Upcoming Events Summer 2016 - Community Development Services
Upcoming Events Summer 2016 - Community Development Services
Upcoming Events Summer 2016 Downtown Farmers Market Open Weekly Wednesdays & Saturdays, 7 AM—1 PM Samplings—Wednesdays, 10 AM—Noon First Baptist Church Community-Wide Back to School Celebration Sunday, August 7: 4—7 PM Christian Life Center of First Baptist Church Fridays @ 5/Sounds on the Square The Jimmy Church Band: Friday, August 26: 5—9 PM Summer Salute Pre-Clipse Festival Friday & Saturday, August 26 & 27—Downtown Hopkinsville Diamond Rio—August 27: 7 PM Military Affairs Chili Cook-Off Saturday, August 27—Founders Square Public Sampling Begins at 3:30 Alhambra Theatre American Graffiti— Saturday, August 27: 2 PM Chinatown—Friday, September 2: 7 PM Dancing with our Stars—Saturday, September 10: 7 PM The Raven—TBA in October Out of Africa—Sunday, November 13: 2 PM The Good Dinosaur Westside Park June 3 Max Minions Inside Out Pardue Lane Park DeBow Park Virginia Park June 17 July 1 July 15 Angels in Star Wars - The the Outfield Force Awakens Ruff Park Boys & Girls Club August 5 Sept. 2 SpongeBob Movie Sponge Out of Water Trail of Tears Park Sept. 16 For more info, call 270-887-4290, email [email protected], or visit our new website at www.hoptownrec.com NO ADMISSION CHARGE - FREE DOWNTOWN FARMERS MARKET ~ 9TH & MAIN ~ Aug. 7-13 ~ Wednesdays & Saturdays 7 AM - 1 PM ~ HELP US CELEBRATE NATIONAL FARMERS MARKET WEEK August 7—13 SNAP A PICTURE OF YOURSELF WITH YOUR FAVORITE VENDOR & POST IT ON OUR FACEBOOK PAGE FOR A CHANCE TO WIN A FREE DOWNTOWN FARMERS MARKET T-SHIRT (WEDNESDAYS & SATURDAYS 7 AM—1 PM) BUY LOCAL, EAT HEALTHIER & SUPPORT LOCAL AGRICULTURE!! https://www.facebook.com/HopkinsvilleDowntownFarmersMarket Nothing else is close... 2016 SEASON APRIL 23RD thru OCTOBER 29TH 7 AM—1 PM 9TH & MAIN DOWNTOWN HOPKINSVILLE Summer Sampling Dates (10 AM—Noon) Sponsored by Christian County Cooperative Extension Nothing else is close... Aug 10: Squash Supreme Aug 17: Green Beans w/Feta Cheese & Dill Aug 24: Tomato Corn Pesto Pizza Aug 31: Apple Spinach Salad Providing you the area’s best selection of locally grown and produced fruits, veggies, home-canned goods, home-baked goods, honey, bedding plants, perennials, fresh-cut flowers and hand-crafted items EBT, Credit & Debit Cards Accepted For More Info: 270.887.4285 August 17-18 2016 Who Should Attend? Bankers Investors CPA’s and Accountants Small Business Owners • • • • Presented by: F OR MORE INFORMATION AND TO REGISTER : https://smallbusinesstoolkit.eventbrite.com OR CALL (270) 809-6071 for more information August 17th LEARN A BOUT T HES E P ROGRA M S Kentucky Innovation Network • Free business assistance to help you plan and market your business or grow your existing business Kentucky Small Business Tax Credit • Tax credits from $3,500—$25,000 Kentucky Small Business Credit Initiative • • Multiple programs available Helps reduce the loan risk for participating lenders Kentucky Angel Investment Tax Credit • Up to 50% tax credit for qualified investors/investments PRESENTERS: Trigg County —8 a m-9 a m Ca di z Re na iss a nc e Ce nte r, Ca di z (ligh t br e ak fa s t p rovid ed) Lyon Count y —1 2pm -1 pm Le e S. J ones Com m uni ty Bui l di ng, E ddy vi l le (lunch prov ided ) C aldw ell Count y —4 pm -5pm G e or ge Coon P ubli c Li br ar y, P r i nc e ton (re fre shmen t s prov ided ) August 18th Ch ri sti an Count y — 8 am -9a m P e nny ri le El ec tri c, Hopk i ns vi ll e (l ight br ea k fa s t pro vid ed) Todd Count y — 12 pm -1 pm Uni te d S outhe r n Ba nk , E lk ton (lun ch pro vid ed) M ARILYN L E B OURVE AU Pro ject M an ag e r, Of f ice o f En t r ep ren eu rsh ip —Ke n t u cky Cab in et f o r Eco n o m ic Deve lo p m en t L ORET TA D ANIEL Dir ect o r , Ken t u ck y In n o v at io n Net wo rk at M u r ray St at e Un ive rsit y Sponsored by: Wade White, Lyon County Judge-Execu ve SATURDAY - 7 pm DIAMOND RIO Presented by Jennie Stuart Health August 26-27, 2016 DOWNTOWN HOPKINSVILLE, KY Founders Square – 6:00 pm www.hoptownsummersalute.com CHILI COOK-OFF RULES: WIN ONE OF THESE CASH PRIZES!!! $1,000 GRAND PRIZE 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place 4th Place Best Theme Crowd Favorite $400 $250 $150 $100 $100 $100 PUBLIC SAMPLING OF CHILI ALL YOU CAN EAT! $2.OO DONATION FREE TO MILITARY WITH ID CARD WINNERS ANNOUNCED AT 6:00 P.M. A maximum of 60 teams may enter the cook-off. Entries will be accepted first come, first serve. A maximum of 6 members may be on a team but there is no minimum number of members. Each team must prepare a minimum of six (6) gallons of chili and are encouraged to make more. All chili must be prepared on site. No pre-cooked ingredients allowed. Cooking may begin at 10:00 a.m. Ingredients must be listed on a 3x5-inch note card, which must be in the team captain’s possession at all times. Each team must have two water jugs in their booth at all times (Health Code Requirement). Jugs may be filled at the water station. Teams must provide the following items: tables for serving the chili and food preparation, chairs, ingredients for chili, all cooking utensils, portable stove or cooking source, wash pans and banner or decorations. (Teams are encouraged to include an awning in case of inclement weather). It is the team captain’s responsibility to check in at the sign-in booth at 9:45 a.m. and see that all team members are on time and familiar with the rules. Teams must supply and display a banner or sign identifying their booth. TEAMS MUST DECORATE THEIR BOOTH WITH A MILITARY OR PATRIOTIC THEME. Team names can be humorous but must be in good taste. A sample of chili must be turned in for judging at 3:00 p.m. The official judging cup will be provided by the Cook-Off Committee during the captain’s meeting at 9:45 a.m. The cup cannot be decorated or disfigured in any manner. Winners will be announced at 6:00 p.m. Public sampling will begin at 3:30 p.m. The public may only use the cup purchased from the Military Affairs Committee. A team may be disqualified if cups are provided to the public. Booths must be set up on Saturday, August 27th between 8:00 and 9:30 a.m. The space provided for your booth is 12X12 (grill spaces are the exception). No staked tents may be used. Teams may not serve alcoholic beverages to the general public. Teams may not dismantle their booth before 6:30 p.m. on Saturday. All booths must be dismantled and removed by 8:00 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 27. Contact Katie Lopez at 270-885-9096 for any additional information or questions regarding these guidelines. Christian County Salutes Fort Campbell Week Chili Cook-Off Entry Form $60.00 Organization ENTRY FEE BEFORE AUGUST 5th (after the 5th is a $85.00 fee, and shirts not guaranteed) Make check payable to: Christian County Chamber of Commerce Team Captain or Contact Person *Bringing a Grill? (automatic additional $20 fee for larger space) *Need Electricity? (automatic additional $5 fee for electricity) Mailing Address Yes No Yes No E-Mail Address Phone Team Type: Civilian Please return form to: Christian County Chamber of Commerce 2800 Fort Campbell Blvd. Hopkinsville, KY 42240 Ph (270) 885-9096 Fax (270) 886-2059 Members’ T-Shirt Sizes Maximum of 4 Team Members— Enter quantity beside size S M L XL 2X 3X *Any Shirts ordered after August 5th will be $10 each* CLASSIC MOVIES At The Historic ALHAMBRA Spring Classics at The Alhambra AFRICAN QUEEN ..........................................Sunday, April 10 @ 2:00 pm FROM HERE TO ETERNITY ........................... Sunday, May 1 @ 2:00 pm NOTORIUS ...................................................... Sunday, June 12 @ 2:00 pm Summer Movies for the Kids JUNGLE BOOK................................................ Friday, June 10 @ 10:00 am BABE ............................................................... Friday, June 17 @ 10:00 am BEAUTY & THE BEAST ................................. Friday, June 24 @ 10:00 am ALADDIN ......................................................... Friday, July 1 @ 10:00 am Summer Classics at The Alhambra JAWS ............................................................... Sunday, July 10 @ 2:00 pm AMERICAN GRAFFITI ........................... Saturday, August 27 @ 2:00 pm Fall Classics at The Alhambra CHINATOWN ................................................... Friday, Sept. 2 @ 7:00 pm THE BIG READ .................................................................. TBA October OUT OF AFRICA............................................. Sunday, Nov. 13 @ 2:00 pm Holidays at The Alhambra POLAR EXPRESS ....................................... Saturday, Dec. 10 @ 7:30 pm WHITE CHRISTMAS .................................... Sunday, Dec. 18 @ 2:00 pm Series Sponsored by: OCTOBER 27, 2016 MAYORS UNITY BREAKFAST Presented By: The City of Hopkinsville and Human Relations Commission Time: 7:30 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. Location: Christian County Senior Center 1402 W. 7th Street Hopkinsville, KY 42240 Please RSVP with the Hopkinsville Human Relations Commission (270) 887-4010 P Inaugural Hopkinsville HOLIDAY CELEBRATION Schedule of Events 10:00-7:00 3:00-5:00 CHRISTMAS MARKET ON THE SQUARE DICKENS ALLEY ON 6TH STREET 12th Annual PENNYRILE POLAR EXPRESS -Along East 9th Street- Story time with FREE Holiday Books, Carriage Rides, Mini Train Rides, Model Train Display, Pictures with Santa HOPKINSVILLE CHRISTMAS PARADE 5:15-6:45 -Glass Ave., South on Main St. to 14th St.Floats, Bands, Food Vendors & More 7:00 DOWNTOWN CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING 7:30 THE POLAR EXPRESS MOVIE -Founders Square- -Historic Alhambra Theatre- PENNYROYAL C O U N C I L • • • • • •