slides - Ceremade
slides - Ceremade
Total Variation Projection with First Order Schemes Gabriel Peyré Jalal Fadili Overview •Total Variation Prior •Primal and Dual Projection •First Order Algorithms •Inverse Problem Resolution by Projection Smooth and Cartoon Priors ! |∇f |2 Smooth and Cartoon Priors ! |∇f |2 ! |∇f | Natural Image Priors Natural Image Priors Discrete Priors Overview •Total Variation Prior •Primal and Dual Projection •First Order Algorithms •Inverse Problem Resolution by Projection Denoising by Regularization Noisy observations: f = f0 + w. ! fλ L2 -constraint: 1 2 = argmin ||f − g|| + λ||g||TV g∈RN 2 fε! = argmin ||g||TV ! fτ ||f −g||!ε = argmin ||f − g|| ||g||TV !τ [Combettes,Pesquet] λ ε τ Denoising by Regularization Noisy observations: f = f0 + w. ! fλ L2 -constraint: 1 2 = argmin ||f − g|| + λ||g||TV g∈RN 2 fε! = argmin ||g||TV ! fτ Equivalence λ ↔ ε ↔ τ . ||f −g||!ε = argmin ||f − g|| ||g||TV !τ [Combettes,Pesquet] Best formulation: depends on the prior knowledge! λ ε τ Denoising by Regularization Noisy observations: f = f0 + w. ! fλ L2 -constraint: 1 2 = argmin ||f − g|| + λ||g||TV g∈RN 2 fε! = argmin ||g||TV ! fτ Equivalence λ ↔ ε ↔ τ . ||f −g||!ε = argmin ||f − g|| ||g||TV !τ [Combettes,Pesquet] Today’s focus Best formulation: depends on the prior knowledge! λ ε τ Dual Formulation 1 f = argmin ||f − g|| = argmin ||f − g||2 + 1||·||TV !τ (g) 2 g ||g||TV !τ ! Dual Formulation 1 f = argmin ||f − g|| = argmin ||f − g||2 + 1||·||TV !τ (g) 2 g ||g||TV !τ ! Dual vector field u = TV norm: N −1 {ui }i=0 ||f ||TV = ||u||1 ∈ RN ×2 where ui ∈ R2 . where u = ∇f. ||u||1 = N −1 " ! i=0 u2i,1 + u2j,2 Dual Formulation 1 f = argmin ||f − g|| = argmin ||f − g||2 + 1||·||TV !τ (g) 2 g ||g||TV !τ ! Dual vector field u = N −1 {ui }i=0 ||f ||TV = ||u||1 TV norm: ∈ RN ×2 where ui ∈ R2 . where u = ∇f. ||u||1 = !1 –!∞ duality: 1||·||1 !τ (v) = max !u, v" − τ ||u||∞ u =⇒ ||u||∞ N −1 " ! i=0 ! = max u2i,1 + u2j,2 0!i<N 1||·||TV !τ (f ) = min "div(u), f # + τ ||u||∞ u Proposition: one has f ! = f − div(u! ) 1 u = argmin ||f0 − div(u)||2 + τ ||u||∞ u∈RN ×2 2 ! u2i,1 + u2j,2 Overview •Total Variation Prior •Primal and Dual Projection •First Order Algorithms •Inverse Problem Resolution by Projection Proximal Iterations 1 u = argmin ||f0 − div(u)||2 + τ ||u||∞ u∈RN ×2 2 smooth “simple” ! f ! = f − div(u! ) Proximal Iterations 1 u = argmin ||f0 − div(u)||2 + τ ||u||∞ u∈RN ×2 2 smooth “simple” Forward-backward splitting: Initialization: ! Gradient descent: ũ(k) !∞ proximal correction: f ! = f − div(u! ) u(0) = 0, k ← 0. ! " = u(k) − µ grad f0 − div(u(k) ) u(k+1) = proxµλ||·||∞ (ũ(k) ). 1 proxκ||·||∞ (u) = argmin ||u − v||2 + κ||v||∞ . 2 v Continue? If ||u(k+1) − u(k) || > η, k ← k + 1. Proximal Iterations 1 u = argmin ||f0 − div(u)||2 + τ ||u||∞ u∈RN ×2 2 smooth “simple” Forward-backward splitting: Initialization: ! Gradient descent: ũ(k) !∞ proximal correction: f ! = f − div(u! ) u(0) = 0, k ← 0. ! " = u(k) − µ grad f0 − div(u(k) ) u(k+1) = proxµλ||·||∞ (ũ(k) ). 1 proxκ||·||∞ (u) = argmin ||u − v||2 + κ||v||∞ . 2 v Sλ Continue? If ||u(k+1) − u(k) || > η, k ← k + 1. Proximal operator computation: proxκ||·||∞ (u) = u − Sλ (u) ! " λ where Sλ (u)i = max 1 − , 0 ui ||ui || −λ Computing λ: partial sorting the values ||ui ||: O(N ) operations. λ Nesterov Multi-step Accelerating the gradient descent: use u(!) for all ! ! k to compute u(k+1) . Cf. Pierre Weiss PhD thesis. Nesterov Multi-step Accelerating the gradient descent: use u(!) for all ! ! k to compute u(k+1) . Cf. Pierre Weiss PhD thesis. Nesterov multi-step scheme: Initialization: u(0) = 0, A0 = 0, ξ (0) = 0, k ← 0. First proximal computation: υ (k) = proxAk τ ||·||∞ (u(0) − ξ (k) ) ! (k) µ + µ2 + 4µAk A + a υ k k (k) ak = Set ω = 2 Ak + ak (k+1) (k) u = prox (ω̃ ) Second proximal computation: µτ /2||·||∞ ! " µ where ω̃ (k) = ω (k) − ∇ f0 − div(ω (k) ) 2 Update Ak+1 = Ak + ak and ξ (k+1) ! " = ξ (k) + ak grad f0 − div(u(k+1) ) Continue? If ||u(k+1) − u(k) || > η, k ← k + 1. Convergence Analysis 1 u = argmin E(u) = ||f0 − div(u)||2 + τ ||u||∞ 2 u∈RN ×2 ! Known results: If 0 < µ < 2/||∇∗ ∇|| = 1/4, E(u(k) ) − E(u! ) = O(1/k α ) −→ what about the convergence of f (k) = f − div(u(k) ) ? Convergence Analysis 1 u = argmin E(u) = ||f0 − div(u)||2 + τ ||u||∞ 2 u∈RN ×2 ! Known results: If 0 < µ < 2/||∇∗ ∇|| = 1/4, E(u(k) ) − E(u! ) = O(1/k α ) −→ what about the convergence of f (k) = f − div(u(k) ) ? Key lemma: [Fadili,Peyré]: ! " ||f (k) − f ! ||2 ! 2 E(u(k) ) − E(u! ) Theorem: [Fadili, Peyré] If 0 < µ < 1/4, then ! 1 for Forward-Backward (k) ! 2 α ||f − f || = O(1/k ) with α = 2 for Nesterov TV-projection Denoising log10 (||f (k) − f ! ||/||f ! ||) log10 (||f (k) ||T V /τ − 1) [Combett es,Pesque t] k k Total Variation Texture Synthesis TV texture synthesis: draw f ∈ CTV ∩ Ccontrast at random. CTV = {f \ ||f ||TV ! τ } Ccontrast = {f \ histogram(f ) = h0 } Total Variation Texture Synthesis TV texture synthesis: draw f ∈ CTV ∩ Ccontrast at random. CTV = {f \ ||f ||TV ! τ } Iterated projections: f (k+1) = Equalizeh0 ! Ccontrast = {f \ histogram(f ) = h0 } f (0) f (0) ← noise. " Proj||·||TV !τ (f (k) ) Local convergence [Lewis, Malick, 2008] f CTV (1) Ccontrast Overview •Total Variation Prior •Primal and Dual Projection •First Order Algorithms •Inverse Problem Resolution by Projection Inverse Problems Inverse Problems Inverse Problems TV Projection for Inverse Problems Inverse problem resolution: Projected gradient descent: 1 f = argmin ||Φf − y||2 ||f ||TV !τ 2 f (!+1) = Proj{||·||TV !τ } f˜(!) Theorem: ! where f˜(!) = f (!) + νΦ∗ (y − Φf (!) ) If ν ∈ (0, 2/||Φ∗ Φ||), then ||f (!) − f " || = O(1/"). TV Projection for Inverse Problems Inverse problem resolution: Projected gradient descent: 1 f = argmin ||Φf − y||2 ||f ||TV !τ 2 ! f (!+1) = Proj{||·||TV !τ } f˜(!) Theorem: where f˜(!) = f (!) + νΦ∗ (y − Φf (!) ) If ν ∈ (0, 2/||Φ∗ Φ||), then ||f (!) − f " || = O(1/"). Imperfect projection: f (!+1) = Proj{||·||TV !τ } Convergence of f (!) if ! ! Theorem: ! " f (!) + νΦ∗ (y − Φf (!) ) + a! ||a! || < +∞. (does not work with Nesterov) If Proj||·||TV !τ f˜(") is computed with η" -tolerance ! and if ! η! < +∞, then f (!) converges to f " Inpainting f0 y = Φf0 + w log10 (||f (k) − f ! ||/||f ! ||) f! Operator Φ: 70% missing pixels. Gaussian noise: ||w|| = 0.02||f0 ||∞ . TV constraint: τ = 0.6||f0 ||TV . → Roughly 1/! convergence speed. Deconvolution f0 y = Φf0 + w log10 (||f (k) − f ! ||/||f ! ||) f! Operator Φ: Gaussian filter, width 4 pixels. Gaussian noise: ||w|| = 0.02||f0 ||∞ . TV constraint: τ = 0.6||f0 ||TV . → Roughly 1/! convergence speed. Conclusion • Dual TV projection: unconstraint optimization. 1 min ||f − g|| min ||f0 − div(u)||2 + τ ||u||∞ ||g||TV !τ u 2 • Gradient methods: Forward-backward or Nesterov (faster). Conclusion • Dual TV projection: unconstraint optimization. 1 min ||f − g|| min ||f0 − div(u)||2 + τ ||u||∞ ||g||TV !τ u 2 • Gradient methods: Forward-backward or Nesterov (faster). • Imaging applications: denoising, synthesis, inverse problems. → projected gradient descent: stability to imperfect projections. τ Conclusion • Dual TV projection: unconstraint optimization. 1 min ||f − g|| min ||f0 − div(u)||2 + τ ||u||∞ ||g||TV !τ u 2 • Gradient methods: Forward-backward or Nesterov (faster). • Imaging applications: denoising, synthesis, inverse problems. → projected gradient descent: stability to imperfect projections. τ • Other applications: computing Cheeger sets, plastic mechanics.