Lakeshore Mall
Lakeshore Mall
Lakeshore Mall - Sebring, FL CBL & Associates Properties, Inc. Land O' Lakes I-4 I-275 UNIVERSITY MALL Town 'n' Country 50 mi Lakeland Highlands Brandon Bartow Mulberry Palm Bay Brevard Polk Micco 40 mi Hillsborough Sebastian 30 mi Fort Meade I-95 Indian River Greater Sun Center 20 mi Bowling Green INDIAN RIVER MALL Vero Beach South 10 mi Bradenton Ona Manatee Zolfo Springs Hardee Sebring Lorida I-95 Okeechobee LAKESHORE MALL Highlands SARASOTA OUTLET CENTER Sarasota ATLANTIC OCEAN 60 mi Osceola Winter Haven EAGLE RIDGE MALL Tampa I-75 Melbourne Lakeland I-4 I-95 70 mi Poinciana LAKELAND SQUARE Legend Port St. Lucie CBL Mall Site Sarasota DeSoto Shopping Centers >750K Taylor Creek Shopping Centers 300-<750K SARASOTA SQUARE MALL Venice Englewood GULF OF MEXICO Highway Venus North Port Counties ZIP areas, Q2/2011 Lakeshore Mall Trade Area PORT CHARLOTTE TOWN CENTE Primary Trade Area Glades Punta Gorda Secondary Trade Area Charlotte I-75 Moore Haven 0 5 10 15 20 Scale: 1" = 13.4 miles 04/01/12 Map produced with Scan/US South Venice U.S. Interstates Buckhead Ridge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ap produced with Scan/US (QJOHZRRG /DNHVKRUH0DOO7UDGH$UHD %XFNKHDG5LGJH , 6RXWK9HQLFH $7/$17,& 2&($1 (thous.) 3257&+$5/277(72:1&(17( *ODGHV 3XQWD*RUGD &KDUORWWH 0RRUH+DYHQ , 6FDOH PLOHV Sebring, FL Lakeshore Mall - 2011 Population Density Land O' Lakes CBL & Associates Properties, Inc. I-4 I-275 UNIVERSITY MALL Town 'n' Country 60 mi Osceola Winter Haven EAGLE RIDGE MALL Tampa 50 mi Lakeland Highlands Brandon Bartow Mulberry I-75 Melbourne Lakeland I-4 I-95 70 mi Poinciana LAKELAND SQUARE Palm Bay Brevard Polk Micco 40 mi Hillsborough Sebastian 30 mi Fort Meade I-95 Indian River Greater Sun Center 20 mi Bowling Green INDIAN RIVER MALL Vero Beach South 10 mi Bradenton Ona Manatee Sebring Zolfo Springs Hardee Lorida I-95 Okeechobee LAKESHORE MALL Highlands SARASOTA OUTLET CENTER Sarasota ATLANTIC OCEAN Legend Port St. Lucie Sarasota CBL Mall Site DeSoto Taylor Creek ZIP areas, Q2/2011 SARASOTA SQUARE MALL Venice Lakeshore Mall Trade Area Englewood GULF OF MEXICO Density per Sq.Mi Venus North Port Map produced with Scan/US South Venice 11 Population Buckhead Ridge I-75 2 - 25 (27%) 25 - 50 (10%) 50 - 75 (17%) PORT CHARLOTTE TOWN CENTE 75 - 100 (7%) Glades Punta Gorda 100+ (40%) Charlotte Moore Haven I-75 0 5 10 15 20 Scale: 1" = 13.4 miles Sebring, FL 04/01/12 CBL 2011 Custom Demographic Comparison Lakeshore Mall - Sebring, FL Highlands County (Lat/Log: 27.49355 / -81.48613) CBL & Associates Properties, Inc. 04/13/2012 Zip areas, ©2011 Scan/Us Primary Trade Area Population Trends 2016 Projection 2011 Estimate 2000 Census 1990 Census 2011 - 2016 % Change 2000 - 2011 % Change 1990 - 2000 % Change 2011 Estimated Race White Black American Indian Asian/Pacific Islander Other Race/Multi-Racial Hispanic Population Secondary Trade Area Total Trade Area* 132,778 130,665 118,675 92,568 243,351 226,631 185,463 152,246 376,129 357,296 304,138 244,814 1.62% 10.10% 28.20% 7.38% 22.20% 21.82% 5.27% 17.48% 24.23% 103,625 11,819 674 1,776 12,771 28,877 79.31% 2011 Est. Population By Age < 5 Years 5 - 9 Years 10 - 14 Years 15 - 19 Years 20 - 24 Years 25 - 34 Years 35 - 44 Years 45 - 54 Years 55 - 64 Years 65 - 74 Years 75 - 84 Years 85+ Years Median Age 7,773 7,428 7,202 7,531 7,383 13,701 13,557 15,246 14,882 16,349 14,072 5,541 46 5.95% Average Household Income 2016 Projection 2011 Estimate 2000 Census $46,883 $44,308 $39,970 $57,877 $52,595 $43,992 $53,617 $49,278 $42,321 2011 - 2016 % Change 2000 - 2011 % Change 5.81% 10.85% 10.04% 19.56% 8.81% 16.44% 2011 Est. HH Income Distribution Under $25,000 $25,000 - $34,999 $35,000 - $49,999 $50,000 - $74,999 $75,000 - $99,999 $100,000 and Over Total Over $35,000 Total Over $50,000 Total Over $75,000 Total Over $100,000 9.05% 0.52% 1.36% 9.77% 22.10% 5.68% 5.51% 5.76% 5.65% 10.49% 10.38% 11.67% 11.39% 12.51% 10.77% 4.24% 171,167 27,841 1,709 2,055 101 49,147 75.53% 15,156 14,616 14,579 14,952 14,870 30,148 28,313 28,839 24,190 20,940 14,722 5,306 38 6.69% 12.28% 0.75% 0.91% 0.04% 21.69% 6.45% 6.43% 6.60% 6.56% 13.30% 12.49% 12.73% 10.67% 9.24% 6.50% 2.34% 274,792 39,660 2,383 3,831 154 78,024 76.91% 22,929 22,044 21,781 22,483 22,253 43,849 41,870 44,085 39,072 37,289 28,794 10,847 41 6.42% 11.10% 0.67% 1.07% 0.04% 21.84% 6.17% 6.10% 6.29% 6.23% 12.27% 11.72% 12.34% 10.94% 10.44% 8.06% 3.04% 18,082 9,253 9,624 8,585 3,898 3,643 34.1% 17.4% 18.1% 16.2% 7.3% 6.9% 23,356 11,504 13,736 14,947 7,917 8,072 29.4% 14.5% 17.3% 18.8% 10.0% 10.1% 41,438 20,757 23,360 23,532 11,815 11,715 31.2% 15.7% 17.6% 17.7% 8.9% 8.8% 25,750 16,126 7,541 3,643 48.5% 30.4% 14.2% 6.9% 44,672 30,936 15,989 8,072 56.2% 38.9% 20.1% 10.1% 70,422 47,062 23,530 11,715 53.1% 35.5% 17.7% 8.8% *Total Trade Area = Primary Trade Area + Secondary Trade Area Source: 1900, 2000 Census; Scan/US 2011/2016 Estimates CBL & Associates Properties, Inc. (800) 333-7310 Page 1 of 1 (NYSE:CBL) SiteFacts© Comparison: 2011 Lakeshore Mall - Sebring, FL Highlands County (Lat/Log: 27.49355 / -81.48613) ZIP areas, ©2011 CBL & Associates Properties, Inc. 04/13/2012 Primary Trade Area 130,665 132,778 118,675 92,568 Population 2011 Trends: 2016 2000 1990 79.3% 50.9% Median Age 66,555 64,110 45.9 Education: Population, 25+ No HS Diploma HS Graduate College, No Degree College, Associate Degree College Degree Graduate/Professional Degree 93,348 22,407 34,733 18,396 5,225 8,632 3,955 71.4% Household Total Households Income $0 - $24,999 $25,000 - $49,999 $50,000 - $74,999 $75,000 - $99,999 $110,000 + 53,085 18,082 18,877 8,585 3,898 3,643 White Black American Indian Asian Pacific Islander Other/Multi-Racial Hispanic Population: Gender: Male Female 9.0% 0.5% 1.3% 0.0% 9.8% 22.1% 49.1% 24.0% 37.2% 19.7% 5.6% 9.2% 4.2% 34.1% 35.6% 16.2% 7.3% 6.9% $2,117,669.0 $755,616.6 $345,071.6 $177,840.9 $109,523.1 $189,190.0 $114,140.1 $145,552.3 $75,410.1 $205,324.3 $39,892 Annual Expenditures ($000): Housing Related Transportation Related Food At Home Food At Restaurants Life Insurance & Pensions Entertainment Healthcare Apparel & Related Services Other Expenditures Annual Expenditures/HH: 5,023 793 103 1,803 1,332 809 42,316 Business Establishments: Industrial Manufacturing Commercial Office Other Total Employees: 35.7% 16.3% 8.4% 5.2% 8.9% 5.4% 6.9% 3.6% 9.7% 15.8% 2.1% 35.9% 26.5% 16.1% Source: 2000 U.S. Census, 2011/2016 Scan/US Estimates, 2011 AGS Estimates CBL & Associates Properties, Inc. (800) 333-7310 117,413 109,218 38.2 152,458 36,126 57,307 26,002 9,960 16,093 6,970 79,532 23,356 25,240 14,947 7,917 8,072 75.5% 12.3% 0.8% 0.9% 0.0% 10.5% 21.7% 51.8% 48.2% 67.3% 23.7% 37.6% 17.1% 6.5% 10.6% 4.6% 29.4% 31.7% 18.8% 10.0% 10.1% $52,595 $40,887 2.7 $44,308 $34,438 2.4 Average HH Income : Median HH Income : Average HH Size : 171,167 27,841 1,709 1,954 101 23,859 49,147 $3,484,318.2 $1,219,838.3 $572,866.3 $281,015.1 $183,076.8 $342,286.5 $190,763.7 $229,429.0 $123,505.7 $341,536.7 $43,810 6,898 1,131 229 2,249 1,694 1,315 74,945 Total Trade Area 357,296 376,129 304,138 244,814 226,631 243,351 185,463 152,246 103,625 11,819 674 1,723 53 12,771 28,877 Race & Ethnicity: Secondary Trade Area 274,792 39,660 2,383 3,677 154 36,630 78,024 76.9% 183,968 173,328 41.0 51.5% 245,806 58,533 92,040 44,398 15,185 24,725 10,925 68.8% 132,617 41,438 44,117 23,532 11,815 11,715 11.1% 0.7% 1.0% 0.0% 10.3% 21.8% 48.5% 23.8% 37.4% 18.1% 6.2% 10.1% 4.4% 31.2% 33.3% 17.7% 8.9% 8.8% $49,278 $38,306 2.6 35.0% 16.4% 8.1% 5.3% 9.8% 5.5% 6.6% 3.5% 9.8% 16.4% 3.3% 32.6% 24.6% 19.1% $5,601,987.2 $1,975,454.9 $917,937.9 $458,856.1 $292,599.9 $531,476.5 $304,903.8 $374,981.3 $198,915.8 $546,861.0 $42,242 11,921 1,924 332 4,052 3,026 2,124 117,261 35.3% 16.4% 8.2% 5.2% 9.5% 5.4% 6.7% 3.6% 9.8% 16.1% 2.8% 34.0% 25.4% 17.8% Page 1 of 1 (NYSE:CBL) Lakeshore Mall - Sebring, FL Highlands County (Lat/Log: 27.49355 / -81.48613) Zip areas, ©2011 Scan/Us Demographic Summary Primary Trade Area Secondary Trade Area Total Trade Area 2016 Projection 2011 Estimate 2000 Census 1990 Census 132,778 130,665 118,675 92,568 243,351 226,631 185,463 152,246 376,129 357,296 304,138 244,814 2011 - 2016 % Change 2000 - 2009 % Change 1990 - 2000 % Change 1.62% 10.10% 28.20% 7.38% 22.20% 21.82% 5.27% 17.48% 24.23% 130,665 226,631 357,296 376,129 103,625 79.3% 11,819 9.0% 674 0.5% 1,723 1.3% 53 0.0% 12,771 9.8% 171,167 75.5% 27,841 12.3% 1,709 0.8% 1,954 0.9% 101 0.0% 23,859 10.5% 274,792 76.9% 39,660 11.1% 2,383 0.7% 3,677 1.0% 154 0.0% 36,630 10.3% 289,411 76.9% 42,258 11.2% 2,582 0.7% 3,859 1.0% 166 0.0% 37,853 10.1% 28,877 22.1% 49,147 21.7% 78,024 21.8% 89,878 23.9% 66,555 50.9% 64,110 49.1% 117,413 51.8% 109,218 48.2% 183,968 51.5% 173,328 48.5% 193,220 51.4% 182,909 48.6% Population Trends Total Trade Area 2016 Projections 2011 Population Estimated Race White Black Am. Indian Asian Pacific Islander Other/Multi-Racial Hispanic Population Gender Male Female Median Age Male Female 2011 Total Households 45.9 43.2 48.5 38.2 36.1 41.0 41.0 38.6 43.8 40.7 38.5 43.2 53,085 79,532 132,617 139,212 Households by Income Level < -$9,999 $10,000-$14,999 $15,000-$19,999 $20,000-$24,999 $25,000-$29,999 $30,000-$34,999 $35,000-$39,999 $40,000-$49,999 $50,000-$59,999 $60,000-$74,999 $75,000-$99,999 $100,000-$124,999 $125,000-$149,999 $150,000-$199,999 $200,000-$249,000 $250,000+ 4,620 8.7% 4,262 8.0% 4,381 8.3% 4,819 9.1% 4,884 9.2% 4,369 8.2% 3,613 6.8% 6,011 11.3% 3,961 7.5% 4,624 8.7% 3,898 7.3% 1,749 3.3% 772 1.5% 585 1.1% 120 0.2% 417 0.8% 6,335 8.0% 5,240 6.6% 5,892 7.4% 5,889 7.4% 5,635 7.1% 5,869 7.4% 4,949 6.2% 8,787 11.0% 6,775 8.5% 8,172 10.3% 7,917 10.0% 3,663 4.6% 1,619 2.0% 1,401 1.8% 367 0.5% 1,022 1.3% 10,955 8.3% 9,502 7.2% 10,273 7.7% 10,708 8.1% 10,519 7.9% 10,238 7.7% 8,562 6.5% 14,798 11.2% 10,736 8.1% 12,796 9.6% 11,815 8.9% 5,412 4.1% 2,391 1.8% 1,986 1.5% 487 0.4% 1,439 1.1% 9,960 7.2% 9,303 6.7% 10,293 7.4% 10,245 7.4% 10,510 7.5% 10,445 7.5% 8,843 6.4% 15,471 11.1% 11,481 8.2% 14,603 10.5% 13,893 10.0% 6,729 4.8% 2,969 2.1% 2,498 1.8% 589 0.4% 1,380 1.0% Average HH Income Median HH Income $44,308 $34,438 $52,595 $40,887 $49,278 $38,306 $53,617 $40,941 Average HH Size Average Family Size 2.4 2.7 2.6 2.6 3.0 3.2 3.1 3.2 Total Housing Units Vacant Owned Rental 68,588 15,503 22.6% 41,827 61.0% 11,258 16.4% 99,717 20,185 20.2% 61,215 61.4% 18,317 18.4% 168,305 35,688 21.2% 103,042 61.2% 29,575 17.6% 176,818 37,606 21.3% 108,150 61.2% 31,062 17.6% *Total Trade Area = Primary Trade Area + Secondary Trade Area 04/13/2012 CBL & Associates Properties, Inc. 800.333.7310 Source: 1990, 2000 Census; Scan/US 2011/2016 Estimates (NYSE:CBL)
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