November 2014 edition


November 2014 edition
December 2014
by Joel Eizenlipz
by Tony Sheaffer
Please join us for fellowship, food and
recognition at the Annual Lodge
Banquet on Sunday, January 11, 2015
from 2pm til 6pm at La Fontaine Bleue
located at 7514 Ritchie Highway, Glen
Burnie, MD 21061. Tickets are $25
each. Go to to register today!
Let’s start the 100th year of the
Order of the Arrow in Nentico Lodge
with a bang - the Chapter with the
highest percentage (2014 chapter
membership vs registered) of registrations will be called first for food!
The 100th Anniversary Nentico
Lodge flap and corresponding CSP
will be sold at the banquet! Cost will
be $5 each with a limit of 10 each. You
must be present to purchase them - the
next time they will be available will be
at Spring Fellowship!
See you at the banquet!
The annual Lodge Leadership
Development will be held on
December 5-7, 2014 at Camp Spencer.
The training is open to all arrowmen,
and any new officers are encouraged
to attend. Some of the training cells
will include Goal Setting, Effective
Use of Technology, Ceremonies and
otherfun and educational classes to
help make 2015 an outstanding year
for our lodge! You can register on-lineat The cost is $20
for the weekend.
Nentico Lodge #12 / Baltimore Area Council
by Zack Sager
On October 10-12 Nentico hosted
their annual fall fellowship.
The weekend kicked off on Friday
evening with an opening campfire.
“Hear ye hear ye” , the campfire
begins. Skits from each chapter who
performed, including timeless classics
Announcer’s Test” was a favorite by
all in attendance. This test was used in
the mid-1900s and included such
ridiculous recitations as “five corpulent porpoises” and “8 apathetic sympathetic diabetic old men on roller
skates with a marked propensity for
continued on page 4
page 1
Around the Council Fire...
By: Jake Beck
By: Kai Namauu and Boomer Carr
The Arrowhead
Chapter had an
excellent year in
2014 and we are
looking forward
to yet another
year of cheerful
service. Chapter meetings continue to
be held at the same time as the District
Roundtable on the second Monday of
every month at 7:30 p.m. at Journey of
Faith Church. The location is 7902
Liberty Road; Randallstown.
We held Chapter elections in
October and our newly elected
Chapter Officers and appointed
Chapter Advisers will attend LLDC in
December for training and fellowship.
The 2015 Arrowhead Chapter
Leadership includes Jake Beck,
Chapter Chief; Henry Burtis, Vice
Chief; Connor Brock, Vice Chief; Joe
Hash, Vice Chief and Aaron Dinkin,
Vice Chief - Communication.
We have already started scheduling Arrow of Light Ceremonies, Troop
elections, and camping promotions for
2015. Our Ceremonies Team is starting
rehearsals in December. The Chapter’s
Call-Out is scheduled for the District
Camporee in April; and our
Ordeal/Brotherhood weekend is
scheduled for May 8-10 at Camp
As we say goodbye to 2014, we
also mark the passing of the torch as
our beloved Chapter Adviser, Dave
Peters will be stepping down.
Associate Adviser Callie Geller will be
stepping into the role of Chapter
Adviser in 2015 and we wish her all
the best in her new role.
to the Harford
Officers: Chief Boomer Carr, Vice
Indications - Matt
Howard, Vice Chief of Program - Chris
Hare, Vice Chief of Brotherhood Mike Mentzer, Vice Chief of
Communications - Jared Moxley, Vice
Chief of Service - Jacob Bush. They are
all looking forward to LLD in
Thanks to the Harford Brothers Clark
Old, Nolan Phillips, and Michael
Phillips for running stations teaching
knots and rope making to all the Cub
Scouts at the OA EXPO in August.
This was a very rewarding experience.
The Harford Chapter Brothers Matt
Howard and Michael Phillips helped
run registration and check in at the
Harford District Cub Scout Fun Day.
Michael and Matt along with Nolan
Phillips also ran the marble shooting
station. Jacob Bush and Scott Kuhn
along with Steve Mantegna ran the
Scout Oath and Law and Flag folding
Clark Old, Carl Hauser, and Steve
Pugh ran the lashing and knot tying
station. A great time was had by all,
especially the Cub Scouts.
Harford Chapter hosted another successful Ordeal weekend in September.
Ninety five Candidates completed
their Ordeal. Ten Brotherhood conversions were also completed. Thanks to
all the Brothers who worked so hard to
make this a successful Ordeal weekend.
Harford Chapter ran the Harford
Service Day at Broad Creek on
November 15th. Forty seven volunteers provided 324 hours of service
cutting fire wood, cleaning rain
spouts, repairing picnic tables, and
clearing trails.
Congratulations to all the Harford
Chapter 2014 Nentico Lodge Bead
page 2
Thanks to Matt Howard, Chris Hare,
Kevin Slade, Mac Placzankis, and
Michael Bush for helping with ceremonies at Sabbath Observant Ordeal.
Thanks to Paul Butz for helping with
the Vigil, Honor Ceremonies at Fall
Congratulations to the new Nentico
Lodge Vigil honor Members for 2014.
All Harford Brothers are looking forward to a Fantastic 2015 Centennial
By: Christopher Dawson
The Chapter
meets at Zion
United Church of
Road, Essex, MD
21221 on the second Wednesday of the
month with the Roundtable. If you are
interested in being part of the
Brotherhood of cheerful service, thenplease get a ride whith your
Scoutmaster who is attending the
The Chapter held elections for
2015 Chapter Officers. The results are
Chief: Camden Drewry T145; Vicechief of inductions: Nathan Foster
T409; Vice-chief Program: Teddy
Ceremonies: Timmy Dawson C145;
Co-Vice-chief Ceremonies: Chris
Dawson T145; Secretary: Jacob Swink
T409. They will assume office in
January at the OA Banquet.
The Chapter is now getting busy
planning on upcoming events to
include: the Lodge Leadership
Development for incoming officers At
Camp Spencer 5-7 December; the OA
Banquet on 11 January at the La
Fountaine Bleu; Troop OA elections,
call-out, and the Ordeal Weekend.
That is a lot of planning and we need
your help. if you want to be part of the
Chapter, then join us on the second
Wednesday, see you on 10 December.
Nentico Lodge #12 / Baltimore Area Council
By: Drew Perkoski
by Colin Ganley
Dulaney chapter has
had a great year so far
but we're not done
yet. On November
24th we will be having our 2015 chapter
elections. We would
like to preemptively thank our 2014
chapter officers. A large how-how to our
Chapter Chief Tony Schaffer who after
two years is moving on up to a lodge
Vice-Chief. Thank you to our Vice Chief
of program LB Martin, our Vice Chief of
induction, Matt Kist, and our Secretary
Drew Perkoski.
Since our last article plenty has
happened in Dulaney Chapter. Our
ordeal was a large succces thanks to all
of our Elangomats and other staff. Our
chapter meetings have had high attendence along with all events. In september we finally completed our last troop
elections. Everyone in Dulaney Chapter
has been helping us achieve a higher
level of scouting.
For all those interested, Dulaney
Chapter has been having plenty of fun
times from ur chapter meetings to service weekend and no doubt Fall
Fellowship.Over all we've had a great
year this year and hope to have an even
better year next year during our order's
Carroll Chapter has
completed a very
successful fall. In
addition to holding
a number of NOAC
fundraising activities, we held a successful Ordeal the last weekend of
October in conjunction with the
Capitol Chapter. We inducted 91 new
Ordeal members and converted 14
members to Brotherhood.
We are looking forward the the
OA’s centennial year and are prearing
for the Troop unit election season and
the Webeos Arrow of Light ceremonies.
Congratulations to the new
Chpater officers who will be attending
LLD the first weekend in December at
Broad Creek.
The membership committee is preparing for the 2015 dues renewal. In the
coming weeks a renewal letter will be
sent out to all members and everyone
will be able to submit their payments
online or by mail.
Dues payments for next year will
be $16 before Spring Fellowship and
$20 after. The funds go towards the
Lodge management and program.
Note that an individual is considered
an official member of the Lodge and
eligible to wear the pocket flap if he or
she is registered in the council, is an
OA member, and paid dues for that
We will be sending out membership cards periodically throughout the
year. Cards will not be printed as we
are using a new system; they will be
digitally produced and sent to those
with a valid email. They may be printed individually at your own convenience.
In preparing for our Journey to
Excellence petition here are a few statistics: currently we have 1781 paid
dues members and a brotherhood conversion rate of 25%. Although the conversion rate is low, we have made
excellent headway towards positive
growth. As of 14 November 2014, we
have grown by 9 members since the
previous year; an excellent indication
of Lodge success and growth.
If you know a member who wishes to reinstate his membership in the
Lodge, or transfer, please direct them
to the membership committee.
Transfer memberships are handled
regularly and we are more than happy
to help.
Nentico Lodge #12 / Baltimore Area Council
Allowat wants You
to Seal Your
Official publication of Nentico Lodge 12,
Order of the Arrow, Baltimore Area Council,
Boy Scouts of America. Published under
authority of the Nentico Lodge Executive
Committee, Lodge Adviser, and the Baltimore
Area Council.
Also Published on the Internet at:
Thanks to in Tandem Design, Inc. for use of
facilities and equipment.
The following Arrowmen contributed to the
production of this issue:
Kai Namauu, Publications Committee Chair
Ken Brown, Publications Adviser
Harry Shaw, Adviser Emeritus
Ralph Miller, Youth Transport Engineer
Joel Eisenlipz, Publications Committee
Nick Conroy, Lodge Secretary
Barry Wiseman, Secretary Adviser
Kenneth Medlin, Chesapeake Secretary
Christopher Trice, Four Rivers Secretary
Drew Perkoski, Dulaney Secretary
Boomer Carr,Harford Chapter Chief
Sam Bachhuber, Vice Chief Inductions
page 3
Fall Fellowship 2014 (cont.)
procrastination and sloth”. As the
chivalrous campfire came to a close, a
Broken Arrow Ceremony was held for
Jim Greenbeck. Additionally, several
people were called out for the Vigil
On Saturday morning brothers
provided service to Camp Saffran and
then had opportunities to experience
the new Brotherhood ceremony or
learn more about the opportunities in
the Order of the Arrow. After a quick
lunch, activities opened, the ceremonies team rehearsed, a NOAC
meeting was held and fellowship was
enjoyed by all.
Brotherhood Ceremony was performed for the first time. Vigil public
announcements preceded an excellent
cracker barrel.
Following this, the patch auction
began. Over $600 was raised for the
Nentico Campership fund through the
use of the now-popular mantra “It’s
for the kids”.
On Sunday morning the general
Lodge meeting was held. A 2015
Lodge flap was voted on and new
Lodge officers were elected.
page 4
Nentico Lodge #12 / Baltimore Area Council
OA Expo’14
Vigil 2014
The OA Expo was held on August
16 at the Carrie Murray Nature Center
in Baltimore, MD. At the event, arrowmen from our lodge facilitated stations
for Cub Scouts and prospective scouts
living in the area. In the morning, the
cubs completed stations such as cooking, branding, archery and more. In
the afternoon, the cubs went on a hike
around the nature center. Scouts also
had the opportunity to earn
Horsemanship merit badge.
A great time was had by cubs and
arrowmen alike.
The Vigil Honor is bestowed by the Lodge upon those arrowmen who have been
Brotherhood members for at least two years and have given extemporaneous
service above and beyond their responsibilities to Scouting, camping, and the
Order of the Arrow. It was created in 1915 by Unami Lodge as a way to recognize its founders, E. Urner Goodman and Carrol A. Edson. It has since been used
to recognize multitudes of Arrowmen who have lived up to his vision.
Nentico Lodge #12 / Baltimore Area Council
John Barnhouser
Pinaetet Sakima
“Little Chief”
Ted Doederlein
Chitkuwi Ila
“Quiet Warrior”
Mitch Miller
Chitkuwi Mikemosit
“Quiet Worker”
Mike Rogers
Lenu Xeli Aptunakana
“Man of Many Words”
Jessica Scruggs
Supamehele Winquipim
“Running Bear”
Harrison “Harry” Tralongo
Allagagan Acheketum
“Servant Teacher”
page 5
Centennial Arrowman
Service Award
When the OA National Committee
began planning the 2015 NOAC, to
commemorate the 100th anniversary
of the Order, they had huge expectations for the event. There is no one
who could have anticipated the event
reaching over 15,000, but that is exactly what has happened. There are more
people signed up than Michigan State
University can sustain. In order to
reduce the numbers signed up per
contingent; National has enforced a 3:1
youth to adult ratio. Our contingent is
taking 145 youth which means we can
only take 48 adults. Currently we have
106 adults signed up; this means that
57 adults can no longer come with us.
The lottery drawing was on
Saturday November 23rd — emails
have gone out to everyone indicating
whether they were selected or not.
Refunds will be sent out by check from
the Council office shortly to those who
were not selected, as well as to those
who have stepped down. If you have
questions, contact
[email protected]
page 6
Youth Requirements
Adult Requirements
Nentico Lodge #12 / Baltimore Area Council
James “Uncle Jim”
“Uncle” Jim Greenbeck started cubs at
the age of 7 1/2 and has been active
since. He became a Webelos Cub, a
Boy Scout in troop 101 , an Explorer in
Post 101 and Assistant Scout Master of
Troop 81 at Fort Polk LA. While serv-
by Tim Martin
On January 31, 2015 at the Church of
the Holy Spirit in Joppa, Maryland
Section NE-6A will host the inaugural
section training event #LEAD. As
Arrowmen we should seek to Learn so
that we might better serve our fellow
ing in Korea he was the Scoutmaster of
the local Korean Boy Scout Troop.
Oupon his return he served as
Assistant Scout Master and Scout
Master of Troop 658, Shot-tower
District (late 60’s early 70’s.)
He worked as Committee Member
and Committee Chairman for various
units. He was chairman for
Camporees, Scout Expos. Served as
Assistant District Commissioner,
District Commissioner, Roundtable
Commissioner and Field Services
Chairman and was a District Member
at Large for Shot Tower District
Jim was on the committee that
researched the first black Boy Scout
troop in Baltimore Area Council. He
had the honor of meeting and speaking with two original members of that
troop (they were about 100 yrs old and
very cognitive.)
An active member of the
Baltimore Area Council’s Collectors
Club, he was on committees that
organized Baltimore Area’s Trade-orees.
In 1970, he organized a unique
camping trip to a seminary in Virginia,
which was called “Camp Great Spirit”.
He developed a close relationship
with the Priests that hosted it.
He thoroughly enjoyed being
“Jimbo-the-Clown” at Camporees and
for the Special Olympics.With pride,
Jim took part in maintaining Broad
Creek Scout Camp.
In his later years Jim remained
active in the Lodge and was a fixture
at Fellowships and Conclaves. Jim
always had time to talk to “that” scout
and share his knowledge of the
Scouting program, the Order of the
Arrow, and of course patches.
Among Jim’s scouting accomplishments are: Cub Scout Award &
Key Boy Scout Award & Key
Commissioner’s Award & Arrow
Head Ad Atare’ Dei Award (Religious
Award) Eagle Scout with 2 Palms
Order of the Arrow (Vigil Honor)
Received his Woodbadge Beads in
1968; Troop 220-9; Fox Patrol Served
on Woodbadge Staff R3-31 and SE-75
District Award of Merit Silver Beaver
Award 1st person to receive the
George Meany AFL-CIO Award.
scouts. As we explore the abundant
information and many opportunities
available to us as Arrowmen we can
begin to see how we can advance
Scouting. When you leave this training
event, you will be ready to deliver an
even better Order of the
Arrow Program. Overall,
everyone that attends will
be enabled to LEAD more
effectively after experiencing this
event. With five different tracks to
choose from,this is an event for all
Arrowmen of Section NE-6A. Be sure
to check out to register
and find out more information about
this event.
The five tracks are as follows:
Chief, Officer, Arrowman, Adviser,
and Train the Trainer.
Nentico Lodge #12 / Baltimore Area Council
page 7
Nentico Lodge / Baltimore Area Council
Schapiro Scout Service Center
701 Wyman Park Drive
Baltimore, MD 21211
PERMIT #1007
In This Issue...
Fall Fellowship
2014 Vigil
OA Expo
NE-6A LEAD Training
Lodge Banquet
Around the Council Fire
NOAC 2015
Centennial Award
Chiefly Speaking
In Memoriam
Chiefly Speaking
Hello to all,
I would like to thank each an
everyone of you that has helped with
the lodge this year in anyway. Over
this past year, we have accomplished
many goals that we set and are making new ones that are even better for
the next term officers can strive to
achieve them and achieve their own as
page 8
well. The year is almost up and my
term is coming to an end and I am
very grateful that I could be lodge
chief this past year. Don't forget our
last two events, Lodge Leadership
Development weekend and the Lodge
banquet. Thank you so much for a
great year.
Nentico Lodge #12 / Baltimore Area Council