Beacon for June 2006 With
Beacon for June 2006 With
THE CHRISTIAN BEACON I am the light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in darkness, But will have the light of life. John 8:12 Volume 51, Issue 6 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH EXECUTIVE BOARD Chairperson Joan Martin Vice Chairperson Bart Bartholomew Treasurer Margaret Henry Recording Secretary Nancy Hall Historian Doris Lucas Senior Minister Rodger Moore CHAIRPERSONS Christian Education - co Carol Secttor Patti Garrett Evangelism - co Jim Sonnefield Sue Sonnefield Finance Jerry Richards Membership - co Angi Spangler Julie Hix Memorial Sue Richards Personnel - co Mike Smoker Dave Pence Property Dick Runyon Stewardship Larry Garrett Worship Susan Smoker Trustee Theresa Leffler Elder Chris Lessly Deacon - co Dick Runyon Joan Watson First Christian Church, Marion, Indiana June 2006 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH DAN S FISH & TENDERLOIN FRY FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 2006 TIME: 4:30 - 7:30 P.M. ADULTS $7.00 / CHILDREN 5-12 $3.00 CHILDREN UNDER 5 - FREE Benefitting: KIDS HOPE USA and CHURCH PLAYGROUND FUND Silent Auction During the Al l pr o ceed s g o t o : KIDS HOPE USA and the church Playground Fund Examples of items to donate: New or antique items Special Service such as: car wash, baked goods, babysitting, etc. If you would like to donate any items or services, contact Marianne Beck, the Church Office or fill out a form located in the Narthex ALONG WITH THE VOLUNTEER SHEETS TO HELP WITH THE FISH FRY Page 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 23 24 28 30 June 2006 JUNE CALENDAR AT A GLANCE Dan s Fish & Tenderloin Fry Fund Raiser Farewell Party for Frank & Jennette families Combined Worship 10 am Elders Meeting 7 pm CWF Executive Board Mtg. 1 pm Youth Pool Party and Camp Out 6 pm - 8 am Ruth Circle lunch at the Cove Youth Car Wash 10 am - 4 pm Scrapbooking 9 - 4 pm Baby Shower for Heather & Jeff Brady 4 pm Scrapbooking 9-Noon and 4pm - 10 pm Quilter s lunch at Boathouse in Warsaw Rebekah Circle lunch at Honeywell Center Cabinet Meeting 7 pm Life Walk for Crisis Pregnancy Center Blood Pressure Checks Wedding Rehearsal 6 pm Karen Albertson s Wedding 4:30 pm Ministry of Youth Relations Meeting 7 pm Church Office Closed Youth participation in Kroozin Matter Park July 1 Youth participation in Kroozin Matter Park July 3 & 4 Church Office Closed Sc ho o l s o v e r! Le t s have a CAMP OUT! On Wednesday, June 7th, Der Freiheitskampf will head over to Jeff and Heather s house in Gas City for a camp out, complete with tents, a camp-fire, a swimming pool and tons of fun!! WHY?? Because school is out, and we need some FUN!! Be sure to AT LEAST bring your sleeping bag & pillow, swimming suits and a fresh change of clothes. Towels and food are provided. The party starts at 6 pm and is over at 8 am! PARENTS!!! If you would like to donate hot dogs, hamburgers, buns, chips, drinks, cookies, snacks, plates, cups and / or napkins for the youth group camp out on June 7th, please see Jeff Brady or sign-up in the Narthex. Going Away Party June 3rd 6:00 - 8:00 pm at the church, for two of our families Adam & Laura Frank and Wesley, Leah, Matthew, Andrew & Daniel Jennette We will be having a Carry in cookout to share a time of fellowship with these families. Hamburgers and hot dogs will be provided. Come and share a dish and you best wishes. June 4th Worship Schedule Sunday School 9:00 am Combined Worship Service 10:00 am Special music by piano students of Doris Lucas Carry in meal following the Worship Service (meat & drink provided) There will be a groundbreaking ceremony after our lunch for the Playground. Saturday, June 10th Youth Group Car Wash!!!! At 10 am we ll turn on the hoses for a car wash in the church parking lot. We ll be there during your lunch hour, all afternoon and in the evening so you can stop by after all of your travels! Make sure you get there before 4 pm! At that point we ll turn off the hoses and you will have to wait until our next car wash to get it done! Car washes are by donation, so please come and get your car washed and support Der Freiheitskampf! Page 3 June 2006 Life Walk The Crisis Pregnancy Center will be having a Life Walk fund raiser on Saturday, June 17th at 9:00 am. You are Invited to an Open House In Honor of High School Graduate Jordan Michael June 10, 2006 1:00 to 4:00 pm 5211 North E 00W The Brady Family is hopping with joy awaiting the arrival of their new baby boy! Please join us for a baby shower for Jeff and Heather Brady! (men and women are invited) Sunday, June 11, 2006 4:00 pm First Christian Church 1970 N Wabash Rd Please plan to be a walker or sponsor a walker for this agency. See Gracie Meyer or Helen Skinner for details. Mr. and Mrs. David M. Albertson request the honour of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Karen Elaine to Solomon David Vanderpool on Saturday, the twenty-fourth of June two thousand and six at four-thirty in the afternoon First Christian Church 1970 North Wabash Avenue Given by: Kaitlyn Harville Jeff and Heather are registered at Wal-Mart Kro o zin Ma t t e r Pa rk Ca r Sho w June 30 and July 1 Graduates Scholarship applications are available for: High School graduates College students University students and Technical School students. Contact the church office for an application. **Deadline for applying is Sunday, June 25th.** The Youth Group will be at the Kroozin Matter Park Car Show with both an informational booth for the youth and church as well as a fund-raiser booth! At the fund-raiser booth we will have a pie toss ready and set up! Come get your whipped cream pies for $1.00 each and get your favorite youth group member or youth leader in the face! Hours for this event are 4:00 - 9:00 pm on the 30th and 9 am-4 pm on July 1st. If you come to the pie toss booth at the right time, you might have your pick of local celebrities to get in the face as well! Page 4 June 2006 Mark your calendar now! Vacation Bible School Tuesday, July 18 through Friday, July 21 6:00 pm each evening. The theme will be Fiesta! Where kids are fired up about Jesus. We will join with First Friends Church for our second year and we will serve as the host church this year. If you know a child between 2 1/2 and junior high age, invite them to come and bring them each evening if necessary. There are many ways to get involved. If you can help even one evening, contact Carol Secttor or Angie Martin. We also need everyone s prayers that we will touch the lives of these children. So, practice your Spanish and polish your maracas. We are having a Fiesta! THANK YOU NOTE We wanted to thank Rev. Moore and our church family for the Narnia Study Guides. We have been using them and have gotten a great deal from them. Thank you, Paul and Donna Ragsdale Mission Opportunity Please see Lois Runyon, CWF President, if you are interested in the landscaping project to improve the north side of the front entrance. Prayer Concerns: Pat Heck had by-pass surgery May 30; Rose Perkins had gall bladder surgery May 30; Bette Jump facing surgery June 5; Margaret Orsborn (Sally Johnson s mother) with broken arm; Bud Folk was in Lutheran Hospital with abdominal aneurysm; Mary Jane Manning undergoing chemo treatments; Marcella Ramey s grandson, Shay Ramey, with health concerns; Dick Runyon s cousin, Carla (Goodwin) Schawb recovering from stomach cancer surgery. Our Prayers and Sympathy to Family and friends of Bob Duke who passed away. Janice Maynard and family in the death of her father, Bruce Costa, on Sunday, May 21st. Playground Update During the May Executive Board meeting, the following actions were approved regarding the new Noah s Ark Playground project: Effective May 17, 2006, all undesignated memorial contributions will be applied to the playground project until the project is fully funded, Made a contribution of $5,000.00 to the playground for 2006, Made a commitment to fund $5,000.00 in the 2007 budget for the playground. A playground groundbreaking will be included in the activities during our combined worship and carry-in meal on June 4th. Corrected Address for Allison & Josh Yankey 209 N. Mulberry Street Mount Vernon, OH 43050 The leak in the roof of the portico has been repaired. Last Beacon had the wrong house number. This address will be home for the newlyweds beginning June 10th. VOLUNTEERS FOR JUNE Elders: 8:50 Bread & Cup 4th & 11th (B) Marianne Beck 4th & 11th (C) Bart Bartholomew 18th & 25th (B) George Hill 18th & 25th (C) Pat Hill Nursery Workers 1st Service: (Crib) Scottye Wilson (Toddlers) Angi Spangler Deacon / Element Preparation 4th Gerry Lessly Greg Spangler 11th Ruthanna Street Sam Wilson Sunday School: Joan Martin 2nd Service: (Crib) Gerry Lessly (Toddlers) Joan Martin 18th Jerry and Janet Hamm 11:15 Bread & Cup 4th & 11th (B) Angi Spangler 4th & 11th (C) Chris Lessly 18th & 25th (B) Sharon Pence 18th & 25th (C) Dave Pence Deacons, Turners and Ushers The schedule is posted on the bulletin board next to the hall phone. Greeters: 4th Charles & Dorothy Mae Gibbs 11th Jerry & Janet Hamm 18th Bill & Virginia Bothwell 25th Bill & Patty Davis 25th Megan Snyder Layleaders: 4th George Hill 11th Helen Skinner 18th Bill Boxell 25th Dave Pence Combined Service: Scottye Wilson & Joan Martin Acolytes: 4th Trevor Hix 11th Elissa Watson 18th Kaity Harville 25th Scott Meyer Flowers For June NURSERY WORKERS ARE ALWAYS NEEDED AND WELCOMED, IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HELP OCCASIONALLY, PLEASE CONTACT JOAN MARTIN. 4th Dave & Missy Black celebrating their 20th Wedding Anniversary. 11th Sam & Scottye Wilson 18th Greg & Angi Spangler celebrating their 9th Wedding Anniversary. 26th open Shut-in Communion 11th Elders BIRTHDAYS JUNE 1 Zachary Kinch 3 Dixi Conner Natalie Strange 4 Carl King Bruce Branham 5 Sally Thompson Beth Strange Justin Horan 6 Patty Davis 7 Jason Smoker 8 Bart Bartholomew Rodney Gamble Ron Lucas 10 Gary Taylor 11 Megan Goins 12 Jean Hill Don Garwood 14 Jack Butler 15 Chris Lessly 19 Sandi Duggan 21 Susie Herring 23 Kim Harris Melissa Herring Wynoka Lewis Paul Meyer Myrna Berry Ronda McCall 25 Sue Small John Cooper 26 Rodney Miller 27 Bill Cordrey 28 Phil Albertson Bryan Bothwell 29 Justin Black Brianna Black 30 Ronald Rook Laura Frank ANNIVERSARIES FOR JUNE 1 2 4 7 8 9 10 12 14 17 18 21 22 25 26 26 28 29 Lew & Susie Oyler Lowell & Betty Spangler Bud & Debbie Folk David & Melissa Black Chuck & Nancy Hall Nathan & Jennifer Goins Mike & Susan Smoker Ron & Janie Clipper Ryan & Holly Downan Jerry & Bette Jump Lewis & Janet Kiser Bill & Virginia Bothwell Steve & Judy Michael Greg & Angie Spangler Layne & Lori Maki Joe & Wynoka Lewis Michael & Robyn Ferguson Norman & Sally Ferguson Ned & Ann Gillum Paul & Jo Meyer 17 David Brock Richard Allen Runyon THE CHRISTIAN BEACON is published monthly by First Christian Church, 1970 N. Wabash Rd., Marion IN. 46952. Periodicals Postage Paid at Marion IN 46952. POSTMASTER:Send address changes to Christian Beacon 1970 N. Wabash Rd. Marion IN 46952. The Christian Beacon Periodical U.S. Postage PAID Marion, IN. 46952 Published Monthly USPS 354-530 First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 1970 N. Wabash Rd. Marion, IN 46952 765-664-1221 Rev. Rodger C. Moore Senior Minister H o n o r i n g Ch r i st m a s I n Yo u r H ea r t June 4 June 11 June 18 June 25 I Peter 2:9-10 Psalm 96:1-2 I John 4:7 Isaiah 55:6-9 Remember to do something special for someone on the 25th! This document was created with Win2PDF available at The unregistered version of Win2PDF is for evaluation or non-commercial use only.