FYRE More Information


FYRE More Information
For years, people looking to boost fat loss have been faced with two
choices: use synthetic supplements that are effective but potentially
dangerous, or use safe, natural supplements that don’t get the job done.
Now there’s a third choice. Fyre® is the only all-natural dietary
supplement that provides powerful metabolic support and safely
optimizes fat loss. Get the dramatic results you deserve and none of the
health hazards you don’t with Fyre®.
1. What is Fyre®?
Fyre® is the premier, 100% natural fat burner that is designed to assist a person’s fat loss goals in a safe,
healthy manner. In designing Fyre®, the mission was simple—make Fyre® the most effective and healthiest
product of its kind on the market.
2. Why is Fyre® special?
The most striking characteristic about Fyre ® is that it is a truly effective fat burner that is completely
natural and safe. In the past, effective fat burners always came with the price of being more or less
unhealthy—usually heart unhealthy. Every ingredient in Fyre ® is extracted from specific herbs and
standardized for particular active ingredients. The fat-loss technology in Fyre ® is also of a proven
nature and is designed to affect multiple areas of a person’s metabolism that are involved in fat loss
and storage. Fyre ® also has a pleasantly stimulating and energizing quality without excessive
nervousness or jitters. This characteristic is important to give a person the energy needed to positively
perform daily activities and promote a positive outlook to aggressively face the day’s challenges.
Finally, Fyre's ® potent combination of ingredients destroys even the most raging appetite.
3. What are the ingredients in Fyre®?
a. Coleus forskolii leaf extract standardized for 20%
forskolin. Forskolin is a novel, naturally occurring
compound that is well-known for increasing
adenylate cyclase, which raises cAMP levels
throughout the body. A consequence of
increased cAMP is initiation of lipolytic (fat
mobilizing) processes. In a nutshell, forskolin
mimics the metabolic fat-burning processes of ephedra but without the resultant jitters and negative cardiovascular side effects.
Remarkably, forskolin has been shown to lower blood pressure and be healthy for a person’s cardiovascular system.
b. Bergenia root extract standardized for bergenin. Bergenin is a naturally occurring compound that is known for increasing
norepinephrine-induced lipolysis and decreasing insulin-stimulated lipogenesis (increased storage of lipids). Bergenin has also
been shown to be beneficial for stomach and intestinal health and to have antioxidative activity.
c. Green tea leaf extract standardized for 90% catechins and 60% EGCG. Green tea leaf extract, and especially EGCG, is clearly
correlated with decreased adipose tissue and an increased metabolism. The best theory at present is that certain catechins in green
tea (like EGCG) inhibit fatty acid synthase, the enzyme that is potently linked to increased appetite and adipose tissue accumulation.
Studies show that inhibiting this enzyme decreases appetite and reduces adipose reserves.
d. Ginger root extract standardized for 20% gingerols. Gingerols are the hot compounds in ginger and are very similar to
capsaicin, the hot component in hot chili peppers. Gingerols have been shown to increase the metabolic rate by stimulating
endogenous uncoupling proteins. When stimulated, these proteins make a person’s metabolism inefficient so that it must
burn a greater proprortion of energy in order to obtain a given amount of usable energy. Gingerols also have been
associated with a host of benefits, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, anticarcinogenic, anti-hepatoxic
and anti-bacterial activity.
e. Barberry bark extract standardized for berberine. Berberine’s main claim to fame is its ability to positively regulate insulin
sensitivity and directly inhibit the differentiation and maturation of adipocytes. Berberine has the additional health benefit of
optimizing cholesterol levels.
f. Coffee bean extract standardized for 99% caffeine. Caffeine is well-known for stimulating the metabolism and providing a
gentle psychostimulant effect. It also has the reputation of synergizing with other fat-burning agents.
g. Yohimbine HCl from natural yohimbine. Yohimbine is a naturally occurring compound which blocks the A2 adrenergic
receptor. This receptor is actively involved in preventing the body from burning adipose tissue, especially in stubborn areas.
Blocking this receptor allows the body to burn stubborn body fat effectively and efficiently. An added benefit is yohimbine’s
well-known aphrodisiacal properties.
h. Velvet bean extract standardized for 20% l-dopa. Velvet bean extract contains l-dopa as well as very specific alkaloids that
interact in remarkable ways with other ingredients in Fyre® to potently optimize metabolic rate, destroy appetite and assist a
person in obtaining a lean, fit body.
Although Fyre® is not a miracle, it is the most advanced, scientifically based fat-burning formula available.
It produces consistent and noticeable results while boosting a person’s mental focus and outlook. With
proper diet and exercise, one can expect to lose at least one pound per week while using Fyre® at the
recommended dosages.
5. What about the cost?
Although by no means the cheapest formula
on the market, all-in-all, Fyre® is the best
value in the industry when price versus
performance is analyzed.
SI03, Inc. | PO Box 1715 | Cape Girardeau, MO 63702 | Ph (866) 333-7403 | www.syntrax.com
4. What results can be expected from Fyre®?