company fail to substantially perform any of its duties or obligations under the terms of this Agreement or with respect to the Certificate, the same shall constitute a breach of this Agreement, in which case the Township may in its discretion petition the State Tax Commission to revoke the Certificate. 2. Investment. The Company represents that it will, with respect to the Facility, and subject to suitable allowance for depreciation and decrease in market value during the entire period of the tax abatement approved by the Township, invest and maintain not less than $2,708,285.00 in building improvements and $1,462,000.00 in personal property in the Township. 3. Employment. The Company further represents that it will, commencing not more than two (2) years after the Facility is completed, provide and maintain employment for the {01815759 1 } equivalent of 6 new jobs and that, as a result of the requested abatement, 69 existing jobs will be retained by the Company. 4. Local Hiring. When hiring employees, the Company shall make a good-faith effort to hire employees residing in the Township and in the immediately surrounding area; provided, however, that this provision shall not require the Company to take any action in violation of applicable employment-related laws or requirements, and the Company retains the right to hire the most qualified employees as permitted under applicable law, without regard to place of residence. 5. Operation of Facility. The Company agrees to operate the Facility for which tax abatement has been requested for the entire period of the tax abatement. If, in the sole judgment of the Township, the Company has taken action which constitutes relocation of more than an insubstantial part of its Facility to another jurisdiction, or closes more than an insubstantial part of the Facility, or files a petition for bankruptcy under the Federal Bankruptcy Cody prior to expiration of the tax abatement, then the Company shall reimburse all affected taxing units a portion of the difference between the taxes which were paid, and the those which would have been paid but for the tax abatement, in accordance with the following schedule: Years After Certificate is Issued in which Real Property Use is Discontinued Percentage of Real Property Tax Abatement to be Repaid On any day… First year through last day of third year Fourth year through last day of Eighth year Ninth year through last day of Tenth year 100% 50% 0% Years After Certificate is Issued in which Personal Property Use is Discontinued Percentage of Personal Property Tax Abatement to be Repaid On any day … First year through last day of third year Fourth year through last day of Sixth year Seventh year through last day of Eighth year 100% 50% 0% If the Company fails to make such repayment to the Township, upon demand, the Township may collect the abated taxes in the manner provided by the Act for the collection of delinquent industrial facilities taxes, or in any other manner permitted by law. Furthermore, should Company file a petition for bankruptcy under the Federal Bankruptcy Code, Company acknowledges and agrees that the Township may make a claim for any taxes abated by this Agreement as set forth in this paragraph. 6. Annual Report. The Company shall submit to the Township Supervisor, with copy to the Township Manager (if any), during the term of the Certificate, an annual status report, summarizing activity with respect to the Facility as of the end of each calendar year. Such report shall be submitted not later than April 15 of each subsequent year. The report shall include, among other matters, the actual number of jobs created or retained as of December 31 of the preceding year, {01815759 1 } 2 and shall also include such other information as is reasonably requested by the Township to verify continued compliance with this Agreement. 7. Compliance with Laws. The Company shall comply with all applicable federal, state and township laws, regulations, codes, ordinances and rules, together with any environmental enforcement requirements, during the entire period for which the Certificate is granted. 8. Payment of Taxes. The Company shall timely pay when due all taxes and special assessments set forth on the regular ad valorem tax roll, or otherwise, and levied upon the Facility, throughout the term of the Certificate. 9. Completion of Facility. Not later than 90 days following completion of the Facility, the Company shall provide to the Township certification of all amounts spent on the Facility, shall provide the Township with a written appraisal of the property, and shall certify to the Township the number of employees then employed at the Facility. 10. Notice to Township. The Company shall give the Township at least sixty (60) days written notice of any of the following: (a) The closing of the Facility or any part thereof; (b) The sale or removal of any equipment subject to the Certificate; (c) The sale, transfer, merger or other reorganization of the Company; or (d) Filing of any petition with the Federal Bankruptcy Court. This Agreement shall become effective upon the issuance of a Certificate by the Michigan State Tax Commission, but shall not be effective should the State Tax Commission fail to issue a Certificate. Upon the expiration of a Certificate, this Agreement shall be of no further effect, except to the extent necessary to enable the parties to enforce its provisions. 11. Other Matters. The remedies stated in this Agreement are in addition to those provided by Act 198. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties with regard to the subject matter hereof; it may be amended only in writing signed on behalf of the Company and the Township, and approved by resolution of the Township Board. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. 12. Severability. In case any one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement or any document, instrument or agreement required hereunder should be declared invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions contained herein or therein shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby. 13. Governing Law. This Agreement and the rights and obligations of the parties under this Agreement shall be governed by, and construed and interpreted in accordance with, the laws of the State of Michigan and any actions commenced under this Agreement. {01815759 1 } 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have signed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. GEORGE KOCH SONS, LLC By: CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CALEDONIA By: Bryan Harrison, Township Supervisor By: Jennifer Venema, Township Clerk {01815759 1 } 4 EXHIBIT A This Agreement covers and pertains to a Facility located in the Charter Township of Caledonia at 5041 68th Street SE, within the Plant Rehabilitation District No. 1 and described as follows: PART OF E1/2 SWFRL 1/4 COM 669.92 FT N 89D 56M 52S W ALONG S SEC LINE FROM S 1/4 COR TH N 89D 56M 52S W ALONG S SEC LINE 368.08 FT TH N 0D 03M 08S E 222.0 FT TH S 89D 56M 52S E 42.0 FT TH N 0D 03M 08S E 602.27 FT TH S 89D 56M 52S E 315.0 FT TH S 0D 03M 08S W 506.98 FT TH SLY 211.69 FT ALONG A 4043.0 FT RAD CURVE TO LT /LONG CHORD BEARS S 1D 26M 52S E 211.67 FT/ TH S 2D 56M 52S E 105.84 FT TO BEG * SEC 6 T5N R10W. 6.20 Acres Permanent Parcel No. 41-23-06-300-030 {01815759 1 } A-1 Resolution No. R2015 - ___ CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CALEDONIA COUNTY OF KENT, MICHIGAN At a regular meeting of the Charter Township of Caledonia Board of Trustees, held at the Township Hall, 8196 Broadmoor Ave, Caledonia, Michigan, on the 18th day of November, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. PRESENT: ABSENT: The following resolution was offered by _____________ and seconded by __________. RESOLUTION TO ESTABLISH THE TOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR’S ANNUAL SALARY WHEREAS, according to MCL 41.95(3), in a township that does not hold an annual meeting, the salary for the officers composing the township board shall be determined by the township board, and WHEREAS, the township board deems that no adjustment in the salary of the Supervisor is warranted NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that as of January 1, 2016, the salary of the office of Supervisor shall be as follows: Supervisor: $28,785.00 AYES: NAYS: RESOLUTION DECLARED ADOPTED. ____________________ Jennifer Venema Caledonia Charter Township Clerk I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of a Resolution adopted by Resolution No. R2015 - ___ the Township Board of the Charter Township of Caledonia at a regular meeting held on the date first stated above, and I further certify that public notice of such meeting was given as provided by law. _____________________ Jennifer Venema Caledonia Charter Township Clerk Resolution No. R2015 - ___ CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CALEDONIA COUNTY OF KENT, MICHIGAN At a regular meeting of the Charter Township of Caledonia Board of Trustees, held at the Township Hall, 8196 Broadmoor Ave, Caledonia, Michigan, on the 18th day of November, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. PRESENT: ABSENT: The following resolution was offered by __________ and seconded by ___________. RESOLUTION TO ESTABLISH THE TOWNSHIP TREASURER’S ANNUAL SALARY WHEREAS, according to MCL 41.95(3), in a township that does not hold an annual meeting, the salary for the officers composing the township board shall be determined by the township board, and WHEREAS, the township board deems that no adjustment in the salary of the Treasurer is warranted NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that as of January 1, 2016, the salary of the office of Treasurer shall be as follows: Treasurer: $39,979.00 AYES: NAYS: RESOLUTION DECLARED ADOPTED. ____________________ Jennifer Venema Caledonia Charter Township Clerk Resolution No. R2015 - ___ I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of a Resolution adopted by the Township Board of the Charter Township of Caledonia at a regular meeting held on the date first stated above, and I further certify that public notice of such meeting was given as provided by law. _____________________ Jennifer Venema Caledonia Charter Township Clerk Resolution No. R2015 - ___ CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CALEDONIA COUNTY OF KENT, MICHIGAN At a regular meeting of the Charter Township of Caledonia Board of Trustees, held at the Township Hall, 8196 Broadmoor Ave, Caledonia, Michigan, on the 18th day of November, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. PRESENT: ABSENT: The following resolution was offered by __________ and seconded by ___________. RESOLUTION TO ESTABLISH THE TOWNSHIP CLERK’S ANNUAL SALARY WHEREAS, according to MCL 41.95(3), in a township that does not hold an annual meeting, the salary for the officers composing the township board shall be determined by the township board, and WHEREAS, the township board deems that no adjustment in the salary of the Clerk is warranted NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that as of January 1, 2016, the salary of the office of Clerk shall be as follows: Clerk: $54,254.00 AYES: NAYS: RESOLUTION DECLARED ADOPTED. ____________________ Jennifer Venema Caledonia Charter Township Clerk I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of a Resolution adopted by the Township Board of the Charter Township of Caledonia at a regular meeting held on Resolution No. R2015 - ___ the date first stated above, and I further certify that public notice of such meeting was given as provided by law. _____________________ Jennifer Venema Caledonia Charter Township Clerk Resolution No. R2015 - ___ CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CALEDONIA COUNTY OF KENT, MICHIGAN At a regular meeting of the Charter Township of Caledonia Board of Trustees, held at the Township Hall, 8196 Broadmoor Ave, Caledonia, Michigan, on the 18th day of November, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. PRESENT: ABSENT: The following resolution was offered by Harrison and seconded by Venema. RESOLUTION TO ESTABLISH THE TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE’S ANNUAL SALARY WHEREAS, according to MCL 41.95(3), in a township that does not hold an annual meeting, the salary for the officers composing the township board shall be determined by the township board, and WHEREAS, the township board deems that no adjustment in the salary of the Trustees is warranted NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that as of January 1, 2016, the salary of the office of Trustee shall be as follows: Trustee: $4,064.00 AYES: NAYS: RESOLUTION DECLARED ADOPTED. ____________________ Jennifer Venema Caledonia Charter Township Clerk I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of a Resolution adopted by Resolution No. R2015 - ___ the Township Board of the Charter Township of Caledonia at a regular meeting held on the date first stated above, and I further certify that public notice of such meeting was given as provided by law. _____________________ Jennifer Venema Caledonia Charter Township Clerk Resolution No. R2015-___ CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CALEDONIA COUNTY OF KENT, MICHIGAN At a regular meeting of the Township Board of the Charter Township of Caledonia, held at the Caledonia Township Hall, 8196 Broadmoor Avenue SE, Caledonia, Michigan, on the 18th day of November, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. PRESENT: ABSENT: The following preamble and resolution were offered by ________ and seconded by _____________. RESOLUTION APPROVING ANNUAL TOWNSHIP BUDGET FOR 2016 AND DETERMINING TENTATIVE PROPERTY TAX RATES FOR SUPPORT OF BUDGET WHEREAS, the Uniform Budgeting and Accounting Act, Public Act 2 of 1968, as amended by Public Act 621 of 1978, requires that the Township adopt an annual budget, after public hearing; WHEREAS, the Township Board has convened a public hearing on the proposed Charter Township of Caledonia budget for fiscal year 2016, after the publication of public notice as required by law; WHEREAS, the published notice of the Township Board public hearing on the annual budget stated that the Township property tax millage rates proposed to be levied to support the proposed budget would be the subject of the budget hearing; Resolution No. R2015-___ WHEREAS, on August 7, 2012, the Township electorate approved by majority vote a six-year renewal of the Township’s specially voted law enforcement and fire department millage, at the rate of 1.5 mils, but such rate being subject to Headlee Amendment reductions as required by law; and WHEREAS, on May 5, 2009, the Township electorate approved by majority vote a 21year millage, at a rate of up to .3797 mill, to finance the cost of a new Township library, such millage being subject to reduction as required by law; and WHEREAS, the Township Board has reviewed the proposed annual budget for fiscal year 2016, has considered the appropriate rates of ad valorem property tax necessary to support the budget and has considered comments on these and related matters made at the public hearing; IT IS, THEREFORE, RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Township Board hereby adopts the Charter Township of Caledonia budget for fiscal year 2016, being the fiscal year commencing January 1, 2016 and ending December 31, 2016. 2. The Township Board hereby tentatively approves the levy of, and shall collect, general as valorem property tax on all real and personal property within the Township upon the property tax assessment roll, except property exempt from taxation, at the rates indicated below, or at such reduced millage rates(s) as may be required by operation of law: Allocated operating millage - 0.6962 mill Specially-voted law enforcement And Fire Department millage - 1.5000 mills Specially-voted Library millage - 0.0000mills - 2.1962mills Total (subject to 2016 reductions by law) Resolution No. R2015-___ 3. The Township ad valorem property tax rates stated above shall be subject to final determination and adjustment by the Township Board, following any Headlee Amendment reduction or such other reduction as may be required by law for the Township 2016 tax rates. 4. Township expenditures pursuant to the annual budget, any amendments in the budget, the transfer of funds thereunder and other matters pertaining to township financial operations pursuant to the budget shall be subject to applicable provisions of the Uniform Budgeting and Accounting Act. AYES: NAYS: RESOLUTION DECLARED ADOPTED. __________________________________________ Jennifer Venema, Township Clerk CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CALEDONIA COUNTY OF KENT, MICHIGAN At a regular meeting of the Township Board of the Charter Township of Caledonia (the Township”), held at the Township HaIl, 8196 Broadmoor Ave SE, Caledonia, Michigan, on the 18th day of November, 2015, at 7:00 PRESENT: p.m., Local Time. Members: Members: ABSENT: The following resolution was offered by Member and supported by Member RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AND AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF COMBINED CALEDONIA SEWER SYSTEM CONTRACT WHEREAS, a proposed Combined Caledonia Sewer System Contract (the “Contract”) by and between the Village of Caledonia (the “Village”) and the Charter Township of Caledonia (the “Township”) setting forth the terms and conditions for the combination of the Village Sewer System, the M-37 Sewer System and the Campau/Kettle Lake Sewer System (as each are defined in the Contract) into a single sewer system to be administered, operated and maintained by the Township, has been provided to this Township Board in the form attached hereto as Attachment 1. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Contract, together with all terms and conditions set forth therein, is hereby approved in the form attached hereto as Attachment 1 and the Township Supervisor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver the same on behalf of the Township 01824014 1 with such immaterial additions and deletions as they together shall determine, with the assistance of Township legal counsel, to be in the best interest of the Township. The Township hereby waives, in accordance with Paragraph 1 Dc of the Contract, 2. the requirement for the annual meeting of the Joint Utility Committee to review the proposed budget and user rates prepared by the Township for calendar year 2016. All resolutions or portions thereof inconsistent with the provisions of this 3. Resolution are hereby rescinded. YEAS: Members: NAYS: Members: ABSENT: Members: RESOLUTION DECLARED ADOPTED. Jennifer Venema, Clerk Charter Township of Caledonia STATE OF MICHIGAN ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KENT ) I, Jennifer Venema, the duly qualified and acting Clerk of the Charter Township of Caledonia, Kent County, Michigan (the “Township”) do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Township Board at a regular meeting held on the 18th day of November, 2015, the original of which is on file in my office. Public notice of said meeting was given pursuant to and in compliance with Act No. 267, Public Acts of Michigan, 1976, as amended, including in the case of a special or rescheduled meeting, notice by publication or posting at least eighteen (18) hours prior to the time set for the meeting. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereto affixed my official signature this November, 2015. Jennifer Venema, Clerk Charter Township of Caledonia {01824014 I } day of