Nettuno 10-13 v1 - The Maserati Club


Nettuno 10-13 v1 - The Maserati Club
October 2013
News from The Maserati Club, Rocky Mountain Chapter
The 2013 Colorado Grand experienced first-hand.
written by Russel Daniel
Colorado State Patrol. It also contributes to
various programs which benefit the residents
A Grand
Tour across the
So, I've been asked to write a
in and around several of the towns through
little article about my
which the Grand travels.
experience on the 2013
Bob Sutherland and a few close friends
Colorado Grand. You may
came up with the idea of a thousand (grand)
know that the Colorado Grand
was the brainchild of one of our
mile tour through Colorado's scenic wonders
for cars 1960 and older. This year marked
former members, Bob Sutherland. Years ago,
the 25th Colorado Grand, which has
The Maserati Club had the pleasure of seeing
obviously been a roaring success.
part of Bob's collection of classic cars and I can
say that the collection was incredible and Bob
was the consummate host. What a nice man.
You may also know that the Colorado Grand
supports many charities within Colorado
including the widows and orphans fund of the
I was honored by Paul Gilpatrick, a Colorado
Grand board member, with a request to
sponsor him with a ride this year. Paul has been
travel in post-1960 cars, so my new 1965
my friend for a number of years and I was
Maserati Mistral was graciously allowed into the
thrilled by the invitation. Board members may
continued on page 2
In this issue:
Next Events:
A Grand Experience ..................................1
Mystery Event
Holiday Party
October – Due to snow in the mountains,
December 7th – Another year to gather
we have had to cancel the drive to Devil’s
and reminisce! Mark Herzfeld once again
Thumb Ranch, but we WILL plan something
opens his home to his TMC friends for our
fun for October! Stay tuned to your email as
annual holiday party. Watch the Parade of
it will be a short-notice event!! Could be a
Lights from his balcony and finish the year
drive, could be a FAC: Who knows?!?
with great food, wine and friends! More
Antonia’s Story, part 2 .............................. 3
TMC 2FAC - Adrift .....................................4
RUSH movie review ..................................5
Colorado Grand and Octoberfest ..............6
Cibo e Vino! ...............................................8
A Blast from the Past: Loose
Wheel ...................................................... 10
details in our next newsletter.
A Grand Experience, continued
The event consisted of four days of driving
Thursday was stunning, as we headed for a
Steve, Lilly, and Laura Garran, Mary Kay and
and a car show the day after the event. The
mid-morning stop in Ridgway, then lunch in
Jim Hudson, Keith and Carrie Wood, Julie
night before the driving started, the cars were
Lake City. The meal was delicious and the
McCahan, Chris Coleman & Tammy, and
arriving and undergoing their final checks.
menu was thankfully very different than what
Ralph Gregory, I believe. A good time was had
Cars and people from around the country, as
Alferd Packer had many years ago, not so far
by all.
well as several foreign countries were on
from that spot. We ended the day in Crested
hand. The people were friendly and the cars
were amazing … Ferraris, Bentleys, 300SL
Mercedes (I think there were around 12 of
these, 4 gullwings and 7 rag tops, if I
remember well), Maseratis (200 SI, 300 S,
A6GCS), C-type Jags, yada, yada, yada. Wow!
Friday morning was quite chilly and the
Mistral's starter groaned with pain as it barely
made the engine spin. But spin it did and she
fired up once more. There was hardly a cloud
in the sky as we zoomed toward Salida for
The first day saw us up at the crack of dawn,
lunch. We followed two Bentleys (a 1928 and
breakfasted, and back in bed by 0700. Just
a 1931) up and over Tennessee Pass. Now
kidding. Day 1 was a beautiful drive from Vail,
that's not something you do every day! We
west and then south to Paonia for lunch. The
went through Minturn and crossed the finish
locals frequently put on sort of a down home
line in Vail to finish out our thousand mile
picnic for the Grand participants and are
Grand drive.
always thankful for the support the Grand has
Saturday saw the traditional Concours de
done for their community through charity
work, such as scholarships, funding to help
with area medical centers and the like. We
continued over the Grand Mesa and finished
the day in Grand Junction.
Day 2 saw us in Moab, Utah for lunch, which
was the only foray into Utah in the 25 year
history of the Grand. A beautiful afternoon
drive saw us end up in Telluride, just in time to
non-Elegance show near the Lionshead in
Vail. The show is so named because it is very
frowned upon to wash your car before the
show. This is a wonderful badge of honor for
the cars, which have completed the long
drive. I will say that the same geek in a
Porsche seems to wash his car every year for
this. Shame on him and his marque.
test the watertightness of the Mistral. Let's
Quite a few TMCers made the trip up and met
just say it is not without its drips.
for lunch at Pepi's in Vail. In attendance were
written by Julie McCahan
Oh, how I languish! It has been
years since Lucille’s untimely death.
You recall, Lucille was my owner
who became terminally ill. Her
husband had ordered me as a
surprise birthday gift. How Lucille
loved and cared for me. All those
memories going to Vermont in the
fall and to Saratoga Springs in the
summer linger in my memory. But
the memories grow dim after all
these years.
I have been truly abandoned.
Lucille’s husband has never come to
see me. Perhaps it would be a painful
reminder of how much joy his surprise gift brought to Lucille. But does he
have any idea what it feels like to be abandoned in this way. My abode, if
“abandonment.” So I have endured; feeling betrayed with aloneness my
constant companion.
it can even be called that, is an old barn with a leaky roof. Can you
I have gotten to the point where I feel utterly without hope. And then it
imagine what has happened to my frame? The paint is peeling with rust
happened, just last week. A man named Adam came with the gentleman
spots appearing on the hood. The mice – oh, those mice – running all
who owns the barn where I am staying. Adam seemed most delighted to
over me. They have turned the glove compartment into a nursery. Believe
find me. I could tell he quietly was holding in his excitement least this turn
me, that’s anything but a cute nursery after the mess they have made.
the negotiations against his favor. Adam checked me out. Holding his
They have chewed the sun visors and scratched the upholstery to shreds.
nose as he looked into the glove compartment, I wanted to ask, “How
Then there are those two pack rats.
would you feel if you were breathing this day in and day out for nearly a
quarter of a century?” Adam checked under the hood; good thing the
The two pack rats are having a joyous time at my expense. There have
pack rats were out on a treasure finding mission.
been three generations who have taken up
Then he did it. He quickly injected some fuel
residence in the engine area. They bring all
into the fuel line; put the key in the ignition. I
kinds of refuge from the field to make a nest.
What they don’t use for a nest, they horde what
they consider invaluable treasure. Beauty is
certainly in the eyes of the beholder. I can tell
you this; pack rats do not have a sense of what
the rest of the world considers treasure or
beauty. Dragging their new found treasure
across the floor, they enter the engine block
turned the engine dutifully. Both he and I were
Then he did it....
startled. The sound roared. That’s my engine,
my soul singing forth. I can still run. After all
...I turned the engine
dutifully. Both he and I
were startled... new hope
burst forth in the core
of my soul.
these years, the engine turned at my command.
New hope burst forth in the core of my soul.
Adam seemed most pleased.
The conversation between Adam and the barn
from the cold concrete floor below. They do this
owner began in earnest. I could not believe
any time of the day or night. You would think
what I was hearing. Lucille’s husband had also
passed. The title papers had been transferred
they would have some consideration for my
sleep schedule. But no, they carry on as though the world revolved
to his nephew. The nephew, now a junior at Princeton wanted nothing to
around their schedule. I have never grown accustomed to these untimely
do with me. He did not come to check me out telling the barn owner, “Oh,
jostling, but I have learned to resign myself to it.
that play thing of Aunt Lucille’s, that ugly green thing. I don’t want it. Sell
Speaking of cold concrete floor; I no longer touch the floor. Shortly after
it. See if you can get $10,000 for that piece of junk.”
being stored here; Lucille’s husband came to drain the gasoline tank and
Can you imagine calling me an ugly green thing? My highest level of
to remove my tires, resting me on blocks. I should have known, once the
identity to him was to be described as a piece of junk. I continued to
gas tank was drained, that it was going to be an extended stay. I use the
listen to the negotiations. Adam pointed out every “weakness” he could
term “extended stay” figuratively; there is no pretty way to say
continued on page 4
A Story Briefly Told by Antonia, continued
describe from rust to lost mirrors, broken door
More conversation continued between them.
What lies in store for me? So many questions
handle, engine in ruins, upholstery ruined from
Adam outlined his plan to pick me up in two
are swirling in my head. Will Adam invest in a
exposure to elements and more and more. He
weeks. Yes, he would bring a certified check.
total restoration? Given my condition, it is
was determined to cut the asking price in half.
The barn owner was to secure the title papers
going to involve much expense to say nothing
The negotiations continued for nearly 30
with signatures to transfer the ownership to
of time. Where does Adam live? Will I be
minutes. Finally the barn owner conceded that
Adam. After years of abandonment, I am going
housed in a heated garage? After all, I deserve
$5,000 was a fair amount to be paid for me,
to a new home.
the best! Will this be Adam’s “gad-about-town
given the shape I was in.
car?” Stay tuned for the next update.
2FAC - Adrift:
We began our evening at the local Tiki bar,
Adrift, with drinks and appetizers. The gang
joined together to try out all the tasty fares and
shared the news of the past month... travels
and their plans for the future!
The evening ended with dinner at a nearby
Czech restauant that Russel Daniel suggested:
Sobo 151. Another fun evening!
A Movie Review
written by Gary Sisson
Let me begin by saying that Rush is the first
movie I have ever reviewed, so please bear with
me as I stumble past the usual conventions,
such as writing about the music, the editing,
etc., in favor of concentrating on the characters
and the story. I’m telling you this up-front. So if
you don’t already know the story and want to be
surprised, see the movie first … then read the
review. Also let me say that this is going to be a
very positive review. I simply loved this movie!
As with the sport of motor racing itself, Rush is
not for the faint-of heart. It is fast, it is loud, it is
exciting, it is not altogether pleasant, and at
films with ambivalence about his ability to
times it is downright bloody. So is the sport.
develop characters. So when I sat down in the
Consider this: In his opening scene about the
theatre, I expected to see a truly historic
sport of Formula 1 racing, Director, Ron Howard
spectacle. What I didn’t expect was to walk out
shows us the sickening aftermath of a horrible
of the theatre with any realistic understanding of
car crash, complete with the headless remains
the film’s two major characters: rival Formula 1
of a driver. And that is by no means the end of it.
Champions, Niki Lauda and James Hunt.
You can stop reading right now, but before you
see the movie, get ready for some very stark
imagery and also get ready for the Formula 1
ride of your life!
In a nutshell, Rush depicts the rivalry between
Lauda (played by Daniel Bruhl) and Hunt (played
by Chris Hemsworth). Both actors look and
behave like the real-life people they portray. The
Personally, I have always admired Ron Howard’s
acting is nothing short of superb. You feel like
ability to depict dramatic events, but at the
you’re there.
same time, I have usually come away from his
continued on page 6
pit crew shot in ‘Rush’
RUSH!, continued
The story is set primarily in the Formula 1 series for 1975 (when Lauda
won the championship) and 1976 (when Hunt won). In some ways, the
film is reminiscent of an earlier film, Senna, which was a documentary
that included a similar rivalry between Ayrton Senna (who won the
championship in 1988) and Alain Prost (who won in 1989). But there the
similarity ends, because the clash of characters in Rush goes far
beyond the driving competition. It is an epic clash of personalities, as
The Austrian driver, Niki Lauda, is portrayed as a dour, analytical,
teutonic, and almost friendless driver whose intention is to
master each situation… in and out of the car. Lauda’s
decisions seem to be driven by what he considers
The movie is
set in the sexy
and glamorous gold
age of Formula 1
his totally objective view of what a situation
requires at the moment. At one point in the
story, while driving on some back road in Italy,
he is goaded by passengers to drive a Lancia
sedan (or maybe it was an Alfa) like a race car.
His response is, “Why should I do that? There is
no need to drive fast now.” But then, moments later,
when requested to do the same thing by his future wife,
he takes off like a rocket but still firmly in control of the car! And that
kind-of says it all about Niki Lauda.
The British driver, James Hunt is the antithesis of Lauda in almost every
way. He is portrayed as a prototypical playboy: good looking,
unpredictable, a heavy smoker and drinker, the life of every party, and
reputedly a sexual magnet to women. He drives both his car and his life
on a fast-as-possible, death-defying emotional roller coaster, no matter
what the situation. As a driver, Hunt is a fearless risk-taker who seems
to have precious little regard for his own life.
But it is Niki Lauda who comes closest to death. While leading the
Formula 1 standings in 1976, Lauda suffers a nearly fatal crash on a
rainy day at the Nurburgring. He emerges horribly burned, inside and
out from the car fire, and Howard’s cinematic depiction of Lauda’s
remarkable recovery is both grizzly and inspiring. Several races later,
with Hunt close on his heels in the standings, Lauda appears in the pits
at the Japanese Grand Prix, disfigured and wounded. But also he is
determined to defend his lead by driving the race. After a few laps in
yet another downpour, Niki Lauda, objectively (and against Enzo
Ferrari’s wishes) decides to retire from the race, letting the fearless
Hunt (driving a McLaren) win both the race and the championship.
The story of Rush is based on Formula 1 history. So, while you now
know at least part of it you still must see the movie because it is Ron
Howard’s masterful development of the characters, the amazing special
effects, and the fine acting that bring this story to life. In a very real
Rush's director, Ron Howard
sense, you’ve got to see it to believe it. And trust me, when you leave
the theatre after this film, you will be a believer.
TMC-RMC members enjoy the
Colorado Grand and Octoberfest
written by Steve Garran
In each city I've spent significant time in there is
always one event that brings together the
collector car community in a way that transcends
mosts traditional cliques and marque perceptions.
In Cincinnati its at the Ault Park Concours
d'Elegance, in NorCal its the Monterrey Car Week,
and in Colorado it's the Colorado Grand
Concours d'Non Elegance. The Colorado Grand, celebrating its 25th year is a
1000 mile rally tour around this great state for 1960
and earlier sports cars of distinction. Its a
charitable event that has generated over $3.6
million in contributions for local non-profits
( At the end of this event the Grand
gives back to the local collector car community by
organizing and hosting the Concours d'Non
Elegance in the Lionshead area of Vail. Organized
by a great friend of TMC, Paul Gilpatrick the
"Concours" has grown from less than half the
participants showing their cars, to the whole field
being on display, with Paul organizing a
comprehensive car list for viewers (especially
helpful for those of us who normally have eyes for
only a certain type of girl.) For most of these vehicles, it is the only time they
are withdrawn from the garage and displayed, let
alone toured. And with the eligibility team being
very good at what they do, it is often the only
chance you'll get at seeing a single particular
example. As is often usual for trips heading west, The
Maserati Club met at the Dinosaur Lots, the early
hour of 8:30 being early for those without 2 year
olds. And as we met, fueled and coffee'd, a flotilla
of Corvette's cruised past, a bunch of Loti buzzed
past and a mirage of mini's merged into a maxi
display (did I mention I'm a member of the
Advanced Alliteration Association of America).
The small motley crew of 8 Maseratisti headed
west, thankfully Chris did bring his Maserati, so
the marque was represented. Following a brief
stop in, and a short tour of the west Idaho Springs
historic district the group toured up to Vail with no
incident. The parking lot at Lionshead was almost
as good a car show as the Concours, and its
always good to see the Tifosi relegated to parking
inside the lines with everybody else, upon arrival
we met additional Maseratisti, including Russell
who had the honor of driving Paul Gilpatrick for
the event in his white Mistral. Experiencing the Concours on a sunny day in the
mid 60's, Colorado definitely put on its best for
the show, and in speaking to some of the
participants the previous weeks rains hadn't
impacted the event too much. The cars were as
amazing as ever, and to list everybody's favorites
would require more space than we have here, or
to even ask such a question would require more
time than we had available, so we retired to Pepi's
in main Vail for deliberations, libations and lunch. With traditional Austrian punctuality we were
seated at exactly the time of our reservation, and
with similar attention to detail Pepi's put on a
delicious great meal. As is often usual I'm not sure
how Pepi's took to our large happy, noisy and fun
Italian family, perhaps with the same tolerance of
visiting Italian tourists during ski season in the
Tirol, but they did make us welcome and without
a doubt made this yet another event on the TMC
calendar not to miss. Relaxing
after enjoying
in the Vail
Fun time with friends in Vail
When it comes to the folks
in the Maserati Club, we
always know how to have a
great time together! Those
who drove up to Vail to
see the ‘Non-Elegance’
portion of the Colorado
Grand treated themselves
afterwards with food and
drink at the local
Austrian restaurant with
Filetto di Pesce al Vapore (Steamed Fish)
written by Garibaldi
Note: This recipe is one of my ‘concoctions’... something I
just made up.
Actually, this all started at a Mexican seafood joint in
Tucson (called El Mezon del Cobre) that is no longer in
business. The guy who ran this place was a convicted drug
dealer who also used to own our house in Tucson. We
simply couldn’t pass-up trying the restaurant while he was
in jail!
Anyway, they served this great Mexican-style steamed fish
with veggies in a foil pocket. When the restaurant closed, I
decided to try and duplicate the dish, which I really
enjoyed. So I made up my own version of the Mexican dish
and then, I decided to come up with a Mediterranean
version, as well. That’s the one you’ll see below.
INGREDIENTS per person:
1 filet of fish (Tilapia is a good choice, but any mild white
fish will do)
1/4 large Onion, sliced across the layers, 1/8 inch thick
3-4 Roma Tomatoes, sliced 1/2 inch rounds
1 Carrot, peeled and sliced, 1/4 inch rounds
1/4 Fennel Bulb, sliced across the layers, 1/2 inch (save the
fronds for a garnish)
1 Tablespoon pitted Kalamata Olives
1 teaspoon Capers
Sea Salt
Fresh ground Pepper
Olive Oil
1 oz. dry White Wine
Step 1. Pre-heat your oven to 450° F.
Step 2. Prep all of the veggies. Portion them into bowls or
piles on a counter top.
Step 3. Season the veggies with salt, pepper, and a drizzle
of oil over them.
Step 4. Add the fish and gently toss to coat everything with
juices and oil.
continued on page 9
Filetto di Pesce al Vapore, continued
Step 5. Make foil “pockets:”
- Use one 18-inch square of wide, heavy-duty aluminum
foil per person.
- Fold square in half (so it’s 9” x 18”).
- Double-fold the two outer edges to make a pocket
with 1/2” ‘sealed seams’.
- ‘Fluff-out’ each pocket so it will stand upright when filled
with ingredients.
Step 6. Add ingredients:
- Add some veggies to cover the bottom of the pocket.
- Then add the fish filet on top of the veggies.
- Add remaining veggies to cover the fish.
- Sprinkle fennel fronds on top of the veggies.
- Pour in the wine.
Step 7. Seal each pocket by folding a 1/2” sealed seam at
the top.
Step 8. Place pockets on a baking pan and bake for about
40 minutes.
Step 9. Mangiare di Tutto!
- Serve each pocket on a large plate.
- Carefully open the top seam and pull back the foil.
- Side dishes could include Risotto, a simple Pasta,
and/or a Green Salad.
You Picked a Fine Time to
Leave Me, Loose Wheel!
After you have handled a dozen hairpin turns on
the way up the pass, you have a like quota to
conquer on your way down the other side. After
the first couple of turns, which are long, gentle
written by Ross Robbins
sweeping arcs, we approached the first really
hard turn, a left-hander which required
result was that the friction of the wheel against
Editor’s note 1: Last month, we published a story
substantial slowing. I stepped on the brakes and
the knockoff had literally unscrewed the knockoff.
about the old Steamboat Springs Vintage Races
heard the most bizarre sound, and felt the
(So that's what UNDO means!)
that some of us miss so much. It is likely that
weirdest vibration. The noise was a blend of
everyone who attended those events has at least
scraping fingernails on a blackboard and chains
one highly memorable tale that he or she could
rattling. I let off the brake, almost simultaneously
tell about that experience and what it meant. The
downshifted, and said to a perplexed Wiley,
one below belongs to our good friend, Ross
"What the Hell was that?" The noise and vibration
Robbins, a well known Healey and Lotus driver
had stopped, so I knew he was guessing when
with Rocky Mountain Vintage Racing (aka
he said, "Water pump??" Nonetheless it sounded
RMVR). Some time ago, he gave us permission
logical after the heat we'd been through. We were
to use his story and we think you’ll find it
fast approaching a sharp right curve, as well as
especially amusing:
the car ahead of us, so I hit the brakes again.
This is a story about a couple of guys, a car and a
song. If the car weren't old and British, it could
just as well have been a Maserati. It all started in
1984, when Wiley Smith and I made plans to
Same sound ... Same vibration. This time though,
before I could say a word, I heard a thunk, felt a
thump and began bouncing along on the front
It looked like good news/bad news. The bad
news was obvious: the fender was dented and
bore the famous Healey fender spear, except in
the wrong place, traced in black rubber. The
brake disc was flattened on the bottom, sort of
horseshoe shaped, where it had ridden, locked in
combat with the pavement. And finally, I saw grit
and sand packed into every crevice of the
suspension. The good news took a bit more
reflection. We were OK. Wiley found the wheel
and knockoff, and I had a fairly complete tool kit
with me.
We decided to see if we could get things together
suspension parts.
enough to make it to a mechanic or garage. To
attend the first ever Rocky Mountain Vintage
They say, before you die, the whole of your life
Race in Steamboat Springs, Colorado over Labor
flashes before your eyes. All I saw was my right
Day weekend. We were pretty excited about
front wheel flash before my eyes as it passed
seeing racing 300SL's and Cobras... You get the
my car!
idea. I only had a mere Austin Healey, and I
It rolled straight in front of the car for about a
hoped I wouldn't feel humbled with all the high
hundred feet, curved gently across the highway,
priced exotics we expected to see.
up the embankment on the left side, back down
Even in the four months I'd had my car, I'd
the embankment, across the highway, and
learned enough to worry about Healeys
disappeared down a steep hill to the right. It
overheating, especially handling a climb like
didn't hit a thing! Meanwhile I was bringing the
12,000 foot high Berthoud Pass. I watched the
car to rest on what the Colorado Highway Dept.
temperature gauge rise ever upward, climbing as
cheerfully describes as a shoulder. Other than
fast as we were, on the first long grade out of
needing a change of underwear we were unhurt.
town. But we kept going. Finally, the temp gauge
But my beautiful Healey ... What about THAT?
started to drift downward, oh-so-slowly, and at
As I began to survey the damage and try to figure
last held steady at about 195. Needless to say,
out what went wrong, Wiley went looking for the
the trip up and over the pass was a kick.
wheel and other miscellaneous parts. Apparently,
We expected the ride down to be a lot cooler. By
the splines on the right front wheel were so worn
the time we got there the car was cooler but we
that when I braked heavily, the hub stopped
Healeys (like Masers) require a passenger seat so
you can bring along your mechanic!
weren't. Let me explain:
turning, but the wheel continued to rotate. The
Thanks for the Memory, Ross.
pass the time we began humming and singing, to
keep from cursing. Somehow we began "The
Song." To the tune of the Kenny Rogers song
"Lucille" we began singing:
"You picked a fine time to leave me, loose wheel.
Just when we thought things were no great big
We'll prob'ly miss Steamboat,
Stuck here with this dreamboat
Unless we can get things to heal.
You picked a fine time to leave me, loose wheel."
Editor's note 2: Believe it or not, they made it
back to Denver, swapped cars and still got to see
the races. In future years, Ross would still attend
Steamboat, though not just as a spectator. He
was then a well known RMVR driver. It seems that
That’s it for this month. Stay tuned for your Nov. issue of Nettuno. If you’d like to write
for Nettuno, or have ideas for articles, please contact Garibaldi at [email protected].
©2013 The Rocky Mountain Maserati Club, We are a not-for-profit, member-run and financed organization