CAA coupon - CAA Manitoba


CAA coupon - CAA Manitoba
Oak Hammock Marsh Interpretive Centre
Coupon saves member
50% Off 2nd Admission
Coupon MUST be printed from website and presented to
Oak Hammock Marsh staff prior to entry to receive
the discount.
Oak Hammock Marsh is a 36-square km Wildlife
Management Area that is one of North America’s
birding hotspots. It features restored prairie marsh,
aspen-oak bluff, waterfowl lure crops, artesian
springs, 30 kilometers of trails and some of
Manitoba’s last remaining patches of tall-grass
prairie – an endangered habitat.
Open year-round, Oak Hammock Marsh is an
economical place to spend a few hours or an entire
day, regardless of the weather, located just
minutes north of Winnipeg.
Phone (204) 467-3300