October 2015 Volume 28 Number 12
October 2015 Volume 28 Number 12
**********************************ECRWSS POSTAL CUSTOMER PRSRT STD US Postage PAID St. James NY Permit No. 10 Our Town S •T • J •A •M •E •S october 2015 Volume 28 Number 12 Keeping you up to date on SALES, HAPPENINGS & PEOPLE In Our Town - St. James PUBLISHED MONTHLY St. James Day 2015 Coverage begins on page 99 –2– FALL CLEANUPS & HOLIDAY LIGHTING FREE T ES OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 ES T A IM –3– Our Town S• T • J •A •M •E •S StAFF Ruth Garthe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Editor Robin Clark . . . . . .Associate Editor Elizabeth Isabelle . . Feature Writer William Garthe . . . . . . . Advertising Sales OUR TOWN – ST. JAMES – is a monthly publication produced exclusively for the people of St. James, Nissequogue and Head of the Harbor, L.I., N.Y. Call 862-9849 for Advertising & Copy Deadline OUR TOWN is mailed directly to every residence & business in the 11780 zip code area (6459 total copies mailed) St. James Post Office Permit #10 St. James, NY 11780 Published by Graphics du jour, Ltd. 359 Lake Ave., St. James, NY 11780 631-862-9849 / Fax: 631-862-9839 email: [email protected] website: www.ourtownstjames.com Not responsible for typographical errors. We reserve the right at our sole discretion to edit or refuse to print editorial or advertising material deemed detrimental to Our Town’s public image or unsuitable for its readers. Advertising is offered only to those who live in, or have a business in, St. James, Nissequogue or Head of the Harbor, or any business offering services not available in said area. Copyright © 2015 Graphics du jour, Ltd. All Rights Reserved I N T H I S I S S U E MERCHANT SPOTLIGHT The Crafter’s Table ..............................................4 AROUND TOWN Art Auction on November 6 ..............................6 Save-A-Pet Fundraiser ........................................6 Halloween Haunted Mansion at Deepwells ....8 57th Annual Holiday Tea & Sale ......................10 Vendor Event at Mills Hall ................................................................10 Fall Indoor Garage Sale ..................................................................12 Veteran’s Day Parade ....................................................................12 Art Gallery Celebrates 1st Year Anniversary ................................14 Annual Scandinavian Bazaar on November 14 ..........................14 IN THE NEWS Smithtown’s 350 Anniversary Parade ......................................18-24 David Fischler Receives Professional Re-designation.................. 26 Doubly Determined to Make a Difference .................................. 26 Smithtown’s 350 Anniversary Celebration Calendar .................. 28 Annual Taste of Smithtown Set for November 17 ........................ 30 Senior Citizens Department Seeking Talented Crafters .............. 32 Little Shelter’s 8th Annual Masquerade Ball ................................ 34 Food Pantry Donations .................................................................. 36 Should Women Serve in Combat Rolls? .................................. 38-39 HISTORICALLY SPEAKING .......................................................... 42-46 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Member Artist Showcase at Mills Pond House Gallery .............. 48 Mills Pond House Gallery Calendar of Events .............................. 50 On Stage at Smithtown Performing Arts Center .................... 52-53 Seiskaya Ballet’s Nutcracker at Staller Center ............................ 54 Long Island Museum Schedule ................................................ 56-60 Smithtown Historical Society Happenings .................................. 62 Programs Offered at the Library .............................................. 64-70 On Stage at Staller Center ............................................................ 71 IN THE SCHOOLS ........................................................................ 72-75 HOME & GARDEN Design Ideas .................................................................................... 76 Naturally Speaking .......................................................................... 78 MONEY MATTERS: Beware of Scary Inhabitants... ...................... 80 REALTY WISE: Perspectives on Real Estate .................................. 82 SCOUT NEWS................................................................................ 86-88 HEALTH NOTES Guard Your Happiness – Treat Hearing Loss ................................ 90 A Good Night Sleep... the Lost Art!................................................ 92 Ask Ron Villano ................................................................................ 94 POET’S CORNER ................................................................................ 96 ST. JAMES DAY 2015 ................................................................ 99-103 POSTAL CORNER ............................................................................ 104 33rd ANNUAL HALLOWEEN PARADE .......................................... 105 OBITUARIES...................................................................................... 106 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ............................................................ 108 DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS .............................................. 110-111 PLEASE NOTE: Advertising & Editorial Deadline for the NOVEMBER edition of OUR TOWN • ST. JAMES is THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2015 - 12 NOON. Distribution takes place on Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015. OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 –4– M E R C H A N T S P O T L I G H T The Crafter’s Table 529 Lake Avenue, St. James, NY 11780 631-584-3891 www.thecrafterstable.com you with your choice, but indiby Elizabeth Isabelle vidual creativity is encouraged! Are you looking for a new way Anne has taken care of everyto express your creativity? Welthing you need to ensure that come to The Crafter’s Table, St. your experience is a memorable James’ premiere arts and crafts one – ask any of the many deceramic studio. Create your very voted clients of the Studio. Once own masterpiece, relax and have you make your first piece, you fun with family, friends or just a will be back for more. “The little “me time!” Express your Crafter’s Table is a relaxed and artistic creativity on bisque or stress-free all inclusive studio. glass, the options are endless There is no sitting or studio fee. and the results are quite spectacThe studio carries over 700 items ular. Do you consider yourself of pottery for you to choose from artistically challenged? Make a and each class is designed to visit to The Crafter’s Table and help everyone make something discover the talent you never memorable, no matter what your knew you possessed, and the artistic ability is.” sheer joy of creating a beautiful The Crafter’s Table offers birthpiece of art, uniquely yours. day parties (children and adult), Owner Anne Carlin, is a CertiTeen Nights, Ladies Nights (bring fied Recreational Therapist and your own wine or beverage!) Ofwill guide you and/or your group fice Team Building, Corporate from start to finish. Begin by seEvents, Scout programs or take lecting a piece. This will take advantage of Date Night Drop some time as the options are Off! Let Anne custom tailor an plentiful. Teapots, mugs, serving afternoon or evening, to your vessels, whimsical pieces and of specifications, for an event to recourse, a piece for every season member. The Crafter’s Table is and holiday. Your artistic journey also the ideal spot for your next begins as Anne guides you fundraiser. through all the paints and mateGlass Fusion and Silk Screenrials available to you. Finished ing classes are also offered, pieces are on display to assist OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 check the website for dates and times. With the holidays fast approaching, what could be more wonderful then giving a personalized piece of art to family or friends. Give a one-of-a-kind gift this year. Enjoy the holidays – “skip the mall and make them all.” Stop in to The Crafter’s Table and see for yourself the unique and exquisite assortment of items that are limited only by your imagination. Don’t forget to ask about creative camps during school vacations and holidays – your children will thank you for it! Visit The Crafter’s Table comprehensive website at www.thecrafterstable.com or stop by the studio located at 529 Lake Avenue (across from the Gazebo) in the heart of St. James. Anne can be reached at 631-584-3891. Anne and The Crafter’s Studio wish their friends and families a beautiful Holiday Season and a lifetime of joy discovering the peace, harmony and happiness that comes with working creatively through art. –5– Start Your Holiday Shopping at our Indoor Pre-Holiday Craft Fair Saturday, November 14 & Sunday, November 15 10am-5pm In celebration of our 2nd Anniversary Whisper Vineyards invites you to our Indoor Pre-Holiday Craft Fair featuring Homemade & Unique Items Jewelry & Accessories • Clothing & Baby Items • Soaps & Scents One-of-a-Kind Domestic Items • Christmas Ornaments Too much to list! ReCeIVe A WHISPeR VIneyARDS DISCOUnT COUPOn with every craft fair purchase Visit our Tasting Room for Wine Gift Baskets, Accessories and Wine Specials 485 eD G eWO O D AV en U e • S A I n T JA m eS • n eW yO R K 11780 631.257.5222 W W W. W H I S P eRV I n e yA R D S. CO m O P en 7 DAy S A W eeK OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 –6– I N T H E N E W S Art Auction to Benefit Smithtown Cooperative Nursery School The Smithtown Cooperative Nursery School, located at 490 North Country Road in St. James, will host an ART AuCTiON on Friday, November 6, 2015 from 6-9 p.m. to benefit the school. The auction will be held by Marlin Fine Art with works by many artists with an array of styles and mediums.... something for everyone. Tickets, at $10 per person, will include a cocktail party with wine tastings offered from Whis- per Vineyards of St. James. For additional information contact Jane irvine at 516864-5856, [email protected] or Noelle Morrone at 631-974-1426, [email protected]. Save-A-Pet Fundraiser at the St. James Fire Department Smithtown East DECA and the St. James Fire Department Company 1 will sponsor a fundraiser for SAVE-A-PET ANiMAL RESCuE AND ADOPTiON on Friday, November 6, 2015 from 6-9 p.m. at the Fire House, 533 Route 25A, St. James. Tickets at $10 per person, include food, dessert, beverages and door prize raffle. There will be giveaways, raffles, door prizes and entertainment. To reserve tickets, make a donation or for additional information, call Jainee at 516-265-3042, email: [email protected] or visit their website at decasaveapet.weebly.com Janinee Gabrielsen, a senior at Smithtown High School East, is the current Community Service and Personal Relations Coordinator. Along with her title is the task of raising money for an organization in need. She chose Save-A-Pet.... please help her meet her goal. HOMESTEAD LANDSCAPING INC. SERVING THE NORTH SHORE FOR OVER TWENTY YEARS RESIDENTIAL MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS ALL PHASES OF DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION COMPUTER IMAGING PATRICK JOHNSTON 588-5296 LICENSED & INSURED OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 We are Thankful for our Veterans! Enjoy your Autumn! –7– We Are a Full Service Jewelry Store Specializing in Custom Design & Expert Jewelry Repair Gold • diamonds • s i lv e r • G e m s t o n e s ST. JAMES JEWELRY S H O P P E 483 lake Avenue, St. James, ny 11780 LENNY the Jeweler 40 yearS of experieNce 631-862-6775 www.stjamesjewelry.com Hours: Tuesday-Friday 10-5, Saturday 10-4 • Closed Sunday & monday OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 exPeRT JeWelRy RePAIR DOne On PRemISeS –8– I N T H E N E W S Halloween Haunted Mansion at Deepwells Farm County Park Get ready, get set... to scream on Saturday and Sunday, October 24, 25, 30, when the Deepwells Farm mansion will be transformed into a rEally scary haunted house. EntEr If you DarE! The house will be open on Saturday, October 24, 7-10 p.m.; Sunday, October 25 after the Halloween Parade from 3-6 p.m.; and on Friday, October 30, 7-10 p.m. Admission is FREE but donations are always appreciated. Proceeds go to the refurbishing of the Deepwells property. The house is located at the intersection of Route 25A and Moriches Road in St. James. There will also be a “safe” room for those who frighten easily. The event, sponsored by the Deepwells Farm Historical Society, with a little help from the St. James Chamber of Commerce, is sure to be a lot of fun. So get ready for a spook-talaur time. The house will be open after the St. James Chamber of Commerce’s Halloween Costume Parade on Sunday, October 25. The Parade takes place at 1 p.m. Lineup for the parade will be at Capital One Bank, on Woodlawn and Lake Avenues at 12:30 p.m. and will end at the St. James Gazebo at the railroad station for costume judging. Everyone is invited back to the Deepwells Haunted House after the Parade for a little screaming. For additional information on the Haunted House call Scott (Edward Jones) at 862-2020 or Denise (Artpix Studio) at 8622808, and for the Halloween Parade call Aimee (Saf-T-Swim) at 406-7316 or Ruth (Our Town) at 862-9849. See Us For All Home Repairs, Projects & Maintenance Professional • neat • ComPlete heading South for the Winter or Vacation? Reliable, Secure Storm se on Resp house WatChing serviCes SHRINk WRAPPINg • SNoW ReMovAl Selling Your home? We can perform a variety of Home Improvements to help sell your house for MORE! All Services Provided by Island Restoration & Property Management, Inc. A ComPlete Home CAre ComPAny Call RiCh 631-559-0408 liCenSed & inSured • liCenSe # 54892-H OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 Over 30 Years of Experience –9– MISSION STATEMENT TO LEAD THE INDUSTRY THROUGH THOUGHT LEADERSHIP, SERVICE EXCELLENCE, THE BEST TALENT AND CONTINUED COMMITMENT TO INNOVATION. CommiTTeD To a CulTuRe fouNDeD oN uNComPRomiSiNg PRofeSSioNaliSm, PRogReSSive ThiNkiNg, OUR VISION CORE VALUESaND SeRviCe exCelleNCe. TeamwoRk, emPoweRmeNT, muTual ReSPeCT, TRuST COMMITTED TO A CULTURE FOUNDED + To continue to be a trusted voice and ON UNCOMPROMISING demonstrate thought leadership in our industry + Innovation and encouragement to + To inform our customers and clients at any challenge the status quo PROFESSIONALISM, juncture of their real estate journey + Empowerment and nurturing of talent PROGRESSIVE THINKING, + To attract and employ the most talented + Open and consistent communication professionals TEAMWORK, EMPOWERMENT, + Teamwork and commitment to + To take a holistic approach by offering a MUTUAL RESPECT, TRUST one prestigious another representing long island's north shore luxury market comprehensive package of real estate services while achieving extraordinary results. AND SERVICE EXCELLENCE. + To deliver excellence in service + To lead in all markets we serve + To give back to the communities we service + Trust, integrity and commitment to the highest ethical standards Douglas Elliman Real Estate – 996 Jericho Turnpike Smithtown, NY 11787 631-697-0474 (cell) • 631-858-6955 (direct) [email protected] www.mariaorlandi.elliman.com ©2014 DOUGLAS ELLIMAN REAL ESTATE. ALL MATERIAL PRESENTED HEREIN IS INTENDED FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY. ©2014 Douglas Elliman REal EstatE. all matERial pREsEntED hERE in is intEnDED foR infoRmation puRposEs only. Equal housing oppoRtunity. U OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 10 – A R O U N D T O W N 57th Annual Holiday Tea & Sale Set for Saturday, November 21 The St. James united Meth-odist Church, located at 532 Moriches Road in St. James, will hold their 57th Annual Holiday Tea and Sale on Saturday, November 21, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Holiday crafts and gifts, cheese, apples, a Harvest Table, jams and preserves, pies, homemade fudge and chocolates, seasonal plants and decorations for your home will all be available for purchase. Back again will be the “Cookie Walk” – with a table of specially baked cookies all lined up, you pick what you want and pay by the pound. New this year will be a Silent Auction Basket Sale. Come and enjoy a traditional Silver Tea, featuring finger sandwiches, various hors d’oeuvres and a variety of homemade desserts. For additional information and directions, please call 584-5340. Vendor Event at Mills Hall to Benefit Special Connections A special vendor event will be held to benefit Special Connections, a group of special needs young adults 18 and up that meet each month at Mills Hall in St. James. The Vendor Event will take place on Saturday, November 14, 2015 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Mills Hall, adjacent to the St. James Episcopal Church, 490 North Country Road, St. James. There will be an array of vendors including Pampered Guests Wait Staff, Pampered Chef, Thirty One, Tupperware, Pink Zebra, Arbonne, Beachbody, Baskets by Betsy, Mary Kay, Tastefully Sim- ple, Young Living Essential Oils and more... along with raffle prizes. For additional information email: [email protected] or call Teri at 631-513-0706. P. DeBlasio Builders, Inc. F I N E H O M E S & R E N O V A T I O N S Proudly Serving Nassau & Suffolk Counties for Over 25 Years l New Construction l Renovations l Design Services l Architectural Plans l Siding & Roofing l Kitchens & Baths 269 Woodlawn Avenue, St. James, NY 11780 Tel: 631.584.5500 • Fax: 631-584-2348 [email protected] • www.pdeblasiobuilders.com Licensed & Insured | Suffolk License 15543-H | Nassau License H18F6680000 OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 11 – We ! er V i L e D Rocco’s S 429 North country road, St. James, Ny “The till #1 Pizza phoNe: 631-862-1600 • fax: 631-686-6152 in Town” WWW.roccoSofStJameS.com Think Rocco’s for your Holiday Catering CAll TODAy TO BOOK yOUR PARTy! catering package #1 catering package #2 catering package #3 $199 + tax $299 + tax Feeds 15-20 People All Items Are Half Tray • tossed or Caesar Salad • Baked Ziti or Penne ala Vodka • eggplant Parm or eggplant rollatini • Sausage & Peppers or meatballs • Chicken Francese, marsala or Parmigiana FREE Tray of Garlic Knots WItH ANy PAckAge PURcHASe Feeds 25-30 People All Items Are Half Tray • tossed or Caesar Salad • Baked Ziti or Penne ala Vodka • eggplant Parm or eggplant rollatini • Sausage & Peppers or meatballs • Chicken Francese, marsala or Parmigiana • Buffalo Wings • Chicken Fingers • one 3 ft. Hero of your choice (American & italian only) $5 OFF $2anyOFF any order large cheese pie $50 or more Cash only With coupon. Cannot be combined. exp. 11/17/15 excludes Friday. With coupon. Cannot be combined. exp. 11/17/15 $399 + tax Feeds 35-40 People • Full tray tossed or Caesar Salad • Full tray Baked Ziti or Penne ala Vodka • Full tray eggplant Parm or eggplant rollatini • Full tray Chicken Francese, marsala or Parmigiana • Half tray Buffalo wings • Half tray Chicken Fingers • one 3 ft. Hero of your choice (American & italian only) football package 2 20 18 15 2 large Pies Chicken Wings Garlic Knots mozzarella Sticks 1 liter Soda $65.95 Great Value! Sundays only. With coupon. Cannot be combined. exp. 11/17/15 Everything prepared daily using only the Finest Homemade & Imported Ingredients hoUrS: Sunday-Thursday 11 am-10 pm • friday & Saturday 11 am-11 pm • We accept all major credit cards • OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 12 – I N T H E N E W S Fall Indoor Garage Sale Set for Saturday, October 24 The St. James united Methodist Church, located at 532 Moriches Road in St. James, will hold their annual FALL iNDOOR GARAGE SALE on Saturday, October 24, 2015 (postponed from September 26) from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. – rain or shine. Come and browse through the many new and used items including knick knacks, toys, books and clothing. Tables, with 2 chairs, are also available for $25 to sell your own items. Weather permitting outside ta- bles will be offered with a nonrefundable $10 fee. Set up will be at 9 a.m. Please call the church at 5845340 to reserve your table (there are five tables left) or for additional information. Veteran’s Day Parade and Celebration The Sgt. John W. Cooke Post 395 extends an invitation to the community to join them in their celebration of Veteran’s Day, Wednesday, November 11, 2015. All military personnel on leave or recently returned from overseas deployment are encouraged to participate. Be sure to wear uniforms if you have them. The parade and ceremony is a chance to remember all veterans, especially those who made the ultimate sacrifice. The parade group will assemble at 9:30 a.m. at the intersection of Lake and Woodlawn Avenues, St. James and step off at 10 a.m. They will march along Lake Avenue to the St. James Elementary School where the appropriate ceremonies will take place. Please contact Parade Chairman Robert Cornicelli at (516) 369-8667. St. James Day Care 26 Years Family Operated In My Home New York State Licensed Day Care Flexible Daytime Hours Monday through Friday • Leaf Removal • Weeding • Mowing • Edging • Cut Perennials • Remove Annuals ACTIVITIES Arts and Crafts &Themed Activities Story and Conversation Circle Indoor/Outdoor/Free Choice Play Motor Skill Activities Nutritious Meals and Snacks And Much More!! Call Today! Arlene V. Smith 631.360.2939 phone www.hermanbroscorp.com WEEKLY MAINTENANCE | FERTILIZATION | PLANT INSTALLATION www.facebook.com/hermanbroscorp LIGHTING | MORE (631) 584-2224 www.facebook.com/ChildCareAtSt.JamesDayCare On Staff: Teacher with Masters Degree in Education First Aid/CPR Certified OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 13 – Harbor Country Day School OPEN HOUSE Saturday, November 14th, 2015 10 am-12 noon Harbor cherishes childhood, cultivates wonder and inspires confident learners and leaders. Harbor Country Day School is a coeducational independent school serving students from PreK 3s to Grade 8 since 1958. 17 Three Sisters Road, Saint James, NY 11780 631-584-5555 www.hcdsny.org www.CampHarbor.org OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 14 – A R O U N D T O W N Art Gallery Celebrates 1st Year Anniversary With an Artist Reception The Calderone Theater Gallery of Fine Art, located at 176 Second Avenue in St. James, is pleased to present a group exhibition of new works, featuring Gallery artists, with an opening reception on Saturday, November 7, 2015 from 7-9:30 p.m. it is appropriate that we celebrate the arts in the very building, built in 1910, that performing artists like Lionel Barrymore and many of his contemporaries took to the stage – when Vaudeville was all the rage. One of the architectural features that made this theater special is the stunning tin ceiling that can be seen in the Gallery. The ceiling was retained during the renovation in 1985, when Natalie and Bernie Weinstein lovingly restored the Calderone Theater and started their design business here. Six Gallery artists will be featured in the show: Jack Ader, Martha Applegate, Arline Goldstein, Richard Merkel, Donna Rollins and Mary Ann Vetter. t h e Ms. Applegate’s landscapes take the viewer into a fantasy world with color and shapes. Ms. Rollins’ work is inspired by the beaches and everyday life on Long island and the landscape of Coney island. Mr. Merkel finds his inspiration in the animal kingdom, with his paintings of dogs, tigers and leopards. Ms.Goldstein’s work takes us through a blue period with still lifes, and her line drawings on paper, go in a different direction as she sees the world around her. Mr. Ader’s photographs startle us with his eye for composition, i.e.“ Fulton Fish Market,” and many other photos in the exhibit. This exhibition reveals six artists interpreting the world around them. Each different from one another, realistically and impressionistically. The artists will be present at the Reception and will be delighted to discuss their work. CRAFTER’S TABLE an arts & Crafts Studio Ceramics • Silk Screening on Ceramics • Canvas Painting • Birthday Parties • Scout Events • Fundraisers Let The Crafter's Table be Your One Stop Shop for Holiday Gifts. Skip THe MaLL – Make THeM aLL! Paint 2 Ornaments SS get 1 fRee S Offer not to be combined. With coupon only. Exp. 11/17/15 Friday Night is Ladies Night Bring Your Own Beverage FaMilY DiSCOunt • GiFt CERtiFiCatES aVailablE oPeN: Sun. 12-5 Tues. & Wed. 11-6 Thurs. & Fri. 12-9 Sat. 11-5 • Closed Mon. 529 Lake Ave., St. James 631-584-3891 (Right by RR Station) www.thecrafterstable.com S OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 Farm to Table Caterers will enhance this Gallery exhibit. The Calderone Theater Gallery of Fine Art is located on the 2nd floor of uniquely Natalie’s Home Décor Consignment Shop, 176 Second Avenue, St. James. This is a FREE event. For inquires please call 631-686-5644 or 631-862-6198. Annual Scandinavian Bazaar on November 14 The Sons of Norway, Loyal Lodge No. 252, will hold their Annual Scandinavian Bazaar on Saturday, November 14 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Norway Hall, 201 Seventh Street (on the corner of 7th St. and 4th Ave.) in St. James. Scandinavian gifts, jewelry, food, cakes along with a full Scandinavian luncheon will be available. For further information, call 862-8017. – 15 – Now Open! 430 North Country Road, St. James, NY 11780 | 631.584.1000 KIckoff Party E 12pm-4pm .#,2,,L (Open for Lunch Daily) RGER BEST BU N!! IN TOW October 24th 4pm-7pm #D$< Full Service Menu Daily $15.00 ', During All NFL Games TO-GO Orders & Catering Available! Private Parties! #, 20+ TVS All NFL Games Shown! All NBA & NHL Packages Halloween Party October 31st C o s t ume C o n te s t! pe Dr i n k S cia ls! OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 Lotto Coming Soon! – 16 – OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 17 – OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 18 – S M I T H T O W N ’ S 3 5 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y Smithtown’s 350 Anniversary Parade St. James was well represented at Smithtown’s 350th Anniversary Parade on Saturday, September 26, 2015. 71 organizations, with over 2,000 marchers, made their way down Main Street, to a cheering crowd, in Smithtown’s 350th Anniversary Parade, under the leadership of Mike Donnelly, parade chair. continued on page 20 OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 19 – Proud to serve and be a part of the St. James Community Hot Chocolate IS BaCk! St. James McDonald’s is now offering 614 Middle Country Rd. 1/4 mile West of Rte 347 St. James 631-366-0954 N ew ! BREAKFAST FAVORITES allday Chicken Select Tenders 99 $2 $1.00 OFF Buy 1 Buttermilk Crispy Chicken Deluxe Sandwich Get One FREE any Extra Value Meal® valid with coupon at St. James mcDonalds®, 614 middle Country Rd. Not valid with any other offers, discount, coupon or combo meal. limit 1 coupon per person. Plus tax if applicable. may not be transferred.copied or duplicated in any way. Cash value 1/20 of 1 cent. Coupon expires 11/17/15. © 2015 mcDonalds® valid with coupon at St. James mcDonalds®, 614 middle Country Rd. Not valid with any other offers, discount, coupon or combo meal. limit 1 coupon per person. Plus tax if applicable. may not be transferred.copied or duplicated in any way. Cash value 1/20 of 1 cent. Coupon expires 11/17/15. © 2015 mcDonalds® FREE Buy Our New 1/3 lb. Sirloin Burger Big Mac or any Large Sandwich With Purchase of Same Get Medium Fries & Medium Soft Drink valid with coupon at St. James mcDonalds®, 614 middle Country Rd. Not valid with any other offers, discount, coupon or combo meal. limit 1 coupon per person. Plus tax if applicable. may not be transferred.copied or duplicated in any way. Cash value 1/20 of 1 cent. Coupon expires 11/17/15. © 2015 mcDonalds® valid with coupon at St. James mcDonalds®, 614 middle Country Rd. Not valid with any other offers, discount, coupon or combo meal. limit 1 coupon per person. Plus tax if applicable. may not be transferred.copied or duplicated in any way. Cash value 1/20 of 1 cent. Coupon expires 11/17/15. © 2015 mcDonalds® FREE Buy any Biscuit or McMuffin® Sandwich Get One any Bagel Sandwich or McGriddles® With Purchase of Same valid with coupon at St. James mcDonalds®, 614 middle Country Rd. Not valid with any other offers, discount, coupon or combo meal. limit 1 coupon per person. Plus tax if applicable. may not be transferred.copied or duplicated in any way. Cash value 1/20 of 1 cent. Coupon expires 11/17/15. © 2015 mcDonalds® FREE valid with coupon at St. James mcDonalds®, 614 middle Country Rd. Not valid with any other offers, discount, coupon or combo meal. limit 1 coupon per person. Plus tax if applicable. may not be transferred.copied or duplicated in any way. Cash value 1/20 of 1 cent. Coupon expires 11/17/15. © 2015 mcDonalds® OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 20 – S M I T H T O W N ’ S 3 5 0 T H continued from page 18 The organizing committee of Smithtown’s 350th Anniversary celebration led the parade, followed by a horse-drawn carriage carrying 350 Committee Chairman and Smithtown Town Historian Bradley Harris and Parade Grand Marshal Richard Smith, Mayor of Nissequogue, a direct descendent of Richard Smythe the founder of Smithtown. Whisper Vineyards took Best in show, with a replica of Richard Smythe’s Bull made of plants and flowers. The St. James Chamber of Commerce A N N I V E R S A R Y brought a lifesize Whisper the Bull on a float depicting the iconic statue located at the intersection of Routes 25 and 25A in Smithtown, winning Best thematic float in the parade. The Knox School with a contingent of marchers along with equestrian riders and the Smithtown High School East Marching Band both were presented with trophies. The St. James and Nissequogue Fire Departments, Sons of Norway Loyal Lodge and the St. James united Methodist Church along with many other groups made the parade a huge success. OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 21 – S M I T H T O W N ’ S 3 5 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y photos by Jeremy Dean continued on following page OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 22 – S M I T H T O W N ’ S 3 5 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y continued on page 24 OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 23 – -% ' -!#.! ,/012013'&,0$ (2:32 ;!<$ -!3$8<$ -!2$80$ !<$ '()!% *+ # 4%)'," $ ='>-) '567 %8-516 "937517 5? 23@2@372? A372? ! % # & $ " OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 ,! – 24 – S M I T H T O W N ’ S 3 5 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 25 – Your State-of-the-Art Pain Free Dentist You’ll Look Forward to Seeing! ~ General Dentistry & Family Dentistry ~ Over 16 Years of Experience in Root Canal Therapy ~ Top-of-the-Line Cosmetic Dentistry Fall Special $55* Brighten Up Your Summer & Your Smile! 5 shades in 5 days! Sheer White® Professional take Home kit easy to Apply and Use very low Sensitivity tightly Adapts to the Shape of Patient’s teeth with No leakage No Affect on Activities While Wearing Sheer White – can Be Worn Day or Night NEW PATIENT SPECIAL * Must be with exam or cleaning. cannot be sold separately. DR. STEVEN GRANDILLO DDS Pain Free Root Canal Therapy cAll US toDAy FoR AN APPoINtMeNt! 556-20 NoRtH coUNtRy RD. • St. JAMeS 631-686-5042 OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 Cleaning, X-Rays & Exam $ 99 – 26 – N A M E S I N T H E N E W S Retired Suffolk County Fire Rescue and Emergency Services Commissioner Completes International Professional Re-designation Process Retired Commissioner David Fischler of the Suffolk County Department of Fire Rescue and Emergency Services and the former Chief of the St. James Fire Department has successfully completed the process that awards him the professional re-designation of Chief Fire Officer (CFO). The Commission on the Professional Credentialing met on August 26, 2015 to officially confer the re-designation upon Chief Fischler. Chief Fischler is one of only 1,090 CFOs worldwide. The Chief Fire Officer Designation program is a voluntary program designed to recognize individuals who demonstrate their excellence in seven meas- ured components including: experience, education, professional development, professional contributions, association memberships, community involvement and technical competencies. Chief Fischler received his original designation on August 20, 2003. To maintain the designation, individuals need to show that they have continued to develop as a CFO in four areas: professional development, professional contributions, active association membership and community involvement. A Board of Review, consisting of members of the fire and emergency services profession, academia, and municipal services, review each application and recommends successful candidates for designation as a CFO. Chief Fischler served Suffolk County for over 28 years and the St. James Fire Department for 43 years. Doubly Determined to Make a Difference by christina robinson Dr. Ather Mirza, of Nissequogue, a board-certified specialist in orthopedic surgery of the hand, is proud to announce that his son, Dr. Justin B. Mirza, has joined his practice. Ather Mirza has been in practice for over 35 years and is the chief of hand surgery at North Shore Surgi-Center. He is listed as one of the Best Doctors in New York in new york Magazine and is featured in the Guide to america’s top surgeons. He has been extensively involved in the design, creation and manufacturing of the finest state-of-the-art surgical instruments with A.M. Surgical and has invented the techniques for numerous minimally invasive surgical procedures. Justin Mirza also has been extensively trained in those techniques and devices. After completion of his medical education, he completed his orthopedic residency at North Shore Long island Jewish, Plainview. He then became board certified From left Dr. Ather Mirza and Dr. Justin Mirza. PHOTO BY in orthopedic surgery and completed a fellowship in hand and upper extremity surgery at Stony Brook university Medical Center. Justin Mirza is looking forward to treating his patients to the best of his ability. Their practice, dedicated to OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 P.M.MONTuORi PHOTOGRAPHY providing excellent service to the community is located at 290 East Main St., Suite 200, Smithtown and can be reached at 631-3615302. Editor’s Note: this article is courtesy of the Village times. – 27 – the nedvin team oF NEDVINHOMETEAM.COM OFFICE: 631-360-2800 DIRECT: 631-767-5221 DAVID & ROWENA NEDVIN Licensed Associate Real Estate Brokers [email protected] [email protected] team serviCe • team eXPerienCe • team results NISSeqUogUe. magnificent 5 Br, 3.5 bath Victorian Colonial with 2 car garage and full basement. updates include eiK with granite, center island. updated heating system.two master bedroom suites, one on each floor. Perfect for the extended family. Set on 2 acres with iGP. A large home at a great price. $749,990. NISSeqUogUe. PANoRAMIc WAteRvIeWS, steps to the Beach... updated 4 Br, 2 bath home. Kitchen with granite, CAC, hardwood floors throughout. 2 car garage, full basement. Set on 1/2 acre. $799,990. NISSeqUogUe, WAteRvIeWS. Great opportunity... located in private year round beach community steps away from the long island Sound. 2 Br, 2 bath ranch with full walk out basement, living room with fireplace cathedral ceiling. updates include new heating system. Set on 1/2 acre of level property. Perfect home for anyone who has dreamt of living by the water, $599,990. SMItHtoWN. Brand new to market! 3 Br ranch with hardwood floors throughout. updated kitchen and bathroom. other updates include roof, siding and windows. large sunken family room with radiant heat. Full basement i car garage set on approx 1/4 acre on quiet street.$379,990. SetAUket. Gorgeous sprawling ranch north of 25A backing the preserve. totally updated throughout with 3 bedroomss, 2.5 baths, hardwood floors, central air conditioning. Sunroom with fireplace. 2 car garage. Full newly finished basement. A designer show place! $509,990. St. JAMeS. gReAt PRIce! this home has it all! updated throughout. 4 Br Colonial. Spacious rooms, hardwood floors, new eiK, granite counters, living room with fireplace, den with patio doors. updated bathrooms, roof & siding (2013), windows, furnace, hot water heater & electrical. Full basement with oSe. Set on nice property. Quiet street. move right in! $389,990. SIGNATURE PREMIER PROPERTIES • 7 W. MAIN ST., SMITHTOWN, NY 11787 • SIGNATUREPREMIER.COM OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 28 – I N T H E N E W S SMITHTOWN’S SESQUARCENTENNIAL Smithtown’s 350th Anniversary Calendar of Events 2015 marks the 350th anniversary of Smithtown’s founding. To celebrate this momentous occasion, the town has called on a group of dedicated volunteers to spearhead a year’s worth of festivities. The Smithtown 350 Foundation has been hard at work planning a wide array of activities and events, partnering with a host of organizations and institutions, to ensure that 2015 will be a landmark year worthy of a landmark anniversary. in order to make this a celebration worthy of 350 years, the Foundation needs the generous support of the community. if you would like to become a sponsor of the any of the events you can call the Smithtown Historical Society at 265-6768 or Brad Harris at 862-9274. OCTOber 26 FALL HArveST LeCTure SerieS Town Historian Brad Harris continues his exploration of Smithtown’s past, presented by the Smithtown Historical Society NOveMber 2, 9 FALL HArveST LeCTure SerieS, continues with a special program honoring Smithtown’s veterans. DeCeMber 5 HeriTAge COuNTrY CHriSTMAS presented by the Smithtown Historical Society Note: this is a tentative calendar of events... all events are subject to change. autonomousdesign, ltd. specializing in green design since 1973 design new homes constr. management kitchens bathrooms development alterations historical restorations roofing siding construction landscape design swimming pools decks • patios office interiors stephen cinco 22 stonegate, st. james, new york 11780 OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 (631) 724-7726 – 29 – Innovative treatments. Optimal results. this is what patients say after they visit true Sport Care… • “I didn’t know I could feel this good again!” • “I really thought I was going to have to stop my sport completely!” • “I guess all the other ineffective therapy I received was attacking the wrong area?” • “Why don’t more therapists do what you do?” eVery SeASon, yeAr AFter yeAr www.truesportcare.com 62 lake Avenue South, Suite C nesconset, ny 11767 631-584-tRUe(8783) OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 30 – I N T H E N E W S 10th Annual Taste of Smithtown Set for November 17 The Senior Resources of Long island (SRLi) cordially invites you to their 10th annual tastE of sMIthtown on Tuesday, November 17, from 6 to 9 p.m. hosted by Mercedes-Benz of Smithtown, 630 Middle Country Road in St. James and Elegant Eating. Walk the Red Carpet and enjoy fine food, drinks, music, cigars, raffles and more. The Taste of Smithtown will benefit the Gift of life, the smithtown children’s foundation and the smithtown Emergency food Pantry. Tickets, which are limited, are $50 each (prepaid by November 7) or day of event $70 per person. Please make your check payable to any of the benefit organizations (Gift of Life, Smithtown Children’s Foundation or Smithtown Emergency Food Pantry), include your name address and phone number and mail to SRLi, 277 indian Head Road, Kings Park, NY 11754 . The Taste of Smithtown also has numerous sponsorship opportunities, please call Howard Essenfeld at 631-544-6500 if interested. Donations are always welcome. Each of the organizations that will benefit from this event are 501(c3) not-for-profit organizations and the full amount of each ticket is tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. For additional information contact SRLi at 631-544-6500 or Christine Fitzgerald at 516-8351219 [email protected]. This is a great event... one not to be missed! Empire College Information Sessions for Adults Empire State College, of the State university of New York, will hold public information session(s) about its associate and bachelor’s degree programs at its Hauppauge location, New York State Office Building, Room 1A11, 250 Veterans Memorial Highway, Hauppauge on Thurs- ST. JAMES qe u day, October 22, 2015 at 12:30 p.m. For more information and additional dates, please call 516997-4700, ext. 4068. SuNY Empire State College was established in 1971 to offer adult learners the opportunity to earn associate, bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the State university of New York. Students learn through independent studies, online courses, seminars and residencies. Learners also may earn credit for prior college-level learning from work and life experience. For additional information, visit www.esc.edu. Scotty’s Masonry CALL US TODAY! Formerly S.J. Exxon Rt. 25A & MoRIcHeS RD., St. JAMeS 584-5798 5.00 off 1/2 pRice TIRE ROTATIOn $ OIL CHAnGE, LUbE & FILTER With oil change Coupon must be presented before oil change MoSt cARS • eXPIReS 11/17/15 We do nys insPeCtions SHOP HOURS: M-F. 8 AM-5:30 PM, SAT 8-5 631-265-4398 • 631-872-1076 Residential & Commercial • Licensed & Insured • Est. 1986 • St. James, NY Traditional and Gas Fireplaces Our Specialty • Refacing Existing FIreplaces • • Stone Veneer • Brick Veneer • • Cultured Stone • • Outdoor Kitchens • Patios • Pizza Ovens • Walkways • • Retaining Walls • Stoops • OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 31 – OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 32 – I N T H E N E W S SENIOR CITIZENS DEPARTMENT SEEKING TALENTED CRAFTERS... The Smithtown Senior Citizens Department is looking for talented Smithtown Senior Citizens for their award-winning program – tender years treasury. The event will be held at the Smithtown Senior Citizens Department on Saturday, December 5, 2015 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Handmade items priced $5 and under to be purchased by Smithtown Elementary School students as holiday gifts for their family members are needed. There is no table charge and all proceeds are kept by you or your organization. Crafters must be Smithtown residents age 60 or better. Come for a fun and rewarding day! Call Mae/Patty at 631-360- 7616 to register and receive more information. r.J.K. GarDeNS, iNc. creative Landscaping Let Us Help You with Design, Construction & Maintenance of Your Property HAPPY FALL! q e 862-7056 y www.rjkgardens.com OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 33 – DESIGN • BUILD • REMODEL CotY Contractor of the Year Award Winner by the National Association of the Remodeling Industry ADDITIONS • RENOVATIONS • CUSTOM BUILDING We are a full service Design/Build & Remodeling Company servicing your community for over 30 years. Call today for a FREE consultation 631.584.7817 333 First Avenue, St. James, New York 11780 www.vazac.com RELATIONSHIPS BUILT ON HONESTY, INTEGRITY AND TRUST OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 34 – I N T H E N E W S Little Shelter’s 8th Annual Masquerade Ball to be Held on Thursday, October 29 Little Shelter Animal Rescue and Adoption Center will hold their 8th annual Masquerade Ball and charity event on Thursday, October 29, 2015 between 6-11 p.m. at Watermill Caterers, located at 711 Smithtown Bypass, Smithtown. Enjoy an evening featuring a cocktail reception, dinner, open bar, live and silent auctions and live entertainment. All proceeds benefit Little Shelter Animal Rescue and Adoption Center. Prizes will be awarded for the best costume (costumes are encouraged and fun, but optional). Tickets, at $100 per person, can be purchased via check, Visa, Mastercard, Discover or Amex. Checks should be made out and mailed to: Little Shelter, 33 Warner Road, Huntington, NY 11743 (give name, address, phone, email and number of tickets). if paying by credit card, you can call 631-368-8770, ext 26. if you are unable to attend but would like to make a tax deductible donation, you can either mail a check, call 631-3688770, ext 26, or visit their website at www.littleshelter.com. AbOuT LiTTLe SHeLTer little shelter animal rescue and adoption center, located at 33 warner road in huntington ny, one of long Island’s oldest no-kill shelters, is dedicated to saving all companion animals whose lives are in jeopardy. through rescue from kill facilities, rehabilitation of sick and unsocialized pets, and a 100% spay/neuter program, little shelter hopes to end pet overpopulation and place all dogs and cats in loving homes. little shelter animal rescue and adoption center is a nonprofit, no-kill animal shelter nestled on six wooded acres in huntington, long Island. Included on the grounds is sheltervale Pet cemetery, which has been the final resting place for companion animals for more than 80 years. suffolk county’s oldest humane organization, little shelter has been dedicated to saving abandoned dogs and cats and placing them into loving homes since 1927. age, physical condition and socialization issues are never criteria for rescuing a dog or cat whose life is in jeopardy. Specials Featuring Our New Stylists: Angelica & Amber 20% OFF* Any Service $150* $99* Keratin Smoothing Treatment or Creative Color Service * With Angelica or Amber • Specials cannot be combined Pat’s Place Hair & Nail Salon 2 3 0 L a k e av e . , S t. J a m e S , N Y 1 1 7 8 0 631.862.7023 631.584.9644 631-584-3197 fax w w w. P a t s P l a c e H a i r S a l o n . n e t NOW OPeN: tueSdaY--SuNdaY fOr YOur cONveNieNce • cLOSed mONdaY OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 35 – OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 36 – I N T H E N E W S Smithtown Food Pantry Donations Still Needed by william J. Garthe Special thanks go out the generous residents who dropped off food and other items for the Smithtown Food Pantry. Each week you have really come through with your donations which are greatly appreciated. Canned goods, pasta, toothbrushes, toothpaste, rolls of toilet paper, are some examples of our residents’ generosity. i am publishing a list of items needed, just in case you have any of these in abundance in your pantry, as there are some folks right here in St. James and Smithtown who could use a little temporary help. This year the pantry has asked for much needed school supplies. Items needed for the food pantry: Baked beans, tuna fish, all types canned vegetables, spaghetti, tomato sauce, peanut butter and jelly, snacks, all boxed pastas, baby food and formula. Other Items: Soaps - hand & shower, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, toilet paper, paper towels, baby diapers and baby wipes. School Supplies Back packs, composition books, notebooks, glue sticks, crayons, colored pencils, pencils and pencil cases, pencil sharpeners, pens, erasers, color markers, highlighters, pocket folders, index cards and boxes, and Fiskars children’s scissors. IKNSIDE, B-OUT &M ITCHENS ATHS ORE, bill garthe is pictured with Smithtown Food Pantry volunteers at a recent trip to the Pantry, dropping off the items that the generous St. James residents donated. Your donations will be much appreciated and can be dropped off at my office: reliance real estate 359 Lake Ave., St. James (across from 7-Eleven) i’m looking for the small donations that don’t warrant a drive to Smithtown; the one can of tuna, or baked beans, a box of pasta, one bottle of shampoo, anything that will help someone in need. i will collect and deliver to the Pantry each week whatever is donated. Thank you in advance for your generosity. For additional information, call me at 862-9000. LLC DESIGNED & INSTALLED Enjoy a Dinner for 2 at Spuntino’s on us, while we are creating your new kitchen. NKBA Certified Designer Licensed & Insured • Suffolk #54246-H 367A Lake Ave., St. James, NY 11780 631.584.5312 • 631.942.9636 mobile [email protected] Because Life Takes Place in the Kitchen.™ OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 37 – SAVE $ 60 16” bar † MS 170 CHAIN SAW MS 250 CHAIN SAW NOW JUST WAS 17995 $ $ “I’m glad I went with the 170-the price and reliability are outstanding.” – user prutsmanbros93 Indicates products that are built in the United States from domestic and foreign parts and components. 29995 18” bar † $ 359.95 NES-SRP Offer valid through 12/31/15 at participating dealers while supplies last. “GREAT SAW. A JOY to own and operate.”– user bsk713 Check out these reviews and others on the product pages at STIHLdealers.com. MS 251 WOOD BOSS® 18” bar † 33995 $ “It has ample power for a home owner saw; well balanced, well made, and easy to start and use.” – user xeriminox JOIN US. All prices are NES-SRP. Available at participating dealers while supplies last. †The actual listed guide bar length can vary from the effective cutting length based on which powerhead it is installed on. © 2015 STIHL NES15-1011-119834-5 Eddie's Power Equipment 553 Lake Avenue | St. James | 631-584-6678 EddiesPowerEquipment.com STIHLdealers.com OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 38 – I N T H E N E W S Should Women Serve in Combat Roles? by Xanthia Zoe The question of whether women should serve in combat is a question that has presented itself numerous times throughout history. Dating back to 1848, women have been fighting for equal rights, and winning, but this question seems to test the works of brave ladies such as Lucy Stone, Susan B. Anthony, and Matilda Joslyn Gage. if you were to ask 10 people on the street this question, it is guaranteed each one will have a different opinion about the topic. Many people will say “yes” because women are strong and capable and can do anything they set their minds to, but some will say “no,” because it is too dangerous and risky for women and they would be unable to handle it. John Rodriguez, a Herbert Scoville Jr. peace fellow at the Truman Center for National Policy, feels that women deserve a spot in combat roles and discusses why women should be allowed to serve, based upon personal experiences he has had. Rodriguez talks about two women, Kristen Griest and Shaye Haver, who have proved to those who say “no,” that they should be saying “yes.” Rodriguez, who went through the same training as these women says that, “through physically and mentally grueling patrols, they earned the trust and respect of their peers, who evaluated them continued on facing page ANNE MARIE LISA Certified Nutritional Counselor, Reiki Practitioner, Intuitive Guide 631-525-1045 ImagINe... a VaCatIoN-laNd RIgHt IN YouR owN BaCkYaRd! Wouldn’t it be nice to have a place to go where your whole family could relax and ease the tensions of life...? Without expensive vacation reservations and travel expenses? Since it is your family and your property we are talking about, you will want a quality installation by an experienced, reputable pool builder. Sundance will provide you with a durable, safe, easy to maintain swimming pool built just the way you like it. visit us at sundanceswimmingpools.com Call 862-1900 email: [email protected] Suffolk license # 10921HI Nassau license # H280344 www.AMLisa.com Expert nutritional advice for children and adults • Attain sustainable weight loss • Increase energy • Improve immune health • Learn how nutritional changes help alleviate chronic illnesses Reiki – • A Japanese technique for stress reduction, relaxation and tranquility Intuitive Guidance – • Explore what keeps you from achieving your desired goals • Awaken your own inner healing capabilities • Develop your true potential • Experience meditations that promote inner peace and strength Nourishment for the Body Mind and Spirit OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 39 – I N continued along with the instructors. i know because i graduated from Ranger School in 2007 as a young infantry lieutenant. Earning my tab paved the way for me to lead an infantry platoon in combat – a path currently denied to women.” He feels that these women, and any other woman who chooses to, should be allowed to have a role in combat if they pass all of the required steps. There is no reason to deny anyone the option of fighting if they are capable and willing. Rodriguez uses the strategies of ethos and pathos, appealing to ethics and emotions of people, to persuade his audience that women should no longer be denied the right to have a role in combat if they so choose to. “Griest and Haver clearly have the physical, mental and tactical skills to perform in the infantry; they could not have earned their tabs otherwise.” He uses a serious, but gentle tone to make a clear and concise argument that, “Opening [combat options] permanently to the best soldiers, regardless of gender, will be a net positive for the Army.” His strategies have proven most effective in this argument because he speaks from the heart, letting you get a more personal experience, especially because he went through the same things that these two women did, and from a male soldier’s perspective, proves to his readers that women are just as capable, strong, and driven as men, and deserve to do what they want. Rodriguez, along with many others, feels that women should be allowed to do as they please, even to have a role in combat, if it benefits the army in a positive way. There is no reason women should be denied the right to protect our country if they so choose to. T H E N E W S Women have proven throughout history that they are just as capable as men to do anything they set their minds to, so why set history back 100 years? Let women have a role in combat. what do you think? OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 Editor’s Note: Xanthia Zoe is a junior at smithtown high school East and a resident of st. James. this article was an assignment from her aP language and composition class. what is your opinion... email to: [email protected] – 40 – Debarbieri Associates, Inc. Your Real Estate Professionals Since 1960 862-7447 406 No. coUNtRy RD. St. JAMeS, Ny 11780 ST. JAMES – $2,300 ed t en r NESCONSET – $277,900 2 Bedrooms, 1.5 Bath, Flr, Fdr, eiK/office, den, Gas Heat, Part Basement. (Head of Harbor area). ld so 4 Bedroom, 1 Bath RANCH. den, eiK, lr, .25 acre lot, oHW Heating, lo taxes. sachem schools. NESCONSET – $1,900 COMMACK – $1,950 d d te te n re n re 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bath, Flr, Fdr, eiK, oHW Heat, stove, refrigerator, dish Washer, Washer/dryer. 2 Bedroom, a Bath Cottage. living room, dining room, eiK, laundry, Gas Heat. FOR SALE – ST. JAMES FOR SALE – HEAD OF HARbOR spacious RANCH... 4 Bedrooms, 2 Baths, eiK, living room, dining room, den, Part Finished Basement. nestled on dead-end-street. new Gas Heating systems, new aC, .23 are, 1 Car Garage... asking $559,000. Center Hall COLONIAL boasts 4 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths, Huge Formal living room, Formal dining, den with Fireplace, Granite eat-in-Kitchen with Center island, Full Basement, Private office, 2.5 Car Garage on 2.19 acres... $749,000 to $799.000. For All Your Real Estate Needs, Call Liz Jongebloed laB, CBr, notary 631-903-0836 E-Mail: [email protected] OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 41 – Debarbieri Associates, Inc. Your Real Estate Professionals Since 1960 862-7447 406 No. coUNtRy RD. St. JAMeS, Ny 11780 VIEW US AT: WWW.DEBARB.COM St. JAMeS “IDeAl M/D WItH PRoPeR PeRMItS” mint Farm ranch with Andersen windows & updated roof & boiler. 4 Brs, 2.5 baths. lr, dr, eiK. den w/frplc & built ins. oak floors. deck. level half acre, Side entry garage. Part bsmt w/ose to garage. St. James Proper. $469,000. HeAD oF HARBoR “DIAMoND cIRcA 1892” Colonial with rocking chair front porch. updated eiK w/maple cabs & SS appliances. 3 Brs, 2 full baths, den. oak floors, thermopane windows. Walk out lower level. Arch roof. Heated iGP, paver patio. det. garage. Fenced rear yard. Pride of ownership, must see! $575,000. St. JAMeS“cUl-De-SAc locAtIoN” Highwoods estates. Backs to 90 acre greenbelt. 4 Br, 2.5 bath Colonial w/south exposure at rear of home. oak floors, raised panel doors, formal lr & dr, Fr w/frlc. Full bsmnt, 2 car garage. .52 acre, iGS front yard. $499,000. SetAUket “StRoNgS Neck” totally rebuilt ranch, diamond condition w/excellent waterviews of Port Jeff Harbor. 3 Brs, 2.5 baths. Flr/frplc, Fdr, oak floors. Full bsmt. 2.5 car garage. Steps to beach Assoc & deep water mooring. Andersen thermos, arch. roof, deck, level .47 acre. St. JAMeS “oWNeR SAyS MAke oFFeRS” Freshly painted, oak floors, thermo windows in this 4 Br, 2 bath ranch. eiK, living room, dining room, 3/4 bsmnt. one updated bath. Covered rear patio. Vinyl siding. Walk to park, SHSe & lirr. $320,000. SMItHtoWN “IMMAcUlAte RANcH W/WAlk oUt” lovely ranch home w/lower level walk out w/brick wall frplc. 5 Brs, 3 full baths. eiK, Flr, Fdr, covered patio. Andersen thermo windows. Heated iGP. large decking. 2 car side entry garage. $479,000. St. JAMeS “SoPHIStIcAteD elegANce” All new construction, Grand Colonial w/coffered ceilings in dr & lr. large eiK, Fr w/frplc, sparkling HW floors. 4 Brs, 2.5 baths. Staircase to unfin. attic space. outside BBQ on new paver patio, sod lawn. Gunite iGP, must see to appreciate. $799,000. St. JAMeS “Do yoU lIke to cook?” updated 2/3 Br ranch, gourmet granite kitchenit w/Sub Zero refrigerator. dCS Wolf stove. radiant heat in kitchen, dining room. new windows, wood floors, 8 zone iGS. .80 acre parklike setting. $355,000. St. JAMeS “HIllSIDe Ave” Very desirable half acre lot w/fenced rear yard. Circular blacktop driveway. 2 Br, 2 Bath Cedar shingled ranch w/rocking chair front porch. eiK w/updated SS appliances. Full bsmnt Partially fin. w/oSe. Anderson thermo windows. $359,000. NeScoNSet “gReAt StARteR, gReAt PRIce” lovely 2+ Br Cape on dead end street. living room, dining room w/frplc, eiK, full bath. Part bsmnt w/washer & dryer, updated oil HW heat, rear deck. Convenient to all. owner says sell. $269,000. cAll FoR A FRee MARket ANAlySIS OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 $625,000. – 42 – H I S T O R I C A L L Y S P E A K I N G LIVES, LOVES, AND LAMENTS OF THE PEOPLE OF ST. JAMES The Descendants of William Wickham Mills II Make a Gift of the Mills Pond House to the People of Smithtown by Bradley harris, smithtown historian I have been writing about william wickham Mills II and the magnificent Greek revival Mansion that he built from 1838-1841 at Mills Pond. he was to live in this house from 1841 until his death in 1865, a period of time when william wickham Mills became one of the most prominent men in suffolk county. Photograph of e. Dubois and Frances Amelia’s children taken in front of the Mills Pond House in 1895. All five of the Smith children are in the photograph: Malcolm elsworth, edmund Thomas, Josephine elsworth, Frances Mildred, and Dorothy Miller. of a larger report, “Adaptive Reuse Report” of the Mills Pond House prepared for the Smithtown Arts Center in 1977.) To enhance the beauty of his new home, Mills “purchased numerous fruit trees and other ornamentals from Wm. R. Prince and Co. of Flushing, L.i. in 1847.” Mills ordered “two or three specimens each of, among others, European and American Mountain Ash, Spanish and White Horse Chestnut, American Elm and Cypress, Catalpa, European Alder, Sugar Maple, and Terry’s PAW-FECTION Pet Salon, Pet Food & Pet Supplies 40 yEarS ExpEriEncE We Carry holistic dog food $15 OFF ANY DOG GROOMING NEW CLIENTS ONLY • CASH ONLY wiTh CouPoN • exP. 11/17/15 • NoT ComBiNaBle Ask About Our Multi Family Discount 2 or more dogs per family • Cannot be combined FREE WELLNESS • HEALTH EXTENSION Recommended by Veterinarians 532 Route 25A • St James • 631-686-5336 We Carry FRONTLINE & K9 ADVANTIX® II many varieties of plum, pear and apple trees. Some of these original plantings have been identified on the grounds” of the Mills Pond House today. “in addition to the unusual trees which were planted for their romantic and aesthetic effect,” Mills had “extensive orchards on his homestead farm” with over a thousand apple trees, “in prime order, and many of them of the best grafted fruit.” (Zachary Studenroth, op. cit., p. 25.) From insurance policies that continued on facing page FLEA & TICK BATH WITH ANY GROOMING wiTh CouPoN • exP. 11/17/15 • NoT ComBiNaBle OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 DOG TOYS • ANGEL EYES GIFT CERTIFICATES • PET BEDS The Mills Pond House was completed in 1840 and William Wickham and Eliza Mills moved with their eight children into their new home. Their ninth child, Josephine, would be born in the house on April 18, 1842. The big house with 34 rooms was rapidly filled by members of the Mills family and their domestic servants. The large house was impressive and “the creation of such a house in a rural Long island community in 1838/40 was a considerable task and served to underscore Mills’ prominence.” The house “is the earliest, documented architect-designed structure in the vicinity, a fact that certainly escaped no one’s awareness at the time.” (Zachary Studenroth, “Historical Analysis of Mills Pond,” Part 2, p. 21; part – 43 – H I S T O R I C A L L Y continued covered the mansion and its dependencies, we know that the house had an attached kitchen, a washhouse, a barn with “cowhouses attached,” a carriage house, and a cider house that “once stood at the edge of the pond.” (The barns and cowhouses that stood to the west of the house were standing in 1977 but are gone now.) Other than these outbuildings, “there was no other dwelling within eight rods of the house.” Although the house that Mills built was quite large, the supporting dependencies were modest in size. Even so, Mildred Smith, William Wickham Mills’ great grandchild, described him in the following way: “He was one of the most prominent men in Suffolk Co., known as a man of great discretion, of sound judgment in the management of his varied interests, and one of the largest and most successful farmers and stock breeders on Long island.” if this was true, Mills must have relied upon tenants to work his lands and raise his stock. He owned over 1,750 acres of land and he depended upon the income from his lands, as well as his “investments,” to sustain his house and family. The fact that William Wickham Mills’ estate at the time of his death “was valued at about $400,000, excluding land,” shows that he derived a substantial return on his properties and investments. (Zachary Studenroth, op. cit., p. 27-29.) in addition to being a wealthy man and an extensive land owner, William Wickham Mills was a man of social prominence within the Smithtown community. in 1838, when he was building his new home at Mills Pond, Mills was nominated for Smithtown Supervisor. He was elected and served as Supervisor from 1838 to 1841. “He was also one of the first officers of” the S P E A K I N G St. James Episcopal Church when it was founded in 1853. As far as Mildred Smith was concerned, her great grandfather Mills’ involvement in town government and in the Episcopal Church show that he was a man who was “always entrusted in what- ever pertained to the public good and his influence was ever on the side of right and that which tended to promote the welfare of the community.” (Zachary Studenroth, op. cit., p. 28.) continued on following page See our Amazing cakes @ www.alpinepastryshop.com Fall Favorites! • Delicious Candy & Caramel apples • Pumpkin Cheesecake • Caramel Apple Crumb Cheesecake • Pumpkin & Coconut Custard Pies Halloween Shaped Cookies: Bats - Ghosts - pumpkins - Spiders Frankenstein - Webs & more! Plus Halloween Cupcakes & Cakes Specialty Cupcakes & Cake Pops • Pumpkin • German Chocolate • Red Velvet • Carrot • Fun-fetti • Oreo • Peanut butter Fudge • Rocky Road • Mallomar • Raspberry Ganache & much more • large & mini sizes available ask about Our new & Delicious Selection of CROiS-nutS try Our Delicious FREnCh MaCaROnS 15% OFF AnY PURCHASE $5 MAX. DIScoUNt With coupon only. 1 per customer. Cannot be combined. Exp. 11/17/15 tiramisu & Pregnant cannoli character cookies for children’s Parties Photo cookies Favors for All occasions now Featuring GLUTEn FrEE cakes & cupcakes 59 Rt. 111, Smithtown (Village Center) q e 631-265-5610 ry OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 44 – H I S T O R I C A L L Y S P E A K I N G A Gift of the Mills Pond House continued from page 43 William Wickham Mills died suddenly on January 6, 1865. He was 69 years old at the time of his death which seems to have been caused by “a cold.” His wife, Eliza, “inherited the use of the homestead farm and the interest from a trust of $50,000 during her lifetime.” Each of the Mills eight children “received an equal share of the balance” of their father’s estate, except for Theodore (2nd son) who received a trust fund of $20,000 and Oscar (the 4th son) who received a trust fund of $15,000. “Mrs. Mills was in poor health at the time of her husband’s death” and she passed away “on July 9, 1865, at the age of sixty-four, six months” after her husband’s death. “The estate was still unsettled, and her death only served to aggravate a long standing animosity amongst the children.” Mrs. Mills had “drawn up her own will” in February of 1865 and her will gave $3,000 to Washington Mills (the eldest son), $1,000 to Theodore (2nd son), $3,000 to William Wick- The Cider House at Mills Pond, c. 1940. ham Jr. (the 3rd son), and $3,000 to Oscar (the 4th son). “The residue was divided equally among the other four” children – Amanda, Horatio W., Wilfred J. and Josephine – and Amanda’s husband, Edmund Thomas Smith. This will was immediately challenged by Washington and William Wickham Jr. who felt their mother did not give them their rightful share. The chal- Something Great Is Now Even Better! VILLAGE PRESBYTERIAN PRE-SCHOOL Learning as a Great Adventure • 50 Years Experience Register • Individualized Attention NoW • Separate Music & Dance Teachers for our • Large Fenced In Playground 2 yeAR olD • Strong Literacy Program SePARAtIoN • Emphasis on Math & Science PRogRAM • Secure Classroom Environment • Non-Sectarian • 2 Day 2 Year Old Separation Program • 2 & 3 Day 3 Year Old Program • 3 & 4 Day 4 Year Old Program For Info Call 631-724-9382 175 East Main Street, Smithtown VILLAGE PRESBYTERIAN PRE-SCHOOL visit us at www.vpps.org OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 lengers lost their case in court and the will was upheld. The estates of William Wickham Mills and Eliza Mills were divided according to their wishes. (Zachary Studenroth, op. cit., pp. 30-31.) The Mills family home was inherited by Amanda, Horatio W., Wilfred J., and Josephine. Amanda and her husband were living in their own home in Nissequogue. Horatio, Wilfred, and Josephine shared the Mills Pond home, until Horatio died in 1880, and Josephine died in 1888. Then the house became the “sole possession of Amanda Mills Smith.” Amanda and Edmund Thomas Smith had three children: Minnie, b. June 21, 1850; E. DuBois, b. June 26, 1854; and another son, Wickham Mills, who died in infancy. “E. DuBois presumably began residency at Mills Pond shortly after his marriage to Frances Amelia Elsworth on Feb. 22, 1881.” E. DuBois Smith became “a realtor with offices in New York City” and “speculated in Long island real estate” and “continued with extensive stock breeding on the farm.” E. DuBois and his wife, Frances, had five children: Edmund Thomas, Malcolm Elsworth, Josephine continued on page 46 – 45 – ~ Home for Funerals & Cremations ~ Kenneth J. maher Kerry J. maher Owner, licensed manager & Director licensed Director We Welcome You to Our Home... “Personal attention and dignified service... Our continuing tradition.” Our facility is decorated with antique furniture formerly owned by well known Smithtown families. ~ In loving memory of Aelysche Marie Maher ~ 829 middle country road, route 25, St. James, Ny 11780 631.584-5200 Proudly Serving Our Community Since 1961 P R e P l A n n I n G F U n eR A l A R R A n G em en T S AVA I l A B le OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 46 – H I S T O R I C A L L Y S P E A K I N G The barns and cow-houses of the Mills Pond House as they looked in 1977. A Gift of the Mills Pond House continued from page 44 Elsworth, Frances Mildred and Dorothy Miller. E. DuBois Smith was 73 when he died at Mills Pond on December 11, 1927; his wife continued to live in the house at Mills Pond until her death on February 7, 1939. The Mills Pond House and “property then passed to their five children.” (Zachary Studenroth, op. cit., pp. 33-34.) Of the five children, “Josephine (b. December 15, 1884) and Frances Mildred (b. May 3, 1886) remained unmarried and continued to live at Mills Pond.” Their siblings “conveyed their interests in the property” by deed to Josephine and Frances. “Josephine and Frances Mildred Smith led a comparatively quiet life at Mills Pond, the former operating a small catering business at the house, and the latter becoming active in the Smithtown Historical Society after founding it in 1955. When Josephine died on October 10 1969, her share of the property was bequeathed to her nephews Edward H. L. Smith, Jr., William Wickham Mills Smith, and DuBois Tangier Smith (sons of her sister, Dorothy Miller, who had married a Smith)” with a life estate given to her sister, Frances Mildred Smith. When Frances Mildred died on March 16, 1972, her will bequeathed “her share of the property to the same nephews.” (Zachary Studenroth, op. cit., pp. 34-35.) The three “Smith brothers (great-great-grandsons of William Wickham Mills ii) conveyed the The Wash House at Mills Pond, c. 1940. OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 house and 2.85 acres of land to the Town of Smithtown in May of 1976 as a memorial to their aunts; the Town acquired about three contiguous acres in December of the same year, bringing the property to a total of 6.12 acres including part of the pond itself. The Town acquired the house and grounds with the intention that community organizations such as the Smithtown Township Arts Council would occupy the property as an artsrelated facility.” And now, almost 40 years later, the Town of Smithtown leases the Mills Pond House to the Smithtown Arts Council which uses the house and property as a multi-purpose arts facility. The best part of this arrangement is that the Mills Pond House and its surrounding property will remain as a testament to William Wickham Mills ii’s vision of how a simple country estate in Smithtown ought to look. And we get a portal into the past of 18th century life. (Zachary Studenroth, op. cit., pp. 34-35.) Editor’s Note: Brad harris is the town of smithtown’s official historian. Brad was a high school social studies teacher who spent 30 years teaching in commack. as historian he has written many newspaper articles on the history of our town, he has published pamphlets and written histories of commack, nesconset, st. James, Kings Park, hauppauge and smithtown Branch. he resides in st. James. – 47 – YOU ARE CONSERVATIVE... IS YOUR PORTFOLIO? Many conservative people are surprised to learn that their portfolios are not properly aligned with their expectations. In today’s climate it is imperative to understand the nature of your investments. There are many investment strategies available that emphasize Principal Preservation. Speak to our Certified Financial Planners™ to learn more. Call for a complimentary Risk Analysis James Verdi, CFP® SYNERGY WEALTH STRATEGIES STRATEGIES WEALTH 52 north Country road, Smithtown, ny 11787 (631) 961-5461 email: [email protected] Securities offered through American Portfolios Financial Services, inc. member FinrA, SiPC. investment advisory services offered through American Portfolios Advisors inc. a SeC registered investment Advisor Synergy Wealth Strategies is independent of American Portfolios Financial Services inc. and American Portfolios Advisors inc OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 48 – A R T S & E N T E R T A I N M E N T Mills Pond House Gallery Features Creative Fine Art by Members Representing 31 Long Island Communities The Smithtown Township Arts Council is pleased to highlight the talents of its artist members! MEMBEr artIst showcasE, which features fine original artwork of 55 STAC member artists, will be on view through January 8, 2016 at the Mills Pond House Gallery, 660 Route 25A, St. James. Exhibiting artists hail from 31 communities across Long island as well as North Carolina, Florida, Brooklyn and New York City. A wide variety of media is represented including oil, watercolor, acrylic, glass mosaic, pastel, pencil & ink and photography. Pet Expressions Mills Pond House Gallery hours are: Wednesday – Friday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. and Saturday Sunday 12 noon – 4 p.m. The gallery will be closed November 11, 25-30; Decenber 21-January 3. Please call 631-862-6575 or visit www.stacarts.org for more information. oPeN lAte tHURSDAyS UNtIl 7:00 PM • • • Full serviCe • • • GroominG sPa & Pet PHotoGraPHy studio Book Early for Holiday Card Pictures! We aCCePt all loCal ComPetitor’s dog grooming CouPons & offers must present coupon/offer at time of booking. not valid november 16-25, 2015 or december 14-24, 2015 FREE Photo sitting WitH doG or CAt GroominG limit one per person. must present coupon at time of booking. With this ad • exp. 10/31/15 479 lake ave., st. James, ny 11780 • (631) 361-3331 OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 Shop Saint James – 49 – Villa Sorrento Restaurant and Caterers exáàtâÜtÇà jxx~ lOnG ISlAnD NoVemBer 1St-8th 3 Course prix fixed Dinner – $27.95 per person make your reservations early NoW NG Ki Bo o [ÉÄ|wtç ctÜà|xá pa ro rt y Now om av aila Up bl t peoo 200 e ple On & Off Premsies, Family Gathering, Office Parties We make your special event memorable with our outstanding food and dedicated customer service! thaNKSGiViNG famiLy DiNNer pacKaGe Hot Delivered to your Door • Serves 12-15 People • 20-22 lb. All natural Roasted Turkey • Homemade Turkey Gravy • Fruit nut Stuffing • String Beans Oreganata • Fresh Whipped mashed Potatoes • Chilled Fresh Cranberry Sauce • Sweet Potatoes with marshmallows • Apple Pie or Pumpkin Pie • Assorted Dinner Rolls and Pumpkin Bread $375.00 823 Middle Country Road, St. James, NY 11780 (631) 265-9865 www.villasorrento.com OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 50 – A R T S & E N T E R T A I N M E N T What’s Happening at the Mills Pond House Gallery The Mills Pond House Gallery, located at 660 Route 25A, St. James, is dedicated to exhibiting the work of local, regional, and national artists and is open to the public Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from 12 noon to 4 p.m. Admission is free. For additional information call the Smithtown Township Arts Council at 862-6575 or visit their website at www.stacarts.org the smithtown township arts council is an independent, notfor-profit, community arts organization. Exhibit Sponsorships are available for many exhibits, concerts and workshops. If you are interested in sponsoring one of their innovative exhibitions or programs, call 862-6575. OCTOber -January 8, 2016 Member Artist Showcase a unique exhibition of original fine at for sale by member artists. 30 Jazz in the Living room 7:30 p.m. Bring your instrument... everyone plays! Chal- lenge the world of sheet music and exact chords... if you are looking to expand your creative and imaginative horizons, join this fun and creative evening of Jazz improvisation. Admission: $5 to participate. FREE to listen. NOveMber -January 8 Member Artist Showcase a unique exhibition of original fine at for sale by member artists. 20 Jazz in the Living room 7:30 p.m. Bring your instrument... everyone plays! Challenge the world of sheet music and exact chords... if you are looking to expand your creative and imaginative horizons, join this fun and creative evening of Jazz improvisation. Admission: $5 to participate. FREE to listen. DeCeMber -January 8 Member Artist Showcase a unique exhibition of original fine at for sale by member artists. 18 Jazz in the Living room 7:30 p.m. Bring your instrument... everyone plays! Challenge the world of sheet music and exact chords... if you are looking to expand your creative and imaginative horizons, join this fun and creative evening of Jazz improvisation. Admission: $5 to participate. FREE to listen. JANuArY -January 8 Member Artist Showcase a unique exhibition of original fine at for sale by member artists. 16 Opening reception, Winners Showcase, 2-4 p.m. Meet the artists. 16-February 12 Winners Showcase Exhibition of former prize-winning artists. FebruArY -12 Winners Showcase Exhibition of former prize-winning artists. New Arrival? Robert Hall Fine Art Established 1966 St. James - Port Jefferson WANteD to BUy: Antique Paintings • Frames • Sculpture oriental rugs • Fine Antiques Silver & Gold • Jewelry estate & tag Sale Services Available FRee veRBAl APPRAISAlS Visit our Website: www.RobertHallFineArt.com 631-965-0724 email: [email protected] Share the blessed event with your friends and neighbors in oUR toWN • St. JAMeS email your announcement to [email protected] or mail to oUR toWN• St. JAMeS 359 lake Ave., St. James, ny 11780 there is no fee for this service. For further information please call 862-9849 OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 51 – For a B U D G E T F R I E N D L Y H A P P Y H O L I D AY H O M E Visit Uniquely Natalie Q UA lI T y C O n S I G n m en T O U T le T Browse rs Welcom e Furniture – Accessories – Art – Antiques Sports Memorabilia – Collectibles – Jewelry & Handbags Come see our new merchandise. Deliveries in time for the Holidays. Nov. 7-15: CALENDAR OF EVENTS Veteran’s Appreciation Week. 10% off with ID card. FREE EVENT. Art Gala at the Calderone Theatre Gallery of Fine Art. 7-9pm. Hors d’oeuvres by Farm to Table Catering by Filomena. * Sun., Nov. 15: FREE EVENT. Natalie’s Holiday Seminar, 11am-1pm. Join Natalie for great tips for holiday decorating. * Thurs., Dec. 10: Desserts ala Art is back! Another evening of sweet indulence and creativity with Arlene Goldstein. 6:30-9pm *RSVP for events at www.uniquelynatalie.com or call 631.862.6198 * Sat., Nov. 7: Complimentary In-Home Designer Visit Visit Our CAlDeROne GAlleRy OF FIne ART 2nd Floor with a purchase of $1,000 or more Accepting Merchandise in Excellent or Good Condition. Please submit photos to: [email protected] Natalie Weinstein, Allied ASID 176 Second Street, St. James, NY 11780 631-686-5644 | 631-862-6198 Gift Certificates available. Hours: Sunday 11am-5pm • Mon., Thurs., Fri., Sat 10am-5pm • Closed Tues. & Wed. [email protected] | Locations served: Nassau, Suffolk & NYC OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 52 – A R T S & E N T E R T A I N M E N T On Stage at Smithtown Performing Arts Center The Smithtown Performing Arts Center, located at 2 East Main Street in Smithtown, brings professional live entertainment to our backyard at affordable prices. Ticket prices range from $20$35 unless otherwise noted, group rates available. Call the box office at 724-3700 for reservations or visit their website at www.smithtownpac.org. Performance Schedule A Little Night Music Through November 8, 2015 the musical genius of stephen sondheim creates a stunning and masterful musical about love lost and found. Disney’s The Jungle Book Kids CHiLDREN’S THEATER Through November 8, 2015 Tickets: All seats $10 the Jungle is Jumpin! adapted from the classic film. Forever Motown October 23, 2015, 8 p.m. Tickets: $40 Veteran entertainers offer a nonstop, high energy trip down memory lane featuring the songs america grew up on. The Little Mermaid November 21-January 24, 2016 a love story for the ages. ariel, OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 King triton, flounder, scuttle and of course, sebastian all come to life on stage. a special treat for the entire family. It’s A Wonderful Life A Live Radio Play December 17-20, 2015 all the magic of Bedford falls comes to exhilarating life right in front of you as you are transported to 1940 and then to continued on facing page – 53 – A R T S & E N T E R T A I N M E N T Classic Movies at the Smithtown Performing Arts Center The Smithtown Performing Arts Center, located at 2 East Main Street in Smithtown, has been bringing professional live enter- Smithtown Performing Arts tainment to our backyard at affordable prices for many years. in celebration of Smithtown’s 350th Anniversary – Smithtown Performing Arts Center has brought classIc MoVIEs, back to Smithtown’s Historic Movie House. continued from previous page George Bailey’s christmas Eve. First Date March 5-26, 2016 sassy Madcap fun - Broadway’s Musical comedy Cabaret April 9-May 22, 2016 life is a cabaret! - Music and lyrics by Kander and Ebb. Hairspray July 9-August 28, 2016 the Broadway Musical Rent September 10-October 2, 2016 rEnt follows a year in the life of a group of impoverished young artists and musicians struggling to survive and create in nyc’s lower East side. Urinetown The Musical October 15-November 6, 2016 In a fictional city a 20 year drought has led to a government ban on private toilets. Everyone must “Pay to PEE.” this sidesplitting send up of greed, love, revolution (and musicals) is worth its weight in gold. Tickets: Adults/$35 Thursday Matinee/$20 Children/Students/$20 Subscription plans available at substantial savings. Call the box office at 724-3700 more information. Become a member and save with additional benefits. Annual membership is $75 and a lifetime membership is $300. Benefits include additional 10% discount on the purchase of tickets to any performance or subscription package, preferred status for seating, and much more. OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 the sixth sense/the Exorcist will be screened on october 30. Movie prices are $10. Call the box office to purchase tickets at 724-3700 or visit their website at www.smithtownpac.org for the complete list of movies, dates and times. – 54 – A R T S & E N T E R T A I N M E N T Seiskaya Ballet's Nutcracker at the Staller Center December 18-21 The Seiskaya Ballet’s nutcracker has become a perennial holiday favorite on Long island. This year’s staging of the nutcracker is again scheduled for six performances: December 18-21, 2015 at Stony Brook university’s Staller Center for the Arts. This classical ballet rendition has earned praise from critics and audiences alike. Newsday called the production, “EnchantInG,” “Polished,” “...child friendly - a storyteller’s nutcracker...” And in another Newsday article the reviewer gushed: “...lavish... and ...sumptuous...” Other reviewers proclaimed it: “...glorious... Dazzling... extraordinary...” The cast will be led by guest artist Nick Coppula (Cavalier) formerly with the Pittsburgh Ballet plus guest artist Nick Coppula will partner Seiskaya ballet principal dancer Alexandra Palma in the elegant Sugar Plum Pas de Deux. Seiskaya’s award-winning principal dancer Alexandra Palma with 1st soloists Jenna Lee, Natasha Butkevich, Diana Atoian and Brianna Jimenez. The company’s 2015 nut- OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 cracker season should again garner praise. Judith H. Bernstein of Newsday headlined her Seiskaya Nutcracker review, “a Delicious holiday confection for young and old.” Reviewer Michelle isabelle-Stark entitled her review “seiskaya’s nutcracker Is Dazzling and Breathtaking.” The Seiskaya Ballet’s nutcracker is considered Long island’s premier nutcracker production. Don’t miss the production that Newsday described as “...a seasoned recipe for holiday cheer” and the New York Times praised as “lavish.” Tickets are on sale now at the Staller Center Box Office at (631) 632-ARTS and at www.nutcrackerballet.com. Attended Box Office hours are continued on page 104 – 55 – S E P M I A Z J Z . A T S “A Slice Above The Rest” (Fugheddaboutit!) oPen 7 days a WeeK Come In and Bring Your Appetite! try any of our great lunch Specials 11am-9pm Monday-Friday 11aM-3PM We now offer gluten-free Pizza & Pasta $7.99 CATERInG AVAILAbLE On REqUEST anytime combo Specials – Just Mention # When Ordering large 18” Pie large 18” Pie Tossed Salad 6 Garlic Knots ∂ 1895 $ 6 Mozzarella Stix 10 Wings, 2 Liter Soda 12 Garlic Knots • Tossed Salad 2 Liter Soda 3395 $ + tax º 26 + tax 2095 $ ∫ Ω + tax (Excluding Shrimp and Veal) 1795 $ + tax 2 large 18” Pies 20 Wings • 24 Garlic Knots One 2 Liter Soda Tossed Salad $ 3195 $ any 3 heros œ + tax any 2 BaKed Pasta dishes baked ziti • Tossed Salad 6 Garlic Knots 95 ∏ + tax Tossed Salad 6 Garlic Knots large 18” Pie $ 12 Garlic Knots • Tossed Salad 2 Liter Soda grandma Pie siCilian Pie large 18” Pie π 2695 $ ∑ + tax 2 large 18” Pies 1895 æ + tax 4495 $ + tax NIGHTLY SPECIALS MoNDAy NIgHt tUeSDAy NIgHt WeDNeSDAy NIgHt tHURSDAy NIgHt Large 18” Pie Your Choice or Pasta Served w/Salad & Garlic Knots HERO nIGHT PIzzA nIGHT Large 18” Pie • 10 Wings 6 Mozzarella Stix 2 Liter Soda 2 Heros $13.95 + tax 3 Heros $17.95 + tax 4 Heros $21.95 2 Large 18” Pies 12 Garlic Knots, Tossed Salad, One 2 Liter Sodas PIzzA SPECIAL PASTA SPECIAL $11.95 + tax Sicilian or Grandma (Does not Include Entrees) $13.95 + tax Dine In/Take Out or Delivery Available. Mention ad when ordering $8.95 + tax $26.95+ tax Dine In/Take Out or Delivery Available. Mention ad when ordering $2.00 Off ANY PIE offer not to be combined. with coupon only. expires 11/17/15 FAMILY nIGHT Dine In/Take Out or Delivery Available. Mention ad when ordering FRIDAy NIgHt + tax Dine In/Take Out or Delivery Available. Mention ad when ordering PriCeS SuBJeCt to CHAnGe WitHout notiCe FriEveEry Del your loCal Pizzeria $31.95 + tax Dine In/Take Out or Delivery Available. Mention ad when ordering SPECIAL 12” PIE ! Wow $6.99 + tax offer not to be combined. with coupon only. expires 11/17/15 739 Middle Country Road, St. James, nY 11780 • Phone 631-979-9600 • Fax 631-979-9610 www.stjamespizza.com OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 56 – A R T S & E N T E R T A I N M E N T Long Island Museum 2015 Calendar 1200 route 25A Stony brook, NY 11790 (631) 751-0066 www.longislandmuseum.org HOuRS: Thursday-Saturday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sunday, 12 noon-5 p.m. ADMiSSiON: $10/adults, $7/seniors 62 and older, $5/students 6-17 years and college students with i.D., under 6/FREE 2 for 1/Thursdays Please Note: all events are free with museum admission, unless otherwise noted. Please call 751-0066 x212 to register where indicated. for information about becoming a museum member call 7510066 x246. ADuLT PrOgrAMS AND eveNTS October 23, 5 p.m Night at the Museum - Alive@5 admission: $15, $10/members includes refreshments The Long island Museum’s monthly after-hours program Alive@5 continues with a special discussion about Prohibition-era libations. Historic gastronomer Sarah Lohman will explore the history of gin, why it was the alcohol of choice during the Prohibition, and its recent revival as the drink of choice at parties. Alive@5 features light refreshments, drinks and a special program. The series will continue through the end of the year with lectures, workshops and guided tours of additional exhibitions. October 25, 1-4 p.m. Halloween Family Fun Day admission frEE Visitors of all ages are encouraged to dress up in costume and enjoy special fun-filled activities for children; adults can enjoy current exhibitions along with Magic by Amore. November 6, 6:30 p.m. Holiday Celebration Cocktail Party & exhibition Preview $50 per person (complimentary for holiday celebration Donors and sponsors). Enjoy a cocktail party and sneak preview of the holiday celebration exhibition. includes wine, fine food, entertainment, raffles and more. Contact Regina Miano at [email protected] or call x247. continued on page 58 Happy Halloween! From my Incredible Family to Yours! youR saint jamEs REaltoR JILL MCDOWELL licensed real estate salesperson (516) 316-2000 CELL (631) 858-6985 DIRECT [email protected] “I’ll help you sell quickly and for top dollar.” 996 Jericho turnpike, Smithown, ny 11787 What an Incredible year! thank you to my past, current and future clients! OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 57 – STOP INTO OUR NEW OFFICES AT 30 LAKE AVENUE SOUTH NESCONSET ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES JOSEPH MILE, AIA – – – – – NEW HOMES KITCHENS BATHS SIDING WINDOWS – – – – – ADDITIONS RENOVATIONS BASEMENTS ROOFING DECKS P: 631.250.9200 • F: 631.250.9201 CAPODE SIGNBUILD.COM BR I A N C A P O LICENSED • INSURED OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 58 – A R T S & E N T E R T A I N M E N T Long Island Museum 2015 Calendar continued from page 56 November 7, 6:30 p.m. Holiday Celebration gala & Silent Auction $225 per person. Meet Community Leader award recipients Valerie and Bill Godfrey and Patron of the Arts, Dr. Richard Dranitzke at this annual gala and silent auction. Enjoy cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, dinner, silent auction, live music and more. For reservations contact Regina Miano at [email protected] or call x247. November 8, 2 p.m. Behind the Sole: Every Shoe Tells a Story Linda O’Keefe, author of shoes: a celebration of Pumps, sandals, slippers and More (Workman Publishing Company), and Helene Verin author of Beth levine shoes (Stewart, Tabori & Chang), answer the question, “Do your shoes tell stories?” Wear or bring a favorite pair of kicks and share your own shoe stories. November 10, 10 a.m.-12 noon Senior Tuesday ART MuSEuM Drop in between 10 a.m. and noon for a free, self-guided tour of Beth levine: the first lady of shoes November 15, 2 p.m. Strong-Cuevas Sculpture: book Signing and Talk Sculptor Strong-Cuevas discusses the techniques behind her vsionary work and her superbly produced book, strong-cuevas sculpture: Premonitions in retrospective (Abrams Books), spanning the artist's career. includes book signing and short film screening of the artist in her studio. November 15, 5 p.m. NOrTH SHOre PrO MuSiCA CONCerT SerieS $25 per person ($20 for Pro Musica and lIM members, and students). LiM and North Shore Pro Musica continue the Chamber Music Series with Debussy's Sonata for Flute, Viola and Harp, and folk ST. JAMES UNITED METHODIST CHURCH songs of the British isles. Performances takes place in the Gillespie room of the Carriage Museum. Tickets available at the door. November 20, 5 p.m. LIM Alive @Five $15 per person ($10 for members) at the door. Sculpture of the past 100 years affords vast pleasures. But modern sculpture requires a different way of looking than traditional sculpture. Spend an evening featuring an illustrated lecture by Philip F. Palmedo on his new book the Experience of Modern sculpture. This lecture will explore the many forms of modern sculpture from various angles and will be followed by a book signing. EXHIBITIONS Through October 25, 2015 Gilding the Coasts: Art and Design of Long Island’s Great Estate Era From the late 1870s until the World War ii years, well over continued on page 60 – read – – 57th Annual – Our Town Holiday Tea & Sale ON LiNe! 532 Moriches Road, St. James, NY • 631-584-5340 S •T • J •A •M •E •S SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21 • 10 A.M.-3 P.M. Holiday crafts and gifts, cheese, apples, Harvest Table, jams & preserves, pies, homemade fudge and chocolates, seasonal plants and decorations for your home. – Silent Auction Basket Sale – “Cookie Walk” Our traditional Silver Tea will feature finger sanwiches, various hors d’oeuvres and a variety of homemade desserts. Please Join Us and Celebrate the Season! OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 viSit www. ourtownstjames.com – 59 – chorus Line Dance Studio “Dedicated To Excellence – Come See the Difference” Celebrating 34 Years Serving the Smithtown Community! Professional Staff of Dedicated Teachers JOIN OUR AMAZING CHORUS LINE FAMILY Award Winning Students Director: roSeaNN coUSiN Beginner through advanced Dance classes • Tap • Jazz • Ballet • Pointe • Lyrical • Hip Hop • Pre-School • Contemporary • Technique family & multiple class Discounts aSSiStaNt DaNce DirectorS: Dawn madden & Jenine Naples BaLLet Director: rachel tavernier happy faLL!!! WelcoMe BAck to All oUR StUDeNtS olD & NeW! Still time to Register and Join our Amazing Dance Family! call NoW and mention our town ad and receive a free gift upon Registration St. James Studio 380 Lake avenue Smithtown Studio 385-5 Veterans hwy. 584-7575 543-7575 miller place 691-26 route 25a ViSit oUr WeBSite: choruslinedance.com 821-9575 TO REGISTER FOR SUMMER CLASSES, SUMMER CAMPS, PRE-REGISTER & FOR ALL YOUR DAnCE nEEDS! OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 60 – A R T S & E N T E R T A I N M E N T Long Island Museum 2015 Calendar continued from page 58 1,000 estates were built across Nassau and Suffolk counties, thoroughly reshaping the lives of wealthy and working-class residents alike. These palaces and properties of diverse design represented the country’s best achievements in architecture, interior decorating, and landscape design. Gilding the coasts: the art & Design of long Island’s Great Estates will explore the collaborative efforts, fertile creativity and innovative work that were critical ingredients forging Long island’s great estates. Through January 3, 2016 Beth Levine: The First Lady of Shoes This exhibition celebrating the visionary shoe designer, Beth Levine (1914-2006) includes a wide array of iconic footwear, photographs, paintings, memorabilia, illustrations, accessories, film footage and artifacts from public and private collections relating to Levine's early life on a farm in Long island through her ascent to the pinnacle of the fashion world. More than almost any single 20th century American designer, Levine revolutionized women’s footwear in what was, at the time, a primarily male-dominated industry. in addition to three First Ladies (Jacqueline Kennedy, Pat Nixon, Lady Bird Johnson, who chose Levine’s shoes for their extreme comfort), Beth’s clients included Marilyn Monroe, Ava Gardner, Barbra Streisand, Lauren Bacall, Liz Minelli, and Cher. The boots that Nancy Sinatra wore for her 1966 hit “these Boots are Made for walkin’” were designed by Beth. Levine collaborated with designers including Halston, Geoffrey Beene, Bill Blass and designed all the footwear for Braniff Airline’s flight attendants. Her work is collected by many museums and individuals including Christian Louboutin and Manolo Blahnik. Through January 4, 2016 Young Island: William Sidney Mount’s Scenes of Childhood. All works of art in young Island are from the collection of the Long island Museum and were drawn or painted by William Sidney Mount (1807-1868) Ongoing THE CARRiAGE MuSEuM Eight galleries housing more than 100 horse-drawn vehicles and related artifacts explore the history of transportation before the continued on page 104 Scruples HEAD TO TOE Women • men 5 Gel nails fULL SerVice SaLoN Specianlg Prici 3 Weekance ten Main Ask about our Gel Polish on natural nails See Us For mAnICUReS • PeDICUReS • WAxInG • Gel nAIlS • ACRylIC nAIlS PeRmAnenT FRenCH nAIlS • SIlK nAIlS 10% SenIOR CITIzen DISCOUnT 452 lake Avenue (next to lake Village Deli) St James, ny 11780 Call for Appoinment 584-8030 OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 GIFT CeRTIFICATeS AVAIlABle for all occasions – 61 – • DINE IN • TAKE OUT • CATERING • DELIVERY Visit Us For haPPy hour Sunday-Friday Wednesday Only st. James loCation only regular sicilian or grandma Pick Up Only Pick 2 for $9.95 plus tax Select & Enjoy 2 Items to Create Your Favorite Lunch + tax Cannot make Both Selections From the Same Category. Available monday-Friday until 4:00Pm take-out • delivery • dine in (Sharing Charge $3.00) no limit • no Coupon necessary • pick up only Cannot be combined with any other offer. footBall Catering PaCKages • • • • 1 8 6 1 PACKAGE #1 neopolitan Pie with topping Buffalo Wings $ * garlic Knots 2595 + tax 1 liter soda • • • • • 1 8 6 1 1 PACKAGE #2 neopolitan Pie • 12 garlic Knots Buffalo Wings • 1 Baked Penne mozzarella sticks $ 95* house salad + tax 1 liter soda 45 *nO SUbSTITUTIOnS • PICK UP OnLY • SUnDAY OnLY *nO SUbSTITUTIOnS • PICK UP OnLY • SUnDAY OnLY PACKAGE #3 PACKAGE #4 • Choice of 2 Pies Regular, Sicilian or Grandma • 16 Buffalo Wings • 12 mozzarella sticks $ 95* + tax • 18 garlic Knots • 2 1 liter soda 67 *nO SUbSTITUTIOnS • PICK UP OnLY • SUnDAY OnLY sPuntino – st. James BeFoRe tAX • PIck UP oNly. excludes brick oven pizza & regular pizza. offer not to be combined with any other offers or coupons. With coupon only. expires 11/17/15 + tax regular, sicilian or grandma 3 Pie Minimum *nO SUbSTITUTIOnS • PICK UP OnLY • SUnDAY OnLY sPuntino – st. James excluding Holidays. excludes brick oven pizza & regular pizza. offer not to be combined with any other offers or coupons. With coupon only. expires 11/17/15 sPuntino – st. James excludes holidays & holiday eves. offer not to be combined. With coupon only. expires 11/17/15 420 North Country Rd. • ST. JAMES • 686-6700 Major Credit Cards Accepted www.spuntinoonline.com Sun-Thurs 11am-10pm • Fri & Sat 11am-11pm OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 62 – A R T S & E N T E R T A I N M E N T Smithtown Historical Society Happenings Since 1955 the Smithtown Historical Society has worked to ensure that the history of Smithtown Township and our Long island heritage are preserved and interpreted for the education and enjoyment of current and future generations. Their mission is carried out through collection, conservation and preservation, research, exhibitions, publications, educational programs, support of regional heritage organizations, living history events, community library and archives. The Historical Society maintains six houses and eight outbuildings at three locations: Obadiah Smith House, Caleb Smith House and their 22-acre Village of the Branch Historic District Site. The Smithtown Historical Society, holds a number of events during the year. For further information about any of their programs call 265-6768. Ongoing Through November 2015 exhibit Showing: Smithtown at 350 “The Anniversary exhibit” it’s a time to learn about, reflect upon, and celebrate the development and growth of this township of nearly 55 square miles spread over 10 incorporated villages and hamlets. Smithtown has gone from a tiny 17th-century rural community to the 7th largest township in all of New York State, with a population larger than Albany. What are some of the historic highlights and the artifact treasures that tell this important story of our changing community? Smithtown at 350 now showing at the Caleb Smith ii House (5 North Country Rd., Smithtown) features some of the most important artifacts in the Smithtown Historical Society’s collection, which unlock the keys to this fascinating past. For more information, call 265-6768. FALL HARVEST LECTuRE SERiES Monday, October 26, 7:30 p.m. Long Island and the Civil War Free Authors Bill Bleyer and Harrison Hunt will speak about their new book. Although no battles were fought on Long island, learn how the Civil War deeply affected the 101,000 people then living in current-day Queens, Nassau and Suffolk counties. in the Frank Brush Barn, 211 Middle Country Road, Smithtown. Light refreshments will be served. Friday, October 30, 7 p..m. Graveside Chat & Stone Rubbings with Brad Harris $2/members; $5/non-members supplies included registration required - 265-6768 Join Town Historian Brad Har- $25-,%33/.3s$25-,%33/.3s$25-,%33/.3 Private DRUM LESSONS WITH*OHN-ICELIin our State-of-the-Art Recording/Teaching Studio s!LLLEVELSFROM"EGINNERTO!DVANCED s!LLSTYLESFROM2OCKTO*AZZ s.933-!0REPARATION to schedule your private lessons l l Ca or email: [email protected] For resume information, please visit: john-miceli.com 631-240-0690 $25-,%33/.3s$25-,%33/.3s$25-,%33/.3 s$25-,%33/.3s$25-,%33/.3s$25-,%33/.3s$25-,%33/.3s ris for an evening walking tour and graveside chat on the history of the Smithtown Cemetery. Make and take home a souvenir rubbing of a historic headstone. Bring a flashlight and wear comfortable shoes. This program will meet and end at the Caleb Smith ii House, 5 North Country Road, Smithtown. FALL HARVEST LECTuRE SERiES Monday, November 2, 7:30 p.m. Tales from a General Store FREE Much like the vast variety of goods found in a 19th century general store, so are the compelling tales, lore, and legends of Long island’s past presented by master storyteller Janet Emily Demarest. in the Frank Brush Barn, 211 Middle Country Road, Smithtown. Light refreshments will be served. FALL HARVEST LECTuRE SERiES Monday, November 9, 7:30 p.m. Songs of 18th Century America Free Balladeer Linda Russell presents a look at 18th century America through the instruments and music of its time. Hear how music played a major role in the life of Americans during the Colonial and Revolutionary War era. in the Frank Brush Barn, 211 Middle Country Road, Smithtown. Light refreshments will be served. reSidentiAl CommerCiAl PoWer WASHinG SPACKlinG DEBUS Painting & Wallpapering, Inc. phone: 631-862-7924 cell: 631-513-5028 SteVen deBuS s$25-,%33/.3s$25-,%33/.3s$25-,%33/.3s$25-,%33/.3s OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 interior exterior – 63 – Don’t Be A Victim Of Your Pain & Suffering the process of recovery can be difficult if you or someone you know has been involved in a no-fault auto accident or work related injury in the past 12 months We provide all this and more: • a complete, separate motor Vehicle accident and Worker’s Compensation Department • spinal Decompression therapy • trigger point injection (medically supervised) • Emg nerve Damage testing • massage therapy • Digital X-Ray (in office) and/or mRi Referral (if needed) • all Chiropractic procedures DR. RAyMoND SeMeNte 265 lAKe AVenue, St. JAmeS, ny 11780 631.584.7722 motor Vehicle Workmans Compensation and major medical Body smart massage theraPy Pegeen russell, l.m.t. • Sports and recreational injuries • motor Vehicle Accident • Work related injury liCenSed mediCAl mASSAGe tHerAPiSt HourS By APPointment 631.584.7722 OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 42963-1 – 64 – A R T S & E N T E R T A I N M E N T Programs Offered at the Library The Smithtown Library offers a variety of programs during the upcoming weeks and months. The Library has updated their phone system with one number (360-2480) which will connect callers to all four Library buildings. The Main Branch, is located at 1 North Country Road, Smithtown. The Nesconset Branch (Administration Business Office) is located at 148 Smithtown Blvd., Nesconset. The Commack Branch is located at 3 indian Head Road, Commack. The Kings Park Branch is located at 1 Church Street, Kings Park. Call for Library hours. For more information visit the library website atwww.smithlib.org. You may register at the above phone number for programs unless otherwise noted. ON exHibiT Long Island Room CeLebrATiNg THe 350th ANNiverSArY OF SMiTHTOWN SMiTHTOWN To celebrate the 350th an- niversary of Smithtown, the Long island Room will highlight materials related to the history of the community and its people. This exhibit will be on view throughout 2015. MOvie MATiNeeS NESCONSET call for dates, times and movies SMiTHTOWN friday, oct. 23, 2 p.m. Julie and Julia Rated: PG-13, Runtime: 120 min. friday, oct. 30, 2 p.m. Max Rated: PG, Runtime: 110 min. call for additional dates, times and movies. FAMiLY MOvieS SMiTHTOWN (For families w/children under 12) saturday, oct. 31, 2:30 p.m. The Retrievers Not rated, Runtime: 90 min. bOOk DiSCuSSiON grOuPS Tea-rrific reads book Discussion NESCONSET Tuesday, Oct. 27, 2:15 p.m. Room by Emma Donoghue Call for additional books, dates and times. registration encouraged. Sports Pages book Discussion group SMiTHTOWN Monday, November 2 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Parcells by Bill Parcells. no registration required. A Novel idea book Discussion group SMiTHTOWN Call for books, dates and times. registration encouraged. book Discussion group SMiTHTOWN Call for books, dates and times. no registration required. continued on facing page hey ladies of st. James! HAd enouGH oF gym-timidation? Want to burn some calories without feeling the unwanted gaze of others at the gym? Work out with me in the privacy and comfort of my fully equipped home gym! Whether you want to lose weight, lean out, tighten up, or tone up with some added muscle – i am a NAtIoNAlly RANkeD BoDyBUIlDINg coMPetItoR who wants to help you achieve your health and fitness goals. i also specialize in NUtRItIoN and offer MeAl PRePARAtIoN SeRvIceS. located just one mile from long Beach in Saint James. Contact me, Danielle Barbato, at 631-278-6043 OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 Support your local merchants... Shop St. James! – 65 – A R T S continued Historical Non-fiction book Discussion group SMiTHTOWN Thursday, Oct. 22, 10:30 a.m.11:30 a.m. and 2:30-3:30 p.m. founding Brothers: the revolutionary Generation by Joseph J. Ellis. In-person registration only. & E N T E R T A I N M E N T musical group of eight longtime friends. These versatile performers will be singing your favorite hits from the 40s, 50s, 60s and 70s. iTALiAN HeriTAge MONTH FrANk SiNATrA TribuTe SMiTHTOWN sunday, oct. 25, 2-3:30 p.m. To celebrate the 100th anniversary of Frank Sinatra’s birth, Tom Brandise will give a tribute performance of the legendary singer’s music. The concert is cosponsored by the Dr. Vincenzo Sellaro Lodge #2319, which will also be providing dessert following the performance. geTTiNg STArTeD WiTH eMAiL SMiTHTOWN friday, oct. 23, 10-11:30 a.m. Learn how to create and use an email account. Creating a Gmail account in this hands-on seminar for new and inexperienced email users. ALL gOOD FrieNDS CONCerT NESCONSET saturday, oct. 24, 2-4 p.m. All Good Friends is a unique SeLLiNg ON eTSY NESCONSET Monday, oct. 26, 7-8:30 p.m. Looking to market your art or handmade craft online? Etsy ex- pert Claudine Jalajas will demonstrate how to create an account, maximize exposure and track statistics using the site. FurNiTure WiTH CHALk PAiNT SMiTHTOWN tuesday, nov. 3, 7-8:30 p.m. Nancy Golder will discuss and demonstrate the newest trend in refinishing furniture – chalk painting! Chalk paint dries quickly and has no harsh scents which has helped in making this method very popular in recent years. Nancy will bring in several pieces and demonstrate the best techniques to upcycle your old glass mirrors, metal and wood furniture pieces. She will discuss the most cost effective ways to chalk paint and give a recipe to make your own chalk paint from latex paint. continued on page 66 freNcH americaN – EStaBliSHEd iN 2002 – 244 Lake aveNue, St. JameS, NY • (631) 584-5686 viSit uS @ WWW.vOiLatHebiStrO.cOm vOiLa! gRAB to go takE Out $14.99 includes appetizer, main course & 2 Sides visit www.voilathebistro.com for complete menu Book Your Holiday Party Before November 20 and Receive 10% Off ENtiRE Bill 10% Off ENtiRE CHECk Not to be combined with any other offer. exp. 11/30/15. 3 COuRSE PRiX fiXE luNCH $25 MONdaY-SatuRdaY (EXCludiNg HOlidaYS) 3 COuRSE PRiX fiXE diNNER $32 MONdaY-SatuRdaY (EXCludiNg HOlidaYS) SATURDAY 4:30-5:30 PM OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 66 – A R T S & E N T E R T A I N M E N T Library Programs continued from page 65 SMiTHTOWN’S 350TH ANNiverSArY AuTHOrS’ TALk AND bOOk SigNiNg SMiTHTOWN thursday, nov. 5, 7-8:30 p.m. in 2009 and again in 2011, Smithtown Town Historian Bradley Harris, Smithtown Historical Society Executive Director Kiernan Lannon and Smithtown Historical Society Consulting Curator Joshua Ruff joined together to write Images of america: smithtown and then & now: smithtown (both Arcadia Publishing). Focused primarily on the historic photographic record of the town, these two books serve as important visual resources that truly capture the look and feel of the community through the years. Learn how the authors selected and used images from the Smithtown Historical Society, The Smithtown Library’s Long island Room and private collections to develop a pictorial history of the town. bOOk AND HiDDeN TreASure SALe SMiTHTOWN saturday, nov. 7, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. The Friends of The Smithtown Library welcomes all shoppers to its Book and Hidden Treasure Sale. Hardcover books, DVDs, CDs on sale for a $1, paperback and children’s books 50¢. The Friends will also offer a variety of knickknacks, collectibles and other items. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the Friends of The Smithtown Library Scholarship. Questions? Contact Mr. Salas at 360-2480 X 128. WeLCOMe TO MeDiCAre SMiTHTOWN Monday, nov. 9, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Grace Horan-Luce will explain the process of Medicare open enrollment. This lecture will be especially important to those of you who are new to Medicare. Learn about the different types of Medicare and the application process as well as other important information. bOOk TALk & SigNiNg SMiTHTOWN Monday, nov. 9, 7-8:30 p.m. Join local author Jeb Ladouceur as he introduces his newest novel the Ghostwriters. Copies of the book will be available for purchase and Jeb will be available to sign them following the talk. Jeb resides in Smithtown and is the author of 10 other thrillers. ONgOiNg ADuLT PrOgrAMS ADuLT gAMe DAY SMiTHTOWN fridays, oct. 23, 30, 11-1:30 p.m. NESCONSET Monday, october 26, 12-3 p.m. call for additional dates and times. We provide the space, tables and chairs. Bring your friends and board or card games to play. Space is limited and is available on a first-come, first-served basis. no registration required. ADuLT WriTerS grOuP SMiTHTOWN 1st tuesday of every month, 7 p.m. call for dates Meet each month to share ideas and get feedback on your latest efforts. Program is free and open to all regardless of library district. no registration required. ArT grOuP SMiTHTOWN tuesday, oct. 27, 12-2:15 p.m. call for additional dates and times. Weekly group will work on independent projects. no registration required. OPeN kNiT AND CrOCHeT NigHT NESCONSET call for dates and times Join this local group and enjoy a friendly and informal get-together. Experienced crafters and beginners welcome to knit and crochet with other enthusiasts. no registration required. continued on facing page WE HAVE OPENINGS FOR 3 & 4 YEAR OLDS Jennifer Fasano Branch Manager Monday - Thursday 8:30am - 3:00pm Friday 8:30am - 6:00pm Saturday 8:30am - 2:00pm ST. JAMES UNITED METHODIST NURSERY SCHOOL Drive Up: Same as Branch Hours 532 Moriches Road St. James, NY 11780 (631) 584-9555 1RUWK&RXQWU\5G6W-DPHV1< ZZZP\1<&%FRP Kathlene Rathburn, Director OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 67 – A R T S continued AArP DeFeNSive DriviNg CLASSeS SMiTHTOWN thursday, nov. 12, 10-5 p.m. NESCONSET saturday, Dec. 5, 9-4 p.m. KiNGS PARK tuesday & wednesday, nov. 3 & 4, 10 a.m.-1:30 p.m. (Must attend both days). call for dates and times. Phone, online and in-person registration for the next two months of classes is ongoing. Classes are open to Smithtown Library cardholders only until 1 week prior to the program, when, space permitting, all individuals regardless of library district are welcome to register. Open to all adult drivers regardless of age. Fee: $20 with an AARP membership card; $25 without. & E N T E R T A I N M E N T Check or money order only made out to AARP is due to the instructor at the beginning of class. Must have a library card to register; one registration per library card. TeeN PrOgrAMS grADeS 6-12 The Smithtown Library offers a variety of programs geared toward teens. Join one or join all – you’re sure to have a great time! (In-person, online or telephone registration for all programs is required and ongoing.) TeeN vOLuNTeer OPPOrTuNiTieS A variety of volunteer opportunities will be offered at the Library throughout the year. One hour of community service will be given. register for this program. call for dates and volunteer opportunities. NESCONSET & SMiTHTOWN ™ VoluntEER Teen Volunteer Opportunity Book and Hidden Treasure Sale Volunteers SMiTHTOWN saturday, nov. 7, 9:30-4:45 p.m. Teen volunteers are needed to support the Friends of The Smithtown Library sale. Tasks may include setting up book displays, making signage, posting signs, maintaining the sale tables, working the cash box and light cleaning. Teens may volunteer as many or as few hours as they like and will earn community service credit. continued on following page Time to decorate your windows for the holidays! Since 1985 Creative Windows, Ltd. 347 lake Ave., St. James 631-366-0212 www.mycreativewindows.com open monday-Friday 10am-5pm Saturday 10am-3pm SOLERA® SOFT SHADES Save with mail-in rebates on a selection of stylish Hunter Douglas window fashions. Ask for details. SAVE $100* We Repair HUNTER DOUGLAS Blinds & Shades OR MORE WITH REBATES SEPTEMBER 15 – DECEMBER 7, 2015 on qualifying purchases of Hunter Douglas window fashions. FRee Shop-At-Home *Manufacturer’s mail-in rebate offer valid for qualifying purchases made 9/15/15 – 12/7/15 from participating dealers in the U.S. only. only Rebate will be issued in the form of a prepaid reward card and mailed within 6 weeks of rebate claim receipt. Funds do not expire. Subject to applicable law, a $2.00 monthly fee will be assessed against card balance 7 months after card issuance and each month thereafter. Additional limitations may apply. Ask participating dealer for details and rebate form. © 2015 Hunter Douglas. All rights reserved. All trademarks used herein are the property of Hunter Douglas. OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 68 – A R T S & E N T E R T A I N M E N T Library Programs continued from page 67 CreePY MONSTer CArTOONiNg SMiTHTOWN thursday, oct. 22, 7-8:30 p.m. Join us for an evening filled with creepy monsters and things that go bump in the night with local science fiction and fantasy illustrator David O. Miller. in this cartoon drawing workshop, David will demonstrate some of the basic concepts that go into the creation of creepy cartoons. You will learn basic cartooning techniques as well as how to make your drawings look threedimensional. TiMe MANAgeMeNT FOr STuDeNTS WiTH LegiSLATOr rOberT TrOTTA SMiTHTOWN Monday, oct. 26, 7-8 p.m. Developing time management skills is essential to academic success. Learn from Legislator Robert Trotta how to manage your time instead of letting it manage you! DAY OF THe DeAD MiNi LuMiNArieS Smithtown wednesday, oct. 28, 7-8 p.m. Teens will enjoy celebrating Dia de los Muertos with this super fun and easy craft. Teens will use pencils and markers to decorate ping-pong balls before attaching them to battery operated tea lights. This is sure to be a holiday hit for everyone! SevereD PizzA HAND NESCONSET wednesday, oct. 28, 7-8:15 p.m. Create dough then shape it, decorate it and take it home to bake. Then enjoy this grossly fun snack! Pizza will be served to snack on. reTrO gAMiNg FOr TeeNS NESCONSET tuesday, nov. 3, 4-5:30 p.m Join Bryan Martiato as he teaches you all about old-school video games. You will get to play several classic games on the original Nintendo Entertainment System and have the chance to win a Nintendo-themed prize. register for this program children’S ProgramS Register in person, online or by phone for all Children’s Programs – 360-2480 unless otherwise noted. Call the library for dates and times and age restrictions for ALL programs. Visit the Library website at www.smithlib.org for a complete program listing and additional details or go to the library and pick up a program flyer. note: Each child must have his/her own library card to register for programs. St. James Dog Grooming nO CaGES. juSt KinDnESS! WE’RE aniMal lOVERS! $5 off Dog grooming limiT oNe Dog PeR CuSTomeR wiTh CouPoN • exPiReS 11/17/15 NEW Air Conditioned Location 430-2 N. Country Rd., St. James By App’t Only – Tues.-Sat. 862-7288 OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 For School Age Children A variety of literature-based programs which include a wide range of activities are offered throughout the school year. Each children’s department provides specialized programs, unique to each branch. MONSTer COOkieS NESCONSET (7-12 years) friday, oct. 23, 4:30-5:30 p.m. The Baking Coach will instruct young chefs in the art of decorating frighteningly delicious cookies. SuNFLOWer FLYerS SMiTHTOWN (3-5 w/adult) saturday, oct. 24, 11-11:30a.m. Listen to some stories and make a pinwheel craft. MONSTer CuPCAkeS SMiTHTOWN (5-7 years w/adult) tuesday, oct. 27, 7-7:45 p.m. Enjoy fun monster stories and decorate a cupcake delicious enough for a monster to eat! HiP HOP TOTS NESCONSET (2-4 w/adult) wednesday, oct. 28, 10:30 a.m. Come get jiggy with your little one through creative movement, dance and music! Dance and bounce along to adorable hip hop beats, favorite sing-alongs and use creative props to get moving. continued on page 70 – 69 – 8 JohnAttorney H. Mulvehill at Law Tel. 631.862.8889 Fax: 631.862.0535 Email: [email protected] St. James, New York 11780 Specializing In Real Estate Wills & Trusts Civil Tort Litigation Premises & Product Liability Probate & Estates Contracts Admitted to Practice: All Courts Of New York State United States District Court for Eastern District of New York United States District Court for Southern District of New York United States Court of Appeals - Second Circuit Supreme Court of the United States United States Court of Military Appeals 8 OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 70 – A R T S & E N T E R T A I N M E N T Library Programs continued from page 68 SNeAker ArT SMiTHTOWN (8-12 years) wednesday, oct. 28, 4:30 p.m. Come to this program wearing (or bringing) your coolest pair of sneakers. Then take one off and use it as the subject of a colorful drawing using pencil and markers. ArTiST TrADiNg CArDS SMiTHTOWN (8-12 years) thursday, oct. 29, 4:30-5:15 p.m. Children will learn about different artists and their styles, experiment with different mediums and build a portfolio of ATCs they’ve either created themselves or traded with others. tume is encouraged for our trickor-treat parade through the Library. ONCe uPON AN AuTHOr NESCONSET (3-5 years w/adult) Monday, nov. 9, 3:30-4:15 p.m. Join us as we spotlight a favorite children’s author. We will read their stories and create a special project based on one of their books ONGOING PROGRAMS Creation Station SMiTHTOWN (under 12 years) saturdays, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. call for dates Are you looking for something to do on Saturday? Come to the Library and complete some cool crafts. no registration required. Fun For 4s and 5s SMiTHTOWN (4-5 years) thursdays, oct. 22, 29, 2:30 p.m. call for additional dates and times This program is designed for children who can listen independently. TOTS HALLOWeeN NESCONSET (2-4 w/adult) friday, oct. 30, 11-11:45 a.m. Enjoy a fun-filled morning of stories and crafts in your Halloween costume. We will have a costume parade around the Library! HALLOWeeN MONSTer MASH-N-bASH PArADe SMiTHTOWN (3-5 years w/adult) saturday, oct. 31, 11-11:45 a.m. Join us for a Halloween story time and craft. Dressing in cos- Mother Goose Rhymetime (birth-35 months w/adult) NESCONSET call for dates and times. SMiTHTOWN saturdays, oct. 24, 31, 10 a.m. call for additional dates and times. Enjoy a traditional time of nursery rhymes and songs for baby. Siblings are welcome. Stepping Up NESCONSET (4-5 years) thursday, oct. 29, 3:30 p.m. Help children take steps to get ready for kindergarten by enjoying stories, crafts and circle time independently. Terrific Threes SMiTHTOWN (36-47 months w/adult) OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 fridays, oct. 23, 30, 10 a.m. call for additional dates and times. NESCONSET thursday, oct. 22, 2:30 p.m. call for additional dates and times Enjoy free play, stories, crafts and circle time. Siblings are welcome. Time for Twos SMiTHTOWN (24-35 months w/adult) tuesday, oct. 27, 10 a.m. call for additional dates and times. NESCONSET (24-35 months w/adult) call for dates and times Build social skills in a relaxed, friendly environment, includes free play, songs, stories and a craft. Siblings are welcome. Wonderful Ones SMiTHTOWN (12-23 months w/adult) wednesday, oct. 28, 10 a.m. NESCONSET (12-23 months w/adult) call for dates and times. This action-packed program engages little ones in language based activities; includes free play, stories and fun! Siblings are welcome. SeekiNg LegO DONATiONS! if you have any Lego blocks that your children have outgrown, would you please consider donating them to the Children’s Department. let’s get building! LEGO League SMiTHTOWN (5-12 years) Monday, Oct. 26, 4:30 p.m. NESCONSET (5-12 years) Monday, Nov. 2, 4:30 p.m. call for additional dates and times Do you enjoy building things? using LEGOs and your imagination, you can create and build many wonderful things. We supply the LEGOS. – 71 – A R T S & E N T E R T A I N M E N T On Stage at Staller Center There’s always something happening at the Staller Center, university at Stony Brook. The following programs are being offered for your enjoyment. Box Office hours are 12 noon to 6 p.m., Monday through Saturday and 1hour before ticketed performances. For tickets and information, call the Box Office at 632-ARTS (2787). Tickets can also be purchased 24 hours a day at www.STALLERCENTER.COM. The university Art Gallery (the Paul w. Zuccaire Gallery) hours are 12 noon to 4 p.m., Tuesday through Friday and 7-9 p.m. on Saturday. For further information about Art Gallery shows call 632-7240. The Department of Music features numerous performances throughout the year with over 150 frEE recitals. For further information call the music department at 632-7330. JuLiAN SANDS In A Celebration of Harold Pinter Directed by John Malkovich Saturday, October 24, 8 p.m. RECiTAL HALL - $38 The extraordinary English actor Julian Sands (a room with a View, 24) brings a solo show to Staller Center that gets to the soul of writer Harold Pinter – a poet, playwright, husband, political activist, Nobel Prize winner, mortal. The show earned a 2013 Drama Desk nomination. Enjoy this Staller Center exclusive. SOLID SOUL featuring Mavis Staples and Joan Osborne Friday, October 30, 8 p.m. MAiN STAGE - $48 Grammy Award-winning legend Mavis Staples teams up with multiplatinum recording artist Joan Osborne on their national tour, “Solid Soul.” Hear the legendary Gospel singer Mavis Staples with the wonderfully expressive Joan Osborn for a great night of soul songs. Come out for a night of music by two incredible soul singers. NeLSON iLLuSiONS “Smoke And Mystery” Sunday, November 1, 4 p.m. MAiN STAGE - $20 not Just for KIDs STArrY NigHTS NOveMber Friday, November 6, 8 p.m. RECiTAL HALL - $36 bOLLYWOOD MASALA OrCHeSTrA & DANCerS OF iNDiA – “The Spirit of India” Friday, November 13, 8 p.m. MAiN STAGE - $42 STOrM LArge Saturday, November 14, 8 p.m. RECiTAL HALL - $38 HARDWARE STORE full serviCe lumBer yard Featuring... Moulding • lumber • custom Millwork • custom Mantel Work • Hardwood DeckINg ipE • timbertech pressure treated Decking FoR tHe BoAteR hardwood & marine plywood Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9-7:30 p.m tuesday, thursday 9-5:00 p.m Saturday 9-2:30 p.m closed Sunday 810 MIDDLE COUNTRY ROAD SAINT JAMES, NY 11780 “We Have It All” tools • hardwoods millwork available y now Offering new & Replacement Screens Glass & Mirror replacement table tops doors and much more SPECIAL ORDERS WELCOME e q 631.584.5140 547 Lake Ave., St. James, NY Monday-Friday 7am-5pm • Saturday 7am-3pm OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 72 – I N T H E S C H O O L S Harbor Country Day Students Became “Citizen Scientists” at Nissequogue River On Friday, October 9, more than 50 students from Harbor Country Day School, a leading independent day school for children in preschool through 8th grade, experienced “a Day in the life of the nissequogue river.” The visit is part of a comprehensive program, sponsored by the Central Pine Barrens Commission, wherein students from across Long island engage in aquatic ecosystems a top priority. hands-on science exploration on While visiting the Nissequogue Long island’s major river systems. River, the students developed a During a Day in the life of the firsthand appreciation for and nissequogue river, Harbor knowledge of Long island’s river Country Day students used genand estuary ecosystems, coluine field techniques to analyze lected useful scientific data rethe river and its ecosystem. They garding the status of Long gathered and examined fish and island’s major river system, and other aquatic life, collected became stewards of water qualwater and invertebrate samples, ity and natural resources. developed a biodiversity inventory of AbOuT HArbOr COuNTrY DAY SCHOOL the riparian zone, Founded in 1958, Harbor Country Day School is an and analyzed independent, co-educational day school for children from preschool through 8th grade situated in St. water chemistry – James’ Village of Head of the Harbor. The school all as a means to employs a whole-child approach to education, better understand wherein its rigorous curriculum is supported by a and protect Long broad program in its academic, athletic, advisory island’s river and and visual and performing arts departments. The estuary ecosysschool’s mission is to “cherish childhood, cultivate tems. wonder, and inspire confident learners and leaders. Water quality isHarbor Country Day School is chartered by the NYS sues continue to Board of Regents and is accredited by and a mempermeate Long isber of the NYS Association of independent Schools (NYSAiS). it is a non-sectarian, nonprofit organizaland, making the tion. For more information, call 631-584-5555 or protection and visit www.hcdsny.org. restoration of our For advertising rates and information, call 631-862-9849 OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 73 – CHIROPRACTIC HEALTHCARE OF ST. JAMES DR. GREGORY R.THOmAIER CHiroPraCtor 338 lake Avenue (across from the Post office) St. James, ny 11780 631-584-8100 emerGenCy APPointmentS tAKen HEALTH VIEWS by Gregory R. thomaier, D.C.,C.C.S.P. this article is part of an ongoing series presented in order to bring you the very best and latest information about exercise, health and diet. chiropractic care and your Health As a rising tide raises all boats, regular chiropractic care helps improve all aspects of your personal health. this process occurs owing to the fact that chiropractic care directly addresses the nerve system, your body’s master system. the nerve system conducts messages between your brain and every other organ, tissue, and cell in your body. As a result, the proper functioning of your cardiorespiratory, digestive, endocrine, immune, and reproductive systems depends on effective and timely reception and transmission of information from and to your brain. By making sure your spine is aligned, regular chiropractic care helps reduce and re- move irritation to centrally located spinal nerves. regular spinal alignment allows spinal nerves to do their job properly, helping ensure that your heart, lungs, immune member: • American Chiropractic Association • international Chiropractic Association • Council on diagnostic imaging cells, pancreas, thyroid, stomach, and intestines are all doing their job at the best level possible. the outcome is enhanced health, all across the board. • American Chiropractic Association Sports Council • nyS Chiropractic Association • American medical Athletic Association geNtle eFFectIve tReAtMeNt oF: • back/Leg Pain (Sciatica, Disc Problems) • neck/Arm Pain (numbness, Tingling) • Whiplash Injuries • Sports Injuries • Pinched nerves • TMJ Disorders • Scoliosis • Headaches We AccePt • Worker’s Compensation • no Fault (Auto) • union Plans • major medical • etc... OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 74 – I N T H E S C H O O L S Knox School IEA Horse Show On Sunday, October 5, 2015, after a major storm, a community comes together at the Knox School with a surprising turn out. The annual Knox School iEA Horse Show is a spectacle of equestrians ready to show off their hard work and riding skills. Lined up against the fence are proud parents waiting to see the outcome of their hard working children on top of the beautiful Knox horses. With eyes on the ring and the judge ready to score, there is an excitement in the air. Rider 190 starts off with a warm-up round followed by careful execution of the jumping course. The horse jumps effortlessly over the jump in the warm-up; this action is done for every horse and rider combination before officially being judged. The patrons that gathered inside the Wm. Turner Shoemaker Theatre were enticed by the parent’s association raffle and food table with great prizes. Coach Townes, Director of Athletics stated “i’m amazed about the amount of riders and equestrian patrons in attendance which have such enthusiasm and great energy.” Jennifer Christensen of the Knox Equestrian Program says “i feel like it is a lot of planning and work for the horse show, but it’s worth it. The riders are happy and the horses are behaving and overall it is turning into a really nice day.” This annual iEA Knox School OF ST. JAMES Dr. Gary DiBenedetto Horse Show had a great outcome with proud riders and patrons. At the end of the day Knox riders took away seven 1st place ribbons along with 32 other high placings. Overall, the Knox School High School Team was the champions of the horse show and the Knox School Middle School Team were reserve champions. SCHOOL IS OPEN PEDIATRIC / FAMILY CHIROPRACTOR CAUTION regular eXPosure to ChiroPraCtiC adJustments may imProve the Quality of your life No Appointments... We are a Walk-In. Open Tuesday & Thursday 3-6 Just stop by & change your family’s life forever! Family Friendly Fees 320 Lake Ave., Front Office (across from the Post Office) OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 PLEASE DRIVE CAREFULLY – 75 – I N T H E S C H O O L S Knox School’s UNICEF Club Held Bake Sale for Humanity The Knox School, located at 541 Long Beach Road, St. James, offers its students a plethora of clubs and activities. New to the offerings this school year is the uNiCEF Club, founded by sophomore Kyle Persaud. inspired by the need for aid to Syrian migrant children, Kyle and his fellow club members held the first club fundraiser of the 2015 school year, hosting a bake sale at the school on Wednesday, September 30. uNiCEF saves and protects the world's most vulnerable children, working to ensure child rights and providing health care, immunizations, nutrition, access to safe water and sanitation services, basic education, protection and emergency relief. Led by President Kyle Persaud, the uNiCEF Club holds weekly meetings to discuss the best way to give back and lessen the tribulations of these children. Their recent bake sale raised over $400 for Syrian migrant children that are in poor living conditions with less than adequate water and food. Service learning is an integral part of The Knox School program, and there are multiple efforts to serve others in the local community and globally going on throughout each school year. Knox is a breeding ground for kind hearts that are accepting of others and always ready to help. Pictured (left to right) are uNiCeF Club members Silvia Hernandez of Spain, kyle Persaud of guyana and Tania browne of New York. 516-662-1612 we are a St. James Business OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 76 – H O M E & G A R D E N DESIGN IDEAS: Revisit Your Home for Fall by natalie weinstein, allied asID One chilly day, the leaves cover the lawn, and the wake-up call has arrived. Summer is truly gone and we begin to look inward – to our homes and to ourselves. So much to do and so little time to get ready for the holiday season and the warmth, during a cold winter, that our homes can provide. Out come the candles, afghans and decorations but for those who are in the zone of renovation or redecoration, now’s the time to plan. in my do-it-yourself decorating work book, i advise everyone to make a plan – and a plan. The first plan is the “wish” and “needs” list to get you where you want to be. The second is an actual to-scale floor plan of your room. The first plan will help you budget wisely. The second will allow you to see the space as it can be, rather than what is existing. Each has an important function in reaching your goals and both are necessary. Now you need to contact the people who will help you achieve your goals – interior designer, architect, contractor, banker, etc. Budget estimates and advice along with a viable time frame are essential. Check references, and don’t necessarily go with the lowest bidder. Remember how long it took to get to this re-do. You don’t want to have a “do-over” redo any time soon! Check out magazines and the internet to find the look you like – but be realistic. The high backs on sofas and chairs and huge window treatments in Architectural Digest will definitely not make it in your normal living room with its 8’ high ceiling. in other words, look to your own lifestyle and home to find the décor that works best for you. Think classic – meaning whatever style(s) you choose, make sure it doesn’t “say” 2015! Some color trends and styles are not fashion, just fads, and are too expensive to dabble with. Think a decade down the road. Will you still be happy with your choices? Will it still be the home you are proud to invite guests to share with you? Will you feel it might need some tweaking, then, but not a major re-do? Styles change (to some degree) and your taste might, but if the basics are good and of good quality, your home will transcend the test of time. So look for “the look”. Get the best price – but don’t compromise quality. A bargain is not something cheap. A bargain is something worth more that you got for less. Make your plan(s) and create your budget but most of all – get started! Clean up the clutter and organize. Give away, donate, or consign what might still be good, but not for you. Make room for the new and don’t work around that white elephant in the room. Pick up the old rugs (there might even be a wood floor under them). Try a OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 “new” neutral paint color and open up the spaces so they can breathe – and so can you! Most of all – remind yourself how important your home is to you and your family. Take care of it and it will give you years of comfort and pleasure as well as an example for your children to follow in the years to come. Editor’s Note: natalie weinstein, allied asID interior designer, talk show host, author, speaker and president of natalie weinstein Design associates in st. James, ny, since 1973, and owner of the newly opened quality consignment shop uniquely natalie in st. James, ny., where you will find fine furnishings and accessories for your home. Visit www.natalieweinstein.com, for full service interior design. Join www.nataliesclub.com for frEE and get professional design advice, along with frEE seminars, tips, learning products and discounts. listen for Design Tips by natalie on walK 97.5 fM, or for more information about please call 631-862-6198 or email at [email protected]. for more information about uniquely natalie Browser’s club, call 631-686-5644 or visit www.uniquelynatalie.com. – 77 – Henrietta Homes AND PROPERTIES, INC. 328 Lake Avenue,St. James, NY 11780 • 631-862-6999 www.henriettahomes.com Directly across from the St. James Post Office KET nEW TO R MA 4 Green meadow Crescent, mt. Sinai. $989,000. Custom Colonial leaves no luxury left out. From the solarium w/hot tub, a 20x40 pool, a solar panel system (2012-no lease), granite gourmet kitchen with island, pantry and wet bar, custom fireplace and wood cabinetry, custom wood trim and professionally landscaped. All sitting in a picturesque Cul-de-Sac. 101 Browns/raspberry rd, nesconset. $565,000. Almost new construction set up with a place for everything and everything in its place. From the computer station in the 42' kitchen to watch those recipes while you cook to the circular driveway and completely fenced back-yard with room for a built in pool, move in the Au Pair and still have an entire floor of privacy. the master bedroom suite boasts a full private bath and walk in closet. the soaring ceilings add to the grandeur while the professional landscaping invites you in. 15 Fiore Ct, St. James. move right into this newly remodeled home with gleaming hardwood floors, granite kitchen, new carpet downstairs, new windows, siding, roof, CAC, iGS. All sitting on a large piece of property within a quiet Culde-Sac. $469,000. ET RK nE A OM WT 38 Hurtin Blvd, Smithtown. $599,000. meticulously maintained spacious 4 M bedroom 2.5 bath O T home on quiet W E n street. this center hall Colonial has over sized master bedroom suite,as well as a three season room, updated roof, vinyl siding, windows, driveway, slider, bathroom and kitchen with granite. As well as CAC, iGS, hardwood under carpet and 1st floor laundry as well as finished basement. ET K AR 142 moriches Ave, mastic. $165,000. unique opportunity, this possible mother/daughter OM T with proper permits nEW has a fixer upper price tag on a move in home. House has private outside entrance to full basement which has baseboard heaters installed but need to be connected to heating system. new shed, paved front walk and stoop, wood floors, vinyl siding and newer windows. A must see. Priced to sell, won't last long! ET K AR OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 78 – H O M E & G A R D E N NATURALLY SPEAKING: Enjoy the Beauty of the Season by June a. liardi The quieter days of September and October are behind us now and the busy, entertaining, visiting, shopping and decorating days are before us! if you are hosting a Thanksgiving Day meal, make your decorating easier by using natural things, materials from in and around your house. Scatter some beautiful colored leaves down the center of the table, use produce in an arrangement or just placed around. Choose squashes, pumpkins, gourds, eggplants, fruit and nuts. use vines of bittersweet and/or English ivy to snake around the other items. Easy, simple and inexpensive. Come December you can do the same thing by using pinecones, pine and evergreen branches, cranberries and pomegranates. use this same mindset when filling your vases around the house. Enjoy the peace and beauty of the forest and take a nature hike with the family. Make sure to choose a hike that all the children can handle. Pack enough snacks and water for everyone. To keep it interesting add a scavenger hunt. include items to collect that will not harm anything in the forest. Talk to the children about the importance of leaving the forest as they found it. it is said to leave only footprints. Some items to look for and col- lect are different pine cones, pine needles, hickory nuts, acorns and black walnuts; the leaves of oaks, maples, birch, locust, tulip, sumac, sassafras, willow and elm are just a few suggestions. Study up with a field guide for more items to look for. The children can then use all the items for different crafts when back at home. Perhaps the winner of the hunt could choose their favorite dinner or desert. Save some of the pine cones to make bird feeders. Just cover the pine cone with crunchy peanut butter and then roll in birdseed. Attach a string (before the peanut butter) and hang outside. Back at home in the yard there are still some things to get done outside before the real cold weather is upon us. Finish cleaning out your vegetable garden and clean up any spent annuals in your flower beds. Add a nice layer of compost on top of the soil and/or some chopped up leaves that you have raked up. Put your garden tools, hoses and clay and ceramic pots away out of the elements. if you recycle your seed-starting pots, cell packs and trays, get them in order now. it is still warm enough to clean them up outside. Wash all supplies in a detergent, bleach and warm water bath. Let them dry, then put them away until planting ® Patrick Tracy n Owner 631-498-5595 [email protected] tailoredliving.com Enjoy, and have a wonderful thanksgiving Day. Editor’s Note: June liardi, a st. James resident for over 30 years, is a wife and mother of three sons. June will be writing articles on gardening, nature related craft projects and family activities. tree serviCe Tree Removal GARAGES n CLOSETS n HOME OFFICES PAnTRIES n MURPHY bEDS time comes around again. This is the time to make a list of any new items you may need. Before you put your bird bath away for the season, turn it into an autumn display. it is a good spot for a pot of mums or flowering cabbage or kale, pumpkins and gourds. Add some evergreen stems or ivy to finish it off. Here is a nice berry blend you can make to use hot, alone or with tea. use it cold with seltzer, or with white wine or vodka. it will keep, refrigerated for up to a week. For 5 cups of juice: combine 3 cups fresh cranberries, 3/4 cup sugar, 2 strips of orange peel, 6 cloves, 1/2 vanilla bean, halved lengthwise and 5 cups of water. in a sauce pan bring all to a boil, berries will start to burst in about 5 minutes. Reduce heat to low and cook, stirring 10 minutes more. Let mixture cool then pour through a strainer into a pitcher, pressing the mixture with the back of a spoon. Pruning Topping Chipping Stump Grinding Free Wood & Woodchips e Licensed & Insured • Suffolk Lic. #20570-HI q 631-584-5575 ComPetition tree, inC. OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 79 – Foreign & Domestic New Parts Available AuTO WRECKERS INC. 1013 Long Island Ave., Deer Park, NY 11729 qe yt 631-586-6599 YOUR USED AUTO PARTS SUPERSTORE! All years and Models – car Parts, truck Parts, van Parts Any part not in stock can be located! • Mention this Flyer & SAve 10% WE BUY LATE MODEL WRECKS www.midislandautoparts.com SALVAGE CORP. 1007 Long Island Ave., Deer Park, NY 11729 junK CaRS & tRuCKS WantED ROLL OFF CONTAINER SERVICE available at NO CHARGE for any large quantity of Metal SCRAP METAL RECYCLERS We Buy: Copper, Aluminum, Brass, Tin, Batteries, Cars, Steel RESiDENTiAl • COmmERCiAl TOP DOLLAR PAID! 631-667-5048 OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 80 – M O N E Y M A T T E R S Beware of Scary Inhabitants of the Investment World by scott Posner, cfP, crPc, a.a.M.s. in just a few days, witches, zombies and vampires will be converging on your house, asking for candy. As is the case every Halloween, you’ll likely be merely amused over the sight of these costumed characters. But in other areas of life, such as the investment world, you may need to watch out for some seemingly scary entities. Here are a few of them: • The Horrendous Headline Big, glaring headlines rarely offer any comfort to investors. Whether it’s political squabbles at home, conflicts in the Middle East or the debt crisis in the eurozone, there’s always something happening that’s perceived as jeopardizing the stability of the financial markets. Yet these threats are often overblown, and the markets have proven quite resilient for decades. Here in the united States, the most powerful economic engine in the history of the world has offered investment opportunities as crises have come and gone. • The Terrible Tipster He or she could be anyone – your neighbor, friend or relative. But whatever their origins, Terrible Tipsters have one thing in common: They like to tout “hot” stocks or “can’t miss” opportunities. The problem is that by the time you actually hear about a hot stock, it may already be cooling off. And the “can’t miss” opportunities often do indeed miss. Don’t waste time, effort – and money – seeking a shortcut to investment success: There isn’t one. instead, stick with an investment strategy that’s suitable for your goals, risk tolerance and time horizon. • The Scary Statement When the market is down, you probably dread seeing your investment statements. But don’t let a few bad months, or even a bad year, cause you to stuff your money under your mattress. The financial markets can turn around pretty quickly, and if you’re out of the market when the next rally begins, you’ll miss out on some potentially big gains. So, put those negative statements aside and look back at your investment results over a period of many years – the big picture might look a lot less frightening than you’d imagine. Don’t Despair! REPAIR! CALL MASTER FIX IT Specializing in all Minor & Major Home Repairs, Trouble Shooting & Maintenance all QualiTY home imPRovemeNTS iNCluDiNg: • Carpentry • Plumbing • electrical • Painting • windows • Doors • gutters • odd Jobs • Snow Plowing • Basement & Roof leak Specialist • No JoB too SMAll JOHN ANTHONY PIAZZA OFFICE FAX CELL: (516) 584-5993 584-5644 380-0727 FUlly lIceNSeD AND INSUReD (#15,038 HI) St. James Resident • unlimited References • The Fearsome Forecast The performance of the financial markets is notoriously hard to predict – but that doesn’t stop a slew of fortune-tellers from trying. And the same is true of the economy as a whole – predictions abound, but many of them prove far off base. You can always adjust your portfolio, as needed, in response to changing market or economic conditions, but don’t act on these possible circumstances just because someone, somewhere, has predicted them. instead, follow tried-and-true principles such as diversification, which can help reduce the impact of volatility on your holdings. (However, diversification can’t guarantee a profit or protect against loss.) The ghouls and goblins you see on Halloween are unlikely to cause you nightmares. And the various phantoms of the investment world may prove just as illusory. Don’t let them scare you away from investing. Editor’s Note: Money Matters is a monthly feature written by scott Posner, cfP, crPc, a.a.M.s., an investment representative with Edward Jones Investments. this 130-year-old firm has over 10,000 offices around the world with one here in town at 542 north country road in the old st. James school house. Mr. Posner has serviced both personal and institutional investors for over 27 years. for more information or to request topics for future columns, call 631-862-2020. bEYOnD Call today for your FREE Comparative market Analysis Cell: 631-513-6814 oFFiCe: 631-862-1100 x 25 177 W. MAIn ST., SMITHTOWn, nY Web: www.LouiseTudiscoHomes.com Email: [email protected] OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 LOUISE TUDISCO licensed Associate real estate Broker – 81 – www.edwardjones.com No Time Like the Present to Keep Your Future on Track Lots of times, changes in life also affect your investments. That’s why there’s never been a better time to schedule your complimentary portfolio review. We’ll talk about the changes in your life and help you decide whether it makes sense to revise your investments because of them. A portfolio review will help ensure your investments are keeping pace with your goals. Call your local financial advisor today. Scott R Posner, CFP®, AAMS®, CRPC® Financial Advisor . 542 North Country Rd Suite A St James, NY 11780 631-862-2020 FAP-1965B-A-AD Member SIPC OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 82 – R E A L T Y W I S E PERSPECTIVES ON REAL ESTATE: 55+ Communities and YOU PART 2 by alexandra rich Last month i wrote about the lifestyle changes which come with selling your home and moving to an adult community. There are other considerations as well and they concern finances. it is not simply a question of what price point you can afford when you search for a retirement home. Certainly that is paramount to your quest, but the community you are selecting is part of a larger financial equation. if you are purchasing a cooperative (coop), you are purchasing shares in a corporation. if you are buying a condo you are becoming part of a homeowner association (HOA). Most often both have governing boards, rules and regulations, selection committees, fees, taxes, special assessments and other requirements associated with the community. You need to do your homework and consult with your attorney before you buy. 1. The Community and the builder. Take the time to research the community on line and at the local building department. Most builders have web sites. You can determine whether this is the first time the builder has built an adult development, or whether there are other sites locally, re- gionally or even nationwide. A first time builder will lack the experience of long-term investors, and often are not as familiar with the wants and desires of today’s purchasers. They may also lack expertise in accommodating local laws and enforcement codes. 2. Add on Costs and Fees. What activities do you value most and are they included or are there additional charges? For example, is golf free to homeowners, are classes and activities and social clubs included? Have there been improvements to the structures – siding, landscaping, the clubhouse – which incurred special assessments and are continued on page 84 danielgale.com Nissequogue, NY – New To Market Spacious 4-bedroom Ranch on quiet cul-de-sac in Village of Nissequogue. Eat-in kitchen with maple cabinets, stainless steel appliances, granite, hardwood floors, bay window. Master bedroom with two walk-in closets and updated bath. Vaulted ceiling and fireplace in living room. Secluded setting with extensive landscaping, heated, saltwater, gunite in-ground pool, deck, patio with waterfall and in-ground sprinklers. SD #1. MLS# 2795156. $649,000. Alexandra H. Rich Associate Real Estate Broker St. James/Smithtown Office 499 Lake Ave., St. James, NY 631.584.6600 ext.202 [email protected] Personal Service, Professional Results. Each office is independently owned and operated. We are pledged to provide equal opportunity for housing to any prospective customer or client, without regard to race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin. OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 83 – danielgale.com Head Of The Harbor – New To Market St. James, NY – Picture Perfect Lovely Ranch on 3 acres of grassland and specimen trees in Village of Head of the Harbor. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths with formal living and dining rooms, 3-season sunroom, updated eat-in kitchen has European flair. Master bedroom with private deck. Perfect weekend retreat or year round residence. SD #1. MLS# 2797222. $649,000. Captivating Farm Ranch rebuilt in 2001 on 1 acre of verdant lawns and perennial flower gardens. Open floor plan, living room with stone fireplace, kitchen with maple cabinetry, granite, stainless steel appliances, wonderful great room with soaring ceiling. Inviting front porch, tranquil rear yard, paver patio, 3.5-car garage, and full basement. SD #1. MLS# 2789245. $478,000. St. James, NY – Historic Colonial Smithtown, NY – Move In Ready Charming 3-bedroom, 2-bath home on ½-acre bordering Head of the Harbor Village. Features rocking chair front porch, gorgeous remodeled kitchen, cherry cabinets, farm sink, granite counters, stainless steel appliances, hardwood floor. New first floor bath, new Bluestone patio with built-in fire pit, new fence around yard. Close to town but tucked away. SD #1. MLS# 2782418. $425,000. Lovingly maintained 4-bedroom, 3-bath home on 1 acre boasting beautiful hardwood floors, formal living room with fireplace, eat-in kitchen with fireplace and skylight, formal dining room with built-in serving buffet, family room with built-in bookshelves. 2-car garage, attic, full basement. Newer siding, roof, cesspool, oil burner, driveway. SD #1. MLS# 2774589. $519,000. Nissequogue, NY – Gourmet Kitchen St. James, NY – Rental This beautifully remodeled Yablonski Colonial exudes charm and comfort. Situated on a tranquil shy 2 acres in the Village of Nissequogue. You will be impressed with the beautiful moldings, gourmet cherry kitchen, gleaming wood floors, heated sunporch, 2 fireplaces, finished basement with must see man cave and gunite pool. Move right in. SD #1. MLS# 2778124. $849,000. Larger than it appears, a must see. Featuring a large living room, updated bathroom, new, 1 layer roof, new windows/doors, updated heating system, garage with interior access, fully fenced yard, and security lighting. Freshly painted exterior. Close to shopping, schools, beaches and LIRR. SD #1. MLS# 2782447. $2,300/mo. Marianne J. Koke Licensed Associate Broker St. James/Smithtown Office 499 Lake Ave., St. James, NY 631.584.6600 ext.206, c.631.335.7111 [email protected] You Care About Results, So Do I. Each office is independently owned and operated. We are pledged to provide equal opportunity for housing to any prospective customer or client, without regard to race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin. OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 84 – R E A L T Y W I S E 55+ Communities and YOU continued from page 82 being passed on to the new owner. 3. Annual budget and reserve Funds. What is your association’s annual budget and is there a reserve fund? is there money available if the roads need repaving in the future, or if the clubhouse needs a new roof? These are anticipated future capital expenses that a well run association should be prepared for. The lack of sufficient reserves will mean future fees and assessments you were not expecting. The HOA should make its financial statements available to you and your lawyer. And speak with people who live in the community, or the HOA president, if possible. Even reading the minutes of several board meetings will give you insight. 4. Future Development. it is not possible to see into the future, but ask about plans which may be in the works for the surrounding areas, especially vacant land. Town websites will usually have a record of new building proposals presented for approval. Check the zoning for surrounding properties. Does your residential zone back commercial or industrial zoned land? 5. Overall Health of the Community. is there a high percentage of foreclosures in the community? You can check with the county clerk’s office for liens and foreclosures within the development. Both affect resale values and the HOA’s financial stability. is there a high percentage of litigation among residents or problems with delinquency in dues? How are these issues normally resolved? This is a real estate investment, even if it simply passes on to your heirs, and you need to treat it the same way you would if you were buying any other home. All the due diligence you can muster is not a guarantee. But it helps to be informed and forewarned. And be sure to be prepared for the scrutiny you will undergo in the approval process. Having strangers, soon to be neighbors, checking out your continued on page 104 danielgale.com Just in Time for the Holidays Saint James, NY – Best Value in Town Spacious 4-bedroom, 2.5-bath. This 3,400 sq. ft. Post-Modern is in a superb location at the end of a cul-de-sac on .69 acres. Open floor plan, fireplace, heated saltwater pool, CAC, 2-car garage, 7-zone sprinkler system, lovely private backyard with mature trees and plantings. Full basement with 8 ft. ceiling and outside entrance, 200-amp service, 3-zone 6-speaker sound system. Taxes are being grieved, reduction should be approx. $4,200 as per Tax Grievance Co. Smithtown SD #1. MLS# 2787341. $548,000. Christine Stevens Real Estate Salespeson St. James/Smithtown Office 499 Lake Ave., St. James, NY 631.584.6600 ext.219, c.631.879.7018 [email protected] Contact Christine for a Complimentary Market Anaylsis of your home. Each office is independently owned and operated. We are pledged to provide equal opportunity for housing to any prospective customer or client, without regard to race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin. OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 85 – danielgale.com Nissequogue, NY – New To Market St. James, NY –– Meticulous Ranch Gorgeous 4-bedroom, 3-bath Farm Ranch on tranquil, 2-acres in North Woods Section. Updated kitchen with custom cabinets, granite counters, master suite with balcony, updated baths, 2 fireplaces, hardwood floors, central vac, in-ground heated pool. Lifetime guaranteed Grand Manor roof, Andersen windows, 2.5-car garage. SD #1. MLS# 2797379. $89,000. Completely renovated, turn-key, on private shy acre in lovely Mills Pond Estates. Boasts eat-in kitchen, with custom cabinets and granite counters, den with fireplace, master suite with jacuzzi, walk-in closet, mud room featuring washer, dryer, and full pantry. CAC, 2-car garage, wired for generator. Private backyard, in-ground pool, deck. SD #1. MLS# 2765577. $629,000. SOLD SOLD St. James, NY – Stunning Colonial Smithtown, NY – Pristine Townhouse Beautiful brick Post Modern on 1+ acre, professionally landscaped in Mills Pond Estates. Formal living room with gas fireplace, gourmet eat-in kitchen, first floor master suite, guest suite, movie theater, game room, wet bar, wine cellar, 2-car garage. Country club yard, inground pool, brick patio, in-ground sprinklers. SD #1. MLS# 2743035. LP $1,199,000. Beautifully updated, end unit Townhouse in a private, gated community. Eat-in kitchen with custom cabinets, granite counters, SS appliances, master suite with recently renovated bath, 2 additional bedrooms, full finished basement with office, playroom and full bath. CAC, wood floors, gas heat, community pool, tennis, club house, gym. SD #1. MLS# 2755724. LP $469,000. SOLD RENTED St. James, NY – Turn-Key Ranch St. James, NY – Fairfield Rental This sprawling 3-bedroom, 2 ½-bath Ranch situated on .33-acres features a master bedroom suite with updated bath, updated kitchen, renovated bathrooms, hardwood floors, new garage doors, newer roof with built-in ridge vents, young boiler, gas heat, new CAC, in-ground sprinklers. SD #1. MLS# 2762863. LP $439,000. Great lower unit in the active 55 and over Fairfield Community. Move right into this beautiful 2-bedroom, 2-bath Ranch-style unit featuring new laminate flooring, heat/CAC, stove and microwave. Freshly painted, washer and dryer in unit. No pets and no smoking allowed. Community pools, tennis, and clubhouse. SD #1. MLS# 2792488. LP $2,100/month. Diane Duffy Real Estate Salesperson St. James/Smithtown Office 499 Lake Ave., St. James, NY 631.584.6600 ext.208, c.631.413.0287 [email protected] Committed to Excellence. Each office is independently owned and operated. We are pledged to provide equal opportunity for housing to any prospective customer or client, without regard to race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin. OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 86 – S C O U T N E W S SCOUTS’ PANCAKE FUNDRAISER A SUCCESS On Sunday, September 20, 2015, the boy Scouts of Troop 301 in St. James served over 100 pancake breakfasts to members of the community at Applebee’s in Lake grove at their fall fundraiser. The menu was three flapjacks, scrambled eggs, sausage, OJ and coffee. No one left hungry! Stay tuned for their next breakfast fundraiser! danielgale.com Montauk, NY – Living At Its Best Glorious, immaculate 2-story home situated on 1.2 acres atop hill in Montauk. Upside down floor plan creates magnificent view from second floor deck. Many windows, entry foyer, 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, CAC, fireplace, family room, dining room, wood floors, basement, all appliances, one owner. This little bit of heaven allows ultimate privacy with plenty of room for a pool. Close to town and ocean. Montauk SD #6. MLS# 2797637. $1,295,000. Elena Mingione Real Estate Salesperson St. James/Smithtown Office 499 Lake Ave., St. James, NY 631.584.6600 ext.203, c.516.359.9264 [email protected] Each office is independently owned and operated. We are pledged to provide equal opportunity for housing to any prospective customer or client, without regard to race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin. OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 87 – danielgale.com Leopold Design Group – Custom Built Luxury Homes Nissequogue, NY – Windsor Hill Nissequogue, NY – Briarcliff Manor Custom built 9,900 sq. ft. French Country gated estate with magnificent millwork throughout. Attention to detail, 3 handcrafted stone fireplaces, 6 grand bedrooms with 5 en-suites, Smart Home, radiant heat, nestled on 2.2 lush landscaped design grounds, 3 large outdoor loggias, outdoor kitchen, heated in-ground gunite pool and a beautifully restored barn. Masterpiece Listing. SD #1. MLS# 2788779. $5,000,000. This to be built 10,000 sq. ft. waterfront estate boasts 2 floors with finished lower level featuring top-of-the-line amenities. Grand entry foyer, formal living room, formal dining room, study, professionally appointed kitchen with breakfast room, stone fireplace, and 7 en-suites. Professionally landscaped, pool. Extensive decking and private balconies to enjoy the view of LI Sound. Masterpiece Listing. SD #1. MLS# 2788570. $6,995,000. Nissequogue, NY – Meadow Glen Head of Harbor, NY – Duck Walk Located in the picturesque Village of Nissequogue, this 5-bedroom, 6.5-bath Classic Hampton’s style home with spectacular design and architecture will offer a 2-story open foyer, oversized family room with custom stone fireplace, chef’s dream kitchen with breakfast room, media room, exercise room in light filled lower level. Professionally landscaped with gunite pool. Masterpiece Listing. SD #1. MLS# 2788759. $2,995,000. To be built on Woodlot Rd in Head of Harbor this timeless, luxurious home on 2 acres with magical water views of Stony Brook Harbor will offer 6,750 sq. ft. of spectacular living space including 5 bedrooms with en-suites, gourmet kitchen with breakfast room, living room, and dining room. Light filled lower level with media, study, gym, rec room, and in-ground pool. Masterpiece Listing. SD #1. MLS# 2788766. $2,995,000. French Country Estate Nantucket Waterfront Estate On LI Sound Classic Home With Old World Craftsmanship Luxurious Home With View Of Stony Brook Harbor Marianne J. Koke Denise Voelker Associate Real Estate Broker St. James/Smithtown Office 499 Lake Ave., St. James, NY 631.584.6600 ext.206, c.631.335.7111 [email protected] Real Estate Salesperson St. James/Smithtown Office 499 Lake Ave., St. James, NY 631.584.6600 ext.205, c.516.242.1339 [email protected] Each office is independently owned and operated. We are pledged to provide equal opportunity for housing to any prospective customer or client, without regard to race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin. OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 88 – S C O U T N E W S GIRL SCOUTS EARN SILVER AWARD Congratulations to Olivia kennedy, isabella Colucci, kathryn Dobkowski and Julianna Posner from girl Scout Troop 662 for completing their girl Scout Silver Award project, which is the highest award a Cadette can earn. For their project, the girls designed and created a Memorial garden at Angela’s House in Stony brook. They hope that the children living there and their families will enjoy the peace and tranquility that the garden has to offer. Angela’s House offers support for families caring for children with serious medical conditions who are living at home or in special homes that offer 24 hour nursing care. Pictured here with the girls is bob Policastro, founder of Angela’s House. danielgale.com Smithtown, NY – New To Market Hauppauge, NY – Move Right In Custom expanded Ranch, quality craftsmanship, 1.4 acres across from Caleb Smith Park. 9 ft. ceilings, 3 fireplaces, designer kitchen, great room with 15 ft. arched ceilings, master suite with fireplace, hardwood floors, finished basement with fireplace, 750 ft. deck, 2-car garage. SD #1. MLS# 2799412. $839,000. Meticulous Point of Woods Carriage House design offering spacious open floor plan. Anderson windows, hardwood floors, updated eat-in kitchen with granite and SS appliances, family room with fireplace, updated baths, siding and heating system. CAC, 2-car garage, Trex deck. SD #1. MLS# 2791043. $495,000. Diane Duffy Denise Voelker Real Estate Salesperson St. James/Smithtown Office 499 Lake Ave., St. James, NY 631.584.6600 ext.208, c.631.413.0287 [email protected] Real Estate Salesperson St. James/Smithtown Office 499 Lake Avenue, St. James, NY 631.584.6600 ext.205, c.516.242.1339 [email protected] Each office is independently owned and operated. We are pledged to provide equal opportunity for housing to any prospective customer or client, without regard to race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin. OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 89 – Child Advocacy & Parent Empowerment Services Deanna Walsh-Bender, M.S.Ed., L.M.S.W. a Child, Adolescent & Young Adult Therapist Disability & Mental Health Advocate Special Education Consultant “Serving the needs of Long island’s children, adolescents & young adults along with their families who love them & the professionals who serve them.” THE NEW “DBT at CAPES” PROGRAMMING BEGINS THIS NOVEMBER! Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) has been extensively researched and is proven to be a highly successful therapy approach for people who intensely struggle with: * Understanding & regulating emotions * Tolerating stressful situations * Socially relating to people * Being intensely anxious * Feeling unhappy and hopeless * Being confused with self-identity * Engaging in self destructive behaviors * Maintaining healthy relationships IF THE ABOVE ISSUES PERTAIN TO YOUR TEEN OR YOUNG ADULT & YOUR FAMILY, WE ARE HERE TO HELP! DBT at CAPES’ Comprehensive Program Includes All Traditional DBT Treatment Components Weekly Individual DBT Sessions with the Primary Treating Therapist; Weekly DBT Skills Group (no more than 6 clients per group); Between Session Phone Coaching with Primary Treating Therapist; Concurrent Family Skills Group & Clinicians All Participating on the Consultation Team. The CAPES Consultation Team is made up of 4 independent licensed mental health professionals committed to providing comprehensive DBT for the members of our community. All have been intensively trained by Charles Swenson, MD – an internationally known DBT expert and colleague of DBT founder, Marsha Linehan. WHO: Teens, Young Adults & Their Families WHAT: Individual Sessions Scheduled M-F Young Adult (18-23) & Concurrent Family Group Tuesdays 4:30-6:00 Teen (13-17) & Concurrent Family Group Tuesdays 6:30-8:00 WHEN: Complete Program Cycle In 6 Months: 11-17-15 through 5-31-16 FEES: $200 Weekly Includes Individual Client Session, Client Group Session & Concurrent Family Group Session c a p e S The Saint James School House 542 N. Country Rd., Suite 2 Saint James, NY 11780 (Phone) 631-686-6021 (Fax) 631-686-6022 OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 90 – H E A L T H N O T E S Guard Your Happiness – Treat Hearing Loss by william Kent Long island Hearing and the Better Hearing institute is raising awareness of the link between unaddressed hearing loss and depression. Both are urging adults of all ages to get their hearing tested to help protect their mental health. Long island Hearing’s efforts come in support of World Mental Health Day in October. Studies have shown how people with hearing loss, who use hearing aids, often, have fewer depressive symptoms, greater social engagement and improved quality of life. Hearing loss affects people of all ages, and so do the associated emotional and mental health issues that can come with leaving hearing loss unaddressed. in fact, a 2014 study indicated that hearing loss is associated with an increased risk of depression in adults of all ages, but is most pronounced in 18 to 69 year olds. Another study, conducted in italy, looked at working adults – 35-55 years of age – with untreated mild to moderate age-related hearing loss, and found that they were more prone to depression, anxiety and interpersonal sensitivity than those with no hearing problems. The good news is that for the vast majority of people with hearing loss, hearing instruments can be most beneficial; research • using hearing instruments can help bolster self-confidence. showed that the use of hearing instruments can help reduce depressive symptoms, and eight out of 10 hearing aid users say they’re satisfied with the changes that have occurred in their lives due to their instruments being used. Mental Health-Minded Reasons to Get Your Hearing Tested There’s a lot more to hearing loss than just sound. Getting a hearing test and using professionally fitted hearing instruments – when recommended by a hearing healthcare professional – is an important way for people with hearing loss to safeguard their mental health and quality of life. Here’s why: • ignoring hearing loss hurts quality of life. • Addressing hearing loss boosts mood. ACHIEVE INNER PEACE IN A HECTIC WORLD 5 Weeks to Change Your Life If you are reading this you need to enroll. Date changed. Enroll now: Final Sequence until mid 2016, Tuesdays 7:30-9:30 pm PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT GROUP Fine tune your INTUITION. Tuesday, 10/20, 11/17 ~ 7:30-9:30 pm ASTROLOGICAL INSIGHTS: Always available Printed Chart Report, Interpretive Session Available. Judith S. Giannotti, M.A., R. Hy. **Registration, Information 631.724.9733 www.lightawakenings7.com Editor’s Note: william Kent is the director or long Island hearing, an audiology and hearing Instrument Practice owned and operated by the Kent family since 1985. they maintain offices in nassau and suffolk counties. they can be reached at 1.800.698.5200. 291 lake avenue st. James, ny 11780 Bollhoferlaw.com ONGOING MEDITATION GROUP Seekers Welcome ~ Continue the Journey to Inner Peace Tuesday, 11/3 ~ 7:30-9:30 pm Today’s hearing instruments are better than ever and virtually invisible. Dramatic new technological advances have revolutionized hearing aids in recent years. Many are virtually invisible, sitting discreetly and comfortably inside the ear canal; some are even waterproof or rechargeable, but best of all, they’re wireless. That means they’re able to stream sound from Smartphones, iPhones, iPods, iPads, home entertainment systems, and other electronics directly into your hearing instrument(s) at volumes just right for you. The new iSDS hearing instruments can even be located, if lost or misplaced with GPS. Simply put, today’s hearing instruments help people of all ages maintain active, healthy lifestyles, some of them with fun technology included. Call your hearing healthcare provider and schedule your hearing test in the not so distant future. Remember, the worst thing you can do is nothing, and that should not be acceptable. (631) 584-0100 Fax: (631) 584-2304 [email protected] LAW OFFICE OF JOSEPH A. bOLLHOFER, P.C. Elder Law • Real Estate Estate Planning and Administration Accidents/Personal Injury member, national academy of elder law attorneys (naela) OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 admitted to Practice law in new york & new Jersey – 91 – s Join U g Durin O ur loWeSt pRiceS eVeR NO PURCHASE NECESSARY! one trade in per new aid purchased. • Combinable Coupon. Exp. 11/14/15 COMe CeLeBraTe! With Coupon. Exp. 11/14/15 FREE bATTERIES FREE REPAIRS Grand Celebration...Our 30th Anniversary ™ Come Celebrate With Us! OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 30% OFF EVERYTHING! batteries, Supplies, Repairs, Extended Warranties and, yES, All Hearing Instruments All Makes & Models at 30% OFF During Our Anniversary Celebration Don’t Miss This Historic Event & ! celebration ALL MInOR REPAIRS OR SERVICE On AnY MAKE OR MODEL HEARInG InSTRUMEnT FREE APPRAISALS Trade In Your Old Aid(s) Toward new Ones! FOR OnE YEAR Long Island Hearing... “Hear The Difference” Owned and Operated by the Kent Family Since 1985 Experience • Consistency • Reliability TM Long island hearing, inc. Since 1985 hiCKsville “Helping People Hear Better”® nesConset/smithtoWn 516.933.hear (4327) 388 So. Oyster Bay Rd. levittoWn 1/10 mi. North of Woodbury Road 55 Southern Blvd. Inside Primary Medical Care of Suffolk County 3475 Hempstead Tpke. 631.972.5211 By Appt. Only Between Wantagh Ave. & Jerusalem 516.735.9191 providers for many insurance plans including nys Empire, Emblem, BCBs, united health Care, union plans and others. Workman’s Compensation our specialty. We service all makes and models. Repair lab on premises. services & hearing instruments you can count on. open 6 Days a Week. audiological testing facility. WALK-InS WELCOME • HOME VISITS AVAILAbLE • WHERE PATIEnTS SEnD THEIR FRIEnDS • www.lihearing.com • All Offers Expire 11/14/15 doeS not inClude ComPonent rePlACement limit one Repair per household. With Coupon. Exp. 11/14/15 WitH PurCHASe oF Any HeArinG inStrument With Coupon. Exp. 11/14/15 FREE GIFT $ $ $ TRADE IN EVENT $ $ $ – 92 – H E A L T H N O T E S A Good Night Sleep… the Lost Art! by terri Pace As i open my eyes each morning, i am iMMEDiATELY aware of whether or not my night of sleep was restful or restless. Happy are the mornings when i wake up with an abundance of energy after a great night’s sleep, and i am optimistic and excited about the day ahead. But how frustrating are the mornings which follow a restless night of sleep, or one which has found me awake at least once or twice during my 8-hour confinement to the bed. As we have all experienced, our restless night of sleep can leave us impatient and grumpy, foggy brained and unable to concentrate on even the simplest details, and/or even deprive us of our passion for life. The negative effects of our occasional sleepless nights do not stop at our own gloomy disposition, but can also include many other more serious mental, physical and even societal impacts. “The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that fatigue is a cause in 100,000 auto crashes and 1,550 crash-re- lated deaths a year in the u.S.” (Source: WebMD) “When you’re tired, you are deprived of oxygen, which is necessary for the production of chemicals such as dopamine and adrenaline. Even one night of tossing and turning can give you symptoms that resemble ADHD, such as forgetfulness and difficulty maintaining concentration.” (Kathleen Nadeau, Ph.D., Director of the Chesapeake ADHD Center of Maryland, in Annapolis) There are incredible healing powers in sleep! “Think of sleep as the tune-up you need to run smoothly,” says David M. Rapoport, director of the Sleep Medicine Program at NYu Langone Medical Center. Proper sleep supports brain and heart health, brightens our moods, and can even help us keep the excess weight off. Ahhh, a good night’s sleep… We all know the importance of it! We all want one every night; yet, we don’t always get it! So how do we restore this lost art of restful sleeping? Here are some simply natural solutions for better sleep: • Diffuse your favorite essential oils such as: cedarwood, clary sage, frankincense, lavender, roman chamomile, sandalwood and sweet Marjoram. • Blend together lavender, frankincense, roman chamomile, Vetiver, wild orange and ylang ylang and apply topically to the bottom of your foot. • For those nights when you feel a little stuffy, open your airways and promote easy breathing* by adding these to your diffuser or applying a few drops to your chest: cypress, cedarwood, Eucalyptus, lime, and Peppermint. (Dilute with fractionated coconut oil for sensitive skin.) Here are some other best practices: Establish Good Bedtime routines! • Turn off the technology… cell phones, laptops, iPads, the continued on facing page Have a Happy and Safe Halloween! OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 93 – H E A L T H continued • television, especially dramatic shows or games which cause an adrenaline rush; this makes it more difficult to relax and fall asleep. • Don’t eat two hours before bedtime. The body detoxifies while we sleep which decreases inflammation. if the body is digesting food, it interferes with detox process. create a soothing Environment! • Add your favorite ambient sound to mask other distracting sounds. • Add room darkening shades and reduce the impact on your circadian rhythm with soft light bulbs. Sleep while it is dark (if your work hours allow). And no matter what you do, N O T E S there may be nights when restful sleep still eludes you. Rub a few drops of Peppermint on your temples after you wake up for a morning energy boost or diffuse when feeling fatigued or low on energy anytime throughout your day*. Impact of stress on sleep Our increasingly stressful lives can contribute to our inability to get a good night’s sleep. Then we often add insult to injury by stressing about our sleepless nights! Reduce stress (night or day) with a drop or two of these powerful stress relievers*: Basil, Bergamot, frankincense, lavender, lemon or wild orange. Essential oils are safe, effective and very affordable. However, not all essential oils are created equal! Be an educated consumer and use only certified pure, therapeutic grade essential oils for your family! *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Editor’s Note: terri Pace and her family are longtime residents of st. James and owners of Pace’s steak house in hauppauge, ny. terri Pace is a certified holistic health coach, sharing her experiences and knowledge on the use of simply natural solutions to support the structure and functions of the body for optimal health and wellness. want to learn more about how to naturally manage the impact of stress on your health? you are invited to a frEE open house on october 29, 2015 at 7 p.m. for a spOiL Me Oil Experience. for registration and Information: http://snsoilexperience20151029.eventbr ite.com Primary Medical Care of Suffolk County. P.C. North Shore Allergy & Asthma Center Certified Audiologists from Long Island Hearing, Inc. Located Here Open 6 Days a Week Including Evenings Monday-Saturday New Insurance? Need a Primary Care Physician? Richard N. Sabinsky, M.D. board Certified Specialist in Internal Medicine • Subspecialist of Adult & Pediatric Allergy, Asthma, Immunology • In Practice for Over 30 Years • Carol Torgrimsen, FNP-C • Nicole Grasso-Rehman, ANP-C don’t suffer With allergies! make an appointment today! Comprehensive Immediate Primary Medical Care for Adults (16 Years and Older) Expert Evaluation and Treatment of Environmental and Food Allergies, Hives, Asthmas and Sinuses Allergy Shots Including Xolair Therapy North Shore-LIJ Care Connect Provider 55 Southern Boulevard, Nesconset, Ny 11767 631-361-3363 OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 Most Insurances Accepted – 94 – H E A L T H N O T E S Ask Ron Villano ron villano, M.S., LMHC, ASAC, CCH is the leading expert in working through change. As a father who lost his 17-year old son in an auto accident, he always speaks from the heart. As a licensed mental health counselor, he guides others on how to work through difficult times. As a national speaker and author of The zing, ron has appeared on Tv and radio throughout the world. He will help you to embrace the Power of Change in your personal and professional life. Dear ron, I am very worried about my grandpa. we lost my grandma about two years ago and he just hasn’t been the same. aside from holidays, we can rarely get him out of the house. he hasn’t been participating in activities that he used to enjoy and seems to have gone from an active and happy man to a gloomy homebody. I’m not sure if I should push him to get back to his old self or just let him do what he wants to do. I’m afraid to approach him on the topic because he has been rather cranky these last few months. I don’t want him to feel like I am suffocating him, but I also don’t want him to feel like no one has noticed how much he has changed. any thoughts on how to handle this delicate situation? – worried Dear worried, Be honest. let Grandpa know that you have noticed a difference in his behavior and lifestyle choices and that you want to know if he is happy with those changes. ask him if there is anything that he would like to do but hasn’t engaged in. Perhaps you could plan a day with him to do an activity that he used to love. he might feel more comfortable engaging in familiar hobbies if he has someone to do it with. analyze the conversation. try to evaluate whether or not grandpa needs a push or just needs your support. It may take several attempts to feel out what your role should be in his grieving process. he may be comfortable with his new, more laid-back lifestyle and simply want to talk to you. continued on page 104 Mercy’s Homemaker & Companion Services Carrying on the Tradition of Caring Our Dedicated & Compassionate Caregivers May Assist You with Non-Medical Services in the Comfort of Your Own Home • Grocery Shopping/Errands • Preparing Meals • Light Housekeeping • Medication Reminders • Day Outings with Family & Friends • Short-Term Care, Making Sure Mom/Dad are Safe While You’re Away • Outdoor Walks & Picnics • Various Secure Social & Recreational Activities • Accepting Long Term Insurance Please give Mercy a call at 631-584-2001 and visit our website at mercyshcservices.com to learn more about our special services! We have a positive approach to everything we do and always work in a safe and secure environment. 30+ Years Experience Insured & Bonded OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 95 – The best in radiology is now in East Setauket! The most advanced imaging equipment available Including: 3T MRI · 3D Mammography · Low Dose CT Medical Arts Radiology offers the most advanced imaging equipment, but it’s our doctors that make the real difference. Bayshore · Commack · East Setauket Huntington · Patchogue · Plainview · West Islip OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 96 – P O E T ’ S C O R N E R Blackie the Cat by John Taratunio, Fairfield Condos a friend of mine has a snowy white cat who believe it or not he calls “Blackie” now if I told you that this cat can count I know you’d call me wacky. one day my friend was talking to Blackie and told him he had nine lives now Blackie flipped and finally slipped Because he thought he heard nine wives. at the time Blackie was sitting on a very high gate and when he slipped he lowered his total lives to eight. lives seven and six were lost pretty quick when Blackie was chased twice by a mongrel named slick. today Blackie is much older and wiser and doesn’t leave much to chance now he just eats, sleeps and feels secure with maybe an occasional romance. then lives five, four and three Blackie gave away free when he fell from the top of a california red tree\ now that left Blackie with lives two and one and from then on he didn’t have too much fun. But unlike Blackie, I don’t have nine lives and I cherish the one I was given. But like Blackie I got older and wiser and want to relax and go right on livin. 599 lAKe AVenue, St. JAmeS, ny 11780 (631) 265-5252 [email protected] Keeping Insects from becoming Pests the natural Way Bees • ants With usE of natuRal sustainaBlE ingREDiEnts: gaRliC oil pEppERmint oil RosEmaRy oil thymE oil DiatomaCEous EaRth VinEgaR 631-265-5252 www.ScientificExt.com OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 97 – “Your Neighborhood Realtor®” RelIaNCe moRtgage & Real eState 359 lake avenue (across from 7-11) St. James, NY 11780 (631) 862-9000 www.SearchinglongIslandNY.com william J. garthe listing Broker • Buyer Broker investment ProPerties St. JAMeS, Ny: Professional site available. 217 lake Avenue South, east corner of Woodlawn & lake Ave. two buildings: one accessory building (detached garage) and a professional 2-story office building. Former attorney’s office. Hot water gas heat, full basement w/oSe, 1/3 acre. call me! St. JAMeS 1.82 AcRe PRoPeRty & BUSINeSS $1,200,000. St. JAMeS, Ny: 529 lake Avenue, just north of lirr crossing. Set on 1/4 acre. 3 store rentals, 2 residential apartments. Handicap accessible. Asking $899,900. St. JAMeS, Ny: office building with 4 professional offices and a separate accessory building with two 1 Br apartments. Set on shy 1 acre lot. located on route 25A. Handicap accessible first floor only. Gas heat. Asking $1,200,000. St. JAMeS, Ny: mixed use building. 463 moriches rd. 2 office spaces and 2 residential apartments, set on .21 acre. off street parking. Asking $899,000. For more information on these listings visit www.SearchinglongIslandNY.com OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 98 – H A L L O W E E N S A F E T Y T I P S Every year, children look forward to Halloween trick-or-treating. To ensure your child’s safety, here are some tips to consider. R My child’s costume has a label indicating it’s “flame-resistant.” R The costume is white or lightcolored so drivers can easily see it, or it is decorated with reflective tape that glows in headlights. R it’s short enough to avoid tripping my child. R Costume props like swords and magic wands are soft and flexible, with rounded, not sharp, edges. Halloween Trick-Or-Treat Checklist for Parents R The shoes my child will wear are flat-heeled and fit properly to avoid causing falls. R Trick-or-treating will be done on foot, not on bicycle (wheel spokes and chains can catch costumes.) R My child’s face is disguised R i’ve cautioned my child to R if trick-or-treating at night, R i’ve given my child some- with a “natural” mask, painted with cosmetics (or a plastic/rubber mask that will not impair vision). my child will carry a flashlight to illuminate dark sidewalks or steps. R i’ve instructed my child to walk on sidewalks and cross at intersections. R My child will be accompanied by a responsible adult when trick-or-treating. R i have reviewed and ap- proved the trick-or-treat route my child will take before setting out in the neighborhood. OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 avoid dark or suspiciouslooking homes, alleys, parked cars or “short-cuts” through parks or fields. thing to eat before trick-ortreating (so there’s no temptation to eat Halloween candy before it can be inspected at home). R When trick-or-treating is fin- ished, i will immediately examine all treats given to my child. i will discard anything unwrapped or rewrapped. The more boxes you can check off, the more you’ll ensure a safe, happy Halloween for your child. – 99 – S T . J A M E S D A Y 2 0 1 5 Another Fun-filled, Jam Packed St. James Day With luck on our side, Hurricane Joaquin headed out to sea, and St. James Day went off without a hitch on Sunday, October 4. Vendors and visitors alike enjoyed a breezy but pleasant fall day. Local merchants, politicians and organizations joined the festivities which included special sales, demonstrations, raffles, drawings and live entertainment. And, of course, there was food galore! Thousands came to town to enjoy the day, and take advantage of the sales and specials! The St. James Chamber of Commerce, host of this annual event, wishes to thank the Town of Smithtown, the Suffolk County Police Department, the Smithtown Highway & Sanitation Department, the St. James Fire Department and the businesses here in town for making this year’s St. James Day another day to remember. continued on following page OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 100 – S T . J A M E S D A Y OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 2 0 1 5 – 101 – S T . J A M E S D A Y 2 0 1 5 Í OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 102 – S T . J A M E S D A Y OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 2 0 1 5 – 103 – S T . J A M E S D A Y 2 0 1 5 photos by William J. Garthe OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 104 – T H E P O S T A L C O R N E R New Stamp Issues submitted by the st. James Post office Geometric Snowflakes Celebrate the joys of a winter snowfall with Geometric snowflakes, four colorful new stamps issued in a booklet of 20. Each new stamp depicts a different snowflake drawn in one of four colors: purple, pink, green, or blue. These bright, cheerful stamps are sure to add a whimsical splash to holiday cards, thank-you notes, invitations, greeting cards, and any mailing that calls for a touch of warmth during the coldest months of the year. The stamps will be available at the St. James Post Office on October 23, 2015. T H E Nutcracker continued from page 54 12 noon to 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday and one hour prior to all performances. New for 2015, online seat selection is available for all shows. Performances are Friday, December 18 at 7 p.m., Saturday, December 19 at 2 p.m. & 7 p.m., Sunday, December 20 at 1 p.m. & 6 p.m. and Monday, December 21 at 7 p.m. Prices are $40 for adults, $34 children and seniors and $30 for groups of 20 or more. A $5 early bird discount will be applied to all tickets purchased prior to December 1, 2015. LI Museum continued from page 60 automobile became the everyman’s primary mode of transportation in the u.S. Bayman’s Art Ongoing ViSiTOR’S CENTER The Bayman’s Art gallery replicates an authentic Long island F I N I S H L I N E wetlands environment as a “natural habitat” for the display of shorebirds and duck decoys. An early 20th century bayman’s shack, complete with tools, furnishings and decoys in various stages of completion, illustrates the process and methods used by carvers. A wonderfully preserved North Shore duck boat and a saltmarsh diorama is based on Effie’s Hole, a small cove in eastern L.i. where duck hunting was a mainstay of life. Realty Wise continued from page 84 references, financial and bank records can be intimidating. it is all part of the journey. Selling and buying real estate has its worries and its rewards. Try to make your move to a 55+ community more a bonus than a concern. Editor’s Note: alexandra rich is a associate real Estate Broker, certified Buyer representative and relocation specialist with Daniel Gale sotheby’s International realty, 499 lake avenue, st. James, 631.584.6600, [email protected]. Ms. rich is a st. James native, and has been a realtor for 22 years. If you have any questions or suggestions for future articles please call or email alex. Ask Ron continued from page 94 on the other hand, he may be feeling down and lonely and need you to step in and help him rebuild a social schedule. let him lead you. Don’t worry about doing the “right” thing, he will guide you if you just open your ears and your heart. Editor’s Note: ron Villano, M.s., lMhc, asac, cch, is the founder and director of family & Personal counseling, located at 872 Middle country road in st. James. he is an author of the book The Zing, has appeared on national tV, along with daily appearances on the Verizon fios1 network. with offices in st. James, Bohemia, East Islip, levittown and howard Beach and a staff of 20 therapists from all backgrounds – family & Personal counseling addresses individual and family concerns of all ages. for additional information call 631-758-8290 or visit www.familyandPersonalcounseling.com and www.ronVillano.com to listen to his featured interviews. celebrAtIng A bIrthdAY? email your Birthday Announcement to [email protected] or mail to our town • St. James, 359 lake Avenue, St. James, ny 11780 there is no charge for this service & photos will be returned if requested. Call 862-9849 for further info. OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 105 – the St. James Chamber of Commerce Presents the • 33rd AnnuAl • Parade SUNDAy octoBeR 25, 2015 1:00-3:00 Assemble at Capital one at 12:30 p.m. (corner of Woodlawn & lake Avenue) Prizes will be awarded for Best Costume in the following categories: 2 years old & younger • 3-5 years old 6-8 years old • 9 years old & Up Best Family / group • Best Pet Judge’s Stage will be at the Gazebo in the rr Parking Field P lu s Deepwells Haunted Mansion Saturday , October 24, 7-10 pm • Sunday , October 25 (following the parade) aprox. 3-6 pm • Friday, October 30 . 7-10 pm free admission OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 106 – O B I T U A R I E S Domenick M. Certoma In Loving Memory Domenick M. Certoma, of St. James, passed away on September 11, 2015 at the age of 101. they shall not Be forgotten. Proud World War ii Veteran, united States Army. Beloved husband of Eleanor. Cherished father of Joanne (Peter) Rooney, James (Lorraine Saulino), and Michael (Susan). Adored Domenick M. grandfather of five and greatCertoma grandfather of eight. A Funeral Service was celebrated at the Branch Funeral Home of Smithtown. interment followed at St. Charles Cemetery. Arrangements were entrusted to the professional care of the Branch Funeral Home of Smithtown and the Vigliante family. Lawrence M. kenney ii June 17, 1941 – October 29, 2014 Josephine L. Galletta Josephine L. Galletta of Smithtown, NY, passed away on September 15, 2015 at the age of 95. She was the beloved wife of the late John. Cherished mother of Ronald (irene) and Christopher (Laura). Loving grandmother of Christopher Michael, Laurie, Christopher John and Joseph. Dear great grandmother of John and Matthew. She is survived by many other family members and friends. A religious service was celebrated at the Branch Funeral Home. interment followed at Calverton National Cemetery. Arrangements were entrusted to the professional care of the Branch Funeral Home of Smithtown and the Vigliante family. in loving memory of the amazing man you were. Heaven needed an angel and God sent for you. Kind, caring, loyal, steadfast and sincere – today you celebrate your first year in heaven and we know you continue to smile and guide us. We love and miss you! Maryjane, Kathleen and Maura SEE US FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING NEEDS invitations n Presentation folders n labels letterhead n invoices n Brochures Newsletters n Envelopes n Business Cards 359 Lake Avenue, St. James, NY 11780 • phone: 631-862-9849 • email: [email protected] OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 107 – Wee ar W a are re p proud roud to to a an announce nnounc ncee our iind nduction in iinto nto the the th our induction National Nattional Funeral Na Fu F uneral Directors Directors Association Hall Hall of Ha of E Exxcellenc ncee Association Excellence • This ye year, Branch FFu uneral Homes earned our 10th Pursuit of Excellence Aw Award from the National FFu uneral Directors Association. • The aw award is presented to ffu uneral homes tth hat are commit ittted tto o pr pro oviding exceptional service wh while adhering tto o tthe he hig ighe hest ethica and pr pro ofessional standards. op by the Vigliante Family 190 East Main Street Smithtown, NY 11787 (631) 724-9500 551 Route 25A Miller Place, NY 11764 (631) 744-9700 HKÄUP[ ` • Funeral homes are inducted into the Hall of Excellence upon re receipt of their 10th Pursuit of Excellence aw award, and just 9 wo worldwide earned this distincttiion in 2015. OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 108 – C L A S S I F I E D APARTMENT FOR RENT – ST JAMES 1-Bedroom, Eat-inKitchen, Living Room, Office/ Study, Living area, Private lower level entrance, many closets, bright/spacious, quiet neighborhood. Walk to LiRR / Town, Cable / internet. Mature, Non-Smoker, No Pets, References. $1,200 includes all. Contact, Bill 516-9844895. if no answer leave message with best time to return call. 10/15 FOR SALE – Love Seat - Beige Excellent Condition. $100. Call 516-236-9933. 10/15 ST. JAMES 2ND FLOOR APARTMENT FOR RENT – 2-Bedroom 1Bath, Large Master and Living Area. Eat-in-kitchen, lots of closet space. $1,500/month, 1 month security. References required. Call 631-862-6198. 10/15 ELSY’S CLEANiNG SERViCE – Home - Office - Apartment Weekly - Bi-Weekly - Monthly Anytime. Excellent References Honest - Good Prices. 11 years experience. Free Estimates. 631435-0619. 10/15 HOuSE CLEANiNG AVAiLABLE – Honest, Reliable, References. 20 years experience. Every other Friday available (6 hrs.) 11 a.m.-5 p.m. $150. Thank You. Please leave message 631-838-6314. 10/15 HELP WANTED – St. James chiropractic office looking for a part time receptionist/general office work, patient scheduling and record keeping. Hours: Mon, Wed., Fri, 3-8:30 p.m.; Tues. 3:307:30 p.m.; Sat. 8 a.m.-12 noon. Compensation to be discussed. Call 631-584-7722. 10/15 HELP WANTED – Swimming pool construction and service help wanted. Clean NY drivers license. Will train motivated hardworking individual. Salary commensurate with ability. 631- 862-190010/15 A D V E R T I S I N G STORAGE SPACE AVAiLABLE ST. JAMES - Clean, Easy Access. Call Ruth at 631-862-9849. 10/15 CAREER OPPORTuNiTY – Looking for 2 experienced salespersons to join our dynamic, local real estate team. Mentoring and coaching program will bring your business to the next level. Reply in confidence to Manager – 631335-7111. 10/15 HELP WANTED – Part time opportunity at local florist. Floral Designer - experience preferred and Floral Assistant needed. Flexible hours. Call 631-862-9292. 10/15 CAREGiVERS NEEDED, Mercy’s H&C Services is looking for caring and compassionate caregivers to assist with non-medical services primarily for the elderly. All types of days/hours available. Please Email Catherine your resume at [email protected]. 10/15 FLORiDA VACATiON RENTAL – MysticDunesResort.com – Vacation at Kissimmee, Florida. Resort is minutes away from Disney’s Magic Kingdom, Sea World. Condo sleeps 6-8 with all the comforts of home - 2 bedroom deluxe suite - Jacuzzi Bath, fully equipped kitchen and porch. Golf course and country club open 7 days a week. $1,000/per week. Fri.-Fri., or Sun.-Sun., or Sat.-Sat. 3 weeks available. Call irene at 631-682-1871. 10/15 CONDO FOR SALE – SAiNT JAMES PLANTATiON – Southport, NC. 2 bedroom, 2 bath, granite counters, stainless appliances, upgrades galore! 4 Golf Courses, 4 Club Houses, Marina, Beach Club. Taxes only $900/yr! $224,000. Call: 631-553-7168 10/15/sjss HOMEWORK TuTOR K-12 Spec. in English/Verbal/Writing, Test Prep & Essay Writing, Exp. Teacher & Prof. Writer, Experienced Writing Coach 631-3711674 10/15dv GET THE MOST OuT OF YOuR DiGiTAL SLR CAMERA – if you are interested in learning how to use a digital SLR camera, contact Ken Manwiller of “Laurie Studio – The Art of Photography.” (Remember the “Portrait of the Month”). Private lessons are available. Learn from a pro with over 30 years of experience. Go to www.lauriestudio.com/photolessons for more information. Call Ken at (631) 737-4265 or email [email protected]. 10/15 JOiN THE SMiTHTOWN GARDEN CLuB – Learn about gardening and meet new people. Club meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month at the Brush Barn on Middle Country Road in Smithtown. Call Cafti Walsh at 862-9451 for more info. RECEPTiON / MEETiNG HALL AVAiLABLE FOR uSE – St. James united Methodist Church, offers a spacious meeting hall with commercial kitchen for civic and support groups, receptions, clubs, workshops and seminars. The 35’x60’ meeting room has tables, chairs, rest rooms and a grand piano. The Church is located at 532 Moriches Road in Head of the Harbor. Expansive parking and handicapped access is provided. Contact the Office at 5845340 for available dates and suggested donations. The SJuMC offers their facilities as a community outreach to the St. James area and welcomes all visitors. AMERiCAN LEGiON HALL FOR RENT – The Sherwood Brothers American Legion Post 1152, located at 95 Lake Avenue, St. James, is looking to rent its hall for all occasions. Reasonable rates, air conditioned, heat, tables, complete kitchen and ample parking. Call Marty Thompson at 631-4458447. For advertising information please call 631-862-9849 OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 – 109 – 2015 memBeRS OF THe ST. JAmeS CHAmBeR OF COmmeRCe Please Support These Chamber of Commerce member Businesses all island-wide appraisals all Shores mortgage allstate insurance / walsh agency alpine Pastry Shop american Real estate apex athletics artpix Studio autonomousdesign, ltd. Barattini Productions DJ entertainment Best Pool Service Joseph a. Bollhofer, esq. Branch funeral homes Bridges to Tomorrow, Speech language Pathology The Bristal assisted living at lake grove Bullseye Beverage C.a.P.e.S. - Child advocacy & Parent empowerment Services Capital graphics of l.i. Capital one Bank Capo Design Build Castani Blu Charles m. Palma, Clu, ChfC, mSfS, luTf, ClTC Chevrolet of Smithtown Chief Chimney Services Chiropractic healthcare of St. James Chorus line Dance Studio CmiT Solutions of mid Suffolk Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Competition infiniti Costco wholesale The Crafter’s Table Creative windows Damianos Realty group Dance ‘n’ Things Daniel gale - Sotheby’s international Daniel R. Bracciodieta & associates DeBarbieri associates Del fuego - Tex mex kitchen and Tequila Doda’s gold Shield Catering Donald e. goldstein associates financial Services Dowling Brothers autobody Dowling knipfing & klein agency eddie’s Power equipment edward Jones investments / Scott Posner elite fabrication emerald magic lawn Care energy interactive fitness enspire Design group essenfeld & Co. / CPa express family wellness faith auto works family & Personal Counseling father Nature’s garden Center flowerfield Celebrations g. Smith electrical Services george’s innovative inflatables lawrence glazer / New York life insurance grape Culture wine & Spirits graphics du jour/our Town gyrodyne Company of america harbor Collision harbor Country Day School hart & Company Salon henrietta homes & Properties inside-out kitchens, Baths & more JBl home improvements JDean Design Jei learning Center at Stony Brook kiddie academy of Nesconset king o’Rourke auto group The knox School law office of anthony J. mangiaracina lesco Construction liberty Travel The little gym of Smithtown Joseph loiodice, m.D. long island hearing long island Shed Builders long island Tax Savers maginniss inc. / Re/max Beyond maia Salon Spa and wellness marsh and gaffner, P.C. - law massage envy of lake grove max exposure Social media mazelis landscape Contracting Corp. medical Probiotics mercedes Benz of Smithtown metro Realty Services/Jeremy hackett michael Scarola Rare & used Books mills Pond Nursing and Rehabilitation Center mister Softee/David keller moes Southwest grill of Smithtown moonShadow massage morecraft Construction Co. mS Cureiosity’s Closet murraymade Photography musicology Performance Center my gym Children’s fitness Natalie weinstein Design associates Rowena & Dave Nedvin / Signature Premier Properties Nissequogue fire Department Nissequogue golf Club Nissequogue village living North Shore academy of Dance North Shore orthodontics ogden’s Design and Planting on the go fitness maria orlandi / Douglas elliman Real estate P. DeBlasio Builders Pat’s Place hair & Nail Salon www.stjameschamber.org OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 Patio Pizza People’s united Bank Pet expressions Spa & Boutique Physical Therapy & Beyond Prism wellness Purity Spa RDa landscape architecture Reliance Real estate & mortgage Re/max Beyond Renewal By anderson of long island R.J.k. gardens Rocco’s Pizza & Pasta Ronald villano Designs, inc. - architect Roslyn Savings Bank a Division of NYCB Saf-T-Swim of Smithtown margaret Schaefer Tupperware Consultant Scientific Pest management Seiskaya Ballet Dr. Raymond Semente - Chiropractor Shaggy Dog Couture Shaolin Self Defense Center Sivana Salon Smithtown Children’s foundation The Smithtown News Spage’s Pharmacy Splash and Dash for Dogs The Sports arena Spuntino Brick oven Pizza Restaurant / Bar St. Catherine of Siena medical Center St. James Dental/Drs. Donahue, Segnini St. James fire Department St. James florist & gift Shop St. James funeral home St. James Jewelry Shoppe St. James lumber St. James Pasta & Pork St. James Pizza St. James Post office St. James Rehabilitation & healthcare St. James Self Storage Stonehenge apartments Strike force maintenance Corp. Suffolk federal Credit union Sunshack Tanning Salon TD Bank TJe Dance force Tagi a. garbizu & associates - architects Teachers federal Credit union Times Beacon Record Newspapers Total family Dentistry of St. James The Trattoria Triple h Contracting True Sport Care up in Smoke BBQ v.f.w. Post 395 vazac Contracting Corp. victorian fence villa Sorrento Restaurant & Caterers wBR enterprises/master Plumber windmill oil Tank Service Your Companion & homemaker Services – 110 – D I R E C T O R Y O F A D V E R T I S E R S The following is a list of advertisers who can be found in this issue of Our Town • St. James ARt & ANtIqUeS Robert Hall Fine Art 965-0724 www.Roberthallfineart.com ARtS & cRAFtS the crafter’s table 529 lake Avenue 584-3891 AttoRNey Joseph A. Bollhofer, esq. 291 lake Avenue 584-0100, Fax: 584-2304 John H. Mulvehill Attorney-at-law 862-8889 AUDIology long Island Hearing, Inc. 55 Southern Blvd., nesconset - 972-5211, 1-800-698-5200 AUtoMotIve ScRAP Mid Island Salvage 667-5048 - deer Park AUtoMotIve / Repair / Parts / Gas Mid Island Auto Wreckers 586-6599 - deer Park St. James gulf rte. 25A & moriches rd. 584-5798 BAkeRy Alpine Pastry Shoppe 59 route 111, Smithtown 265-5610 BANk Roslyn Savings Bank 556 north Country road 862-4200 BeAUty Pat’s Place Hair Salon 230 lake Avenue 862-7023, 584-9644 Prism Wellness Salon 420 lake Avenue 686-5415 Scruples ‘Head to toe’ 452 lake Avenue 584-8030 cHIRoPRActoRS express Family Wellness Dr. Gary Dibenedetto 320 lake Ave. - Walk -ins Dr. Raymond A. Semente 265 lake Avenue 584-7722 Dr. gregory R. thomaier 338 lake Avenue 584-8100 Whisper vineyards Pre-Holiday craft Fair Sat. & Sun., nov. 14 & 15, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. 485 edgewood Ave. 257-5222 true Sport care, llc 62 lake Avenue South nesconset 584-true (8783) eXteRMINAtINg Scientific exterminating 599 lake Avenue 265-5252, Fax: 862-7272 DANce chorus line Dance Studio 380 lake Avenue 584-7575 FINANcIAl edward Jones Investments Scott Posner, CFP 542 north Country road 862-2020 Seiskaya Ballet 7 Flowerfield - Suite 16 862-6925, 862-1722 DeNtISt Harbor Hill Dental, llc 556-20 north Country rd. 686-5042 eNteRtAINMeNt / eveNtS 33rd Annual St. James chamber of commerce Halloween Parade Sun., oct. 25 - lineup 12:30 pm at Capitol one Bank, parade at 1 pm along lake Ave. between Woodlawn & railroad Aves. ends at St. James Gazebo - 584-8510 57th Annual Holiday tea & Sale St. James united methodist Church, 532 moriches rd. Sat, nov. 21, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Scary Haunted Mansion at Deepwells Farm Sat., Oct. 24 - 7-10 pm; Sun. Oct. 25 - after Halloween Parade, aprox. 3-6 pm; Fri, Oct. 30 7-10 pm. route 25A & moriches rd. 862-2020. Admission Free Seiskaya Ballet’s the nutcracker Dec. 18-21, Staller Center, Stony Brook 631-ArtS Synergy Wealth Strategies james Verdi, CFP 52 north Country road Smithtown - 961-5461 FUNeRAl HoMeS Branch Funeral Homes 190 e. main St., Smithtown 724-9500 St. James Funeral Home 829 middle Country road 584-7200 HeAltH / FItNeSS American Jiu Jitsu centers 412 lake Avenue 360-8830 Anne Marie lisa Certified Nutritional Counselor 525-1045 child Advocacy & Parent empowerment Services 542 north Country road 686-6021 Danielle Barbato train / Work out at Home Gym near long Beach 278-6043 Family & Personal counseling, Hypnosis and Weight loss 872 middle Country rd. 758-8290 light Awakenings Meditation and Beyond 724-9733 OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 Medical Arts Radiology 23 technology drive east Setauket 689-7300 Mercy’s Homemaker & companion Services 584-2001 Primary Medical care of Suffolk county Richard Sabinsky, MD 55 Southern Blvd., nesconset 361-3363 Simply Natural Solutions Wellness Consultations teri Pace - 631-487-1627, [email protected] HolIDAy lIgHtINg Holiday lighting by Digiovanna Brothers landscaping 666-8485 HoMe IMPRoveMeNt Autonomousdesign 22 Stonegate 724-7726 cAPo Design Build 30 lake Ave. S., nesconset 250-9200 Debus Painting & Wallpapering 862-7924 Inside-out kitchens, Baths & More 367A lake Avenue 584-5312, 942-9636 Island Restoration & Property Management Handyman Services 559-0408 Master Fix It 584-5993, Cell: 516-380-0727 Morecraft construction 584-7010 P. DeBlasio Builders 269 Woodlawn Avenue 584-5500 Scotty’s Masonry 265-4398, 872-1076 – 111 – D I R E C T O R Y St. James lumber 547 lake Avenue 584-5140 tailored living Home Organization 498-5595 vazac contracting 333 First Avenue - Suite 1 584-7817 INSURANce State Farm Insurance Jim Winter 320 lake Avenue 584-5929 INteRIoR DeSIgN creative Windows 347 lake Avenue 366-0212 Natalie Weinstein Design Associates 455 lake Avenue Uniquely Natalie / quality consignment 176 Second St. 862-6198, Fax: 862-7834 JeWelRy St. James Jewelry Shoppe 483 lake Avenue 862-6775 lANDScAPINg Design / Maintenance tree Removal / Equipment competition tree Service 584-5575 Digiovanna Brothers landscaping 666-8485 eddie’s Power equipment 553 lake Avenue 584-6678 Herman Brothers landscape corp. 360-2939 Homestead landscaping 588-5296 R.J.k. gardens, Inc. 862-7056 O F lIqUoR & WINe grape culture Wine & Spirits 248 lake Avenue 862-4727 Whisper vineyards 485 edgewood Ave. 257-5222 MARketINg Ignition Marketing 516-994-1350 MUSIc leSSoNS Drum lessons with John Miceli 240-0690 or email: [email protected] oPtoMetRy Stony Brook vision World 2194A nesconset Hwy. Stony Brook - 246-5468 PetS Grooming / Supplies / Fashions Pet expressions Pet Spa 479 lake Avenue 361-3331 St. James Dog grooming 430-2 north Country rd. 862-7288 terry’s Paw-fection 532 route 25A 686-5336 PRINtINg business & Social graphics du jour, ltd. 359 lake Avenue 862-9849 ReAl eStAte DeBarbieri Associates 406 north Country road 862-7447 Diane Duffy Daniel gale / Sotheby’s 499 lake Avenue 584-6600, ext. 208 Henrietta Homes & Properties 328 lake Avenue 862-6999 liz Jongebloed DeBarbieri Associates 406 north Country road 862-7447, 903-0836 A D V E R T I S E R S Marianne koke Daniel gale / Sotheby’s 499 lake Avenue 584-6600, ext 206 Jill McDowell Douglas elliman Real estate 996 Jericho tpke., Smithtown 858-6985, 516-316-2000 elena Mingione Daniel gale / Sotheby’s 499 lake Avenue 584-6600, ext 203 David & Rowena Nedvin Signature Premier Properties 7 W. main St., Smithtown 767-5221, 360-2800 Maria orlandi Douglas elliman Real estate 996 Jericho tpke., Smithtown 697-0474, 858-6955 Reliance Real estate 359 lake Avenue 862-9000, Fax: 862-2881 Re/Max Beyond 177 W. main Street Smithtown 862-1100 Alexandra Rich Daniel gale / Sotheby’s 499 lake Avenue 584-6600, ext 202 christine Stevens Daniel gale / Sotheby’s 499 lake Avenue 584-6600, ext 219 louise tudisco Re/Max Beyond 177 W. main Street Smithtown 513-6814, 862-1100x25 Denise voelker, cBR Daniel gale / Sotheby’s 499 lake Avenue 584-6600, ext 205 ReStAURANtS On/Off Premise Catering eastside Sports grill 430 north Country road 584-1000 OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 McDonald’s of St. James 614 middle Country road 366-0954 Rocco’s Pizza & Pasta 429 north Country road 862-1600, fax: 862-6152 Spuntino brick Oven Pizza • Restaurant • bar 420 north Country road 686-6700 St. James Pizza 739 middle Country road 979-9600, fax: 979-9610 villa Sorrento 823 middle Country road 265-9865 voila! the bistro 244 lake Avenue 584-5686 ScHoolS / tUtoRINg / coNSUltINg Bridge college consultants Po Box 685, St. James 516-662-1612 Harbor country Day School 17 three Sisters road 584-5555 St. James Day care New York State Licensed 584-2224 St. James United Methodist Nursery 532 moriches road 584-9555 village Presbyterian Pre-School 175 east main Street Smithtown - 724-9382 SWIMMINg PoolS installation & Service Sundance Swimming Pools 862-1900 veteRINARIAN Smithaven veterinary Hospital 810 middle Country road 265-1438 – 112 – 2015 Deepwells Farm HAunTED MAnsIOn at Deepwells Farm county Park intersection of 25A & moriches road, St. James Saturday October 24 Enter If You Dare! 7-10 pm Sunday October 25 immediately after St. James Chamber of Commerce Halloween Costume Parade aprox. 3-6 pm Friday October 30 7-10 pm FrEE ADMIssIOn Sponsored by: Steven bellone, County Executive Gregory Dawson, Commissioner of Parks Deepwells Farm Historical Society & St. James chamber of commerce For more information, call (631) 862-2020 OUR TOWN • OCTOBER 2015 nO PETS, PLEASE!