27282 The list - Guilford County Schools
27282 The list - Guilford County Schools
Raybon as text Adm nTo20Proced ure%2Ofdca-p.txt NAMING OF SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL FACILITIES NOMINATION FORM i Please print or type alI informatíon; use additional sheets as necessary and attach exhibits or other documentation in support of this nomination. Refer to Guilford County Schools administrative procedure "Naming of Schools and School Facilities." (FDCA-P) It is proposed that the Ragsdale High School Gymnasium be named the Mike Raybon Gymnasium in honor of Coach and Athletic Director, Mike Raybon according to the following criteria established by the Board of Education. A. lf a geographic location or similarly site specific identifiers, such as road, community or the líke, explain the reasoning and significance of the recommendation below. The gymnasium is located at Ragsdale High School, 602 High Point Road, Jamestown, NC 27282 B. lf an individual, please attach a resume or vita and fully respond to the following criteria: 1. Has made an outstanding contribution to a school, the Guilford County Schools, the community, county, state, or the nation. (describe with documentation) Make Raybon has served Ragsdale High School, the Jamestown community, Guilford County Schools, and the North Carofina High School Athletic Association since he came to Ragsdale and began the wrestling program in 1965. He has served as teacher, coach, Athfetic Director at Ragsdale, and Assistant Principal at both Ragsdale and Southwest High Schools between 1965 and 2008. The list of awards he has received and recognition of his many contríbutíons are found in his resume and are too many and too varied to list here but are included in his resume. 2. Record of recognizable excellence in his/her respective field evidenced by a variety of outstanding accomplishments, awards and leadership and service roles in his/her Page 1 Raybon as text Ad m in %20 P roced u reolo20fdca-p. txt profession, community, professional and civic organizations. (describe with documentation) Coach Raybon has been president of the Guilford County Principal/Assistant Principal Association. has been commissioner of several athletic conferences, held office in the state Wrestling Officials Association, and served on the North Carolina High School Athfetic Association Wrestling Committee. As a coach, his teams won three state championshíps in wrestling. He has directed numerous 3A State Wrestling Tournaments as well as approximately 300 local, sectional, regional, and invitational wrestling tournaments. He conceived, planned, and implemented the change in the State Wrestling Tournament from ones held in each classification at three different sites to one tournament for all classifications at one site, creating one of the largest tournaments in the Southeastern United States and the only one where high school students are trained to be scorers and timers. As a community volunteer, he helped plan and organize the Jamestown Youth League which offered children the opportuniity to partÍcipatqe in baseball, football, and basketball. He served on the board, held several offices, and also coached numerous teams. 3. Has been a positive role modelfor others. (describe with documentation) Edited 6/8/09 FDCA-P Nomination form Coach Raybon's induction into the NationalWrestling Hall of Fame, the North Carolina High School Athletic Association Hall of Fame, and the Guilford County Sporls Hall of Fame demonstrate thoroughly how many people he has influenced as a positíve role model. Students, parents, and colleagues are constantly telling him, and others, how much he has done to help them become successful. Very few days go by without hearing a former student thank him for his influence. I 4. Has exhibited values like honesty, integrity, respect, sense of fairness, concern for Page 2 Raybon as text Ad m in %20Proced u re%2Ofdca-p.txt others, self discipline, teamwork, dedication to work, etc. (describe with documentation) Awards that Coach Raybon has received from the Ragsdale and Southwest PTA's, and the Guilford County PTA, certainly attest to his involvement in every aspect of the school community, Awards from the Ragsdale YMCA recognize his support of, and involvement in, the greater Jamestown community. He worked Saturdays year round, for many years, to make it possible for the YMCA's sports teams to have a place to play at no cost to the YMCA. Mike Raybon's reputation among students and parents in the community is for his fair and respectful treatment of all those he meets. He is known for always walking the extra mile, be it for school, comrnunity or state needs. His greatest skill is to encourage others to be the best they can be and to offer the suppoft that helps them to do that. He has demonstrated this through his coaching, his mentoring of countless coaches, teachers, and athfetic directors, and his leadership in the community. As a part of this nomination, a letter from a former student athlete is included that directly addresses Mike Raybon's exhibítion of all these values. 5. Has shown a commitment to excellence. (describe with documentation) The awards Coach Raybon has received support, without question, his commitment to excellence, He believes, and has demonstrated every day, that anything a person undertakes should be done to the very best of his ability and he challenges all those he knows to go above and beyond what they believe their best to be. Signed: on behalf of: Print (group name, if any) Name: Ragsdale High School Athletic Booster Club and Friends Date: November 18, 2009 Contact lnformation: Kathy Dick Page 3 Address: P.O. Box Raybon as text Ad m i n %20Proced u re%20fdca-p.txt Phone: 336-454-3271 368 Jamestown. NC 27282 Please note: Ëvidence of broad community support for this request should accompany this application. School and community groups/individuals making the nomination must agree to provide appropriate recognition, such as a plaque, portraÍt, or marker for the school. This form should be forwarded to: Guilford County Schools Office of District Relations Attn: Facility Name NominatÍon 712 N. Eugene St. Greensboro, NC 27401 Edited 6/8109 FDCA-P Nomination form n U Page 4 Æ WffiffiffiW gffiffi wæ SOUTHWEST GUILFTIdD COWETYS E"&STER.}{ GEJTTF-TRD WTtÐCATS SÜUTHEAST GUSLFTR* FALCTNS $/trE,S T"ERN GïJf I-F*IR.tr }**TRÞ{E S; SOUTHERN GTJTTFTRD ïI"{DfANS hI TTi.THWE S T GUTT.FTRÐ VTKÌhIGS NÕR.TT{EAS T G UTt FÛ RÁÞ-{S 'A,A.Ç.$Ð/+.t,]::l {'1"ÇHR,í:î [q iJ NORTH CAROLINA HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION FOUNDATION **.''***:5î:==å:::::: Po, Box 3216 . chapel Hill, North carolina 27s1s . g1g 962-294s http ://www.nchsaa. unc.edu ' FAX 919 962-16g6 CHARLES H. ADAMS, Executive Director RICHARD L. KNOX Deputy Executive Di recto r RAYMOND M. STRUNK, JR. As soci ate Exe cutive D ¡re cta r CAROLYN C. SHANNONHOUSE As s ¡stant Execu tive D i recto r March 5,1998 MARILYN Q;TUCKER Assistant Execu t¡ ve D ¡ recto r KAREN S. MOOSE Di rector of Development Mr; Mike ltaybon Itagsdâ,le ÉIigf* Schooi 602 Hígh Poiht Road Iârnestown NC 27282 Dear KAYE T. KOENIG Office Ãdministrator N4i-ke: on behalf of the NCHSAA staff I would like to congratulate ¡zou on your well- deserved recognition from the National Wrestling Hall of Fáme. Wâ would like to inyite rlu,to attend.our Annual Meeting onldayl,rggg, so that we can acknciwledgè yõur award to the *u*b"irhip. The Annual Meeting has become a day of recognition for administrators and coaches, as well as student-athletes, but most of ihose awards presented are on a sta-tewide'1evel. The recognition that you, Bill Mayhew and Wally Burke received was on a national level and we would like ts have the opportunity to share this outstanding award with.our mernbership. You should bäixtrutr,ely proud of such an outstanding career.- In the histor.y of high school wrestling in Ñoittr Carolina, you are truly one of the greatest!. We certainly hope you will be able to join us. Please iet me know at your earliest convenience_if you will be able to attend. We would like for you to Uring the award you received in December with you so that we can "present" it to you. Thank you fo¡ all that you have done for high schooi wrestling in North Carolina. prorld to have someone like you repiesenting the statJof North Carolina in Wu _uF the National Wrestling Hatl of Fame inaug,ural ind.u-ctees of the Lifetime Through Coaching Service Award. + !a: l=:: a:t Executive Assistant, Ments Sporfs pro.grams NI O RTH CA ROLI NA H IG H SC I{OOL ATI-{LETI C ASSOCIATI CIN Eql-keisjrg.zå:Sói oqStj¡p;'anA hed¿ipti Aridiews along.Í,Íf+i,t+üþ.çr.düA¡ indlç$grinr,o. qh g ptonr;eo[iigþi Bitl tr¿ay¡etr''teg¿urìhis School aad pa-sr,Ejrb.f*g i where he r,r¡âs b'ead. f,tötÞaf¡ :i¡ma' llr rètirea .troni teaçlilùgt i,¡e;iË,,ctiül ió; Billfs_tearrrs, won:! Z cönference.i to go witlr sçyB¡: gB¿enfl'¡ilä=ee stalei compii ed an arnaz:tnÉ,4ß6 ;86,;1 duê Mikg Ray. bon ¡etüedi,from sport of u+estling, Hê éame to wres'úing prggram there, and ¡n áiç seven undefeated seasons, X4 onships and'three staie titles. His:t¿-ãms'eôrilöil-ê;$ . . Hågh Sehpo! .Athterie DÍreetors *åss¡claÉ.on TjÍT,,C*o.tjna. execütive dí¡'ector Jerr¡r Mc6ee (cestpr) receiveq a Uãlionæ Federation Altøtiøn fro¡n IlF.llS e*uooiírr.u directo¡, noO"J MATIOHAE WffiffiffiffiEffireg hæHH æff ffæffiæ & ffiUSGUffi 405 W. Hall of Fame Ave o Stillwater, OK 74075 ø Phone (405) 377-5243 <' Fax (405) 377-52M December 15,1997 Mike Raybon 2II SanonDrive Jamestown,NC27282 Dear Mike, Again,I want to congratrilate you on being inducted into the National \il.restling Hall of Fame for your lifetime service to coaching. IVhat agreat evening it was! And seeing all the people that came to honor you for what you have done was very special. It is only times like this that make yourealize what an impact you have made on the lives of so many young people. There is nothing greater than to make a positive difference in a young person's life. It is with great honor that we welcome you to the Hall of Fame family. If Fame staff can ever be of any help to you, please let us know the Hall of Again, thank you for all you have given to young people and our great sport of wlestling! Sincerely, /f/-7r2.*."--4a¡/ Myron Roderick ffiÆtrn@ffiAe ws*ffiffiffiËëËreffi hæHffi æff ffæffiæ & ffiU$Gffi,ffi 405v{. Hallof FameAve o stillwater,jKT4\TS ø phone(40s) 877-s248 ø Fax (405) 377-SZ4/4 Qçtaber,2ß,199V . ,'$,$e Rayibon , 2.':!$, S, ano.,¡a D¡ive .,J. Ì\TCnZgz D,ea-r--Mike, :*.., . .. hy North Càrolina Chapter for indusrion into the Nationai lhe Hall ofF1m"_P.: v"^y "Lifetime service to wrestiing through coachinsj,. J am ,yfi,l,lTq the Hall of Fame Board of Govemors has seleered you for thiJ.gleat' ljÍ'fl|tîtr:unce ..1tpngl: No one deserves this honor more than you! 'Ï,9Y.i."*:gTi,t|fd '' Elall of Fame and the Norrh Carotina Srare Chaprer wilthonor , Ïj.I"t::fl'Wrestling fo{;9.n Sunda.¡r, December 14ú. You and your famrly ,', sþ'e.'aial.öelúiätion. ': will be our honored ------ gùri;-.[,tlü, {'-: ' i.:1. an! citf will be permanently displayed in the National Wresf.lirrs.igäll, '' "'; 4rne in,qecognition of your years of dedication to our great V1o5:.+,eLte, school glif ., sport. , .:,. .;, , ,''r"', .,.' -l . t '.:: ,. . , , ', c"nsiàr"l"ti.n¡ Ilookforwardtobeingthereforthisspecial"oouuibå '. ;r. :: role podel for young athletes and we thank 5rou,.for y,our L.q,T#'"--been3,nogifive. leadershþ and cornmitment to so many young peoplb. ll,1j,hf{ltt$'of to'youald'yourfamily. SîU,çel tvlyi'ífnoaerick 1' ' 'i,, . ' : ,': .:j Gunponn CoUNTY Scuoor-s Jerrl D. \X/easc, Ed.- D., Superintendent DecemberB,1997 Mike Raybon Ragsdalô High School Dear Mike: It was with a great deal of interest and much admiration that I read the recent News & Record article regarding your induction into the National Wrestling Hall of Fame. This is a wonderful and fitting tribute to one who has devoted so much of his life to the sport. Yours is a prime example of an educator trying to fínd a special niche for each student, regardless of physique or capability. As you can personally attest, a teacher can oftentimes make a lasting impression upon the direction a young person may take with his life. You have given support and confidence to many youngsters and they trust you as an interested and caring friend. My personal congratulations on your induction into the Hall of Fame, and I trust that you and your family will have a great trip to Oklahoma on December 14. You have been a good and faíthful public servant to hundreds of young people and their famílies. We are pleased and quite proud that you will be recognized and honored nationally. A happy Holiday Season to you and your family. Rgspectfully, lr'li Superintendent 's. ChíWenFirst 712 NORTH EUGENE STREET, PO BoX BBO, GREENSBORO NC T74O2.O8BO PI-IONE (910) 370.8390 FAX (910) 370.8299 -2- JANUÁ,RY 5,t998 exceeded by the tremendous contributions you made to the personal development of so many young men. By the way, Wally Burke will never be in your league or to put it in wrestling vernacular, he can't even hold your jock strap (I probably shouldn't have said that)! Mike, I should also say that you continue to set a high standard. For, as the farther of two young boys, I was not surprised, but I was struck by the enoñnous sense of pride that was so clearly evident with Chip, Kurt and Ker'ry at the induction ceremony. We are ali very proud of you and I can only hope my boys will, one day, view rne in the same light' In today's world that is a tremendous accomplishment. Again, I carry anlarge debt of gratitude and am proud to have wrestled for you. I wiil look forward to the day we can spend time together again and to introducing my wife and our boys. I thank you and congratulate you on your induction into the National Wrestling Hall of Fame---it is indeed anawardthat is well deserved! Very Truly Yours Bill Clark Former, Ragsdale HS Wrestler TflILLIAM E CLARK 6049 ROSEMONT ROAD BiRMINGHAM, ALAMBAMA 35242 January 5, 1998 Mr. Mike Raybon 211 Sandra Road Jamestown, North Carolina 27282 Dear Mike: Over the yeaxs, I must have considered the appropriate content of this letter at least a hundred times-not uncommonly during the course flying in and out of various airports throughout the United States. With all that preparation, I certainly hope this letter adequately conveys that which is in my heart. of Mike, I realized long ago that I am very much indebted to you. I suspect more than you know. Your impact on me occurring during what was obviously a formative period, but also a pivotal or defining point as well. As I reflect back on my high school years, I could have easily deveioped personally in a manner that would have been detrimental to the pursuit of a productive and rewarding life. Through the sport of wrestling, you coached, mentored, and occasionally gave me an appropriate kick in the butt along with tons of support and confidence. The totality of those experiences were instrumental in defrning my character and in the development of the person I am today. I learned many things, not the least of which was essentially a primer on how to succeed in life. Those were great lessons to have learned atttøt stage of life and they have served me well. For all that I learned and gained from you, I am indebted and very appreciative. My years at Ragsdale were memorable and exciting. Our teams achieved great things. I will always remember our pre+natch conversations. You were masterful at it. reading my psychological state and knew just exactly what to say and how to say I recall very clearly a particulæ dual match which caused me to be unusually jittery (not to say that I was not usually jittery) and you told me just prior to walking on the mat, "Bill, just keep it simple".' V/ith those words, all doubt was erased and I was fi.lled with confidence. Without saying it overtly, you communicated thatyau believed I could win that match, and that day it made a big difference. It goes without saying, you axe truly a great coach! With regard to this letter, I have obviously struggled with it over the years; for no matter how well written or impassioned, it hardly seemed adequate thanks or recognition for contributions you had personally made to me. However, with your induction into the National Wrestling Hall of Fame, your contributions, to me and many others, have now been more appropriately recognized. Being a part of the induction ceremony was very meaningful for me. Tim Edwards, Jeff Curtis and I sat together at dinner that night and relished in your recognition. Your performance record is truly outstanding, but it is surely Ft{.OFESsnthÌÅã, ûR.GÁN{ZATHÛN$ NaÉíonal Educators Assocíation Natåonal F'ederaúåon cf SÉate Elågh Sehooå .4.ssoeåatåoris Natüonat Inúerscholaståc AúhtetÊc .{dminisÉraÉor"s ÄssocÍation NaÉiona[ WresÉ[ing Coaehes ÂssociaÉic¡Ì NonÉh Carotína .{úhtetic ÐirecÉors ÁssoeiaÉÅoc} NorÉh Carolånæ Coaches .{ssoeÍaúåon I\4ichaeÄ T" R.aybemu Sr. - Pæge S PÐRSûI{ÁE FËtiqtRS C&I.1"['EI{t]ÐÐ tr9942 .A.ppneaiatíon.4,rvard for dedíaation to young peopåe and h¡[íehaeå"F. Ræyhon, Sr" - Fagc 4 nVresÉåÊng-Nonûh CarolËna Ë{igh SchooI AÉhleÉic Associætion 1994: GuiXford County Classic WresÉlÊng Ton¡rnament re-named The l\4ûke R,æy.bom [¡¡viÉæÉåcnatr Tournæsre¡¡É f.993: AssisÉant Fråmcipa[ ef the Vean-Guilfore] CounÉy Board c{'EdueæÉåoxl 1993: Apprecüaúíon CeúÍfrcaÉe-AlÊ¡eriea¡e Red Cross reeognåtíon for donating 4 gallons of btrood 1993; CertifïeaÉe of,ApprecÍæúÊo¡n - Se[eeÉtve Sensûee $ystem reeogniúion for seevice conÉrËbuÉed 1993: Froelamaticn of,,{eå¡ievemenÉ * F[orÉh Cano[Êma Ftügh Sehcoå Á.Éh]etÊe dssocíaúíom 1992: Eol¡ Fníeke Serviee.{røard - l{.agsdale t{igh Sehool WresilÍmg Tearrr \992t .A.dmånisÉrator of Éhe Vcan - Gr¡ilford Counff.{ssoeiatÊon of EducatÍomal ûffÏec Fep"scnnel 19922 .&ssÍsÉanÉ fråncipal of Éhe Year - Gwitrf'ord County ['rimeípal/AssÍsÉæ¡¡,ú Fråneåpaã AssoeiaÉíoe 1992t .&ssÍsÉanÉ Fnincipa[ of fhe Year - Guilferd Counúy Board of Ed¡¡cæfÊon 1992: Evo¡r Ðean EducaÉor of the Vear Award nonninee- SouthwesÉ G¡¡ilford 19922 EdwcaÉor of Éhe Vear - SorsÉ&west Fäigh Sahoq¡l FTSA Guilfond HÍgh Schootr FTSA 1991: Ncrúh Caroli¡¡a FTÁ' Ëãonorary Life MembershÍp - Southwest Guitrford ËIügh Schootr PT'SA 1990: ?"wenÉy-five Years of,ûutsÉanding Service In ltrigh SchooI AúhleÉies.A.ward-FforÉh CaroåÍ¡ra [figh Schoot,{thletÍe Direetors Associaúíon X985: Iledícaúed Se¡'vice to lVrest!í¡rg Award-Triad WrestlÍng Coaches 19842 Recognition Award - 2t0rh Careen Wresútüng VÊcÉory - RagsdaÊe Wrestlång Team L984: Recognition Arrard - 200th Career WresûIing VÍcÉory - NaÉÍonaå WnestËËng Coaehes .A.ssociatåon L9842 Coach of the Year - School Newspaper Tþe lieer BÍTry! 1983¡ DísÉinguished Se¡:sice Áward - Naúionai Federation {núerseholasÉie Coaehes,A.ssocûaúåop L982t North CarolÍna Wrestling Coaeh of the Ycar - MALNE\4r$ 1982: Coaeh of the Year - Triad 3A Athletic Conference 1982: Charter Member - National Federation Inúerschotrasúic Coaehes .A.ssoeiation X979r WresÉling Coach of the Year - Division 7 AÁ.Â.Á" ..{thtreúie Conference 1979: DistricÉ 3 (Southeastern UniÉed States) Wrestling Coach of the Yeæ¡: * NaÉÊonaË Fligh School Athletie Coaches Association 1979: Norfh Caroli¡ra Wrestling Coach of the Yea¡'- National l{igh Schootr .A.úhletÍc Coaches ,Association 1979: Oufsta¡¡ding Service ^{ward - NC IIigh Sehool Å.thletic X}ineeúors AssocåaÉion 1979: Certificate of Appreciatior fon Devoted and Invah¡able Selvice .-Jamestow¡¡ Lions Baseball League 19182 Citizen of the Week-\MGIIF-TV t9782 USA Coaeh - USA-JAMESTOWN ÁÄU Wresfling Team vs. hlorway !978: North Carolina lYresúlíng Coach of the Year - MAI_]$EWS 1.978¡ \{restlíng Coach of the Year - Division 7 AÁ,AA A,thletic Conference L9772 WrestlÍng Coach of,the Vear - Division 7 AÄÁ,.4. Athletic Confenence 1975: NorÉh Carotri¡m lVrestling Coaah of the Year - Natiorral I{igh SehooE ÂÉhtretie Coaehes .A.ssocûaÉion 7975t USA Tearn Leader/Coach - USA-NORTEI CAROLIFIA Wresúling Team on Éour of Þenmarþ Florway and Sweden 1975; USA Coach - USA-NORTIf CAROLINA. vs. Norway t913t 12th Man.dward-R.agsdale High School Footbatl Team 19722 Coaeh of the Year-Ragsdale newspaper-!&gliggg S¡gsd 197 12 Coach of the Year-Ragsdale newspaper-IbgJlgÊL[Iggl 1970: Norúh CarolÍna Wrestling Coach of the Year - National High SchoolAúhtretåc Coaches.A,ssociaúion 1965: Outstanding Junior Jaycee .Award-United Súates Junicr Chapter of Comnnerce 1963: TVho's Who Arnong Studenfs-AppalachÍan Súate Teachers College 1963: Co-Capfaín - Á.ppalachian State Teacherc College Wrestling Team FÐãeSt¡{AL EftNtF{S MËehaeE T-. Raybon, Sn * Fæge 3 2{}08: ResoluÉåon honoring 45 years Ên educatio¡¡ *.lamestown Town Cc¡¡ncil 20SE: Emptoyee EmenÍÉus Arvar"d for 45 years of senviee - Guülfond CcunÉy Eoard of Educatiom 2ûCI8: f,i.feÉime,{chieve¡¡rent Award - NorÊh Carolina ÂÉhleÉíc ÞÊr'eafors A.ssoeinúiom 2t$7: X¡rdr¡cÉed into úhe Guíiford Counúy S¡*orts FfalË of Fa¡me 2&fi62 AdnninËsÉrator of, the Yeas - Ragsdale F{igla Schoo[ PTA ?0û6: Recognized by útre Guilford Coumty Eoard of EducaúÊogx for imdwcÉion into the Nor"Éh Carolí*a IIigh Sehool AthËeÉic AssociatËon Efall of Fame 2S{}6: ResoluÉic¡l honoríreg inducÉion imtc fhe i{crfh Careiina E{ígh Schoo[.4.thleÉËe ÄssoeÍaúion F{all of Fame-Jamosúown Town Couneil 2Gû6t Indueted into the NorÉh Carotrina Hígh Schoct .4ÉhleÉie .dssoeiation l{al[ of Fame 20S6: Whots Who Amorag .{meriea's Teachers -'Who's Who Amoug Ameri.eaos Teæche¡'s Association 2&fi42 ResoluÉåo¡¡ honoring seleaúion as North CaroËÍna Ath[eÉie ÐireeÉor of theYear-Jamestewn Town Council 20fl,4: Ilave E{arris AthletÍe ÐÍrecto¡: of the Yean -Ir[onth Caroãixca [trlgh Sehool AÉhleÉÊc Associaúícn 28ß4t NonÉh Caroli¡ra AthleÉic Ðirector of the Year-NorÉh CanoÈåna Á.ÉhleÉíc Directors AssociaÉion 2tÛ4¡ R'obert A' cte¡rdenin AdminisÉraúor of Éhe Year-Guilford counsr cor¡ncil of PTAs 2û84t AdmÍnüsÉrator of the Year-Ragsdale Ë{igh Sehool PT 2004: AppreciaÉion Award-R.agsdale Idigh School PTA 2tß4: Mike Raybon Night-Eandys HÍgh Sehool l$/restling Teæm (Alma MaÉer] 2G842 Appreeiaúíon.Award for Or¡ÉsÉanding ConÉributions Éo the NorÉh Carolinæ EIÍgh SchooË ÄÉhleÉia .dssociaúion 2&042 Named one of 9û Influenúial FÍgures in North Caroli¡ra SporÉs F[isÉory - NorÉh Cæe'oãúna F{igh Sehool .Àthlette AssociætÍo¡l 2t0,4¿ CerÉificaÉe of ^4.ppreeiaÉien-Mary Ferry f{ægsdale FamÍËy VMCA 20û3: Resolt¡tion honoring 40 years Ín education - Jannesûown Town Counail 2082:. Peo¡rle's Choice Award - IYorfh Carolina t{igh School AÉhtreúic .dssoaiation 28022 OufsÉanding Service Award - NaúËonæl fnterseholastic Athletic.{dminisÉratorç .dssociatien 2t00; ,Evon llean OutsÉanding High Sehcotr Edecator Award - Guülford CounÉy Council of PTAs 2000¡ Feoplets Choice ^åward for the most ouÉsÉandÍng contrÍbuÉions to Éhe advancennenÉ of high sehool athletics - h[orth Carolina High School .A.thleÉic .Á.ssociation 1999: Serviee Award - Tri-Counfy 3A Athletic Conferenee 1998¡ Resoh¡úion honoring inducÉiou into the National ïVresÉlirng F{a!tr of f,.ameJamestown Town Council L9971 Inducted i¡rto the Natíonal Wrestling tr{all of Fame L997: Powelade Olympic Hero .dward - Coca Cola Comnpany 1996: RecognÈÉÊon Award for Twenty-E.Êve Vea¡"s ef servíce=l$onth Cae'ok¡eæ AthtEÉÈe Þíreeúons AssoeiaÉåon 19962 RecogniÉÊon Award fon Thirfy-T\øo Years as a l4¡restling tffieÍa[-F{CE[SAA 19962 Mid-SÉaÉe 2A Aúhletie Confenense nnmed the Wrestler of the Year Avr'ard the "MÍke [taybon WrestleE of the Year Award" L995¡ Speciæl Perso¡r Awærd - hïorúh Car"olÍna [Iigh Sehool Á"thleÉie.A"ssoclatiou 1995¡ Evon Ðeae OutsÉanding Higt! Sehool Educaton Award - Guilf,ord County Cowucil of PTAs 1995: Certificate of Recognítion-Guilford County CouncÍl of PTAs 1995; Norúh Carolina Wrestling Offîcüatr of the Year - Natíonal FederaÉion [¡rúerscholasÉÍc Offlcials Asscciatíon 1995¡ Distinguished Se¡vice Award - National Federatio¡r [raúerscholasÉic SffieÍals ÄssociaÉion 1995: Educator of the Year'- Southwesú Guílford tligh School PTSA 1995; Speciat Person Award - Nonth Carolina High School AÉhtetic,é.ssociatio¡r 1995¡ North Carolina [{igh School A.thletÊe AssoaiaÉion Gold Sponson Award f'or supporú of Éhe Foundatio¡r and StudenÉ-AthleÉes of NCIrÉh CænolÊna 1994¿ Offieial Scorer - NCAA l{atio¡ral WresÉlÍng TercnraaÍlremt 199 4; Appneciatíom l¡.ward-Gr¡ilfo rd CounÉy Sehools Ðxceptiom.aË CËxíåd Serv-iees C{).ACEIIII{G 1965-84: EXI'ÐRÏÐNCE FËead Wresúåimg Coach: F{.ægsdæle lWåehael T" F{a¡zþ6¡xu Sr",- Fage 2 Fåigh Schoon,.}anaesÉowm, NC lItËÉiaÉed WresÉËing Frogramn aÉ RagsdaËe Record:2Í6-45-2 UnctrefeaÊed Seasons: 7 Winnimg SÉreaË<s¡ 42 ($wÍce) trnviúatio¡ral T'ournamenf Champüonskips: LT Ccnferenee Tournament Champioleships: tr,l Regulan' Seaso¡l Confe¡'ence Championships: L4 SectionaVRegionaE Cham.pionships: SÉaÉe Championships: 3 (l R.unner-Upu 7 T'imes in Top L0) Endivíduals Coaehed 73 Ccxnference ChamglÍoms 3S SeetÍonal/Regiexæl Cham¡rions 17 State Finalists E StaÉe Champions 2.All-Americans Efead Easebæll Coach: Jamesúown Yoatk League F[ead Coaeh: Tiger Kids Wresútring Ctub Athletic Trainer: Ragsdale High School Assistanú Track Coach: Ragsdale tãigh School Ë{ead Men's Tennís Coach: Ragsdale Iìigh Schoot I 1972-8ûz 1973-79: î973-75: 1969-7ût !969-70: Ileeord:6-4-0 1961-72i AssisÉant FooÉbæü Coaeh: [tagsdale l{igh School 1965-67t Etread Junior Varsíty Fooúball Coaeh: Ragsdale l{igk School R.ecord:17-0-0 1963-64: [ãeæd Freshman FaoÉbalË Coaeh: Clover l{igh School, Clover, SC Record:6-0-0 OTTFTCIATIF{G EXPET{IENCE 1995X978- P: Wrestling (Inactive): Pied¡¡ront Wrestling Officials A.ssociation F: Eoard of Directo¡'s Memben: PiednnonÉ WresÉliarg Officials AssociaÉion L965-95t Wrestling (ÄcÉive): PiedmonÉ lHresúlireg Officials .dssoeiatÍo¡¡ \973-84t Easeball: JamesÉawn Vouth League 1964-65: Footbalã: Florth SÉate Footbalt Offlcials AssociaÉion 1963é5: Wres{'ling: SeËf-Eooked i¡r the GasÉonÍar l{onÉh Carolina area F: 20t3 : Ðireeted over 3û0l¡rvítaÉienalo Co*fereerce, SeeúíonæË, RegåonaÃ, SÊæûe and Coilege Tou¡samenfs Þinector-Atla¡rtic Coast Conferenee Wrestlång Touruament t997-992 Þirector¡ Southern Conf'erence WrestlÍng Tournament 1995- F: Consulta¡rú: NCEIS.{A State 1Al2.4,r3&^r 4A Wresúling Tournannenú 1991-95¡ Director¡ NCIISÁ.Á. State 1N2A*3Á., 4A lVresfling Toumament L991 lnitiaúed changing the IYC]ISAÄ SÉæÉe WresÉIing'TournamenÉ fnom three tournaments at three sites to all classes at one site 1987-90¡ Directed the I{CHSAÄ St¿te 34, Wrestling TournamenÉ 1982 Member - National FederaÉion fnterscholasúic Coaahes .A,ssociation SÊate Vflrestlilrg Commiútee L978 Vice-Chairman (WresÉling] - i{aúional [trigh SehoeË Athtetie Coaehes.AssociaÉio¡r 1970-84: Member-NCHS,A.4. Wresúling ComnnÍÉÉee 197S- ¡ ¡ : {tâike} Thsmæs Ræyho,n, Snu CÅÁ Addness: ZLX Sændra Brive, JæmesÉon¡rt,I\C 27282 Naree: Måel¡æeE E[onneFhone; Ce[[ Fhane: E-MaËF: 1g/s8/&9 336-454-3$29 336-442499n müke"raybcn@yahoo"eorm FER.SONAT, Ð.{T'.4 of Mæy n, 194f, MarÊúa[ SÉaÉus: Marríed - KæÉhi; CiriEdren - Chip * KÊrk * Keri ÐnÉe BåE"Éhr EÐ{ICATTOÞI 2üû2: CerÉified Aúhletic.dd¡ninisÉrator (CA.A): iYaÉional I¡rterschoËasÉic AúhleÉåe.ådminisú¡'aÉors Associatiom 1984: M.S. Ðegl'ee in Educstiona[ A.dmÍ¡¡isÉratËonl Nor6h Ca¡otrinæ A d¿ f StaÉe 1963: E.S. Begree Ín PhysËeatr EdueæÉion: ,A.p¡lalaehiam SÉate Teschers Co!trege 1959: E{ígh School Ðiplonna: Eandys [tigh School {JnåversiÉy AI}MTNI ST'RATIVE EPERTENCE F: Conamissioner: Piedmcnf Triad 4Ä Athletie Conference Mid-Piedneont 3A AúhletÍc Co¡rfer"e¡ree CommissÍoner: 2û05-09: 2001-05: Ço¡nmÍssìoner: Tri-Counf 3A Athletia Conferenee 1995-08: Ðireetor of AfhleÉies: Ragsdale HÍgh Sehool AssistanÉ Ðirector: Appalachian SÉate UnÍversíty TVrcsÉ[img Camrp (the worldes largesÉ summer 1995wresÉIûug camp) Commissioner: Mid-S tate 2A Äúhtetíe Conferenee 1993-{i1 1987-95: .A,ssistænt FrincËpal: SorethwesÉ Gr¡ilford High Sehool L990-93: Comrnissio¡rer: FiedmonÉ3Á Athtetic Confenence L992-93¡ Fresident¡ Guilfond County PrincipaVAssÍsta¡rÉ Frincipal.Association 1972{.1t .A.ssistanÉ PrineipaËl R.agsdale lfigh School 1976-80; League llirecÉor: JamesÉown Youth Easeball League L972-882 Ðirecúon of Athletics: Ragsdale ttigh School 1969-70: Secretary: iYonÉk Carolina WresÉli.tlg Coaches Association 1968-72¿ De¡ran'Ément Head - PhysÍca} Edueatio¡q - I{"agsdale l{igh Scheol 2009- F: : TEACETTI{G EXPERIENCE 1968-72t Fhysíeal EducaÉioru Flagsdale ÍIigh Schooio JamesÉowno NC 1967-68: Soeial SÉudíes: Ragsdale High Sehool, Jamesfown,I{C L965-67t Speeiat Edueation: Ragsdale fligh School, Jamestownu NC L964-652 Physåcat Educatíon: Westerrn Carolina Center, Morganúono NC 1963-64: Social SÉudies: Clover [Iigh Schooln Clover' SC