Lady Fern


Lady Fern
Lady Fern
Athyrium filix-femina
Perennial fern found in moist to wet areas with
dappled sun or light shade. Grows up to 4 feet
tall. Deciduous clustered, erect fronds have
leaflets 2-3.5 inches long in loose tufts.
Several pair of kidney-shaped spore
receptacles on the underside of leaflets.
Brownish J-shaped spore receptacles grow on
the underside of the leaf. Spores released to
the wind during the summer or early fall.
Habitat Value
Stabilize soil and add ground cover for Whitecrowned Sparrows, Spotted Towhees, and
Dark-eyed Juncos. Provide cover for
Townsend’s Chipmunks and Douglas
Squirrels. Mule Deer may feed on foliage.
Home Garden Applications
Thrive in moist soil and shade. Given the right
growing conditions, ferns add variety, texture,
and beauty to a home landscape.