Subscribing to ASU Exchange Email for Graduate Students


Subscribing to ASU Exchange Email for Graduate Students
 Subscribing to ASU Exchange Email for Graduate Students Section 1: Subscribing to the Exchange Service Section 2: Configuring Email Forwarding Section 1 of 2: Subscribing to the Exchange Service 1 Browse to 2 Login as normal 3 Look for the ASU Main Campus Exchange subscription. If you have it then proceed to Section 2 now 4 5 Select the service you need ***NOTE*** you can only select one at a time Click Subscribe to Selected Service Section 2 of 2: Configuring Email Forwarding 1 Browse to 2 Login if needed 3 4 Click Profile Click Update Email Forwarding 5 6 Enter your ASURITE@exch Ex: myname1@exc Reenter your ASURITE@exch 7 8 Click Save Changes All changes can take up to 48 hours to take effect 

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