ITS AND EXTRACT OF Metroxylon ACTIVITIES ANTIOXIDANT THERAPEUTIC SMOKE CIGARETTE ;: EXPOSED PETER LAURA cr: EFFECTS MICE DABBI "--,, ý,, -.,; n;. 'I uhtINUS; SABAH ri MALAYSIA TESIS INI SYARAT DIKEMUKAKAN UNTUK MEMENUHI MEMPEROLEHI IJAZAH SARJANA SAINS SCHOOL UNIVERSITY (BIOKIMIA) OF MEDICINE MALAYSIA 2007 SABAH sagu ON UNIVERSITI BORANG JUDUL: ANTIOXIDANT ITS SESI: Saya, 2003 LAURA disimpan PETER 3. pertukaran TIDAK 4. ON (BIOKIMIA) 2007 DABBI, Sarjana ini tesis mengaku membenarican Universiti Malaysia Sabah dengan syarat-syarat hakmilik Universiti Universiti Malaysia Malaysia Sabah Sabah dibenarkan pengajian saya dibenarkan membuat salinan tinggi antara institusi pengajian membuat ini tesis salinan sebagai bahan TERHAD Disahkan (Penulis: EXTRACT AND sagu CIGARETTE SMOKE berikut: seperti untuk tujuan Perpustakaan EFFECTS SAINS - JAN 1. Tesis adalah 2. Perpustakaan TESIS41 OF Metroxylon ACTIVITIES di Perpustakaan kegunaan STATUS MICE SARJANA NOV SABAH PENGESAHAN THERAPEUTIC EXPOSED IJAZAH: MALAYSIA LAURA PETER DABBI) oleh (TANDATANGAN PUSTAKAWAN) Alamat Peti Surat 89507 704, Penampang, Sabah OF. (Pen DR. PERUMAL RAMASAMY) Tarikh: 0ý,, to 1co "1 1b' Tarikh: CATATAN: Sarjana dan OTesis secara penyelidikan, dimaksudkan sebagai disertasi penyelidikan atau Projek atau laporan tesis bagi Sarjana Qb Ijazah U -ý Doktor pengajian secara Muda (LPSM) Falsafah kerja dan kursus DECLARATION The in material summaries and this thesis references, is which original have except been duly for quotations, excerpts, equations, acknowledged. 0 ýýý LAURA 'r PETER DABBI PSO3-016-002 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT to my supervisor, my deepest gratitude and appreciation express for all his advice, Dr. Perumal Ramasamy, guidance and never-ending support help throughout He has been a great in the completion the years and of this thesis. during the thesis-writing to embark period. Thank you for giving me the opportunity on this research on the given subject. and enhance my knowledge like I would Professor to Dr. Hj. Kamaruzaman Prof. Datuk my internal examiner, for their comments, Shanmugam Ampon Prof. Dr. Balabaskaran examiner, and external Further ideas and advice during the Viva voce session. my more, I would like to extend Special thanks go to data, not to Dr. Khin Saw Naing who guided me in the analysis of statistical appreciation forgetting Dr. How Siew Eng, Dr. Md. Lutfor Rahman and Mr. Mustafa for their valuable Many knowledge in assisting me with the interpretation of FT-IR and NMR spectrum. thanks help go to Prof. in my thesis-writing. also Madya Dr. Nur Ashikin Miss Jayanthy and who attributed their Dr. of Science and Technology), Prof. Datin Dr. Mohd. Technology), of Engineering and Information (Institute for Tropical Maryati Mohamed Biology and Conservation) and to all their staffs for their kind assistance facilities. in providing me with the laboratory I wish to thank Dr. Yunus Hamid (School Zaleha In addition, (B-006-18-ER also I would /U082) Abd. like Aziz to thank (School the UMS for the Fundamental Research Furthermore, I this research. me to conduct which enabled Beaufort the staff of Pejabat Pertanian and the villagers also wish to thank Mr. Tarmudzi, in Kg. Gerama for providing Beaufort sagu) pith and Gadong, me the sago (Metroxylon samples. Grant My contributions throughout heartfelt for their countless go to all my friends and seniors, their such as supporting advice and experiences me, sharing opinions, the completion of this task and most of all their friendship which I cherished thanks the most. Finally, strongest and that to support, understanding I dedicate this my beloved parent, family emotionally and spiritually. during those tough times research for they have been and Ranique my love Thank you for the encouragement, it the most. It is to them when I needed work. 11 ABSTRAK Antioksidan Aktiviti Metroxylon ekstrak pendedahan Secara amnya bersifat yang asap terdapat kepelbagaian antioksidan melalui dan sagu rokok komponen pada tindakannya Metroxylon penyakit. sagu Pepejal-Cecair. Sebanyak diperolehi. SAE aktiviti antioksidan 2,2'-Azinobis-(3-etilbenzotiazolin-6-sulfonat) (FTC), Tiosianat esei logam. SAE berpotensi pengikatan tindakannya menjadi dalam menghalang proses 2,2'-Azinobis-(3-etilbenzotiazolin-6-sulfonat) Tiga terapeutiknya sumber tumbuh-tumbuhan diekstrak semasa pertama, bebas radikal menggunakan dan air melalui (SAE) 2.87% akueus sagu ekstrak dilakukan kaedah Ferric menerusi (ABTS) dan aktiviti berdasarkan antioksidan semulajadi asid linoleik, memerangkap pengoksidaan dan memiliki keupayaan dengan masa retensi pada 2.61 min, 4.30 min dan SAE oleh HPLC menggunakan kolum C18 fasa pemisahan SAE (Puncak 1) dipilih kajian terperinci untuk menggunakan puncak pada tikus semulajadi pada dalam menentang menghalang pelbagai kaedah pengestrakan Penentuan kesan radikal logam. mengikat 4.70 min dikesan berbalik. Puncak FT-IR dan NMR FT-IR, memandangkan puncak tersebut adalah paling stabil. Berdasarkan pada spekrum kumpulan 1) adalah kumpulan alkana, alkena, asas yang dikenalpasti pada SAE (Puncak dan alkohol. 1) menggunakan Pengenalpastian SAE (Puncak alifatik tak tepu, karbohidrat 'H berbeza, keseimbangan NMR terdapat yang mendapati sepuluh proton (kawasan bagi berkemungkinan berasal dari kumpulan dan karbohidrat alifatik 13C NMR bagi komponen berkenaan lebih kurang b 0.8 sehingga 6 4.2). Spektra terletak SAE (Puncak terletak pada 1) memaparkan julat 6 60.3 -6 kehadiran dua belas 81.5, dan selebihnya berkemungkinan karbon pada karbon sepuluh dan 6 103.8. Komponen dengan 6 92.3 karbohidrat, dengan tersebut yang memiliki struktur sepuluh adalah karbon karbon bukan C-1 pada dan selebihnya berkemungkinan adalah anomerik terminal dan C-1 yang terlibat Artemia penurunan dalam ikatan glikosidik. Ujian toksisiti SAE adalah dibandingkan dengan salina menunjukkan tidak toksik apabila potasium dikromat dengan toksisiti iaitu 0.004. Bagi penentuan relatifnya enzim aktiviti antioksidan dismutase, (superoxid kawalan dan katalase), kumpulan glutation peroxidase negatif menunjukkan berbanding menunjukkan manakala berbanding aktiviti kumpulan glutation kajian. lebih tinggi tisu peroxidase pada paru-paru yang kajian Bagi tisu hepar dan buah kumpulan pinggang, lebih berbanding kumpulan kawalan rendah negatif katalase aktiviti kumpulan kajian pada tisu otak, memiliki kumpulan kawalan Penambahan negatif. dalam mengurangkan tisu membahayakan bebas radikal yang berkenaan. Oleh itu, katalase aktiviti SAE mempunyai dibebaskan jumlah aktiviti yang asap glutation kerosakan yang diperlukan adalah minimum untuk menghalang daripada Berdasarkan tisu berkenaan asap rokok. yang berpunca katalase pada kajian, melalui yang lebih tinggi kesan pelindung pengambilan terdedah pada SAE dalam asap diet mampu melindungi perokok rokok sebelum dan peroxidase yang lebih teruk pada keputusan dan bukan perokok rokok. I11 ABSTRACT Activities Antioxidant on It is known Metroxylon of Cigarette sagu Smoke extract Exposed and its therapeutic Mice effects that in the plant kingdom a vast number of natural compounds possess that can combat the deleterious properties antioxidant effects of free radicals and thus Metroxylon prevent a number of diseases. sagu was extracted with water using the Liquid-Solid 2.87% (SAE) extraction method. yield of sago aqueous extract was Determination obtained. of the antioxidant (FTC) Ferric Thiocyanate 2,2' method, (ABTS) assay and Metal Chelating Activity. activities of the SAE was carried out Azinobis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonate) by the natural shown to be a potential based in inhibiting the peroxidation source, on its action of linoleic acid, the 2,2'-Azinobis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonate) radicals and its metal antioxidant scavenging SAE has been Three times of 2.61 min, 4.30 min and 4.70 peaks with retention min, respectively, were detected on separation of SAE by HPLC using C18 reverse phase The first peak, SAE (Peak 1) was further investigated column. using FT-IR and NMR as it bands identified in the principal was the most stable peak. Based on the FT-IR spectrum, SAE (Peak 1) were belonging those to alkanes, aliphatics, alkenes, unsaturated chelating properties. ten of SAE (Peak 1) using 1H NMR found to aliphatic protons, regions which could belong and carbohydrate 13C NMR (as the region indicative 5 4.2). 0.8 to is approximately of these compounds (5 spectrum of SAE (Peak 1) shows the presence of twelve carbons of which ten carbons two at b 92.3 and b were located within the range of 5 60.3 -b 81.5, and the remaining 103.8, The be these respectively. possible could compound structures with carbohydrates and different equivalent carbohydrates, signals from alcohols. Identification ten brine two probably non-anomeric are carbons, and the remaining C-1 at a reducing lingkage. The terminus in a glycosidic and C-1 involved lethality test shows that SAE is non-toxic to potassium when compared toxicity For the determination with relative of 0.004. of free radical scavenging enzyme shrimp dichromate with (superoxide activities dismutase, and glutathione peroxidase higher glutathione peroxidase the negative control group showed significantly in the lung tissue compared In liver and kidney to the experimental activities group. the experimental tissues, lower catalase group showed a significantly activity compared to the negative higher tissue, control group and in brain catalase activities were in the experimental Thus, SAE to the negative observed group compared controls. has protective in reducing those free radicals that are released supplementation effects catalase), from cigarette oxidative of glutathione induced from sidestream a lesser amount results, stress SAE supplementation non-smokers exposed before smoke causing damage extensive peroxidase and catalase activity the cigarette in those smoke might to sidestream have a beneficial cigarette smoke. role to the tissues. Thus, is needed to combat the tissues. Based on these in protecting smokers and iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page TITLE i DECLARATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ii ABSTRAK III ABSTRACT IV TABLE OF CONTENTS V LIST OF FIGURES ix LIST OF TABLES xi i LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS XIV LIST OF SYMBOLS xvi CHAPTER ONE 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Objectives CHAPTER 2.1 1 3 of the Research TWO LITERATURE REVIEW Free Radical 2.1.1 2.2 1 INTRODUCTION Types 4 of Free Radicals Superoxide Hydrogen Hydroxyl Peroxyl Nitric Hypochlorous 5 Radical (O2' -) 5 Peroxide (H202) 6 Radical Radical Oxide (OH') 6 (ROO') 7 (NO') 2.1.2 Formation 2.1.3 Free Radical Chain 2.1.4 Free Radical in Cigarette 8 acid (HOO) of Free Radicals Intracellular 8 9 Reaction 10 Smoke 12 Antioxidants 2.2.1 4 16 antioxidant defence systems 17 V 2.2.2 Superoxide Catalase Glutathione Extra-cellular Ascorbic Vitamin Antioxidant 2.2.4 Natural 2.2.5 Metroxylon 2.2.6 Free radicals, 2.2.7 Determination Sago 2.2.9 CHAPTER defence acid (Vitamin 21 systems C) 22 23 25 as a source of Antioxidants 29 Antioxidant enzyme 34 and Diseases and free of antioxidant radical 35 Detection) 36 activities (UV/Vis and identification (SAE) Extract Aqueous 26 Rottb. sago High Performance Fourier transform Nuclear Magnetic Liquid in of Components separation Scope 20 E Spectrophotometer Isolation, (GSH-Px) Interrelationships scavenging 2.2.8 17 19 peroxidase compounds (SOD) (CAT) antioxidant 2.2.3 dismutase Chromatography (FT-IR) infrared spectroscopy (NMR) Resonance (HPLC) spectroscopy 37 39 41 42 of this Research THREE 37 METHODOLOGY 44 3.1 Materials 44 3.2 Methods 48 3.2.1 Liquid-Solid (Nagai 3.2.2 Determination (i) Ferric 1993; Metal of antioxidant Thiocyanate Rahmat (ii) ABTS assay (iii) of Metroxylon extraction et al. 2003) components 49 activities: (FTC) 48 (Kikuzaki & Nakatani, 49 et al. 2003) (Cano Chelating Yen & Wu, Method sagu et al. 1998; Activity (Decker Yu et a1.2004) & Welch, 1990; 50 51 1999) vi 3.2.3 (SAE) 3.2.4 in Sago Aqueous Extract and Separation of Components by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Isolation in Sago Aqueous of Components Transform Infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy Identification Fourier 3.2.5 of Components Magnetic Resonance in Sago Identification Nuclear 3.2.6 Brine Shrimp 3.2.7 Sago Aqueous radical Lethality Extract scavenging side-stream Extract (SAE) by 55 Extract (SAE) by 56 spectroscopy Test (Toxicity (SAE) supplementation in mice activities enzyme cigarette (NMR) Aqueous 53 57 test) on the free exposed to 59 smoke 59 Experimental Design Side-stream cigarette Preparation of the Determination of Protein Determination of the (SSCS) smoke tissue (Jeon enzymes Radical 63 et al. 2002) (Bradford, Concentrations Free 60 exposure Scavenging 1976) Enzyme 63 65 Activities (i) Catalase (ii) (CAT) Glutathione (Paglia (iii) (Marklund 3.2.8 CHAPTER 4.1 Liquid-Solid Yield 4.2.1 extraction of Sago activity 66 1967) (SOD) & Marklund, 1974) 67 activity 68 AND of Metroxylon Aqueous of antioxidant Determination Extract DISCUSSIONS sagu 69 components (SAE) 69 69 70 activities of antioxidant Method (FTC) activities using Ferric 70 of antioxidant activities using ABTS assay 72 of antioxidant Activity activities using Metal 74 Thiocyanate 4.2.2 Determination 4.2.3 Determination Chelating (GSH-Px) Dismutase RESULTS Determination 65 1974) Analysis FOUR 4.1.1 4.2 Statistical Peroxidase & Valentine, Superoxide (Aebi, activity vii 4.3 Isolation (SAE) 4.4 in Sago Aqueous Extract and Separation of Components by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Identification of Components (FT-IR) spectroscopy Infrared 4.5 Identification of Components Resonance (NMR) 4.6 Brine Shrimp 4.7 Sago Aqueous radical cigarette in SAE (Peak 1) by Fourier Transform 79 in SAE (Peak 1) by Nuclear Magnetic 81 spectroscopy Lethality Extract scavenging 76 Test (Toxicity (SAE) supplementation in mice activities enzyme test) 87 on the free exposed to side-stream 90 smoke 4.7.1 Determination of Protein 4.7.2 Determination of the Concentrations Free Radical 90 Scavenging Enzyme 91 Activities Determination lung FIVE tissue in the and CAT activities in the 94 and CAT activities in the 96 and CAT activities in the 98 of mice tissue Determination brain CHAPTER of SOD, GSH-Px Determination kidney tissue and CAT activities of mice Determination liver tissue of SOD, GSH-Px of SOD, GSH-Px of mice of SOD, GSH-Px of mice CONCLUSIONS 101 REFERENCES 105 APPENDIX 115 viii LIST OF FIGURES Page CHAPTER Figure 2.1 TWO 4 Formation of Reactive Oxygen and Zheng, 2002) (Fang Figure 2.2 Autooxidation (Rice-Evan Figure 2.3 Autoxidation (Rice-Evan Figure 2.4 The Figure 2.5 Effects Species (ROS) 9 process by free radicals 1994) and Burdon, 10 of PUFA in phospholipids 1994) and Burdon, 12 membranes airflows of mainstream and side-stream smoke with the Chemical 1980 and constituents of cigarette smoke (Baker, Elsayed & Bendich, 2001) that may contribute Figure 2.6 SOD 3-Dimensional Structure Figure 2.7 CAT 3-Dimensional Structure (www. 2.8 GSH-Px Figure 2.9 Ascorbic Figure 2.10 (a) a-tocopherol; Figure 2.11 Antioxidant Defense Figure 2.12 Antioxidant reactions 1997) (Karlsson, Figure 2.13 The Figure 2.14 (a) The 3-Dimensional (www. 17 com) 19 Structure acid (Vitamin 3dchem. de/research) mvl. chem. tu-berlin. Figure 15 smoke inhalation to human diseases of side-stream (www. sgc. utoronto. ca/) (b) a-tocotrienols Systems 20 22 C) reduction-oxidation 1997) entity (Karlsson, 14 24 (Chow, 1988) in reduction-oxidation (red-ox) reactions 25 (red-ox) of quinol sago palm; (b) Sago trunk; (c) sago pith/bole (d) house thatch made by sago leaflets and (e) sago pith waste which used as animal feed and fertilizer reactions 26 28 32 ix Figure 2.15 (a) Sago trunks (b) logs chopped Sago drifting (c) Sago maceration (d) Figure 2.16 Starch Octadecyl Figure 2.17 2.18 CHAPTER The infrared HPLC System (Thermo Nicolet Nuclear Magnetic ECA 600 (a) Schematic 4.3 procedure Infrared NEXUS Series 53 200) (FT-IR) 55 FT-IR) Resonance (NMR) 56 MHz) diagram of cigarette (b) Cigarette Experimental smoke 62 smoke apparatus; mice FOUR 69 Total antioxidant ascorbic Figure (PerkinElmer Transform (c) & (d) 4.2 research 44 Apparatus; Figure 38 stationary THREE (JEOL 4.1 sieves 43 Fourier Figure cloth of the overall 3.2 CHAPTER through passed Summary Figure 3.4 machine functional The Figure pieces 40 3.1 3.3 to small 33 river absorption regions with specific K, 1995) groups (Feinstein Figure Figure into the bonded silane (ODS) chemically (Braithwaite and Smith, 1996) phases Figure slurry down The acid, antioxidant concentrations activities of different BHT and SAE using the FTC method activities compared to other The chelating Metal of SAE, ascorbic of different antioxidants of different acid and EDTA 4.4 The Figure 4.5 Profile Figure 4.6 The Figure 4.7 1H NMR spectrum of Tetramethylsilane (reference standard) and deuterium HPLC chromatogram Spectrum ABTS SAE SAE sample of SAE 71 73 assay concentrations of 50 mg/mL of the 50th run of the same FT-IR the effect Figure of SAE concentrations using of 75 77 78 79 (TMS) oxide 81 (D20) x Figure 4.8 'H NMR spectrum of SAE (Peak 1) Figure 4.9 'H NMR spectrum of SAE (Peak 1) with Figure 4.10 13C NMR spectrum strength of carbon of SAE (Peak NMR signals Figure 4,11 13C NMR spectrum of SAE (Peak decoupled gated NOE Figure 4.12 Acute LC50 of SAE determined accumulated Figure 4.13 Chronic 4.14 The Standard Bradford deaths Curve integration the 1) assigned by plotting values 83 relative 85 with 87 the Reed-Muench 88 and survivors LC50 of SAE determined accumulated Figure deaths 1) with 82 by plotting the Reed-Muench 89 and survivors for Protein Determination by the 91 method xi OF TABLES LIST Page CHAPTER Table 2.1 TWO 4 Nutrient content in sago based pith/bole and leaf, in Sarawak, Malaysia on measurements Seram, Moluccas, Indonesia CHAPTER Table 3.1 3.2 Table 4.1 1997) 44 The Total The Digest as Basal Feeding and Ascorbic CHAPTER and THREE Pellets Table (Flach, 30 Nutrient (TDN) 60 of Mouse Diet Groups for Mice used acid Supplementation in the SAE Studies 69 FOUR Total 61 antioxidant of ascorbic acid, activities of different concentrations BHT and SAE using the FTC method 71 Table 4.2 The of SAE antioxidant activities of different concentrations to other antioxidants compared using the ABTS assay 72 Table 4.3 The 74 Metal chelating of SAE, ascorbic Table 4.4 FT-IR Table 4.5 The Acute Table 4.6 The Chronic Table 4.7 The absorption acute dichromate effect acid and spectrum of different EDTA concentrations of SAE (Peak LC50 for Sago Aqueous LC50 for Sago Aqueous 1) Extract Extract 80 (SAE) (SAE) LC50 and chronic LC50 of SAE and potassium with the relative toxicity 88 89 90 X11 Table 4.8 Effects free radical Table 4.9 4.10 Effects Effects free mice of (SSCS) smoke 95 of of SAE and ascorbic acid supplementation on the in the kidney tissue enzyme activities scavenging exposed to side-stream Effects 93 of SAE and ascorbic radical mice 4.11 cigarette acid supplementation on the free radical scavenging in the liver tissue enzyme activities to side-stream mice exposed cigarette smoke (SSCS) free Table acid supplementation on the in the lung tissue enzyme activities scavenging exposed to side-stream mice Table of SAE and ascorbic cigarette smoke of SAE and ascorbic radical cigarette smoke of (SSCS) acid supplementation in the enzyme activities scavenging to side-stream exposed 96 on the brain tissue 98 of (SSCS) X111 LIST Aqueous OF ABBREVIATIONS SAE Sago Extract SSCS Side-stream FTC Ferric ABTS 2,2-azinobis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonate) UV/Vis Ultraviolet/Visible UV Ultraviolet HPLC High FT-IR Fourier NMR Nuclear IR Infrared SOD Superoxide dismutase GSH-Px Glutathione Peroxidase GSH Glutathione CAT Catalase Eq. Equation NADPH The NADP+ Oxidised PUFA Polyunsaturated LDL Low HOCI Hypochlorous Cu, Zn-SOD Copper, Mn-SOD Manganese Fe-SOD Iron Cigarette Smoke Thiocyanate Performance Chromatography Transform-Infrared Magnetic Resonance form reduced of NADP Nicotinamide Density - Liquid Fatty Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Acids Lipoprotein acid Zinc - Superoxide - Superoxide Superoxide Dismutase Dismutase Dismutase XIV BHT Butylated Hydroxy KBr Potassium EDTA Ethylene diamine CHD Coronary Heart TMS Tetramethyl D20 Deuterium LC50 Lethal Toluene bromide tetra acid Disease silane oxide Concentration experimental acetic which causes the death of 50% of animals B Mice fed on basal diet only BSm Mice fed on basal diet only BEx Mice fed on basal diet + SAE BExSm Mice fed on basal diet + SAE + exposure BC Mice fed on basal diet +Ascorbic BCSm Mice fed on basal diet + Ascorbic to SSCS + exposure to SSCS acid acid + exposure to SSCS xv LIST g gravity cm centimeter m meter ft feet nm nanometer ppm parts mL mililitre mg milligram M molar mm milimolar min minute(s) mmol milimoles nmol nanomoles pL microlitre pm micrometer Log logarithm 0C degree 1H hydrogen 13C carbon Oz' - superoxide NO' nitric ON00- peroxynitrite OH- / HO' hydroxyl OF SYMBOLS per million Celsius isotope isotope (tritium) (carbon thirteen) radical oxide radical xvi hydrogen H202 COO'/ R00' peroxide peroxyl radical 02 oxygen Fe3+ ferric Cu2+ cuprous H02, hydroperoxyl H2O water H' hydrogen Fe 2+ ferrous CH2 methylene R' alkyl RO' alkoxyl radical ROOH organic hydroperoxides ROH organic hydroxyl RH organic substrate % percentage ion ion or perhydroxyl ions ion group radical xvii CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction The sago of sago industry could body sago properties from be a rich free in is to the source the sago it a golden colour damage can investigate the starch various antioxidant in the of the properties search for a natural, abundant many studies have identified are which and cheap is rich in process to byproduct this systems antioxidant On exposure colour. compounds production the example, extraction Hence, rapidly. for the studied for brownish of antioxidant that thoroughly components, from washing purple radicals has been of other give a deep to research pith The that compounds changes of this the as "Rumbia", are less known. antioxidant the but starch, capacities liquid also known tree, the of known body. source of sago to protect The aqueous the air, purpose extract of antioxidant compounds. To cardiovascular (Harada factors radicals in lipid diseases et al. 2003; that Nicolesu pulmonary as side-stream are peroxidation be to to contributing degenerative known date, prevented et al. 2001) increasing the and treated and smoke in biological in the various the incidence cardiovascular cigarette generated or (SSCS) systems antioxidant with list grows and diseases of cigarette (Zhang cause conditions various smoke et al. 2001). oxidative and supplementation continuously. severity is inhalation can health various damage, One of the cancers, inhalation, The free resulting organs. I The present (negative group) controls) and or ascorbic acid cigarette to increase of free radical antioxidants exposed combined action Hence, will to antioxidant properties, activities Nakatani, (Decker & Welch, capacity decolorization Further establish are 1990; of studies evaluated et (Cano as they is that of these in role carried radical out Metroxylon sago al. as the ferric 2003), 1999) were provide levels investigated enzymatic as nonthe via enzymes. was (FTC) thiocyanate Yu et a!. 2004), and metal the absorbance Assays on chelating activity. the SAE compound on the done were and based information and smokers (SAE) by the of the chemical Supplementation is indeed well by reading on reduce if this approaches; out and out different carried enzymes true. The for assays. its The (Kikuzaki method 2,2'-azinobis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6- Spectrophotometer. radicals radical radical scavenging find to chemical using free as side-stream free the elevated diet elevated enzymes. protecting from such scavenging activities et al. 1998, Yen & Wu, nature approach risk various of SAE via the chemical important were a UV/Vis of ABTS this as free as well Rahmat assay) to stress basal SAE (experimental with exposed in the changes fed on normal mice supplemented free-radical of the the when for reducing using were using wavelengths antioxidant by to investigate between diet a beneficial extract 1993; (ABTS sulphonate) have investigations aqueous controls) in lowered result SSCS basal on activities designed enzymes rationale of antioxidants freeze-dried antioxidant The might smokers & (positive lead levels fed those (SSCS). will been scavenging smoke levels with free-radical of the activities has also research using inhibition HPLC, in the extract. presence or chelating at different values to activity measure the of peroxidation, FTIR and Those absence NMR to techniques of particular I functional groups the quantity Brine concentration Shrimp control for 50% mortality into the SAE or ascorbic At the the of end tissues the (Marklund (GSH-Px) of the based on the & Marklund, Objectives The main objectives To extract To assess CAT) with 1974), of the forty-nine different the or carbon nearby nuclei. to measure by male diets the determining to SAE, known brain) and fed to them, atoms, toxicity of the lethal as the acute killed were (Aebi, and and for eight for and weeks. dislocation used superoxide 1974) pellet comprising by cervical isolated were sp. ) were musculus (SSCS) smoke enzymes, (CAT) catalase (Mus mice cigarette mice radical-scavenging & Valentine, activities (ii) free of kidney used proton of exposure). period, liver, lung, was of exposure to side-stream exposed experimental activities 1.2 (i) trials, (mainly (Paglia 24 hours between dichromate) six hours after experimental acid and 1993) (potassium LC50 (after six groups, of linkages (Sam, Test of the environment and nature Lethality the LC50 and the chronic As for electronic present to relative divided symmetry, of protons The SAE and and assessment dismutase (SOD) peroxidase glutathione 1967). Research of this research the Metroxylon of SAE using the activities in the mice SAE when are: sagu three different of free fed on normal exposed components chemical radical-scavenging basal to side-stream and determine the assays. enzymes (SOD, diet and mice fed on diet cigarette antioxidant GSH-Px and supplemented smoke. 3 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE 2.1 Radicals Free Free radicals are unstable These things. that, have They (Bagchi reactive & Puri, free "A electron", the needed also free production is not tightly level antioxidants radicals of oxidative in our body can thus controlled. damage system quickly a free creating in normal of destructive highly caused stress by the (Rice-Evans processes and valence existence". to capture which free processes, and damaged cells and they stress" describing the can radicals & Burdon, "oxidative between that species reactions (Rice-Evans stated unpaired compounds is a situation imbalance & Burdon, an chain cause (1993) as "any biological bacteria reactive Oxidative radical (Ahmad, intermediates Borg with other normal environment of independent with during reactive radicals and is incapable react body electrons. free in living ubiquitously the highly fragment define in biochemical become from unpaired molecular However, removal molecules Therefore, state and tissues. role in the act as regulatory they 2000) without occur human the them makes (1995) electrons instability, (Jakus, to cells al. in be introduced which or that molecules generated to those et unpaired of their play an important electrons Halliwell electron be destructive are is a molecule one or more reactive can also compared radical Because they unpaired whereas contains but 1998) highly and compounds functions physiological 1995). REVIEW 1994). if the the steady prooxidants and 1994). 4 2.1.1 Types of Free Free radicals are often Oxygen Reactive superoxide odd (ROO'), radical nitric oxide 02' - is a small in the inner and xanthine membrane oxidase important of 1& of the vivo (Sanchez-Moreno, superoxide reacts rapidly with a radical (O2' radical that with nitric by reducing hydrogen peroxide from and the transition in Fenton 02 + NADPH + peroxyl them is the enzyme called of these pathological may ON00', same also species. reactive time, & Burdon, are radicals in processes the produce Superoxide a potent agent 02' - triggers Fe 3+ or Cue+) which (either is produced then of HO' react 1994). oxidase º H+ At the (Rice-Evans reactions 02 + ions metal other peroxynitrite et al. 1997). 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